HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-6-22 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, . . ' Development Services r:;..p'" ....ent Building Safety Divisi5il . "~.J . .' Residential Plan Review JOBADDRESs<Zso5 (U>~U)~ CITY JOB#: () 5-00 l"\~ OWNER: c.AfV1 ~~ AJ PHONE: l'1/-~l f, i ".\....- CONTRACfOR: PHONE: Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit docwnents are in~.l^'.~ into this project in addi1ion to any requirements "t'p"",:ng on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction MoSt Comm,only Missed Items". A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items 1isted below where applicable. All references are to the 2003 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (2000 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise). A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. BeavertoD, Oregon 974008-5986 Your signature on the Building Permit is an ll&""...ent that all items will be installed or corrected; and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A pERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A pERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUllDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF .. SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: -=rASO J\J ~U ~t-\ PHONE: 7 Y b - S Y <(r L( 6 {-zzJoS Review completed on See~~c.hed UR ENTIAL CON UCTlON REOUI~ENTS CHEC~ Profession od.e Services rin~eld, OR~ . .. references to n~s mark . . . n the dra gs . . ", , j QUDte and Order Form CustDmer Gary Franklin /4 oshofsky Truss (0. Box 2809 Eugene,DR 97402 Tel: 541-461-0880 Delivery Address Fax: 541.689-9041 Address 805 Royal Del Lane Springfirld, OR Delivery Date 061305AJ r-rZr0G " -Quantity Span Type Pitch OH OH Special PrDvisions -+ 1 2018" HM 6/12 16 16 '8' SB, 1 4 7'11-3/16" EJ 16 0 1 1 8' HIPSET 16 0 1 1 20'8" HT 16 16 10'S8- I 3 20'8" w 16 16 1 I I Page 1 of 1 Order I Phone I Fax I Date I Spacing I TC Size I Brg Size I TC LLI TC DLI BC DL 607-0081 607 -984 7 24" 2x4 2x6 25 7 10 Total Load 42 Name Price Total TERMS: - 4% Discount (trusses only) for payment on or before delivery. - Net 30 days AD!. - 1 Y.i% per month service charge on past due accounts. PLATE LINE DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS: . Street access to site. . Plate can be safely reached with boom. - Contractor aids driver. - Contractor assumes responsibility should the truck get stuck. - After the first hour, crane time will be billed at $100,00 per hour during regular work hours, and at $115.00 per hour during overtime hours. Truss Total Delivery Charge Net Total COD Discount COD Total ~-- AJ1 A2 A3 & 3500 )o~ 1 1 bbS.ool ~ 70 1- 2 s4 01 I b J '). 60 1 f' , :1 n L:., II . Huu.ll o I f'- ~ I I ' , i: L- " i I: I I: ri I I r i L i j Ii , I i 1 , ' , I b=o=J l Il .) 20-8 _J__J ~ I = I U ( 4) }~J;' I ! A1 A2 -........... W '-" i I , )> i f.' ! n,~____.__.",_,_=\"IY=-,j--, I L. 1 i I 1-- II.' I'HHHH',f= ....., ,// " /,.~i' # /,7 <J I I I i 10 I I f'- ,~ I , I ! , , rr -L-_ , I ! I ! I , .j, , 4-2.14 3.8..f! 4.9.10 3.a.8 4.2.14 , 4-2-14 7-11-3 12-8.13 16.5-3 20-8<> f-, 7-11-1 I, .4.Q_10 I, 7;.11-1 .1 2 . rs:oo- 345#~ 345#~ -6,001 5-6 '-6 4-:_ ,12 -, .~ ,_I 0...3 1.5-4 2,5-4 ',5-4 8=3.5-8 Job-~lllme: 1FlRAINII)(UM BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 189J 5.50~ 2.0r Z 20.5- 4 1893 5.50- 2.0Z~ 8RG REQUIREMENTS shcnon ue bu~d ClNl Y on the truss lUurhl ilt eitC:h beilrino MAX DEFLECTION (spilln) : l/999 IN HEM 10-11 (LIVE) l. -O.ll~ 0- -0.07- T. -0.18~ "'fc''^'.,;;':''!