HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-9-1 ., . , y. CITYOF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Dep3rtment Building Safety Division . Residential Plan Review JOBADDRESS:~O~~ Q~\e: CITYJOB#:~_55 )'2.. OWNER: Hayden Homes . PHONE: 228-1081 CONTRACfOR: Owner PHONE: . Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and :rwo Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. . A copy .of ,thi~.code !}l~y be obtained from the Building . Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. CUi-uspr..BeavertoIi, Oregon 974008-5986 . .' .. ". . .' ~ ',.. '. I . .; Your signature on the Bui1dingP~f-;n'itis{ari~greeIrient that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this p~~j'ecf Willeomply with applicable codes. , ::;'.,"'::";' . .1 .' ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTH:ER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: Bob Barnhart_PHONE:_726-4652 J. Provide openable egress windows with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square 'fe~ (Grade floor egress window 5 square feet). LeaSt openable height 22"; least openable width 20"; maximum sill height 44" above walking surface. (R-310.2). . '2" SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED in each sleeping room, and areas providing access to sleeping rooms, and on each floor level. . (R-3l6.i). " Erosion Control Conditions Sediment and erosion control measures shall be in place and functioning before clearing and grading begins. . " Wet weather conditions are in effect October 1 through May 30 and may be 'extended as directed by the Public Works Director or the Community Services Manager, Temporary erosion control facilities must be designed for the 2-year. 24-hour stonn event unless otherwise specified in the design conditions, When developing sediment control practices, the following shall be considered: use of straw bale dikes, silt fences, compost filter benns, earth dikes, brush barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, rock outlet protection, sediment traps, and temporary or pennanent sedimentation basins, . 1) Construction site entrances are egress points for vehicles onto paved roadways constructed as a means to' previmt vehicles from tracking soil from the site, All projects shall have an open graded gravel construction entrance not less than 20 feet long and 20 feet wide placed in a I"""~u,, in which all vehicles can traverse the entrance to enter or exit the site, In most cases, the most economical location for this entrance in directly behind the curb cut in the location of the future driveway, The owner shall maintain the greveled construction entrance as necessary to ensure it is functioning properly, Additional measures may be necessary to contain sediment from the entrance on site, 2) If sediment is tracked offsite, sediment shall, on,a daily basis, be swept or shoveled from the paved , surface, Sediment laden runoff from construction entrances shall be directed to sediment ponds or traps on sites. 3) Under no conditions shall sediment from the construction site be intentionally washed into stonn sewers or drainage ways, 4) The APPUCANT/OWNER shall erect and maintain sediment barriers along the perimeter of alllow-points of the site where sediment-laden waters are likely to pass, Examples of barriers are sediment fence, compost filter benns, and open graded rock below in the sidewalk area below the curb grade, 5) The APPUCANTJOWNER shall be responsible to prevent any soil or materials from leaving the site, The APPUCANT/OWNER shall anticipate the worst case weather conditions and place adequate erosion control measures prior to an event Failure to provide erosion control measures and prevent sediment from entering the street, drainage system, and surrounding properties may result in a stop work order and additional fines and penalties as well as liability for any cleanup or costs, 6) Temporary stockpiles shall be covered with plastic visqueen, The visqueen shall be anchored so that it will not move under heavy wind conditions, Stockpiles that will remain in place for more than 2 months should be seeded and covered with an erosion control material that promotes vegetation, 7) Under no circumstances shall material be stockpiled, temporarily or otherwise in the public right of way, All stockpiles shall be contained on the APPUCANTJOWNER's property, B) The City of Springfield or its agent may require modifications to the erosion control measures at any time if the erosion control methods being utilized are ineffective in preventing the discharge of ' sediment to natural features (such as wetlands), surface waters, stonn drainage systems, adjacent properties, or natural features, If drainage problems to adjacent properties are caused by or as a result of activity on this site then the APPLICANT/OWNER may be required place additional stonn drainage measures to remedy the situation, EROSION C01\"TROL CVl IUU .ONS PAGEl-OF!' " . 9) The following items must be considered'when planning:for construction on a site . Frt grading to the surrounding terrain . 'Time grading operations to minimize soil disturbance . Emphasize erosion control measures to stabiHze disturbed areas . Retain existing vegetation wherever possible . Direct runoff away from disturbed areas . Minimize the lehgth and steepness of slopes . Use energy dissipation devices to reduce runoff velocities . Install pennanent stann drainage facilities as soon as possible . Manage clean water to prevent it fi:om coming into contact with exposed soil 10) All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected at least once every seven (7) catendar days and within 24 -hours of any stOnn eve,nt by the APPUCANT/OWNER. . 11) All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected daily by the APPUCANT/OWNER during periods when stann water runoff occurs. 12) Stonn water runoff discharges shall be visually monitored by the APPLJCANT/oWNER at the above frequency to evaluate the ,,:r.....:: .'eness of the erosion and sediment control measures, If sediment is leaving the property, corrective action shall be taken immedIately by the APPUCANT/oWNER to reduce the discharge of sediments, , 13) The APPUCANT/oWNER shall allow the City's representative, upon the presentation of credentials, to enter upon the APPUCANT/oWNER'S premises to inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this, pennil " 14) Erosion control on site shall be maintained by the APPUCANT/OWNER until either final occupancy is granted by the City of Springfield Development Services Department or pennanent vegetation is , established, whichever occurs later, ' ~ EROSION CO!\'TROL CONDmONS PAGE 2 oF2 I/a ',' -a engineering K & A Engineering, Inc. " P.O. Box 23624, Eugene,QR97402 ,'. ' ',521 Market Sl, Suite B, Eugeile:OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541)684-9358 FAX December 28, 2004 Hayden Enterprises, Inc. 2464 fNI Glacier Place, Suite 10 Redmond, OR 97756 , , Project: 197.D4 , ' Subject Minimum required specifications for cripple wall construction PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has made a limited evaluation of general cripple wall' framing practices for new single-family residences, as per the State of Oregon One- and Two-Family Dwelfing Code (2000 edition). Our purpose was to research the minimum required cripple wall framing and sheathing requirements. ' INVESTIGATIONS AND ANDINGS Our understanding is that cripple walls constructed by Hayden Enterprises, shall be between the foundation and' the first floor framing that, consists of 2x6 studs spaced at 16-lnches on center and no more than 4-feet in ~- " We note that the building code2 specifies in section 403.1.5 that "The wood sole plate at exterior walls on monolithic slabs and wood sill plate shall be anchored to tllll foundation with anchor bolls spaced a maximum 6 ' feet on center. Anchor bolls shall also be located a maximum of 12 Inches from an eiderior comers. Bolls shall , be a minimum of lh-Inch In diameter and shall extend a minimum of 7 Inches Into masonry or concrete." It , continues by stating, "Sills and sole plates shall be protected against decay and termites: We note that the building code2 specifies In section 602.9 that "Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less In size than the studding above;" Since the upper exterior wall framing' consists of 2x6 members the cripple walls below should also consist of 2x6 members. ' We note that the building code2 specifies In section 602.10.1 with recommended "wood structural panel' sheathing with a thickness not less than 5/16-lnch for 16-inch stud spacing and not less than 318-inch for 24- inch stud spacing." Cripple wall wood structural panels shall be Installed with 6dcommon nails at 6-inch , ,spacing at the edges and 12-inch spacing at intennediate supports: ' , This frariling is caDed .crib wan. on 1I1e plans. The term .crlpple wan. is used hereto be consislentwi1h loCal bunding codes. " ' ' ',,' , ' ' " 2 Slate at Oregon One- and Two-Family Dwelling, Code (2000 edition). Cripple Wall Requirements in the " Oregon 20030ne& Two Family Dwelling Code' ' , . Cripple wall bracing. Cripple walls with a stud height exceeding 14-inches supporting exterior or interior braced' wall lines shall be braced with an amount and type of bracing as required for the wall above with the following modifications for the cripple wall bracing: al The required amount of bracing as determined for the wall 'above shall be increased by 15 percent. b) The maximum wall panel spacing shall be decreased to 18 feet' on center instead of 25 feet on center, as normally required. Note: Cripple walls supporting three stories have additional requiremei1ts~ Stepped foundations. Where stepped foundations occur the following, requirements apply: a) Where the height of a required bracec;l,wall panel that extends from the foundation to the floor above varies more than 4-feet, the braced wall panel shall be constructed in accordance with .- Figure R602.11 .3 b) Where cripple walls occur between the top of the foundation' and the lowest floor framing, the bracing requirements for an , additional story shall apply. J 2x SILL PLATE \ . I A WHERE FOOTING SECTION "A" IS MORE THAN 8 FT. ~PLICELPROVIOE METAl. TIE 16 GA. BY 1.S BY 4 FT. MIN.. EACH SlOE OF SPLICE WI B-16d COMMON NAlLS. r- 2 FT. MlN, /2- 2x PLATE ,- - - - - ,p" -, - - -- ii " " " " " " " " " " \I :. :"i~ . " .-.....:c ~ :: A I ~ 2x CRIPPLE c :.11 '. . STUD WALl " 'I.:, " ." " . " A CONCRETE _ STEPPED ~ FOOTING ij ['1I1\''\V/I/\\'VU/ \\~'/I . ,\\~ , " ,,~ , 'PI \)11 \)>. FOOTING SECTION "A" 'III' \"~/I ,,'V/N \\~ 'III. \,'''111 \\'\.V/l'/\~ , ,/I~ , ' " " , '~ 'III\\'''I//\\'V/// \\\~ , Fo; SI: 1 inch . 25,4 DlOl, 11001 . 304.8 DlDI., ' ' , Nor.: where footirig Section" A" ~ less than g feet long in . 