HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-10-17 " '. 'r _ ::"'-"\. ~ ( I". " ,., CITYOF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Depiu1ment Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: {tOLCO (Qr~ h,ld CITYJOB#, n ;,;..;;';""';,' . <!.5..~'o PHONE: 228-1081 OWNER: Hayden Homes CONTRACTOR: Owner PHONE: Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A Cvu".t'onding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and :rwo Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. A.copy .of ,this,. code r.n~y be obtained from the Building . Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. tiiTusDr..Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 , .".. '... . ' Your signature on the Buildin~ p~~;J;it'is{iuiagreement that all it~ will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project Will eomply with applicable codes. . ,.... ;";,;"', ....:. . .,: : . -~~ . ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR A,PPROV AL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTIfER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF TIfE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTIfER ORDINANCE OF TIfE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: _Bob Barnhart_PHONE:_726-4652 1. Provide openable egress windows with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square . fee~. (Grade floor egress .window 5 square feet). LeaSt openable height 22"; least openable width 20"; maximum sill height 44" above walking surface. . (R-3l0.2). 2. . SMOKE .DETECTORS ARE REQUlRED in each sleeping room, providing access to sleeping rooms, and on each floor level. and areas (R-3l6.l). b\"t';i"i';> i'S ~~ .:~/,\ . '>A,"-'""",_,>..., \ r ","">= -'-~ D.I,' ~~', 'Ii!:,:,;"'=::.:~.f;>:: , lc" '-.. . !J \-<~ffJ~i:l;:C;, '~h...~~it:~'.>.., '~!~]::/ CLIENT /l1"l't~1'{. l/aMS SHEET-NO / OF 5 CALCULATIONS CAlCULATED BY ho' DATE J/Ja/CJ'f' STRUCTURAL . BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROlEC'nON . CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSULTANT. PlAN CHECKING !!{,,7cr. CONSTRUC'nDN INSPEC'nON w.o., (L/f~ /rl"itt:>&:N HoMe po, BOX 883 rf~/V4<=lno, O~ C,?'f7fj <;:'f./.ONT O~ Gr-',e"",~ ~T€rlJaL rfl~ ~l...woCf> 11'-1 6FT" <~r.o/... of PL.r.:.N OK> . JOBJ2ESC8J.EI1DbL Jn~LDr.~ . loT lIB' Jk!sPL2ll- JIL Sp(~lN6-FJaP.I OfL ~ A WIND SPEEt>' CfafoJ\PH ~ ",(JCJSuI~ :8" ,~JY1'c. 't.ONt::: 3 CLU). SHoW /.....0"1D '"UiPSF' . Site and soil conditions not observed by Mortier Engineering P.C. Allowable soil bearing capacity of I.Ooo'psfused. 1~.d.1;. P~.4.RI. ~T . 1:'11t":.CfI.U:" /"\cc~n.... Q'7A^04 T~I . I~"~\ AD.. ^I'U!'lI^ , '["" l:..<>.~r,/..\ .....~'-~i'\ Ilt'?~:~~.~\\~\ 0.,. "'1'1 ..,.,...... ~ , 6'l:f;;<:":"' .) ",~IH.:.12':.c(:/ <'l~~~\.", (,'1\"'\'\ / ...:-..~~~, CliENT CALCULATIONS' SHEET NO. /l4fbG:N /I cw.a 2. OF tJ. fro l!ii/Q4 DATE CATE 16T7"( . C;, NI) V (C:-/4JI-d O~ ~114~ 1 FUt.J.... t.rXrE:Ntlo<,.) WINVIL:?~('''' A.' iOfi'>- y~: W>"'(/D,lff(o 1"~fJ[f) f CjOfi~'1,l.~.v.d',~.9')= 7../'f1.(r Si.!/.Y>lIW: rr;pJi'(I S')(\.I.') -( o/p.{Ei') (y,<!,) : ~6t.)..Uf ~'''''''''''-:o ~'801..i..UJ (,/4)- I, 11.1L~ '- CALCULATED BY . smUClVRAL BUILDING DESIGN. RRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PlAN CHECKING: CONSTRUcnON INSPEcnON CHECKED,BY w.o.. . ,--,'Dr"! .~ w<>'-"> p'l""{:, ~ 2.' /'>v4' fh~ '"2.'O,~) -=,' 0N 11 .fNU">V1..... '2...' "I SLv 2..' H' ~ 5't9P(;{ or"", 7'U..)( 0'I~Fi.+ 7('6'3U,- '" R~< 6fl('- h.')(,-') (I) . (Ot..{-r. ~ a.r..(8')( t.') (I) · ILeL6--r; t E:l6'{ t-oC; 7- 76 i2J (. ,;..-t - "/l(/r!'e'u-,y ,: 1';..U::: Ds:aAI C::T . ~11~J:f\U: ncn=r.::nM 07Ani ~/I"'@ J ~"tJt:C~J~ 3 7J<;(;fu /717T~~7 , 'L!".r~/~. T&:'I . (I;A 1\ AALDnAn ~:--l'~ ~~h Ii", ;I,~:a...=/..', 1'... . '-. "~"- !~6t-;~~~~?~:~,~,~:\ U~'iJ8ttU \:'1(~-..::....~,7/ '.,:!~~~' CLIENT fll'J't~ J..ItJ~ SHEET NO :1 tJ CALCULATIONS DF fro ::JllaI()'.{ CALCULATED BY DATE . S'lRUCT\JRAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROlECTlON CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING /aJ7cr CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION . W.O.'- . . .' BEAM PER PLANS~ D~UBLETOPPLATE~II! 1~ / II~ 1 I . :.... . .r(:<::\.;;.~ . (1) 2x6 BLOCKING FLAT . . w/(1) 35~. LONG CS16 STRAP ../ . ". NAIL ALL HOLES . NAIL WALL . SHEATHING TO BLOCKING . 8d O' 2"o,c. STAGGERED .~ / 7/16" OSB Bd NAI~S ~ 2"0.c, EDGES . STAGGERED . 4x FRAMING @ EDGES ~ L HTT16 HOLDO~NJ/ ~ I; SST816 ANCHOR CONC. STEM W~L~ . i .. '. CaNT. FOOTINGJ ;'24"MIN J . o. I r-. ~ i...:::::.~</.::: .;:;::.,:..... .,......... CD DETAIL-AT FRONT OF GARAGE'; N,T.S. (TYPICAL EACH END. OF OPENING) .. ....."...: -tt>f.r(~ ~ 1='lA.~ c,.ci1R~ ~7;JIQN 1245 PEARL 8T. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 ~i'/> ~~-"';';1\ ",14,*;g~i;)~) /~:~"i:=:lDi.,0/ ~'1'" ":;'."""'"7-0;:;-:/ ' /~',".:'1'U''':'':l..\" ~.-' .1 1-' - J I II l' 1 1"'"1 !I :':'''''''~... ;t~'s.' ,\ ,~~ .:" .."""" .:" ~~. .......Il' ~ \ ~, _._~__ ,OJ 1l'HOClCI . I: .....'xIIEt'... ~ ~ ~ (I c.4IIf'BT :i \. ...... ,\. \. r -~'."'Ir; & ; " ~ L~J ;, ~-'" ~ 0 ~ 0Hl~1... .. '~_. I i V V' if,? r;;;;; ....... ~ .; ~I; I E& :~ T-' ,= a""' I ~ ~ l_.:1 a ~ J--=-- - ~ rnJ~ 11lM!ll\71 'D .'..' I ~,." ~r ~ j "" vJ.( ,I . ~.I~I~ I'1.iI.&TR I!!IICRaoM -$ "'Ir" . 'rjn uc ~ .~' · ~ LWi""~1 ~ -~r I ICPI '"", I ~~ 8 ClI"T1OllAI. :;="\: 'I " L_,,:;.;w:'. \ J" ~ . . CooW"IIT ,Ill .' ".... . 2.... _' ,....,. I,. , ,- :n , De;t.~ ; it . " ~ l'~ rot''' ...... I _YOm. I ~, ~ . ..- ClI"T1OllAI. r-ooc>au -1.~ ..<!>OM '.... 1S'.6"l1.8'..' ... """""' , '- " ;. E3 l~ - ::::""I-~ -, .k" ~-I' . '- ---',.,':--\.' '8.:..~ .~~ -. ': ~t'l : dG~ ,... M ~ & ___1IlI 1_- -'1 .-1 ~ .- ~ I &.6.mAtHI . ~ . ~ . . . ~ I "-S'. I s.... ~..tl. J.d fl.... I D'.;' . -I .'.e' H')'.lEl" ~a: . fil.ft\1 cF b';:lMc,k PETJ.C1/ /...;. ec..tU!, v.... I'-e' (AJIO.l D 6WI!l!T) ec::.AL.a. va'" 1'4' (u-n 6l-I!IIT) 1245 PEARL st . EUGENE, OREGON 97401. TEL: (541) 484-9080 z.r.{R"T'.j'.... ~~~z../'/..,' r~, f~l;!.:-:',~:~..!.:.::.I,.r \, (~''''''',.;._.o, ..; \ ~'''..,...... . ,..:0.1 :r.w.....:r,,,.....;;..,-.' . \~ - ,,__'"-~, "1 . ~>!l1'5 r I,...II'-C)' ;' '.'/, '.~L..:.o. "'-I~., . r:~~-h ~0:m0\~X CLIENT . '~r-l7VE;ly 17~~\ 6 OF 6' /17> . DATE 3h6/ 64 , CALCULATIONS SHEET N.... CAL.CUI.ATED BV STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN 0 RRE PROTEcnON CODE CONSULTANT 0 PLAN CHECI<ING CONSTRUcnON INSPEcnON CHECKED BY ~ "DATE , j 6,)/ "I w.o.. JIMIIF1=' 'I . """""'1-=1 m~ loo~mjrlj : - . '10 ,....",. 1'01"1'1. _'u_________,____u_~ , ~~ QlOA... ~ F=Fii!ONT. El.EvA TION ~ ~. .... 8~ rEEFtwNT 6r- '_ ~~c:.-f: 1>0hll.. I c. 0 I [J . 0 O' [='== ~~ ~J' . -- ~i ~".*r''' IrT Ll,:-. I_L1' , -_. . Fii!IGtI-lT El.EvA TION l.EF=T El.EVATION ".,- " o 0, ~/-B, 0 0 ~ , .-< " . ",.... :-....... .....0.... , ... . ... ~ , , ...."" ....... ...... . ....' ............ ~ " ~ " ~ " ~ " ~ " .--:' - --------------. - -. -11.11&- - ... ... D/.. o 1'01""'- /' 1- r=-'" . ", J I. b------~.-------------~----...-------------------.-----_____.__ I el&l.. ,--------_. =..~ ~'~,A.TlC , Fii!EAFii! EL.EVATION ,,-.," 1245 PEARL ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541)484-9080 .~., ;'2004 14i.;:i3 FRor.:GENE STRINGFIELD ..:fi" , 541~6B9-8266 TO: 8953'161 P..001~00'1'. . .." . ':';'''::. ::'.~," ~z,tJI.1t . G:ua.qe door h."der, non portlllh>me. 12" OYOrl1ang l' roof irtb """ ggbls end 1ruo weight. .6.15_"':';;;:':;:'-"~ 3 1/2" x: 12" Classic Glulam™ (24F -1.0E Framing DF) . ,I """12OO4,;2lI2lll'lof THIS P DU ." ......"""""'1.15-'3 RO . CT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN . CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LO,ADS LISTED . Mimber IllOpe: 0112 Root 9lopeOlI2. All dlmen.lons are /I01'lzonbl.. -1S'IO. I k ,r" ~~L " I!l~ r )AOS: 'AneljisIS to.lofn Header (FIU$h Beam) MQI1\ber. Tt1buIaryLoad W1clllt '1 P~maiY Load Gioup. Snow (psi): 25.0 Uve AI115 "'dumUon, 15,0 Ootid Vor11ceJ Loado: . Type Claaa Uvo Teperod(p1l) FIoOr(1.00) 0.0 TD 0,0 T.pered(p1f)' FIool(I,OO) 0,0 To 0.0 . 'Produet D'alJl'Afllf', C~no.ptu"L , , " '" ., '" , Dwd. 7,0.0 To 60.0 60,0 To 20.0 l...OQatlon OT08'10" B'10" TD 18' 10" AppllcsUon Md. To. . Add. To . Comment " .,. .'. , , . SUPPOR~ . .... ; i I '1 Inpul' BearIng Vortlcsl Roac1Idna (Ibel De1:ln Wldlh lBnglh UWlDoedIIJplltr11'otal 1.VlfoOdoolumn 3,60" 1.60" 4~1/63110/105~ 2. Wood CO"ry' 3.sa' 1,50" .421/635/0/1056 -Sa. T J SPECIFIER'll I BUILDERS GUI~E for detall(.~ By 0lher8 ( ~8IGN CON~ /' '. M."'mum Doolgn, eoRlrol Conlral LocllIllon -.6hllar(lbe) . "103B '.810' ~78 . PasSOO{15%). RlendSpan1undsrSnawloadtnil Momenl (FWls) 4437 4437 19320 Passed (23%) MID Span 1llnder Snow ~ Uve load Deft (In) 0.092. . 0.550 P_ (\JI/9ll>) . MID 8pon'1 undor Gnow Ioedlng TolaltOOd Deift (lit) 0.238 0,825 Passed (lIB31) MID Span 1,'fYlerGnoW 1o~d1ng . ~ oConedlDn CrI\I!I1a: MIN1MUM(ll:tnBO,T\.:U240).. ,..... . . . . ooSraclng(lu): All compreaslon edgoo (lop ana bOIIom) must bo brllQed ot 14''''' 010 unf... "elllned olhorwflle. "- alloOhmenlgrnl poalUon/ng of IAtend bracing ,. requited 10 scl]love mBrriber 8fabIlI1y.' " , ...'. oCllS/gn ..;.umeo Ad.q,.a1e oonUnu0U9lll1em1support D' the coni~on edQ.. . ., . , 'AOomONALNOTES'. '.... .', . .' -1MPORTAlffiTh. onalyo'" presented Is ouIput from eol\vI'are ils""IDpedbyTrils JoIBt (TJ), TJ warren1l\ \hO sizing qt'lls produClO by Il11o eonwalll wm b. eCCiOmpUsoodln aacordance wUh T J produQt deGlgn _and code accept.d desllln valueo. The opeclno produot sppuceuon. Input dMlgn load.. and. &faled d1rnamtons tuMl ""en.flID-.1cIed by 111. 