HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-12-28 ,. . , J CITYOF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Depilrtment Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: .l.i)\~ \)..tbb\e fr CITYJOB#:~5. 5 \5 OWNER: Hayden Homes . PHONE: 228-1081 CONTRAcrOR: Owner PHONE: , Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A Cvu""t'onding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and :rwo Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. . A..coPyof .this,..code !]l~y be obtained from the Building . Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Ci'rrusPr..Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 . ' . '..' '... '. I . . '" J - . . Your signature on the Building P~~it'rs?iui~6',,~";ent that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this pt:~j'ecf:mnComplywith applicable codes. . ~ ':.".::.. ..... . ....':. -' . . :': ":,::.,~ ,-,. /..... ; . ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR AFPROV AL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTIIER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR AFPROV AL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTIIER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: _Bob Barnhart_PHONE:_726-4652 1, Provide openable egress windows with a minimum net clear opening of 5,7 square . fee~ (Grade floor egress window 5 square feet), LeaSt openable height 22"; least openable width 20"; maximum sill height 44" above walking surface: . (R-310.2). . 2.' SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED in each sleeping room, and areas providing access to sleeping rooms, and on each floor leVel. . (R-316.1). .' Erosion Control Conditions Sediment and erosion control measures shall be in place and functioning before clearing and grading begins. Wet weather conditions are in effect October 1 through May 30 and may be extended as directed by the Public Works Director or the Community Services Manager. Temporary erosion control facilities must be designed for the 2-year, 24-hour storm event unless otherwise specified in the design conditions. When developing sediment control practices, the following shall be considered: use of straw bale dikes, silt fences, compost filter berms, earth dikes, brush barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, rock outlet protection, sediment traps, and temporary or permanent sedimentation basins. 1) Construction site entrances are egress points for vehicles onto paved roadways constructed as a means to' prevent vehicles from tracking soil from the site. All projects shall have an open graded gravel construction entrance not less than 20 feet long and 20 feet wide placed in a location in which all vehicles can traverse the entrance to enter or exit the site. In most cases, the most economical location for this entrance in directly behind the curb cut in the location of the future'driveway: The owner shall maintain the graveled construction entrance as necessary to ensure it is functioning property. Additional measures may be necessary to contain sediment from the entrance on site. 2) If sediment is tracked offsite, sediment shall, ona daily basis, be swept or shoveled from the paved , surface. Sediment laden runoff from construction entrances shall be directed to sediment ponds or traps on sites. 3) Under no conditions shall sediment from the construction site be intentionally washed into storm sewers or drainage ways. 4) The APPUCANT/OWNER shall erect and maintain sediment barriers along the perimeter of alllow-points of the site where sediment-laden waters are likely to pass. Examples of barriers are sediment fence, compost filler benns, and open graded rock below in the sidewalk area below the curb grade. 5) The APPUCANT/OWNER shall be responsible to prevent any soil or materials from leaving the site. The APPUCANT/OWNER shall anticipate the worst case weather conditions and place adequate erosion control measures prior to an event. Failure to provide erosion control measures and prevent sediment from entering the street, drainage system, and surrounding properties may result in a stop work order and additional fines and penalties as well as liability for any cleanup or costs. 6) Temporary stockpiles shall be covered with plastic visqueen. The visqueen shall be anchored so that it will not move under heavy wind conditions. Stockpiles that will remain in 'place for more than 2 months should be seeded and covered with an erosion control material that promotes vegetation. 7) Under no circumstances shall material be stockpiled, temporarily or otherwise in the public right of way. All stockpiles shall be contained on the APPUCANT/OWNER'S property. B) The City of Springfield or its agent may require modifications to the erosion control measures at any time if the erosion control methods being utilized are ineffective in preventing the discharge of ' sediment to natural features (such as wetlands), surface waters, storm drainage systems, adjacent properties, or natural features. If drainage problems to adjacent properties are caused by or as a result of activity on this site then the APPLICANT/OWNER may be required piace additional storm drainage measures to remedy the situation. " EROSION CO~'TROL CVl -".'1..1 ;ONS PAGE lOF 2' .' I . . . . I . . .' . 9) The following itel)'lS must be considered'when planning,for construction on a site . Fit grading to the surrounding terrain . 'Time grading operations to minimize soil disturbance . Emphasize erosion control measures to stabirlze disturbed areas . Retain existing vegetation wherever possible . Direct runoff away from disturbed areas . Minimize the length and steepness of slopes . Use energy dissipation devices to reduce runoff velocities . Install permanent storm drainage faCIlities as soon as possible . Manage clean water to prevent it ftom coming into contact with exposed soli 10) All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected at least once every seven (7) calendar days and within ,24hours,of any stOrm eva,nt by the APPUCANT/oWNER. 11) All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected daily by the APPUCANT/oWNER during periods when storm water runoff occurs. 12) Storm water runoff discharges shall be visually monitored by the APPUCANT/OWNER at the above frequency to evaluate the effectiveness of the erosion and sediment control measures. If sediment is leaving the property, corrective action shall be taken immediately by the APPUCANT/oWNER to reduce the discharge of sediments. 13) The APPUCANT/oWNER shall allow the City's representative, upon the presentation of credentials, to enter upon the APPUCANT/oWNER'S premises to inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment 0ncluding monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this. permit " 14) Erosion control on site shall be maintained by the APPUCANT/OWNER until either final occupancy is granted by the City of Springfield Development Services Department or permanent vegetation is , established, whichever occurs later. " EROSION COl\"ffiOL CONDmONS PAGE 2 oF! I/a ',' .' .a engineering , K & A Engineering, Inc. ' ' P.O. Box 23624, Eugene,QR97402 ... ' " 521 Market St, Suite B, Eugeile,'OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541)684-9358 FAX December 28, 2004 Hayden Enterprises, Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place, Suite 10 Redmond, OR 9n56 , Project: 197.04 Subject Minimum required specifications for cripple wall construction PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has made a limited evaluation of general cripple wall' framing practices for new single-family residences, as per the State of Oregon One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code (2000 , edition). Our purpose was to research the minimum required cripple wall framing and sheathing requirements. ' INVESTIGATIONS AND RNDlNGS Our understanding is that cripple walls constructed by Hayden Enterprises, shall be between the foundation and' the first floor framing that consists of 2x6 studs spaced at 16-lnches on center and no more than 4-feet in ~~ ' " We note that the building code2 specifies In section 403.1.5 that 'The wood sole plate at exterior walls on , monorrthic slabs and wood sill plate shall be anchored to the foundation with anchor bolls spaced a maximum 6 " feet on center. Anchor bolls shall also be located a maximum of 12 inches from an exterior comers. Bolls shall , be a minimum of 1h-lnch In diameter and shall extend a minimum of 7 Inches into masonry or concrete.' It ,continues by stating, 'Sills and sole plates shall be p.v~':'~d against decay and termites.' We note that the building code2 specifies In section 602.9 that 'Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less In size than the studding above;' Since the upper exterior wall framing consists of 2x6 members the cripple walls below should also consist of 2x6 members. ' . We note that the building codezspecifies in section 602.10.1 with recommended ;wood structural panel' sheathing with a thickness not less than 5/16-inch for 16-inch stud spacing and not less than 318-inch for 24- inch stud spacing.' Cripple wall wood structural panels shall be installed with 6dcommon nails at 6-inch ' , ,spacing at the edges and 12-inch spacing at intermediate supports.' ' c 1 This frari1ing Is called :cnb wan' on the plans. 'The term 'crlpple wall' Is used hereto be co..';";"..~ with loCal buDdlng codes. ' ' ' ',,' ,',' 2 State of Oregon One- and Two-Family ewemng, Code (2000 edition). . Cripple Wall Requirements in the Oregon 20030ne& Two Family Dwelling Code' ' Cripple wall bracing. Cripple walls with a s~ud height exceeding 14-inches' supporting exterior or interior braced' wall lines shall be braced with an amount and type of bracing as required for the wall above with the following modifications for the cripple wall bracing: a) The required amount of bracing as determined for the wall above shall be increased by 15 percent. b) The maximum wall panel spacing shall be decreased to 18 feet' on center instead of 25 feet on center, as normally required. Note: Cripple walls supporting three stories have additional requirements. Stepped foundations. Where stepp'ed foundations occur the following' requirements apply: a) Where the height of a required braced, wall panel that extends from the foundation to the floor above varies more than 4-feet, the braced wall panel shall be constructed in accordance with: Figure R602.11 .3 b) Where cripple walls occur between the top of the foundation' and the lowest floor framing, the bracing requirements for an additional story shall apply. J WHERE FOOTING SECTION 'A'IS MORE THAN 8 FT. ...-5PUCELPROVIDE METAL TIE 16 GA. BY 1.5 BY 4 FT. MIN., EACH II" SIDE OF SPUCE WI B-16d COMMON NAILS. -- 2 FT. MIN. ---+ ;2' 2x PLATE ' ...... - - - - ~ . A ''""-4 ~ ...... 2x CRIPPLE STUD WALL 2xSILLPLATE\ ~, I A l ;, " " " I, e " " .. " .. .;.... 11 e" A A CONCRETE _ STEPPED ~ FOOTING ii .. .. " " " .. 11 e " " " . ., " ll.: ~ -'UI,,":\VIII\"V/// \\~'/II\\"'''''III'\'V/'' ~ " ,\\~ , 'M , , " \\~ .' " , , 1// , ' 'III\\\.VII/'\'''W// \W FOOTING SECTION 'A- . Fo~ 51: 1 inch . 25.4 mm. 1 foot. 304.8 mm.. . . . No..: wb= rooWig Section. A. b less lhan 8 reel long in a 2S r.....olallcngth wa11. provide bracing at cripple '!lId waiL , FIGURE R602.11.3 , STEPPEOFOUNDATlONCONSTRUCTlON K & A Engineering, inc. ' ,'." . SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following are our recommendations: _ 2x6 vertical studs at 16-inches on center with a 2X6 pressure treated sill plate anchored with minimum 1h-inch bolts at 6-feet on center, with one boll a minimum of 12-inches from each , foundation comer. Ailchor boll embedded into the concrete foundation a minimum of 7 -inches. ,_ 7/16-inchAPA rated sheathing similar to sheathing on remainder of building. _ Nail sheathing using Sd at 6-inches on center for all panel edges and 12-inches on center in the field. Block and nail all panel edges. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call if yilu have aily questions. Sincerely, Chuck Du Fault, E.I. T. K & A Engineering, Inc. Project 197.04 'Clieirt: Hayden Enterprises, Inc. Page 2bf 2 , December 2S, 2004 I I' i .. ., GENE STRINGFIELD B. M. HAYDEN HOMES THE ALDERWOOD MARK GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM' o HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANq,LAM LVL o AS PER PLAN. NOT ON MA TERrAL LIST 0' AS PER PLAN. INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST Louisiana~Pacific Corp. lPI-Joists 1 Gang-lam lVlI Solid Start Rimboard Distributed Bv~ 14421 S,E, 98th Court P,O, Box 1750 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 (503) 742-86891 Fax (503) 657-1843 866-742-8689 This material take off Is for the louisiana-PacifIC CTR joists,LPI-Joists, Gang-Lam LVL, and Solid Start Rlrnboard materials only. The contrador I builder J homeowner /archltectural designer or owner of the plans must verity alllnfonnatlon on the 1..Jolst layout prior to construction. Arty changes needed will then be made before any taming has occurred. Changes made to the house plans after construction framlng has begun may affect the Holst layout, it Is the responslbl11ty of the contractor I bunder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans to verify if the ch8nges affect the I.jolst layout Any damages, fees, or other services required to fix a problem . related to these changes will fall under the responsibility of the contractor I builder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans. A complete set of plans needs to be submitted for an accurate material tako-off.- Thl.!l. i!'! I'll ml'ltp.ril'll tl'lkA.nff nnlv Tnl!'! Il'll/nut ha!'l nnt beAn I'AlllewM Of l":OmnltM bv an fm(llnF!p.f All beam sizes have been sized by the Loulslana.Padflc Wood-E beam sizing program or by the design tables In the ~PI Joist User Design Manual. Glulam beams have been lnciuded In this drawlng, without cost, and as a- courtesy to our custo~er. The ArchItect I Designer f Engineer of record Is solely responsible for the original design callout!. neither Louls!ana - Padnc nor International Wood Products, LLC. Are responsible for the design or accuracy of calculations regarding the glulam beams shown on the layout 11/21/2003 " I~^~~ International wood products, llC . Main Level Hayden Homes THE ALDERWOOD ---------------------------MATERIALs LIST----------------------------- FILENAME: MAIN 24X36.dwg GENERATED: 11/21/2003 09:25:10 Designed By: NORM - IWP, LLC --~----------------~-----~----I JOIST-------~------------------------- I-JOIST LPI200 X 9 1/2" (26 stick(s) total) (2/2) (19/27) (5/31) Total Linear Footage = 672feet ----------~--------~----------HANGERS--------------------------------- HANGER Simpson ITT 9.5 (52 total) ------------------------------END LIST-------------------------------- *Multi-ply blocking quantity does not represent the total number of p1ys. **Mu1ti-p1y beam ply's are added to multi-ply quantity. Note: It is the Builders I Contractors responsibility to vedfy Joist lengths. Blocking panels (if required) are to be cut by the Builder I Contractor; Web stiffeners (if required) are to be cut and provided by the Builder I Contractor. Additional non Louisiana-Pacific material may be required. International Wood Products, LLC. 14421 S.E. 98th Court · P.O, Box 1750 .,Clackamas · Oregon. 97015 ~_....... 'r ......0.<. IT IT I ~ I I I J J I I I I I J I 1 I I I I I 11 I i I I I I . . . . . ! ~~.J;) !! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ~! ! ! .i_~.I__~~ .i.i..".i__!__.!.!. .i.U_"_J.".i I".., .~.~..~,-~..~, .,....I.~..~.~._~.l.~.l_"".I.~__~;~.~.l_.., .... _.,,'Jr" ." :~4''''"'' ._..VI". . , ., ,;; :: l . . . . 1 ~ I . , I I ,1111 III IIII ~ 1III1111 I . . .. ..... - .. .. - - . . U j i i . j i i . U lj~.l.L~' ; i 11 i L ! i ! i il . J ~ .. J . , , I r 1-'-'-' , HAYblEN HOMES THE AlI!)E~WOOD MAIN fI..OO~ LPI JOIST lAYOUT ~.:~:;;;'::":'::;"'GENE ,,"'"OF',", """'-'''' ""S"", ~~ "Wil!:.14:IJ.. Garage door heeder, non,portol ll'Ame, ,12-overllang l' roo' Irtb and gable end !IUS wP.lght TJ_6.'S6o.1olN":':?7ri02002~g'~ 3 1/2", X 12'~Cfasslc Glulam'I'M, (24F- 1.8E Framing' OF) , UMr, 1 8r.J1l2OO<4 3:2f1:2S PM FIIo" en.h.V."~n:1.1S," THI~ PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCl;::EDS THE SET DESIGN ' CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Member atope: OIlZ Roof 910pltOfl2, P.001~00:l, , All dlmen-'llns are hOrlzontllt. 1S"O' J~ l!Jt \ Product Dlagn.m ,e Conoeptual, LOAOSi Anoll"'IS Is for 0 Header (Fluah Beam) Member. Trlbulary Load Width: 2' Prlmary Load Group. Snow (P!lf):25.0 live 01,,5 %dumtlon, 15,0 OoOd Venltal Loado: Typo , CI.o. Tapered(plf) Floor(1.00), 0.0 To 0,0 TApered(plf) floor(I,OO) 0.0 To 0,0 Uvo !load 7.0,0 To 60,0 50.0 To 20.0 L..ooatJon AppllcaUon IIdd. To Adds To Comment o To 8' 10" B' 1000To 18' 10' SUPPORTS: Input Width 1 WOod. column 3.50" 2 Wood cohJrnn 3.50" Beerlng Length 1.60" 1,50" Vertlcel Re""IIDn. (Ibol UVelDoadIUptlflf1'ola1 4~1/631/0 1105~ 421/635/0/1056 001:111 Olhor By Othem None By Olh81S None .s.o TJ SPECIFIER'S I BUILDERS GUIDE for detollls): By Olhe", DESIGN CONTROll!: Maximum DGalan Control Control Shear (Ills) .1036 .ala 6279 Mement (Ft.-Lb$) ~437 4437 19320 Live Load Dell (In) 0,092 0.550 Tolal Lead 0011 (In) 0,236 0,825 -Dellemlen Crllerta: MINIMUM(LL:l13BO.TL:U240). -6racing(Lu): All eompr""slen edges (top Bnd bottom) must bo brAeed at ,4' 7" 010 unl.... dotalled olhorwl.e, Ptop4r .ttaohment ond poalllonlnOo/ Inle",1 'brnclng I. required te seh/ove member st.b1l1fy, ' , ..Design aS9Umeo adequate oonUnUOUGl latetfll support or the compressIon edao. Passed (15%) P....d (23%1 P..sod (l.lllSS>) P....d (UB31) Locstlon Rl .nd SpRn 1 under Snow loading MID Span 1 under Snow loading MID Span 1 under Snow loodlng MID Spen 1 under Snow leedlng ADDITIONAL NOTES, -IMPORT ANTI Th. enslyol. pre.ented Is output from aollwore devalopod by Trus Joist (T J), T J warrants Ihe sizing of lis produOlll by this sollwore will be Rccompllshod In accordance wllh T J product deelgn crl1el1a :mct eode Rce8pted deslQn VO!llu~. The speclflo product application, Input design loads, and ,slated d/m.Mlens hlMl been provkled by tho sonware lIller. TOI8 output hag not beM reviewed bya TJ ^"",eleh!, -Nol all producm ere readily !IVGlIablA. CMck with your GuppllQr or T J tl\chnlcal reprccal'ltntw for product avallabDlty, -;HIS ANALYSIS FOR mus JOIST PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIOS THIS ANALYSIS, . ~Allo'vVZlble Slmfl(\ Det'lgn me.thodology W.l!lB U~ed tor Duildlng Coda use e.nl\lyz::lng the TJ D1G:trlbut1on product U5ted above. -The enalysls prellent.d I. approp~alo for CIll8$IC Glulom'" boomobY Woyerhaeuser. PflOJECT INFORMATION, HAyden Homes 16' galclgG door heedp.r: parallcl to SUlrnge truss layout. ,OPERATOR INFORMATION: Troy lanCASter Gene stringfield eubdlna MOlerlo' Co. p,o, eO>( 2707 " Eugsno, OR 97402 Phone: &41-889-8014 Fex : 541-6B9-ll266 g.bmctroy~qweot, net -:;ppyrlqllt: 0 3110. t'Y fru:! Jo1ol::, Q ."Y"'.r"'''1l1.l1lAJ: fl,'ltln'loll' .1~'~LWoI1~ 1.., " r...,.1."ll'lr'!ld tra~Q.r1f ot. T.rlll1 .'fo~"l:. ClftClCllo Gl.ulnll" ~I\ /I tJ:cd~rli: lit W")'l\,t'tlltilll\lAiIIlX'. , SlRUCTlJAAL BUu:DINCl DESIClN . FIRE PROTEcnON, CODE CONSULTANT. PlAN CHECXlNCl CONSTRUcnON INSPEcnON ' CLIENT ,II/Q'i~ IIOMa SHEET. NO / OF r:; CAlCULATED BY n-o ' DATE ]/JO/O't CHECKED BY DATE W.O., Ih"J7'cr" /bR'i'l), f~Ift~i~) \,<,..rJ5Jd.c:I,.,C:/ '';\J. '-";.~ii:":;;z,~~/ ~.!2{!~F.r~~~~/ CALCULATIONS , CLIENT /r'l"ypE:t( HONe fo, BOX 88:) rf'I'tI/V(r(-ln.o I O~ e,?,,7f/ f="RONT Of: ~;^""'O.-E ~TG:fZ.Y-l'- iI-Ie: /.1<..J:)GJl..WOCi) II'1BFr1 ,,{l.€Vens1:ll.. of PL.r..N, OK> , rOeLDESr 13.LPTlON ' 1Dell.OUJ.illN Let" liS" Jiqsp&L J[I. SpP4N6-FIa&>./ O(L A WIND fPEEt:>' CfCMlPH I<:: y.jJ(;J!'J.Jf& "6" S~JSP1IC. t.oN~: 3 (llz) S/'IOW 1-04[> '''2..SP~f'' , Site and soil conditions not observed by Mortier Engineering P.C. Allowable soil bearing capacity ofl.OOo psfused. /'itT!!." ~~~'7~\ i~1tW~~~;) k:"I:lU:JU~.' ~<l(:~~,;. " '/'\'I'\'.Y" "."'-..::.- CLIENT CALCULATIONS' SHEET N(" . /l4r:EN f.I~ 2. OF '6' ' " , frD 'JI/!/o4 DATE DATE 16'3'7,,/, , ~I NT> V C~~ o~ Gr.l11A~ / FUtJ... t:'iXrf:Ntlo;.) WIN!I/L,'l)tr,'" As' ioR'>- 'Y"'l~ l5'([,'(ID,lfl" 1t.~lJr~)f '1O{i'1{'1,l.;oJr-1 q,~s<)= '2./'If'(([ $i.!/St'liW: (i?p~(lS')('I.I.:) H:;/~(e') ere;:') ;~6l.-)..l.41 t.."....~ ,", V;' 801..'l.u,J (./4)' I, i'l..ll-(, , , CALCULATED BY , : STRUCTURAL ' BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PAOTEC'TlON CDOE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING' CONSTRUcnONINSPECnON CHECKED BY w.o., . '-'IDTf1 ',~~ .....<>= r::Y1.~ ~ 2-' hoA' fIr~ -2.!O,~) -: ,I '-'NIT J'HU"JV1-.' 2-"SLv ,,' n' ~ 5'i9PQ or"", 7'('2.)( 0'11JN): 7(,&3L('-.-'; , R",' 6frf-h.')('L')('~' ('O((-r, .t a.r~(9')( 4,') (I) 4/LeL6-r; I fUU-,t:; 76t;-1(,(.:"'-(; - '-/,(I"U-4) 7~ ;/ , -= ,: (;/,...@ ) (, "ti< ,c~'-::J '3 7J'tL6s /7j7T~"7 , L!.r~/:J ,.0,~~\t:r7"':,~ ,,~;r...../: . (~(~t~i;\ \ 1;;1'1'"1'- 1"1' ' ! .V":',11~ '..' . . (;' '-:'1.' ~'-" ~~. '., / \. (Y.'t~~~:9"\;::.' .......;.!NE\:,\\./ ..~--_.... , .. , f//';j..,~ /-ItJ~ ] OF I)" /l1:l DATE ::J/loI(y.{ CLIENT CALCULATIONS SHEET NO. CAlCULATEO BY STRUCTURAL. BUIL.CING DESIGN.. FIRE pr\.....c......,vN CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING' CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY CATE lo37cr . W.O., BEAM PER PLANS~ DOUBLE TOP 'PLATE""""""'" I "'" l. II II . J .;...:-. ... , (1) 2x6 BLOCKING FLAT K ,w/(1) 35~_ LONG CS16 STRAP / - ' , " NAIL ALL HOLESJ NAIL WALL SHEATHING TO BLOCKING ' , , ~, ad 0 2'0,0. STAGGERED 3 HI r I / . o .1 r- ' 7/16" OSB 8d NAILS--/"" 2"0.0. EDGES, STAGGERED ' 4x FRAMING @ EDGES L-.J l -_ Hm6 HOLDOYINJ ~ r SSTB16 ANCHOR CONC. STEM WALL~" "~' f " CO NT. FOOTINGJ , 24"MIN ' , --" ..-.... ;. ," '::::/:.~:.~~ ....:...... ...':...." CD DETAIL AT FRONT OF GARAGE>: N.T.S. ('TYPICAL EACH END OF OPENING) -'t:t>fr(~ ~ ~,",u. Cr"tlIo~ ~"7'jJIQN ......._ _............._ ....1................ .....__..........., ..._~..;.~ _, . I~",H AnA """""'1'\ "0 '{ ;>, ~ ~-=",," f :;;!m~;'''B2'!K \ "',."''',...,.."...,.'''::,:1 . ~,!~3~~~,'1.!J . i ':~!!I' -1"1' , I \-cr, .:~I&.Jb:. ~ ~,0" ,"/" ..,"';:'""""'....""'~-\~i L"\. G' ~...;~..m::....;( ,. " {"'I'\'.\/ ""~.:--' CLIENT I/~ n~ SHEET NC" 'i OF '1 CALCULATIONS CALCUu.. TED BY 1->1; J/;c/O'7 DATE STllUC'TURAL BUILDING OESIGN . FIRE PROTECTlON CHECKEO ~y CATE COOE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING i 6:3i<q ,CONSTRUCTION INSPECTlON w.o.. t-jiFt I 1..11 I 1 '....1 ",,,~~"'I ~~.' '''F''f'' ~:." ~~~, _.=-~~"'" :- _ ,''''''-:'&, ~CO"-1UN21V ~ \'j' . ' ~ i'lc,d-.t= . ! '.:::j: , Zi, : i :IIN~AerrcI-lB\'lt.l , ' ...... ", '~1Iffi, 1'0ifr~ j- ~~~~f[~r' & I ~_J 1 '..."""".~ ~ -1:E'"' ~ ~ ~;:.:.L '..... I~~' ~Ir. ;V, ~ ,:TJ I ............. " ~ ~ ~ J 12...m1l t1 ~ I ~ 6' L6 1.& ~ ~ , - ""'; OOB ~~v ~ ",S' l ",,' ,~., ~ ~! !... YIm. , t-- .~ ~-l.~~~T"~_ a..I,,~~ r . r ' , .'~ r~~~~ Ma"T=~'~:~"~ ~~J~~:"_"", " ,~- I~I:~I... ':. ~A," A," . lt~ _ ~r~~_ ~ ~~ I .... L 'I ,J 8 ~'l c.woIIT \ ' 4'_'" 2'4' 3'..". . . .,' I9C1OJ:1:00M .~ ....'ldIP'... c.woIIT , ~~I '~ ~ '~ I ~.