HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-12-10 II . .\ .' - , , Revisions to Residential Plan Review , 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 -FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us JOB ADDRESS: 6011 Orchid Ct. CITY JOB#: C0M2004-01208 OWNER: Hayden Enterprises Inc. PHONE: 541.895-3462 CONTRACTOR: Owner PHONE: Items 'listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". Acorresponding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. . All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S. W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 . Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. / PLANS REVIEWED BY: pm !lA /YMr. PHONE: 7Z~ - 3&2 ~. Review completed on /2;'i ~ ~1' The interior and exterior cripple walls of the building were not constructed according to the approved plans. An engineering analysis by k-a engineering (attached) was subsequently submitted to this office for our review requesting approval of the 2x4 wall construction as an alternate method of construction from the Code requirements for wall construction. The submitted analysis is approved as an alternate method of construction for the , , general stud layout of the cripple walls, however the following conditions apply I. The floor joists are spaced on 19.2 inch centers, but the analysis considered studs at 16 inch centers. Apparently one or more of the cripple walls for the building contains only one top plate. Where this occurs, studs are required , . ,.j J. The floor joists are spaced on 19.2 inch centers, but the analysis considered studs at' 16 inch centers. Apparently one or more of the cripple walls for the building contains only one top plate. Where this occurs, studs are required directly under the joists that are bearing on the wall, within a maximum tolerance of 1 inch. Wherever the regular stud spacing does not meet these criteria, additional studs must be placed under the floor joists directly above the wall. (R602.3.2) 2. Where a single top plate is used on the cripple wall, the top plate shall be adequately tied at splices, building corners and at intersections with adjoining walls using a minimum 3-inch by 6-inch by O.036-inch-thick galvanized steel plate that shall be nailed to each wall or segment of wall with six 8d nails on each side (provided that joists are centered over studs as noted above). (R602.3.2) 3. Where stepped foundations occur, cripple walls located between the top of the foundation and the lowest floor framing, the bracing requirements for an additional story shall apply. Since wall bracing has been engineered for this building, the engineer of record shall determine the bradng , requirements for the affected cripple walls. Please submit the bracing requirement(s) for the affected brace walls to this office prior to requesting framing inspection. (R602.11.3.2) The foregoing request for alternate method of construction for cripple walls is hereby approved as noted with the above conditions. Prepared by: Approved: Donald Moore, Plans Examiner hlLp(~*- David Puent, Building Official -:L~ - ~>-~ ~" ','0-'''' 05,.,,, From-K & A Enlllneerlnll, Inc, a l'nglnurlng Fax To: Jeff Han1son I Boyd 895-3461 , Fax: Subject' 6011 Orchid Ct. - Cripple wall studs +541-68H358 T-841 P,OOI/005 H7! K & A EngIneering, Inc. ,P.O. Box 23624, Eugene, OR 07402 621 MarIleI SL, Suite B, Eugenll,llR 07402 (641) 684-0300 VoIce , (641) 684-0368 fAX from: 'Michael Remboltlt, P.E. Pages: 5 lIat8: 12/1lI04 Attached is our report recommendIng lhatthe building official accept the crtpple walls, as framed. Thanks for tile opportunity to be Of service, Please caJIlf you hava further Qu8Sll0ns. Sincerely, M..- Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Englneertng. Inc. I ! , I I I i i I , I Oec-08-2004 05:52pm From-K & A Enlllneerinll, Inc. +541-684-9358 T-841 P.002/005 F-S71 . < \J -a .nglnurlng , ' K & A EngIneering, Inc. P.O. Box 23624, Eugene, 011 97402 621 Market St., Suite 8, Eugene, 011 97402 (541) 884-9398 Voice (641) 684-9358 FAX December 8, 2004 Hayden Enterprises, Inc. 2464 SW GlacIer Place, Suite 10 Redmond, OR 97756 Subject: Cripple wall construction Sprlngfield Permit No. COM2004-01208 6011 Ornhid Ct. ' Projact: 1 91.04 PUIIPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Englneerlng, Inc. has made a limited evaluation of as-built constiuction of framing for the subject new single-family residence. Our understanding Is that cripple walls were constructed between the foundation and the tlrst floor framing that consists of 2x4 studs spaced at 16-inches o.c. This framing was originally specified to be 2x6's spaced at 16-lnches o.c. on the approved set 01 construct/on drawings. We note that the building code 1 specifies In section 602.9 that "Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of s1uds not less In size than the stUdding above,' Since the upper exterior wall framing consists of 2x6 members the cripple walls below should also consist of 2x6 members. Our understandIng Ie that acceptance 01 an alternate framing Is conditioned on the evaluation of the alternative framing method by a licensed professional engineer as adequate for the minimum design loads as specified in the building code. The purpose of our evaluation was to determine if the cripple wails!, as constructed, are adequate to support the design loads on this structure and, if they are structurally adequate, request that the local building official accept the crlpple walls, as constructed. ' INVESTIGATION We calculated tho maximum loads on any of the cripple wall framing, which would be at the perimeter foundation supporting first floor loads, second floor loads, wall load, roof loads, and pornh roof and floor loads. Our evaluation Included checking for actual vs. allowable stresses for compression parellel to tho grain, bearing' stress at the ends of the studs at the plates, and buckling stability. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS I State of Oregon One- andTwo-Famlly Dwelling Code (2000 edlUon), , 2 TIlls framing Is called 'crtb wall' on 1/ie plans. The term 'crlpple wall' Is used here to be consistent with local building codes. , , Oec-B8-2004 05:52pm From-K & A Enlllneerinll, Inc. +541-684-9358 . I ". K a A EngineerIng, Inc. T-841 P,003/005 F"671 Based on our calculations, the 2x4 cripple wall studs have the capacity to support the maxlmum combined design loads lor this structure. Our calculations are attached to this report. - We recommend acceptance 01 the 2x4 cripple wal/studs, a8 censlruclud, by the local building official. Thank you for the opportunity to be 01 Service. Please call if you have any questIons. SIncerely, , EXPIRES h1~. LJ-- I Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. Project: 191.04 6011 Orchid Ct., Springfield, OR Client: Hayden Enterprises, Inc. I I, Page 2 of 2 December 8, 2004 I I ; I I I I : . O~c-OS-Z004 05:53pm From-K & A Enlllneerlnll,lnc. +541-684-9358 T-841 P.004/005 F-G71 \3 Michael RemboldtPE '" l) Geotechnlral g, Civil Engineering ~~~ ~~ Me ,0 ~~ 170 Lindner Lane. Eugene OR 97404 .f<'J ' engin eering 541 6849399, fa, 541 6849358 'bEI/NIS 'il.~ I ,II :. I I - " I -r- ~ - - . ~- .