HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-8-31 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development SeI\'ices Department Building Safety Division .. JOB ADDRESS: "lD-\YL\o ~~e. e{-. OWNER: Hayden Homes. . . CONTRAcrOR: Owner Residential Plan Review . CITYJOB#: Q. 5 .5B PHONE: 228-1081 PHONE:, Items listed below (if any) and those inaIked in red directly on the approved permit . documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the constIUction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A CVu.....Onding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. . . . All referenCes are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of . Oregon unless noted otherwise. A copy of this . code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. BeavertoIl, Oregon 974008~5986 ...". ' Y our signature on the BuUdlng Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes~ ISSUANCE OR GRANTING.. OF rA PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND. OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, MN VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUlLDJNG SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDJNANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: , Bob Barnhart -. PHONE: 726-4652 - -- I." ,:-, E~CTRICAL GROUNDING REOUIRED IN NEW,FOUNDATlONS: ,.: Oh new constrUction, a #4 conqete reinforcing-bar electrode at I~ast 20' in length shall be installed horizontally atorneai'the bottom of the contrete footing at the location of permanent service entrance. ^ s~ond bar, at . least 1/2 in diameter shall be stubbed up a minimum of 12-inches above _the floor plate line near the serVice entrance panel location. The stubbed up , CALCULATIONS , STRUCTURAL BU'LD'NG DES,QN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING , , CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CLlfN T HAyDEN !-Io/VIES Lor /I"LJpspt::.R JI[ S-f>(tJN~r;I8..I::> J Or<- " J()5J2ECf:.B1EIJD1:L CLIENT SHEET NO CALCULA. TED BY CHECKED BY w.o.. 1 (/'1Yt:t:::.I'V ff(.)Nf:,( / OF ~ ,hi) /0'3811 LATEA/V-. ON C,P.iIJl/(rt DOQ/t WA'-L. 1.JJ' O{L 7....4' DEEP G7<W\G-e . ~ THE c.A>~ 1'-31;{,.... <.ItE~(" OF p~ CK ') ~ ......,..., ,~ (8.1IffiiA WIN!) r~7:D~ 90MPH t:::.vorl,,((~ :6" Sc;J/7?/c. Mk/.l, "Dr' SNarl c...oAO, U:;pSf Site and soil conditions hot observed by Mortier Engineering P,C, Allowable soil , bearing capa.city of /, 000 Dsf Used, 1245 PEARL 8T. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 OA.TE CATE 0,'0. RTI"'''' [~~~''', {:11'""'" .,b~ .;._J_.,.""=,y,,.f c.. ~"',?Ilr::;.;...;:,;;,.-:.:.- j;.L"~ ' _,.\', ,;.~.,. ~;c:,.,c,q. '.:Jj.""~"I"""'~l ,,\,__L~~.J.,.:, (~~...". ' "Q"~ .I '~'J~~~,;/ . . CALCULATIONS STRUCTURAL BUILD'NG DES'GN . FIRE PROTECTlON CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECl<ING . CONSTRUCTlON INSPECTlON / r-.r(;lJ.~ I:>liiY6-N' WJNl> \N~'W~ 8./pf-' L'N\N "UpSC JE"tSJf1/C . Yo . 3' ' - IIcrw CLIENT SHEET NO. CA\..CULATED BY CHECKED BY W,O.. 1..0' vJ W /1.~ 1.3~Si; '-WfL.' '.:"lPft.: 1245 PEARL 5T. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 rlr-/yPC:N '2.. #D DATE I c;?Je"l ~'1' , V" TEL: (541) 484-9080 OF s DATE .~,...., 4'~t", C. 6itj!b'i~i4~ - ~~:~~r~'::"I~t[:~~i'l~f) .<.. ., . ,.I. ~A/ ...-."- ~~.,:UJ. ~Q'~\C;:' 'c-.!~~.~; ~ CLIENT I I' "',-' {.;Xii-.(Y '3 /' CALCULATIONS SHEET NO. OF t., CALCULATED BY /1p DATE STRUCTURAL BUILDING DES'GN . FIRE PROlECTION CHECKED BY OATE CODE CONSVLTANT. PlAN CHECICNG I (J8CJ 'CONSTRUCTION 'NSPECTION w.o., 'fJ~ V~ 'tv //VI:) ~ A",,: "54{;'- r./'<.., eli r, . . \Iv<' "54fi""Ei'/fI'#- to-/f'I') I e4{;.....t~,'1Pld 7. Jpsr). 16J1L6S J€IS"i"'IL. ',' . . tc.. . "":6))$r-('1-"\')(I4'} f e,..r;.(,\')(t14')' 6"o60U,f CJ.j1"'(.",. Vol ~ t>()O(~j.! (.ll'i) ".:; 9'P-UJ f<.1.:J0'-v~ Vc;. urvtr fl-IIZJ~' (ciJll~\A'1" : 4'i&pl..' Ci /I'L G2J \,fJp F~ 1-17' ~,-" 0.'1)' 6' '-(" O'Tf'1'. b'~4" ('-t'i6J'<u) en;)' &)1,6'-6-(" T" q;nr;u..-{./1..:l-";: 2823(.&( ~;:'lrTJ"] .. Ss7&/b , , 1245 PEARL ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 6~1\ .~ . l!tlJ'f!r~~1'~. . ' _+'.*"~~=":\ '.. ~~:r\ t"~ifllD!m.~h ::Ji}'.r6r.""t<:: !. ~Nd."'~" --- , CLIENT I'" ",,,-, l{. ". SHEET NO OF ..., CALCULATIONS CALCUL.ATED BY m DATE STRUCTURAl BUILDING DES'GN . FIRE PROTECTION CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSULTANT. PlAN CHECKlNG /tO~. , CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION w,o.. BEAM PER PLANS~ DOUBLE TOP PLATE~ I . .,' r (1) 2x6 BLOCKING FLAT wi (1) 35" LONG CS16 STRAP -./ . NAIL ALL HOLES NAIL WALL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING , 8d @ 3"o,c, STAGGERED "'l " II II II f 1 I \, ~. :::; 1/ . v I "'. 7/16" OSB 8d NAILS ' 3"o,c. EDGES STAGGERED~ . (2)2x @ EDGES ).-----i=-----,-- HTT16 HOLDOWN~ ~ ~ SSTB16 ANCHOR CONC, STEM WALL~" ~ i CaNT. FOOTING-/" I 22"MIN' CD DETAIL AT FRONT OF GARAGE N.T;S. (TYPICAL EACH END OF OPENING) 1245 PEARL St . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , , TEL: (541) 484-9080 ..; ~ CALCULATIONS SHEET NO. c; I'D CALCULATED BY STRUCTURAl BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION . CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY W.O.1t OF rJ Of'TE DATE /C3R::J ('it"Sl1f) .. ~ 'rn'~ %Irt"::""'- m8 . '&~i A'}J@l..;~~L~ ,.,. I I ~IUD .'_2' . 6'.... : 2'-4.'. 6'..... @.~ ;' ~"'TTl"E'X'II'" I".& ~,.~ .. . FIRe T.....-&: .A6 REQ'D BY ,~- ~ COOE ~, ~:3e opllOrlI) . T....'. ,01.6 FOR ~THIJa:)D4'1" - eEe el<<l!T ....tII. AJIIlI"Clfl ~~'I"EX1'&&e1Ctol ......... . . . . ............,..,. ,- " .,............. ~~: ~ . . ,~T",,",. . , . ,~. . . . .:,~ '~r.''/ ~ ~"'1:' . ./ ~ ~::,:.:: :-;qrr_~_Thr~~..""l--=--- --~"'.. - ~ ""_:~ . '~.'DO!~ll ) ( · TD DOlt ,- / '. \, t . '" ~/ " :~;~__T_. ."..f~"'O>JT .LevATIO>J A COI..tnlf00b4~TAe~ ecA.L.I!o V4'. r4'(A.ACl-IC)6l-eI!T) . .LHI!:CJfI~rooaT8n'a.o ec::.A.I.JL.IIe'.I'4'.CIbd1Il-lEET).. El . r,;1; t::J . ----..-, I , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , --I r.------.----------- , : : , , I , MlHII2"GYOP:.eb.. I ~.HOl.IlW!tIIAL.L.&,~c::eIUG. . 8. L AI'CIALJ..~aT'lllll::NUJ,.~' 3d, ~. . 1---:- ~'. )>AR:nAl.. Is:! n....~pIAN /'liS '~'.' , 1:145 PEARL 8T. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484.9080 El r. S&::..:. ^ . Q r- <-Jc:Tr.J/f... "/eo""" ~?..:, "lOP . G-,~ - . Erosion Contro.1 Conditions, Sediment and erosion control measures shall be in place and functioning before clearing and grading begins. Wet weather conditions are in effect October 1 through May 30 and may be extended as directed by the Public Works Director or the Community Services Manager. Temporary erosion control facilities must be designed for the2-year, 24-hour stonn event unless otherwise specified in the design conditions. When developing sediment control practices, the following shall be considered: use of straw bale dikes, silt fences, compost filter benns, earth dikes, brush barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, rock outlet protection, sediment traps, and temporary or pennanent sedimentation basins. . ~ 1) Construction site entrances are egress' points for vehicles onto paved roadways constructed as'a means to prevent vehicles from tracking soil from the site. All projects shall have an open graded gravel construction entrance not less than 20 feet long and 20 feet wide placed in a location in which ' all vehicles can traverse the entrance to enter or exit the site. I~ most cases, the most economical location for this entrance in directly behind the curb cut in the location of the future driveway. The owner shall maintain the graveled construction entrance as necessary to ensure it is functioning property. Additional measures may be necessary to contain sediment from the entrance on site. ' 2) If sediment is tracked offsite, sediment shall, on a daily basis, be swept or shoveled from the paved surface. Sediment laden runoff from construction entrances shall be directed to sediment ponds or traps' on sites, ' . 3) Under no conditions shall sediment from the construction site be intentionally washed into stonn sewers or drainage ways, . . 4) The APPUCANT/oWNER shall erect and maintain sediment barriers along the perimeter of all low-points of the site where sediment-laden waters are likely to pass. Examples of barriers are sediment fence, compost filter benns, and open graded rock below in the sidewalk area below the curb grade. 5) The APPUCANT/OWNER shall be responsible to prevent any soil or mate,rials from leaving the site, The APPUCANT/oWNER shall anticipate the worst case weather conditions and place adequate erosion control measures prior to an event Failure to provide erosion control measures and prevent sediment from entering the street drainage system, and surrounding properties may result in a stop work order and additional fines and penalties as well as liability for any cleanup or costs. . 6) Temporary stockpiles shall be covered with plastic visqueen. The visqueen shall be anchored so that it will not move under heavy wind conditions. Stockpiles that will remain in place for more than 2 months should be seeded and covered with an erosion control material that promotes vegetation. 7) Under no circumstances shall material be stockpiled; temporarily or otherwise in the public right of ' way. All stockpiles shall be contained on the APPUCANT/oWNER'S property. 8) The City of Springfield or its agent may require modifications to the erosion control measures at any time if the erosion control methods being utilized are ineffective in preventing the discharge of sediment to natural features (such as wetlands), surface waters;stonn drainage systems, adjacent properties, or natural features. If drainage problems to adjacent properties are caused by or as a result of activity on this site then the APPUCANT/oWNER may be required place additional stonn drainage measures to remedy the situation. EROSION CO""IROL CV. 'u.. .ONS PAGE 1 oF2 (~BIGN CO~OLfc!' '., J" .' .. 1400000um D...lgn. cOntrot ConlrDl Laall~on Sh.ar(lbe) . '1038 '.910 !W9' PasSed (15") Rlen<lBpan1 und.rSnaNlelllftnO M.nIen! (~) ~437 4437 19320 f'asoed (23%1 MID Bpan 1 under Snow"'~ LIve Load Deft (In) 0,002 0.550 'Ps_ (lJIlgg.o.) MID 8port1 unde SnaW ...dlng Talal Locid Den (iii) 0.238 0.825 Pao.ed (lJ831) MID Span l..rser GnaW I..dlng -tleft'!"llon Crfter\8; MINIMUM(LL:\J380.Tl.:U2~0)... . . . .... ' ' . . , .a~ng(\JI~ All campreeoton edgoa (lop an<l bO\\am) must bG b<eQed et 104' r ale unIose d.laned o1herwIoe. Propor allGohm.nl and pooRlonlllll of 1At&ra1 bmdllllls requIred I. schlove msmller SlRbIlIly, . ," . , " , . -o,;.lgn BliaumOll Rc:l.,qu,itc: oontlnUOllllI.lIlerlll support olthe coni,,:";.,. edge. ' , ' AriomoNALNOreS:.. .' . '.. -1MPORTANTITho onalyalo ,.