~~'''1i.s'I'''''1 m 1-2 -JI05 1.15 1 Ul1.60 o.n l-J -2l1081.15 I U61.60 0.J6 I-t -Hlll.UI 11) 1.60 0.10 t-5 -2_1.151 U61.60 0.l7 5-6 -llD5 1.15 1 120 1.60 O.lt OC """'!"'j' """!"" , m '.1 _161.601 Hot 1.15 O.H I-t -111.601 HOS 1.15 0.60 t.lD -81 1.601 nos I.IS 0.61 lD_ll _411.601 2.,41.iS 0.60 ll-U .81 1.601 nos l.iS 0.1t u-u -161.601 270t l.iS O.H WI! ([NO.(M.)/ TENi.-M. 01 2-1 1 lUO.9O 0.08 2-10 -262(1.1))/ H 1.60 0.06 J-lD 1 J010.9O 0.11 )-11 -5t(1.60)/ 611.110 0.02 4-11 1 10'0.90 0.11 5-11 -26J(1.15)/ ,~ 1.60 0..06 s_u 1 14'0.90 0.01 ~tw: 11 lruss lID: FIit~.M TC 21ft Oft 11 BC ht on 11 WEB h4 Oft STANDARD PlT BlK h4 on 11 TIllS DESIGN 15 THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF NUlTIPlE lO4O CASES. lo.aded for 10 PSF non-conl:urrent BCLl. Orillin.a9~ llll.lst be pro'lided to .avoid ponding. PerlUnent br.adng is required (by others) to pre'lent rot.ation/toppl1ng. See BCSI I-OJ .and AHSI!TPI 1. Ouiqned per AHSIITPI ]-2002 This desi;n does not ilccount for 10n~ term tilDe dependent lOilding (creep). SU11dino Designer 1IlU51 iilCcount for this. Refer to Joint OC Ol!uil Sheet for Millfhllm Aoution.al Toler.an(~ uud IRC/IBC truss phte '1alues .are b.aud on tuting ilnd .lpprovill n required by IBC 1701 .lnd AHSIfTPI .and .are reporud in .av.aibble dOCl/1llf!nts such .as ICBO 11'1607. PLATING WED ON GREEN ll.lMBER VAlUES. UPlIFT REACTION(S) : Support C&( Wind Non-wind 1 -129 lb 2 -129 lb This trun h desi9ned us;nq the ASCE7-02 Wind Spetlfiution Bld; Enclosed. Yu, IlIIPorunce f.ac.tor .1.00 Trun lout ion . Not End lone HurriunefOcun Line - No bp Cilte;ory . B Bldg lenoth _ 50.00 ft, Sido Width. 20.00 ft "'un roof height. 10.16 h, IIlph _ 85 TPI SUnd.ard Occup.ncy. Ol!.ad lo.d. 10.l pst Designed iI;S ~in 'It'ind Force Resinin; Synem .and ComponenU .and Cl.adding TribuUry Aru . 82 ~qft ----------lO4O CASE 11 DESIGN lOADS _nnn_________ Oir loPlf loloc II..PH TC Wrt 84.00 - 1- 4- 0 84.00 TC Vert . 64.00 0- 0- 0 6".00 TC Vert 154.25 1-11- 3 154.25 TC Vert 64.00 12- 8-13 6".00 TC Vert 8".00 20- 8- 0 84.00 BC Vert 48.20 0- 0- 0 48.20 .. .Type... lbs X.loe llfTl TC Vert 60.0 - ]- 4- 0 1.00 TC Vert 269." 7-11-] 1.00 TC Vert 75.4 7-11-] 0.00 TC Vert 269.4 12- 11-13 1.00 TC Vert 75." 12- 8-13 0.00 TC Vert 60.0 22- 0- 0 1.00 R.lOt; 0- 0- 0 7-11-3 12-1-11 20- 8- 0 22- 0- 0 20- 8- 0 U/n 0.19 0.78 0.711 0.78 0.19 0,00 I 0...3 4--1-8 SHIP ~ ~_,II,..n ,,~ 7 8 . I. 11 '2 4-2-14 j 3-8-6 4-9..10 I 3-8-6 I 4.2.14 I 4-2.14 7.11-3 12-8-13 16-5-3 20-8-0 TYPiCAl PlATE: 5-5 ~'JFe'sews~~~~~r::r:~;~~~~r~~~~.~~~d).~8"~~~~r~~e~ I ~Rf+lJ8fMGRead ~1I notes on th's-;heetand~/ve a copy of It to th-e Erecting contractor.ICust: FRANKLIN - - ~ IThltdnlorllsb'aninllMlMlbulld*lgCll)lllClllllMlrallnlU~ .....'*"....,011 . _ PflI'"Icledllyll'emrnc:orenlmaruac!lnl' WQ: Drive_c......frn2_l00005_JOOOOl ,....:l...In-"___.".~_alTPl...,AFPAdniQn~ ND~....-:Itor~_acy. DlIrenIionI I 1"lllbe-.erih!dbyIl'eOl:lftlClON!llmm.lac!lnl'rdIorllullclWvonigl'ell:l'botlllbrUloll. n.~dnigrerrTUtascertal'llhM.".1lNI:It : Dsgnr: IlC. 34 WT: 1)4# ,uI"edonondeslg..meetOl..eeedlhrloadroQimposedby"'loelII~lngcodfl""IhI!~~, Th!dnig,,_~thellllletad TC live 25.00 psf DurFacs l_1.15 PD1.15 MOSHOFSKY 1=~:=s::..~:,,::,=-":"'~==~~~~~Ihe=d::"'~~"":~CIIherMIIt TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 I~I TRUSS 1.___CWM""__"'allhIl.-ltl.'eeedIO'llo..-.do'Ol_comecIlWpI8III___F_.