HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-6-14 . , I . 0 ~- , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division - '-' \... Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: 926 Sunset Drive CITY JOB#: COM2003-008l8 OWNER: Doug Butler '5SlJ -7 9<,';2..PHONE: SIT flIJJ ~ MCNAMNlA Z-f2 -fD/03 ~tffieMl C8ft~. . PHONE: -617-$ 193" CONTRACTOR: 'I Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. ,,7 -'I \~ .---'- , ~ All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. , PLANS REVIEWED BY: ~ ,1i/J;JlJ./ .,1 Review completed on PHONE: '1'2-1/7 - 3 ~Z1 0?f/of 1. Retaining walls are required where cut or fill conditions create a sigl")ificant change in level that cannot be compensated by slopes having grades no greater than' vertical unit to 2 horizontal units. Retaining walls greater than 4 feet high. measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. shall be engineered. 40.' ., 2. The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of 6" within the first 10'. Drains or other approved means shall be provided to ensure positive drainage, except when restricted by lot lines. (R-40 1.3 J. 3. See Engineeriflg Drawings for foundation and retaining wall details. 4. Provide 6 mil black polyethylene ground cover, lapped 12-inches at joints and 12-inches up stem walls. (E-40 1.9.2). 5. See attached handout for stair dimension framing and requirements. 6. Provide weather-resistant rigid bi:]ff1e, extending above the insulation. (APP.E E-40 1.2.1 I). Maintain a minimum of I" air space between the underside of the roof sheathing and the top of the insulation material for ventilation of the rafter/joist space. (R-806.3). 7. No veneer is shown on the building elevations. The amount of veneer applied to the building can affect the lateral design calculations. Please determine the amount of veneer to be applied, and verify with the engineer of record whether it affects the lateral design. Provide appropriate information to this office before beginning construction. Provide masonry veneer corrosiorrresistant metal ties spaced so as to support not more than 3 V. square feet of wall area, but not more than 24" on center horizontally. (R-606.' .2.IA). 8. Ground under building shall be sloped to a low point. and an under floor drain installed to provide positive drainage from the area under the building. (R-31 1.4). Added comments 6/14/2004 . 9. All retaining walls used to restrain a surcharge load, such as a driveway conveying vehicles, shall be designec;l by an Oregon licensed professional engineer or architect to accommodate the additional surcharge load. This requirement applies to Landscape garden block walls as well as conventional concrete or masonry retaining walls. All retaining walls exceeding 4-feet in height. measured from the bottom of the foundation to the top of the wall, shall also be designed by a professional engineer or architect who is licensed to practice in Oregon. " \ J DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FlnH STREET. SPR1NG~ffLD. OR 97477 , ....-...". :iiI- .l... ___ ......t(, .i': .~ Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items ..'1 a'.~":i:", 1~~';U'"'';'.;:j,,''' This sheet is attached for your convenience. Included are many often missed requirements of the Oregon building codes. Springfield _ inspection staff will check for these items as well as all other requirements of the codes. There may be additional items marked in red . on the approved plans that must be completed before caIling for the corresponding inspection. When structural engineering accompanies plans, the ownerlbuilder must complete any additional requirements. Complete requirements of the code can be found in the 1998 State of Oregon Edition of ihe International One and Two-Family Dwelling Code. [The number in square brackets is the I- code reference.) ~,fl - 8. o 9. Inspection Request Line: 726-3769 BUILDING PLANNING . I. Provide ventilation in every habitable room by means of operable exterior openings equal to at least 5% of the floor area of the room. Exception: Provide a mechanical ventilation system capable of producing 0.35 air changes per hour in the room. [303.1] 2. Bathrooms shall have exterior glazed openings of not less than 3 sq ft., half of which must be able to open, or a venting system capable of five air changes per hour. Vent to outside. [303.3]. Habitable rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7' for at least 50% of their required floor area. [305.1] Provide a 21 " deep clear space in front of all water closets. [307.2] Provide laminated, tempered, or heat-strengthened glass for all glazing located in door assemblies, railings, tub and shower enclosures, or within a 24" arc of a door. Exception: Glazing in tub and shower enclosures and near doors need not be tempered if located at least 60" above the adjacent floor or drain inlet. [308.4] 6. Openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with either solid wood doors not less than I 3/8" in thickness or 20- minute fire-rated doors. [309.1] . 7. The garage shall be completely separated from the residence and its attic area by means of y," gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side. [309.2] Garage and carport floors shall be sloped to drain liquid toward a drain or the main vehicle entry door. [309.3] Provide operable egress windows in each bedroom with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft. (Min. 5 sq. ft. when sill is located within 44" of adjaceilt exterior grade.) Minimum net open height: 22"; Minimum net open width: 20"; Maximum sill height: 44". [310.1.1] " 10. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls and soffits protected on the enclosed side with Yo" gypsum board or equivalent. [314.8] II. Minimum hallway width 36" finish wall to finish wall. [314.1] 12. A minimum 3' x 3' landing is required on each side of an egress door, maximum 1-112" below the top of the threshold. [312] Exceptions: I. At the top of a flight of stairs, provided the door does not swing over the stairs. 2. At required exit door, shall not be more than 8" below the top of threshold when the door swings in.[312] 13. Min. stairway headroom 6'- 8"; Min. Riser 4"; Max. Riser: 8"; Min. Tread: 9"; Min. clear width above handrail: 36". [314] 14. Provide means to illuminate both interior and exterior stairways and landings. [303.4] 15. Provide a continuous handrail on at least one side of stairways of more than three risers, I 1/4"- 2-5/8" cross-sectional dimension with a gripping surface and no sharp comers, 30" to 38" above the nosing of the tread, with a mi.nimum 1-112" Clearance to the wall. [315.1 & 315.2] 16. Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30" above the floor or grade below shall have guardrails not less than 34" in height measured vertically from the nosing of the treads. Intennediate rails shall be spaced so that they do not allow passage of an object 5" or more in diameter. [315.3, 315.4] 17. Porches, balconies, or raised floor surfaces located more than 30" above the floor or grade below shall have guardrails, minimum 36" in height, with intennediate rails which do not allow passage of an object 4" or more in diameter. [315.3,315.4] (8. Required exit door shall be a side.hinged door and not less than 3' in width and 6'8" in height.[311.3] . 19. Provide 5/8" Type 'X' gypsum board, or equivalent one hour assembly, each side of duplex party wall, and extend to roof sheathing.[320.I] 20. All habitable rooms and area shall be provided with a pennanent approved heat source capable of maintaining a temp. of68 degrees F. at a point 3' above the floor.[303.6] FOUNDATION/GRADING 21. Gravel or other structural fill deeper than 4" which is placed to support foundations must be inspected during placement and the compaction by an approved special inspector. Provide copies of special inspection reports to the City inspector. 22. Concrete shall be 5-7% air entrained with a minimum compressive strength of: a) 2500 psi for basement walls and foundations not exposed to weather and for basement slabs and interior slabs on grade (except garage slabs); b)3000 psi for basement, foundation and exterior walls and other vertical work exposed to weather; c) 3000 psi for carport and garage floor slabs and for porches and steps exposed to weather. [402.2 and Table 402.2] 23. Minimum footing sizes shall be as follows: [Table 403.1.1] Supporting I floor and a roof: 12" wide', 6" thick, 6" thick stem wall 2 floors and a roof: 15" wide', 7" thick, 8" thick stem wall 3 floors and a roof: 18" wide', 8" thick, 10" thick stem wall .When load bearing capacity of soil is 1000psf, 18" wide footing is required for i story, 23" for 2 story, 27" for 3 story 24. Footings shall be minimum 12" below grade. [403.1] Stem walls shall extend at least 6" above finished grade. [403.1.3] 25. Ground under building shall be sloped to a low point, and an underfloor drain installed to provide positive drainage from under the building. The grade in the underlloor space shall be as high as the outside finished grade, unless an approved drainage system is provided.[409.4] Groundwater collected or drained from under or around the buildings shall be piped to an approved disposal site: Subsoil drains which cannot remove groundwater by gravity shall have an approved ejector.[3806.2] 26. The sill plate or floor system shall be anchored to the foundation with minimum Yo" diameter bolts, embedded at least 7" into concrete or masonry, spaced at 6'.0" on center maximum with at least two bolts per plate and one bolt within 12" of ends or comers. [403.1.5] 27. Foundation drainage shall be provided around foundations enclosing habitable or usable space below grade. [405.1] 28. Columns and posts shlill be anchored to prevent lateral displacement. Exception: Columns less than 4' in height, bearing on a pier or footing within a crawl space that is enclosed by a continuous foundation wall need not be restrained at the bottom end. [408.3] 29. Provide 12" clearance to grade from underside of girders and beams and 18" clearance to grade from underside of joists or provide pressure treated wood. [322.1] . 30. Provide 3" min. bearing for girders entering masonry or concrete, with Yo" air space on tops, sides and ends. [502.4, 322.1] J I. Provide access to all underfloor areas: 18" x 24" minimum. [409.2] 32. Proyide underfloor ventilation equal to I square foot for every 150 feet. One vent is required within 3' of each comer. Vents shall have corroalon.rcslatant wlro mosh 9r equivalent with tho 108st dlmonsion being 1/8". Undorfloor ventillltion may be reduced to 1/1500 of the crawl space area where 6 mil. black polyethylene sheeting or other approved ground cover is installed.. [409.1] ~3. Provide 6 mil. black polyethylene ground cover, lapped 12" at joints and extending 12" up foundation walls, in all crawl spaces where underfloor insulation is installed. [C40 1.9.2] 34. Provide 55# rolled roofing or 6 mil. black polyethylene over 4" clean sand, gravel, or crushed rock beneath all concrete floor slabs. [505.2.3,C401.9.2] . 35. The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of6" within the first 10'. Exception: Drains or other approved means shall be provided to ensure j'ositive drainage. [401.3] 36. Slopes for pennanent cuts'or fills shall nqt be steeper than 2 units horizontal to I unit vertical. Exception: Steeper slopes may be pennitted when a soils investigation report containing data to justify such slopes is approved by the City. [401.6] 37. Sealing required between wall and floor, between floor and foundation to prevent air leakage into building envelope.[C401.8.2] Springfield Building Divisions: 726-3753 3. 4. 5. I WALLS & ROOFS (. 38. Gypsum board used as shower and bathtub ceramic tile backing shall be water-resistant. All cut or exposed edges, including those . at wall interseotions, shall be sealed as recommended by the manufacturer. [702.4.2] ,-". -. '. 39. Mnsonry veneer anchors may support 2 2/3 square reet of veneer, maximum, and shall attach to continuous #9 wire.[70l7] 40. Flash all exterior doors, windows and horizontal wood trim. [703.S] 41. provid. braclngal all gabla and walls exceeding 14 feet In length. [See standard City ofS'prlngfield details for approved bracia~ methods.] , 42. Nails and staples must not be consistently over driven beyond Ilush with the sheathing surface.[Table602.3(I)and (2)] 43. Shear wall naili~g or stapling must remain exposed for inspection approval.[113.1-113A] ~ 44. Truss Engineering must be on job site at framing inspection, for all type trusses used. [502.10; S02.11] 45. Trusses shall not bear on partition walls unless so designed. [301.1] 46. Enclosed attics and rafter spaces shall be provided with cross ventilation. Net ventilating area shall be not less than 1/150 of the ,.. attic area. Exception: Net ventilating area',may be reduced to 1/300 when at least 50% and not more than SO% of the ventilators are located at least 3: above the eave or cornic~ vents or when an approved vapor barrier is installed on the warm side of the insulation. Provide a I" minimum air space above insulation and bame at eave or soffit vents. [S06, E40 1.2.1] 47. A readily accessible attic access framed op'ening not less than 22" x 30" shall be provided to any attic area having a clear height of over 30". [S07.1] : " 4S. Roof coverings shall comply with the general requirements of Chapter S and the specific requirements of each section based upon type ofmaterial:'1 a) asphalt shingles [903]; ,b) slate shingles [904]; c) metal [905]; d) tile, clay or concrete shingles [906]; e) built-up roofing [907]; I) wood shingles [90S]; g) wood shakes [909]. . 49. Roofstonn drairis shall be provided to collect and discharge stonn drainage to an approved drainage system.[S01.3] One 3" pipe graded 1/4" per foot can accommodate up to 2,320 square feet of surface area.[Table 3S11.2] .50. End walls to be step flashed or to manufacturers specs.[903.3] . :! " MECHANICAL & P(UMBlNG 51. Heating and cooling appliances located in ~ garage or other area where they may be subject to damage shall be suitably guarded against such damage. (Protection is typically provided by concrete filled pipe bollards.) [1307.3, 3310.3] 52. Appliances whic~ generate a glow, spark or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors and are located in the garage shall be installed with the' burners, burner ignition,oevices or heating elements and switches minimum IS" above the floor level. [1307.3, 3310.1] ,. , 53. Fuel burning warm air furnaces and water,heaters shall not be installed in a room designed to be used as a storage closet. Furnaces or water heaters located in a bedroom or bathroom shall be installed in a sealed enclosure such that combustion air will not be taken from the living space. Direct vent units are not required to be installed within an enclosure. [1402. I, 3309] . 54. Combustion air must be provided for all fuel burning appliances except direct vent units. [200 1.lto 2001.5] 55. Provide access to attic furnace (22" x 30")'.or underlloor furnace (30" x 30"). Provide a pennanent electric outlet located near the furnace and lighting fixture controlled by a switch at the passageway opening. [1401.6-140 1.7] 56. The maximum amount of water used by new plumbing fixtures: a) toilets: 1.6 gal. per flush; b) shower heads: 2.5 GPM; c) interior faucets: 2.5 GPM [3202]. . . 57. Showers and tub:shower combinations shall be equipped with control valves of the pressure balance, the.thennosiatic mixing, or the combination pressure balance/thermostatic, mixing valve type with maximum mixed water setting of 120 degrees F. [3215] 5S. Minimum shower compartment: 1,024 sq..inches; shall also be capable of encompassing 30" circle.[3210.3] Threshold shall be of sufficient width to accommodate a minimum 22" door.[321 0.2] 59. Equipment used for heating water shall be protected by combination pressure and temperature relief valves. [340S.3] 60. Water heaters shall be anchored to resist horizontal movement. (i.e. earthquake strapping) [3310.5] 61. Stonn water drains located within 5' of a building may be Schedule 40 ABS or Schedule 40 PVC, CPE , installed per installation standard IA. [3501.1.2] 62. Clothes dryer ducts shalltenninate outside. the building. Max length is 25', reduce 2.5' for each 45deg. elbow.[1 SO 1.3] 63. Trenches dug par"lIelto the building foundation and deeper than the footing must be at least 45 degrees from bollom outside edge of footing to the bottom inside edge oftrench.[3113.3, illustration pg.294] ELECTRICAL , 64. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL PLANS ARE NOT REVIEWED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. All electrical work shall comply with current codes and will be field-inspected for compliance. Building penn its may be issued without electrical permits. Electrical contractor must confinn an electrical pennit has been obtained before starting work. 65. Provide grounding electrode at electrical service, consisting of (or connected to) a minimum 20' length of \I,"diameter steel reinforcement in footings. [410S.1.2] 66. GFCI protection required for receptacles in outdoor locations, garages, unfinished basements, bathrooms, where serving counter- top surfaces in kitchens, and when within 6' of wet-bar sinks. [4402] 67. Provide an approved smoke detector in each sleeping room, outside of each separate sleeping area, and on each additional story of the dwelling. All detectors shall be interconnected and shall provide an alann audible in all sleeping areas. Smoke detectors shall be located minimJm 3' upstream of air ducts. [316.1] 6S. All smoke detectors shall receive their primary source of power from the pennanent built-in wiring, with battery back-up iri case power is interrupt"d. Exception for remodels: hardwiring and interconnection is required only if other remodeling considerations require removal of the appropriate wall and ceiling coverings to facilitate wiring. [316.1.1, 316.2] 69. Required smoke alanns shall not be located within kitchens or garages, or in other spaces where temperatures can fall below 40' degrees F. Ionization smoke alanns shall not be located closer than 3 feet horizontally from: a door to a kitchen or full bath; or supply registers of a forced air heating or cooling system. Smoke alanns within 20' of a cooking appliance shall be a photoelectric- type smoke alarm 'or the alarm shall have an approved silencing means.[3 16.1], . 70. Recessed light fixtures installed in cavities intended to be insulated shall be labeled as suitable for being installed in direct contact with insulation (Ie rated). [4503.5] 71. Electrical outlets and approved wall fixtures in the fire separation wall shall not be located back to back. Use metal boxes no larger than .16 sq. inches placed in separate' stud spaces for the 2 dwelling units.