HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-1-28 "4 F . , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: 72] Aspen CITY JOB#: COM2005-002]] OWNER: George & Gayle Jessie PHONE: CONTRACTOR: DJS Investments PHONE: 485-2655 Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable. "" All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One arid Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon) unless noted other:wise. A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton; Oregori 974008-5986 >':~;&.. -' ~~/...:. .' '. . I. Provide sill plate sealer at all dwelling walls in two locations to reduce the potential for air leakage into the floor insulation and the interior of the structure. Apply two beads of sealer at each of the following locations: a. Between the top rim joist and the floor sheathing. b. Between the floor sheathing and the wall sill plate. (OSSC 5303(E)2). " 2. Ground under building shall be sloped to a low point, and an under floor drain installed to provide positive drainage from the area under the building. (R-3 J 1.4). 3. Provide a minimum 22" x 30" attic access with minimum 30" clear height above the opening. (R-801.3). 4. The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of 6" within the first J 0'. Drains or other approved means shall be provided to ensure positive drainage. Except when restricted by lot lines. . (R-40 1.3). 5. Provide net free attic ventilating area, not less than 1/150th of the area of space ventilated, except that the total vent area may be reduced to 1/300th of the attic area when 50% of the required vent area is at least 36" higher than the eave or cornice vents. (R-806.2). ;';.,. .f , , 6. Provide net free ventilating area not less than I square foot fOf each 150 square feet of cfaw1 space afea. One such ventilating opening shall be within 3' of each comer. Vents shall be covefed with minimum 1/4" and maximum 1/2" corrosion fesistant wife mesh. Provide a MINIMUM OF 12 Square Feet of total vent area. (R-409.1). ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, . SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. , ./> , o 1'1 3fie - --., N N OJ .... (,J , o 1. I I I I I I ----J.:: 27~0 G1 I , , I,,; i I ,[ (d)I.J;'~'2)e~ 1/5,le,. II ~~~-i==-~"'I- III // II //1 , I /~~j I 'I --J ~- "':, I 1'1. (f):l1 (3,14' ...... --- . I ',,~. / L/// / N N OJ ~~I v 8-0 / I II I II I I 13-0 \\~ "1 .r '-y -;:; II \- II =~ II I "",.."..-.....".. _ II "l~ I"'" _c:,_n '\3' I I \~ I I D1 I I 1- : c:< . I I I 2-0 26-0 2-0 I I I I I I~ - I JI~ I , I I I I~l- I I 'I I I I , I .j>. , o .... Ol , Ol II I N (l) , Ol I I I I : 111- I ... N I o 10-0 I':> (")1.:,', ...._~...._" -~ iOlfty : 2 .1010 ~aJme: JIESS~1E Truss lID: JSIE-A1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 2.12 1131 5.50" 1.50" 2 22. .J- 4 11)1 5.50" 1.50" BRC REQUIREMEmS $hown lore bued ONL Y on the trun ..,aterhl ,at eOl.ch beiilring M.\X OEFLEGIOH hp,an) : L/999 IN MEM 6-7 (lIVE) L.. .0.24M D. -0.16- T.. .0.40" ClnlCAl.I'lE*UFQRCES: TC ctMP.-tu:.1 HHS.(llLR.) CSI 1-2 _5011.251 0.17 1-2 -1051 La I BI!1.6010.42 2-) -ISO I.a I JlII.6O 0.42 J.4 -1Sl'J1.1S1 Jlll.60 0.4l ".5 -1061 I.U I Ull.60 0.4l "~5 .sell 1.B I 0.17 li~ a;:;5IT1''''!~ TE1~5!M51 o~l 7.1 -4,S 1.601 n'l.u 0.90 I.' .os 1.601 7U I.U 0.90 l~ ~.tI~6li!~ TE~il~6li! o~n )_1 -2071.60 I 561 La o.n 4-1 .U"1.601 )"11.60 O.U nDltL .796 l.U I "62 1.60 0.10 511*. -7t61.U I "62 1.60 0.10 2x4 OFl Ii 2x4 DFL II 2x4 DFl STANDARD 2x4 DFl II BASED ON GIl.EEN LUMBER VALUES. ~M~lg~s~~':CI~ ;:~lrc:.:.oSI~~9~ESUlT OF HUlTlPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER leBO RESEARCH REPORT 11607. lOiilded for 10 psr non'l;oncurrent BCll. Te Be WEB SLIOER PLATING fl.7-11 fl.7-ll fl.7-11 fl.7-ll fl.7-11 11-3-<) 16-10-8 22-6-0 11_~ 11-~ 5' '1 2 '3 4 rw:oo -10.001 3,5-4 10-1-5 1,5-4 2.5-4 2,5-4 3.5-4 I 0~13 5=3.5-4 2,5-8 ~ [6 ~ 9' 2J-'ijl 7 6 1 11.3-0 22-6-0 11-3...Q. 11-3-0 UPLIFT REACTION(Sl ' Support 1 - 81 lb Support 2 .281 lb This truSS is designed using the UBC Code. Bldg Enclosed.. Yu, I..porunce F,actor .. 1.00 Truss lociiltion .. Not End Zone Hurriune/Ocun Une .. No ~ Exp Ciiltego1 . c Bldg length.. 50.00 ft, Btdg width.. 0.00 tt Hun roof height.. n.os ft, IIIPh .. 80 UBC Sund,ard Occup,ancy, o.,ad Lo;ad.. 10.2 pst 11}..1 SHIP. I 0-8-13 ~RAIN!! !!~!t;: >:l"~'JU~ ~ [%~91 :m':~.f~~e:~~~~:~~a.JrJ~Jo~~~,fJ~~~~.Q"'=102,?~d)O~~~Jlh~~~p~~\~nDl0\ ~ /28/05 GRead all noh,S on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor.i Cust: JESSIE ~ T~lle~nllfOr8nindMd""bulIdinQ~nll'W)ltrua..,.m .~""'baedon~pIO"""bv"'componlInl-UaclU'8l" ' WQ: Drive_LjseLl00006_J00003 iJI'lddDnein~.lItllhBa.mInl~dTPlandAFPAde~n-.d""I. .Ncl..IPOfIIlbIIlI\lIl........-.dlord_llIiDJqI_acy. DlrNIlIlorIs 0 ILC 16 WT: 1521 . . _ '...mw...""-dbv...QOInIPIIIW1'lIman&I-....lIf'd/ofbulldlngdnig...priorb'abricalion- T..bulIdinQclelig..rfflUll~lIlathlcl.,1 sgn,.: - MOSHOFSKY l.CIIlzeclonlhil"'lign_or..OMCl",~impoIedbyhlDcalbuildiroGcode""IhIlpar1ia.Ur~ion Trw.sllliQn_IhaI"'lICIc:honI Te Live 25.00 psf Du,.Facs L_l.15 P_l.1S illatllralrbrllCeclby"IOOIOtIbor"'llI*'Oandlllebollomdlordillatllralybr.-lbylnoicl"'llI*'OfMleNldndly~. ~noll-._ Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 rooe.d. 8r~_IIIor"'''lUppOI'Ir1Ic:ofllPOI*U''''''''onIrb..ruc.buetlinO..ngth ThII~IIIIII'OIt.~In.ny TC Dead 7.00 pst TRUSS Rep Mbr Camp 1.00 t\./'-/~ enWvnmeftlllat_caute"'rroiIIIn--"'d"'_"'''CMldln.__CDfIfWdDf~con1>tlr>n F~.'-'cI","'" BC live 0.00 psf 4415 Nor hark 0 andbr_lhlllruUin~wiIIl"'Iollcl.lngSlancl""'-'JoInlandCwainoDeGllRepOflS'...abbIa..~IromT~"~''', Rep Mbr Tens 1.00 Co 0 Spr~n~s. COriJ0907 'ANSI/TPl 1".WTCJ, 1'.WooclTIUUCouneiIdAmeric:l Standard DelignAespDflIlbililes.'8UI.OING COlIIPONENT SAFETY 1Nf00MATlOH'- BC Dead 10.00 psf D.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 (BCSt 1000).rcl'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS'byWTCA,rcl TPI. Trw Tr..... PlIll! InsUl.Ce(TPI)IIIoeaIed" ~31)'()nom) Dfwe. Madilon. Design Spec UBC TRUSPLU$ 6.0 VER: T6.4.1:W1$(l)l'lJin53719 TheA....riUnForeltarclPiper~(AfPA'..1ocaIed..11I11WlSIJ'eet.NW.SlellOO.WnhinglOrl.DC20031l TOTAL 42.00 pst DEFL RATIO: l/240 TC: Ll2~ " " Jfi)[O U\llialme: JIESSDIE lfmss ~IDJ: J~IE-./l\2 (Qiy: J BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REO'O 1 0-.-" 934 5.50" 1.50" 2 22- 1-12 9]4 5.50" 1.50" BAG REQUIREMENTS shown lore bued OHl Y on the truss ~teri..l at each beuing t%9~Ei~E~~ON 9~~g~lIgI~E) L_ -0.11" 0- -0.07" T_ -0.18" ~~ICAl~:!~~I{E~t~i!M5! o~i 2-3 -963 l.IS I 415 1.60 0.40 s-. -9611.15/ 4151.60 0.40 4-5 -Iii l.U I 1)31.15 0.41 ,~ ~i!~601~ TE~s!~sl o~l 7_1 -H41.601 51.1.15 0.39 1-9 -H41.601 Slal.n O.S' '-10 -4111.601 7451:15 0.41 '118 CCIIP.OUll./ TENS.lllJR. 01 1-' -149 I.U I 1411.60 0,04 2-6 -lOH 1.15 I 181 1.60 0.95 2-7.-4lMi1.60f )Ul.60 0.22 )-7 -2471.60 I sIn 1.15 0.46 3.9 _247 1.60 I 39$ 1.15 0."6 4-9 -4Oll1.601 )591.60 0.22 4-lD -1O)41.U/ lall 1.60 0.95 5-10 -1491.15/ 1411.60 0.04 TC Be WEB Loaded for 10 h.. Ofl II 2114 OFt 11 h4 OFl STAHDARD PSF non-c.oncurrent BelL. ~~1;igls~~cI~ ~~lrO:~SI~~9~ESUlT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. PLATE VAlUES PER rcBO RESEARCH REPORT 11601. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. UPLIFT REACTrON(S) : Support 1 -230 lb Support 2 -230 lb This trun is duigned using the UBe Code. Bldg Enclosed.. Yes. IlIportance F,lCtor . 1.00 Truss Location.. Not End lone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No Exp (.Itegory .. C Bldg Length.. 50.00 ft. Bidg Width.. 20.00 ft M!!an roof height.. H.OS ft. IIIph.. 80 UBC Standard Oc;tupancy. Dead Loa.d.. 10.2 psf ....0 ;;-7-8 ,5-7-8 ....0 5-6-0 11-1-8 16-9.0 22-3-0 [, 11-1.~ 11_1-8 2 '3 i 5' fT5]O -lD.OOI 4-4 1.&4 ,.0-10-1 10-1-5 SHIP l().i-5 7-10-10 7-10-10 7 I ;?7-~-O ii 6-5-12 14-4-8 9 0-1-8 10 . STUB 7_10_10 22-3-0 3-4 2,&4 5=3.5-4 2.5-4 0-1-8 STUB '6 Tru,w" 3"'''~ PI,".... 20.. UoIM' ,hown b, """118.. l. """"6.. >,0< "MXWYMX 20.. I, """'"ned PO' Jon> De,,," Reoo<l ell'c1eo ~Ies and false frame OCItes are OQStlioned as stiOWl'ral1Ove Shin Q3vre stud p""'tes to aVOid O\'9rtaD with-slNClUral Dlale5 (OI'staDle\ ~ 'IIi AlRwiuuliGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to Ihe Erecllng contraelor.1 Cust, JESSIE ~ Th..c18Sl(11l..fafllllJ"dMdualbuildIl'ClDOll1PllflDllnollluq.....m .hDblIenb-.donSl)l!~pIOYdldbVlI'Itcomporenlmaool'KlLnrf WQ: Drive_LlseLLD0006_l00003 _do.....iIIXXNllatlOllwilhll'lt~.........ofTPI_AFP"'c18s1gnll3ndaodl_ No..sponIbIiIy.__bfd~_acy. DimansIonI I arelgbe..nroedb'f''''mmpontInII~'..-d/oIbuildlngdelig..'prlgflg~ ThebuildlfllldeliOf*fhU$lollOMairllhal"'lNa Dsgnr: ILC - 16 WT: :Wlizlldo"IhIIc18lign....or.llCHd...~impoellllbylhell:>calbuildlngeadelllllllhepan;wu'JppIicalion,.Thedesignnll.....I"*lIlempctord TC Live 25.00 psf OurFacs L_1.1S MOSHOFSKY iI"'allybf-.dbylherooforl\oOf"'llhInglllllllhebollomctordillale'dylnaldby'rigicllheatlWogmalllflaldwedlyMtlldled, ....nothefwile Rep Mbr Bnd !noted_ 8,af;iflg__nilfoflllll"'lUIlPO'IofCOl'l1p;)nlnlllmembe,,0fIly1o~budJrlG-..alh. Thllmmpor'leflllhdnolbeplxedin.-.y TC Dead 7.00 psf I~ TRUSS .flVifoflmenllll\el_~lhemoillLn_ollhe-oodIO..OIIIdIW.and/of~co"'**"pYlleoomllioll_fWoCRt.N"":II..inIlaI BC Live 0.00 pst Rep Mbr Comp 4415 No ,h rk Dr IlIIlll"'_lhIIlNIlIin..:conHnol-..til""IoIIoowingNfld...:lI:'JoinIIlIIlllCulbng~A~",.*"QUlpI.IIromTI\MW"IOftw_, Rep Mbr Tens Co 0 5p~ln~~. CO 80907 :''''NSlITPII'.'WT~l..WoodTI'UllCoundlof'''''''''''SlIIfldllrdo.slgnAnponM>iWel,'8UI.DINGCOUPONENTSAl'ETYINFORMATION'. BC Dead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing (SCSI l.ooI...:!'8C5ISUMlolAAY SHEETS'byWTCA..