~."'" BC live 0.€l0 psf ~:pp ~~~ ~~~~ 1.00 4445 Nort,h ark Dr. '1...,llfa:e__..lCalnl___.....~staroCI..a,...ron...,CUCUnoOetail,Ri!'plItI.~..0uIpUI"""'frusw..1dIw_. 1..00 Colo 5prln~s, CO 80907 'ANSlfTPll..WTCA1..WoadfrunCourdal........-aStroHlllDnigflR-....... - . 1llAOlNGcwPOHENT SAfETY lNFORW.TION'.. BC Dead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 ;18CSrl.mla1d1lCSlSUMMARYSKEEfS'byWfCA...,fPl. fheTIWSPI3Il! lnstIluIelf'PII"kx:-.cl"5a3[7()rdm~."a1_. Design Spec IRC-20D3 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1~537" ftw~F__P_~IAl'P"""Iac-.:I.11I1Isa.SlrftI.HW,SlPIlDO.W~,OC:2'DD3lI TOTAL 42.00 psf DEfl JtATIO: L1240 TC: LIZ4' ,\ JoibllNlame: IFMIM~r,-iIP., Truss 010: IFRN-A2 BRG X.l()( REACT SIZE REO'O 1 0- 2.12 1040 5.50. 1.50~ 2 20- 5-" 10..0 5.50. 1.50. BRG REQUIREMENTS shown <Ire bued ONLY on the truss uteri;al OIt nth beollring MAX DEflECTION (sp"'n> : l/999 IN MOl 9-10 (LIVE) l- -0.10. 0- .0.13- T. -0.]]- ~~t~a::;~I~~!~~~il~601 o~~ l-J .1OJO 1.15 I 111.60 0.61 )_4 -l&-lIll.UI 911.60 0.110 4-5 -1OJ6 1. IS I 10 1.60 D.H 5-6 -U9' l.n I 1311..60 0.10 7~ ~.o!~60I~ TL~i!~;l o~~ .-, -1101.601 12611.15 0.60 '-Ul -111.60 I 1196 1.15 0.5' l~ ~f~i~~ Ton9!~llOl o~l J-' I 590 t.n 0.26 5-' -161(1.15)/ 1]71.60 D.n O""iqnl!d per AN5I/TPI 1-2002 This duiqn dOl!s not ;lccount for lo"'i1 terlll tiDe dependent lO.lding (creep). BU11dinCJ TH~'b2s1~ i~tT~~c(~~HEt&aUlT OF ""'UIPlE LOAD CASES. lOldN for 10 P5F non-concurrent 8O.1. ~:~I~l!sM~~ ~ ~r~d~~ua~~g[~~ndin9' Te h4 OFt n Be h4 OFt 11 wEB 2x4 OFt STANDARD Refer to Jotnt QC Dt!t,llil Sheet fo... ~"i_ RotAtionAl Tole....nce used lRe/18C truss plAte v.alues ....e bued on testimJ .nd ilPp...onl .as ...~uired by IBC 110) .nd AH5I/TPI .nd ue ...eported In .av.ai1.lble docUlllC!nU such u ICBO .1601. 5-2_14 5--2-14 Q.1t~l 2 f6:ii() !~ r~ 5-2-14 20-&<1 4-8.. 9-11.3 4.... lfH>3 n.~.ln t3 t4 Q-t1~'l s ",001 61 5-::'12 uI 04-3 3,5--5 v::~ 5=3,5-4 :>0 f14 6 9_11.3 9-11-3 7{I..A..l1 9 ,o~ 10-8-13 l 20-&<1 7 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~ TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. CoJo SprIngs, CO 8090/ TRUSPLUS 6,0 VER: T6, b=IJjj5~rU1a1~~~0~~~~.1ll;;':;,~~~~lf.J\Ye~~.~102N~;~ign~~~P~~~~~~Qlel . WARNdiMGRead all notes on thl~ sheet and IIlve a copy of It to the Erectlnll Contractor. T1"des9'o"IlIl'..lr.-hdUIlbuildinOCllIftIlCIftIIlIlrJtIlwa~,.""beenba8dDII,. .'... ~brlle~ . .. i...:lldonllin~wlhlle~"""""dTPl...:llAF-PAcll!s9'Il.IndaldI., No~ia"""'torClmenSlrlnllICanty. ~ ,_llIbe......bt...~INfU_..-i/aftluMlnOdnignefpriorlll~ThlbuldlnGdniCIt'<<_nc:eMinIhM...Wd1I IldzedonlNldni;n_CIl'."cetldlhellladinaimclo.edbrlh!lllxabuildinOcudIl...:lllhl~applblIrlI'I Tl'oednQn_lI'IlIllhlllllOctoord illble<illlybr;lQl(lbtIheIOOfCll'I'cIorIllleItlW1g.-.dlhllllaftometadis.....,br<<edbr."'ids/'le.aw.gmaeerDI~lIIta:hed. ~1lhIWiIe noted, B.XIno;J-..llrvr..."'~d~rremt:e~lIfIIylllredutebul;dng........, TNsl;llmpJflO!nl_lIrJtbllplac:edinlny 'e____...moisture~ol..._IlI..cmetl1!l'11._caUM_pllleCOl'fCl_ F~.......,Ie,imt.. i_br~_lrUaln8l;a>nlatla!wlhll'e~....,~...IlIorIl_~~_Repoftl...._..OUIPUI"""'T..-"'IOl'lware. I."NSVTPI 1.. WTC.\ 1.. Wood T.,.,Counc:Iaf "meriI;.I SIan:l.arIlDHigoI R~. 1IUI.DlNG COMPONENT s,..FETY INFORMATKlN'.. ,IBCSll.oJj...:ll'9CSI SUM""'RY SMEETS'brWTC.\...:II TPl. n... Trva"'-Inahte flPlJ"b;aecl.SaJ ()"()notna Onwe. M~. 4 .lt~_S371' nw"merlQnFornI..