2S r..notallength w.u. provide br.iciog at cripple SOld waiL, FIGURE R602.11,3 , STEPPEO FOUNDATION ,CONSTRUCTION K & A Engineering, Inc. ' , ' SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS , ' The following are our recommendations: _ 2x6 vertical studs at 16-inches on center with a 2X6 pressure treated sill plate anchored with minimum lh-inch bolts at 6-feet on center, with one bolt a minimum of 12-inches from each foundation comer. Anchor bolt embedded into the concrete foundation a minimum of 7 -inches. _ 7/16-inchAPA rated sheathing similar to sheathing on remainder of building. _ Nail sheathing using Bd at 6-inches on center for all panel edges and 12-inches on center in the field. Block and nail all panel edges. ' Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call n you have any questions. Sincerely, Chuck Du Fault, E.l.T. ' K & A Engineering, Inc. Project 197.04 Clieht Hayden Enterprises,lnc. Page 20f2 , December 28, 2004 I I' " GENE STRINGFIELD B. M. HAYDEN HOMES THE ALDERWOOD MARK GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM' o HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANq,LAM LVL o AS PER PLAN. NOT ON MATERIAL LIST o AS PER PLAN . INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST Louisiana-Pacific Corp. LPI-Joists / Gang-Lam L VL / Solid Start Rimboard Distributed Bv~ 14421 S,E, 98th Court P,O, Box 1750 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 (503) 742-8689/ Fax (503) 657.1843 866-742-8689 This matenal take off Is for the Louisiana-Pacific CTR joists, LPI-Jolsts, Gang.Lam LVL, and Solid Start Rimboard materials only. The contractor J builder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans must verity aU Information on the !-joist layout pOor to construction. Any changes needed will then be made before any taming has occurred. Changes made to the house plans after cOnstruction framing has begun may affect the I-joist layout, It Is the responsibility of the contractor I builder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans to verify If the changes affect the I-joIst layout Any damages, fees, or other services required to fix a problem , related to these changes will fall under the responsibility of the contractor f builder f ho"".;..~ ...../ architectural designer or owner of the plans. A complete set of plans needs to be submitted for an accurate material take-off. !hI!; i!l: $I m~terial takA-tlft' nnlv. Thi!llavnut ha!l: nnt hAen fAvlewed nr mmnllAd bv an Analneer. All beam sizes have: been sized by the Louisiana-Pacific Wood-E beam sizing program or by the design tabl.es in the ~PI Joist User Design Manual. Glulam beams have been lnciuded In this drawing, without cost. and as a. courtesy to our customer.. . The Architect / Designer I Engineer of record is solely responsible for the original design callouts. neither Louisiana - Pacific nor I................,.al Wood Products, LLC. Are responsIble for the design or accuracy of calculations regarding the glulam beams shown on the layout 11/21/2003 . .'1 ~^~ ~ International Wood. produm, LLC Main Level Hayden Homes THE ALDERWOOD ---------------------------MATERIALS LIST----------------------------- FILENAME: MAIN 24X36.dwg GENERATED: 11/21/2003 09:25:10 , Designed By: NORM - IWP, LLC -------------------------~----I JOIST-------~------------------------- I-JOIST LPI200 X 9 1/2" (26 stick(s) total) (2/2) (19/27) (5/31) Total Linear Footage = 672feet --------~-~-------------------HANGERS--------------------------------- HANGER Simpson ITT 9,5 (52 total) ------~-------~---------------END LIST-------------------------------- *Multi-ply blocking quantity does not represent the' total number of plys. **Multi-ply beam ply's are added to multi-ply quantity. Note: , It is the Builders / Contractors respousibility to verify joist lengths. Blocking panels (if required) are to be cut by the Builder / Contractor. Web stiffeners (if required) are to be cut and provided by the Builder / Contractor. Additional non Louisiana-Pacific material may be required. International Wood Products, LLC. 14421 S,E, 98th Court. P.Q, Box 1750. Clackamas · Oregon. 97015 . <~~~ , , , ~ ' '@: I I I I , ' '....f\!:i:.!..j~i I I Iii i Iii i' i I i I I I ifJ.J ~ ~ i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i ,,,=~=~==~=~==~="=I=~==~=~==h=l==h=i=~=I=~"=~=i;=~=j=,,' : : : : =-UOJr: : : : : : .~~: : : ~..air: : I -.. I . . . . ] . I il i ~ Ii , ' I I I I , ' , ' 1 I , ' ill ill I 1 I Ail ~ i l -'-- l l4h l :Li_Lj__1 .1_ -'-- ~ i .i li ri.rT~1 .L-J ~ . U II 1,1 I I '1 HAYDEN HOMES THE ALIi)E~WOOIi) MAIN flOOR [.PI JOIST LAYOUT ~UG-31-2004 14:<13 FRoM:GENE STRINGFIELD 541~689-8266 TO: 8953461 P,001~001.. :.~ ~Zbli/.'" ' ' Ga"'~e door heeder, non,portal rrame,',1,Z.ove~la~g l' roof IJ1b .~d 00101. end !run Wp.1ghl. TJ_6,'56,,^olN~~~- 31/2" X 12"'ClassIc GJutam™ (24, F-1.8E Framing' OF)', ~r: 1 Br.J1l2OO4 ':2S::ZS PM "'a.' ....".......,.,.:1.15.3'.1 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCeeDs THE seT DESIGN ' CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Member Gtop.: 0112 Root 91op.ofl2, 1 All dlmen.lons are horizontal. lG'10.' ~~, lD~ , Product Dfagn.m I. ~ono.ptu"l. LOAqSi , , Anoll'1'lsla for 0 He.der (Fluan 6enm) Member, T~blrtary Load Wdln: 2' P~m.ry Load Group. Snow (P9f): 25,0 Llvo 01115 % durallon. 15,0 OD'd Vanlc:aJ Loads: Typo , Clo.. T.pered(p!!) Floor(1.OC>) Tepored(pl!) FloOr(1.00) u.. , 0,0 To 0,0 0,0 To 0,0 Doad 20,0 To 60,0 50,0 To 20,0 Looatlon o To B' 10" 8'10"To 16'10" AppllcaUon Md. To Adds To Comment Sl.rPPOR'lli; Inpul Wldtn 1 WoOd column 3.50" 2 Wood oalumn 3,50" BearIng Langln 1.50" 1.50" Vorlleal R....llon. (Ibol U1teIDaadlUplltllTotal 421/631/0/10S2 421IB35/0/1056 Darnll Olnor By Otha1'8 Nono By Olnel'J None -See T J SPECIFIER'S 1 BUILDERS GUIDE tor delall(s): By Olhe", DEBIGfII CONTROL!!: Maxlmum Daslon Control Control Shear (Ibe) -1038 .910 6279 Moment (Fl-Uls) 4437 4437 19nO Live Load Dell (In, 0,092 0,550 Tolal Load Dotl (In) O,23B O,82S -Dafiectlon Crit.ria: MINIMUM(LL:U360,TL:U240), -Graclng(Lu): All ""mpr..slon edgoa (tol> and bottom) must bo brno.d at 14' 7" 010 unl... detailed olh.rwI.e, Pro".., aU.ohm.n! ond po.Hlonlng 'of IAternl ,bracing Is required to eonIo,," mamller stAbility, ' , -Design asaumeea adequate oontlnuoualltteral support otthe compressIon edao. Passed (15%) F'1I,...d (23%) Pa.sed (LIIl99.) P.....d (UB31) Location Rl end Span 1 under Snow loading MID Span 1 und.r Snow loading MID Span 1 under Snow loe.dlng MID Span 1 under Snow loading ADDjT\QNAL NOTES, -IMPORTANTI Tho analyal. presented Is olrtput lr<>m aoftWnre deI/Glopad by TNs Joist (TJ), T J warrM18 tM slzlnO 01110 produ"," by Wo BQllWure will be Meompllshod In accordance wllh TJ product denlgn or1leria and cod. acospled de.lgn ..Iu.... The .peclfio product epplIC8IIon, Input de.lgn loari., and ,stated dlmanslons h8\18 be.n proVIded by tile sonware UIl.r. ThIs olrtput has not been """ewed by. TJ Aal:oelah!. -Not all productE\ 81'8 readily DwlJablA. Check with your auppllar or T J taehnlcaJ reprcsentRttvl:\ for product BYBllabDUy, -,1-IIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS, . -Allowable StroM De!\lgn methodology WBB U~ed rOt Dundlng Coda use 8/'lE'Iyz:lnQ \ha T J Dlstr1butlon prOduct U:rted above, -The analysis preoented 10 .pprop~ala for CI01l(llo Olu'"m'" boo""" by Wayerhseus.r, PFOJECT INFORMATIOt;j;, HAyden. Hom~ 16' gamgo door header: parallcl to garage truss layout. OPERATOR INFORMATION: Troy Lal'leAater Gene Slrtngneld Building Matarlo' Co, p,o, eo>< 2707 " Eugeno, OR 97402 Phone: 541-689.-8014 POl< : 541-6B9-8266 g.bmctroy~qWP.ot, net t:opyr1qht Q aca. t'Y fru.!l J01Dt, Q ""'Y"'lrn",,,pIIAl: D,LI'ltlo\.. t..l-Onn~ 1/1 II r.\n).,'t.l!r.,d tndclllla..rlr o~ 'f,l:'un J.::o1"I:, Clr.aolo Ollllnll." ~1I 10. tJ:cd~rk of lItiy.,rhll"\l/l"K. ,"-I'f'[.')"" ~,q.....,~/,' '. iJ~]t+.~;;{~\ I ~..-, ...-...'- I . "''13n'f i.;' \~t~~..;fT:;'.: ? ',!2{!~l}S~~~/ CL.IENT SHEEU~'" CALCULATIONS . ~CULATEC BY , STlIUCT\JRAL BUItDING DEsiGN. FIRE PROTEcnON, COOE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECI<ING CONSTRUcnON INSPEcnON ' . . CHECKED BY w.o.." '(llfrfl- /II" If /)&:N Ho/ll'e fo, BOX 883, rfl'tl/IJ(r(-/~ I Of'. '(?'t7f1 'JnBJ2[sr~ r:t<.ONT Of: (i.I'lV'..Kl~ ~T01.Ial.. Tf/~ 4~/1...woCf> 11'-If:!Fr1. <,~I:IL.. of PL.4N, OK> 'LoT lIB' JA:\spGtL .JIL Sp~N6-Fa&>.1 O(L IA WIND ,PEE/:>; "'la/V\PH ~'ij)~'B" , 'S~JY1K ~oNt::: 3 CLU),' SNoW ~ ;7.!jp~~' Site imd soil conditions not observed by Mortier Engineering P,C, Allowable soil bearing capacity ofl.Coo osfused. /lr.>.'t~ !loMEs I OF C; h1:; " OAre 3110/0'1' DATE I ^ '),'J'cr, , , , /(0 ~ , l~>,. ~~f~~~") ~",~" ,'/ ...-;"'''''u "\ - .. ,.. , .,..-.. \..""",-', - ,1(,0","""". ,~ ',:/1\'1'\',\\'" ':---...:.,-~' CLIENT CALCULATIONS' SHEET N(" . /fAbGN II~ 2. OF tJ.' ft7> DATE J/Ji/04 DATE l6Ji'J , ~I Nl> V C~~ O~ ~11A~ 1 FI.J'-I..- Ql'Dllt1ot.] WIN!>IL: ?ir.~ A. ' "7 Ofi.... Y"'I: 'O'h' (/ D'~fn;. f t, 41m) f '1O{i"'l('1,l)O.H r'~!1-) = 1../'ltf1..(r 9.Z1Sr>1'W:/Spit-US')(\.l..') -t'o/p.(8')~~') :~6Ll-<...4f t.'--.....~ 'I.' go":'''u'1 (. /Ij): /, )1...H..(;, - ' CALCULATED BY " ,'s'mucruRAL " BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTlON CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECl<JNG : CONSlRUCTlON INSPECTlON CHECKED,BY w.o... . ~IDT~'of. w';'<>::; p'l.~ ~ 1...' ~ fh~ ~'O,~) -: ,I v;J/1 f'HU"JV1....' 2....1 ~ SLLi 2..' H' ~ 5'19PQ OTr-' .,'(<..:)( !j<I~/N): 7{'8'3U- ~ , R._' 17fl'..o<.(".')('L')(I) > (oq..,,:; -t e.r~(e')( 4')(1) · /LeL,6-r; 1f1;U-,e; 7~ 76I2J((-{; - '/,(/~e-U'~ '2.' ~/J"'@ } (. 'Ar-~,~ '3 7),,/C6> /7/77'~q7 , 'L!.r~/:.J y'^it"i?"". '\. '-l.!1'""-'~'''( /..',\ f@}~~~~~\ ,~"ldJ)d'ul.,,(;i \~~~;~[e\\>/ " CLIENT CALCULATIONS SHEET NO CALCULATeO BY STIlUCTURAL ' BUILDING DESIGN 0 FIRE PROlEcnoN CODE CONSULTANT 0 PLAN CHECKING' , CONSTIlUcnON INSPEcnON . CHECKED BV . W.O., BEAM PER PLANS~ DOUBLE TOP'PLATE~ ~ II , ' I ' "" ~ 7/16" OSS 8dNAILS ~ 2"o,c, EOGES ,STAGGERED ' 4x FRAMING @ EDGES / . o .1 ' r- ' ~ . .~_.- HTT16HOLDOWNJ ~ ,(' SSTB16 ANCHOR CONC. STEM WALL~ '~i CONT. FOOTING...../' "'24 "MIW --'-. ' DATE /o37cr II II j I I /-Id J.Ni\ OF IJ " 'J /loItH DATE - ..' .~.~ I ~ ". ,: ..... . .;:}<~i~ " ............ CD DEI AIL AT FRONT OF GARAGE'.' N.T.S. (lYPICAL EACH END OF OPENING) ,_. '. ':. ....;......: ~/>frl6-N&l ~,~"'l..\... c,.crU;~ ~7'lJlaN ..._.... ........,...,,..... ..I'.............. ___............, ",,_:oft.. ...,.... _ I,.....' ."'. ""''''^ ,'6R'r' ~,-=;.,,1/." Q.'t.1,iHii~1?~3t\ . "."l" -,. ,'-'".'~' .."-,' ~ ~p';"-,~.:..d~",;'-.l.l , ~I'I' 1'_-' J ,<:-,/",6,d:-I!;' i ~'f-;:"'7'3"'._--::~,;v".....,!1 ...\~J .....,.>Jf.~,."..<;:"'/ ",.!J-':V,\~'/ --' . CLIENT I/~ n~ 'i OF '1 Pt> DATE 3/;clo'1 CALCULATIONS SHEET NO CALCULATED BY STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PlAN CHECl<JNG ,'CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED ~y DATE / ~3"7~ w.o., , , .,.1 , 1 IlCII""j I .1"" " I E~ ;',qo · "d ~r .... ..' .... .. 1YCC2001'1 '3 .'..'ldIlI'.... """'""" D'...'ldoo4.... ....VIm. ~ ll. ~ (("." ,- .... VIm. I ~, ~ , ..- . r;;.f - '~ 'n " .... - ,.." . "'.'", "'"""""'- _.'LIv~ IQeoM .... 1J'-.'XIlo.... .. ......., '- , ~- -. M.A&Td _....._....__. . ~~ .... fja r-2'IdJ'." ill ......... ~ . ~~ ... """"""'" ..... ... \ . zl '8-' ~. ~~ ~ ~ . .&. ___Illl 1,--- _ , &AQ~II. .-, ~.~ ~ ' ~ ' L -------...--.----; , , , , I- I : ..,. . " 8 .-:'"- . ~~- .'CPT,_ / _~ ~~ _..... -- .--- \ .,'_o-J_Z ~,~ ~ ,..--------~ , , , , ': L .", I ,;;::::: : 10{ IE] 1 ~,I', 1'- I. 0'.1' !,... ~,r l 11'.6' .'- 2G'.'" I I $'8;. FM1 cE ~/lJA(,k PE.T/f.lll.- vL --- I=LOO;:;:C F'LAN ec.AL!oll"". r.,,' rAfltCl.lD !WI!ET) eeALa. W',. roe' rlW1~) 1245 PEARL ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401. TEL: (541) 484-9080 ,""il"f7';", x'~~~~~\, ~1~~~~~;:~~~~~\ r JI""'~~~'I" ~.,_ , \,Ri5,lil;iL' / '.;:"'/,'()'~~\\.