[320.2] ENERGY CONSERVATION 72. Provide approved yapor barrier installed on the wann side (in winter) of insulation at all unventilated exterior walls, Iloors, and ceilings enclosing 'conditioned space. [C401.9.1] , 73. PATH I insulation requirements: (Section C401 for alternative insulation paths.) Exterior Walls: R-2l, Basement Walls: R-l5, Underlloor: R-25, Slab Floor Edges: R-15, Flat Ceilings: R-3S, Vaulted Ceilings: R- 30 (max. 50% of floor area), Main Entry Door (max. 24sl): U=0.54, Other Exterior Doors: U=0.20, Windows: U=OAO, Skylights (max. 2% of floor area): U=0.50, Forced Air Ducts: R-8. [Table C40 I.l (I)]' . . 74. Alterations within ~n existing building envelope may use the minimum component insulation requirements: Exterior Walls: R-15, Basement Walls: R-15, Underlloor: R-21, Slab Floor Edges: R-IO, Flat Ceilings: R-38, Vaulted Ceilings: R. 21. Exterior Doors' U=0.54. Windows & Skvliohts: U=0.65. Forced Air Ducts: R-S. rCIOI.2.3. Table C401.lb Footnote Cl ".~.~;:j~,;:~:'~:'::0,ir~~::;~:.~_~l:~:..:,~~,:~f'1:';'!;~;i~~;;~; .~:j~::~:;-;~:,'}~~~~;"~';?' :J.~:~~g~~~.~~~;.E8:~~{r~e:r:~~H-f~'~~~<~~~~;~;i:,~~::':~~'~~:~;;/Y';~~:'~~1~~:::f~;j:.;~:;:i~!iillt'}::: . ", I', ". ',., 'J'~j,;,i;::;i:llie'i'iC""'ro'Yed!:ohilClin"'::' ""ermif" laritr'mustremaih!:'afithetconstructio'll";site,:ana:be'!'av<aihibl~':io\Ci";'Hns"';d'"'''''''''''' I ,/ ,.,.; i,:;i1:~.~ii~I~g- .m~,~ib~;~~~~~j~~i~'R~~~\\ii~~~~~';lg,.j~~;~~jJi~y~~!~\~r,~;~:~;~Bf~~!j.!~t,6P~~~~'~~~,~~~.~W~,~r.~i, ,~~B~o"v~dby the City. 3 ~:."\iU\11:'R~M'~_~:t'~~~:~;r~J~~r80j::~~Y:~L~fter; !~s:ti.*n~~',:if:ri?:~in:~pectiotis\~'a~:~l~.$'~n::~W.~~'9'J9r}'o:r;',~9:i.pr~'~'r~~~J-~,~~~~~'~~_~~;~9..~':~n' the project. 1.::tJ~}:~;(i~i!I:~~~~~~~'~~0~,~t~'~~i;',~~;,~,~~~!:~~~!G:~j'f~:;~'~~'~'~(~~~~.~T:~!~~\:i.1E:~~.~ii~~~\~i~~!~~~ilt~~:~~f~:i:~..',*a,d~pj-i~r 'to I' I '1' j ..,.., .~ .. ~ I - K & A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 23624, Eugene, OR 97402 521 Markel St., Suite B, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX engineering " December 12, 2003 Projecl160.D3 Dave Duncan Construction 405 Lincoln Eugene, OR 97401 Subject: Engineering Calculations Framing, Foundation, and lateral Bracing Design Single-family residence at 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Springfield No. COM2003-00818 DescrlpUon Pages 1-3 4-5 6-23 24-27 lateral loads Mise, Vertical loads Joist and Header Design Street-side Retaining Wall Design ~, EXPIRES I i i , , I " I. Defined Units ~ Lateral Load Calculations Single-family Residence ksi " 1000. psi kip" 1 OOO.lbf -: -2 pef" 1.lbf.ft psf" Ibf.ft -I plf "Ibf.ft kips" 100o-Ibf sQ....in" in2 sf" ft2 tsf" 2000.lbf.ft- 2 ksf" 1000.lbf.ft- 2 2. Independant Variables Client Dave Duncan Construction Job No.: 160.03 Roof Deadload Roof Liveload Floor Deadload Floor Liveload OLr:= 15.psf LLr:= 25.psf 04:= 12.psf LLf:= 4O.psf Soil Profile Type (Section 1636 1997 USC) So Seismic coefficient (Table 16-Q 1997 USC) C.:= .36 Importance Factor Seismic force amplification factor (Table 16-N 1997 USC) Overstrength and ductility coefficient (Table 16-N 1997 UBC) Exterior wall weight Main Floor Area Garage Floor Area Roof Area - residence Wind: Exposwe= Importance Fa1:tor, Iw = Basic Wind Speed = Wind Stagnation Pressure, qs = Horizontal Cq (for walls) = Vertical Cq (lor rools) = B 1 80 mph 16.4 psi 1.3 .{J.7 K & A Engineering, Inc. J:= 1.0 00:= 2.8 R:= 55 UWw:= 85.psf A2f:= 1625sf Ag,-:= 575sf Arr:= 2392sf Da1B: 12/11/2003 Page 1 olf 3 '/'1-7 Lateral Load Calculations Single-family Residence 3. Dependant Variables 3.1 Wind: 3.1.1 Front Residence: Vector Projected HelQbt, fl. Wldtb fl Height, fl. Ce Area, sf 0.0 50.0 0.00 0.62 0 4.5 50.0 2.25 0.62 225 9.0 50.0 6.75 0.62 225 11.0 43.1 10.00 0.62 86 13.0 36.3 12.00 0.62 73 15.0 29.4 14.00 0.62 59 17.0 22.6 16.00 0.62 45 19.0 15.7 18.00 0.65 31 22.0 5.4 20.50 0.67 16 Lower Level Base Shear 761 sf Resultant Location 3.1.2 Side Residence - 2 Story End: Vector Projected Helgld, ft. Wldtb ft Helgbt, ft. Ce Area, sf 0.0 19.0 0.00 0.62 0 4.5 19.0 2.25 0.62 86 9.0 19.0 6.75 0.62 86 10.0 19.0 9.50 0.62 19 14.5 19.0 12.25 0.62 86 19.0 19.0 16.75 0.63 86 31.0 0.0 23.00 0.70 114 Lower Level Base Sbear 475 sf Resultand Location Vector, k 0.000 2.974 2.974 1.141 0.959 0.778 0.599 0.433 0.234 7.12 k 10.7 ft. Vector, k 0.000 1.130 1.130 0.251 1.130 1.152 1.703 5.37 k 15.3 ft. Momeal, k-ft 0.0 6.7 20.1 11.4 11.5 10.9 9.6 7.8 4.8 76.08 k Moment, k.ft 0.0 2.5 7.6 2.4 13.8 19.3 39.2 82.33 k 2nd Roor Base Shear 304 sf 2.86 k 5B.47 k 20.5 ft. Client Dave Duncan Construction Job No.: 160.03 K & A Engineering, Inc. Comments Slab ceiling roof Commeals Slab ceiling 2nd floor ceiling roof Date: 12/1112003 Page 2 art 3 7--/7-7 Lateral Load Calculations Single-family Residence 3.1.3 Side Residence - Upper Level (street) Side: : Vector Projected Helgld. II. Width II Helgld. II. Ce Area. sf 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.62 0 4.5 10.0 2.25 0.62 45 9.0 23.0 6.75 0.62 104 10.0 25.0 9.50 0.62 25 14.5 25.0 12.25 0.62 113 19.0 25.0 16.75 0.63 113 31.0 0.0 23.00 0.70 150 Lower Level Base Shear 549 sf Resunand Location Vector. k 0.000 0.595 1.368 0.330 1.487 1.516 2.241 6.94 k 15.511. Moment. k.n 0.0 1.3 9.2 3.1 18.2 25.4 51.5 107.53 k 2nd Aoor Base Shear 400 sf 3.76k 76.93k 20.511. 3.2 Seismic: 3.2.1 Design base shear coefficient:: Simplified base shear coefficient Max. static base shear Min. static base shear Design base shear coefficient 3.2.2 Design Lateral Loads Level Roof Main Floor Diaphr Helgld hx. II. 19 10 Area, sf 2392 2200 Totals Base Shear Coefficient = LFDR Base Shear, V = ASD Base Shear, V = I Client Dave Duncan Construction Job No.: 160.03 . 3Ca.J vo:= - R Vmax:= 2.S.Ca.J R Comments Slab ceiling 2nd floor ceiling roof Vo = 0.196 Vmax = 0.164 Vmin:= O.lI.Ca.( Vmin = 0.04 V:= Vmax v = 0.164 Dead Load WI' k 35.9 54.0 89.9 0.164 14.74 k 10.53 k K " A Engineering, Inc. WI'" 682 540 1222 FI Coefl. 0.229 0.121 Story force. F.. k 823 6.52 lFDR Story Shear. VI 8.23 14.74 ASD Story Shear, VI 5.881 10.53 Dale: 12/11/20031 Page 3 or! 3 ;/'2.7 - -(3 Michael Remboldt PE Gt"Otf'chnical & Civil Enginel"fing 521 Market St St. B . Eug... OR 97402 o n 9 i n 0 or i n 9 541 684 9399 . fa, 541 684 9358 , ~--_~~_1L.' .~J ~J!)_LL\;; _(Zb.L~LLJ~l___ _n_. _.._ __+_. I_....J_ _ I 1_ _I I_LJ __ __ ___ _ I I 4,'\' I I I ' I ~. I~ m f r ~+I Ol$:~ ~ ~_U)9_ - 1- ~)#t-- ,i ~. I U! L ~ ~ 0 0 o~r \ ~-I! I 'r~--+~).~- ~ _c;,~ ~ _Et ~'OL-...~' c:> . "'''_I J:Jf-!-- ____~_,~ LL !..... I I--.~~~~--~~f.t::- ",_J ... I \0 (b.O"~ '" ~.c.."s!- 1_.__C~I)-f-\:- -L .11r'I_ -- I . ii' i <> "1 I I p.::r'-lo -. - -I .-I~-,--' ._~ -W-- I I-I-"'Q..t~-L~-~-=J-~-I -1- I I I I I I I I I ' I I I ._~.\l;'/:-J-~t-.WE~"'II- ,;... L.-~""-AI,,-, 1___.1 _____J , .. . ==fL . , I .1 I I I I i i___ i -. ~ 9\(. = Ir!~).l~~,-s;~ = ! ~~~_~___J I" I 1 1\('4-1'; J I i..r I L.c.- I'" XO j IJ,)O'L ,) ," rl\- .~lj>oJl-..:..:.... _l?.\ '--rho . 0 ~I Tl- I ~ I cl>. 0 1\ <L. "I" L'. !-(D.>;~o;\ ~.' -I. I I 12 "f 112L-~J2 L I; I '. -I II ~~q_41.11 .~I "I .\.-_~ L I __I ._L~M~-\tl.---r ~~!)~I'OOB~) i -;;,,\/0 1-1-1 -..~u" ~T\.";.'-')! -_.: _(~:'!:''i.:r:~').<.s ,H: '-'1_ " ._?liG_~ I I i-I I-I ?---~+~-i I I 1- ! I I, f"'~ :.J.. P' \. "6 <;- f. ).f: \- I~ I l__..__.._~_ ,- I I I-i- 1 ' 1----.---.1 I __1_ .__B.,J- "'lI')In-\-I.'l.II.S f-~P/)..<I~,,-,-i~l-~D:j~(,..._ _ ..______ I 'z.j~':"Yi LL~_~!...._~g.._\.":L~~'4_,.cL__lL I I J.~ I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I , I -~-'I _o~l;' S'" -j-- _h#t. bEt I --~f~ o .1.J.s~ - -11-C:t [ --- --j#~ <J . Xls -1J.~ i- --1./-1- , I fr-jCr I_DI.~.h.u -- .JH~ I --. Job NQ 1,"0..,"3 Dat.~Jo~ Clipnt D. 1)/A.... e:/Lt..... ~.."'lr;.'-. Shoet ~ of '2-1 Description ~ -8 Michal'l Rl'mboldt PE Geotechnical & Civil Engine-ering 521 Market St St. B . Eug.n. OR 97402 p n gin H r i n 9 541 684 9399 . fax 541 684 9358 F~=1~~J~-Lt~H+~t~I' +~t-~ ul_+_/_____ I I '1 \)1 .J '4- I i I I I I I I I " .. ",.",m J )(~:OJ_(:>~.s:-J) =. \ ~ S' _Is. - . l2u~.c ~ I~ rf ~O u ~f~ = 4 ' ~ ",I ~- -I -.J ~-_.. --- --'1 -. - - -- -1-.-\-41-~(,- I . .----- - .--. . - --- ---I \le 4-ic+ -I- --1-- I, ---- --- ,'-- 1--_~:=_1 . \(I'tlt:\i-"-3--~J-'11~--- = 1_1,,_!:.________ . I I 1~-j~1 \'\l~ _.j,.l~l_z1:"~I\Il~1 ~I .... --::::=-: t-j I, I I-l-,.' . I 'j iT' . i I ... I -i -lrh,-~-.L ~W~ \ L,.Jeo 1_-' I I 1_. _ I _J I --.- .Hk_L=_ _+.t_bo_~+! I. I I I 1 1-- I - 1 1_~11,f:.__or' ld?-i.~C:P- -='1 I?k. ---~--i--~~/fz:- I '. _.1) _?-- (.~(.:l-'--"I_)_' =- ">.~.s::1 II, th:---- F-i -:~.:ij~,'> (~~;t) ~i~r I-I--~~- :t:::::::: _ _ '-Zoo LL-.?L_~2l~ ~ i '-.1 k b _._. ".. . I ~I.,II.I - I I-Er~_ . -- ~ c& L - ---- -- .ID'~ I i--- ---1-- .--I/Lll----j- --- - : ~ _I 1_ j~;&l ~~i-_~_( -:-a---dt-hr- ~-~: 2.- -- ~!-6f --.- II I_I~! ~L- r (Ir;(i'--l-~~~-==.1~ -1'-"-1 I !1:rJo.L~.~:.~~~---,-~- _1__1____+1 1 [ -.----' f-:.-",_I.. '34'C I Il;,lft~ I ::~.:I:=____ 1_' J1 ">- _~--:=~_:r_____.I~r~I:-~--.--r----1 r ,~s KilO! 1 ~ -I 1--1 == = = _1_ _ _ _ lL~te: \7r'1-J.-~ a..) = ~ ~--I~-=' \,Hd=i-- = __ . L7.~r-~L-~ (~/.J<G_JJ~__ (1_ I U__ i,t>".yl,\::L----1 , I 1 ,- 1'1 T ! I_L.J D\... ;... lot!( + 8 S' -= I S"3 Ib# \. b. 1 \"3 I\'Jf(-. Job N2 \ l.. n ,Q '"I Datp \-V!~... Clipn' D. 0\. Nr.l"."" 41"'\~" Dpscription ShpPt~of "1--1 .!).~lmt ." T_6.10SerlaJ~= 91/2" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 @ 24" ole ~; ~ ~~~~:~:- THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED J101 , ~ OvelaD Dimension: 1'" ,',- III ~, , . I .~ , ,_,_ 1, PI od,,~ DIagr am Is COlKepnt.lJ. J , LOADS: Analysis Is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Resldential- Uving Areas (pst): 40.0 Live at 100 % duration, 12.0 Dead SUPPORTS: Input BearIng Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length UwIDeadIlJpllftlTomI 1 Plate on masonry wall 5.50" 4.25' 349/91/0/441 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 11/4" x 9112' 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board4ll 2 Stud wall 3.50" 3.50' 913/274/0/1186 B3 None 3 Plate on masonry wall 5.50" 4.25" 349/91/0/441 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4" x 9112" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Iloard@ -CAUTION: Required bearing length(s) exceed the minimum shown in the T J BuDder's guide for single family residential applications. Umlts: End supports, 3 112" . Intermediate supports, 3 112" with web stiffeners and 5 1/4' without web stiffeners. -See TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board,B3 DESIGN CONTROLS:. Maximum Design Control Shear (100) 593 536 1232 Vertical Reaction ~bs) 1186 1186 1895 Moment (Ft-Lbs) -1082 -1082 2839 Live Load DefI (in) 0.054 0228 Total Load DefI (In) 0.064 0.456 TJPro 53 30 -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U480.1l.:L124O). -Allowable moment was Increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis Is based on composite action with single layer of 23132' Panels (24" Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decklng. -Braclng(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' ole unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lliteral bracing is required to achieve member stability. -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. Control Passed (43%) Passed (63%) Passed (38%) Passed (L/999+) Passed (L/999+) Passed LocatIon Lt. end Span 2 under Roar loading Bearing 2 under Roor loading Bearing 2 under Roor loading MID Span 1 under Roor AL lERNA lE span loading MID Span 2 under Roor AL lERNA lE span loading Span 1 TJ...Pro RATING ~I.-::tl eM -1'he TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor .~:~....ance information and Is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23132" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating Include: CeDing - None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program. Comparison Value: 1.15 .PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market St, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone:541~9399 Fax: 541~9358 kamlke@caJlaIg.com Copyrioht 0 2003 by True Joist, . Weyerh..user Business TJUP and. TJ-Beudl are reqistered. trad.emarks of Trus Joist. e-l. Joiat-.Pro- and. TJ~Pro- are traclemArks of True Joiat. c: \DoCUlll.enta ancl SetUn9s~nistrator\Deslr:top\Projects\2003\160. 03\JIOl. IUDS 41--'1 ~~l6lit ~ . TJ.<leam(IM)..'.SerlaJ~'~ 91/2" TJl@lPro(TM)~150 @ 24" ole User: 2 11l3Ol2OO311:49:22 AM Page3 EnglnoVersIon:'.'..3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED J101 Load Group: Primary Load Group 9' 1.50" 9' 1.50" 1186 913 3.50IW) 32 32 441 349 4.25(W) Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 441 ~ Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 349 Selected Bearing Length (in) 4.25IW} Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 Loading on all spans, LDF = 0.9D 1. 0 Dead Dltsign Shear (lbs) 80 -124 124 -8D Max Shear (lbs) 82 -137 137 -82 Member Reaction (lbs) 82 274 82 Support Reaction elbs) 91 274 91 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 141 -250 141 Loading on all spans, LOr = 1.00 Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (lba) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection lin) ALTERNATE span loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (1n) Total Deflection (in) ALTERNATE span loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 1.0 347 356 356 395 Dead + 1.0 Floor -536 536 -593 593 1186 1186 -1082 -347 -356 356 395 609 D.034 0.D44 6D9 0.034 D.044 on odd * spans, LOF = 1.00 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Floor 393 -494 166 -35 402 -548 183 -36 4D2 73D 36 441 730 45 775 -666 28 0.054 -D.023 0.064 -0.017 on even * spans, LOF = 1.00 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Floor 34 -166 494 -393 36 -183 548 -402 36 730 402 45 730 441 28 -666 775 -0.023 D.054 -0.017 D.064 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Rembold! K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Marke! St. Su"e B Eugene. OR 97402 Phone:541~9399 Fax: 541~9358 kamike@caJlalg.com COpyriqht 10 2003 by trwl Joist. a Weyerhaeuaer Business tJIIIi and TJ-Bemd are req1atered. tradeDarlta of trwl Joist. e-I Joist-,Pro- and tJ-Pro- are trademarta of trus Joiat. 1/7..7 c: \DoCUlllenta and Sett1nga~nbtrator\Deaktop\Proj.ct"\2003\160. 03\JI01. Slll.S ~~Z6lit . T.I&m11(TM)6.10SerfaJ~= 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 12" ole THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLlCA nON AND LOADS LISTED J201 . GARAGE FLOOR WITH POINT LIVE LOADS ttser: 2 12/10120D3 7:06:41 PM Page 1 EngIneVenIon: 1.10.3 Ovet all ObllensJon: 2> G- ,l I r POi!] 1T'- I PI odll<t 0I;>g1 am is ConceptwL LOADS: Analysis Is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential- living Areas (psI): 0.0 Uve at 100 % duration, 60.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Llw Dead Poin~lbs) Roor(1.00) 1250 0 Point(lbs) Roor(1.00) 1250 0 Location 6'3" 18' Application Comment SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactlons (fbs) Detail Other Width Length LhIeIDeadIUpllftlTotaI 1 Stud wall 5.50" 4.25' 5421301101843 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 11 718' 0.8E T J-Strand Rim BoardIIi) 2 Stud wall 5.50" 5.50' 178419281012712 B3 None 3 Stud wall 5.50' 5.50' 410130110/711 A 1: Blocking 1 Ply 11 718' T JI@IPro(TM)-350 -cAUTION: Required bearing length(s) exceed the minimum shown In the T J Builder's guide for single family residential applications. Umits: End supports, 31fT. Intermediate supports. 3112- wiUl web stiffeners and 51/4- wJthoutweb ;:,titrll;;lterS. -See TJ SPECIAER'S I BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board,B3,A1: Blocking DESIGN CONTROLS: MaxImum 1419 2712 -4059 Shear (Ibs) Vertical Reaction (Ibs) Moment (A-Lbs) live Load Dell On) Total Load Dell (In) T JPro DesIgn 1346 2712 -4059 0.192 0.230 61 Control 1562 2870 5200 0.309 0.619 30 Control Passed (86%) Passed (94%) Passed (78%) Passed (lJT75) Passed (U646) Passed Locatlon Lt end Span 2 under Roor loading Bearing 2 under Roor loading MID Span 2 under Roor loading MID Span 1 under Roor ALTERNATE span loading MID Span 1 under Roor ALTERNATE span loading Span 1 -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U480,TL:1I24O). -Allowable moment was Increased fOr repetitive member usage. -pellection analysis Is based on composite action with single layer of 19132" Panels (20" Span RatIng) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) mus1 be braced at 2' 8" oIc unless detailed othelwlse. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing Is required to achieve member stabilily. -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Rembold! K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market St, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamlke@caJlalg.com Ccpyriqht C 2003 by Trus Joist, . Weyerhaauser Budnesa TJI. and TJ.eeama ara raqistered tredszarks ot rrus Joist. e-rJ01st-.Pro. end fJ-pro. are tredelll&1"ks ot True Joist. 8/'7.-'1 C:\Documentll and Sett1nqll\K.iehael\Dellktop\Projectll\2003\1fiO.03\J201 - POINT LOM)ING.5IllS .~~Z6Nt T_6.10SerlaJ~= 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 12" ole THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLlCA nON AND LOADS LISTED J201 - GARAGE FLOOR WITH POINT UVE LOADS User: 2 1211012003 7:06:41 PM Page2 En;fneVnlon: 1.10.3 TJ-Pro RATING "''''E::M - -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor r~::_.__.ance information and Is based on a GLUED & NAILED 19132' Panels (20' Span RatIng) decking. The controlling span Is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating indude: CeDing - None. A structural analysis of " the deck has not been perfonned by the program. CV..."".:...." Value: 2.07 ADDmONAL NOTES:, _ -IMPORTANTI The analysis presented Is output from software develOped by Trus Joist (T J). T J warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product deslgn criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application. Input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a T J Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or T J technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the T J Distribution product listed above. -Uve load on portion of joist area Is very low. OMrator Notes: D. Duncan Consb'. 926 Sunset Dr. Springfield COM2003-00818 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Mar1<et Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamike@callatg.com Copyrig-ht CI 2003 by Trus Joist, . ..yerhaeuser Businau TJI, and TJ-Be&llll& are registered trademarlr:lI of trus Joist. .-1 Jois~. Pro. and TJ-Pro. are trademarb of 'l'rus Joist. C:\Documents and Settlnqs\Michael\Desktop\Projects\2003\160.03\J201 - POINT LOADING.sas '\12-1 &.