80_ UHr, .ThIS oulpu\ha& no! boero re\'Iewed by a T J A6stloIate.' . -Not all PfllduCl8 are readlly......\Iobl.. Chad< wfUt your aupp/lor or TJ lodlnl<aJ '"Pm_1M> for pn>dud BVBnBbDRy. '. tHIS ANAL VOIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONL VI PRODUCT GUBSTnvrtoN vtllOS THIS ANAL Y51B- . ~A1IDW8ble Illnllle Design. molhodotogy waa II\led lor !luRdlng Code UllC en&lyllng D,. T J DI.b1bUllon prodUclUsled BboVe, .The Dnalyot. PreOenled 18 approprlalD lor C1ane1C 13lu1am'" 'boama, byWay"",osusar, Othor ,'.,. ,. " By OUtem None By Olham None "" ,...... , . ,. , "'" '. . , PROJECT INFORMATION: HAyden Horn.. 16' garage door hoedsr: paroUe' 10 goings tMS layout. OPERA1QR INFORMATION, Troy Lal>CAllIer Gone Slrtngn.kl Bubdll\ll Malerlal Co. . 1'.0, gO>( VD7 BlOMa, OR .8740.2 Phono: 641-aB9-ll0,~ F"" : 64HI50-ll2B6 gBbmotroy@qwes\.nsl f' ~.), \.~~.. ';opYI:'l'lln: 0 zoo", by tCUQ JolIlC" a WCl.NI\''''\lIlA,l;'. Blle1n""D 'f..'~a)nn... ill '" r''{flt1lll'lI;"."d t.1".dali~k at "I~IU' orol,,!;. Clnl1'lIlo Q~a"nm" "" II trod.-.a~k DE "'1)'f\I'hll"~""~: 3/1512005 JEFF HARRISON EUGENE HAYDEN HOMES THE ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT JEFF GLULAM BEAMS IN FLOOR SYSTEM D HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO GANG LAM LVL o AS PER PLAN. NOT ON MATERIAL LIST o AS PER PLAN. INCLUDED ON MATERIAL LIST .~ . Louisiana-Pacific Corp. LPI-JoIsls / Gang-Lam L VL / Solid siart Rlmboard . Distributed Bv: -. 14421 S.E, 98th Court P.O. Box 1750 Clackamas, Oregon 97015 (503) 742-&389/ Fax (503) 657,1843 866-742-8689 ThIs maleriallake off Is lor the Loulslana-PacIfic CTR jols1s, LPI.JoIsls, Gang-Ulm LVL. and Solid Slart R1mbOard matert8ls onty. The contractor I builder I:. ... '..' I an:hitecturaJ designer or owner of the plans mus1 vartfy an Information on thel-Jolsl layout prior 10 construction. Any changes noedad win then be mad. before any 'wog has occurred. Changes made to the ~ plans after construction framing has begun may affect the l-joist layout. It Is the responsibility of the contractor I buIlder I homeowner I architectural designer or owner of the plans to verify If the changes affect the l-:lolst layout Nty damages, fees, or other services required to fix a problem related 10 thosa changes will laH under the responsibility of the contractor / bulldar / homoownor /a_rel designer or owner of the plans. A complete set of plans needs to be submitted for an accurate material take-Off. ~tArll'l1 t1IkA-nff nnlv. Thl!illl'l\lnllf M!il not bAAn I'l'nIfAwrAtt nr mmnllAl'l tw ~n AMf...rmt..- All beam sizes have' been sized by the Loulslana..pacitic Wood-E beam sizing program or by Ole design tables In the LPI Joist User Design Manual. GtuJam beams have been included In this drawing, without cost, Bnd 88 8 courtesy to OUf customer. The ArchItec:t I Designer I Engineer of record is soIety responsible for the original design callouts, neither louisiana. Pacffic nor International Wood Products. UC. he responsible for the design or accuracy of calculaUons regarding the alulam beams 6hown on the layout. .. ,._._...~-.. - - ..-,-.....~~.,- '.'-'.--'~ ~-~--".''''''.'----_._._-_._-- --_._.._.~-~-_._-~~-~,.._._.__.- , . ," , > Begin Layout () @ 19.2" O.C, ' , - I I i i i i i i IT I I I II I I I I II I , - I I I! J5izJ" I!!I I I ! ! . ! ! I f!,XrUi '! i " I ZlZJ-U !:. ! iQ>Lll! i! i i~r9~Z.~ : ;~=f=~==~=~==F=;=~=f=~==~=~==F=~==F=;=~=#=~==~=~==F=;=~ . . . . '. . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . I I I 1'1 I I I I I I I I I I I III ~lIjljl@lIlj,j . . . . . . .. .".... . . . . . . " .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . . . . . .. .... i i il i i i i i i i i i . . . . . . " .... . . . . . . .. .... I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I -i i i I ~=~d=~=!; J lID; ~ II j i : .: , I , , ' .1 I CUI WAU.IYOnErlS J" . . HAYDEN HOMES THE ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT MAIN FLOOR LPI JOIST LAYOUT , .' I ~^~ W International Wood prodllCt8, u.c Main Level Havden Homes THE ALDERWOOD GARAGE RIGHT ------------"--------------MATERIALS LIST----------------------------- FILENAME: MAIN.Garg.Rght. 11X17.dwg .16: 14 : 54 GENERATED: 03/14/2005 Designed By: AARRON PHILLIPS - IWP ------------------------------1 JOIST--------------------------------- I-JOIST LPI20W X 9 1/2" (27 stick(s) total) (2/2) (25/28) . Total Linear Footage = 704feet. c-----------------------------HANGERS-------------------______________ .~ HANGER Simpson ITT 39.5 (4 total) ----------------.-------------END LIST--------------------------------. <Multi-ply blocking quantity does not represent the total number of plys. '<Multi-ply beam ply's are added to multi-ply quantity. Note: It Is the BuDders I Contractors responsibility to verify joist lengths. Blocking panels (If required) are to be cut by the BuDder I Contractor. Web stiffeners (if required) are to be cut and provided by the Builder I Contractor. Additional non Louisiana-Pacific material may be required. International Wood Products, LLC. 14421 S,E, 98th Court · P ,0. Box 1750. Clackamas. Oregon. 97015 (503) 650-9663 · (800) 875-9663 . FAX (503) 657-1843 Hayden Homes - The Aiderwood.J1 NOTE: 200A.1 .........SlI-.DeIIgn LOAOTABLE 1. THIS COMPONENT IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT ONlY Tl-IE VERT1CA1... LOADS SHOWN VERIF1CATlON OF NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPUT LOAD CASE (1 ~ OTHER LOAD CASES LOADING, DEFLECTION UMlTATIONS. FRAMING FOR PATTERN LNE LOADING ARE CHECKED AS REQUIRED. METHODS, WIND AND SEISMIC BRACING. AND OTHER (DIMENSIONS MEASURED FROM LEFT END OF SPAN OR CANTIlEVER) LATERAL BRACING THAT IS ALWAYS REQUIRED IS DISTRIBUTION SOURCE TYPE TOP/SIDE 'LOAD FROM TO THE RESPONSlBlUTYOF THE PROJECT ENGINEER F'l'-IN-SX ",-IN-SX OR ARCHITECT. UNIFORM FLOOR LIVE TOP 64 PLF 00-00-00 28-00-00 2.PROVIOERESTRAlNTATSUPPORTSTOENSURE UNIFORM FLOOR DEAD TOP 19 PLF 00-00-00 28-00-00 LATERAL STABlUTY. 3. DO NOT CUT. NOTCH OR DRILllPl RANGES. ... SHIM ALl BEARINGS FOR FUU CONTACT. 6. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTTING LPl TO SlZE. 6. THIS LPllS TO BE useD AS A flOOR JOIST QNL Y. 7. PROVlOE COW>RESSlON EDGE BRAClNG AT 3r a.c. OR lESS. rOTE FOR DOUBlE lPl A. CONNECT DOUBlE 1PI USING 2XB + 5Is- OSB AlLERS FUll LENGTH OF JOIST. FOR JOISTS THAT ARE TOP LOADED ONl V,FlllERS NEED ONLY BE LOCATED AT EACH SUPPORT AND AT 11 ON CENTER MAX. FILLERS MUST BE AT LEAST 4' LONG. TOP lOADS MUST BE APPLIED TO BOTH hlOISTS. 8. PROVIDE 4' LONG FIllERS AT ALL CONCENTRATED lOADS. CENTER FIlLER ON LOAD C. FASTEN FJU.ERS THROUGH lPI WEBS WITH 2 ROWS OF 8d{2-1121 NAlLS AT 1TOC FROM BOTH SlOES STAGGER ROWS AND CUNCH WHERE POSSIBLE. D. MAXIMUM SlDE-APPUEO LOADS FOR STANDARD DURATION: UNIfORM LOAD -260 PlF, C-. ....0;., ........TED LOAD - 1000 LBS. LOADS CAN BE OOUBLED FOR NAILS AT 6" ce, TRIPlED FOR I. NAlLSAT4-OC,ETC..ANDMA.YBEADJUSTED FOR OTHER LOAD DURATIONS. E. FLOOR SHEATHING TO BE NAILED TO FlANGES OF .~ ROTlolLll'Io:m:I: SUPPORT RBACTIONS (LaS). CASK BEARING NUMBER 12, 1 437 1456 437 2 101 336 101 3 493 896 45 4 4S 896 493 MIN BKARIHG SIZES (IN-SX) J 1-12 3- 8 1-12 MAXIMUM DBVLBCTIONS CALCULAT&O ALLOWABLB LIVB I..oAD 0.10. 0.3S. *DBAD I..oAD 0.03. TOTAL I..oAD O.lt- 0.70* OR INTERNATIONAL WOOO PROOUCTS, U.C 2 LPI ZUW DEPTH 11.501:1" 1fBB. 0.37S. FLANGE 1.50 X 2.50 DESImf CONSISTS 0' 2 - PLIBS TOOBTHER (R.K1I'ER TO NOTES) . '^'- ""' 1.00 0.90 WARNING NOTES: THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIFICALLY FOR L-P EHGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. USE OF THIS DESIGN FOR ANYTHINO OTHER THAN GANG-lAM LYL OR LPI JOIST8IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ANY MODIFICATION OF THIS DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVIEW BY A DE8K1N PROFESSIONAL MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFRCIENT TO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE LPI JCXST AS DESIGNED. fT IS THE RESPONSlBl1.fTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIfY THAT THE SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR THIS BEAM IS CAPABLE OF SUFlPORTlNG THE REACTIONS. ANCHOR LPI JOIST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. 1 ..500 ~ j#;.soo - :..... . CROSS SBCTION FASTEIlBD 14- 0- 0 14- 0- 0 29- 0-" 0 - THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE- IHardhg & ErQCtion r-IsceIIaneous InfoI'matIon GanO:tam LVL and CTR. LA Jotst S ~ TwtilXlfIIYard~lndngfDtholcllng~ Thew.ofthll~lflIIIbe~byh-v-ofh 'Supportaard.. '" Ior~LVLardCTR.lPlJolDW>>1le plI.mtlardforlWiltlrG......~ItIlIIlIle~ardClOl'llllllUtln.Idln.OtIUIInlllh~c:ocM~apptIY...... apectllc~ . lnItalledbyOlhn. NoIoa:la"W>>lleaflPl*lmu. InsUuc:dDrDfronIhdellgnerlotlNlCl;lmplltellnlctLnbefore~1hb "Commanna!lldllvenpaqlllllOp.lNllh;d1llelPK*lanrinumof4"fDt10d eomponItIllRll.nerallhfl'lmlngardfasllftrQ.. ~ Iflhedel!gnatterllbted-.ovedoelnotlMlllDalltUldlng ardTfDrllct. completId.Al.noUrnelhallloa:lagralertlllndeslgnloa c:ocM~dollOtw.1hbd8lign. Wr.nthllchwlngls&lgncld "Oonata.a,MlI;h,drIIlor"'~LVLardCTR.LPI"""__.aIlO'Ml be~W>>lNIc:ornponenl 1IldlUled,1NI11lrudur1ilclellgnltlqll1:lV8dallhownlnthlldrllwqj ln~~flamLPIIr1w.oIGaro-lMnLVLardCTR.lPlJoltUCIOIlllWy IDesignClttetta ....~==a:.~~~~::.. ~:::==-=::::"'-=:'~ardLP n.dlllgnard~lPlIdl*l..lnllltlltlrdlll coruc:twllh~multlle~_~byCXlde.COntIn.lr:luI ardDll-.for.