HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-6-7 . . '. I t. ..' , . " \. " . ' JOB ADDRESS: OWNER: CV1I.l.AAcrOR:. CITY OF SPRINGFlELD Development Services Department Building Slrl'ety Division Residential PIan Review CITY JOB#: Q,C:S.lPlo~ PHONE: t~, reI . PHONE: Items listed below (If any) and. those m~,yP1l in red directly on the ~.I"U led permit . docilmeiits are incu..I'u,~ into tPis project in~on to any ~ents appearing on' the construction plans 8nd the City standard docmnent entitled "Single J1amily and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A Cu""".I'~..ding nl.UD.~ is marked on your plans foJ; any items listed.below where applicable. .. .'" .,1; All references are to the 2000 Oregon S~ One and Two Family Dwe1ling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and Two FlIIIIi1Y Dwelling Code as amended by the State of. Oregon unless. noted otherwise.. A. copy of tbis code may be obtained'vorv.'the I!1!iI~ Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-~6" ",. , . Your signature on the Building Permit is an il.g.".......ent that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on tbis . project will comply with applicable ~llS:: "',: . .. ...... ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL' ,6F P'f..mS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHAlL NOT BE CONST1U)ED TO .BE.~ PERMIT FOR, OR APPROV AI.. OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY op'rlfE BUIJDWJ' SAFETY CODES' OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF TIIE \...11 tOP . SPRINGFIELD. eb REVIEWED B. PRO"" 7% - 5Y !{'1 S €'E A \l"1\ C t-\ro ~€"&.u \ REM € tv ~ t2..E':>\ t>€Un Y\L vi LI '5:.T ! ...... , , ..... ...... . . .. ....... , . .. ..... . . . .. 88 .... . . . . .... ...... . , .... ,j , . 'eSSlonaf Coae services ~"(O) _. , .' ~'./7zc. . '. , . , (j) (f) @ (9 .~ . RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST -- These regulations shall be incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans. Circled regulations are of significant importance. The approval of plans and specifications does not pennit the violatiolJ of any section of the building code or other city ordinance or state law. . References are to the State of Oregon 1 & 2 Family Dwelling Specialty Code which is based on the 2000 IRC as adopted & amended April 1 , 2003, unless noted otherwise.' - BUILDING PLANNING . 5. R106.3.1 Approved plans and construction documents shall be kept on th.e job-site at all times. . R109.1.6 A final inspection shall be requested once all wor\( and corrections have been made - prior to occupancy. R105.2andNEC Permits for all electrical wor\(shall be obtained at C I T'I - ":", ---..... . . .... DOC.P5-20 All framing lumber is assumed #2 grade Douglas Fir or equivalent unles!i, o~se nOted (except' sttiD~: and plates). All siding and other manufactured wood products shall comply with the manufactwl($, installation requirements and must be used only according to their listing. Inspector must be provided \Wb' installation Instructions at time of framing and final Inspection. . ., " "" - . . .. .... .. ... .... .. R303.1 Provide glazed area not less than 8% of the floor area of habitable room~ ~'Qf required 'area sh<il~ be- openable. . .' .. . ....' , ...... . . .... .. .... R303.3 Bathrooms, water closet compartments, and similar rooms shall have a mininium'window,of,,-sq. ft :W151: which must be openable; .or provide an exhaust fan to the outside. Rooms 75 sq. fl. or less shall'have a mininium exhaust rate of 50 CFM. Rooms greater than 75 sq. fl. shall have an air change every 12 minutes or 20 CFM minimum. 6. 7. R304 Minimum room areas: Every dwelling shall have one habitable room not less that 120 sq. ft. with a kitchen not less than 50 sq. fl. Other rooms shall have an area of not less than 70 sq. fl. No habitable rooms except kitchens may have a dimension less than 7'. R305 Habitable rooms, hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7'. - (Consult inspector for exceptions.) R307.1 Bathroom fixtures shall have the following clearances: Water Closet - 21' in front and 30' wide with a minimum 15' to sidewall or tub: Lavatorv - 4' clear at side and 21' at front; Showers shall be a minimum of 30' x 3D' with 24' minimum clearance in front TubS - minimum 24' clear at open side.. - 8. R30B.4 Provide safety, tempered, or shatterproof glazing in specified hazardous locations. - (Consult inspector as needed.) 11. R309.1 Openings from a garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes; shall not be pennitted. @> 2465 Carra! Drive' SprinqfieU!, Ore90n 9747r 1 {)ffice: (541) 746.5484 ' Fax: (541) 746-5431 .(i!;> ~ " 13. R309.4 Carports shall b!l open on at ,least two sides - otherwise it shall be considered a garage. I . . .' . .. ." . ..... ;.. .:. . R310 Sleeping rooms and basements with habitable space shall have at least one emergency escape and rescue! . window or exterior door. Egress windows shall have a maximum sill height of 44' above the floor;' have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. fl. (5 sq. ft. at grade level); a minimum clear height of 22' and a minimum clear width of 20'. " R312 There shall be a floor or landing at the top and bottom of each stairway. The required landing on the interior side of exterior doors shall not be more than 1 Yo' below the threshold. The exterior landing at required exits shall no! be less than 8" below the threshold with a landing the width of the door or stairway and 36' in the travel direction. If the door swings out, the landing shall not be lower that 1 Yo' below the threshold. . R314.1 Stairways shall be a minimum of 36" in width above the handrail and have a clear width of 31 Yo' at and below the handrail. Handrails shall not project more than 4Yo' into the required width; headroom shall not be less . than 6'-8'; maximum riser height is 8' and the minimum run is 9'; the greatest riser height or tread depth shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8'; the greatest nosing projection shall not exceed the smallest by more than 318' including floors and landings; risers/steps shall not be less than 4'. Enclosed useable space under stairs shall be sheathed with minimum Yo' sheetrock. 17. R314.4. 314.5. & 314.6 Winders, spirals and circular stairs have very specific requirements. (See attached detail) @ @ R315.1 & 315.2 Handrails shall be mounted between 30' and 38' above the nosing of the treads on at least one side of all stairways with four or more risers. Handrails shall have a cross section not less than 1 %' nor more than 2 .. .5JS' and shall be continuous the full length of stairways from a point directly above the top riser to a point directly. '" :above th~ !~~est ris~r. ,1E"~es shall have a minimum 118' eased edge. . . ...... ... .. @'.' 'R316 Porcfies, balOOfrie9,oor raised floors more than 30' above the floor or grade below shall have 'guards' not less , ":than 36' high. Open sides of stairs shall have a guard of not less than 34' high, Any omamental pattem of guards " shall not allow a sphere greater than 4'to pass - except on stairways, which may pass an object not greater than 5". : :: :q~ards ~np.nandrailfsh,~~withstand a 20O-pound load in any direction at any point per section (301.4). .. . . @"'R317 Smoke a1armS:~rbe instalied; in each sleeping room; immediately outside of each sleeping "area'; and on " ,.each fl~ basemer1l. Dr .I1abitable attic. Multiple alanns shall be interconnected within individual units. Required '" oSltloke a1~M1l; shall T10I 'be. installed in a garage, kitchen, or area below 40' F. Ionization type alarms shall not be , , ,.oorizontBny c1liser than 3 ' to a kitchen door, bathroom door containing a tub or shower, or the supply register of an HVAC sYstem. - (Consult inspector regarding alterations, repairs, and additions per 317.1.1). 21. R321.1 & 321.1.1 Two-family dwelling units shall be completely separated by walVfloor assemblies of l-hour fire- resistive construction including supporting construction. Fire-walls shall extend to the underside of roof sheathing. . . Sound transmission control shall be per appendix K. - (See attached details.) 22. R321.2 'Townhouses' shall be considered separate buildings and shall be separated by two 1-hour fire-rated wall . . assemblies (see Section 302) extending from the foundation to a point 30' above the roof surfaces. A common 2- hour fire-rated wall is permitted if it does not contain plumbing or mechanical equipment. Ducts or vents are not allowed within a common 2-hr. wall cavity. - (Consult inspector for other options and/or see attachments.) 23. R321.3.1& 321.3.2 Through penetrations of fire-walls shall be protected by an approved fire stop system. Steel electrical boxes not exceeding 16 sq. inches or 100 sq. inches in any 100 sq. fl. of wall shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24"; a distance not less than the depth of the wall cavity when filled with insulation; or molded fire blocking. 2-hour rated electrical boxes shall be installed per listing. R323 Protection against decay shall be as follows: (A) Ensure minimum 16" and 12" to bottom of wood joists and girders respectfully; !B) Provide pressure treated wood at sill plates that rest OIJ masonry or concrete exterior walls; (e) Sills and sleepers on concrete or masonry slabs in direct contact with the ground shall be pressure treated unless separate from slab by an approved impervious moisture barrier; (0) Ensure a minimum of Yz' airspace at tops, sides, and ends of girders entering concrete or masonry walls; (E) Maintain a minimum of 6" clearance to grade for @ -2- '@ ! -~ @ ~ @) untreated siding, sheathing, or wall framing; (F) Wood structural members supporting concrete garage slabS shall be pressure treated unless separated with an impervious membrane. '. .... . R323.1.2 StrucllJraI building supports, baiconies, decks, :and porches exposed to the weather shall be pressure treated or wood naturally resistanlto decay. . '. . '. . " .' . . . .... . R323.1.3 Posts and columns embedded in concrete or in' contact with the ground shall be pressure treated and labeled for ground contact. . . 27. R301.2.4 & 327 Comply with flood resistant construction as required. (Consult Inspector) FOUNDATIONS R401.3 Slope grade away from the foundation a minimum of S' within the 1st 10' - or other approved methods R401.4 Areas likely to have expansive, compressible, shifting, or other unknown soil conditions may require a soils test by an approved agency. Recording and documenting shall be per ORS 455.440. . R403.1.1 & Table 403.1 Footings, and stem walls shall be as follows: 1-story = 12' wide S'thick (S'thick foundation wall); 2.story =-15' wide 7' thick (8'thick foundation walQ; 3-story = 18' wide 8'thick (10'thick foundation walQ. All continuous and isolated pad footings located outside the foundation wall shall extend below the frost line. ~ R403.1.7 Provide approved rebar system for electrical grounding in footings. '@ R403.1.B Install W diameter anchor bolts embedded a minimum of 7' into concrete or masonry at 6' on center' maximum including interior braced wall lines. T we bolts are required for each plate and must be located within 12' from ends. In seismic design category D2, a 2' x 2' square or 2W diameter x 3/16' thick plate washers are rBQI.Iilad. Anchor bolt spacing for 2-slory structures in D2 shall be at maximum 4' on center. ".." ,.., ..:,,' .. ... ...... 33. R405 An approved drainage system shall be provided around concrete or masonry'fbtJT1ttcltions reiainlng earth' !"o enclosing habitable or useable space. . .' ": ' , : . " 34. R406 Foundations enclosing habitable or useable space shall be damp-proofed in an:~"Plpved IIlElIV1Ef. Are:~S:M'tJI a high water table or severe soil-water conditions shall be water-proofed. , , " , , " '" , , , , " , 35. R40B Provide underfloor ventilation at1 sq. ftl 1500 sq. ft. of underfloor space. Miniol~Rllpeni~'~all be wllIlin.3' of each comer and shall provide cross ventilation. " ' " ' ., '::, : ~"': . . .. .... @ R4DB.3 A minimum 18' x 24' unobstructed access opening shall be provided to all underfloor splices. ' " FLOORS 37. R502.4 Joists parallel and under bearing partitions shall be doubled - or provide a beam/girder of adequate size. 38. R502.6 Ends of joists, beams and girders shall have not less than 1 W bearing on wood and a minimum of 3' bearing on concrete/masonry. Joists meeting over a bearing support shall lap 3' minimum and be nailed with three 10d nails. 39. R502.B Drilling and notching of joists and beams shall not exceed attached detail sheet. Engineered products shall not exceed manufacturers limitations. . 40. R5D6 Concrete sla~nilround floors shall be a min of 3W thick; placed on a minimum 4' base course of sand or gravel, under 6 mil black polyethylene sheeting, lapped 12' at joints - or an approved equal. Consult inspector for exceptions. ! -3- .' WALL CONSTRUCTION . . 41. R602.3.2 & 602.11.2 Double top plates shall be offset at splices a minimum of 24' and l1ailed with eighf16d nails (4, per side). Top plates in braced wall lines shall have a minimum sixteen 16d (8 per sider. . . .' 42 R602.6 Notching of exterior or bearing walls shall not exceed 25% of its width; non-bearing walls may be notched a. maximum of 40%; drilled or bored holes in any stud may be a maximum of 40% of its width. The hole shall not be closer than 5/8' to edges. 43. R602.6.1 Notching of top plates in exterior or bearing walls greater than 50% requires a minimum 1 y.' 16 gauge sffiel splice across notch and nailed per listing. 44. R602.8 & 602.8.1 Provide fire blocking as required. Materials may be l' nominal solid wood; W sheathing; 112' .sheetrock; or unfaced securely packed insulation extending 8' above and below obstruction. ~ R602.9 Cripple walls supporting one floor may be 2 x 4 at 24' on center. Cripple walls greater than 4' high or supporting more than one floor shall be minimum 2 x 6 at 16' on center. Cripple walls less than 14' at exterior walls or interior braced wall lines shall be sheathed on one side from top plate to bottom. @ R602.10Ensure adequate lateral wall bracing as depicted on plans or as required, Seismic design categories D" 02 & high wind requirements shall also comply with section(s) (603.8.2) 'and (603.8.3). - (See attached details.) WALL COVERING 47.." R703.2 Weather-resistant asphalt-saturated felt or other approved membrane materials, free from holes and breaks, , " :, shall be !lPplied ovar,exlerior wall studs or sheathing. Felt shall be applied horizontally. The upper layer lapped over ...., lowerlcllfE!:r'a minirftllm Qf2', End laps (vertical joints) shall be minimum 6', . .. ... .. ...... ;a,:'R703,7.4 Masonry veneer shall be laid up with a continuous #9-gauge horizontal wire at 18' on center vertically in .. seismic categories D, & [h. The wire shall be secured with approved metal ties spaced at 24' on center horizontally : ' ': '~nd sball rot suppdtt nfare than 2 sq. ft. - 314 sq. ft. in category C. Additional ties shall be spaced at maximum 3' on ,::, 't:ente~afound opeNnJt~9reater than 16'. Inspections are required for installations over 4' in height , , , ~, ' k703.11- -Pl'Q,vide 1liWv~ above window and door openings, at horizontal to vertical intersections, and as noted on .....plans. ~... ,-~....' . , .... ' :':' , ROOF.CEILlNG CONSTRUCTION , .. @ R802.10.1 Wood trusses shall be designed. manufactured, and installed, to comply with approved standards. Complete truss specifications shall be provided at time of delivery and remain on the job-site with the approved plan until final inspection. Approved truss lie-down devices shall be installed as required in Section (802.11). Brace gable ends at flat studs exceeding 6' high. R806,1 Enclosed attics, to include rafter spaces at vaulted ceilings, shall have cross ventilation of a minimum of 1 sq." ft.l150 sq. ft. of attic area. 1 sq. ft.1300 sq. ft. is permitted with the installation of a vapor barrier or ridge and eave vents with an approximate ratio of 50/50. . @ (@ R807 Provide a minimum 22 x 30 attic access opening in a readily accessible location such as hallways. A minimum of 30' headl'OOm is required at access. 53. R905.2.4 Install asphalt shingles in accordance with manufacturers instructions and this section. - 54. R905.3 Install clay, concrete, or listed roofing products per manufacturers instructions - verify proper dead load. 55. R905.7 &905.8 Wood shingles/shakes shall be installed as approved. #1 grade is ~quiredexcept when taper sawn. -4. . 56. , 57. CHIMNEY I FIREPLACE The owner/general e<intractor may be required tol coordinate a pre-constructi~n meeting with the mason and building inspector for the Construction of new masonry fireplaces - (see attached details and code rr;ferences.) . '.' . . . . . . ." R1001.8 & 1001.9 Existing masonry fireplaces fitted with a listed/approved fuel-burning insert shall have the masonry chimney relined with materials compatible with the type of fuel utilized per manufactu.rers instructions. . 58. R1002 & 1004 Wood stoves and factory built chimneys and fireplaces shall be listed/approved and installed per manufactures instructions. Installation instructions shall be on job site. 59. R100S Provide suffident exterior air supply to ensure proper fuel combustion. ENERGY, N1104 All heated areas shall comply with one of the prescriptive pattis Was designated in table N1104.1(1). N1104.2.1 Providelinstall insulation baffles at eaves to maintain minimum l' clearance prior to framing Inspection. N1104.2.4 Recessed light fixtures installed in cavities separating heated and unheated areas shall be IC rated. The trim piece shall be gasketed or caulked to prevent air leakage. The fixture shall also be rated for no more than "two cubic feet air movement per minute' or be installed within an airtight box - (Consult inspector/see attached detail) . 63. N1104.7 Slab-on-grade floors shall be provided with rigid R-15 insulation. - (See attached details.) .@ @j) @ @ ~ N1104.8.2 Caulk and seal alljoints and penetrations in the exterior siding. including overdriven nails. ..... , , 65. . N1104.9.1 Approved vapor barriers shall be installed on the wann side of insulation as:req,Uired. ,'~:', :: :::, ... .. 66. N1104.9.2 Provide 6 mil black polyethylene ground cover lapped 12' at joints and ~ending 12" up foundatiOD,~~ll. Conditioned slabs shall have the same or equal. . , ,. ' . . ...... 67. N1100S.2 Heating ducts outside of the building envelope, including HVAC register'lteot9, shalrMve~ini~ R:8 insulation. . ..:..; ... .... ... . .... . ....... . . .... .". .... .. .. MECHANICAL ...... . ... . . . .. .. .... 68. M130S.1 Appliances shall be accessible for inspection, service, and replacement without c1IterirTg pennanent construction. A 30' x 30' working space shall be provided at the controVservice side. Attic installations shall be within 20' of attic access. A 24' wide catwalk shall be provided to the appliance as needed. . 69. M130S.1.3.1 A light and electrical outlet shall be provided at each appliance. The operating switch shall be at the access opening. 70.' M1307 Appliances shall be Iistedllabeled and installed per manufacturers instructions, which shall be on job site. @ M1307.3 Appliances located in garages shall have all sources of ignition located nolless than 18' above the floor. - iJi) M1307.4 Furnace and water heaters installed in a garage/carport shall be protected from automobile impact by the use of a minimum 2' diameter concrete filled steel pipe embedded 12' through the slab or equal. (See attached . ~~ . . 73. M1401.4 &1403.2 HVAC equipment installed outdoors shall be listed for exterior applications and installed on an approved platfonn 3' above grade.' ...... 74. M1411.3 Condensate from appliances shall be piped to a conspicuous/approved location. An auxiliary drain pan shall be provided where damage to any building component may occur, -5- (!J. @ ~ @ @ .' M1501 Clothes dryer ducts shall vent to the outdoors through rigid, smooth metal ducts. Joints shall be run in the ' direction of flow. Ducts shall be provided with a. back draft damper. Maximum length shall be 25'. Note that 2%' shall be subtracted from the maximum length of 25' for each 45,'elbow in ~ystem and 5' shall b~ subtracted for 90' elbows. ". . .. .. . . . M1502.1 & G2445 Range/exhaust hoods shall vent to the .outdoors through a sin~le wall, airtight duct installed with a backdraft damper. Commercial cooking appliances shall not be Installed within dwelling units.. . 77. ChaDter 17 Provide adequate combustion air for fuel burning equipment while maintaining the building envelope~ PLUMBING P2702 The maximum water consumption used for new plumbing fixtures shall not exceed: Toilets - 1.6 gallons per flush; Urinals - 1.0 gallons per flush; Interior Faucets - 2.5 gallons per minute; Showers - 2.5 gallons per minute . 79.P2707 Ponds, aquaria, fountains, and similar constructions with water supplies shall be protected from back- siphonage. P2708.2 Where fixtures come in contact with walls or floors, the joint(s) shall be made watertight with approved caulk. P2710 Shower stalls of any shape shall have a minimum finished interior of 1024 sq. in. and shall also be capable of encompassing a 30 inch diameter circle. Consult the building/plumbing inspector for requirements regarding site-built shower compartments. . 