- c> ,~ r,tl. - - " -~ ~ . -- . - ,. )~L , '/-I. I . - - , :::~...: -I- - -r - , ~1/2 - , I- .lI. -I- - - -I-j-I - --I-' --r- . , '~ - I-- . - - ~ (11 ~:' - . . ..... ...-.... .-. ... . . ... '"." , - . - - { ~ I- - - - Job Ng 1 q I. o.J-- Date 1-0$ loa- Client b (HI I'J;! a,f-fh Sheet / of a- Description ~I (1111 r I.u'~ ~""2')< 4- c..",., ~flL.. Dec-08-2004 05:53pm From-K & A Enlllneerlnll, Inc, +541-684-9358 T-841 P.005/005 F-671 K & A Engineering, Inc:. ~ P.O, Box 23824 ' -..::I Eugene, OR 97402 - ~ (541)884-9399 on aln ..rln, (841) 684-9388 rA&r.6~ ~l~~~~'fI~.lL8,t~~DOO-~....... Timber Column Design ,"',.." .. ....".".,.~,.,,,..,...,,..,.,,''''''~,,,.,.,,..,.".,.,,'',,....,,......"....,,,,,,,......,,J.......,,..... Tillo: Slnglo-f.mlly Ro.ldonco Dsgnn MDR Do.orlpt'on I eOll Orchid Cl. C0M2004-01208 C~pple Wall Stability Job 111191.04 Dato: 4:37PM, 8 DEC 04 1,1 . Soop.: DescrIptIon cripple MlI 12 ~~,,~~,~~;~,~~J I Generallntormation """'"WOOd $octlon . --- Reolangulllr Column Column Oepth WIdth Sewn Cod. Rot: 2001 NOS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. e..e .lIoweble. ereu.er defined. 2X4- TOlar 0 mn .i8 4.00 load Durollon Feetor 1.15 Fo 1,350,00 p.' fb 800.00 psi E - Elasllc Modulus 1,800 ksl . DQuslas Fit. Larch. No.2 Unbrsood length for 'y-'/" axis sideway. deflection 4,00 It Unbraced Isngth for 'x-x' axis sidewaya daflection 0.00, It Lu Xi< lor Bonding 4.00 II MOln 1,50 In I Loads Axl.' Load Ecoenllfclty DMd leAd 841.00Ibs . live load ,l,813,00Ibs Shnr1 TAm1 Load 0,00 Ibs .,,'..... j ~,~. " ..~._- .~~ _ ~'....__ ~... u. . ._ o.oOOin lL'll'~';l~mmary"""'''''Il>'''',"' Column OK Using: 2x4, Width" 1.50In, Depth" 3.50/n, Tolsl Column Hl= 4.00ft Dl+ll .....I2l...t." +llT te : Compression 448,38 psi 448,38 psi Fe : Allowabl. 1,289.28 psi 1,425.02 pGl CL+ST 160.19 psi 1,425.02 psi fbx : Flexural F'bx : Allowabl. 0.00 psi 1,326.70 psi 0.00 psi 1.520.26 psi 0,00 psi 1,520.26 p.i Interaction Value [Stress Dstalls 0.3478 0.3148 0.1124 ---,--- _.... _. , .....--- , "'"'' '"..'-''''' ,." ..., "'."'"'''' ',"'" """""'''''''''D''''''''.''''''''""""""""""""","""",,,, "",,,,.,"..,. """''''''".' '.c....,""".,~.. Fe:X-X Fo: v-v F'o : Allowable F'e:AJlow ' LO.d Our Fsctor F'bx F'bx' Lo.d Duration Factor ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"",,,,., , "..~---_.._-,._,_._..._,,,..._---... 1.552,50 psi 1,289.2G psi 1,289.28 psi 1,425.02 psi, 1,328.70 p.1 1.520.26 ,psi Pot S.ndlng Slro.s C.le.... Max k'Lu I d L. : Bondin9 (Lu""x . NOS Tabla 3.3,3 faclOl) Rb: (Le d I b^2) ^.5 Min. Allow k'Lu I d et.a.ndlng For Axi.' 91",.. C.lc.... Cf : Axial Axial X-X k Lu I d Axl., V-V k Lu I d 50.00 7.36 It ' 11.717 11.00 1.600 1.180 0.00 13.71 -' CA1-t-c=.. 9m 1fT :2- P';S- ~ Jon-18-2005 04:58pm From-K & A Enllineerlnll, Inc, +541-684-9358 T-885 P,OOI/004 F-5S3 K Ii A Engineering, Inc. P.O. 80J 23824, __, OR 97402 621 MarllelSL, Suilll B, Eugene, OR 97402 (641) 884-8399 Voice ' (641) 884 9358 FAX Fax 1b: Bob Barnhart, City of Springlleld Cc: Hayden EnleIprises728-3El76 726-3676. 895-3461 From: Michael Rembold!, P.E. Fa: PIgs: 4 SubjBcl: Supplemental caJcuJallons - garage header.; Dale: 1/18/05 Bob, Attached are caJculalions and our recommendations for an acceptable glue laminated allernat1v8 to the parallam gaJilge door headers specified in the plans for the new homeS constructed at lOtS 119 and 120 in tile Jasper subdivision. Our client, Hayden EnIIlrprises, has requested these a/IBm8l8s. P1eas8 call me n you haVe any quasllOns. Sincerely, ~ Michael Rembold!, P.E. K & A Engineering. Inc. Dec-a8-2004 05:52pm From-K & A