- ~ IllI &A.Q~!I . , ' , . , r--------, : , , ., , , : , , : ----,---------., , , I , 1-' !. I L I~ f'l I \ ~a f/J.rft1 oF ' &'-1/44~ kT1/-l1 L-. / V t..),. ).... t ".f1' ~.d I .... -- ~ a.... ...~!)(T.or-TICt4 "'Cf"T.BX1' g.... .'"", 2"','" ,.~I!XT.CJ"'TICtol FLOOFiC PLAN ec.ll!, v..' . 1'.1f>' (AltCW Cl ~) ~""...1'4'(IW1e+e11l) 1245 PEARL sf . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 ,.~'T-l'T'-"", /,9c~j..l."" f~~r~:t~~\i '-<""'10 I.. IU' ", '>I;.~:"'" .: ":;:;:..V/ ~" G' '~-~,i:~'~\~ / '~{NI:\;,~\"/ ~,._.-'''' CLIENT I H-l7V~ /70.NV:T ,6' Pt> ' '~ DATE 3b6/0I-I CALCULATIONS SHEET N.... OF CAl.CUl.ATED BY SlRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT,. PIAN CHECKING OONSmUCTlON INSPECTION CHECKED BY , 'OA,TE / tC), "f w.o.. ,....... -- """ ~ ~ '___m___ __'n__m_L____. , , . J ~___/_______~m___m_n__~~: ol F=~~~~,ELE~AJio~ >G~NT=~ - '_~~ f>8h/,- , - ~- ~r~. i __.1. ,_.1_ t.r-"' i I l_ ~4no . ,1-EF=T ELEvATIO~ ',. I 'j I I C 0 ~ , 0' ,____,_- ...._- ~,.--... ., -- F02IGpojT ELEVATIO~ i I o 0 " ~/-B~ 0, 0 ~ . ~ .-< ~~ . "....... ":"'....... ....0... , ... . ... ,,' ..... ....... ~ ~ ~ . " ............ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. =."..... D( o """~ _r t~, "l=J, I _______:Jm_____ ___m____ 'm~__mLm____ __m___' .-..1 , , tmmm, ..______ r """""'~A"" - , , F02EAF02 ELEV.ATIO~ ,-.' 1245 PEARL ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541)484-9080 .......... ' '''~' ~~~~. n..-:;~.:.";~,~' [~i~;~~;' :';:~~r::'~~~ "'." "~"".:r":"):~.~~~~: , . "~",;;" 14;,4'3 FROM: GENE STRINGFIB-D' l;"'lO"'T ,;fi' TO: 8953461 541C689-8266 P.,001~004' , .. ,." . ~il..mt " , Garago door "...dor, non portlllhlme. 12" OYertlong l' rool inIl end gablo end tnJg weight ."15_~~gzg'- 31/2" X. 12" ClaSsIc Glulam1M (24F ..1.0E Framing OF) .. , . f &J1J2004":2fI!:2S Pfwt . .' , . ..! _~'.IS'" THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LO,ADSLlSTED Mim"or IllOp.: 0112 Roof BlopoOII2, illf j, .~.. ~~L " ." .,. ,- 'ProduCt Dlagra,q ", (>~nc.ptu"L , , i 1S"O. All dlmon.lonl are bOrlzontal., , L2AQlt At10iylllS 10 ,for Q, Header (FtlJ$h Be.m) Mamber. Tributary Load W1d11t 7 PrtmalY Load Group- Snow(psf}: 25.0 l/vB AI lIS ')I dUlllllol\ 15.0 Dood Vlll11C8l Loads; , Type CI... Uvo Tapered(plf) FloOrj1.00) 0.01"00.0 Topered(p1Q FIoO<11.00l 0.0 To 0.0 ' "'" " "1 , " , ' llo<ld , 20.0 To 60.0 60.0 To 20.0 I..oo8tfon OT08'10" O'lO"To 18'10" "",. Applledon CDI1lmonl 1Idd. To' Md. To '" ,,' " "f ,', , , , SUpPOm; , ..., Input' BestIng VorIJcal RuctI"".(lbel Dabll, OlhOr Wldlh Langm Ll'JelDaadl\Jpllfl1folal 1 ,WoOd oalumn g.6O" 1.50" 4~1I6311 0/1052 2,', Wood CO""" 3.50" 1.511' ,421/035/0/1056 .soo T J SPECIFIER'S / BUIlDERS GUI~ lor detal1(.~ By Others (.~BIGN CONT,ROL!c!: " ../' '.. , ' Maxbtium DOlIlgn, cOnllol Control \..OOJttlon , 6h.ar(lbG) , "1038 '.810' eve ,PosSod (is%) , Rlend Spell 1 under Snow Ioadlng Mamonl(f'l.Lbs} 4437 4437 19320 Passed (2m) MID Span 1 undar Snow Ioodlng LIvo Load Deft (In) 0.092, ,0.550 P.ll88d (LIll99+) 'Mto Spartl under Snow lo.dlng Tolal Locid Olin (iii) 0.238 0,825 Passed (UB31) MID Span 1,uryler SnoW laadlng . . ",t ..o.nedlan CrIlene: MIN1MUM(lL:U360,TL:\J240}., , " .' , ' ' , ..Br.cilll(Lut. All oomprll88lan cd.aClll (lop end bO\Ioml nwst be brRQed BlI4' 7" 0/0 unIose delOned 01h0rwl... Pl'DP"r ellGohmeni and posl\lonlng cf lAlend ' 1>mc/1lII/& required 10 Sc:l]lOVll mamber &1ablIIly. ..' , , , ..oesign a""umes nd.,q.,el. oonUnuOUllIQlOMlouppofl 01 the oompn!!l8lon cd.ae. , ' AODlT10N(\LN.OTES: ",' " ", ' " , ' ~MPORTANllTholl/Ullyal& pre$ented It outputf""" GOftVIaredewlop.dbyTNoJoIll\(TJ), TJwarrenle \h&.1zIng '!ljla produCl8 by INs sotIWorewDl b. eccompll.l1edln aOOOllla_ wI1h T J produot deolgn crtIerf..nd code eOCGpl.d deallm valueo. The .pel'lno product appUcauon. Input dMign laado, and, sIaled dime_ hllVD "e.n pri>vt:led by tile sortworo ....r. ,TrlI8 outpu\11a& not b.....'1'Il\'lewed by. TJ AssooIete.' , -Nol ell produCl8 am readUy'.wnabl.. cneck wflh your wppIlor.r T J I"""nlc:d r.pre...ntnlMl for product .vellobUay. '. fHlS ANAL YBIS FOR lRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONL Y1 PRODUCT GUSSTIlUl'ION yPlDS THIS ANAL yOlS. , -AIIowsble GInlto Design molhedology Wl\O -.lIar Bu1ld1ng Codo use anelyzIng U'O T J D1Gtrtbu1lon praduc\ nsled aboVe, .The onolyuf&'preOented Is approprtole lor CIBtlElIo Glulom'" 'ball/llll, byW.yerl1......r. "'" By Olhera None By 0111.15 None . .", .,..... . , , " """ "", - , PROJECT INF'ORMATlOtj;, HAyden Hames 16' g."'g. door heeder: parall.1 10 going. IN9s I.yout. OPERATOR INI'ORMA"ON: TroYLanCAlller Gene StrIngfield Bulld1llll Maler,I.' Co. , P.o.,BOl<2707 Eugilna, OR 9740;2 Phone: 641-8ll9.a014 Fax: 54\-!lIlll-ll2B6, gob,"cuoy@qweal.net ,. ":,'}, r ,. .1t..~..,..;. ClClpyr1'1hC 0 zao. ~ fculll ,JoIDI:. .. ....yvl\I\III11AA.r.DlUiln""l t..,...OnnIaC' '&'n A roO{ll,1l",",d tr.daUu'1r ot 'I,l:Il11 .:IGl.llt;. Cll\DDLo alll1nA~ Lft ~ trad~rt at ~~h".~"~K: , 3/1512005 JEFF HARRISON EUGENE HAYDEN HOMES THE ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT JEFF, GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM o HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANG LAM LVL o AS PER PLAN - NOT ON MATERIAL UST o AS PER PLAN -INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST ,~ . Loulslana-Paclfic COrp. LPI-Jolsts / Gang-Lam L VL / Solid Start R1mboard . ,Distributed Bv: L.,,,, 14421 S.E. 98th Court P.O. Box 1750 Clackamas, OregOn 97015 (503) 742-6889/ Fax (503) 657-1843 866-742-6889 ThIs material take off Is for lhe LoulslanlH'BClflc CTR)ols1s. LPI-JoIsts. Gang-Lam LVL, and Solid Start RlmbOard materials only. The _. .~......:-: I builder I homeowner I architectural designer or O'Nfler of the plans must verify aU Infonnatlon on the l-jolst layout prior to consbuction. Any changes needed win then be made before any famlng has occurred. Changes made to the house plans after construction framing has begun may affect the l-jolst layout. It is the ....ponsIbillty of the ~.."._ , build...' he ' .. . I a_ deslgner or owner of the plans to verify If the changes affect the Holst layout. Any damages, fees. or other services required to fix a pmblem related to these changes will fall under the responsibility of the contractor I bu_". .. "Jll" architectural designer or owner of the plans. A complete set of plans needs to be submItted for an 8CQJrate material take-Otf. DD..1I.A.matM'lal tak9oOft' onlY. .IbIllPVOl.rl tu:'l!l not been ravlewfItI nr mmnllm bv JIIn ~ All beam sizes have' been sized by the LouIsla~ecIflc WOCJd.E beem sizing program or by the design tables in the LPI Joist User Oeslgn Manual, Gluiam beams have been Included in this dmwlng. without cost, end es a courtesy to our cu_. The An:I1Itect I Designer' engineer of reconlls solely ....ponsIbIe for the original deslgn caJlouts. nel_ Loulslana . Paclfti: nor IntamaUonaI Wood Producle. LLC. Ne responsible for the design or lICCUlllcy of calculaUons regarding the glulam beams shown on the layout . ,- , Begin Layout " @ 19,2" O.C, ;, ) - - - I I I - I - I - - - - - - I I II I I I I I 1 I' ,1'1 . . . !, I 1 J,izJ. III! I ! ! I ffXrV! ' !..! L2'~ ! ! i! . -~~~l!!! ! !4~r~2": :~\: :~=*=~==F=~==F=;=~=*=~==*=~==F=;==F=;=~=fi=~==F=;==F=;==F= . . . . . . .... ........ . . . . . . .. . . '" .... I I I I I 1'1 I I I II I I 1 I 1 IIIII ~ I I j@11 . III . . . . . ... ,. .. '" . . . . . '" .. . '" ! I I ! ! I I! II!!! !!! . . . . . '" .. . ... ! ! ! ! !' II!! I!! ! r ! 1 . . . . . ... .. . ... I I. 1 I I I I 1 I 1 II 1 I I 1 ::::: ::: @ :::: ::: ! I I! ~ !=:!;=~=J.,=!+- ! I ! II I ! I I .; 0lU 'NAlJ. rt cmERS J" . ' HA YDEN HOMES ,THE ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT MAIN FLOOR LPI JOIST LAYOUT ,I ~f\~W Inremational woodp~, llC' !\fain Level Havden Homes T~ ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT ------------c--------------MATERIALS LIST----------------------------- FILENAME: MAIN.Garg.Rght. 11X17.dwg ,16: 14: 54 GENERATED: 03/14/2005 Designed By: AARRON PHILLIPS - IWP ------------------------------I,JOIST--------------------------------- I-JOIST LPI20W X 9 1/2" (27 stick(sl total) (2/2) (25/28)" ~otal Linear Footage = 704feet ~-----------------------------HANGERS--------------------------------- ,~ HANGER Simpson ITT 39.5 (4 total) ----------------.-------------END LIST----------~--------------------- >Multi-p1y blocking quantity does not represent the total number of p1ys. .>Mu1ti-p1y beam ply's are added to multi-ply quantity. Note: It Is the Builders I Contractors . ~r._siblUty to verify joist lengths. Blocking panels (If required) are to be cut by the Builder I Contractor. Web stiffeners (if required) are to be cut and provided by the Builder I Contractor. Additional non Louisiana-Pacific material may be required. International Wood Products, LLC. 14421 S.E. 98th Court · P.O. Box 1750. Clackamas · Oregon. 97015 (503) 650-9663 · (800) 875-9663 . FAX (503) 657-1843 , NOTE: 200t.1 AII:IGbII srr... 0aIgn LOAD TABLE 1.~~~~~~y NoTe: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPUT lOAD CASE (1). OTHER LOAD CASES lOADING. DEFLECTlON lURTATlONS. FRAMING ~~ ~1sN~~r~~~~OF~~CANm.evst) MEniOOS, WINO AND SEISMIC BRACtNG, AND OTHER LATERAL BRACING n1ATJSN-WAYS REOUIRED IS DISTRIBlJ'TION SOURCE TYPE TOP/SIDE 'LOAD THE RESPONSl8lUTYOF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 2. PROVIDE RESTRAINT AT SUPPORTS TO ENSURE LATERAL STABIlITY. 3.00 NOT CUT, NOTCH OR DRItl LPl FlANGES. ... SHIM AU. BEARINGS FOR FULl. CONTACT. 6. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTTING 1PI TO SIZE. 8. THIS LPlIS TO BE USED AS A FlOOR JOIST ONLY. 7. PROVIDE COMPRESSION EDGE BRACING AT 3rO.C.ORLES5. 1Harlc&lg&Erec:tIan Msc:elIanoous aanObmLVlandCTR,lPIJoIst... '.o,dlb.. T.mponry"'~br8c:lngtorI'dclr'clClOlllllOl'llli n......oflNl~.,...b8l1p8dl1edbylhedellgnerof... . SupportIlIIlSc:onnecdonIfDrOq-UrnLYLIIldICTR, LPl....mbe pknIb..,rorl1llllllngbil8nllfolQllhlllblicS.lgnedR ~IIIudl.n.ObtIIn"".--ymdt(J)lJlplllrltllIlPP"l'l"_ ~~ . InItIlledbyDllwa. NcIID.-_tobe~tou. InItruc:tIanIflumlhedalgrwloflhlampleteltr\lCll.nlberlnUllnglhll 'Commonll8lbddv.nl*alllbGGlnellhlllblt-=-temk*nurnof4"b'10d comporlIInIwdlftwlllllhehrr*lgntfastfRng.. cornpond. It'''clalgnalelllllltedabovedoell'lCll:rnMtb:ll~ rd3"farlld. ~.A1tlDllrM"""'"",,,,cs.lgnb.a code dollDC.....thltdelign. WhlnIhlldf8Wlngllalgned .Donotal,nolCh,drUlor.....G~LVLnCTR,LPl....IllCIpt___ . btlPPGedlOOlIamponerc. nf.......lheltr\lcU'illclellgn..apptOW'ldalt-.ln...dr8wIng 1n~l'IIlQrbIli'lVlnLPM1.....ofOano-LanLVl"'CTR.LPl..bllt:lC\OfCJa'y IDalgnCrtl8ria _'===~~~~~~~~ ::"'~~~:::;"'-=::-~ardLP n.dMIgn"'''*-'IIItpedt\Id_ln~ CDrltKtwlh__,",*be~a~byClOCte.CoranuouI a'ldlllr-.ror.partkUIJ.... canformly"blllatl'WlllcllaofN:lSlndAITC." 1Mnl~1I........(waI.noorbam,*-I.LPdoeInol:llfO\IlCiI o.mUclcll6lcllorlk'duda~tar;mrtrcnep. DlHbNpec:tlon. TlllIdr-'rqll'Ullhwl ~~Ill'~'" . ACOPVot' THIS DRAWING IS TO BE! GMH TO THe WSTALLJNOCONTRACTOR TOlIlUcl~1I "'mblt~lII~cIocurMIL Hayden Homes - The AIdeIWOOd,Jl N<l"rf; FOR DOUBlE LA A. CONNECT DOUBlE LPI USING 2X8 + l5I8'" ass FIlLERS FUll lENGTH OF JOIST. FOR JOISTS THAT ARE TOP LOADED 0Nl y,FIllERS NEED ONLY BE lOCATED AT EACH SUPPORT AND AT 8' ON CENTER MAX. Rll.ERS MUST BE AT lEAST .'LONG. TOP LOADS MUST BE APPUED TO BOTH hJO&STS. B. PROVIDE .'lONG FILLERS AT AU. CONCENTRATED LOADS. CENTER Fn..LER ON lOAD C. FASTEN ALlERS THROUGH lPt WEBS WITH 2 ROWS Of 8d(2-1tr)NAD..SAT 1roc FROM BOTH SIDES STAGGER ROWS AND CUNCH WHERE POSSIBlE. 10. MAXlMUM S1DE-APPUED LOADS FOR STANDARD I DURAT1ON: UNIFORM lOAD. 260 PLF, , CONCENTRATED LOAD. 1000 LBS. LOADS CAN BE DOUBLED FOR NAItS AT rr ce, TRIPlED FOR NAILS AT.