HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-8-18 ..' 'CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOBADDRESS: ql1D oL..C> ol'LCiA"-/t..O l....v CITY JOB#: 0 5 -o'~O 5'Z.., OWNER: G ^ p...., 'G A (t 13Z>'C E '" PHONE: 7 ~" - S ~ '-\ ~ ' cONTRAcrOR:~6 S T/Z.en.. ' OMfSr:' PHONE: ''it - :>?'tl' ItemS listed below ('Ii any) and those mRT1<M in red directly on the "t'!,.v.ed p=it ; docUmentsiu'e incorporated intO this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Smgli: ~amily and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed ItemS". A Cv~,",!,v..ding num~ is mmYM on your plans for any itemS listed below where applicable. ' ., All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 Intematiaoal One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless no~ otherwise., A copy of this code may be obtained from. ~e' Buil~' Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-59a6 '.. .::... ....... , Your signature on the Building Permit is an ay-' -~ that all items will be install-A~. corrected, and that all work on this 'project will comply with applicable codas. . . . .. .. . ... ... .. . ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR AFPROY AL.:ct: PLANS, .. SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRllUl.TO B!.'~. PERMIT FOR., OR AFPROY AL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF >>m aUILD~. SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY' OTHER ORDINANCE OF TIIE CITY.. OF: . , SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: ~ 1l.5o~ (bo 5 H PHONE: '7 ~ b - &'18""/ ..... .' . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .... .. . . .. ... .... . . . .... ...... . . .... '. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST I. These regulations shall be incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction documents, Circled regulations are of significant importance. The approval of plans and specifications does not pennit the violation of any section of the building code, other city ordinance, or state law. Paraphrased references are to the State of Oregon 1 & 2 Family Dwelling Specialty Code, which is based on the 2005 edition of the International Residential Code (IRC) as adopted & amended April 1 , 2003, unless noted otherwise. BUILDING PLANNING CD R106.3.1. The 'Approved' Plans, specifications, and construction documents shall be kept on the job-site at all times. a>.. . .~1 05.2 and NEC. Permit's for all electrical work shall be obtained at C.l \'{ Ti P . . G)::)i109. ~fiM81 inspecti~r"shall be requested once all work and corrections have been made. Occupancycannotbe . ... granted-untir final jO~~ftion approval or a temporary occupancy has been approved by the Building Official. @:. DOC-~: All framing .Iumber is assumed #2 grade Douglas Fir or equivalent unless otherwise noted (except studs : ..: .and pl'lte~r All sidill9.. and other manufactured wood products shall comply with the manufacturer's .. .installation ..equi;emenls and must be used according to their listing. Inspector must be provided with . .. . .installation inst~iqYlr at time of framing and final inspection. . .. . .... ~:::. ~303.3,. -8athroorrfs" ~ 'spa facilities shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system capable of 50 cfm . ... .lntermiltl:nt-qr 20 cfTri if.&>ntinuous. Water closet compartments must have a minimum 3 sq. ft. window, Yo of which is openable,'Or have a mechanical exhaust system capable of the exhaust rates noted above. 6. R303.8. All dwelling units shall be provided with an approved means of heating habilal space(s) to a minimum of 680 F measured at a point 3' above the floor and 2' from any wall. Portable type space heaters cannot be used. 7. R304. Every dwelling shall have one habitable room not less than 120 square feet. Other rooms shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. No habitable rooms, except kitchens, may have a dimension less than 7'. 8. R305. Habitable rooms, hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7'. - Consult inspector for exceptions. 9. R307.1. Bathroom fixtures shall be installed and spaced to ensure the following clearances: . Water Closet- 21' in front and 3D" wide with a minimum 15" to sidewall or tub; . Lavatory- 4" clear at side and 21" at front; . Showers- shall be a minimum of 30" x 3D" with 21" minimum clearance in front; . T ubs- minimum 21" clear at open side. ' 10. R308.4. Provide safety glass or tempered glazing, in specified hazardous locations. Consult Inspector as needed. 2465 COTTl1( Drive' sprin9fieUf, OTe9on 9747i' 1 f)ffke: (541) 746-5484 . fa>:: (541)'746;5431 PCa.n Review . Inspections . Code Consu,Cting ~\ llVlzV':U .:J, .L ;;1;;1v SCALE 1 ~'=60' , - ,,::; ;;r" ~ J:f J:! __ ~ ~ ~~ I 8a80 '- '-I "'~ S 880 47' 38" E -.......- 0 -. /r) ~~5" Wi ' "~r~l . ,Ma8-:nr E I~ ~ G ~(J ~ 0 ~ ~ ) ~ '" I t! I S 88047'38" E --mIl lLJ lLJ Y ,l:i /' (I 10/21 SQ. FT. ~ en q · 10 ~ I 100.00 , \, ~ ! 