~ _,:..~ Is output from eolIWare o....lopad by 1ri1s Joist CTJ). T J warrente I/le slzlrQ '!i'lIs pmducte by tnIe eottware VIOl bo accompUshad,ln aocarda... wt1h T J produet deelgn crIIe"nnd code acceptod doslgn ...Iues, Tho spolllno producloppUC8lIon. Input de4lgn Ioado, and. ""'ted dll1tOMlans IuMl bGen.l,rilvlCled by III. sol\WaRl .....r. :!'IlIa outpul/uls not been' nMe\red by a T J ~,' , ,-Not oil JV<lduefll .", readlly'allllnobl.. Checkwfth your ouppUoror TJ locIlnlcal ",preoonllItlYo for produclllYllllobnUy, ',tHIS ANAL YBIS FOR lRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONL VI PRODUCT BUBiOTl1\Jl'lON VOIDS THIS ANAL VBIS, . . ~AlI0W8bl. Sire.. OeoIlln, mothodology woo 1I$ed lor bu1ld1ng Codo UBC enlllytlng 0'0 TJ D\Gblbullon pro<iuclllsted above. -Tho onalyal&' pniaented Is ~". .,,,.la lor C11ll$/0 Gilliam'" boame. by Weyerl1oeus.r, """"",-r" ..a;m_":" . .~... '1~;'ii3 FRi:Jl'I: GEH;: STRINGFIB...D ~~. . - 5~1~689-826G TO: 8953"161 <; ...... ~ltJUt ' . . G<lrag. door Ii""il.r, non portal flame. 12" oVerl1al1{l1' rooI ir1b ond gabl,; end 1nJg weight. G,'5Sorlnl~~:'':'::- . ~ 1/2" X 12" ClaSslcGlulam'Ool (24F -1.8E Fmming OF) , ',f 8I3,~':2lI:2lIPM ,. . U"IlIIDhe\'OlOlOfl;'.IS>> THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTeD' , '" , Moml>er 11Iop.,OfllZ Roof 8IopoON:Z. 1." , :." to 1 t. [lJ l ,1S'10. f ~J': . ;. .., ,. 'ProduCt DI~I\II', ~c>nc.p1wlt . . Aft dlmon.lonl ar. hortzontal.. . r ~ADSi A1te~1s 10.Ior qHeader (Fluall Beam) Momber. T~butary Load W1dll1: 2' PrlmlllY Load Group. Snow (psi): 25.0 lMl 1\1 115 'l'duIllllOn, 15.0 DoAd Vertical Loads: . Typo Cia.. Uve TaporOd(p11} Floor(1.00) 0.0 To 0,0 TRpored(pll)' Aoor(1.001 0.0 To 0.0 ~, 20.0 To 60.0 50.01020,0 Loo.lIon OT08'10" O'10"To 18' 10' Appllcsllon Commanl flddo.To' Adds To . , , , SUPPOml ' . ",', BeBtlng Langth 1.50" 1,50" Inpur Width 1 .' ~.ood column a.60" 2' Wood coll.lTl\ll 3.5a' , . -Soa T J 9PECIFii:R'S 1 BUIlDERS GUIDE lor dotall(o~ By Olhonl VIllIIcaI R....u"". (1""1 LI'IelDudlUpllfllfolal 4~ 1631/0 1105~ 421103510110S6 Dot:all Olhor By Othe... Nono By DIlle'" No';' ..... '.'.' . " . fBQ,U;CT INFORMAllONl HRydO!1 Homes 18' garao. door header: parallol 10 Jioioge tnm layoU\. OPERATOR INFORMAllON:, TillY l.lInCROler Gone StrtngflOkl Bubdlnll MaWlal Co, , P,D, Bo><2707 Eug.... OR ,9740,2 Phone, 1;.11-889..&0,4 Fax: 641-!1&9-825ll , g,~.'"..-...~,~~net ( ..l .\...~. . <:copYl'llJbt: 0 zoo. by tr:ua olg,ht, Ii ...)"\C'M"\IM.t'l'ldln..". 'tLT...~ .l.tI '" '''9J.''1.1fr4d t.r.daiurlc ot 'fnn "TQJ....I;. . Cl"DDlo ~~1I1"''' ~n " t.cad"llUlC".1t Df Wt'cyft.I'hlU'~""I'.. P..OO1~11I04 -... "'" ., 't, , " . ' '"~ '" , . " ." f', , , ., ff l'., .., C\ 1,.. ,..r"I. , " . , ""'1 (I) . II. ~ " w (!) o . 17\ C'1l ~ . ,ts '-., '-tt~ , . . I I 18\ C'. - . (4lCF'.. 0 U _ . . I l! I ; , Il . ~ . -\- I , . _1_ _ ! 'i' 0 ~ 0 N. '" (I)' I fo- UJ ., ~ 'UJ en a: ...J 0. :r: ,:[: 0. N. 0 <'l '" 0 0 N ~ I fo- U 0, /'\ /" ., :: 0" /" ! 1:- , / 'I, .... ,'. "" /' I ' '.' ,; I ~"" 4~-?-LJ'i 1.1 ~k iKl I . - i · --rf! A1 . . " . ~ A1 I ............... I ,;: :J1 .;(JIII ~f~1 '1 ) : ~ ~. (:~.: <: ~t- BD; ~ ;vTITfI! 01 :IJ1 1~ ~ - t- ..v <" (7)J4'.' :$ ~ , 2()"()'() ~ . ..... .~, " ' E; ,; . " · ,. -T ~ ~~ ..... ~. . NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC:6/12 Overhang: l' 0" IJ-_~." ' . -- f"~i....- tbt.n81.c..s-lILGt23' i__ - ~'CoxadoB""'P.""~" lbDTaUSSco.' - _ .-.... __ .,.. ""i.~. ~_ r;:.. Ilflll5 " ~, . ) ..,. . ll.. .1.' E . me'" 4040 I --'- ,-'-- - =.'== =-' " 1\ I; I: . " W (R\C'A CI . u II! 0- I I " , ,1 i ! I , , , " i: :( //~ ~~. , ' /,' ," " t: /, '1" ../,! I' "'. ! A2 ~ ~J~ "'. ., /, , ' Ie" , }tifTh~: ,:'--~l~ .v ..: -(5)J4'.... ~ 't;. I 'I '" "~ ' 1~~J1 ~ gLLTIIII~ ~~~ u , I 1 I ~ I I . 'L-~ :"" .v "l: - . "" 't" '" (7) J4'o , 'I '.~ 0 U .'4'\CPs . . ~ ~ b o N '" f- W ..., ll! W Ul a: ...J a. X i x: a. N o .. '" ..,. o o N ..,. o f- U o 2040 : . ..... ~ o :--, JtC-~ - - ? - '-/ . ~--7 .--~..,.. ~ ~.~~ .""":~ NOTE:. .' Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 6/12 . Overhang: l' 0" J1--8:lIovdn. ' ......ca_ ., L1!J,..~ 1112~"~1al22 . mf.:" '. ...........;p.. , Ilbrl~~. -:.~_ ~-mH" " ,'J SEP 01 2004 4:28PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.2 JOD IfUSti ,russ I ype \.UY "'iY nayaen liascaoeA'l tl91L)SS I ne I russ lia., eugene, u~ II (4U,! 4,'!V" 1 ' 1 , ,,(oP!ional)' -sRrs Nav lb ;!UIIV M"E.k ,naU$lneii, mc, Man UCl ~o ',,,:',,,:1'1 '!VU~ ...age 1 CASCADEA AGE KINGPOST -'-ll-ll ' ~. ,-0--0 7-6-0, 7-6.0 15-O-ll 7-6-0 ,16-0-0, ',-0--0 SCale.1:I 1:39. 3xS= Stud 16" a.c. FrDll1 Left TD RIght 6.00[1'2" 2x4 II G 2x4 'F E /./', /" 1 Fl 2.0.0 L : i: I . I I -- !It.j I~ ~J-{~J 3><5 = I~ ,., J .J " ~ L ~e 3>5= ~ ~ " 2>0111 , " h 2J04 II 2)(4.. 2x~ II -~ 2>0111 lx4 I! 2x4 II I ""'" ,s.o-o ,s.o-o' .' LOADING (psI) TCU 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BCU 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2.0.0 Pletes Increase 1.15 Lumber Increese 1,15 Rep Stress Incr YES ,Fode UBC97/AN5195 CSI TC 0,09 BC 0.06 we 0.03 (Matrix) DEFL In (lac) lldefl' Vert(U) nla - nla Vert(TL) 0.00 M, >999 Horz(TL) 0.00 L nle 1 st LC LL Min IIdefl = 360 PLATES M1120, GRIP 1851148 Wei9ht: 60 Ib LUMBER ..~ CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 ," 'I.,'T,. CHORD 2 X 4 HF Na,2 }nERS 2 X 4 HF Shid REACnONS (Ib/slze) 8=186/15-0-0, L=195115-0-0, U=188/15-0-O, T=78/15-0-0, 5=85/15-0-0, , "R=128115-0-0, Q=118/15-0-0, P=72115-0-0, 0=61/15-0-0, N=220115-0-0 'MaxHorzB=-27{1oad case 3) , Max UpnftB=-9{1oed case 6), L=-ll{laed case 5), T=-2{load case 4), S=-7(load case 5), P=-10{load case 3), 0=-5(laad case 3) _ ,MaxGravB=186(laOO case 1), L=195{1oadcase 1), U=189(IOa, d case 6), T=78{1oOOcase 1)~ - " S=90{laad case 6). R=128{1oad case 1), Q:118(laOO case 'f), P:77{1aad case' 4:' ~ . . . 7), O=62(load case 7), N=220(load case 7) . $;>' l: . FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only . ~ ' ~" 22PE 7J TOP CHO~O A-B=28, ~=-77, e-1)--64, D-E:-55, E.J'=-48, F-G=-63,G-H=-83, H-I=-42, I-Jc..54., ~I , . .' . J-K=-88, K-l=-81, L-M:28' , , , BOT CHORD B-U=32, T-U=32, 5-T:32, R-5=32, Q-R=32, P, .Q=32, O-P:32, N-O=32, L.N=32 ~1\' " WEBS C-U=-148, D-T=-68, E-S=-71, F-R=-101, H-Q:-92, 1cP--61, J-O=-56, K-Nc..170 ' ,... . NOTES ' . 1l This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. Jo: (. <!.\-" 2 Truss designed for wind loads In the plane of \he truss only, For studs exposed to wind (normalla .' PO~ ~ \heJace), see MiTek 'Standard Gable End Detail' . ., 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chOrd bearing. 'EXPIRES: 4l Gabla &tuds spaced a11-4-0 oc. ' . 5 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live. loads per Table No. 18-B, UBe-97, '. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 9 Ib uplift . allolnt B. 8 Ib upllll at Joint L, 2 Ib uplift at Joint T, 7 Ib uplift at Joint S, 10 Ib uplift at joint P and Sib uplift at Joint O. 7) this truss has been designed wI\hANSIlTP11-1995 CI1t.erla., .J - "lAD CASEIS) S1~ard' "'>-.~jA.WARNlNG _ \ll;R1~ DesIGN PA~~S J.ND READ All Hems ON THIS AND TIIIISS DRAWING HOltS SEfORE USE. , OellQn\/01d ~use ortywllh MlftkCa"tleCtOll. 1tis desb'lll t::ored l71Iyupon poromeleri~awn. cn:t II tOI'cnln::M::1.dtllJlCl'la ~.',.,.... .",,, IcbelrctaDed and loaded ....rtk:aIIy. 1._,. - __:.",-:,/at d~ porome1<<lcnd ~r ~,.__.._._~_.. ofcanponeryl II respocwIbIityaf t:I.IcIl'lQ desO'*'- nottnJadaslQner. I!rclcIngshown IIfgT k:rtura lPJpPOffoflnclvlr;:t.lolw.b~~cnIY. _w:. _:tempOI'crybrcdngtolNur.s1ab1l.1Y~_.~..,,_.._.,lstherelponstfilydthoOlOdot. AddllIonal~;" .' ...} btCIchg 01 ftw overon IIIU0h... Is Ihlt r.apontI:dIIy 01 the bulking designer. For Qel"l9l'Oll goJldalOe JVllCJn::n~ :-.......:-... qi,dty con:rot lIoroge. detmy. er.ctlon and the &..,,~CO. bfochg. cDn\M gsr-aa QuaIty atmdcI'd. DSB-I9 BrQchg8~0Im'l, and H1B.-91 -toncnnQ ntalh; oncIBnx:lng -.., .. - '\daII:ll\.~ from TNU Plate nlltutlll, . .-........c:SUPI'a me. &3 O'OnofrloOrhoe. Mo:::Isa\ WI 63719. - BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Shealhed ..er..;. . " Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc braclng. 12/31/02 j. OCT 302002 .~ SEP 012004 4:28PMHP LASERJET.3200 ;:S~EA ~'US$ I ~:PO~ - I ne IIUSS \"0., eugene, VI'\ t;lr'tU"" p.3 I Uty . "'y Vaen \.....""""ltl \Oovu}." 12 . 1 r 100000nall. 0)1'\ 1 8 NOV "I b "'l.JW 1/111 Bit t lQuStnes. inC. vvea ""un 1" 1 -I ;"';1; I" "UVl "..tV) ..age 1 LOADING (ps!) TCLL 25,0 TCDL 7,0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 8.0 ,"~BER . '" 'rt CHORD 2 X 4 HF Na,2 r CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 , ,BS 2X4HFStud OEFL In (Ioc) Vdefl PlATES' Ver1(LL) -0,08 B-1' ~999 MII20 Ver1(TL) '-0,15 B-F' .>999 Horzffil 0.01. D ' nla' 1st LC L Mln Udell = 360 ' 'Weight 44 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathedor3-5-150cpurfins. . BOT CHORD RIgid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 00 bradng. SPACING 2-0.0 Plates InallBSe 1.15 Lumbar Increasa 1.15. , ~ep Stress Incr YES. , Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0,91 BC 0.54 WB 0.09 REACOONS (lb/size) B=6601O-5-8, 0=66010-5-8 . . Max HorzB--27(load esse a) , .. , Max UpIiIlB--104(load ease 51, O"-I04(load case 5) FORCES lib) - FllSl Load Case Only , , TOP CHORO, A-B=14, B-C=-629, 0.0=-629, D-E=14 BOT CHORD B-F=55B, D-F=558 WEBS . o.F=116 NOTES 11 Thlal",.. has been checked Cor unbalanced loading .condlUons. .' 2 This truss has bean designed for the Wind loads generated by 60 mph winds at 25 II above ground level, IIBlng 7.0 paf top chord dead load and 7.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 100 ml from hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy category I, condition I endosed buDding, of dimensions 45 II by 24 II w~h exposure B ASCE' 7-Sa per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantiJevelS eldst, \hey ere exposed 10 wind, If DOrChes 'exla~ they ere e!'l'osed 10 wind, The lumber OOllncrease is l.as, and the plate 9rip Increase Is 1.3a ' . a) Th,s truss has been designed for a 10,Opsf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent,Wllh any ather live loads per Table No, 15-B, UBo.97, . " . .' 4) Provlda mechanical connaCtlon (by OthelS) of truss to bearing plste capable of wllhslandlng 104 Ib uplllla. joint Band 104 Ib uplill at Joint 0, 6) This truss has been designed wlthANSIITPII-1995 a1laria, . LOAD CASE(S) Standerll' , .. ..