~ ~ 7~+ J201 - GARAGE FLOOR WITH POINT LIVE LOADS '.. "'".. ~~-." TJ-lloan(IlI)6.'OSerial_,__..~ 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 12" olc =: :"'~...:\4:0":' THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED ~oad Group: Primary Load Group 12' 4.50" 12' 4.50" - Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 843 2712 Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 542 1784 &elected Bearing Length (in) 4.25(W) 5.50(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 32 32 711 410 5.50(W) Loading on all spans, LDF = 0.90 1. 0 Dead Design Shear (lbs) 273 -431 431 -273 Max Shear (lbs) 278 -464 464 -278 Member Reaction llbs) 278 928 278 Support Reaction (lbs) 301 928 301 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 646 -1149 646 Loading on all spans, LOF ... 1.00 Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbsl Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) 1.0 695 700 700 722 Dead + 1.0 Floor -1225 1346 -1293 1419 2712 2712 -4059 -569 -574 574 596 3076 0.123 0.163 2564 0.106 0.145 ALTERNATE span loading on odd i spans, LOF ... 1. 00 1.0 Dead + 1. 0 Floor Design Shear (lbs) 815 -1110 541 -159 Max Shear (lbs) 820 -1172 579 -164 Member Reaction (lbs) 820 1751 164 Support Reaction (lbs) 843 1751 186 Moment I Ft-Lbs) 3783 -2571 223 Live Deflection (in) 0.192 -0.067 Total Deflection (in) 0.230 -0.049 ALTERNATE span loading on even . spans, LOF ... 1. 00 1.0 Dead + 1. 0 Floor Design Shear (lbs) 153 -547 1236 -683 Max Shear (lbs) 158 -584 1304 -688 Member Reaction (lbs) 158 1888 688 Support Reaction 11bs) 181 1888 711 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 208 -2637 3382 -Live Deflection (in) -0.071 0.172 Total Deflection (in) -0.051 0.209 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Rembold! K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Markel Sl, Sutte B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fex : (541) 684-9358 kemike@caJlatg.com Capyriqht 0 2003 by frwr; Joiat. . _.yerheeuser Business f~. and fJ-Bemd are req1stered tradClLllrka of frwr; Joist. II-I Joist-, Pro- and fJ-Pro- arll trademarks of frus Joist. ~/"2-1 C: \DoC\llllents and settinqs\Hichael\Deaktop\Projects\2003\160. 03\J201 . POINT LtW>ING. SllllI ~~ ~.JZ6iit J201 - GARAGE FLOOR WITH UNIFORM UVE LOADS TJ.8ean(TM).'0Setlal~= 11 7/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 12" ole User: 2 12110J2003 7;07:38 PM PIlgel EnglneVenlon:l.10.3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 12" t- iI'l' 1lJ, , , ov... aD Dimen$lon: 25" 6- I ~ 12" t- ~ PI odu<1 DIagram Is COMeptU.ll. ~ I HJ.~ LOADS:, Analysis Is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psi): 100.0 Live at1 00 % duration, 60.0 Dead SUPPORTS: Input Bearlng Vertical n"~..::_...J (Ibs) Detail Other WIdth Length UveIDeadIUpliftlTotal 1 SbJd wall 5.50' 4.25" 579/301/0/880 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4" x 11 7/8' 0.8E T J-Strand Rim Board@ 2 SbJd wall 5.50" 5.50" 1547/928/0/2475 B3 None 3 SbJd wall 5.50' 5.50" 579/ 301/ 0 / 880 A 1: Blocking 1 Ply 11 718" T Jl@IPro(TM)-350 -CAUTION: Required bearing length(s) exceed the minimum shown In the T J BuDder's guide for single famDy residential applications. Umlts: End supports, 3 1/2" . Intermediate supports, 3 1/2" with web stiffeners and 5 1/4" without web stiffeners. -See T J SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for defaD(s): A3: Rim Board,B3,A 1: Blocking DESIGN CONTROLS: Max/mum Design Control Shear (Ibs) 1238 1066 1562 Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 2475 2475 2870 Moment (Ft-Lbs) -3063 -3063 5200 live Load Deft (in) 0.107 0.309 Total Load Deft (in) 0.147 0.619 TJPro 61 30 -Deftection Criteria: ST ANDARD(U:U480. TL:L1240). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 19/32' Panels (20' Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decldng. -~racing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' o/c unless delsDed olhelwlse. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing Is required to achieve member slsbUDy. -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. Control Passed (88%) Passed (88%) Passed (59%) Passed (L/999+) Passed (L/999+) Passed LocatIon Ll end Span 2 under Roor loading Bearing 2 under Floor loading Bearing 2 under Roor loading MID Span 2 under Roor ALTERNATE span loading MID Span 1 under Roor ALTERNATE span loading Span 1 Tj-Pm RATING SYSTEM -The T J-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor performance information and Is based on a GLUED & NAILED 19/32" Panels (20' Span Rating) decldng. The controlling span Is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include: CeDing - None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program. Comparison Value: 2.07 ,PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402. Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamlke@caIlats.com COpyright CI 2003 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeulllilr Business TJlfl and TJ-Bealllll are reg18tered trademarks ot Trus Joist. e-l Joist-. Pro- and TJ.Pro- are trademarks ot Trull Joist. \Y'l.-I C:\Documents and SettlnVII\Michael\Desttop\Projectll\200J\lfiO.03\J201 - UNIFORM LOI.DING.1IlI1lI l1~l~ _ T.Hleam(TIl)6.10_~'_ 11 7/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 12" ole THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLlCA nON AND LOADS LISTED J201 - GARAGE FlOOR WITH UNIFORM LIVE LOADS User. 2 12/1Q12OO3 7:07:38 PM Pa982 EngIneVerskJn:1.10.3 ADDmONAl NOTES, -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (T J). T J warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T J product design criteria and axle accepted design values. The specific product application, Input design loads, . and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a T J Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or T J technical representative for product availability. .THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. _ -Allowable Slress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC ana/yzlng the T J Distribution product listed above. Ooerator Notes: '0. Duncan Constr. 926 Sunset Dr. Springfield COM2003-00818 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Mar1<et Sl, Sutte B EUgene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamil<e@caJlatg.oom topyr1Vbt C) 2003 by trua Joillt. e. Weyerbaeuser Business TJIe and TJ-S." are uv1stered trademarks of !res Joist. .-1' Jobt-, Pro- and TJ-Pro-' are trademarks of Trus Joist. l1-h'1 C:\Docwaentll and SettinQ's\H1chael\Desktop\Projects\2003\160.03\J201 - UNIFORM LOADING.SIllS t.~ ~'(/l!!!!:.. J201 - GARAGE FLOOR WITH UNIFORM LIVE LOADS T_a'.SeriaI~~ 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-350 @ 12" ole Uaer: 2 1211012003 7:07:38 PM Page3 Eng...V......".'..3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Doad Group: Primary Load Group 12' 4.50" 12' 4.50" . Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 880 2475 Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 579 1547 Selected Bearing Length (in) 4.25(W) 5.50(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 32 32 880 579 5.50(W) Loading on all spans, LDF = 0.90 1. 0 Dead Design Shear (lbs) 273 -400 400 -273 Max Shear (lbs I 278 -464 464 -278 Member Reaction (lbs) 278 928 278 Support Reaction (lbs) 301 928 301 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 646 -1149 646 Loading on all spans, LOF = 1.00 Design Shear (Ibs) Max Shear (Ibs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) 1.0 729 743 743 803 Dead + 1.0 Floor -1066 1066 -1238 1238 2475 2475 -3063 -729 -743 743 803 1723 0.067 0.107 1723 0.067 0.107 ALTERNATE span loading on odd t Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) spans, LOF = 807 820 820 860 1.00 1.0 -998 469 -1160 541 1702 1702 -2106 Dead + 1. 0 -196 -201 201 224 Floor 2100 0.107 0.147 337 -0.045 -0.032 ALTERNATE span loading on even I Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) spans, LDF = 196 201 201 224 1.00 1.0 -469 996 -541 1160 1702 1702 -2106 Dead + 1.0 -607 -620 820 860 Floor 337 -0.045 -0.032 2100 0.107 0.147 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamike@caIlatg.com Copyri9ht 0 2003 by rrus Joist, a leyerhaeuser Business TJ~e and TJ-BeUllt are req1stered trademarks of Trus Joist. e-1 Joist., PrO- and fJ-Pro. are trademarks of Trus Joist. \:'/", C:\Do=enta and settinqs\Hichael\Deaktop\Projects\2003\160.03\J201 - UNIFORM LOlU>ING.sms ~.. ~ulM1t -.. "-J202 " - T_6.10Serial~_....J 11718 TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 @24 ole =~ =...;;~::~~~ THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I l!J,~ , 12'9- I!l~ . . OveuD Dimension: 2. G- I .~ , 12"9" . PI educt DlalJl om 1$ CencepttLlL LOADS: Analysis Is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - living Areas (psi): 40.0 Live at 100 % duration, 12.0 Dead SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width length UveJDeadlUpliftlTotal 1 SbJd wall 5.50" 4.25" 463/120/0/584 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 11/4' x 11718' O.SE TJ-Strand Rim Board@ 2 SbJd wall 5.50" 5.50" 1238/ 371 / 0 /1609 B3 None 3 Plate on masonry wall 5.50" 4.25" 463/120 / 0 / 584 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 114" x 11 718" O.SE T J-Strand Rim Boatd<lll -cAUTION: Required bearing length(s) exceed the minimum shown in the TJ Builder's guide for single family residential applications. Umils: End supports, 3112". Intermediate supports. 3112" with web stiffeners and 5114' without web stiffeners. -See TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board,B3 DESIGN CONTROLS:. Maximum DesIgn Control Shear (Ibs) 804 724 1562 Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 1609 1609 2440 Moment (Ft-lbs) -1991 -1991 3765 live Load Defl (In) 0.101 0.309 Total load Dell (In) 0.119 0.619 ~Pro 50 ~ -OefIectlon CrIteria: STANDARD(LL:IJ480,1l.:L124O). -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -OefIection analysis Is based on composite action with single layer of 23132' Panels (24' Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Braclng(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' S" ole unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing Is required to achieve member stability. . -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. Control Passed (46%) Passed (66%) Passed (53%) Passed (1J999+) Passed (L1999+) Passed location LL end Span 2 under Roar loading Bearing 2 under Roar loading Bearing 2 under Roar loading MID Span 1 under Roor AlTERNATE span loading MID Span 1 under Aoor AlTERNATE span loading Span 1 TJ-Pm RATING ",,:.. "^II ~ The T J-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor performance information and Is based on a GLUED & NAILED 23132' Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span Is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating Include: Ceiling - None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been perfonned by the program. Comparison Value: 1.2 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Marf<et Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: 541-684-9399 Fax: 541-684-9358 kamike@caIlatg.com Capyriqbt 0 2003 by True Joist, a Wayerha.user Buainess TJI$ and TJ~BeaDdl are registered trademarkll of Trus Joist. e-I.Joist",Pro" and TJ-Pro" are tradeJlLarks of Trus Joist. . c: \DoCUlllents and Set tinqlll\Adminiatra tor\ Desktop \Projects \2 003 \ 160 . 03 \J202 . sma \"'/1--'1 .~~l"1f~ . TJ.8earn(TM)6.10SerialNum6er. ...............,...JO Uaer:2 1113012OO312:01:47PM _3 _V.......:l.10.3 J202 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 @24" ole THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Load Group: Primary Load Group 12' 4.50" 12' 4.50" Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lba) 584 1609 . Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 463 1238 Selected Bearing Length (in) 4.25IW) 5.50IW} !lax. Unbraced Length (inl 32 32 32 on all spans, LOF 0.90 109 111 111 120 Loading pesign Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs I Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Loading on all spans, LOF ... 1.00 Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs l Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lba) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) 1.0 474 4B3 4B3 522 ALTERNATE span loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lba) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Liye Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) on odd #- spans, LOF ... 536 545 545 5B4 ALTERNATE span loading on even . Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) .Total Deflection (in) spans, LDF = 47 49 49 5B PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 Copyrigbt CI 2003 by Trus Joist, a Weyerbaauser Busineu TJI~ and TJ-BeAmS are registered trademarks of Trus Joist. e-I Joist'"",Pro- and TJ-Pro. are trademarta of Trus Joist. 5B4 463 4.25(W) 25B 1. 0 Dead -167 167 -lB6 IB6 371 371 -459 25B -109 -111 111 120 Dead + 1.0 Floor -724 724 -B04 B04 1609 1609 -1991 -474 -4B3 4B3 522 1120 0.062 0.OB1 1120 0.062 O.OBl 1.00 1.0 -666 224 -743 24B 990 990 -1225 Dead + 1. 0 -4B -49 49 5B Floor 1425 0.101 0.119 51 -0.043 -0.032 1.00 1.0 -224 666 -24B 743 990 990 -1225 Dead + 1. 0 -536 -545 545 5B4 Floor 51 -0.043 -0.032 1425 0.101 0.119 OPERAmR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market Sl, SuRe B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone:541~9399 Fax: 541~9358 kamike@caJlatg.com C: \Documents and SetUngs\Adm1niatra tor\Desktop\Projects\2 003\160 . 03\J2 02 . SII1S IS!"7 .~ ~lllit : J203 .. TJ-Beam(1)lI..'OSerial~~ 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 @24"o/e User. 2 11l3Ol2OO3 12:09:35 PM _, _V'-':1.10.3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED OVer all Dbnenslon: 1" I J f "G- []f!t , . .~ , "S- " Ptodtld DblPam1e C.. . ...;m lOADS: Analys'" '" for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - living Areas (pst): 40.0 live at 1 00 % duration. 12.0 Dead SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length UvelDeadlUpllftfTotal 1 StudwaJl 5.50' 4.25' 349/91/0/441 A3:RimBoard 1 Plyll/4'x117/8'O.8ETJ-5trandRlmBoardil!) 2 Stud wall 3.50" 3.50" 913/274/0/1186 B3 None 3 Plate on masonrywaJl 5.50" 4.25" 349/91/0/441 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1114" x 11 718"0.8E TJ-5trand Rim IloardiI!) -CAUTION: Required bearing length(s) exceed the minimum shown in the T J Sunder's guide for single famlty residential applications. Limits: End supports, 3 112" . Intermediate supports, 3 112" with web stiffeners and 5 114' without web stiffeners. -5ee TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board,B3 DESIGN CONTROLS; MaxImum Design Control Shear (100) 593 536 1562 Vertical Reaction 000) 1186. 1186 1895 Moment (Ft-Lbs) -1082 -1082 3765 live Load DefI (in) 0.035 0.228 Total Load Deft Qn) 0.041 0.456 TJPro 58 30 -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U480.Tl:l.I24O). -Allowable moment was Increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis Is based on composite action with sin91e layer of 23132" Panels (24' Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracln9(Lu): All compression ed9es (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' O/C unless detailed othetwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing '" required to achieve member stability. -The load conditions considered In this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. Control Passed (34%) Passed (63%) Passed (29%) Passed (L.J999+) Passed (U999+) Passed Locatlon Ll end Span 2 under Roar loading Bearing 2 under Roor loading Bearing 2 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Roor ALTERNATE span loading MID Span 1 under Roar ALTERNATE span loading Span 1 TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional ftoor .~::_....3I1ce infonnation and '" based on a GLUED & NAILED 23132" Panels (24" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations for th'" rating include: Cening - None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program. Comparison Value: 1.2 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A E..~:.._~:ng, Inc. 521 Market Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone:541~ Fax: 541~9358 kamike@caJlatlJ.com Copyright C 2003 by Trus Joist, . Weyerhuu..r Business TJIilt and TJ-BeamB an re9istered trsdemarks of Trus Joist. e-I. Joist-, Pro- and TJ-Pro- are trademarka of Trus Joiat. C: \OocwDIln ts and Set t inqs \Administrator \Desktop \Projectll\2 003\1 fiO . 03\J203 . IImS \(.,(1--'1 .f;) ~lllit _ J203 . T_610Serial~_..oJ 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150@24" ole User:2 1tJ3Ol2Q0312:09:35PM Page3 _V"",,":1.10.3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLlCA nON AND LOADS LISTED ~oad Group: Primary Load Group 9' 1.50" 9' 1.50" ^ 1186 913 3.50(W) 32 32 441 349 4.25 (W) Max. Vertical Reaction Total (Ibs) 441 . Max. Vertical Reaction Live (Ibs) 349 Selected Bearing Length (in) 4.25(W) M~x. Unbraced Length (in) 32 Loading on all spans, LDF a 0.90 1. 0 Dead Qe.ign Shear (lb.) 80 -124 124 -80 Max Shear fIbs) 82 -137 137 -82 Member Reaction (Ibs) 82 274 82 Support Reaction fIbs) 91 274 91 Moment (Ft-Lb.) 141 -250 141 1.0 347 356 356 395 Loading on all spans, LOF a 1.00 Design Shear fIbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction fIbs) Support Reaction fIbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) Dead + 1.0 Floor -536 536 -593 593 1186 1186 -1082 ALTERNATE span loading Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) ALTERNATE span loading De.ign Shear (lb.) Max Shear (lb.) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lb.) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) . Total Deflection (in) PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 -347 -356 356 395 609 0.022 0.029 609 0.022 0.029 on odd i spans, LOF = 1.00 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Floor 393 -494 166 -35 402 -548 183 -36 402 730 36 441 130 45 775 -666 28 0.035 -0.015 0.041 -0.011 on even. spans, LDF = 1.00 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Floor 34 -166 494 -393 36 -183 548 -402 36 730 402 45 730 441 28 -666 775 -0.015 0.035 -0.011 0.041 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone : 541~399 Fax: 541~9358 kamlke@calJatg.com Copyriqht C 2003 by Trull Jolat, . Weyerhaeullllr Business TJliII and TJ-Be8Jllll are regiatered tradelllarks of Trus Joist. e-I.Joiat-,Pro- and TJ-pro. are trademarks ot True Joiat. C: \Document. and Sattinqa\Adm.1nbtrator\Desttop\Projectll\2003\160. 03\J203. sma 17/1.7 .It '1 ~1.1iit J202 - Stair .0 T~610SoriaJ~= 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 @24"o/e User: 2 11l3Ol2OO3 12:40:55 PM FVgel EnglneV.......:l.10.3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED OWe! aD Dbnenslon: 2. ,- I J , I .,I. 12" '"- ~~ , . \ , 12" '" ~ PI oduct Dbgram Is ConeeptmL LOADS:. Analysis Is for a Joist Member. Primary Load Group - Residentlal- Living Areas (psi): 40.0 Liva at 100 % duration, 12.