1 ~ T. 7 ~ 25.00 25.0() *T. Q 0, ~ ~,f27\ ~ rF.l1 ': ~ . ~ P.UE. I ~LJ.J op.U.E. ~ 0.:2,.. \CJ '" Ilc:l '" .--CIOS-... I ' ~ ci 6979 t:j' ~ i2 08057 SQ. FT. 1'1 t3 I~ ."1 t~: '>0,.... I ~ ~ (J)L SQ. FT. 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I - I ", p.u~ <: 1/349 SO lJ..~::i D€TAL. / <t' "/ ~AI. I'- Q; BELOW 171 I ICIOI BELOW JO- --;;:- -62.00- --;;:- -62.00- --:-., -62.00 -,:::;_=-6/./4-."'-=c_ZB!:r 40.00 40.00'Z~~ -"-.,82.17 - /"c::::;;:- - - __ .,!. ,!. .!; 0 I . f -~ I >- '=" 65.7U (6)~ 'l^--- N 88047'00" W~ ,1/ (61 "-1.24.48 \ 30.36 629.76 i'l./6.47 IE'N B'DFnGE RO' An H), 36.66 I \ Cll I 18047'00" E~::0.60 au ~ I - /--- CIO ,Y. . C9 - -:7--- .!,..--- !'f) I 0, ~, '...J FOUND LANE: COUNTY FOUND LANE COUNTY P.K. NAIL A T POINT PK NAIL AT POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF CURVATURE (6) (6) ISTATlON L2 1ST A TION L2 53+80.75)(6) 52+/1.49)16) o 9802 sa '~ fCI03 , REGISTERED ~ 1@ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR -~a~ _--r-- ') ~ ~ L:lS --' II ' OREGON II JULY 20. 1993 l""\ ^\Ilr.. I n~1""'I\1I1\1 !! AUG-18-05 08:57 PM 000000000000++ + P.Ol'. ~I!>i~.s._ / ,~~'ZZ~\ , , )b.~ , [late: AugUSt 18, 2005 THOMAS SHAW ARCHITECT _ 2810 SWWest Point Avenue Portland OR 97225 Telephone 503-286-3414 Design Clarification Verification Request NO.1 DCVR No. 1 Distribution: Gary Gafooden 541-726-9170 file . Fax: Proj~CI: From: Steve Shaw Ke~1fel Construction 541-747-8676 Family Room Addilion Torn Sh.3w No. Pages: File: 5 GBDN'reviS#1-08-18-0~; Toe Contract Documents are hereby amended as described oe'ow, Where the Quoted Sum or Qllote(1 Time is changed by t~js Verification, indicate change foi inClusion in d subsequcnl .~I!I:-:I!rJmp.1II :J;~~JGi"P T K.iN: ll-lIS DCVR NO.1 addresses var'ous plan revisions. Reference dr&wings dated JUly 30 2005, I,' REFERENCE Shest ."-2. Dravings Bl, D I and C4 CHANGE: See sheets 1 of 4, 2 of 4 and 3 of 41o( CHAN.3ES I',) window SfZ~'S and 10Gations and to shear \\Iallocations. 1.2 REFERENCE Sheet A3. drawing B4: PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATIO(~ CHANGE: See sheet 4 of 4 ior relocation and reconfiguration 07 windo1lv's and shear wa'ls at the North side, ATTACHMFNTS: Drawings: Sheets 1 of 4 through 4 of 4 REF: />.2 and A3 REVISION DATE: 8(18/05 (8 '" Xl 1 sheets) ISSUED BY , ,f/I11tll~~A~~hii~~i"" -_ __..__ __._.. _____n__ ____ _ , q~/16/t7q OIfte . 'J r;ONrtRMED BY COnlfflc1:or Oi1ie .,; ".UTHCiRIZEO BY OVYner Date ~118/2005 7 43 PM f~~ ~ ~f'I!f~~IP!J~\l!t L=;, ~~. . It: (f"~'I'_' 't ~*Ii. r AUG-18-05 08:58 PM 000000000000++" + P.02 " ReVl~IOdll'~ . ~....../ /"'/ , .. ... ,''-1.(,,) I t:: L...~.,1t..."'"' I t:. r-~L...t::. t,."... I I"" -II I/'\ ' "'oUNDAiION lii.4[i:t6 tiLL.O\i.i TRUE /''i r5T~De HOLDOUN 1 " 4LIC.NMENT OF INTE~IOR FINI5HE6 AT I'-IIZ)' 3' I' X :"OCATION ,/ EXI5rn", llE5i WA~L &U,"""ACE OF t. ,__.j',.?.. ,)- TYPICA,- , ' "'4MIL Y ROOM ., I /'" ...' r-' ., .-. -T nr ..----.--,, 1 "'1 __"""" -/'~__" .~~...". ~{4" IIL...J ~'T" j..-t:=;:: py~ L.OW FOiNT" "'4 j .." ~,,-'- _.n f'-' 'h/ i r CRAUJL 5F;'ACE' ::>~IN' .,. './ - '-\/--.....r-----v- )LJ~ t DlecI-lARUE' LOC..iION 9[ -.,,, '''-71'- --.., /-1! ",I A" ecREENEr.l . 2 -2 If2' 3.", I;;' < -2-.;>1., , I 'L ,'.1[,4' )' Y y f~ '/.'/ FDNYENT Q ,'~ y ~ '?\.~ ' .. / I "- ( , r ;1/';"),[ T':I/AP) 1 /..I_.~ ;/'j" ~.). -z+-4 V tr _ -;;;- L =1: 'SL.. ~'-~ 2/' -'-~H ", 1" \,L ~ ~~ ..~' (:..:JI--- 1;'~-:0~&""'.-.~I,J.. 4)1 ~i ) (., ,,- '\ 0 .r", \ cp.L -r~ -'-. 'A4' .'i j:,'", /. ,,,--,:,,.j -,/ 1:'1 ./ i ,,'.r'[' :--roc'f>';j ,~}IL~>::~ \':'IZ)'I lLyt ~~~~~u:O~~"XT~ ' ,. , .." "- '\ q:J, 1 \ 0 1,..21' ' WITH 2.'4 CONT 1'1 FTc:. "1' j ~0' ~P CONC. -+ . <nt, '" MIL 6LK POC1= I-lYI..ENE! ,... AJ\lJ::> ',"4 CONT ..,~ TOP. i ~ 00: 1Nc. W!2 - 4.:. ;': MO!5TURI; RE! ARD ,LAP i h ", _ ie' DF COt--C ,.. i !, ::: A I.liA 1 /' '\.l JOINTS, 12 J1<t'l j ) --:.. , FOOTINCi L:V..4 .+ 't......, \ eo, \ e. { _ ~- 1(..-' \ '. D!Ac::.ONAL "!. I 'lIb So - 'OJ: ~,:" ~~ tiC: ,.:~1-^ {' t " l i I ':,l<ll ~ ~ ;. .~ -'>._ ~" 4' '~~~>~.~,. " .1- f) - / J\ .-+ ~ ~,K,,\. ,... t:~~: J ':-cJ:::;;~'\~ r~ jl~j~ DP c~c / "'i -" -'1 ~~ ,I 1 F,OOTlNG W/2..4 .I ,{ I 11:,', EAWA1' ./ / i.. ,1, ''\, EM6EQ..t!Q1f:" J !. . \~-'4 x~",. DOJ./EL.S I 4'.1Z)' i 4'-11' F:MJ:3i::D ",' :;'<TC i':XISTif ,/ J! ___m_____/. " ~_-...,~,_ ....,._.. "1,,.., ............... -'\.: ..'i ~i Al -:.... ' ,..,. . '" ;~' _..:l.' ; '. /". a=()1 Jl\ln~T'OI\I PI ~r\.1 \. '-" '" . ........, " .. I.... '-I ,. .. ,Dl) 1/4"=1'.0" ~~.n.A~ ' .' f.'{,\.' ~e;:.. . \5' ~ (1;.1 ". ,,' ~ "I\'l~ n Cl;.JfilhY;t:~' \1iJ:~ . -.. -P:.1T';P,,-. ;;'1J:1~c6R~ - l'HOMAS SHA~. n~~~GAR80DEN AIR C Ihwr [E C u ~ OF (j~M. RM. ADDITION 2810 SW West Point Ave Portland. Oregon 97225 SPRINGF IE.LD, OR TEL 503. 286 . 3414 REFERENCE: . ~ A2 "-'-.~~ REvisED: 8/18/05 <.- HOI..DOllN L.OCATIONS 1 OF 4 AlIG-18-05 08:59 PM 0aB00B00fH300++ + P.03 .' . I V..... i , C1L ! rNc)~-~~'U!