~ TPt, The TfllAPIIIle IflIlMeITPllilloClled1l 5lI3D'0n0I<I0 Dfille, "lIdilOll. Des;gn Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6. 4.1 :WOSOClflliflS3711 TheAmerieanfo,..taflllP.peo"'uooa.Iion("'fP"'lillocaIlldlll111 lImSlrlll,NW.SlII800,Wlllhtngtoo,OCZ0035 TOTAL 42.00 pst DEFL RATIO: 1741 P_1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 UBC 1I240 TC: l/24 " /;(U'WoI s,,'~ ~"~.m 20.. "",'''' "'OW" b, "1.'1" ..I. -H"/1., "'b'" "MX"ITWMX,20 "',", po,,,'"'''''' "", J~", Dola'" """"" lrcled pl<Iles and lalse fnme p131eS are postuonecras snowrr aDOve. 'Stut( WI lie sltJd pl<lles 10 aVOid ovenaP with"slruCluI1ilI ola-'o (o(sl!lple) --- - _fRead all notes on this ~heet andg/~ a copy of it to the Erecting contr~ctor.~ Cust: JESSIE ~ I '......,.olgn..fo'...in:lM:l....I>uIIdlnOO::""PD.....rot......,...... n'-_n_on~~bylhllQ)mpOf"enlmarU'xtlQl' ; WO: Orive_LjseLL00006_J00003 ancl~InM:aMll_'IriIhlte-..tIl"rabniI<1lTPI_AFPA"*'IIn.canctilllll, No..aponajbdIy"aaumedbrdlll'erl$lOl\llKa6oKy, om.rUIftt 10'. tile.. 32 Wf: 3021 "'k1W"""-dby"'~nl""""_rllnelo'orbuildlngdnig,,'pIiorkllabncaloon ThIlbulldingdnig"'___lh.smebacs. 5gn,.. l.dll:"'onltli''''SIlIn~l'''U_clhlo8dklaimpoMdbymeloc:albuoldlng~.MIN~~_ n.dIlSlQ"__'_U."lIc1oG Te live 25.00 pst DurFac5 l-1.1S P.1.15 MOSHOFSKY 1o_'M)''''_byhrgo(O<Ibor--MNtlQ_'''boIlomctlO<l:llo''r~llfac:edbyl''liIid''''d'IlnO"'*rtaldndll'~, .......ocn.,..., 00 f Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 -, 8tacir1va/'own.IIIr......llIUppOI'lol'~~lIon1ylO~lQbuclIIf'9"ngth_ Thif;~..~rotblp/Kedln..... Te Dead 7. ps 1 0 ~ TRUSS .rwIn:Irme.._...c:a......~-ntcl...WOOlID..eMdll"1oanclloreau.c::orw'ItdO<pr-.c:onvaioll. FIIbric:.N.haN.,...... BC Live 0.00 pst ReI' MMbb'T Comp 1'000 .....tlr_....._intclCOldMOl-~lDlIowIro~....lOWItldCulhngO'Wil~...........O\-'PUIIromT~~....... ReI' r ens . t~1~ ~g~f~~~rkc8,.80907 'ANSlfT'P"'.WTCAI"WOOdTIUlSCoundIoIArroefiQ~DII.;g.,F '8UI.DlHG COMPONENT WETY INfORMATION'. j' BC Dead 10.00 psf O.C:'Spacing 2- 0- 0 '(8CS'I.(l3land'BCS'SUI,lMARYSHEETS'byWTCAItldTPl_TheTfUlllPI.-~lTPII.ll:uIN.~O'Ordrlllo""".AQdilDn. Deslgn Spec UBe TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6..:.~.:].Jt"'GC:llRa~~3TI' Tr.""-lICIInf(q.....,p~~(~AII$~~_~1l11~_~'.NW.s~~.~~.OC:200)1 .___ _U~_T!,~ 42._~~ pst OEFL RATIO: L/240 TS:___V?4~ Thil design bued on chord br.cing .pplied per the following schedule: NX o.c: frOlll to TC 24.00" 9. 9- 0 12. 9.0 This truss Is designed using the: UBC Code. Bldg Enc105ed . Yu. I.porunce Futor . 1.00 Truss location _ Not End lone Hurrtune/Ocun line.. No I hp Category _ C Bldg lenlth - SO.OO ft, B dg Width _ 20.00 ft "'un roo hei~t _ U.81 ft, IIIph _ 80 ~~~.~~~~~~[~ mEn~r'D~tt..l~~ .~~:~_~~!.__uu Oir L.Plf L.loc R.Plf R.loc ll/ll rc Vert 84.00 1- 6- 0 84.00 0- 0- 0 0.19 TC Vert !i4.00 0- 0- 0 !i4.00 S- 1- 4 0.78 TC Vert 84.00 5- 1- 4 84.00 7-]_ 1 0.60 TC Vert 64.00 7.]_ 1 64.00 15- 2.1S 0.78 TC Vert 84.00 15- 2.1S 84.00 17- 4-12 0.60 TC Vert 64.00 17- 4-12 64.00 22- 6- 0 0.78 TC Vert 84.00 22- 6- 0 84.00 24- 0- 0 0.19 BC Vert 20.00 0- 0- 0 20.00 S- 1- 4 0.00 BC Vert 110.00 S- 1- 4 no.oo 17- 4-12 0.73 8C Vert 20.00 17. 4-12 20.00 22- 6- 0 0.00 4-7 V 20.00 7-]- 1 20.00 IS- 2-lS 0.00 ...Typ.... lbs X.loc ll/Tl TC Vert 60.0 - 1- 6- 0 1.00 TC Vert 60.0 24. 0- 0 1.00 8C Vert 126.6 5- 1- 4 0.00 BC Vert 126.6 17- 4-12 0.00 3 iQlthf : 14 1516' t~1-4 22-6.{) 1llJL 17-4-12 ~ 2?-6.ll 6:5 10-10 5=12-12 127.1 11.'-8 SHIP 12 13 ~ '" 5-1-4 5-1-4 127. J 2,5-6 ~p h III L- ~ 10-tO 5=12-12 J" 1 1.5-4 9-9-0 ,~, 9-9-0 '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Y 10 110,00 110,00 -10.001 .10,001 5-7 5-7 ~ r r FOr~r~~" rO "'t,~.q .G,' i m c9 :;;.~,~ ~.~,~ ~,~ Phtlng spec: AHSI/TPI - 1995 . Attic roOlll lo.d.. 45 psf, plus iny .added lOids indiutl!d. Room II Defl. is l/360. THIS DESIGN IS 1HE (C>>lPOSlTE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. PLATE V41UES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPOAT '1607. Lo.ded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCll. Or.in.age IIIUst be p_rovided to .avoid ponding. One row of cron bridvino ~X.bncino) ruy be Pl~H~ r~n ~ni.:EJ~ n~u:ad~o:a.Cts. NOS. End verticals desioned for .a1l;.1 lo.ds only. htensions ,above or be:low the truss profth (if iny) require idditionil consider.a(;on (by others) for horiz. 10,lds on th. bldg. 'fr1Jl5S 10: JJSIE-B1 7.!UJ 2-9-0 11.,0-8 BC WEB lIE BE"'" AITIC WB ... ........t .......t.. Unrestr.ined horiz. II deflection'"' 0.41 in. . t. t..... t ..........t. Attic colhr tie requires btenl bncino shown plus bruing ,It the pinel points of the col1u tie ~unleS$ noted otherwise), ..ti:; :;~,~t :nS:t~~&t i;HEe~UO::'TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A lX6 (Rlll LENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH 8d HAILS AT 6- O.C. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON f.A(H CHOA.D. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAL lOADS AND 24" OF TRIBUTARY WIND lOADS BASEO ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. LATERALLY BRACE THE flAT TOP CHOIW AT 24- 0.(, U.N.D. PER TPI. 1.' DFe n 1.. DFe " 2-5,6-9 2d20Fl " 1., OFl. STANDAR~ ", OFL STAHDAAO 1., OFl STANDARD '~!~60~0~1 0.95 '''!',,,,/0.24 SUO.!lO 0.12 sUO.to o.n 1461.60 0.24 O.llS 12'0.60)0.05 '...'!""',j '" 911.60 0.49 911.60 0.49 '...'!""',j '" J6)1.6O 0.12 )6)1.60 0.12 K BRG X-lOC RU,CT SIZE REQ'O 1 0.2.12 19]45.50- 2.06" 2 22-]. 4 1934 5.50" 2.06" BAG REQUIREMENTS shown ire bued ONLY on the truss luteri.l .at eich be.ring MAX OEFlEGION (spin) : l/8SS IN MEM 1-4-15 (LIVE) 1'.- -0.)1- 0.. ~0.21~ r- -0.S2~ QrTlCAlMC--UFm:CES: l~~ ~; Mi TE~i~r-60l o~J 2-) -U4) LB 0.13 ).4 -11211.B 10'1""'10.12 4.S -21111.B 1111.50 0.110 So, -1411.15 1'71.60 0.09 6-1 -U11.B 1811.60 0.10 1-1 -11211.B 10) 1.50 0.12 1.9 .1H) 1.B 0.13 9-10 .SI1:n 6H1.60) 0.12 K """1"""1' '...'1"""1 '" 11-12 -3Ol1.601 IU 1.lJ 0.11 12-13 -3021.60/ IU 1.15 0.)0 13-14 -411.60/ 10291.U 0.11 14-U -302 1.60 I Ul1.1S 0.30 U-16 -)021.601 IU 1.11 0.11 .. """!"'" 'I' 1-11 .2911.lS I 2-11 -llS41.UI 2.1) -)" 1.601 )-11 I 1-14 I '-14 -J.tl""'l' "16 .1154 1.U I 1D-16 -Ul1.UI n """1"""1' ".11 -91) 1.U I 11-1 -9U 1.B I ~ """1"""1' 5-11 .2421.601 17-6 -2421.1101 --.- - --- --- Job lNI~me: JIESSilE 293' P-1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 UBe l/240 TC: l/24' Cust: JESSIE wo: Orive_C_jse1-L00006_J00003 Dsgnr: 'LC _ 32 WT: TC live 25.00 pst DurFacs L-1.15 TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd . Rep Mbr Camp Be Llve 0.00 pst Rep Mbr Tens BC Dead 10.00 pst D.C. Spacing Design Spec ~TOTAL 42_00 psf DEFl RATIO: This design baud on chord br.acing .applied per the following schedule: IlI.aIl o.c.' frCMll to TC 24.00" 9- 9_ 0 12- 9_ 0 This truss is designed using the USC Code. Bldg Encloud .. Yes, IIIport.ance F.actor .. 1.00 Trun LOCAtion - Not End Zone Hurric.anejOcean Line.. No I Exp Cueoory .. C Bldg length.. 50.00 ft, S dg Width _ 20.00 ft Me.an roof heitt.. n.81 ft, ,.ph _ 80 ~~:_~~~~~~[~ cmEn;r'O~~&.l~~S _~~:~_~~~._h___ Dir loPlf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 64.00 0- 1M 8 64.00 5- 1- 4 0.78 TC Vert 84.00 5- 1- 4 84.00 1-)- 1 0.60 TC Vert 64.00 1- 3- 1 64.00 lS- 2_15 0.78 Te Vert 84.00. 15_ 2-15 84.00 11- 4-12 0.60 TC Vert 64.00 11_ 4-12 64.00 22- 4_ 8 0.18 BC Vert 20.00 0_ 1- 8 20.00 5- 1-.. 0.00 BC Vert 110.00 5- 1_ 4 110.00 17- 4_12 0.13 BC Vert 20.00 11- 4-12 20.00 22_ 4- a 0.00 4-1 V ,20.00 1- 3- 1 20.00 15- 2-15 0.00 ...Type... lbs X.loc ll/Tl Be Vert 126.6 5- 1- 4 0.00 BC Vert 126.6 11- 4-12 0.00 91 Qty: lo1sewJl,'a1~e:r-a~op8:l~~~~~a-;~~~Y~iflJbfe~'tu"d'bla~02~~~VO~ugnWl~~J.~~~Olel Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. ~ ThiloInlgol.......-..-"'O~.......Irua.ySltm,II.........~on~pruoAdedDr...componenlllWll.lilldunlr , ....,donIinKQlrdanQl-.1heeun.nl........oITPI.....AFPAdnign......afd. NcI~bMy.8ISUIMdfordnl~xcunor;:y, ewn.~ 110 i _-.IlII..r1IIlIdDrIheQlmpOne..m.nural;ll.q'..-.cIo'QfbuilclongdniQne<priorlobtlricMbn, n.buiIllingdnig..........nc......~hlo... utillr"onlhl:ldesign-o<...cetIClhlo-'ong~...tI)''''''loealbuildinOcodlIanlh~lpIlIcatiDtl, T~de*__.~.....lopc:tlorll MOSHOFSKY .laI8rallybl'K8dDrhIOolO<IIoo<"'~Mdhbaaamc:tlorllls""~Inc:edOwalQld...athirlQlTIoIIerlaldQcltyactadlld. ""*'Slolt1elw;M . noted. Bradngllhown.rorlaellr"lUPPOIlol~rnemtIe"Gnlylo~IIucklInO"ngIh. TIlllCOInpOf'ef'Itlhllnal IlIICIlaaxl in My ~ TRUSS ! 'rMfa",,-"~wII~hl1'OiMunlo;,..,.,oIh..oodIo"ceedl9%..uareao..c:onnKlG<plaeIlcotrOSion. F~.~.1nMaII 441-5 North ark Dr ! ''''br~INSIruSI'''kaln:lanc:ellrilhlhelobing,gnclard'''JaiIlland~OsuiIRepa''''''''''.OUlpullmont~a1'''_. Co 0 5prjn~s CO 80907 . .ANSvrPI1'.WTCA1'-WGlldTruuCOundlclAmeIlCllS~0e-.gnR~'.'BUll.0INGCOMPONENTSAFETYINFORMATION'. . . (8C$ll.(l3j..... 'BCSI SUMMARYSHEETS.byWTCA..", TPI T,.TruuPtlleInslllule(TPIJ;.1acllled at S83 O'OroIfla on... Mad*",. TRUSPLUS 6.0 YEP: T6.4.l.JiWisQI"p,537111 T"....""'nc...F.........,P_.AUOCi8tiCInl...FP...';.~~11111ll1hS.......NW SIeIlOO.WUNngIon.DC20038 0-1-8 -STUB 14 1516 4_11_12 -22~' j1.3-8 17-3-4 "_3.0 10-10 5=12-12 127# 1 6-6 11.:-8 SHIP 1,5-4 J... 1 8-~ 12..(J..(J 5-7 9 10 1 .10,001 5-7 9-7-8 7 B .10,001 .3-0-0. 5 . ~ ~~::?~ ~ ~ 'I'~ ~~..~ 'I' pO 9'" coil ' ,........ M ,... ,coil :i'..:.'~, ~,;!,~ ~,~ Plating spet : A.N5I/TPI - 1995 Attic room lo.ad.. 45 psf, plus any'.added lo.ads indiuted. RoolII LL !