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Uw Dead Uniform(p/f) Aoorjl.00) 40.0 12.0 Uniform(p1f) Aoor(l.00) 40.0 12.0 Point(lbs) Aoor(l.00) 630 189 10' 6" Location OTo 25' 6' OTo 10'6' Application Replaces Replaces Comment SUPPORTS: 1 Stud wall 2 Stud wall 3 Plate on masonry wall Input Width 5.50" 5.50" 5.50" BearIng Length 4.25" 5.50' 4.25" Vertical Reactlons (Ibs) LIvelDeadlUpllft1TolaI 530/150/0/680 1440 14321 0 11872 232 I 39/-62 1271 Detail Other A3: Rim Board B3 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4" x 11 7/8' 0.8E TJ-Slrand Rim Ill>anMll None 1 Ply 1 1/4" x 11 7/8" 0.8E T J-Slrand Rim Board@ - -cAUTION: Required bearing length(s) exceed the minimum shown In the T J Builde(s guide for single family residential applications. Umlls: End supports, 3 112" . Intermediate supports, 3 112" with web stiffeners and 5 1/4" without web stiffeners. -See T J SPECIFIER'S I BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board,B3 DESIGN CONTROLS; MaxImum Shear (Ibs) -1379 Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 1872 Moment (Ft-Lbs) -2124 Live Load Defl (In) Total Load Defl (in) .TJPro Design -1297 1872 -2124 0.142 0.178 50 Control 1562 2440 3765 0.309 0.619 30 Control Passed (83%) Passed (77%) Passed (56%) Passed (U999+) Passed (U834) Passed LocatIon Rt end Span 1 under Aoor loading BearinS 2 under Aoor loading MID Span 1 under Aoor loading MID Span 1 under Aoor ALTERNATE span loading MID Span 1 under AoorALTERNATE span loading Span 1 -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(Ll:U480,Tl.:lJ24O). -ADowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection analysis Is based on composite action with slnsle layer of 23/32' Panels (24' Span Rating) GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8" ole unless detailed otherwise. Proper allachment and positioning of lateral bracing Is required to achieve member slability. -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pallem loading. PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Mar1<et St, Suile B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: 541-684-9399 Fax: 541-684-9358 kamlke@caIlatg.com Copyright e 2003 by Trua Joist, .. _.yuba.user BUlIinua TJIe and TJ-Belllllll an regiatered trademarks of frus Joist. e-1 ~oll1t.. Pro. ancl fJ-pro. are traclelllarka of Trull Joll1t. e: \DocUlUnta and SetUnqa\AdlIdn1atrator\DfIsktop\Projectll\2003\160.03\J202 - Stair.lIlI5 \ 'b /7-7 ,t;) ~l.~ J202- Slair . T~aloSerlal~~ 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 @24" ole User:2 11fJ0J200312:40:55PM _3 EnglneV....an:l.10.3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED ~oad Group: Primary Load Group 12' 4.50" 12' 4.50" Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 680 1872 . Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 530 1440 Selected Bearing Length (in) 4.25IW) 5.50(W) Ma~. Unbraced Length (in) 32 32 32 271 232 4.25 (W) Loading on all spans, LDF = 0.90 1. 0 Dead D~sign Shear (lbs) 139 -299 105 -34 Max Shear (lbs) 141 -318 114 -35 Member Reaction (lbsl 141 432 35 Support Reaction (lbs) 150 432 39 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 413 -490 50 Loading on all spans, LDF = 1.00 Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lha) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) 1.0 601 610 610 649 Dead + 1.0 Floor -1297 457 -1379 493 1872 1872 -2124 -146 -150 150 170 1790 0.121 0.158 217 -0.034 -0.044 ALTERNATE span loading on odd i Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (lbs) Support Reaction (lba) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) spans, LOF = 1.00 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Floor 632 -1267 201 67 641 -1348 215 66 641 1563 -66 690 1563 -62 1976 -1741 N/A 0.142 -0.070 0.178 -0.078 ALTERNATE span loading on even *' Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear elbs) Member Reaction (lba) Support Reaction (lbs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) ~otal Deflection (in) spans, LDF ... 108 110 110 119 1.00 1.0 -329 361 -349 392 741 741 -873 Dead + 1.0 -247 -251 251 271 Floor 251 -0.021 0.017 607 0.050 0.046 PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERAmR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldl K & A Engineering, Inc. 521 Market St, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: 541-684-9399 Fax: 54H84-9358 kamike@callalg.oom CopyriO'ht 0 2003 by Trws Joist. . Weyerbaeuaer Business TJle and TJ-Be4me are reO'iatered trademarks of Tzus Joist. _t .Jolst-:'.Pro-" and TJ-Pro- are trademarks ot Trws Joist. C: \Documents and SettinO's\Adlll.iniatrator\Desktop\Projec:ts\200J\160.0J\J202 . Stair.SIItS \ if "2..7 l1~ln# H007 . T_(lM)6.l0Sllrtal~= 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 User:2 12111/20035:54:56PM Pogel EnglneVenlon:l.l0~ THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I ~\ In , . I f] ill , . J" PI oduct DbgI am Is c~eptUaI. LOADS: Analysis is for a Header (Rush Beam) Member. Tributary Load Width: l' Primary Load Group - Residential - living Areas (psi): 40.0 live at 100 % duration, 12.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Uve Dead Locatlon Application C . Unlform(plf) Aoor(1.oo) 206.0 62.0 0 To 6' Replaces SUPPORTS: Input BearIng Vertlcal R.~":_.~ (Ibs) Ply Depth Nailing DetaIl Other WIdth Length LI1IeIDeadIUpllfllTotaJ Depth 1 TJI beam 1.75" Hanger 618/193/0/811 1 11.88' N1A H2: Top Mount Hanger None 2 TJI beam 1.75" Hanger 618/193101811 1 11.88' N/A H2: Top Mount Hanger None -Backer Blocks are required at supporl{s): 1,2. . -See T J SPECIRER'S 1 BUILDERS GUIDE for detaD(s): H2: Top Mount Hanger HANGERS: SlmMDn Strono- Tle@ Connectors Support Model Slope Skew Reverse Top Flange Top Flange SuppoftWood Flanges Offset Slope Species 1 Top Mount Hanger 1TT211.88 0/12 0 N/A No 0 N1A 2 Top Mount Hanger 1TT211.88 0/12 0 N/A No 0 N1A -NaDing for Supporl1: Face: 2-N10, Top4-N10, Member: 2-N10 -NaDing for Supporl2: Face: 2-N10, Top4-N10 ,Member: 2-N10 DESIGN CONTROLS; Maximum Design Control . Shear (Ibs) n1 -n1 1420 Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 811 811 1420 MomenI(FI-lbs) 1101 1101 3620 ,LIve Load Defl (In) 0.033 0.143 Total Load Defl (In) 0.043 0.285 -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(ll:U480,Tl:l.I24O). -Braclng(lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' oIc unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing Is required to achieve member stabDity. Control Passed (54%) Passed (57%) Passed (30%) Passed (U999+) Passed (U999+) location Rt. end Span 1 under Roor loading Bearing 2 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Roor loading MID Span 1 under Roor loading MID Span 1 under Roor loading PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Remboldt K & A Engineering, Ioc. 521 MarketSl,SulleB Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541)684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamike@caIlatg.com COpyriqht C 2003 by Trus Jobt. . ..yerhaeuser Businus TJI" and TJ-BelUd are reqhtered trademarks ot Tru.a Joist. e-I Joist-,Pro. and TJ-Pro-' are tradClllArks of Trua Joist. S1IIlp5on Strong-fiee Connectors ill . reqbtered tredmark ot Simpson Stronq-tie Company. Inc. e: \DocuIIlenta and Settinqs\K1cheel \Duktop\Projecta\2003\160. 03\H001. SIIS 2.0/7...7 ~~l6iit TJ.8eam(TM)a'oSerial~"= 117/8" TJJ@/Pro(TM)-150 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED HOO7 User. 2 12111/2003 S:54:56 PM Page 2 EngIne Verskln: 1.10.3 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented Is oulput from sof\ware developed by Trus Joist (T J). T J warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T J product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specffic product application, Input design loads, . and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This oulput has not been reviewed by a TJ AssocIate. -Not all products are readily avanable. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product avanabUIIy. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONt VI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. . -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Bunding Code UBC analyzing the T J Distribution product listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Rembold! K & A Engineering, loe. 521 Mar1<et Sl, Sune B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamike@caIlalg.com Copyr1qht C) 2003 by Trull Joist, a ..yorha.Wler BualneSll TJIiI anel TJ.Beue are revillt.red trade:marka of Trus Jobt. a-I Jolst-, Pro. and TJ-pro. are trademarks of Trull Joist. Simp.on Stronq-Tl" Connectorll 1s a reqiatered trademark of Stmpllon StroDq-Tie COmpany, Inc. '2-1/'L1 c: \Documents and Settinqll\Hlcbael \Desktop\Projects\2003\160. 03\H007. sms ~~lNt ~ TJ.Ilearn(1V).'O.....==_,..... 117/8" TJI@/Pro(TM)-150 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED HOO7 Uaor: 2 12/1112003 5:54:58 PM Page 3 engine Version: 1.10.3 '. Load Group: Primary Load Group 5' 8.50" . Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 811 811 Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 618 618 Selected Bearing Length (in) Max. Unbraced Length (in) 32 Loading on all spans, LDF a 0.90 Design Shear (lbs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) 1.0 184 184 184 193 Dead -184 -184 184 193 262 Loading on all spans, Design Shear (Ibs) Max Shear (lbs) Member Reaction (Ibs) Support Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Deflection (in) Total Deflection (in) LDF = 1.00 , 1.0 Dead + 771 771 771 811 1. 0 Floor -771 -771 771 811 1101 0.033 0.043 pROJECT INFORMATION: 160.03 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Michael Rembold! K & A Engineering. Inc. 521 Market Sl, Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 kamlke@caJlatg.com COpyrigbt iO 2003 by Trus Joist, . W.yerhaeuser BualnUII TJIlt and TJ-Beal:d are revist.red tradalLrks of Trus Joiat. 0-1 Jot.t-,Pro. and TJ.Pro. are trademarks of Trus Joist. Sbapaon Stronq-Tiee Connectorll is a reIJiatered trademark of Sinpllon Stronq-Ti. COllqlany, Inc. 7-). ('2- '7 c: \Documents and Settinqs\Michael \Duttop\Projects\200J\160. OJ\H001.sms k K & A E' 'eerlng, Inc. P,O. Box ~J624 Eugene, OR 97402 . .a ""I.....". rnglnrrring . (541)684-9358 I Rev: 560100 . User. K'N-0003459, Vet 5.6.1, 2S-Oct.2002 IcI196J.2002ENERCAlC.:,.l,.. ,.Software ,.....,......,......._...'''.... '......, ...M>.n.-.._._....~,..~...... .......,.. ....., .' '- Description TiUe : 926 Sunset 0, Job 11160.03 Dsgnr: MDR Date: 9:06AM, 15 DEC 03 Description: Single-family residence Springr",ld Permit No. C0M2003-00818 Revised Foundation and Framing Scope : HEADERS Timber Beam & Joist c:~.vjl,...,..",...~ Page 1 JI ._,_."d~ ..-................. I Timb~r M~mber Infonnatlon Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBe Requirements II ., .,.... ,'0 , . .,.. """'. .." . ..-.'.;.-...-.-....,... .. . . ~.......'" ..- '.', ," .,"",'.'" .-.".',-,',,, .. ,.".. ..'.".'.'", '. HIll HOOl Hl02 ' Hl0l Hl06 HOO2 5.125x15.0 MlcroLam: 4x10 6x12 4x10 biG in 5.125 3.500 3.500 5.500 3.500 5.500 in 15.000 9.250 9.250 11.S00 9.250 9.500 ft 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 lougIas FI', 24F . V fruss Joist - MacMil Douglas Fll' - Larch. Douglas FIr -lardl. 00ugIas FIr - Lardt. Dooglas FIt - t.arch. psi 2,400.0 2.600.0 875.0 875.0 875.0 875.0 psi 190.0 285.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 ksl 1.800.0 1.900.0 1.600.0 1.600.0 1.600.0 1.600.0 1.000 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 G1uLam ManuflPine Sawn Sawn Sawn Sawn No No No No No No i_c"'_,"", .~:..<~..;;>.....<_.~.,..:.'-,....,.. .~~ .,v;.~.""",._.....".. .~. 16.30 6.00 544.00 955.00 6.00 345.00 575.00 .,.",..'.,,,.....,..,..,.:.......,.........~,.;..,.._.;.,:,',,".~; 4.00 24.00 SO.OO 345.00 575.00 3.000 4.000 1,550.00 2.590.00 3.000 0.6n2 12.00 68.00 113.00 345.00 575.00 4.300 16.300 1.5SO.oo 2.590.00 4.300 0.9234 479.00 819.00 2.000 0.6553 3.000 0.8708 0.6509 'Mm~@ Center~'- 'in-k --.."42t55-".'-'-~.~97.2i ~'-'-..4ii':ii8-."-'n""42.63~"39.1ci @X= ft 7.50 2.71 3.00 2.99 6.00 fb: Actual psi 2.209.0 1,948.9 995.4 351.6 783.3 Fb: Allowable psi 2.392,1 2.974.2 1.207.5 1.004.9 1.203.4 Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK Bending OK psi 138.8 195.1 95.1 74.0 43.9 psi 190.0 327.8 109.3 109.3 109.3 Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Shear OK Iv : Actual Fv : Allowable Hl04 6x12 5.500 11,500 2.00 Oouglas FIr - lNth. 875.0 95.0 1,600.0 1.150 Sawn No ,..,"__.,....~~_..:,JI 6.00 6.00 544.00 24.00 955.00 50.00 345.00 575,00 0.9735 80.95 3.00 978.4 1.005.1 Bonding OK 96.1 109.3 Shear OK 4.000 1,550.00 2.590.00 4.000 .., ,~.8~__..1 99.22 3.98 818.4 1.004.9 Bending OK 98.2 109.3 Shear OK IReaciio~s ...""....~.............,......,'.........,.,...,..,,,..,,~..., @ Left End DL LL Max. DL +LL @ Right End DL LL Max. Ol +Ll I Deflections' . . .,....... 'w. ..',~ ,.......... .~. "-0-" _'_",..~ '. ..... ,,'. .~ . .,>. """ ..,.-,.., '" ~.-",.. .,,'w. Center DL Defl UOeft Ratio Center LL Defl UOefl Ratio Center Total Defl location UOefl Ratio - ,."":,....,,.. ."...' ..,',....,"'"..,,:....._.._......:....~_._._!I 478.62 408.00 1.632.00 1.508.67 819.37 678.00 2.865.00 2,548.67 1.298.00 1,086.00 4.497.00 4,055.33 1.512.37 408.00 1,632.00 1.565,33 2.545.62 678.00 2.865.00 2.643.33 4.058.00 1.086.00 4,497.00 4.208.67 ~~fl~i~:,~~,^'O'~.~~~li~~,,~"~..~~~~~:~~.~~.. ~,~n~~t:~~.~~., JI -0.025 -0.017 2,853.8 4.324.5 -0.044 -0.028 1,625.6 2,566.9 -0.070 -0.045 3.000 3.096 1.035.7 1.610.8 Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Le: Unbraced Length Timber Grade Fb - Basic Allow Fv - Basic Allow Elastic Modulus Load Duration Factor Member Type Repetitive Status I C~~ter'Sp~~Data. "S;;~"" .....,.,....,.........,...,.."..itl. " Dead Load #1ft Uve Load #1ft Dead Load #1ft Uve Load #1ft Start ft End ft Point #1 DL Ibs LL Ibs @X ft I Results. Ratio = Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs -', ~-_'_'.W""'.'". ~...,....._...........',,_.,.'. "............'., ~~..,'.. ,,-,~ .". .. .,~-'.~-.."'"r..<~..... 2.665.03 1.951.33 1,035.00 4.446.62 3,411.00 1,725.00 7.111.65 5.362.33 2.760.00 3.024.97 1.791.67 1,035.00 5,043.37 3.138.00 1.725.00 8.068.34 4.929.66 2,760.00 .-... ,---, Ralio OK Deflection OK Deneclion OK "~'''''' ........;..'.-,,,-.-'... -,_',,"..',.;>.'.-,",>,.-<, In -0.244 -0.043 -0.027 -0.003 -0.086 800.1 1.658.5 2.643.4 18,315.5 1.676.4 in -0.408 -0.076 -0.045 -0.004 -0.143 479.7 948.9 1.586.1 10,839.2 1.008.8 in -0.652 -0.119 -0.073 -0.007 -0.229 ft 8.020 2.952 3.000 2.224 6.000 299.9 603.6 991.3 6.809.4 629.8 '23'A / I '-7 kea ongln.oorlng . (541) 684-9358. I Rev: 560100 User. KW~59. Vet 5.6.1, 25-Oct.20J2 . le)198J..2002 ENERCALC E . ..: . .,: ... Software ,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,, ...._,'...,...w........ ,...._.'w..._,....'~.'......h-.._.... '- Description K & A E, eering, Inc. P.O. Box "J624 Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Title: 926 Sunset D' Job '160.03 Dsgnr: MDR Dale: 9:06AM. 15 DEC 03 Description: Single-famity residence Springfield Pennit No. C0M2OO3-00818 Revised Foundation and Framing Scope : Timber Bea~ & Joist . '. pege' 1 11 ..~'_h....~'_......,'.."'.........-.-.-_.," .-_...,,,-.-,..,.w.........,...'....-. ....-..,.w...-.""....~.....:.~-~~~~..::.:..:':;::::.::~:,:::::.:.. HEADERS-2 1~!0.~:.r.~.~.~~.e.,r"I~~?~~t,i~~,.,..," "..."" . ..." ..~.._, ~~I~~I~~~~~.~;e .~~~~~~~~.t.~1.~~~ ,~~,~,,~~~~~~?~_~~.~~~~.~~,~~.~~......! I H004 Hl0S Hl0S Hoes MlcroLam: 4x10 4x10 4x8 in 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 in 9.250 9.250 9.250 7.250 ft 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 rruss Joist. MacMil )ougIas Fir. Larch, Douglas FIr -Larch. Douglas FIr. Larch. psi 2,600.0 875.0 875.0 875.0 psi 285.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 . ksi 1.900.0 1.600.0 1.600.0 1.600.0 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 ManuflPine Sawn Sawn Sawn No No No No Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Le: Unbraced Length Timber Grade Fb - Basic Allow Fv - Basic Allow Elastic Modulus Load Duration Factor Member Type Repetitive Status I Ce~t~r Spa~i:iati . '''''..;..'_i.........".:.-.,;..,-,'..'','"-'.,'..,.....,...\;>".'"".....:.-.,''-'.. ;....'...--'-""--'.~".....,.. :..,.'-".""_,;,>;"-.."""."";_".,..,,,,.,- Span ft 6.00 Dead Load #1ft 544.00 Uve Load #1ft 955.00 Point #1 DL Ibs 1,585.00 LL Ibs 2.643.00 @ X ft, 5.000 I ~~~~_,_._._~_. Ratio = 0.9687 Mmax @ Center In-k -'-f08.i6-~"-- @X= ft 3.46 fb:Actual psi 2,167.1 Fb : Allowable psi 2.990.0 Bending OK Iv : Actual Fv : Allowable 12.00 68.00 113.00 6.50 68.00 113.00 ......,...,,... '_"''''~':':'N."JI 5.00 153.00 113.00 221.00 367.00 4.500 0.3053 11.82 2.72 385.4 1,304.4 Bonding OK 33.4 109.3 Shear OK JI 4.500 psi psi 317.5 327.8 Shear OK 0.8509 0.1916 _.~........................ 39.10 11.47 6.00 3.25 783.3 229.8 1,203.4 1.203.4 Bending OK Bending OK 43.9 20.9 109.3 109.3 Shear OK Shear OK I ~~,~~~i.?~~....._ ...". ....."""..,........._,'.....m.'.'........"".J I @ Left End DL Ibs'-"i)l92:a:j"" "408:00'''''''221:60 . .."., 404:60' LL Ibs 3,305.50 678.00 367.25 319.20 Max. DL+LL Ibs 5.198.33 1,086.00 568.25 723.80 @ Right End DL Ibs 2.936.17 408.00 221.00 581.40 LL Ibs 5,067.50 678.00 367.25 612.80 Max. DL+LL Ibs 8,003.68 1.086.00 588.25 1,194.20 I.~:..~~~~~~n~.~:,.:..,_.~...,.". .,,'~~~:~~_~fl~di~n~~,oeft~~~~:"~~.,~~~.~~i~:~~.~~._,~."...'"._.~...".~.....~~~.~_._.~~._!J Center DL Deft in -0.050 -0.086 -0.007 -0.014 lJDeft Ratio 1.451.7 1,676.4 10,548.6 4.361.1 Center LL Deft in -0.086 -0.143 -0.012 -0.012 lJDefI Ratio 835.5 1,008.8 6,347.8 5.128.7 Center Total Deft in -0.136 -0.229 -0.020 -0.025 Location It 3.096 6.000 3.250 2.560 lJDefl Ratio 530.3 629.8 3.963.0 2.357.1 '23al /2...7 IIIdr-\j;l-'UUCi "";Ci;lJ,lm rrUID-n I; 1'1. c.nIIrUUHlnl, Int'. tl41-bI4-ll)l T-lDD P.DDlfDDI F-i3l k K & A Engineering, Inc. Tltl. : 928 SunllGl Dr. Job' 180.03 P.O. Bax 23824 Dsgnr: MDR Date: 1::l8PM, 8 MAR 04 a Eugene, OR 97402 OIecr1ptlon : Slngll.1ern11y mldonco . SpnnoflGld Parma No. COM:lOOJ.00818 (S41)884olIS90 8.ope: Revised Foundation and Framing (e~~~~~..~~~~~1.~~~~'.-T,~b;;B~~;&-J~i~t----- -. ---.-.-...----..-- -.. ........p~g,;..l-FJ ~~~,:~~~.....\,,~~~..~":-.~... ......-.-''''_~,.,.,.._.~,._lo~,..~,,~........J.''"........~.......~",:._-.........................''___-....._...,.....~.~.~.~,__......,.>~_.,",.~,..,."......~.~.~~~ ~ripUon HEAOERS-2 " ITimbe~'Miiiiiiier Infomiltlon-'- .---- ---C;;;;RGt.'2001 Nosjooi'iac. 2003 NFPi'-5000:-iiai'i'8i~i~;;;.-.;e'I;.;:~ieftn~: _ .~ ~""........................_-----;;-~._;-_.....~.._;._-;;;_._-;;;::--,..~~"""'-'-~..~" nmllor8ecllon ........