~r.III. conformItywllhlhe_lWlIIlnofNDSardAITC." 1anlI1lqllIrl:1t~(waI.ftIoree.n.*-I.LPdoeInatpl1:l'llGe Oea:l bIid o.n.ctbn ~ at;uItmd factDrfor ~ . ~ ~ 'mIdr1IJIlng mull haY... ~ ot~... "A COPY OF TJoDS CRAWlNQ IS TO BE G1VEN TO THE INSTAl.1JNO CONTRACTOR Totalbliddll'l<<llonlt~ .rIQdtobe~..~doc:urMrl. FOe: J:\tt;ir3i1 Homes\TIie~AkI81'WClOd\l.Pl20W\WOOdUpx LPIt.~~ot'_..., ~...a...Corpcnllon. DESIGN CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DBAD LOAD TOTAL LOAD ISPACING . 19.20 DBPLECTION CRITBRIA LIVE LOAD DBFL. TOTAL LOAD DBP'L. LOAD SHARING. CODB COMPLIANCES I REPORT . ESR-130S 20040S-W U724-R ICC-KS WIScoaSIH CCMC - MSt 0.36 VSI: 0.29 '0 PSF 12 'SF 52 'SF ", CIC L I 4" L I 240 7 . IDBP'LBCTION ASSUMRS COMPOS~ ACTION WITH GWRD AND NAIIJm 23/32- APA RATBD SHEATHING (48/:i1fo SPAN RATING) ... Software ProvIded By: LP engineered Wood Products 2706 HigtrMJy 421 North WilmIngtOn, Ne 28401 Local G10.762.9878 NaIlOnal Wata 8OO.gQg.9105 DWG # SHEET # ..,"" Iceo .c; Hayden Homes, Tho A1d0lW00d.J2 SUPPORT REACTIONS (LBS). CASK BEARING NUMBSR I , J 1 437 1456 437 2 101 336 101 3 493 896 4S .. 4S 896 493 HIN BEARINQ SIZRS (IN-SX) 1-12 )- 8 1-12 MAXIMUM DBFLBCTIONS CALCULATED ALLOWABLE LIVS LOAD 0.19- 0.35- -DEAD LOAD 0.05- TOTAL LOAD 0.23- 0.10. OR INTERNATIONAL WOOD PROOUCTS. LLC lQAOTA8LE 1_, LPI ZOW DEPTrt IUDU" WEB. 0.37S. FLANGE 1.50 X 2.50 NOTE: 21)1)1.1 ~SlI.-OaIgn 1. THIS COMPONENT IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT QNL Y THE VERTICAL LOADS SHOWN VERIFICATION Of NOTE: LOADS SHOWN ARE FOR INPIJT LOAD CASE (1). OTHER LOAD CASES LOAD C1lON FOR PATTERN LNE LOADING ARE CHECKED AS REQUrREO. ING,DEFLE UMlTATlONS. FRAMING (DIMENSIONS MEASURED FROM LEFT END OF SPAN OR CANTILEVER) METHODS, WIND AND SEISMIC BRACING, AND OTHER LA'TERAlBRAClNGTHATISALWAYSREOUlREOIS DISTRIBUTION SOURCE TrPB TOP/SIDE LOAD THE RESPONSlBlUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 2. PROVIDE RESTRAINT AT SUPPORTS TO ENSURE LATERAL STABILITY. 3.00 NOT CUT. NOTCH OR DRILL 1PI FlANGES. 4. SHIM AU. BEARINGS FOR FULL CONTACT. 5. VERIFY DIMENSIONS BEFORE CUTIlNG LPI TO SIZE. 6. THIS LPlIS TO BE USED AS A FLOOR JOIST ONLY. 7. PROVIDE COMPRES5ION EDGE BRACING AT 25- O.C. OR LESS. UNIFORM UHIFORM FROM ro FT-IN-SX FT-IN-SX 00-00-00 28-00-00 00-00-00 28-00-00 1.00 0.90 L01.l> LOF FLOOR LIVB FLOOR DEAD ro, ro, 64 PLP 19 PLP WARNING NOTES: THIS COMPONENT DESIGN IS SPECIRCALLY FOR L.f' ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS. USE OF nus DESIGN FOR ANYTHIHG OTHER THAN GANGol.AM LVL OR LA JOISTS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ANt MODIfICATION OF nus DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVIEW BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. MINIMUM BEARING SIZES ARE SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT CRUSHING OF THE lPl JOIST AS DESIGNED. IT IS THE RESPONSlBlUTY OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER TO VERIFY THAT THE SUPPORT STRUCTVRE FOR THIS BEAM IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE REACTIONS. ANCHOR LPI JOlST SECURELY TO BEARINGS OR HANGERS. 1 '.500 T ja,.500 ... - . CROSS SRCTION -14- 0- 0 14- 0- 0 28- 0- 0 - THIS DRAWING &S NOT TO SCALE- HanclIlng&Ernction . r.tsceIaneouIlnformatlon Ga~LVLandCTR.lPlJoiste...,,_,..,.1 T.-nporary8J1d~~forl'OldlngcompotWll Ttlel.lMlol,,*componenIlhIII_~byU.<*/gnerofU. .Stlpp:)Itt..,o:onnecclontlllr~LVLIII:lCTR.l.PIJolItIlDbe pUnblll:lfor~....tcwt.lhaIlbedealgned.-.cl completIIllNC:CIn.OblaIn"'U.r--.arycodec:otl'll)llancaapprov.r.-.c apedfie~. InslaDedbyothln. ND~_lDbe8Plll*11DU. ~1lomU.~oflheeompletellNC:Clnl*otllusIrQuq 'CommonnlllldrtvenPlQllellDgluellMallllllbe,,**,.mlnmLmof"'forlOd ~untllatblr"'the"-nlng"'fast<<IIng_ comporwL lflhe~a1terlIIllQdllbov.doeInotmeltloc:al~ lII:l:S-fol"ed. tI;llIlpleted.A1mtlrr'lllll'lllllloDgnlIteJlIWl<*lgn1o.sa c:ode . clDnotUMttDcs.lgn. W'*'ttD~1I1iCJt*1 'DonatQ.t,natch,drUlor_~LVlIll:lCTR.LPlJDills__.""" be8AllledIDtheCllqlOl'leR. IfIlI8llecS.theSlnlCtl.nlldeslQnll~tId_ar-InItOdrav*Q InlUlllsllldll\ll8tllllfn:lmLP~UMoI~LVLIII:lCTR.LPlJoilbClOltrWy lmlldondatllpnMcledbytheWltom<<. ~LVl.-.clCTR.lPl IDthellmll:tlll:bU'I~~....~oIU.'procM1I11:lLP loIItI_mQ1IIIIlhDlJI<*I1berlll:lllCllIlletlKlLWlCMrIolld.Woodlnchd: dlIdIimI...irnClIIed.........IndudIrlg...ImI*d~oI~ coructwllha:n::numustbe~_reqUredbyCDde.ConInuoua lII:l~for.pMlc:ularUM. latenIIl&Q)OIt 11-...:1 (wd.lloor bMm. ere). LP doeI not ~ on-cIlII ~ TNI ~ II1UII haIIe an Atehltect'1 or~... . A COPY OF THIS DRAWING IS TO BE GIVEN TO THElNSTALUNG CONTRACTOR Iilftxtldtobe~en~doQmenl. D_""""" TheOlslgn"'~JPI'df\ecl_In~ tonIonnItylllUlllt.~~ofNOS.-.cIAlTC.' OeadIoaclcMt\edlDnIndud_.:ljustmenIfecIorforaeep. TotaIIoacIHfIIctIonIl~ Fie: J:'IH<!",:,;...H0me5\Th6'A.. .... spx LP II."" lr8cSllmII1Iof........ ..s"WlIc.COrporItlon. DESIGY CRITERIA LIVB LOAD DEAD L01.l> TOTAL L01.l> mACUJG . 19.20 IN. DEFLECTION CRITERIA LIVE LOAD DRVL. TOTAL LOAD DEFL. LOAD SHARum. CODE COMPLIANCES REPORT I ESR-1305 200405-'" 12724-R ICC-ES WISCONSIN CO<<: IDEFLRCTION ASSUMES COKPOSITR ACTION WITH GWED AND NAILED 23/32- APA RATKD SHBATHU1G (48/24 SPAN RATING) ~ , , Software ProvIded By. LP Englnoorod Wood Products 2706 Highway 421 Notth wilmlngton. Ne 28401 Local 910.782.9878 Natlona1 Wats 800.99;.9105 DWG # SHEET # ""..... . MSI: o.n VSt 0.59 40 PSF 12 PSF 52 PSF CIC L / 480 L / 240 7 . 1(:00 [' . ll.. o o 'N 'C'J !- UJ .., ~ UJ en a: ..J 11. :I: %: ll. C'J ,0 .. C'J V o o N V C' !-' ~'. o :~_. ': .41)10"0 - i' ~ ~: <- B1 , B1 i ...:- B1 I . r1 VI 'I" I i '~IDM "II - '7r i I I - .,/ ~ ~ ! i ~ ~ it' < ~. -,.... ~ ...,.." "'" 'V ~ - -- - ,- 2010"0 - I - 810"0 - t~ -. '12'0.0 ~I . . ...... ApproVal, of.Shop ~ !Deans the Configuration, bearing locations and . deS!-8Jl cntenahive bee~ revl~wed and approved. As ConttaCtoryou must ven1y and approve all dimensiOns and truss counts on the LayouL . Trusses will De manufactured as ,,"'....v.ed. . . , .\ c; : c; (; r " 0\ ~. <:: '" " " . ~ <: <- NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 6112 Overhang: l' 0. ~ Vaulted Area ~ Pitch: 3/12 D__ 0"............. 0_........._ D_ .- D........._ . ,.I\2I>M"'-_ ~ HaydcnEntaprises /~ ~OU'MCQ ..MlDIl9lI: / 'Y i ""......, . 3848 Hollvburn: Albanv Lot 41 th?fRVSSCO. inC. """" AI<WwooO:a~L.ft , RP.vm..aNJ . DAn -- "-"" 1-''''''' r.. r-ll661 .. Cl) ll.. o o N C') I- 'lJJ .., ~ lJJ CIJ a: ..J ll.. J: l: D- C'). o .. C') '" o o N '" '0 1-' U " o I.: 4f\'n"l'I . 01 I I ' , 1 ' I r 1 , ,-,-, , , i ~'X7?)v~/ ..... l' '"f ~//1//~:/~X/~ I! <~ 1 r~)'-I . ~/ j- 1 (~1)[A31 ;/ /; 7 /, ,i 1 I \ I J/ /v / VV/ /' i ~! j si;/A///1~"// I "I: ~ ~////'T~A:j /r: I /,,{i I I ;/ / / / /'v1y / / l"l' i V/~~ ~/: / i" V///////// , j///////f/ I "'- ((~,,~;j:~j~~hl .. .. .1..... "",,~ _, , ! ii' /: 1}8 . ~" " "A7; : ~ i ~ A6!,' .. A6; . AS: - " I-i(jl' " g ~ - P' ~ N " " p '" ;. i'l I' n ::~' ;1, ~., Bll , J .. ~. BD~~t I "7fl 'sl ! :!~[J1' 1/ t.: "f" . ..j..:,1 ;,{j 'e, ~' ::; ~ 'c. I : ] 2'0"0 . I - 8'0"0 : ,: - 20'0"0 - : I . ..... Approv~ of,Shop Drawings !1leans the ConJigm:ation, bearing locations and deS!gt1 CTlteria, have been I'eVlewed and approved.. As Contractor you must . verity and.lIpprove all dimensions and truss counts on the Layout. Trusses wilf6e m3nnfactured as approved. " " p '" '" - .;:I. ,'.. , , 0__ 0__ 0.. D~_ 0....-.-._ NOTE: Composition RODC Pitch: TC: 6/] 2 Overhang: l' 0" ~ Vaulted Area ~ Pitch: 3/]2 - /:...._ HaydcnEIh.....:s.. ....!,'~.~ca.. ~ , b"',..._ . 905 tat. Street. Cm.weU Lot 36 ,A,......J._ theTRUSSco. in" ""'" Al_Bo.r...RJ.b, . 1= ~. tM.~'n6oOlU _.'nlIl'II~riM Nni' w:&m ISS r-llS65 " '--.", . ) " SE~ 01 2004 4:15PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.2 'DO I rU5~' I hJ~~ Iype ~Yl), r'"IY nByoen I-\loerwooo \VVVIJVJ~~ ~ , 1 1 Job Refenmce \opt!Dnal) O.UW s r-eD &'WOJ Willett n::JU5tnes, mc. nUMar ~I V~:,)~:...:;: ':u,",,? t"age 1 ALDERW-1 A ROOF TRUSS _,I.ne INSSvO., "umoervvl'\' cug~rev". j J .I,O-li ',.0-() 14.(1.() 14-0-0. 21l-O'() 14-0.0 1~ 1-0-0 'Sc:alc.= 1:50.5 3><5 = , ~ , 12 11 ~13 .' ;/ . 1~:;:'':'" . ~4 9 -:..; y' "~ 15 6.00 fT2" 8 ././.;/ ~'- 18 7 ./~ '-..::):--.... 17 /--:>/ ! l' S' 0 ..........,........... 18 5 ....--:::~V' ! I. 11 rill S '1 S' 2 S' 3 ~'- ,. 4 '1/ InS' · <0....;:: i......- 20 :.::-:/ 111 S . 5 . .......-":-....... 21 ~~<::.>~ 11 s B s~'r-...~ ,....;.... s .......~. 22 ' ~ 2 <./ if---B' . . . . J . . T--f. ifl!J- . .... '- 2:f.! O'(;::~_""_;;-~~.~--;::;~;;.;.:;.;;.,...~.....;L~M~~_c<I~'.:~.,O 3x5 = 42. 41 40 39 39 37 36 35 3-4 33 32 31 3D 29 28 27 28 25 24 3:6:. 3xS = '''0..0 -----.. j---......- ,-.------- 'B-IJ..O --"-~ ---- 'n .... , ; LOADING ~s2 SPACING 2-ll-O CSI DEFL in (Ioe) Vdefl PLATES GRIP TCLL 5. Plates Increase 1.15 Te 0.09 Vert/ ,L\' nI. - n/a MU20 185/148 TCOL 8,0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.05 Vert!:'!. 0.00 23 >999 BCLL 0.0 RBP Stress liter NO WB 0.08 HDrz TL) 0.00 22 nla BCDL 7.0 .~-CodB UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) 1st L : LL Min Udafl = 360 Weight 152 Ib I 'IMBER . ...) ~ CHORD' 2 X 4 HF ND.2 r CHORD 2 X 4 HF ND.2 0THERS 2 X 4 HF Stud . . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheathed I' : :- :' .; t. _,:~ ~ Rigid ceiling directly appfied or 10-0-0 DC bracing, REACTIONS (Ib/Bize) 2=17~, 42=189128-0-0, 41=74126-0-0, 40=114126-0-0, 39=105126-0-0, 38=107126-0-0,37=107126-0-0, 36=107128-ll-O, 3S=107128-0-0, 34=100128-0-0, 33= 1 00126-0-0, 32=108128-0-0, 31 =1 04128-0-0, 29= 1 04126-0-0, 28=107128-0-0, 27= 1 05126-0-0, 26=.114128-0-0, 25=74/28-0-0, 24=1 BS/28-ll-O, 22=176/28-0-0 Max HDrz2=96(I08d case 4) Max Uplift41=-4(IDad case 4), 25=-4(I08d case 3) . . Mex Grav2=176(load case 1), 42=189(loed case 6), 41=74g08d case 6), '40=114(1oad case I), 39=105 IDad case 11' 38=107(load case 6), 37=1 7(loao case 1), 36=1()7(loed casa lj' 3~11 0 IDad case 6 , 34=100(1Dad case 1), 33=100(I08c caae 1), 32=110~IDad case 7 , , 31=104 IDad caae 1 ,'29=104(load case 1), 28=107(I08d case 7), 27"105\load case 1 , 26=114 IDad case 1 , 25=74(load case 7), 24=189(load case 7), 22"176(load case 1) FORCES (Ib) , Firs! Load Case Only ..' . TOP CHORD 1-2=26, 2-3=26, 3-4=-4214-~-32, 5-6=-33. 6,7~33, 7-a~33, 8-6~33, 9-10~33, 10-11=-34, . 11-12~30, 12-13~30, 1.>-14=-34,14-15~33, 15-1l!~33, 16-17"-33, 17-18=-33,18-19~33. 19-20~32, 20-21=-42, 21,22=,55, 22-23=26 BOT CHORD 2-42=0,41-42"0,40-41=0,39-40=0,38-39=0.37-38=0,36-37=0, 35-36=0, 34-3~0, 33-34=0, 32-33=O,31-32=O,30.31=O.29-30=12,28-29=12,27-2B"12.26-27=12,25-26"12,24-25=12, 22-24=12 WEBS 3-42=-149,4-41=-65, 5-40=,92. 6-39~a7, 7-36"-88, 8-37=-88, 9-36=-88, 10-35"-89, 11.34~81, 13-33~81. 14-32"-89, 15-31"-&8,16-29--88, 17-28~8Sj 18-27=-87, 19-26~92, 2l)-25=-65, . 21-24~149 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roDllive IDads have been considered for 11110 design. 2) Truss desiilned lor wind I08da in the planB 0(1I1e trus.s Dnly. For studs expDs.d to wind (normal to the lace), ... Mrrek Standard Gable End DelaIr . 31 All-Dlate. are 2x4 MU20 unless othetWise indicated, 4 Geble requires contlnuoua bDttom chord bearing. ~ Gable studa apaced at 1-4-0 oc. . . . "'hIs truss hBS been deSigned fot a 10,0 Psf bottom chord live load nDnconcurrent with Bny otherlive IDadB per .....:.j~lln1lbi\lliBC-97,. '. . .. . ,'. . A 'wARNING - VJ;RIFY DESlGN.PARAMElEIlS AND R~ti All NOTES ON iHIS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE, DesIgn YCild to. use cnIy 'WtIh Ml'Jek COM'etClrs, 1,,* design Is ba$ed 0f1V '-'XlO pcromet'fli chOWr\.a'\d Is ro,. on t'ldMduol ~ c:~nentlO betnrto led cn:s IOOOed vefflcdly. AppIc.ablrtyotde~....'., . ,_ 'Or'ld~ ~,:.~",~~;~~(C~"''-~'''''' bleSpOnllblllty<<WIdhgdeilgl'Vilf.not'n..&~. BrochgihO~bforkJtelOl aIppOltOfnalvk*Jalwebm~IlO(ty. AddIffonoI ., ,". J. t.IftIA'lgtohslse'fd;)!ltlVdUrtlg~I$Iho'l'qXl~ottheerector, AddIlIcnoIpermarent I:lroa'lg of me O\I8ro1lhUctu-e II; the relpONlbldty Of inti blAdlng'ddslgnor, For gen8fot QUdonoe regal'dng Cob1ctJflon. QUQIty control. storage. dellv8rv. 49CfIon end bnXhg, CC)tUC1tQSt'-M QudIty Slmdord. CS8-69Brodng SfJecIlcofIon. 0"Id H1841 Honl:Iro INloIIng CIl'd Bracr,g It.. ".' < _. ,"Of1CN<JIId:)le from JlUSS:l1a1e lnsfltuta 5&3 D'OnoMo Qt.<o. MacIson 'M 1).]719.' , ..a1. theTRUSSco. . HmLD~ SUPPLY INC. S~P. 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.3 JCD IruS5 I russ I ype "'I)' 1 I"'y nayoen f\IQerwoOQ \VWW,,,~ ALDERW-1 A ROOF TRUSS 1 I.~ I nJSS '-'D., \)umner nk. J c.ugefl8 Vl"\ . \ iES, . . , Jrovlde mechanlcelccnnedlon (by o1helS) 01 truss tD beerlng plate capable olWithslanding 4 Ib uplift at iDint 41 end 41b uplift at )0InI25. LOAD eASElS) Standard Job Reference \Dplionan . . O.UUlJ S r-eo \:) ~vu,,) hlU I elt nQUBtrles, Inc. OUIVISf~' Ut7:.:IO;~ "VlJ.,) rage L. .~ . ) ( r ) L.....' A 'wARNING. VERIFY DfSlGNMIlAMETER5 AND READ ALL NOlES ONIHIS AND IRUSS DRAWING NOteS BiFORE USE. AI Deslg1Yd1d kJruse onvwlllMTIk ~_. ". ....... lhIsoe:lIQilbb:1iedonlyupon Porame~fl &hoWn.O'ldIl fofcnhcM1lOl tJ..b'\g ......,.. .., ..". fa be Insfdlld ora1loaded vvrtlccdy. AppIlcooIltyofclGclgnt:la'OM.tMondpe'q)Ol' _ __.... "... ,of ~_ .'... _ _'It r.~ctbu.d'lgdeslgMT.notfn.JssdallQrla EmdngIhOWr 1$ lOt Iaten:Il support oflnc;flvldl.Q W9b memben only. AddlllOnOl t~ btoeng to Inutt stdJlllty durhg construc1lm o. tne'f8SpClnslbllty atlte erector. AtJdJllOrol pwmanen1 bro:t1g ottta& o.....roO structure "'he ~Ity 6t the bl4dInd ~8f. FQ' geoG'o. guldcr\ca IsgClfdlng .:. _.'" ,q\dfy control. rtoraga. oaN.ry"erectlon ond the .....U _ ~O. br~g. c:onsUt ClST-3tI Qualty Standard. DS&89 8rodng ~dfIcatIon. and H1B-Ol Handing Instol"g and Brb;:hg A. ~_ __ __ ~_'ldcltlo, 0\fCII0bIe from Trust P1arelnsfftute. & __ ::__ SUP~INC, MaO'Qnctlo D""e. MlxJsQn.W\63119. ....u.u&n.... r.... SEP, 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASER JET 3200 p.4 Joe I fUSS I f\Jas I ype ~yty t"IY nayuen f\loerwooa {UVUVU}O);:;:' , 5 1 Job Reference \oJl!ionall :;J.lAJU 8 ~eD ""W" MlleK naUBmes, me. nu Mar.t.f U~;.J:J;OU .l.vV,) I"'age I ALDERW-l Al ROOF TRUSS "I"'~ I russ vo., ;:;:,uriiner VV1\ I t:ugei "l un: . ..1-0-0 "-..-' '1-0-0' 7....12 7"'-12 ,4-0-0 6-7... 20-7... 6-7-4 2S-O-O 7+12 2~ 1-0-0 'Scale a 1;49.15 . "KG II 4 /"'~~~ /";.:'/" 1>J: ..-.......::, ..// ..............~....... S.OO~ /~/ _....;:,'-... 4x5 ? /., .."" ..... '_.~ i." ~ "/" .............. .., ", 3 /./ W2 , W4 '---..::::::-.. 5 ~ -w::..:z.; -U..;.r-' '\~ : .' /...../'7. ..-.--:;::.----::::---'-- \\ '--...=----- /..',./ I ~ ___ ___ _ \ \ ......' /'./ /f ..~..-.._- · --.--::----,_ \ ~, /"'.// .6Ia1_--~:;--- ad ::: .---=:..:::_::::-..... A~1 .....0... :. ./ / . ~ - --. ~11 ....... " ... /// --"-::::---- . ----.:::------ ........":', ~, ~p ~i~~;::::;--- ~~ Ii ~. II ---....~:::::::2~;~ct~......7 ~ ~r/~ J.oo~ ~'I / ~~ ~;= 6-4-12 14.0.0 S-4,,2 7-7-4 -prate vrmelS {^~.~.: IL:U::pr~-V-I.,)ll Lo;~O:O:-1"1 21.7..... 7-7-4 2~O 6-4.'2 LOADING (psf) TCll 25.0 TCDl 8.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 7.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 lumber "crease 1.15 Rap Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 . CSI TC Be WB .1 DEFL . in (Ioe) Vdeft Vert(ll) ,0.32 9 >999 Vert(TI.i -0.56 9-10 >593 Horz(TL) 0,41 6 nia 1st lC lL Mln Vdeft = 360 . BRACING TOP CHORD . BOT CHORD PLA'reS MII20 GRIP 1851148. 0.63 0.8L 0.98 Weight 103 Ib i 'riJBER , ...J!' CHORO 2 X 4 OF 2400F 2.0E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HI" NO.2 WEBS 2 X 4.HFSPF Stud/STD Sheathed...e-;:' ~: :., ,~.' . Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1()'()"() DC bracing, REACTIONS lib/size)' 2=118310-5-8, 6=1183/G-5-8 Max HDF1: 2a.17(IDed case 4) . Max Uplill2=-115(loed case 5), 6=-175(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - First load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=13,2-3=-3352, :>4=-2325, 4-5=-2325, fHl=,3352, 6-7=13 BOT CHORD 2-10=3054,9-10=3007,8-9:3007, 6-B=3054 WEBS 3,10=117,3-9=-838, 4-9=1634, 5-9~38, 5-8=117' NOTES , 1) Unbalenced roDf live loads have been considered for this design. . 2~ This truss has been deslgnad for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above gl'O\lnd level, USing 7,0 psI top chord desd load and 7.0 psI bDllom chDrd deed load, 100 mi from hurricane Dceanline, on an occupancy category I, conditiDn I enclosed building; of dimensions 45 fl by 24 It with exposure B ASCE 7-93 . . per UBC97/ANSI95If end verticals Dr cantilevers exlsl. 1hBY are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are , exposed 10 wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1,33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bDllom chord live IDad nonconcUlTent with any other liYB loads per . Table No. 16-8, UBC-97. . 4) BeBring aljoint(s) 2,6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSIITPI1-1995 engle to grain formula, Building designer should venfy capacity of beering eurface. 5) Provlde mecllanlcal cDnnectlon (by Dthers) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 175 Ib uplift at joint 2 and 175 lbupllflBtjDinl6. .' . . LOAD CASEIS) Slandattl 'EXPIRES \'2I31toU (1 A'WARNING- VBlIFY DESIt;/l.PARAMmRS AND READ AU: NOlES ON THIS ANT> lIluss DRAWING Nom WoRt; W, ~ DeslgnvaldfctUliD ootr'w11tl MfTekcolVl8dcn. ~~lsbosedoRyl.C)Ol1JlQ'tms'itllcnawn.(lf'ldllt~m~buldng__,... . .tobehttol9dO'TdIoodOd . , vortlcoly, ~ccXllIItv of c:IMIgn,.. -..., ... ,- Qnd pleper'~ ...~....__...,. 01 oompone1'll b lU$OOOIbtlty of WIdIng deslgnDf. not tI\.I$I delI'gner. Sl"Od'Ig VlOwn ~ for IOI8raI support of lndNlduol web rmmbers o:'lly. A.ddtIonoI temporcr.' bmchg to insufe IICbllty dI..mg o:ll"\itnJC1on Is. the'l'9~nslbllity d the elllctor. Addlllcno .. __. .-...... broc:no of the cwerallflUClure.. the INPOI'lII:IIfy dl thtt Widing' dEmgner. For g8l'lEll"d guldcncs regardtlg fabrication, quarty CXlntrOL Itorooe. de"". erectkln en:! the'l'RUSSCO. bt'oehg. C<rIlilJr c;;m~ Qua\ltystondard. DSB-t19 BrodrQ Spedflcallon. CIld HB-91 HondIno nstoIhQ Old 8l'ocng R6,..~................j_.. ovolobl8 from TMS PIotelntllMe. 583 D'Onofrfo Drtv.. t.4odIlion. WI 53719. . . . '" BtJILDIHa 6tTPPJ.Y INC. S~~ 012004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.5 truss lrusslype ROOF TRUSS 'my- ~ Hayaen AIDeIWOOa \wwuJ"" 5 1 Job Relerence \Oetionall . :J.UW 8 reo tJ.!uw MlleK nausmes, inC. nu Mar ~I Utf:~:o~ LW.3 t"'age 1 .. Jon AlOERW-1 A2 ~ I ne I russ \..00., Qumner ViJI..\ I cuger 9 un .. .1-<l-ll J'1~' 7"'~'12 7-4-12 14-0-0 6-7-4 20-7" 8-7.. 2a~ 7",12 Seal. = 1:41i1 2 4xG II 4 ~ " ;t~ . /~/.:,' . a.oo[12" /;'/ . --... <>.. '" 4JCS~.. ~- ............ olxS-'".::- ~~; WJ.~;~ W4 ~--.......{ '.1-1.' :::::-----: ~' /;::/jl ~--;:::;.~:::.:- a ~----- .' \~ ':."...... '-::.:..--....... . ,/"'./;/ I / __.-..-.... -- _ '---~-, -....~ /./ __~::::>.-- . a,a - --":.:::':::::--.a ~'" . /-:;;../ --' ~ . ----'-----::::::-.,"-.............. // --::::...