~~, ; ;, ,~ - --''--, ' BEHIND FIREBOx . \ 'rn. u . I ." ,- AND BELOW WOUJ _ ' '.----4X& i! I SILL. TUF<N 2X4 STUD": i ,4X~ ' I I STUD.' I FLAT AT 1&' O.C. ) \ STUD I 'x", I FILL STUD CAVITIES .I . / ~ -J FI><EP I ilJlTHI 112' IC"l'NENE ., FixE!: \ I ~TUD lJl iOVER IN5UL.ATION _ / "'Y1;:R I r. . . /.)... .<-2XG ''''LIDE= , :r 'f:'lW.:', ~\ll(~1'6'U~ l"l'~J'0""0~ "."" ....,.. ..." "".......,_ "'.~) ... '(?, " ~~~~,'~~/r- ~~, _J,"I"",', :r~~CASE' ~.!'ll ..):, .:; J ..~.. -.-'.....r--.L - " ., 1'.44 ~ n ,'\ 1- l , A' ~ Uf I! 'II': J I :' . "{L- '--.. ", ~','- .~,. 9~~' ' ~@it\g: / ~i ' 'I. . ,.;..: "0" 1\ -{j.) Q'" I QX"'- \ 'j.ii '.! '.' \i\..1'<A15E:::'> / VI '-'>tiI ' iti, i'O'zl.OCATE_1l HEARTH I , illuO )., "II' EXI&TiNG GAS i=,pi\ ,'1", ./" .,: ,.,. DIRECT VENT---r' I'."L" ): . 'JI ~'" .' II"' 5'.0' .' ()' 1.'1 I ; /., ,/ I ~ ~, "'~ FAMILY~ROOM "4xG "j~ '\' E ~.,..- 5TDD-'-~AQQJ _ S"UP-- : ,/ 0 -,~ (UNDER., __n..., - 1''''X6 : <8' ,. "': 0 ,; l-I!F' MASTER '104 I / ~ STLlD U,V " AP/ 'I ", -<l TRue",! L-'~_c.....J /,' o.:2X6",,! ,j I 31 ' .- 'h"IMMER - . I". , " ; ~' -.- "t- -~~~'"'>:-~_/'-;'/A'~ln~(~, ~~,_~_-+ ~,'::" ,~ ". -1 & -, I ....01 " '.,...,~~\," ~ J i ' " " j"": t'V' i.f:' ~ ~ l, '< '. '. i. ~ J~J.;!."',;!;,;E;<:....;" . ~ . REE'X'MI"'?I~ WALL--'-- /' I,' ;n 11""':fj1tc111;1l.)(/J1,/,:(/;-'i@, ;;.; ." . ..,-... /:,.,,/ r' ..,-'''''' "'...1."" I ~'i._,'\ci':".'I""~'"'' REMOVE 4 RELOCAT~_J/ '~, 2'-"'! ~.~., :{I"~\:: EXISTING GoA!> FE !:: ,.,.' ~,---;- "q-<;.DE ()~~",..,_..._ FAEMX'L1 SyTR' NOGOMl- ~ ~~~~ ': --~~~~:-:XI5T~~~HTU D'XTS. ; , ~, ~ ; I: (!,Ae &UPFL.,. LINES ANC . j W ~.~ 3 , !: ELECn~I(',.,A,L lUIR,'NC; LLS REQUIRED! I 10,3 I & lL ~~() \: I: . J,,'!'Q N::'"' "^DC"T!QN , -E.....rct..lr-', 1_.I....er"'lH'C_~ F:"'~=r:l -<I. ~ V wy \ '1'1 I, ,I ",..', CE r <") A~',&.iW;5Oi:rIi ~C:":'E (]. ~H-; ",I REF'EREN: -"~" FLOOR PLAN A2 C4; 114"::1'-0" , ';'-- . ~"L <:E"54' ~, . ,.j,4 i ..' I .. --C!L'-- - ' ,. <.;) ~ J J r !]) ,. i~ I 'I ~ ........ . lflHlOMAS SHAW AlRCH~TlECT 28105'/'; West Point Ave Portlandl Oregon 97225 'r F. L 503. 286 . 3414 GARBODEN FAM. RM. ADDITION --)i'-REVISED: 8/18/05 ,---, WINDOW 51ZFS 2 OF 4 SPRINGFIELD. OR AUG-18-~5 1219:1210 PM 000001210'21'2"21121121++ + P.B:4 /'B'--'1'hROOF FRAMING 1 I' '. ',,: 1/4"=1'-0. ...~__. d'" JE?I__~ /,__.~_.../"'-_~~~,......--~ I; PRO'/IDE SIMPSON H25 ~ \.-._~ , TIES AT EAC.. TRlJ55 TO ( 4Xle> HEADE~ I' c-_ ':", TOP PLATE:. TYp,. r-J WITH r2i TRIHHE~ \ \~', >-, ...j '\ STUDS AT EACH END-I '. I S~, ( '\ " \f.4+,/.-." /) I .~' ./~ \ \ \~',' .. , I \,^, " \ J I i'l :f~ l ~~~j5:~~~ '<-- : iXe..Hd>~ I. .___ I _1. L~ / < ' \,'i ".-1__.._ I '_m 1-,- ~--*;--.,~--, I '1 "-'. ./', -^- A :/ I ffi <.' .' :~~T-~;:p~:-=::'_~~~,A.~~~ ~-<;~/~.._- '-it -w' ill Q ~1Dc. , I ~t ---. !-' \ n'l .' '~-----I-Q- A4) ,II <ll'/ :<l -- ;i.i /' ~&~ ;~'0'~ I';~ /v l-i!: : / / "-.\ % '- I \1' I( '\ \ ~ ~ / ::-~~-'N~tJI?"l.~~.H'l.IS~.->L_/ __.__.. ' >,,~\'j ',_ (' , \hB"EAR HIP MASTER i-Y \, I -i ,.--"-(-HATC.... F., . u lTJ;<.jS?,.~~,_~ALl ,(I 'Z - -- 1"-" <:;UTTER' "'~ . 'Y"/ AND C;I$\ .t! ~"'/ ' I NEll! Re." ,F:k:~::.c:-~:::::h__ ~/. N=ll> <:;iRDER T~~~~ 11/: APPRC/ . \ ".~ ". />~~i~~~~rl~:\ \~ ==-}; ~"''''1\ A ..lG~:.LJ .tit'(J-~ .If\.y f,:/.. ~:')r "'<;~~, t.~ ,;,,, i:;,' _... __. ' i: PLAN~ti~j):t,)>' /,::)tj~,-f:,lr _ F:..,).,: '.'.: . "'('j"' .~. ',_ ' I"l- ,f, . . ..._L" ~~"~ " ,.'" ~>OF Ct(€~ERENCE: A2 / . " THO~A S SIHIA W ARd[Hl~uIECu 2810 sW West Point Ave Portland, Oregon 97225 -r E: L 503.286.3414 GARBODEN FAM. RM, ADDITION 'U'~ij\\REVISED:8/18k}sH . _-I WINDOW I-4EAD~~ 5J4'E5 3 OF 4 SPRINGFIELD, OR AUG-18-B5 09:01 PM 0080000B001210++ + P.05 " . (i!!'; ! 'T; 'i':'" ~ ll"'r"l"i'I,':I,',' '[ 1 L/.,." ' I" 'I" 'I 'j 1.1.1 l, I .I I Ii" I I I j 1'1 I" 1 If' 1"1 1'1' r't,~: i -; :rL I 'Jll ! 11'1 J:; 1 1,J I1I1 r I l' -,'- 1,1, , ,', ., 1" \.____ , "il/"l:;r/,;' ;:' \/' ~.'V- -...... ' j 'j 1 I I / ,.. I ',~-,',' y-'- '; -1 I' / I r" I" - ""I / I"T 1'1'" ,r, I " ,-., \.-'-' I ' '. ", '\ 'U;I[I//,: 'I' /~l I '-~'=~=:"T\:.\' I/Ii[-~::_l..-\,\" ','/~AI::_~,~_-]I,;2.' ~'-J,!,~r,"1'1 ._,,~I~~><'ED .J :J Li ,'j:, · jin \~/, rf:.~~~\r: / L:/.=:C' 'J--",/-, I 5LD~ : L~-l' I /' fq5MJ;.T \,-~\ I I.. I !, \ i"';'- ') .I, ------". /..~ ( \ L____O) -. ~-NEU! INSUL VIN)'L \ ; / '" \, - / \ U:iNDO'J!. TYP >- \ /:.:- \ \\ / I x_==_ ="__..___ j '\ '\, I ~~~tu~~t5'~JL\~~i~6 7Q ') . \ '- 1 i'-~ATCH EXi5i"iNG i '......... \ \ f / ....... \ \, ~.." ' "---.'\1 "l"'1:::'r;::.o..J....1'r:::; =r.:>"r-r-:-~ ~.~"If':'7' ',,, '~._ 5EEtPLANFO'R"L02"' '~"-~ 11\ .. "'/".,--,./, ' '----MATC~ ',UINDOU! DOOR AND ' ..... CO~ER TRIM TO EXI&TINC: , /~~\ PARTIAL ~ORTKEt.-EVAT-tON/,,----/j ,1/1/4""'1'-0" . ,"," , '. J' fj<C'" ' '... ! ...e"~~,:~,, (,.,.....; ,...> 1~" l '.' .' . ", (~,:; -~ 11} '; ).', , 'IJ.~ #.,' :... r.;.,; ,),~ I//!... . ." / J , J ~ , 'J /' ..' ....-". {:. . -. / ,. ". .. -" . v" " ,'> I (~ u. , I," ; N;t-j I ... ,.1 '. t" ' -..';;',:.....