- OC, ETC:, AND MAY BE ADJUSTED FOR OTHER LOAD DURATIONS. E. FLOOR SHEATHING TO BE NAILED TO FLANGES OF RI"ITlolI_lnlc:T'C:: SUPPORT RBAcTIONS (LaS). CASB SHARING HUHBBR 123 1 U7 1456 437 2 101 336 101 3 49J 896 45 4 45 896 0193 HIN ~iARIHO SIZBS (IN~SX) 1-12 J- 8 1-12 MAXIKUJII DBFLBCTIONS CALCt1LATBD ALLOIf1<BLB LIVE LOAD 0.10- 0.35- *DKAI) LOAD. 0.03- TOTAL LOAD 0.11- 0,70. Flle:J~Hl:JrMs\11il~ ~ OR INTERNATIONAL WOOO PROOUCTS. ltC "'ilFORM ""IFORM ..... TO FT-IN-SX FT-IN-ax 64 PLY 00-00-00 28-00-00 19 PLF 00-00-00 28-00-00 Z LPI ZOW D~ 111.500 ~ WEB I 0.375- FLANGE 1.50 X 2.50 DESIGN' CONSISTS OF 2 - PLIBS _-....._---. (RBFER TO lIOTBS) . ,_.1. , ; M51: 0.36 VSI: 0.29 40 PSF 12. PSF .52 PSF DESIGN CRITERIA .ASTENBl> LIVE LOAD DBAD LOAD TOTAL LOAD , SPACING. _ 19.20 IN. CIC FLOOR LIVB FLOOR DBAD TOP TOP 1.00 0.90 DBPLECTIOH CRITERIA LIVB LOAD DEFL. TOTAL LOAD DEFL. L / 480 L / 240 WARNING NOTES: THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIFICALLY FOR l.p ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. USE OF THIS DESIGN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN GANG-LAM lVL OR 1PI JO&ST8IS STRICTLY.. ...... ........ ~.ItMY MODIRCAnoH OF THIS DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVIEW BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL LOAD SHARING. 7 . MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFACIENT TO PREVENT CRUSHING OFTHE LA JOIST AS DESIGNED. rr IS THE RESPONSlBlUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT THE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR THIS BEAM IS CAPABlE OF SUPPORllNG THE REACTIONS. ANCHOR LA JOIST SECURElY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. COOS COMPLIANCBS REPORT . ESR-lJOS 20040S-W 12724-R ICC-BS WISCONSIN CCMC IDBP"LKCT.ION ABSlD1BS COMPOSITE ACTION WITH GWED AND RAILED 23/32- APA RATBD SHEATHING 148/24 SPAN RATING) 1 "5001r~'500 CROSS SRC'TION ~ ~ - . J- 14- 0- 0 14- 0- 0 . 28- 0-.0 - THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE- '~ 50ftwam Provided By. LP Engl_ Wood Products 2708 HIghway 421 North WlImngton, NC 28401 Local G10.762,g878 National Wats BOO.GGG.G105 .".... leBO LP".~tn$nilrlloI DWG # SHEET # .".~ Hayden Homes - The A1de1wood,J2 NOTE: 2OOl,1 AbrabIe ~ o.q. 1. 1lflS COMPONENT IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT ONLY ll-lE VERTICAL LOADS SHOWN VERlFlCAllON Of NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPUT lOAD CASE {t}. OTHER LOAD CASES lOADlNG.DEFlECTIONut.GTATJONS.AW.4lNG ~~~c:g~~~~OF~~agt~) METHODS, WJND AND SEISMIC BRAClNG. AND OTHER LATERALBRAClNGlliATlSAlWAYSREOUlREDlS DISTRIBUTION SOURCE TYPB TOP/SlOB LOAD THE RESPONSI8IUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT, 2. PROVIDE RESTRAINT AT SUPPORTS TO ENSURE LATERAL STA8ll.ITY. 3. DO NOT CUT. NOTCH OR DRlLllPl FlANGES. ... SHlMALL BEARINGS FOR FUll CONTACT. 5. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTTlNG LPI TO SIZE. 8. THIS LPIIS TO BE USED ASA FLOOR .KXST ONLY. 7. PROVIOE COMPRESSION EDGE BRACING AT 25" D.C. OR LESS. SUPPORT REACTIONS (LBS) I CASK BEARING NUHBBR 1 , 3 1 437 1456 437 2 101 336 101 3 UJ 896 4S .. 45 896 493 MIN .BKARIHG snss U9-SXI 1':12 J- 8 1-12 MAXIMUM DBFLECTIONS CALCt1LATBD ALLOWABLB LIVE LOAD 0.19. 0.35. *DEAD LOAD. 0.05- TOTAL LOAD 0.23- 0.70. OR , INTERNATIONAL WOOO PROOUCTS, LLC lOADTABlC UNIFORM UJlIFORM PROM TO FT-IN-ax VT-IH-SX 64 PLP 00-00-00 28-00-00 19 PLY 00-00-00 28-00-00 r' LPI ZOW DEPni 0.500- "WEB, 0.375. FLANGE 1.50 X 2.50 LOAD LDP FLOOR LIVB FLOOR ORAD TOP TOP 1.00 0.90 -' - Handling & EmclIon . f.bceIIaneous Infonnatlon ~m LVl8nd em LPI JOIst Specificallona TIfrlI)OfJry...~bradngrorholdlngCCll'l'lPCllWll nw....oI...c:ornponertlhlll~tpIIdn.lbr...o.lgrwoflhll .~ad~foro.ro-umL"""'nCTR,LPlJoiltltobe pIumb_for~.....rorc.""blIdeIlgned_ ~~0tuln"''''-.yaxs.~1IppIOV''1nC ~~ . lnIlalledbyoa... No.....tobll...,to.... lnIlrul:IIcQ;fn:m....cIaignIJa<<..~lItNCturwblluN~1tD .COmrnonnllbl~pnllIIltoglul...lhIllbllll**l.mHmumot...b1Od lZlIIIpOIIeIII\DlI........rr.nngIlld~_ UlIIlpIIrB'l. If_dalgn~''''lIbovedoelnollTllllltlDcllltullllng IIIdTlarlld. lIImpleled.Al.n:ltknelhlllt.dagr-.cr-dalgnbD tXldII ,.. ,donolwellQdalgn. WhlnltDdrallrCIlllIOr*l .Donola-.notch,clIUlor_G8r9UmLVLIlldCTR.LPtJoiltl~a__ be~tothecomponeR. 1IId..-.d....llrucbnldalgnll~ all'll:MnlnaaclrawlrO lnpdahlld~ fnIlnLP~loUoIG8r9UmLVLIlldCTR. LPl JoI:ItIcantnry n-'-......-.. '*-dondlltalW\'lded~h~. G8r9UmLVLIlldCTR,lPI IDh....llllb!tI~~.,.....-..yothproducl..,LP ""-lI"............. ......rnD'lllhMCllnbera.....deftldUlld<<Ioad.WDOdlndlr8d; dlkDIms"impIId___lr'dudk'oh~-"'ot...a.tablllty TheOl:llgnn"*""'lP"dlled_klMDlSanlial DDnI8ct..etb__.....bllplOt8l:lld_requhdby~.ecnn..- nac.-b'.~_ lXdxmIy..etbhlllat......wor.otflOSnArTC.. ~ 1qlpOIt.......('wtII. ftoorbam,fItC.). LPdoeInoIptMdI DNd "-l dolIIdlon Inc:UleI ~ fadDrlorcnep. orHb ~ TNI cbolIng nul ,.,.IftAtd1lllc:Ror~.... . A COPY OF TMlS DRAWN31S 10 SE GIVEN 10 THE 1NSTAlJ..JNG CONTRACTOR TotIl"-llWllcllonlllr1sllwaNauL "'lDbllCIClllIldiINdIft~~ .Ie:J:'oH;p":':..,' , ... WARNlNG NOTES: THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIRCAU.Y FOR L~ EN~NEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. use OF THIS DESIGN FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN GAHGoLAM LVl OR LA JOIST81S STRJCTL Y PROHIBITED. ANY MODIFlCATlON OF THIS DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVlEW BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. M1NlMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE LPI JOIST AS DESIGNED. IT IS THE RESPONSlBlUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT THE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR THIS BEAM is CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE REACTlONS. ANCHOR LPI JOtST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. 1 '.500 i ja,.SOD . CROSS SECTION 14- 0- 0 14- 0- 0 28- 0- 0 - THIS DRAWIHQ 18 NOT TO SCALe- lpll.~lI'mImIrtlol'l-"" ~...Corp:lnIlon. DESIGN CRITKRIA LIVE LOAD DE1.D LOAD TOTAL LOAD lBPACING ~ 19.20 IN. DEFLECTION CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DEFL. TOTAL LOAD DEn I LOAD SHARING. CODB COHPLIANCBS . RBPORT . BSR':130S 20040S-W 12724-R ICC-BS WISCONSIN CCMC . MSI: o.n VSI: 0.59 40 PSF 12 PSF 52 PSF CIC L I 480 L I 240 7 . DBFLECTION ABSUMKS COMPOS~ ACTION WITH GWBD AND NAILED 23/32- APA RATKD SHBATHIHO 148/24 SPAN RATING) Software Provided By. LP Engineered Wood Products 2708 Highway-421 North' W~NC2fI.401 Local 910.762.9878 National Wats BOO.lXl9.0105 OWG # SHEET # ""'... ICSO r- . ll.. o ,0 "N 'C') t- W ',.., 0: W CIl a; ..J 0- J: 1: a. C') ,0 .. C') ..,. '0 ,0 N ..,. Q" 1- 'J' o L.: 40'0"0 -, ,"\1 t' t "l':'/;d~~';t'i '~ .," i 1 1/ j / //v/%: " ...' ': I (llIA'l 1~~/~/4~;1'~~ 1////////; i 1///////// ~ I I ; ,// / / / / /- ~ -;-t i /1"- I :r;//T'~~~;;- I /! '" y~~j////~ I // I "I ,~///////: / '-, '////////; / "//////- / ""l<j/ / / / ~/, , AS ~,\~( (( /.,/~ : :A7 i i q'.... "._,. r"lA6 , . A6 AS 7, I I I ! I " 1./ II" ~ , - ~, ~: I I , != C' ,<;: (00 " , , B1 BI i ,', BI I : . }l - -7Yl ! i I i" .-!fr~M ,~./ i \.. ...1 J ,j 0\ ~., ~ <;:!;~....:I;~'~~<-t. . . ;:!: .;!: - ~ ,< 20'0"0 - ,- 8'0"0 - ,- '12'0"0 '", '.". Approval, of.Shop ~ !'leans the Configuration; bearing locatio~ and, , d~ cnlerta have been reviewed and approved. As CantraCtoryou must verity and l!Pprove all dimensions and truss counts on the Layout ' ' Trusses will be manufactured as ".....u .ed, ' , .,:.. ',' !:: c:: , c:: & .. 'I " ~ ' c .. , .' . ~ c <- L .,-':- NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 6112 Overhang: I' 0" ~ Vaulted Area ~ Pitch: 3/12 D__ O~';""'.1OIoIIl 0._........._ D::i:- ,0_........_ .I("'M_- I"':""'" HaydenEnlaprises /~ :-.::.':'" 13"8'4'8 Htlllvbum: Albanv Lot 41 theTRUSSCO. inc.I"""" A~Bam.::I..ft -,- 1,-"'" ,-,...... ,.. r-ll661 lD . ' ll. 0 - 0 " N ? ,C'l ::. f- ;. 'W ., " [l( - W CIl a: ..J ? ::. a. ~ 'J: :E: " a. - C'l 0 .. C'l "" 0 0 N "" 0 f- .., 0 " 4l\'n"o : I " ,;.. J'.' I ,-.-, j I ; , v ~/;r;) /' /""'.' \". I" , t/~~~~~( ~~ I I j, ? "( Y < '~~; l~IJrjl > ~ ~ ? I ;; /1/ ~ X/ / ~ ~ I j ? ~ L;/ ,,1/ / / /V ~ ' I i ,_ p '" ! ////7~/Y /r I /"'K' \ ;::: , j// / ./" /1/ --- i I : ~ /// /___ /. i IV/// /// / ~ 'D/ / ///// ~ ;/ ~ ~ / / / / / f / i "- I :~~j:;;;/r/~~~:' ....!..,. >'~r ,'c- L ' ! I '~7( 1.8 ,\ , I ~:r : '; [, ;, A5[ BI . J I' ~ B'I I i I : J "B~I ' . BDJ1tf1l,(, '" 7t'~!. : ~bnL .v~ - ~:e. r: 12'0"0 .,' 8'0'0 :,:- 20'0.0 -:1 . . ..... Approval of Shop Drawings means the CDllfigw:ation, bearing locations and deSign criteria have been reviewed and approved: As Contractor you must ' verily and.ll!lProve all dimensions and truss counts on the Layout Trusses wilI6e m~nnF..ctured as approved. - " !:" NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 6/12 Overhang: I' 0" ~VaultedArea ~ Pitch: 3/12 0__ 0__ 0_ Dr.V-- 0.........._ -- , /'-....... HaydmEnletpriscs J /,- rzr-;. .....OUMQ ~ , " 1.1', ..',..... " 90S Ill. Str<et. Creswell Lot 36 i th~1RUSSco. inc.r:: AJdawnod Ii oara.e Rh.!>, J I 1!aB''''' DAlE:lnMMlJ' _.'lllEmlWnm. -tm;' luaoJ rss 1*-11565 "-.~\ j SEP 01 2004 4:15PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.2 IJO 0 'IrU5~ 'Iru~~ .ype ALOERW-l A RQOF TRUSS, . ....l.ne I russ \"'0., uumner VU\, ,cug~n~ Ur\. ..<>y 'I""IY nayoen }\Icerwouo \UUVUU1.:1..:>> ,. " 1 1 Job Rererence \Oe!lonall o.uw s reo I) ~w~ lvlll eK .n::Jusmes, me. mi Mar ~I U~:"O.4~ ""uv-? t-'age 1 J .1-0-0 '1.0-0' 1400-0 1400-0 28-0-0 1+0-0 1~ 1-1).0 'Sad~. = 1:50.6 3x5= 12 1~1:J ." 10 .....'?r- ......l-~ ,,, 8 ~j;/ """$-"- 15 8.00fTZ' /~. '.........."" 11 I~~ , '~~ ~-;::::, lI' S' 0 S' 1 ].:~~_ 17 I. ~ _ ,jf.::;::'-" !" III S'2'---"':::: ~["" . ! 1 i ! II ',' , S', S'. 'J...~- 20 ' ~/ ll. ' 'S', ---.:.'~ 3 ...."lJ . S.6 ~ 21 ~, , ' S]' , " 'ff' S .............. .....<:.:./. . . . -....:: -..:Z2 . 1., ~(;/ ~,~ '-a-~-.,:p.-'-J :; '[ '3'u~,;-6 ~ ,'" , "~<2:J:i J' (;:'~iii1Il'''')tl\!~'''''''__~_'''''''l'..~"..g.............iI!i>....~~~~ ":)0 3x5 = 42. 4' 40 39 J8 37 36 3:i 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 24 3x5 = 3x5 = ,- 28-0-0 28-0-0 LOADING (psI) TCLL 15.0 TCDL 6.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rep Stress fIlcr NO ,~'Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0,09 Be 0.05 we 0,06 (Matrix) DEFL in (lac) Vdefl Vert(LLl nlo - nla Vert(TL 0.00 23 ~999 , Horz(TL) 0.00 22 nla 1st LC LL Min I/defl = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD PLATES MIl20 GRIP 1651148 Weight 152 1b I lIMBER '.") ., CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 , r CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 , OTHERS 2 X 4 HF Stud , . Sheathed ,.::: "r- , Rigid ceiling directly, appDed or 10-,0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=176/26-0'0,42=199/28-0-0,41=74/28-0-0.40=114/28-0-0, 39=105l28-D-D, 36=107/28-D-D. 37al07/28-O-D. 39=107/28-0-0, 35=107/28-0-0, 34=100126-0-0, 33=100128-0-0,32=108128-0-0.31=104/28-0-0, 29=104/28-0-0. 28=10712B-O-O, 27al05l28-0-0, 26a,114I2B-O-O. 25a74/28-0-0, 24=189128-0-0, 22=176/28-D-D Max Horz2=96(load case 4), .,' Max Uplift41~(load case 4), 25=-4{load case 3) , ,,' Max Grav2=176C1oed case 1), 42=189(load casa 6), 41=74(load case 6), 40=114C1oad case 1), 39=105 load ease 1 . 36=107(load case Ii), 37=107110ao case Il' 36=107 load caoa I!. 35=110 load case 6, 34=100(10ad c.se 1), 33=100 loae case 1 ,32=110 load case 7 , , 31=104 load case 1 ;29=104(load cese I), 28=107 load casa 7), 27=105 load case 1 , 26=114 load case 1, 25=74(load case 7), 24=IB9(load case 7), 22=176("ad case 1) FORCES (Ib) - FiISt Laad,Case Only ,.' , 'fOP CHORD 1-2=28, 2-3=2B, 3-4=-42,4-5=-32. 