~ GRIP 185/148 ') .'~ I EXPIlIES 12(JI/OL I .~ , , , , , WARNING - VERIFY ~~IGN ~rnR$ "No t!"D AU. NOlD ON THIS "NO TItJSS ORA WIN.. NOTES mORE USI!. ~V=I'OrUS8Of't/WlIhIllTBk..,.." 'p...'_ thllde!lgnISlJOSedontfl4Xll'pacmeterUhOM\, ~lItcronhdlvldJoltll..O:lnO ..._~""~...;.,~ tQbehitalledaldloaded veficdty. AClpl::abUtyCl d9slgnr:oanet'811 cn:jpq:l8fn::ccD::rolionof ... "'~ '" _ ._ b.esocnSI:llItYCfb!Adng CINIC1'It,-not tnmdeJio'*, lmct'lg:!f'1ooAnb klr trterci: ll,4:lpQttot~.tIduoIwebmerribtllOriV. AddItlonal:. "\."_ .', bcchgtolnsn.statDydurtoCOnstruc'lJonIlItle~oIthendo(. MdIbd,......._._..t btachgofttleO'Mcddr\lCt\.l'ebthe ........ '-"'-'" '?ftheb.ddrQdotIgnvr. FcrQCll"le"CII~~lcbrtoatlon.q.JOItyccrtrol,ItofoO..det.oory.crltctIanand I:roeng. COnaItQS1-&B Qu:::ttyStOl'lClOrd, DS8-e9llrock1g SpecU'k::alion a'ld HJIl.9\ HondIng Ntdtng cn:I Broclng." ... . ,. Ot'dic:d:::Ile tram TNIS AcrhI mIItuIw. 5&3 D'O'loMo awe. Modmn. WI ~119. . 4..: theu~u.:>>Sco. .~SUPl'l.YDCC. SEP 01 2004 4:28PM . HP LASERJET 3200 p.4 fJOb-'-- ;Tl\l..---- - -- --[INSS 'ype - --- -- i CASCAOEA A1 . JROOF TRUSS I _ ~e INSB ....c, eugene, VM; tlf4 --- -... IQlf~rrl""yaerilCascaile-tVW06~}ss:'--"-' .-_. ! 12 :1 , . ,! " "I\opjjonall ' 4.201....SRrSllo\lv.o ,<VIiI, MmiJ( ndustnes,1nc. ~n Aug 31 ,',::""., .JO'f '!'aga fJ ....-- -1.(l.Q 1-0-0 7-6-0 7-6-0 , _....__. 1s.o.0 7-&-0 " 1: ....f) -+.. ., 4x6 II c .16.Q.Q., . , 1..Q.O , Scale.. 1:$3.$ ....- -- . '..OO[TT /' /'" ~,;:, ~ M; ~ ~/ '~di~'/":'-'~- . ... " ~F 2><411 ~ ~, .~!"~~ ~5els l^' T J: 'lG:v-v-v.U-V-UJ .~._- S.1-a 10r7.7 o.:l~7 1s.o-o 4-4-9 SPACING 2-0-0 , P!ales,lncrease ,1;1 5, ~_ber,lncreas. 1.15 Rep Sltess Incr YES COd. , UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0.85 BC 0.42 WB 0.27 DEfL , In (Ioe)' Vdefl Vert(LL) .{).06 F-G, >999 Vert(TL) .{).12 F-G >999 HorzlTL) 0.01 ' F nla lsl LC LL Min Vde" = 360 LOADING (psO TCLL . 25.0 , TCDL . 7.0 BeLL 0,0 ~'[)L 10.0 . , ,__'...,_,.J._ .;~~'bRD 2 X 4 HFNo.2 _dT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4T HFSPF SludlSTD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheallted or 4-10.5 oe purtins. . Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oe bracing. REACTIONS (lb/me) B"556JO-6-8, 0=33910-5-8, Fa4841O-5-8 . , Max Horz B~27lload ease 3~ . Max UpllftBc.79 load case 5 , D:.8211oad case 5). F=-3.B(load ca.. 5) Max GravB=556~oad case ), D=339(load case 7), F=484(load case 1) FORCES (Ib)- First Loed Casa Only . TOP CHORD A-B=14, B-C"-442 C-o=27, D-E=14 , BOT CHORD B-G=392, F-G=30~1 D-F=-24 WEBS C-F=-499, C-G=13~ NOTES,'," 1) This truss has been ehecked for unbalanced loading eondlUons. , , , . 2) This truss has been designed lor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds et 25 It above ground level, using 7.0 psf top mord daad load and 8,0 psi bottom chord deed loed, 100 mllrom hurrlesne oceanllne, on an occupaney category I, condiUon I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97fANSJ95 If end verticals or cantilevers exls~ lItey are exposed to wind. If porches exlsl, they are exposed to wlnd. The lumber DOL Inaease Is 1.33, and lite plate grip lnaease1s 1.33 ' 3) Thla trUBS has been designed lor a 10.0 psi bottom ehOrd live load nonconcu1'nlnt with any other live loads per Tabla No, 16-B, UBC-97, . ' 4) Provide meehanlesl connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 79 Ib uplift at Joint B. 621b uplift aljolnl 0 and 38 Ib uplift a\lolnt F. 5) This truss has been designed wi1h ANSIITPII-I995 eriteria, , ,. .' LOAD CASE(S) Standard .__0- .____.... .... n__ ,.._.. PLATES MII20 GRIP 165/148 Weight 50 Ib ':,... WARNING - VERIFY DESiGN PARAMmRS AND READ ALl NenSON 11115 ANa TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEfORE 1m. ~vcldfouneCW(MlhMT8k __..___._ IhlldesO'l "bo3Itd_Cll"ttupon....-~. ... jl\o'ooflr, or.:Itsforan~blJlcIng __..........;fobe Instolldondbo:>>::! wrtIc:dly. AppCotlllyotdUon parc:motm;cnd prtIl* ~ .___~___.2not ccrnponenI b rl..... ._... ofbUldhg desIgncIf -nofiMsd8il1lfl1X. ~ 1how.'fI is for Iateraf ~Of~WIlbrnemberlOliy, .t.dcIliona1_~._...__-_. ~tolnsu'eslabllTy~consfrul:tbnblht~ponsI:lI9tycftheerector. Ado'lltoOOl....,.,., _ J . bttIdngofthe :werolmuct\hbftJe _ ",'. ~..', 0I1ho bIJIdngdealglet Foroenet'OlQUdOnce _~...__"... 'abllcatlon. ~cx:n'roL ctoroge. daBvtuy. 8Ulclklncn1 ~~~=~S=rc.DSB.aqBrac:rcrs,:.dll::cfIor\QndfG:91~ondIrr;1h:toShgond~ocrg,\.-:. ,....... c:YOlol:*lfrDrnllUSlPlatehs11lute. ~ theTRUSSco. Ir. :lUllmNGi 5UPPL1' me. SEP 01 2004 4:29PM HP LASERJET.3200 p.5 I ne I russ \,A)., ~ugene, v", tI t4tu"' ,r\Jss Type-- -- . i at)' -I prr~rrayaei\ (c..caaeA)(90I>4rSl>-_.- ROOF TRUSS 11 ,. .11 '. . --- -.,. '--.. 2"201 - 's"" ,,; " \optiOnal)~ ' . '..' . . . "t. f'\ IS NoQV ID .c:uV", MI.8k ncusm8S, Inc. rn i'\U!:, ~ I I loY.;"'''' "VIJ'. r-age 1 . JOe' - '}"tUs.- CASCAOEA 't>:J. .::..... '. 0,-1~. 1~ ...9-1. ....9-1 ,___:-L~.. :-'f--. .'D-2-'5_, . 2-&-15 2.a.,5. '5~ 4+, .'6~. ',~, Sc:IIe .1:35.9 .J/ . 4><4 = 6.00[W D /f ed~ .///- /' .~ ~v :_ C~ " ' '. - .~~.- ~B-@ II1I IJlL___JJJLt I ~ . MSH21l MSH21l NSH29 TH028 .X10~ J I 4x16 II 12x12 ':' ~ 1\ 4X10 ~ . ~ ~ 04x16 II THC2I 4.9-' ....g., .:f1al8UffSili ,^- f ,; Itj:~~,U-"'-VI. 1I..:v-.,)-~.\I--'-Ul LOADING (psfl TSPACING 2.0-0 , TCLL 25.0 I ~I"-~slncrease. 1.15 TCDl 7,0.1 ~\Jmberlnc"'ase' 1.15, BClL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO -.,~: .,_10:~._ l.. ~~e .UB<:g7/ANSrg5 '.j' BER ... , CHORD 2 X 4 HI' No.2 ~ CHORD 2X8DFSS WEBS 2 X 4 HF Slud 'Except" c-I 2X 4 HF ND,2. E-I 2 X 4 HF No.2 REACTIONS fib/size) B=:>411/0.s.a, F~1641l).5-8. Hc43461O-5-8 Max Horz B=-27(load case 3), ' Max UpllftF=-346(load case 8) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only . . TOP CHORO A-B=18, B-C"'3893. c.D~172!, D-E~1727. e'F=9.68, F-G=IB BOT CHORD BoJ=:>483, 10,1=3483. H-1=-858, t-H=-868 WEBS C-J=2328, C-I~2510. 0-1=1369, E-I=3122, e-H=-3421' , 'NOTES . . l' This tAl.. has been cheCked for unbalanced loading condttlons: ' 2j'Thla tAlSS has.beendeslgned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft abOve ground level, using 7,0 psI lop chord dead load andS.O psI, bottom chord dead Ioae. 100 ml from hurricane oeeanllne, on an ' ~ . occupancy C811190ry I, condition I enelosedbuilding, 01 dimensions 45ft by 24ft with exposure B ASCe 7-93 'S'Je- \ l; per UBC97/ANSI95II and verticals or cantilevers exis~ they are exposed to wind. If porches exIsl they are ~~ ~ ~ B.'PE~ exposed to wind; The lumber DOL Increase Is 1.33, and the plete glip increase is 1.33,. u. 3) This tAl.. has been deaig.ed for a 10,0 pslbollom chord live load nonconcurrent with eny other live. loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97, ' , . ' 4) Provide mechanical conneclion (by othars) 01 truss 10 baaring plate capable 01 withstanding :>481b uplift aljoint R . . , .. 5l This tAlSS has been designed with ANSVTPll-1995 Clfteria. . 6 Use USP MSH29 (WIth lOd nails Into Girder & NA9D nails Inlo Truss) or equlvalenlap_d at 2.0-0 DC max. starting al2.o-o from the left end to 5-11-0 to connect truss{es) C (1 ply 2 X 4 HF) to lront face 01 bottom chord. ' ' 7) Use USP THD2B (WIth,I6d neUs into Girder & NA9D nails Inlo'Truss) or equlvalentapaced at 2.0-0 oc max. starting at 7-11-0 from the left end to 9-11-010 connect tnJss(es) C (1 ply 2 X 4 HF) to front Iaca of bottom <:/;lord. . . .' , ' .. .1EJ;P1RIlS 12/31/OV 8) FIll all nail holas whare hanger is in contact with lumber.' . .AU Ii :I 1 LUU I &.Sli~6fQndard ' 7-8-0 ' .-+... 2-&-'5 '().3.olI 2-~ 15-0-0 4-6-12 CSI TC BC we 0.41 0,78 0.86 DEFL, . In (Ioc) Vden I. PLATES vert(LL\ .. -0.07. J >999,.' M1120'. Vert{TL -0.11 J >999 I ' . Horz(TL 0.01 H., nla 1st LC [l.. Min Vden = 360 . Weight 80lb ".. .__, __.,_..___...__.__L...._ ~__. . _ BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD GRIP ,185/148 ,Sheathed or 2-6-1 DC pUrilns. . . Rigid ceiling direetly applied or 6-0-0 DC bracing. ., .~ .~. iheu,;u"sco, . BUILDtNGi SUPPLY DIe. , WARNING - VIRIFY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND READ AU. NOTIS ON THIS AND 11lUSS DllAWlNG HOlES eEfORE USE. Desbn voIid 10' um orfvw11h tdlJeIc comedcn. -llDdeslon II basad ~ ~ partJl"IlGlmft:w.rn, and Is for cr. hdMc1Jcfb.Jldng ~rert to be Installed and loaded \/GrIcotIy. AppIcobltyotda~grH)(J'cmerfacaid~ ........_. ...._:. or __...........:' lsl8$pOllSlblltyot~.desIgnIr-.no1 tlus:Id~. Broct'Q nown i:lfarlaterol . Il.ppa1 of ~ web membell Ottf. ~ctcmIOnOl " i"., brc:lcIng to hstm stcbIlty tUInO ecnrtructlor b the ~Iy or t"" eredc:x. Addlt'ond pennonent blodr(J or lte 0YllIt1 _ b l1le IlllPCJ'OIbIIy oIll11l b<.Idf'Q _ fa _ gUconcv rvcaOOo lctxlcolklr\ """'IV cc:nlroL .10""'8, de8vorY. erwllon ald I:rr;x;;tlQ.. CClrlSU'I QS'J-88 QuamvSIanda'd. osa...e9 BrocIrQ SpecIIIcanon. and HIB-91 HerdIng mt~a.d Broc:k'g .,. ~.' ,:'.;,_", CHOloI:Ile fto'nTMlPbte tu1ttute. 5a3 O'Onoftlo om.. Modl5or\ WI Mn9, . SEP 01 2004 4:29PM HP LASERJET3200 p.6 ROOF TRUSS :\olIy t"lY nayoen \I.,,;sscaae ~ \tAJDlIJ ~o:) , , :1' 1 I !O[l!lonal1' , . 4$.:20"'" ~~r1.1 S NQY'.IO '('\olV\l1Yl11 eK noilstneS, Inc. t"n AUg ~1 11:;:S1:.s;:s 2UUl t'age ~ I ruas I ype ',JOO j "usa iCAS?AO,,^ jA2 I ne I NS& ""C?. eugene. U~ tl/lIU4:: ;!)~O eASElS) Standard' ' , ' , ':"'ilegular. Lumberlncrease=t15, Plale Increase=1.15 , :nifolT1\ Loads (pll) , , " J Vert A-O=:04.0, D-G=-64,0, B-H=-640.4, F-H~20.0 ,~ "f .' , I P<: "':" ,WARNING - VE1lIfY DESiGN PARAMETERS AND READ AU NOTES ON lHIS'AND T1MiS DRAWING NOlES SEf.ORE USE, Qeslon\Qldlct use c:ritwlthMflelt __...~_,~._-Tr1sdedgnts basad orti~potmI'I81en;1toM\ CI'ldIl fa anh:lvldualbulclna _M 0"" _...' 10 be hdolledCl"lClIoi:a::>>d ~. AppIcobIItvoldoGgn,_ ,.",,', .: ondproper " ~"._' ,.,,'. or _., .... 'Istcpc:nstblltyofblAl:lrgdDSIgn8l'~noIhuad4nlgnor. atocIrG shO'M'\lIfotlor.rol. lUPPortofh:M:ldwwbnmnblllSr=riy. J\dd1Ik)naI .' .".., bmChgtot'lUe.tCIb.ltydl.ri"lgc.otWtru:flonl:,tM~tyotfhe.reckx. Add\1\ongI,. ",.' . . bradr1ildlhe(."llWClttn.cfl.nQ1he . ",._ "..,jyofthebl.lGt"lgdoslgnet. for generclgudan:::e.u___..lal:n:atlcn QUCIltty control.ltolooe.~, If8dIoncnd b'ac:frG, conauIt QSl''& CLlCi:Ify stcndal'l:1 DSa.aO Bro::Ing Sp8d\kXJ1lcn. ald HB-91 tfclr'dnQ hstatrv end Broctlg Rec .' _ .. Dan o..'CIabIll rum TIUSS PkJtalnslftul8. S83D'Onofrioem..~WlW19. .A theTRUSSco. &aOUDINGi SUPPLY ENe:. SEP 01 2004 4:29PM HPLASERJET.3200 p.? Uly fo'ly 1 , oS'iJvu ";ascaoe"A"{ W I :ll~::> ~oo . IruSS II~'~~ CASiCADEA BGE ROOF TRUSS I ns I russ ....0.. eugene. UK III 4U:l 4,:lU1 {optlonaQ ::>K1.