-. r....--- ...... ......."".... REFERENCE: '" -.":'''' A3 e .. HilO,i\.A.S SHAW AlR(tH~lrIEClr 281 0 S~ f West Point Ave Portlanc, Oregon 97225 1 E: l ! 03 . 286 . 3414 ...'.-' ..?~ '. . . . ~.~~. ,- m. 2i\'REVISED:- 8/18/05 -. WINDOW &IZE& 5~EAR WAl.L LOC. 'GARSOtJEN FAM. RM, ADDITION 40F4 SPRINGFIELD, OR COpy TO KESTREL CONST . r : "'1, i 1."=LEA~~_:~VI~~_~=~:D ,:ANEL~~TE:~~ T~ FD__~~W~G' BRAC.ED PANELS, (~,~\ Alternate brace I='ar;el cone.t.r'..Icted :,ui nom. '..../ Y'l" A~A rated 6heat.hll'1g min. 21MB" rt w'oe .::it". one face wi Bd nai!~ dt 3" o.c. edgee I 12' o,c. field. Each pansl 10 nave " Slmp.on '&Ti-ID6' hold","", al each end wllh 4xb 'lud. i!.I1ere <lx6 .lud abul. a 2xl!> lrlmmer ,;tud, face nail trimmer to <I>./f:o '~Ith IlZ>d nail. dt 24' o.c, -- Al the rOUl'1dallon, centered en ;gac..., panel, pro.....fcls 6--4 vert bars at. ~4' O.c.. ___ At lhe foundallon provide 1!2'~xI0' A.B. located at QUARTER pOint. of each panel. I:Z! IOlal. , -.--.---...---- .-- -.. THOMAS SIHlA IN AIRC[H~lrLEClr 2810 SW West Point Ave Portland, Oregon 97225 TEL 503.286.3414 GARBO DEN FAM. RM, ADDITION SPRINGFIELD, OR ta-o::I + ++0E.'10000B0I2:1BI2!0 '- I I , , I I .J REFERENCE: A2 /2, REVISED: 8119105 -,,-, BRACED P,.~JEL Iv; '0' 1 OF 1 W~ C~:7.~ C~-~7.-~nH "\ o I (\I T"" 'L . 11-1 "', ~ 1 ,J ' r ::', I I I - I ' , '~" . 1,_IZ>jB)1 , '\"I,~ r '- ::__:B.~I_ 82~', L -t 1- ',- "- , , " " ~, "'-. "'- ~, '''-, "- "", "'" ""', " '."" -- " , - '- " " , " -', ,/ . 1 8-11 // I~ (,~F - / I""., I ~\ -'_ / I ---........, - /~/ 1"" \ /)--; . ' \ \-../ . / 'I" '''/ / / ';'.:> ./ ...- - 1'-( 83 [) / " // / / / // . 1 / o I CD " / / / / / / /' .' ::0 I ,,(\I ,/ / ./ / / .// ./ ..J // o J I,(') T"" / / // / " // /./" y 2-( OREGON q. ....",.", '\ ~ t;. ~\. rb.PI~!I<<.?!! D!,~: 'p31'05 I ,_ _ C?~?~~J.m~~Jf~~~~~~o~~~_~~~g~I~~~<;i~~(~_~JoJ;i:~~IRt~)Ei) ~'tt[b~'1~~o2gv~~~~i8~~~~J{?~%;~~~~ ~Oen~ple) ===.=~~. Jl~~1l@(Q)5) I'Yl~'i)~!FfN9fN/GRced eJl.;'c~n." on this sheet e~"'i'd ~!l;q ;1 co/tJy of it to (tte [!lreeli.?g contTactor.1 (us t: SI-JAl,o.' ,~...soos~~ 's fo( an lI"(l/V'llltYIllullo1'"11 (J)mlXl"".... ""'''USS5\'S1em n has ~baSl!don~c'""",,,n, lI'O_ byl!le<D<nJlOf'l"'lmanulacl....~' wo: Or i ve_C_!>:1wJ_L00006_JOOOD3 ,:i1'"<l""...."'"qn.,U"""MIhlheQlfl1lnl.e's-o"'''':n'i1''C.'AlP...OeSlllnSUtlClaodS No"'~!.'M~..5nsumc:d1ol6mensoR3lac.curXy o.-nSCII'tS !Osr:r-- IILC" 33 11 i1'C lG ~ '-'::C-:"-':::l'I mealmponel"lll'l\lllUl"oure'i1~.~" "~.l<:""l """ll"'" p'''''lof''t.-~..., :.... t'-'O"'l:<le"'9n'!fllUllasmllaontll2!he 00""5 .' .. . I. U"'-';'~~C~~"'5oe....nmeelo<e.ceedtncoacL"'l''''pC'''''', "~'1"" <x;aIOUlllIllQCOClo!al1C:l"" ~"':"a'~;tJ..l<:.T>O.. Il'Ieoesogn~SI~~r",,;Ct';'"ltlrc rc l. iV(: ti;{;~5!:~,,:;'f:~5r.l(~/ i ~ ore'3C. ::<ar:etl by:t>r ~Oflloo<_r......... t*'::'"",, :c",'.,,~...,... 00; Iate'~ boxed eo, a,-;.~ :.."rd'.i.... .....ll:""'l!orn:Iy~, "n"'S~o,~C.""", ,,>>c:...: $.oOCL....~,>OOOWn"'IoI~..SIIl'll<I~~."".':.,..,..:~',...-D'''.C.....~ID'edllCCbuC~~....,'~:~ ,-~al...;nroe"'~rorlle~"'~'. Ie Dc.;.:: I .'~' -, ,1RU ,.........~--"'..,.~."''''~UtJ:\I!It"emoo:;l\.n'cn.....-".:,..'.,......,~~'''.~:'"''a_QU'II'c.o-.....'r.:os=~r:;o..c..""._r"!>'~.N""~"'~~' E: !.iV€ ':'~,~~,~~:,-._~~,_.,.,~~,',,',",~:,',',~:',: ,',' '"" ,S5 _ .. ~ " ,., _ ~~ :na: :-_'~ :'~5S '-~ XOIrl!iltQ! ...-'t', :.... ',., ~_"'.-. ..,~,-c.":: _,,'r: ~,.~ :;c-:l"'llllelOlr 'l"':l<'~:' ~,,~r,,~.,..~ c:'o~ ,...'" Trusw;o' 501:'00",1' C(; Ie. Sri' i"i;~. La HO:;CI ""s',n<>,' '."le... 1'. Wor;(;' ;....s.Ct',,"~,~!~, -."'(C.; S:,"oC": r,c~~-_IlC";:l<IrS,~I<l..s '... J 'or., ..e'",,,,,,,,..., SM'O'" l'''fa~~',.' G' ~ :.:~~, ,: ..~ :: (; VER: TG t. ;{;:::_:..~:;.;~g';l~~ ~;::,'::~l:;~:~~~:; :~:::' -~,~~~,~: (,:r.~'~;..~~~:: I~~,;~~:~. ,,:;~';~~\.';.~~~;o;:~;:.~: ~~~7:~,,, :..-===-=......~=-~""-- ""'.==-- =-=-. -=~-. -",=-~~.", ~0@'bJ.WJll1m@:.OOiAW l3:{~ :l- x2~~ ~E~g ~~~6" R~~~g. : gq~ ~EbuIg[~~;HS ~~~W!1 5 .i~~~ bn~d)~l Y 0:: :"1' tr:':H ~attrial at t<lch bl!ar;!1g ;".6,X o[rLECTIO'" (span) : ~/"'l'l r.. ME~ 4_~ (LIVE) .' -8 ::,'" :h -0.01" ,. -0.01"' :'~:';so.'_ ..;..~[q r(JlU~, 1( n,.~ I(),;~'jl IEN~'I""'j '" ~ -} .618 1. lS f ~o 1. 60 O. 11 2-3 -6181.15 f W 1.60 0.17 " ""'I"'"jf TENS'I"'"'j '" ~-5 .j 1.60 f ~12 l.15 0.17 ~-6 -3 1.60 f 412 l.15 0.17 2~ CD"l'.(Wl.)~ TE'iM~gQJ O~} :rm'$~! OJ)): ~!FiWoA~ TC h. DtL I; BC h-~ on Ii. WEB h4 Dq S;/I.,...,-,I(O Refer to Joint QC Otuil S;'tl't for ~Kift\U/lI Rout;or.a1 To1e'ar.[1' '.I~l'C Ill:Cf[BC truss pl.atl' lIa~ul'~ arl' tlaseC: 0;' tl'S!'''; i1~d '1p:l"(llIil1 H -~CI;;"I'C: :::y BC 1103 .1":: "OI<;Irr~r a~.c .l.rr :l'~n:ll'~ :,. ol.\Ii1i1~:';e :io~:J::":-:'".t~ ~.~~~ ,,~ -::~a:; ti/:CI Designed per No"SIfTPI 1-1001 Th i s des ign does not accour.t fo~ 10.; tt~.,. ti",e depeflde!1t luding (crpI'O) .'1- 'le' ~lj TH~~S~~!:~& ft\~st T~E((~~~Il ~ t~~SGl T no MULTIPLE LOAD CASE~. Dl'r"",.nl'"t bra( '1'19 is ~Pqu; ~er. (:111 r.: ~,I" s) :n prl'ver.1 rc:atin"/tco~1i~; ~r~~CS1,:H a'll! ANSI/Pi L PLATING BA!