5-6=-33. 6.7~33. 7~=-33, 8"'~33, 9-10~33, 10-11~34, ' 11-12~30, 12-13=-30,1;>-14~34, 14-15~33,15-1E!=-33, 16-17=-33, 17-18=-33.1e-19~33, 19-20~32, 20-21=-42. 21-22=-55. 22-23=28 , BOT CHORD 2-42=0,41-42=0,40-41=0,39-40=0.38-39=0,37-36=0.36-37=0.35-35=0, 34-35=0, 33-34=0. 32-33=0,31-32=0,30-31=0,29-30=12.26-29=12,27-26=12. 26-27=12, 25-26=12, 24-25=12. 22-24=12 WEBS 3-42~149, 4-41=4'l5, 5-40=-92, 6-39~87, 7-36=-88. 8-37=-86. 9-36=-86. 10-35=-89, 1'-34~61. 13-33~61. 14-32~69, 15-31=~8.1e-29=-88, 17-28~B8; 18-27=-87, 19-26=-92. 20-25=-85, 2,-24=-149 NOTES " 1) Unbalanced roolllve loads have been considered for this design. , 2) Truss desi~ned lor wind loads in the plane orthelru.,' only. For studs exposed to wind (nonnol \0 the face). . soe Mrrek Standard Gable End Detail' 31 A1t-olates are 2x4 MII20 unless otherwise indicated. 4 Gaele requires continuous bottom Chord bearing. " fi Gable s1uds spacad at 1-4-0 oc. , ' ' , "hIs truss has been designed fot e 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any o1her'lIve loads per ...:..f~lln1fi,j.t!BC-97. ' ,', . " ' " '.' , A WARNING - V1iRIFV DESlGN,PAl!AMETEIlS IJoID REAli AU NOm ON nllS AND TRUSS DIlAWlNG NOTES BefoRE uSE: Dedgn...ald ro~ UM criv WIh MfTIIl( c;onn.d'ln TIil dIIdgn II ~ ortv \.lIXlI\ paometelt 1t'IcJ\Il/f\.c::nd II itt on tldMdual tMdhg c~ to be INto led CJ'\tIIoo::Sed vertlcQlly. .-.ppIcabJltyord4SV'lporc:n.tMor'ICl~aPiC;~~rc..",,...,. ale1pOnSfbllltyotWdhgd8~ner.notlrw~. Bro:::hQlhollofl IS IOflateral " IUppOlf of h:IMduaI web membm crt(. Aac:JtlonaI t , to hsln IldJllly dUmg cONtnc11on b: rn8're~NfbIlty oflhe elector. AdCi/tIa'd permonent br'ocng of the <Mln:lll muclure iii the ra&DaUIblllly Of "'0 tMdInQ ddslgnar. Fa general QUdonoe fegorctng tobrIcatbn. CNQIty contrnI. stOJOg8. d8IIverv. ~cn and brVCng. COIlIl.:It QST-aa GuaIty Slmdord. osa.a9 Elrodng SpecI!cot1on a'Id H&91 HoncIrQ ItUtoR1Q on::l 9racng R.c:om.....ldctbl avaloblo trom rnas :21a1o lnsfttute. 5&30'0n0trt0Cffle, Mcdsor\'M5.'S119. . . . l'213it~ ~, theTRUSSco. Ie B1JlLD~ 5VPP1.Y INC. SEP 012004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.3 Job IN55 . lruas ,ype v.('f r-IY nayoen f\IQerwOQO \VYUUU}~o; ALDERW-1 A ROOF TRUSS L~ I fUSS \.00" .,umner 'tlti\ i c.~erle VI"\. :;',VVV S reo 1 1 , ,Job Reference \Op'!ional) , , ~~V'U~lvllleK nDU8tr1e~.lnc. nUMar", uc,:..:iO:O\.J,(.IJW ,...ageL. .... : '\ .' .' . .", , J;;~ide mechanical connection' (by others) 01 truss to bearing plate capable olWlthstendlniJ 4 Ib uplift at joint 41 ~ 4 Ib uplitj at joint25. LOAD eASElS) Standard ,t . ) ( ,." .J , L A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGH,PARAI/imRi AND READ ALL HOlES OH,'nns AND I1lUSS DRAWING HCmS BEFORE use: ~ Ded\)'lvaldtoruseori)twllhMT.IC.~." '.~..,.. 1hbOlllQOtJbo>>d,OlW~."~ ..., :.,.'IIhoWn.cn::SllforCi'lnct.ltt.JOI~c~10belnrtOll'd ondloaded veltIcoIy, AppIt:o:)I.tyoldoclgnpa'Q'T\etMa'ld~' ."L~.""" 01........._. 'brmpcnslblliyofbulCi"lgct.IlgneT'nottnJUOMon* !lrodnglt'lowrlsfOllatetCII S\Q)OI't oflndttldtQ W9b memben only. ActdII10naI t.-nporoy btac:lng to....... "d:ilty t1Ithg conltruct\al.' the'le:sl'otl!lblIIy at n. erector. ALJdNOI"'ot p.monel\t bro:hg mth&o'o'.roIIstruchn IIlhel$$l:lOf'lSltllltyOfrhe bUId~ deIIgl;\ef. for QGM'Q gUdcJnce IQgOfdng '._......~M._. Q\.dfyClX'ItroL rtaog$. O&l'l8fy..erectkln oncI "''''''-.'''''''''ft!C!'-o ~. consUl Q5T~~tvSh:lndord. DS9-89 &odng ~ cn::l H1&-01 Hondlng \nItal"g end 8rtx:lng~. ~'lCkrtIo, ovalIotlIe from Truu Pk11'8nst1Me. L.l.1/f;;;.......v~. f& O'Onotlo OrNe. Madsor\ WI 153719. . BDILDING S1JlIPL1' IblC. SEP 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.4 "00 IfUSS I r~~; ; 1"~e \.,Icy . ,..IY npyo:en i"\IQerwODa \\MJW);;)~ ALDERW~1 A1 ROOF TRUSS :.~-".~ I russ .....0., v:umner vvl-\. t t:;'fgene Ur\. ::J.lJW S r-Ba 5 1 , , Job Reference loptional\ :) LUU-' Mil eK naUBtne~. Inc. nu Mar ;u ",!~:.;:I;):OU .tUU.:i ,...ag8 1 , "4<1 .J'1.0.0 7....'2 704-12 14-0-0 ..7... 20-7.. 6-704 2a~ 7....'2 29.o.q 1.0.0 'Scale 1lI1:49.! . 4x6 II i . 4 /:;~ ' ......-;.......1j:..........~ .-'/' ,,",- a,oo fW .// "">_ ,// .....'....... ," . 34x5~/.:::.:.:>.....W2 W4 ..........~::---.... 4x55~ .<< ,. . . "i.." /--::;'/7" -",:::::~~--_, t\~ ' /-;:;:::.--- ~j / ,--;:::::::::::;- .:. = --...:--.::::::::::::::,---- ~). \ ~'~:::--.. ' ;/ -- . -- ~:t1 ... ... r- ;~ ~---- . . ~-~ ................... ~~<~:::~~.::::;:;:;:.-#~D . 8 ._--.:::::':::::;:::.::.~ ""~ e t. ~J1 . ./g::::::::.:~ 2X4 \1 2x4 If -'_::':::~,:::::,,71 ~ r~ ~ 3.D0fl7. 1fI' 4x:6 ~ 4x6 ::;- 8-4-12 .....'2 '4.().() 7-7" 21-7~ 7.7-4 28-Q.O .....'2 t"lale vnselS {^, f j: 1~:\J-'>-'I.V-V-'I,JJ. L'O:u-.)-'j,~U-'I.)l LOADING (psO TCLL 25.0 TeDL B.O BCLL 0.0 BCDL 7,0 )IIBER ' ...dl> CHORD 2 X 4 OF 2400F 2.0E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 ' WEBS 2 X 4.HFSPF Stud!STD SPACING 2-O'() Pletes Increase 1,15 Lumber hcrease 1,15 Ilep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 . CSI TC Be WB I DEFL ' In (Ioc) Vdefl Verl(LL) -0,32 II >999 Verl(TI.i -0,56 9-10 >593 Horz(TL) 0.41 6 nla 1at LC LL Mln Vden = 360 , BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD PLAres MII20 GRIP 1B5I148, 0.63 O.B< 0,96 Weight 103 Ib Sheathed....3.; ,: :.. ....:,..' ' Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-D oc bracing. REACTIONS (Iblsize)' 2=118310-5-8,6=1 183/()'5-8 Max Horz2=47(load case 4) , Max Uplift2~115(load casa 5), 6=-175(load case 5) FORCES lib) - First Load Case Onlv TOP CHORD 1-2=13, 2-~3352, 3-4~2325, '4-5:-2325,5-6=-3352,6-7=13 BOT CHORD 2-10=3054.9-10=3007, 8-9;3007, 6-B=3054 WEBS 3-10= 117. 3-9--836. 4-9= 1634, S.9~38, 5-8=117 NOreS , 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for thIS design., , 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generatad by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level. USing 7.0 psI top chord dead load and 7.0 psi bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupaney category I, condition I enclosad building; of dImensions 45 ft by 24 ft with exposure B ASCE 7.93 , ,per UBC97/ANSI95If end verticals or canttJevers exist. they are exposadto wind. If porches exisL they are exposed 10 wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33. and the piate grip increase Is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per ' Table No. 16-8. UBC-97. ' 4) Bearing al joinl(s) 2,6 considers parallel 10 grain value using ANSIITPI1-1995 angle 10 grain fOlTl1ula. BuRding deslaner should verify capacity of bearing aurface, , ' 5) Provide mechanical connection (by olhers) of truss 10 bearing plale capable of withstanding 175 Ib uplift aljolnt . 2 and 1751b upliftaljoint6. " ' " " LOAD CASEIS) Standard I EllP1RES , I l......' Ji'WARNING- VERIFY lllSIQN,PARAMmllS AN!) READ All NOlES ON THIS AND iRuss DRAWING NOlES WoRE ~ De$Ign \/Old tel' l48 on)(wllf'l MITekconnedtn ThbderilQnlsbasedDl'1lVl.ClOIl~t'lI U'tOto'n. OryjtsfOf<n~ buldhg _...... ....,.. to btlrutoled afd ~ vec1Icatv. AA*d:lGtvtldeslgn -.' .',. ,c;J'1d'proper~onoto:mpDrienlbIBlCOl'l$bMyQtb.d:2lngdeslgn8r.noltrussdeslgnet IInXt'\glhownl!:lbrlo1aroll supporldhdMduolwebtrel'Tlbe1l o.;y. .~,,_. _ ._......._, brachg tolnslt..leblltyclUlt'lQ a:wtruc1onbthe'fOSpClNlbllifyof the .recta. Addlllono ... ~ _"'. brochg ollhe OYeI'al dlUCture" ~e 'o.ooporut:lllty df tn, DlA1ng' deslgner. FoI getWd gulClcnce regardng fabr1cafoo. QUotty CQI"'ltrol. storage. dalMstt. erection md brochg. ca\5IJt mr.as Quo!Ifystanc:SoK1. DSB-69 Brodng SpedllcolIOn. and HB-91 Hanolng nstaI'ng cna Ito:InO "..........,.;...._.:onovolable fMl TI'UU Pk:JtelnslfM8 583 D'Onofrio Drtv.. MadIson. WI 53119. . .. . . ~ theTRUSSCO. "BtJIlDING itJPPLY INC. SEP 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.5 JOO I ruS9 lru~ ."i~ ",,",y. il'{ nayaen i'\IOel'WOOQ \WVVuJ~O AlDERW-l A2 ROOF TRUSS ' 5 ~ I ne I russ \..rO" ~umner VVA f c.ugene. un . , , Job Reference \optionell ' , .~.uuu 8 reo €I. ""uu.o lvUI9K nausm~9, Inc. flU Mar ~I Ul;:II;.)O;O", ,",W.3 r'age 1 . '. ,.1.o-a ,J,.0.4' 7-4-'2 7-4.'2 101-0-0 6-7-4 20-7" 6-7" 28.0.4 7.4-12 ' 'Scat. -1:49.2 4xB II . ~ , ~~"--- ' 8,00[12" //" ~ :d~---: W4 ~'x5." JKr:./ ~ ~, ~;:'/IJ _-.:::-:.-=:-- 8~:::::::::- \~~~~ .......:;:..::../ ~ :;;:;:::-- 8x8 = ----.:::...-::--a -~ //' _.~ --.' ---_--.....:.~ // -.-- -:::::::: -___ -.....::::._':'--.. 8 /..<" ....---:;::...-- 9 7 -----_ ____ .......~ ........ f ?~:::---- 2x4 ~~aorrz_ 2>' 'I --'~ ~~ 4~~. a i ~ a....,2 6-4-12 14~ 7-7-1. 21.7J, 1-7-4 26-Q.O 6-4-12 t"18t8 vn5el.S.:~^.1 J; l':\r~.U-V--j,)Jl 1'O.V-,)"'V,V-V-'I,)1 LOADING (psI) TClL 25.0 TCOl '8,0 BClL 0,0 BCDl 7.0 ,\lBER , ----bP CHORD 2 X 4 OF 2400F 2.0E , BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 , WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF S1udlSTO SPACING 2.().(J Plates Increase '1.15 lumber Increase ,1.15 ,!Rep stress Inor YES Code UBC971ANSI95 CSI TC 0.63 BC 0,84 WB 0,98 DEFL . in (Ioc) Vdefl Ver1(LL) -0.31 ' 8 >999 Ver1(TL) -0.56 8-9 >594 Horz(TL) 0,41 6 nI. ls1 LC u.: Min Vdefl = 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148. Weight 102 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD ' Shesthed .. 1 ~ ;! __ ,..:Ifts. " ' BOT CHORD RIgid ceilin9 directly spplied or 9-9-3 0' bracin9. REACTIONS (Ib1size) 6=11021Q-5..S,2=118310-5-8 Max Horz 2=59(load caBS 4), ' Max Upllft6~149(load case 5). 2=-175(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only , TOP CHORD ' 1-2=13,2-3=-3349.3-4;..2323, . <- 1n3, 5-6;..3349 BOT CHORD 2-9=3051,8-9=3003,7-8=3003,6-7=3051 WEBS 3-9=117.3.8=-836.4-8=1633,5-6;..836.5-7=117 NOTES , 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. ' 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loada generated by 60 mph winds al25 ft ebova ground level, usin9 , 7.0 psf top chord dead load end 7.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 100 ml from hurriesne oceanllne, on'an occupancy category I. condition I enc1osedbuRdlng, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 'ft with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verllcals or canUlevers exls~ they sre exposed to wind. If pOrches exls~ they ere exposed to wind, The lumber DOL increase is 1.33. end 1he !)Iate grip increase Is 1.33 ' 3) This truss hes been desi9ned for s 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wi1h sMy other live loads per Table No. 16-B. UBC-97, ' ' , 4) Bearing et jolo1(s) 6, 2 considers parallel to grain velue using ANSIITPI 1-1995 angle to grain fOl1Tlula. Building elesl!lner should venfy capacity of bearing surface, 5) Provlele mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearin9 plale capable of withstanding 149 Ib uplift at joint 6 end 1751b uplift et Joint 2. ' LOAD CASE(S) Standard '~ ( , . A 'wARNING - \IBlIFY OESIGNPAIlAMilERS 'AND READ AU: NOm ON nlis AND lllUSS DRAWING Nom; BEi:oRE uSl De~nwldfor,U!lt ontywtthMTekecmectas. I1s dltSlallstosed m1y ~ ,. .'.. ,." Ihown. aldlS form rdMJoI DUkIng _w.....w. ...... to behtoB9d and badod lIttrtlcclV. ,.....~"w"k, afd8lb't ..".' "" CI'1dOf'Oper.._.,..._._...., ot__.,._~.......Is~lydblAldng~.nottnJstdGSlgMI. Broc:tlglh(l'w<,f\&f'odalerd . SIlWOO at ndi",jdtJor .....b memben only. Act:lItIonal t<<npcfcry bfoclng to InsurtI SIODIlt, d.rtlg conatructlcn lJ ff'i&-mpomlt::$y (lIthe erector. Aadltlcnol petlTlOnel"lt blocng of1he oY8l'ol strvCMe b \he _,.,," _ ~~-J 01 thob.A::t'\qde&lgner. For genefCI guldonc, re~ctnQ.':'...."............. qualty contro~ storage. deIN"ry. .rtcHon (Ild blachg. CCJnSlft c:m-aa QuoftyStondord. DS8-8981a~S;:.. .."._.... '. OI'lCl HlB.Q] H~ nstdlhg Ol'ld BtOeInQ :'.