-dP_"nocUIlorIIAFP"lebuledllllllll"Slrftt.NW.SIlIllOO W~,OC2llllJ6 ,\ =- QW: ~ UPLIFT REACTION(S) Suppa...t C&< Wind Non-Wind 1 -10& lb 2 -101 lb Hip.D...op : 0-1.12 This t...uss h designed using the "'SCE1-02 Wind SpeclfiColtian 8ldljl Enclased . Yes, IIIlpO...unce f.acto... . 1.00 Trun lou.t 10n . Hat End lone Hu...dc~ne/OcUn line. No j Exp C.U\lory . 8 8ld\l lenjth. SO,DO ft, 8 dg Width. 20.00 ft Mun "'00 height. 10.66 ft, mph. as TPI St.ilndud Occupolncy, Dud lo.d. 10.2 psf Designed lIS Main Wind fo...ce Ruistin\l System .nd Componl"nu .nd Cl.dding Tributary Areol _ ~1 sqft 5-"1" SHIP I 0-4.3 Cust: FRANKLIN wo: Drive_C-frn2_LOOOOS_JOODOl DS9nr: ILC _ 34 WT: 1131 TC live 25.00 pst DurFacs l.1.15 P-1.1S TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Rep Mbr Comp 1,10 BC live 0,00 pst Rep Mbr Tens 1.10 BC Dead 10.00 psf D.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec IRC-200l TOTAL 42.00 psf DEFL RATIO: L/240 Te: L/24 Job l\!I2Ime: 1F~I\!IIl{U~~ BRe It-UX: REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 1040 s.~O~ 1.50~ 2 20- ')-" 1040 5.S0~ 1.50. BRG REQUIREMENTS shown <Ire based ONLY on the truss _teri..l.at eilch beuing )lAX DEFLECTION (spo1n) : L/999 IN MfM 6-1 (lIVE) l. -o.n- 0- -0.09- T_ -0.21- ~~I~!~~!~a~~l!~60! o:S4 2-) -1051 1.1S I 80 1.60 0.10 1-4 -lOlll.1S I SO 1.60 0.)0 4-5 -uu 1.15/ U11.t:O 0.)0 6~~ ~il~60I~ T~61~il o~~i 7_1 .721.601 1216 l.B 0.64 I.' .721.60 I 12161.U 0.64 ... COlP.(OUI.I/T~'I""'! '" 1.& -11'1(1.15 I UI1.6O 0.14 )-8 I 514 l.1S O.IS 4_' .)14(1.15)/ Ull.6O 0.14 5-".3 3 'ilruss DICi: 1F~I\!I.A3 @qy: Te 2114 OFl It Be 2114 OFl '1 WEB 2K4 OFl STANDARD Refer to lO;"l OC Oetillil Sheet for /!Uxi_RotlltionalTolltranc:euled IRCIlBC truss pbte values oIIri! bued on testing .and I.pprov.l as required by IBC 110] ..nd AHSI/TPI and .re reported in ilvilt1.lble dO(UIM!nts such as ICBO 11601. I)es;gned,llII'''- AHSIfTPI 1.2002 This dl!51g" does not .(count for long terlll tillle dependent lo.ldinq (creep). Bu\ldino rH~s~2s1r.,,1Il~~tT~~c~~~~ht:~~ULT OF "'llLTIPU LOAD CASES. lOld~ for 10 PSF non-concUrrent Bell. PlATING BASED ON r.REEN lUMBER VAlUES. UPlIFT REACTIOH(S) ; Support C&C W,nd Hon.wind 1 -10~ lb 2 -1051b This trun is designed usin!! thl! A5CE1-02 Wind Spl!clfiution Bldg Enclond .. Yes. Import.lnCl! hctor _ 1.00 Trun Lou.tion .. Hot End Zone Hurriunl!/Ocean line.. Ho i hp Catl!901 . B ~=~ ~:~'t~ei h~0~OOI~~;6Bf~~ :;~th.. 8~'00 ft TPI SUndard ~(UPanCY. Dead load. 10.2 psf Designl!d IS fIlain Wind Forcl! Reshtin!! Systelll and Components and Claddin!! . Tributal")' Area. f} sqft 5.5-4 -f 4-10-12 4-10-12 5-5-4 5-5-4 10-4-0 15-2-12 20-8-0 10-4.4 13 10::4.0 2 4 5' ro:oo- --:s:oOJ 5-6 uI 0-4.3 I 0-4-3 6-, 15 SHIP 3.5-5 ~ 3.5-5 M~ 8=3.5-4 3-8 ~ ?Cl.IJ..n 8 9~ 1 6 7 10-4-0 10-4-0 10-4+0 20.8-0 ,Uf'iAAIlUl'< O"le: ';UJ11051 (b)i~ .iJi~@(Q)]J t=~e's~i?i\~e:Ca~~J~~~~~:~~~~~i~J'tYe~~.~lo~gd~~Jl1.~~P~~~~~eJ _ ____________ u--I.-~fRfNlUfli!f(;Read ali-;'~tes on thl~ sheet";;;dglve a co;; of It to the Erecting Contractor, I CUS" FRANKLIN ~ Thisclnlgn.Ibr"'Ind~buA:lIrwol~notllUlll""'" ''-t.enba.clgn~..provido!dbyllle~''''''_ wo: Drive_C_frn2_LOOOOLJ00001 :_doreln~_IIIe~--..DlTPlM'dAFP"dnI;n~, No~llIlft1.medlllrcllnlenllclnllIUU'Ky. om.nsionI 3 - - _ :_lDbe-'ledbyllle~""""xluoer...s.lDrlll'*'lngclnlgnel'pnorlDl~_ n.buildiroCI~flldlncMalnllullhbad'l Dsgnr: ILC.]4 WT: 11 I 11.dtnd""_""_OI'nc:eedlllebldlnO~tlJhbalbuildiroClr;'ocl""""hpll1lalla'~ n.llH9"--.INl"-l:lIIcflOI'd I TC Live H.OO psf DurFacs l-1.15 P.1.1S MOSHOFSKY ,is.......,btac8d~lheffJdOl'IIDor-_""'InO....,"-boIIDmchll<clil.....,tnced~.rtg~shI-'O_dQdlpIflla:l'ed........acr.e- Rep Mbr B d 1 15 ,........, e.Klflllsl"owfl..IIIr_~dawnpanenbrnembllnl""",,lDoecIua!budlllng.rqIh ,...