>Eil ON G.H:EN LIJMBE;l, vALur:i. 4-0-0 4-0.Q 4-0-0 ..0.0 4..n.n Ul-ll 12 127# ! ---:roo] " 3' r;:oo- T 2...: -5 or _ _ 0'.1:5 H ,/ v"'"l V-/M 1.5-4 ~ R-O:O 5 .1 I " 4-0.0 4-0-0 4-0-0 8-0-0 .<~,~ .6~k}1:b . ~ihf; -~ , " UPtIFT REACTION(S) Support C&C Wind Non-Wind 1 -661b 2 -4]lb Thls truSS;s dUlq!1@dusingtl'1e ASCE7-02 Wi!1d Sp@c,fication 81dg E"cl:)sed . Yf's. Importa,,(e ~ol.r" n.. T ~U55 1.0C<lt iO!1 .. lOot Etld lo"l' Hu,. ~i (a~I(~/Otf'a!1 l i f'll! .. 1\1:) , Ex, (;. :.!;c .. ~~~~ ~~~Yl~ei h~C~OO ~~j58~~~ ~~~tns~ ~~,~D f: TPI Standard 3ctupancy. Oeild load.. 10.2 psf Design@d ilS Milin Wind Forte Ruining System and COIlIponents oInd Cladding Tribuury Areil . 20 sqft uuunnlCWl CASE II OESIGN lOADS uunununn Dir LPH Lloc R.Plf Te Vert 100.00 - 1. O. 0 100.00 TC Vert 80.00 O. O. 0 80.00 Be Vert ]0.00 0- 0- 0 ]0.00 ...Type...' lbs X,loc:: LLITL TC Vert 60.0 1- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 79.2 4- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 47.5 4- 0- 0 0.00 R.toc 0- 0- 0 8- 0- 0 8- 0- 0 lL/Tl 0.17 0.62 0.00 ~:-1 SHIP I.S.OO 15.CO :: ao p,f lourF2C" L"l Rc:: ~~,. [~;1C .. ~~._ r__,. ,Re_ .,." \.."' ,,,, WT: 15 J p..j .13 p!>f t'l!;f 4 0:; e- 'II:", -.,-- i~3i;~;'~":'~ ~ I~%'~~L" I~ ,,:~ <LJ.::J' '~,_ :k".. ::sr i J ;) .< ;'J2i lD.JO "'-- ]~}~.:~=- DO :;sf ~\, /' _/ . -~- IJJolb ~ij)ms:~~~W iSRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'C I 1 0- 2-12 ~60 S. SO" 1. SOw lSRt RE&JI~EMtr.rrS :~0Wl1 S .i~~- t1as~dSP;l y j'on the truss material at l!olch be.aring MAX DEFLECTION (span) : -~~g96.~~"'E;_ 4C~OCSLI~~) -:J.Oj~ (ll.11lo.l "E",,~q =<l'ln~, TC CCJolP_!"""jl TEI<)'!"""j '" 1-2 -46) I.U I Mll.60 0.L4 1-1 -4651.15/ '101.60 0.14 Be o::M"!"""jl TENS'l"""j '" ..$ -J 1.60/ l4C1 1.15 D.ll $-6 -J 1.601 HO 1.15 D.ll 2':1 CCM'.(OUI.)~ f['i'f~90~ o~l 'j"m~!l ~I!): ~IHIW-M; ,,",,",,. ~..h;'\7~ ~ -1 TO " W::3 ll.l!fl!~ !: '-'1,'1> ''l'~ I~(;;:S{, ~ a~tl~~ a ",~.:: .h~',' ;C~(;::;t -t5 (lit DR 11 1>:4 DFL II ]X" OFt STANDARD ;.-: QC Detail Sheet fer =l.c:at io~.a 1 To 1er.lncl! usee ~ss .ohe" values .are b.ul!d on -! a::::".,..a' as ~I"quirl!d by 13C 1703 -'! <J,r.; 'in' :f"oorted in oI...,)ilable 5~:; ,;~ i~!I0 11607. Dnlgnl'd pe~ A....t,I/j~i 1.}Om This dUl:j/'l con ,",::: iHl:CU:'lt for long tlHIIl tllllt' CI!Dt'I1l::f'r.t hd~~r.9 (ueep). BUilding Tfl~~s~~S!o.mj~t j~~~~~~~ITE t~alrl T OF IIlUl TIPtE lOAD Ct.~~... PLATHIG ~ASfiJ 0" Ui.f'" tu";m~ VAtU~'>. UPLIFT REACTIONe,>) Support C&C ....ino NOI:"w I1C 1 -6610 2 ~3. l~ This truss is oesir;;rleC :is;'';; :r,e ASCE7~02 Wind Spec'f~colt;o,~ Bldq El'Iclostd . vf'~. 1...::::.tz~rf' f-l~~C' ~ 1.00 Try!;!> tocal ic~ - ...;::: ::";:: l::"r fhVr~::ar.t'/(kt'ar. l.1"c .- ~:: . ~.:: (...:IlI,;O', ~ a ~~:~ ~::~l~ei h~r:~()c rhil;~~ ~~~:!1." ~~.oo ft TPI Standard a;cupancy, Dead Loaa _ 10.2 pst D4!signed as Hail'l willd Force Resisting System and ComponenU and Cladding Tributary Area. 16 sqft 4-<>-<> 4-<l-0 4-0-0 6-<>-0 " ot-O_O 12 4.n.<> 3' mo- -=7:OOl ~ 5-6 3-;.1 SHIP 2,; .5 3-4 4-<>-0 4-<>-0 4-<>-<> 6-<>-<> 6~ ~ ~ _ C-~:...:5 ~4 A,O~..o S ,n,"", walSvslems Plalesare 20 03, unless shown Ov '18"('13 q<ll. 'H"(,166_0<I I. or "MX"{TW"MX 7, 0 Qa,l, PO, Sltioned,Der JQint D,"~, ils Repor1 Circled pl3lCS ana talse frame prales are DOSIlIoneO' as shO'<'<rfaljOve. Shin ~b1e stud ~leslO a'o'{)odovel1ap wilhstructural pales ~s~el 'll~ifAfR;lNil!lAlj~Re~d all nOlea '~~;~;:;a ".",;;" ~-;;d;i;';'-a c""y of i; to the E"",;/nr; Co"t;;cto;.I[cu~~, . SHAW --- lhosdeSOlln 1S!o' 2n....,"""u~bu..chnll comp:lI'Ienl nolltulS IV*,," ~ has bee" _onsPll~ootlS _llled !r,t"" lXImpo~rol "",nul3du.." WO: Dr i ve_L:;hw3_L00006_J00003 i_oone"~2nu!,""hItll!QIm!1"IlIt'l$O>RlIoI'WI_"'-P"""llIn,,,_~s Ncl~IS_!or<llml:ns.oonal;w;c.-ac:y_Ootno!nsons IDS n'" Nl'" 33 ,~re 10 be ve'~"'" :!y If'o:: ",,",ponent manulacllR'l and/o' butkl"", <le"'U'Ol' [It~ 10 f2ll<lCaIlOn The IludllIng ,,",s'Il'"'' ~ iI'SCl!"""11yt Ihllloacls 9 .. ~. .. I:Ullbtedonl~'sCns""~"'~:o'c.~Clllhcloatlmgomposet!tly:'Vl"c.:I'~u'ICI,,,,:xxlCancllhll~1CU""appl'tJlon, r""o".lQna$5urncslflallhlltopdllll'll I TC live 25.00 psf I Dt.;rF.lr.s 1.=1.15 P..l.15 f:;;')CI_'n''''/v . I I "n~ ,,;r~'>..}t'..-";;.1"'" ~ Uisble'a!lo,-~aU'C;-..-'"r"I:l'c."t:!::lS1>eallWlQ_It1l!llC:!D"'CM--: ";n';a.~boa<:ll'\l)'f'a'igol$htathlf"9,","e"a':""ot:;iIl'-'Cl'CC. .....lessott1erwl5r. Te'" d l~_OC >lsf R(!:J ."'I=r B~d ..-:=' _ ~noIr.O R'w.........,~-,~~~".r.e.a.'WPllO'1olromp:lnenls""'.........'son~II,.l':l,.ot!'!bud:lInglel'lgl!l T""~...,.,...J.rOltlC!QI3cr<l...."...,. : \.ea IRe;, ~~::: Ccrrp :;:'i,~~:;}~~~:;;~-, r NUS::' t,e""'rcn~"""a:~"r.....,"'I~C "'<l''''''<1!''''ntI!nloll!'>e-...oocl~e'<l~: ,!!"', .v.ItI'C>lUStCOnneClOrOf~l!CO"O~"'~ <"!~:~Tr ~~....,oe,'~l~~ I Be L iVl! e.ee p~f .. ,., ...... _." 444~- rJ~r','"o.'",:. /1,' ij~l'dll<are!~"!'J" -~u"':::rU!..t~t....iollow"'ll~~';S :"''"''''''{:~:''9Oel;~Reoorts'''''''oIaD"l', ~s"'"~.