$ NOVIO.:lU\.J Mil" ,naUS'lnes. me. Mon UC'l "0 lo:1o:"IJ "UU:l t"age:.! .."1105 . " . }'rovlds mechanical connection (by others)of trUss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 4 Ib uplift at joint 8, 41b uplift at joint P, . c 41b uplift atjolntAB, 13 Ib uplift atjolntY. 131b uplift aljoint V and 41b uplift at joint S. 8). This tnJss has been designed with ANSlfTPl1-1995 criteria. ,.. LOAD CASE(SI Standard . .. .--., \ ) -- ",' WARNING. VERIFY WIQN PARAMElERS AND READ AU NOTES ON THIS AND TRUSS DIlAWINQ NOlES BEFORE USE, ' ~, DGgn yaJd for LM orly'tloflh ldTeIt ___, .~~.._ 1hIs deslO'l Is bmlid arty 4Xll'l...,. ,'." shoWl\ andbforalhcillldu:ll tuc:fnQeorrpor'\Inlio be llufollec" a'ld loaded verlleoly. ApplIc:QbQj1y ofdcaslgl. ..'.' "". CI'lc:I proper ncorporoflon of u__-.-____.J k relponll:::illly ofb..ting c:IesIcJMw. natlrUss deelgner. Bn:Jcng Ihownbror bterd support of h:I~cfl.JCII web mernb8.a G1Y. I\ddItIoncf te/T'lporOfy broek'lil to Inue atClblity dufhg ca1$tn.Ictlcn b the ~ 01 the erectot. AddItIoncll)ermCJ'\lnt. brochQ otthe OY8tOlIltrUotUrelsfhe "','._"" tyof1hebJldlno~. Forgenercl Ql.ldcnee regardlngfobrkx:dlor\qualltyconlraL 1lorcJQ8. DDftver\., .'eetbnond th blodll;J. eornurt QSr:&QJoltystondord. DS1H19StoehglSf..,._..........,..ordHB-91 Handing hStdIInganc BraoIro::-......." ~.,~~.._ovaIc:bIe fromll\.B!.P1alehstltute. e...I\."'~co. 683 O'OnolPc ~. Moc:hon. WI 537H. . . '.1UUDDtQ 1UPrt.! 1Ne. SEP 01 2004 4:29PM HP LASERJET ,3200 p.8 . , I :S~DE~ r ~'US'I ~~~FTR~SS Ine I ruBS \.to., eugene, UI'\ tJ/'+V.t \,/Iy "'y yaen l'-ascaaeflll.~uuJ JVV ! 10. 1), . , . japtiana.O .. .. , ~"'I tlIl.~,ht' 1~""V~V 1t'1I1Eb( nClUSI11e:;,III~ tvl;;!!.hlU,ll.,)IColt;);'ID"lJVl ! I o&t-"",VI I""sge 1 .Y ,.1-0.0, '1-G-O' 6-3-10 ~3-'D ,1~0, 3-6-6 , '3-8-8 3-8-i 20-G-0 S-3-10 jZl-G-O. . l-G-O ScaIo - 1;. .j , 4x4= D B J~V~= , I.OO['f2' . 3 H 3<10 = 10-G-0 1().().() 2O-G-O 10-G-0 LOADING (ps!) Tell 25.0 TCDl 7.0 . Bell 0.0 QCDl. 8.0 SPACING 2.0.0 Plaleslna-ease . ,1.15 Lumber Increese, ,1.15 Rap Stress,lncr' YES,: eoi:Ie ' UBC971ANSI9S' CSI TC, Be WB 0.41 0.98 0.31 DEFl in (lac) . Vdefl Vert(LL) -0.27, e.:.H:>878 Vert(TL), -0.49 '" B-H :>480., HarzCTtL 0.03 F . nla:' 111 lC !Kan' Vdefl =, 360 Weight 68 III BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-11-13 oc purfina. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiting directly applied or 9-1.14 oc bradng. PLAlES , MU20 . GRIP 185/148 .. 'liMBER 'CHORD 2X 4 HF No.2 '.Jr CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 FBS 2 X 4T HFSPF SludISTD REAClIONS Clbfiize) B=86cw-5-8, F=8601O-5-8 Max Horz B"-34(1oad case 3) . Max UpRflB=-13~(1Oad C88& S); F=-131Qoad case 5) . FORCES llb)- Plml Load c8se Only . , , TOP CHORD A-B=14, B-C=-1 102,0-0=-847, D-E=-847. E-F=-1102, F-G=14 BOT CHORD B-H=976, !'4i=976 ' . WEBS o-H=-282, D-H;,513, E-H=-282 .) NOlES 1) This truss has bean checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2i This truss has bean desIgned for tha wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 II above. ground level, using , 7.0 psftap chord dead load and,7.0 psi bottllm chord dead load, 100 ml from hurrlcane aceanllne,!tn an occupancy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 II by 24ft with expoaure B ""CE 7-93 perUBC97/ANSl95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, lhey am .xposed 10 wind, If porches exist. they are exposed 10 wind, The lumber DOL Incresse Is 1.33, end the plale grip increese is 1.33 . 3) This Wss has been daslgned for el0.0 psfbotlom chord live, load nonconculTent with any othar Ilva loads per Table No. 16-B, UB0-97, . ' .. 4) Provide mechanical connectlon,(by othars) of truss 10 bear1ng plate capable of withstanding 1311b uplIft alJolnt Band 1311b uplift allolnl F. .. . 5) This Was has been designed with ANSIITPII-1995 criler1a. ' LOAD CASEIS) Standsrd ~. ~. It / ...i .. J WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PAllAMElERS AND ~'AlL NOlES ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWiNG NOlES BEFORe USE: - DeslgnVQ1d ft'f "" r,dfwtlh Jmekcomedm. TN& dBdEJ'I b basedatyupon .._............lL"'IOWn. ondb tOl CI'lTlCt.tiJd' b~ _....W'....M~to be k'IStaIed' ondlOOded wrtIcoIIy. AppIc:c::ij'ityofds8gn......" .' Cl"ldptOPtllIncClPQrCflonolc;otJ'4)of\Dnfb",lPONbIIyolb.tlclngdMlgnlr-l'lOItl'URdeUglMll'. 8Iacng~tlbrlohMd IUppOl1 of lndMctuol wob members orIy, AddltIonCd ttmporay bra~ tolNur. dablhydurro c:onswctlonls tne 'e4)onsb!L1y or tM erecnx Add/llQna1... w,.. . trClChg O'lheoverallb'uCfUre b1tle .....,..~.,__" 011t'e bIJICInQ~. For generdi guldence mgardb'lglobrlcanc:n. QldtycontroL dorage.. Ol!lIWry. ereett::ncn::l b'o:::t"lg.-cc:nstJ1 QST-88 QualIty SknCICI'd. DS8-B9S1Oct1g ~lJcoIlon, cn:I H1B-91 Kardhg Nfalhg and Brodng ~lIrdalO'\.avalabIe rrorn Jnm Plate InstDute, WO'Onofllo~Mod!Icn.W1M119. . ~. theTRUSSco. . znm.mKGi SUPP10Y Dt<:. SEP 01 2004 4:29PM . HP LASERJET, 3200 p.9 JOO , INSS aNSS Iype ROOF TRUSS Ql)I~~ p~ .,ayden t:ascade"A"\ !l912)::;::; 1 1 _' (op.tionaO .,.." S NOV lb LUUU Ml,eK mou_-mes, mc. Mon VCI LD l:>;'I:>:l~ LUUL ..ege 1 CA~CADEA BGE I ne INSS v I" c:ugene, VI'( IIf4UL 4.LUl r1-o-o, '14(1 6'3-10 6'3-10 10-0;0 3-&-6 13-&-6 ~ 21).().O 6-3-10 ~'4(1 , 14(1 Saale. 1:45. w= j H 6.00[12' ~ F'i\// ME~' ,I.. C Dr" I.: (i- ~.~~; >--<-L, v ...=~L- ,.jj'M 1 I ^. .- . 11).().O 104(1 p '.. ~ 8 '8 Ii J k 21).().O 10-0.0 LOADING (psl) TCll 25;0 TCDl 8.0 BCll 0.0 BCOL 7.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 . CSI TC 0.08 . BC . 0.04 , WB 0,04 , (Matrix) DEFL In Ooc) Udell Vert(LL) nta - . nta Vert(TL) 0.00 A >999 Horz(TL) 0.00 P nta 1 st LC LL Min Vdefl = 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148 Weight 91 Ib LUMBER 'l:OP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 . "'f'T CHORD 2 X'4 HF NO,2 HERS 2 X 4 HF Stud .' REACTIONS Oblslze) 8=185120-0-0, P=185t20..o-o; AC=1 89120-0-0, AB=74120-0-0, AA=113120-0-0, . Z=108120-0-0, Y=70120-o-o, X=126120-0-0, W=126120..o-o, V=70120-0-0, U=106l20-0-0, T=11312O-O-0, S=74/20-0-0, R=189120-0-0 Max Horz B=-340oad case 3) , , . .Max UpllftB=-4{load case 5), P=-4(load case 5),AB=-4(load case 5), Y"-1300ad case 5), . V=-13(load case 3), S=-4{load case 3) Max GravB=185(load case iI, P=185(load case 1), AC=189(load case e), AB=74(load case e), AA=113(Joad case 1); Z=109(IOad case 6), Y=7500ad case 61' X=126(load case 1), W=126(road case 1), V=75(1oad case 7), U=109( oed case 7),T=1130oad case 1), S=740oad case '7), R=1S900ad case 7). . FORCES (lb) .. First Load Case Only . .... TOP CHORO A.B=28, B-C=-74; c,o=-61, D-E=-51, E-F=-53, F-G=-53, G-H=-41, H-I=-50, I-J=-50, . J.K=-41, K.L=-53; LoM=-53, M-N=-51 , N-O=-61, O-P=-74, P..Q=28 BOT CHORD B-AC=29, AB-AC=29, AA-A8=29, Z-AA=29, Y-Z=29, X-Y=29, W-X=29, V-W=29, U-V=29, T-U=29, S-T=29, R-S=29, P-R=29 . . WEBS C-AC=-149, D-AB=-55, E-AA=-93, F-Z=-89, G-Y=-51, H-X=-99, J-W=-99, K-V=-51, L-lJ=-89, M-T=-93,~5, O-R"-149 .. BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheathed, :-', Rigid ceDing directly aPPlied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES. . 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. . 2) TNSs designed for wind loads In lhe plane ollhe truss only. For studs exposed \0 wind (nonnalto lhe race), see MiTek 'Standard Gable End Detail' ,. 3 All plates are 2x4 MU20 unless otherwise Indicated. 4 Gable requires continuous botl9m chord bearing. 5 Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. .. e ThIs truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wI1h any olher live loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. " . . -"IOUnued on page'2 " , " '>, I EXPIRES: 12131/02! OCT 3 0 2002 . WARNING - VERIFY Dal~ PARAMETERS AND READ All Nom ON THIS AND TRIlS$ DRAWlN\; Nom BEFORE USE, Lf1' . ' ~vdid'Of!,8 cnywUh Mr. oOn-.ctOft,. tliadelg,1I based orIy~... '. .' _ ' Ihowf\. ond II toralh:lvlduol b.k.Iing c~ to bo~aIeci crdlooded wrtIc:oty: AppIcabIIIty 01 de&lgn ."' .. ," ,_, crdproporh:orporatlcn af... ,... . - II responsUfyol DAdng desOw .nothua~r. 8rt:K:tng VOwm If,fof t:Jtercf ~lXK1 at hcM:IJOIweb mtmberl aw:. AddItkrd f8mporarybroc::lrg to Wu/1l stobllty c:iItlQ eorstnJcl1onb the rmpcnslbllty o11l8 ef8C10l. Addltlonol ~ ,~_. .. ,-..1 . blOCt'G oft". <W:l!dI_ k tho IOlIli>NtlItty Dltho titi1g _, For """"",I g.-.a:o '00_ fobclcxJ!O<\ Q\.tlIlvco_ ""'- _IllY. ...dkJ1l>1d the............co. btoeng. ~ QST-aa Q."aBy Stcrdc:r'd. OSB-a9 Bsachg ~-_._........ ~ and HB-91 Hcnclt'lg hstd:lng and a-odrlQ Recommendc2lbn CIVl:iictJIQ from Tl\Q Plate hstItuht ,"' A'" ~ . mD'OnOttODM.Moc:IIon.W\61719. . . - , 6IMLDDfGIUPl'LT!HC. SEP 01 2004 4:30PM HP LASERJET.3200 p.l0 JOD I NSS I rvss I ype FI~K ~[Y ....Iy Mayaen I,;ascaae'~'\ 1 U 1 ~:tl~~ CASCADEA C 17 1 Ine I russ l.O., eugene, v~ ij/4U:t ( Dptlonal) 4.:tV1 ;'1'\1 S NOV 1l> :tUUV Mil eK InOUStnes, mc, /"n Jan 11 11:1 \I::t~ :tUU~ l'age 1 p .HHl 1-0.4 .6-11).16 8.10-15 ,~ &01-1 23-,., 8-1-' 3~ 6-10-15 Sca..1:88. .1l4= o ~B ~= 1.001"12' ~ ,.: .... ~ I 3x4= H G 3xS=!,1c.4= 10-2.3 1(1..203 I"'late vnsetS (~, T): ''':U-U-'',u-u-:tJ, 1/":U'U-1"'.U~:tJ 19-9-'3 ,9-7-11 3().().() 10-2-3 LOADING (psI) TCLL 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 R.ep Stress Ina YES Code UBC97/ANSI9S CSI TC 0,67 . BC 0.69 we 0.38 (Matrix) DEFL In (Ioc) Vdefl Vert(lL) 0.30 F-G >999 Vert(TL) -0.47 F-G >748 Ho~nL)- 0.08 F roa 1st LC LL Min-Vden" 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/,148 Weight: 1 07 Ib -~BER , - "'i~ CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 .. JT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4T HFSPF StudISTD BRACING TOP CHORD Shea1hed.,.. ',- . ........, BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dlrecUy applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (Iblslze) F= 118010-&-8, B= 126410-5-!l Max Horz B=63(1oad case 4) . . ' . Max UplifIF....159(1oad case 5), B=-186(load case 5) FORCES (Ibl~ Arst Load Case Only TOP CHO~O A-B>=28, 1l-C=-2113, C-O=-1797, O-E=-1803, E-F=-2121 BOT CHORD 8-1=1818,1-1-1=1201, G-H=1201, F-G=1827 . WEBS. C-1=-452, 0-1=559, O-G=568, E-G=-457 NOTES l' This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. . . 2l This truss has .been designed fQr the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 7.0 psftop chord dead load 'and 7.0 psf bottom chord daad load,10D mifrom hurricane oceanltne, on en ocCupancy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dlmensiQns 45 ft by 24 It. with . exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC971ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are exposed to wind, The lumber DOL Increase Is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase is 1.33 - . 