>efl. is LllliO. . THI5 DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RE5Ul T OF MULTIPLE LOAD CA5ES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1601. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. Drain.age !lUst be provided to .avoid ponding. One row of r:ross brid9;ng ~X-bracing) lIIay be PLAH~ r~SE~ o:nG:EJ~nluMBE~oV:"CH. NOS. End verticals designed for uial loads only. Extensions .above or below the truss profile' (if .any) require .dditional considention (by others) for hodz. lo.ads on the bldg. _u___ __ _ Truss 110: .JJSIE-B2 13 11 12 4-11_12 4-11-12 ~_1..8 STUB 2.!Hl ~2'" r-' 7-8 h III 6-6 10-10 8=12-12 127#1 1.5-4 a-L 1 11_1-8 Q-7-8 ~ 2 ;) 4 110,00 110,00 2.7-8 2.7-6 TC 2114 Oft 11 2:06 OFl 12 2-S, 6.9 BC 21112 DFL 12 WEB 2:04 DFl 5TANDARD TIE BENtI 2114 DFl 5TANDARD ATTIC WB 2114 OFl STANDARD' + + + + + + + + ~ ~ ~ t t + t t t + t ~ + t Unrestrained horiz. II deflection _ 0.40 in. . . -+ t . + . t ~ + ~ ~ + + + -+ + + + + + -+ Attic (ollar tie requires bUnl br.ating ~~~o~{~; ~i:c~~~l:~s t~:t::n:~h:~~~:) ~f ..c:~ ~~y~~ ~~~:t:U~~H i~H~e~gH~. TRU5S. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A LX6 (FULL LENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH 8d NAILS AT 6~ O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED HUST BE STRES5 RATED AND CEh'TERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNEcrION IS FOR VERTICAL lOADS AND 24~ OF TRIBUTARY WIND lOADS BASED ON THE 5PECIFICATIONS NOTED. lATERAllY BRACE TilE FLAT TOP CIKlRO AT 24~ O.c. U.N.O. PER TPI. i--- ---------- Job lNIalme: JIE~S~IE BRG X.LClC REACT SIZE REO'O 1 0_ 4-" 11]1 5.50" 1.85~ 2 '22- 1-12 11]7 5.50" 1.85" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the truss lIlaterial at e.ach be.aring MAX OEFlEcrION (sp.an) : Lj816 IN MEM 12-B ~LIVE) l- 0.30ft [}.. 0.20' Too 0.50" CRnlCAlM[; ,Ell; f-Q!.([S: l~i ~6 ~i ~ TE'i!~6lil o~U 2-) -14" 1.151 0.11 )-4 -11011.111 10l!"'''l''''' 4-' -JOll.151 1111.60 0.19 1-6 -1511.111 1161.60 0.09 6-1 -1011.151 1111.60 0.19 1-1 -11011.151 1011.60 0.10 1-9 -14" 1.151 0.11 ,-to -S6,1.U}1 750.60) G.U " """'!"'j' """!"'1 m 11-12 -1091.601 1011.15 0.11 U-lJ -1091.601 IOII.IS 0.10 lJ-14 -Sl1.601 100) 1. IS 0.11 14.1S -)091.601 IOll.U O.JO U-16 -J091.601 IOIl.1S 0.11 l~U ~2!~i!: T~f~60~ o~l 2-11 -lIn 1.UI 0.9.2 2.1) -3521.601 1661"'''10.24 1-1) I 1410.SO O.H 1-14 I S4IO.90 O.H 9-14 -JS)!"'''jl 1661.60 0.14 '_16 -Ull 1.151 0.92 to-16 -1021.151 96(1.60)0.01 tl COlP.!..,!1 TENS.!..,! m 4_11 -11Il.JSI '11.60 0.41 11-1 -1181.151 911.60 0.41 '" """'!"'jl TENS'!"'l '" S-11 -B91.601 )601.60 0.11 V-6 -2)91.601 360 1.60 0.11 Wi~"lems Plales.are 20 03. unless shown bv "18"(18 Ga. L "Hofta.ca.), Of" "MX"fTWMX 20 1lOI.J. DOlIltioned Der JOinl Details ReDOft . CirCled tes and false rramo, oI:Il?~ are poSltlOned'as 5I1OwI1"a~V8, ShIIl!!:;Dl8 stud ~les 10 8Y01(l overtao with'structural ~Ies lor"staolGl, oJ _ I NfNGRead all notes on this sh....t and give a copy of /I to the Erecting Contractor. . (ust: JESS1E ~ 'ThildeII""'.br"'lndMitullbuillllrlg~IIOl""'SJ*m, ....._"~OlI~prvviClIIClllyh~nllMnUl'....... wo: O,.ive_C_jse1..L00006_J00003 :atld.....ln~WlIhIlWQ.lI'I8flI~ofTPlanllAFPAdesig..~, No ....-clbrd....llIillnal-=-Ky. Dime........ 0 ILC 32 WT: ...DbIl......lIy....~...rnanur~...sIoIbuiIIlIngde$ig....prt>rlllIXlrblion_ ThII building duig...._-.atrt.airI IMI hbQ s9nr: .. .....edOnlhisdllaignmeetOfe.c:eed....loadiI'IQIlnpo&edllylhlll:Je.lbuild;ng~-'hp;atlielbr~, Thldnlgn__.II'IIt'hrllDpd'Ofd Te Live 25.00 psf DurFacs L-l.1S MOSHOFSKY ....rlllytlrMlKbylherool'Ol'lloo<s/'eMlling8l'dIheballDmd'Ofdil~bral*llly.rigidshe~....-n.rdirldlyaucNcl, W>lIIuocr._ Rep Mb,. Bnd """-d, 8'aong...,.........,tilefalSUppgltol~............"'onlr"'..wc.blod<lInQlIngIh, ~ODftlpOn8f1I.,...lIOlbllplKOdin-.r Te Dead 7.00 psf ~"-'~ TRUSS ---...nllNl--hmoilturwconlMllolhWOlldIoClXceedlll'lloancUorQlll8comedorpialeaono.lol\, F~.~..... Be live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Camp ---"=~- Rep Mbr Tens 4415 Nor(hpdrk Dr -'br-IhiIl_In~""lhlIloIb.mg~"JoInl"'~~Report("~_OUllld,"""T_"..nw_. 0 10 00 f ' Co 0 5prTngs, CO 80901 'ANSlITPl I',WTCA 1'.W_TruaColn:ilolAoneob Standln:l DellllnR,IlIO/lIitIiIiti. '9UILDING COMPONENT SAFETV INFORMATION'. Be ead . ps O.C.SpacIng '(BCSll.(IJI-''8CS1 SUMMARY SHEETS'IlyWTCA.Itld TPl. T"- TIUUPIIItt ........ITPl)iI ~iIlM3D'Ono/r1Gon... MIdI_. Design Spec TRUSPlUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1:lNISCOIl5InSJ1111 TheAmanc.nFOIISl-,paperA~(AFPAI;'~alI1111Ill11S"-'._.$"ooo,W-'*"'il"""OCZ0038 ,TOTAL 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: 'J()Ib~aJma: JiE~$UIE BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 4- 4 ]676 5.S0" 1.96" 2 21- 1-12 ]649 5.50" 1.95" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown u. bu.d ONLY on th. truss lQurhl .It e.uh be.ring "'AX DEFLEGION (sp.an) : l/999 IH MEM 14-15 (LIVE) l... .0.22~ 0... -0.1S~ T. -o.]r anlCAll4[MRu fl>>;a~: l~i ~j '"':"':il~' TE~M~5~ o~~ 2-t -2&19 :1$/ 0.61 t-4 -19)0 .1$1 21t.6010"U 4_~ -t6l.1$ I 2191.60 0.60 5-6 -119.1$/ 1911.6O 0.01 6-1 -)61 .ISI 2191.60 0.60 1_1 -1929 I,ISI 21.60 0.63 1-' -2&191,1$/ 0.63 9-10 -141 1.1S I 121(1.1$) 0.14 Ie """l"""l' '''''l'''! or ll-U -2111.601 as'I.1S o.lJ U-lJ -1101.60/ lU9l.1S o.n lJ-14 I 1166 I. IS 0.S6 l;:U :mH::g~~ ll~ l:H g:U I~U . ~!~;l~ TOtS90~r.-60~ o~~} loll -UH l.lS I 0.10 l-U -4611.601 lusl,",oIO',. '-u / un 1.00 0.31 1-14 / U14 1.00 o.lt t-I" -"61!t.60jl 11211.60 o.a '-16 -lJJll.lS / 0.10 :10-16 -2U 1.11 I 91(1.60) 0.02 n """!"'jl TU6.(CU.) CSt 4-11 -119JI:111 0.25 11-1 -119JI.11/ 0.15 1~' ~oS~60~~ T~uS~60~ O~~ 11_6 -UOh.6OSI mh.60So.OI -" ---.---.-- 'C ,., OFl .. h. OFl " 2-5.6-9 BC 21112 OFl " WEB ,.. OFl STANDARD TIE BEAM h' Ofl STANDARD ATTIC WII ,., OFl STANDARD ~--_._---. Truss 110: JSIE-183 iOlft,,: ~ Plating spec: NiSI/TPI - 1995 "t}~~d~o~d~~:~ed. :~o:s[i. g~~~..an t~~:g. THIS DESIC.H IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. PLATE VAlUES PER leBO RESEAACH REPORT 11601. lo.aded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. ..+. ...-++t..+....... -+ -+ .t... Hail pUlern shown is for PLF lo.ads only. (onunlrollt.d loads MUST b. distributed to nch ~ly .quill1y. On lIulli-ply .ith h.anoers. use J n.ns lIin. into the urryiny ftlIiJ.r. for IIOr. th..n 2 ply. use ..ddltionil filSUn- .rs n indicilt.d trOll th. b.ack plYl, or use .any oth.r .approved d.ui 1 (by others). i-t.;'TiPi WEl) ON "GREEN" LUMBER VAlUEs: .. 2-~~1 ~~~ 12 ./~g~ i~s- S~il9i~~:g(rcm~~~) ..Q.P PlIES MUST "",TCH THE BOTTOM TRUSS. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -795 lb Support 2 -789 lb This tfUSS is designed using the UBC (ode. Bldg Encloud . .,..s. Iaport.Jnu F.a.ctor ... 1.00 Truss lou.l'ion . Hot End Zone Hurri,.n./Cke;ln line. Ho 1 Exp (.t.gory ... C Bldg length. 50.00 hi B dg Width.. 20.00 ft "un roof h.l~t. ll. 1 ft, llIph . 80 ~~~-~~~~~~r~ ~~n~r'D~~il~~s _~~:~_~~!_..nn Dir loflf l.loc R.Plf R.loc ll/Tl TC Vert 116.00 0- 1- 8 176.00 s- 1~ 4 0.70 TC V.rt 126.00 S- 1- 4 126.00 7-]. 1 0.&0 TC Vut 96.00 1_ l. 1 96.00 lS- l-lS 0.18 Te V.rt 126.00 U- 2.U 126.00 17- 4-12 0.60 TC V.rt 176.00 17- 4-12 176.00 22-)- 0 0.70 TC V.n 96.00 22-]- 0 96.00 22- 4- 1 0.71 BC Vert 165.00 0- '1- a 165.00 5. 1. 4 0.49 BC Vut 165.00 S- 1- 4 165.00 17- 4-12 0.73 BC V.rt 165.00 17. 4-12 165.00 22-]- 0 0.49 Be Vut 30.00 22- 3- 0 30.00 22- 4- I 0.00 4-7 V ]0.00 7-]- 1 30.00 15- 2-lS 0.00 BC'~~~~'" 1I~~9 5~'~~. L~~~ BC Vut 119.9 17- 4-12 0.00 ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITlt A 1X6 (fULL LENGTH) Off EACH fACE VITH ad NAILS AT 6- O.c. IH fAOf CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST' BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAl LOADS AND 24- OF nUBUTARY WIND LOADS BASED ON THE SPECIfICATIONS NOTED. LATERAlLY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24- o.c. U.H.O. PER TPI. + ++++++ ++++ + ++++ ++++ ++ Unrestnin.d horiz. LL d.f1ection . 0.29 in. ++ +++ ++ ++++++++++++++ + Dr.in.ag. IIlUSt b. provided to .void ponding. One row of cross bridging (X-br.acing) NY b. required .t c.nterhne of roo. p.r HOS. Attic coJl.ir tie r.quire5 l.iterill bncing shD'llln plu5 bncing.at the p.nel points of the coll.ir tit' (unl.u not.d otherwis.). or rigid shuthlng is requir.d. End ",..rticah d..itned tor a.tal t.,ad5 only. ht.nsions .above or below the truss profil. (if ,any) requ;re .ddition,al considention (by others) for horlz. lo.ads on the bldg. =s 2-Pl YS REQUIRED 2-7..8 2.7-8 h~~~~ ~"i'~~~;l;h"i'b''1 r~r~r~ r;r~r~r~ r~ Q_7-fl. II 2 3 -4 110,00 110,00 }JWl '5 '6 t:l_1-A 7 6' 9 10' .10,001 -10,001 5-7 11-/~ I,"" ",L 1 5-7 ~2f>.IJ, ~2'" y- 2~'8-<.o ~~2'" 7-8 1,"" 1?~ J III ...... ...... III 3-1.... H ~ ~ 10-10 10-10 5=12-12 S=12-12 6-8 2,5-8 11-7~ SHIP 190# I 190# I 0-1-8 STUB "?__'\-tl 0-1..8 14 1516' STUB .4_11_12 i 22-3-0 11 12 13 4-11_12 4-11-12 12_3-A 17-3-4 2931 P-l.15 LIS 1.00 1.00 3- 0- 0 UBe L/240 Te: ln4' Jo/b-L'\IIalms: Jf~~i-iE-' TwssiD:'JS1:-=:c1 OITlCAlfIIUIIEl( RlRCU: TC 2.114 on 1'1 Be 21(4 DFl n GSl 8LK h4 OFl STANDARD loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. PLATING. BASED ON GREEN l~BER VALUES. ~~t~i~~s~F;CJ~ ~~lt6:.~Sri:9~ESULT OF HUl TIPlE lOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REfClRT U607. B~rO~~ O~~?~~: ~S~l~R~N ~~E ~~~:. [0' gilble br,uinljl fllluired . SS- intervals. i luposed to WInd oad apelied to t.ace. Su wGeneral G.lble Det.l1s . (0020650]5, " ''4'' 23456/89 f7:Oi) ,~ 10'112 13 14 15 16 17 18 '9 20211 .7,001 7." 