-,- -_':--__ -........._~:'___.. 6 2~/"':~::--- 9 7 -..___--::~':::__. ~1 ........ '.....--- 2x4.\ b4 'I .. ..----~J ,~.. C/ . 3.00 rrr ~ ~~ 4~~ ~ t ~ B4-12 8-4-12 14.(l.l) 7,7" 21-1~ 1-7~ 2s..o.0 64-12 t'"IBt9 vnsew l^.l J: 1~:U"'.:>-V.U:V-'I.,)J. IO:V--.)-V.lHJ-l~1 LOADING (psI) TCLL 25.0 TCOl . 8.0 BCll 0,0 BCDl 7.0 SPACING 2.().(J Plales Increase '1.15 Lumber Inaease1.15 ,!Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 . CSI TC 0.63 Be 0.84 WB 0,9B DEFL" in (IDC) Vdefl vertlLL) -0.31 8 >999 Vert TL) -0.56 8.9 >594 Hor:z(Tl) 0.41 6 nI. lsl LC u.: Min Udefl = 360 PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148, Weight 102 Ib \IIIBER . .1;P CHORD 2 X 4 DF 2400F 2.0E '-BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 . WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF stud/SID BRACING TOP CHORD . Sheathed o. ! ~:: ._ ,_.~:.... .' ' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied Dr 9-9-3 o~ bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/siZe) 6=110210-5-8,2=116310-5-8 Max Horz2=59(load case 4) . Max Upllft8=-149(load case 5), 2=-175(IDad case 5) FORCES (Ib) - Firsl Load Case Only . TOP CHORD . 1'2=13,2-3=-3349,3-4=-2323,4-5=-2323, 5-6=-3349 BOT CHORD 2,9=3051,8,9=3003,7-8=3003,6,7=3051 WEBS 3-9=117,3-8=-836,4-8=1633, 5-8=-B36, 5-7=117 NOTES . 11 UnbalanClld roof IIva loads have been considered fer this design. . 2 This lrusa has been desl9ned fer the wind loads generaled by 80 mph winds at 25 fl abovB ground level, using 7,0 psI IDp chord dead IDad Bnd 7,0 psI bottom chord dead load, 100 mi from humeane oceanllne, on.an occupancy category I, condltiDn I enclDsed building, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 it wilh axposure B ASeE 7.93 . per UBC971ANSI95 II end verticala or canUlavera exist, lhey are exposed 10 wind. II porches exisl, they ara exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase Is 1.33, and lhe piate grip inaease Is 1,33 . . '3) This truas has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nDnconcurrent with any other live loads per Tebla No. 16-8, UBC-97, . 4) Bearing at jDIn1(a) 6, 2 considars pBrallBI to grain value using ANSVTPI1.1995 angle \0 grain IDnnula. Building dBsi!1nar Bhould venry cBpacily of bearing surface. . 5) Provide machanical connactlon (by Dthers) of truss to bearing plale capable 01 withstanding 1491b uplift at joint 6 Bnd 1751b uplift et jDlnl2. LOAD CASE(S) standard ., (' '.. ' A 'wARNING - \IBlIFY DESIGNPARAM!mSAND READ All NOTES ON TIllS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES Il(FoIlE USE, oe~nvalcJft)f lm Ot'IywllhMITek c:lM1IC1;OI1 WI dH:;Jllstosed_cI'lIy\CXlI1 poranetenJha.m.ald IS Iorm hdM::tuoI btA:Ing ~_".,.. _ . 'to belndored ontt loaded lIUrtlcoly. AppIlcot::ilty of dGSVl poronwteB ad ptOpet' - - -. '... - - _.,., - of ~~'. '.. .. '., " " rltpONltlIlIty of bUIcIng deslgnet . not 1nM de$lgl\Gl. Brac:hg It\crwn It tor latetd SIIPport of ndI",jdual web memben only. AddIIIonoI temporc:rt broc:::lng to INure l1obll'~ during oonatructt:o.l, thQ-,.,pons/tlllltv of the erector. AddlUCnol ......, ,._.,..,.. bl'oclng of the OVQfol5t!vctu,..the responsurty of the ~g' dGtIgner. For generol QlJ!dcr.ce I8gordln~L..~..__,_... quclty contrDl. ctoroge. dellv.,y, e'ec11on (Ild brachg. coratIt QST-&B Quolfy Sfondord. CS&B9&CI~ ~..... ~..'._"_. _. Ofld H1B-91 Hcrd'Ig nstaIlng and BrOCIrlQ .....n..... ,_. .____.. avcIobIe from Truss f't:d'e Inrttt\n, M3 D'Ooafrlo Ol'h'e. Moth:ln. Wl63119,' . ~ theTRUSSco. . . BOI1J:IING SUPft.T INC. SEP, 01 2004 4:16PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.6 "DD truss I russ IYpe \.uy .....Iy Mayoan AI08rwooa (UUUUU~~ ALDERW-l A3 ROOF TRUSS 9 1 Job Reference \OptlDnal) . ::l.uuu s r-eo 0 .o!W.3 Mil eK naustnes, Inc. nu Mar ~( Utf:.1:;l;::>.,1 ",uu,) rage-I .,.1 ~e I rusa \..00., ;:)umner YW"\ J c.ugene Ut\ . J .,.0.<1 ',-O-l)' 8-8-ll 8-8-Il 14-0-0 7-4-ll 21-4-0 7-4-0 2S-D-O ",0 'Scole .. 1:49.9 ...ICGII . ~ /"~;;~~':::--0-. /// ,./ ~\ .....<-:- /,,.../ ... I '\ ' .~ ~:;:/~) .~,.' '''<~..... '/ . ,,,~ j., ~ // ..:::::.~ //.', /1 \. W"/ ............ /,.// ,//'. '.\ 'I' ............. ..../....,/. ',,','" \\ (.// ............................. ...,...:.:........... ."\ /:/' \ \ /',/ ......~'... .,.,.. 6 ..-- ,\;, ~ ~" 2 ~/....' \.,~' J'/ ..... ' M ~./',..~ ~H [3."(!;I') ........_...~ -<11 ..' 0 ...1 O'0'W'-- --- ------'-"- ---- ~ 4;w:5:::. 9 8 7 'b:5:: 4x4 .::. 3x5 .::: -4x-4 = 8,00f'l'Z" , ~ 9+1 94., HI.7-1S 9-3-" 26-0-0 9....-' t"'ta16 umrets \^.1): l":~"I_-c?).~~J, L~:~-'I-C.V-U-4:' __~~_.=~ ~.._--_. ~ LOADING (psO TCLL 25.Q TCDL 8.0 BCLL 0,0 BCDL 7.0 -\ I'IBER JP CHORD 2 X 4 HF NO.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF Stud/Sm SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Ji:ep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0.70 BC 0,93 WB 0.31' DEFL In (loc) Vert(LL\ ,0.28 7,9 Vert(TL ,0.52 7-9 Hon:(TL) 0.07 6 1 sl LC LL Mln IIdeft ~ 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Vden >999 >639 nla PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148. Weight: 99 Ib Sheathed 6. l 18 .~:. ..... t"'...~M. . . Ri91d ceiling direc1ly epplled or 10.{)..() oc I:mlcing. REACTIONS (Ib/slze) 6=110210-5-8, 2~11B31O-5-8 Max HDn: 2=60(load case 4) . . Max Uplift8=-149(losd case 5), 2~175(IDad case 5) FORCES (Ib) - First Load Gage Only . TOP CHORD 1-2=14, 2-3=-1784, 3-4~1493, 4-5~1493, 5-8=-1764 BOT CHORD 2-9=1560; 8-9=1056, 7-8=1056, 6-7=1580 WEBS' 3-9=-3B2, 4-9=507, 4-7=507, 5-7~382. NOTES 1) Unbalanced roofllve loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads 9ansrated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 7,0 psllDP chord dead load'and 7.0 psI bottom chord dead load, 100 ml from-hurricane ooaanline, Dn Bn OCCupBncy categDry I, ooridition I enclosed building, D' dimensiDns 45ft by 24ftwllh exposure BASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 "end verticals Dr cantilevers exi9~ Ihey are expDsed 10 wind, II porches exist, ,"ey are exposed tD wind. ThB lumbar DOL increase is 1,33, and lhe plale grip inclllase Is 1.33 . ~) ThIs lrusa has been designed lor a 10,0 psI bottom chDrd live load nDnooncurrenl with any other live loads pllr' Table ND. 16,B, UBC-97.' . 4) Provide mechanical Oonnection (by othetS) D' truSSID bearing plate capable 01 withstanding 1491b uplift at joint . 6 and 175 Ib uplift at joinI2.. . LOAD CASE(S) StandBrd .J , "'-...... A 'WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PAIrAMrnRS AND READ AU NOTES ON 'THIS AND tRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE. ~ Des91 vdId for me OI"tfwtttl MlIok comocton. TliJ lH5Ign1l bQMa orlyupon pQlometet$ShOyVf\ end lJ tor antKlMduci ~ corT.l::lonentto De hifcted CWlOkloOOd vttflr::ClDv. ~ty 01 dedgn "~.. . ond proper Inc __... . _.",. - or eormonent Is responatJllty 01 bIJdIrQ deal(roei - not1rua d8s1gn8t. Brocro 1ho'W'l'lG torlaterol . ~ oflnctvlciJOl web membcn oriy. AddInonaf temporQfr t:rocIng to ,"~e stabQlv WIng 00I"Iitrucl1on b 1he1'61poosfblllty 01 t>te 8feCfoc. Adclt10nal polmonent I;:IItJ:;:fnQ of the 0YerCI1 strucfln II 1hltlGsporulbllty6l' the bUldJngdeslgl'lel. FOI genera guldonceregCl'dJng ftDfIcotlon. qualty conlrol 'forege. dellver~. 8fectlon (I1d the' ..." . ~ ~co. btrXIng, cONlJlt Q5J-eB CUoIty 8tondord OSB-8Q Brodng SpecJf'lcotlon. COd HtB-9\ Honc:llng hltellng end BrOcng RecommendollooOlltlDoble 110m TIUI$ Pla1. lNtttute. _ __ 683 D'Onofrio Cdve. MadIsOn. Wl53719.' It Jl'UILDlN'G;StJPPLY INC. SE~ 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.7 ROOF TRUSS \o.lty t"IY Mayaen AKJ9rwoOO \UUUUU););) 1 1 JDb Reference \optional) . . ".uw s reo b "uv~ Will eK maustnes, mc. nu Mar 41 lr.::l;~:;):::;JO "UU,) I"'agel 1:::ERW-1 ~;ss '- JI1.e I ruS9 \..i.O., Qumner YVt\ I cugene vt\ . IruSS .ype i ,.) ,,411 J "411' 1440 1440 26-4<) 14-0-0 3><5= Scale a 1:49.9 '2 "~s 1t/~;1 'J,::""::---... ,. ........11..... - -.........::~'"' 15 9/.......--. _~ e.oo{'n" 8 /"Y~ -j.............. 10 -// "-.~ 7 ",' 'J.::- 17 ..---::: 'f"'" ~ lJ S" 0 S' 1 ......~'..... 111 6/~ . !<II liT I" 5'2 s's, ......~ 1. . 4 /.k""I, /15 . 5'4 . .....1;-, '..... 2. /~"~~,l, .11 , . 5 5 s~'f';:::.~......... 22' ~1 '...p(;'::;'/ Y U-i. i; i-"'':'. if a:;:; i1--i.~- i1--.,-jp2--~_._~ -'-~~ ~ r;:::: f~;~~ ........1W~~w~""wtr......~~!.;'.;....iJ...c.~....._".s..l~~!o.i.~Z,_.\UM.~.,' ",,~&.""'.L'''~.&_~.It~~1ft~~.'M:1 3xS ;:: 41 A() 39 38 37 38. 35 304 33 , 32 31 30 29!l 27 26 25 Z4 23 31<5 = J,xS= M ~ 28-<><) 28-0<1 LOADING (psl) TCLL 25.0 TCDL 6.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 7.0. SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Inctease 1.15 Lumber Increase 1.15 Rap Stress Incr NO i>Ode UBC97/ANSI95 CSI' TC 0.10 Be 0.06 WB 0.06 (Matrix) DEFL in (IDC) Vdefl Velt(LL) nla -. nla Velt(TL} 0.00 1 >999 HOIZ(TL) 0.00 22 nla 1st LC LL Min lldeft = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD lUMBER .' ""CHORD 2X4HFNo,2 Ir CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 ,'"' fHERS 2 X 4 HF. Stud . Sheathed _: ,. ,,_ Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 DC bracing. N01l:S 11 Unbalanced roD! live IDads havB been considBred for this deSign. . . 2 Truss deB'lI.nBd for wind loads In the plane Dflhe truss Dnly, For studs exposed tD win~ (normel to the face), see MITek Standard Gable En~ Detail" . . 31 AJI.plalas ate 2x4 MIlZO unleBs otI1etwisa indicated. 