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wfth any other live loaels per Teble No, 18-B, UBC-97. _ . 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) oflruss to bearing plate capable of withstanding l591b . . 'uplift at Joint F and 186 Ib uplift a1 Joint B, " 5) This truss has been designed with ANSVTP11-1995 criteria. ' LOAD CASE(S) Standard I ~' (EXPIRES 12/31//")" I I JAN 1 7 2003 .- ". . ,-t:~N::::::'.:.~~~N~~~=:':~~.ON~~~~~~==~~~'~\b''-'cmkxx8j ~.' ...mCClly. AppIe:c::iItyoldeslgnptJl'aMftl1 and proper ~..~..... _ on of ............. ....... l! rec;x::td:lIIItvolbuldt'odagner-nottn..l:s oestono~ 8ra'C:hg R:lwnla forkJteral . tuI:PCft ollndlvldur;1 web membeU 0fIIy. Addlllonal tempotO')l bfoeItg to hsure dQbDly dur1ng constNdlon lithe telPOt'dlblltyd me erector. Addtl::n:JI . . ,,,'". .,_~ tlrocfng d the O'.lefClIINe'I1n b tht ~ty oIlhel::MAdtlQ dMIgnl/. Fer g&'1Cnol guidance "gardng fablk:alll:n qJOIty contrtll. stoc'ogQ. dI;JD.owy. eredIon en:! ~~ gsr-8aQu:lhySlor'''.cLCISHIl''_g ""'dIlcolloncm """1_""""'""....., _RI._ ,''''''___lMsPlale........ theU"U~CO. ...... ...,!/Il,Madlscn.W1M'1IQ. . '1WJ)DllI1UPPLJ'lKC. SEP 01 2004 4:30PM HP LRSERJET 3200 p.11 .00 Iruss I ru5S I ype W'CY. rry nBYoen \.oSscaoe M. \IUUOJ,:)'" CAS~EA CF FINK 5 1 Job Reference (optional) . ~.vw & reo 0 ":::W;) I'tIJ I e~ IIlCUllne&. 1Oe. "wed I'ilSY ur 'V:~:II "w,) rZlge 1 I ne I niSI \.#0., ~umner YVI\ I cugen'e ute. j} ,1.G-O 1.~ 6-l0.15 6-10.15 15-0-0 6-1.1 23-1.1 6-1.1 '0.0.0' 1-10.15 ' . "ICe = SGIIe . 1:S8,e 4 ~ ~ ~ . ~ 6.00["1%' 2x4 ~ ~ ~,/ . ~ ~II ' ~J=I' , 7-6<1 . YnO . ", It.; /10 --I ..... tt~ ,,"'...= """..= e ' 7 aleS =- SX4 = 5lC5= 11 .>14= ft\.,.., 1~-3 ....lal8 UtTBe\s t~. T J: Ft:U-;'::-4.\Hh,::J. Lb:U.;.!..q,U-U-;tj ,O.g." 0.7-8 .0.0.0 1o.!l-3 LOADING (paO TCLL 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDl 7.0 SpACING 2.0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 lumber InClllllse US ~ep Stress Inor NO "COde. UBC97/ANSI9S CSI -- '~L ' in ODe 1') Udefl TC 0.78 . Ver1(LL) 0,44 9- 0 >815 BC 0.87 ; Ver1(Tl) -0.70 9-10 >505 WB 0.54 I HOIZ(TLl 0.09 6r1e ,(Matrix) lIst Lt: Ll Mln Vden, = 360 ' PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148 Weight'1161b " . iBER. :,;,. -CHORD 2X4 HFNo,2 . . T CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 ... BS, 2 X 4 HFSPF Stud/SID BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD ,Sheathed~ ' , . Rigid ceDing dlrecUy apphed or 104-0 DC bracing. Except: , Row at midpt 9-10 REAcnONS 11bleize) 6a1Z76f0.6-8,2=1360J0..5..8. M8Il Horz2=63(load case 4) , Max .uilfift6=-I83(load case 5), 2=:-210(1000 case 5) FORCES (Ib). FUIlllDed Case Only . . TOP CHORD 1-2=28 2-3=-2319,3--\=-2004,4-5=-2010..5-6=-2327 . BOT CHORD 2-11=2bol, 8-11=1401, 7-8=1401,8-7=2010,,9-1[):.77. . WEBS . 3-11=-<147,10,.11=548,4-10=670,4-9=680.7-9=558,5-7=-452 . NOTES ' . . 11 Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for thIS design. ' :2 ThIS Iruaa hae been dasigned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winda al 25 ft ebove ground level. using 7.0 psf top chord dead loed and 7.0 psf bOtlDm chord dead load; 100 ml from hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy oa1e~ory ~ condition I enclosed build~, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with exposure BASCE 7-113 per UBC97/ANSl95 IT end verticals or cantilevers BXia~ they are axposed to wind: If porches exist, they ere ' ~ed to wind; The lumber DOL Increaae I. 1.33, and the plata grip increase is 1.33 . 3) This truss has been designed for a 10,0 psfbollom chord 6ve load nonconcurrent with eny other live ....da per , Table No, 18-B, UIIC-97, ' , , 4) Provide mechanical connection (by olhelll) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 183 Ib uplift et Joint' 6 and 210 Ib uplift alJoInt 2.' " ' LOAD CASEIS) Standard ' 1) Regular. Lumbar Incre880=1.15, Plate Inoreese=1.15 UnllOrm Loads (PI!) . Vert 2~14,O. 1-4~.O, 4-6=~.O, 9-10=-24,0 '~0A1t:12'31'()4.1 MAY 0 7 2003 :' ,WARNiNG - VBlIFY DESIGN PARAMmRs'AND READ All. Nom; ON THIS AND t1!USS DRAWING Nom; BEFORE usE. DeSon w:6::J fat use Cll'iywtlh Mrrek .~__ ,~'""..._ hdMglbbcls8d_onv LPJI'l....-.'" _h ..It'own andbtcrcnhdMr:iJd bUlcrng..~....w.,_,:1tI be hstoted CJ'\dboded vertlcdlV. ~''''''~..''C OfClNll;ruxucrnet.rsorv::lproper _ W'I'. _.bnor~ntls ,...,.. ,....."JyOftu~dlnlgnef.notfn.lssdGsIgnGr. Broci1glhownlsfor lateral Il..;:cxrfOf~Mbrnomb.lScny. AddltIonoI.-.. ... ." bo::ilgtoW'llUfestQb.1tyd~ecnstNetlcnbthe...,...,.~__:,,:o'tt-eerectar. Add'dionaIperrtla"lent' bracIro of the l:MIrdIttructuv b lhe "-.'t"., ....~I", or the b~~ designer. Forgen&fClguIclor'll::8 ~gordlrOftt:tIeotJc:l\ 0JQ1ty a:ntrcI. storage. del1wrr, .,.c:11ron CJ'ld . trocIrG conslAt QST.a8 QJoIItv stcndord. OSN~ 8rocIng Specmcctb\. and HB-911ic1'd"O lnstan'o and BrocIno ReCXll1Tll8lldatlon avQIabkt tern TMS Plate mtIluIe. 6MD'OnohIo~Modbon.'M53719.' . . . . . , .&1.. theTRUSSco. .. IIC1UtDIQ IUPPLY me. SEP 01 2004 4~30PM HP LASERJET .3200 p_12 C~CADEA C1 rrUsSType-- FI~K - Joo nuss -- my PlY" ~n cascaae~A"(10132)SS 2 1 ..(opUonal) "'t'l.l s ""OV'l> "IIU\1lVlIl e~ rnou~mes, ,ne. ..n ~an '1/ '11:">1:'<'" ~w.. ...age, , I ne HUSS YO" eugene, u~ l:II4~~ , .4.;tU' ''I. J "oO-f 140 , 6-10-15 6-10-1S llH).D '5.1.1 23-101 6-1.' 30-0.4 - &-1D-15 3~40 140 Sr:ale. 1:69. .....= D i1 ~ J 3X4-:: , H 3xli=3lo4= . ,C).U 19-&-13 lC).2.3 9-7.9 ...,ale unsets I^- T): Its:U-U-';t,U-U-"I, 1t::U-U-U,U-UoUl, Ir-:U-U-',,,.U-V-;t, 30-0.4 11>-2-3 LOAOING (psI) TCll . 25.0 TCDL e:o BCll 0.0 BCDL 7.0 . SPACING 2-0-0 Plales Increase 1.15 I,umber Increase 1.15 !!tep Stress Incr YES , Code . UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0.67 BC 0,67 we . 0.35 (Matrix) OEFL In . (Ioe) Vdeft Vert(ll) 0.29 B.J. >999 Vert(Tl) -0.47 B.J >707 HorzCTL) 0.08 ' F nla 1st LC LL Mln UcIefI= 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851148 Weight: 1081b . --: ~IMBER "J'P CHORD 2 X4 HF No.2 T CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2' WEBS 2 X 4T HFSPF SludISTD REACTIONS (Iblslze) F"1263/0-5-8, B=1263fD.5-8 . . Max Horz B=-50(loed case 3) . Max UpllltF=-185Qoad case 5), B=-185Qoad case 5) FORCES lIb)- First Load Case Only' . ,. '. TOP CHORD A-B=28, B-C=-2110, 0-0=-1793, D-E=-1793, E.F=-2110, F-G=28 BOT CHORD B-J=1815,1-J=1197, H-I=1197,F-H=1815 WEBS c-J=-451 , 0.J=559, D-H=559, E-H=-451 BRACING , TOP CHORD Sheathed'. I ~I' "'1' 'v. BOT CHORD Rigid calling dlrecUy applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES 1) This tl1JSS has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. ' 2) This tl1JSS has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 It above ground level, using 7.0 psftop chord dead loed and 7.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hunicane . oceanline, on ari occupancy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with , . exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to . wind, If porches exist, they are exposed 10 wind. The lumber DOL Increase Is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase Is 1.33 ' , , . 3) This Inlss has been designed for a 10.0 pSt bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 1&-B,UBC-97. ' . 4) Provide mechanical connectlon (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1851b uplift et Joint F and 185 Ib uplift at ,oint B, . ' . . . 5) This Inlss has been designed with ANS1fTP11-1995 CIileria. . . LOAD CASE(S) Standard -~~ ".r" Ll1. theTRUSSco. .. IDILDDfG IUPPLT JNC. ,. . WARNING -,\IB!IFY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND I!EAIl Au NOTES ON IHlSAND!RUSS DRA~(; NOlD BEFllllE USE. Dellgnvald tel UIe Orlt wtItl MlTik... . __..... lhII deslgntllXAd cnyupon pcrantfBn mewn. crdb for en..-dvtct.ral bJIdrQ ~ 10 be tlStaled alCIlooded wrtk::aly. ~ofdestln ..' .'_ _'"' , cndPl'OPflJInc-.._-::_.of.. ~. .' "0 ...._. .:.",-.-, oIblA::IInQd8SIgler.not lrWdHQnlIr. &odrolhO>.Obfcrbt8ral". NPPOrtoflndMctuoI'Wtb~O"Iy. AdcIUDnalt.~~tolns\nltoblltydurt'lgconstruellot'lbthe '......._','-.ydllle.octOL /tdr$llord,., ',,,,, brochgOflhe~roIltructtJNllfhII _.... .... . yoflheb.J1d!ngdeItgner. FOlgenero'OW~~._....."... CfoIOlItycortroLstorooe,delIYtty.eredlOflond btcdng. CClI'\SlJt QST-88Quo1lySlCnC!ord,. DSB-I9 Broci1g ......__.._..~..\, md 1f8.91 HondDng hItcIInoCJnd rrocng ." n',,_ "_~.:,",, 0't'C0:tlI. fIOm TMlRat8lrdute. 6a3 D'OncitIo ~ MadIson. W16:!119. . . SEP 01 2004 4:31PM HP LASERJET,3200 p.13 CASCADEA CGE FINK Qly 'Plr- "Hayoen lJascaoe"A"( 991;l)~ J2 (optional) 4.;lUl ::iKl,S NOV lD ;lUW MlleK mausUles, me. MOO VOI;ltl H,:lD:1D LUU;l t'age 1 . '."'OD' , INSS . ,russ 'ype 'ne I NSS I;a., eugene, UK 974U;l (. -lo().ll 140 lS-0.o 15'0-0 30-(1.0 15-(1.0 Scale. 1:t8. " ~ ~ w= II , K ~N 0 8M 1&" O,C. From Left To Right S-OO[1T ~ ~ '~ '?0" -:- a, FMP';<;/ 4~' 'NO' '~~ "( J '0 ,. T . Q C ' o II"' l "I Ii' R, Ss t u F, ~ 'I ~.~ ilL ~~~C>~W ~ AQ AI' N;) AN AM N- AI< AJ AlAH AG MAENJ AC AS M Z Y x ~ ~ 'w~ . >>O-D 3O-Cl.o lOl>.DING (psl) SPACING, 2-0-0 eSI DEFl In (Iao) IIdell PLATES GRIP TCll 25.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.13 ~:lia nla - nla MII20 1851148 TCDl 8.0 lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0,08 0.00 A >999 BClL 0.0 RepStress Inor YES WB 0,11 Horz(11.) 0.00 W nla BCOl 7,0 code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) 1 sl lC lL Min IIden = 360 Weight 167 Ib '. . LUMBER """'lp CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 " "jH'T CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 , ERS 2X4HFSlud ~ . . REACTIONS (lblslze) 8=182130-0.0, AE=8130-0.0, W=121/30-O-0, fl,Q=189/3D-0.O, AP=74f3D-0-O, , A0=114/30-0-0, AN=105f30-0-0, AM=107/30-D-O, Al=107f30-0-0, AK=108l30-0-0. AJ=104f30-O-O, AI=59/30-0-0, AH=117f30-0-0, AG=138f3O-0-0, " AF=84f30-0-0, AD=104I3O-O-O, AC~107f30-O-0, AB=107/30-0.0, AAa103l30-0-0, Z=124/30-0-0, Y=27f30-0-0; X=2n/3D-O-O, ' Max HOIZ B=63(load case 4) , Max UplillAP=-4(load case 4), AJ=-2(load case 5), AI=-14(load case 5), AF=-17(loed case ~ Or 5). r, Max GtavB=182(load case 1), AE=19(load case 2), W=121(laad case 1), AQ=189(load -s::'" G NI: case 6), AP=74(load case 6). AO=114(load case 1), AN=105(load case 1), ~ AM=107(load case 6), A1.=107(load case 1), AK=108(load case 1), AJ=106(loed I E case 6), A1=62(load case 61, AH=117(load case 11, AG=138(loed case 1), AF=88(load case 7), AD=104(load case 7), AC=107(load case 1), AB=107(load i case 7), AA=103(load case 1), Z=124(load case 1), Y=27(load case 7), .