1--5 3-4 ~~, #'::: ~ .. .. jo .. ;:-:: ~[~=:=- . B 1 5=3.5-4 z 0.... _ Z ().4.5 ~ '2i ~ 2a 24 26 26 ;/.1 28 2YKBl 32 33 34 30 35 37 36 39 40 ~ 414T TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT T",.w", S~'.m. "",..... 20... ",Ios. "'.... "" ....,,,.., "H.116 ".J," .MX"lTWMX 20.. J, po_""", p,,, Joi" ""..". R."""" , mNi;iif;;;";:/;:;:;:'::::::~:t :::;;:;";;:~:':d/;;;';h:h;::~~:'~~:;;:;;or, ~ ,1~dn4gn"IO<"'lnI:Ml"'buIklinll<:ompOftlll"lnolll'UU..,..m.a""t.en~onspedl\calil)nlpnlVicllldl)ylht~"III8nUl_f :ndonBInKlCllnl__lrihlllecoo.nt...ersionslll'TPlandAFPAli&SignMolrda<ll.. No'"llOftSiblllly"__""~_ICy. Dime...... - _DW..rIlIMIbylhe__nt ando'oIbuilltIngdelig..,prioflllllibolQllion '..b\.IiIllIrGGetlgner_umr1aln....lhebm 1llillzed000IhladeslgnIl'lllel0l'.c:eedlheloadll'lllilo\poMdlll'lhebcalbuildingClldeandlNjlattiQbI~.,,,,,,,ign_IhIlIh8IllPchan:l MOSHOFSKY :ilIlR,alyllf""1)y1he1DDl'0l'Ibxsteaming8llll"'bonoml;tlO/'d"IaIfMlrlnolldbr'~idlhe..,,;ng_r\aldirwaly~. unl8uOhorwiM _.8tedng-"own..lDr......aupponOl'CDmpOnIlntsrnetnbe..onIrlll~LQbI.OIng..ngth"*CDmpOne..l"-lnotblpl-.lln8lly ~~1lI TRUSS '._..IhaI-.......,.rnoiIlIn~lll'II'eWOO<lIlD.U...Ill'4al'llUDfe.u.OClllII8(:torplaMc:onv.lon.FabrblIr.'-dlt,..... 4415 Nor~h .rk Dr 'anc:l.._IhIlI.....In~_lhelDlDorlng_antI-.Joonl8nd~Oetaf~.....abblCt_Ol4UfrornT~.dw_. Co 0 Spr'n~s CO 80907 'ANSVfP,t',WTCAt'.WooclTruuCounalllf"""'nc..SlanilMllDniQnAtlaponsibilil;n.1Ul.DINGCOMPONENTSAFETYINFORIMTION". ' ;(BCSlI-D3land 'BCS,SlJM.....RV SHEETS' I)y WTCA_ TP'. TheT....,.... ~1TJ>11..~81MJ D'OrloIna Dnve. "'-"-. TRUSPLUS fl.a VER: T6.4.1\v1scontin5J111l T".A.....unF_..andP_'A.SO<;YI.,..IMPAlisbc8llld..ll111llrflStrHt.NW.s..llDO.W~OC20038 lOltlv : ~ This trun 15 designed using the UBC Code. ~:~~/r~~~~1~".. Y;::i ~~oz~~ce Futor .. 1.00 Hurricl.ne/Ocel.n line. No i hp Category. C Bldg lenlth. 50.00 ft; B dg Width. 20.00 ft Me.n roo height. 11. 1 ft., Iaph. 80 U8( 5t.ndud Occup.ncy, Dud lo.d. 10.2 psf 8-'.g SHIP oP-" Il:JtPlRAT!q~ !?~rfii '2131105) 1/28/05 (ust: JESSIE WO: Drive_'-ise1-LOOO06_JOOO03 OS9nr: ILC - 16 wr, 2361 TC Live 25.00 pst OurFacs l-1.1S P-1.lS TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd I.lS Live 0.00 pst Rep Mbr (amp 1.00 BC Rep'Mbr Tens 1.00 BC Dead 10.00 pst 0, C. Spaci ng 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC TOTAL 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: Ll240 TC: Ll24L --- --~-_.- Joll>> ~aJms: JIE$~ilE--'-- -----~_.. -- ll'ruGs aID: JSIE-C2 SRC X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 o. 2.12 1218 5. 50~ 1. 50" 2 25- 9." 1218 5.50~ 1.50~ BRC REQUIREMENTS shown ue bued ONLY on the truss _t.riill iIt eilr;h be.ring M.IJ( DEflECTION (spiin) : t~9!g.f~~~ ~O~01SLI~~) -O.lr "PcI~!I.'.~I/'Ii..'!"'1 '" 1-2 -167) loUr 4271.60 0.41 2-) -1410 LiS 1 460 1.60 0.4' )-4 .1410 1.U 1 460 1.60 0." 4.S .161) 1.U 1 427 1.60 0.4' 6~" ~S!~60'I~ T~n5!~S! o~J 7-' -&11.601 904 LU 0.4' '-9 .U1;601 9l>41.U 0.48 '-10 -us 1.10 I UIi, 1.1~ 0.52 2~ ':'l'r2!Ms!~ TE~i!~601 o~~~ J.7 -2071.601 5741.U 0.2' J-9 .2071.60 1 S741.U 0.21 4.9 -J721.UI JOll.60 0.14 Te Be WEB Lo.ded for 2...4 OFL 61 2...4 OFl II 2k4 OFL STANDARD 10 PSF non.concurrent BeLL. ~~~~ig~s;f.:[ J~ ~~I~C:f.oSI{:9~ESUL T OF MULTIPlE lOAD CASES. PlATE VALUES PER lCBO RESEARCH REPORT '1601. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. 6-8.13 ~.3-3 6.3-3 6-8-13 6-8-13 13-0.0 19.3-3 26.0.<) 1:l..O-ll c 1;.u}./l , " 2 3 4 5 17.00 --:r.oot 3,54 7-11-5 1.54 ~ :r 0-4-5 ..... ~,.; 2.5-4 :- 2,54 5=3,54 ~ "'_1\.(1 '6 7 6 9 8-9-14 8-4-5 I 8-9-14 17-2-2 ,J&ll ~ 8-9_14 26.0.<) ~ - . ~~:Qt91f:~~Jf.i\~#a~Op!Ste~~~i~~a.~ft,~Jo~~~iaa~~ ;~~.bL~l9~d)~~~'lf1,~n4~~PJii1~~ ~~OIel I WAIRWHNGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Eractlng Contractor, ~ T"dlIaQtl"1Or8llInclMlluaolt.ll.ilclinOQIrIlpDnerIIlllltlnlu.~m .habeeqb8lldDII.~.,...pnwidedb,IN~IlIm.nur~, endllone"K:aIlOanaIWIllINCUl'IWI"""'DfTPI_AFPAdniQIl~. Na..spondIolItyll.........lgrlllnenllcln8l~lC)', 0irnB1IIIlII'II ~ _D~.......,b,IhIi~m.nurKtunl'lnlIofbl/llcbngdnignerpriClrDIallrk..ciorl, Thlbuild"'dinQflerI1lUllDOMallnI'llllIhli~ -lIdDIIll'llldlalCln_o'..WlIdlhliba:l"'ifllIPoIIlIdbylhlibc<olbuiloSinQ_.ndlNpMlQ,Uo~, ThlduVn_.~IhIiDlI(tIIIfll MOSHOFSKY llI"qlyb.-1IQIdb,lhIifllllforftoofMnltling_lhIibollDrn~iI~b.-Kedb,.f1g1d1ht1llhinO~clQl2Iy-.:tllid. wdnIOthII_ , nDIIOd. 1lr'O"O-..IIIor.....RqlOI'lofClClfl'lp;>nliflT'CfTlboqonlylg~buckling.f'lC1lh. T..~.,...noIWplKedln..,. ~""'.iII TRUSS l.rMrDnmetII~IriI.....IhIi..........__..oflhli-.oodlg.lOMdIO'll.Wdfor....._~.-..~ FatwblII.hMclll..... 44 h k 0 -"'_lI'IIIlf'UIIiln KlXlfII....WIllIhliIblloomg.,........Joinl....CIlllirOCIIt8I Rapofts' wabIIII.....,.... "-T_.__. ~ol~ ~g~~n~~r COrk0901 ,"ANSVTPlI'. WTCA 1"W004TtUSlCoundIofAa.rcaSlandfto..lonlq'llMllblitin.'9ULDlNGCOIoIPONENTlWETYINFOfWATIOH'. . lacS' l-03J_1lCS. SUMMARY SHEErs" by WTCA Iind TPI ThflTIU$S.....InIUl.aI{TPIllIlDQelldlll5a3D'Onofrio~.....,...... TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER; T6'~'_.~~$J7" ThI=__P1lllnA---I"'FPA,)iI~"1I111fllhSIrNl._.SIIaoo.W-..gIgn.DC20030 Cltlv: '----1 11 UPlIFT REACTIOH(S) : Support. 1 .]06 lb Support 1 .306 Ib This truss it designed using the USC Code. 8ldg Enclosed. Yes, Illport.nce Factor . 1.00 Truss loc..tiOfl . Hot End Zone HurriunejOuMI Line. No bp Cllte90ry . C 81dg len1th. 50.00 ftg 81dg Width _ 20.00 ft ~:cnS~:d.~:i~:u;..n~:: ~:~'L:~.. lO~~ pst 8- '.9 SHIP :r 0-4-5 'EXPlRAT)q~ E~!.t:: 12131/05 i ~/~8/i05 Cust: JESSIE wo: Orive_~jse1-L00006_J00003 Dsgn r: IlC _ 16 WT: 1521 TC live 25.00 psf OurFacs l-l.lS P-l.lS Te Dead 1.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Rep Mbr Comp 1. 00 BC live 0.00 pst Rep Mbr Tens 1.00 Be Dead 10.00 pst D.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec uac JTOTAl 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: l~4~ TC: l/~ Job Nlalms: JESSiE 11"ranss 10: JSIE-D1 SRC X-lO( REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 O. 2-12 20)4 5.50~ 2.1r 2 4]. 9. 4 1848 5.50. 1.9r BRG REQUIREMENTS shown ue based OHl Y on the truss ....teriill ,it eilch bUring MAX DEfLECTION (spiln) : L/999 IN MEM ll-U (LIVE) l_ -0.2]- 0. _O.UN T- -0.3a- ClrTICAlI"UllU.~CIS: l~~ ~a ~ii' T~19r':':o o~~ l-) -2'''1.11 602(..60 0.41 )_4 -216ol 1.1 1 6UC.60 0.41 4-5 -Hl' 1.1) 56ll.6O 0.41 5-' -llH 1.1 I SHe.6O 0.96 6.7 -llU 1.1'> SS'I'60 0.41 7-' -116oC 1.11/ IU 1.60 0.41 I.g .2114 1.1 II 601 1.60 0.41 '.10 -)111: 1,1~)1 au 1.60 O.Uii il~tl ji~ ~.: Tn:~lu' gl! lJ-14 .471 1.601 lUll.l 0.62 a-u -JU 1.601 unl.! o.n a-II -"" 1.601 22)11.1 a.Sot 11-11 -4711.60/ 22371.] 0.64 17_11 -64il.60f UHl.IIG.n .. -,..." ""'....'/ '" I-U -Jotl.n us 1.60 0.13 .-u .110 1.60 4)' 1.15 a.a ;:l: .~~ l:~ i~= l:~. gJ~ s-u -us 1.60 4U 1.Ge. 0.54 I-U -as 1.60 6251.15 o.n 7-U -'"I.U 2541.60 0.31 '-)7 -7' 1.60, 4J!l1.B 0.11 '-11 -J091.U/ 22J 1.60 O.ll Te 2.. OFl II Be 2... on ,} WEB 1.4 OFL STAHDAAO PLT sue 1.4 DFl 'I GSl Bue 1.4 OFL STAHDAAO lo~ded for 10 PSF non-concurrent SCll. 8~rOj:;' D:~?CM~: M~sflVEArF~ ~~E ~ri:D~j' [~) g.ble bruinV reyuind . sa~ interv~ls, ~ee e~~~:~A ~o C:b~= o::~ i j:~ ~ i~&~g6;D]~: g Web bncing required ,It uch lout ion shown. W Sl!!! n.ndArd dl!t~i1s (TXOIDI7DOJ_OOI revl). ~~i~i~~S~~c IS ~~I~l.oiI::9~ESUl T OF HUl TIPlE lOAD CASES. PLATE VAlUES PEIl leBO RESEARCH REPORT 11601. ~[~:i~1!8:S~~; ~~~d~~R~~:l8E~~nding. ...(AP PLIES MUST ""TCH THE BOTTOM TRUSS. ATTACH THE OJ> TRUSS WITH A lX6 (FULL lENGTH) OH EACH FACE WITH lid NAllS AT 6~ O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE lUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AHD CENTERED ON EACH (H(I{D. THIS CONNECTIl:* IS FOR VERTICAl LOADS AND 2.~ Of TRIBUTARY WINO lOADS BASED OH THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. lATERAllY BRACE THE fLAT TOP (HORD AT 2.- D.C. U.N.D. PER TPI. ~-3-11 6-3-11 5-10_2 12-1.14 1A..n-fl 2 3 m;o- -t ?-'0_2 184<> 8.0.0 5-10-2 -t ?-'0-2 9-3-11 26"()..() 31.10-2 37-8.5 44.0.0 ' R_Ml ''l..(l..(l 10 ' '8 7 8 9 .7.001 4 5 s.a 4.5 r \.' I~ ~ 2,s.a 3-4 5=3.5-5 1(). o.s 3,5-4 5=3,5-5 % 0-4-5 t~ 3-4 . $=3.5-5 3-4 ~ "-l1-l1 >" 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.-t Q..2-13 8-9-3 8.0.0 8-9-3 9-2-13 9-2-13 18.0.0 26.0.0 34-9-3 44.0.0 TYPiCAl PLATE: 1.5-4 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~'-"'-A TRUSS 4415 Nor~hp.rk Dr. Co 0 SprIngs. CD 80901 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4 t=~~~~~~s~~oEIiJ~~5h~';~~~~~. N:~~ ~o~..fdlb=~=9/~jt~ ~~R~. WARNINGRead all notes on this sheet and gIve a copy of /t to the Erecting Contractor, TlliIdeIign.br..iroSMiiu8lbl.olcllrv~I'IllI_"-. ll"'bMnb.-don ~b)'''a;wnpllfWnIlNnUl'_ -......~-..~.......dTpt_AFPAdeslgn-.s.dll. No~.-...db~to;r;:WKy. ~ _1aIC.~b)''''~'''''''''_ItldIlwDulll:llroQlIlnIgrIppriorlal~. n.bUtlingllHigne,_-...._...bade ldltolIonll'lll",-.gro_or.~"'b.sIrO___e.,NlgQlbuolcllrlgOl:ldlt_...perIIcuIar~_ T"-clnign__.......IOPCI'OfII ,.'-<....br..e.,...lUlll'orllclor.,.aIhirlg_...tIOlIomCl'lClldIl~br-.db)'.rigid~I'I\lIIen.ldnat,~. .......0lherwIee '1--.:1. 8recirv""""'.b1.....,SIClClOf'lda:rrnconenc.fIWfCIeta......tD~_k.d<IrOlwogtn ThiI~ltIIInorlC.~In....,. .............._..~Ihe.........~dhwoocllO.&CMd1fto8nlllor_---..pIMiI_ F~."-""'...... _.._-.......~-IheIolr;;orring...,.,.,.,.JoirI..,~DelIIReiIorb'...ilIb!*.OUlpUIlIam,"-..__. r'ANSIfTPI I". WTCA 1"~Tn.uColnelal""-'b~arIl'~, '8UlLOINGCOMPONENTS4FETYINFOR.....TION'. CBC$ll-03land '8CSI SUMMARy SHEETS' e., WTCA and 'PI The TfUM PIaM........ CTPII" buled" ~ 0'0n0rr.I on...lo4adllon. .] lvilcuna.in1l3119 n.