82. P2711 Whirlpool bathtubs shall have a removable panel to aCcess the pump. The pump shall be located above the " , ,.trOwn weir of the trap and the pump & circulation piping shall be self.<fraining. , , .tA3):m15'~rlihowe":h~~~s/control valves shall be equipped with a pressure balance or thermostatic mixing control ~- valve set or adjustefl'll8rothe manufacturer's instructions for a maximum mixed water setting of 120 degrees. ~:' 'P2805.3 Water heaters'shall be provided with a combination pressure/temperature relief valve. The discharge pipe :' ': ' '!lhall ~ot bfi smallar'tbah,the outlet, shall not be trapped or threaded, and shall terminate in an approved location. .... .. ... " . @>, ,~09 Water hijt'"" installed in seismic design category 01 and D:z shall be strapped to resist horizontal "',' displa....".",.~ S-'~ball be at 113 points with the lower strap a minimum of 4' above the controls. Fuel buming ...., .water tmters shaH Jl,Cll,~ installed in sleeping rooms, bathrooms, closets or rooms opening into these areas unless ','" listed &"llIbtlled as direct vent appliances. . , .. @ @ 86. 2810.7 Water heaters located in allies shall have a corrosion-resistant watertight pan installed beneath it with a minimum 0/.' drain to an approved location. 87. P2903.5.6 Hose bibbs shall be protected with a listed non-removable frost-proof backflow preventer. P2908 The minimum water pressure after allowing for friction and other pressure losses is 15 p.s.i. Approved~ pressure regulators shall be installed, with strainers, when the water pressure could exceed 80 p.s.i. . 89. P3007 Cleanouts shall be installed as required. - (Consult inspector.) 90. P3107 Vertical wet venting is allowed under certain circumstances. - (Consult inspector.) 91. P3108 Island venting shall be installed as required. - (Consult inspector.) P3208.2 Storm/rain drains shall be ASS Schedule 40, PVC OWV, or other approved materials. They shall not interconnect with subsurface sewage systems, foundation drains, orfooting.drains. If rain drains are interconnected with underfioor drainage pipe, an accessible backwater valve shall be installed. The connection shall be located at midpoint of driveway or other pre-approved location. Pipe shall be properly bedded or supported, sloped a minimum ~. per foot, and be installed with an 18 gauge continuous tracer wire. -6- , Single Family and Duplex Construction . . Most Commonly Missed Items ..~~ ....,....:....;;:"..,,,,,;j..,..!:I'l.f'1../' DEVEL.OPMENT SERVICES 2,5 FIFTH STREEr SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . This sheet is attached for your convenience. Included are many often missed requirements of the Oregon building codes. Springfield - inspection staff will check for these items as well as all other requirements of the codes. There may be additional items marked in red on the approved plans that must be completed before calling for the corresponding inspection. When structural engineering accompanies plans, the ownerlbuilder must complete any additional requirements. Complete requirements of the code can be found in the 1998 State of Oregon Edition of the International One and' Two-Family Dwelling Code. [The number in square brackets is the code reference.) Inspection Request Line: 726-3769 Springfield Building Divisions: 726-3753 BUILDING PLANNING .... I. Provide ventilation in every habitable room by means of operable exterior openings equal to at least 5% of the floor area of the room. Exception: Provide a mechanical ventilation system capable of producing 0.35 air changes per hour in the room. [303.1] 2. Bathrooms shall have exterior glazed openings of not less than 3 sq ft., half of which must be able to open, or a venting system capable of five air changes per hour. Vent to outside. [303.3]. 3. Habitable rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7' for at least 50% of their required floor area. [305.1] 4. Provide a 21" deep clear space in front of all water closets. [307.2] . . . 5. Provide laminated, tempered, or heat-strengthened glass for all glazing located in door assemblies, railings, tub and shower enclosures, or within a 24" arc of a door. Exception: Glazing in tub and shower enclosures and near doors need not be t~mpered if located at least 60" above the adjacent floor or drain inlet. [308.4] 6. Openings between the garage and.residence shall be equipped with either solid wood doors not less than I 3/8" in thickness or 20. minute fire-rated doors. [309.1] . 7. The garage shall be completely separated from the residence and its attic area by means of iI," gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side. [309.2] 8. Garage and carport floors sball be sloped to drain liquid toward a drain or the main vehicle entry door. [309.3] 9. Provide operable egress windows in each bedroom with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft. (Min. 5 sq. ft. when sill is located within 44" of adjacent exterior grade.) Minimum net open height: 22"; Minimum net open width: 20"; Maximum sill height: 44". [310.1.1] 10. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls and soffits protected on the enclosed sidewith !I," gypsum board or equivalent. [314.8] ...., II. Minimum hallway width 36" finish wall to finish wall. [314.1] .... .. . 12. A minimum 3' x 3' landing is required on each side ofan egress door, maximum 1-112" below~ge to,p'Ofthe~!hold. [31~r ' Exceptions: I. At the top of a flight of stairs, provided the door does not swing over the stairs. ...:. :..: 2. At required exit door, shaH not be more than 8" below the top of threshold wlMt'tM !loor swings in.[312] " 13. Min. stairway headroom 6'- 8"; Min. Riser 4"; Max. Riser: 8"; Min. Tread: 9"; Min. clear wfdth above handrail: 36". [31"':": 14. Provide means to illuminate both interior and exterior stairways and landings. [303.4] "' 15. Provide a continuous handrail on at least one side of stairways of more than three risers, 1 1/4"--2-~,A8" cross-sectional diml..sielt. with a gripping surface and no sharp comers, 30" to 38" above the nosing oflhe tread, with a ~aimuin 1..l~1t ~ledmce tOlthe..wa'1. ;. (315.1 &3J5.2] ...... .. .... 16. Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30" above the floor or grade below shall have g'Iwdl-ails not less than 34: In height measured vertically from the nosing of the treads. Intennediate rails shall be spaced so M U\e~ do nq,t'ldl"" passageoof an object 5" or more in diameter. [315.3,315.4] .. ...... .... 17. Porches, balconies, or raised floor surfaces located more than 30" above the floor or grade below stall have iMam'ails, miJiMtM: 36" in height, with intennediate rails which do not allow passage of an object 4" or more in diameter. [3 15.3, .H.4~ "" 18. Required exit door shall be a side-hinged door and not less than 3' in width and 6'8" in height.[31 1.3]. _ i 9. Provide 5/8" Type 'X' gypsum board, or equivalent one hour assembly, each side of duplex party wall, and extend to roof sheathing.[320.1] 20. All habitable rooms and area shall be provided with a penn anent approved heat source capable of maintaining a temp. of68 degrees F. at a point 3' above the floor.[303.6] FOUNDA nON/GRADING 21. Gravel or other structural fill deeper than 4" which is placed to support foundations must be inspected during placement and the compaction by an approved special inspector. Provide copies of special inspection reports to the City inspector. 22. Concrete shaH be 5-7% air entrained with a minimum compressive strength of: a) 2500 psi for basement walls and foundations not exposed to weather and for basement slabs and interior slabs on grade (except garage slabs); b)3000 psi for basement, foundation and exterior walls and other vertical work exposed to weather; c) 3000 psi for carport and garage floor slabs and for porches and steps exposed to weather. [402.2 and Table 402.2] 23. Minimum footing sizes shall be as follows: [Table 403.1.1] Supporting I floor and a roof: 12" wide", 6" thick, 6" thick stem wall 2 floors and a roof: ISIl wide"'; 7" thick, 8" thick stem wall 3 floors and a roof: 18" wide", 8" thick, 10" thick stem wall .When load bearing capacity or soil is 1000psr, 18" wide footing is required for I story, 23" for 2 story, 27" for 3 story 24. Footings shall be minimum t2" below grade. [403.1] Stem walls shall extend at least 6" above finished grade. [403.1.3] 25. Ground under building shall be sloped to a low point, and an underfloor drain installed to provide positive drainage 'from undor the building. The grade in the underfloor space shall be as high as the outside linished grade, unless an approved drainage system is provided.[409.4] Groundwater collected or drained from under or around tho buildings shaH bo piped to an approved disposal site. Subsoil drains which cannot remove groundwater by gravity shall have an approved ejector.[3806.2] 26. The siH plate or floor system shall be anchored to the foundation with minimum if," .diameter bolts, embedded at least 7" into concrete or masonry, spaced at 6'_0" on center maximum with at least two bolts per plate and one .bolt within 12" of ends or corners. ~OO.I~ . ; 27. Foundation drainage shall bo provided around foundations enclosing habitable or 'usable space below grade. [405.1] 28. Colum~s a.n~ P?sts shall bo anchore~ to prevent lateral di.splaccment. E?,ception: ,Columns less than 4' in height, bearing on a pier or footmg wlthm a crawl spa~e ~at IS e~cJo~~d b~ ~ c.ontmuous foundation wall n,eed not be restrained at the bottom end. [408.3] . . . .~.. . . . to .. . "" . ~.' _ +.. ..... u~.l_ . WALL! & ROOFS 38. Gypsum board used as shower and bathtub ceramic tile backing shall be wateNcslstant. All cut or, ~~.~osdd edges,mcludlng those It w.l1lnteructlon" .hall be luted as recommended by the manufacturer. [702.4.2] 39, Masonry "eneer anchors may support 2 2/3 square feet of "eneer, maximum, .nd sh.1I attach to continuous #9 wlre.[701.7] AO. Flash all exterior doors, windows and horizontal wood trim. [703.8] ~ . 41. Provide braeln; at all gabla and walllllxe..dlng 14 fellt In length. [Sellltandard City of Springfield detail_ for approved brBclng methods.] 42. Nails and staples must not be consistently over driven beyond flush with the sheathing surface.[Table602.3(1)and (2)] 43. Shear wall nailing or 'stapling must remain exposed for inspection approval.[t 13.1-113.4] 44. Trull Bnglnearlng mu.t be on Job .Ite at fraining In.pection. for .11 type trualel uled. [502.10; 802.11] 45. Trusses shall not bear on partition walls unless so designed. [301.1) 46. Enclosed attics and rafter spaces shall be provided with cross ventilation. Net ventilating area shall be not less than 1/150 of the attic area. Exception: Net ventilating area'may be reduced to 1/300 when at least 50% and not more than 80% of the ventilators afe located at least 3' above the eave or cornice vents or when an approved vapor barrier is installed on the warm. side of the insulation. Provide a I" minimum air space above insulation and baffle at eave or soffit vents. [806, E40 1.2.1] 47, A readily accessible attic access framed op~ning not less than 22" x 30" shall be provided to any attic area having a clear height of over 30". [807.1] 4S, Roof coverings shall comply with the gen~ral requirements of Chapter 8 and'the specific requirements of each section based upon type of material: a) asphalt shingles [903]'; b) slate shingles [904]; c) metal [9,05]; d) tile, clay or concrete shingles (906]; e) built-up roofing [907]; Q wood shingles [90S]; g) wood shakes [909]. 49. Roofstonn drains shall be provided to collect and discharge storm drainage to an approved drainage system.(SO!.3] One 3" pipe graded 1/4" per foot can accommodate up ~o 2,320 square feet of surface area.(Table 3SII.2] 50. End walls to be step flashed or to manufac,~rers specs.(903.3) MFC:HANTC.AT. & PJ.1JMBTNG 51. Heating and cooling appliances located in a garage or other area where they may be subject to damage shall be suitably guarded against such damage, (Protection is typically provided by concrete filled pipe bollards.) [1307.3, 3310.3] . 52. Appliances which generate a glow, spark or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors and are located in the garage shall be installed with the burners, burner ignition devices or heating elements and switches minimum 18" above the floor level. [1307.3, 3310.1] . 53. Fuel burning warm air furnaces and water heaters shall not be installed in a room designed to be used as a storage closet. Furnaces or wat.er heaters located in a bedroom or bathroom shall be installed in a sealed enclosure such that combustion air will not be taken from the living space. Direct vent units ar,e not required to be installed within an enclosure. [1402.1, 3309] 54. Combustion air must be provided for all fuel burning appliances except direct vent units, [2001.1 to 2001.5] 55. Provide access to attic furnace (22" x 30'}or underfloor furnace (30" x 30"). Provide a permanent electric outlet located near the furnace and lighting fixture controlled by Ii switch at the passageway opening, [140 1.6~ 140 1.7] 56, The maximum amount of water used by new plumbing fixtures: a) toilets: 1.6 gal. per flush; b) shower heads: 2.5 OPM; c) interior raucets: 2.5 aPM [3202J . :' 57. $howers and tub-shower combinations shall be equipped with control valves of the pressure balance, the thennostatic mixing, or the combination pressure balance/thermostatic' mixing valve type with maximum mixed water setting of 120 degrees F. [3215] 58. Minimum shower compartment: 1,024 sq, inches; shall also be capable of encompassing 30" drcle.[3210,3] Threshold shall be of sufficient width to accommodate a minimum 22" door.[3210.2] ..:.. . 59. Equipment used for heating water shall be 'protected by combination pressure ancJ.te11'a~et~ure reliefvlLves. [3408,)].... 60. Water heaters shall be anchored to resist horizontal movement. (i.e. earthquake stripping) [3310.Si). ... .... .. 61. Storm water drains located within 5' ofa building may be Schedule 40 ABS or S~,W\1q.."\P PVC, CPl. installed per intt:Uation standard lA. [3501.1.2J . .' . 62. Clothes dryer ducts shall terminate outside the building. Max length is 25', redute 2.5' for each 45deg. elbow,[18()l1~:... .- 63. Trenches dug parallel to the building foundation and deeper than the footing must be at least 45 degrees from bottom o~~ edge of footing to the bottom inside edge oftrerich.[3 t 13.3, illustration pg.294] .. .. .. . . . FJ..F,CTR,1r.AL . ....: ....: ...... 64. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL PLANS ARE NOT REVIEWED PRIOR TO PE>>1Il: J~SUANCE. Alllllectrical work sh.ll comply with current codes and will be field. inspected for compliance. Building perllllts rlfty be issued without electitaT ~E!hnits. Electrical contractor must confirm an electrical permit has been obtained before startirf't'work. . 65. Provide grounding electrode at electrical service, consisting of (or connected to). ".... 20' 10000gm or~"diamete' itlir4. reinforcement in footings. (41 OS, 1.2]: . . . .. . . .. . 66. OFCI protection required for receptacles in outdoor locations, garages, unfinished basements, bathJl(lo.... .vhere S~~g ~~nter- top surfaces in kitchens, and when within 6' of wet-bar sinks, [4402] . .... . .... 67. Provide an approved smoke detector in each sleeping room, outside of each separate sleeping area, and on ~ach additional story of the dwelling. All detectors shall be interconnected and shall provide an alann audible in all sleeping areas. Smoke detectors shall be located minimum 3' upstream of.air ducts. (316.1) 6S. All smoke detectors shall receive their primary source of power from the permanent built-in wiring, with battery back-up in case power is interrupted. Exception for remodels: hardwiring and interconnection is required only if other remodeling considerations require removal of the appropriate wall and ceiling coverings to facilitate wiring. [316.1.1, 316.2] 69. Required smoke alarms shall not be located within kitchens or garages, or in other spaces where temperatures can fall below 40 degrees F. Ionization smoke alarms shall not be located closer than 3 feet horizontally from: a door to a kitchen or full bath; or supply registers of a forced air heating or cooling system. Smoke alanns within 20' ofa cooking appliance shall be a photoelectric- type smoke alarm or the alarm shall have an approved silencing means.[316.1] 70. Recessed light fixtures installed in cavities intended to be insulated shall be labeled as suitable for being installed in direct contact with insulation (IC rated). [4503,5] 71. Electrical outlets and approved wall fixtures in the fire separation wall shall not be located back to back, Use metal boxes no larger than 16 sq. inches placed in separate stud spaces for the 2 dwelling units.[320.2] RNRRGY CONSERVATION 72. Provide approved vapor barrier installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation at all unventilated exterior walts, floors, and ceilings enclosing conditicned space. [C401.9.1 ) 73. PATH I insulation requirements: ( Section C40 1 for alternative insulation paths.) Exterior Walls: R-21, Basement Walls: R-15, Underfloor: R~25, Slab Floor Edges: R-15, Flat Ceilings: R-38, Vaulted Ceilings: R- 30 (max. 50% of floor area), Main Entry Door (max. 24sf): UcO,54, Other Exterior Do~>rs: U=0,20, Windows: U=0.40, Skylights (max. 2% of floor area): U=0.50, Forced Air Ducts: R.B. [Table C40 1.1(1)) 74. Alterations within an existing building envelope may use the minimum component insulation requirements: Exterior Walls: R-15, Basement Walls: R-15, Underfloor: R-21, Slab Floor Edges: R-IO, Flat Ceilings: R~38, Vaulted Ceilings: R- 21, Exterior Doors: U=0.54. Windows & Skylights: U=0.65. Forced Air Duct'l~ R-lt rCIQ1.2.3. Table C40...Llh Footrjote Cl !~!~~fi~it~~~~,.,~:~~4~t~?\~~~~&~~~~W~;f~iJ~~~~J~~f~~~?f~lf ,.,,""',v,',.~, "')i~;l~'~h: Ci~. . 3:, ',[.}\lI:p~~~~~:e~.pl[e,~l:~O:tl~ys:a~er Issuan:e:lf no' Inspectlons NlVe'l:i:e~~::cal!,ed'.~o.,r:o~,;,~<!'~~~;,::,}r~}~.~~:~~~~~g$::~~~th:e ,project. iti~.W.9~,!;~~"U!LI.!),S.g~L~~~;!'l~,~:ti,~r.,;~~;W,~r~JI;4~:~.~?m~~~~~!y',~,~,~.~;~ngJ~~y,~~ ~_!:'~~,~:.m~I>~~S!!_~~~~;J;";9~~S~j,~~_~:qt~d,~:,prior.to i,:-(::'~' . f;,:~~i;:;_;~::~'~-:'l:?.':"\;~'/'~';~'.f','~':C~I;tf\:9{jl'/,:/-;;>J-.,. ,; .' . -,", ',";'~-";:'~' '; I _: .-.':m~lm!~;i:'JF,~,d,:ii:t'~;::;-: ::'~':::b~;t::~';':,,j";rt"\'~'!j~"~l~~~f:~~fJ!:~!~::C!fr~~;\';r~!,.::,;:..' . . ~ J . .' . s RAFTER . '. (Z-l6dTOENAL@Jt) . "'*4(m:a::l) .@ .CEn:.INGJOlST' . -.........~)4.. .' /. . . , . ., I (3-8d TOENAIL @ Jl) . . ..... I . . . - 3-1Od~~ ~. .. . . LE....;........ ST\I) WAU.. . · . . 2X Ill.DCI\NG .STICK-FRAMED. ROOF ~.~"AU. @EAOlBAY EDGe NAJl..N; (Jd @ "'ale) . -. FASOA . .J(~ J ~." "J~SlEATHHO -.-- - --- - - - ..;. - - .-,"-" - - ," J'"' --_. . .' .~ I I . ACCEPT.~ _B.;~ I. .re:> '~:'l" ;. ( ,1...'.11:_P' . . . :.~."'--.:.." .., -,,-, . I ' .,- ....... ", ----------------~~ . " , , , " .. '. ... .' , , ... ...... . . .... .. ... '.. ...... .' . '. .. .. .. , ......., ..!JMI;MAI.M . ....... .t8It@:~ .... o ... .. ~cJr"':"~':' .'. , . ~. .... I . .' , ",1 .~. . , f'REHAN"FACTLIB ~ 'TFU>S . 'TRUSSATTAOED 'IOTa' lUTE · ./. . II >Cf"""",'II'ICE WJTlf ;XI...... 8OZ.1O .' - . .jx Ell.OClCIIlG . . @EAOlBAY C1!)'rr~D.R~ PRESCRIPTIVE EAVE DEl An:. C' ; . E,...,........ sn>> WAU- - ; ~ ~....5;~ C.. L .. E';'.=""WAU. . "'Y SlEA~. .' .j. . SPRINCFlELD .' .' .... ~ ~.Jilljll(llJ!l!I,i/J!.'lI..1(I'f-f.1o~Jmy 1., 200~ !. , s \'/ ~ .' ~ ~ ROOF SHEATHING " ' 'c ." '. , GABLE END BRACE, " BLOCKING 3 BAYS', , "-- PANEL EDGE BLOCKING , 4-12d / ~ 2< 6 MIN. BLOCKlNG / I / ROOF SHEATHING " 'L~~ ,1~' ~ .... . . '~ 0PANELEDG~~~~CKl:~'.: , , 1 MIN. " ..:..: . .. 2 ~ I ~ 4-12d ..:::: -::::' / .. .. . ... . .. .. ~. ,~ .., 2 'l .. 2 x 4 MIN. BLOCKING ~ / I I J. - 4 ~/21 2 x 4 MIN. BLOCKING 3 BAYS ^v I ~ l '\ 400 # L CLIP GABLE~END WALL DIAGONAL STRUT GABLE END BRACE 400 #L CLIP GABLE-END WALL NOTES: 1. GABLE END WALLS THAT ARE NOT BALLOON FRAMED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE BRACED BY ONE OF THE METHODS SHOWN ABOVE, OR BY INTERSECTING PERPENDICULAR WALLS, AS FOLLOWS: A} WALLS WITH 2 x 4 DOUBLE TOP PLATE: @ 9' 0' MAX. OIC B} WALLS WITH 2x6 DOUBLE TOP PLATE: @ 15' 0' MAX. OIC 2. WHERE CEIUNG ADJACENT TO GABLE END WALL IS VAULTED, WALL SHALL BE BALLOON FRAMED TO ROOF OR,ENGINEERED. ..... , , ..... ...... . , .. ...... " , .. . ....... , , .. .. ..... , " , .... ...... . , .... GABLE END WALL BRACING REV. 611198 FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR. STRUCTURAL WALLCoNstRucnoN MEMBERS AND MAXIMUM STUD SPACINGTABLES, 1 IBLE R602.3(1) " ',' ' ,TABLE R602.3(1} , FASTENER SCIlEDUI.E FOR STR1JCTURAL MEMBERS , NUMBER AND TYPE OF , FASTENER....... . DESCRIPTION OF BUIlDING ElEMENTS . 1 Joist to sill or girder, toe nail I" x 6" subfloor oeless to each joist, face nail 3-8<1 2-8<1 2 staples, 13/. 