\ 6J X=277(loacl case 7) ~ ~B ~g~~~so~6 - r~:~~a:_g~9~~b"_56, D-E=-46, E-F=-47, F-G=-47, G-H=-47, H-I=-47, 1-J=-48, 1; ( PO~~"" . J-K=-46. K-l=-32, l-M=-56, M-N=-56, N-0=-42, O-P=-47. P-Q--47. Q-R=-47, R-S=-47. . S-TD-48, T-U=-40, U-V=-66. V-W=-74 ' . J BOT CHORD B-AC=25, AP-AQ=25, AO-AP=25, AN-AO=25, AM-AN=25, AL-AM=25, AK-AL=25, ,EXPIRES: 12/31/02 . AJ-AK=25, A1.AJ=25, AH-AI=25, AG-AH=25, AF-AG=25, AE-AF=25, AD-AE=25, A~D=25,AB-AC=25,AA-AB=25,Z~=25,Y-Z=25,X.Y=25,W-X=25 , C-AQ=-149, D-AP=-65, E-AO=-92, F-AN=-87, G-AM=-88, H-Al=-88, I-AK=-69, J-AJ=-84, . K-A1=-56, L-AH=-88, N-AG=-11 O. O-AF=-76, P-AD=-88, Q-AC=-8B, R-AB=-88. S-AA=-87, T-Z=-97, U-Y=-37, v-x.;. 204 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheathed if U i '5, II' "., . Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1 D-O-o OC breclng. WEBS. ocr 3 0 2002 , 'ntlnue'd ,on page 2 ~ I , WARNING. VERIFY DES'~ PAAAMEI'ERS AND READ AlL HOlliS ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING Nom BEFORE USE. 0UV'I1IGI\d foI....on~wth LfT_eonnlIiotCltft. ThkdMlgnklxmd onIyu;al~fv"~ 0'Id1s form ncMduolbJlIdIng ..........,...... lobe .,:.dttBdcnd' IoodDd wrtIcaIy. Ap::Jliooblltyofdollg'l,..,. ".,_" D"ldPi'opoI_,_......_".:."orc;::ompol'Bltllrespc:n!blltyof~dBmgner.notlMsde3lii.Jler. BracIrQrlCTNnIJ Iorlotercl . 'L4'POO OIIncMdualwebmembellorly. Addlllor.al., "r--'., brOChg IOr'IS~ sfobllltyduTIrG eonstruc1JonIs ~respalSIbllilyof1he 'tecla. Addllonal permanent' tm::lnQ Of1he overol structLJe Is tne Je:S!:onslblty offhe b.Adng dtS\Ylll. For a&nerd guidance rea:xdlnc tctxJcoflon ~ conlrol.lto(()DQ. d91var\~ 9f9ctlon and th ' .. blacInQ.oorw.ItQST:8SQualltySlancOrd. 0S8-&911rochg Spec::1Icot\on, c::ndHl8-91 HClt'Idllnghstollngana~ Rl..._._, ~..":~::.::navoaable from'JrussplcrlelNtlMa.' e"-';Vi:h1Ico. S63 D'ClnofrIo DIM. ModlsDn.1NI ~719, .. Bw.DUfG CtJPPt.T INC, "'~' SEP 012004 4:31PM .HP LASERJET.3200 p.14 .100 ' INSS ,russ I ype -~ - -Ufy Ply Mayoen ",ascaae-"q Ill:l1~)::;::; 12 1 . ""'1 S NOV "0 Lwv.....I'eK ,"au6~~~~~ IVIOn VCI.<.O "'0:'0:'" i!UUi! ....age~ CASCADEA CGE FINK , I ne 'NSS '" l., l:ugene, UK 1l/4\l," "..<.U", . ~TES .' . . ". '.' '.' . j'riils truSS has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. .: .'" . ..j Truss designed for wind loads In the plane of the truss only. ,For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see MiTek "standard Gable End Detail' "' , 3 . All plates are 2x4 MII20 unless otherwISe Indicated. 4 Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. S Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 6 .This 1I\Iss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads per Table No. 16-B, UBC-97. " . 7) Provlde mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 4 Ib uplift at )oInt AP. 2 Ib uplift at joint AJ, 14 Ib uplift at joint AI and 17 lb uprlfl at joint AF, , 8) This truss has been designed wlthANSIITP11-1995 crUer1a, " LOAD CASE(S) Standard . ' '. ~) / .: .1 WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND IIfAD .w. NOlES ON THIS AND muss DRAWING NOlES BUORE USS. ~ . '-DeCgnVOldfor ~crif 'dhMTek~_ .. ~.._:_ lNIdI:IQ'lkl::lC.d orly\.pcxl,... "" Ihown cJ.dbforc., rdAducil bUlc:ing __....._.._..;tobe nstoledcndloaded WlrfIcaIy, "'" 'no", atd$algnpczanel..cndPfOF*.:__...._-::onot .... ,.. "_', b~ofbJlclngdeslgner.rDt InJadeIIgW. B'odr-gshoWnbfDIk:rten:ll _.o1...."'.LaJ__"onv.'_IIcnc:j,..,.,....,""'ct"Clto......ot>l"'.u""'conOnJe1lOn......~_,_,]yo1....orocllX. ^""Ilcnal.". ,,_' , . btocW'lg ot1he overoIllructure Is the ~ or ttw .t:r.Alctrg.des9'*'. Fol o<<Wd guldcnc:. I.O~ fClbrkcDOl'\ ~ty conllo~ cfttcge, deIvery. eracllon end th CO bI'Omg. eOl"'llllt ar:oe QuOIlly6la'ldOl'd. DSH9 ~ Speet\catlol'l. end Hl&-91 Hordllng lnstdrng and 1lr.J:ir'Q".. __, _,:..;. ~ from lna Plato Instltutu. e I.AU~ . SB3D'Onof1to Dct.te. Madbon,. WI MJ19. . Btm.DDfQSDPPLY me. SEP 01 20b4 4:20PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.16 ", JOD l'Truss I CAS.cADEC i BDM , , I ns I russ-cJ:: eugene, UI'\ l:lI ',4UL TNSS Type BOSTON HIP '~--~._. ':-.~-- . If.20T. fU!.y1PTy-' -l1ayeen l~scaile"t.'rol06'lrss-- .-.. ,-- ,. " : I 1 . 11 . ! t . looliona'l' ., ., J SRTimv)o '-:':vuJ MlleK. nC'lusmes. me. ,.0 i'\ug,) I I j.~ 1..:ro'2OOl" ...age"" '~ ~.__.~.- ._.~q_.. 1-ll-ll lQ.O.O +. _ ,__u..uu__. 2~ 1~ _c~!1:!l 1-0-0 SCale-1:47.1 4x5. . Q, 2M ,I 2x4 II /-,"- H 6.00[lZ" c...-:;::/' '" ~ /t ;',. Na'ocI 4x8= I ~ . 4:(8- 3 ~1ilt6 11 ~~", ~("I ~G-lJ- · ( ~~.'r?'.' ~~~~ !~~a'/. ---?;:JI~_._ 1~J". I nr . 1111 ....JJ..l.L-. ':~~.1L.l__._...Jl" Nallod Naled Nded NaIIecI Nall!!ld 5icl5 ~ 0 ' N 2lo4 II .xlI , Haled Nilled K ~, f . L~ , ---n NolIod M 2X4 II N.Hod '1~ 1~ t"'mle unse~ l^J,!': JD:U-.!-C,V--V-LJ. l~:v-4-1.U-l~1?1.~~:!.:.15JJd.~~~-E~~ _ _._ :; .-. .'. -'--'---. --- ...--------.-..... .~ LOADING (psI) I SPACING 2~ CSI DEFL. In (Ioe) Vdeft TCLl 25.0 ' Plateslnaea... 1.15 TC 0.98 Vert(LL) -0.15 Jog) >999 TCOL B.O Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.99 Vert(TL) -0.24 N-O >989 nr:LL 0.0 I Rep Slresslner NO , WB 0.50 HOIZ(Tl) 0.07 K. nla "\'k~ER7,O..! ~.d~. UBC971ANSI95,.,:. .(~Irix) .. ~~:~GMinlldefl~_~~.. _. .n> .~~1~~31b ...Jp CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-6-0 oc.purlins. Except BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 2 Rows at 1/3 pts . G-J WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF Slud/STD BOT CHORD Rigid ceBing direc1ly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2 X 4 HFSPF Slud/STD f--...- .1 . 2o-~ 1~ _._-~ ._-~_.... ....----.-...... ...-. ----.-.-..... PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851148 REACTIONS (Ib/size) B=1372i0-5-8, K=137210-5-3 , Max Harz B=35(1oad case 4) Max Up11flB=-161 (load case 5), K=-16t(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only > . TOP CHORCl A-B=29, B-C=-2503, C-D=-1317, D-G=-1246, G-H=-1246. H.J=-1317, J-K=-2503. K-L=29. C-E~O, E-F~O, 1'-'1"-840, I.J=-840 . E!OT CHORD 8-0=2150, N-O=2130, M-N=2130, K-M:2150 . . WEBS C:-O=273, J-M=273, F-G=B39, H-I=-91 , D-E=-91, G-N=-164. F-N=650. J-N....I64 NOTES 1) this tN66 has. been cheCl<ed for unbalanced loading conditions. , ~ 2) this truss has been designed for the wind loads se. nerated by 80 mph winds .125 ft above ground level, using ." ~\\ P ROFfJJ 8.0 psftop chord dead load and 7,0 psf bottom chord dead load. 100mi from humcane ocear.line. on an -<. '," .. occupanc~ cateHo~ I, condition I enclosed buDding, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft wtth exposure B ASCE 7.93 Wt~ I €~ ~ ~~~~~~':o/~~~. 9 n:~ t~b:~~t rri;:~:r:~3e:,t"~~~~ ~\:t:xc~;~:~:Is ~~~rches exlsl, they are ? 22PI' .,y 3l Provide edequate'dralnege to prevenl water pondlng, ., , ~ ' 4 this truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord lIye load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads per .. ' . ' Table No, 16-B, UBG-97. .. ' 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to beartng plate capable of withstanding 1611b uplift aljolnl ~ 6J . Bend 1611b uplillaljoirit K ., . ,. 6j Thls truss has been designed with ANSIlrPII-1995 criterta. ' 7 Design assumes 4x2lftel orientation) purllns at oc speclng indicated, fastened to truss TC w/2-tOcl nalls, . r .. "v 8 "Nalled"lndlcatas3-10clor2-12dcommonwiraloe-nells, ., . "t.. PO\JII~ LOAD CASE(S) Standard . II.UG 3 1 t~~PIRES 12 131 10"}.- . " .::-1,tinued on page 2 . ..'. .. .~. .-.. . .. A WARNING - VERIFY OESIGN PARAMETERS ANa READ All NOTES ON THIS 'AND 11!USS ORAWlNG Nom BEFORE usE. ~slgnvold for_ "'?"YWtth MlTek ...__ ,.........:. ttu deslg:ib boMd_c.ny~poromeierslftOVon. 0I'Id~f':Jr onltKSMdUalDUldhg __",,""_.._.:tobe 1nstaIed0000d boded . vertlcol)'. ,'..,..~__.... of dllllQrl parometEnond PfOl)..~._~......'_>,')l1 ofcompcnenl br&lPQnliibllityofburdhg dlRlgner-nallruss c:Ie&Igner. Ekocngsnown Is rorlotetol q:lport of IndMdUcl wgb nv;wnbatt.cnIy. Ad:.1II!OnOI tompctorv brocInQ 191n1lJf8 stCblity ctJrll'lO cOnmuctlan I; the 18JPOru!b~1ly of the GToclor, AdcflIon~ pgrmongnf broctlg of the O\-eroIltM;ture IIlh&responsblllty ofh bu'lclng d.lIgrwr. For gel"l8ra1 g..Jldalce lWorcIrQ fobrlcgfk::n quoIty.control. dOfOgtl, delivery. erectIooond th _ 0' bfCchg. consUt QSf.f8Quolfy stondOfO'. CSIHI9 Broer,g E.,...--.._.... \ cll'ld HI8-91 ~ lnrIollhg and Brodrlg -.. ... _.- .". avoRable from llUSS ~. 1nSItM.. e... .&lC.U~CO. 583 D'Ono61oO/tl.'8. ModIson. WI 637'9. . .' . Btl1LDDfG SUPPLY INC. , ~ SEP 01 2004 4:20PM HP LASERJET.3200 p.17 ..W. 'Iruli~ jUU5S IYpe lloot'iY. IriY I n8yeaenlI...oBSC8Utl\,,)\-=-..IU'-tJ.,'),) I CA~CADEC Jl , I ROOF TRUSS . 14 11 I optional) ,. : . ' Ine IrUS5l,;C., t:ugene, ut\. ~(4U" '-~---~-.--'-_... .f.'2D"'r" ';'''18 l'fUV '10 ~w'u Miler(. ~nClustnes. IOe. ~"'l'\uQ3T', j:'> I:':'", ~\.l~rPage rJ n .1-Jl:!L... . _I - ..n 1.Q.O , . ... .!:1!!:L.. . 1-1~ __.~-4 0.,-, Scal. I< 1:9.4 ~ / S.OOnT ./ /./ " ~~. ~ -.-.--1 ~ ;/:/" ~ /""'" .- / X. 0 ",'" ......'7 /"'" ~<~ ....'" s A ,.---- 1-11'" '-114 -- . _. ....... -f >'1816 U~lS,~~l1_~~~!:.~~~t~. --.:.==:...:.... -~-==..._-~~~~_... .l.==~-.~.-._: ~.,~' ~~~~~:~~. ...-T....~~_..-..=:~::--:_=~_. :==-==-.~ LOADING (psI) ,SPACING 2.0-0 CSI DEFL In (Ioe) Udefl PLATES GRIP. TCLL 25,0 ! ~lates Increase 1.15 ,TC 0.25 i Vert(LL\,. 0,00 B-D >999 MII20 1851146. TCDL 8.0 I tumbe'rlncrease 1.15 BC 0.17 I Vert(TL 0.04. B-C >534, : , "eLL 0.0. Rep Stress Incr YES we 0.00 Horz:(TL) 0.00' n/a' '~~'ER'" 7.0; . .c~e . U.B~~:~~N!~~5 _, ._~Mat~~ ._. L.:~~.~tn Ude~.= ~~.D. .__..,... . ~~'ght 8 Ib .. .,. ..... . H ..... )lP CHORD 2 X 4HF NO.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1-11-4 DC purllns. . ' . SOT CHORD' 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceDing 'Ureclly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REAC'nONS (Ib1size) B=1631O-5-8,O=51/MechanicaJ Max Horz B=50(load case 4) , Max UpliftB=-41(load case 4), D=-22(load case 4) FORCES (Ib) - FIrst Load Case Only TpP CHORD A-B=28, B-C~6 BOT CHORD 8-0=0 NOTES , 1) this truss has been daslgned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds al25 It above ground level, using . 8.0 psI top chord daad load and 7.0 psI bottom chord dead load. 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy category I. conoltion 1 enclosed building, of dimensions 45 It by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97JANSI95 If end verticals or canUlavers exl.