__'_""_~__~_"_' avolcble from fruu Plate ~ M3 O'Oncfrlo 0tI\'lt. MadJon. Wl63719. .' '. .' ~. theTRUSSco. ' ,. BmUXNG!iUP1LT INC. SEP 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.6 Jao truss INSS Iype ALDERW-l A3 ROOF TRUSS ~'~'l1ayoen Alderwooe (uuuuu):S:i 9 1 , ' Jab Reference (optional) : ' :I.UUV 5 reo b ""'w.) lvlll at( no.USlnes, Inc. ll1u IVlar .l.1 \J~;,)~;O.:J ",,\.IV") r'age". ...l~e lrusa \.io., \)Umner'VVA/-=:ugene~M.. J ,1~ '1.0.0' 11-8.0 ' Il-8.o 1440 7".0 21-4.0 7-4.0 _ 28-0-0 ~O' "Salle. 1:49.9 4K6 n 4 ~ , ---::::~,' s,OO[rr , ~~/ ,,{/' ~<:~-:::::~ ' 2x4 \. /.... ..' W1./ .' ~\w3' ~.....::-....... 2X4 II ~y~/ '//, ''\\ ''<:..~~ ~0.. j.. \\ // "'~ ~-:::/ '\~ /,/ \\' ~./ ", ------:> ',: , // \\ // " ..... /....... ,. ;/ " -................ ...,/...... ".> . ,I \\ /~/ ......~.,:::........... 8 2 ........-:.... ,'...~; / '\'1..,",F -....::--..... f c::;1iJ ...?<'V .~" DO .~ 4x5:::. 9 8"7 04xS::-: 4x4 .::. 3x5 .= "x-4 == ~ 9-\., ~".1 ~_~~~,~.~..!..t.1:~;V-'I-o,U-V-~J, lO~~I-O~~_~:~t 18.7.15 28-0-0 9-3.'<4 9-4-1 .___._,____.___n__. ,- -. .-- -- --. LOADING (psll TCLL 25.0 TCDL 8,0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increa.. 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 ~ep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0.7B BC 0.93 WB 0.3" DEFL, in (Iocl Vdefl vert(Ll.\ -0,28 7-9 >999 Vert(TL ~0.52 7-9 >639 Horz(TL) 0,07 6 nla 1 st LC LL Mln IIdan = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD PLATES , MII20 GRIP 185/148, Weight 99 Ib "'\I'IBER -",P CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 , BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF Stud/SID Sheathed~: ':: ." ro,;:M, . , ' Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1040 DC bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/slze) 6=110210-5-8, 2=1183fO.5-8 Max Harz2=60(load case 4) , , 'Max Uplifl6=-14g(load case 51. 2~175(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=14. 2-3=-1784, ~~1493, 4-5~1493, 5-6=-1784 BOT CHORD 2-9=1580,8-9=1056,7-8=1056,6-7=1580' WEBS' 3-9=-382.4-9=507, 4-7=507. 5-7~382, NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live ioads have baen considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generatsd by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground ievel, usin9 " 7.0 psf tap chord dead load and 7.0 psI bottom chord dead load, 100 ml from. hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy category I, condition i anclosed building, of dimensions 45 It by 24 'ft,wilh exposure BASCE 7.93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exis~ they are exposed to wind. If porches exls~ tfiay are ex~ed 10 wind. The lumber DOL increase Is 1.33, and the plate griP increase is 1.33 ' 3) ThIs truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with eny other live leads plIr' Table No, 16-B, UBC-97, ' , ' 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 149 Ib uplifl at joint 6 and 175 Ib uplift alloint 2. , ' -LOAD CASE(S) Slenderd / , '. A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMrnRS ANO READ AU NOTES ON THIS AND 1RUSS DRAWING NOTES 8EFORE USE. DesIg1 vclktb'\ne orIVwlt11 Ml1eIl CCf'I"IectOll, ThIs d1Is1gnll OQMCl only upon pctometersSl'lOWl'\. (J'ld Is I'a anlndMdUa bU'IlD'lg cOrr.l:!oneotto be t\itt:ted 00d 100dlJd vertically. A!:)pleablty of design poromthtn and proper 'ncClpotQflcn 01 cOfT'C)Q"\ent Is r&SPOfUbllty of bI.Jdlncr dellcToei. nol truss designer. 6rcchg Ihown is forlctercl a..pport orlnct..1ciiOI 'WGb membm oriy. AdcIItlonallempOfory t:rodng 10 nue stobllly cUIng oorrdructlon b. thlnelponslbl!lty ot 1>18 81ectoc. Addtlonal permanent IJctJ:Ino of1118 oV9fOlr stn.I:ttX8 11 tle rGq:JONlbllty dl the bUId1ng designer. FOf general gu'donce fegordng fabdccflan. quOllV ccnlroL storage, delI$'i, erection CI'Id bmclng. cOl"lSUltQ5J..ea QuoIty StO"ldad. OSB-aQ Brodng.sp.clllcotlal. and Ht8-91 Handing "toling ondBrOchQ :t~__....."...~dollonollO:obJB flan TruuPlalelNt1Me, 683 O'onorrlo Dtve.. Madl5ori. WI ~719.. I~ theTRU'SSco. .. St1ILDINGi SUPPLT INC. SEP 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASER JET 3200 1",00 . I ruStl IIUl;ll~ I y,",~ ALOERW-1 A4 ROOF TRUSS 'J~.D I russ \...0., oumlle;:r jjvi"\ i ~uQer e ,Ul"\ . .I .:J~i ('-11 j"l~Y'Ul4~j Alaerwooo lUUUUUJ:::Io":! p.7 1 Job Reference (optional) , ?UUU s r-eo b ","W:. Will eK InQus~nes. me. ((IU lVlar ,I Vl:I:.)O;O:J "uu,) rage I ~1..()..Q J ',.0.0' 10140 10140 2Il-O-O 1~ 3>c5= SeIIll ;;1:49.9 12 ,!..~13 1t. ....-:''';JY'" ----~~~ 14 ....'5... . -.........:................ 15 .~. "........' 8.00[U' // . . ,,'........ 18 8/-:/, " , 7 /"-y' "J:::-., 17 // '.S'o .....--- ~,...-::::y- !IJ s', ,,.,~~,o . / ...... I" S' 2 ,. ,. 5//" (oJ S'S ..... 41' !I;.' 's 4 ,,~, 2. '1-' I ,11 S'S S ;-------.....:~'.,......2t ...-;::...... s' ""''''- "I, .~:;:'-11 . _ f: j R'[: :J 3 j :: i: ~. \ t: it-i; a" _ ~d22 ~ (~~--'~~."""~&:~~~o1<J~W!~:r."~~i;J.:JIrcA.~-Gg~.;.u,,~fa1itff,.k;JB'7:a1~r.J..:~~rr ~..hli~I~~~~~~dJi 3xS = 41 AO 39 38 37 38 :)5 3" 33 .32 31 30 29 2a 27 26 25 24 23 30ltS = 3><5= ~ ~ 28.0.0 20.0.0 LOADING (psI) TCLL 25,0 TCDL B.D BCLL .0,.0 BCDL 7,.0, SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1,15 Lumber Increase 1,15 Rap Stress Incr' NO ~ode UBC97/ANSI95 CSt' TC .0.1.0 BC '.0..06 WB .0..08 (Matrix) DEFL in (Ioc) Vdefl Vert(LL\ nla - nla Vert(lL .0.00 1 >999 HorzllL) .0..0.0 22 ' nla 1 st LC LL Mln lldeft = 36.0 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD lUMBER ""~CHORD 2X4HFNo,2 \r CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 ,.AHERS 2 X 4 HF Stud . Sheathed er-a-e-: _.. . _,,::_ Ri9id ceiling directly applied or 10-0-.0 oc bracln9_ ~ PLATES MJl2D GRIP 1851148 Weight 1511b, REACTIONS (lb/size) 22=9312S-O-D, 2=176128.0.{), 41=189I2S-O-D, 40=7412B-C.{), 3S=11412B-C-O, 38=105128.0.{), 37=107128-0-0, 38=ID7!2S-O-0, 35=1.07128-0.0. 34=107I2S-O-D, 33=lD0I2S.{)-O, 32=100128.{)-O, 31=1.08128,0.0, 30=1.04/28-0-0, 2B=lD4I2S-O-D, 27=IDS/2B-C'{). 26=1D5120.{)-Q, 25=117.126-0-0, 24=81128'{)'{), 23=218/26-0-0 Max Horz2=98(load case 4) " , Max Upllfl4O=-4(load case 4), , Max Grav22=93(load case 1). 2=175(1oad case 1). 41=189(load ca.e 5), 4O=74(1oad case 6). , 39=114 load case 11' 38=105!IOad case Il' 37=1071,oad case 61' 36=ID7(load case 1). 35=1.07 load case 1 ,34<;11.0 load case 6, 33=1.0.0 loed case 1 ,,32=lDD(load case 1). 31=11.0 load ca.e 7 ,30=104 load case 1), 28=1.04 load case 1 . 27=108(load case 7), 28=105 loed case 1), 25=117(load case 1), 24=61(loed,case 7), 23=216(loadcase 7) FORCES (Ib) ~ First Load Case Only , , ' TOP CHORD 1-2=28,2-3=26,3-4=-42,4-5=-32,5-6=-34,6-7=-33.7-8=-33, 8-9=-33, 9-1.0=-33, 10-11=-34, 11-12=-31,12-13=-31,13-14=-34,14-15=-33,15-16=-33. 16-17=-33,17-18=-33,18-19=-34, ' 19-20=-31.2.0-21=-44.21-22=-51 BOT CHORD 2-'11=.0,40-41=0.39-40=.0,36-39=.0,37-38=0,36-37=0. 3s,,38=D. 34-35=0, 33-34=0, 32-33=.0, 31-32=0.30-31=0,29-30=.0,28-29=12,27-28=12.26-27=12, 25-26=12, 24-25=12, 23-24=12, 22.23=12 WEBS 3-41=-149,4-4.0:0.65. s,,39=-92, 6-38=~7, 7-37=-118, 8-38=-88, ~5=-98, 1ll-34=-89, 11-33=-81, 13-32=-B1, 14-31=-89,15-3o=.aa, 18-28=-88, 17-27=-88, 18-26=-B7, 19-25=-93, 20-24=-60, 21-23=-161 ' , NOTES " 11 Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, , ' 2 Truss dea'llned for wind loads In the plane or the truSll only. For studs exposed to wiM (nonnel to the face). see Mrrek 'Standard Gable End Datan" , , . 3! AlLplates are 2x4 MJl2D unless otherwise indicated.' , ' , 4 Gable requires coritinuous bottom chO,rd beerins, 5 Gable aluds epeced a11-'1-O "'" ' " ":hIs truse has been desl9ned for elD.D psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any oIherT....e loeds per ~J'~llniliri\otiBC-97. '". " , .A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN P.uAMmRS ANDR!AO AU: Nom ON iHlS AND TAlISS DRAWING N'OTES WORli USIi. ~ ()ulonvoldfoIUleon/y....ut\MlTek.OCITl~cn. ItOd8Sll;;nltt:as8dr::rt(l.4)O'\...., . ,.__lhown.Ond"(l(a\~blJlclhg .......__.....1obelnstOl9CI ondloodad V<<tlea!lv. AR*OblllYof~porom.t8tlCl"Jdpropl1'lncofporollMotClCmPOilenllsresoomltlltyotbliJct1Qdt~.nat1MSdoItgniit ~OdnQShar.T'llsrOfIateK:l: - , IUDOOn 01 ndlvIdUaI wob menDcn cny. AdcllIOnOI ternPOfcry ~ 10 Insute doef1y ~ OOI"ISfn.Ic!lon 1$11'1. ttsQOOIlbIlt-,' 01 the .ectoc. AddItional permooent btacno of tn. ~ralI stn..clur.ls tn. fOCPoMt:fitv of Iho bu'kIt'\g ~~ fot Qff"lWl;ll gvIdc:nr;o regorc:"'n;l ubrlccllon. quofly contro~ sfotage, dol<t...,. ececllon <nf lJSS =~~n~:'~=% s:J:ro. DStI-a9 BrOclngSpe~ f?~ Hl8-91 :b'IdIng Imtcthg and B~? I\.~-_...,,"-""--,:," ~19 from TI\m"PfoIe 1rIs1itute. ~SUPPLY~: SEP 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.B I russ I ype r""OD . I russ. IALDERW-l A4 ROOF TRUSS Job Reference (optlonall ' ;J.W\J S reo b.c.wJ I'IlIlel\ ilQU5Yl8S, me. [nu Mar ~( U::f:,);;);QO .::w,:) rage ti!. . J.r'!~ I rUBS. \..00.; ;::,umnsl' livi'\ I cugel ~ ~I'\. ( " , . ;r~~ide mechanical co~neclion' (by others) aftruss to bearing plate capable ~fwilhstandl.;g 41b uplift atjoinl40, ''"'--'' ' , LOAD CASE(S) Standard J . ) ~I ~._.-' A 'WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN,PARAMElERS AND READ AU: NOm ON TIils AND 1'RUss D'RAWING HOTES BEFoRE lISE, Odgnvaktf:xliHl my. tmek __ ...~...__... TNs dealgnb baled on!y\4XX\parom.tm Ilowr\ and Is fcrdn IlldMduol bI.Ildlng .~"........:tobe hJIc1led end loaded lIerneauy, }....',.......__, ofd81lgn paomefer:l cndpo~ .._............ of corTlPO"l8nt II rtsocnlblllty o1bo1dng designer. nottru!l d~. 8ro::ing1l'1oWn1s fOf Ioterol ~ of IndMdJoI web membBnl cnIv.. AddIfIond tempo'OlY br<Xt1Q to Ii"lSI..tt stotjlty du1ng eCrItruetIon II the"responsiblty of tie erector. Addftenol permanent . bIoClng Of The overOlI51n.lCft.re Is tho ~ tit the bulrClk'1~ de~gn8f. Forgenerol QlJdonce. ___ ..,". fablCQtlOI\ QUality cdntroL tIotage, delivery, erectIon and bracing. consult QSl-88 QJa!IyStondad. osa..89 Bnx:IngS~._"......._~ and HfB.41 Herding !nstcllng and 5fbcO;1 ReC(J.._, ",..-._ .,0YCt1abIB from TrlJSf P\ot8lrrilute. ~83 D'Onofrio Dttvlt, MOd1!OI\ WI &3719. . ~ theTRUSSco. .. 8UlLt)rNG SUPfLy me. SEP 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASER JET 3200 -,- - - ~Truss IYpe p.s -~Iruss IALDERV\1-1 A5 FINK I ne I russ \,c., ~umner VVA f t:.uger e VI"'( Yly' jt-''Y HsyaenJ\laerwooo ~UUUWP;;) 1 1 Job Reference (opUonal) , " ;) 'UU;) IVllleK nausmes, me. lfiu Mar ~I U:;I:.10:0( ,V~;j t"'age 1 o.wu s reD .j ~'~ .-6-0 10.0:0 H.().O .'~.2. ...J I~ 4.e-o 5-6.0 4-0-0 1-6-2 4" = 28-0-0 12-5-,~ ~.n , I~ 'ScalIIl1:l1:50.6 7 8,oofW 4eldl~~6 ~;;~{~~~...... ,. 34 I " ~""""",,'1 , //-:/7/ \ '-:--'::'::;Jt 17' .'2 S 13 -~, 12 13 , 3 /wl/ \~ --~~W1:~0_ S:'.. ~" ~ ;//1 '\ \ Jt.....::.-l.31 S 15 " ----.:"'r:~ 16 ,.......;:'" ...-'e.,~ // ' '-\ ~. --~...... 32 S 1.8 S 7 ~rf6 ~;:;/,.., ref'/ '< ,/:/ ~"" s , -" >. '... I ..,'\ 1"// ::::...~{ 3a .. ...... 17 '1 2....// ".' _&-__'::" -iTt-ir a .0' '-<';'-',,''t:l fc;:::"'~ rJ.,i.~L..~.:l"'~~"'~1'~'~"'~"..jJJ '3x6::. 26 2S 2423 22 212019 3X5.:: 4x4 = .ex.. :.: 5xS =. Sheathed c.-+o4-. .' . _. :.., , Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, 2 Rows at 1/3 pis 4-33 1 Brace at Jt(B): 33 S "Web B M . fo ee race emo r required T-Brace condition Design of all continuous lateral bracing is by others. ~ ~ 0-10-2 8-10-2 t"'late urrsets ~^. l J: 1"-4:U-,,~,U--,)o"4tJ 13-1-15 6-3-12 -'- 2B<J.<) 14-10.1 LOADING (psO TClL :l5.0 TCDl 8,0 BCll 0,0 eCOL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plalas Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Q'ep Stress Ina NO Code UeC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0.40 BC 0,38 WB 0,94 (Matrix) DEFL. In (Ioc) I/deB Vert(LL) 0.06 2-26 ~999 Vort(TL) ,{),11 25-26 ~999 Horz(TL) 0.04 17 nla 181 LC LL Min Vdefl = 360 .....