4 Gable requires continuous bottom eIlo. rd bearing, 5 Gable studs speced sl1-4-O 00. . '. "hIs truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live IDeds per "_j'~~Iln~ tjBC-97. . .'.. ...., , A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND RiAIl ALL NOTES ON litIS AND TRUSs DRAWING NOTES WORf US! DeJIQI"l VOId fOr use ontywUh MIJel( ._-,'.. w.___ 1hls d8Slgl Is txud cny l4)On ~era lhcrwn.ond Is fO~ ttl ~ blJIdhg c~nt 10 belnsfalect and boded wrttcollv. AppIcObey of deab'l porometer1<r,d proper ncorpototloo Of CUI"P)I1Enf" _ ''',0 . ......_~II. ofbUtt'la dt$lg'l9t. not 1Ms ClMIgQeit ElrOClng Shc7t.TlIs for IaterOI IlJPPOrI of n~ web merTborl onIV. Addtlonol tompelCry bnxng 10 losute dobllty dI.IinO COl"lSfNc11On Is the tespons1blll); QI the _ectoc, Addlllonal p9l'lTlCINlnt btac~ of tht. OWIloIl stNcfw.1s the r.ip~ity of n. buiIdr\g" d6tlgnar. FOl' g.1"aQI gvidcnco regaren;;J fabrication. quolly controL storage, detvery, 81ecllon ood bracng. CON"" QSf-aa QualtIy Ston:bC1 DS8-a9 Slcclng Spectflcatlon.. l?'nd Hf8.-91 :-landing lnslcahg 0I\d 8rac1ng Ilecom.mendafl:)rl ~Ie from Trvn' Plate 1rdtut8. 5S3D'Onotdoorne.fJladbon.'t\'tM719. .' . REAcnONS (Ib/size) 22=9312~, 2=17612~, 41=18912~, 4O=7412~'{), 39=11412~-O, 36=105l2B-O-O, 37=107/28.{).(J, 36=107l21H).0, 35=10712~, 34=107121H).0, 33=100/28-0-0, 32=100128.{)-O, 31=108/28.0-0, 30=104/2B-O-O, 28=104l21H).0, 27=10812~'{), 26=105128~, 25=117l2B-p.Q, 24=81128'{)'(), 23=216128-0-0 Max HDIZ2=98(load case 4}. ' Max Upfilt40=-4(loa~ case 4). " Max Grav22=G3(IDSd case 1), 2=176[1000 case 1), 41=1 89(load case 6), 4O=74(load case 6}, . 39=114 load case 1 ,36=105(IDa~ case 1), 37=107!IDad case 6}, 36=107(load case 1j' 36=107 load case 1 , 34=110(lDa~ case 6), 33>0100 IDed case 1j,.32=100(IOad case 1 , 31=110 IDad case 7 ,30=104(IDad case 1), 2B=1041oad case 1 ,27=108(IDad case 7), 26=105 'Dad case 1 ,25=117(load cese 1), 24=61 (load case 7), 23=216(load case 7) FORCES (Ib); First Load Ca.eOnly . . . TOP CHORD 1-2=26,2-3=26,3-4=-42,4-5=-32,5-6=-34,6-7=-33,7-8=-33, 8,9=,33,9-10=-33, 10-11=-34, 11,12=-31,'12-13=-31,13-14=-34,14-15=-33,15,16=-33, 16-17=-33,17-18=-33,16-19=-34, . 19-20=-31,20-21=-44,21-22=-51 BOT CHORD 2-41=0,40-41=0,39-40=0,36-39=0, 37,36=0, 36-37=0,35-36=0 34-35=0,33-34=0, 32,33=0, 31'32=0,30-31=0,29-30=0,26-29=12,27-26=12, 26-27=12, 25-26=12, 24-25=12, 23-24=12, 22.23=12 . 3-41=-149,4-40=-85.5-39=-92,8-36=-87,7'37=-86,6-36=-88, G-35=-88,1G-34=-89, 11-33=-81, 13-32=-61,14-31=-89,15-30=-86,1&-28=-88,17-27=-88,18-26=-67,19-25=-93,20-24=-80, 21-23=-161 . , WEBS ~ PLA1l:S MII20 GRIP 1651146 Weight: 1511b . 12131fOtj ~ theTRUSSco. & 8UILDD'lG SUPPtf INC. SE~ 01 2004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.B IJOD ALDERW-1 I ruS5 ,mas IYpe , A4 ROOF TRUSS ~,..nY I"'IY Mayoen AK:lerwOOQ {UUUW)~.:t "I . 1 1 JDD Rete,ence lopuDnall :J.uuU's reo Lw.:J rllllelt nauslnes. me. nu Mar ~( u~:"o;o.;) "w.,) rage ~ 1.rl:8 I rUBS, liD., ~umn8r VVI'\. I ~ulJene U",. ( ;J~de mechanical co~necliDn' (by othets) of truss ID bearing plale capable Df withstanding 4 Ib uplift BljDinl 40. ...J . LOAD CASE(S) Standard , .f. . ) ,,'I A. 'WARNING - VE1lIFY DESlGN.I'ARAME1ERS AND READ "U: Nom ON 1IilS AND TRUss DRAWING Nom BEfoRE USE, OoaV\vdlctf::ll' use my VIIIth htTeII: ccnneetOQ. lNs d......... baled onIy\4XlO ~m"en!howr\ and Is fordn IndMdud buldlng ClCJlll)Onent to be hsId1ed (.nlj IoOded vertically. . ......~~._..I.., ofd8s1gnpacmetenondprop8f ..__....._n..,gf n......__... is"SOOlU:IIlty01~ deslgnet.nottlU!a d"'" 8ra;hgR:lWnl5fOflof8rOl ~ rAlrdv4<:l101 webmembmartv..Addlf\onoIlsmpo"O'Ybrac:t'lgfohuestobfltydtmg eOI"ItnJdIonllthB ......,.....--'.....Itvoftle Itl'8ctor. AdcifIC:l'lOlptrrnO'lent bcoclng offl'le 0\IertllIstn..c:hn Is therQlPONlbllty dfthe btJIfdrlg'delllgnet. ForgenemlglidCJllC8 _ .... .-,... tal::ricollon. qualify cClntrol ttorage. delvery. ertdlon ond bloCfng. consun QSl-88 QJdIIy Stondad. 0SB-a9 Broclng sp..w...._.,.. _ and H1B-91 Hcrdlng Indollng and ErbcrQ It..~w".. .....:__...>n oYdIabl9 trom Tr\JS3' flIatelrwtltute, ~83D'onofrloOllve.Modlaon.W1M719. . '.' ~ the.......,,),;)co. . B'l1ILDOOi SUPrtY>>fe. SE~ 012004 4:17PM HP LASERJET 3200 wl.Y rlY nayaen f\lQerwooo (UUUUUFS:;) F I fUSS Iruss' IYpe '\ALDERV\H A-:--- FINK I ne I nJ5S \..C., .,.umner VVI\, cugene \.JI"\. p.9 1 1 Job Reference \OOUDnall . . O.WU 5 I'"eo b ,UVV lVIlleK nausmes, me. nu Mar ~I Vl;I;,,:>::U ~u,:, t'age". 7 . /~:---...B BxIl"~~ .;.ail' ~:~~~~ I. .. : Sk1-..........~-......::::-- ,341'; ~11 ~::::-;: . ,":::,., .29 ~' 61 2 ~~~ 12 ~~jl \\ '-!l'~ 11 . S13 ,'J.....~"'t213 . ...-/ WI/ \~ ~'.' SU "-..:~ " ~// ,I \\. ~ S'.'5 "-..:'" /-""""~ II \ 31 . S' '~6 "......... 15 ./"// .::-.... . /f'; \\~: '-"''-'x < 12 .. S i ;.......~. /. . '", ,'/ ': /./ -... ~ "'. S r;::/"" "'>' It' . "..... ,'// ~ ,33 '. ~" 17 "1 2 -::::-- '<'[12/ -"'----49i' -~ i. if ,o~ -" ~ _ ''!l f c::- ~ ....,.m.._,"h,~..<..._".."","""'".... "'."~'<l \! . 3x6 ;:. 28 2S 24 23 22 21 20 19 3x5 ..::: 4~: 4~~ ~; Sheathed.. c _.. ,__. ::... . . Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bl8c1ng. 2 Rows at 1/3 pis 4,33 1 Brace at Jt(B): 33 S ""00 B . M 0 fo ee.. race emo r required T.Brace condition Design of all continuous lateral bracing is by others, ", ) J , '5-6-2. . 1-6-2 . 4x.4 -= 14.0-0 4-0-0 26-0-0 12-5-1. 4-6-0 4-6-0 10-0-0 5-8-0 ~'-O-C\ ,-ll-O 8...[l2" , ~ "'''2 6-10..2 t"late UlTSew (^. T J: l~4:U~"""'!rV-~1 13.1-15 e-3-12 21l-O-ll 14--10.1 LOADING (ps!) TCLL :25,0 TCDl 8,0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 7,0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1,15 lumber Increase 1,15 'lep Stress Ina NO . tode UBC97/ANSI95 CSI TC 0.40 BC 0,36 WB 0,94 (Matrix) Udeft >999 >999 nla DEFL. in (lac) Vert(ll\ 0,06 2-26 Vert(il. .{).11 25-26 HDrz(TL) 0.04 17 151 LC LL Min Udell = 3BO ",,\lBER II> CHORD 2 X 4 HF ND.2 ..aT CHORD 2 X 4 HF ND,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudlSTD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORO WEBS JOINTS REACTIONS (Iblslzs) 2=90t/o-S-8. 24=79318-5-8, 23=4418-5-8, 22=S2I8;5~, 21=11618-5-8. 2ll=9818-5~. 19=13018-5-8. 17=23618-5-6 , Max HDrz2=47(loBdcaBe 4) . . . Max UPlift2~121110ad case 5), 24=-152(load case 5)" 23~1llO(load case 2), 20~2(IDad case 3} Max Grav2=901(1oad case 1). 24=793l10ad case 1), ,3=61(IDad case 7). :j2=70(IDad case 2). . 21=116(IoBd caBe 1),20=99 10Bd case 7), 19=13\(IDed CBse 7). 17=296(load case 1) FORCES (Ib) - First Load CBse Only" " TOP CHORD 1-2=26.2-3=-1463, 3-4=-1232. 4-S~246, 5-6=-196, 6-7~162, 7'8~196, 8-9=-179. 9-10=-184. 10-11=,229, 11-12=-213, 12-13~171, 13-14=-203, 14-15=-197, 15-16=-201, 16-17=-213, 17-18=28 ~OT CHORD 2-26=1242,25-26=849, 24-25=1104, 23-24=160, 22-23=160, 21-22=160. 20-21 =160, 19,20=160. 17-19=160 WEBS ~-34=-904, 29-34=-899, 27-29~925, 27-28=-907, 28-30=-959. 30-31=-1023, 31,32=-1057. 32-33=-1056. 24-33=-1115. 7-27=38. 8-28=.116. 6-29=-57, 3-26=-268. 25-30=-173. 4-26=342. ~-25=2361~31=-76, 10-32=2, 11-33=-123, 12-23=.-163. 13-22=-15, 14-21=-102, 15-20=-80, 16-19=-IUll.5-34=11 . NOTES .. '.' 1) Unbalanced roof Ova 10Bds hBVB bean considered for ll1is dBsign. '2) This lruss has been designed IDr the wind IDads generated by BO mph winds at 25 ft abova'ground level, using 7.0 ps1 top chord dead load end 7.0 psI bottom chord dead loed. 100 mi from hurricane oceariline. on en . DOCUpancy category I, conditiDn I enclDsed building, DI dimensions 45 ft by 24 r. with exposure BASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 II end verticals or can1Uavera exist. they are exposed 10 wind. II porches Bxist. ll1ay are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL Increase Is 1,33, and the plate grip inorease is 1.33 .31 All plates are 2x4 MII20 unless' otherwisa Indicated, . ~ .This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psI boltDm chord live load noncen""rrent with any other live loads per Teble ND. 16-B. UBC-97, . ., Provide mechenicBI connection (by others) Dfbuss to bearing platB capable 01 withstanding 1211b uplift at joint illri152 fb !lIlllft BtJoin'2~, 190 Ib upUft et IDlnt 23 and 21b uplift at ]oint20. , ~~~2 . ..... . ~.O ,.Q-(I 'Scela a 1;50.6 PLATES MII20 GRIP 1851148. Weight 144 Ib \_~ OlfGOYJIJ ~.tAW - I ElIflIliS 1'213IJOt:J Ji WARNING - VERIFY DESlGN.PAIlAMETERS AND READ AU. NOTES ON nus AND TRUss DRAWING NOrES BEfoRE USE. ~ DesIgn vaId lor l.m t:n(...ah lMek' ccn"'teclon. Tlis d~ Is based ontf \4101'\ paome1911!t1oWr\ end Is fer on ndMdua buldhg _......... ,..." to be nstal&d a1l:I bxI8d VGrttccty. fJ.......___".:, otdllSlgnporO'1'l41eGondproper~.~....__~:__of~'tb _....... ..~. __yofbtdcrnodesigndr-nottn.adesb'Wr. Brachg~ atorlClterQI ~ otrdvld.JCJlWVbmembel'scn/y. AddItIonol-.____/"'...,: bfOchg to ~ d:JblClydtJ'hg eonstruetlor b therespon&lbltvdlt\e &feetor. AdcItIonoI psrmOl'ltnt . bIOctlg of the 0"l'8ftiII rtruch.n tl the '.... ~. _ Iy of me b1Jll:Shg OUgner. For COMIO! OJlQance ~ 1C:bICatlon, quont( c~ stcfoge. deltvery,erectioo cn:I th ......USSCO brac.....c.......QST-ea""'Iy-.tJS1l.&9l>'odng"'_"""""""...,Hcn<Sor.o"'-.,and_......m.__... ""'lobIeh"", """Aale o-.tlIulo, e&ft . 583 D'Onoflb D;Mi. ~ 'tVI5.S'l~. . t BtTILDING SUPPLY we. SE~ 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 polO \::ERW~1 ~;:5 _ ~:: ,ype . '"8 I N98 \,.;0., oumner VYA I t:.ugene UK. ) ,,-_j~D CASE(S) Standerd l:lfi"" ~ H8yoen AIDelWOOO \uuuw>>;; 1 1 . Job Reference \OPtiOnal) . o.wu s .eo b. .c::UlJ,) lvIll eK naU5mes, inC;. fiu Mar ~( u~:,,~;;) ( .c:.VU"" t""age 4. " .