HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2010-5-27 - A.D. Smith Sroker _.tq~ 115 \ Ma~. 27 2010 12:43PM P1/11 t-V. : 5412695362 Cell: 541.653.7407 Office: 541.431.6480 Fax: 541.302.7666 Email: adsmith@kw.com www.ADSmithTeam.com Keller Williams Realty Eugene 8. Spm'\gfield 2~J. Suzanne Vlay Eugene Oregon 97.108 @ Ea:t>C1'I.oei'S'~/O',ne1Md~ . w , I SseAgreemenl#CrlrIc2CJ10 INAL AGENCY .ocKNOWI.~DGMENT Orogon RIlli EMae ~ancy 018cl00U'. Pomp/ll<t, I01d hereby lEkr"o<l'Modgl IIld consent to tho (N..... <t SoIi1g LieBl....) cI Ke'ler-W1l11ams/Euaene-SDIId Buyer elduslwly ("Buyer Agency"). 0 SeIer lOduolllOly ("Soller Agoncy"). 0 Both Buyer and 5 S_ ('"Dlsdosod UmI1ed AgencY"). B (2) Manque Sonnan""d (Nom. <t lJoting lJcerwoe) <t Bell Rua' E.ta... 7 (N- cI RIlli EstllG Firm) Is tho 00",,1 <t (checIr one): t8I Sell... "",1\l81ve1y ("5.... AgencY"). 0 Bdh Buyer 8lld Sell... ("CIscIosed UmIled 1'\I....,y'). 8 (3) tf both partlos Ita MCh reprmented by ona Qf' more ~eee In the semo Reel Ettate ATn. end UOenlees we IUptJVlBod by the Geme prtnctpB broker 9 In that Rool Eatolo Film. Buyer and Sell... ecknowledgethGl u1d prtnc:IpeJ brok... shall _ the disclosed limned ogont I<r both Buyer fIld Seller eo mer. 10 fully e>q>llIInod i1 tho Olodosed L1mtted Agoncy Agroem_thlll have been ~_ .r<l signed by BuYll', S..... fIlcI LlcfIlooe(.~ 11 time cI s1gni1g this AgrMmont berore subml89lOn to S.IEr. Seller SMII oIgn 1hIs ocmawiodgmflll 11th. Ume this 12 W th Agn&nont wII be reJ8Cled Of I COU1IEr eIIEr WIll be medo. Sell.... '1sJlo11J:. to this Final Ag<<1OY tIU Ag_1 or onyterms_. PrInt Ruesell Clark Dille J--27 --/0+ PrInt Tf1IC8\/ Clark ~~a}. Dote r./; 0 + OIlG + 16 17 16 1Q 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 2Q 30 31 32 J3 J4 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Till. Agr.ement I. Intended to b. . legal .nd bInding cantr.ct. If It r. not und.,.toad, ..ek oompetent legal advice b.fore signing. Time II of the ....nc. of thl. Agreement. ,. DEFINITIONS: All r"'....."'" In this Agreement 10 "Ucmo.." end "1'1"''' Ihell rd... II) Buyer'S ond Soli.... real _ 00_ r_sed 10 <h. 5_ of Oregon m the ,...pecllve ""'I ...tate oomp.nee _ wI1k:I1 they .... <tfilloted. iJcEno<le(s) and FIrm(I) Idon_ In ... FlnsI Agency AcIcnoINIedgmMt Sdon eboY. ore not plrios 10 this Auooment. 