~F_"..,P_"-1_(AlPA'.~..111119lP1Slr8l11.NW.SliIlIOO.W~.DC20038 _______~"L __________--.. Clw: 11 This desig" bued Oil chord bruin9 .pplled per the f011owi"9 scheduh: .... o.c. fra to T( 24.00- 18- O. 0 26. 0- 0 UPlIFT REACTION(S) : Support. 1 -JIll lb Support 2 -]015 lb This truss is designed using the U8C (ode. 8ldg Enclosed. Yes, Iaporu"ce futor . 1.00 Truss loutlon . Not End lone Hurriu"e/Oce.n li"e . No i Exp C.tegor! . C ~:~ ~~~Jt~ei h:O;oo 11~4]B f~~ :~~th.. 8g.oo ft USC Sl!i!nd~rd ~cup.ancy. De.d lOJld _ 10.2 pst" 5-5 3-5 % 0-4-5 T 11- 'J--9 SHIP Cust:: Jt::)~IE WO: Drive_'-ise1-l00006_JOOOOJ 'Osgnr: ItC _ 16 WT: 633' TC live 25.00 psf OurFacs L-1.1S P-l.1S TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr 8nd 1.15 Rep Mbr Comp 1.00 Be Live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Tens 1.00 8C Dead 10.00 psf D.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec U8C ,TOTAL 42.00 psf OEFL RATIO: Ll24D TC: Ll24' JJ4)1b> lNI~me: JIESSilE SRC X-lOC REACT SIZE REO'O 1 0- 2.12 1824 5.50~ 1.95" 2 38- 9-" 16)11 5.50. 1.15" aRG REQUIREMENTS shown ,ire bUed ONLY on the truss lUted..l "t e.ch beuing ~g~E~~E~att2~~~Ol(l~) La -0.11" D- _O.12M y. -0,10. anlCAlI'lOW;ER Fo-cu: Te CCMP.OOR.' ,T[I6.a.-..' CSt 1+2 -I7ll 1.15 S15 1.60 0.41 2-] -lUll 1.15 55l! 1.60 O.H J-4 -23651.lS 5671.60 0,19 .-5 -1I1( 1.15 SOS 1.60 0.47 5-6 -n451.B 452 1.60 0.'1 6-7. -15461.15 .601:1.60 0.44 7-' -U1lt.n I )111.60 0.)7 ::~ -l!U I:U ~ J~ l:rl X:J: Te 2.4 OFl .} Be Ix4 Oft II WEB hot OFt STANDARD PLATE VAlUES PfR ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11607. lOOlded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. PLATING BASED ON GREEN lUKBER VALUES. This trun is deliigned using the UBe Code. Bldg Encloud .. Yl!'s. IlIIport.nce Filctor .. 1.00 Truu location... Hot End Zone Hurriune/Ocun line.. No I Exp C.tego,-y .. ( B1d!! length.. 50.00 ft, B dq Width.. 20.00 ft Me,)" roof heivht.. 1].43 ft. -.ph. 10 use Sundard Occupam::y, Oe.d load. 10.2 psf Ie 11.11 11-1) ))-14 I~-n 15-115 16-17 11-1& '" ,." ,." ~-14 5-H 5-15 6-15 1-15 7-17 9-11 ,." 10-11 CDCP.lU../ -~1.601 -5041.601 -5011.601 -1~2 1.60 1 -SU 1.601 -5111.601 -66el.60}/ CO'IP.'DUR.'I .)191.15 .121.60 .6011.15 -N 1.60 -4701.60 -)(11.60 -1841.60 .615 1.15 I -1001.601 -11671.15 1 -611.601 TENS.U: CSf 2259 I.IS 0.66 lU71.lS 0.61 11111.1S 0.59 14911.15 0.59 llOJ 1.15 0.51 130J 1.15 0.50 7111 1.60) 0.42 TENS. 'DIM.' I3J 21111.60 O.ll UJ 1.15 0.20 2511.60 0.17 6271.1' 0.21 1951.60 0.27 400 1.B 0.16 2691.60 0.5' 1&41.60 0.67 n~ 1.15 0.42 41' 1.60 O.~li II I.U 0.04 6-3-11 6-3-11 5-10_2 12-1-14 1A-ll-'l 2 3 f"f.iii) , 10- 0-5 3.... % 0-4.5 2,5-4 ~ '11 '2 9.?_13 9-2-13 TI1'I.IISS ~1Ql: JJSIE-IDi2 g Web br.uinQ required at uch loc,nion shown. ~ See sundiilrd deuth (TXOI011001-001 revl). Pbtin; spec: ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE (CMPOSITE. RESULT OF KULTJPlE l<WI CASES. Or.ina!!e !lUst be provtded to .void pondinlJ. End vertiuh des1!!ned for ..hI lo.ds only. E_tensions "bov!! or below the truss profile (if .ny) nquir..ddhional considention (by others) for horiz. lo.ds on the bldg. -C>> PlIES I'Il.IST HAT(H THE SOTICJt TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A LX6 (FULL LENGTH) ON EACH FACE "ITH ad NAILS AT 6M O.c. IN EACH CHalO. THE LUMBER USED I'Il.IST SE STRESS RATED AHO CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAL LOADS AHD l4M OF TRISUTARY WIND LOADS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS OOTED. LATERALLY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24M O.c. U.N.O. PER TPI. 5-10_1 18-0-0 8-0.0 26'()'() 0"".0 t>10.2 31-10-2 5-10_2 37-8-5 1'l,_n.n i 6 .7.001 TN'W"~'~' PIa".... 20.. "","U"""" b, "I."". ",I. ...""... I. '" "MJ\"rjWMX 20" ), 00'"'''''''' "'" J~"' Po""" R._, clrcle~ JI.le$ and lalse IJame DQI81 ara oosltioneaas stiowtfaljbye, "Shill cable slud f) ales 10 a~d ovflflao wilh"sIruclUl'3 Olales for'lllao/lll /I WAI NlfNGReadall notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor" C",,, JESSIE ~ Tl'IItdealll"..loranirl:llVi:lu&l~COfIlIlONnlnoltruA.~. ll"bllenb.-clonlJ08tlllc.&tia"'llIO~bylNalITlpOnenlnwnulxtLq, \lK): Orive_CiseLl00006_J00003 ~ :::==".:==-_........:.:=,;'::::==::.:....~~-:::.~-=-""::::"=~~...... Dsgnr: ItC - 16 WT: '......-donW.duQIl-..Of.....hbdlgimpoMdDy...bQIbu1lclingDllCs.8lldlhep.ltlltulM,tppIleIllOn Tr.lSeaign_lh&IlIIeIDpCllOlll Te live 2S.00 psf DurFacs l-l.lS "'OSHOFSKY !.IN'~br_byllleIlllll'OIlkusr.~_lhellollomCl'lOlll""'''''brao.dby'noid&he..,.;ng'''''''''dnatyMtaC:l'lH. Ul'IInIocr-.. Rep Mbr Bnd 11'1' !1'IlIllId. 81KlrlaIlvwn.t.rI&l8r"lllppOI1ll1lXllftllDl'l8flll'WmberlonlyD~~1Iflgth ""~"shallnoIblIllI"*'inany Te Dead 7.00 psf ~ TRUSS .rMrllrln'-.nl~"'QUM"'IIlCliIlonClltllenlol"'woodlO..~1Il'l1ordiorc:a-._pUlI!_iOn f~.""""."'" Be live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Cemp 4445 Nor~hp.ark Dr ..,br8C8lhiau....ln~..chh~~'.Joinl&nll~OlrtIlIRepoltS....WlIIII..ldpUlIfomTrww..IOftw_. Rep Mbr Tens Colo Springs, co 80907 ....NSVTPll..wn:Al..WoodTru.~Gf....meAcII~Desi(Jn 'BUIlDINQCOMPONENTSAFETYINFOR.....'IQH'. Be Dead 10.00 psf D.C.Spacing IBCSI1.(l3l.nd"BCSI SlJMMA,RV SHEETS' IlrWTCA ..., TPl. TMTIUAPl&lII ~ITPI)illocMIId. sa] D'Qrdrioer;.... "'-lllon. Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1~__s]1l8 T"........-foreu...:IP"*Assoa.bonIAFP...)ilbalBd..,1111I11hSltftl.PM'.Sa.800.W8llWlQDll.OC2lm8 TOTAL 42.00 pst DEFl RATro: 4 '5 '6 5.. 4.5 5=3.5-4 2,5-4 2,... 5=3.5-4 3-4 )~_n-n 13 14 15 16 8-9-3 16-0-0 ../l-O 26-0-0 8.Q.3 34-9.3 17 Olftw: J This design bued on chord br.cing applied per the following sch.dull!: ..x o.c. fros to Te 24 .00. 11- 0- 0 26- 0- 0 UPlIn REA(TION(S) : Support 1 -)68 lb Support 2 -3)31b I ~~ w' 11- ;-9 SHIP T 3-3-6 1 3,5-4 '>Il-O '.;;S~B rM 299' P..1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 UBC 1I~40 TC: 1I24' JlOb IM:&Ms:-JIESSOrE ' , BRG x.LCK: REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 8- 2-12 2702 5.50~ 2.51~ 2 48- g... 1134 5.50~ 1.85" BRG REQUIREMEHTS shown .are bued ONLY on thl! truss 1IIi1ler;.l ill eilch bll!uinll MAX OEFLEGJON (sgan) : t~g!~. ~~N "E~ l~O~lZ!lI~~) _D.29N MAX oEFLEalON (cilnt) : lj546 IN I4fM 12.1] (LIVE) l- O.18N 0.. D.ll- T.. 0.]0" OInICALKl'eU~CES: Ol~(l aM'li(~l ~ f~7 ~s o~~ 1_2 -151 1.601 lOOlIl.U 0.54 2-) .:lSlJ: 1.601 11021.15 O.SS )_4 -lJ! 1160 I 11921.U 0.S2 4-$ -UBI.n I 1611.60 O.H ,.. _IOlCll.UI 16i 1.60 0.52 6-7 _t6U 1.151 J7<;11.60 D.sri '-I -1414 I.U I 1611.60 0.54 '_1 -11)) 1.15 I 3111.60 O.SO 9-10 -10411.U I 199 1.60 0."1 10-11 -USJ 1.U~1 117 1.6C- 0.49 I('CIM'.lU:. TENS.M.' CSt 12-1) -1141.15 1411.60 0.43 U-14 -141 1.11 11' I.U 0.5& 14-U -UI1.60 15521.15 0.61 U-16 -UII.5O U52 1.15 0.14 16-17 -1111.60 16611.15 0.15 17-11 -1711.60 16611.15 D,n 11-19 -1M 1.60 U22 1.15 0.151 11-20 '921.60) 16)<1.60 0.).4 108 ClJIIII'OIa'I' TENS.CW. CSt l-ll .nll.151 114 1.60 0.10 4.U -l4'" 1.151 S4<ll.60 0.19 4-14 -Ull.601 U15 1.15 0.49 S-14 .S 1.15 1 3" 1.33 0.14 ,.14 -9311.15 1 lOll 1.60 0.14 '-15 1 3'l1.15 0.16 1-16 -I5111.15jl 1111.60 0.11 1-11 -U4 1.15 1 '11.60 0.51 '.u -4l1.601 4" 1.15 o.n '-II 1 .IU 1.2S 0.06 '-If -91..111.Ujl ns 1.60 0.14 11-1' .14.r.601 U)(l.15 o.st 11-lO -161' 1.15 1 211(1.60 0.11 TC be4 DFL II BC 2x4 DFl It WEB 2114 DFl STANDARD GRL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11601. DUln~ge !DUst be provided to .void ponding. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. End vertiuls designed for .lll~l 10.Jds only. Ellunsions o1bove or below the truss profile (if .Jny) require .dditional consideution (blathers) for horb. lo.ds on the bldg. Le t Overho1ng(s) .Jre not to be reJllQved. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO ]- /IWl.! left Overh.Jng Soffit loading. 0.0 pst ~..n l!.-8,:O I's.fl-] 8-~t! 30+0 37-<Hl 42-6-2 4ll.(H) ",.n.n I. 1 '.n.<l . 7 ;; 10 ,,- -7,001 3-4 3-4 4-5 'I ,.- , 12. ., ~~ 3.5--5 + SHIP 3-4 5=3.5-5 3.5-5 .L 3-8 2-4 -".- l"rlLDss DD: JSIE-E1 J;lI Web bnring required ,It e.ch loc.tlon shown. W See st.nd.rd detiil11s (TXOI081001-001 revl). ;~I~io2s~g:c[~ ~~Ir-~SI{~9~ESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLl. B~ro~:i ~~~~~~: ~~S~l~R~~ ~~E ~~~~. ['I gable bracinv regulred . 58- lnterv.iil.ls. i exposed to .lnd load .p~lied to fau. See -Genenl Giilbl. Oeulh . c00206S03S. ...(AP PL IES MUST MTCH THE BOTTOM TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FUll LENGTH) OH EACH FACE WITH ad NAILS AT 6- D.C. IN EAQI CIOl:D. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH (HORD. THI5 CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAL lOADS AND 24~ OF TRIBUTARY WIND LOADS BASEO OH THE SPECIfICATIONS NOTEO. LATERALLY 8AACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24" O.c. U.H.O. PER TPI. 5.11.11 ....2 15-R-7 ..8.0 >11-11 111-5-14 17-<>-0 23-6.0 17..n..n '1 2 ;j 4 . '5 'mo- 10-.)...5 -- '" 0-4.5 8-<>-0 ~'2 13 4.5 GUy: 1 Thu deSIgn bued on chord br.acing .pplied per the following schedule: ux o.c. trOfl to TC 24.00- 17- 0- 0 ]7- 0- 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -521 lb Support 2 -269 lb This trun .is desi!lned using the USC Code. Bldg Enclosed. Yes. IlIporunce Futor .1.00 Truss Loution _ Not End Zone Hurdunll/Oce.an L inll - No I Ellp C.tegory - ( . Bldg Lenlth.. 50.00 ft. B dg Width.. 20.00 ft Me." roo height.. 13.14 ft, IIph.. ao UBC Stand.;lrd Occup.Jncy. Dead lO.Jd _ 10.2 pst .5.n.<l 19 20 ~~B 1~ 8_2.1} 8-2..12 TYPICAl. PLATE: 8-... 17-0-0 t 8=3.5-5 4A..o_n 1718 ~Wii~J.m~WSn!