~ . ): J ~ (_1 A WARNING - VERIFY DfSIGNPAIlAMETERS AND READ All NOTa ON lHlS AND TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE US!, ~ DesIgn YC5d to" 1M only wtIh MlTdc ~.. *._ _,__ ,1ta deslQIlIs bo'Md 0"'" l,.pOl'\ ~1.eQ ~h:Mn and b1af CI'l hdlVldual buldlng Cor.'lPonent to b9 {lfla~ c:ntllOOded . verllcoly. AppICQblIItyofdQSV1pa"OI1'\8t1JBO'Efprop'fnco~ofc. ."... lsresponsl)Gltyot~cl811Q~~nofftwa~r. B1ocnglhownlltorlOterol Q:lPOft or hdI'J1dua1 web m~ on/..,. AcXtltonoI,. .... .', broeIng 10 nu'e s1ob111tv d'urIrIg consfructkJo Is theT8spons1b~ of !he e.ectOf. Addftond"... "._,..... bnx:Ingof IhB overdl $1tUCtu... hreaponlfbUydf 1119 b\Jdlng <IesIQner. For general QllIdonce regadhg f..:"':.._::..., quoity contra, dorogt. daIvefy, erecf\otl ond th~.. _" --~CO. trocng. CQf'llI.JD QSf..a8 QudIIy SJa\dCrcL aiB-89 Brcclng SpeellIco\1oc'l, l2\d' ~1 H:n::IIing Indallng CJ"ld Btact1g RecCllT1TIGf1datton ava5obI, !rom TMS PIo1e lnsltute. 'g' ___ 683 D'Or1ctrlcCriv8, J.4od1sQl'\ W15371~. . BUILDlIIGI SlJ1'Pt;fDrlC. SE~ 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.11 ! ...ou I rust:l IIU&.a I YPU I AlDERW-1 A6 ROOF TRUSS " In,8 HUSB \"':0.. ~umner ..,r\1 ~ug.~~,~ ~i\. \.oi.(}' I"'IY nayoen l-UOerwooa ,UvwuJ':>~ 2 1 ._ . Jo, Reference (oJ>!lonal) , , . ".'uuu ~ ..-eo (J LUu"" ,Vll, eri. nClusnles,mc. 1 nu lvIar ~I "h:::J:llO:OO tt.V\J,J rage I ,) J .,1.0.() ',-O-(l" '7~ 7~ . 14-(1..0 6-B,12 20-B-12 6--8-12 2~ 7-3-4 29-D-I! 1.... 'Scale & 1:$4.0 4x4 = . -I " 4 "'---:::::';:'<:~'-.' B.OO rrr /:;/' // "\ ~~ ./,/> ~1 // \: ryo ~.:..~ ~,.Y ~~ i/ \, ~I "~ ~'c:~~:::/ \'.PI ,\V~.. ~:~~~~~ ~ 3x5 := 10 g 8 ~= 6~= 4x5 =- , 9.6-3. .....3 I cf:Q-Q-13, O-:J:OJ-- SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.15 lumber Increase 1.15 .itep Stress Incr YES Code . UBC971ANSI95 18-~13 8-11.11 ,_,20-0~; '..8.3 25..Q..O , 6-0-0 . .---< -PlateOllselS ~^, T 1.: LOADING (DS!) TCll ~5.0 TCOl 8.0 BCll 0.0 BeDL 7.0 CSI TC BC WB 0.87 0.81 0.76 DEFL in (Ioc\ Ude" Vert(ll) -0,22 9-16 >999 Vert(TL) -0.38 9-10 >609 Hon:(TL) 0.01 8 niB 1 sl lC LL Min Ilden = 360 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS . PLATES MII20 GRIP 185/148, Weight 104 II> '..\lBER jp.CHORD 2 X 4 HF.No,2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudlSTD REACllONS (Ib1slze) 2=675/0-5-8, 8=169410-5-8 . Max Horz2=47(load case 4) . MBX UPIlft2=-1021IDad case 4), 8~248(load caSe 5) . Max Gmv2=750( oad case 6),. 8=1694(load cese 1) FORCES (Ib) - First loed CBee Only . TOP CHORD 1-2=14,2-3=-646,3-4=-401,4-5=662,5,6=804,6-7=14 BOT CHORD 2-10=573,9-10=64,6-9=-1295,6-8=-718 WEBS 3,.10=-397, 4-10=549. 4-9~1220, 5-9=1305, 5-8~1727 NOTES 11 Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, 2 This truss tiasbeen designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft sbDve ground level, using - 7,0 psf top chDrd dead loed and 7.0 psf bottom chord dead IDad, 100 ml from hunicane oceanline, on en , Dccupancy category I, condition I enclosed bulidlng, of dimensiDns 45 ft by 24 ft wilh expoaure B ASCE 7-93 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals Dr cantilavers exist, they are exposed tD wind. If porches exls~ .they are exposed to wind,' The lumber DOLincrease is 1.33, and the plate grip Increase Is 1,33 . 3) Thls.truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chDrd live Ioed nDnooncurrant with any other five IDads per Table No. 16-8, UBe,97, . 4) Provide mechanical cDnnectiDn (by others) of truss 1D bearing plate capable Dfwithstandlng 1021b uplift at joint 2 and 246 Ib uplift at JDint 8. 5) Beveied plate or shim required to provide fuli bearing surfaee with lruss chord at joint{a) B, Sheethed ...:,:: :.".. :'_ . Rigid oeili"9 directly applied or 4-0-3 DC bracing, 1 Row at mldpt 4-9 See 'Web Brace Memo' for required T-Brace condition' . Design of all continUous laleral bracing is by olhers. LOAD eASElS) Standerd l_j A WARNING - VUIFY DESIGN PARAMETERS AND READ Ati NOTES ON THIS AND 1R\1SS DRAWING NOTES BEfORE USE. DesIgn vC1:Id fo~ U1e cny WIth M1',* _.,__ ._....". hs d~ Is boMd aVvt4)on parometel1ltlOwn. ond I:Ifor an IndNld.oi blJldhg component to be tnstollod and boded vwtlc:ollV. AR:lcobllty 01 design' DOlameknO'ld prOpel ~otollon 01 cornponenl Is llnpomlbllty of bJldIo1g d~. rot tn.e desloner, Broclng Ihown b ftx lOteltll -.QX)Itof hdIvldu::J1web membortonty. AdcttICW"lClI tecT'lpcfoty brQCIng foln$W'e stobl/1y cUIng CCIn$TrU.:::ton II IOO18$pON1b1lty ollhe EreCtOl. Addlflonol.......,.., ~,.. broehg c;:( the overOlltNctw9 lithe r.s~ dl the ~ designer. For generd glJdcrc8 reoo~ rct::rtcallOn. QUOIty oonIrol storoge. del"'.y. 8l'ecllon ood bocIng. concUt QST-Sa QualIty Slcrldard. osp,.a9 ~actno w.._w_.~_~_.. and H1B-91 Honc:Iing InstoIlrCJ and BroclnO RecaM\Ondanon avotcble tR:m TMs P1ata InlllM'&. 583D'Onoh1cDl'l'm, Madison. Wl.M719. " ~. . . theTRUSSco. . mm.DIN'Q SUPPLY INC. SE~ 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASERJET 3200 p.12 I.lOD I russ Iruss lype rlDERW-1 A7 ROOF TRUSS "....,e I rU3S 'vO., oumner 11\1'1-\' t:.ugene Vh. \JlY ,IY n~yaen i-\loerwooa (UUUUU}:Sb 1 1 Job Reference (!'P!lonal) . o.uws....eo ,,,,w,)lvll1erJ; rlOUSmeS,II'Ic. fm.ilv.ar" u~;.,):.J:o;.,uu.:J ....ege"' --...I .1-<l-ll '1-O-Q 7.3-4 7-3-4 14.0..Q 8-8.12 20-11-12 ..8-12 28-0-0 703-1 ~ hCoO Scale II 1:54.0 .ex" = . ~ 4 ,.' ~~;~:~~, /,/ .'/ \. \. .............':::- 2X4 \' /~ .' ,I \ \ . -.......~-.. 2x4 II ~''/' 'j:' \~. '-'::~~',.:~ //~\,fi \~ ir"~,,,. /:/,/, '. \, If , Ii ~~::::::-..... 8 ' 2 ./ ,\:.t. .\/1 ~ -......:::.,.... 7n '1., /-;. ~ "2,/ '" ,:)....., ~ ~~~ .~ 4x5 = 10 9 8 4lC5 ~:: 3Xl1 ::: bS :;:; 3)(4..= 6.00 rrr . 9-6-~ ~.~ -1"\ale unsels l^. T J_: _~:U-l-O'V-V-"j. to:U--I-o,\J..v-~t lR-~'3 6-11-11 28.0-0 Il-&-~ lOADING (Dsl) TCll 25.0 TCDl B.O BCU 0.0 BCDl 7.0 , ),\'IBER . h /"P CHORD 2 X 4 HF ND,2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 WEBS' 2 X 4 HFSPF S:ud/STD SPACING 2~ Plates Increase 1,15 I-umber Increase 1.15 .tRep Stress Incr YES 'Code UBC97IANSI95 CSI TC 0.77 Be 0,91 we 0.32 OEFl. in (Ioc) Vert(ll) ..Q.25. 9-10 Vert(Tl) . ..Q,46 9-10 HorzCTLI 0.07 6 1st LC Ll Min Vdefl = 360 Vdefl >999 >722 nla PLATES MillO GRIP 1851148. Weight: 100 It> BRACING TOP CHORD .Sheathed.. ,. .. , .., '> 'h' . BOT CHORD 'Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10~ ocbraelng. REACTiONS (Ib1size) .2=1183/0.~, 6=1183/Q..~ . Max Horz2=47(load caaa 4) Max Upllfl2~175(load casa5), 6~175(load case 51 . FORCES (Ib) , First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=14, 2-3='-1743. 3-4~1500, 4-5=-1500, ~~1743, 6-7=1~ BOT CHORD 2-10=1545,9-10=1057,8'9=1545,6-8=1545 WEBS 3-10=-37B~ 4-10=S29, 4-9=529, 5-9~378 NOTES . 1) Unbalanced roDf live loads have been considered for this design. .' 2) This truss has been designed for the wind IDadS generated by 80 mph winds at 25 II above ground lavel, using 7,0 psftop chord dBad load and 7,0 psfbotlDm chord deed load, 100 mi frDm hurricane oceanline, Dn an , DccupBncy category I, condltiDn lenclosad building, Df dimenslDns 45 II by 24 It with axposure B ASCE 7-93 , per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exis~ they are exposed tD wind. If porches exist, they are exposed tD wind, The lumber DOL Increase Is 1.33, and the plale grtp Increase Is 1.33 . ~3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nDnconcurrent with any other live load. per 'Toble No, 16-B, UBC-97. 4} Provide mechanical cDnnection (by othelS) of truss ID bearing plate capable Dfwlthstandlng 1751b uplift aljoin 2 and 175 Ib uplift allolnt 6, . . . LOAD CASE(S} standBrd -; IEllPVlES l'2131fOj:J i,,...,'( A WAIlNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmI!S AND READ All NOm ON '11115 AND tRuss DRAWING NOlES BEFORE USE. ~ DesIgn valid for Use CI"lIv with MTek COTISC1ois. Tnb deSIgn'S based oriy upon paanetelS v.own. on:J II foe a''HodlvldlOl bJIdrg ~_.'.,>" ~_. .:'10 be INtoIod and klod,d vortlca/tf. Applccbllty" of dostgn pcrtI"'I"etM ord ~r ~ro~ 01-:0" ...._. ._, _, Is r;$DOnSbIIty of bUidng dEl~. not tnJSs deSgniL BrClCi'lO"own Is for lO1fll'ol IUppon of inclIIIb.IoI web m.mbeDcri/~ ~onoI.. ". '. bmeIng to Insure ,tobilitycUlng eenstru::1IonllthO"luspond)lltyoflha erectoJ. AddIf1anaI ~.' w,. J broclngott:\& cveroI 5fructI.nJ II"" ....... '" ._". Oflhe b\Adng assigner. For generolguldcncs reg~ ._..~-_.. qualllycmtrol.ltC>>O;lEl.deDveIy, erectlOnCl'\d" the....... .."'0. brocng. eot'lS'.It QST.as CluoIly SlCI"ldcI';1 058049 8roelno Specllccrfi:ln. Old HQ..q1 H::n:I'ng ~ and &ocho ReoorrmendoflOn 0Y0Iab1e from Th.aI Plata InstIt\Ie, -.......... lW D'O'lofrlO:>r.ve, Mod!sOn. WI 53119. " .. ..~t;SUPPLYINC. SEP 01 2004 4:18PM HP LASER JET 3200 p.13 . :-Jt_ - fI:Iv_ '1'-- -"J .., . ._,__... ___. ___'e'.J (tiC....,,':',...... ALDERW-1 A8 j I n8 I rUS9 ~O., ,;:,umner VV'i\ i cugene Un ROOF TRUSS 1 1 . JDb Reference (optiDnaJ) :J.\JVV 5 ,..eo 0 "Vl~'lVllle" lOau5mes. me. Fh f\Pr ~ 'ju:V:;>:;,O "vu.) r"oge 1 ,I ,-..j -'.0-<1 ,.0.0' 6-3-0 5-3-0 G-7-l1 4-4-8 1....0-0 4-4-ll 20.0.0 6-0-0 23-5-0 3-5.0 2~ 4-7-0 4)(8 :::: ScaNt::z 1:53.3 , ~ ~ 5 3x4<'-/~ . 4/~, ~. . "~,,3'5: /-;:/~ II, . ~~ . 3lO1 .,.. .J~;.-/ \ "~:::"'W4 #' ~o '" /ft~ "'~\::~~ /~ I,' '~, . 2 L-:;:::::/ . '::-... '. '\:,- ~/~ (/ ~., a rl ftl~ 'l.. - I) 1111 Iltill \111 t:s:D ::! ;111/- Illl MSH29 MSH2. ~ ..xa = 13 12 11 10 9 4xB == 3JC6n 41(5= 'UcS= BldJ= 4x16u THD2a "SH29 8.00frr 5-3-0 9-7" 14-0-0 20-0-0 23-5-<1 21l-O-<l 5-3-0 ..... 