\, ':-.. '<IN E\".._.,," ~,._.,_. CLIENT , Ir-l7~E:lv '/7",,1'''''"', 6' ~ OF P7:> DATE 3 It 6/ !J4 , CALCULATIONS SHEET N" CAL.CULATED BY s-mUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN cHECI<ING OONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY DATE , I (;), ~ w.o.. . , . -.;;]. TClP"1"'L....-.....__ ____ , , I ___.!~________~____m_________\_j /I;; , ;,.../' F=I=CONT ,EL.EYA TION ~ 2' .' , ,. ... t'{ rEE.(kWNT Dr '. ~.......~ l>8hll.. . . - . .:,: .-',... "j I o 'I~~r~ ,'/~-~., j I 0 '0 0' , . ~~ -l~;. rr. 'T j ( I r' I Ii , I i - - . I=Ch:::'i-lT' ELEVATION LEF=T ELEVATION o D,/'~'R, 0 DOL .-< " . ,..;" ":"....... ....a.... , .... . .... , , , ...... ....... ........ ',...' ............ .......... , " , " , " , " ='-=,n ._.........:= ":'::_ ...- o -""- /' -------~- L__m~Lm___L_:=m' ,___~_____L_:________m_' ___ 0leFL _ mmm, '___= L ~'I"'''TJQ I=CEAI=C EL.EYATION ......' 1245 PEARL ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401, TEL: (541)484-9080 -"'. ~-:. '-:...;. 'Ij.:o.-",~,,>.,l~..:!,,: "''';';'4 1414'3 rnOM:GENE STRINGFIB-O ~~~ ~~. . 541~689-B266 TO: 8953461 P.001~~' , . ~. . ,... . ~Lmt " , Garage door heeder, n,on pMal !I>lme, 12" ovortlang l' rool iJ1b and gable end lrua weight. 6.15S"""'....:.:m=~ 31/2" X 12" ClassIc Glulam1M (24F ~ 1.8E Framing OF)' , . ro1 SOtlzoO'U:2ll:2SPM . .' , . .ol _"",,,",,'.15.33 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED " M.ml>er 1I10p.: 0112 Roo' Slop.oll2, I I mn r All dlmen.lon. are nOrlzonbl. 1G'10. ~~:,:. " r~ An.\jP,l1S la ,lor a,Header (F1U\lh Beam) Member. Tributary Load W1d\1t 2' Prtmery Load Group. Snow (pSI): 25,0 .."., R\115" dumUon, 15,0 [load venlceJ Loada: ' Typo CIa.. Uvo Tape,ed(p/!) FIoOr(1.Oll) O.G To 0.0 TApered(p/l}' FIoor(l,OO) G.O To 0,0 'ProduCt Dl~ '0, C~nc.ptuaL , , '", , ., '" , , Il$ad 20,0 To 60,0 60.01020,0 l..Ooatfon OTo8'10" 6'10" To ill' lQ. AppllcsUon Comment 1Idd. To, Adds To "" " , " '" " , , "1 ',( , , " " , SUPPO~ ' "" ',,' Inpul' BeatIng VIlJtJcllI R_n. (lbA) 00Ia1l WIdth Langth UWlDaadlUpllttfTola' 1 "Wood column 3.60" 1,50" 4~1/G31/0 11052 2, Wood cow,. 3:50" 1.50" <421/635/0/1056 -See T J SPECIFIER'S 1 BUILDERS GUIDE lor delall(.~ By 0tl18lB , , . ( .."SIGN ,CO,N1fOl~: .' . Maxlftiym DOtIlgn. COntrvl Control l..oaatlon . ,- Shoa,(Ibe) '1Q38 , .910' 8Z79 Passed (15%) Rl end Span 1lll1derSnowlosCl1nil Momenl (F~) 4437 4437 19320 Passed (2m) MID Bpan 11ll\de' Snow loading LIvB Load Den (In) 0.092 0,550 PallSlld (Ull99+) MID Spa"'l under Snow Ioodlnil ToIal tocid Den (iii) 0.238 O,B2S Peased (UB31) MID span 1,~... SnoW 'aodlng -VaOedlon CrIleI1e: MINlMUM(lL:U380;Ti.:U240),' ' ".', ' , .srecing(lu~ All compresston edg... (lop aM boIt"'!'l must bA brAQeCI B114'''' 010 unfsse delllUed oIhOlwloo. "- allGohmeni and pooiuonlng .llAle"" bracing Is reqUired 10 echlov8 member _ny, ' , ," , , -Veslgn "",,ume, odequele oonUnuouollltellllouppor\ 01 the coni" ;:,0."', edge. , 'ADDlllONALNOtES' ,,',' , " , " , , ~MPORTANTITho anllyBlIl presenled Is output 11011\ eoftWare ~evelapedby TlUs JoI81 (TJ). T J warren1e \htl81z1ng ql1ls productG by VlI. _.. wD1 bo ' 8ccompllshedlnaccorclonco wllh T J produet deolgn crlterlnnd code oCCtlplod daslWl valueo. The .peclna producteppUcauon. Input design load.. and, ' S!Bled d1rneno1onll /uMl been" :'. '.. J Ily the sol\watll llIe,. ,ThIs outputhlls not been I8\'lewed by a TJ AosooIste.' , -NatalI preduCle are ri:adlly'lMInallJe. cned< wfth your supplier or TJ loeIlnloa! ropre...nlstlVe 'or product ovoll.bDUy. \, fHIS ANAL YBIS FOR mUll JOIST PRODUCTS 0Nl VI PRODUCT SUBSTnurlON VOIDS THIBANAL Y81B. , ~AI\0W8bl.lllnlOe Design molhedology we. LlOOd lor IJul1dlng Coda use eIl$Iyzlng U,o TJ D1sblbUllon produa! nsled aboVe, -The onalysf&' preOenled Ie approprtalll 10' C1B1lO1o GMam'" 'boll/l1ll, by W.yerh......r, Othar "'" By Otham None By Olh.." None ',... . ,," ".,,', . 'f' " ""fl "", . PROJECT INFORMATION: Heyden Homes 16' 9a"'90 door ~eed.r: parallel \<> garng. llU9lllayoU\, OPERATOR INFORMATION: Troy Lsn_tet Gene Stdngnold Bubdlng Malerlol Co. , P.O.,e.,.2707 Eugene, OR ,97402 Phone: 641-BBS-li014 Fel< : 641-!1ll9-62fle , gobmCUtly@qwesl.nel ",:) , 't. ,,". ~.~ ~~PYI'1'1"C Cl iJDO. toY TrUll ,)Q!III:. " ....~hl"'lI\1I1A1:.DlllIln""lI 'fO}-\lo.n~ it! A r,"'lllt.'l'I:'!Id l; .:. . .:, ot 'I',/:"1ltI JAlAl;" ClnllDLo Oln1nlro'" tl'l '" tl:~d"'lllo~k at w.tyn,rhtlllo\lftAK., 3/15/2005 JEFF HARRISON EUGENE HAYDEN HOMES THE ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT JEFF, GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM o HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANG LAM LVL D AS PER PLAN - NOT ON MATERIAL UST o AS PER PLAN -INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST ,t . Loulslana-Paclflc COrp. LPI-Jolsts I Gang-Lam LVL I Solid siart Rimboard , Distributed Bv: 14421 S,E. 98th Court P,O, Box 1750 Clackamas, oregOn 97015 (503) 742-ll689/ Fax (503) 657-1843 866-742-8689 ThIs material take off Is for the LouIsJana.Padflc CTR joIsls. LPI.JoIsts, Gang-lam LVI.. and ScUd Start RlmbOard malerilils only, The contractor I builder I , .. ", en:hItectural designer or owner of the plans mushertlyaD ...,.,..,._." on the 1-joIstlayout prior 10 construc:tIon, Any changes needed wID then be made before any laming has occulTed, Changes made 10 the house plans eflar cons1nJdIon framing has begun may affect the l-joist Iaycu1. n Is the responslblfily of the _"_ __. I bulId8r I homeowner I an:hltectural designer or owner of the plans 10 verily ~ the changes affect the l-jolst layout. Any damages, fees. or othet saMces required 10 fix a problem related 10 these changes win ran under the rasponsIbIIily of the contracloll bu~ I homeowner I archItadural designer or owner of the plans, A complete sat of plans needs 10 be submitted for an aa:urala malarial taJ<&<,ff, Ibl1.Jl.JIITIl'l1:9ril'l1 b'ltm-off onlY. ThI~ tavout. has not been mvIawed or oomolled bv en enoIneer All beam sizes have. bean sized by the Loulsla~aclflc W-.e beam sizing program or by the design tables In ll1e LPI Joist User DesIgn Manual, Glulam beams have bean Included In this drawing. wilhoul cost. and as a courtesy 10 our customer, The ArchItect I DesIgner I engineer of reconlls solely responsible for ll1e original design callouts. neither louisiana - PaciIIc nor International Wood Products. LLC, fw responsible for ll1e design or accuracy of calculations regarding the glulam beams shown on the layout . . , , Begin Layout 'j @ 19,2" O,C, ' - - - I I I - - - I I I - - - I I II - - I I " " , I I I I " I I . ... .... . ... .... II! ! J5i2J,! !!!! !!!! : : ii. !l.ITn : :-w'f~ i :=F=f=~==f=~==F=*==F=f=~==f=~==F=~==F=*==F=#=~==F=~==F=*==F= .. .............. . .. .. '........ . ..... . " I I I I , I , I', , I I I" '" 1I11111~ I ;II@I 1 I' .. ....... .... . . .. ..... . .... . . I I I I "' " I I" , , .. ..... . .... . . .. ..... . .... . . '! '!,!!!I I !!!! ! ! .. ..... . .... . . I I I I II I I' " I I" I I j j I j j j j=J.,=4=J.,~L 1 f:@l j j L. 1 j 1 Ii I 0lU WAlJ,.1Y onERS .f" . ' HAYDEN HOMES ,THE ALDERWOOD . GARAGE RIGHT MAIN FLOOR LPI JOIST LAYOUT ,I ~^~W International Wood Products, LLC' Main Level Havden Homes Hili ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT ------------"--------------MATERIALs LIST----------------------------- FILENAME: MAIN.Garg.Rght. 11X17.dwg ,16:14 :54 GENERATED: 03/14/2005 Designed By: AARRON PHILLIPS - IWP ------------------------------I JOIST--------------------------------- I-JOIST LPI20W X 9 1/2" (27 stick(s) total) (2/2) (25/28)" ,Total Linear Footage = 704feet, ~-----------------------------HANGERS--------------------------------- .f HANGER Simpson ITT 39.5 (4 total) ----------------.------~------END LIST-------------------"------------ *Multi-ply blocking quantity does not represent the total number of plys. **Multi-ply beam ply's are added to multi-ply quantity. Note: It Is the Builders I Contractors responsiblUty to verify Joist lengths. Blocking panels (if required) are to be cut by the Builder / Contractor. Web stiffeners (If required) are to be cut and provided by the Builder I Contractor. Additional non Louisiana-Pacific material may be required. International Wood Products, LLC. 14421 S,E, 98th Court · P.O. Box 1750. Clackamas. Oregon. 97015 (503) 650-9663 · (800) 875-9663 . FAX (503) 657-1843 , Haydon Homes - The A/defwood,Jl OR INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS, LLC HOlE: 2004;.1 ~Slrtao.lgn LOAoTASLE ""'2"[Jifzow DCPTH IiUOO~ 1. THlSCOMPONENTlS..,~_.~TOSUPPORTONLY WEB I 0.375- THE VERTICAl.... lOAOS SHOWN VERlACATION OF NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPlITlOAD CASE (1). OTHER LOAD CASES FlANGE 1.50 X 2.50 lOADING, DEFtECTlON UMlTA11ON8. FRAMING. FOR PATIERN lIVE LOADING ARE CHECKED AS REOl11REO. DBSlCU' COHSISTS or 2 _ PLIBB P'ABTBNBD METHODS, WIND AND SEISMIC BRACING, AND OTHER (OIM8\ISIONS MEASURED FROM lEFT END OF SPAN OR CANTIlEVER) TOGBTHBR (RBPBR 1'0 NOTES) . LATERAL BRACING THAT ISA1.WAYSREQUlREDIS DISTRIBUTION SOURCE TYPE TOP/SIDE -LOAD FROM . TO L...Au THE RESPONSlBlLnY OF THE PROJECT ENGtNEER "-tll-SX PT-I11-8% OR ARCHITECT. UNlVORM FLOOR LIVB TOP U Pl., 00-00-00"28-00-00 1.00 2.PROVIDERESTRAlNTATSUPPORTSTOENSURE UJUFOllM nooR DBAD TOP 19 PLP 00-00-00 28-00-00 0.90 LATERAL STABlUTY. 3.00 NOT CUT. NOTCH OR ORal. L.PI FlANGES. WARNING NOTES: <t. SHIM ALL BEARINGS FOR FUll CONTACT. &. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE ClITT\NG LPI TO SIZE. 11flS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPEClACALLY FOR L.p ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. 6. THIS lPllS TO BE USED AS A FLOOR JOIST ONLY. USE OF TH1S DESIGN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN GANG-l.AII LYL OR LPI JO&ST8" 7. PROVtDE COfJPRESSlON EDGE BRACING"T 8TRJCTLY PROHIBITED. NfY llOOlACATIOH OF THIS DOCUMENT REQUlRE8 REVtEW 3r a.c. OR lESS. BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. NOTE FOR DOUBlE 1PI A. CONNECT DOUBlE LPI USING 2X8 + Mf' 0S8 Ftl.LERS FUll LENGl'H OF JOIST. FOR JOISTS THAT ARE TOP LOADED ONLY.FIllERS NEED ONLY BE I.()CATED AT EACH SUPPORT AND AT 8' ON CENTER MAX. AL.l.ERS MUST BE AT lEAST 4' LONG. TOP LOADS KIST BE APPUED TO 80TH hIOlSTS. B. PROW)E ,,'lONG FltLERSAT AlL c.....~" ""'TED LOADS. CENTER FIU.ER ON lOAD C. FASTEN FtU.ERS niROUGH l.Pt WEBS WITH 2 ROWS OF 8d(2.1121 NAlL.SAT 1rOC FROM BOTH SlOES STAGGER ROWS AND CUNCH WHERE POSSIBlE. D. MAXIf.IUM SIOE-APPUED LOADS FOR STANDARD DURATlON: UNIFORM lOAD. 260 PLF. CONCENTRATED LOAD. 1000 lBS.LOAOS CAN BE I ~ FOR NAIlS AT .. OC, lRIPlED FOR NAIlS AT... OC. ETC, ..ANDMAYBEADJUSTED FOR OTHER lOAD OURATlONS. E FlOOR SHEAnilNG TO BE NAILED TO RANGES OF ~= MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFlClENTTO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE LA JOIST AS UO=O_'IO:u. rr IS THE r=ooorv'''''''D1UTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEeR, ARCHrTECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT 1liE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR THIS BEAM IS CAPABlE OF SUPPORllNG THE REACTIONS. ANCHOR LA.JCXST SECURElY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. SUPPORT RBAcTIOBS (LBS). CASB 8 BAR ,1 H 0 H U " 8 B R 12' 1 437 1456 437 2 101 336 101 3 493 896 4S 4 45 896 493 1 "S"1r~'5" CROSS SECTIOB . MI.N 'BAR1HO SIZES (IH-DX) 1-12 3- 8 1-12 - ~ MAXIMUM DRFLBCTIONS CALCU'LATED ALLOIfABLB LIVB LOAD 0.10. 0.35- -DHAD LOAD. 0.0). TOTAL LOAD 0.11. 0.70. { 14- 0- 0 14- 0- 0 28. 0-' 0 - THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO 8CAU!