=Ga~oo&'le~~~n:i~e!fl:~~do~~~~j~a~ ~ttu~.bb~o2N...reheg~~J8a~:U~~P~~ ~~0Ie\ W ARNINGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. ~ Thi:ldlIsignilban~bultfinClaJmClOI18fIIfXJth'uSSIY*m.llhasbeenbaedon~prcMdIIClbyll'lll~rMIU'M1Qf .nd........-.l_.......c:unwnl.....;or.dTP.andMPAdlIaIQlI~. ""'",spMIibilIIy..MUmaCllDrcllmanalonll..xuracy, DilMnIiona ______ ...1O.....rIledtly..c:ompor-.nt .rdIorbuiICIlngcllnig_prlDflDlabrlcalion. ThltuldiflOdnig..rlnUll~oulnlNllhll~1 UC*z:8donlhildllliOnlNltor.xwedlhlllDildiflOompoIedtlyChllocalbuildlngcodelndlhlp;lI'licular~- Thldnlan_lhIIlhelDC1d1ord MOSHOFSKY iI.......,tIrll(:ldbylheroaforIloorCl'e-*'lllndlhllbo/lgmcl1cMllil..,...,tIrac:edby.lVidS/'ll!MhinD_riIldQdly~. l.ftiuo&.lWiIe nolld, Bradngahawnlllor~lUP(lOftd___rIls~~lOltd\.IQtIuekIlnQ~ TI'III~""shlllnol"pI.-.llnany ~ TRUSS ...............1tI.I...._ChlmolIlI.qQWlllnldlhl-..oodID..ClNdlft..n<or__CIOtpl.-mrfOIion F~.halndll........ 4415 Northpoillrk Dr 1tId"'_lhlI'"-nlCCOfli.-....lhIlD1clwirlglt8nd.rdl.JoIntandC'*'llOellllRapor1l.......blI..~InlmT__..IOflw.... Co 0 5prt ngs, CO 80907 'ANSIITP. 1'. WTCA I' - Wood TI\III CDuncild.6.rnelicl Scandalll OIlign RtsIIOrlIiblIIlie.. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INF"Oft.....TIOH'. 18C$l1.(l318nd'8CSl SUMMARY SHEETS'byWTCA n TPI T"- T,.. Pl.-IrlIlIuleITPII"Ioc;-.cI-'li83D'Oro1rlo onw..lolIOiJon. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.] :I.v--.~m' ThI""".......F~It-.:lPIpefAlSOtYloanIMPAlilbeaIlldllllI11I11t1S\rMI.NW.s..eoo.waHro;lon.DC:zoo)tl. 1,5-4 1415 ,. 8_g...s 45-9.... 10-0-0 27-0-0 10-0-0 37-0-0 (ust: JESSIE WO: Drive_'-jse1-l00006_J00003 .Dsqnr: Ile - 23 WT: T( Live 25.00 psf DurFacs l_l.lS Te Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd Be live 0.00 psf ::: =~~ ~~~~ Be Dead 10.00 psf D.C. Spacing Design Spec DEFl RATIO: TOTAL 42.00 psf 6831 P_1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 U8e U240 TC: .ll2" Joll>> i\l~Me: JIES~ilE BRG X~lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 8- 2-12 2HZ 5.50. 2.lW Z 48-'-" 1726 5.50" l.a..- BRC REOOIREMENTS shown ue b.ued ONl V on the truss lUteri..l .It e.uh burin; MAX DEFLEOION (sp.ln) : L/999 IN HEM 17 -IB (lIVE) l. -O.lr 0- _0.09M T. -0.22- MAX DEFlEOION (c;ant) : l/644 IN "'EM 1)-14 (llV[) l.. 0.16" 0- 0.11" T. 0.26- anICAlME"fIl~S: Ol.~\ awe.~: T~i ~i o~u 1~2 -26Cl 1.60 I 10lt l.1S 0.54 2-] -n4 loB I 9451.n 0.41 1-4 -SO'l.nl 9651.15 0.41 4-) -UtlS 1.15 I liS 1.60 D.n '-6 -U!l11.U I ]6(; 1.60 0.45 6-7 -1.1511.15 I 4lC 1.60 0.46 7-' _115[11.151 4011.60 0.50 '-9 -B911.11 I 3671.60 0.19 9-10 -17111.151' 3821.60 0.52 10-11 -125E I.UI 2J71.60 0.50 u-u -U6Ci 1.15 I 2Ili 1.60 D.H Ie ctM'.~.1 TENS.I:ll*. (51 B-t.. -7Hl.15 I JotS 1.60 0.15 14-15 -l1071.UI 6111.60 0.16 15-16 -42C I.UI &alL)) 0.15 16-17 -211.601 1115 1.15 0.41 17-U _U61.601 1601 l.iS 0.41 1'-19 -14'1.60 I 157& I.U 0.43 19-20 -1561.601 15751.15jO.50 20-21 -1921.601 13201.150..8 21-22 -931.601 163.1.60 0.21 loB CtIP.ld..)1 TEHS.rOUIU CSI 2-14 -lnl1.UI 4101.60 0.59 1-15 -2st 1.60 1 1"'ll1.U 0.66 4-U .2l1l 1.15 1 "'71.60 0.91 4-16 _llS 1.601 UU 1.15 O.SO 5-16 _7011.U 1141.60 0.44 5-17 -1171.60 9911.15 0.44 6-17 .1101.U 2111.60 0.44 6-11. -1' 1.60 )1) 1.U 0.16 1-11 -)U l.iS . 1)11.60 0.19 1-11 -"1..60 Ht 1.U O.H ,.19 -1011.U 1111.60 0.51 1-20 -stll1.U 911.60 0.44 9-20 -121.60 Ul1.B 0.21 10-10 ll71.B 0.05 10-21 -119P'Ul 19C1l.60 0.65 H:n .~~~U~ ~~ U~ &:tl10--J..5 Te 2x4 OFL II Be 2x4 OFL U fill CHD 2x4 OfL STANDARD WEB 2x. OFL STANDARD PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARQI REPORT '1607. Drainage _st be provided to avoid pondinj' End vertiuh designed for axial loads on y. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for heriz. loads on the bldg. Left Overhang(s) are not to be r_ved. OVERHANG(S) MY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3~ MAX.! ~ ~iE~a:aS~o~~iHl;~~i~rr(>>10Ju~s~ ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FULL lENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH 8d NAILS AT 6~ O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE lUMBER USED NUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS C~ECTION IS FQfl; VERTICAL lOADS AND 24~ OF TRIBUTARY WIND lOADS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. lATERAllY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24~ O.c. U.N.O. PER TPI. '---fitiBs!i-BD: JJSIE-E2- - --~\tv:-i ~ Th1l deslgn based on chord brat;,ing applied per the following schedule: ..x o.c. fro. to TC 24.00~ 17- 0- 0 ]7- O~ 0 UPlIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -526 lb Support 2 -267 lb a Web bracing required .It e;ach location shown. ~ See standard detai 1s (TXOI017oo1-oo1 revI). ~~i~iD2sir.NcI~ r.:~Ir~~SI~:9~E!)UlT OF MOL TlPlE lOAD CASES. lo;aded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. PLATING BASED OH GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. This truss is dulgned using the UB( (odl. B1d!l Enclosed.. YIS. Iaporunce Factor - 1.00 Truss location _ Hot End lone Hurric.ne/Oc.ean Une - No i E..p (ategory .. C Bldg lenlth. 50.00 ft. B dg Width.. 20.00 ft Me.n roo height.. 13.14 ft, IIlph. an USC Sundud Otcupilncy, De;ad lOOld. 10.2 psf 5-11.11 5-6-2 5-6-2 6-ll-ll I 6-ll-ll 1~ 1~ ~t'4 5-11-11 11-5-14 17-0-0 23-0-0 29-ll-ll 49-lJ.O 17-'lf' 10 m.o.o fg 1?~ 121 '1 2 3 4 . 7 . 10 11 mo 3.... -7.001 6-8 3-4 1,5-4 4.5 -- % 0-4-5 ~ '13 6-ll-ll A.~ 3-4 7.501 ,!O!O 3,5-5 12. 1-1 T SHIP 3-3-5 .1 'f2fl 2-4 3-4 1.7,50 1QJI.A ;',J" 19~~ 4~..o..o ,5-ll-ll ,. 11 J~ "" 21 221l!JB I p-O-o ~,o.o 7-lJ.O I 7...., I ;"37.-0-0 ' ~ 23-ll-ll 29-lJ.O 44-8-8 ~ T rn....' Sw'''''' "'.....m 20 ". "",,,,,, ,"own 0, .,..( " ...1. ""\l'R' J '" 'MX.'TWMX 20 ",), ...',"'"" ce, Joinl oe~,,, Reoort, CirClecJ olit..les and l3lselrame DCItes a.re.ooslIionooas showr'l"alXMl. hI f' hie stud blales to avl)id oV6rlao With.structural plat~laolel I~JRNINGRead atl ;'otes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. ~ :TlWdIIl.;gn.lOr..nfMdualbullclonvc:ompone..not.....lIySIllm.nhalbeen~onspec~pIO'IIdIIdb'f'....mmpDtI8fI..........~r In~..IIOCOldanoI...,....c:une.....l'IionsorTPlnMPAdnVn~ No~.___klId.....on.l_8C'jl' 0In-.nIl0nII _1CIt....~Il)'....~............-...-...sIOl'buildinQdnIg_p<ior...labllcllion Tr.buIldinQclnig__~Itain__ba2lI io,diqdon_dulgn~Of..CMCl....ICI.,onv""""_byhlDcaltluibinQl:IlIW..-.clh~~.ThllInllln_._.,..Igpcl'1lWd MOSHOFSKY liI_.braCedby....IOOIOfIlDor....~..-.cl_bOlIOrndwdil..,alytnoMlby.ngd."...u.;ng~d..ctly~. ut*..0Ih!I_ i_8tIdng.......,lIlof........M.pp;lftor~mIfI'CIllNonIy.....ouc.budtlin\l..ngIIlT...o;DlllpOIleIll.....nDlt.~"'..,., ~ TRUSS :~I'II......_...__l'IIor""WI;>OdIll.OCMdI"endo'or___...(IlfI'DIIon. Fatn:eM.IIerdI....... 4445 N "h k 0 :ntlr..lhII_n..x:oodtnOl..cn..IoIbwinQ~..JclifIIerv!CuIlInOOIlaIIRellO<tI....eIIal*..~InImTIWW..toftw.... Colo 5~~~n~~r COr 80907 ;....NSVTPll.. WTCA 1..WgodT....CounclId.......nc..SIerv!IIdOesig"Re~. '8U1lDlNGCOMPQNENT SAFeTY INFOR.....nClN'. . LtBCSlI.03,n"8CSI&uMMARY $HEETS' byWTCA..-.cl TPI. TPle T"'" PIMlt ........'TPl)..IDUIed.. $83 D"Onofri:)on..,~. TRU$PLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1 :W~$3111. Tr.~r=o.."..-.clPapefAnoc:aalClnIMPA'illocatd"I'U I\IUISlrwl.HW. Sill llOO. w.-.gmn. DC lOO3O. . 1 t"1"<l> , ~ , .;, 7-8-" 17-lJ.O ~.5-8 6-5-8 TYPICAl PLATE 'Cust: JESSIE wo: Driv~~'-jse1-L00006_J00003 : Osgnr: ,LC - 23 WT: TC Live 25.00 psf OurFacs L-l.15 TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd BC Live 0.00 psf ::~ =:~ ~:~ BC Dead 10.00 pst O.C.Spacing Design Spec OE~ RATIO: 442' P_1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2~ 0- 0 UBe L124D TC: L124 TOTAL .42.00 psf ,J)illllbi ~aJme: JIESSIIE-- BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 a. 2-12 2599 5.508 2.77~ 2 045- 9-" 1865 5.508 1.61M BRG REQUIREMENTS shown ue bued OHlY on the truss Ill.lterbl .It e~ch burin; ~9~[~~E~J~o~~rilnIVt) L. -O.ll~ 0.. -O.Og~ T. -0.22- MAX OEFUOIOH (cilnt) : L/66S IN MEM 1]-14 (LIVE) L_ D.B- 0- 0.10. T. 0.25- ClITtCAl~E'~C:ES: TC ((J9'.0lJR./ TM.I~. CSI ~:11 -2~ tAt ~ lO~~(:n 8J: l-I -5tl1I.B/ 951.n 0." 1_4 -4711.)) I '11.15 0.... 4-$ -1460 1',HI HI.60 0.35 '-6 -n" J.n / ))1.10 0.44 6-1 -14711.151' 361.60 0.41 1-' -147e 1.15/ )60 .lie.D.l' J., -Ion I.UI lO51.1IiC. 0.1' '-10 -U911.U I He 1.60 0.11 10-11 -611.601 14) 1.1$ o.n ll-U -711.601 UJ 1.1510.41 1J~4 -1M loul 1411.60 O.H H:t: ;; ~i ' T~ ~~. g~; 16-17 -21.60 11111.)) 0.40 17_11 -921.60 l4Of1.1!I 0,17 11-19 -!Ill 1.60 UIII.1S 0.11 19-20 -1011.60 12621.U o.n ~:n -'~H::g "g l:m 8::: .. """1""1 TENS, 'OUR. CSt 2-14 -161; LIS 1'21.60 0.51 2-15 -2)! 1.60 U&o 1.15 0.61 4-15 -206)1.15 4771.60 0.9) 4-16 ~U2 1.6(" 10671.15 0.47 5-16 -64'1.1:. 1751.60 0.40 5-17 -1621.&(:. 151 1.15 0." 6-17 -59. l.)~. 207 1.60 o.n 6-11 -$11.&(:' 2JlI.U 0.11 7-U -)1) 1.15 IH 1.60 0.20 I-U -9<lI.I5C. 0441.U 0.42 1-19 -5561:U 77 1.60 0.46 1-20 -64C l.n 1171.60 0.56 9-20 -)6 1.60 JU 1.U 0.14 10-20 '&0 I.U 0.11 10-21 -1711p.U? )501.liO 0.19 tl:H :1~~U~s, u~ l;:Z 8:g}10-J.5 -- '" ~-5 TC 2_4 DFL II BC 2.:4 DH '1 FILL eHD 2114 Oft STANDARD WEB 2114 OFL STANDARO PLATE VALUES PER 1(80 RESEARCH REPORT '1601. Orloinlove ..n be provided to lovoid POnd;n!, End vertic,i1s designed for lollilo) 10lods on y. E.~ensions .boye or below the truss profile (if any) require additionlol consid.ration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg_ ... ............. ...... OVERHANG(S) *V BE SHORTENED UP JO 3M MX.! OYerhlong Soffit 10loding. 0.0 psf ..... ..... .......... ... ...