~'''o-''"'''''''so~'''c. : G" ~ . r'~(." "... IC,I.; - .~ - ~, .. . . C:il~ .I. u' ,r I ,:: :-, ',':h,r i ,-;',' .. (J , [Dio Sprlfl;7~. CC <10901 ,i"ANSII!Pt. -:ru ~V""""_ss(;.(y~"-""clA""''''''':;'~"IlJ':..".""..'''spo~s,.RU''-DI'''G(;(l''''C'.l'. :V>"~' ','C'I,,^N,'" II L J "" w L :... . .~- -- ."} ~_ T~:~LUS 1i :: VEfJ.. T6.4 ,1~;":~~.~~1I"~, ~'~~:~_:~;,~.~~fa::.p~;'~:soa;;~:';f:::;::~':":):~~~':':~~,~~~~l5~==~~~~:~::~.~;~__~;.~~ ;;~~:-jf> ~___~=_..-Jl~~r~.!. so CD :;.~, J;~-~~!.,~~~~: _:'~~~~~",V?fc! I EXPIRAtiON UAJt:.: 1lfJ11U=t I _ ___~i1@i2iQ1lOJ~. I I - - =-"'~ ~~~~ W'T, , JB# ~ l.. l~ 1. :C 1 .::; :~. iJ<o~ lNI;nms: ~IHI.~W BRG X.UK REACT SIZE qEQ':J 1 0- 2.12 992 5.~O. LSD" 2 11. ]-12 5535 5.50" 5. SJ" ] 27-9-. 23975.50" 2.56" BRG REQUIREMEPfTS shown are bued O~l v on the truu material.lt uch bearbQ MAX DEFLECTION (~pan) t~9!6 J~..ME~..1:ii~56.~L [f:) _Q 1'" CllITlU,L ~EI'\BE~ fOIl(~~: 1~5 ~1~~S~~ HN~.1~sj o~~~ 2-J .Kl1h.lS~1 149 LIS 0.27 J-4 I 10161.15 c.n 4-5 -UTI!l.l'!1 0.61 $-6 -U191.1S I 0.58 5-7 .211) 1.15/ 0.39 '-I -U17 1.15 I C.H rr 71<( DFL II )x6 OFL #2 ]-6 Be 1)(6 DFl '2 h6 O;:L II 12-11 wES 1.4 orL STANDASl:Q h4 DFL CONSTR 4-14 t\J:"'ltlp, ~t.r ~ 1i::wi!.bles are per NOS. i.;~n,:~ t. ,~ ;l;.;tP "~'i~e5 are basec C~ <''15:' ';; ~- a::p:;:vii I ,,~ :ea:Ji :ec by laC ~'a3 a~c A")I/T j and dre reported In ava i 1ao ie dou;mer.ts such as l(BO 11607. Permilrlent oradnl; is required (bV others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BC511-0] and ANSI/TPI 1. " -rr ""fl '" ,.w -101.15/ 8611.lS 0.21 10-11 -161.151 8521.15 O.ll u-u -21)1.151 )911.U o,u u-u -21)1.151 3931.B 0.36 1)-14 -9961.151 O.H 14-15 I 1031~1. u~ 0.37 15-15 )0101.U 0.63 Ill-II I 30n 1.U o.!n .. ClM'.(lU.) TE~o~~;i O~~ '.w Z-ll -593(1.15) 0.14 )-11 41(l(1.lS) O.ZI ',U :mm:m 0.63 ,.u 0." 4_14 H4S(1.B) 0," 5-14 :mm:m o.n 6-14 0.41 6-15 U61(1.B) 0.56 1-15 -UJJ(1.15) 0.30 "'. 1049(1.15)0.46 ..~--'"---'---<--==><=: Ym!;1!;1 filDl: ~IHIW-I6~ C9}((\f: ~ Building Desiqr:l!!r ~~.all ::~:lV1Ce <!.~E'a:':.Hl! bead ng area ard al',c~o~a~E' ..,.,.,." .BEARING A.~EA ~rC:';I~~D,. 10 Bni! Sizl! "li;1 Si"l! -0-' "l:l Area 2 0- ~- ! 0- ~. !I ! 3sqin UPLIFT REACTION(S) SupDort C&( lO;no ~oc_.'...;~:: 1. -791: 7 .le: I:.: ] -!71o This truss is dl!signeCl using t.'11! A.SCE7-02 Wind SpeclfiC,1l1Cln Sldg Enclosed. Yes, Imporunce Factor _ 1.00 Truss location. Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line. No , E..p CategOr~ _ B =~~~ ~~~7t~ei h~0~0016~hB}~~ :~~th.- 8~'OO ft TPI Sundard 8ccupancy. Dead load. 10.2 psf Oesilned as Main Wind Foru Resisting System and omponents and Cladding Tributary Area . 171 sqft n....unlOAD CASE 11 DESIGN lOADS n_nnuuun_ Oil' l.Plf L.loc R.Plf TC Vert 100.00 - 1- 0- 0 100.00 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 TC Vert 2aO.00 a- 0- 0 280.00 TC Vert ao.oo 20- 0- 0 80.00 BC Vert 70.00 0- 0- 0 70.00 BC Vert 220.00 20- 0- 0 220.00 BC Vert 20.00 25-10- 8 20.00 ..hype... lbs X.loe LLfTL TC Vert 60.0 - 1- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 654.0 a- 0- 0 0.50 tJ....ivert 503.0 25-10- 8 0.50 ..... .3-.7_A 3-3-.17 4--4.7 4-4_2 3-'" ..... ..... .~ 11-3--12 15.7.14 2O-<l-<l 23.7-8 28-<l-<l R.n.n 13 17..n...o I. R.p.n 2 . 5 , mx;- .54# ! ",001 ... ,.. 2" ,.. 5- -5 \'-/' ~ , / III - '----' - . HI 0.A.5 ......~ i 2,4 2.5.4 l~ 9 1. I 11 12 3..3_17 11.3-12 ..... ..... ~7.a ..0-0 3.5 503#! 1. ,,1 4-4_8 I 28-0-0 Oesiqnee ;ll;'r ^~,Sl/l;>, 1.2002 Thi s des i qn llcP.~ ~n: a~cOllnt fo r 10"9 te'Ill time o'eoe:l:Je.-"iOolClr.g (creep). BUllding Designl'r "'1J~t i{(otJnt :-0' this. lI:eferto joi"::){ i'lf>tal1 Sneer for ~a>:lmUm Ro:al ;~'i 1 To le-an,e used THIS D(5IGN I~ ~~~ l()fol"OSiT~ QESUlT OF ~\JLnPI! t\:r.lj (^~~'. 1.:.;\!P: !::: Hi ;J~; ~G~ (::~r:.':e.: ~(LL. MarK .111 ir.tl'rio~ oeui"g IOlations. Install i"terlor s~pport (s) before erection. ~[:}~~e 6:S~~ g:: ~~~~~d~~"'~~R a~~~~E~~nding. " I 5.6 $:6-6 I 11-3--12 ,_:" 3-'1 R.loc 0- 0- 0 8-0-0 20- 0- 0 28- 0- 0 20- 0- 0 25-10- 8 28-0-0 lLfTL 0.17 0.62 0.54 0.62 0.36 0.45 0.00 ?R..o..n 13 14 15 1 3-7-8 23-7.8 5--1 SHIP I EllP1~!IOf.' ~!,!E.:. '~'1051 TruswalSVSlems Plates are 20 aa unless showo by"8-{18 lla t 'Wf16oaJ.Qr -MX-fTWMX20Qa). P05Itloned Plf Joinl DlllaitS Report_ ~ndi1 fFrlDtFJl/R'llflltJ: Clrcle<lpl,nes_andlalsefr3_mepflllesareoosltl()fle(J3S ShOWlfalxwe, SM'la !)Ie stud b1ates toavOld~rtaowilh sruc_I_W31 P!<I.~cslOf Sla~). ... _. _. _ ~DIIJ.: '!Y~' 6~~~J.~ I Wlii.iFffN7UfNJ~R;ad all note, o~-IMs ';heet a~d ~i~; a copy of it to tt.; "mcting Contractor, I (~;,,~ .. -- - ' Tnosd60gnoslor,nncllllclualbuitlif1gQ:>rTlPlln,mlnoltnJsss\'SIO!m nl'laSbee"_onspedlUlonsplO\olded~""'Ctlrnpone"",,"""(tut~( I wc: Dr->vc_Lshw3_l00006_J00003 ~, 4-4-2 20-0-0 4-1.7 15-7-14 __onacctlfd''''''''...hl....QIrI1!...ef"llOrnlolTPI'ndAFPA'''''s'lil''sra''''anls No res(IlInSlbollly..assumed 101 Q.....nsIOfIalaa:IIfaq, O',",,!'ISCftS _10 ~ ...enfe<! tIl' lheoompa.nerlllTl.1nvlacture, anclOf t:uII1'"1l ~nefr:><""lOriltlne;lllJ" '"" bt/IId"'lldeSlg"""II>oISI'sco.ou",lnatI.... .,'CS UllhzfllO<lllltSQcs'lln'""'l'lore.