~_a. .... 4'" ....._:J11l~II"J.VL Soam'Md1l1 in 3.IlOO 3.800 3.IlOO 3.500 1.780 Beam Doplh In U80 9.2150 9.280 7.280 11.878 Le: Unbtaaad Length ! 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 n_Orada n..s.loI&t. DougIooAt. OoupAt. DooqosAt. """"",. """.... UodI. No.1 UodI. ....1 ,"",,"~ _ ~ 2,800.0 878.0 875.0 878.0 2,800.0 pal 285.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 285.0 kll 1.900.0 1.800.0 1.800.0 1.800.0 1.IlOO.0 1.180 1.180 1.180 1.150 1.000 "'a"uI/plna Sewn 88M! Sown ManufIPIn. No No No No No Fb . Sui. Allow Fv. Ballo Allow elaau. ModuIua Lood Durallon Factor Membot Type RIIpIGtIY. Sllltua tCenter SD8~ Dati Span Dead Load U..Load PoInllil1 Dl LL @X Poinlll2 DL LL OX I Reaullll Mm.. CD eo;;'tilr~~ inok crx- If tIl: Aclllal pal Fb : A1lowrobl. poi 1\/ : Actual Fv : A1lowrobl. ft IIIfI IIIfI lbe IIlI ft IIlI 11>1 ..~ RaUo = ... ~.... . . -~" '"' .. 8.00 844.00 865.00 1,888.00 2,843.00 5.000 ... ~"'-oIII 12.00 68.00 113.00 0.8509 -"39:10--- 0.00 783.3 1,203.4 -..... 43.9 109.3 _0. A" . . ~ .... . 8.50 88.00 113.00 4.500 0.1916 11.47 3.25 229.8 1,203.4 _....0. 20.9 109.3 -.. .. ~ pal pBi 0.9887 . ;08.18 3.40 2.187.1 2,1l8O.0 _1ne0lC 317.5 327.8 _0. . '. '....... ~ 5.00 1113.00 113.00 221.00 367.00 4.500 8.00 128.00 420.00 2.000 128.00 420.00 4.000 0.1383 J 0.3OIl3 ----.lta2--~l3.';o 2.72 2.02 365.4 316.6 1.304.4 2,510.6 _OK _OIC 33.4 39.4 109.3 285.0 __OK __ClIC. l'ii88e~oiiB"-"--".--".'" " -. ......... .. -..........-...... ....-.. ....' .-.-...-.-......--.--....-............ ...--..-..-.-.-.-..-----.--.--..~ ~"L-e-nd~Dl ..........~I.~ 1.~83 '..00 ;o'2211O........"'..~404'~.60' ...~.~1-2.8.00.~'.....;...:..;..;."...-r.='t:.....;:J:-'.l&..~~.... 1111 vn YflI 'UO'~. u"""-=~< -~. LL IIlI 3.305.50 878.00 387.25 319.20 420.00 Mu. OL+LL Iba 5.11l8.33 1.088.00 688.25 n3.60 1148.00 Cll Right I!nd DL Ib8 2.938.17 408.00 221.00 581.40 128.00 LL lb. 5.087.50 87~00 387.25 812.60 420.00 MIll.OL+LL IIlI B,003.G6 1,088.00 1l8lI.20 1,194.20 1148.00 [D,nictionii" -.-.---.-- .-. -iiiiiioOK -o;,-r1';C;;o;,-OK-Oefleciij,niiK-lij,ji.cUon OK-' O<Jne~lo;,OK'- ..- -.-.--..-----..--J! . ,",---~-.............."" .. - .~ ....----........... -...-~~.~.................~.""'~..:a...."'~ Con.... OL DIlfI In -0.050 -0.088 -0.007 -0.014 -0.004 LiDefI Re60 1,451.7 1.878.4 10.548.8 4.381.1 20,014.1 Contar LL DIlfI in -0.088 -0.143 -0.012 ' -4.012 -0.012 UD8lI RelIo 83M 1,008.8 8,347.8 8,128.7 G,004.2 C.nter TolaI 0lIl In -0.138 -0.229 -0.020 -0.026 -0.018 Locollon tl 3.098 8.000 3.250 2.580 3.000 UOItI Rallo 1130.3 629.8 3,963.0 2.357.1 4.818.8 , ' '. DL= 716.. LL= 1129.5#, Ecc= 0.00051" Lateral Restraint 595.5# ~ Pp= 0.# 2766.3# 1056.5psf 1665.8psf '2 k('l- "7 '_' t '. 8,00005' Conaete wi #5 @ 16.' Lateral Restraint fl 595.5 # .8.00005" Concrete wi IS @ 9.' 8'..(J- ~ 8.00005" Conaete wi IS @ 9.25" ~ f #O@O-in @Toe #O@O.ln 1'-6" oC @ Heel 3'..(J- oC 1'-6" 3" , 3 t . ~ 1'.()'. " , ~ 8'-0" 3" 1'-0"1 9'-0" . f 2'5fz:-, k K & A Engineering, Ine. P,O. Box 23624 ...:::. Eugene. OR 97402 ~ (541) 664-9399 .n~ln.orln. (541)664-9358 I Rev. 560100 User. KW-0003459, Vd.'. 2>-Od.2002 Restrained Retaining Wall Design (C)19B3-2002 ENERCALC EnglneerIng Software '. ' nUe: 926 Sunset Dr. Job jJ 160.03 Dsgnr: MDR Date: 11:47AM, 10DEC03 [ ~.. :.~lln : Single-family residence Springfield Pennij No. COM2003-00818 Revised Foundation and Framing Scope : .- c_""'... ." "P:?,~ .,;.1 Street-side Footing Description .. ,m - -~ I Criteria - Retained Height = 8.00 It Wall height above soli = 1.00 It Total Wall Height = 9.00 It Top Support Height = 8,00 It Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soli over Toe = O.OOin SOli Density = 110,00 pet I Soli Da1a . _n JiJ I FooUng Sc. ., .,,~,~ & Dimensions Ol:l- ------- -----.- ------ ----- --- ----- Allow Soli Bearing = 2.000,0 pst Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 46.0 Toe Active Pressure = 30.0 Passive Pressure = 250.0 Water height over heel = 0.0 It FootingllSoll Friction = 0.800 SoIl height to ignore lor passive pressure = 0.00 in fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As % = 0.0014 Toe Width = 1.50 It Heel Width = 1.50 Total Footing Width = 3.00 Footing Thickness = 12.00 In Key Width = 0.00 In Key Depth = 0.00 In Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 It Cover@Top = 3.00 In @ BIm.= 3.00 In e I Adjacent FooUng Load ~ Adjacent Footing load = O.Olbs Footing WIdth = 0.00 It E..~ 'w :":ty = 0.00 In Wall to Fig CL Dlst = 0.00 It Footing Type Une load Base AboveJBelow SoIl 0.0 It at Back ot Wall = rn 0.0 pst Wind on Stem = m I Unllonn Lateral Load Applied to Stem I Surcharge Loads Sun:harge Over Heel = 240.0 pst >>>Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe;' 0.0 pst Used lor Sliding & Overturning I Axial Load Applied to Stem ,n 0.0 #1ft 0.00 It 0.00 It l.ateralload ...Height to Top ...Helght to Bottom = = = 716.0lbs = 1.129.0Ibs 0.0 in AxIal Dead load AxIal Uve load AxIal load Eccentricity = I Design Summary = I1l Concrete Stem Construction ----- ----..- Thickness = 8.00 In Wall Weight = 96.7 pet Stem Is FIXED to top ot footing Total Bearing load ...resultant ace. 4.083 Ibs 1.34 in = Fy = fc = 40,000 psi 2,500 psi = Soli Pressure@Toe = 1,666 pst OK Soli Pressure @ Heel = 1,056 pst OK Allowable = 2,000 pst Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @Toe = 2.470 pst ACI Factored @ Heel = 1,567 pst Footing Shear@ Toe = 29.9 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 1.3 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Reaction at Top = 595.5 Ibs Reaction at Bottom = 2,170.8 Ibs Sliding S1ablllty RatIo = 1.56 OK Sliding Cales Lateral Sliding Force = 2.170.8 Ibs less 100% Passive Forc<F - 125.01bs less 100% Friction Force= - 3,266.7Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 Ibs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 Ibs OK Footlnll. Deslll" Results I\l Mmax Be_n Top & Base Slllm OK 4.66 It # 5 9.00 In Center 4.00 In @TopSupport Stem OK 8.00 It # 5 16.00 In Center 4.00 In @ Base of Wall Stem OK 0.00 It # 5 9.25 In Center 4.00 In Design helghl Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Rebar Depth 'd' Design Data fblFB + lalFa = 0.000 Mu....Actual = 0.0 It-# Mn' PhL.A1lowable = 2,662.4 It-# Shear Force @ this height = 0.0 Ibs Shear.....Actual = 0.00 psi Shear....A1lowable = 85.00 psi Rebar Lap Required = 15.60 In Rebar embedment Into footing = Other Acceptable Sims & Spacings: Toe: None Spec'd -or- Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr HeeJ:None Spec'd -or- Not req'd. Mu < S . Fr Key. No key defined -or- No key defined = = = = = 0.427 1.943.9 It-# 4,556.8 It-# 0.908 4,034.2 It-# 4,444.3 It-# 2.855.0Ibs 59.48 psi 85.00 psi 15.60 In -. -'oReI 1,567 pst 573 It-# 617 It-# 44 It-# 1.29 psi 93.11 psi 6.00 In '08 Factored Pressure = 2;470 Mu' : Upward = 2.610 Mu' : Downward = 236 Mu: Design = 2,373 Actual I-Way Shear = 29.92 Allow I-Way Shear = 93.11 L~!.z.7 'ka .nqln..rlnQ (541) 684-9358 I Rev: 560100 User. KW-Q603459, V...S6.1,25-<ld.2lXl2 Restrained Retaining Wall Design {c)1983-2002 ENERCAlC..: _ ,. .' .. Software ., ' K & A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 23624 Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 ~ Description Street-side Footing Title: 926 Sunset Dr. Job fJ 160.03 Dsgnr: MDR Date: 11:47AM, 10 DEC 03 Descrlptlon : Single-lamily residence Springfield Penn~ No. C0M2<J03.00818 Revised Foundation end Framing Scope : ~-=-"".. ~,."':~ I I Summary of Forces on Footing: Slab Is NOT providing sliding, stem is FIXED at footing Forces acting on lOOtIng tor SilOing & soli pressure.... Sliding Forces Stem Shear@ Top of Footing = Heel AcIlve Pressure = Sliding Force -1.679.4 Ibs -491.4 2,170.81bs = Net Moment Used For Soli Pressure Calculations 457.0 It-# ~ Load & Moment Summary For Footing: For Soli Pressure Cales Moment@ Top of Footing Applied from Stem = -2,373.1 11-# Surcharge Over Heel = AxIal Dead Load on Stem = Soli Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight = Soli Over Heel = Footing Weight = Total Vertical Fon:e = 200.0100 2.5811 516.711-# 1,845.0 100 1.8311 3,382.511-# Ibs II 11-# 100 II 11-# 870.0 100 1.8311 1,595.011-# 733.3 100 2.5811 1,894.4 11-# 435.0 Ibs 1.5011 652.511-# 4,083.3 Ibs Base Moment c 5,668.011-# '2-7/'2-7 K & A Engineering, Inc. I . 1,500 pst. The estimated maximum settlement on the silts Is 2.9-mm (0.11-inches). Assuming that no settlement occurs on the portion of the footing on the quarry stone, the maximum difference of 2.9- mm would cause a footing angle of 0.26-degres. This value is well within construction tolerances. See the attached calculation of estimated settlement . Placement of fine crushed aggregate on top of coarse quarry stone fill. The concern expressed was that the fine, dense-graded crushed aggregate (314-lnch minus) might fall into the voids In the quarry stone causing loss of support to the footing. Fine, granular materials placed on coarse rock having voids similar to those at the site will fill Into the voids during placement, to a limited extent (usually 1 or 2-inches) until soil arching is established over the voids. Soil arching then prevents further migration of fines into the void space(s). Capping coarse, open-graded materials with a fine select fill is a commonly accepted practice that performs well In practice. Inspection of the existing quarry stone bench fills capped with o/.-inch aggregate at the site reveals that the fine aggregate has not been lost into the rocf<2, in spite of the fact that these benches survived the wet season, including two 2-year storm events. Soil arching phenomenon and theory Is well documented In the literil1ure (Terzaghl, Peck, and Mesri 1996),(Costes, 1956). 9 . Footings Located on Top Outside Edge of Bench No footings are to be located on the top, outside edge of any bench, as per our recommendations and analysis detailed In this report Please note our detailed analysis of recommended footings on interior benches for slope stability, bearing capacity! and settlement included in this report and the Revised Level 2 Geotechnical Analysis. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report hopefully concludes the investigation of slope stability and general suitability issues with regard to construction of the proposed new single-faniily residence at the subject project site. It is our opinion that construction should proceed as quickly as possible, during dry weather, to complete the structure to the point of being 'In the dry" before the wet weather season begins. . . K & A Engineering, Inc. should inspect the recommended modifications to the interior footing benches (Level 2 Geotechnical Analysis, April 11 , 2004), installation of recommended drainage, and grading. Footing drains should route water to the city storm system either by gravity or by the use of a sump and pump. Landscape retaining walls should be designed by a qualified professional engineer if they exceed 4-feet in height. We recommend that the City of Springfield issue the building permit with this condition. (j). . LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dave Duncan Construction, Inc. and its design consultants for the subject proposed structure. 2 We did observe one small area, located at the north end of the east bench, about 2-feet long, where the outside edge of . the fine aggregate appears 10 have 'fallen' into the quany stone. But this Is certlinly due 10 a.lack of fine fill material and the lack of compaction of the fin at the outside edge, as evidenced by the very loose nature of the fine aggregate fill in this area Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 9 of 10 June 4, 2004 'f', . r APPROX. PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY GRADE . RETAINING WALL FOOTING EST. BEDROCK SURFACE EXIST. EXCAVATED FOUNDATION BENCHES (1YP.) ORIGINAL GRADE fr. PROPOSED NEW . FOOTING (1YP.) , ADDmONAL QUARRY STONE RLL AS RECOMMENDEOIN REPORT (1YP.) MIN 1.33 ______ 1.~0 ______ , I ':J: I . f' o FOOTINGS A T SECTION 11811 1/8" = 1'-0" EXIST. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILE . ----- . . , . " r , ~ 01 m coee .".e::::lCO ....~ee 0 C)::I __,-..+ ~$D:::lCO coocon W :0 CO =:r co co :::l..:::l co -.j :::l -. :tee n 010 p,J .". .c:::::: .... n' &l <:" .". co W 01 00 ~ c....." 8-na z (6- 'CD" R?-g --"0 co cnO)~N ::rO<m co b en en ~ WOe: . . C:::I N C::::::J en !!l.O~ ~~c C')C")=-' __ 0 sa. =e:::::::J W ~~ 3" P , . -'4 , k geotechnical/civil engineering . -..::I Eugene, OR 97440 . '. y 541 684 9399 541 684 9358 fax .nglnee"ng . .:1 Project 926 Sunset Dr. Client Dave Duncan Coristr.. Inc. Job ND: 160.03 Date: 6/4/04 Sheet 3 of 3 , F " CONCRm STRIP FOOTING (lYP.) 1,500 PSF MAX. BEARING PRESSURE 4-INCH CAP OF 314' (-J CRUSHED AGGREGATE L , H/3 MIN. , I [.." J.,"j f................:............... ::....:..:.,1..______., 1I;:;:;Itl;:;:;:Ut;:;Ilt;:;I I :l: I NATlVE SILTS ANO DECOMPOSED SANDSTONE S-lNCH OPEN GRADED CRUSHED , QUARRY STONE 8UTTRESS NOTE: lJll >= 1.5 0:) ~E~OMMENDED FOOTING BENCH GEOMETRY. <.N"o=.> ~ , ~. / . , " [ffiQ[] . IJ -. . E- '~ ~- ~ ~- .,,; c:i ..... ~ '" @> '" w <JJ co => a: 0- e w a: .. 0- e..> "" .... => :z ~ I II I '11!IITJ GABLE END WITH GABLE TRUSS J OVER TOP PLATE 24' . , IH1021 I I I r1H1031 I I I I ) I , ~ ANU ACT IRJ TRU ;SE~@ 21' 0..,:, ~ ~ 8'- \PORCH~OOF 14' MANUFACTURED TRUSSES CD ROOF FRAMING AND UPPER HEADER PLAN 1/8" = 1'.0" .' " ~c;.E'o '~rn- C;;c.~0\..\~r- ,'2-/ 'S/n '3 MANUFACTURED GIRDER TRUSSES (TYP.) ExPIRES , FRAMING SCHEDULE Beam - Header - Joist OesiaDallou J101 iJ201 ,J2a! , J203 HOO1 HOO2' , HOO3 ~HOO4 HOO5 HOO> H101 ,H102 ~ , H103 H104 H105 H106 H1D7 H10ll H1D9 H110 , H111 H112 H113 H114 :: Nomillal secliilo MalerIaI ~ 9.5" ITJVPRO 15O@24"O.C. lower Rea Jas1s 11.875" ITJVPR0350@12'O.C. I~ReaJois1s 11.875" ITJl/PR015O@24"O.C. I~ReaJois1s I 11.875" ITJVPR015O@24"O.C. IltloerReaJois1s 12-1.75'X9.25"IMicrdlam 1~ IlowerHeader I ',6x 10 ISoIidsawn OFILNo. 2btr. Beam 1l....erHeader I 6x10 ISoIid sawn OFIL No. 2 btr. Beam IlowerHeader 12 - 1.75' X 9.25'1 Micrdlam 1.9E I'lower Header 'I 4x6 I Solid sawn DF/L No. 2 btr. Beam IlowerHeader I 4xB ISoIidsawnDFILNo.2btr.BeamllowerHeader I .6x12 I Solid sawn DFIL No. 2 btr. Beam ILl>oerHeader I ,4 x 10 ISoIid sawn DFIL No.2 btr. Beam I~ Header I 4x10 1 Solid sawn DF/L No. 2 btr. Beam ILl>oerHeader I 6x12 ISoIid sawn OFIL No. 2 btr. Beam Il.lIllerHeader I 4 x 10 ISoIid sawn DFIL NO.2 btr. Beam lQJnj;nuous Header _ I 4x.10 ISoIidsawn DF/L NO.2 btr. Beam IQxdinuous Header I 4 x 10 ISolid sawn DFIL No.2 btr. Beam Iltloer Header I 4xB ISoIidsawn DFIL No. 2 btr. Beam l~rHeader 1 4xB ISoIid sawn DF/L No. 2 btr. Beam Il.lIllerHeader I 4x10 ISoIidsawnDF/LNo.2btr.BeamICoriiinoousHeader I 5.125'...,15" IDFIDFGlueLaminatedBeam IGaraIlllDoorHeader I 4xB' I Solid sawn DFIL No. 2btr. Beam Il.lIllerHeader 1 4xB ISolid sawn DF/L No. 2 btr. Beam I~jxj'-Helder I 4xB ISolidsawn DF/L NO.2 btr.Beam ILIlller treader ..... . ..... . . J -..-.. J .... . . .. IH1041 }- I-I' ,/ I L~:J ~ ;/ --I ~ I I 1/1 P ,)< ~ /*-- / ~./ ~ - II @ - '/' i ~ ,"" , ,i "" -~ '" ~ ~ ''''I", ~ ~ 'S1~1~"~A~I""r. }J..A. tJ P"P. iT"" ~ J l-- ," , '.....--1---" I In" " '" ' / "" "'" /~ /~ ~ I I""': Y' , " ~ <-L ~---.L_ I ~1---1~=-t:t . I /1. I r=r== \!::~ illID ,",," ~l \ GABLE END WITH GABLE TRUSS OVER TOP PLATE '" n ~"" t "'-, I - "~ , I"" ~ "'" 11 ''''I ; '"", i '~I , I~ ~ ./ " './, ~ ./ . I/~I I :/ "- /1 "- - . /' -- /' ~ -k- u / II . ..... . .. . . . .. .. . .... . .... .... . . .. .. ... . . . . ... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... .... . .... ...... . ...~- ROOF FRAMING PLAN SINGLE-FAMilY RESIDENCE 926' SUNSET DR., SPRINGFIELD, OR . J CUENT: DAVE DUNCAN CONSTRUcnDN DATE: 11!30J03 PROJECT: 160.03 SHEET: 5 OF 5 / ., IS0011 -~~_"- : - - ~ :...... IS0021 - , , , , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , .. , , .." , , .. , "" . , , , , , , , , .. .. .. .. .... .. , , , , , , , , .. , " " " .. .. , .. .. .. .... .... ~ CD SHEARWALL PLAN - LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0" \ - ~ .SHEARWALL SCHEDULE - LOWER LEVEL Unit Design HoIdown Base Slmpsen l6d Lateral Load Reactlen, Shear, Holdown / Holdown Opllonal Edge J.IloU Sill Plate Common Load,k Type k k/Il straptle AncIIeI'SheaIIdng' EdgeNaIIIng Staples ~,.."""",;'NalJSpaclng I 2.691 windl -s.681 0.1031 N/RI N/RI 1&32APAI 8d@6'o.c.l N17@4'o.c.I.1I2'Dia.x96'0.c.I,121 -, 6.161 wlndl -4.601 0.1231 N/RI N/R11&32APAI 8d@6'o.c.1 N17@4'o.c.l1I2'Dla.x96'0.c.1 121 1ll thickness Qnches) and grade. APA = APA-Rated Sheathing. S1 = APA Struclural1 Grade Sheathing. .<1 sill plates and single framing members receiving edge nailing from alxrtIing panels. Stagger nails on 3-Inch members' Ings must be reinforced. SEE lYPlCAl FRAMING DETAIL. SHEARWALL SCHEDULE - MAIN LEVEL -= framing ThIcImess at sm.... at Panel Edges' ts.in ts.iii &asepal. frIDlIDi m.r UaII 16d ._,_..._,01 m.r WaD Desfgn H'-a IlIso SImpaIo &asepal.'/2"1 __ S1D0IId0l WaD 1IeIgId, 8_WaD LoI.... IJlad R_.... 8_. _I SImpaIo 0pI/aD0I1lIgo 10" J_ HaD ~, N<>. IL I.oDgtb, ft. load, k lJpe k 1111 SInIpIlo HD _ _billa 1 IlIgo NaIIJDg 8IapIes Spacllla 8pac1l1g Edges' 8101 I 9.01 5.01 1.501 wlndl 1.li51 D.301I M8127' N/AI I!>'32APAI 8d@4"o.c.INI7@I25"o.c.l'1I2'Dlu3ll'o.'.1 71 1lHn 181021 9.01 6.01 1.811 wfndl 1.251 0.3011 M8ml N/Af I!>'32APAI 8d@4"o.C.IN17@125"o.c.11!:!'Dlu3ll'o.O.1 71 1lHn 118103 I 9.01 8.01 1.681 wlndl 1.571 D.2ll91 MST271 N/AI 1!>'32APAI 8d@6"o.c.1 N17@2.li'o.cJ ~mull1'll9.1 111 1lHn I 8104 I 9.01 9.01 1.1111 wlndi 1.521 0.2ll91 M8ml N/AI 1!>'32APAI 8d@6"o.cJ N17@2.li'o.c.l1l2'Dlull1'll9J 111 1lHli 8105 1 9.01 8.31 3.311 wlndl 1.571 0.4011 PHD21 SS1B161 1!>'32APA! '8d@3"o.c.1 N17@2.li'o.c.l1J2'D1u24'o.c.l iJ r3-lli 8106 I 9.01 26.01 3.561 wlndl .a.021 0.1371 NlRI N/AI 1!>'32APAI 8d@6"o.cJ N17@4'o.c.l1l2'Dlullll',".1 121 1lHn 1-0~lgnatfoo shONS sheathing thfckness ~nches} and grade. APA... APA-RatedSheatfiru. 51 "" M'A StruduraJ 1 Grade Sheathing. 2S ... Sheathing on both sides ofwall 2 MInimum wflll1 of foundation sDlIll_ and single !laming members recelYlng edge ,,,fling InIn abuIIIn1l panels. ~r nails 0Il3-<iz:h members' . rnmD ~ , -= IS1021 ~ I ~' I I .... , j i . . 0 .... .... 0 . . . . ~..: .... .. 0 0 ...... . . .... . :i . . 0 0 . . 0 .... .. . ~ . . 0 . . . .. . . .. . . ... ...... .. . . . . .. I... . . ...... . . . .. . . . r... .. .. , ...... ... " . . , ... . .. -< IS1051 CD ~~~~,~Y"ALL PLAN - MAIN LEVEL EXPIRES I - DATE: 11130/03 SHEET: 4 OF 5 -/ ". .~ " , - CD ~ ~ II ~ IH~I ~ !TIT! ! ! ! Ll-y' 1_-- 11111,111~1111 ~I (~~{{L @../(OJ. - o-\~ I " s!? 1/\\~1" I I I I ,...----- ---- I I I I I I I I I I I 'I jlj j'j jlj j'j I!j ,'th'~II,' 'll ,I I' ,I jl ,I ,I I' .I_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! !;-r! I I I I I - I I I I 1)-' I II I // / 11111111111111~ ~IIIIII I I I I 1/' I J) ~~;~~. _ __/. J~: _ _ __ __ :=:C:I=c:C:I=:C:I~~:C:I=c:C:I=:c=c=::J C_:I_",*~:I__:C_=_:I__r:__ , ~ ,< <<I I HOO? I \~ .