(.Af> PlIES MUST *TCH THE 8OTTCfol TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A LX6 (FUll LEHG'TH) ON EACH FACE WITH Id NAllS AT 6- O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH OIORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAL LOADS AND 24M OF TRIBUTARY WINO LOADS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. LATERAllY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORO AT 24M O.C. U.N.O. PER TPI. Truss 11Di: JSIE-1E3 g Web bnctng required At euh location shown. ~ See shndlord deui 11 (TXOIOa1001-001 revl). ~~~~i~2s;l.:cI~ ::I~~I{:9~ESULT OF MULTIPlE lOAD CASES. lO,ided for 10 PSF non-concurrent aCll. PlATING BASED OH GREEN lUM8ER VALUES. This trun is dl!Signed using the uac Code. aldg E"closed . 'l'es, I.portance F.ctor . 1.00 T/'\lss location. Hot End 20"e Hurriune/Oce,in Line. No I Exp Cnegory . C Bldg lenjth. SO,QO ft. a dg Width. 20.00 ft Neoiln roo height. 13.14 ft, lIIph. 10 uac Stilndard Occupancy, eelod lOad. 10.2 psf Q~: 5 'Q.IWl 1Q.nJl This design based 0" chord bud"V applied per the follOW1ng IChedule: ....o.c. fro. to TC 24.00" 17- 0- 0 31- 0- 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -50S Ib Support. 2 -289 Ib ~~ ~~ N 5-11-11 ?-S-2 15-8.' 6-O~'t R""" ~~~14 5-11-11 11-5-14 17-O..() 2~-ll 29-ll-ll 494<) 17J).../'I 15 'VI"'') I. 17~..tl 121 '1 2 " 4 6 . 11 m;o 3.!HI .7.001 ,. 8""" I 23-0-<) 1QJUl 17 f'4).() , 29""" !I_Q....s 45-9-4 Il-{J-<1 R."" 3-4 7.501 1!oJo '11 7""" I (<) 37-0-0 "" I 3-G.D ,5.<M 21 Zi~l'lJB I E~ ''''1''' S"tom, Pl""~,,, 20 ,"" "",." "'own b, "1a-(18 ,""I, "H'''. '"" M "MX"<TWMX 20 ,",.), PO,'"""O<I "'" J~", Oo~i" R""'" C1fC lJ(J ~es and liils8 Trame OCates are OOSIIIOl'looa$ stiOWlfalStwe. 'Shift ~b1e slud blales 10 DvOid O\ICl'lao wilh'slrucluraf OIales Iot'staole\. , vrni NiNGRead all not';s on rhls sheer and gIve a copy of /I to the Erecting Contractor. ~., ITlIi.~".ID<"''''''''''''''bI.loI<IlnIlcumpgne",ncJI''''''~. .........b.-don _ _.. PfO'iIOeClbyhO)mpOl'enl"*""'Ktlnf -do<-....~.Ih...~"'.........oITP1..,AFP"'deSVfI-.daIdII. No~".UumlldIor~__Ky. rron.,.".. ..1D....nf'ltdby...CllI'flCIIOIWnlnqrU......,~buildinQ~prIorlDlabralIon n.tluIdlflO.~_UQIrWnlha"'badl. 1ftilIrecl000Ihildel9..-.t0f..CM(l"'b8dlng~bylhelocaltluildingmcle"''''~appIicMlon. T,..S91J:.Well'laltheIoPdlOfd MOSHOFSKY "......br.-lbylheroolOfIlDor...8ll'q..,lhebollomd'ord.taerdrbrJaldby.~...~"*"n.rdifedlw'Jltached, ,,"*uOChtrwile "'*d Bracing--.,illD<.......lUPPOf101(:f)mpOn11C1I'f1ef1U~OflIyDI1lduoeDudl;llngItrQlll_ rr.~lIlaInoI..pIal>>dlll..... ~'-'~ TRUSS ~.".,..._lhefllOilllntllf'llerllol...woodlD..CWdI"'-.sror_~.....mnDMln F.........,..,."........ 4415 Nor~h ark Dr. 8fIllbrecllcr.-!ruII..JCWnl___Ihe**"-ing-..atllI...Jon8flllc..ingo.talRepc:wlll'wMablenOLllpulfrgmT",........., Co 0 SprTn~5 CO 80907 .ANSVTPII..WTCAI..WoodTfValColn:IoIAmencJ~DHign~."8lJII.OINGCOIolPONENTWET'I'IM'!'AMATlClN"_ . lDeSl 1.QJ1_'BCSl~MJMRYSHEErS'bJWTCA8fldTPl TI'eTI'IlIlIPUMlRIlIIllerTPlllIlDQled.56:JD'OrdrOom...M~. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1 w.--...S3111 TI'e.......ncarlF_8fIllP_Auoc::UbDnlAFP...lil~.1111IDlrlShel.HW.SleIlOl).W~.DC2ODJO - ~ '13 ,- 'l~ r-e-8 . (J.I 17~ :. -4 8-5.8 8.!HI TYPICAL PLATE 12. ),,1 SHIP Cust: JESSIE WO: Drive_C-jse1-l00006_J00003 Dsgnr: IlC _ 31 WT: 441' TC live 25.00 pst DurFacs L-l.1S P-l.lS TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 pst ::: :~~ ~:~ ~:gg BC Dead 10.00 pst D.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 Oesign Spec USC OEFl RATIO: l/240 T(: l/~ TOTAL 42.00 pst -JiClll>> b1l~m.s:JiEssjr~-= Truss DID>: JSIE-IE~ Qftv: 3 BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 8- 2-12 2899 5.50M 2.72M 2 H~ 9-" 2084 i.SOM 2.1r BRl:; Il:EQUIREMEIrlTS 5howm nil! bued OHl Y on the truss IWuri.l .u eolch beiring MAX DEflECTION (spoln) : l/999 IN MEM 11.11 (LIVE) l.. -D.2r [)a _a.15M T. _a.38M MAX DEFLECTION (u.nt) : ~~SO~j;M~ UO~~]SLI~) O.]]M alTlCAll'EMRU. f<'W(E!;: TC ((MI, (Ut. TEI6. -.::d.~ CSI ~:11 -26~ Ui ~ t:U 8:U 1-) -Z4'1.60 11021.15 o.n )-4 .2l1 1.60 lUll.1S D.n 4-S -Utill-l15 lllfi 1.5C. o.n 5_6 -121) l.1S .fllf l.~ 0.5) 6-1 -Wl1l.U 4411.60 0.)' 1_' -200( I.U 401.60 O.SI .-, -2401 I.UI Oll.6C'O.J9 9-10 -ltl! 1.15 I 14. 1.60 0.41 10-11 .)Ql~ I.U I HII.liO 0.40 11-11 -H1I I.U I Sn~l.60 0.60 Ie CIM' "'1' TENS... 131 13.14 -""I.ISI )4)1.60 0.44 14_15 -)(K I.U I III loB 0.S9 t::lf' :~~~ f:~ ~ m~ U~ g:H 17.J.a -1911.60 I 211fI.1S 0.79 11-19 -l!H 1.60 I 211'1,15 0.16 19-20 -2111.601 }3621.15 0.1' 20-n -191,1.601 16ill.1S 0.7' ... """'1"""1/ TENS. 0... CSI 2~14 .)2) 1.15 1 1121.60 0.10 4-14 -27141.15 1 sn 1.60 0.111 4-1S -1l11.601 U40 1.15 o.n i-IS / 4611.)) 0.11 Ii-IS ~1l14Il.15 / 1461.60 o.n 6.11 .17 1.60 / S6i I.IS 0.15 1-17 -lULU / U41.6O 0.11 7~111 -157 1.1) 1 407 1.60 0.16 I-Ill -911.60/ 7!1S I.n O.H !I-19 -S611.U / 11) 1.60 0.31 9-20 -4i 1.601 4!lI.n 0.11 ll-20 ~2n 1.15 / 1111.60 0.011 TC 2x4 on '1 8C lx4 OFL II WEB lx4 OFL STAHDAAO PLT BlI( 2.4 OFl II PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT- 11601. CAUTION - perlonl inst.llling trusses should f'I'uin. 10Cill .n9in.er for proper lifting. h.ndlino .nd bnClng pu TPI/BCSI 1-0]. l.ft Overh.an;(l) .1'. not to.be rellOved. OVfR!tAHG{S) ""Y BE SIKlRTENED UP TO ]M JIIA)(.I left Overh.ng Soffit lO.ding.. 0.0 psf D Web br.c:ing required .at e.ch 10(Uion shown. rI See stilndud deUils (TXOIOI1001-0IU r.v1). ~M~iS~Si~cJ~ ~~I[,~k,SIf~9:ESUlT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. lOilded for 10 PSf non-concurrent BCll. ~}~~e~sM: ~~E~d~~~R.a~:l3E~~nding. ...(Ap PLIES KUST ""'TCH THE BOTTON TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1)(6 (FUll LENGTH) ON EACH fACE WITH Id NAllS AT 6- O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE lUM8ER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED ANO CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAL LOADS AHD 24- OF TRIBUTAAY WINO LOADS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOHO. LATERAlLY BRACE THE fLAT TOP CHORD AT 24- O.c. U.N.O. PER TPI. Thu dui;n bued on chord bncing .applied per the fol1owlng schedule: ...... o.c. from to TC 24.00. 11- 0- 0 ]1- o~ 0 UPlIFT REACTIOH(S) : Support 1 -551 Ib Support' 2 -]401b This tru,", is designed using the USC Code. B1dg Enclosed. Vu. IlIlpOrt.anu F.JIctor . 1.00 Trun loc.JItion . Not End lone HurriCilne/Oce.an line.. No , Exp C.JItegor~ . C ~:~ ~='t~ei h:O~001;~i4Bf~~ :;g~h..._ 18.00 ft UBC St~nd.Jrd Sicup.ncv. Dud lOlld. 10.2 raf 5-11_11 .5-6-2 .5-6-2 I 8-8-0 !i-8-O I 6-8..0 5-B~2 .5-8.' .5-11-11 5.11-11 '11.5-14 '17-0-0 23-8-0 30-4-0 ~l42-6~2 '48..(}..S . 54-0-0 I, 17-O-il I" ?n.n..n I. t7.n-fl '2' 2 ;; . . 1 9 10 " m;o .7.001 .... 3,""" 3.""" 4" T~ 12. ),,1 SHIP 0-4.5 x 0-4-5 8-0-0 413 '\4-11.-9 2'~ ,. 1:>f6 11 '''9 20 !l-'-1J 8-9-4 I 10-,0-0 I '0.0-0 I 8~9-4 8-2-12 I 8-2-12 17-0-0 27..o-Q 37~-Q 45-9-4 54-0-0 I EXPIRAT!l?!! ~~!~ 12/3111151 ~/~~/i!ll~ 'ou"" "...,'" """.... 20 . on'." "".., bv """"9" I, "H'''8",I,'' "MX"lTWMX 20" " PO''''onad De< Jo'"' 00"'''"_ CIrCled ales and false frame les are _ ..., _,. I] JS sH'OWJfa~ve, 'Shirr !1able stud blales to avOid'ovonao wiltl'slruclural Dlales {~taOle\ 1 " '1' Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. I Cun: JESSIE . ThlldllsignGIDo...irxlM;tUllbuilding~nll'lallr\llS.~'" M"''-''b-.:Ion~PfOW*lbrh~____ !WO: DrivILCisel-.LOOOO6_J00003 1:::::=.=:::==....~:.:=:::.=~.;.:.",~...::.-::;:,'=-~~=b.,O;-~ 'Dsgnr: ILC _ 23 WT: iUllll"'onlhDclNo;<o"-'CW"ceed"'ID~ImpoMd/:ly"IDglbt-.gaxt....a"~~, ThllInl;nauun'lt.....lhIlClpc:hOld TC Live 25.00 psf OurFacs L-I.15 .'-'....tw-by..IDOICWIloorar.-....a..boClDm~istaelalylnc:edbyllrlgidsr.llll'*lgm-.rillldilKllrlllllld'otd, une...on...... d Rep Mbr Bnd -, 8I-.g~.IDo.....rllUJlpOrlol~...mlIersonlyt::lt8dUCllbuc:kqlwogth. T'*CDII'IpOneI1IllhaIlOlIltllfplaoldin..". TC Dea 7.00 psf ~ ~ ~,'" TRUSS Rep Mbr Camp .~ ~ ~:..-. t, -......-..--...............,..------ '..........,_ BC live 0.00 p,f ..p Mb, T.n. 4415 N th .ark Dr ,.....IIrx.........In~......,.lDIIowlngllWld~:.......llnI;ICuIIlroONl~..IIIIat*_......IIomT_.~_. 0 f Co 0 5g~jn~s. CO 80901 ,'.AHSIITPll..WTC4I..WooclTrunCaunctol.......f1Q~De., ... . ".. 'BUILOlMGCOUFONf:HTSo\FETVINFORMATION'. BC Oead 1.00 ps O.C.Spacing ~9CSlI-o:tI...a"8CSISUMMARY SHEETS' ~WTC4_ TPI. T"" Trun,.............'TPlI..IDcllI8d.$I]O'OrolrO:len...Io4aa-. Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1, iK:on&o:!m\1I T""............F_.....P_...$SOCUliDn~~.III1I!llhSlrwl.IM~llIIqlDn.OClOO3a TOTAL 42.00 psf O~l=~ RAT!~: ~ MOSHOFSKY 400# P-l.IS 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 UBC l1240 TC: L/24 .' '. Job ~am<l'i: JIESS~1E BRG X-lOC REAG SIZE REQ'O 1 8- 1-12 2290 5.50~ 2.07" 2 l7-11- -4 1283 5. 50~ 1. 50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown .Ire bil5ed OHl Y on the truss m.nerial ilt each bearing loW( DEFLEctION (span) : l/999 IN MEM 14-15 (LIVE) l_ -0.18" 0.. .O.12ft T_ _O.]1ft MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : t~56A.{=ftM~ lOa~h!lIr~) 0,]0" :fc~CAl~~~~1 CE~t~l Mi o~U 1-2 -2941.60 lOO11.n 0.54 2.J -2121.60 UOl1.U 0.S4 3-4 -2111.60 l1!U l.U 0.$2 4-1 -10691.U 1671.60 O.B ,.6 _'4) I.B 1001.60 0.50 6-7 .IH 1.15 190 1.60 0.$4 7-' -1351.15 451.6010.5) .-, -1311.15 221.60 D.n lO~il -714 1.151' III 1.601 0.44 11-1.2 ::~:;; T~~:':~ o~: 1.2-13 -zoa 1.601 1711.15 0.61 13-14 -20a 1.1\0/ 1711.15 0.12 14-B -1611.60/ 68& 1.15 0.70 15-16 -1511.601 6lIE 1.15 0.50 16_17 -47..'