2.16<1 16<1 2-16<1 3-Sdor2.16<I lOcI lOcI 3-16<1 per 16" S-16<1 2" subfloor to joist or girder. blind and face nail II Sole plate to joist, ",lid deck or blocking, face nail Top or ",Ie plate to stud. end nail I Stud to ",Ie plate. toe nail Double studs, face nail Double top plates, face nail II Sole plate to joist, solid deck or blocking at broced wall panels '\ Double top plates, minimum~inch offset of cndjoitns. face nail in lapped area ~T .Blocking belwa:n joists or rafters to top plate, toe nail Rim joislto top plate, toe nail Top plates, laps at comm and intersections, face nail Buill-up header, two pieces with "II" spacer I Continued header, two pieces , ,I Ceiling joisu to plate. toe nail I Continuous header to stud, toe nail . Ceilingjoist.laps over partitiOns, face nail j Ceiling joist to parallel rafters, face nail 1 Rafter to plate, toe nail II" brace to each stud and plate, face nail II" x 6" sheathing to eoch bearing, face nail, II", x S" sheathing to each bearing. face nail I Wider than I" x S" sheathing to each bearing, face 1llU1 'I Built.up comer studs Built.up girden and hearns, 2.inch lumber layers ' lJ) 3-8<1 8d 2-10cI 16<1 16<1 3.8d ' 4-Sd 3-IOd 3;10cI 2-16<1 2-8<1 2 staples, 13/. 2-8<1 , 2 staples, 13/. ,2-8d 3 staple., 13/. 3-Sd 4 staples. 13/, lOcI lOcI 2" planks 2.16<1 Roof mien to ridge, valley or hip rafters: ' toe nail 4-16<1 face nail 3.16<1 1 Rafter ties to mters. face ,3-8<1 I Wood structural panels. subfloor, roor and wan sheathing to framing, end particleboard wall sheathing to framing 1)/16"'12 6<1 common nail (sub floor. wall) 6 Sd common nail (rooot I "/32 -I Sd common nail 6 I' l'/a-l'/, lOcI common nail or Sd deformed 6 nail (conrinued) SPACING OF FASTENERS 16- a.c. 24"0.0. 24" o.C. 6" o.c. 16" 0.0. along each edge 16" o.c. along each edge .... , , \ ....lI: . , . .. , , . .. . .....- - ~ , " I. .. ........... --:- ~. . ...., , , , .. ~.. ....... .... ... , , , ... . .... . , .. . .... , , .. .~.... , " . .. ... . . , . -.... ...... . , . 24"'11.c. ' Nail each layer as Collows: 32" O.c. at top and bonom and staggered. Two nails at ends and at eoch splice. ' At each bearing J 121 121 12 104 2000 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE" ..... , , . ..... ...... , .' .. ...... , , ., ...... , , .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... WALL CONSTRUCTION TABLE fl602.3(l) .\ ." I .. .. . .. TABLE R602.3(l )---continued' . .' FASTENER SCHEDULE -FOR STRUCTURAl MEMBERS f, I 5"'ACi~~ u~ ~~~~.~~~ DESCRIPT10N OF FASTENER~ I DESCRIPTION OF BUll.DlNG . . MATERIALS I Other wall theathlng" 1'/2" regular cellulosic fiberboardsheathing I''z structural cellulosic fiberboard sheathing. ' , I "'In structural cellulosic fiberboard sheathing . . l'z gypsum sheathing Edgu (lndles1 Ilnlonnedle.. supports'" PllChes) 3 6 l''z galvanized roofmg n.n 6d common nail Slaple.16 ga., 11'z long l'h galvanized roofing nail 8d common ruul staple 16 ga.. 11'z long 13/, gal vanized roofing nail 8d common nail Slaple 16 ga.,ll/,long 11'z galvanized roofing nail; 6d common nail; staple galvanized, Ilh long;'11/4 screws, Type W or S 13/, galvanized roofing nail; 8d common nail; staple galvanized, I '11 long; I'll screws, Type W or S . I Wood structur8I pan.la, l:OmbinaUon lubUoor undertayment to framing 13/4 and less. 6d deformed nail or 8d common nail 17/0-1 8d common nail or Sd defonned nail 11"1-1", IOd common nail or Sd deformed . nSll For 51: 1 illCh=25.4mm,1 Coo<= 304.8 mm, I mile pcrbour= 1.609tm1h. . a. All nails are smoocb-common. box or dcIormcd shanks c:xcept wbcrc otherwise staled. . b.Soaplcs ...,16 P.... tDd have . minimum "winch on diamcIer=wn width. <o~;r. ~ be s~ ,,'&0, more than 6 U;dlcs on cenlet II all suppans whero spans... 48incl.es or pal:r. ,t.FOllUOOI.by-8-l""'__L..~, ~ foot ptnds ,hall be applied venica1ly. e. SpacinJ; DC ftslcllerS IlOt.ln<:llIcIcd in this !able shall be based on Table R602.3(2). .' .1\ f. For regio", having baiie wind speed oC liD mph or grwcr. 8d deformed nails shall be used Cor etlllehing plywOOd lllld wood strUc..n1 panel roo[sheathing 10 ftamingwilhin irinin'1I"'48-inch dattDa: from gable end woIls. iCmean _fhcight is more than 25 fcet.lIp 10 35 Ceetmulmum. g;Fqr"""'" hav~g~ speed oCIas IIlan liD mph,.oils CoratUdtiag wood,_ panel rooCsheathlng 10 pblc end wall fl>minJ shall bespoc:d 6 JI 'Inches on center Wbcu basic '!'in<! ,peed is poaICr than 100 mph. nails CouaaclUng panel roof shealhing 10 :......". .::aIe --rr'-- shall be spaced 6 iud,.. on cenler for m1ni~~ .'.l!.ch distan... from ridges. ..... tnd gable end walls: and 4 inebes oa ...nter 10 pble end woIl framing. b. QJlIIllllshealhini thaIl eOiuorm to ASTIol.c79.nd shall be instolled iu......rdan... withOA 253. Fibclboanl sheothingshall coaCorm to either AHA 194.1 or .~t:208.':..:.. '. . . . . . I. ~JPcilJg offestcnMolllhrshcalhiag paoeledge< uj>pliaslD panel edgeSS\..rr _. ._~ by framillg membea tDd.ull floorpcrimelCrS Daly. 5podng orr...ooelSO" '"",Cshduhing panel edgeupplics 10 paoel edge< supponed by framlagmembers tnd tltDrooC plane pcrimcIcn. Blocking of_Cor floorshcathiag panel edges '~cularto thCframiag membea shaIlllOt bereqoimlClt<=pttliulerSeetioa DC adjtccllt_fplancs. F100rand _C perimetershalJ besupporJed by Cl2II1iui members or solid bloctina. . .. j. InlCrior IIOn.bracd wallli= may ~ nailed with a ~lIm 4-1 Od aaiIs. 3 6 .3 6 " 4 S 'Ig gypsum sheathing 4 S, 6 6 6 12 12 12 j. II , ' ! . lDS 2000 ImERNAnONAl. RESIDENTIAL CODEe TABLE R602.3(2) WALL CONSTRUC;1I0N , " TABLE R602.3(2) , ALTERNATC ATTACHMENTS I SPACINGl::: OF FASTENERS NOMINAL IIATERIAl THICKNESS DESCRII'TlON"o. OF FASTENER AND LENGlll J Edgtl InlermedilleouppotlS _ , '~.,. ~' (lnchuJ (1nches) , Wood structural panels subftoor, root and waD sh8athlng to tnImlng and par1lcleboard wan IhNthing to framlnrt 1... 0.097 - 0.099 Nailllh 6 12 5/16 Staple IS ga. 13/a Staple 16ga. 13/. Staple IS ga. l'la 6 12 3/a 0.097 - 0.099 Nail 1'/2 4 10, Staple 16 ga. PI. 6 12 Staple IS ga. I'h 6 12 !S/32 and IIz I 0.097 .0.099 Nail I'la 3 6 Staple 16 ~a. 13/. 6 12 0.113 Nail Ilia 19/31 and '/a_ Staele IS and 16 ~a.I'/. 6 12 0.097 - 0.099 Nail PI. 3 6, Staple 14 ga. 13/. 6 12 23132 and 3/. I Staple IS ga. PI. S 10 0.097 - 0.099 Naill'la 3 6 Sta?le 16 ~ 2 4 8 Staple 14 ga. 2 S 10 . I 0.1l3Nail 21/.. 4 8 S<.al?le IS 'l!- 2 Nail2'/a 3 -T .A, , . SPACINGS Of FASTENERJ .. ; I NOMINAL MATERIAl THICKNESS I Edges , ,-or BocIl' 01 ponti fWo....' DESCRIPTION"J> OF ''''<;Tf'NER AND LENGlll 0-1 0_1 I A_ uncI~ p__"k",I1ICiOiiOiid' . . I Plywood . . - - 1'/. ring or sacw shank nail-minimum 3 ,. , It , II. and '/16 1211z ga. (0.099.) shank diameter ' ...... .. . '. Stanle 18 Ra.. '/a. '/16 crown width 2 ,. ..~... 11/,'ring or sacw shank nail-minimuni 6 _'" ,,". I_ . ,N' 11/32. 3/a. !SIn and IIz . . , . 12'h ga. (0.0991 shank diameter .. , , . ... Ill? ri~g or scre~ shank. nail-minimum 6 - ..1'1 : '9/32.'/a. 23132 and 3/. 12 IUa. (0.099) shank diameter ' I Staple 16 ~a. I'!. 6 8 Htnlboard' 1II/21nng ring.grooved underlayment nail 6 6 0.200 14d cement-coated sinker nail 6 6 I Sta?le 18 ~a.. '/alon~ (plastic coated) 3 6 Particleboard II. 14d ring.grooved underlaymenl nail 3 6 I Sta?le 18 ga., '/a long. 'h6 crown 3 6 3/a 6d ring.grooved underlayment nail 6 10 I Staple 16 ga.. I'/along'>/a crown 3 6 11z.'/a 6d ring'gTOoved underlaymenl nail 6 10 I Staple 16 ga.. l'/alonl. lla crown 3 6 , For 51: 1 inch = 25.4 rom. L NtiI is . geoml dcscripuon tnd may be T.bead, inodified round head or round head. ' b. Staples shall havel minimum crown width of7/16Pinch on diameter except IS noted.. . c. Nails orstaptcs shall be spaced at not more than 6 inches on center_t all suppons where spans art: 48 inChes or greater. t:lails orsmplcs shaIl be spaced at not more than 12 inebes on c:emcr at intermediate suppons (or flOC?D. . d. Ftslcllctl sbaIl be pltce4 in' pid paucm tbroughoutthe body or the panel Co For ~'ply psneh. iorennedi'le naib shall be .psced not more lhan 12 inches on ceoler each way. t !Iardboard UndcrlaY"'DI.ball comono to ANSVAHA AI3~.4. 106 2000 INTERNAnONAL RESIDEN11AL CODE" j ,I j 1 ,J,.. ~., . ... . .... 1. , .. ..~:..: .. .... .. . , .. .. .... , ,. .. .. '... . , . '.. THICKNESS pnch) 3/a .... , 'J Ih .... -....: ......For5~,',.,&,p25.41ftv>. .' , " ' L Wtllthcathfng nol"'Il'lIWl:~weathcr.lflhc'pandsare.pplicd borizollltlly.!he endjoints of!he J>3IlC'I shall be oflsel SO that fourpai>els comelSwill not mceL ...... All ~ edges must be ....u.m1 Leave a I/Winch gap be[Wcen panels and nail DO ~loserthan 3/1 inch frompancl edges.. . , , ., ...... ,. , ... .. .... , , , , .... .. ..... . , .... WALl. CONSTRUCTION ,.TABLE R602.3(3) . TABLE R6\l2.3(S) . ,', ,.u.~~ABLE snio SPACING FoJ~55~~~TURAL PANEL WAll 'SHEATHIN~ I MAXIMUM STUD S~ACIHG pncbu) I SIdlng naUtd Ill:', I PANEL NOMINAL Ii l'vO\,' dS pnch) 5/1~3/a 3/a.7fJ60 15132. Ih Stud 16 24 Shaa1hIng 16b 24' PANEl. SPAN RATlNG 12/0.16/0.2010. orwall-16 0.0. 124/0. 24/16. 32/16 or walJ-24 0.0. For 51: I inch = 25.4 mm. , L Blocking ofborizoni.J joiDts shlIll not be reqoUed. b. Plywood sbc8thing 3/...inch thick or less shall be ipplied with long dimension across Sluds. c. Tb=.ply plywood panels shaD be tppJicd 'willl long dimension tanSS studs. TABLE R602.3(4). ' ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR PARTICLEBOARD WALL'SHEATHING' I STUD SPACING (lnchos) When aiding Is naDtd to _ Whtn oIdIng Is naUtd 10 ahea1hlng 16 16 GRADE M.1 Exterior glue M-2 Exterior glue' 16 . ... . . .. , . " , , .. ...... . " .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .. .. ... . ,. , , .. TABLE R6D2.3(S) , MAXIMUM STUD SPACING STUD SIZE (Inchoa) , 2x4 3 X 4 2xS 2x6 SUPPORTING ROOF AND , CEJUNG ONLY llnchosl 24' 24' St..r i' ........ ..liS ONE FLOOR , ROOF AND CEJUNG -) 16 24 24 24 SUPPORTING TWO FLOORS ROOF AND CElUNG 0_' SUP,.......,II...ONE FLOOR ONLY (bichos) 24' 24 24 24 I j I I For 5~ ) incJi = 25.4 mm. L 5hal1 be reduced 10 16 inches Ifulility grade SIllds are used. 16 24 24 16 ! 107 2000 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE", . " , J - , 1,] 'A TIENllON, ,EXTERIOR SIDING . ' ..... . Manufacturers are now producing severaCctW~renl::' '~:~::; 'types of exterior sidings. .It is essential that each ,', '. ..:::: ,type Of, ,siding b~ i,nstall,~~ccOrdi~gtOthe:...: . .....1' :::::~ manufacturersmstallationmstructions~Many. . ,,' ...... , manUfacturers have refused towarrantyatPj:siding::, ,:::::' that is not installed tocomplywiththeirspecific':.:~:- " ...... . installationre.quirements.' ." For this reason we' , tequestthat the manufacttirers 'siding installation ' standards be present aUhetimeof inspection to '.', verify compliance: " ' . -f , ~r ,,'" " j,' . _' . t. .. .. . .......~~ ~"f.u.'J::JI.:'/:J;ml~~I~.'1S.'1=/1.ti,'J~. '. AA ~. .' '. ...'. ., . . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ,'. .' .: . .. *' ' ' . 225FlFTH S~EET . .' '. . ' '. SPRINGFlE1,D. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 726-3689 '. June 15, 200l All Interested Parties . . Beginning immediately, the SpriIlgfield Commnnit;y Services Division, Building Slrl'ety will require a legible insulation certificate to be left on the job site at the time of final building inSpection. The building inspector will record the information of the company . who installed the insulation, the date of installation, and the person responsible for the installation as part of the permanent record of the structure~ If the information is not legible, the final inspection may not be approved until the information is presented in a readable fonn.' .. .. . . . . .... .. .. . Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. If you have' tJ1'f tJ:tI~ons:' , please feel free to phone either Bob B;IIIIhart at 726-4652 or myself at 126-3790. Sincerely, . ., , .- .. .... ... . . .. ...... , ,. .. ~ . ... , " .. , .... ...... . . .. .... .. .. Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor j ..... , , ..... ...... , , . .. ...... ., , .. ....... . , , .. .. .... , , , .~.. ....... , " .... . OREGON PLUMBING MINIMUM FOR Anchorage is required on all water heaters having non.rigid water connections and over 4 ft. in height, ' measured from the base to the top of the, case. I ' , -!1l.c--l11 fin . . 80 M/N.n , V" -I I '. LOCATED WITHIN TOP 1/3 OF TANK .. I MIN. 3' ABOVE OR BelOW CONTROL ACCESS PANEL --,.. III " [ I '\ SPECIALTY CODE 199'2 ,- .. fARTHOUAKEANCHORAGE ALL WATER HEATERS t~ "2 x "112" ~ SCREW WITH WASHER THROUGH STRAP INTO STUO. ra ~. :is: '8 GA. MIN. GALV. STEEL STRAP (PLUMBERS T APEl 5S~ " ..... , , ..... OPTIONAL AOJUSTlBLE FASTENER " , .. . .... .. ... ...... ,- THlc~"'~OMeu~ftBl! SPAcEA..' ATTACHiO,TO WAll. WHEN CLEAa.UlCl', FROM COMBUSTIBLES IS REQUIRED' , .. ' BY THE HIOII. TIiR MFGR. . .. .... ... '. . ....'.. , , .. .. , 'ctPTlONAL 4' LOf'M 2x4 ~, , ;/41,';3-'/20 LAG SCREWS 'M.o6TUOSo '~""ACH SlllM" ,W\TW"'2 x ,~1/'t' SCREWli.. ~ WITH WAS~!:;..: . ..... .. , ~. " 'I'J PJ, ' Notes: 1. If installed on a raised base, using the above strapping methods, the base will not be required to be attached to the floor. 2. A bottom strap is required on all raised platforms greater than 12" high, and on all heaters over 65 gal. capacity. Tanks having a capacity over 100 gal. shall have specific approval of anchorage methods by the administrative authority (Building Official). , OATf-: f/:z.719f;; I " . ", CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Dept. BuIldIng Safety OMolon 225 N..5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 WATER HEATER . . ANCHORAGE I i -, o , " K & A Engineering, Inc. ' , " P.O. Box 23624, Eugene, OR 97402 ' , ' 521 Market St, SuiteB, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541)684-9358 FAX ' .a en gin eer i n 9 , December 28, 2004 Hayden Enterprises, Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place, Suite 1 0 Redmond, OR 9n56 Subject Minimum required specifications for cripple wall construction Project: 197.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has made a limited evaluation of general cripple walP framing practices for new single-family residences, as per the State of Oregon One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code (2000. , edition). Our purpose was to research the minimum required cripple wall framing and sheaUligg requirements. . . . .... . .. .. . .. .0 ...... . INVESTIGATIONS AND RNDlNGS ' Our understanding is that cripple walls constructed by Hayden Enterprises, shall be betwee~ thq foundation and the first floor framing that consists of 2x6 studs spaced at 16-inches on center and no mote tIlaJl4-f~ irI', : height .. .. .. .. , , .' . . .. We note that the building code2 specifies in section 403.1.5 that 'The wood sole plate at el(tll/iQr,waIls on. " , monolithic slabs and wood sill plate shall be anchored to the foundation with anchor boltsoeP'acelI a maxm'tDl\16 feet on center. Anchor bolts shall also be located a maximum of 12 inches from all exterior comers. Iltlns :SI,II be a minimum of ~inch in diameter and shall extend a minimum of 7 inches into masonry or concrete.. It continues by stating, .Sills and sole plates shall be protected against decay and termites.. We note that the building code2 specifies in section 602. 9 that .Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less in size than the studding above.. Since the upper exterior wall framing consists of 2x6 members the cripple walls below should also consist of 2x6 members. ' We note that the building code2 specifies in section 602.10.1 with recommended 'wood structural panel sheathing with a thickness not less than 5/16-inch for 16-lnch stud spacing and not less than 318-inch for 24- inch stud spacing. . Cripple wall wood structural panels shall be installed with 6d common nails at 6-inch , spacing at the edges and 12-inch spacing at intermediate supports." . 1 This framing is caned 'crib waD' on 1I1e plans. The IBnn 'cripple waD'ls used 'here to b~ consistBnt wI1hlocal bundlng codes. ' J,' , 2 StaIB of Oregon One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code (2000 edition). ..... , , ..... ....... , , .. ...... , , .. .. .... ., , ... .. .... , , , .... ...... . , .... K & A Engineering, Inc. ' SUMMARY AND.RECOMMENDATlONS The following are our recomrTlendations: ' _ 2x6 vertical studs at 16-inches on center with a 2X6 pressure treated sill plate anchored with minimum ~inchbofts at 6-feet on center, with one bolt a minimum of 12-inches from each foundation comer. Anchor bolt embedded into the concrete foundation a minimum of 7 -inches. 7/16-lnch APA rated sheathing similar to sheathing on remainder of building. ,_ 'Nail sheathing using Bd at 6-inches on center for all panel edges and 12-inches on center in the field. Bl.ock and nail an panel edges. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call n you have any questions. Sincerely, Chuck Du Fault, E.I. T. K & A Engineering, Inc. ...... , , .. .... ...... . . .. .... .. .. . ... , " .. , j Project 197.04 Client Hayden Enterprises, Inc. Page 20f 2 December 2B, 2004 ....... , " .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... .... , , .... . WHERE FOOTING SECTlgN :Aoii MOREiIWI ~ FT. eo" ~PLlCE/PROVIOEMETAL TIE 1SG-;': B"".5 B,Y4F.r. toIlN.. EA~"": SlOE OF SPUCE W/8-16d COMMON NAI~~.' : .. eo 1+-2 FT. MIN. , ' , 2x ~ "JE' . .' I ' " '/~ r_ " ", ,~ _ . . . ,i':. " . - - '_-. . .,' ' ii .. : ---l ~ .. .-.......:::r~ :: A I ~ 2x CRIPPLE " " . STUDW/>J.J. . " " 11~, Cripple Wall Requirements in the " Oregon 2003 One & Two Family Dwelling Code, '. ."." ,'. . . Cripple wall bracing. Cripple walls with a stud height exceeding 14-inches supporting exterior or interior braced wall lines shall be braced with an amount and type of bracing as required for the wall above with the following modifications for the cripple wall bracing: a) .The required amount of bracing as determined for the wall above shall be increased by 1 5 percent. b) The maximum wall panel spacing shall be decreased to 18 feet on center instead of 25 feet on center, as normally required. Note: Cripple walls supporting three stories have additionalrequirements.-- Stepped_ foundations. Where stepped foundations occur the following requirements apply: , , a) Where the height of a required braced wall panel that extends from the foundation to the floor above varies more than4-feet, the braced wall panel shall be constructed in accordance with, ' Figure R602.11..3 .... b) Where cripple walls occur between the top of the 'roul'I~atiol'l:'::': and the lowest floor framing, the bracing requirem'Ef~t~ 'oran , , additional story shall apply. . , . " .. , ... .. , , .. ...... , , , .. 2x SILL PlJ<TE \ ' I... ii .. .. .. .. I, . " " . " .... , CONCRETE STEPPEO FOOTING ii .. .. " = . " ['/11 '\'''111 \\,,'/1, \\~'II . ,\\~ , " 'W' , 11/ ,>>/, ,>), " , r '/1/\\\."1//\\'''1// \W'/II\''''11I\\'VIII ~ \\'1 I/. FOOTING SECTlON"A' , . . ,>>. -. .." '/1 '/lI\\''''.///\\'V/I/ \W J . ,For 51: 1 inch = 2S.4 mm, 1 fOOl II 304.8 Mm. Note: Where footing Section MA". is less than 8 feet tong in a 2S Ceet total length wall. provide bricing ~ cripple stud walL FlGURE RS02.11.3 STEPPED FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION ..... , . ..... ...... , , .. ...... , , eo ...... , , .. .. , <. K & A fngineerl.ng; Inc. " P.O. Box 23624, Eugene, OR 97402 ' '. 521 Market St, Suite B, Eligene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Viiice (541) 684-9358 FAX January 6, 2D05 Hayden Homes 2464 SW GlacIer Place, Suite 110 Redmond, OR 9nS6 Subject General Foundation DraInage Recommendations jasper Meadows SubdMslon - 2"" Addition Springfield, Oregon ' ProJecI: 74.84 , PURPOSE AND SCOPE ..., ' . ..". . . . . ..... This letter provides additional recommendations for drainage for the construction of single-f~~.IMidences i : ' the subject new subdivisIon. These are Intended to supplement recommendations provided 10 the original geotechnical report provided by Boire Assoclates,whlch Included general construction criteria for development of the project site. ' , ., . . ,.., ... . . .. ...... '. . . Sm: CONDmONS .. .. .... . . . . ........ As documented In our sUITllTlaly report of Septemtier 20, 2004, the gently slopIng site had frolf)' {ll ~feet of'::. ' . , gray plastic sills over weathered yellow/lan tuffaceous sandstone. ' . ,.. : , ExcavaiIon for the foundation pads consisted of benches cut Into the slope with cuts as high as 4-feet K & A 'engineering, Inc. witnessed excavatlonand provided on,site recommendations so that all foundation cuts were ' made to suitable subgrade sons or bedrock. After excavation and grading of subgrade to undisturbed SOilS/rock, 10 to 24-lnches of granUlar fills were placed on the'foundation subgrade and compaCted. '. . Groundwater was not encounterad In any of the excavations except at the lower elevatlon of the project in the ' road subgrade. , , FOUNDATION DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS Since a significant amount of low penneabllity, dense granular fill will support foundation loads on the underlying native solis and rock, if groundwater were present above the excavation grade it Is likely that the granUlar fill could trap and Isolate water In the foundation excavation. Conventional footing drains would not remove thIs water because it would be below the footing grade. ' } . ." ..... , . .