Enllineerinll, Inc, +541-684-9358 T-841 P.D02/005 F-671 a l'nglnurlng , K & A EngIneerIng, Ine, P.O. Box 23824, Eugene, OR 97402 621 Markel SI., Suite B, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9308 VoIce (541) 684-8358 FAX ,j December 8, 2004 Hayden Enterprises, Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place, Suite 10 Redmond, OR 97756 Project: 191.04 Subject: Cripple wall construction Springfield Permit No. COM2004-0120a 6011 Orchid Ct. PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has made a limited evaluation of as"built construction of framing for the subject new single-family residence. Our understanding Is that cripple walls were constructed between the foundation and the first floor framing that consists of2x4 studs spaced at 16-inches o,c. This framing was originally specified to be 2x6's spaced at 16-lnches o.C. on the approved set of construction drawings. We note that the bUilding codel specifies In section 602.9 that "Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less In size than the studding above." Since the upper exterior wall framing consists of 2x6 members the cripple walls below should also consist of 2x6 members. Our understanding Ie that acceptance of an altemate framing Is conditioned on the evaluation of the alternative framing method by a licensed professional engineer as adequate for the minimum design loads as specified in the building code. The purpose of our evaluation was to determine If the cripple wails!, as constructed, are adequate to support the design loads on this structure and, if they are structurally adequate, request that the local building olllclal accept the cripple walls, as constructed. INVESTIGATION We cslculated the maximum loads on any of the cripple wall framing, which would be at the perimeter foundation supporting first floor loads, second floor loads, wall load, roof loads, and porch roof and floor loads. Our evaluation Included checking for actual VS, allowable stresses for compression pal'lllleJ to tho grain, bearing' stress at the ends of the studs at the plates. and buckling stability. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS I Slalll of Orvgon One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code (2000 adlDon). 'This framing Is called 'crib wall' on tlie plans. The term 'cr1pple wall" Is used here to be conslslllnt with local bUilding codes. , Dec-Q8-2004 05:52pm From-K & A Enllineerinll, Inc, +541-684-9358 'I . K & A Engineering, Inc. T-841 P,003/005 H7! Based on our calculations, the 2x4 cripple wall studs have the capacny to supporllhe maximum combined design losds lor this struclura. Our calculations ara attached to this report. We recommenlf acceptanco of the 2x4 cripple wall studs, as constructed, by the local building official. Thank you lor the opportunity to be 01 service. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, .... EXPIRES /~. LJ-- I Michael Remboldt, P.E. K & A Engineering, Inc. Project: 191.04 6011 Orchid Ct., Springfield, OR Glient: Hayden Enterprises, Inc. Page 2 of 2 December 8, 2004 Dec:08-2004 05:53pm From-K & A Enllineerlnll, Inc, +541-684-9358 I . 1 'I LI...::I r\y E"nginvli'ring Michael RemboldtPE Geotechnical & Civil Engineering 170 Lindner Lane, Eugene OR 97404 541 684 9399 , [0>541 684 9358 - \,1 I I I I I ~_ :~1. ~, 1tA'lN' ~::" _I I ----H- =~~~~~~= .r; rl.. '1-:- ,-- ~I,_{~ I:' - , ---- -- --, '- -r'- - - - --~ -t- -- - - - '-: r - t-' -t- -;::;~::,-!t:" -;:',- .1. '-t;.,' 1-: - -14~"" ~' - --'---rl--- 1----, .