~ they are exposed to wind, II porches exls~ they are exposedtow!nd, The lumber DOL increase Is 1.33, and the plate grip incraase is 1.33 2) this truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord tive load nonconourrent with eny other live loads per Table No, 16-B, UBc-97. '. 3) Refer to glrtler(sl for truss to truss connections. 4) Provlde mechanical connection (by others) 01 truss to bearing plale capable of withstanding 411b uplift at joint . Band 22 Ib uplift a1 joint 0, .. . 5) This truss has been designed W11h ANSIITPJ 1-1995 crtterla. . LOAD CASE(S) Standard J r- , .~ AUG 3 ~~S12/3110l--J WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN ...RAMmRS ANO ;"AD ALL NOTES ON lHlS AND lRUSS DRAWING N01ES.B".oRE USE. ~...ald fer u:se criI WIIh Mnek __.~ ..._,__ llisdB5lgn 15 based art( upon...__. '~.'''~ shown. 0I'K11J fcrOn nct.IICkJOI bUIdlng CO~I to be Irul000eCl ana lool:Htd vertlccly. ,At)plcoblllty of deagn 1XI"'O'lWt&"I and proper ___..._........., of _".._"...." Is '85i:>o~tv of ~ de$lg'ler. not1n..llS d9Sgner. Bltdng It'owo b f~ bterol . aJppOl't of n:M:iJoI'Mtb mombelS 0Nt/. Addltlonol te~oo:ry brochg to ''''lle stot:::lily:;bang constrvc:tIon b the ,.....' p~-'J of the ~ctor. AddBlonal permanent brodng of thecw.talltruchft b tho msponsJblJltyof1he blJI:Ing<leslQn8l'. for gemerQI g",ldonce regordhclllJbrlcaflon, Q\DIIlyco"1troL sloroge, delNery, ...ellon end broc:lng. CClnI'..1Il QST~sa Q.dly standard. DSEl-89" BI'Cd"lg SpeoIf"lOOtlon" and H5-91 HandIng nstaIng one Br~ Recommendotlon o'ldloble from 1l1.ll Plate nmute. 5830'Orw:lfrlo)rtl.oe.MCldlsor\W1537~9. .. . .. .h1 the...~",~co. .. BUILDING SUPPLY nee. -- SEP 01 2004 4:20PM HP LASER JET 3200 p.18 . iJOO I'ru.s" t'rus. 'ype I CASqADEC j J4 I ROOF TRUSS . I ne HUSS ....0:; eugenla. UI"\ rll"tU~ -~--_.._------ 4.LUl ;"-l1.y . I t""IY Msyoen l\,.osscsoe \""tJ \l:fUb't1 0)0) , i12 il ' I I . \optiona'l. S'Rfi'l'lOv"ltJ.,w6 MlleK naUSUles, Inc. rn MUg "'I. I ',;,)',:"t,) ,tW"1 t"Sge'l 1)- t-' .'44 144 .4-0-0' -t--. .......- "..--.--. ... , 4-0-0 -,-- -- -. --l ScaIe-1:15.1 6.DO ,l2' .~ " /;;::; I~ a ~-- ..8-u----....-.-....] '~v-/~.._--~._-_.-.. ,_.._.._-_.~ 3x4 = - ----==;-',';. ,:,!.~ :......i..n....;...;.;.~':".. - -. --.- LOADING (psi) , I SPACING. 240 CSI TCll 25.0 I Plates Increase - 1.15 TC 0.19 TeOl 8.0 I Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0,12 BCLL 0.0' aep Stress Inor YES' we 0.00 BCDl 7.0 I Code UBC97/AN51~ (Matrix) .j" - ..__._...._____ n' !.___ _.___.......O-Q.... ...."._u.____" _00.1 __...__,. 4-ll.D" ... .... __ ____ ...._ ___.n ___ . .... __ _--..'_ DEFL in (Ioc) I/defl 'I PLATES Vert(LL) -0.01 8-D >999 MU20 Verl(TL) -0,02 8-0 >999. HorzlTL) -0.00 C n/a ! 1 at U:; LL Mln Vdeft = 360 ,Weight l' Ib .. .__~__.__.__ .._ .. _..n... ,.._ ,1. ._.. __._. ,~-,"--' -.- - .._---.~-_. ~--" GRlP 1851148 1'WBER' . , ,.. CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 T CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 ',- .' REACllONS lib/size) C=103lMechsnical, B=237/0..5--8, D=25lMechenical Max Horz B=55iload caSe 5) ,. Max UpliftC=-1~lload case 3), B=-34(load case 5), D=-8(load case 3) . . ' Max GravC=103(1oad case 1),B=237(load case 1), D=62(load case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheathed or 440 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or llW-O oc bracing, . FORCES lib) - First Load Caae Only TOP CHOllO A-B=28, B-C=38 BelTCHORD 8-0=0 . . NOTES . . 1 ) This truss has been designed lor,the wind loads generated by BO mph winds at25lt above ground level, using . .8.0 pSltop chord dead load and 7.0 psI bollcm Chord dead load, 100 mi lrom hurricane oceanfina, on an ' oCcupancy category I, condition r enclosed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24ft with exposure B ASCE 7.93 per UBCS7/ANSl95 II end verticals or cantilevers exis~ they are exposed to wind. .If porches exist, theyafe exposed to wind.. The lumber DOL iOO'""se Is 1.33, and the plate grlp increase Is 1.33 ' ~) This truss has been designed lor e 10.0 psI bottom Chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per' Table No. 16--B, UBc-e7. ' . 31 Reier to girder(s) lor truss to truss connectlons. . . . ' " Provide mechanical connection (by others) 01 truss to beilrlng plate capable of withstanding 14 Ib uplift aljoint C, 34 Ib uplift al joint Band 8 Ib uplift atlofnt D. " 5) This truss has been designed with ANSf/TPll.1995 criteria, LOAD CASE(S) Slandanl '-! ~ .. '", -,A. WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMEtERS Af!lDREAD AU NOlES cm 'HIS Af!lD 111IJSS DRAWlf!lG NOTES aEFORE usE. 00sIgn void br we orIy wIIh Mllet C<<lI"Il!ICtOB. ThII d8$lgn.ls baSed 0I'lIV ~poromet8l"!shc1wn. end.ls for an t\dMdual bUIdlng ..._....... ...... to be nstad ald boded V81lbcray. ~abIIly of dell"" pcr.rneters and proper ___....._.._. of corrporI8"'1t .Is rqx:nsiblltyof b1Jldlng d81lgner -l\Of truss DesIgner. Brochg sho'Nft.ls forlatlM'of . IUpport of hd~ web membert tri(. AdcInonol.... _'.. .'.',. brodng to hJre stXlllty dulng COnsftudlon k 1J'W responsbIItyof Ih8 !!fector. Adctllcrd pennonent bracng of the owraIIllruclIA k the re&pOnIIbllty 01 the tllJ.d'ng detgl'llH. FcI' generalguldanca regCl'dlng .'''':''.:_::_._ quality ecn1rol.lforaQtl. deIIYerv. erecfton ad btacng. c:OIlSl.lt QST-88 CU:IIIty Stondard. 0SB40 8I'acIng Sp.cHlc:otton, ond HB~l ~'QI nrtollng Qnd 8fochg Illtcommenc:k:J1Iotl 0\I'0IctX. frc::tn lr\J:a, Plate ntIIut.. W D'Onofrio D:tve. Mx1bcn, WI 63n9. . . 4-... theTRUSSco. ' a ImLDlNQSUPPLY D<<!. ::J.t:,t" U.1 C:::UU" ":~lI""M H~ LH~~K~~l ~~uu p_ 19 / {Joo .----- -4:2v1, iUlY 1r'IY I ' 14 11 (~<<onal! .. :;)t\l B Nav 10200L MlleK lnousmes. Inti.- rn MUg .~fl Mayaen ~\..-BBcaQe \..-J \1sI~) ~ .russ I russ I ype I' CASCADEC J4A . ..I~~ ,russ 1..0,. "ugen~,;: .:4V~ . r} 1.-. -n-';40 u_-t-n ROOF TRUSS , ,1 :;,,':44 :l.Uu', rage I 1.'O:!.. _,. ______...:.__1_ ... -_.....---~ '~~ ~~ ----I &:ale . 1:8.04 . 3 / j )/I --. Ar /~ I /' --. v'., . . '3~=. 6.00[W B-O A! D ;.__ __......!~_ .__._n'__ --..::::--~--=---::..::. --~--_.=---- ---,:.____..01___ -'-~~ .~~-~~,,:"-'.~"':':':'-:-_::::::-=- LOADING (psfl . SPACING 2-0-0 I CSI I DEFL in (lac) Vdefl PLATES TCLl 25.0 Plates Increase 1.15 I TC 0.12 vert(LL\ -0.01 B-li >999 .M1I20 TCDL 8.0 .Lumberlncrease 1.15 BC 0.12 I 'Ver1{TL -0.02 8-0, >ggg g&,i n ,. :~eSt~~~/~.~_.. L ~~~:~O... L_~1~~_M~ffi~ft =. ~6~. ~~H L . ~e~~.~~_9.~.._ . ,MBER . BRACING '- './If CHORD 2 X 4 HF. NO.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-0-0 oc purtins. .' , J'T CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1 G4.Q DC bracing, .... .. REACTIONS (Iblsize) C=I01Mechenlcal, B=16~, D=25/Mechanlcal . ' Max Horz B=33(load case 5) , Max UpnftB'"-'I3(1oad case S), D"-ll(load case 3) . . , . Max GrevC=II(load case 4), B=188(load caae 1), D=82(load case 2) FORCES (Ib)- FlTSt Load ease Only TOP CHORO A.B=28. B-C"-'I3 BOT CHORD 8-0=0 ,-,.-.,'j ___._n._._"__' --... -.-.-. -.... GRIP 185/148 NOTES. . .. . . 1) This truSs has been designed for the wind loads genereted by 80 mph winds 912511 above ground level, using 8.0 pSlIOp chord desd load and 7.0 psfbottom ellai'd dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanllne, on an ' . occupancy category I, condition I enclosad building, of dimensions 45 I! by 24 I! with exposvre B ASCE 7,93 , per UBC97/ANSI95 II end verticals Dr cantllevere exist, they ere exposed to wind. If porelles exls~ they are '. exposed to wind. The lumber DOL I!)CreBse Is 1.33, and the plate 9rtp Increase Is 1.33 .. 1) This trvss hes been designed for s 10.0 psi bottom chOlt! live load nonconcufl'1lnt with any other live loads per . ' . ~ Table No. 16-B. UBC-97, .. ,.. . G' ~ FE. . 3 Reier to 91n1er(S fortruss to trues connections, " , ~.".. 4l Provide mechanIcal connection (by o1hers) of truss to beartng plate capable of wllhslandlng 43 Ib uplll! at IOint~ "'~ '\ e s ~ B and 8 Ib upllflatjolnt 0, . .. ~ ,. , \. ~ 5) This truss has been designed wItIt ANSIfTPI t-1995 crilede.. ..,' <looi v.. mE U LOAD CASE(S) Standard . '~ .. . .~~ . \ \)\ JJ,Mi "'VV; . ,~~ . _I.. ~~v AUG , 1 tODt . PO\! .. , I.EXPlRES 12/31/!)~ J ,--j '- WARNING - YnIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS ANO READ AIL NOIOS ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAW1N~ NOlES BEFORE USE, , ~'. , Deignvald tDr.... triy...ntl WTeIlc::omectCll. va dDSll:J'lb t:osed Dr'IYt.elOtIPOlCimetersmwrL ana trt.Jr ootldlvld1.dOOllir'Q'c~ to Dt ~ a1d bcJjeCf . wrIeoty. - "'~".~W'</ Of de$lgnpotamelerlQ"ld prop.. _._....__..... olCClfT\PQ"'lOnI Is re~mv ot~dhg d8IIgrw.not tnadB:slgnef. Broct"Olhown Il totkrtelol . AJPpOtt 01 ~WM:lflWT'tletlcrty. Adc:IfIoncIhtmporc1ytwodngtomur. r.abIItyamg c:or"d'tru::tIlIlhereJPOrulblltycffheerec:lor. Addrtona.. ""'~'" brocnoofthll O'I'efaIstruch.nlblhe~ontlt:ay Ofhbul::lnQdl!!lfgner. For ger8lolQUdonce 18QOI'dro1_...._.._.~ ~oc:r.trol.llOroge. deDv8~. .,.dtoncnd the....U "CO. blQc:hg. c:amAtQST..a8QualtySlondclrd, OSB-I9BraclngSptdllcotlon, and H1B-91 Hardnglndcllhgcn:l3rodng -:. ..'", o..:!I1en avaIIabI4llrom lrussPlotensmute., __ .5S3O'Oro1'tIOOftrte.M::xb:nYl1C3719 ..' . . .1tJtI.niJCSUJ'Pti"lNc. / 3/9/2005 JEFF HARRISON . EUGENE HAYDEN HOMES THE CASCADE GARAGE LEFT JEFF GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM D. HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANG LAM LVL o AS PER PLAN. NOT ON MATERIAL LIST o AS PER PLAN -INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST .~ Louisiana-Pacific Corp. LPI.Jolsts / Gang-Lam L VL / Solid Start R1mboartf Distributed Bv: 14421 S.E. 98th Court P.O. Box 1750 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 (503) 742-8689/ Fax (503) 657.1843 866-742-8689 'ThIs material take off is for the Loulsiana-Paclfic CTR joists, LPI..Joists, Gang-lam LVL. and Solid Start Rimboard malerials only. The contractor I builder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans must verify all Information on the l-JoIst layout prior to construction. Arly changes needed wil! then be made before any famlng has occurred. Changes"made to the house plans after construction framing has begun may affect the I-joist layout. It Is the responsibility of the contractor I builder I homeowner /architectural designer or owner of the ptans to verify If,the changes affect the I-Joist layout ~y damages, fees,.or other services required to fix B problem related to these changes will fall under the responsfbltity of the contractor I buDder I homeovmer I architectural designer or owner of the plans: A ..._._...:_.... set of plans needs to be submitted for an accurate material take-otf. . Ib!a A rrlldAri:d t::lkA.nff nnlv Thi~ 1::I\Il"ll" ,",::It:: nnt hAAn I'AvfAWAt'l nr mmnilArl hv I'ln Anl]~ All beam sizes have been sized by the Louisiana-Paciflc Wood-E beam sizing program or by the design tables In the LPI JoIst User Design Manual. Glulam beams have been Included In this drawing, without cost. and as a courtesy to our customer. The Architect I Designer I Engineer of record Is solely responsible for the original deslgn callouts, nelther Louisiana - Pacific nor International Wood Products, LLC.. Are responslble for the design or accuracy of calculations regarding the glulam beams shown on the Iavout. / <D Begin Layout I @ 19.2' O,C. .f' 1 T T 1 1 T T ~~ ~ ~ ~ @~ ~~~~ T T 1 T T T T , I I 1.1 I I y-~ckX~I/~ #1 II I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I II I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ I I ~/4.1 I -4- I J I II/! II I I I, I I I I I :=b=t=d==!gf~~X!Jq;~~~t~~=~b=~=db=!