~... ...... . , .. ...... . , , .. ' ...... . . , "'.. eo", .... . , . .... ...... , , .... K & A Engineering, Ine. As a precaution ,to aVOid the possiblrdY of traPping Water below the foundation,.we recommend that low point, ,,', drains be installed In thil crawlspaceS with the Inlet at subg~de level. This wDl ilffectiveJy drain ih~ entire ,." foundation. This low point drain can replace the recommended conventional footing drains. . . . , . :. " , '. " '.. " . The low point drain should be constructed at the base of a small wen excavated in the granular mi. The sides of the well should be uniform with a slope nat exceeding 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. The inlet pipe should be covered with some sO,rt of grate or galvanized screen to prevent fines from entering Into the drain system. The low point drain should be located In the crawlspace as close to the downhRl side of the foundation as possible. Additionally, we recommend that the finaI grading at the surface between houses slope to a geoDe swaJe that routes surface runoff away from the foundation to the street or to an approvild storm drain collector. The swale , should have a total drop of at least 1-fool , , ' , ' . ' ' Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call If you have any questions. Sincerely, - .... . . ' . . ...... . , . ,. , .. .. , ...... . . .. ...... . . . .. .. Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. ' . j .' .' ..... . . ..... . ... -:-,.-'/ ~ ... ...:~.:'. ~. .. ' 'It.. .. , , .. .... . , .... .. ... . .. .. .. : Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Client Hayden Homes Page 2 of 2 , January 6, 2005 ....... .--t .. .....", ....... . ... .. . ... .. . .... . , ' . .... ....... . . .... . , i i , , , ! "I'\t'f '/v...~~g;" ,j ~.(l';'~~;:-lr ,;..'?'\ tt?-4~~I):~~'*:0~'~~~~\ .li:!~1 \ 'Ii'" I-I'" .~ ~"I!d"~"",;jL,() (.~.E'-"~' :'lNE\~\\.~/. .._-~.~ CALCULATIONS , STRUCTURAl. BUILD)NG DESIGN' FIRE PROTECTION COD. CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING ' , CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION [ IJEblL HAyDf:N HOME'S JOB L()(M1QJ:L Lor 1/1 J4r~ IJ1. S p(2./N6fIBl>J oIL -1f)B DE'SCRI PTIQN CLIENT SHEET W' CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY vi.o.. rl;7Y~V i.1~ / OF' t;' , ~,' . DATE DATE /6.?fl<f GrNlA~ />r:)oR. wnu... tATenn,- eN(r/Ne..c'"NN (,. 'W' of1- 'L,-!'t>W G,/'JJ'VQ(;n/F /':J/..t..OW/:::O I<.LAI'M1'f/ A < ~E1lJiQL oF- pLr.w Ole, > WINO S'P€l:.""D' &oMPff . t:XPO\ufl.~ ., B ,. S~I S/>?J<. A'Uf7-I :'1> / h , SNOW 1..Dj;;() : l.'5PJt:" Site.and soil conditions not observed by MortierEngineering P.C, Allowable soil bearing capacity of ~ 000 psf used. ..'...~.. f"''''''"Ar"\1 r"'T" '_ I""III""\'="'-==' 'r'\nr=~r\t\l Q'7An" . .. .. . ..... .. , , .. . ...... , , .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , . . ... . ... , " ... .. i TE:l . I~A1\ .d.A4~QnRn ..... . , ..... ...... , , ..' J ...... , , .. ...... , , .. .. . .... , " , .... ....... , " .... .,.,..~]~~ ,);~q,~ f,"'I1i:""'" "<. \1 ~ '1i;'i::~~1~~~~~~1 ;f)~",j~:,,~..,..,-,J.. , "'I'" 1'1"'>; /, """""""'-="-,0, 'f}'l."f.,::!Jg;,7\.~./ ":'lNI'\''?-~' ......~~. CI..IENT I ' ~ /1/-.1.... 'L. r CALCULATIONS SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY J'Yl';:J , DATE STRUCTURAl. '. BUILDING DESIGN' . fiRE PROTECTION CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSU~TANT . PLAN CHECI<lNG /638"1 , CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION w::o.. t.A7D-1At LDI:laJ WINIT- . , INWW: Vi1~ L.Ww , r;./JDr- self....... vs' . Ii.,,,,, I] .... , , , . ...... , ZJ.('. . . ., .. , ...... " , .. ...,' ...... ..,II' .. . .. . w w lU i3p-IF l..WR.. ,,?, )JDF j 1?4.', PEARL ST. ' EUGENE. OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 .... , " .. , ... . , , ,. .... , , V, ..... . ... , " .. , ..... , , ..... ...... " , " ...... , , .. ..'.... , , .. .. ... .. , .' , , .... ...... , , .... ~~...~ '0' oIt T, 'C', ~:,~~:"\ ~~ .....~.I~;;.:~ \ df; ;2:~;"~:";;7'::r, c.l...~ S\.:I,! 1.=.; ;"';:'~'.'I;_t:j~ " ~., ,,~--- ~ ~/.' "<...~IJ::..~"" CLieNT f'/'-Il.J~"f' 3 5" CALCULATIONS SHEET N" OF CALCUL.ATED BY fro DATE SlRUCTUAAl BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION . . CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSUlTANT' PlAN CHECKING. ,/6J8V 'CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION W.O.. FINP Vr;. 'N iN" . A...: "er,'" YI.J' 4 \311'1. /-1<</ 101./ r, .... (e,/!,1\,:' ~ 11,ll"lc) II04(j'l. 0..\.'.';,1/.1;HI): 17 78L65 . l' S'€:lJmtc. '. . U,!\I,TI'tnJ r .' \V: 1'5(llt( U ')(/3 ') I 8f'S'("t ')( '-1'-1') .. 7~tj3L{j -.." 'I,"/;/i3LbJ (.11'1)' 911L~S ~OL.1fi. Yr;. . vNIl (HQ:l~: li"lBt..Y'44/J =Ye~Pc.r (j 11'- C!:>J MI\"< HT C~ rl~ '" 2;1." eVJ)'- 6'-4" .... Otw\; 6.{l' ( <.I~qJHJ;)CZ'l.")~ 661-8' U.-t; ',,' -, ) ) ...... 1<",; 15,)\,-("1_')(1.133 (,~\. '" IJIU-1,. , ~S".(a ')(/. ~> )(-"/2-) 'Iora I..-f>- r? , , . .. .... /'5'''/ "--64(. ..,. ',: ...... , , 50'L.8 L6-(; ~...../1 (/ Plf'l....6-t) .. ..... ..,-.~ ...... . . , . ' .: J.07.r;,'l(( .... '.83' .~:.: e;;:fJ . . .. . .... , " .. .. } 1?A" P~AI'lI !':T , ~11r.~NE, OREGON 97401 TEL: 1541\ 484-9080 ..... , , ..... ...... ":" .--.." -!-. ...... ". . . .. .. .... , , .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... ~~>, .'~~.;..?\ r; '~:~1~1~~-:-~\\~\ rf "1];',-',:-'., . ~'I; ';f,1 1 ~~o ~'i~I!~ IsJ1Jj~-1. \.<"l~;<<a~)~ ~".~:Y!:.k/ CLIENT I // -t7//E7II SHEET NO L.J OF '~ CALCULATIONS CA1.9ULA TED BV Ph] ." DATE , STRUCTURAL BUILDING DesiGN' FIRE PROTECTION . CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSULTANT< PLAN CHECKING ' 16'784 CONSTRUCTION~PECTION .w.o.. BEAM PER PU\NS~ DOUBLE TOP 'PU\TE------ I . ' '-JI~ I...... II~' II II I ! (1) 2xS BLOCKING FU\T . - w/ (1)' 35" LONG CSIS STRAP .-/ , NAIL ALL HOLES I NAIL WALL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING , 8d .@. 3"0.c. STAGGERED .... , , , , ~ .... , " .. .' ..... . / . ... .1 '"' , , , , " .. , ... . , , .. . 7/1S" OS8, 8d NAILS ./ 3"0.c. EDGES STAGGERED-"" (2)2x @ EDGES' ...... , , .. ..... . , , ,.. .. .... , , . ... , ---- HTTl S HOLDOWN.-/} ( SST81S ANCHOR I ' I CONC. STEM WALLJ / ,~ f CONT. FOOTlNGJ " 22"MIN' . ... , " .. , Q) DETAIL AT FRONT OF GARAGE N.T.S. (lYPICAL EACH END OF OPENING) j _. i__. U'" "'''''........''''... 1'\..,."'.t'\04 Tel. Ir::.A 1\ . .dA.d.OnAn ..... , . ..... ...... , ' , .. ...... , ' , .. ...... , , .. .. . .".. , , ,- .... ...... , , .... "'-C\tT r~~O~(!~ ,~~".h. r.' ,~~?f;(. ,;~' ~~~~,~~~ ;:;II~~::n:.} ;/'(L;..:''::.. ~}..,,"h (:;,,<~:nt!f~,1. "<{NE\'.~"" .___v~ "'"'. ~ """'-~ -, l,,;L.~tH CALCULATIONS SHEET N("l 5' OF t)' CAi.CULA TED BY f11:> DATE STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN' FIRE PROTECTIoN CHECKED BY' DATE COOE-CONSULTANT. PlAN CHECKING . /(5&'1... . .. CONSTIIUCTlON INSPECTION : w.o.. B~O~12 CAIOl"OT .....CIA JID,It -: ICII.~ ~.m"n -,;., . 8 .....,.".@ )ID,_ . ......... .~ ~ . eAIlQ oac. &.' I . "'~I' II'..... 4'.S' ...... ...... I. toO'''' ..,TI.'~' _.-,-,-. . ....'S~:':'.'..~'." "'_E~7~~~[. fElf ! ..... " FL~CE!' ~ ,-I~~ ~~ :1 :it.' .' ;~ QpII~1 .-i,a i: ,. ,,,' ~ ~ ' f;;1 ~ -10- ~IOftAI""o, bed e.. J. _ H. \bI UDt CJ ..,. ..~. .@>::: ~ y ~.",,~KNi ~~r:~.~; J "'.:~~ 2'4' .'~Il' 8..1 A'~~ ~I '~ "'. & ",,~l. -.."" ....~ moQ. . ............ ........ . , . I . iSARAl!re d - ....' r~- ,1.L- ~ -J- ---@ . .0:; aa:H:i (1M!!! IMm!T 01 JlOIt ~JfClCNl~ . .teaea.eT02f1C1f1!: . ~ CLAflAdEII!XtEN&Ic:lN6J . ~. .~.. ........ (~. "'.e' s.... ...... , ., .. .. EI ..... , ..... , . . ...". .... ~. .- "~ f/ ....... , , .. & , ...... ...... , , '.' .... ...... PAR:TIAI... I /rJ F"i..wn plAN ^,T5 ... . . . . .. . 5EE ~ . .... ,. ~..,' . 0 ..... '.Vr. ...... 'P ~. .... . ~...,,~ . ~- :....: ''- . . .... .. - . , I.,' :r:~~_.........-- .. , , 1 ,. ....;... '_'.;..~~ K " :-1 - ............. r- ==E am - -~DD r--Lllil. ~~ ..1::::=____.. --- & 1.lx.4r-otTWlj. '~~~~TlOHeDI.U'ta . I'"'06T~.CM- ~6TCN!""'" a4.."U5eDClW~I!1.8'tA1'lClH. . 'F=~ONi ELEVAilON A t-T-"T-_- . r-r- ~~ !! ~ ~ ~ f".-, . 1 ~"~;dfr~~K~ .r_~, - --::?"'/ :If Pf,nl -C~! / / - / I I \.. ~.v ) ec:.ALb 114' . r-v CAIC-f p ewDf) ~""".r...clIod'1l1-CE!!T) 1245 PEARL 8T. ., EUGENE. OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484.9080 .. JEFF HARRISON i.,., EUGENE HAYDEN HOMES THE KLAMATH - WI BONUS NOOK GARAGE LEFT . . JEFF GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM D HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANG LAM LVL D AS PER PLAN. NOT ON MATERIAL LIST o AS PER PLAN . INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST .... , , , , ...... , Louisiana-Pacific Corp. , , , " .. , ...... , , .. LPI-Joists / Gang-Lam LVL / Solid Start Rimboard Distributed Bv; .. .... , . .. .. 14421 S.E. 98th Court P.O. Box 1750 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 (503) 742-8689/ Fax (503) 657.1843 866-742-8689 This material take off is for the Louisiana-Pacific CTR joists, LPI..Joists. Gang-lam L VL, and Solid Start Rimboard materials only. The contractor I builder f homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans must verify all information on the Hoist layout prior to oonstruction. Any changes needed will then be made before any taming has occurred. Changes made to the house plans after construction framing has begun may affect the !-joist layout, it Is the responsibility of the contractor I builder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans to verify if the changes affect the !-joist layout. Any damages, fees, or other services required to fix a problem related to these changes will fait under the responsibility of the contractor I builder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans. A complete set of plans needs to be submitted for an accurate material take~ff. Thi!'l. i!'l. A mAtFlri::l1 t::lk~ffonl...._ Thi~ I~\lnllt ~a!'l. not MAn rA\liAWP.Ct l'lrcoml1ilP.d h.... ~n <>nnj"",,pf All beam sizes have been sized by the Louisiana-Pacific Wood.E beam sizing program or by the design tables in the LPl Joist User Design Manual. Glulam beams have been induded in this drawing, without cost, and as a courtesy to our customer. The Architect I Designer I Engineer of record is solely responsible for the original design callouts, neither Louisiana. Pacific nor International Wood Products, LLC. Are responsible for the design or accuracy of calculations regarding the glulam beams shown on the lavout. 3/15/2005 .... . .' .. , ... . , . .. .... , , .... . ... , " .. , ..... . , ..... ...... , , .. ...... , , .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... {) Begin Layout @ 19.2" a.c. . " . f r I , , , , I I ! I I , . ----------j--+- 1 1 p~ ; -1--1-++-,--- 6=' 'III! ~..' I I ! i1.t.tQ ,:: I I ~zotx~~::~~ i!:: ': : .: ! ! J.oJ>'!@ ~~ !!! I I W ! ! ! ! ! po=! .!!! I .. ,! W , I I I I I I I I I I I I, i i I I I I I ! I I I I I I I!!!! i I ~ I I. I I I II ! i _j__L_j__L_i__L_l_j__l_~__~_~__~_~_~_~_~__~_~__L_i__L_+-~__l_J____l____ ----r-i--i-i--i-T-i--,-i--i-i--;-1-j--y-j--r-j--i-i--i-'-:--'-1--'-'--'- I I I I I I. I -u;Lz04(S:JIIZ"i-! ! I I I I I I I Ii! i ! I ! ! , , , . : S/30 . U'~ IV . . I I , , , , , . , .' . I I I I LPIEOW!X 9 IIZ' ! ! ! ! gm; ! ! I I I I S/JiO' I! !!!!! i i i i i i i I I U'IZ0!NX'91/r i i i i LPI~OWIX 91/Z' ~ ! 7tsz' I I I I ;. I I i I Iii i ! ! I L 5/~4' j' I . I I i LPfzoYj' x 9illz.n , 5/~0, , , " '" I I , LPI~OW,X 9 IZ", ':' ,.... LPIEOWIX911Z'1 I, I I I!! I I ! I I ! I I I ! A! ! ! ! ! i i i i i i i I I I :, i i i i i i i I ~! I I I I I I I I I I i I I I ! I i I I I I Ii! i i i i i I I I I i I I I Iii!! I I I I I j i i ! Iii i i ! ! I I I I ! Iii i i ! ! j I I I I I Ii! i ! ! ! i :'==r='==r=T==r=T='==f=9==F=1==~=!==F=f=1==f=1==r=1==F=f=~==~=~==F=~==F: i i i i i i i ~ I I I: i i i i i i ~! ! I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . I .... .... .... iiiiiii~dlll: iiii iii=!1 IIII I I I I i I I bd i i i! I I I I I I W! Iii i , . I . . . . . . . - I i I I ;; ~9! I I I ! I :::, Iii Iii i i i !!!! : i !!!! - T I ,., ! I I 1 1 , . , . , , . , , . , . . , . , , .. .. , . , . . . . . . , . . . . , , .. .. ,. . . . HAYDEN HOMES . . . . ~:itHE:kLAMA TH - GARAGE LEFT WI. BONUp/:B~EAKFAST NOOK OPTION .:........ ..... :,W\Att~iF~OOR LPI JOIST LAYOUT .' .. I ~^~ ~ International wood products, LLC ~ Main Level Havden Homes THE KLAMATH - GARAGE LEFT WI BONUS NOOK OPTION mm______m____________MA TERIALS LIST FILENAME: MAIN IIXI7.Grg.Left W-BONUS.dwg GENERATED: 03/1512005 08:44:01 Designed By: AARRON PHILLIPS - IWP __m______mm.____________1 JOIST -------- I.JOIST LPI20W X 9 1/2" (31 stick(s) total) (2/4) (11/30) (7/32) (9/34) (2/38) Total Linear Footage = 944feet m_mmm____________ml JOIST BLOCK ___________.mmm_m_m .... . . , , I-JOIST BLOCK LPI20W X 9 1/2" @ 19.2" O.c. (40 LF) __m______mm_._._____m HANG ERS ...... , HANGER Simpson lIT 39.5 (8 total) . , . " .. , ...... ----------------.-.-......-.--END LIST -- . .. . .Multi-ply blocking quantity does not represent the total nwnber of pi,...:, ': ""Multi-ply beam ply's are added to multi-ply quantity. .", Note: It is the Builders / Contractors responsibility to verify joist lengths. Blocking panels (if required) are to be cut by the Builder / Contractor. Web stiffeners (if required) are to be cut and provided by the Builder / Contractor. Additional non Louisiana-Pacific material may be required. International Wood Products, LLC. 14421 S.E. 98th Court. P.O. Box 1750. Clackamas. Oregon. 97015 (503) 650-9663 · (800) 875-9663. FAX (503) 657-1843 .... . .' .. . ... . , . .. .... , , .... . ... " ., .. , ..... . , ..... ...... . " .. ...... . , .. ...... . , .. .. .... " , , .... ...... . , .... Hayden Homes - Klamath - J1 OR International Wood Products, ue 2OOol.1 Allow.itlIeSUessQesign NOTE: .~Tl<BLE.. .. . ... 11LPI20W DEPTH i.SOO ~ 1. THlS COMPONENT IS DESIGNED TO SUPP'QRT ONLY . . " . . .. ... WEB. 0.37S. THE VERTICAL LOADS SHOWN VERIFICATION OF NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR l~lo-'O ClISfiI(1 J.O">>i~ LCNI CA.S!S.: FLANGE 1 50 X 2 50 LOAOING.DEFlECTlONUMfTATlONS.FRAMlNG FORPATTERNUVELOA01NGARE iQt(E~A6RESI~RE~. . . ~ . .. METHODS, WINO AND SEISMIC BRACING, AND OTHER (DIMENSIONS MEASURED FROM L E~D ~F SP~OR C~~. . .. LATERAL BRACING THAT IS ALWAYS REQUIRED IS DISTRIBUTION SOURCE TYPE TOP/~IDE LOAD FROM TO LOAD LDF THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER FT- IN -SX FT- IN-SX OR ARCHITECT. UNIFORM FLOOR LIVE TOP 64 PLF 00-00-00 37-00-00 1.00 2. PRQVIOE RESTRAINT AT SUPPORTS TO ENSURE UNIFORM FLOOR DEAD TOP .,.l9 PLF 00-~.1ilO 37-0~00 ... 0.90 LATERAL STABJUlY. . . ... 3. DO NOT CUT. NOTCH OR DRILL LPI FLANGES. WARNING NOTES: ... ::. . . 4. SHIM AU BEARINGS FOR FULL CONTACT. . . . . . . . 5_ vERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTTING LPI TO SIZE. THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPEaACALL Y FOIt 1,.-' ENGINEERED IvooD PROOYCTS. . 6. THIS LPIIS TO BE USED AS A FLOOR JOIST ONLY. USE OF THIS DESIGN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAtfGANG-lAM LVl OR LA JOISTS IS 1. PROVIDE COMPRESSION EDGE BRACING AT STRlCTL Y PROHIBITED. ANY MODIACATJQN OF THIS DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVIEW 33. O.C. OR LESS. BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFICIENT TO PR!VEN"'CRUSHINCi.a~1 ~Fi :.. JOIST AS DESIGNED. IT IS THE RESPONSIBIU'T"r'tlF fH~OJECT !:NFINEr.R.. . . ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT TH"'SUP~T STRUCTUR. FQRIIlI"HISel!At' IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE REACTIONS.. .. ~. . ..: :. PROVIDE ANCHORAGE FOR UPUFT AT SUPPORTS INDICATED BY NEGATIVE REACTIONS. ANCHORAGE DETAIL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ARCHITECT. ENGINEER, OR DESIGNER. ANCHOR LPf JOIST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. MSt ',46 DESIGN CRITERIA VSI: 0.47 LIVE LOAD .. ,.. DEAD LOAD 12 ,.. TOTAL LOAD 52 ,.. , SPACING 19.20 IN. C/C DEFLECTION CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DEFL. L I ... TOTAL LOAD DEFL, L I 24. LOAD SHARING, . CODE: COMPLIANCES REPORT # ESR-130S 20040S-W 12724-R Ice-KS WISCONSIN CCMC DEFLECTION ASSUMES COMPOSITE ACTION WITH GLUED AND NAILED 19/32- APA RATED SHEATHING (40/20 SPAN RATING) SUPPORT REACTIONS (LBS) . CASE BEARING N U H B . . I , , , , 1 16 6" 1039 1052 '". , . 16. '" '43 6' , 177 150 '" 121 1 1 . -IS7 7" 54' '" '43 , '45 ". 541 '" '43 6 ,85 537 1090 ", 11 I 7 167 '" 68. 1093 '70 "00 ! HIN BEARING SIZES (IN-SX) T 2.500 b;.. - ,- 0 ,- . ,- . ,- . ,- 0 CROSS SECTION LIVE 'OEAD TOTAL MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONS CALCULATED ALLOWABLE LOAD 0.10. 0.33- LOAD 0.07. LOAD 0.l2- 0.65- 3- 9- 'c----lO- 9- 0 13- 0- 0 3'7- 0- 0 - THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE - 9- 6- 0-:0. I' Handling & Erection Miscellaneous tnfoonation Gang-lam LVL and CTR, LPf Joist specI1ications TempQl'OII'f.-dpennanentbradngforl'lOldingcomponent Thl!l~ofltlQ.~shalltlespedRedbyU.deslgllel"ofthe 'SllpcxlManclc:on'WldlontforGaro-L-amLVlanclCTR.LPIJoi1bl:Otle ~lnllac~laclnIforoe:slhallbl!deslQnedlnl CI:ln\fIl<<eIll'UcCun!l.Obtaindthe~mdemmpllanc:eapptO\ralll'C qleClflCappIlcaliora. instaII<<lbyotNnr;. NoIoa1l_klblt~1r;I1he inItNcliotlsfromthe~ofthlcomp/lltllltlud1n~<Aingthis .CotMw:lnnallr.driYenp;n!Wb....lInes.nallbespac:e::l.cnlnlrmmof4.(or1<!d ~i.rd;ftfltlllltt>>framinQ;wlCl'=:1Ming:n ~ Illhellresignaltmlbt<<l4lbowdoernotmMtlD<:alllo:A:lln; and 3" 1or8d. txlIJIlllllIal_-'lnotlmesh:dIo:lOsIlre;lafWlrllleslgnlD:ad$ ~ . ootICtusellDo.lgn. WhIIIIlDdr.Mtnglstlgned 'DotICtQ..t.~dfllor""GMQ-UmLYLandCTR..lPt..lrlGu-..-c:epl..ch:Mn llelllXlliedlDtheCllfJlllOll(ll". nM:Nd.theSlnlc:t1GldllllgnlaJClP'Ollldasst.Mnlnttnc\r.lwlllo ln~~fmmlP~uset:AG~LVl"'C1"R,lPlJolsU:~ ~ondatallllNitledbytllecuston'leJ. Garo-tamL\IlardClltlPl tDthelimb_fllJ\tlhenon.~.~~~D4lhltpmdl.ldand1P lalAaAlmmewltl'l;M.tcemtlerendwtl\1ellol;tU'derba::l.WOOCSi'l<llnltl dbd~"ImpIied~lndudlrvUle~watrartitsDl"~ 02l'Uc;t..nhcancn:tllmu:stbe~.l1IQUlroc:lby03de.COl'titUIu$ .mlllneaforepart!cularIM. IMetlIl ~ is asunecI {wall, floor bNm. <<c.I.LPdaa not provide' on-lll.lnspectlO/l, This d~ ~ ~.." Ardllted"s or Eng""", IUI . A COPY OF THIS DRAWING IS TO BE. GIVEN TO THE. INSTAUJNG CONTRACJOR ~lIOlDbetorlSidam:lllllE~~. Software Provided By: lP Engineered Wood Products 2106 HigtWtay 421 NQf1tl Wilming1On. He 28401 local 910.162.9816 NatiooaIWa1S 800.999_9105 O>t"'" lcaO OesignCli1Q1\a The~nill'(jm;ltenalspecml!lQareln~ aJRfonntty-..<<t\thelatest~~o(NOSaf'dACTC.. Oeadloa:ldenoetion;nel....a.a:llustmentfactorfQl'~. Totalload"nedio"it~. LPlsarlOlsl;lI!rllll~oll.Dubbna-Padflc~ DWG # SHEE'r # :~ll: J:\Hayden Homas\,The Klamalh,!l~~lNook.OpiJ,R8\I.1.24.05l~.$pX Hayden Homes - Klamath - J2 OR International Wood PrOOucts, LlC 2004.1 AlIowatlleSlressDelll:ln NOTE: .OAO.T"BLE. . .. . .. . 11 LPI 20W DEPTH 9.500- 1. THIS CQMPONENT IS DESlGNEO TO SUPPORT ONLY ~. . . . . .. .:: WEB, 0.375- THE VERTICAl LOADS SHOWN VERIFICATION OF NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR IN QAi) Qt.S6I(1IeOTIlE~lc..D ~S.. FlANGE 1 50 X 2 50 lOADING, DEFlECTlONlIMfTATlONS, FRAMlNG FOR PATTERN lIVE LOAOING ARE C ~RE<IlJREO....... .. METHODS, WIND AND SaSMIC BRACING, AND OTHER (DIMENSIONS MEASURED FROM LEFi E~ <:= $P~R ~lfYE~. .. tATERAlBRACING THAT IS/4.LWAYSREOUlREDIS DISTRIBUTION SOURCE TYPE TOP/tIDE LOAD FROM TO LOAD LOP THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER FT- IN- SX FT- IN- SX OR ARCHITECT. UNIFORM PLOOR LIVE TOP 64 PLF 00-00-00 31-03-00 1.00 2. PROVlOE RESTRAINT AT SUPPORTS TO ENSURE UNIFORM FLOOR DEAD TOP .';9 PLY OO-Oj.cliP 31-0J.OO ... 0.90 LATERAl STABILIlY. . . ... 3. DONOTCUT,NOTCHQRORJLL LPl FlANGES. WARNING NOTES: ... ::... 4. SHIM AlL BEARINGS FOR FULL CONTACT. . . . . . . . 5. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTTING LPI TO SIZE. TH1S COMPONENT DESIGN 15 SPECIFICALLY FOJf..."'EHGINEERED &rOOD PRODWCTS. . 6. THIS LPIIS TO BE USED AS A FLOOR JOIST ONLY. USE OF TH15 DESIGN FOR ANYTHING OTHER Ttt.t.torGANG-lAM LVL OR LPI J015TS 15 7. PROVIDE COMPRESSION EDGE BRACING AT STRICTLY PROHIBrTED. ANY MODIFICATION OF THIS DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVIEW 32" O.C. OR LESS BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFICIENT TO PR~N1'CRUSHING.~.I"HCo,. :.. JOIST AS DESIGNED. IT IS THE RESPONSIBIUTYtlF fHd>ROJECT Ell.INEFiit. . . ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT THQUP~T STRUCTURItF(JM"HIS I~ IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE REACTIONS.. . . . .. :. . .. .. PROVIDE ANCHORAGE FOR UPliFT AT SUPPORTS INDICATED BY NEGATIVE REACTIONS. ANCHORAGE DETAIL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ARCHITECT, ENGINEER. OR DESIGNER. ANCHOR lPl JOIST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. I SPACING 19.20 MSI: 0.50 VSI: 0.47 .0 PSF 12 PSF 52 PSF IN. CIC -, " I 480 " I 240 DESIGN CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DEAD LOAD TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DEFL I TOTAL LOAD DEFL, LOAD SHARINGl o CODE COMPLIANCES REPORT 1# ESR-1305 200405-101 12724-R ICC.ES WISCONSIN CCHC IDEFLECTION ASSUMES COMPOSITE ACTION WITH GLUED AND NAILED 19/32- APA RATED SHEATHING (40/20 SPAN RATING) SUPPORT REACTIONS (LaS), CASE BEARING NU , 2 J 1 331 1129 953 2 76 261 220 3 382 671 436 4 25 718 137 5 326 1151 671 6 29 696 1018 MIN BEARING SIZES (IN-SX) 2- 0 3- 8 3- 8 H B E R . '88 43 279 1 -47 -" '68 J .soo I 2- 0 T 2.500 .. ~ ~ ~ CROSS SECTION MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONS CALCULATED ALLOWABLE LIVE LOAD 0.10" 0.33- -DEAD LOAD 0.03" TOTAL LOAD 0.12" 0.65" 10- 9. 