~.,...f'fllltoJplar;I!din..,. Te Oead 7.00 psf n. ~U TRUSS :e~lh.wIIca-.Ihe_OlIfUtIfDlllleoooodlle.ceedlll'llolllnd.'Ol'cane~~contlSIOfI ~~,,..,..,..~ BC live 0,00 psf Rep Mbr Comp 1.10 4415 N t;hpark 0 l_bt..,.,ltQtfUAinKaln:l___ll'IlIloIIowIngstilndMl..JoInl....~DetdAetlCJf1t....~..OUltMIfomT"""".,lOIIware. I Rep Mbr Tens 1.10 Co 0 S~~'ngs. COrS0901 'ANSlITPI t', WTCA '..WoodTfUUCowIdIol'...mera$Qrcl~OetlgnRe~,1lUIlDIHGCOMPONEN' SAFETYINFORw..TM)N"'.. I BC Dead _~ .~O.OO~~ Oo.,C",.s~as,pi".., IR1C" 0'0'003 IlBCSI ,-m1_1lC$I$UMMARYSHEETS'byWTc\an::lTPl_The TfuuPbteInlU'*'fl"Prl..bcIIed<llSll300n0f..oO.......~. " TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.~w_mtl TI.ume_~_"an::lp_...-.llonl..,-P...I..~.l1l1llll!lSlrft1._,S.lIOOWw.-.glOn.ocxme I TOTAL 4].00 psf Q,EFl ~1!Q_:_l/2~ TC:_Vl'!, -\ ".. \' 20-8 _ LJ ~ [I - ,'':':::= 1___1 o I ,...... T""" !'--li i i I I I: I I' I II I : -j: I 1 r i'L: r I i I I , !.---i- -- 1 ',i , , I I , t i I I I I I '===. i I I I I,' fl II q 'I I I " I ----11-- _I il - - I 4) tJ .:, il '1 :. . I A1 L__L_ A2 ' I I ..:-~- W ~ I -,_"'_~ ;! ..... [! I 1 n I: ,j /;;" .. .'''' ~;" :: I'mu u.J __ .1 l I I I , I ././':. )>i ___ . __(.'__1_____ .---.-.'------ - --~- -1- i ---..... --, ~-- -- o I ,...... T""" 'J < . I 1 I I I! i -I' . ----~- ._-~- Job li\IIame: IFMINI~1LU1NI lmss DIOl: f~INI.A1 BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 1893 5.50. 2.0r 2 20- 5-" 1893 5.50. 2.0r BRG REQUIREMENTS shown Ul! b..sed ONLY on the truu ruurhl .at f!.J.ch bel.rin9 MAX DEFLECTION (sp.an) ~ L/g99 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) l- -O.U- 0.. .0.07- T. -0.18- OnlCN..l'9IR[Jl RlItcu: TC aJIIP. 00II'1' TENS. DUIt. CSt 1+2 -nos 1.1' I UI1.60 0.)9 2-) -28011.15/ 12&1.60 O.J6 )-4 'Z4&2 1.1' I III 1.60 0.80 4-5 -2104 1.15 I 11& 1.60 0.)1 5-6 -l105 I.U I Ull: 1.60 0.39 IlC aJIIP.DUII./ TENS. DUll. CSt I_a _u 1..601 1109 l.1S 0.1] 1-9 -111.60 I 270' 1.1S 0.150 ,-1tI -ta 1.601 1705 I. IS 0.61 10-11 -411.60 I 2414 l.1S 0.60 11-12 _I! 1.60 I 2105 l.1S 0.64 l1-U _Il! 1.601 I7a! I.U 0.1) we aM'.(C...I.J/ TENS. 00II.\ at 2-1 I H&O.90 0.08 I=m -262(1.u)~ ]~; ~::g g:~ J-ll -59(1.60)1 611.60 0.02 4-11 I l070.9O 0.17 5-11 -26](1.15)/ 7f 1.60 0.06 5-12 I 1410.90 0.0' 4.3.12 T( h4 OFl '1 Be 2." DR 11 WEB 2x4 DFl STNIDAAO PH BlK h4 OfL I} nns DESIGN IS THE (()iIPOSITE RESULT OF '4UlTIPl[ lOAD CASES. lO;lded foro 10 PSF non-concu,.,.ent BaL. O,..ainilqe IllUst be provided to .avoid ponding. Perlllanent bradng is required (by others) to prevent roUtion/topplinQ. See BCSl 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. ~sioned per AHSI/TPl 1-2002 This design does not account for 10n9 teMl tillle de~ndent loading (creep). BUlldin9 Desi9ner IllUsl account for this. R!fer to J01nt Q( Detail Sheet for ....lII:i_ Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC truss plate valuu are based on tut;ng and approval as required by IBC 1103 .and ANSI/TPI and are nported in anibble docUlllenU such as ICBO 11601. PtATlM:; BASED (JH GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. 4.2-14 3-8-8 4-9-10 3-8-B 4..2-14 4-2-14 7.11-3 12-8-13 16-5-3 20-8-0 7.11.1: I, 4.g.10 I. 7:t1-:l 61 Z . rs:oo- 345#~ 345#~ -6,001 5-8 ... uI 0-4.3 3-8 ~ ?f'I_A..n "~ 7 8 8 10 " 1< 4.'.14 ,.8.. 