- -1"'-- --'-I-r-'-r 1"" - --- r--1-17:7 -; f-;f"F:;-...,I",. I~;J: - - - - ',- -I- ~ ~ -- -." - ," !''' -1"'( -- I- -1"", --1-----,- 1-,----- - =-~ =-:j;L Iii '=.t:= 2 L..L: LfL Ii:: -fA ----1"'-- -"--I'" -1_--'-1-- - -- --- -1"'---- -1-1- - - -- r ' -I- -- -- - --- - -- r-- --------- - 1-------- - - - ---- ---------1- - - ------I-r----- '", -l,,-f4-.., ~liil I -'-1--- -, 1,_ 0: , " -- "". -I- - -- - I, 9 - I I\"" - ~ -- ,- -- -t- ,i.:" I- :\ -', 6T ,- .~ _I'-:~ I. :: -1=;- =' -- '- -- ,- ::;-1- ~,~ 1-" I ....t ,:: -- - -1::- -I- ::: - ~ I'" --- :1- 1. ,- l- ,- r- .- -- '-ji: - . :.J., __ -- - ')- ~ - -'". I~ -:=::-"c!'__~:,_ ,,' __ ,'.. 1---1- t-,----- ,- - ,- - ---I- ----1"',----- --- ,- 11;~;: "j ~'-:l'=j- - ~ t' ~i=' -----,- j---- 't"'- 2' AiT-" ., - ,_k ,+- ~ ,<. _ ,-,_!:o. , '-- t-.--- -iJ,r- - - 'r~' ..... "....:::: '-"-" --- T-841 P,004/005 F-671 ~~"'>...~~~~.. ,<fl./:; 'C>~f~~~ '(( DfllNIS \l.'<: ; ii r I 1.' 1'1- -- /.t, -+ .- /. - -2 -, - _ _ 4 ...._ . , -- 1-- '/~~ ,- ,"'- - ::1 ..1" I 'lfj-': L ... -- ,- '-- '-1- . -I"" '-- '__ .J. .,;- 1 I ':!l I Job NQ It:) /. o.J-- Date /-v18Iod- Client 6 () I ( /);t r r<l-r~ Description Ct., rflll r I../~ ~ "Zy. 4- , ( Sheet I of ,f),- c.,.,., S; fl2-. ". --1"'1'" :- ,- , , - ,- ,- -- --I'" I '-1- 1'- -- Dec-.08-2004 05:53pm From-K & A Enlllneerinll, Inc, +541-684-9358 T-841 P.005/005 F-67! K & A Engineering, Inc, Tille: Slngle-'.mlly R..ldene. Job 1# 191.04 i. P.O, Box 23824 Dosnr: MDR Dalo: 4:37PM, 8 OEC 04 . :~a D..c,'ptlon , 8011 Orchid Cl. Eugene, OR 97402 COM2004-01208 ; (541) 884-93S8 Scopo : C~ppl. Wall Stability ..ql...,I.. ' (1141) 684-9388 r~~ 1~ ~1"~~~~J\~~?:~gi~~~~J...~ _'.....m." ..~~,~er Column Design ~.I."1I1"ao~,...:c~~..~ DescriptIon Cripple Wall Stud I General Information Woo e01lon RectangUlar Column Column Depth Width Sawn 011 oumn siB Load OUlllUon F.ctor Fo Fb E . Ela.Uc Modulu. . Dougla8 Fir - Larch, No.2 Unbllloed length for 'y.., axl. Sideways dofJe01lon 4,00 It Unbraced length 'or 'x.x' .xls sideway. dafl.OIion 0.00 tl Lu Xi< '0' B.nding 4.00 It 2x4 Cad. Ref: 2001 NOS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. B... .1I0wablas ara u.er denned. 4.00 1.15 1.350.00 psi 900.00 pel 1,600 ksl 3.50 In 1.50 In I Loads "~~~ . ~ ._~~. . -- ~"~. j [ DII!~d ln~d live lnad AxI.1 Load 841.00Ibe 1,~13,00 Ibs Eccenlttclly O.OOOin "Jl: "'...._~ summary ,.."" , ~ ' . ..L--'''''''.'."''''''''"-..--.Ii Using: 2x4, Wldlh= 1.50In, Deplh= 3.50In, Tolal Column Hl= 4.00ft nL + II DI + I L + ST 'e: Comp.....lon 448.38 p.' 448,38 psi Fe : Allowable 1,288.28 psi 1,425.02 p.1 Short TRnn LDRd 0.00 Ibs Column OK OL+'lL 160.19 psi 1,425.02 psi fbx : Flexural F'b. : Allowabla 0.00 p.' 1,326,70 psi 0,00 psi 1,520.26 psi 0,3148 Interaction Value 0.3<171 r Streaa Data Jls 0,00 psi 1,520.26 psi 0.1124 I' '"'' I "'.""'~",,,,,,,"""'" ,'......."., ""'''''','''''.'''''''' ,,,,",........,,,,,",,,,,...,,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,, Fe:X.X Fa: y-y F'o : Allowable F'c:A1low ' Lood Our FaclOr F'bx F'bx ' Load Duration FaclOr ,,,l ,..",.,.."..., ,',,,..,",,,,.,,,.."......,,JL,,~",.. ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,. ,,,,.,,,,, " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,, """'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J 1 ,552,50 psi 1,289.28 psi 1 ,289,28 pel 1,425.02 p.1 1,328,70 psi 1 ,520.26 ,psi Por Banding SItOs. C.le.... MQlC k'Lu I d La : Bonding (Lu-xx . NOS Tabfs 3.3.3 factor) Rb: (La d I b^2) ^.5 Min. Allow k'Lu I d Cf:Bendlng For Axi.1 8t",.. C.lc.... Cf : Axial Axial X-X k Lu I d AxI.1 y.y k Lu I d 60.00 7.36 n ' 11.717 11.00 1.600 1,160 0.00 13,71 GAJ..t-.c=.. 9,," If! :2- P';&- 'Z..;..