(;I!edl....load.......impOSl!db',,,,,locall:tPl<l"'llr.odo!and!hl!parrowla,..DPIocal..n n...oe5IQna550,,"",51n.o~1rw,1lI0dlOl'll "'~Sl 'e' .-'" V" I"""~.J' 'V' li'- ~'s~,.\, if 1$!<IIe'i~ br~rec l>y I.... roc' 0' '100, Sl'ealn"'ll Ol1'(j!!'lf: tIOtlcm d"cI'~... l;y.p",.... braCl'il tly" "010 Vc.J\!>l"ll matl'MaIO"c(ljy .ma'""<l. """'5511~""""'''' f'W1t1ld, Brac'"", 5"""" <S 1:1' la!c'a' SUPpOrt 0< tl>/T1pO...,ms m'.."belS 0"'110 ~UCIllluc~~"IlIe"Oln ThiS comp."'r.nl shai "'" bI' OI,C1!~ ,". dC, ~:~:~~.~~! T"I< U.<.;~:;; i eny<ft)n~"l .~~: ..... c.1"....,cr. ,--.c-. "'~'" ,.cn:t:C": c:.,,,,, wooc m e.c!.'l!<l '9'1\, ...-.::10< cause conroe~-:o' pI;I!1! COtfOsoon. ~~~...,_. ranclr. ,-"~,, 4"'; < >, r ~h- .1r I,; Dr II..nd bl'~ '~'5 "4~" 'e "'ale':,-:-", .~~.~,.... 'oi'(,'","IO Sl.~<:.rCs 'jO,rt an:: G"n,,'Il ~"" R"",'tlS ~y","'~'" a~",rtc"~"''''' :'..-a'sc......'.~ ('01= )grln~s. [0 ;':)'101 II...~S~,'" 1 ".'re'. \'. .....no:: -'1'"' ;:c"~~,' D'II,.,,,.,,," :>:a'ICa'll Dc."," I~UlXl"S'O".I..s_ !llJ'd:'....{; ;;O..."c:....'[.., SM['Y '..., d'I"~I<:.. HWSPUJS 6. G VER: Tf:. I. _ 11~,~~~'~:l~;',~~[I~~;(: ~~::.~,:~::_,~:~~~::';::.~~~~d!:~~~~'l:r"~"r;~s-~:e: ':~~~,~ ~~~;~~,;..~~~~~~:~~~\:)~'~:.~'~.,;;: ~~'~~;~,~ ._.-'-..--...:..-=-=~,....:'...._.=-~==-~==r= '. ..'--'-~-=:::-=- -=.'--.--0- .._'" ------::o""'-~......."_. ..,~,=,=-...."""""", I Ds~r.:; i'C l:v~ :( r.ca~ [Ie I i"t! i;::;:c,:::: 1CTfI,L .~~ , ;15.00 p,' IS,OO Dsf 0.00 ::!~ f lD_C~ :;~,' II (., 36 1 r.::"F;~cs L= LIS 1'4(:;; ,".(:;- ;,:-::: :1(';: ,.... C;).'T;:) i';ll;J v.";,:r rC:l:' '. .. S t.'i",~' . '1:: ,:1"; ~::11: ~ i 23;.#! P=1.15 1.00 1.00 :l.ce wr, t- 8- G :'0.00 ::5:..,.._,?: . Ir..C-2C83 :./149 T(:.-:_~,~~~.J, -"""'"-~="'=,=~ "'''"-- --'~---=---=-~'~-.' ;.;:~!J.: ./' jJ@!bJ lM~me;~~Jj\\>j\:r---- .B~C X-toe REACT SIZE. REQ'D rf i } It ~:g 1~~~ L~g: t:~g: ;~3 . 3 17- 9- 4 877 5.50" 1. 50. 1(efr~ I ilRG REQUIREMENTS s~.own art based ON!. v ......x 1 Ion thE! truss m.tterial at tach be,uinQ r~I) Cf ~ OEFLECTIOH (s;l.!r) : "'~l pr> It/S~.~.~j}'E~r ~C~,)LIY:~ -:1.4~' .=.I~"" (RlIlCAlI'IEMQr_ f.()lIU~: " """!""'j' "",;,,",) m 1-2 -612 1. 1S I 4)~1.60) 0.)1 2-] -16S 1.15 I O. ~s J-4 -ua LIS I 0.81 ~:~ -~n U~ ~ mUg~ g:~~ !'iI'IlJJ@~ n[j): ~lHIWola2 T.t D~l 11 214 Oft II 2.4 OFl STNrlDARO 1e:;;t OC Detail Sheet for .~ ~otat ional Tolerance lIseD ;C;'" !S THE (()oIPOSITE RESULT Of ( I C'iA,iJ .."~F.S. . c-.::::. r:~f ~:::(e~t...r~e''': ~~n l ,_~ "r ~."... 1".. la,at ,~,.) 1_'! I'~ ill r ~l>P;lort (\) before erec.1 i or.. ~AS[O eN GAUH LIJM8ER VALUES. ill Web bracj~t; :r::: ~~= a: U(~ 1:lc.atiol\ s!lown. ~ See sta::car:::: ce ~lh (1)(01087001-001 revl). Oesi91'l~C: :::~~ A.'~ Ii?, ~-2002 Tt:h ::Iesi;~ :cn ::c: .!(:tot:r.t for long term tl"'e lJe;le~~('.".: l~~~;:lq (creeo). BU11dinQ rl(~~~ll'l~~;;~~~;, :~~:J~~ ~ :J~~~ a~~; ~~sed on :('Hi::~ ,_~~ ,,~:-c..t~ <.~ 'n;:;'."ec :.\t Be 1703 .l.Il;i ,a,,"'SIr:o: '.'.~ r,'. -i:~:;C:('-: ;;; 01.:'<1.;1.1:;1(' documel't\ st:~r. H I:':~C lliNl. Oroi ;I'loi!lt' m<.:st ::Ie Il~c"~ded to oi"Old pond;nQ. rr.~ t.! ~ PL^"N(, "' ~66~r-tiOJ: ""rim ,'. ~17 I.IS 0.60 .'. ! 7011.15 0.62 9-10 7011.15 O.H 10-11 -19(1.60)/ 9Sl 1.U 0.44 .. ""'rr ""rICSI ,.. -4561.111 11S1.60 0.25 ... -484 1.11 I 13S1.6O 0.19 .,. -'14 1.1~ I gll.60 O.lg H' I )7]1.250.B H' -)41(1.15)1 1191.60 0.13 '1 5--2-13 5--2-13 1n..n..9 2 ITOO '4 4-9-3 10-0-0 6-0-0 18-0-0 4.9.3 22-9-3 "./1./1 tn:f'_n 5 -:r:DOl '3 6.--.5 , 0.4.5 3.t. ~f.\ -- :J' S=3.!.K 2,5-4 11-3-12 ?R-O..n 8 9 10 '1-3.1' 6-8.4 i 11.3--12 18-0.<> ~~ -, . iQJ'll1: ~ UPLIrf REACTION(!.} !.upport C&C "'il'ld "':J~-"'~r.c 1 .20 1~ 2 .111 'b ] -H ib Hip-Oroo . 0-1-13 r"is trllH i( c:es~q~p:: '~~;.-:: :~r ASGJ-C} .~;~C Sce,:'f',~:,;.~. J1c; t.-:~l:;.I.['c . ':'rs, >~:r:i.l".:e ~';':~cr . 1.ee TrllSS loc.!t 1 01'1 . N:I: :.~c lo:'lp Ilurricane/Ocean Lil'1e _Oje i ~.p CatP.90r~ . B =~:~ ;:~?t~p.i h~O~Ool~~ioaf~? =~~th__ 8~'OO ft TPI !.Undard &cC\lpancy, Dead lo~d.. 10.2 pst Designed as I1ain wind Forte Resisting System oind COllloonents and ChddinQ Tr;buury Area . ~6 sqft 5.2-13 28-O'() .' 2.5-6 '" I i"~ 0.4-5 10.0..0 28-0-0 "I 1 6-H-1 SHIP _ _twa~_k~.re'IT~li~k~~~o&'tJ~~:ng~I~~ai~~(~~~I~J~~~~-bTrt~1029~dl~tig"W1e:h~~~~P~~~L_ _ 1W.7i[!f?{!li!iff~Re~d-;;j,-~'~-r;; ~.;. ~[7hl-sheet antJ1 f(lye :;p-~;;;-~f it to the l:~ting Cotlt!f'2ctorr_li Cus-~~-SHAW - --- ~~_ 'nl<Soe'<.9"osfof~"""'NIllual~"'lI~nolIrUSSSySlelTl ~__n_onlpeClf.o:3llQnlptOYXleObylheC:CfT(lQllef'llmanul~M" :WO: Drive C shw3 L00006 J00003 """l2~, '~nd_...acco<tI~na!_IIlII!~""f'IXIIIlIolrP1~"",,~p"an'll"l<land3tlls.No~lSnsumeclfoIatn'l!l'IS_KCuracy.o.menslOftS 11" - - - -. ,,~. ~/-~~:~::, ~~"lObo!""">f'llb~I""~"""'~ac:ture'll'G/otbul"'"'lla~""'ptoo'lOr..tltlcaloon TIIo!~"'IIIles'I!"",'rnusI~<cert~,,,_,t"e~s i Dsgnr. ~.