- Handing & EredIon "'ho8IIaneouI GanQtam LVl and CTR, LA Joist SpecItIc:allonl T~"l*ft\8IWItndnglor~l~ n._ofltlll~lhIlIbe~by".s.tgr.-of" .Supporl:tlndc:onnec:lbnllorOIr'O"lMnLVl.IndCJR.LPI.lu/11!1~be plumbnlorNlllllng1anllron:.IhIlI, ",Ind ~~,**,"'b"""'COC>>~lIPJIIOW'al_ 1JI)lldtlc~ . ~byOCMnl. Ng""_~bellPPllld~" InItruI:lklrIIfnlm"deIlDI*'aofthl~llJuctLqbdnUllng_ .ConmonnalladrMnJ*lllelloglul....lhIlIbe....,.mkllmLmof4.lorlOd c:omp;IrId.....,...thI~nfaWrq_ CDl'Ilpl)MN. trbdellgnabllllladabovedoelnutmMtballllullllrQ lnd3"ror8d. ~.Atnollmll""""'~lhIndellgnloldl ~ .., doll:ll__deI:Qn. WlwIItIII~.1Igr.:l .DoIl:llcu.lI:IldI.dfllar....~LVlIndCTR,LPI""*-IIIlc.pI.__ bellPPledlo""~ nlallld."llnldunIIdIIlgnll~.Ih:MnInItlll~ Inpd:lbtledlnltMalfromLP-.y_oIO.,.a..nlVlIndCTR,LPI.1l:*l1C11nhry DeslgnCrtlerta =::==a:~~~~~~ ====~-=::-~nLP The6Mlgnn"*-'al~_1n1Rolbltlr1lllll earUelwlthG:ll1Cnlllln'Ullbepn:ac:t8d.~byc:od&CCIntInuIQ Indncr..tar.~~ ~wIIl"""fwlIlonIoINDSIndAITC.' ~1UAICIl'l.~(WlII.Iloor......Itc.).LPdoeIlI:Ilpn:Mde Dead Iul cWIIc:llon 1nc:lucS.-""'" tIICICIl'rorClWlllP- lWKb ~ na~ rnIJIil'-e an Atd1bcta are...-.... . A COPY OF THIS CJR.\WINO IS TO lie ONEN TO THE INSTAUJNO ~ TotIIIlul~.~ Iftodlobe~..ErcIInMrInll~ LPII.~tnIclMinof'-~ ~..Jl..CorJlCIl'IIIIan Ie: J~it HornlmTnO"AJderwood\LPI ~ MSI: 0.36 DBSIGN CRITBRIA VSt 0.29 LIVB LOAD " 'SF D"^,, LOAD 12 'SF TOTAL LOAD 52 'SF [ SPACIW' . 1511.:l0 IN, CIC DBYLECTI01l CRITERIA LIVB LOAD DRFL. L I .., TOTAL LOAD DRFL. L I Z40 LOAD SHARIHO. 1 . CODR COMPLIANCES RBPORT . BSR-l)OS 200405-N 12724-R lce-BS WISC05SIH CCMC hBFLSCTI08 ASSUMBS COItPOSITB ACTIOIll' WITH GLUBD AND NAILBD 23/32. APA RATBD SHEATHING 148/24 SPAN RATING) SDftware Provided By: LP engineered WOOO Products 2706 HIghway 421 Nol1h ~,NC28401 LocaJ 010.782.0878 NatIonal Wats 800.000.0105 DWG # SHEET # "'"... ICBO Hayden Homes - The Alderwood.J2 SUPPORT R&ACTIONS (LBS) I CASK BBARING NUM8BR 1 2 3 1 437 1456 431 2 101 336 101 3 493 896 45 4 45 896 493 MIS .BEARING SIZBS US-SX) i_"n 3- 8 1-12 MAXIMUM DEWLEC'TIONS CALCULATED ALLOWABLE LIVE LOI.D 0.19- 0.35- .DEAD LOAD. 0.05- TOTAL LOAD 0.:13- 0.70- OR INTERNATIONAl WOOD PRODUCTS. LLC LOAD TABlE 11 LPI20W DI:PTtI 1f.500 a 'NEBI 0.375- FLANGE 1.50 X 2.50 NOTE: 20001.1 ~StnaDelign 1. THIS COMPONENT ~ DESIGNED TO SUPPORT ONlY TllE VERTICAL lOADS SHOWN VERIFICATION OF lOADING, DEFLECTION UMlTATlONS, FRAMING METHODS, WIND AND SEISMIC BRACING, AND OTHER (DIMENSIONS MEASURED FROM lEFT END OF SPAN OR CANT1l.EVER.) LATERALBRACINGTIiATISALWAYSREQUlREDJS DISTRIBUTION SOURCB TYPE TOP/SIDE LOAD FROM TO THE RESPONSIBlUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER FT-IS.SX i"T- IN-SX ORARCHTTECT. UNIFORM FLOOR LIVE TOP 64 PLP' 00-00.00 28-00-00 2.PROVlDERESTRAWTATSUPPORTSTOENSURE l1HIFORM FLOOR DEAD TOP 19 PLP 00-00-00 28-00-00 LATERAL STABlUTY. 3. DO NOT CUT. NOTCH OR DRILL 1PI FlANGES. ... SHIM AlL BEARINGS FOR FULL CONTACT. . 6. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE C1JTT1NG LPf TO SIZE. 6. THIS 1PI ~ TO BE USED AS A FLOOR JOIST ONLY. 7. PROVIDE COMPRESSION EDGE BRACING AT 25" O.C. OR LESS. NOTE: lOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPUT lOAD CASE (1). OTHER lOAD CASES FOR PATTERN lIVE lOADING ARE CHECKED AS REQUIRED. L010D LDF 1.00 0.90 WARNING NOTES: THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIFICALLY FOR LoP ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. USE OF THIS D~GN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN GANG-LAM LVL OR lPI JOlST8lS STRICTLY PROHlBlTED. ANY MODIRCAnoN OF THIS DOCUUEHT REQUIRES REVIEW BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE lPI JOIST IoS DESGNEO. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER, ARCHrreCT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT THE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR THIS BEAM IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE REACTIONS. ANCHOR 1PI JOJST SECURElY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. 1 "SOO1r~2'sOO CROSS SBCTION . 14- 0- 0 14- 0- 0 - '!8- 0- 0 - THIS DRAWING 18 NOT TO 8CAL.E- Ha~ & ErectIon ,__._.._. .. JI Ga~m lVl andCTR. LPI JolaC SpecIllCaUons Tempocwy8l'd~tndrclforholcllngcompoNlt n._oftNaCOl'llPl'l'lftahlllbeapedlledbyU.cleIlgrB'ofthll '~8I'dcomec:tlonlforG~LYLIndCTR.lPt...l*ll~be plurrC)nforreMllngllller1llbc.lhllbe~"" c:ampIItelCNClln.~"''''.-.ryaxt.~IIppIUY''n ~~ InItIIIe;tbyolhln. NDID8dI...lDbelllllllledlDthII Ir'IslndIonIfnlmU.cleIlgIwaofthlllXlrllJMUlIlnlCII,nbefonlu.lngtNa .CormIonllllllldrtYenJ*llllllDgIuI........belp.-l."**nlrnof4.for10d c:omponenIund.......thII"-'*'Gnf-**1!... component. IflhedalgnabNlllstedmov.clollS""'l1'IIMIloclIl~ II1d 3"for lid. COITIJlIIIled..AtlllltlrMll1aIIlD8dIgreat<<lt8tdellgnloml code~dDllllIa-.U1IIdalgn. WIWI"'~1I11gned *OoflOteLt.nDtdI,dllllor"'~LYLnlCTR.LPlJolstr;~.1Iblwn beappliedlllthllCXlmp;lrlQ. n......lhelllr'utSl.nldalgn..tlppltNed.stlO'MllntlU~ InlllJlillsl*lll'l8ler1llfl\llllLP"'UMof~LYLIndCTR.lPtJol:Dc:ontrWy n_'-............ lIaBondlfapnMdedbylheQ.lltolner. G8I1Q-l.amLYLan:sCTR.LP1 1ll1hl1lmb..folth~~,",~wwra'lIYoIbpnxludnLP ....-yo,....,....... lolItI...m.-...t:llnbernwllld.n.ctuncs.ID.s.Woodlndlr8d dItcl.m....ImpIecl___IndudIng..ImplIed-....of~ Thede.lgn...materlIIIlpKtfted...ln~ can.:tlllllh___lIV.I5tbeprolec:t..:l.~brc:odlt.eorcn.- .......for.~.... c:onfotmltyMltllhllllta:ll1ilYlllDnlolNOSnAITC.* 1~1UJIPOrt1l"""'('waB.lloorbam.IIC.)'LPdDelfIOtprov\dll . Ou:lmdd8llec:tlonlnduSes~fKlorforCQIIIIP. ~~ T*dr8IIl4ngmulltwv.anAtl:Mecl'sOl"'~uaI .ACOPYOF THIS DRAWING IS TO BE GIVEN TO THE INSTAl.LlNGCCWTRACTOR Tlltalmddelllcllon.............. IIftddlDbeCOlllldlndIll~~ _ . lpll.l'8(IIIta'8lItrmernlrlF:ofl.tll..,' _..Coqlonaon. Jle;J:\Hir"!':..,__., ,:.. ~.l.., ..., .. ...spx DBSIGN CRITKRIA LIVB LOAD DEAD L010D TOTAL L010D ~ACINO _ 19.20 IN. DEFLECTION CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DBFL I 'l'OTAL LOAD DBFLI LOAD SHARING I CODE COMPLIANCES I RBPORT . BSa":130S 20040S-W 12724-R ICC-BS WISCONSIN CCMC . MSt 0.72 I VSI: 0.59 40 PSF 12 PSF 52 PSF CIC L I 480 L I 340 7 . DBFLBCTIOH ASSUMBS COKPOSITB l'lCTION WITH GWED AND NAILBD 23/32- APA RATED SHEATHING 148/24 SPAN RATING) - Software Provlded By: LP Engineered Wood Produc18 2708 Hlghway421 NorIh '... . NC 28401 local 910.782.8878 Nallonal WalS 800.999.9105 DWG # SHEET # 0>1,'" lCBO t'- . ll.. o o N '(I) I- LJJ ''1 '" LJJ en a: ..J a. :J: :E: a. (I) ,0 ' .. (I) V o o N V Q' I- 'J o " 40'0"0 " i \ I J "' , -I 1 , I I ~ , "" I ,. I . . .:?:t~~;7! 1 ~~~~A/ /yi~ "//// -1:.' __I I ~// /// / //A',,;_ '~ /1', t (1// /// / /; ,. / ! ,",,' i ;8/// ///~ / ! '"' j~~~/// / " "-" ///////; '\ / / // / / /, ///////, _/,v..: (t~(,I~(l' , '\-_ E ' , j :A7' ~ i "., ., ..,.,., , ... '''''A6 : ~A6 , I ,AS " ,J. . 'I ! . , 1 J (11 IA~ :\ '~ ' ~. L " ~: ',1 1 __I I t f- Cl' ' Oc " !I ~ , I I 1 , , / i / , / " I {.,. ~ jl" P ~' i I I I " " -- A8 c., ~ " ,,' ~ c' ,c " , BI -,. BI ~ - BI ',n:j;fl ! I , i "iJ~~M +/ ~ ~ ! ~~~ &..! k"< ~. . -;!;: ~- - I ' 20'0"0 ' 1 - 8'0"0' I" '12'0.0 ~I . 'J ..J~ . ~proval. of.Shop ~ !1leans the Configuration, bearing loCations and ' deSffiD cnlcrta have bee9- revl~wed and approved. As Contrnctoryou must veruy and,lIJl.prove all dimensIOns and truss counts on the Layoul ' ' , Trusses WIll be manufactured as "yy'v .ed. ' f1 c <-- . NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 6/12 Overhang: I' O. ~ Vaulted Area ~ Pitch: 3/12 0...-........ 0'-__..... 0._................... D_ .- D_~_ , ,./t"'.-.... h~ Hayden Enlaprises ' /~__OU,. ~ / r; "',......, , 3848 Hollvbum.: Albanv LOt 41 thefRUSSco. inc.I'.:: AldmwnodBOma..Left . . I aaYmJONl:' DATl\ _.~ J.-ms 1-13olOMU raa r-ll661 Cll . ll.. 0 " 0 ,\ N ? [>) 0 f- ;0 'U1 '1 " C<: UI " III a: ...J ? 0 0. '" 'J: - I: '" 0. [>) 0 .. [>) .,. 0 0 N .,. '0 f- U 0 Ie 4.O'n"n :1 I I '1' I r- '.' _ ~r:-~I I ' ; , t://7;~/t"'''' t' ( I V////' //t' 1 I' , // 1 t' ! ~~~/ / Y /. : ~ 1 j- ~~I)~1 !" /~ 7/~ ;11 b 1:/ /1/ // ~x j ~ l f II j ;0 ; ./, /[,/ y" ...L I '" 1-///77/'/ r" \ /^': , / / / / /./ / / t' / ~ I : Vf~///////I ! !: //////1 / ' , '///////1// " ;//// / / / /? : '" : I >/v;/ /~/ 1~p ! ",,: ! "r~ ,1 ('i /. 4?f':'.J .o,c.,- -,,,," - " ~ .'" " _ i'.~ 1\ . At ' J ~:n TI' ,ii' 1.. Ajl B1 -, ~ A ,J ,'I I ~ ~ ?, :, <t - - " ?' ,p {- 20 '" ? 0' o N B11 .- B1 ' ~I ' BDJ1f-h/k i 7 4'51 ; ":~J Jl ' j)/,: ',' ,'" ' :'" 'c. .v -<: -< <t- O"::t .... ,- 12'0"0 -,- 8'0'0 "'" 20'0"0 - :,. . . . \.. Approval of Shop Drawings means the Con1igur.rtion, bearing locations and' deS~ criteria, luive been reviewed and approved: As Contractor you must ' verity and lI!'Prove all dimensions and truss counts on the Layout. Trusses wilr6e m."nfaCtured as approved. , . 0__ D__ Do. 'D~_ 0..-,,-,*_ NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 6/12 Overhang: l' 0" ~ Vaulted Area ~ Pitch: 3/12 /:__ 1- HaydmEntcrpriscs Lil1': ;:-,..:,- r--"'90S 1st. Street CresweU Lot 36 theTRUSSco. inc.f.- -A1d""""""Bo.rn.cRiPht . 1- ~ DAT!:lnMMlP _.1IlEm..-nri'M - rm; . \ WlUB r 55 r"" 11565 ,--.-, , ; -.-.'" SEP 01 2004 4:15PM HP LASERJET 3200 "U" .iod~ - IIU:'~ ijlJl:li WL)'. r"'IY nayoen l'\ioerwoUQ lUVUUU).:J';) . ~ ALDERW-1 A ROOF TRUSS, 1 1 Job.Reference \opjlOliall ' . O.UW 5 .-eo b "'uu,) lvIll eK. n:Jusmes, inC. nu Mar tl.t Utl:;":>:4t~ ;t\lU-? t"age 1 . ...,l.ne I russ \"0., ,:,umnBi -"i",; .::.ugehl:' Vn., J +041 ',.0.0' '4-G-O 14-0-0 '28'0-0 14-G-O 3><5 = p.2 f~ 1.0-0 ScaI".l:I 1::10.6 lZ 11.......-rtr-... 13 . . 10 '''-;:-0 ""':::--" 14 ~'/./ ...........~ 9 .....;. j'"' '1l2'~ 15 6.CO[1'Z' ;.r-/ ,- "'- ""- ,. e /' r ".................. /:;/' '--...,-;:,.., 11 7......./. S'O --~ ~~".... 11' ,II '" S', 5'2 ~~ 5 ~- : , II S ' 3 ""'...... '9 df/'.... !,; S'4 J.', 20 ....;-" HI s'e ....~'~1 3'" l' S 6 ~.... , S] -- , Sa:', ,'~~ ~ ~ ~1 :.r:(/ u- a ;j .'\----tI--;,. 1iI i...---'f. 'S ,,,'; s~, ,," '. goo, Zj:i J' r,>"'~_~_~._llOOl'~.'~~-"~'-'~~~-'"j""'W-=~' -"t,",,-~~i!o~4\f''''~''>;_ '0 _10 3)(5 = 42 41 40 39 39 37 :is 3S :w 33 32 31 30 29 28 2.7 26 26 24 3x5 :=. 36 ;;:: Sheathed I r :' ~ ':. . ~ -r .': ,If Rigid ceilln9 direclly- app6ed or 10-0-0 oc bracing, NOTES, , 1) Unbalanced roof live loads hsve been considered for this design, 2) Truss desil1.ned for wind loads in Ihe plsne of the lrus,s enly. For sluds exposed Ie wind (nennal to the face), soa MrTek Stsndard Gable End Dels1'" , 3l AlI-olales are 2x4 MII20 unless ethelWise indicated, 4 Gable requires contlnueus bettom chord bearing, ' ' Ii Gable studs spsced at 1-4-0 ee, , ' ' , This truss has been designed fet a ,0,0 Pst bottom chord live load nenooncufT8nl with any Qtherlive leads per J'~lln1fi,jl, tiBC-97, ' ,', ' " ' " " A WARNING. VliRIFV DESlGN,PAIlAMETEIlS AND REAli AU Nom ON nns AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFoRE tl$E, o.lIgl\ ~ 10: \JICI en., WIh MIrek -:~... .---.-: lh1s dadgn Is ~ odV ~ pcrorneten lhooNn..cnd II k" on hdMdual buldhgc:lmpOnllOl to be Inrta IL!ld (rid loaded vertll;l;J!ly; App, lcabllty orde~ parornetef1Ol"ld proper ~:~_..