4-9.10 I 3-8-6 4-2-14 I 4-2-14 7-11.3 12-8.13 16-5.3 I 20-8-0 TYPICAL PlATE : 5-5 b=IJF~nlli1~Ha~~~:~~;~~~.~~Jtre~~.~1029.a:;~~~r:r~J.~~~~Olel -------IIWA~NfUNGRead all notes on this sheet ;nd~;ve a copy of It to-ihe i;:;"'il~1I Contra~tor. ~ Thlsdnign..lor..irdMclu3Ilbui!lltrlgllllT'ClClNflnaltrust..,....,_.lIaIblIenb.-lQfl..._. ~byo"aJft'IPJO'W!nl~ ..-.ddorelll~wIIl.".~nt...rsionSdTPl...,"FP"..SlQIlttanll...,. Nornp:rdlllJ..nsumedlorlfilT'eNorglKalfIltY. Dlmelllioola ~_, ,___,_,' _loblt......,lly'.".~ ..."..,.buIldlngllnig....pr'c<tolabrlcMiofl.ThI~InCIOi!'SigneImusllISC:efUlnll\alll'ebals tdred""....tleSlIiJol........,."'.~..loadIngimposedlly'..bgIbui!lltr1gOClllM...,IhePl'*Wo'~ TheclnlOn_It.-ll'eIDpc:tad MOSHOFSKY ..1aIoo......brxedlly'lhelDOl.,.IIoor.,.-....lIl'IIflhebotlornd'ad......~br8(2(lllly'.nglllshe..-..o"'*'""dnaty~. ......oIhe...... in:>led. e..Klng.""""'.tor'-'..M4IllO'Id~melllbe...oNy-loredualbud<q..ngIII, T,*"""""nentlhdnolbeplaQed..."Y ~J TRUSS i._--~__-...d..._lo_"'.OMcl'..._CMlR~..._, F~,~.~ 4445 Nort;h ark Dr. .1...,brxe__..~_""'loIbM'ID_...,. ....,.,._Q.cIngDo1ailR""'""............~IromTrww..5I:IIhoo_. Cola Sprln~s. CO 80907 '...NSIITPII.. WfCA '..WoodT......CoundId"""'IlCIISbn4anJOeSlgflR~..lMlO'HGCOMPONENTSAFETYINFORa.....TION"- ilBCS' l.tl31 and '8CS' SUMMARY SHEETS'lly'WTCA. _TPl. The Truss PIaM ....._ITPll.aated.. S&3 D'OnalnnDrMr. ~_. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1;lv_.s3119 n",,"'_FornlIll'llfPape<~CAFP""islDuted.'IIII""S1rftt.~.SlellOO.WllSl'W1QlOnOC1llll3ll ~alf: ~ UPlIFT REACTION'(S) ~pport (&( Wind Non-wind 1 -129lb 2 -129 Ib This trun h desi9ned USin9 the AS(El-02 Wind Spl!tlfiution BldO Enclosed = Yes, Ir=porunce Factor. 1.00 Truss Lout ion " Not End lone Hurriune/Ocean Line'" No Exp C.ateoory '" B Bldg Lenlth. 50.00 ft, Did9 Width. 20.00 ft Me.an roo hl!ight'" 10.16 ft, IIIph . 8S TPI Sundard Occup.ancy, Dud load'" 10.l psf Oesi1ned as M.a.;n Wind Force Resisti"9 Systl!lll and OlII9onenu and Cladding T,.;buury Area '" 1I2 sqft u__~u.__lOAO CASE 11 DfSI~ LOADS u__.___nnnn Dlr L.Plf L.loc R.Plf TC Vert 84.00 - 1- 4- 0 B4.00 TC Vert 64.00 0- 0- 0 64.00 TC Vert 1S4.H 7-11-] H4.lS TC Vert 64.00 ll- 8-11 64.00 TC Vert 114.00 lO- 8- 0 84.00 BC Vert 48.20 O. 0- 0 48.20 ...Type... lbs X.Loc lllll TC Vert 60.0 - 1- 4- 0 1.00 TC Vert 269.4 7-11- 3 1.00 TC Vl!rt 75.4 7.11-] 0.00 TC Vert 269.4 12- 1I-11 1.00 TC Vert 75.4 12- 1I-11 0.00 T( Vert 60.0 22- 0- 0 1.00 R.loc 0- O. 0 7-11- 3 12.8-13 20. 11- 0 22.0- 0 20. 11- 0 urTL 0.19 0.18 0.78 0.18 0.19 0,00 4.' '-6 SHIP I 04.' (ust:: FRANKLIN WOo Orive_'-frn2_l00005_JOOOOl Osgnr: IlC _ l4 WT: 1341 TC live 25.00 p" OuI'"Facs l-1.15 P..1.H TC Dead 7.00 p" Rep Mbl'" B,d 1.00 BC Live 0.00 p,' Rep Mbr Comp 1.00 Rep Mbl'" Tens 1.00 BC Dead 10.00 p,' D.C.Spacing 2- 0- D Design Spec IRe-200] TOTAL 42.00 p,' PEFI" ~TlO: l/240 TC: l~. " t -------,------~-- ----~~l"russID: IFRll\\-A2 Qiy: ~ Job lNJ2Ime: IrMINI~Ul(t: 8RG X.UX: REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2.12 1040 5.50. 1.50- 2 20- S." 1040 5.50. LSD. BRG REQUIREMENTS shown ue based ()PollY on the trun lIl.Jteri4l1.Jt il!'ach buring MAX OEFlECTION (sp.Jn) : l/999 IN Mf.M 9-10 (LIVE) L- -0.20. 0- -0.13- T_ -O.Jr OrnCAl~EJlFDRW; l~~ ~il~; ~ T~)!~60 o~~ 2-) -1010 I.U I I) 1.60 0.61 ).4 -MII.n I 911.60 0.60 4_' -10]6 t.U I 10 1.60 o.n 5-6 -ll91 l.U I 1111.6O D.JO 1~ llJ:."'.oI~.ol~ TL'i!~;1 o~~ 1-' -(10 1.60 I 1261 l.U 0.60 9-10 -111.60 I 1196 I.IS O.Sll l~ ':':"99~~il~ TE~9!