\leER IP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 ..cT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudlSTD . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS JOINTS REACTIONS (Ib/slze) 2=901/0-5-8,24=79318-5-8,23=4418-5-8.22=5218:5-8, 21=11618-5-8, 2ll=96J8..5~. , 19=13018-5-8.17=23818-5-8 , Max Horz 2=47(loBd case 4) , " ,'Max Uplifl2~121(load case 5), 24=-152(load case 5)" 23~190(load case 2), 20~2(load case 3) Max Grav2=901(road case i), 24=793(loao case 1), ,,3=61(10ad case 7). :j2=70(Ioad case 2). , 21=11G(load case 1}. 20=99(load case 7). 19=131(loBd case 7), 17=236(load ca.a 1) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only '.' " , TOP CHORD 1-2=28,2-3=-1463,3-4=-1232,4-5=-246,5-6=-196,6-7=-182. 7-8=-196, 8-9=-179. 9-10=-184, 10-11~229.11-12=-213. 12-13=-171, 13-14=-203, 14-15~197.,15-16~201, 16-17=-213, 17-18=28 80TCHORD 2-26=1242.25-26=849.24-25=1104.23-24=160.22-23=180. 21-22=160. 20-21=150,19-20=180, 17-19=160 4-34=-904, 29-34=~99. 27-29=-925. 27-26=-907. 26-30=-959, 30-31=-1023, 31-32=-1057. 32.33~1056. 2~-33~1115. 7-27=38, 1>-28=.116.6-29=-57,3-26=-286.25-30=-172.4-26=342, 4-25=236,9-31=.76,10-32=2, 11-33=-123, 12-23=c183, 13-22=-15, 14-21=-102,15-20=-80, 1&-19=-108,5.34=11 WEBS NOTES " ' 1} Unbalanced roof Uva loads hava baan considered for this dasign. ' 2) This truss has been designed lor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n abovB'ground level. using _ 7.0 pst top chord dead load and 7.0 pat bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceatiline, cn an occupanCy category I, condition 1 enclosed building, of dimensions 45 It by 24 f. with exposure BASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSl95 If end verticals or can1I1Bvers exist, they are exposed to wind, If porcheB exlsL thay are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL In""ase is 1.33. &nd the plate grip incresse is 1.33 ' ,3) All platas are 2><4 MII20 unlass' otherwisB IndlcatBd, ' "4), ThiB truss has been daslgned for a 10,0 psI bottcm chord liVe load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per TBble No. I&-B. U8C-97, ., Provide mechBnicBI connection (by others) cftruss to bearing platB copBble 01 withstanding 1211b uplift at joint !llri152lb 141lifl BtJolnt24. 190 Ib upnn at)olnt 23 and 21b,upllft at joint 20, ,-' " ~M~2 , ',' ',' " . PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851146, Weight 144 Ib A WARNING - VERIfY DESIGN, PARAMmRS AND READ All. Nom ON nlls AND YRuss DRAWING NOTES BEfoRE USE. DesIgn VdId lor IDony..nn tMek" CQf\."lectOl'L ltAd~ II based ortt ~paometer1shoWn, ana Is f(lrO'lndJYIcIUQ Quldhg _..,............ to bu hstalad cn::I txId8d vlrilcaty. At;iptCabf1lyofdalgn porometecs and proper ncorporaflon Of COf'I1P(I'l8,f tI ._....._ ....-..,:, of bUldhg design.. nothul:l designer. Btcchg SI'JO\Mn II ftlrlat.roI . PJpporl or ndvk:tJCll WQbmembers enI'y. AddItkJnot., ,. .0': btoci"lg to IrOUra If:IbIfty dulng conslruC:tlor b the "~",".""'_"'tv oIlhe erec10L Adc;tt\a'd PErfmontnt tlrocng of the owroll UM;;1u1J II the '_ 'j.... ". fY or 1M b\tlClhg OOlilgner, fOr ~l'Itr~ ~nc9 r8QOfdIng fat::rlcotlon quollly ccntrolltoroge, dellv'8fy, mectlon ar'd bracng. consUl QST~ Q.JoIIy standard. ~q Ik'Odng Sp _ _"......._._ . onc:I Kl8-91 HendllnglnltoQng and BroelrQ Re....... .~.._3ioo OIdlobla!tom lNs:!I P1a1eln5t!Me, 583 O'OnofllO [);MI, McJc:lOOn. W15m~.. .' ',b;. theTRUSSco. a BUIIJ)lNG SVPPLT INC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p. 10 "00 I ru95 - lruss Iype FINK ~ ~Hayaen I\I0erwOOO lUWW)':>::i ALOERW-1 AS Job Reference \OptiOnal) , ~.wu8I"'eo t).-,vu.JNulert nOU81neS,Inc-' flUMar"tW:"O;;)f ~W,) l""age4. . . I tie I r\lS8 l".;COI ~umner VYA 1 I::.uger e ~"'. I J,\D CASEIS) Standard, ,~ . ): J / A WARNING - VERIFY IlfSIGN,PARAMETERS ....ND READ AIi NOm ON 'T1iIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOlES BEFORE USE. ~ Deslgn,.gld klO\M OIf'IY'NIItlMITekOQlTl!JclcrI. lNI desIO"lI00a<<!Ort(\.9Ol'lIXlQmI'.ers stc.n. md b~a'l ndMdual bl.lklngc....".. to be hsla:bd CI"Idloaded . - verllcot(. AppIcablllt'(aI dGsU'\ po-aml1en CJ'1d prooerhcorpcX'anon of.. .-.. llrusponsl)lilly or bAdtO dIllO~.no1 tn.as a~r. Bracing IhOYJn " torlOtercl. , . Il.q)Ort ot ndI'Aduc1 web members OM. Adc:ItIonal temporary bn:tdnQ to"'" 1f0000ty dlltlg eonmu::tlon II the~~ ot the elector. Addtlond perll'KJl"l8l'll b'odngotlhe overtJ1mvch.n IIhre~". "'. ", 6111'18 DlAdlngOeslgnef. FotQeneralQUldanceregtrdhg...._,w_,,_. quaitycontrol, QOl'ooe, debery, eme1toncnd the...-v _ -CO. bodnQ. COl'lIlJiI QST.M Quc1Ity Stmdad, DSU9 BraeIng SpecllIconor. O'\d H6-91 Hard"V"'lQ InstallrlQ tn::l B~ R$ccrrrnErldaflon avalIol:lI, Irom TIW Plate InsIIMe. _ - W O'OnoIrIoCrfvv. McdbOl\ .....,63719. 81 BUtLDDCQ SU1'Ptf INC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p. 11 - I JOD I russ I rusa I ype !ALDERW-l A6 ROOF TRUSS ,J.,e I russ lJO.; ~umner VVI'\ J I:ugene UI'<. uty ,",Iy Haycan 1\IOerwooa \UuuuuJ~~ 2 1 Joo Reference \OI'!lDnal} , ' ~.uuu s reo b "W.J Nil I eK. nousmes,mc., nu lvIar tl.J U=':t.lO:;,')O ~-.v\J.} rage I -J 1'1.0.(l ',..0.0" '1~ 1~ . 14-0-0 8-8.12 20-8.12' , 6-8.12 28-().<l 1.... 29-0~ 1.0.0 . 'Scale & 1:54.0 4X4= . . oj " / "-, /;;...-;; ~'-... 8_00112" ~ // ~ 3 /.;r"/ ~</ \,: .,<.:.:~ 5 ..J'?~( // ~ ~~ /,.?::'/ ~1 // \\ v;f ~~ /;/ ' ,\ /; '\ I'~ ",,:,:,~ V ,\~.1,. ~~~,_1a ;tIC/IfJ, IltJ 3xs~',1 3.x5:-.: 1D 9 8 ~= 5~= 4x5 = 9.-8.3- 9-6-3 -Pijne unselS ;^,11:_l0:v-v-~-:;.v.,)~J 1S-a-13 ,20-0~. 2S.()..O 8-11~11 1.6.3 ,840 ----:....1--=-- CSI DEFL in (locI Vden PLATES GRIP TC 0,87 VertlLL) -0,22 9-10 >999 MII20 185/148, BC O_Bl VertTL) -0_38 9-10 >609 WB 0.75 Horz(TL) 0,01 8 nla 151 LC LL Min Ilden = ~60 Weight 104 Ib LOADING (D.f) TCLL 25,0 TCDL 8,0 BCLL 0,0 BCDL 7,0 \'V1BER Jp,CHORD 2X4 HF,No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF ND,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF SludlSTD SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1,15 Lumber Increase 1,15 ,ilap Slress Incr ' YES Code UBC971ANSI95 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS ' Sheathed ", ';..;; 3 "" ._,;:- , Rigid cellillQ directly appUed or 4-0-3 DC bracing. I Row al m,dpl 4-9 See 'Web Brace Memo' for required T.Brace condition' , Design of all continuous lateral bracing is by othens. REACllONS (lblslze) 2=675/0-5-8, 8=169410-5-8 ' , ,Max Horz2=47(load case 4) , Max UPIift2:-102110ad case 4), 8~246(load case 5) , Max Grav2=750( Dad case 6). 8=1S94(load case 1) FORCES (lb)" Firsl Load Case Only , TOP CHORD 1-2=14,2--3=-846,3-4=-401.4-5=862, 5-6=804, 6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-10=573,9-10=84.6-9=-1295, 6-8=-718 WEBS 3-,10=--397, 4-10=549. 4-9~1220. 5-9=1305, 5-B~I727 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been conaidered for this desi9n, 2) This truss lias been designed for lhe wind loads generated by 80 mph wtnds at 25 ft abDve ground level. using 7.0 psf tDp chord dead IDad and 7_0 psI bottDm chDrd dead load, 100 mi from hurricane Dceanline, on an occupancy catagoi)' I, condllion I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with expoaure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 II end verticals or canb1evers exist, they are exposed ID wind, If pDrches exis\, ,they are' exposed 10 wind.. The lumber DOL increase is 1,33. and the plate grip Increase is 1.33 : 3) This INs. has been designed lor a 10,0 psI bottom ChDrd live IDad nDnconcurrenl WIth any other "ve loads per Table ND. 18-8. UBC-97., .' ' 4) Provide mechanical connaelion (by others) Dftruss to bearing plate capable ofwlttia1anding 1021b uplift at joint 2 and 248 Ib uplift at joinl8. .5) Beveled plele or shim required 10 provide full bearing surface wtth truss chord at joinl(s) B. LOAD CASE(S) Standard . ,i / A WARNING. VE~IFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ All NOTES ON lHIS ANO 1RUSS DRAWING NOTES WOllE USE. ~' Oeslgn YOIId Io~ U1e cny 'w'\lh MIl. oomeclOI$. tt'd dtsIi;JIls baMd a'lIyupon "'_'_"U'''H It'tOWn. on::llstCf Cln IndNldd bulldhg C _, ,..., ','. to bit lNIo1ed end loaded vfilfflcoltf. ApJ:lcobDly of desQn" pOlameten end ~.I ncorporallcn of componenlls JlIspons1b1lty of bl.i1dlo"lQ ~. not tMs designer. Brcdng shown is tor !ateral . aQ)Of't or rndlvlduotweb m&mbeni only. Addt1ona1 temperorY braCIng to In$Ul'e stobity 0..11'\0 oonstructon b rhe"l~ ot the erector. Addlliarlof permanent bracing of the ovemIl mucn.o IS the rOJ~iIIty dt the blJIcIng'deSlgner. For genOfOl gulda'1c:o regardhg tobrlcclbn. QUCIlV contfol storage, delt.tary, 8fBcllon and the.....n...SCo. braclog.. consuft QSl-8B QuoflIy stcndord. 058-89 Bracing Speclflcof\on, end HIB-.91 HondIlng 1nrto11ng and Ikcdng Recorrmendanon avolable fraT\ Trusl. PkJlQlncUMe. I'" ,AU., 583 D'Onofrio Dc1ve, Modt!Ion. WI.M719. " '.' . BUtLDING SUPPLY INC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LRSERJET 3200 p.12 I JOD I russ ,rUSS I ype A;DERW-1 A7 ROOF TRUSS ." .......,e I fUSS vc. -I Q.umner vlJf\ I c:uger e .UN.. uty J-I'ly H~yc:len AlOerwooa {WWU }O" 1 Job Reference (optional) , .;:).UW 5 r-eo b",vu.,) Nlllel\ oousmes, me. [flU IVKlr " u;,;.x;t:';;)~""UW I""'8ge', -...J ,1-o..Q '1.o.t) 7.3-4 7.3-1 ,..0.0 808.12 20.8012 808-12 28.0.0 703-4 29-D-? 1,0.0 Scale . , :154,0 .4xA ~ . ~ ~ . ,,<~~ S,QO[1'Z' , ~-:>. ,/1 \\ ~"'- , ///""" \.,\ -......::;:--....., 2X4\,/// -'/ \\. "-", 2x4,~ 3 ~''/ V'f?i' \\wI .......<:::-.... 5 ' . .~ ' '/~::? \~~\ \~~~~, ,~ \~ ~/ \\ II ~, /-;'/ ,'\ II! , // ......'-.':'-..... /""/" \\ I :-',1/ ~ a ~1 2 ",'-?' \ i 't./ ~ ' 'c-" 7 :1 ;!,'{.; ~ ,--- '" ~':::.-./;; 4x5 = 10 9 8 4x5 ~:: 3'" = bS = 3)(4 ~ 9-6-3 ~-3 !"lB~e \J.I!S8!S t^. t t. ~:V-I-o.\J"v-"l. IO:U-'I-o,v-V--"l_~__ .__ 1B-6--13 B~1 '.11 28-0-0 .....3 LOADING (P5t) TCLl 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BCLl 0,0 BCDl 7.0 SPACING 240 Plates Increase 1,15 ~umber Increase " t 5 ,iRep Stress Incr YES 'Code UBC97IANSI95 CSI TC BC we 0.77 0,91 0.32 DEFL' in (loe) Ver1(ll) -0,25,9-10 Ver1(Tl) -0,46 9-10 Horz(TL) , 0.07 8 1st lC LL Mln Vdefl = 360 Vdefl >999 >722 nla PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148' Weight 100 Ib I,l/IBER " ,(,P CHORD, 2 X 4 HF No,2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS" 2 X 4 HFSPF S:udISTD BRACING TOP CHORD ,Sheathed":.':: __,_,I:..J. ' ' BOT CHORD 'Rigid celUng dlnlolly applied or 10..Q..O oc bracing. REACTiONS (lb/slze) ,2=1183/0-~, 6=118311).~ ' Max Horz2=47(load caae 4) , , Max Upllfl2=-17S(load caseS). 6=-175(load case 5) , FORCES (Ib) - First load Case Only , TOP CHORD 1-2=14,2-3=-1743.3-4=-1500, 4-5=-1500, ~=-1743. 6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-10=1545,9-10=1057,8-9=1545,6-8=1545 WEBS 3--10=-378',4-10=529, 4-9=529, 5-9=-378 NOTES ' t) Unbalanced roof live loeds have been considered for lhis design. ' , . ' 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loeds generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground level, using 7.0 psftop chord dead load and 7,0 psfbottom chord dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupeney category I. condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 It by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exis~ they are exposed to wind. If porches exls~ they, are exposed to wind, The lumber DOllnarease is 1.33, and the plale grip Increase Is 1.33 ' 3) Thl9 trusa he. been designed for e 10,0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with eny other live load. per Table No, 16-B, UBC-97" ' 4) Provide mechanical connection (by olhers) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1751b uplift aljoin 2 and 175 Ib uplift at joint 6, ' ' , . LOAD CASEIS) standard 1 . l'W1f 0 f:J -j .A. 'wARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMEtERS AND READ ...u NOm ONTHl5 AND !RUSS DRAWING NcmS BEFORE USE. DesIgn valld for ISEJ a"IIvwttl\ MTOk COTl8c10rs. '/'ItS CJeslgn" bosed orIy l.4XlO poraneters 5hcrM\, Otld 1I1of m-lf'ldI9lduc1 bU!dlrg CO~ to be InaIoIed and kxI:led verllcol"'. Applccbilly"or dastgn ~__. ..:..,~ ardpropllr ___...._,..~___ QI COI'l"'lpOMnt Is rilsoonsbllty 01 b..iiIdng desQleti'. not truss ~SQntf. BfQC~sI"ov.n Is for tolerol IUpport of lndlVL:tuol web membels oN-(. A.ddltlonal t'emporolYbrtIcInQ to lnIura ,loblDty cUIng ocnstrt.ciIcln Ilfho'rmponsbUtty Qflhe erechx AddlnonOl pemlCn8I'\t bracing 01 h& cverol structure II ft\8 ........ _. ''''~''''' drthe b~cIIng l:I8slgner. For generct guidance r.g~ fabrlcotlon. qucHty cttltrol f1C1CV3. delN'ery. oc1lon a'ld. bl'oclng. consult QST.88 Qvoity Stondcr.:l. DSa.a9 Broelng Spoeltlcotbn. md H1B-91 H:x\d"ing Inrtollhg and ~ Recortvnend01Ion CMJIabIe from 'll'ul$ P)ale lnstll\J'e. 58.3 D'onofrIo)r.ve. Modl:son. Wl53719. .' . . . '41 theTRUSScO. &. ~Gi5UPPU"INC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.13 1~~ERW-1 t~- R~=SS l nB I russ .....0.. .;:,umner lIV',", , cugenu vt\ - ;.' ~., ~:~::~;:n~~~':Wti~:~~;U/VV , I ~.\.llJv I) t"eu 0 LVI..;J IVIII er< .nQ:USlnes, lnc. ~n Mf)r V't IU.V:;):"O ..t:;U\J.> rrage I '--I .1.().(] 100.0' 6-3-0 5-3.0 ll-7-8 44-8 14-0-0 4-4-8 20-0.0 0.0.0 , 23-5-0 3.5-0 2B-G.Q 4-7-0 4xB .:: Scallpl 1:53.3 5 3 //~ ' 3X4 -:- ~../ s,oorrr ,4~, ;>"5 <- , ~~. Iii ,.....S , 3X4-::. /.../ '-', ~ . './~ Ii' '::::-...W4 ~'~ 4><10", a -:k: -,:. VV8 ~ ' ~ ' " /~~ '~\,' // ~..... /:-;::/ ~'.............. -y ~ ::::::::....... . ;', ~7 ,,:,0.j,: ...,,(/ 14-;':/ 1)11 fh, (II" CSb ~ ;j;l?~ ' ~ MS"'9 MSH2S ~ 4x8 = 13 12 11 10 9 4x8 = 3x611 4)(5= 4)(8= BJC8= 4x16 II TH028 MSH29 5-3.0 5-3.0 9--7.8 ...... 14-0-0 448 20.0.0 5.().() 23-5.0 ,.6.Q 2s.o.o 4.7.0 t"late vnse19 lA. 'r J: lL:V~V,I.r-I.-la.. .lo:~.U..t-I;)J, l'IU':V~-'t,v-P-~J LOADING (psO TCLL 25.0 TCDL 8.0 BCll 0.0 BCDl 7,0 SPACING 2"()'() Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase, 1.15 Rep Stress Incr NO .code UBC971ANSl95 cSt TC 0.68 BC 0.92 WB 0.a3 (Metrix) DEFL in (laOC) VertlLL) .{l,05 -S Vert TL) .{l,07 8-9 Horz(Tl) 0,01 8 15t lC lL Mln Udefl = 360 I/defl >999 >999 n1a PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851148 Wel9ht 162 Ib '1\IBER f i' CHORD 2X4 HF No.2 , .>VT CHORD 2 X 8 DF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 IfFSPF Studl5TD -Except" W12X4 HF Stud; W92X4HF Stud Sheathed ..-.; _,:.... RIgid ceRing directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing, Except: 6-().0 oc bracing: 10-11. 1 Rowatmidpl 7-10 ,See "Web Brace Memo" tor REAcnONS (Ib/slze) 8=184610-5-8. 2=653/0-5-8. 10=3872/0-4-2 (input 0-3-8) required T -Br'dce condition Max Horz2=65(load case 4) , . 01 1\' II UOllS Max Uplift2=-137(load case 5) , DeSIgn a con n Max Grav8=1909(load case 1), 2=653(1oad case 1), 10=3872(1oad case V lateral bracing Is by ollie FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=38,2-3=-914.3-4-525,4-5=31. S-6=-128, 6'7=1008, 7-8=-1612 BOT CHORD 2-13=751.12-13=751,11.12=409.10-11=-873.9-10=1387, a.9=1387 WEBS' 3-13=52.3-12=-394,4-12=320,4-11=-545,5-11=-318,6-11=1098, 6-10=-1396, 7-10=-2597. 7-9=2205 ' . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Vo,'EBS NOTES, ' '" .... 1 I ,Unbalanced roof i1ve loads have been'<XInsidered for this design., ,. , '':V 2 This truss hes been designed for the wind loads generated by ao mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using . (. p()'N~ 7.0 psf top chord dead load and 7.0 psfllot1omchord dead load, 100 ml from hurricane aceanUne; on an , occupancy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dimansions 45ft by 24 It with axposura B ASCE 7-93 , per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers extsl they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are .._ 12/31/041 exposed to wind. The lumber DOLincrease 's 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33' , ' lEXPIAATlON 0......: 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI. bottom chord live load nonconcurtent wilh any 'other live ioads per 'APR 0 a 20M, ' Table No, 16-B. UBC-97. '.t UJ 41 WARNING: ReqUired bearin~ size atjolnl(s) 10 grea1er than input beerin9size, . 5 Provide mechanical eannect.on (by othelll) of truss to bearing plate capable ofwllhslandlng 1371b uplift eljoint 2 ' 6l Girder carries tie-in span(s): 28-0-0 from 20-0-0 to 28-0"() 7 Use USP THD28 (With 16d nalla Into Girder & NA9D nails into Truss) or equivalent at 20.0-0 from the left end . 10 connect lrusa(es) P2 (1 ply 2 X 4 HF) to front face of bottom chord. 8) Use USP MSH29 (WIth 10d nail. Into Girder & NA9D nails into Truss) or equivalent spaced 012-0-0 00 mel(. , starting at 22-0-0 from the left end to ~6-lJ.O to <XInnecl truss(es) A2 (1 ply, 2 X 4 HF) to front face of bottom OhOrd'd tinue on page 2 ..j' A 'WARNING - VERIfY DESIGN PARAMmRS AND READ All NOTD ON THIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOm; BEfOI!l: ~E. OesgnvOlld tOt use onIyWlfh ~Tek _~. __.-'-_'M.~ TnIIdesgntsbalied orIV upon ..__..~._.illl"lown. and IS ~r cnlrldMdua bvIIdlngcomponent to be nloIIodondJoa::ted ver1leOlt,f. '_~..': ~. -.,-:,;. 01 design porOmet811 CI"Id~" ..:.... _ _' _, otCanponer!11s rasponltlllltv 01 blJIding delIONIl" not tnm deslQMr. BlDChQ 1IhO'~ Is for lateral klPI'OI! ollrd-.1duOl web members coy. .a.ddlltonallemp:,rary aaclng to hue IlabUlr, dJrIng Oonslructlcn Is the reilpOnslblllty ~f the etector. AdcIllonal permanent' brochg 01 tie over~l structure Is the nuClOrul::lity of th. tddng de&lgl'lllr. Fa general guk:lonce regardn; fabrtcollon. quoH.., conb'oI. nOlogIJ, delvery, eracllon end. brocr.g. consul Q$T-88 Quoity StondO!'d. DSB-B9 6roclng Spoelllcollon, O"ld HJ8..Q1 H::mdb'lo lnslQlllrg and BtQCt1g ReCQr'I"Imendol1Qn OVOloble hOl1'l Trust Plot. rntlMe, 583 D'Onofr1o Orlve. ~Kn 'M 53119. . ,.A theTRUSSc:o. A B'tmplNGI SUPPLT [NC. SEP 01 2004 4:19PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.14 ;Iv.., IIU;:'o;t -.-rtJSS; '1tJl: """1 --- r.j - - ~- ,".-ay"Qi!"ri'-"\uciWv,,^, \..,vu.J";)v~ I ALDERW-l A8 ROOF TRUSS 11, , , , Job Reference (opHonal) ;J:IJUU 6 r'stJ, 0 ."Vl. -;) NUl e ~ .nousmes, anc. fn l'\Pr l.14t ",u:UCiJ;:;U ,,"UY.:l rBge ~ I~ I russ \..0'1 ~umner ~~^ , cUge~e Ul"\ "'-'" - ~:II na;1 holes where hang~r is in ~ntaet with lumber, 'LiAD CASE(S) Standen:! ' 1) Regular: Lumberlncrease=1.15, Plata Increase=l,15 Uniform Loads (pll) ~ Vert 1-5=-68.0, 5-8=-66.0, 2.1D~14.0, 8-10=-524.8 ,t , j . " _f A WARNING - VERWY DESIGN PARAMErERS AND READ All NOTES ON lHlS AND TRUSS DRAWING NQT<S BEFORe USE. Oeslgnvalld1orUM only ~MIT.k n.. ...: .,~.lh.~ "basedClf'lylJPOf1 p(l'tnlotellll'1own. ad II fat ttl hcM:tuoI blJk:t'\g c _ ''-_ to be hsfaSlId met loaded ........neely. ~~Ity 01 dBlilgn,.. '. ".., and propet', _ __ ''- ..M',:'" ofcompon.ntlll~tiIlt-, otbMdlnO oetigner.nottn.. dlllig,..., BtactngVocwn II for Iof9roj IVJ:lPort of 1ndMouol web member1 c:nIy. ~tIord temporary bracing to Insure Slobllty dVrt'o cOl'\ifTl.JCtll: tithe . ~~..~. .":-'~" Cf1ne "'~OI. ^<:ldmcnot,.. .'''._ ,.;...: . blocng Of 'the OV'8fol t.INCt1Jre If Ih& respoNI:lIfIty or 1h& bu'lcIng designer. For ganoo:i gulda"le& regarclr\g 'tJCflCQftoI'\, ql.d1y COI"I'1OL dcroge. delvery. 8Alc!1on cr.d broclng, co"'~ QST-ll8 QuoIty Stondad. 058089 Brochg SpecJftca!\on. 011d HIlMI -IcndUng Insfcl"lllg and 8raclng Reoomml!ndatI:x1 avdIClble ft'om Tnm Ploleln!inM9. M.3 D'Onofrio ~'e. Mor:bon. YIISl119' ~' the~...u=Co. . IMLDING SUPPLY me. SEP 01 2004 4:19PM HP LASER JET 3200 p.15 JOO INBS I russ I ype U\y I"'IY l1Byaen. AIQerwooa \UUUUU)::i::i ALDERW-1 81 , ROOF TRUSS 5 1 Job Reference \OPllOnall ' O.UW 5 reo ,b ""vu", ')yUI eK nousmes,!ne. nu Mar " Vtl':oXJ:U~ ..::W", I'"age 'I ': "-:J!r l,ruSS <'0" "umnsr .,,, I ~ugen;'..UK, , , ,-1.0.0, 6-4-" . ~ ',.0-0' 6-4-1' 10-0.0 <1-7-5 14-7-5 <1-7.5' , 20-0.0 ~11 . :21-0.00{ 1.0.0 'Scale -1:38.8 .c>>C4= 3 4 /1''-. ' "",,,.::>/ - '-~ ' "'" _,0 ....... //' , e,oofl%' /j/' .... , 2Jc4,,'..// '..........:::::-" 2lc4fl "..--;::.....;..../ v <::::.___,,- 5 ,........~ '1{}::-- /~ ",.......... // '~ , ~<:;:..../ ~~, /~ ',--~ ~...# .... /.. ......... / ..........-............ /.,/- . ~................. ft 2,/;" .........~'>- /;.// ......~:._.........8. 7 ~..../I;;;;,' ~.>~ I~/~ ~"J ". 3x5= 8 3x5~: . 3)(10 = 1040 , 0-0-0 20-0-0 10-0-0 t"'18te Ulls!ns l^, Y): L~V.":~~'~~J~IO:V-~-'t,_~"~!~.t-~~___ ~ LOADING (pst) TCLL 25.0 TCDL 6,0 BCLl 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rap Stress Incr YES '~Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC BC WB 0,36 0,93 0.27 DEFL In (Ioc) Vert(LL) .{J.27 HI Vert(TL) .{J,46 2-8 Horz(TL) 0.04 6 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 360 IIdefl >878 >507 nle PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148, Weight 69 Ib ') \lBER J"p CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 , BOT CHORD 2 X 4 Hf No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF Stud/STD . BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed~. 1014" , p,..... , " BOT CHORD, Rigid ceiling diractly applied or 1(}'o"() DC bracing, REACTIONS IIblslze) 2=863/0.s-8, 6=86310-5-8 ' Max Horz 2=-34lload case 3) .. Max Uplilt2~131(load case 5), B=-131(loadcaee 5), FORCES lib) - FilSt Load Cese Only , ' TOP CHORD 1-2"14,2-3".1169. 3-4=.a47. 4-5=-847. ~~~ 169.6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-8=1033,6-8=1033 WEBS, 3-8=-315, 4-8=443, 5-8~315 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. ' ' , , 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winos at 25 fl above ground Isvel, using 7.0 psf10p chord dead load and 7,0 psfbotlom chord dead load. 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupanCy category I, condition I enclosed building, of dimensions 45 fl by 24 1\ with exposure 8 ASCE 7.93 per UBC97/ANSl95If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind, If porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 ' 3) This truss has been designed for a 10:0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other U,e.loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-97, ' 4) Provide mechanical connection (by othelS) 01 truss to bearing plate capilble olwllhstandlng 1311b uplift eljoint 2 and 1311b uplift at joint 6. ' , ' . LOAD CASE(S) Standard Oi$O~N' 8 200 ' <: r. L A.I\'tI . I EXI'IIl$ ',l'2131f 01(--1 ',j!- Ii W!\, RNING - VEllIFY OESIGN PARAMrnllS AND READ "U: NOn;s ON THIS AND 1RUsS DRAWlliG NOm BEFOlli'U5E. 4- OesgnVCldfolUSGonJy with M1Tekarn.c:IOl1.. Thb dellgnll baSed ortt\4Xlf\palJmoten IhooM'\. Q'ld btor cm~ buId~ __.,...., .u._ to btt Inrt:lI\Qd CI"l1j Ioodod . verflcoly._~ 01 design pcI'OI'Mtenond Pro,*rca'~___::_~.Of .__....._~ _.lsr~bllly04biAdngd..gtWr-nottn,a,cle::dgrW. ~L'\OWnl$tOl'lahJl'ol , IUPportOj~c"'./ebm.rrbeIS.Ol1V., ..',. '.._, ...'". broc::lngtoln:iJ..r8st:1b.ry()JMgconstnx:1lonllthe.......~".....;.JClthgeTeC1or. Acd:la'lCllpermonenf brocno of 1he overal &truclUe Is the ""pc)ncblfty of tho b~ dng' c>>sIgne,. Fa general Q\Adonee Tega:dng fc:btcotlon. quality ccntrClC. storage. clehlery. ered\ol"l and th broeng. CQnsulr QST-M QuoItty $tl:;ndord, 0SIH9 Bror::lng Sp.eltlcctton. oncI HJ8..QI Hordlrig INlolng <rid BrachQ Rec ..' ". _~_:,:. ,avoDobIe from Truss Plata NtIlu1e, e& I\,U~CO. 5&O'OnofrloD-tve.Mad!sCn.'M5311Q,' . 'StII1DINGSUPPlymc.