-~:onofc k" ,..... Is responsItllltyotblJldng deslgner- nottrw d9sIgnl;N. Broongiho~ IS 'Ot-kJteral . IiUppCIIt of noMduaI WID membtll1 any. AckfIfIonol _ ..",.,.. .., IIJQCIng to hue 51d:J1Itv dumg cotl5tnctlon Is the"r8!PONlbllty of the elector. AddIlIenoI permanent brac:ng 01' me overall structure II; the r9'POf'1lbl11ly ot It\e buldJng'ddslQr.lilr. For gene/oJ gUdonOt tegorclng loalcatlon. Q'JOfty control. storoge. delIvorv. er.cflon and brQcng. col)$l.jt QST -a8 Qudlty SttrIdord. DSa-e9 Bradng Specllcot1on O"Id HBoQ I Hclr'dinQ lnstoVlng CJn:j Bracing ReCCllM'l8ndotlCl\ a.rallctie !rom TlUD 'Icrle Il"lSfttute. li~ D'Onofrio [)fve, f.I1c:dson, 'M 63719. . . . ~ . ;- Z8-O-<l Z8-O.Q LOADING (osf) TCLL 25,0 TCDL 8,0 BCLL 0,0 8CDL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increa.e ',15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rop Stross tIlcr NO pode UBC97/ANSI95 Vdefl n/a ~999 n/a CSt TC 0,09 BC 0,05 WB 0,08 (Matrix) , . DEFL in (Ice) Vert(LL1 ' nla - Vert(-TL) 0,00 23 Horz(TL) 0,00 22 1 sl LC LL Min Vdefl = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD . 'IMBER --'\ ~ CHORD' 2 X 4 HF No.2 1 TCHORD 2X4HFNe.2 OTHERS 2 X 4 HF Stud . REACTIONS lib/size) 2=17612ll4{), 42=1891:28-0-0, 41=74128-0-0, 40=114/28-0-0. 39=105128-0-0, 38=, 07/28-0-0, 37"107/28-0-0, 36=, 07/28-0-0, 35= 1 071:28-0-0, 34=100/28-0-0, 33=100/28-0-0.32=108128-0-0, 31=10412B-o-o, Z9=10412ll4{). 28=107/28..Q..O, 27"105128-0-0,26=,114128-0-0,25=74/28-0-0,24=188/28-0-0,22=176128-0-0 Max Horz2=96(lead case 4), ' Max Uplift41=-4(load case 4), 25=-4(load case 3) : Msx Grav2='76(1oed case 1), 42='B8(load case 61, 41=74(1oad case 6), 40=114(1oad case I), 39=10~IOad Case l' , 3B=107(load easa 6). 37=107110a,; case 11' 36=107C1eed case 11' 35=11 load case 6, 34=100(1oad eese 1). 33=100 loae case 1 ,32=110(load case 7 , ,31=1 lead case I .-29=104(Iesd esse 1). 28=107 load case 7, 27=105(lead case 1 , 26=11 lead case 1 ,25=74(load case 7), 24=189(1oad case 7), 22=176(loed esse 1) ,FORCES (Ib) - FiIsI Lead Case Only ,,' ' , lOP CHORD '-2=28,2-3=26,3-4=-42,4-5=-32. 5-6=-33, 6-7~33, HI=33, 8-ll~33, 9-'0=33, '0-11=-34, ' 11-12=30, 12-13=30,13-14~34,14-15~33, 15-'1!=-33, 16-17=-33, 17-18=--33,18-19=33, 19-20=32,20-2'=-42,21-22=55,22-23=28 , BOT CHORD 2-42=0,41-42=0,40-41=0.38-40=0.38-39=0,37-36=0.36-37=0.35-36=0, 34-35=0, 33-34=0. 32-33=0,31-32=0,30-31=0,29-30=12,28-29=12,27-28=12, 26-27=12, 26-26=12, 24-25=12, 22-24=12 WEBS 3-42=149,4-41=-65,5-40=-92.8-39=-87,7-38=-66,8-37"-66,9-36=-86. 10-35=-89, 1'-34=81, 13-33=-81,14-32=-89,15-31=-86,16-28=-88,17-28=-88,18-27=-67, 19-26=-92, 20-25=-85, ' 21-24=-149 PLATES "'"20 GRIP 185/148 Wei9ht 152 Ib '!EXP1Re: l'2/3it~ ~, theTRUSSco. . BlJ1LD~5UPPLYtNC. SEP 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 IJCD "tIlJSS ".ruSSIYpe ,A~OERW-1 A ROOF TRUSS L~ I ruse \"0., ;:tumnar y'ti'4.1 r:.ugene \11'\. Hayaen Alaerwooa (OUIlUO):;:; "'l'J I"'y O.uuu S l"'eD p.3 . , \ . , ~:;~Ide mechaniCllI connection' (by olhers) of truss 10 bearing plate capable o~.,;th.lendln9 4 Ib uplill at joint 41 and 4 Ib uplift atjoint25, LOAD eASElS) Standard J . ) ( !,. ) l.. ' A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGNPARAMEm.S AND REI:D ALL NOlES ONnllS AND TRUsS DRAWING Nim. aEFoRE USE, Oeslgnldd toruseorWwlIhMTek..., ". .''''0" lhIJoeJlQilbtxlied ontyupon PcrometBII shown. aldllforcr.hdt4:I..IOI Wk:Ing componentfO be lns1a1l,d o1'Jjloaded V9rttco1v. ApplIca::JIltyof d9IIgnpatttllt.,-. and grq)er~._....._._.,ot .. "~ ., 'It 18SponslbIIy otbuldng dtllJgne1. not !nJssdMgna Iltoclng IhoWr 1s1Orlafw NpporIotlndMdual"btnembttflCn/y. Addlllonal "~. _' tfocr.gtolnantstctilitydurhgconsb'uc1k:n..thlllnesponslblltyoth.-.ctor. AddJlbrolf" "M' _". brcJ:i1g at the o'...rd1 structure 11 the responstt:::ilty <Sf !he bl4d~ ~er. Fa oene'a. QUldonce fElQordlng tobrIe01lOr'l. qUOlty e~troL rtoroge. dellVery.,erectlon OM brochg. CiCIl"lS\At QST..a8 QVOIIty Sklndal'd. DSS-1I9 Brodng !/p..cIf\c;gt\on, I7Id H1a-91 Handing lnstalt'l; and Illtdrtv Rec:cnvnendaflo"\ available from Trust P1orelnSttMe. :i6.l Q'Onotlo Owe. t.b;;Ison. WI 1$3719. . .~ theTRUSSco. ... BtJILDlNG SUPPLY INC. SEP 4:18PM HP LASERJET 320.0. p.4 "00 IN" l,ruSS I ype ,....ey r'IY nayo.en f\IQerwooa \,^^,w/::S::S ALDERW-1 Al RCOF lRUSS 5 1 , , Job Reference \optionan 'O.U\N 8 reo b iLW.:J Will eft m:..usmes, inC. nu IVlar ~( U~;.:l;);OLi ,(V!J,) rage I ..~,'..~ I fUSS \",00., V'l.Iiimer 1I''ir\ i c~gei.:J yl"\. ,.1-0-0 '--..r ',.0.0' 7-4.12 7-4-12 , 4-0-0 8-7-4 2C).7-4 &-7-4 2a-o-o 7-4-12 21l-O-1j 1-0-0 'Scale 1111:49.8 ,4>:6 II i . . /:;:::;~~~ S,Oorrr ~/ ,,~, 4~ ~ ~...:..... ........~....... 4xS *' ;,~// W2"... ,W4 ~~. ~--::<'7' -~~--::---.--, \\~~ ~/ j'/ ___-- -- I ~____ \ \ ~ ~//;. "~~;:::-;;:--=-- 8" = ~:::::::-,~ ~_~ ....~/ .-- ,..---- " . ----::::---- .................. ...~. .-- ----.-. ---..::. --- ............... eft, ~;;-::;.~~ ," ~\, ~~Jt _...-..:~:::::::.~~~ 7~ ;tJ1 C...~....- 3.00 I"'f7 - lrd~:::::l 0 . ~~ ~:= ,~ t 6-4-12 8-4-12 14-0-0 7-7-4 21.7-4 7-7-4 28-0-0 ....12 t"lale UllBe'tS '~J: 1~:V-')-I,lJ-V-'I..)J. LO:V-U-l,v-u-'I.)J LOADING (psI) TCLL 25,0 TCDL 8,0 BeLL 0,0 BCCL 7,0 JBER .. CHCRD 2 X 4 DF 2400F 2,OE BOT CHCRD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X4.HFSPF StudlSTD SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increasa 1,15 Lumber I,crease 1,15 f/Bp Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 . CSI TC BC we , 0,63 O,8L 0,98 DEFL ' In (Ioc) vertlLL) -0,32 9 Vert Tt; -0,55 9-10 Horz(TL) 0,41 6 lat LC LL Mln Udefl = 360 , BRACING TCP CHCRD , BCT CHCRD Vdefl >999 >593 nla PLATES 1011120 GRIP 1851148, Walght 103 III ' Sheathed ~- ~: -'- r --...., ' ' Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 DC bradng, REACTIONS (lblsize)' 2=118310-5-8, 6=1183/0'5-8 Max Horz2a47(1oad case 4) , Max Upllfl2=-115(load casa 5), 6=-175(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Cnly TOP CHCRD 1-2=13, 2-3~3352, 3-4=-2325, 4-5=-2325, !Hl=-3352, 6-7=13 BOTCHCRD 2-10=3054,9-10=3007,8-9=3007,8-8=3054 WEBS 3-10=117. 3-9~838. 4-9=1834. 5-9~3B, 5-8=117 NOTES , 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, ' 2) This truss has been destgned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds af 25 ft above ground lavel, using 7,0 psf top chord dead load and 7,0 psf bottom chord dead loed, 100 ml from hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy category I, condition I endosed building; of dimensions 45 ft by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 , ,per UBC97/ANSI95If end verticals or canUlevers exist. thay are exposed to wind, If porches exiSL they are - exposed to wind, The lumber DCL increase is 1,33, and the plilte grip increase 18 1,33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10,0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per ' Table No, 18-8, UBC-97, , ' , ' 4) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSIITPII-1995 angle to grain formuls. BuDding . designer should venfy capacity of bearing surface, , 5) Provlde mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 175 Ib uplift at joint 2 and 175 III uplift at join! 6, ' " ' LCAD eASE(S) Standard l'213itOt..j CJ AWARNING'- VBlIFV IllSI~N,PARAMETG$ AND ~ AU: NOlES ON THIS ANI) tRuss DRAWING NOTES BEFoRE USE; A DcrsIgnvaJd1O'l4IIontywlIt\MfT.kCQnnec:lt;n.lhIsdelVlIlIxucI0NfI.OOl1DC1'a'fttf.rs~(lrdlltOlCl'\~buldhg ~....,.._" ,tobllnltaled'OI"Idlooded ., ver1\(;CIy. AppIcd:lIItyClctMgn.. ..,' "end-peeper", ...,,"." ..,.)f\oIaxnpOl'lerfllremon&blllyCf~desigr1er-naItrussdeslg'\el'. Bnx:t'Iglhownl!b'1ot8ral IUppOft at IrldMdUOl web tT8Tlberl o:ty. AdrJftonol ternpOra\. broc"O 10 Inw'e 'tebllty o.rl'lg a1t\ItnJC1on b the.responslb9y d IhB -cftt. Addllmo petml:JA8rlt broc:hg 01 the overallhucfure" the ro:poml:Cy dt th\t DJI1dIng" dlaIgnet. Fol genera guldcnce rvgardhg fabr1caflor\ quorty CO'ltrOl. s1ocage, deMty. .eCllal cn:j eTRUSS btoctIg. ca'lSlJtcm-UQuolltySfOnClOfd.D$8-f98rodng Spedllcallon. alCIte91 Handing tlStOlhQ alC BracIng Rliw_......_..w_..onClYClloble frc:m rruuPlcteln$ltMe th CO. 583 D'Onofrio OrW.. MadIson. \\'153719. . . .. BUIIDIXG 5tTPPJ.Y INC. SEP 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.5 IJOD . I ruSs . lNSS I ype A.lDERW-l A2 ROPFTRUSS, r I (le I russ \"'0., ~umner ~\lf\ I 7'ugene, UI'\ . ~'v((y t""ty . nayoen I'\IQerwooa \WWU}\),O , 5 1 Job Reference (optionel) Q,yVU a reo ""vw''IWleK nausmes, Inc. 1I1U Mar LI v~:~.,:o..: ","W,J rragel, 1-0-4 J ~-0-4' 7-4.12 7-4.12 1+0-0 6-7-4 20.7-4 6-7-4 28.0.0 7-1-12 ' 'Scale or 1:49.2 4)lS11 4, , ~ ~ //~~' , ,/..-;./ , ~~ 'l' , 4d", ~ _-... 41lS,." 3.......-;; IV> '".... W4 ~~ ~;:'/;r --~:-::~-~~.'t-~'0.... .......-:::::'/ ~;::;::.- , Ox. = -.:.:::....-:::-a~ ~_ ' ,/~ ";'.:..-~" , --~------ "~-- // __-::::.-:- -___....__ '_~ 6 2~/ '.-:'~---=::--- 9 24 ~--_::-~:~-... :H1 ...... ....-- . 2x4 \\ "" /1 . ____. <; V" '3,00 IT.< . ~~ . 4~~ ~ t .. ~ .-4-12 14.0-0 8-4-12 7~7" ~vn$ets (^.: ~.: !~:U-.ry.\J~'1 o)j, lb:U-.;)'-U.U-V::~:!- 21.7-4 Ta7--4 20.0.0 6-4-12 lOADING (psf) TClL :25,0 TCDl '8,0 BCLL 0,0 BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase '1,15 Lumber Increase 1,15 ,!Rep Stress Inor YES Code UBC971ANSI95 CSI TC 0,63 Be 0,84 WB 0,98 DEFL .. in (Ioc) Vde" Vert(LL) -0,31 8 >999 Vert(TL) -0,56 8-9 >594 Hor:z(TL) 0.41 6 nI. 1st LC IJ..: Min Udefl = 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148, Wei9ht 102 Ib .\/IBER .lJP CHORD 2 X 4 DF 2400F 2,OE 1l0T CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 , WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF S1udlSlO BRACING TOP CHORD ' Sheathed OI"\! ? ;... ._, " ' BOT CHORD 'Rigid ceilin9 direclly applied or 9-9-3 o~ bracing, REACTIONS (Iblsize) 6=110210-5-8,2=1183/0-5-ll Max Horz 2=59(load case 4) , , ' Max Upllft6=-149(load case 5). 2=-175(load case 5) FORCES lib) - First Loed Cese Only , TOP CHORD ' 1-2=13,2-3=-3349,3-4=-2323,4-5=-2323,5-6=-3349 BOT CHORD 2-9=3051, 8-1F3003, 7-ll=3003, 6-7=3051 WEBS 3-9=117.3-8=-836,4-8=1833, &-8=-836, 5-7=1 17 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this desl9n, 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loeds generated by 80 mph winds at 25 It ebove 9round level, using 7.0 psf lop chord deed load and 7,0 psf bottcm chord deed load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanllne. on'an occupancy category I. condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 4S II by 24 'It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC971ANSI95 n end verticals or canUlevers exis~ lhey are exposed to wind, If parches exist, they are exposed to wind The lumber DOL increase ie 1,33, and the olale grip increase is 1,33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loeds per Teble No, 16-8, UBC-97" ' 4) Bearing atjolnt(s) 6, 2 considersjarallel to grain value using ANSIITPI 1-1995 angle to grain formula. Building . desl9ner should venfy capacity 0 bearing surface, 5) ProVIde mechanical connecllon (by others) of truss to bearing plale capable of withstanding 149 Ib upflfl at joint 6 and 1751b uplift at Jolnl2- LOAD CASE(S) Standard " 12m! o.l::J ,I '.. ' A WARNING. VERIFY DESIGNPARAMElERSAND READ AlL Nom ON 1I11S AND TIlIJSS DRAWING Non;s BEFoRE Ust ~' ' OeJlgnvaldtof',u" ordyWfth M1Tek _. _,_..:.~,~ 1Ns d~ Is t:osed.~v~an porane1enihawn.md IS torCl'l hdMduoI tlUIIctng _.....~,~,.. to belnstolsd cntj Ioodlad vurtlcolV. Apiplia:tilly of design ~ometerscnd PfOpet _ _...._~M_ ___)001 ~..-............ ..1511ltp()f\ldlyot D6:1ng~. not'lNstdeslQndl. Brocnoshawn is fatlaterd . 'IJPport of Indl",jducl web rnemben only. Adcmlonal tempcll'cry braclng 10 Insure ,Ioblll'y dumg OOf'IItructlon,lJ ffllnnpomlblltty cf1he erector. AddltlCnol permanent b1cclng of the OVDl'ol structure Is the resporul:llnv of the b.JfIdnQ" declQt'WI. For genetol guldc:r\ce regordInQ fobricattcn. ~ty eontro~ 1I0r0gel. delN"ry. elec1lon ald the"I'ftT""'SCO.' blQchg. connIt QST-aa Quolty Sfond01d. 0S6-89Btal;;lng 5!;eclllc:01kln. Ond H1B..Ql H~ Ntallng ond BrOCb1C1 Reeommendatl:)(l avclabl81rom Truu I'kIt& InttlM& '... KU~ , 543 O'OnafrloDl'Ne, MocIson. WI 63719. . . . . . BUn.lHNG SUPn.Y INC. SEP 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASER JET 3200 p.6 . foO I ruse I russ Type IAL~ERW-1 A3 ROOF TRUSS .I t:le I rosa ,,",0., ;:Jumne~ ~Ir^ I c.ugel'16 ~I"\ . my-, '.