~60l o~u )-9 I 590 1.1$ 0.16 5.' +)61(1.15)/ 1l11.6O 0.15 Te lx4 OFl II Be 2114 OFl II WEB 21{4 on STANDARD Rdu to Joint QC Deui 1 Sheet for ~.i_ROUtionalToler..nc"used IAC/IBC truss p1.lu values .re bued on tuting and ,Jppro....l IS required by IBC 1703 and AHSlfTPI .nd are report~ in ,J...aHable doc=enu such u leBO 11607. OUi9"t!d p~r .......SI/TPI 1-2002 Tllis d~si;n dou not .u:c:ount far long Un! time d~p~nd~nt 10.JIding (c:r~~p). BU11dino TIl~SS ~2~~& i~t T~~C:(l:':MrrE t~~~Ul T OF MULTIPlE LOAD CASES. Loall~d far 10 !>SF non-(onc:urr~nt BeLL. Or.JIinage ICUst be provided to avoid ponding. PlATING BASEO l)4 GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. 5-2-14 5-2-14 Q.11-1 2 ra:oo- 1~ 4-&a 15-5-3 5-2-14 2O-8-<l 4...... 9-11-3 ~.,~ 3 4 9.1'.3 5 -<"001 UPLIFT REA(TIOH(S) Support (&( Wind Nan-Wind 1 -lOB 1b 2 -1011b Hip-Drop: 0-1-12 Th;s truss is d~sign~d using the A5(E7-02 Wind Spec,fic.ation 81dg Enclosed - Yes, IlDporunce Futor . 1.00 Truss Loution . Not End Zone Hur,,;c.JIne/Oce.JIn line. No ! Exp (,aU;ory _ a ald; Lenjth _ 50.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Hun roo height _ 10.66 ft, IIIph - 15 TPI SUnd.JIrd Oc.tupam::y, Dud Load _ 10.2 psf Desi;ned as Main Wind Forte Resistin; Systl!lll and (OlIqlonents and Ch:dding Tdbutuy Area _ 41 sqft .1 5-: .12 5-11-8 SHIP 3,5-5 3,5-5 pI ~t; - ~ I 04-3 5=3.5-4 04-3 3-8 P4 'P:8...o 10~ 7 . . 9_11.3 10-8-13 I 9-11-3 20....0 6=~o's~nd(a'\~#a~J.a~~:~m'~;~~~~~,~J\fe~~.~~o~~l~~J8,~~p~~fnPteJ iW}{RNINGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting C~ntractor, ~ I Thlldnlgnlslar"'IncfMclUlllbuitllngcumporenlnollrUMfY*m. .hnbel!nbaMdon~pIO\'idIedtrJlI1ea:JlllClllNlIllTWUxtum i anddoNlr1l1lCCOOd-=:ewlhIl1eCd'falll__oITP1andAF'PAIln9"~, No~.8IIUII'l!dIordmensionlllxancy" DmensiJns _- I _lIt11l1......,bJlhI!!~......,xtumardltlrlluHrlQllInIgne<pnorllOl-.tion. Thll:luIISIngdotsl;fwt_8SCI\'UIIn1hMIhl!!load. "'ilzedanll1lldl!lllQnmee1ote1ceed\tleloaclinOiIIlpOIedbylNloQIbYIlflngaxlerdlhl!!~~ Thedelign...........thlIl\tletlpd'1an:l MOSHOFSKY .~btaceclbylhl!!raalotlloOlll'le~andlhl!!boIlIOmd'lonl......,btKedb'/'"rigidlhealJW'O_rI:IIIclnd\IoIIlXhBd......oltwrMIe : 1'Oled. Bl'Idngsl"ownillOr_'III~oIoornpanenl1~""'II""'l,QbuQI;Ing~_ n..llClIfT'IPlOlI'..stllllnolt.plx.c:Iin...., ~I TRUSS ......."""'nt.,.._CMlMrI'Ie__ntollhewoodllOluceecl'9'lIo:llf'dlDrCMllec:unnK1Dl'pl..-amos....,F"bnUIlI.-'e.lnll:llll 4445 Nor,hpark Dr. ~bt_lhre_in8CCOl'd.-a_lhelalboring-...-;..Jan_CtlIlingOetalIteponS..aIabIe"0I<<pufIrarnT__.__. Colo Sprlngs, CO 8090/ &NSlITPlI'.WTCAI'.WaadTrunc-'dlof...merbStlndanlDn'llnl'l".. ,". l!\.IUIINC~"'TS4FETYINF. OR_Tl.O ", ISCSI 1.031 n'9CSI SUM_RV SHEETS' byWTCA _ TPl, The T...... "'* IltSIltulejTPllllloaled "'~1I30"0r0lrroOrtve,Ma:llstln. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4, 1SCOf'IP'l53711 TI'eA....nc.:IInFllfl!llandP-'4uadallonl...FP...'..~"'lll"9nlStrtet.NW.S.flOOwntwoglOnOC2OQ3ll Cust: FRANKLIN WO: Orive_'-frn2_l00005_JOOOOl Dsgnr: 'lC. 34 WT: 113' TC live 25.00 psf DurFacs l-I.15 P-1.15 TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Rep Mbr Comp 1.10 BC live 0.00 pst Rep Mbr Tens 1.10 BC Dead 10.00 pst D.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec IRC-2003 TOTAL 42.00 pst OEFl RATIO: l/240 TC: l/24 '. '. - ----=-"'="=-=-'"=~-...,.--.---'---.,.~-- ---'---~~---,-- 'ii'russ 1liO: IFIR~a~3 iOlW: 3 -----~------- 'JolbllNlamne: FMINIIl<ILPN-"- 8RC X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 2-12 1040 5.50. 