~__ ",. ",,11 .r,)F'/'i.iil':,I: '~:'IV\,,(' UlililecO~:~'~""S'll~rret!lD'''.CP.ed'''''loa::I'''OIITI(I01r<l~I'''''''C''U~'''lItOOf!~nd'''''P<lthCul'''IPl)IIuron lr.e3e-Slgn;r.;s.utfX!s_,l'x!lolldlo<ll Ii TC l.ive ?~.oo osf fGI;rl:'<lC5 L-i.l~ p,,;. l'l '~Il;. ~'H~/" ~J~"\. ,os~'~""~I~(l'<ln,:nr.'llOrallloo'Sl'e3lhlt>g""I""'txlnOm'~"'I~'~"'llr<lCellbYlf'llolSr.eall'>"'IlfMlf',.ad"":::!y~."""'nClI'x!""_ :~ ( Dead l~.OC :;~f 1~(~:; r-'.o:- Bnd 1.1; ~nolf!l:! n"='"~.~"Ow~SIc'I~h1'.'l-upp:>rtgf"""'llCne"'~f">l'..,nrr~O~'VIO'l!(iUCf!t1"dlll'1Q"'ngth T~I5""",:>o....""~'JI"D101!oI~(~'~~~y I! T i!{(":; ~~:- Cn.-:1:l 1.1;: ~~=:~::!::.~~~?~' TRUSS lil"r'>VItll~""'"T\~.''''''''''I$r.II"f!'''''),!;hJfl!rxJr''e'''~'l'''''':xlClCll.:;r'e='~.n:lIofCluse''''n~CIOfpl~'e"""~slC' <n"=atc.n"fXll(!",!.,' ,. [lC Liv~ G.DO :-';' ':,(:.:.' ,..:... l.::"G 444~' f.J r " " 1~...,ty.ct"''''l'.~.,".,;r;ntC~~tl!..~nNbllo,'''~'''''t':~.~. ';lI'-'.-,e,-,,"'"lgDell<'ReDCrt$'a>I"'<ll:l'r..~~""'~I11':~""~""".'50""".'e I".w. II..IS ro 1(; .~'Z:.; :;::':~.. .'C'/{jW901 I.'....:;v;'". ~', t.,. Wll<~ T,~".(:o""",lc!"'"",-"" :-""-':.'( Dcs..;' r~"'w,,_txl<l..s_ 'IlUllO'''G CO"''',l".r '.' ~'Ft'~ 'N' :lll......;':).. ,1r l;eal: ,....~ :,..: . ;;. C S:Ii.l~ 1 i'!j i'. v - ,; T~US ?~~!~:,'__~;~ ~:; _ ~ER -; ~~~ .~_~~::r':,:"; !'.:~ 9 ~'~.~ ~~:::~':::'i~;_~~"~;:;;~':~;::~:~~~:':~~~:~: ~ ;~~~~~"~,:~.~~t:,:~:~,~~:~~~}~:~~ _~--==-_-:.~ :-~,""-==7"-=!l!~T ~-"= ~~. ~~ :::~: .~,~.;~~~ ;:~:l~~~~~~:.:; I.~~" ~/.2~ \ " 'I 1f.5# ~ ./ IJItlI!b> ~0l1~;';;~: ~~t~\;?ff SR9 o.xi:n ~~~~ r~6~ R~~;1w 2 IE- 8- I. BB}9 L50" 4.1l~ BRC REQUIR~"'E~TS \~C"":'l are Clued ONLY on the ~";;H :o'dtl'nai oil: uch buring MAX DEFlECiIO'" (~~o1:,;) : l/999 I'" ~E'" :;. ,J (LivE) L~ -c .:;" ;:.. ::; ::;~-. ;.C l~" ..~l'.l.o'" """.n ,.""." " rt' (~~ I")... :/ ;t~~ ,;.,~ l l>l l.~ -9401 1.1;)1 0.45 2-] -9142 1.1\1' O.4~ ].4 -Sl951.lll 0.21 4-S ~n91.UI 0.21 S.li -11911." I O.ll " C!M'.(OOR.)I ""fl'" ,'. , son La 0.61 .,' I a0611.U 0.61 "w I 11141.15 0.99 w-" -55(1.60)/ 111 L15 0.6) ... ""'rOll H~.{OUR.) CSI ,'. -2U l.IS I 0.01 ,,' -641-151 s~mu~~ g:~ ... I '.w -4942(1.15)/ 0," .'" ! ~~~H:m g:l~ ,," ,'U :~un~:m~ 0.19 ..u 0.21 " a~1:-~-~---1 Ii"n.o!>>!O DIDi: ~Dl!ifW"~3 IC 2." OFl II Be 2x! OFl II Wf:B h4 OFl STANDARD 2.-' OFl CONSTR 9-3 h4 OFl '1 10.:, lu!llber shear al10wabln .re per NOS. l'KIIBC trl,lH plate \/alup.\ arf' bo!Sl'cl ;')~ ~~r~~~Iini '!~~;o:;~ ~~;!~;~~~r~; ~:_;;! :~_~ documents such as :cao '1&07. Drainagl'! mU.5t be provided to avoid pono;nc;. Pl'!rrlld.nent brating is requ; red (by other..~ to prl!vent rotation/topplin9. ~ee B(51 ".03 and AIrlSI/TPI l. PlATING BASED ON GIlEEN LUMBER VALUl~. End vl'!rtiu.ls dl'!si"nl'!d for ...ill110ads only. Exten.5ions above or below the truss profi Ie (if any) require .ddition.1 considernion (by others) for horiz. 10.d.5 on the bldg. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2002 This design dou not account for 10n9 tl!rr:l time dependent 10adin9 (creep). BUilding Designer must auount for thh. Il.ehr to loint QC Detail Sheet for M.uimum Rotational Tolerance u.5ed THIS DESIGN IS THE (()4l1OSITE RESUl.T OF ~llL rIPlE lOAl) CASES. L:ladf'~ fer 1:: PSf ~C'l-,e~~'J~~Pr.: 'Kd. UPLIFT REAaION~S) Supoort eM: ';ilnd Non-';iind I -2)S lb 2 -406 lb tiip-Orop . 0-1-1] This truss is desi9nl'd usin9 the ASC!Cl-07,",i"d SpeClfic.tion ~ Ie:; to-:',,:)sr.d . Y('!;, rllloorta"CI' F .tete.- ~ :".00 : r ~~.. tc~a: i 0.' . r-o', E.,d lone l-i:Jrr1c.ar.e/Oc.ean Line. No j [_p c.negory ~ a Sldg ll'ngth.. 50.00 ft. B dg Width.. 20.00 ft Me.an roofhei9ht_ 11.61 ft.l\'lph .. 85 TPI Standard Occupancy. Dud load.. 10.2 psf Designed as I"Iain Wind ForCI! Resisting System and COIIIponenu and Cladding Tributary An!!. _ 219 sqft -------u-lOAD CASE 11 OESI(,H LOADS ______________u Dir l.Plt l.loc R.P1f TC Vert 80.00 0- O. 0 80.00 8C Vert 20.00 0- 0- 0 20.00 Be Vert 945.00 8- 0- 0 945.00 ...Type... lbs X.loc ll/Tl BC Vert ]995.0 8- 0- 0 0.50 ....,.............. . Nai 1 pattern shown is for PlF loads only. Concentrated load~ ~UST be dinrlbuted to each e1y ~qual~y. Qn IlIUhi-ply "'~th hangers. use] na115 lI11n. Into the carrY1ng melllber. For llIOre than 2 ply. use additional fasten- .rl ..s ;ndicllted frOlll thl'! b..ck plys. or use any other approved dl!tai 1 (by others). . ...... ................ 2-PlY! Nail _/10d ((JM)N. sta99ered(per NOS) in: T(- 2 8(. 1 WEBS- 2 "PER FOOT!" R.loc 16-11-0 8- 0- 0 16-11- 0 Ll(Tl 0.62 0.00 0.49 4-8.3 4-6-3 J~ I 3-5-13 8'{)'{) 11_R-O 2 m;o- 3-9'{) 11-9-0 4-&<l 16-3-0 4"''(} ~ ~" s ,7,001 ~. 2.PL YS . REQUIRED 3 '4 H 8-& 2-4 --1 8-8 35-4 < 3!Hl 4'5..-.-,~ :r: ':.L,..;_....__ 0.4.5 r'j 7. .9 6.~ .14 7..-9 SHIP 34 I 12.12 12-12 '-, -r, 3-8 3995# ! 1fi-,1.1l ,,1 7 8 9 ,. 4-6-3 3-5-13 3-9'{) 1 5-2'{) 1 4-8-3 Il40 11-9'{) 16-11-0 ~"". M05NG'.~(V ~.254:-="'./ "W55 4445-""(;{ U;".:" Dr l Cola Sr.n::u." 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