=~==~=~==~=~==~, i i Iii I I f~ Iii i ii i i III I II . . . . .. .. ~. . '~:::'l::::_~:.~:~:l'_~::~e::' . . . . . .'. . i @>i i i Iii I i Ii ~/29i Ii i i I I ~133! I I 'T-.r', i ii' I I . lIf"fxrl/nll ILfrzOf"xfl/fl ; i i LPI~0~~~V2. I I I I I I I II I I I I ~ I I 'l==f=l==f=i==P=i==P=f=l==f=i==P=i==[=W=l==f=l==f=1==F=1==F' ......... ..,. @,.. I I I I I I I 1.1 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I i I I I I I Iii I I i I I I ii I I I I I I I I I I I IA! Iii ,i y-~;~ X91/j. i il)' I i I i II I . , . ''(7: . . . '\' . . .@ .'.. , ~, L ~, L L ~c ~, L L.L L L ~c ~c ~c Jt' L ~, !==!:=J==~=J==~, I I I I 1.1 L.....tl...-..,,~ HAYDEN HOMES THE CASCADE GARAGE LEFT MAIN FLOORLPI JOIST LAYOUT .. ._ ,__. __,_,_.. h_.' "', _'.' "_'_."~'_'_'_"".' _. .,__"'_ __... ...___.________.___.__..____~._ Hayden Homes - The Cascade A (Reversed).Jl SUPPORT RRAC."l"IOHS ILBS) I CASB BBARING HUMBBR 1 :a 3'" 1 303 898 840 699 :a 70 '207 194 In 3 338 545 474 . 652 .. 35 560 560 :ilOB 5 :a95 94. 500 232 6 .4 513 90S 545 7 338 54.' 4'9 182 MIB BBAftIHG SIZES (IU-SX) 1-12 3- 8 ]- 8 ]- 8 MAXIMUM DBVLECTICWS CALC'ULATBD ALLOWABLS LIVB LOAD 0.05* 0.;13- *DBAD LOAD O.OP TOTAL LOAD 0.06. 0.4'. OR INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS. LLC lOAOTABLE I, LPI20W DEPtH 8.500. WEB, 0.175* . FlANGE 1.50 X 2.50. NOTE: 2ClO4.t A.IowableSrJ-.DeIlgn 1. THlSCClUPONENTIS DESK3NEO TO SUPPORT ONlY . THE VERTICAL LOADS SHOWN VER1fICAlJON OF NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPUTLOAO CASE (1). OTHER LOAD CASES FOR PATTERN LIVE LOAtUNG ARE CHECKED AS REQUtREo. lOADING, DEflECTION UMlTATIONS. FRAMING (DlMEHSIONS MEASURED FROM LEfT END Of SP.AH OR CAN1tLEVER.) METHODS. WIND AND SEISMIC BRACING. AND OTHER LATERALBRAClNGTHATlSALWAYSREQUlREDlS DISTIUBUTIOII SOUllCB TYPB TOP/SlOB LOAD THE RESPONSIBlUTYQF ntE PROJECT ENGINEER ORARCffiECT, 2. PROVlOE RESTRAINT AT SUPPORTS TO ENSURE LATERAl STABlUTY. 3. DO NOT CUT, NOTCH OR DRlllLA FlANGES. .. SHIM ALl BEARINGS FOR FUll CONTACT. 5. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTTING lPI TO SIZE. 6. THIS LPILS TO BE USED AS A FLOOR JO&ST 0Nt Y. 7. PROVlOECOMPRESSIQN EDGE BRAClNGAT 40" a.c. OR LESS. UlfIf'ORM tmli'ORM FLooR FLOOR FROM TO rr.IY.SX VT-IH-SX '4 PLY 00-00-00 33-00-00 19 PLP 00-00-00 33-00-00 1.00 0.90 LOA!) LDF LIVB DBAD TOF TOF WARNING NOTES: nos COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIRCAU. Y FOR L-P EHGlNEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. use OF THIS DESIGN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAH GAHG-UM LYL OR LPt .IOIST81S 811UCTLY PROH1BlTED. MY MODlACATION OFTHIS OOCUMEHT REQUIRES REVIEW BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFRCIENT TO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE LA JOIST AS DESIGNED. IT IS THE RESPONSlBll1TY Of THE PROJECT ENGINEER, ARCHIlECT OR DESIGNER TO VER1FY1HA.T THE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR THIS BEAM 1$ CAPABlE Of SUPPORTING THE REACTIONS. PROVtDEANCHORAGE FOR UPUFT AT SUPPORTS INDICATED BY NEGATIVE REACTIONS. ANCHORAGE DETAIl TO BE PROVtDED BY PROJECT ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, OR D~GNER. ANCHOR LPI JOIST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. 5 5 1 -13'7 "us 135 -" ." 1 . '..500 i ra,.500 1-12 CROSS SECTION D8SIOH CRITBRIA LIVE LOAD DBAD LOA!) TOTAL LOA!) "r SPACING 19.::10 DBFLECTIOti' CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DBFL. TOTAL LOAD DBFL. "LOAD SBARIHG. CODB COKPLIAliCKS I RBPORT . SSR-1305 2004.05-W 12'724.-R ICC-BS WISCONSIN CCMC IN. MSl:: 0.31 VSl: 0.39 .0 FSF 12 FSF 52 'SF cle L I ..0 L I 2<0 7 . IDBJ'LKCTIOIl' ASSUMKS COMPOSITE ACTIO>> KI'l'H GWKD AND NAILBD 23/32- API. RATKD SHEATHING (48/24 SPAN ,RATING) ... 10- 0- 0 10- 0- 0 --1 t )- 8- I . 33- 0- O. .l.o.. - THIS DRAWING 18 NOT TO SCALe- I Sollware Provided By: LP engineered Wood Products 2706 H(Ilway421 North Wi!l'mgton. NC 28401 local Q10.762.G878 National Wats 800.898.810:1 9- 4- 0 Handling & Erncllon ~ information Ganci-tBm LVL and CTR. LPI Joist SpedI'IcaIlaM femponlf)'.-d~~forhDll:llllQaxnpGI'lIrt rMu.-oIIh11C1lmj)C1nPl&halbeapedl\edtrt..cleIlgr.-oflhe .Supporta"'~bGlno-UmLVLnCTR.LPIJo1st1lobe pUnblillldfor~I3ler.Ilfm::ellhlllbecs.sigNld" ~IlI\lItln.OIUIn"'IhIr--..rycocle~~.": apec:Itk~ . ~trtolt--.. NoIoada_lobe8PCll*llo.. InItrui::tlc:lmfmm.......oI..~sInI;tI.n~~1hII .Commonnailf;drhlen.......lop.,..lhIIlbelJllCllCl."**">mot..1ol'1Cld llDmplJnenlurd.n.aa..fnmlng..'.......-.o_ ~ tf..~crb!tIollltedllbove__lllIl.mNlkIcalbl..olt;lng 8n:I:rbllcl. ~.AlnDtlme8halloadt~lhInMllgnlo<<ll cocIe " dl)1llIl.!-.tlD.-Qn. WMn1hladlWlllrQl&&Igowd .0001ll1l.aa.ram.drllor....GIno-UmLVLnCTR,LPIJo11laeu:ept.atv.n be8ppiedIOIt1lIUlI'lIplXlD. RMIlId,"lWcI&nIIcIeIlgnl&lPPtOVecl.lI'II:Mnlnlhll~ Inp&dlhecl.....fIornLf'llfIloMof~LVLRCTR.LPlJolstlCOl'Cl'll'y baeclondl&apvvllleclbr"CUIUImel". Gq-LamLVLRCTR,lPl IDhllmlll..fDrth~"",~-..crothpgduCSRLP lDlItI_mIll!a.clt'llUCM1beJandwllldets.ctlRl<<lom.Woodlndlnlcl: dlIdaima"~~kUu:llrQhilrll&d~oI~ anadlllUhan::nlemultbe....lllrequA:lbycooe.ConllnuouI nau-b.pIrtiaU'...... llUral~..D:MIl'IId(wlll.lloorblum.*-).LPdoalllll.~ tJn4b ~ Thit llrlIoora IIIUII haY, enAtehlach or ~.. . A COPYOf' THIS DRAWING IS TO Be: CIVEN TO THE INSTALUHG CON'1lW:TOR ~lObeCll:llllldlrlden~~ """,,"""""" ThlldIIlgnandm;Qrlal~_In~ Ollftom*ylMlh..~lWIslansolNDSandAl1'C.. Dead Ioaldilllldlclnklduda&ljustrlWllIaclorfora'Mp. flllalloal b.tI.:tIon 1&.......--. Fie: ~;\Hayden .~A(Reomsod7ol-Pl:,. LP".~~oI'-"" ~~ ...,.~ ...... , DWG # SHEET # Iceo 'layden Homes - The Cascade A (Revorsed).J2 NOTE: 2004.1 AIIowabIIi suess Dalgn 1. TH1S COMPONENT IS OESlGNED TO SUPPORT ONLY THE VERT1CAl LOADS SHOWN VERIFICATION OF NOTE; LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPUT LOAD C~ OTHER LOAD CASES LOAD!NG, OEFlECTlON UMlTAllONS, FRAMING ~~~~~E=OF~ANORCAimLEveR.) METHODS, WIND AND SEISMIC BRACING, AND OTHER . LATERAl. 8RACING lHAT IS AlWAYS REQUtREO IS DISTRIBt1'1'IO>> SOO2CB TYPB TOP/SlOB LOAD nOM TO LOAD THE RESPONSl.BlUTYOF THE PROJECT ENGINEER "-IU-SX rr-IH-S:r. OR ARCHITECT. WI FORM FLOOR LIVE TOP 64 PLF 00-00-00 29-00-00 2.PROVIOERE5TRAlNTATSUPPORTSTOENSURE WI FORM FLOOR DEAD TOP 19 PLi' 00-00-00 29-00-00 LATERAL 51 ABIUTY. 3. 00 NOT CUT, NOTCH OR CRILl LPI FlANGES. .. SHIM All BEARINGS FOR FUU CONTACT. 6. VERIfY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTllNG 1PI TO saE. 8. THIS LA IS TO BE USED AS A. FLOOR JOIST ONLY. 7. PROVIDE COMPRESSION eoGE BRAClNGAT 3Q" a.c. OR LESS. 5UPPOllT RRACTIOSS (LaS) I CASH BBARIBG BUMBBR 1 :I: 3 4. 1 ]06 882 907 318 :I: 71 203 209 73 3 342 SU 554 351 " 3S 560 562 40 5 295' 942 507 49 6 4.6 499 961 309 MIH BKARIUG SIZSS UN-SX) 1-12 3- 8 3- 8 1-1:.1: MAXIMUM DBFLECTION'S CALCULATED ALLOWABLE LIVS LOAD 0.05- 0.2"- -DBAO LOAD 0.02- TOTAL LOAD 0.0'- 0.48- OR INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS, LLC LOAD TABLE '~IZOW DEPlH tI~- WBB, 0.375- , FLANGE1.50X2.50 WP 1.00 0.90 WARNING NOTES: THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIFJC.ALLY FOR loP ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. USE OF TH&S DESKiN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN GAN~ LVL OR LPI JOISTS ts STRICTLY PROHIBITED. AMY MODIRCATION OF THts DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVIEW BY ADESlGN PROFESSIONAL.. MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFlCIENTTO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE LA JOIST AS DESIGNED. IT IS THE RESPONStBlUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER" ARCHITECT OR OESGNER TO VERIFY THAT THE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR lHIS BEAM IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE REACTIONS. ANCHOR lPl JClIST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. 1 '.5.. T . ra"5.. - .. CROSS SECTION ,r 9- 4- 0 10- 0- 0 29- 0- 0 - THJ3 DRAWlHG IS NOT TO SCAlE- HaIdno & EnM:tIon MsadIaneou:s Information GanO:tam LVI.. and em. LA JoisI: Spec:iflcatIons Temporaryn~llradrcIlorl'laldqC1Cllllllllrld Tho.....oI.,.~lI'lallbllapedtledbylhedeslgneroflhe '&4lPOlUn~fotGa'Q-lMnLVl8l'dCTR.LPlJollll;lobll pll.mblR:lfor~l3lerlIIlota=Ishallbllde5lgned8rll complIleIWc:tln.OtItaInIllIhe.-.arya:x:t.CI'JI1lplIM::IIlllJlIQVllft 1P8dfIc~ . II5laDedbyolhln. NoIoacls_loblllPllllBdlOlhe n.tn.dIonIfnlmlhellellgneGoflhecotnPDltnJdlnbllllnLlllrQtIU 'Commonnallfdrlvtrl~logll..-"'lh.abll"".mlr*numof".fortOl;l lXlI'I\POII<<IIU1liIlIlW"lhIi'famInglflllfasttnng_ ~ IflhlMalgnc:rttWllateclabov.do.-l'IlICmMllocal~ 8l'drfor... ~.AtnollrM""ID.sI;~u.ndealgnlD.sl; 1XIde~,dcIl'101tuutlUdeslgn. When...drawlt1g"1lgrlIId 'OOl'lOltQll,rlIItdI,dflIIot"'~LVI."'CTR.LPlJoIIlI;~..ra- b-.appiltIdtalhlo~ ............IIlI'UI::U1Il"-lgn..IIAllVV-'a8hlMtlln...1AwIng 1n~~fIOllILPq...ofo..g.umLVlIflllCTR.LPlJollll;l:Ol1tI'Iry NMdorocll&lopl'Olf'ldrIdbylhloCUllOrner. G~LVLIflllCTR,LPl Iolhellmblellorlh . .' .MY~wanwlCyoflheprodu::tIflllLP 1oIItI_In8lIIi.cttWcamberlflll..deI'lectInNlrDad.WDOdIndlncl: dIsdalrnt"'mplI<<l~~Ihe~WMartlMof ..Jty COIuctwllncona1lllln..abllpratKtm.~bya:xIcLCOnIno.II anctau...lor.panlcUarllN. 1a<<alI&4lPlftIlIllamed(W3l,flDorblla'n,lIlC.).LPdl-.noI.~ . ~~ n-.o-lng n..a have ..Att:t*ecl'1 ot~... . A COf'Y OF THIS DRAWING IS TO Be GIVEN TO THE 1HSTAl.UNG CON'TRACTOR "'lObII~...~~ Deolgn """"'" TllellelJgnlflll~~_lnllbilarCbll confonnIlywllfllhlta&.al'WllllQ.ofNOSIflllAITC. . Dudbld~lnduOM~fattorfor~. TotallDal1.cWIectloo..lnda......... lP".~~dLc ...:CI:Itpcnlbn. =io: J:\Haydon ~The CaacaOe A .(Rewned)'LPI2OYi'rtl.oode.~ .. 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