1.50~ 2 20- S- 4 1040 5.50. 1.50. BRG REQUIREMENTS shown .Jre based ()liLY on the truss IUterhl .lit each beolrin9 MAX DEFLECTIOH (sp.Jn) : L/999 IN MEM 6-7 SLIVE) L- -0.1]" D- -0.09 T. -0.21- ~~I~~~!~~lt(~i~j!~60! o~5 2.) -10511.B I 80 1.50 0.30 1-<1 -1051 loB I 80 1.60 0.30 <1-5 -HlI1.lS I 1111.60 0.10 6~ ~i!~60I~ Tm6!~il o~~ 7_1 -721.601 UUi 1.1$ 0.6olI 1.9 -111.60 I 12161.U 0.104 fj ~t~sl~ T1h~r:&tl gJ; 4-1 -114(1.15)/ 121~l.60l 0.1<1 T( Ix" DFl '1 Be 2x4 OFl fl WEB lxe OFL STANDARD RiI'hr to Joint OC Detill; 1 Sheet for ~lri_ ROl.ltion.al Tolerlnce uu~d IRC/IBC u-un plate v,lulI!s ue b.Jsed on tf'uing .and .ppronl AS required by ISC 1103 .and ANSI/TPI and .are reported in aVoIl1able documents such .n leBO '1607. [)@s;gnf!d per AH$I/TPI 1-2002 This desiqn does not .lttount for long term tillll! dependent lo.tdino (creep). Bu\ldino nl~S~~~r& ,~t T~~c(~~~~E t~~~iJlT OF MlllTlPlE lOAD CA.!>E$. loaded (or 10 PSF non.concurrent Bal. PlATING BASED ON GREEN lUMBER VAlUES. 5,5-4 4-10-12 4+10-12 5-5-4 5-5-4 ''''-0 15-2-12 20-8-0 1n-41'1 13 1n;4Jl 51 2 4 ra:oo- -:o:ool 5.6 5-.-..3 3.5-5 uI 0-4-3 5=3.5-4 3-. ~ , ?fl..It-O . 6 7 10--4.0 10-4.0 10-4.0 20.8-0 t=~e's~~~e;~~Cs~:~~;~~~~~tfJtfe~.~to~~),~~M~ur~~~~~~~DleJ ----- W JllIRIMUlNJGR~ad all notes on Ihls ~;;eet and give a copy or-i,to the Erect/ng Contractor. ~ ThG"'slgn.b'..lndMdu.IIIbuId~~noI""'''''''' .r.nbftn'--'on~provilledbyb~lII.IIfU'_ rddone,"-=aIIIl__wIIl'Ilhecumt_OITPlrd""'PAde:si;ln~, No rnponsHIylS--...nedIIordimllrsiolulxcuK'l'_ ~ -, - -, ~1Or-~""'''''~II*Uadl,q..-.clIOtbuldrig~'"",,lOrabriellilwl_n.tuld~de:si;lne'''''''~''''i'l1Iql1he1o.llds "lIINdonlhbl"_or,"ceedblludlng~by""bc.;oflll*llnggldelllndlhe~appIalion Thf!dnign_lh.IIIhq,d'onI MOSHOFSKY "_'''''brlClldbylhelOClforlbor'''-'*'D..-.cllhebollomd'onl.l.IIIe..llllybrxedby''~Ihe..,,;ng_....cllft!aly8lt.lld''olrl. ......qoG'1erMlllll roled B.IIOr'tlI""""'lSlor~IUQPOI\OICD11lJ101'18"'''''mr-r.~IO.-.c.tu:Ung.nglII ThilDDfOlpOnentshall.....b8~lnanr I~ TRUSS e_Ihal"'c.NIelhe_~nlOlIhe-.-flOe2c:eed19'll.~QWeDOnl'e(laflllMe_ '~~.h.IIrdI!.in&td 4445 Norrhpark Dr. :rdbratelhlS_inac:oorll___...folboo;noItand3ld.:.Joint_CutIin;IDetafR.""".....__.0UIlIiJlIrgonT"--..dw.... Colo Sprlngs, CO 80907 I.ANSIffPlI..wtCAI.-WllDclTIVaCOllnt:lOlAmera~Des;gnRftllQMlbUJn.'8UIDINGCOMPONEHTSAFErvINFOAMA11ON'_ ! IBCSII-G3) _1JCSI SOUMARY SHEETS' by WTCA.IIf'd TPl. The Truu PIaIe ~ fTPI)1S1ouIed <II ~J o-Orcfr>o~."'~ TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1""_!31111 TI"eA_'__JrdP_A__IAFPA,..Iot:-.l.llllll1t1lS/lnl._,SleIlOOWn/WIgIOn.DC1OO38 UPltn REACTION(S) Support C&C wind Non-wind 1 .10\ lb 2 -10\ lb This truss ;s design~d usin9 the A.SCE7-02 Wind Sp@t1fic~tion Bldg Enc1ost'd . Yes. Importance hctDr . 1.00 Truss lot.ltion . Not End lone Hurriune/Ote.ln line. ND i ElIp C~t@9orI . B ~~~ ~~~~t~t'i h~0~OOlb~16Bf~~ ~~th.- A~'oo ft TPI St.lnd.lrd 8tcupancv, De.ld lo~d. 10.2 psf Desi1ned u M;r,in Wind Foru Ruistin9 SystelD .lnd ompon@nts .nd Cl.ddinq lribut.ry A.ru. U sqft 6-. 15 SHIP /i1~ I 0-4-3 ~ .' I EXPIRATION DATE: 1Z1Jl1l15 , (b)i~ 4li2@@f)) Cust: FRANKlIN WO: Drive_C_frn2_l00005_JOOOOl 'Osgnr: IlC _ 34 WT: 113' TC live 25.00 psf DurFacs l-l.IS psI.1S TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.1S Rep Mbr Comp 1.10 Be live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Tens 1.10 Be Oead 10.00 psf D.C. Spacing }- 0+ 0 Oesign Spec IRC-200] iTOTAl '2 00 psf DEFl RATIO: l/240 Te: l/24