-.y , nayoen Alderwood (UIlUUU)::ili 9 1 Job Reference lop-liOnS\) : ~.ulJ\J 5 ,.eo b iL\.AJ.:J Will eK. nauSlnes, inC. nu IV"lar ~I u=';.,)~;ov ~\.",J,) rage", J r'-O-Q 1.0-0 ll-8~ ' ~ ,~ 7-4.() 2'~ 7~ 2Il-O-O ~, 'Scale 111:49,9 4xG II 4 j -<-;::x ~~ 1,00[17' ,~- ,/ ~'- //' I ~~, " " , ." II . ~~ '~1 ;:/ ~\ w./ ~~ /......'" '. ~ ,/ \\ // ................. ...r;/-' ',\ // \~ /., ~, . // ,,' " ~- f"I 2 ~/../ Ot \..~ Iv ";' ,~ tc:::~- ~ ~ 4x5= 9 a 7 .x5:-: 4x4::: W.= <tn": "' ~ ....', .....1 t-'Iate unsets l^. 11,: ~U-l-o.v-v--.~a. to:v"l-Q,V-U-"1 :- - -< HI.7.'S 9-3-'. 2Il-O-O 1+1 LOADING (psI] TClL ~5,O TCDL 8,0 BCLL 0,0 BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2.(H) Plaleglncrease 1.15 Lumber Increase '1.15 Jl(ep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC O,7B BC 0,93 we 0,31' DEFl, In (lac) Vdefl vert(ll.\ ,0,28 7-8 >999 Vert(TL -0,52 7-9 >639 Horz(TL) 0,07 6 nla ls1 LC ll. Mln IIden = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851148, Weight 99 Ib \I'IBER , .JP CHORD 2X4 HF No,2 , BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF SludlSTO Sheathed _: :"., ,..':..., ' , ' Ri91d ce11lng dlrec1ly appfled or 1~ oc bracing, REACTIONS (lblslze) 6=110210-5-8, 2=118310-5-8 Msx Horz2=6D(load case 4) , , Max Uplift6=-149(load case 5J, 2~175(loed case 5) FORCES lib) - First load Cese Only , TOP CHORD 1-2=14, 2-3=-1784, 3-4~1493, 4-5=-1493, &-6=-1784 BOT CHORD 2-9=1560; 8-9=1056, 7.8=1056, 6-7"1580 WEBS' 3-9=-382,4-9=507, 4-7=507, 5-7~382, NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live lalds have been considered for this design, ' 2) this 1"'.s hes been designed for \he wind loads gen.rated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 7,0 psftop chord daad load'~nd 7,0 ps' bo1tom chord dead loa? 100 ml from,hUrr1~ne oceanline, on an occupancy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dimenSions 45 It by 241twllh exposure BASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end ',erticals or cantilevers exls~ they are exposed to wind, If porches exis~ lI\ey are exposed to wind, The lumber DOL Increase Is 1,33. Ind the plate grip increase Is 1,33, 3J ThiS I"'.. has been designed for a 10,0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with eny other live loads plIr' Table No, 16-B, UBC-97, ' 4) Provide mechanical connecllon (by othBl$) of trUss to bearing plate capable of withslandlng 1491b uplift al join! . 8 end 175 Ib uplift at joint 2., , ' , LOAD eASElS) Standerd ) , , - A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PAI1AMmRS AND R1iAD AU NOTES ON illls AN01RUSS DRAWING NOlES 8EFORE USE. 0esIgl 'IOfk:I falM Of'f/\VIlh MJ1eIl comectOQ. TNs CMslgnll baMCl_a1ly~ parometersSl'lOWr\ cn::t1J l'or onn:sMdu::ll bUkII'1Q COfT.l)OnontfO De tlilCiea cn:Ilocldad vertically. ADpIcObltyoldGDgn,... _,~_,~ond~In:._,"".___. ofeonoonsntlsresponablty04~de.,.....not11U1lld8s!gnljl. 8rochglhownisblatercl a.pport oflr'ltt.,idJOI 'trfGb memb8l1 oriy. AdcItIonaI ~Q:fY tI'Odng to mute stobllly d\mg c:cnstlUcllon Illhere,pONIbmy at lr\e BIBdor. Addllonol Permanent bR:;J:;If\Q or 1ne 0Y8r0II J1n.JChJ'8 IlIhe responsIbIIty Of ttw. W\c:Ihg dugner. Fa general gulCSonCa IQgadklg Ccbdconon quolIfy control 5torcge. delIvert'. eracb'l crd tmeIng. consult QST-8B CUoIty Sta"!dad osa.a9 Brodng SprtcJflcotIcn. and Hla.9\ Hooding r.lollng end BrOc:ncI neeonvnendollon ovcIobIe flQ'T\ Ttw PIa1. ntltute. 6aJD'OnofrlatMve. MadbCn. W1M119." .A theTRUSSco. . BtlILDINGSI1PPLY 1Ne. SEP 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 I..IOD . I russ . HUSS Iype ,AL.OERW-l A4 ROOF TRUSS .I_~.e IruSS liD., OUmn~rni"\i c;ugene ~r'\. 1 Uty ~IY Hayaen Alcerwooo (UUUUU)::i:::i p.7 Job Reference (~tiomil) , ?,Uuusi"'eo "Oll.vv:lw.ljer<; naUSnles,mc. (nulvlar,(,1 ~:'):;)::Jo~w') rage I ,1-ll-ll J'l-ll-ll' 101-0-0 14-0-0 2~ H-o.o 3Jc5= 'SClJea 1:49.9 12 1'~S 1t....,..? ~14 9 /~.... ~........1S ..OOjTZ' , ~ -- ""' 16 ~--;.-' "'-'~ 7 /' Y ";1:::..... 17 " ../ t;J S' 0 .........~ I\. .....-::,. l' IS' 1 ;L'~ 16 J..".../. .!Ir S.Z ...........'::-..... 18 . 6 ~.... : ~') S' I . . ,............::::-.. 4 // Iii S'. ':('.... 2. S A~/~lI III S 5 ;--;:j....~>~21 ~............-- . S.;7..... 1 'v- /~ ,~ ~ ~ 2""-:_ :-- ':1 :. h, ':f 3 - ':t i: ,- t." :-- "]-"11''''- - :;) 1/r:' '"' co -- - "'~'" r............. ~?~~ 1Ii~~d. ~:4A.~~,r!O....-..k~~h>il'~~""'.~.d:f.mj,~~JjJM~~~~ ~~w.utGlj~~~~ ' :siltS = 41 040 39 38 37 38. 35 3" 33 . 32 31 30 29 II 27 26 25 24 23 3lC5 = 3.X5= ~ ~ 26.0.0 2.40 - - ---" -.- -... - .._----~---------_. ..-..-------- "_._- CSI' TC 0,10 Be 0,06 WB 0,08 (Matrix) DEFL in (Ioc) Vdefl Vert(LL) nla -,' n/a Vert(TL) 0,00 1 >999 Horz(TL) 0,00 22 nla 1st LC LL Mln I/deft = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD LOADING (psfl TCLL 25,0 TCDL 8,0 BCLL 0,0 BCDL' 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1,15 Lumber Increase 1,15 Rep Stresslncr NO ~de UBC97/ANSI95 lUMBER ""'CHORD 2X4HFNo,2 )f CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 '... THERS 2 X 4 HF. Stud . Sheathed...e-e-: .., , ' ;''"'' Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracln9_ REACTIONS (lb/size) 22=9312~, 2=176/28-0-0, 41=18912~. 40=74128-0.0: 39=114128-0-O, 38=105128-0-0,37=107128.0-0,36=107/28-0-0,35=107128-0-0,34=107/28-0-0, 33=100/28-0-0, 32=11lO128.{)-O, 31=108128,Q.{), 30=104/28-0-0, 28=104128-0-0, 27=108l28-0.Q. 26=105128-0-0, 25=117l28-p.Q, 24=81128-0'{), 23=216128-0-0 Max Horz2=98(load case 4) , Max Upllfl40=-4(load case 4) .. Max Grav22=li3(loOO case 1), 2=1760oed case 1), 41=189(load case 6), 4O=74(load case 6). , " 39=114 load case 1', 38=105!IOad case 1l' 37=107l'oad case 61' 36=107(load case 1), 35=107 load case 1 ,34=110 load case 6,33=100 load case 1 ,,32=100(load case ll' 31=110 load case 7,30=104 load case 1), 28=104 load case 1 .27=108(1000 case 7, 26=105 load case 1 ,25=117(loed case 1), 24=61 (IoOO,case 7), 23=216(loadcase 7) FORCES (Ib) ~ First Load Case Only , ' , TOP CHORD 1-2=26,2-:;"-:26,3-4=-42,4-5=-32, >6=-34, 6-7=-33. 7-8=-33,8-9=..33,9-10=-33, 10-11=-34, 11..12=-31,-12-13=-31,13-14=-34,14..15=-33.15..16=-33, 16-17=-33,17-18=..33.18-19=-34, ' 19-20=-31,20-21=-44.21-22=-51 jlOT CHORD 2-41=0,4041=0.39-40=0,38-39=0, 37-38=0, 36-37=0, 35-36=0, 34-35=0, 33-34=0, 32-33=0, 31-32=0, 3(}.31=O, 29..30=0, 28-29=12, 27..28=12, 26..27=12, 25..26=12, 24-25=12, 23..24=12, 22-23=12 ' , WEBS 3-41=-149,4-40=-65.5-39=-92, 6-3B=-a7, 7..37=-88, 8-38=-88, &-35=-88, 10-34=-89, 11-33=-81, 13-32=-81,14-31=-89,15-30=-88,1&-28=-88,17-27=-88,18-26=-87,19-25=-93,20-24=-80, 21-23=-161 ' , NOlES " 11 Unbalanced roof live loads have bean considered for this design, , ' 2 Truss des'li!ned for wind loads In the plane of the truss only, For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), sea Mrrek' Standard Gable End DetaD" " " 31 AJl.plates are 2x4 MII20 unless otherwiss indicated, 4 Gable requires continuous bottom chord beenng, ' 5 Gable studs apeced 011-4-0 oc. ' , ' , TJUs truss has been designed for a 10,0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per ~,./,~Dnjl8fetiBC-97, '," ,', , A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS ANO READ All NOTES ON nus AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES mORi 1m, DePQn veld foIlM 01'I1:f Ilo'llh MlTek. ____.,;. _.'-~. 1tD d8Sll;;n II OOsed.rrtv l4XX'! ~ Ihown. and 1I10~ a\ ~ bIAIdrtg CotflXn8l1fto b8lnltaled oncllooded \IIll1Ieolly. . ,..........":'....JY of deIV'I poromet9l1md proper - ........-_..~ of component Is ~ otbl4:t'lQ dtsJconll'. not tNlS <*IgnliiL BrOClng shO'roTl b for kJteroI . support err h:lMdual w.D,menDeR crly. Aai!lonOIlemporcry ~ 10 lnsute tfobCt\t dUhg constructIOn Is tne te1PClnIIbIlIv 011118 <<getot. Addlllcnal potlT\Ol"lent blacng of tr. O\ferall strucfw.1s the tespoNlblily of .,. ~ dellQf*. For gtr"lllfCl gvidt:n::e reQaren;J ~brtcallon. q.JOfly controL storage. d"~ffy. .,ecllon end brae.,;. connAt QST-a8 Quatty sta'\:Iorc1 0SB-f9 Btactlg Speclflcoucn. and Hl8-91 :itrld1nQ nstcD1g and Bracing Recommendatbn ~1lI from Tnm Pfote InstIute 5430'OnotrioOttie.N'a:t$on.Wl53719. , . .. . . . . ~ PLATES MI120 GRIP 1851148 Weight 1511b, l'2131!Of:J ~ theTRUSSco. . BUILDING SUPPLY lNC. SEP 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.8 roo . .russ. IALDERW-1 A4 - Iruss IYpe ROOF TRUSS my:- PlY"" ey n , 1 1 ' Jag Reference (ap<<anal) " Ol.WV & reo 0 ~J Wille/{ .nauS1C185, mc. rtiu Mar '-I U::r:"'O:::JO "w." rage ~ . J.I'~e I rUlIs.l",o.j ~unlnel' ~vl'\' cuy~ne Uf'\. , ' ' , ' , . . , . i ,rES'",' ", . , ;'ravide mechanical conneclian (by others) oltruss to bearing plale capable 01 withstanding 4 Ib uplift alJOUlI 40, '.....;/ , LOAD eASElS) Standard .f . ) ! , " " A 'WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN,PARAMrnRS AND READ ALL NOTES ON TIllS AND TRUss DRAWING NOlES BEFoRE USE, ~ Dngn ....aId f:lr UHI cny with WITek ccnnectOQ. IN, ClHgn Is baaed onIV I,4)On parcmllter11lowr. and Is fQr dn lndMdual buldlng component to be hltolled end loaded vertICally, AppIccbllty Of do sign .. w..' , .. ... andpoper _.__...~._.._.. of compcmnt Is I9soon&1blJty at buIdhg dlslgn,r. nottrw; d~. Brochg shown Is fof Ioterol ' ~ of lrdvldual web membBnl crIv.. AddIfIonoI tempo-ary bradng to hslta atol:::ilty dtrlng cOrmudlon .. the"tesponsiblty at the mctoc. Add!tIenol ptrmtl'l6nt . bto::lng oftne overOlI2tnJC::hn 15 thefellP(lnllbllty dt the bulrdkl(tdelllgner. ForoenerolQlidonce regarding fatrlcotlCJJ\ quality cantrolllOrQg&. delvery. erect1ol'\ and broelng. eonslAf QSt-8B Q.D1y~. DSB-a9 9IOc::lng Sptcll\cot1on. and HIB-Ql HQ'ldlng Imtallng a1d IifbChg RGn.... .......__..~., CM::11ab1e from Tnm RotelrYitttute. the j,..",~co. ~83 D'onofrio Oltv&, Modlacn. WI 63719. ' .. BDlLtltNG SUPPLY me, SEP 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.s '1"00 - truss Iruss" IYpe ALDER'I'!~1 A5 FINK I ne I russ \.,.c., ;;:)umn9fvvA I t:ugene un.. UIY ~ Rayaen 1\Ioerwooa \uUUUUFS:i , 1 1 , Job Reference (opUonan ' " O.wu S I"'ec b ..tU\J~ Wilier:: nau5Ules,lnc. lfiu Mar.4::/ U~:~O:OI il.V~" t'age " . J ,1..0-0 J1.o.o' 4-6-0 4-6-0 10-0:0 5-8'() '4.0.0 44(1 ,'5-8.2, , 1-8-2 4><4 = 28-0-0 12-5:14 ;!ll.()-" I 1~ 'SC8Ie Q 1:50.5 " ~ 7 6 /~:"- B e><8"'A~~; A:K.........,B 6,OO[1':f ~/K-'" 1 S~',1 ---..>~ 1. 34 I ' 3':-...... 11 /:: // '\ ''''>, 2' ;d s 'I 2 -.....:'''~'2 /v;::::-~J' \ \ .....,~......""'- !7 'S '" ' "'~ 13 3 ..---::::",-/ WI/ \~ ~~21!l., S:':4 ,-'J::::-......" ~-;/" // \\ ~:~1 s 15 s 1 ;-'3.'...... 15 /, ',-, //' ""~' "," 32 S 11~ 1e ./ ' '-.' "/:/" ~'-, s ....~ ...---;'/" ,'.,>, 1/ '. \ "/ ~ 13 .. 17 '" 2~/ ......'E/ At .__.~... ......~ r.: ~ n M ....,~ ~ Hfl f~..~ tI!lIllM ~, Lnn..mll""...4i!b.....~ir'......:J~ . 3x6 ::. . 28 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 3x5 .:: 4)(4 = 4x4 :.; 5x5 :;:. 6-10-2 8-10-2 t-'Iate unsets lA. T}~l~"t:U~~Iv--~~._._ 13.1-15 e-3.12 20.0.0 14-1IM LOADING (psO TCLL 25,0 TCDL 8,0 BeLL 0,0 BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2..(J..(J Plates Increase 1,15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Q'ep Stress Ina NO 'Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0,40 BC 0,38 WB 0,94 (Matrix) DEFL. in (Ioc) IIden Vert(LL\ 0,06 2-26 >999 Vert(Tl ..