0 13- 0- 0 31- 3- 0 - THlS DRAWING IS HOT TO SCALE- 7-6-0- (I Handling & Ereclion MisCellaneous IllfoonaliOn Ganq.lam l.Vl. and CTR, LPI JolsISpedfJcations TernPDf7YaD:I~bradrVtor~eomponerll TheI.SeDfItU~shallblttpedliedby""deslgnerDfll'lll "Sl.lppr:wqRcomectIonIbGlWQ-UmLVLRCTR.LPI..bistslOblt pUnban:lforresl$tlrO~knaU\lllllllldeslgnBdan:l ~s:rudLnl.OttanIlll"".-ury~~.apprtWa.., apedIic~ In$lakdbyOlller$.. NoIoam_1Otie applIedlOt/'oe In5IrudlonsfrDmttle~Dfttle~s:rudLnlllefDnluslrQltjs "COI'l'Ir'r.o'lnall3dltv,"~lOgluellna~lleacaced.tllWnunof".lfl'fOd lXl<t'lpOnel:l[loI'dafter"lhefrwningarof~ere romporetll.lfthetleligncntertallstedllbo"ledoaootn'lelltlOQlllluildlf1l.anrl3"kI"Bd. ~.All'Qtinw&hallbaU;~u.ndc$l;nIo_ codereq~,d:lR:ltUSl:llhl54afgn. WhenUlll.~1a.1i;ned '()gng(w..R:ICd\.dnl&OfabrGaro-uml'^-anrlCTR,\PI.Iolau.~ttpl.asstlOwn l>>llPP'oe!lOthlJoomponlllll. R&eaIed,thelttuctlnlo.l;nla.~a~..lhIIdrarMng "~macerlaffromt.PII:r1UMlo(G~l,^-M'dC1'R,LPI.IaIstI.~ I . .. uasadon&IUptOVldedby""~. G~LVLRCTR,I..PI IOthellmitlMtfortl'l~II:r1~...arrdyof<tw.productemf.P DeslQflCntena IjDI5lslQ~1IlIilh:UCII1Il>>l'''''IOIIOIIl<<ttnWlo.;ld_WOOOindirea d4da1imt.lmpliect~lndudinglllltlrnplled~ofmen::tla'UtJi/l TIloc.signan:lm=Mial~f*,_In~. ~1XlCUO-wl!tltlll'lCl"llWmusllleprtUdtld_t8Q'*-db)lcooe,~ ""f~Jor.pM/clIar~. mnformity'Mlhthllblesl ,.."lIIorla of NDS II'IOAJTC.' tateral.upportla.lISWmIId('wall, \Ioortleam. etc.). \P doardpn:Nlde Dead loadlleflec1kln lrOulle. al!juwnMll lac10r for t:nNIP_ on-Irte lrIspectJoo.. TNa d~ muac fIa<Ie '" An:Mect'I Of E~. $Ul ." COf>'(QF 1'H1$ QRA.W\NQ IS TO BE GIVEN TO THE IN$TI\UJNG CONTRACTOR T~klall~b~ ixedbbe~enld,"E~OOCument. . LP"e~tfad<<neIt(l(l..ouf&Iana..PaetfIe~ . ~" , File: J:\Hayden Homes~The K1amalh., .Nook..Opt.3,Rev.1.24.0S\WOQde.spx Software Provided By: lP Engineered Wood Prcxlucts 2708 H/gtnlQy421 North wilmingtOn. NC 28401 L.ocat 910.762.9876 NaOOnaIWa(s BOO.QQQ.910S ""'''''' lCBO DWG # SHEE'T # FROM:GENE STRINGFIELO 541~689-8266 TO: 8953461 '. . ~7tiUr G....g. door h.ad.r, OOn portal Imme. 12" overtl.ng l' roor Ir1b and goblo end Iruo WOlght ~:"",_~""',- 3 1/2" 12" CI I G ._,,,&,,,00.10<_7002002023 l( ass c lulam™ (24F -1.0E Framing OF) I r:i 8r.Jtl'2OO'f,:26:2QPM 0" n""".VcM.,,US.33 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Meml>er GlOp.: 0112 RooI SloPoOIlZ. ~ I!Jt All dim. n"on. ar. nOrlzon~l. IS' 10. f~ ... 'Produet Dlallra.11J I~. l>;.nceptu"l. !~8IGN CONT,R~ /;. .. Mexlnium Doslgn Conlfol Control Loatltlon " 6lIear(lbe) .1038, .910 ~79 Pl!:ISOd (15'1\) Rl end Span 1 underSnaw IMd!ng Mamenl (F'H./ls) 4437 4437 19320 P....od (23%1 MID Span 1 under Snow loadi1i9 LlvlIload Deft (In) 0.092 0.550 P_od (Ull99+) MID Spart1 _or Snow loading Tol.ll""d D<>ft (In) 0.238 0.825 _ (UB31) MID Span 1.,~~rjder snoW laad1rig -Deflection Crttena: MINIMUM(lL:LJ:l80,TI.:1I240). . , -e....oing(l.U): All compreootan odgaa (lop and bOlto",) must b. brllQl!d at 14' .,. a/a unl... <I.100ed othOlWl.e, Prop8r allGohment and posKlonlns of Internl bracing It; required 10 scl1l0Y8 momber 8labIlKy. " -D...lgn aooum.& R<lequat. conUnuOUll hlteNII.upport or the ccnir ...,..:_.. edOo. r .2l\.lmi Analr-'191s ,lor Q H.ader (F'luen a.am) Ml!f1lber. Trtbutary Load WI.IIl:"Z P~m8ry load GroUp. Snaw(pSr): 25.0 Uva AI115 "dumllon, 15.0 Oond VOltICOllaado; . Type' C18s. Uvo Tapored(pl!) FloOr(1.DO) 0.0 To 0,0 Topered(pll) Flo0r11.DO) 0.0 To 0.0 o...d , 20.0 To 60.0 60.0 To 20.0 I..oo.tlon OTo 8' 10" 8'10" To 18' 10" Application I\dds To' . Adds To Comment .... .. , , . . ., . , . SUPP08:I2; . . ..;eo_.' 1 w.oQtJ. COlumn. 2 Wood column Input' Width 3.50" 3.sa' , , . .' '." ..: . BeatIng Langth 1.50" 1.60" Varllcel Reaction. (Ibol lI'IoIDaa<llUpllttlto"" 421/631/0/1052 421/836/0/1056 Dobll Othor , By Oth.", By others None None -Saa T J SPECIFIER'S / BUIlDERS GUIDI; lor detall(s): By Others ...... . . . . : .. ...... . ..... .. .., . , .... , " .. , .., . , , .. P.001~00:!. , ., '" , "" " ..... " , , ...'."; ': .. ..'..' , _,.,.,e't ...."...' , . ,.,., ',' .. .-,.. . <~" .. .. 00'" I ~..lI\ ( , , , , . , , , , , , .... , ...... , . , .... , ' AOOl110ML t-lOtES: -IMPORTANT! The ans1yoIe presented Is output Irnm $OftW\lr. ilovelopedby TIllS JolsI (TJ). T J WBrrent& the sizing '!I1I& pmduote by We eortw1lre wDl be . eOcompllshlld In occordence wfIh T J praduQt deolgn crtIed. and code .coopted deatnn voIu... The .peelOo product oppOc811ao, tnplll design loade, and ""'led dlmonolons hIM) boen.provIcted by tho 801\W:1m l18el. ThI8 output haG nal be"" re\iewed by a TJ AsoaoIOM.' , -Nolllll producto 018 re.dlly.""OabJo. Check willi your .uppllor or T J ted\nlc:JI rep...oontRtllM ror product oVIIII.bOlly, \. tHIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONl Y1 PRODUCT SUaSTllUTlON VOIDS 1liIS ANAl WIS. ~AUowoble SIrGO(I 0""1"" mothodalcgy WltD lllIed lor Ilulldlng Cod. UBC 8Q(\lyz:Ing Iho T J D\.trtbutlon product nsled above, .Tho onalyolO PreOet\ted Is epproprtala lor CI_lo Olulom'" 'boomo. by Weyerlm.usar. PROJECT INFORMATIOlj;, HAyden Hom"" 16' garage door heeder: parallel 'Q gsrnge truss layout.. OPERATOR INFORMATION;. Troy UtlCMter Gene Slrtngneld Building MDterlal Co. , p.O, eO>( 2707 EUOOlla, OR 97 4~2 Phone ~ 641-889-8014 Fill< ; 641-!lB9.l\200 gDbmctn:>ylllqww.nct I i..",,.." ~~PytI9n~ A 300. t~ T~UG JQlat. a .~~hA~P~.~~'ln~DD T,,''''I\htnr4' J..1l .. ,."(t1>'I.",,,,~d t.il'.do.C1.rk ot 'rJ:lln ,1Q1101;, ClrlDlIlo A1.lllnlll'" l.n " tJ:e.d"IIIDck at ~ovhll"~n,.~: .... " , .... . ... , " .. , ....; , , , .... " ...... , , .. ...... , , .. ...... . . .. .. .... . , , .... ...... , , .... .. .- .....~-.- . "'---'-"'--~~""~""$=-<."""'''''''''''''-~-'-'''''''''''~-~ .... ., , , .. . ... , , .. .... , , .... ... . " , , .. W ill ~ ~.'.. I ~~ ~ ~ g 5 B's en ~ ~ ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ . ~; ,8,1 ~ '! en en ;J5 t: :mJ(,Vvi~~;it~j{!} y Yj}I// ~ ///i}} /~/ ; ~ I, ,i /1 ~ ,; ,A / i, ~ n / II~/ ~ " V :' I~ /, I : ' / : j t Ii -1 / ~/ : 1/ /1 r V rl :, /1 II / Il~ /:, ' A _/1,)(:, t1;,:; "I! %~: Y~vril~-:: !IV~1t, I i; ~ ':'v VI! :; Y I" 't:{': . :' u H '1" ~ 'I' ~ /1 ': ,; ~ I II ii II V ! "i>,r,' V ~ ' ~ !I I: V V III ~' " '~V: /,~7. ea' 9, II ~."v",' ~,.: ,,/, , . vi ' "I' , T / / ivV.,/ 1," il r V.rt, vii!b I~ ''',~ "1',1. ! ~~ J ~ ml . ~ 1 ti II, i ,l ~"~ Ii ',ii,'T "\ Beam optional @ ~ i L ~ [' . " ~ ! ~ ~ ~_.....~. ~~-==--~ _ #="7 ~ ~----.:: ---=-: -=-~.. 7" ----- ----- - '----........~ - ---- __../ ' .._.m'..........,..,... -~ Q) . (t i. , , ., I: , b il i- i! Ii -,- N II C') - Ii II " I, ! .... , , , , ...... , , " , , .. ...... , , .. ...... , , .. .. .. -'" A '~ <( // / : ~ "" '" j - <l: ' 1.0 I'- ItI e AGE ~, d 20' 0" , (\: )-- ~ --=--~.. - ",- \ , ~ Start Layout Here :%%: ~ Vaulted area 12 3 I . - --..- -- ..... , , ..... .... , " .. , ...... , , .. ...... , , .. ~/~ ..... . , , .. .. , , , " .. , ... . , , .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .. -------... .. .... ~--~',....... .... , , .... ...... . , .... . ... , " .. , ~~ -- -- \ '" , :..---- ~ ==\----- ~'~, --------- .. IBUII.DEIt /12933'~Road Hayden Enterprises Fw! - OR 97402 I JOB ADDRESS. ,/ %~ ~ (54/)6.....71 ADDRESS ".' .--'-' I"",,,BcKlamath I LeftGara~e 4'ext Kit-PO theTRUSSco. inc,l ~ 7110102 s"O~ WWWrnErnUSSCOCQM 1~18"'" I~~ r7~ 100'000 Z9Jl6 Airpof1 ROlld .EIl2CJ\t. OR 97402 Phone, (541) 688-8671 Pax, (541) 688-0412 . To: Hayden Enterprises . . P.O. Box 883 Springfield, OR 97477-0144 Dear Customer, April 7, 2005 Klamath I We are sending you the following items: IZI Engineered drawings o Shop drawings o Change order o Plans o Other These are transmitted as checked below: 0 For Approval rgJ For your use 0 As Requested .... , , , , ...... , . , , " .. , ...... , . .. ...... , , .. .. .... , " .. , ... . , , .. , , .... . ... , " We appreciate your business. If we can be of assistance, you can reach us at the phone or address listed below. 29336 Airport Road Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 688-8671 Fax: (541) 688-0412 ..... " , .'.... ...... , , .. I.... . , , .. , ..... , , ,. .. ... . , , .... ...... , , .... I~:""THPI ::: The Truss Co., Sumner I/'v '\ I Eugene OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS I:J~ r~ Hayden Enq 12594)Klamaml Job Reference (o.Qtionar). 6.200 s Jan 212005 Mffek Industnes, Inc. vveo AprUb '1:27:36 2005 Page 1 ,.1.()..O, 1.0-0 10-O..() 11).{).O 20-0-0 10-0-0 :21-0-01 1.0-0 Scale: t:36.9 3:01;5= 9 ~ 6.00 f12 , j 5 ~~12 ill , . ,T. Ti ,11 ;11 . Plale Offsets (X.V): f9:0-2-B.Edoel 20.0-0 .... ~.... 20-0-0 , , , , , .. , ...... -- .- , CSt DEFL in (Ioe) IIdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TC 0.09 Vert(ll) -0,00 16 nlr 180 MT20 185/148 BC 0.05 Vert(Tl) 0.00 16 nlr 80 , ... , , , , WB 0,04 Horz(TL) 0.00 16 nla nla ' . , . , .. (Matrix) . ,.. .~eight 92 lb ..... , , ..... t...... , . .. lOADING (psD TCll 25.0 . TCDl 8.0 BClL 0,0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rap Stress Incr NO Code IRC2003fTPJ2002 ~ , , .. ...... . , .. .. lUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD .... . -.. ' . .... .... Structural wood sheathjlltPdi~t1~ appliea Qr.~Q-tl oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly apRLi~~e1n-O-O oc bracina. :....: . .fI. . .. .... .. , REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=174120-0-0.16=174120-0-0,29=169/20-0-0. 28=74120-0-0. 27=114/20-0-0. 26=105/20-0-0. 25=106/20-0-0.24=101120-0-0.23=101/20-0-0. 22=106120-0-0. 21=105120-0-0. 20=114120-0-0. 19=74/20-0-0.18=169/20.0.0 Max Uplift2=-49{load case 3), 16=-49(load case 3), 29=.35(load case 3), 2B=-25{load case 3), 27=-26(load case 3), 26=-27{load case 3), 25=-34(Joad case 3), 22=-34(load case 3), 21 =-27(load case 3), 20=-26(load case 3). 19=-25(toad case 3), 18=-35(load case 3) Max Grav2=174(load case 1), 16=174(load case 1), 29=169(load case 4), 28=74(load case 4), 27=114(load case 4), 26=105(road case 1). 2S=110(load case 4), 24=101(load case 1), 23=101(road case 1), 22=110(load case 5), 21=105(1oad case 1};20=114(load case 5), 19=74(load case 5), 18=189(Joad case 5) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1.2=0/28.2-3=-51/33.34=-38/11.4.5=-28/30. 5-13=-30/54, 6-7=-30176, 7-8=-30/101. 8-9=-28/95. 9-10=-26/95, 10-11=-30/101,11-12=-30176,12-13=-30/54.13,14=_28/30,14_15=-38/11,15-16=,51/33.16-17=0/28 BOT CHORD 2.29=0/69.28-29=0/69. 27-28=0/69. 26.27=0/69. 25-26=0/69. 24,25=0/69, 23-24=0/69. 22-23=0/69, 21-22=0/69.20-21=0/69.19-20=0/69,18-19=0/69.16.18=0/69 WEBS 3-29=-149/57,4-28=-65/31,5-27=_92/39. 6-26=-87/38, 7-25=-91/45. 8-24=-8310. 10-23=-8310. 11-22=,91/45. 12-21=-87/38.13-20=-92/39.14-19=-65131.15-16=_149/57 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof five loads have been considered for this design. 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see MiTek "Standard Gable End Detail" 3') This truss has been designed for a 10,0 psf bottom chord rive load nonconcurrent with any other live roads. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for Quality assurance inspection. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 7' Gable studs spaced at 1-4.Q oc. I EXPIRATION DATE: 12131/06 J Continued on page 2 APR (l I) 2.005 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES 8EFORE USE. Design valid fot usa only with MlTek cOI"lnectOls. This desjgn Is based OI"lly upon parameters Shown, and Is for on indMdoo building component to be installed and loaded vertiCally. ApplICability of design parameters and proper Incorporation 01 component Is responsibility of building deSigner _ not truss deslgner. Bracing Shown Is lor lateral SUppOrt ollr.divldva web members only. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constructJon Is the respOnslbUliy of the erector. Additionol permanent bloclng 01 the overaD structure Is the respoosJbHlty 01 the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabricatiOn. quality control. storage, delivery, erection and brOClng. cOllSlJit QST-88 Quality Standard, DS6-89 Bradng ,;,"'"....,....u,n)n. and HIB-91 Handllng installing and BrOClng Recommendation available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Qnohio Olive. Modison. VoIl53719. ~ theTRUSSco. !r BUILDING SUPPLY INC. ~THP I I:::' The Truss Co.. SumnerWA/Eugene OR [Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qly Ply Hayden Enl.(12594)KIamathl 1 1 _ _ Job Reference (op..tionall. 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 Mirek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 06 11 :27:37 2005 Page 2 NOTES 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss 10 bearing plale capable of withstanding 491b uplift at joint 2. 491b uplift at joint 16. 35 Ib uplift at joint 29, 25 Ib uplift at joint 28. 26 Ib uplift al jOint 27, 27 Ib uplift at joint 26. 34 Ib uplift al jOint 25, 34 Jb uplift at joint 22. 27 Ib uplift al joint 21, 261b uplift at joint 20, 25 Ib uplift at joint 19 and 35 Ib uplift at joint 18. . 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 Intemational Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSIITPI1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard , . .... , , , , .... , ., .. , ..... , , ..... ...... , , .. ...... , ...... , , .. . , , " .. , ... . . , .. ...... . , .. .. ...... , . .. .. .... , , .... . ... , ., .. , .... , , , .... ...... , , .. ...... . , .... A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ All NOTES ON THIS AND TI1USS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE. DeSIgn vaUd fOluse 00Iy with MlTak comectOl$. This deSign Is l:>osad only upon porometersShown. and Is for an rnMdual building ""..,........""" to be Insta!ed and Iocxjad \/erlIcolly. Appllcobltity of dS$lgn ....-.~..,..'....'.. and proper Ir.........,............"....,. 01 __..............., ,,.., ,J Is ra$pOOSiblDty of buHdIng designer _ not truss deslgnel. Broclng ShOwn is fOf lateral supPOrt of IndMdUOl web members 00Iy. AdditiOnal temporary bracing to Insure stability during conslrucNon Is !he responsibility of the 9fectOl". Additional permooent bracing of the overall structure Is the /9SpOl'lSlbiJity of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quofity control. storoge, detvery, erection and bracing. consult QST-88 Quality Standard, DSB-89 Brocing Specttlcotlon. and HI8-91 HondUng Installing and Bracing Racv.. n. ..., ........""" available from TAJSS Plate Imfilute, 5B3 D'Onofrio Drive, ModIson. Wl53719. , 4 theTRUSSco. &. SUILOmG SUPPLY INC. IJob Truss K~THPt A The Truss Co" Sumner WAI Eugene OR Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qly 5 Ply Hayden Enl(12594)Klamalh1 "0-0.1'1.... ~~. --.., ..1... Ud , PLATES 360 MT20 180 nta . . " . Job Reference (op!ionall_ 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 MfTek Industries. Inc. ;-1401 1..{)'0 5-8-1 5-8-1 1().O.() 4-3-15 14-3-15 4-3-15 4)(4= . V " J w 2 ~ c::: Ii' 8 :US:::: 3.1:8= 1()'()'() ~--- 1().().() ,-- LOADING (ps~ SPACING 2-0.(J CSI DEFL In (Ioe) IIdefl TCLL 25.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) .(J.27 2-8 >884 TCDL 8.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.99 Vert(TL) .(J,56 2-8 >421 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.29 HOfZ(TL) 0.04 6 nta BCDL 7,0 Code IRC2003ITP120Q2 (Simplified) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFISPF Slud/STD I wed Apr 06 11 :27:32 2005 Page 1 20.().() 5~8-1 I 21.{)....('lj 1.().() Scale = 1:36.9 , ~I~ 3x5= -..- '--'.--.- . .. . ..... . . ..... "'..... . . --- GRIP 1851148 ...... , , .. ... .... .Weight: 69 Ill.: ...... . , .. .. ...... . . , , Structural wood sheathing !it'ectly appli~A'-7-11 oc plll1ins. RIgid ceiling directly aililiei iuit2-O-0 ~bract~ .. . .. ... ...... .. .. . ... . . . .. .... .. . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD REACTIONS (lblsize) 2=86410-3-8. 6=864/0-3-8 Max Uprift2=.167(load case 3), 6=-167(load case 3) FORCES (tb). Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0114. 2-3=-11731233. 3-4=-8621181. 4-5=-8621181. 5-6=-"731233. 6,7=0114 BOT CHORD 2-8=.14211040,6-8=.14211040 WEBS 3-8=-3231143.4-8=-691475,5-8=-3231143 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live roads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCI:: 7.02; 85mph; h=25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category II; Exp 8; enclosed; C.C Exterior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33. .3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. S) Provide mechanical connection (by others) oflruss to bearing plate capable ofwilhstanding 1671b uplift atjoinl2 and 1671b uplift at joint 6. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and RB02.1 0.2 and . . referenced standard ANSVTPI1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I EXPIRATION DATE: 12131106 1 APR 0 6 2005 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMillRS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE. Deslgn valid for use ontyWlth MIrek connectors, This design Is based only upoo parameters shown, and Is for on individual buildIng v"'"'........."",,, to be Installed and loaded vertlca~y. Appjlcobllltv of design pat'ameters and proper lncorpQfatlon of __.. ',.._. ."..f Is responslbllity of bJildlng deSigner _ not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral sUPpo1t 01 Indlvlduol WEJb members only. Addltlonol temporary bracing to Insure stablUty during constlUction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent brOClnQ Of the overall structure is the responsibUlty of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fobOcatlon. quality control storage. delivery, erecllon and braCInQ, cOf'IStjt QST-88 Quality Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification. and HIM1 HandDng Insto!Dng and Bracing Recoovnendatlon available flom Truss Plots Institute, 583 D'Onotrlo0I1ve, MadIson. Y.JI5J719. ~ theTRUSSco. &. BUIlDING SUPPLY me. I:~THP I :~" The Truss Co., Sumner WAI Eugene OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS ~ty Ply Hayden Ent(125S4)K1amath1 5 1 Job Reference (optional). 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 Mirek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr06 11 27.34 2005 Page 1 5-6-. 5-6-9 9-10-8 4-3-15 14-2-7 4-3-15 19-9-<) 5-6-9 4x4= Scale::: 1:34.2 3 6.00 f12 2x4~ , j "' ~l.<::J ~ 3)(5 :::: 5 19.9f.... _ 9-10-8. . ~ II 3)(5 = ..... . . ..... 6 3)(8= 9-1<H1 9-1<H1 ........ , .' .. , ---.. . , , LOADING (psq TeLL 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDl 7,0 SPACING 2-0'() Plates Increase 1.15 lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Iner YES Code IRC2003fTP12002 .. ,... = CSI TC 0.36 8C 0.94 WB 0.27 (Simplified) DEft in Vert(lL) -0.27 Vert(TL) -0,56 Hor:z(TL) 0,04 ...... , . .. .. LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Ud 360 " 180 nla.. " " "~eight: Mlt. " .. .. ...... ..... . . . Slructural wood sheathing dr."ectly app1iedJi t->>-a oc punll16. Rigid ceiling directly aRPIi~ 440 oc llraci:-k " .""" "" ... ...... .. .. "... " " " ~" .... .. . (roc) 1-6 1-6 5 I/detl >868 >415 nla PLATES MT20 GRIP 18&'148 ...... . . .. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=772/0.5-8. 5=772/0-~ . Max Uplift1=-120(load case 3), 5=-120(load case 3) FORCES (Ib) ~ Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1120/223.2-3=-826/176,3-4=-826/176,4.5=-1120/223 BOT CHORD 1-6=-1541984. 5.6=.154/984 WEBS 2-6=-300/137.3-8=-64/443,4-6=-300/137 Non:S 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASeE 7-02; 85mph:.h=25ft; TCDL=4.6psf; BCDl=4.2psf; Category II; Exp B; enclosed; C-C Exlerior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOl=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33. ~) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live road nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. S) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 120 Ib uplift at joinl1 and 120 lb uplift at joint 5. . 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.1 0.2 and referenced standard ANSIITPI1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I EXPIRATION DATE: 12131/06 APR (I 6 2005 .' A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ ALL NOm ON THIS AND TIlUSS DRAWING Nom BEFORE USE. Design vond fOl use OIW with MITek COMocfoo. This design IS based only upon poromel&11 snown. and is lor an IndlvldlKi building component to be inslaa9d and loaded vo~aIJy. AppIicol:)jfj1y Of design paramefers and proper "'w'....."",...."...., of ......,.,.....~,,,',," Is respoosibi~ly of building deslgnOl- nol truss desigMl', Bracing shown is for lateral support of IndMdlJaI WElt) members only. Addillonollemporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responstbillty 01 the eloctor. Additional permanent tlroc:;lng Of !he overaP structure Is the responsibiJily of the buildIng designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality contrOl. storage. delivef)', erection <nd bracing. Consult QSi.88 Quality Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Speclflcatiof\ and HIB-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Orlve. MadisOn. WI 53719. A. theTRUSSco. 