~!J~~~I / I / .,,)'- I I I I ,.... ('lo~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/' III ,,<j;' I / ,~. ! 1/ /" I 1/1/1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'i'< ~I/I ~ ~ I I IH0021 IITTI - I I- 'I BLOCK MIN. 36' EA SIDE HOO? 1TT211.88 HANGER MAIN LEVEL FRAMING AND LOWER HEADER PLAN 1/8" = 1'.0" ENDSTUDSASPERS~~~: I=~~~, II~ APPLY SHEATHING OVER STUDS \ I , . GRADE, THICKNESS, AND \ CONNECTORS AS PER SHEARWAUL SCHEDULE ---... ~. ~ ~ :~ I -, , LENGTH OF SHEARWAUL AS PER SHEARWALL SCHEDULE I ~ / CONT. BLOCKING ACROSS TOP AND BOTTOM PLATE OF , OPENINGS. . CONT. CS16 STRAPPlNG OVER BLOCKING RJLL WIDTH OF _ ~ WALL ,I , - HOLOOWNS OR STRAPS AS PER SHEARWALL SCHEDULE - I, - -- - - TYPICAL PERFORA~HEARWALL FRAMING f2\ \.v 1/4" = 1'-0" GENERAL fRAMING: 1. HEADERS SHOWN ON ROOR AND ROOF FRAMING PlANS ARE FOR.. . .. WALlS THAT SUPPORT WALl OR ROOR... ..:.. 2. CAI1E SHOULD BETAKEN TO TRANSRlUOAIJS mOlll'llEAl/l AND ..... ROOF GIRDER TRUSSES SUPPORTED II)' 4\IALlS 10 BMlfAt1 POINTS ... BB.OW WALLS USING DFIL NO. 2 4x4oPOSTS IN 2x41N1ER10R ... .. . BEARING WAllS AND DFIL NO.2 416 POSTS IN 2x6 EXlERlOR .. WALLS. . . ..... 3. POST LOADS SHOULD BE TRANSFERR8l>A"cRbSS Rppfl)1Ms USIH! . .. ' 4x4 OR 616 POSTS .. .. .. ... . . . . 4. ROOF SHEATHING SHALL CONSIST OF 15m" APASHVo1Jl!NG .. NAIlED USING N17 STAPLES @ 2.75"'8'~~"tPAN~WiJ'3AND ... 5.75"O.C.INTHEAB.D. .. .. .... :.... . 5. ANCHOR ROOF TRUSSES AND ROOF FRAMING TO WIIlJ."IJlP PLAlES . . . . USING SIMPSON H2.5 6. ANCHOR GIRDBlTRUSSES 10 WALl lOP PlATES USING SIMPSON H10-2 7. DIMENSIONAL FRAMING WMBBI SHALL BE DFJl STANDARD OR BEllER. B. HEADERS SPEClRED WITH TWO OR MORE MEMBBI SHOULD BE NAIL lAMINATED USING 16d NAILS AT 6" D_C~ STAGGERED. 9. roM BOARDS SHALL CONSIST OF 1.3E LSL OR EQUIV. NAIlED 10 BortoM PlAlE USING 16d lOENAlLS @ 6" D.C. 10.NAIL RODR DECK 10 LSL roM USING 16d@B" D.C. 11. WAll SHEATHING PANELS SHALl BE NAILED TO EDGE FRAMING AS PSI SHEARWAll SCHEDULE. NAIL RB.O OF PANELS USING N17 STAPLES @5.75" D.C. tLUUI1 tMMINb I'LAN SINGLE-FAMilY RESIDENCE 926:SUNSET DR., SPRINGFIELD, OR I. CUENT: DAVE DUNCAN CONSTRUcnON DATE: 11/30103 PROJECT: 160.o:i SHEET: 3 OF 5 " ( -~ TR. 2X8 PLATE #4 @ 24' O.C. EA WAY -, . f EXPANSION JOINT r 24 SA. GALV. FLASHING -12" MIN. LAP ON SHEATHING 4' POLYDRAJN _ SLOPE TO DRAIN TO SIDE EXTENOING MIN. a- BROW TOP OF CONCRETE ~ . , .::~.-:,,/.~.:.::.:.~.=.:~~:;..:.,..,.,;,.:.,: '>.',.\-. ~/. '>'>":'>:'>~':~.;>.~.<:.,.:,...::;.::.:-:,:; ~.~>>~:,.~,:'.:.<:"::.:': ".- I' -....... 'c,", .. .-. 1.1~#"".' .~ ..~.~~:.~'_~( ". .'. c.. "" ....#...... .... ", ;. .". ..:_."0:. ".' .. .... ...... 'c.". ~ /' r ~:},;::;;(:~;~:Ut:::::~:~:O:;;:g:::;~:'.\i;;:;::::1-:B;:;;;;:::,'@i1::;;;:';::' ,"' , / 11.875' TJVPRO 35O@12"O.C. ATTACH TO TR. PLATE USING SIMPSON A35 !-. 1/2' X 10" J-BOLTS @24'O.C. __ . #5@9"O.C. CENTER IN WALL ----- . 8'-- CONCRETE STEM ~ 5' _ . #4HORIZ.@ 12"O.C. ~ " , ,., I :Z :E lb -' '" I ;... I I 1:, I I . I /.' I' 1/- L1'-~ CONCRETE FOOTlNG 1--1'-6"- I 1:, . WRAP DRAIN ROCK WITH NON-WOVEN GEOTEXnLE Gcu I CAIILE SHALL BE AMOCO PROPEl( 4545 OR EQUIV. 1 1/2" CLEAN DRAIN ROCK - 12" MIN. COVER OVER PERFORATED PIPE 4-INCH PERFORATED OR SLOTTED DRAIN CONTlNUE DRAJN AT BASE OF STEPPED PERIMETER FOOTINGS ON NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF FOUNDATION. f1\ TYPICAL SECTION - STREET SIDE WALL AND DRIVEWAY \2) 1/2" = 1'.0" & ADDEO NOTES FOR RETAINING WALL FOOTING DRAIN 06!D4I04 r 4' CONCR. DRIVEWAY SLAB 2X6 STUDS UNDER FLOOR JOISTS EXCEPT USE 4X5 - STUDS UNDER GARAGE '> JOISTS ~ r CRIPPLE WALL WITH TR. 2X6 PLATE '--.... 'r f/ 1/2" COX ONE SIDE 1/2" X 10" J-BOLTS @ 96' D.C. ~ ) 1[/ 8d@6"O.C. 2-#4CONT.", ~ I to '- I 2'- CD SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0" .... . 0 . . ..." . , . .. . . f#.... CONCRETE AND FOOTINGS: . .. . .. . . .. . .' . ". .. .. 1. CONCRETE SHAll HAVE A MINIMUM CEMEIfl ~NJENT OF lIlU'~. PER CUBIC YARD. ....Ill. .... 2. REINFORCING STEEL SHAll BE GRADE 40 DEftIfIMaJ BAR. 3. CONCRETE SHAll BE MECHANICAllY V1BRATIiD flI aIMIt(A>>. . AGGREGATE SEGREGATION AND VOIDS. .. . .. . :. :. 4. REINFORCING STEEL IN FOOTINGS SHAll BE PLACED TO 1I4~ 3- INCHES OF CONCRETE COVER. 5. FOOTINGS SHALL BE PLACED ON SMOOTH, LEVEL, UNDISTURBED NATIVE MINERAL SOILS. 6. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROPERLY LOCATE AND INSTALL SHEARWALL HOLDOWN ANCHORS AND STRAPS PRIOR TO POURING STEM WALLS. , .... o . .... - ...:-. . . . . ...:-. . . . ... .. . . .. . . .. o . . . - . ... -"". . . .. . ., ,\ I ,~ " . , " -...59'" 4" 0 --!--,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I f--frt -!- t- -t -!- t- -t -!- 1- -t -!- t- -t -!- t- -t -!~ t- -t -!- t- -t~ : II 't -- 'I I I ~ (en - I I ~ II, I , I , I , , , , " 1-' "~~ "'" ,II I " 1-1-_-= .-=-o..: =-_-= :..-= =_ =-_-d-_-= =-: =-_-= :..-= ._~_-:;;-!~ =-_-= :.:= .-= :.. =-_-= :..-= =...: =-_-= :..-=- _-=-_ d -II I ~:...-=: =.-: :.-.: :--=: =.- :.-.:r-=: =.-: :.-.: :--=: ='~~T-=--: :.-.: :--=: :.: -: :.-.: :--=: =.-: :.-.: .--=- :=.-: :;- -I : :' I , I , I '_'_'_ ~~'\~\I?~I '/p' , I I , , I I' I ':: I II _-. I ~.. 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J.,.,..., 2' I- (3'\' SECTION' "-0 . 1/2" = 1'-0" 12\ SECTION ~ 1/2" = 1'-0" , a' I ~TR.2X6PL -L... __ 112' J-BDL TS @ 96" O.C. r CRIPPLE WALL T> OR AS PER SHEARWALL SCHEO. ( SHEATH WITH 112' COX i'. 2X6 STUDS fl/ I NAIL WITH 8d @ 6" O.C. ~ 2 - #4 CONT. UNDER FLOOR /' JOISTS ~ ."- ~1/4@24'O.C. I r1I2'J-BOL15@96'O.C. __ ~7/ ~2-#4CONT. &. __. / r2-#4CONT. .... . . .. ~ ~~-~~::..:. .....: _n"I"'" '~."''''" "I ~mwmwm'~ I 2' I -1'-4-- .. ..- .. . CD ~~C~~_~,N N .... . ... . CD"~ ~~C~~_~,N ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... .... . .... I, ExPIRES fOUNDATION PLAN SINGLE-FAMilY RESIDENCE 926 SUNSET DR., SPRINGFIELD, OR ..... . ..... ....:- . .. ....~- . .. .... ..- . . .. ..- ... - . . . ..:- ..... - . ... . DATE: 11/30/03 SHEET: 1 OF 5 , EXISTING GROUND CONTOURS NOTE lHAT ALL EXISTING GROUND CONTOURS ARE DASHED HEAVY DASHED UNES ARE 1G-FOOT MAJOR CONTOURS THIN DASHED UNES ARE 2-fOOT MINOR CONTOURS PROPOSED RNISHED GRADE CONTOURS NOTE THAT ALL RNJSHED GRADE CONTOURS ARE SOUD HEAVY UNES ARE 10-F00T MAJOR CONTOURS THIN UNES ARE 2-FOOT MINOR CONTOURS " . ., '. ---,- \ 1 \ I 1 I I 1 I \1\ 1 \ I , I , , I I , , I I I , I I I 0 I I \" I I ,~ I I " I I \, : I' , \: : I " , I I , I I \l I I " I " I " "c-.l I: " I t;;;r , " \ " I , t I , \ \ , \ \ , \ \ \ \ --- -- - - I __::;., -- I I I \ \ , \ \ I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ , I I \ \ \ / f" 1 I I \ I \ , \ \ . \ \ \ <r\ t;;;r\ I I I I , I - - ~ " . . 4-.ree-r GRADE SEPARAllON SEGMENTED MASOl~AlNING WALLS 8' CONCRETE RETAINING WALL WALLS OVER~t~ HBGlfTTD BE SEE SECTION 1 SHEET 2 OF PLANS DESIGNED BY A QUAURED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - \ \ . -7- '~-r~---- --r---~--~\- III ~ .\' ---~--~--r I' ". / \ \ ~ \ \ 0 \\ ~ \~, I 0) \ 1 &- \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ '<:1- \., ';f- . 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". ..-- --500__1 \ ....- \ I -- -J ) . ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ .,/ ,/ ./ I I I I I I r :z ~ C) o :z C) -;xl ~;;! C ;xl ~ ~ I uJ 7' .- <- ~ - ~---_.--......- -- -- -- "- '0 "- "- '\_- PROPOSED GRADING PLAN NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE 926 SUNSET DR., SPRINGFIELD, OR 0) ~R1~,POSED GRADING PLAN t' DATE: 6/4104 SHEET: 1 OF 3 " J ~ , ., ~ , K & A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 23624, Eugene, OR 97402 521 Market St., Suite B, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX engineering June 4, 2004 Dave Duncan Construction 105 Seneca Eugene, OR 97402 Project: 160.03 . Subject Response to LDAP Review City of Springfield Job No. SHR 2004-00038 . 926 Sunset Drive Dear Dave, This letter responds to review comments made by the public works LDAP staff and the building department regarding the subject application for a Land and Drainage Alteration Pennlt (LDAP). Douglas Butler and I met with representatives of the City of Springfield on June 1, 2004 to discuss their review comments. After discussing their comments and concems at that meeting, we were assured that if the 9 comments documented on the "Land & Drainage Alteration Review" dated May 28, 2D04, were addressed, the LDAP and building pennlt would be issued. A copy of the review letter is attached to this report for reference. Because of the time involved and complexity of the additional analysis requested, we have chosen to make this supplemental report, rather than re-issue a new level 2 geotechnical report We recommend attaching this supplemental report to the Revised Level 2 Geotechnical Analysis submitted to you on May 11, 2004. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC WORKS LDAPSTAFF REVIEW COMMENTS 1 Rotational Slide Potential. 1. 1 General At the meeting the city staff expressed a concern that the initial analysis for natural slope stability did not include a "circular" slip surface. I expressed that in general, for undisturbed linear natural slopes with linear subsurface features O.e. groundwater and changes in soiVrock type), the infinite slope stability model was preferred because It more accurately modeled the long linear features of natural slopes (Schuster and Krizek, 1978) However, the written review comment #1 seems to also express concern with "numerous proposed vertical cuts along the steep hillside." Although the proposal includes no un-supported vertical cuts we assume that the comment refers to the stability of the benches in the excavation that will support interior strip footings and the retaining wall footing at the street-side of the excavation. We agree that a look into slope stability of intemal benches seems reasonable and that for these conditions, a circular slip surface model applies. All the analysis provided herein are for limit equilibrium. Factor of safety (FOS) is that factor by which shear . strength parameters may be reduced to bring the slope into a state of limiting equilibrium along the analyzed slip K & A Engineering, Inc. surface. All slope stability models make limiting assumptions for intemal soil force equilibrium and estimates, at best, for engineering properties of soils, groundwater, and subsurface soil boundaries. There is no single model that can be said perfectly models any slope. 1.2 Pre-excavated Natural Slope. To verify the validity of the infinite slope model and to address concems regarding lack of a 'circular" slope stability analysis, we have provided two additional model of the pre-excavated slope stability: Model 1 uses Bishop's modified method (Bishop, 1955) and model 2 uses Janbu's simplified method (Janbu, 1968) Botti these methods evaluate limit equilibrium using isotropic shear-strength parameters with the inclusion of an , estimated groundwater surface elevation in the undrained (natural) condition. Soil parameters used are the same as those used in the infinite slope model, with the exception that weathered bedrock Is modeled having a cohesion of 100 psf (very conservative) and an intemal angle of friction of 36-degrees. Model 1 : Bishop's Method. Bishop's method is only for circular slip surfaces. A computerized search routine finds the 10 slip circles with the smallest FOS (factor of safety) for the given slope geometry, subsurface boundaries, groundwater, and material shear strength parameters. Rgure 1 shows the input geometry and the critical slip surfaces. FOS for the 10 least stabile slip surfaces analyzed (out of 2,500 trial surfaces) range from 1.25 to 1.27. A detailed report of the analysis, including input geometry and soil parameters, is attached to this report Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 2 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. SUNSET 6-04-.. 13:39 135 .: 926 Sunset Natural Slope 10 most critical surfaces, MINIMUM BISHOP FOS = 1.249 125 _ 95 _ ----- q; 115 _ III ..... '-' Ul X <( 105 _ I >- 85 75 105 115 125 X-AXIS (feet) , Rgule 1 . Bishop's Modified Method. Natural Pre-Excavated Slope 85. 95 135 145 155 Method 2: Janbu's Method. This method allows for non-circular slip surfaces and could be argued as a mora accurate method for short segments of natural, linear slopes. The analysis is somewhat of a combination of a circular slip plane and the linear sliding surface for the infinite slope method. Rgure 2 shows the input geometry (same as for method 1, above) and the critical slip surface. FOS forlhe 10 least stable slip surfaces analyzed (out of 2,500 trial surfaces) range from 1.29 to 1.34. A detailed report of the analysis, including input geometry and soil parameters, is attached to this report. Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 3 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. SUNSET2 6-04-.. 15:47 135 ~ 926 Sunset Natural Slope - Janbu 10 most critical surfaces, MINIMUM JANBU FOS = 1.292 125 _ ....... Q; 115 _ Q) - '-' (Il X <105 _ I >- 95 _ 85 75 105 115 125 X-AXIS (feet) Figure 2 - Janbu Stability Analsyis 01 Pre-excavaled Condition 85 95 135 145 155 1.3 Internal Benches Supporting Strip Footings Analvsis Considerations To address concerns of stability of benches within the foundation excavation that support footings, we have evaluated overall global stability for two conditions: The upper bench supporting the street-side retaining wall and a typical interior bench supporting a 24-inch wide strip footing. Note that these benches, as they exist, consist of excavation of most of the upper silty soils and are located at or near the interface with highly weathered sandstone. This material was modeled with a slightly higher angle of internal friction than used for the siits, with a nominal cohesion to model conditions in the completed crawlspace (damp to moist soils with a vapor barrier). These benches are, or will be, buttressed with 5-inch open-graded QUany stone as per our recommendations. Soil parameters u.sed for this analysis are shown in . table 1. The Bishop's method was used because it most closely models the near-circular sliding surfaces that have commonly observed in embankment failures having bench-type geometry similar to the conditions in the excavation. Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 4 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. Table 1 - Soli Parameters tor Bench Slope Stability Soil I Description Moist Unit I Saturated Unit Unit Weight, pel Weight, pel . 1 I. Residual sandy-silts 115 I 125 (decomposed sandstone) 2 I Quany stone 127 I 142 3 I Weathered sandstone 130 I 140 4 Select fill (crushed 141 150 aggregate fill behind retaining wall) Cohesion Intercept, psI 25 Friction Angle. deg 31.5 o 100 o 45 36 42 Retainino Wall Bench Rgure 3 summarizes the analysis 01 stability of the bench supporting the retaining wall that supports the east side of the house and supports the fill supporting the driveway. Note that driveway live loads were simulated with a 250 psi surcharge. Retaining wall footing loads were modeled as a surcharge having a total force equivalent to concurrent maximum live, snow, and dead loads on the wall stem. This surcharge was angled 28-degrees downhill to simulate the lateral loads at the base 01 the wall looting. FOS for the analysis ranged from 1.26 to 1.39 (for 500 trial surfaces). A detailed report of the analysis, inclUding input geometJy and soil parameters, is attached to this report Interior Footino Bench Rgure 4 summarizes the analysis of stability of the critical Interior bench supporting a 24-inch wide concrete strip footing. This is the highest interior bench in the foundation system, and transfers loads the mid-span cripple wall supporting the garage floor. Bench geometJy includes a minimum footing offset of ft/3 from the top hinge point of the slope (H is the bench height) and a bench slope of 1.33 H : 1.0 V. Footing loads were modeled as a surcharge having a total force equivalent to maximum live and dead loads from the garage f1qor. FOS for the analysis ranged from 1.20 to 1.37 (for 500 trial surfaces). A detailed report of the analysis, including input geometJy and soil parameters, is attached to this report SummalV of Bench Stabilitv Criteria for acceptable FOS for stabilized slopes v3/)' considerably. The prim3/)' use of FOS is to evaluate effectiveness of stability mitigation to known cases of instability. Designing to strict criteria for FOS values generally leads to poor design because it does not consider the relative uncertainty of input parameters. Designers having experience with slope failures and slope stabilization choose appropriate factors of safety for a design application based on the level of confidence in estimates of input parameters, hydrology, and loads. Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 5 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. Factors of safety in the ranges calculated for bench slope stability herein are within accepted nonns for highway . engineering or for structures where human safety is an issue and when soil parameters can be estimated with confidence (Schuster and Krizek, 1978), (Schuster and Tumer, 1996). SUNSm 6-04-_ 17:21 65 ~ RETAINING WALL 10 most critical surfaces, MINIMUM BISHOP FOS = 1.263 55 _ FOS 1.26 VI x <(35 _ I >- ,.... -;45. CD .... '-' ---- -- r _- 25 ~ - .,-c:::-.....-- ~ 15 30 40 50 X-AXIS (feet) Figure 3- Stability 01 Bench Supporting Retaining Wall o 10 20 60 70 80 Project 160.03 ' 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client: Dave Duncan Construction Page 6 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. SUNSETo4A. 6-06-" 15:35 35 _ STRIP rOOTING 10 most criticol surfoces, MINIMUM BISHOP ros = 1.199 30 _ !:1 X <20 I >- -- / ....... -;25 _ G> ..... '-" 15 _ 10 o 5 10 30 35 40 15 20 25 X-AXIS (feet) Rgure 4 - Stability of Bench Supporting Interior Strip Footing 2 Retaining Wall Footing Drain The drain was shown on the plans but the notes inadvertently left out. This drain should consist of a 4-inch pertorated (holes or slotted) pipe covered with a minimum of 12-inches of clean 1 'h-inch drain rock. The drain should continue around to each side of the stepped perimeter footings along the north and south sides of the structure. The drain should be connected to a collector system that routes water away from the sRe. Sheet 2 of the drawings has been niodified and is attached to this report 3 Grading Plan The grading plan submitted previously did contain existing and proposed contours. However the scale was considered too small. Attached to this report is an enlarged grading plan that also shows the principle retaining wall at the east end of the foundation parallel to Sunset Drive and two exterior landscape walls that wilfprovide grade separation of the front yard. NOTE: this oradino nlan should renlace the oradino nlan submitted wRh the Revised Level 2 Geotechnical Analvsis renort 4 Conflicts Between LDAP Application and Building Pennit Documents We believe that the apparent conflicts are described and addressed in Rems 6 through 9. See the following comments. Project: 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client: Dave Duncan Construction Page 7 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. 