(J,11 25-26 >999 Horz(Tl) 0,04 17 nla 1st LC LL Min IIdeft = 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP ,1851148, Weight 144 Ib ",' \IBER ' IP CHORD 2 X " HF No,2 .,QT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StodlSTD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS JOINTS Shealhed.: ': ., __,.. , ' Rigid celfing direcUyapplled or 10-0-0 oc bl1lclng, 2 Rows at 1/3 pis' 4-33 1 Brace at Jt(O): 33 S 'WebB 'M afo Be race emo r required T .Brace condition Design of all continuous lateral bracing Is by others. REACTIONS (Iblsize) 2=90110-5-B, 24=793/6-5-8, 23=4418-5-8. 22=5218:s-a, 21=11618-5-8, 20=981B-6~, 19=13018-5-8. 17=236J8-5-8 Max Horz2=47(loadcase 4) , " Max Uplift2=-121(1oad case 5), 24=-152(Joad case 5), 23=-190(load case 2), 20=-2(1oad case 3) Max Grav2=901(foad caoa 1). 24=793lload case 11' 23=61(10ad case 7), +1=7Qfload case 2), , 21=116(load case 1}, 20=99 load case 7 , 19=131lloed case 7), 17=236(load case 1) FORCES (Ib) - First Load CBSe 'Only , " TOP CHORD 1-2=28,2-3=-1463,3-4=-1232,4-5=-246.5-6=-196,6-7=-182,7-8=-196, 6-9=-179, 9-10=-184, 10-11=-229,11-12=-213.12-13=-171, 13-14=-203, 14-15=-197,,15-16=-201, 16-17=-213, 17-18=28 BOT CHORD 2-26=1242. 25-26=849. 24-25=1104. 23-24=160, 22-23=180, 21-22=1BO, 20-21=160,19-20=160. , 17-19=160 WEBS 4-34=-904,29-34=-899,27-29=-925,27-28=-907,28-30=-959, 30-31=-1023, 31-32=-1057, 32-33=-1056,24-33=-1115,7-27=38,6-28=-116, 6-29=-57, 3-28=-288. 25-30=-113. 4-25=342, 4-25=236,9-31=-76,10-32=2, 11-33=-123, 12-23=-183, 13,22=-15, 14-21=-102, 15-2o--aO, 16-19=-108,5-34=1 I NOTES , 1} Unbalenced roof Dve loads have been ccineidered for this design, ' ~) This 'truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n abova ground lavel, using 7,0 psftop chord dead load and 7.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane ocearillne, on sn occupancy calegory I, condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 n by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSIB5lf end vertlcalo or cantllavers exlol, they are exposed 10 wind, If porches axis~ they are exposed 10 wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and 1I1e plaia grip increase is 1.33 ' , 3l AU plates are 2><4 MII20 unless' otherwise Indicated" ' ' , 4 ,This truss hes been designed lor a 10,0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live Icads per Table No, 16-8, UBC-97, .\ Provide mechenical connaction (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 121 Ib "plln at joint )1Iri1521b !!I1l1ft alloint 24,190 Ib UP",fl at Joint 23 and:< Ibuplift alJoint 20, " "UedOnpage2, ,,",', , .Q WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN, PARAMrnRS ANO READ AU NOTES ON THIS AND 1'RIIss DRAWING NOTES BEfoRE USE, [)eslg/l WId for UIl&Clft(v.cm htTek._...n......... lNiId~lIbo$edonlyl,4)Cf'l... '.' ..."Sf1aWr\ oncIlsf(:ror:ndMducibulldlng :omponentta buNtallK:lcnlbodec;l v.-tlcoly. ApptCabKltyotdaslgn~.. "'dandproperlnc_...._ .::. ot__ _;ww_ _ .'0.._...._ ..,~;,-,-. ofbtiDdinod.lign....notttussdeslQr'vJr. BrochgshownefDrlatel'Ql. PJppqrt of 1ncNd..ICI1 WQb mem~ cnIy. k:kfIttcnol ter'npOrcrV brachg to Ir4Ul'e It:1bitty during conslructlor " thoTQ$j)Ol"l&lblty ot the efec1OI. AdcttIonaI permcl"l4lnt bracng of the overall stnJcture. the "'~nslbllty dt me bUllOng ae~ner. for genar.:;!t QJidance regardlng fcbrleotlon quality (;C'ntlolltotaQe. de\lvefv,erecflon and brachg. consutt QST.85 c:::ualy stmdard. [)SB.89 8rOdng SpIClnOOIIor\. OM H1B-91 HcndllnQlr'IltolDng and BrQcrQ Recomrn19ndotton CM:tlobla ham truss Plate \r5tIlufe, 583 D'Onofrio O;M, Mo:dI~ 'N153"l~.. . ,.b.. theTRUSSco. a BUILD1NGI SVPPLY INC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASER JET 3200 Tri.~iyp."-' 1:~ERW~1 '~';S , FINK . I 11~ I fUSS \",00' oumner 'Ill'" i CUQl:!llB ~I'(. I JAD eASElS) Standard I.IlY "'Y nayoen f\lcerwooo lUWW~i,') p.10 Job Referenca \oPtionall ' ' o.wu s reo U.LUU,,) Mile!';: nOUlitneS, me. fiu Mar;(:/ U~:"'O;:)' ".uu~ r-agEi"'7'" ,~ . ). J / A 'wARNING - VERIFY DESIGN,PARAMmRS AND READ All NOm ON 'THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE" De5lgn valid 10" use onv with M1Tek _.. ~ _ "'. + ~. Ita dMIgrllt caMd arty \..pQn parwnel,eD ,hown. cn:I b ~ a'\ tldM<NaI buIdIng COr.'IPonenf to bo Of!a.'bd CJ"Id k'XJded vwIlcotr, Applc:abllltyofdasb'\po-om.1ulJcn:lproper.._......_...... of ___'......... IlresponstbGtyotbAdtlgdBJIQ~.nottn.Jud.lJIIgrl8r. 6raclnQllhoYmlstorlOteral. Q)pOlt ot ndIvtducl WGb m8mbers on/V. Ad:IlIonol,., _...,. I b"OI;lng to holh 110blDtv durtlg c;onsfIu::tIoo Is the TlNtlOMsIb~ of the erector. Mdtloncl permanenl brodng of'he DYed s1JUCn.e Is 1he respon.bllIy cHit'll b!,JdIng deslgn8l', For oenerol gUIdance regc:rdlng taak:otlon. quafty eordroI, ItOfooe, detIery, emctlon end boclnQ. conMf QST-M QIJOIIty Sk::ndard. OSB-89 BracIng Sptellleotlol\ Old "18-91 HondIinQ INtallng a"\d Braeng Rec:cnvnondotlon 0V0f\0tlI;. !rom TNSS P1Q1e Institute, M3 D'Onofrio Odv., Mcdlaon. WI 53719. . '~ the.u......:..:.CO. . BUIl.DUCa StJ1l'PU INC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p. 11 , I JOD I russ I ru.. I ype IALDERW-l A6 _ ROOF TRUSS ll}8 I russ \,,;0.. O)umner VVf\ I ~ugene VI'( . ..,_... ..... .--.--.- uty ~Iy Hayden AIOBrwooQ (UUUUU)Ci;) 2 1 Jo~ Reference (o\?!lonal) , o.uw 5 t'eo 0 "\AJ~ NUl eK nausmes, me. I nu Mar 21 U=':~O;;:)D "vu,J .-agrr --.../ :,,0'~ 1.0.0 '7~ 7.$.04 , 14-0-0 8-8,12 2Q.8.12 , U.12 26-0-0 7-304 29-~ 1-0-0 'Scale -= 1:$4.0 4X4= 4 i ^ B,O~~ y/:~~~~ /-~ )7\ ~f~' ~/ \ /; \, /I ~ ", ,2~<;:? VI" , 'W 1 o. ~'::~~.7iJ ~C/iflI ' llll 'x5~<I'" 3x5::;: 10 9 8 ~= W~ 4x5 =' 9-6-3' 9-603 -PTate unsetS i.A. '1: lO:V-V--"I,),\}-,,-V1 1fS-O.13 8-11.11 , ,20-0-0, 1,.f3.3 2S.o-D ,840 LOADING (DSt) TCLL 25,0 TCDL 8,0 BeLL 0,0 'BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1,15 Lumber Increase 1,15 ilep Stress Incr VES 'Code UBC971ANSI95 CSI TC 0,87 Be 0,81 WB 0,76 DEFL, in (locI IIden Vert(LL) -0,22 9-10 >999 Vert(TL) -0,38 9-10 >609 Horz(TL) 0,01 8 n1e 1st LC LL Mln IIden = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD weBS ' PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851148, Weight 1041b \'V1BER Jp,CHORD 2 X 4 HF,No,2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudlSTD REACllONS IIb/Blze) 2=675/0,5-8, 8=169410-, 5-8 ' Max Horz2=47(load case 4) , , Max UPllfl2=-102flOad case 4), 8=-246(load case 5) , Max Grev2=75O( oad case 6). 8=1694(load CBse 1) FORCES C1b) - First Load CaBe Only , TOP CHORD 1-2=14, 2-3=-646, 3-4~1, 4-5=662, 5-6=804, 6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-10=573.9-10=64.6-9=-1295.6-8=-718 WEBS 3,-10=-397,4-10=549.4-9=-1220,5-9=1305.5-8=-1727 NOTES 11 Unbalanced root Iiw loads have been considered lor this design, 2 This truss has been designed for lhe wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level. u.ing 7,0 psftop chord dead load and 7,0 pst bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on en occupancy category I, condition I enclo9ed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 It end verticals Dr cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exis~ they are exposed to wind, The lumber DOL increase is 1,33, and the plate grip increase Is 1.33 3) ThrsW" has been designed for a 10,0 psI bottom Chard live load nDnconcumnt wI1h any other live loads per Table No, 16-8. UBC-97. ' 4) Provide mechanical connection (by oihers) 01 truss 10 bearing plats capable 01 wtthstandlng 102 Ib uplift at joint . 2 and 2461b uplift at joint 8, , 5) Beveled plate or shim required to provide lull bearing surface wtth truss chord at joint(s) 6, Sheethed ~ I ..., _., , Rigid ceillllQ directly applied or 4-0-3 DC bracing, 1 Row at m,dpt 4-9 See 'Web Eirace Memo' for required T .Brace condflion ' , DeSign of all continuous lateral bracing is by others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard', i " ! JJ.. WARNING - VERIFY OESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ AU. NOTES ON THIS AND TI!USS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE. OesIgn vaIa lo~ lQ c:rty wIItl Mil. CClMeCtOlS. 1hs dtal:J'i Is bosId,enIy ~on parometel! mwn c:rd "'or on Indtvt:lJa blJldnQ comporentto b8ln$taCed and boded vwtIcoIt(, Ap~kCblllty of design" I)Otamet8l1 end pmp8' _,.__~ .__'_4". of componenlls. ......w.._....ty of WIcMg desQ"ier - not trua dftlgner. ElrccIng shown" rtx laIerd . ~ of ndIv1dua1 web merrbeJ1 only, NXttIonaI ~orY btOdng fo In,We l10bllfy cUIng OOI"$fI'Ueton It II\e'flRPONbUty of the erector. Addlllonol perrrianent broclng Of Ih8 0V8l'a11 ftrUctwo Is 1M ._,.._.__~.., dl the bUIc*lg'dellgner. for gen8fOl gl.lldonea raoardhg 1'otrIcalbn. QIXlIIy control. stotoge. del~ltIy, erllctlon and b'acl~ eoNlJft QST-aB Quality S1cndard DSB-89 Braclrig Speelflcol\cn, end H1B..Q1 Handling InstollnQ; and Bracing Reec:nY'I'I8ndotlon avolable from Trw Plata In.tlMe. 533 D'Onofflo Orl'le, Madison. W1.M719. . . ~' theTRUSSco. . BU1l.DJNG SUPPLY INC. SEP 012004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.12 lJoe . I fUSS lruss Iype A~DERW-1 A7 ROOF TRUSS , .....,e I russ \.10" ;:,umner v"....., c::ugene Vl"\ uty -pry-:-' Hayoen A1oelWooo lWUUUJ:;:; 1 1 Job Reference (optional) , :>:vwsr-eo e,",vu.,),ulet< nausmes,mc.. InUIVlarGf u~;.)O::;):;lI",UW regIT ~ J!-<l-O 1-0-0 7-'3--4 7-3-1 I.-a" 8-S-12 20-8-12 8-8-12 28.... 703-4 '29-01 '-0..0 . Scale It 1 :G4.0 ....= . . ~ 'a,oorrc ' ' ~~:::~:~........ . 2M\\ ;.~/ -/ \\ ,-.....~.. 2x41/ 3 ~/~ ~i.' \;.m .......:~.:::-~.... 5. , ~'// \'\ .,-.... , ,/?~ ~ JY/ \~'J' f/', ..y' '\. l' , II ~ 2 // ,~ ' I -.....::::::..... 8 7n ~'c-;.~/ , . - ~ ' '.~,:}j; 4x6 = 10 iii 8 4)(5 ~~ ~~ ~= 3)(4 .:: 9-8-3 ....-3 18-6-13 IM1-11 28.0..0 .....3 LOADING (psO TCLL 25,0 TCDL 6,0 BCLL 0,0 BCDL 7,0 \ lIIBER .. /..P CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS" 2 X 4 HFSPF S:udISTD r13(e ~se!.5 ~^._~.1~~V-l.OrV-U-'J. LO;U.-l-<I,-J-u-.q._~ CSI TC 0,77 BC 0,91 WB 0,32 SPACING 240 Plates Increase 1,15 ).umber Increase 1.15 . oiRep Stress Incr YES 'Code UBC97/ANSI95 e;~(ti.) -Q,ig, ~~IC6 Vert(TL) -0,46 9-10 Horz(TI.) 0,07 B 1 st LC LL Mln Vdefl = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Udefl >999, >722 niB PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148, Weight: 100 Ib ,Sheethed..: ':: i __...::..., ' 'Rigid celUng directly epplied or 1040 oc bracing, REACTiONS (iblsize) 2=1163/0.5-8. 6=116310-5-8 ' Mex Horz2=47(load case 4) Max Uplll12~175(load case 5), 6=-175(load Case 5) , FORCES (Ib) - Flrst Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=14.2-3='-1743.34=-1500, 4-5=-1500, &-6~1743, 6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-10=1545,9-10=1067,6-9=1545,6-8=1545 WEBS J...10=-378', 4-10=529, 4-9=529, 5-9=-376 NOTES ' 1) Unbalenced roof live loeds heve been consldared for this design, " 2) this truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 60 mph winds at 26 ft above ground level, using 7.0 psI top chord dead load and 7,0 psI bottom chord dead loed, 100 mi from hurricane oceanllne, on an occupancy category I. condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45ft by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exis~ they are exposed to wind, II porches exist, they are . exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase Is 1,33 ' 3) This 1mss hes been designed for e 10,0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with eny other live loads per Table No, 16-B, UBC-97, ' 4) Provide mechanical connection (by othem) of truss III bearing plate capable 01 withstanding 175 Ib uplift a1join '. 