8r BUILDlRG SUPPLY INC. I~~THP I :::S The Truss Co., Sumner WA/Eugene OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qty Ply Hayden Ent.(12594)Klamalhl s ~~ . 3 1 i3 M 2 . _ _ _ 24 M ~C;:--~oOIX::~;-~~~~~~~::::~;;:~wG:i~~~~~:~&~~C~5SL::~:S~5Ii 3x5 == 1,7 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 3x5 :::: 3x5= Job Reference lootionall 6.200 SJan"212005 Mirek InduStrieS, Inc. l'41J 1-<)'() 16-0-0 1640 324-0 lEH><l 4x4= 6.00 f12 13 12 1~14 11 -:/"Y'~1S 10q:;_---' '~ 16 17 ';/' '-......-...... '<t " --.........::::, , i . , 6 S'1 S r 0 HO , , ~\} ~B ~ . 8 ~p n:r ..'.J 32.0.0 32-0-0 ...... . . .. Ud . 180 80 ..,... n1a t . . . .~.. O/eight:T8lll,: .... o .. ...... .--_. . . . Structural wood sheathing dN:tly applied4P' i--Q-G ac punt.s. Rigid ceiling directly a~ 61.'\0-0-0 o(Jbracj~ .... .. ... ...... .. .. . ... . . . .. .... .. . -..-------. -.---- lOADING (psn TCll 25.0 TCDl 8.0 BCll 0.0 BCDl 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rap Stress Incr NO Code IRC2003fTP12002 CSt TC 0.07 BC 0.04 WB 0.13 (Matrix) OEFL in Vert(ll) -0.00 Vert(Tl) 0.00 Horz(Tl) 0,00 (Ioe) 24 24 24 Udefl nlr nIr nla lUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X4 HF 1650F 1,5E BOT CHORD 2 X4 HF 1650F 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/SPF StudlSTD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD I WedApr0611:27:412005 Page 1 r3-01 1-<H1 Scale = 1:57.0 .... ..... . . ..... ....fl. . -. . .. -..! .. , . ~ . . ...... PLAlES MT20 GRIP 1851148 REACTIONS (lb/siZe) 2=175132-0-0.47=189132-0-0.46=75132-0-0. 45=113/32-0-0. 44=105/32.0-0. 43=107132-0-0. 42=107/32-ll-0, 41=107/32-0-0, 40=107/32-0-0. 39=107132-0-0,38=106132-0-0. 37=98/32-0-0, 36=106132-0-0. 34=107/32.ll-0. 33=107/32-ll-0. 32=107/32-0-0, 31=107132-0-0, 30=107l32-ll-ll, 29=105132-0-0.28=113132.0-0. 27=75/32-0-ll. 26=189132-0-0. 24=175132-0.0 Max Uplift2=-35(load case 3), 47=-35{load case 3), 46=-26(load case 3), 45=-26(load case 3), 44=-27(load case 3), 43=-27(load case 3), 42=-27(load case 3), 41 =-26(load case 3), 40=-27(load case 3), 39=-33(load case 3), 38=-1 (load case 3), 36=-1 (load case 3), 34=-33(1oad case 3), 33=~27(load case 3), 32=-26(load case 3), 31 =-27(load case 3), 30=-27(load case 3), 29=-27(load case 3), 28=-26(1oad case 3), 27=-26(load case 3), 26=-35(load case 3), 24=-35(toad case 3) Max Grav2=175(load case 1), 47=189(road case 4), 46=75(load case 4), 45=113(load case 1), 44=105(load case 1), 43=107(load case 1). 42=107(load case 4), 41=1 07(load case 1), 40=107(load case 1), 39=108(load case 4), 38=107(load case 4), 37=105(load case 3), 36=107(10ad case 5), 34=108(load case 5), 33=107(load case 1), 32= 1 07(load case 1), 31=107(load case 5), 30= 1 07(load case 1), 29= 1 05(load case 1), 28=113(load case 1), 27=75(load case 5), 26=189(load case 5), 24=175(load case 1) . FORCES (Ib) ~ Maximum CompressionIMaximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/28.2-3=-64132.34=-39/4,4-5=-29114, 5-6=-31123. 6-7=-31146. 7-8=-31168, 8-9=.31/91. 9-10=-311113, 1ll-11=.31/138.11-12=-31/161, 12-13=.311173.13-14=-31/173.14-15=-311161.15_16=_31/136.16-17~311113. 17-18=-31191, 18-19=-31168, 19-20=-31146. 2ll-21=-31123, 21-22=-29/14. 22-23=-39/4. 23-24=-64132. 24-25=0128 BOT CHORD' 247=0/97.46-47=0/97.4546-=0/97.44-45=0/97, 4344=0/97, 4243=0197, 4142=0/97. 4041=0197. 39-40=0/97,38-39=0/97,37-38=0197,36-37=0/97. 35-36=0/97, 34-35=0197. 33-34=0197. 32.33=0197. 31-32=0/97. 3ll-31=0197. 29-30=0/97, 28-29=0/97, 27-28=0/97. 26-27=0197, 24-26=0/97 'WEBS 347=-149158,446=-&6/32,545=-92139,6-44=-88/38, 743=-88138, 842=-88138, 9-41=-88138. 1040~88138. 11.39=-89/44.12'38=-89112.13-37=-9410.14-36=-89112.15_34=-89144.16-33=-88138.17-32=-88138. I EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31(06 18-31=.88/38,19-30=-88138.20-29=-88138. 21.28=.92139, 22.27=-66132, 23-26=.149158 -NOlES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Continued on page 2 APR 0 6 2005 A WA~NING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND READ All NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE" A De:\ign volK:t for US8 only With MlTek connectOfs. This design Is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an Individual bu~dlng component fO be insh::ted and loaded vertically, Applicability 01 deslgn,..._ _.. ....."'.~ and proper IrlcorpOlOt1on of component Is responslblllty ot bulIding designer. not truss designer. Ilfaclng I1oI.tn Is for lateral support of Individual Wi)b members only. AdditloooJ temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility ot the efector. AdcilicnoI permanent 4 broclng althe overall strllCturQ Is the re$pl)flSibiUty ot the bulk:llng designer. FOf general guidance regarding tabricatlon, quality COfltrol, storage, dellwty, erection and theTRUSSco. broclng. consut QST-68 Quality Stoooard, DS8-69 Brodng Speciflcatlon, md HIB-91 Handling Instolllng and Bracing Recommendation avoiable from Trw PIote Inslltute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive. ModiSoo. WI 537T9. - &: Bun.omG SUPPLY me. Job KLAMATHP I T""" Truss Type Qly Ply Hayden Enl(12594)Klamath1 BGE ROOF TRUSS The Truss Co., Sumner WAf Eugene OR Job Reference (optional) 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr06 11 :27:42 2005 Page 2" NOTES 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the !russ only. For studs exposed to wind (narmatto the face), see MiTek "Standard Gable End Detail" 3) This truss has been desigred for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 7) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0oc. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plale capable of withstanding 35 Ib uplift at joinl 2, 35 lb uplift atjoinl 47, 26 Ib uplift at joint 46. 26 Jb uplift at joint 45, 27 lb uplift at joint 44, 27 Ib uplift at joint 43. 27 Ib uplift aljoint 42, 261b uplift at joint 41. 27 Ib uplift at joint 40, 331b uplift at jOint 39, 1 Ib uplift at joint 38, 1lb uplift at joint 36. 331b up!ift at joint 34, 'Z1lb uplift at joint 33. 26lb uplift at joint 32, 27 Ib uplift at joint 31,27 Ib uplift at joint 30, 27 lb uplift al joint 29, 26 Ib uplift 31 joint 28, 261b uplift aljoint '0, 351b upflft aljoint 26 and 351b uplift at joint 24. 9) This truss is designed in ............,~_~ with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSlfTPI1. LOAD eASElS) Standard .... , , , , ..... , , ..... .... , " .. , ...... , , .. ...... , ...... , , .. , , , " .. , ... . , , .. .. .... , , .. .. ...... , . .. ..... . , , .. .. .... , , .... .... , , . .... . ... , " .. , ...... , , .... A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmRSAND READ All NOm ON THIS AND TR\JSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, Design voUa 101 U$e only 'KIttl MlTek COIYIOCIOfS. TI'G de3ign Is based only upon paCrnetelS shown. and is lor on indMduat b.ljldlog ,-"" '...'" ""'" fa be Installed and loaded ~rtlcolly. Applicability of deSign ..-. _. .......... CJ1d propel:. .~_...._."".ou,, ~ compooont Is r~ty of building designer. not truss deslgner. Bracing shown Is for bt&fol StJppOl1 of IndiVidual web members ooty. Addlllonl:1lemporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of !tie averon structure Is !he re:ponsjblily of the building desIgler. For general guldance regarding fabrication. Quality control. storage. delivery. erection and bracing, consult QST-aa QUa~ty StondOl'd, DSB-89 ~g Specification. and HIMI Handling Installing and BraCing Recom" ,~, ........OJ...' , available from Truss Plata Institute. 583 D'OnofrIO Drive, MOOlson. WI 53719. ~ theTRUSSco, 8< BtJILDING SUPPLY INC. I~~THP I :NSS The Truss Co.. Sumner WA I Eugene OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qty Ply Hayden Ent.(12594)Klamathl I vvoo Apr 06 11;21:38 2005 Page 1 5 ~. _ __ _. Job Re~~rence {op~ionar) 6.~ s Jsn:Ll 2005 MlleK mousmes, Inc. rl-Q.o 1-<).() 5.Q-8 5.Q-8 9-1-3 4..()..11 16.().() 6-10-13 22.10-13 6-10-13 27-0-2 4.1.5 32'()'() 4-11-14 1''''1 1'().{J Scale'" 1 :57.0 4x5= , i . 6.00 f12 3:0:4..:::;. W315 W3 4.().() n 2 ;i)~c ~ ',,;,,=~ f 21:4= 4)(8= 11 2x4/1 10 9 3x8 = 3x5 = . 2x4\\ . ;~~I~ 4x8= o II 6-10-15 ~I'l; n...(I ______ 6-10-15 9-1-1 Plate Offsets IX,Y): 12:0-0-0,lJ.O-4l, ITi.'().().() O.<J-()I. 16:lJ.O-O,O-0:1l.._ 25-1-1 9-1-1 32.().() 6-10-15 ----.......- . PLA.TE~... GRIP ..... MT20t . .185114...... ... .. .. LOADING (psI) TCLl 25.0 TCDL 8,0 BelL 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2.0'() Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rap Stress Incr NO COOe IRC2003fTPI2002 CSI TC 0.92 BC 0.99 WB 0.62 (Matrix) DEFL Vert(LL) Vert(Tl) Horz(TL) in (Ioe) -0.1610-11 .(),39 8-10 0.13 6 I/deft >999 >970 nJa u~..J.. 360. . 180...,.. nJa , Weight: 130 Ib ...... , , LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD JOINTS . . ...... Structural wood shetlthin!l diJectly aPJ'1ied or '.3-8 oc ~urlPn4'. . Rigid ceiling directly ~~tied"r 1 O-()..() oc tf~g. . 1 Brace at JI(S): 1'2,'UI,:1l4e : . ... . " , .... . . . .... .... ...... , , .. .. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=1409/0-5--8,6=141110-5-8 Max Uplift2=-243(load case 3), 6=-243(load case 3) . ... , " .. , ...... , , .... fORCES (I b) ~ Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/28.2.3=-2423/336.3-4=-1687/313. 4-5=-1687/313. 5-6=-2426/336. 6-7=0/28 BOT CHORD 2-11=-19112039. 1()'11=-215/1958. 9-10=-215/1961. 8-9=-215/1961. 6-8=-191/2042 WEBS 3-11=01329.3-14=-692/204.10-14=-776/212. 1()'12=-144/952. 4,12=.144/1010.10-13=-782/212. 5-13=-694/204. 5-8=0/329. 12-13=-9/85, 14-15=-9/83, 12-15=-9/83 NOTES . 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASeE 7-02; 85mph; h=25fl; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category II; Exp B: endosed; C-C Extelior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33. 3) This truss has-been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any. other live loads. 4) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 2431b uplift at joint 2 and 243 Ib uplift at joint 6. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSVTPI1. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) sectlon, toads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAO CASE(S) Slandarel . 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate tncrease=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-66.4-7=-66, 2-6=-14. 12,13=-20(F). 14-15=-,20(F) 'EXPIRATION DATE: 12131/06 APR \I 6 l005 A WARNING - VERIFY OESIGN PARAMETER5 AND READ ALL NOTE5 ON THIS ANO TllUSS DRAWING NOTE5 BEFORE USE, DesIgn voBd fO( usa orVy with MlTelc connectors. This design Is bdsed only upon poromel91i sho.....n. and is lor on Individual bulldlng w" '1-''''' ",,,.110 be Instolled and looded vertically. Apphcabl1lty of design parameters and proper IncOfporotion at component Is responsibility of building designel . not truss designer, Bracing shown Is for lateral Support 01 individual web members only. Addltlonol temporary brocing to insure stability during cOI"Istructlon is the responslblllty of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the ovsrall structure is the responsibility of the building designer, For general guidance regarding fabrication, Quality control. storage. delivery, erection and bracing, conSUlt QST.88 Quality Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Spedlleonon, Ofld HIB-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation ovallable from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Qr1ofrio Drive. MadISOn. W153719. A: theTRUSSco. . BUIUlING SUPPLY INC. I~:MATHP I :::: The Truss Co., Sumner WA I Eugene OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qty Ply Hayden Ent.(12594)Klamathl I Wed Apr 06 11 :28:00 2005 Page 1 Job Reference Jop..t1onal) 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 MiTek IndustJies, inc. ~1.0..o , , 1.{).() 6-<1-2 6-<1-2 12-1-3 5-5-1 1940 6.10..13 25-&4 6-&4 33-8-4 8-2'" 38.{).() 4.3-12 Scale = 1:68.5 ""= 15 14 16 13--?~17 .~~ .-.......::t~18 1 /J1~ S 0 S 1 S' 2 ~~ 19 "S1 Srl3 -........::::~20 5xS'::::' " S" ~21 5'5 -......::. 22 23 6 S 6 24 5 57-""":::2526 4 -- ~--~__ S B ~":' l................ 27 3 ~~' ~.-- S 9 " .~....."."..~~~-~~:~=:::"~lk~~" 300112 ~; 3xS -::. 3534 33 32 31 6.00 112 ~ d :h6-:'- ~ . It o 8.Q.O Plate Offsets lX. it 9-8-3 9-3-3 "5:0-3-0 Edoel 122:0-2-l;.0-3-4l SPACING 2.0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 lumber lm~ease 1.15 Rap Stress klct YES Code IRC2003fTP12002 17.{).() 7..3-13 25-8-14 B-a-14 3O-<l-<l 4-3-2 33-<Hl 3-6-<l 38.{).() ,.~ LOADING (pst) TCLL 25.0 TCDL 8,0 BelL 0.0 BCDL 7.0 CSI TC 0.36 BC 0,20 WB 0.19 (Matrix) DEFL in Vert(LL) -0.00 Vert(TL) 0.02 Horz(Tl) 0.01 (Ioc) 1 1 30 Vdefl nlr nlr nla Ud .... lBO.. .- 80 nJa...'.. , ~- , . PLATE~... GRIP ,..... MT20. . .18511~..... ... .. .. Weight: 192 Ib ...... , , LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/SID OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/SID BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheat~in@oJilllctly ap~ie4 or ~-O oc p~r:~s~: Rigid ceiling directly a~~ied &-10-0-0 ~ ~~g, ExMpt:.. 6-0-0 oc bracing: 55.i,i~46047. .... , , , " , .... . . . .... .... ...... , . .. .. REACTIDNS (Ib/size) 2=245/38-0,0.47=6/38,0-0. 36=45/38-0-0. 35=2138-0,0. 30=109/38.0-0.45=104/38.0-0.44=106/38-0-0 .56=494/3840,55=-129/38-0-0.54=159/38.0-0, 53=90/38-0.0. 52=109/38-0-0. 51 =1 06/38-0-0. 50=107/3840.49=107/38-0-0.48=105/38-0-0. 46=103/38-0-0. 43=107138-0-0. 42=107138-0-0. 41 = 1 07/38-0"'. 40=107138-0-0. 39=106/38-0-0. 38= 11 0/38-0"'. 37=86/38-0'0, 34=69/38-0-0. 33=128/38-0-<l. 32=26/38-0-0. 31=278138-0.0 Max Horz2=20(load case 3) Max Uplifl2=-73(load case 3), 36=-25(load case 3), 30=-7(load case 3), 56=-117(load case 3), 55=-129{load case 1),54=-37(1000 case 3), 53=-25(load case 3), 52=-27(load case 3), 51=-27(load case 3),50=-27(load case 3), 49=-26(load case 3); 48=-31 (load case 3), 46=-30(load case 3), 43=040(load case 3), 42=-27(load case 3), 41=-26(load case 3), 40=-27{load case 3), 39=-27(load case 3), 38=-28(load case 3), 37=-19(load case 3), 34=-14{load case 3), 33=-31(load case 3), 32=-7(load case 3), 31=-70(load case 3) Max Grav2=245(load case 1), 47=26(load case 3), 36=46(load case 5), 35=3(load case 2), 30=109(load case 1), 45=155{load case 3), 44=106(load case 1), 56=494(toad case 4), 55=26(load case 3), 54=159(load case 1), 53=96(load case 4), 52=109(load case 1), 51=106(load case 1), 50=107(load case 4), 49=107(load case 1). 48=105(load case 1),46=1 06(load case 4). 43=108(load case 5). 42=1 07(load caS81), 41 = l07Qoad case 1). 40=107(load case 5). 39=106(load case 1), 38=110(load case 5). 37=86(load case 1). 34=69(load case 1), 33=128(load case 5), 32=26(load case 5). 31 =278(load case 5) . ... , " .. , ...... , , .... I EXPIRATION DATE: 12131106 ' )~PR tI 6 2005 Continued on page 2 A WARNING - VER'FY DESIGN PARAMElIRS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE: Design volld for u;o arty with MITelc comectors. nadesign IS based only upon DOfcimeten shown and is tor an indivk:lual building component to be ln$tolled and looded VQrllcolly. ApplcO!::lIlity of design parameters and P'QP8r lncoi'pOfOlion of component Is responsibility 01 building designer _ not truss designer. Bracing shown is to( \oteral support of Individual 'Web f"Ilembers only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibUlty o/the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall SlrlJcture is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quollly control. storage, delivery. erection and bracing. consull Q5T-88 Quality Standard. DSfl..89 &acing Specification. and HIfl..91 HondUng Installing and 8racing Recommendation available from Truss ptate Institute, 583 D'Onofrlo Drive. MadOOn. W15J719. ~ theTRUSSco. & BUll.OING SUPPLY INC. Job Truss Truss Type Uly Ply Hayden Enl.(12594)K1amath1 I wecJ Apr06 11:28:00 2005 Page 2 KlAMATHP I SAGE ROOF TRUSS The Truss Co., SumnerWAI Eugene OR Job Reference ,(optionall. 6.200 5 Jan 21 2005 Mirek Industries. lnc FORCES (I b) . Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1,2=0/22.2.3=-80/86.3-4=-82/73.4-5=-7/68. 5-6=-25/96, 6-7=,23/115. 7-8=0/118, 8,9=,23/141. 9-10=-23/163. 10-11~23/186. 11-12=.231208, 12.13=-23/232,13.14=.23/256. 14-15=-22/194,15-16=-23/235, 16-17=.23/248, 17-18=.23/220. 18-19=-23/197.19-20=-23/175. 20-21=-23/152. 21-22=-3/129. 22-23=-23/124. 23-24=.22/106. 24.25=-14/87. 25,26=-10/87, 26.27=-24/74. 27-28=-15/49. 28.29=-41/35. 29.30=-49/52 BOT CHORD 2.56=-18/56.55,56=.24/51,54.55=0/54. 53-54=-6/53. 52-53=-4/53. 51-52=-5/53, 50-51=-5/53. 49-50=-5/53. 48-49=-5153. 47-48=-4/52. 46-47=-2/51. 45-46=.5/53,44-45=-4/53.43-44=-5/53.42-43=,5/53, 41-42=-5/53, 40-41 =,5/53.39-40=-5/53. 38-39=.5/53, 37-38=-4/53. 36-37=,1/53. 34-35=0/39. 33,34=0/39,32.33=0/39.31-32=0/39. 30-31 =0/39 WEBS 14-45=-143/0, 16-44=-87/0. 3-56=-365/147. 4.55=.23172. 5-54=-120/50. 6-53=-83/36. 8,52=-89/38. 9-51 =-88138. 10-50=-88138. 11-49=-88/37. 12-48=-88/42. 13-46=-92/40. 17-43=-89/51, 18-42=-88138. 19-41=-88/38,20-40=-88/38.21.39=-88/38. 23-38=-91/39. 24-37~70/29, 26-34=.57123. 27-33=-101/43.28-32=-37/18.29-31=-205/84. 35-36=0/0, 25-36=-43/15 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see MiTek .Standard Gable End Detail" 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 7) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 ac. 8) Bearing at joint(s) 36, 35 considers parallel to grain value using ANSVTPl1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surlace. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plale capable of withstanding 731b uplift at joint 2, 25lb uplift at joint 36, 71b uplift at joint 30, 1171b uplift at joint 56, 129 Ib uplift al joint 55, 37 Ib uplift al joint 54, 25 Ib uplift al joinl 53, 27 Ib uplift at joint 52, 27 Ib uplift at }oinl 51, 27 Ib uplift at joint 50, 26 Ib uplift at joint 49, 31 Ib uplift al joint 48, 30 Ib uplift at joint 46, 40 lb uplift al joinl 43, 27 Ib uplift at joint 42, 26 Ib uplift at joint 41, 27 Ib uplift at joint 40, 27 Ib uplift at joint 39,. 28lb uplift at joint 38, 191b uplift at joint 37, 14 lb uplift at joint 34, 31 Ib uplift at joint 33, 7 Ib uplift at joint 32 and 70 Ib uplift at joinl31. 10) Beveled plale or shim required to provide full bearing surlace with truss chord at joint(s) 47, 45, 44, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 46, 43, 42, 41,40, 39, 38, 37. 11) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and RB02.1 0.2 and referenced standard ANSVTPI1. LOAO CASEIS) Standard .... , , , , ..... , , ..... .... , ., .. , ...... , . .. ..... . . ...... , , .. . , , ,. .. , ... . , , .. ...... , , .. .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , .... .... , , , .... ...... , , .. . ... , " .. , ...... , , .... A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, DeSIgn vo!lCl for U$E1 only with MlTek COMeCfoo. This design is based only upon paramefers shown and is tor on lndividuoI building .......', 't-"" """ to be hVoged Old Iooded vertICally. App_cabMyof design parameters onct propel :. .__...._._.:00 of component is responsibility of building designer. 001 truss designer. Brodng shoWn Is lor lateral supPOrt 01 IndMduCIl web members only. Addlllonal "'" "t-'....'''' 1 bracing to Insul9 stabllily during canstructioo Is the responsibility of fhe erector. AdcitIonol pen'1'lOnElnt brOCIng of tne overall structure Is the responsibility of Ihe building designer. For general guidance regording tabricotlon, quality control. storage, ctet.rery. erac110n cncl broclng. consUlt Q$T -88 Quality Standard. D58.89 Bracing Specification. oncI HIB-91 Handling Installing and B1aclng Recommendation available ham Truss Plate lrefiMe, S8J D'Onofrio Drive. MOdison. WI 53719, A theTRUSSco. & BtnLDING SUPPLY INc. Job Truss I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qly Ply Hayden Ent.(12594)Klamath1 KlM1ATHP! SA 6 Job Reference (optionall 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 M1~ek Industries. Inc. The Truss Co., Sumner WA I Eugene OR ;'"""1 '.O.Q 6-3-1 6-3.1 12-1-8 5-10-7 194<) 6-1M 23-6-7 '....7 4x5:;: 6.00 f12 6 - ~ d 3x4-::- 3 " "" ~1 o 2 12 3x4-:::. 3x10-:::; 3.00r;2 10-(l.2 10.{).2 Plale Offsels IX,y): 12:0.o-12.()'()'51 174<) 6-11.14 24-11-3 7.11.3 LOADING (psO TClL 25.0 TCDL 8,0 BelL 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2.()..0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003fTPI2002 CSI TC 0,88 BC 0.76 WB 0.84 (Matrix) DEFL Vert(lL) Vert(TL) Horz(TL) in -0.31 -0.72 0.40 (Ioc) 12 2-12 13 Vdefl >999 >496 rJa Ud .. I. 360.. .- 180 n/a... I.. , LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 'Excepl' B1 2X4 HF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Slud/STD 'Except' W8 2 X4 HF Slud BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Structural wood sheattflntjt3lrectly ap~iel1 or .1-5 DC p~":~s~: except end verticals ... ... . . . Rigid ceiling direcUY'j1Ji1llli~"" 9-5-11 oc brncTng. .... 1 Row at midpt . !S.1! . . .... . . . .... .... REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=126810,5-8.13=1183/0-5-8 Max Horz2=51 (road case 3) Max Uplift2=~230(load case 3). 