5 Unauthorized Excavation The additional concems created by the unauthorized excavation are, we assume, detailed in the subject LDAP review and, as such, are addressed in this report. 6 Section Drawings Two detailed cross section drawings showing the existing grade, after the excavation was made, were submitted with the level 2 geotechnical analysis. Attached to this report is a typical section (section 'B" corresponding to the LDAP Site Plan submitted with the level 2 geotechnical report) through the excavation showing the proposed footings and bench slope geometry. 7 Fooling Setback Requirements There are two or three areas in the existing benched excavation where the footings do not comply with the minimum setbacks. These areas were to have been corrected as per our recommendations in the level 2 geotechnical report. ' . After our meeting on June 1, we again inspected the site and made some additional measurements. It should be noted that most of the benches do not have vertical slopes, although there are a few areas that do have near- vertical banks. Indeed, most of the interior benches are already buttressed with quarry stone and have slopes that range from 1.0 V to 1.0 H to 1.3 H to 1.0 V. Attached to this report is a drawing titled 'Recommended Footing Bench Geometry" detailing our recommendations for the minimum slope and setback criteria necessary for bench slope stability, bearing capacity, and code compliance. NOTE: This drawinp is verv similar to the one submitted with the level 2 oeotechnical reoolt but has some refinements. and should reolace the orieinal drawinq. The refinements include modifying thil face slope to 1.3 H to 1.0 V to improve bench slope stability.! Please note that our slope stability analysis for a typical interior footing bench (see above) includes the geometry and materials recommended for the recommended minimum bench geometry shown on the attached geometry. 8 Alternate Setbacks and Other Issues If we understand the issue of footing setbacks expressed in item no. 6, and if these issues have been addressed either by the existing bench construction and proposed footing locations or the recommended bench modifications and proposed footing locations, then altemate setback criteria are not required. Aside from setback criteria, there were several other concems expressed by the building department staff at the June 1 meeting, that were not detailed in the written LDAP review of May 28, and ttiat we would like to address in this report as follows: . Placement of footings partially on Quarry stone fill and native soils. This could be of concem if footing loads caused either bearing capacity failure of the weaker native soils or if there were settlement of the native soils that significantly exceeded settlement on the quarry stone, causing extreme rotation of the footing. Based on our analysis of aliowable bearing capacity (attached to the revised level 2 analysis) the bearing capacity of the native soils is more than 60% greater than the design maximum pressure of 1 The recommendations for bench geometry included in the revised level 2 georechnicaJ analysis had a factor of safety greater than 1.0. However, thesfight decrease in face slope improved stability significantly and matches the existing slope of most of the existing armored benches. Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 8 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. 1,500 pst. The estimated maximum settlement on the sifts is 2.9-mm (O.ll-inches). Assuming that no settlement occurs on the portion of the footing on the quany stone, the maximum difference of 2.9- mm would cause a footing angle of 0.26-degres. This value is well within construction tolerances. See the attached calculation of estimated settlement . Placement of fine crushed aggregate on top of coarse quany stone fill. The concern expressed was that the fine, dense-graded crushed aggregate (3/4-inch minus) might fall into the voids in the quany stone causing loss of support to the footing. Fine, granular materials placed on coarse rock having voids similar to those at the site will fill Into the voids during placement, to a limited extent (usually 1 or 2-inches) until soil arching is established over the voids. Soil arching then prevents further migration of fines into the void space(s). Capping coarse, open-graded materials with a fine select fill is a commonly accepted practice that perfonns well in practice. Inspection of the existing quany stone bench fills capped with ~-Inch aggregate at the site reveals that the fine aggregate has not been lost into the rocf<2, in spite of the fact that these benches survived the wet season, including two 2-year stonn events. Soil arching phenomenon and theory is well documented in the literature (Terzaghi, Peck, and Mesri 1996),(Costes, 1956). 9 Footings Located on Top Outside Edge of Bench No footings are to be located on the top, outside edge of any bench, as per our recommendations and analysis detailed In this report Please note our detailed analysis of recommended footings on interior benches for slope stability, bearing capacity, and settlement included in this report and the Revised Level 2 Geotechnical Analysis. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report hopefully concludes the investigation of slope stability and general suitability issues with regard to construction of the proposed new single-family residence at the subject project site. It is our opinion that construction should proceed as quickly as possible, during dry weather, to complete the structure to the point of being 'In the dry" before the wet weather season begins. . K & A Engineering, Inc. should inspect the recommended modifications to the interior footing benches (Level 2 Geotechnical Analysis, April 11 , 2004), installation of recommended drainage, and grading. Footing drains should route water to the city stonn system either by gravity or by the use of a sump and pump. Landscape retaining walls should be designed by a qualified professional engineer if they exceed 4-feet in height. We recommend that the City of Springfield issue the building pennit with this condition. LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dave Duncan Construction, Inc. and its design consultants for the subject proposed structure. 2 We did observe one small area, located at the north end of the east bench, about 2-feet long, where the outside edge of the fine aggregate appears to have 'faJlen'lnto the quany stone. Butthis is certainly due to a.lack of fine fill material and the lack of compaction of the fill at the outside edge, as evidenced by the very loose nature of the fine aggregate fill In this area Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 9 of 10 June 4, 2004 K & A Engineering, Inc. This geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, site surface, or subsurface conditions. Exploration test holes indicate soil conditions oniy at specific locations O.e. the test hole locations) to the depths penetrated. They do not necessarily reflect soiVrock materials or groundwater conditions that exist between or beyond exploration locations or limits. The scope of our services does not include construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as speCifically recommended in this report Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment of site conditions. ~~J. Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. t..,..-- Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, EXPUlES Jy~~ REFERENCES Bishop, A. W. 1955. The Use of the Slope Circle in the Stability Analysis of Slopes. Geotechnique, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 7-17. Castes, N.C 1956 Factors Affecting Vertical Loads on Underground Ducts Due to Arching. Highway Research Board Bulletin 125. pp. 12-57 Janbu, N. 1968. Slope Stability Computations. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Report, Technical University of Norway, Trondheim. . Terzahgi, Peck, and Mesri. 1996 Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, Third Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996. . Schuster, R. L, and R.J. Krizek, editors, Landslides Analysis and Control, TRB Special Report 17~, Transportation Research Board Commission on Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council. National Academy of Sciences. 1978 Schuster, R.L, and A.K. Turner, editors, Landslides Investigation and Mitigation, TRB Special Report 247,. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1996. Project 160.03 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Client Dave Duncan Construction Page 10 of 10 June 4, 2004 '1'. - r APPROX. PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY GRADE - RETAINING WALL FOOTING EST. BEDROCK SURFACE EXIST. EXCAVATED FOUNDATION BENCHES (TYP.) ORIGINAL GRADE Ir PROPOSED NEW . FOOTING (TYP.) ADOmONAL OUARRY STONE ALL AS RECOMMENDED IN REPORT (TYP.) - HI MIN , . /, o FOOTINGS A T SECTION "B" 1/8" = 1'.0" '- EXIST. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILE ~ . ------- '- . ~~ ~ 01 m CDC ~C:='CD ......~c 0 CJ'):::::J --r""+ ~.!"='CD CDOCDC") c.> :D CD ::r c.c c.c ~..:::J CD -.j =' _. . :tc ~ ~o .c:::::::: ...... C") .~ <: ~ CD c.> 01 ex> ~ 0- -0 o (")~ l:T_O Z Cir Cir Ri'!-~ ......OCD cnmQ)f\.) ::rO<m (DoCDen ~ c,.) C c: . . C:::I N C::I en el.~a ~::JO mC'):'"'" __ 0 o :f?oo:::::J - a~ CA ~: 5' p , , ~ ~I~. . ~a en gin e er I n 9 geotechnical/civil engineering Eugene, OR 97440 541 684 9399 541 684 9358 fax ~ Project 926 Sunset Dr. Client Dave Duncan Constr.. Inc. Job No: 160.03 Date: 6/4/04 Sheet: 3 of 3 , r " CONCRm STRIP FOOTING (TYP.) 1,500 PSF MAX. BEARING PRESSURE 4-INCH CAP OF 3/4' (-) CRUSHED AGGREGATE I I I I J""~ """j ~.........m..'.i"':" I 1I;:;;1I1;;:;l L HI3 MIN. S-INCH OPEN GRADED CRUSHED QUARRY STONE BUTTRESS I I :J: I NATIVE SILTS AND DECOMPOSED SANDSTONE NOTE: lJH >= 1.5 0) ~:~OMMENDED FOOTING BENCH GEOMETRY. ~ , I I J ; ! EXPIRES XSTABL File: SUNSET SUNSET. OPT 6-04-2004 15:40 ******************************************. * XSTABL * * * * slope Stability Analysis * * using the . * * Method of sl ices * * * * copyright ec) 1992 A 95 * * Interactive Software Designs, Inc. * * MOSCOw, 10 83843, U.S.A. * * * * All Ri ghts Reserved * * * * ver. 5.103a 95 A 1200 * ******************************************. Problem Description : 926 Sunset Natural Slope - Bishop SEGMENT BOUNDARY COORDINATES 1 SURFACE boundary segments segment x-left y-1eft x-right No. eft) . eft) eft) 1 100.0 100.0 155.0 y-right eft) 117.9 Soil unit Below segment 1 1 SUBSURFACE boundary segments segment No. x-left eft) 100.0 y-left eft) 95.0 x-right y-right eft) eft) 155.0 112.9 Soil Unit Below segment 2 1 ISOTROPIC Soil Parameters 2 soil unites) specified soil Unit weight cohesion Fri cti on Pore Pressure water Unit Moist Sat. Intercept Angle Parameter Constant Surface NO. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) RU (psf) NO. 1 115.0 125.0 .0 27.00 .000 .0 1 2 135.0 145.0 100.0 36.00 .000 .0 1 1 water surfacees) have been specified 'Unit weight of water = 62.40 (pcf) Page 1 SUNSET. OPT Water Surface No. 1 specified by 2 coordinate points ********************************** PHREATIC SURFACE, ********************************** Point NO. 1 2 x-water (ft) 100.00 155.00 y-water ~ (ft) 98.00 115.90 A critical failure surface searching method, using a random technique for generating CIRCULAR surfaces has been specified. 2500 trial surfaces' will be generated and analyzed. . 50 Surfaces initiate from each along the ground surface between and of 50 x = x = points equally spaced 100.0 ft 125.0 ft Each surface terminates between x = and x = 130.0 ft 155.0 ft unless' further limitations were imposed, the minimum elevation at which a surface exte"nds is y = 100.0 ft * * * * * DEFAULT SEGMENT LENGTH SELECTED BY XSTABL * * * * * 2.0 ft line segments define each trial failure surface. ANGULAR RESTRICTIONS : The first segment of each failure surface will be inclined within the angular range defined by : Lower angular limit := upper angular limit := -45.0 degrees (slope angle - 5.0) degrees Factors of safety have been calculated by the : * * * * * SIMPLIFIED BISHOP METHOD * * * * * The most critical circular failure surface is specified by 31 coordinate points page 2 SUNSET. OPT Point x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 100.00 100.00 2 102.00 100.01 3 104.00 100.06 4 106.00 100.15 5 107.99 100.29 6 109.98 100.47 7 111. 97 100.70 8 113.95 100.96 9 115.93 101. 28 10 117.90 101. 63 11 119.86 102.03 12 121.81 102.47 13 123.75 102.95 14 125.68 103.48 15 127.60 104.05 16 129. 50 104.66 17 131. 39 105.31 18 133.27 106.00 19 135.13 106.74 20 136.97 107. 51 21 138.80 108.33 22 140.61 109.18 23 142.40 110.08 24 144.16 111. 01 25 145.91 111. 98 26 147.64 112.99 27 149.34 114.04 2B 151. 02 115.12 29 152.68 116.24 30 154.31 117.40 31 154.98 117.89 ***'It Simplified BISHOP FOS = 1. 249 **** The following is a summary of the TEN most critical surfaces Problem Description : 926 Sunset Natural slope FOS Circle Center Radius Initial Terminal Resisting (BISHOP) x-coord y-coord x-coord x-coord . Moment (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft-lb) 1. 1. 249 100.70 191. 30 91. 30 100.0D 154.98 7. 448E+05 2. 1. 250 103.25 186.01 85.53 101. 53 154.95 6. 840E+05 3. 1. 257 103.96 183.38 82.73 102.04 154.19 6.390E+05 4. 1. 257 103.41 186.19 85.54 102.04 154.84 6. 638E+05 5. 1. 258 105.71 179.44 78.49 103.06 154.00 5.967E+05 6. 1. 259 99.64 194.56 94.56 100.00 154.99 7. 498E+05 7. 1. 259 105.10 182.42 81. 45 103.06 154.65 6.201E+05 8. 1. 260 106.64 176.85 75.75 103.57 153.61 5. 669E+05 9. 1.262 106.12 176.13 75.20 103.06 152.79 5. 569E+05 10. 1. 265 107.00 179. 53 78.07 104.59 154.88 5. 761E+05 * * * END OF FILE * * * page 3 XSTABL File: SUNSET2 SUNSET2 . OPT 6-04-2004 15:47 ****************************************** " XSTABL " " " " slope stability Analysis " " using the " " Method of Sl ices " " " " copyri ght (c) 1992 A 95 " " Interactive software Designs, Inc. " '* MOSCOW, IO 83843, U.S.A. ... " " " All Ri ghts Reserved " " " " Ver. 5.103a 95 A 1200 " ******************************************. Problem Description: 926 Sunset Natural slope - Janbu (non-circular) SEGMENT BOUNDARY COORDINATES 1 SURFACE boundary segments Segment NO. x-left (ft) 100.0 y-left (ft) 100.0 x-right y-right soil unit (ft) (ft) Below segment 155.0 117.9 1 1 1 SUBSURFAcE boundary segments segment NO. x-left (ft) 100.0 y-left (ft) 95.0 x-right y-right soil Unit (ft) (ft) Below segment 155.0 112.9 2 1 ISOTROPIC Soil Parameters 2 Soi 1 unit (s) sped fi ed Soil Unit weight cohesion Friction pore pressure water Unit Moi st sat. Intercept Angle Parameter Constant Surface NO. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Ru (psf) No. 1 115.0 125.0 .0 27.00 .000 .0 1 2 135.0 145.0 100.0 36.00 .000 .0 1 1 water surface(s) have been specified . Unit weight of water = 62.40 (pcf) page 1 SUNSET2 . OPT Water Surface No. 1 specified by 2 coordinate points ********************************** PHREATIC SURFACE, ********************************** point NO. 1 2 x-water (ft) 100.00 155.00 y-water (ft) 98.00 115.90 A critical failure surface searching method, using a random technique for generating IRREGULAR surfaces has been specified. 2500 trial surfaces will be generated and analyzed. 50 Surfaces initiate from each along the ground surface between and of x = x = 50 points equally 100.0 ft 125.0 ft. spaced Each surface terminates between and x = x = 130.0 ft 155.0 ft unless further limitations were imposed, the mlnlmum elevation at which a surface extends is y = 100.0 ft * * * * * DEFAULT SEGMENT LENGTH SELECTED BY XSTABL * * * * * 6.0 ft line segments define each trial failure surface. ANGULAR RESTRICTIONS : The first segment of each failure surface will be inclined within the angular range defined by : . Lower angular limit:= -45.0 degrees upper angular limit:= (slope angle - 5.0) degrees ************************************************************************ WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING (# 48) ************************************************************************ Ne9ative effective stresses were calculated at the base of a slice. ThlS warning is usually reported for cases where slices have low self weight and a relatively high "c" shear strength parameter. In such cases, this effect can only be eliminated by reducinQ the "c" value. *****************************************************.****************** page 2 SUNSET2 . OPT USER SELECTED option to maintain strength greater than zero Factors of safety have been calculated by the : * * * * * SIMPLIFIED JANBU METHOD * * * * * The 10 most critical of all the failure surfaces examined are displayed below - the most critical first Failure surface No. 1 specified by 9 coordinate points point x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 108.16 102.66 2 114.06 101. 56 3 119.88 103.02 4 125.82 103.87 5 131. 52 105.75 6 137.18 107.74 7 142.94 109.42 8 147.50 113.32 9 149.79 116.20 ** corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 292 ** (FO factor = 1.026) Failure surface NO. 2 specified by 10 coordinate points Point . x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 103.57 101.16 2 109.53 100.47 3 115.51 100.97 4 121. 26 102.68 5 126.89 104.75 6 132.53 106.82 7 138.19 108.80 8 143.66 111.27 9 148.77 114.41 10 153.08 117.27 ** Corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 295 ** (FO factor = 1.021) Failure surface No.3 specified by 8 coordinate points Point x-surf y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 103.06 101. 00 2 109.00 100.16 3 114.94 101. 05 4 120.84 102.13 5 126.46 104.22 6 132.05 106.40 7 137.43 109.07 Page 3 . , SUNSET2.oPT 8 140.65 113.23 ** Corrected JANBU FOS = 1.307 ** (FO factor = 1.029) Failure surface NO. 4 specified by 9 coordinate points poi nt x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 101. 53 '100. 50 2 107.53 100.53 3 113.50 101.11 4 119.43 102.04 5 125.25 103.51 6 130.77 105.86 7 136.39 107.95 8 140.37 112.44 9 140.49 113.18 ** Corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 316 ** (FO factor = 1.029) Failure surface NO. 5 specified by 8 coordinate points point x-surf y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 102.04 100.66 2 108.04 100.51 3 114.04 100.38 4 119.89 101. 