2 and 175 Ib uplift at joint 6, " LOAD CASE(S) Standard '\ I EXPlIIES l'UllfO.t:J ....)1, A. WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS ANO READ ALl 110m ON TI1IS ANO tRUSS ORAWlNG Nom BEFORE USl OesIgnvalldtor Use c:nvwtth MTekc:omeciors. tl\ll design"' based orIyupon .....'_.._..... ~ aoo~tot m.Jl'lC:ll'WkNaI b.Ck:IrQ w.._.........._.. to be In&taIod cn:llood.d . vertlcol~. Applcobilty" of dQ"gn~eten ard proplill ~_......~, ..,;:__ _ QI _._" ....~.. u" t IstiSponsbllty 01 bUildno deH;in<<. not truss d!1ignir. acochg st'own II fOr lOIero1 IlJpport of In::llvl:iuol \OIfeb memben;orr,. A.ddlnord tempOlOlYbroclngto lnsuIe ,toblMy CUIng lXlnStrUetton 111tl.'responabDny otttlCl ef9Ctoc. Addlfbnal.....,..-...':. brcCl1'lQ ott:"le eve/oK structurv II ft\e ,"-" _, ~ ._'r" dffhe bUld1rlo designer. Fa gener<:ll g,Jldor'lC9 r_gonnro1cbrtcotton qucijlycmtrol.I1t1CQJ. delivery, erectlOO trId' braCIng. COl'\S!J/fQSt.ae Q..!alty StoncXr.l. OSB-a9 Bro:=:lng Specltlco1bn, md HlMI H::ndl1g llVfoDng cn:I Emct'lQ Reccmmenda1100 OYaIabletrom 1h.m PIc:d81nstl!ute, OBJ D'O"lo1I1O:>r.ve, Madison. Wf53i'l~. .'. . . , 4- theTRUSScO. &~G05U1'PU'"INC. SEP 012004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.13 ~-...- I~~ERW-l t;-- ROOF TRUSS I ne I NSS vo., ~umnef' V'Ii'l.1 cugene Vr\ . ' ._~_';.7-.-;;.~ :--~"l" r'~/__'" __e'. n__J \..d.....~/_t. , 1 , Job Reference (optional) ".utJu s ~eu 0 LU'-..J'lVllle'i{ InClU5mes,lnc. Fn I'\Pr~ .1,",:V:J:~o "uv." ,...age) ,i ,~' . -1.0-0 1.0.0' 6-3-0 5-3.0 ll-7..!l 4-4-ll 14-0-0 4-4..!l 2O.Q.O 8-Q.O , 23-5.Q 3.5.0 28-0-0 4-7.0 4x8 :;:: Scale =:t 1 :53.3 5 ~ ~ ~~~~ ' , 4P-<: -~3X5'> ~" '" ,~o " 3Jc4"" 0'/ " ~ . " ...)Y III '~,w. ~ 4><10", ~ ',~. WI ~ IlJ' 7 /~;:'~~ '~::~~ -;:?'~ /"~~, a ' '~:7" ' ~, V',/ W'" - ~., ~1 ' [III I &,11 (1I1!:SD ~ QV ~~, ~,~ ~ 4x8 = 13 12 11 10 9 4X1 = 3x6 II 41($ = 4x8 = axs = 4X16 II TH028 NSH29 1l.00[rr 5-3.0 6-3-0 "1..!l ......!l 14-0-0 446 20-0-0 8-Q.O 23-5-0 3-5-0 2a.o.o 4-7.0 l"l~te unsets l^,'r): l,,:u..q.-U,\j-l--I~" IO;u-4-U,U-I- ~~J. lIU:V-.:I'"'!.!V-O-UI LOADING (psO TCll 25.0 TCDL 8,0 BCll 0,0 , BCDl 7,0 SPACING 2~ Plates Increase 1.15 lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr NO ,~ode UBC97/ANSl95 CSI TC 0,66 Be 0,92 WB 0,83 (Motrue) DEFL in (Ioe) Vert(lL\ -0.05 6-S Vert(Tl -0,07 8-9 Horz(Tl) 0,01 8 1st lC LL Mln Udefl = 360 Udefl >999 >999 nla PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148 Wel9ht 162 Ib '1I'IBER } i' CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 , o>0T CHORD 2 X 8 OF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudlSTD "Except" WI 2X 4 HF Stud; W9 2X 4 HF Stud Sheathed _:' ",::,~, Rigid canln9 directly applied or 10-0-0 DC bracing, Except 640 oc bracing: 10-11, 1 Row at mldpl 7.10 ,See ~flb Brace MIlITIO.,tClf REAcnoNS (Ib/slze) 8=1846/0-5-8. 2~53/().5.8. 10=3872/0-4-2 (input 0-3.a) required T -Brace condItion Max Horz 2=65(loed case 4), ' 'II' nti OllS Max Uplift2=-1:i7(load caseS) , ' Design of a co nu Max Grav8=1909(load case 7), 2=6S3(load ca,se 1). 10=3872~oad case V lateral bracing Is by OUIIl FORCES (Ib) - Firat Load Case Only , TOP CHORD 1-2=38,2-3=-914, :>-4-52S, 4-50031,5-6=-128,6;7=1008,7-8=-1612 BOT CHORD 2-13=751,12-13=751,11-12=409,10-11=-873,9-10=1387, 8-S=1387 WEBS' 3-13=52,3-12=-394,4-12=320, 4-11=-54S, 5-11=-318. 8-11=1098, 6-10=-1396, 7-10=-2597, 7-9=2205 ' . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD VoiEBS NOTES , '1) ,Unbalanced rool live loads have been'consldered lor this design, ' 2) This truss has been designed lor the wind loeds senerated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 7,0 psI lOp chon:! dead load and 7,0 psI bottom chon:! dead load, 100 ml from hurricane oceanline, 'on an occupancy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 It with exposura B ASCE 7.S3 . per UBC97/ANSI95 II end verticals or canlllaven; exts~ they are exposed 10 wind. If porches exist, they are r '.... 12131104 i exposed to wind, The lumber DOL increase la 1.33, and the plate srip increase Is 1.33' , ' ' I EXPIRATION OA".: 3) this truss ha, been deaigned for a 10.0 Pst: bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any 'other live loads per ' R 0 s 2003 Table No, 16.B, UBC-97, AP '! . 4) WARNING: Raqulred bearing size at Iolnl(s) 10 grester than input bearing size, ' 5) Provide mechanical connection (by olheni) 01 truss to bearing plate capable ofwllhslanding 1371b uplift at joint ~ ' 6) Girder carries tie.<n spen(s): 28-(l-O from 20-0-0 to 28-0-0 7) Use USP THD26 (With led nails Into GIrder & NASD nails into Trusa) or equivalent at2D-O-O from the left end to .connect trussCes) K2 (1 ply 2 X 4 HFl to lront face of bottom chord, ' 8) Use USP MSH29 (WIth 10d nails Into ciirder & NA9D naila into Truss) or equivalent speced 112-0-0 oc mel(. , starting at 22-0-0 from the left end to ~6-0-0 to connect truss(es) A2 (1 ply 2 X 4 HF) to front filce ofbottoin . cgR~d on page 2 . ::.j , A WARNING - ViRIFYDESIGN PARAMrnRS AND READ AU. NOID ON THIS AND IRUSS DRAW1NG NOm BEfORE USE, A1 De~nvotld loruse oriyWflh f..tlllk W"='" ~~........ TnII.dUgnb ba5ed orf(l,lJXln porc:rneferssnown and lS:'Or cnll'ldMt'1Q bUlJdlngcomponent tobentollBdon:llocl::3ed ver1lCaIV. i _..- M.'.,'", o'deslgn porameten.Cl'ldpmpg.lncorporotlonoleanponer.llsl~oIbltingdeSlQnl!lr.nottrussde:slo'wr. Btochg Ihb...... Is fOl' latel'Ci ""b..!~ Of,~W'b ~mben. __ ooy. ~~~ ~~:!...brd~ 10 hue, ~Oblllyc:U1ng Oonstrueltcn Is the responslbl1lty ~rth. erectoc. AO::Ilklrd pennonent' . ,...........0 ,...ov.......strue..... ....rtI3(h...__.l'l;Il.."'_.... ......l"lfIr. org'"8rolguk:ionceregardngfcbrlcaflon.CluoIItycontrol.rtcm;lg".~..erecftonond broet1g. comUl QSl~eQuoIlySlondcn:l. 0S6-8981oclngSpoclllcalla\ Cl'\dH8-Q1 H:mdr.gnlQlI1rgand Brcx;:tlg l,_w_..-.__.__.._.avoloble lromTnmPlct.rnliMe.. the.LKU.,.,co. 563 D'OnoMo OlIve. Iv'Icxtson. W153119. 6 DOn:DtNQS1lPPLT [NC'. SEP 01 2004 4:19PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.14 -;:juu ~ ~:_---~'~:;'.I-we ~"-I~ 'j ':::~:::::ti::::"~~ ;),Wu 6 reu '0 ,~VU~ ,NIl I e. anQUSm6S, me. I"'n Jo\Pr U4 lV:U:J;;)t ~UU~ t"8ge, ALDERW-l A8 ROOF TRUSS I ne I NSB \,,;001 ~umner ~Yl'\ i cugane Vr'\ .-.-', '. , - ~:II na;1 holes where hang~r is in contact with lumber. l:t5AD eASE(S), Slandartl' ' 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1, 15, Plaia Increese=1,15 Uniform Loads (plf) , , Vert 1-5=-68.0, S-8=-66.0, 2-10~14.0, 8-10=-524,8 . ,t } . . jl A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ All NOTES ON THIS AND !'RUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, Design void far U$8 onlY \IItTh M1T.k COmectcn._ this deitglll bceed orW upon pQa'T\Ohlll d'l0'NTl. cn:IlJ tat CI1 hcf\Ik1.d ~ .. ." _ " to be nstoI.d a'ld Iooded varnccllV. ~lyot _de5lgn ,..,. ... ',' and proper ~.~_...w._.,.., ofoomponent Ille$pOOliI::illyotb,H'lg O&IlQMr.nottn... dllsigna Braelngshawn It tor Ioterol tupperi' Of 1nOMoUOlltleb members cntv.' AddItlondItemporay-braclng to InSUre ,toellty dUfi'O constnJcl1Crl Is the ,esponslt:lQlr,. cfthe erecto(. ,A,ddnlonof ..' .. _, I _ brochg of1he C1'l8folsI'I\JctIJre hlh&responlitllllly atthebu'1cfng designer. For gel'l9ld guldc:nee r8garc~ 'oorlcaflon. QlJClIfY:orrroL lforogG. detJery, er.CTIcin ax:I broclng. COl"llil.ll QSl'-88 Quotty Stcndad. OSB-B9 Br\X;hg Sp8CJftcalIon. and HB-9\ -ia'ldBng h1($ng and Braclng Reoommenda,bn available from Tn.a Plate rnsnM9. 5B3 O'Onolllo O""'e. ~ Vv163719. ~' the~...u=co. "BmLDING SUPPLY INC. SEP 01 2004 4:1SPM HP LASERJET 3200 p.15 ...00 11\.185 llruss .ype AlDERW-1 81 ' ROOF TRUSS ,~' ..--;.e l.ruSS ""0;. ~umner vv..... I ~ugene..v" . , )-1-<>-0, 5-4-1' ' J 1'0.0 5....11 . '\J.\y Hoyaen f\laerwooa lUUUUUJ;:)C) Job Reference (option all o.uw s reo '0 ",VU,J IVIII Bt<. nousmes, me. I nu Mar ", v::t;.>O:u,J ",UU.) t"age"1 5 I~IY 10.0-0 4-7-5 14.7-5 H-5' , ZC-4-0 ~11 : Z1-O-01 1-<>-0 'Scale.= 1:38.8 4w.4= . , 4 /1' '- ' , //:-;/-'~~ 0ll4" //' ~~_ 2X4 {I . "--;;'-/ ~ ......<::::.'~ , ~~ ,//':tf-~--............. "'/:/ ~~, ' /'~ .,~,< /'/ ...... ----. /<." , ...." "", 2 -F~' ~......:::--'>- /..,,/r-r". ........~:~......,'. " ~ ,/_- . , '. ',' 7 ~ /' l.a:'~ >" ~ (/tE! " I2J ",J ~= 8 ~~ 3)(10 == a,QQ[lT 'j 10.0.0 10.0.0 -Plate unse15 ~1 ~J.: J":v-'.....t-I~}I lO:v-"~.v- r-8r-.~-=: _ _.___'-.___ - , zo.o-a 10.0-a LOADING (pst) TClL 25,0 TCOL 8,0 BCLL 0,0 BCOl 7,0 ) \lBER J.,P CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 , BOT CHORD 2 X 4 Hf No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF Slud/STD SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1,15 lumber Increase 1,15 .Rep Stress Incr YES "Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0,36 BC 0,93 WB 0,27 DEFt In (Iocl I/defl Vert(lL) ..(l,27 2~ >878 Vert(TL) ..(l,46 , 2-6 >507 Horz(Tl) 0,04 6 nla 1st LO II Mln Vdeft = 360 PLATES MI120 GRIP 185/148, Weight 69 Ib . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheathed VI I B 14 88 J;1wr1IRs. . .' Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1(}.()..(l oc bracing, REACTIONS (Ibls1za) 2=86310-6-8, 6=86311)-5-8 Max Harz 2=-34(load case 3) Mex Up1ifl2~131(load case 5), 6=-131 (load case 5) , FORCES (Ib) - First load Case Only " TOP CHORD 1-2"14,2-3=-1169,3-4=-847,4-5=-847, 5-6"'"'169, 6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-8=1033,6-8=1033 WEBS ~1l=-315, ~3, 5-8=-315 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design,,' ' 2) This truss hes been designed for the wind loads genarated by 80 mph wines at 25 ft above ground leval, using 7,0 psftop chord dead load and 7,0 psfbollom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupanCy category I, conditicn I enclosed building, of dimensions 45ft by 24 fl with exposure B ASCE 7.93 per UBC97/ANSl95 If end verticals or canUlevers exist. they ere .".__J to wind, If porches exis~ they are exposed to wind, The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and tha plate grip Increase is 1,33 . 3) This truss has been dasigned for a 10;0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other Ilva, loads per Table No, 16-8, UBC-97, ' ' 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss 10 baaring plate capable cf withstanding 131 Ib uplift atlolnt 2 and 1311b uplift etjolnt 6, " , LOAD CASE(S) Standard '-. v A 'WARNING - VERIfY DESIGN PARAMETE1lS AND READ All NOlfS ON THIS AND 1RVSS DRAWING NOtES BEFORE' USE. At Dellgn...old fOI use a'lIy with Mirek CClll1.cIQrl. TI1b design 1$ Dosed 0l"Iy lJpOI'\ parom"'ers thowr\ a"Id Is ror an Ir\dMducl buldrQ c,. ... . to be hrt:Ied and Ioodod vertlcoDy., ~Ity 01 dmlgn parometell CI'ld P'OPCl' incorporation Of . ~~, <- ~_ ;. Is r~bllty Of tn.iIldhg dectgn.r.not tr\.IS$ <18lfgnSr. ~ L'\OWn 1310t lahnol lUPPott ollncNd!Jol wot> merm.n,ONV. Adc:ItIond. _..,...~.~_. brodng 10 ~ st:lbllty dUlt\g conslnJc1lon Is the1'9lPO('lslt)ll,1y QI' the erector. Aadl:tcrd permanent .' bracing 01 the overallalr\JctU. 1I1h8 responstbllty or the blA ding. c>>slgner, Fa genelat guidance rega:dlng fcblc:atlon. CfJClity centro!. stOl'oga. d9lvery. erection CI'\d the.....T.....CO. orocng. consult QSf-68 Qualify Sttn:lord. DSlH9 Broclng Sp.ell'lcol1on. end HIB-Q1 HOl"'ding INtalllng CI'ld B1acng l?ecotTYT18f\dotlon oroIIoI;lIe1rom TNSII Plotalnstltuto. 'I A"~ 583 O'OnoMo Ortv9. Madtson.W153719, '.' . ..StJIlI)!NGSUPPLYDfC.