13=.185(load case 3). FORCES (Ib). Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension' TOP CHORD 1.2=0/26.2.3=-38621627.3-4=-3344/470. 4-5=-3181/484. 5-6~22751337. 6.7~1688/286, 7-8=-1320/216, 9-13=.1183/185.8-9=.1166/186 2-12=-549/3453. 11-12=-324/2812. 10'11=-80/1316. 9-10=0183 3-12=-441/210.5-12=-16/456, 5-11=-851/247, 6-11~160/1407, 7-11=-551342. 7-10=-639/125. 8-10=-79/1101 BOT CHORD WEBS NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) wind: ASCE 7-02; 85mph; h=25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category II; Exp B; enclosed; C-C Exterior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; lumber DOl=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33. 3) This truss is not designed to support a ceiling and is not intended for use where aesthetics are a consideration. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live toad ...................JITentwith any other rive loads. 5) This truss requires plale inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 8) Bearing at joint(s) 2. 13 considers parallel to grain value using ANSVTPI1 aogie to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. . 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 230 rb uplift at joinl 2 and -185 rb uplift at joint 13. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 Intemational Resk1ential Code sections R502.11.1 and RB02.10.2 and referenced standard ANSVTPJ 1. LOAD CASEIS) Slandard I Wed Apr06 11:27:48 2005 Page 1 . 25-4-7 . 1.1(}-O 30.().() 4-7-9 Scale:::. 1:57.3 3x4~ 6 10 3x4~ "0 TO; . , . 13 2x4.:::: 3Q.D.() 5'{).13 . , PLATES GRIp..... MT20. ..:. . 185114i. .... ... .. .. Weight: 123 Ib ...... , , ...... , , .. .. ...... , . .... . ... , " .. , I EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/06 i APR 0 S 200!} A WARNING - VERtFY DESIGN PAl1AMffiRS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TIlUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, Design vo/ld to( use only with MlTek connectors. ThIs design IS based 00Iy upon parcimeoosho'Nf\ a'd is for on individual buflding c.~.,....~.."... 10 be installed CJ'ld loaded. vertically. AppllCOblllty of design parameters and pl'Opef.. .~~....~.~..~.. of component Is responslbi~ty of building deslgner . not trus:s designer. Brocing shown Is tor lateral support of Indlvkluol web members only. Addillonal temporary bracing to insure stability durIng construction is the responsibility af the erector. Additional permanent Proclng of the overoll structure Is the responsibility of the building deSIgner. For general guidance regadlng tobricotlon. quality confTol. storage. delivOfY, erection and tKaCing. cONUIl QST.88 Quality Standard. Dsa.89 Bracing Speciflcatlon. and HIB.91 HO'"lCfng Installng ood Broclng Recommendation available lTom Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrlo Drtve. Mad!son. Wl53719. ~, theTRUSSco. 8< BUIlDING SlIPPLY INC. _Job Reference (optionan_ 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 Mirek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 06 11:27:50 2005 Page 1 I Job . Truss t..LAMATHPI SA1. The Truss Co., Sumner ,^A I Eugene OR I~~ r" I Truss Type ROQFTRUSS Hayden Ent.(12594)KlamaJ11 .140 , , 1-0-0 6-3-1 6-3-1 12-1-8 5-10-7 19-0-<) 6-1().8 23-6-7 4-6-7 ~5411 1-64 29-7-5 4-6-10 5x5= , . / d ".'" 9 ".'" 4 , 2x4::; 3 W' 16 3x4-:;; 14 3x4:::: 3.00 fi2 4l(/3~ 10,<).2 1(}<}.2 Plate Offsets (X.Y): 12:0-2-4.0-0-.131 17'()'() 6-11-14 24-11.J 7-11-3 :J3.6-Il 6-7-5 LOADING (psO TCll 25,0 TCDL 8.0 BelL 0.0 BCDl 7.0 SPACING 2.0-0, Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003ITP12002 CSt TC 0.55 BC 0.78 WB 0.67 (Matrix) DEFL Vef1(ll) Vert(Tl) H<n(Tl) in (Ioc) -0,3715-16 -0,77 2-16 0.49 13 Vden >999 >519 nla Ud 360. 180 . nla...... . Weight 149 lb .... PLATES GRIP ..:... .. MT20 . ..:. .185/1411..... ... .. .. Structural wood shea~g.dtGctly app~ec:t.or 2;,8-9 oc JMI~!..: Rigid ceiling directly apt)~d Of 10-0-0 oC DEcl.g, Exoo,t:.. 6-O-Oocbracing:11-1:'\....... .. .... 1 Row at midpl .~ldl . " , .... . . . .... .... lUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X4 HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 'Except" B1 2X4 HF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/Sm 'Except' W4 2X4 HF Stud. W7 2 X4 HF Slue! BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS ...... , . .. .. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=1381/0.5-8. 13=1787/ll-5-6 Max Horz2=~1(load case 3) Max Uplift2=-238(load case 3), 13=-426(load case 3) FORces (Ib) - Maximum CompressionlMaximumTension TOP CHORD 1.2=0/26.2.3=-4289/608.3-4=-38081450. 4-5=-3645/465. 5-8=-2758/318. 6.7=,2020/273. 7-8=,1940/234. 8-9=-2030/215,9-10=-205/524. 1ll-11=.2701511. 11.12=0/28 2-16=-478/3857.15-16=-253/3247.14.15=-36/1889.13-14=0/1197.11-13=-393/286 3-16=-426/211.5-16=-16/450.5-15=-844/246. 6-15=-144/1790. 7-15=-2591145. 7-14=-324/98. 10-13=-277/124. 9-13=-2287/412.9-14=-15/643 BOT CHORD WEBS NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASeE 7~02; 85mph; h=25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category II; Exp B; enclosed; C-C Exlerior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plale grip OOL=1.33. 3) This tf\lSS is not designed to support a ceiling am is not intended for use where aesthetics are a consideration. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pSf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wilh any other live loads. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss Is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain Ole using ANSVTPI1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. . 7) ProvIde mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 238 Ib uplift at joint 2 and 426 Ib uplift at joint 13. 8) This truss Is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSVTPI1. LOAD CASE(S) Standart! 33-8-4 4-0-15 3lJ.M 4-3-12 3?i\.P 1.().() Scale = 1 :68.5 ~ '~1112"~ , "'~ '6 @j 3x5= . 13 5x7::::: ~t" ll-s.B 3840 4'()'() ...... .. . ... , " .. , ...... , , .... I EXPIRATION DATE: 12131106 APR tl 6 200~ A WARNING - VeRIFY DeSIGN PARAMETERS AND ReAD ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTes 8eFORe use., Oeslgn volld tor u~ orvy with MITek comectors. ThIs design Is baSed orVy upon parameters shOwn. and Is for on hdMdual bultdlng component to be Installed ond loaded vertlcolly. AppllcOOllity 01 design parameters and proper Incorporofioo of component is responsjbilily of buidng designer - not truss designer. Bracing ShOwn Is for loterol SUPPOft ollf'ldlvldual w6b members onjy. Addlflonaltemporary bJocing to Insure sfablHty du~ng construcllon is the responstbWty of the erector. Additional permcrlent brO<:;lng of tha ovet'oll slruch.ire Is the responsibility of the building design6f. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quolity control. stQfoge. delivery, erection and bracing. cOIl$VII QST-BB Quollty Standard. 058-89 Bracing Specitlcotion. a1d HIB-91 Hoodllng InStanlng and 8rocing R: ww,___ __c_ _':'_::00 ovoilOble from Truss Plate Instltute. 5B3 D'Onoftlo DrlvEl. Modl$On. 1M 53119. ~ theTRUSSco. a. BUILDING SUPPLY INC. I~:MATHP I :::: The Truss Co., Sumner WA I Eugene OR Truss Type QIy Ply Hayden Ent.(12594)Klamathl , , I We(] Apr U6 11 :27:52 2005 Page 1 ROOF TRUSS 3 Job Reference (optional). 6.200 s Jan 21 ,,-005 Mirek Industries, lr.c. 6.J.1 6-3-1 12-1-8 5-10.7 19-0-<) 6-10-8 23..6.7 4-6-7 ~5.o"1 1-6-4 29-7-5 4-6-10 . 33-8-4 4.()..15 38.Q.o 4-3-12 M 1.0.0 Scale = 1:67.0 5x5= 6.00['12 5 . c d 3 13 ;>>:;4.=:;: ~ ,} 2:l:4=: 2 W1 ~ ,~ 15 3x4-::: 1011 M ,.., If 3x5~ 0 4x8 ::=. 3.00(12' 12 5x7= 10..0-2 10..0-2 Plflta OffsetsjKV\: rl:0-2-4,Q-O-131_ 17-0-<) 6-11.14 24-11-3 7-11-3 ~3-6-8 8-7-5 "1'9.0 38-M 0-5-0 4.Q.O --..... lOADING (psf) TCll 25.0 TCDl 8.0 BelL 0.0 BCDl 7.0 SPACING 2.()'{) Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003rrPI2002 CSI TC 0.58 BC 0.84 WB 0.68 (Matrix) DEFL Vert(ll) Vert(TL) Horz(Tl) in (iac) -0,3714,15 -0.79 1-15 0.50 12 Vdefl >999 >508 nla Ud .. ,. 360.. .- 180... ,.. nla o . " PLATE\... GRIP ..... MT20. . .185114a..... ... .. .. Weight: 1471b ...... , . lUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 'Except. B1 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Slud/STD 'Excepl' W4 2 X4 HF Slud. W7 2 X4 HF Stud BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS . .. ..,.... Structural wood sheathing.d'.cUy aplllietl or at7-12 oc ptDIins.. , Rigid ceiling directly a~~ied &- 6-0-0 oc bntc.vt. .... 1 Rowatmidpt ...~4i .... 00. " , .... . . . .... .... ...... , , .. .. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1299/0-5-8.12=1789/0-5-8 Max Harz 1 =-21 (load case 3) Max Uplift1=-190(laa~ case 3), 12=-427(laad case 3) . ... , ., .. , ...... , , .... BOT CHORD .WEBS FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4316/626, 2-3=-3826/463. 3-4=-3664/477. 4-5=-2763/322. 5-6=-2024/276, 6-7=-1943/236. 7-8=-2033/218. 8-9=-205/524.9-10=.270/511.10,11=0/28 1.15=-49613885, 14-15=-260/3257. 13-14=.3811892. 12-13=0/1199. 10-12=-393/286 2-15=-436/218. 4-15=-23/453. 4-14=-850/250, 5-14=-147/1795, 8-14=-259/145. 6-13=-324/98, 9-12=-277/124. 8-12=-2290/414.8-13=-161644 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. . 2) Wind: AseE 7-02; 85mph: h=25fl; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf: Category II; Exp B; enclosed; C..c Exterior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33, 3) This truss is not designed to support a ceiling and is not Intended for use where aesthetics are a consideration, 4) This truss has been designed for a 10,0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 1 considers parallel to grain value using ANSVTPI1 angle to grain fonnula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. .7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 190 Ib uplift at joint 1 and 427lb uplift at joint 12. I ' . I 8) This tr\Jss is designed in accordance with the 2003 Intemational Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and EXPIRATION DATE. 12131106 referenced standard ANSlffPI1. lOAD CASE(S) Slandard APR 0 6 2005 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND READ AU NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, DE:1slgn valid for use only with MITe!< comectors. This design Is bosed only upon parameters shown, and Is 101 an Individual bulk:llng compCl(\8nt TO be installed and loaded vertiCally. Applicability of design parameters and proper iocorporotion of component is responsibility 01 building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shOwn is for IOteral support 01 inclIvlduol web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responslbUity of the erector. Addifional permanent bfoclng of rhe overall structure is the respomiblllty 01 the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality cootraL stOl'age. delivery. efectioo and tIl'acing. consut 00.66 Quality $tandOrd. DS8-89 Broclng Specification, and HIB-91 Handling InslaUlng and Bracing Recommendation ovakDle from Truss Plate InstlMe, 563 D'Onofrio Drive. Modison. WI 53719. A: theTRUSSco. & BUILDING SUPPl:J me. I~:MATHP I ::' The Truss Co.. Sumner ,,^A I Eugene OR Truss Type QIy 2 Ply Hayden Ent(12594)K13mat.11 ROOF TRUSS Job Reference (op~ 6.200 s Jail 21 2005 Mirek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr06 11:27:54 2005 Page 1 ,1.{)..() 140 6-3-' 6-3-' 12.1..8 5-10-7 19'{)"() &.10-8 23-S-7 ''''7 33-10-7 10-4-0 38-Q.o 4-'-9 ,9-01' 1.{)..() Scale = 1 :69.8 5><5= 6.00 rT2 6 , S d 3)(6-:'- 3x4 -::;. """" , " '" 3x4~ 10 o ~ . W9 2 j)' 17 """" 3xa-:::. 3.00[12 ,15 4x12 II 3:1.7 II "''''Ie 5x7:=:: 5x7= 11 ;5~ q 10.0-2 1().(}.2 Plate Offsets (X. V): J2:0-1-8.0-0.51. r16:0-6-O.0-1-111 17'{)"() 6-11-14 24-11-3 7-11-3 2...,., ~7" F"l 1..... 33-6-8 ,.... 3a'()'{) '-!Hl LOADING (ps~ TCLl 25.0 TCDl 8.0 BelL 0.0 BCDl 7.0 . SPACING 2-0.0 Plates Increase 1.15 lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003lTPI2002 CSI TC 0.64 'BC 0.80 WB 0.88 (Matrix) Den Vert(ll) Vert(TL) H<>lz(T1.) in (Ioc) .0.31 2-19 .0.75 2-19 0.34 15 Vdefl >999 >475 nla . . Ud .... PLAlES GRIP ..... 360-. .0- MT20. ..:. J85114a...... 180 .... . wa...... .. . Weight 1551b ..:..: .. LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Slud/STD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural woodshe'lll1lrw6~y apPli<Aor 2.01-2 oc pMill. ' : Rigid ceiling direcUy alfptied ~ 3-9-9 oc bra!;i~I' ... . - ...... .... . . . .. . .... . . . .... .... ...... . , .. .. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=115310-5-8,15=2016/0,5-8 Max Horz2=~1(load case 3) Max Uplift2=~178(load case 3), 15=-578(load case 3) . ... , ., .. , ...... . . .... FORCES (Ib). Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1.2=0/26.2.3=-3415/375.34=-287'1206. 4.5=-2711/220. 5-8~1785162. 6-7=-1351/97. 7-8~5761O.1I-9=-602/0. 9-10=-510/1084.10.11=-250/549.11-12=0/28 BOT CHORD 2.19=-267/3047.111-19=-23/2370,17-18=0/735. 16-17=-943/589, 14-16=.1531183. 1~14="22/272, 11.13=430/268,14-15=-314/83.15-16=-2019/559 WEBS 3-19=452/224,5-19=-25/465.5.18=-855/253. 6-18=0/1009. 7-18~721S02. 7-17=.931/251. 10-16=-5101318. 10-13=-124/167,9-16=-1632/376.9-17=-256/1471 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-02; 8Smph; h=25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category It; Exp B; enclosed; C-C Exterior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOl=1.33. 3) This truss Is not designed to support a ceiling and is not intended for use where aesthetics are a .._""':';-<.-.,,,,":.:n 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncona.arrent with any other live loads. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance :."""t".......:_.. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSVTPI1 angle to grain fonntda. Building designer shoufd verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable 01 withstanding 1781b uplift al joinl2 and 578lb uplift at joint 15. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502,11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSVTPI1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31106 1 APR 0 6 20D5 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ All NOTES ON THiS AND T1!USS DIlAW1NG NOTES BEFORE USE, Deslgn volld for use only with MITek connectors. ThIs design 1$ based ooly upon parameters showt\ 0"Id is 'Of (Tllx:fMc1Joj bulkilng ........, '1-'...., ....,. to be hsfollod end loaded vertically. Applicability of design parameters and proper incOfpclfotiQn of component Is responsiblty of toiIding designer. not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to InSUf8 stobi~ty during consinJction is Itle responsibility 01 the erector. AddItJorxj permcroent oraclng of the ovamB structure is the responsibility of the building designer. FOf generol guidance regarding lobricatlon. Quality control. storage. de8wty. erection and Dtoelng. consult Q5I-88 Quality Standard DS8-89 Brodr1g Spedflcotlon. and H1B-91 Handling lrulcdng and Broclng :_"w_......~. .__..~.. ovokDle fl'Om truss Plate Institute, 563 D'Onofllo Drive. Madison. WI 53719. ~ theTRUSSco. " BUILDING SUPPLY INC. Qty 3 _ _ Job Reference ,foptional) 6.200 s Jan 212005 Mirek Industries, Inc. Wed AprOa 11:27;56 2005 Page i I~:~THPI ::s The Truss Co., Sumner WAf Eugen-e-OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Ply Hayden Enl.(12S94)Klamath1 6-3-1 6-3-1 12.1-8 5-10-7 19-<J.<l 6-10-8 23-6-7 4-6-7 4)(5= 6.00 f12 5 . , d 3x4~ 3x4'::;' 10 "'. ~ 3.00f12 3x10 :;:::: 104-2 10-0-2 Plale Otfsets V:..Y): f1;(J..0-12,u-o.51 17-<J.<l 6-11-14 24.11.3 7-11-3 25-4-7 1-10-0 3O-<J.<l 4-7-9 $cale = 1:56.7 " ~ ~ 0 ..;. '";" . ~ . 9 3.>;4~ 12 2x4:::::: 3O-<J-O 5-0-13 - LOADING (psO TClL 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BelL 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003ITP12002 CSI TC 0.88 BC 0.78 we 0.85 (Matrix) DEFL in Vert(LL) -0.32 Vert(Tl) -0.73 Horz(TL) 0.41 (Ioe) 11 1-11 12 Udefl >999 >489 nla Ud ..l . 36()l'. .- 180 nJae..l.. . LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 .Except. B1 2X4 HF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD 'Except. W8 2X4 HF Stud BRACtNG TOP CHORD . . PLATES GroP..... MT2~ ..:-. 185/1i\.... ... .. .. Weight: 122 Ib ...... . . .. BOT CHORD WEBS Structural wood shei"'ing~~eclly a~jj~ or .i'-O-8 o~D;1,t: except end verticals. ... . .. ... . Rigid ceiling directJYN~I~Q ~r 9-3-9 oc braMtg. .... 1 Row at midpt . 7..:! . .. . .... . . . .... .... ...... . . .. .. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1185/0-5-8.12=1185/0-5-8 Max Harz 1=31 (load case 3) Max Uplift1=~181(load case 3), 12=-186(load case 3) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3870/644,2-3=.3362/482.3-4=-3199/496, 4-5=.2280/340, 5'6=-1691/289. 6,7=-1322/217. 8-12=-1185/186.7-8=-1168/188 1 -11 =-566/3480. 10.11 =-331/2822. 9-10=-81/1319. 8.9=0/83 2-11=-451/217,4-11=-23/458.4-10=-857/251, 5-,0=-163/,41,. 6,10=-55/343. 6-9=-640/125. 7.9=-80/1103 BOT CHORD .WEBS NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7"()2; 85mph; h=25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category II: Exp B; endosed; C-G Exterior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33. 3) This truss is not designed to support a ceiling and is not intended for use where aesthetics are a consideration. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 6) Bearing al jofnt(s) 1, 12 considers parallel to grain value using ANSlITPI1 angle-to grain fonnula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 161 Ib uplift at joint 1 and 166lb uplift at joint 12. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections RS02.11.1 and R602.1 0.2 and referenced standard ANSlITPI 1. . LOAD eASE(S) Standard . ... . .. .. . ...... . . .... I EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/06 APR 0 6 2005 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE. DeSign valid for use only with MfTak cormectors. this deslgn Is based only upon porometElf$ shown and Is for on Individual building c~........~"."., to be Installed and loaded vertiCally. AppUcabitlty of design parameters and proper ioccxporotloo of component Is responsibility of building desigMr _ not truss designer. 8facing shown is for Iaterol support ollndMdu~1 ""eb members only. Additional temporary bracing to insule stability dunng construction Is the respo~blllty 01 the erector. Additional permanent bracir.g of tne ov&ra~1 structure is the responslblUty of the buildtng designer. For general guidance regarding fcbl1ccflon. QUality control storage, delivery, erection and bracing. CO(lsult Q5T-88 Qvollty Standard. DSB.89 Bracing $peciflcatior\ and HIB-91 Handling InstclDng and Bracing r,,,,,~,.., '.... 'W"~" available flam Truss Plale Institute. 58J D'OnofrIO Drive. MOCIison. WI 53719. ~ theTRUSSco. 8< Bun.omG SUPPLY INC. I~::-THPI ::E Tile Truss Co., SumnerWAI Eugene OR I Truss Type ROOF TRUSS Qty Pty Hayden Ent.(12594)KIamath1 1 1 Job Reference (optional) ~ s Jan 21 2005 MiTek Indusmes. Inc. -:'.o.p 1.().() 6.3.1 6-3.1 12-1-8 5-10-7 19.().() 6-10-8 25-6-4 6-6-4 33-8-4 8-2-0 8.0:;8-;:;. 6.00 /12 3x4"/ 6 , ~ ~ ~ 2 il' ""'''' 3.00n2 .< 4K8 II 3xSIl I Wed Apr 06 11:28:03 2005 Page 1 38-0-0 4~J.12 l'.ojJ 1.().() ScaIe= 1:73.5 ~ .; q 1!<Hl '. -'Jt"30'= 5x7~ 5x7::= 1()'()'2 17.().() 24-8-14 28-6-8 r""'l 33-6-8 38'()'() 10.0-2 6-11-14 7-s.14 3.9-10 1-5-8 3-6-8 4-5-8 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [2:0-1-8,0-0-5).15:0-3-8.0-2.0). [6:0-3-10.Edge]. 17:0-6-6.0-4.0). 19:0-6-12.0-3.0]. [10:0,2-0,0-1.()). [10:0-1-7,Edge)'-114:0-2-12.0-1.12), [1:;= , ~dael .... ..... lOADING (pst) TCll 25.0 TCDl 8.0 BCll 0.0 BCDL 7.0 . I/defl >999 >465 n1a -. .- .. Ud PLATESo' 360......MT20 180. n1a , >GRIP 185/148 ...... , , .. SPACING 2.0.0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rap Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003ITPI2002 CSI TC 0.76 Be 0.89 WB 0.94 (Matrix) DEFL . Vert(LL) Vert(TL) Horz(TL) in -0.31 -0.76 0.35 Ooc) 2-16 2-18 15 ...... , , .. Weight: 2261b ...... lUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/Sm OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/Sm 'Exeepl' 01 2X4 HF No.2. 02 2 X4 HF No.2, 03 2 X4 HF No.2 04 2 X4 HF No.2 . ....: ..... ..-.. Structural wood shea~"~t1y applied or ~~-11 DC purlirww. . Except: . . . . 1 Rowatmidpt ft1 .... . Rigid ceiling directly ~~~"3-8-9 De ~~,i~!1. .... 1 Rowatmidpt ..~.1tf ...... . ... . . . .. .... .. , BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS '. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=1153/0-5-8.15=201810-5-8 Max Horz2=.1 (load case 3) Max Uplift2=-176(load case 3), 15=-576(load case 3) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/26.2,3=-3396/377.3-4=,2900/206.4-5=-2777/221. 5-6=-1803162. 6-7=-1408/93. 7,8=-574/1429. B-9=-598/1306. 9-10=-214/458, 10-11 =0/28 'BOT CHORD 2-18=-270/3028. 17-18=-1812386. 16-17=0/625. 14-16=0/619. 13.14=-330/251, 12-13=-337/246. 10-12=-3181225.13-15=.1616.14-15=-1995/550 . WEBS 3.18=-400/229.5-18=-281469,5.17=-876/248, 6-17=0/1083, 7-17=.110/584. 7-14=-2592/549. 9-14=-912/471, 9-12=-127/194.7.16=0/229 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (nannal to the face), see MiTek "Standard Gable End Detail" 3) This truss is not designed to support a ceiling and Is not intended for use where aesthetics are a consideration. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. .5) This truss requires prale inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for Quality assurance inspection. 6) Gable studs spaced aI1-4-0 oc. 7) Bearing atjoint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSVTPI1 angle 10 grain formula. Building designer should \.::.... capacity of beartng surtaee. I El(!'IRATlON DATE: 12J31106 .8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 178 Ib uplift at joint 2 and 576 Ib uplift at joint 15. 9) This truss is designed In accordance with the 20031nlemational Residential Code sections RS02.11.1 and R802.10.2 and APR 0 6 2.005 CoflttArRRf6A ~!lllW~rd ANSI/TPI1, A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, Design valid lor use only wltn MITek comedors. 'ThIs design Is based only upon parameters shown. and is for an indMduol building component to be Instolled and loaded vettlColly. APpllcoblUty of deSign .............. "''''''~ and proper Incorporation of component Is responsibility at building designer. not truss designer. Bracing shown Is tor IolsfOI supoort of Individual web members only. Additional1emporory broclng to Insure stability during conslructioo is 1tIe re$pOf\S!blllty of the erector. Additional permanent bracing Of lne Overall structure Is the responslblUty 01 the building designer, For general guidance regarding fabrication quality confrol. storage. dellvety. erection and bfOC!ng. consull QST-88 QuoUty Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification and HIB-91 Hondung tnstaUlng and Bl'acing .-...,__..... .",. .........,,~ available from Truss Plaie Institute. 58J D'Onotrlo Drive, MOOlson. WI 53719. fi., theTRUSSco. s. Bun.DING SUPPLY INC. I Job Truss KLAMATHP I SASGE The Truss Co., Sumner WA I Eugene OR ITrussType ROOF TRUSS I~~ IP~ Hayden Ent.(12594r~lamath1 Job Refflrence (ootional) 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 MITek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr0611:28:03 2005 Page 2 LOAO eASE(S) Standard . .... , , , , .... , " .. , ..... , , ..... ...... , , .. ...... , ...... , , .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , .... ...... , , .. .. .... . , , , .... , , , " .. , ... . , , .. ...... , , .. . ... , " .. , ...... , , .... A WARNING - vt~tFY DEStGN PARAMmRS AND READ AU NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWtNG NOTES BEFORE USE: Des!gnvoJid for use a(Vy.,.,.;ffl Mirek comectOl1. this design is based aNy upon porOmal9l$5hown. and Is fOf 00 Individual bulIdlng __......_......1f TO be nsfolloo and loaded vertlcoby. AppllCObftlty of deslgn parameters and proper Incorpol'Oflon of compooenlls responsibility of bulldhg designer: not fruss deSigner. Staclng shown Is fOf Ioterol support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of 1M erector. Addltlonot permanent l:lrac{ng 01 the overall structure Is the 'responslblllty of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality connel. storage, delivery, erecflon and oracing. cOf1$lJIt QST.88 Quality StondOld. DSB-B9 Bracing Specification. and HIB-91 Handling Installing and Braclng Recommendation available from Truss P10te Institute. 56J D'Onofrio DrIVe, Madison. WI 53719. ~ theTRUSSco. & BUILDING SUPPLY INC. ,~ TSE MEMO '" Engineering ... , . '-~.l'r->P R () f: >-.... ;~ ....JJ~ '/I~GNE'~ ;''' Page 1 of 1 \ ~~wZ }} "~'>-----<vl. J ~. PO\!'JY-;/t-ID I l EXPIf<ES 12 I :11 /0'V I Continuous lateral web bracing as specified on truss drawings is required to extend over [4] trusses having matching web pattems. The continuous lateral braces are to be in the same plane and can not be bent or warped at adjacent or intermediate trusses and are to be placed at the web mid-length (in the case where a web requires two braces, the continuous lateral braces are to be attached at the 1/3 points along the length of the web). Where it is not possible to use continuous lateral bracing as described above, then. a, ~ce' mOW,be used to replace up to two continuous lateral braces. The size of "T Brace"1s to matcl\ol~e : web size being braced and is to be attached as shown below. :..... DATE: 2/5/01 . . TO: The Truss Company FROM:Terry Powell, P.E., Principal . SUBJECT: Truss web bracing' Irxl NNl'5 , , , ,. .. , ... . , , .. ....k ~~Jf 'b",', ' , P'. .... . ... '5E:C,.'noo .1\0-1\ : \ "- ;'" ',- I III / . 1\-l1~' tAN BE REP\.ALE~ '6'/.'1" 13RAc.E" , ~/ t;/4 LE'~1'H f1F W~B TSE#3251 12810 N.E. 178th Street '" Suite 101 ... Woodinville; WA. 98072-8702 (425) 481.6601 .. FAX (425) 481-6371 .. tristate@netos.com ..... , , ..... ...... , , .. ...... . , .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... I _ _..,. .,,1 ~G~~~~";ND TRUSS ,""v 1'-1'y I: ! ---:------ ! -..... .;-~:!f.~...,1 I......U ~"" . . ~ ~l ,,:J~ J~B 7:7 r 4 1 -, 1:--' I' I I IJ - 11.J- ..., u tl .. u "~I -oJ G . )<)<X)<'-X)<';<^.XX)<.X;<X/'{)()~x."X)<X;<)<;(? SEE DETAIL & NOTES BELOW FOR FIELD MODIFICATION OF TRUSS FOR VENT OPENING. /..'" ~R X '.~" . -;./ '" I '-,:::, ~Ir (.,J.1 "'~ /(i/ II I,' I ..; T''--f /]. 8-1" I -il r-- r I ! I "r L --.,l 1,.. . J _ : _~ . 'J v " .: . u 3 :.., (.x;<;v,x./:;v<xx;<)<.,x.)<.xv~,:.x;{.x/<.;:<x.;\;-;"v(~ . . ,- TRu5S PLAir __~~~ 10 REi'/\?ll\1 _---- m "-""-- _________- .____--iCJi-.--- ___ ___,..- 1:-""""""'_ ---- ---- ~.:::::/ D]- r r "" \-" U I " " I \.... , . I I'. I' 1'-" I I /// ~ ~-'-'" ------ ---1--.." :ft---i LJ ............../ I, t I ! .... , , , , .... , ., .. , ...... , , .. .. .... , , .... .... I , , ....~ .... . , , .. ....!.. , I ' .. ..... . . i . .. ,. . .,.. " I .... I ...,.. , " ..!l'- ...... K.:).L.'.G 11../ , 2'i~ tET- It-I CP^iviii\J~ i~~/P-\ ,. . . !. .,. I ..' . ' ... . , , .. OP!:':10iNG i I I I I ! ...... , , .. -, ir::,-~ (~'/FY . ... , " .. , ", , ; ,.... "." "..:. \1-' ~ , " .:.-,\,1. .[ (;.'_ olr ...L.sr":"" MAXIM UN! NOTES 1) MODIFICATION DETAIL SHOWN IS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: a) 25 psf MAXIMUM SNOW LOAD 'b) 80 mph EXPOSURE B WIND c) BOTTOM CHORD OF TRUSS TO BE CONTINUOUSLY SUPPORTED. 2) MAXIMUM ROUGH OPENING SIZE 24" x 24" i EXPIRES: 12/31 i02 JAN.2 3 2002 ~ WARNING - VEmFY ~:~'GN PARAMffiRS AND READ All NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USt SiQn VOid tor use cnN with MfTek comecton. Thb dasil}n is boseo orly uoon ooroo,etM st1()'o1A end b tOl an indMduol txJidfng COmpt;l'Wlrn'to De lo"lstmod cn:l JOOded Tlco~y. AapllcobStv or daslgn poraneterl Q'\d Proper lflCorpOlCflon of com'ponent 15 resoonsblily or bUddWig aeslgner. nor truss deS9'lBt 8I"ocing ShoWn lS tor laTeral lpon at InOlvlduol Wftt:l members orllV. Addltlonal temoofO/y brocJng to insure slobillty during consrructlon is ttle 185ponsibllJty oi the wecror. AddltfonOl permanent . lClnQ of the QverOll &trucnxe I.Nhe re.!pon$lbtilty at the building designer, FOl general gUidoncu /aqord!nq tooncOTion. quontv conrrCl U'Cl'age. oe6v9I'Y. 8mction and lCinQ. consL.d~ QST 136 QuaJItv StOndorcl. DSB-89 8r0Cl0q Soedtlc:OlIon. and HI8-9\ HO"Idllng hsoSng ana 8I0dng Race......,.. ......_..~" ovcQm from fruss PIcl'le lnmlura. O'Onotrto 0tIve. Modoon. WI 53719. A theTRU5Sco. SyrnlJols PLATE LOCATION AHD ORIENTATION -p., r~-13/4 ~( . Center plete on Jolnl unless dimensions Indicate olhelwlse. Dhnenslons 018 In Inches. ,l:I,pply plates 10 both sides of Iruss and securely seal. '1" I/"_"'II~_ 8~ 1 L-!S ~ IV\, . For d x 2 orientation. locate plates 1/8 ~ from outside eoge of truss and vertIcal v/el), 'This synlbollndlcates the required dheclloll of slols In connectol plates. -Fo' lobular plallng formal re'er to Ihe MlTel</Gang-Nall Jolnt/Plale Placernenl Cllall PLATE SIZE LI X LI LATERAL BRACING ~ BEARING ~ TI18 flrst dimension Is the wldlJ) pelpendlcutar to slols. Second dimension Is Ihe length parollel toslols. Indicates laeollan of required conllnuous lateral brclcJng. Indlcoles laeollan of Jolnls 01 which bearings (supportS) occur. . . .. .. ...... .. ~ .~.. . . . HtH l':t',t.f}rmq . .. ..... .. . ... ... ... .... ... ::,fV' ~~ f.~~rt:~ : . . . .. .. .., , ,.. , , , , , .. , , , .. . . . , , . . , . , , , , J;? , J3 . , .H , 101' CHOI<D$ G '" ,., I - u Co. Q ..,''-..... ._ c~. _::-~..>,....,~. '1''' ...,"", ... .: :/~ ...",.;;Z...., ,'. ',..,.: .. ."/'.. ......-,. ......{.:,'-: . . . .J.,/ . /"'}.~. 0 <:;...... . ~ yp.. . "; - (; '''':-~ ".././'" ,AS>/ ..:r: '" ' "L/ <,/' ~~ "', _ ~ __ _~r_a' _ Q _..E..~ r:~.' ~ "'''''''.'''''--'-c; " BOffOld CH()ROS .18 .17 I~I JOll.JTS AHD CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCI<W1SE .t..ROllHD THE TRUSS SlARTI"'G WITH TIlE LOWESr JOll'll F/\RHlEST TO rHE lEFT. WEBS ARE HlJMBERED r:ROM I.EFr fe) P.ll-;Olll. I~Oi'IHEcrOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 80(;/\ HUD/FHA Il~:8;:.l SBCCI WISe/DllI'll< 86,93, 8-5-75, 91-2.8 reB 17.08 1591. ),)29, ~922 87206. 86217.919() 871J0,1I),I',I, 93001,).1'1. 9100[11111 .-.----.---------.--..--.-----,- ---.+-..,-.- ~ =1" '. MiTek Indli5lries, Inc. k A1,jL~..~ NYDRD-AIR@' PAI,IEI. CLIP r.~fl", >, }." ,.~,~L G,ener-oJ Sorely Noles Failure 10 Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal InJury HI 1. Provide caples of tills fr\.,ISS cleslgn to fhe building designer, arecllan supervisor. properly owner and .011 other Interesled parlles. 2, Cut rnernbers 10 bear lightly agaInst each olher. 3. Place plales on each face of truss 01 each joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane of Joint locations. d. Unless olhervJise noted, laeaUon chore! splices a11/4 panellenglh (,,6- Irom adjacent jolnl.) 5, Unless.olherwlse noted. moisture content of lurnber sl'lall not exceed 19% at time of fabrlcallon, 6. Unless expressly noted. this design Is not Clppllcobte for LIse wllh nle relordant or plSS81vottve treated lumber, 7. Camber Is 0 Ilon'-structural conslderalion and Is the responsibility of lruss fabricator. General proctlce Is to carnber for dead load cletlectlon. 8. Plole Iype. size ond loco lion dimensions shown indicale minimum plating requirements. 9. Lurnber shall be of Ihe species and size. a,nd in all respects, equal to or better than Itle grade specified. 10. rop cholds must be sheall...ed or purllns provided at Sf.1oclng shown on design. 11, Bollorn chords require loierol bracing at 10 fi. spacing. or less. It no ceiling Is Installed. unless othelwlse noted. 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring connec1lons 10 Irusses are the responsibility of olhers unless shown. ] 3. Do not overload loaf or floor trusses willI stacks of conslluctian materials. 1'1. Do not cut or oller truss members or plate wlthoul prior approval of a professIonal engineer. 15. Core should be exercised In handling. erecllon and installation of husses. ~\1993 Milek flofdings, Inc. I~:ATHPI :russ The Truss Co., Sumner WA I Eugene OR Truss Type Oty p~ Hayden Ent( 12594 )Klamath 1 K1NGPOST Job Refererr;:e (ooticmafl 6.200 s Jan 212005 MITekIndUstnes. inc. Wed Apr06 11:27:43 2005 Page 1- .1-O.(l 1.().O OM OM 11~ ~ 12.o..n ~ 1~ Scale: 1:21.8 6:0:6?- 6 ~ 5 6.00 f12 8~":" ~m 8 sn . . :: , 9 LOADING (ps~ TCLL 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BelL 0.0 BCDl 7.0 SPACING 2411 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Iocr YES Code IRC2003fTP12002 11.().O 11'()'o CSI DEFL in (Ioc) Udefl TC 0,09 Vert(LL) 0.00 9 nlr BC 0.06 Vert(TL) 0.00 10 nlr WB 0.04 Horz(TL) 0.00 9 oJ. (Matrix) , . ...e .----.-- Ud. .. PLA~.:.liRIP ...... 180 . MT20.. 1651148 . . ~...... .. wa. ..:..: Weight: 40 Ib . . Plate Offsets lXYl: J6:0-1-12,Ednel LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/sPF Stud/STD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD . . ...... . .. .... .. Structurnl wood sheathiAQ dirwrcUy applied dt ~ DC pMlns~ . . Rigid ceifing direcUy illi'JiM 10-0..() oc braCing. .... , , . ,. , .... . . . .... .... ...... . . .. .. . ... . " .. . ...... . , . ... . REAC110NS (Ib/size) 2=175/11'0-0, 9=183111'()'0.15=190/11.0-O, 14=73/11-0-0.13=115/11-0-0.12=56111411, 11=221111-0-0 Max Uplift2=-6B(load case 3), 9=-70(load case 3), 15=-49(load case 3), 14=-30(load case 3), 12=-12(load case 3) ,11=-62(load case 3) Max Grav2=175(toad case 1), 9=183(load case 1), 15=190(load case 1), 14=77(load case 4), 13=115(load case 1). 12=59(load case 51. 11=221(load case 1) FORCES (Ib). Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0128.2-3=,52134.34=-39/47.4-5=,28169. 5-6=.29/63. 6,7=.27170. 7-8=43156. 8.9=.56137. 9-10=0128 BOT CHORD 2-15=0/45,14-15=0/45. 13.14=ll145. 12.13=0/45, 11.12=0/45.9-11=0/45 WEBS 3-15=-149/71.4-14=-89/37.5-13=-8910.7-12=.56/18.8.11=_171/83 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane mUle truss only. For studs exposed to wind (nonnal to the face). see Mirek "Standard Gable End Detail" 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss requires prate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality asSlI3I'ICe inspection. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 1-4.0 OC. . 7) Provide mecha"ical connection (by others) mlIUss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 68 Ib uplift at):int 2. 70 Ib uplift at joint 9, 491b uplift a1joint15, 30 tb uplift atpnt 14, 121b uplift at joint 12 and 621b uplift at joint 11. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Gode sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANStfTPI1. I . E /0 I EXPIRATION OAT: 12131 6 LOAD CASE(S) Standard APR 0 6 2005 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMffiRS AND Il{AO AU NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFQOf USE.. Design vtl~d tor use only wUh Ml1"ek connectors. This design is 00sed orly upon parometen shown. oncI is for on lndMc::lua building ,,~....~ .u." TO be Instaled ood IOOcIed veflically. A~oblllty 01 design parameters ond poper Incorporation of component Is responsibility at building designer. nol truss desig'ler. Brochg $tl()WOi! lor Clerol SUppolt ot hcllvldUOI W$b member! only. Additionat tempotav bracing to insure stablUty during construction Is the responsibility of !he erector. Additionat pGrlTlOl"lefll I::lracing 01 the overan structure Is the responsibiUty of the buikIlg designer. For general guidance regarding tabrication. qudily coofroL dOlOge. deIivefy. erectlon!J'lCt bracing. cONult Qsr'88'Quotily Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification. and H1B-91 Handling InstaUlng and 8locing RecommendationcvoiKlble from T/US$ Pkrte InsltMe. 583 D'Onofrlo~. MadIsOn. 1M 53719. ~ theTRUSSco. &. BUILDING SUPPLY INC. Job Truss Truss Type Qty p~ Hayden Ent(12594}Klamath1 KlAMA THP I 81 KINGPOST The Tl\lss Co.. SUmner WA I Eugene OR Job Reference (qo.tional) 6.200 s Jan 21 2005 MiTek Industries,lr,c. Wed Apr06 11:27:45 2005 Page 1 .1.()..{} 140 5-6-0 5-6.() 1140 5-6'() 12-O.() 1.().() Scale = 1:21.8 4x4::: 3 . 6.00 rT2 W1 . . , , 2 ~ l~ 5 ~ ~ 3x5= 1140 5-6'() ..... IJdefl Ud PLATES GRIP . , ..... >999 360 .. I.. .MT20 ...~85/148 >999 180 . , , . . ...... oo . . , nla n1a ..1... .. , Weight: 33 Ib ...... .. ~ VI ~ 3x5= 6 2x4 II 5-6'() 5-6.() LOADING (psD TCLl 25,0 TCDL 8.0 BCll 0.0 BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2.0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IRC2003fTPI2002 CSI TC 0.43 BC 0.29 WB 0.10 (Simplified) DEFL Vert(ll) Vert(Tl) Horz(Tl) in (Ioe) -0.03 2-6 -0.05 2-6 0.01 4 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF SludlSTD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathiQQ dir.ectly applied or 6-0~O oc pl!fh~.. Rigid ceiling directly aI'PJii<f'or:' 0-0-0 ~~cv::irCI. .. ... . oo REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=503/0-5-8,4=503/0-5-8 Max Uplift2=-326(load case 3), 4=-326(load case 3) ...... . , .. ... .... , , .... . ... . ., .. . .... . , , .... ...... . . ,. FORCES (Ib) ~ Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/14.2-3=-451/298,3-4=-451/298,4-5=0/14 BOT CHORD 2-6=-1931399.4.6=-193/399 WEBS 3-6=-1461179 ...... . , .... . NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof Jive loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7..02; 85mph; h~25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDl=4.2psf: CategOlY II; Exp B; enclosed; C-C Exterior(2); cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; porch left and right exposed; lumber DOl=1.33 plate grip DOl=1.33. . 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for Quality assurance inspection. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 326lb uplift at joint 2 and 3261b uplift at joint 4. .6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 lntemational Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSIITPI1. LOAD CASE(S) Slandard I EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31106 API? tI 6 2005 A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMffiRS AND READ All NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, Design volJd for use only with MlTek connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an Indfvidual building component to be installed and loaded vertfcally. ApplicoblUty of design parameters and praper Incorporation ot component Is responsibility of building designer _ not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support Of Indlyjduol web rnembers only. AdditIonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construc-Non is the responsibility of the erectOI, AddiHonol permanent DrocJng of rhe overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance legarding fabrication. quofrty control, storage, delivery, erection and DrOCing. consult QST-88 Quality Standard, D58-89 Bracing Speclficotlon, and HI8-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation available from Truss Plale Institute, 583 D'Onofrio DriVe. Madison. WI 53719. ~ theTRUSSco. & BUILDING SUPPLY INC. IJOO IT"," KLAMATHP I G2 The Truss Co., Sumner WAI Eugene OR [Truss Type KINGPOST I~~ p~ Hayden Ent.(12394)Klamath1 Job Reference (ootional) 6.200 s Jan 21 ...'005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 0611:27;462005 Page 1 5-6'() 5-6-0 11.Q-Q 5-6-0 4x511 Scale" 1 :20.0 2 ; 6.00 [12 .. , . . W1 ~ ~ T 1 ./' ~~I ~ 6x8= < J 3 11'()'() 5-6.() ~ I~~ \ / 5-6-0 5-6.() Plate Offsets (?< Yl: J1 :0-4~O.O-1-151. r3:0-4-0.0~1-151 -nIoue- '24''0 d.. I- - 4 4x16 II ..... . .... ..... Ud. . PLATES'...GRJP ...... 360. . MT20.... ~5/14a . . 180...... .. n/a. Weight: 56 Ib ..:..: .. LOADING (psQ SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (Ioc) IIdetl TCLl 25.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.71 Vert(ll) -0.06 4 >999 TCDl 8.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.68 Vert(Tl) -0.12 4 >999 BCll 0.0 Rep Slress Incr NO WB 0.58 Horz(TL) 0.02 3 nla BCDl 7.0 Code IRC2003ffPl2002 (Simplified) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 10 DF SS WEBS 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD . . ...... L,..' L .... .. Structural wood sheauwIW ijir~ly appnea.. 2e10-8 ~rliPl~. Rigid ceiling directly ~ilied or 1 (),,{)-O oc brae~g. . ... :..: . -. . .... . . . . .... .... ...... , , .. .. . ... . .. .. . ...... . . .... REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=3114/0-5-8.3=3114/0.5-8. Max Uplift1 =--842(load case 3), 3=-B42(load case 3) . FORCES (Ib). Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1,2=.35771967.2,3=.35771967 BOT CHORD 1-4=-827/3220,3-4=-827/3220 WEBS 2-4=-710/2766 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-02; 85mph; h=25ft; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; Category II; Exp B; enclosed; C-C Exterior(2); cantilever left . and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; porch left and righl exposed; Lumber DOL=1.33 plale grip DOL=1.33. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live toad nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss requires plate inspection per the Tooth Count Method when this truss is chosen for quality assurance inspection. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 842 Ib uplift at joint 1 and 842 lb uplift at joint 3. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSlrrPI1. 7) Girder carries lie-in span(s): 28-0-0 from ()..{)-O to 11-0-0 6) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noled as fronl (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 , Uniform loads (p~) Vert: 1-3=-525(F=-511), 1-2=-66, 2.3=-66 I EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/05 J APR {I 6 2005 A WARNING. VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ All NOTES ON THIS AND TflUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, Design vona 101" use only with Mirek connectors, This design Is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an individual building component TO be installed and lOaded vertically. ApPlicability 01 deslQn parameters and proper Incorporation 01 component Is responsibility of building designer _ not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additionol permonent bracing 01 fne overall structure is the responsibility 01 the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storoge. delivery. erection and bracing. consult QST-88 QUallty Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification. and HIB-Ql Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation available trom Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. W153719. . ~ theTRUSSco. Be BUILDING SUPPLY INC.