4-4.8 8-0-0 3-5-0 4-7-0 I-'Iale u"sets lA. ~ L,,:u--4-U,u.-I-'IOJ.. LO:U-+U,U.-I.-IOI. LlU:V...:l--'t!~1 LOADING ~8g SPACING 2'()'<) CSI DEFL in (Ig~ I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 5. Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.88 vertl-\i:) ..0,05 >999 MII20 185/148 TCDL B.O Lumber Increase . 1.15 BC 0.92 Vert ) ..0.07 8-9 >999 BCll 0.0 Rep Stre5s Incr NO WB G.83 HDrzlTL) G.Ol 8 nla. BCDL 7.0 .~ode UBC97/ANSt95 (Matrix) 1st LC Ll Mln ~defl = 360 Weight 182 Ib '\\IBER ., i' CHORD 2 X 4 HF No.2 . .1JT CHORD 2 X 8 OF NO.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudlSTD .Excepl. Wl 2X 4 HF Stud; W9 2 X4 HF Stud Sheathed~. ,""',..,...... Rigid ceiling diredly applied or 10-0-0 DC bracing, Except 6-0-0 DC bracing: 10-11. 1 Rowatmldpt 7-10 .See ~eb Brace MIlITIO. tot REACTIONS (Ib/slze) 8=184610-5-8,2=653/0-5-8, 10=3872/0-4-2 (input 0-3-8) renuired T -Brace condition Max Horz2=65(load case 4). . '1 , . 011 OllS Max Uprtft2=.137(load oaseS) . . Design of all co nu, Max Grav8=1909(load case 7), 2=653(load case 1), l0=3872(1Dad case V lateral bracing is by OUIIl FORCES (Ib) - Firsl LDad Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=38, 2-3=-914, 3-4~525,4-5=31, ~~12B, 6,7=1008, 7-8=-1812 BOT CHORD 2,13=751,12-13=751,11-12=409,10-11=-873,9-10=1387,8-9=1387 WEBS' 3-13=5~L3-12~394, 4-12=320, 4-11~545, s-ll~316, 6-11=1098, 8-10~1396, 7,10=-2597, 7-9=22\1:) . . . BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS OO~. . ~ ~ '1) .Unbalanced rool live loads have been' amsidered IDr this design. ',. . ''!V -2) This \ross has been designed forlhe wind loads generated by 80 mph winds iiI 25 ft Bbove ground level, using '1.. p()l/'l~ - 7.0 psr top chord dead 'Dad and 7,0 pslbollDm cI1Drd dBad IDad, 100 ml from hutricane ooeanllne;Dn an . occupancy calegory I, oondlUDn I enclosed building, of dimensiDns 45 ft bY,24 ft with exposure B ASCE 7-93 . , per UBC97/ANSI95 It end verticals or oanlllevellll!xls~ \hey are exposed ID wind, It porche5 exist, they are .... 12/31/041 exposed ID wind. The lumber DOL increase Is 1,33, snd the plate grip increase is 1.33' . . . lEXPIRATlON Olli....: , 3) This truss hBS been designed lor a 10.0 psI, bOllom chDrd live load nDnconcunent w"h Bny 'other live loads per . APR 0 s 20M Table No. 18-B, UBC-97. . U;I 4l WARNING: Required bearing size at jolnt(s) 10 grealer than input bearing size. . 5 Provide mechanical Connection (by othels) 01 \ross to beating plate capable of withstanding 137 1b uplift al iDlnt 2, 8) Girder carries tie-in span(s): 28..Q.O from 20-0-0 10 26-0-0 7) Use USP THD28 (With 16<1 nalls Inlo GIrder & NA9D nails intD Truss) or equivalanl at 2Q.O.O from the left end to_connect lruss(es) A2 (1 ply 2 X 4 HF) 10 Imnlfaca of bottom chord. B) Use USP MSH29 (WIth 10d nails into Girder & NASD nails inlD Truss) or equivalent spaced at 2"()'() 00 mel(. . starting Bt 22-0-0 from Ihe left end ID 2.640 to connect IruS&(es) A2 (1 ply 2 X 4 HF) to front face of bDlloin Chord'd 2 . tinue on page 'j .. . . \.. .- A WARNING - VERIFY DESIGN PARAMmR:l AND READ All NOJEj ON THIS ANO 1RUSS DRAWING NOlD BEFORE USE. o.lIgn votd lOll... onIywnn MTek ~ c . we. ~ 1nlI.d~ b bas8d r:Jf1ri upon porcmeter,shOWr\ and II tlt en IIldIvb.la bulIdIng comoonenl to be ntOllod and IoOded vtll1lcofll. AppIoObIIIy 01 desll;J'l porornetencni p$Oplar._ __ _... . __w'. of -_""T"'_ :~...Is rasponst:JBlty of bUlcing dMlgnsr. nottrua desQMt. Brocr.o Ihbwnls klrlatefal IlJPDOT1 Of 1rdW:1ual....b l"l'lemben any. AddItlonaIlempOl'OIY bfaclng 10 nue 51oblllto( cU1ng Ca:utructtcn Is the responsibIlity :JI the et8CtOl. Addllornf porlTlOMnt brocWlQ 0' ilo overdl S2NCturelli .... ,..soontitv of the bJdIno de.oner. For general guldonce regardng fabr1callon. quoNty control. dorQgfJ. dGIvor;. er80m and broa,g. !;OrqlJl QSHlI Quoltv StondO"d. DSB-f19 8I'ocIrQ Speclflcallor\ O'ld H8-QI H~i1g InllalDrg ond Bn:r.::ng Recr:nvnendolion avolOble frQTl tn.a P!Qtv ndllufe 583 D'Onofl1o OrNe, Mcxftson. WlS3719. . ~ theTRUSSco. . ~lNliI stJPPLT INC. SEP 01 2004 4:1SPM HP LASERJET 3200 p.14 --0fUa---.. - ".',,,,,,;,;, Ily,OlI", 'It''''' ..'<.c\1 -. '-11 --""81'Q'6"."I"~YI;:iWv\,l\,l\"',^,uU~~ ALDERW-l A8 ROOF TRUSS 1 I ne I NBS \..10., .;)umner VYI\ , cugsne UK .,.-." '~:II na;IIIoIO. where hanger i. in contBe! with lumber, '-dAD eASElS) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=I.15, Plate IncreB.a=1.15 Unlfotm LDad. (pll) . . Velt 1-5=-68.0, 5-8=-66,0, 2,10~14.0, 8-10=-524.8 Job Roference (oDtiDnal\ :>.WU 6 l'"eD 0 ~u\.." Mil eK InOUStoes, mc. t"'n APr lJq. lU:UO;::U .l.W", rage, ~ .~ '\ Y . 1,_1 A WARNING - VEIltfY DESIGN PARAMElIRS AND IlEAD AU NOTES ON THIS AND l1lUSS DRAWING NOTU BEFORE USE, Deslgn>dc:tforUMOl'\ly~MIT'-kC~on. Thk~lIbasGd_O'\/y~l)CI"an8t~lIlV\own.CI'ldlsfctQ'lncM:lual~~. ,'~ , .Iobe,hsfalladcndlooded vortIeoly. ''''''';~:~~''' of ,design ,. . '. ".., Q'ld plope"^_._...~___.~.. otcomponentb l~l:iIlyot bUt*'lO O8IIgner-nottn..-a dasiQrwr. Drocingshown 1I1ot btercl SUPPOrt Of tlOMouol web mefnbeB only. ._~,., w. .. ..", _ ., braCIng IOQUl8 staDllltvovrro canstrucMl::n ts lhe lespons!bCllr, c11heeroctof. MdlItcnol....- ,,_. ; ,,_ blocng of the OV8folSfrlJctvre Is 1M .""., ..~^ tv aft,.. bU'ttng designer. For ganorol guldc:nee regarchg 'or:neatlot\, qu:tty COI"I'TOl storoge. delJery. ereCTIon and brcclng. COl'YilJl QSI'-88 QuoIty Standcu1 0SB-3V Broehg SpecltIcatIon, and HB-9\ ~g nst<<*lQ elld BroClng Recommerdatkll'l available from Tnn Plate IrGnlutv. 583 O'OnotooOrt.'O. Mrxhon. W1~'19. . .A the.........:r.:ocO. . Ie BUILD~ SUPPLY me. SEP 01 2004 4:19PM HP LASERJET 3200 p..15 . ' JDO INSS IruSS Iype , \"ny ilY nayaen I'\loerwooa \VUW~ ALDERW-1 81 ROOF TRUSS 5 1 Job Reference \oPtionan . O.uw S I"'eo b .c:vu,) lvUI8K naU3tneS, mc. nu Mar .t.[ Vtl:,)Q:U~ ;.cuuo) r-agel ,~' __)e I,fUSS l,JO" ~umner VVJo\/ eugene.UK. '. .-1-<J.ll, ~1" J ',,0.0' 5-4-" 10-0.0 4-7-5 14-7,S 4-7.5 20-0-0 ~-1' ,21.0.0 . , '-<J.ll 'Scale m 1:38.8 4w.4= '. . /1:'........ . // /-" ~ /--;/ ~.~ "",., ./,;::/./ -:-..........::::---.,. 2x. II //,/' V, ........................ 5 ~ ~"-....... /~ .................... // "~ /<:::/ ~~. /~ '<::::......< Yo. ........... '....... ~//... . .......,................. ,./"" ~ ...... ~ ....... ........ ,/ ........ '..... .../ ............._ 6 2 // .../" ........~ ....... .......,.. ....... 7 " ~ /,~:;- ~ ~'-" ~ (./iZ! '. ~"J . ~; e ~5~ 3x10 == 6.001"'T . . -'J '0.0-0 , 0-0.0 -Pla,e u"se'.lX:YLI2:U-'-4.U- 1-8 ~2=4.U'T-aJ=:".' LOADING (psI) SPACING 2-0,0 CSI TCLL 25.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.36 TCDL 6.0 Lumber Increase 1,15 BC 0.93 BCU 0.0 l'.ep Stress Incr YES we 0.27 aCDL 7.0 "Code UBC97fANSI95 21l-O-O tll-O-O DEFL. In (Ioc) 1/defl PLATES Vert(LL) .Q,27 2~ >676 MII20 Vert(T1.) .Q.46 2-8 >507 HorzlTL) 0.04 6 nfa 1st LC lL Min IJdefl = 360 Weight 69lb GRIP 185/148. ') ..,BER ../.IP CHORD 2 X 4 HF No,2 . BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF ND.2 WEBS 2 X 4 HFSPF StudfSTD , BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheethed '1;1'1 , 0 11 Ba pwR:lRs . . Rigid ceiling directly BPplied or 1<>-0-0 DC bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/slze) 2=863/0-5-8, 6=863/0-5-8 MBX Horz 2=-34(load case 3) . Max Uplift2=131(load case 5), 6=-131 (load case 5). FORCES (Ib] - First Load Cese Only . . TOP CHORD 1-2"'4,2-3=-1169, 3-4"-847, 4-5~7. ~~~169, 6-7=14 BOT CI-IORD 2-8"1033,6-8=1033 WEBS 3-8=315,4-8;443,5-8=.315 NOTES 1l Unbalanced roo' live loads have been considered 'Dr this design. . 2 This \/Uss has been designed for the wind IDadS generated by 80 mph wines at 25 fl above ground level, using , 7.0 psftop chord dead load and 7.0 psfbottDm chDrd dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline. on an , occupanCy category I, condition I enolosed building, 01 dlmenslDns 45 fl by 24 ft with expo6ure B ASCE 7-93 , per UBC97fANSl95 If end verticals or cantilevel1l exlst, they are exposed tD wind. If porches exist. they are exposed to wind, The lumber DOL increase Is 1.33, and the plete grip Inaease is 1,33 - 3) Th,s\/Uss has been designad for B 10:0 psf batIom chord live IDad nonconcunent with any other live loads per TBble No. 16-8, UBC-97, . 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) Df truss to baanng plate capllble of withstanding 131 Ib uplift at joint 2 Bnd 1311b uplift at iDlrrt 6, . . . LOAD eASE(SI Standard ~ ',,1- A. 'wARNING - VEllIFY OlSIGN PARAMElERS AND READ AU NOIfS ON THIS AND 1RIJss DRAWING NOm BEFORE USE. 4J Dflgnvold rOt use a\ty wITh M1relc ccn,,~IOl';.. nil;~" based rnv ~ poro!flOten ~ md b fO! an Ir\dMdua buId~ _. ... to be hlf:IIQd crd Ioodod vertlcotv..~ofc:tmagn..,. . CI'ldproperlnc_,.._._._..OfCOfT1)Or'le'rlsl$$pOnlibIUvOlbulldngd.IIIgnt1r_nottlul5~o;Ign8r. ~L'\OWO"tOfIatVfOI lUPPort 01 hcNduol wGb men'lb<<s 0Ny. Acdtond terTlJOrorV brodno 10 hu"a stX>lty $Jtlg cons1nx:tIon" tl'lerelPOC'lsfbUy of Ihe ereCfOr. Aad:1crd permanent bractlg 01 the overal GlNCtUO 1I1h8 fO$pOrwlbIIty 01 tho bul ding' de-slgnot. Fa general guidance rega1:ftng fdxlcatJon. quality ccn1rol. "crags. delvely, ecedlorl and th Drocr"lg. consuD QSf-68 Qu::IIlty Staldord. DSIH9 Brodng Sp9clftcallOl\ and HIB-Ol Hordlt-og Intlabltlg crd Ilfacng Reee . ..... ~.~..~_ . cwdIobIe 1rom Trus;, Plate institute. e& a.'i.:h)CO. 563 D'Orlofrio01v9. Modlsa\ W153719, . BOILDING SUPPLY me. . . , ~.~-_._~-~""'-'--~,--,------~--~~-_.._-----~-----