0'."""" mey be oxpr_1y .pp'cabIo. Unla. othorwlol plCMded hlO'8ln: (1) TIm. ,,*"1.,<<1 h d"Y" oI\or the dot. Buyer end Sell.. hove signed this /';lroomenl shell Glori en tho tIrIlt full b<le1hOOs doy * thl dotl of Sel""'. slgneilJllllndlcallni1 .'"'''I'.''''''' of Buyo1's eIIer cr ooont_, cr Buyer'S oignlll\l"8 inrllcating ilCCElPtance of Sellers OllU\torcll.... (2) Wrtlten notices l'8<lulrod ar ~ed ...der this Agroomont 10 be dell_ed II) Buyer ar SeIler mey be d_ed II) tholr reopeclIv& U""",oo ~ the...,. oIfoct.. r dolvwed to that Buyer or Soler. (3) A "buGIn... day" .t\aI moan Mondeythro<Jgh Frtdey. e>o:op!r'llCCllII1I!od legal hoIdeye.. .,.."...Ied hORS 167.010 and 187.020_ 2. PRICElPRDPERTY DESCRIPTlON: Buyer (prl'ltname(.)) Russell BIld Tracey Clark ""'" to pun:I1... from Seller (,rrilt name(o)) Bill Robertsan _ the fcllowlng ciooa1bod real property (h...elnaler"the Prop<Jty") .....Ied In \h. Statl of Oregon. Cou1ty cI Lane end conwnonly knaM'l Of Idantlllod .. ii'-t _ eddross, c~. ztJ code, lOX ldenrlfcatiolll1llll1ber, - dosat>/lOn, Irc.) 189 S 51 at ST SDrlnafluld OR 97478 (Buyer ond Seller egoo 'nll W 110 not provided-herein, a oomplet. legal dosatp~on as J8UV1dod by the OOelneuronc:e ccmpolly In occordenC. v.ith SGCtlon 5- Wow. shall, whore_err, be Uled for _.. <t Iegalld_on _ """""Y"".ot titl._) forth. purchase pr1eo(ln U.s. CUT...,y) cI m................_..................n..mnm........._......._.._............m.m..........m.A $155.000.00 on the foIlcw1ng lerm.: Eernlllll money herein rlEelptod for ........_.._....m._8 $2000 on ." addltfonal88l'nmtmon6'f. thesumd...................C $ et er bolor. closing, tho bolonce d d_ peymont..............................,O s29.000.00 otc:loslng and ""'" d.u-yofCi!:l DEED 0 CONTRACTth...." of(Unee a. c, 0 end E shOlJId equaJ wn.AL..:............_.....E $124.000.00 poyeblo .. foll<>Nll (Desaf>o do/Blls of ""y 108n(e) to be ob/8ined): BUYer to aDDlv for and receive an 80% conventlDnal loan from lander of cholco. Buyer has buo" DreBDDI'OYed bv UmDau Ban k. Fer oddRtonet_,_AddMwm _ It wtL 60-1 IIi) ~I Buyer Inill~~O'II~?:d SelI...InI~oIs _---1_0e1e_ 1 UNES WITH ~IS SYMBOL + REOUIRE A SIGNATURE OF BUYER ANoKlR SELLER !'NO DATE OREF 00101 ThIe form hH boon Mcenad for UR by Adrtart Smith .oW)' In ACO)I"danct wfth tho T.,.,. of 8<<vIce ~ OR.E.F OnlIne Form.. @OregonReeI Eatolo Forms. LLC R.. 01/1 0 No portion may ba ,oproducod wIIha.Jt __... ponnlsslon cI Dregen Real Eslall Form.. LLC RESloENT1AL REAL ESTATE sn.E AGREEMENT - Peg. 1 of Q C\-hj ':P~ COVVl2DO'6,-OOS/:2 \(~V'O.. ~ SLII - 33,7 -0373, b3\ Mo...\\()..~ MUI\"'-~ SrR\0~-\i~~ ) OR.. ~7,-(77 b/ /ZcJIO -:s~ N\.U\t\-tcc...l I.:'> ~()..~din~ dJA- e.x:f.'V'\5:(c)'f\ 10 his f~,-i~ whlCk.. iJJ\ 1 \ D<pi R.CI.. S~e. . II 2010, \)l^k. -to \fV\-D'^€.j CMA..6 +()/V"\; ~ ~rt'Wj€t17 /O:P~ ~ ~ ~~c> uK '\~~ /~.llS9 ,p ~, ~ ~~'~ ~~\o~ O,D ~,y\-"~ '?;U ~~.\.O ~O JUN 0 1 2010