72 5 125.50 103.85 6 131.05 106.13 7 13 5 . 46 110.19 8 137.82 112 . 31 ** Corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 319 ** (FO factor = 1.031) Failure surface No. 6 specified by 8 coordinate points point x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 104.08 101. 33 2 109.94 100.02 3 115.87 100.94 4 121. 58 102.78 5 127.23 104.78 6 132.83 106.95 7 137.44 110.79 8 139.82 112.96 ** Corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 324 ** (FO factor = 1.028) Failure surface No. 7 specified by 9 coordinate points Point x-surf y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 100.00 100.00 Page 4 . , SUNSET2 . OPT 2 105.97 100.57 3 111. 95 101.15 4 117.85 102.19 5 123.70 103.52 6 129.56 104.85 7 134.81 107.75 8 139.94 110.86 9 142.38 113.79 ** corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 325 ** (FO factor = 1.027) Failure surface NO. 8 specified by 8 coordinate points Point x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 104.08 101. 33 2 110.06 100.80 3 116.04 100.33 4 121. 70 102.32 5 127.46 103.98 6 132.94 106.44 7 136.87 110.97 8 13 7.06 112.06 ** corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 328 ** (FO factor = 1.034) Failure surface No. 9 specified by '8 coordinate points poi nt x-surf y-surf NO. eft) eft) 1 114.80 104.82 2 120.65 103.50 3 126.53 104.70 4 132.31 106.30 5 13 7.99 108.25 6 143.62 110.32 7 148.60 113.66 8 149. 77 116.20 ** corrected JANBU FOS = 1.333 ** (FO factor = 1.029) Failure surface No.10 specified by 8 coordinate points Point x-surf y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 105.61 101.83 2 111.61 101. 81 3 117.57 101. 06 4 123.28 102.90 5 128.76 105.34 6 134.60 106.73 7 139.14 110.64 8 141. 96 113.66 ** corrected JANBU FOS = 1. 335 **. (FO factor = 1.030) page 5 . , SUNSET2. OPT The following is a summary of the TEN most critical surfaces Problem Description : 926 Sunset Natural slope - Janbu Modified correction Initial Terminal Available JANBU FOS Factor x-coord x-coord strength (ft) (ft) (lb) 1. 1. 292 1.026 108.16 149. 79 6.603E+03 2. 1. 295 1. 021 103.57 153.08 6. 930E+03 3. 1. 307 1. 029 103.06 140.65 5. 750E+03 4. 1. 316 1. 029 101. 53 140.49 5. 786E+03 5. 1. 319 . 1. 031 102.04 137.82 5. 231E+03 6. 1. 324 1.028 104.08 139.82, 5.305E+03 7. 1. 325 1. 027 100.00 142.38 5. 750E+03 8. 1. 328 1. 034 104.08 137.06 5.470E+03 9. 1. 333 1. 029 114.80 149.77 5. 387E+03 10. 1. 335 1. 030 105.61 141.96 5.502E+03 .. .. .. END OF FILE .. .. .. Page 6 . , XSTABL File: SUNSET3 SUNSET3.oPT 6-04-2004 17:21 ****************************************** " XSTABL " " " " Slope stability Analysis " " using the " " Method of Slices " " ". " copyright ec) 1992 A 95 " " Interactive Software Designs, Inc. " '* MOSCOW, 1083843, U.S.A. '* " " " All Rights Reserved " " " " Ver. 5.103a 95 A 1200 " ******************************************. problem Description: RETAINING WALL - Bishop ----------------------------- SEGMENT BOUNDARY COORDINATES ----------------------------- 19 SURFACE boundary segments segment: x-left y-left x-ri ght: y-right: soil uni t: NO. eft) eft) eft) eft) Below segment 1 .0 25.0 7.2 25.0 1 2 7.2 25.0 8.6 26.4 1 3 8.6 26.4 13.2 26.4 1 4 13.2 26.4 14.7 26.4 3 5 14.7 26.4 15.7 27.4 3 6 15.7 27.4 17.5 28.5 1 7 17.5 28.5 20.8 28.5 1 8 20.8 28.5 25.0 28.5 3 9 25.0 28.5 27.5 30.3 3 10 27.5 30.3 29.7 32.6 1 11 29.7 32.6 32.8 .32.6 1 12 32.8 32.6 34.1 32.6 3 13 34.1 32.6 35.0 33.0 3 14 35.0 33.0 40.1 37.0 2 15 40.1 37.0 43.0 37.0 2 16 43.0 37.0 44.5 46.0 4 17 44.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 4 18 46.0 46.0 47.5 46.1 4 19 47.5 46.1 71.0 48.4 4 8 SUBSURFACE boundary segments segment x-left y-left x-right y-right Soil Unit NO. eft) eft) eft) eft) Below segment 1 35.0 33.0 40.0 33.0 3 2 40.0 33.0 41. 5 35.3 3 3 41.5 35.3 43.0 37.0 1 4 43.0 37.0 71.0 48.4 1 Page 1 5 6 7 8 .0 15.7 27.5 41.5 SUNSET3 . OPT 22.0 13.2 27.4 20.8 30.6 32.8 35.3 71.0 26.4 28.5 32.6 44.5 3 3 3 3 ISOTROPIC Soil Parameters 4 soil unites) specified soil Unit weight cohesion Fri cti on Pore Pressure Water unit Moist Sat. Intercept Angle Parameter Constant Surface No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Ru (psf) No. 1 115.0 125.0 25.0 31. 50 .000 .0 1 2 127.0 142.0 .0 45.00 .000 .0 1 3 130.0 140.0 100.0, 36.00 .000 .0 1 4 141.0 150.0 .0 42.00 .000 .0 1 1 Water surface(s) have been specified Unit weight of water = .00 (pcf) Water Surface NO. 1 specified by 5 'coordinate points ********************************** PHREATIC SURFACE, ********************************** Point x-water y-water NO. (ft) (ft) 1 .00 25.00 2 13.00 25.00 3 25.00 28.50 4 41. 50 33.00 5 71.00 46.00 BOUNDARY LOADS 2 load(s) specified Load No. 1 2 x-left (ft) 43.0 47.5 x-right (ft) 46.0 71.0 Intensity (psf) 1294.0 250.0 Direction (deg) .0 .0 NOTE - Intensity is specified as a uniformly distributed force acting on a HORIZONTALLY projected surface. ------------------------------------------------------------- page 2 .. SUNSET3.0PT .BOUNDARIES THAT LIMIT SURFACE GENERATION HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED UPPER limiting boundary of 2 segments: segment x-left y-left x-ri ght y-right NO. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 43.0 37.0 46.0 37.0 2 46.0 37.0 47.5 46.1 A critical failure surface searching method, using a random technique for generating CIRCULAR surfaces has been specified. 500 trial surfaces will be generated and analyzed. 25 Surfaces initiate from each along the ground surface between and of 20 x = x = points equally spaced 20.0 ft 35.0 ft Each surface terminates between and x = x = 47.5 ft 71.0 ft Unless further limitations were imposed, the minimum elevation at which a surface extends;s y = .0 ft * * * * * DEFAULT SEGMENT LENGTH SELECTED BY XSTABL * * * * * 2.0 ft line segments define each trial failure surface. ANGULAR RESTRICTIONS : The first segment of 'each failure surface will be inclined within the angular range defined by : Lower angular limit := upper angular limit := -45.0 degrees (slope angle - 5.0) degrees Factors of safety have been calculated by the * * * * * SIMPLIFIED BISHOP METHOD * * * * * The most critical circular failure surface is specified by 16 coordinate points 1 x-surf (ft) 34.21 y-surf (ft) 32.65 page 3 Point NO. SUNSET3.0PT 2 36.16 33.08 3 38.09 33.61 4 39.99 34.24 5 41. 86 34.96 6 43.68 35.77 7 45.47 36.67 8 47.21 37.66 9 48.90 38.74 10 50.53 39.89 11 52.10 41.13 12 53.61 42.44 13 55.05 43.83 14 56.42 45.29 15 57.71 46.81 16 57.96 47.12 **** simplified BISHOP FOS = 1. 263 <it*.* The following is a summary of the TEN most critical surfaces problem Description : RETAINING WALL FOS Circle Center Radius Initial Terminal Resisting (BISHOP) x-coord y-coord x-coord x-coord Moment (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft-l b) 1. 1. 263 26.47 72.08 40.18 34.21 57.96 5. 354E+05 2. 1. 298 36.37 47.96 15.46 34.21 51. 73 1. 933E+05 3. 1. 332 19.81 73.46 44.95 25.53 56.09 7. 148E+05 4. 1. 338 22.22 70.59 41. 35 26.32 56.13 6. 563E+05 5. 1. 368 32.59 53.72 22.52 28.68 54.00 3. 546E+05 6. 1. 374 35.50 49.21 17.41 30.26 52.71 2. 565E+05 7. 1.377 29.27 60.42 29.74 27.89 55.76 4. 986E+05 8. 1. 379 27.67 64.64 33.92 27.89 56.63 5.637E+05 9. 1. 385 27.13 66.18 35.47 27.89 56.97 5. 914E+05 10. 1. 386 27.02 54.16 25.95 23.16 51. 81 4.458E+05 " " " END OF FILE " " " Page 4 : SUNSET4A.OPT XSTABL File: SUNSET4A 6-06-2004 15:35 ****************************************** " XSTABL " " " " slope stability Analysis " " ~i~~e " " Method of sl ices " " " " copyright ec) 1992 A95 " " Interactive Software Designs, Inc. " '* MOSCOW. IO 83843. U.S.A. '* " " " All Ri ghts Reserved " " " " Ver. 5.103a 95 A 1200 " ******************************************. problem Description : STRIP FOOTING ON ROCK-BUTTRESSED INTERIOR BENCH SEGMENT BOUNDARY COORDINATES 8 SURFACE boundary segments segment x-left y-left x-right .NO. eft) eft). eft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .0 5.8 11.0 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 20.5 5.8 11.0 .12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 20.5 25.5 20.0 20.0 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 28.5 y- ri ght eft) . 20.0 23.5 23~5 23.5 23.5 23.5 28.5 28.5 Soil Unit Below segment 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 SUBSURFACE boundary segments segment x-left y-left x-right y-right soil unit NO. eft) eft) eft) eft) Below segment 1 5.8 20.0 10.0 20.0 1 2 10.0 20.0 13.5 23.5 1 3 .0 18.2 10.0 20.0 3 4 10.0 20.0 28.5 23.3 3 ISOTROPIC Soil parameters 3 Soil unites) specified soil unit weight cohesion Friction Pore pressure Water Unit Moist sat. Intercept . Angle parameter Constant Surface Page 1 : NO. (pcf) 1 115.0 2 127.0 3 135.0 SUNSET4A.OPT (psf) (deg) 25.0 31. 50 .0 45.00 100.0 36.00 .000 .000 .000 (pcf) 125.0 142.0 145.0 Ru (psf) .0 .0 .0 BOUNDARY LOADS. 1 load(s) specified Load No. x-left (ft) 12.5 x-right (ft) 14.5 Intensity (psf) 1356.0 Direction (deg) .0 1 NOTE - Intensity is specified as a uniformly distributed force acting on a HORIZONTALLY projected surface. A critical failure surface searching method, using a random technique for generating CIRCULAR surfaces has been specified. 500 trial surfaces will be generated and analyzed. 10 Surfaces initiate from each of 50 points equally spaced along the ground surface between x = 3.0 ft and x = 10.5 ft Each surface terminates between x = and x = 14.5 ft 25.5 ft unless further limitations were imposed, the minimum elevation at whi ch a surface extends is y = .0 ft . * * *' ." 1r DEFAULT SEGMENT LENGTH SELECTED BY XSTABL * * * * * 1.0 ft line segments define each trial failure surface. ANGULAR RESTRICTIONS : The first segment of each failure surface will be inclined within the angular range defined by : Lower angular limit:= -45.0 degrees upper angular limit:= (slope angle - 5.0) degrees page 2 No. 1 1 1 SUNSET4A.OPT Factors of safety have been calculated by the * * * * * SIMPLIFIED BISHOP METHOD * * * * *. The most critical circular failure surface is specified by 12 coordinate points Point x-surf y-surf NO. (ft) (ft) 1 4.99 20.00 2 5.98 19.88 3 6.98 19.86 4 7.98 19.93 5 8.97 20.10 6 9.93 20.36 7 10.86 20.72 8 .11.76 21.17 9 12.61 ' 21. 70 10 13.40 22.31 11 14.13 22.99 12 14.58 23.50 **** Si mp li fi ed BISHOP FOS = 1.199 **Ir* The following is a summary 'of the TEN most critical surfaces problem Description : STRIP rvul~NG FOS Circle Center Radius Initial Terminal Resisting (BISHOP) x-coord y-coord x-coord x-coord Moment (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft-lb) 1.. 1.199 6.72 30.16 10.31 4.99 14.58 2. 967E+04 2. 1. 228 6.69 30.19 10.49 4.22 14.75 3. 116E+04 3. 1.262 6.35 31.12 11. 35 4.07 14.76 3. 359E+04 4. 1. 315 9.42 25.82 5.75 6.83 14.66 1. 825E+04 5. 1. 332 9.08 26.61 6.64 6.52 14.93 2.070E+04 6. 1. 333 10.41 26.79 5.32 8.51 14.56 1. 258E+04 7. 1. 334 7.59 27.35 7.96 4.53 14.54 2. 930E+04 8. 1. 340 6.33 30.82 11. 32 3.00 14.96 3.709E+04 9. 1. 343 8.82 27.67 7.40 . 6.67 14.91 2.203E+04 10. 1. 366 5.66 33.15 13.38 3.15 14.92 4.028E+04 * * * END OF FILE * * * page 3 I , .j Interior Footings on Native Residual Silts (Decomposed Sandstone) 926 Sunset Dr., Springfield, OR Immediate Settlement on non-plastic sands and silts Statistically-based method using standard penetration test after Terzaghi, Peck, and Mesri, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 1996 Unit definitions Ibf pcf5- ft3 Ibf psf 5 - ksf 5 1000'psf ft2 Pa kPa 5 1000.Pa MPa 5 1000000 Footing Width, B:= 2.ft. B = 0.6m Footing Depth, Dr:= O.ft Dr = 0 m Average SPT blowcount for depth of ON:= B.7S.m.2S ON = 0.7m I N60:= 7 correction for very dense fine silty sands, N'60:= 15 + -(N60 - IS) 2 N'60=1I Mean soil un~ weight, y:= 120.pcf Overburden pressure at footing elevation, 0' vo:= DrY o'vo = OkPa Average Footing Pressure, 3 q:= I.S.ksf q= I.Sx 10 psf q=71.8kPa calculated coefficient of vertical compression, m '- v.- 1.7 .MPa N'601.4 Calculated Immediate Settlement, ( 2,) -2 2 4 Sc:= DN.mv' q - 3"0 vo.kg .m.s Sc = 2.934 rnm Project: 160.03 Client: Dave Duncan Construction K & A Engineering, Inc. . June 4, 2004 i . i ! _,.. ...... "",".&.nUI,.&.L..1,;,1J I"", .....,.1 I~UIU'I, mMl.'D.U~ IUouuj rf\UC t:./'+ .. .. PUBLIC WORKS OEPAFrTMENT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING DMSION ENVIRONMevTAL SERVIce; DIVISION MAINTENANCE DN/SION TRANSPORT.4T10N DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES ONlSION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 Wllw.cJ.springflllld.or.usldeptpw.hlm www.cJ.sprfngfield.of.US LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION REVIEW PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON LDAP PROJECT: 926 Sunset Dr. SITE ADDRESS: Lot 6608 Map 17.03-34-11 926 Sunset Dr. DATE: May 28. 2004 SITE PLAN: Type 1 JOB#; SHR 20~38 PLANNER (POC): liz Miller, Planner Aide Springfield Planning Department PREPARED BY: Eric Walter, P.E. Civil Engineer, Public Woltes Dept. Bob Ketwlg, Engineering Tech IV, Public WorIc& Dept. Don Moore, COnstruction RepresentatIVe, Building Dept REVIEW DOCS: ka Engineering GeofBchnical Report (wi plan sheets Incorporated) Document Dated May ii, 2004 STATUS: Anal Correction Letter r Applicant: Dave Duncan 541-687.2013 405 Uncaln Street Eugene, OR 97401 Tbe above applicstion was nwiewed by the Public Worlar Engineetfng- Land Development Section for Land and Drainage Altelillion Permit (LDAP) . '.."..~ '.. , , ems. T1re LDAP submittal was also reviewed by the Building Department for bUuding retated i$$fies /Since the LOAF' plans BIId geot.&chnlca/ report Incfuded teQUkements and detans telamd to th~ building foundation. 1lJe corrections listed below are a result of this nMew. Plans and documentation must be tiubmitted ac)':'. . .....f."gthe foI.lowlng comments (please Nots: .. f. ~:' Mal co ,. ~:" . .lIS may be .... .......sry If revised and/or new information is teSUbmitted): . OWner(s): Douglas Buttler 880 W. 18115 Ave. Eugene, OR 97402 , Public Wcri:s LDAP staff Review Comments: 1. Please Include in the geotechnical report an analysis of the overall site stability revlewing the potential for rotationalatide. ,This anaI~is is being requested due to the numerous proposed vertlcal cuts along the steep hillside, particularly at the lower end of slope, and the co. ....\ ,;'..led surcharge loading. ADMINISTRATION ITECHNIOAL SERVICES I ENGINffRlNG: (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) ~1021 MAINTENANCE: (541) 726-3761 . FAX (541) 726-3621 . TRANSPORTATION: (541) 726-S753 . FAX (541)1726-3781 ENVlRONM8VT.4L SERVICES: (541) 726-3694 . FAX (541) 726-2309 ' ... ...,. _, I.....Ul...____... "" . ,~ .' . . -'.. .--...-., ..... -- .... .-.--, 2. Submit detaUed requirements for retaining wall back drain requirements in the geotechnical report and prollide concurrenoe Ietler that those back dlllin details have been incorporated Into the buDding ......, ...L...cIion plans. 3. The grading plan (Plan sheet 4) as 6Ubmilled is Incomplete. This grading plan does not include existing contour elevations and does not Include retaining wall locations. Please submit complete grading plan contour Info. .....t:wn and aD required site retaining walls for permanent record. Note the grading plan scale may not be sufficient for "...~.....sa!Y clarity. 4. It appears there are conflicts between Infonnation being submitted for the lDAP application With the documentation that was submitted for the Buillfmg O".......lI..ent application for pennlt. Please see comments fi'om the Buikfmg Depsrtment below. All conflicts must be resolved between the Public Works LOAP application and Building Department apprlCation before an LDAP penna can be Issued. Building Department Review Comments: 5. The buDding permits for this project were essentiaDy complete, and have been for several months; however site condItiOns aeated by unauthorized excavation of the 6ite have aeated additional concerns for the proposed building foundation.- 6. The building plans submitted to the City for permit review do not have any reasonably accurate section drawings through the building that show the actual or ...... .....,J relationship between the terraced excavation and the proposed location of sbip footings to be placed upon those terraces. The requirements of the Residential BUilding Code (2003 One and Two Family Dwelling Code) shaD govern regarding the location of footings near steep slopes. Please prollide accurate building sections showing the excavated grades and locations of proposed footings. 7. Section R403.1.9.2 of the referenced code deals with footing ~~ requi...",....lllfrom descending slopes (in this case the descending slope is almost vertical at each terrace). The Code states "Where the slope Is steeper than one unit vertical in one unit (ow.:..... .lal (100- p.....u"..; slope), the required setback shaD be measured from an Imaginary plane 45-degrees to the horizontal. projected upward from the toe of the slope." In other words, no portion of the footing shall bear on the upper terrace grade closer to the slope than the 45-<1egree plane extending upward from'the toe of the slope. The locations for t'.ut'~..ad footings do not appear to comply with this provision. Please correct. 8. The Code provides for possible alternate k::....,;I... and clearances. Section R403.1.9.4 states "Altsrnate setbacka and clearances are permitted, subject to the approval of the buDding official. The building official /$ pennitted to require an Investigation and recommendations of a qualified engineer to demonstrate that the intent of this section has been sa1lsfied. Such an Investigation shaD include consideration of material, height of slope, slope gradlent, load intensity and"," _,Ln chara.;t".I..;;.... of slope material." None of these parameters for alternate setbacks have been add..._..J. 2 ,nl ,",I. _. IILnul....L.oL..U I "J . . ........, I loIloII U'I J "~, ~\oI ~..,. 'UO\oluJ ,,.,\01.... ...,.... 9. If the applicant intends to place the interior sbip footings at the top outside edge of the terraces. as It would seem from field observation, then an Investigation by a qualified engineer shall be submitted to the building official for review. Please provide the appropriate required infonnatlon in an investigation report from a qualified engineer if an alternate solution to the code requirements Is desired. Resubmit four (4) sets of WY., ....... J grading I plot plafl!l addressing the above requirements.. "you have any ql. ,~,;~. JJS or if City staN can provide further assistance with your application, please contact Eric Walter, Civil Engineer Ed (541) 736-1034 or Robert Kettw;g, Engineering Technician III at (541) 726-4615, or Don Moore, Construction Representative at (541) 726-3623. & u/a.k ~~ Eric Walter, P.E. Civil Engineer Public Wor1<s Engineering Don Moore, Constructicn R..."'.........lative BuDding Depa ~.;.. : 3