.60/ 41.2 1.60 0.44 ~ CtMP. ......f TENS.M'l en 2-11 -321 ',.n I liS 1.60 0.10 4-11 -204C .151 475 1.60 0.1) 4.ll -5& .601 In 1.15 0.11 $-U -!U .15/ lSll.H 0.07 6-12 .44' .UI 801.6C'0.45 1-14 -2!! .Jll IB 1.U 0.20 '-14 -W.60:1 4141.)) 0.11 '-II -1002 .U,I 251 1.60 1.00 1-16 -221.lS' 1211.60 0.16 1-16 -1&41.601 12491.lS o.n '-11 'U&41.lS Ul1.60 0.14 TC .h:4 OFL II BC 1x4 OFl II WEB 1x4 DFl STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11607. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. PLATING BASED ON GREEN lUMBER VAlUES. left Overhang(s) are not [0 be rellloved. OVERHAHc;(S) ~Y BE SHORTENED UP TO ]" MAX. I !:C1~ gr~~~a~3s~0:f~H 1~~:i~8rrOM Oi~u~~: ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FULL lENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH ad NAILS AT 6" O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOA VERTICAL LOADS AND 14" OF TRJBIITARY WINO LOADS BASED OH THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. LATERAllY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CIfORO AT 14" 0.(. U.N .0. PER TP!. -Truss 110: JSIE-E5 Qw: ~ g Web bndng reqllired at each location shown. ~ See standard duai 15 (TXOIOa7001-001 rev!). ~M~iD~sw:cIS ~~It'~f.oSI{:9~ESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage IIlUst be provided to avoid pondinl' End verticals designed for nb.l loads on y. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional considention (by others) for 1I0riz. loads 00 the bldg. 5-11_11 5-6.2 5-6_~ ~-8-O !h"-Il 5-11-11 11-5-14 17-0.0 23-8-0 JO.4-O 17...0..0 ?f1.N\ " 2 j 4 '5 . , m;o- 4.5 2.... 2,5-4 F~ 'ill I hU' 'oi" ~ 4-5 :3 This design based on chord br.u;inQ applied per the following schedllle: ...x O.c. frOlll to TC 14.00. 17- 0- 0 37- 0- 0 UPlIFT REACTIOH(S) : Support 1 -476 lb Support. 2 -262 Ib This trllss is designed vsing the UBC Code. Bldg Enclosed. Yes, IlIIportiilnce Factor _ 1.00 Truss Location. Hot End Zone Hurric.ane/Ocean line. No 1 Exp Ca.tegory _ C Bldg length. SO.OO ft, B dg Width. 20.00 ft. Me.an roof height. 13.14 ft, ..ph . 80 UBC Standard Oc(up.ancy. Dead Load. 10.2 psf 9- '-2 12 "1-1 SHIP ~~:alof.r~~~~~S~~~~~~eW;i~IJ.:~~~~aa,J~~~~j~o~~)~gnWl~~~j~~I~PJl~~~Qle\ , WARNINGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the E"";'tlng Cont';'ctor. ~ l"*dMIQn.b'''~I>uiIltIngCOfl'lpDnefll~'''''~",, -_been'--dOll '. . ~". pnwilIedby_~nt~ anddonelrlaocotdarw::.......lIlOIc:un...-......orTPlancl"fPA".llign~I,Noln(lOllllbiljlyil~lOl'dlnetJliDnalac:a.oc:y.DlmIlnsionI ...tabe..nn.dbylllOlCOl'llpClrelll ancl/gr~Ingd8signeIPflOllDfabric:allon.ThebuildingdesigneIIllUllADMtaill...lhe...,. :_lIdon_d11l1gn-Of'_lIlOI~~byu,.localtluddillgt:Odll'ndlhe~~ Th8cl1liC!n.......lhlIllhelDpdlon:l MOSHOFSKY 1I...'allybr...by...IOOfOfnoo.Ih881hlnOardlllOlbQllomd1gn1I1.......,brXlldbr.rtgid...athinglllal8rialdinlClllr8l&llchld. .......---. ;-,Br~~ilI""...'.SI,IppOrIof~.......1'I0nlrlo...uoebuc:ldlngl8nglh, ThilcompotIel1l......nolbeplKllClill801y ~,,~ TRUSS envInInrTel1llhlll_ClI.-at-..........._nloflllOlM>OdiD....-.IKan4Io<_oonn8CIotlllNt:Om>IIoon fabiio::al8o.'-dIll.inIIalI 4445 Norrhpark Dr anclbr_.........iIla:a;wd--......lhetolkwring"-:lM:l.,..loII'llM1dCultlrGDeYilReporll'....ail;IbleU~flgmTMWallOftw".. Colo 5pr~ngs CO 80907 ,'ANSlITPII'. WTCA 1..WoodTIWI~ofAmmlcaSlara'"'DnlQnR:.IP()nIibjIllin."8UIl.OINGCOMPONENT$AI'ETVINFOAMATION'_ ' IlBCSII.Q;I) end 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEers' byWTCA loRd TPI, T.... Trvu Pl.Ile I..... (TPI) illocIIMl. 513 O-onorno 0rM. U.adWI. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.13N~53'lQ T..A""~nF_anclPIPllIAnoclabonIAfPAli5"-1llc1..'I'IIOlhS_I,NW.SRaoo.Wllhiolgum.DC1OO3a " 9-8-0 37-0-0 10-.3-5 :J.4 J l 5=35-4 3-'0 2-3 -x 0-4-5 , 3.! .s 2,~ 5=3.5-4 2,5-4 B-O-O ~1U ~-O 1~3 I '4 115-1~ ,.. !'IllilJB 11lil 11 8.2-12 8-2-12 8.94 "-0-0 10.0.0 2'.Q-O , 0.0.0 37-0-0 Cust: JESSIE wo: Driye_'-jse1-l00006_lQOOO3 Dsgnr: ILC .. 23 WT: 3311 TC Live 25.00 p,f DurFacs L-l.15 P-l.1S TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Comp 1.00 BC Rep Mbr Tens 1,00 BC Dead 10.00 pst O.C.Spacing 2- O. 0 Design Spec UBC TOTAL 42.00 p,f DEFl RATIO: l1240 TC: l124 JIQlnJ! ~aime: JIESSnE BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 8- 2-12 1945 ~.SOM 1.70M 2 21- 9-. 864 5.50. 1.50. BRG REQUIREMENTS shown ue baud ONLY on the truss lUted.1 .It el.cn bearing MA.X DEFL ECTION (s~.n) : t~5!~.~~N M94().. 1~O~21SlI~} _0.67- MlC DEFLECTION (unt) : t~60~.~:.MEHo.; IO~llSLI~) 0.21" CltITICAlMEMlUF'1taS; TC C04P.lDtM.1 TEH5.tDtM. (51 01..- 1 C I. IS I '7 I. IS 0.5' 1-2 -1211.60 I 1OO51.n 0.54 1-] -UCl.601 11011.15 0.54 1-. -2911:601 11911.15 0.51 4.' -in 1.JJ I 911.15 o.n 5-& -.'11.))/ 10(1.60 0.44 6.' (t I.U I Cl1.H 0.44 oc -fr ""fl m ,., -,.. I.U I ..U 1.60 0...0 '-m ...n LIS I 1901.)) 0." m.ll -191.601 )751.60 0.'1 ll.ll . -191.601 )751.60 0.67 .. CCMP. tJJll. , TM.OUI. cst ... -nll.ts I 2041.60 0.10 ,., -16721.UI )99 1.60 O.IS 4-10 -3(1.60/ MII.n 0.21 5-10 -27) 1,1$1 U71,6Q 0.19 ,.m -12a 1.151 US 1." o,u '-ll -7....1.))/ 2311.60 0." '.ll _at 1.151 921.60 0." lnnss 110: JSIE-E16 TC 2x4 OFl 11 BC 2x4 OFL 11 WEB 2.4 OFl STAHlWlO PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11607. loaded for 10 PSF non.conturrent BCll. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. left ()yl!rh.lOn9(s) ilrenot to be r_...ed. OVER~(S) ~Y SE SHORTENED UP TO ]~ MAX.! ~~ ~H~~~S~O~}tH l~~~i~rr(M OT~U~~~ ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FULL LENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH ad NAILS AT 6~ O.c. IN EACH CttCIl.D. THE lUMBER USEO f1WST BE STRESS RATEO AHO CE,nUEO ON EACH CHlltO. THIS CONNECTION IS f(lR VERTICAl LOADS AND 24~ OF TRIBUTARY WIND LOADS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. LATERAllY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CIKlRD AT 24~ O.c. U.N.O. PER TPI. g Web br~ting rejuired .lIt uch loution shown. ~ See st~ndud euih (TXOIOa7001.001 revl). ~~~~i~ls~~tI~ ~~IC~:.osI}:9~ESULT OF MULTIPlE LOAD CASFS. Or~in~ge .un be provided to ~voidpondin9. End vl!rtiuh dl!si9nl!d for .IOxhl 100lds only. ExtensiGns .boye or below the truss profile (if .ny) require .ddition.l constduiltion (by others) for horiz. 10.ds on the bld9. Tru"""'~.""m' ""'n... 20 '" urn... ,,_ ""'8"{18 oa.' "W"8 oa I." "MX"ITWMX 20 oa ), "",lOon" "'" Join' Po"'''. R."", C,rcIfK1 ales and falserramo Dcaln are pOSllioned'as shOWlfat1Ove. 'Shin Qable stud blates 10 avl:lid OYGftaO wilh's!tUctura alates for'slaolel W; N8NGRead all notes ~n this sheet and give a copy of It 10 the Erecting Contractor. ~ IT~~n..tor"irdIvicluIiItIuIdlngCGfllpORllllIUm.sysII!m .1\aS~b.-don~plQ'idedbyIhtClOmplll'el'tmwu"'" and~InKmnlanalwlhhllUlWtll-mnsofTPt"'AFPAQnignlUnll"., NcI~is~fordimllMlDnillacanc:y. DllmIlllorD _m....lIlliMIbylNcomponenI arv:Uorbuildlngd..QnetpriDl'ml~. T"buildlng~II'IUIl_IUin....lhtbad. ......cIon.,."'........OI..c:wd...Io.si<lg....,..,by...~~toCllI.-.:IIN~~. T'-"'loICIn_....lNtDpdlOld MOSHOFSKY .lRr'dytlr__by..IUllIOIfIoor.,.___lhtbollDmchord....raI)'br__by.rolr:l.,.aIIlInQ.......~~. "-AoINt'wIIt :noIIId. Btao;in;llhDwn.kIr.....~gf~..."""'*-..ontvlCl,.,.x.bucIdIng-.glh. tl*Cllft'lClllNlIslIaIl'IOI" pIac8d In...., ~~~ TRUSS .~.........~......--._fIIlN_IO..cwd1ll'li.MdIor~llOl'II-.ctDIllI""Q)nOSlOn F~,"-"d.,~. "15 N rr;hpark Dr ....br-......In.u~-a-...,Ihi~~..,..'..binlandCull"'O~~pooW......_...IromT_..-..... Co 0 SprTngS, CO 80907 .ANh'TPtl..WTCA1'.WooclTl....Couno:tfllAlrarbSQncJMl~. '8UlLOINGCOI.tPONENTSA'l!lYINFOfWATION'. IBCSI1.(l3).-.:I 'SCSI SUMMAAY SHEETS. br WTCA.., TPI T" TfUA...... inMlIIM ITP') is ~.. SOJ 0'0ncIlra on.......,.".. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1'W_~J711 T............,..F_...-.:IP....~IAFPAllllouled"llll ''''SIrwl.HW.s..(IOO.W~.OC2OO3ll 5.11.11 15.8-] I ....2 6.A:!t 1~ &.11.11 11-5-14 17-0-0 23-8.0 17..l1-n , 11.0..0 rl '1 2 3 4 '. ;, rn;o- 4-5 3-4 1.5-4 5=3.5-4 10 ;-5 1,"" 10 '-5 12-)-1 SHIP -- "" ~' 2,... 2,"'" 5=3.5-4 s.o.o ~ ~./U1 I 26.0.0 '. . 1011 12 STUB 8-2-12 6-9-4 11.0.0 I 8-2-12 17.0.0 28-0-0 Qw: 11 This design based on chord briI.Cina .pplied per the following schedule: ux o.c. fr~ to TC 24.00~ 17.0- 0 28- 0- 0 UPlIFT REACTION(S) : Support I -426 lb Support 2 -211 lb This truss is designed usin9 the use Code. BIdg Enclosed _ Yes, I~orunce F.ctor a 1.00 Truss lociltion a Not End Zone Hurric.anefOce.n line a No I fxp Cuegory - C Bld9 Len~th. 50'.00 ft, B d9 Width _ 20.00 ft t:;~nS~:~d.~:i~~u;Oln~:;I~:~'L:= aa 10~ p'sf Cust:: JESSIE WO: Drive_'-jse1-l00006_JOOOO3 Osgnr: 'l( _ 23 WT: 2211 TC live 25.00 pst DurFacs l-1.15 P_l.1S TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 pst Rep Mbr Comp 1.00 Rep Mbr Tens 1.00 Be Dead 10.00 pst O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC I TOTAL 42.00 pst DEFt RATIO: l/240 TC: l~4 _._---_._--~ Joibl ~21Me: JIESSDIE BAG X.UX: REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0.2-12 1]62 S.50R l.SO~ 2 27- .9- 4 1176 S.50" 1.50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown olin bued ONLY on the truss IUteri.11 .It uch buring MAX DEFLECTION (sp.an) : l/827 IN MEM 11-12 (LIVE) l. -0.(1)" 0- -0.2r T. -0.67~ DITICALI'lItl[ltfC'<<CU: fC aJIIP. 001. 1 fENS. WI. CSl 1.Z .1154 I.IS 1 HI 1.60 o.n Z.) _inl1.1S / )291.60 0.52 )_4 _1S691.U 1 )411.60 o.n 4-5 -l00ZI.UI 2261.60 0.14 5-6 -717 1.U / :451.60 0.45 1-7 (11.60/ 00.10 0.44 K _'!"""I' "~'!~'! '" 1_' -6011.60/ UZI1.U 0.44 '-10 _4U 1.60/ 1162 I:U 0.91 1D-ll -14) 1.601 40Z1.U 0.... 11.11 -14) 1.60! 4OZ1.U 0.68 .. """I"""!' nNS. Wl. <SI Z., -!OS I.U Zll 1.60 0.1(1 4_' -1041.60 4511.U O.ZO 4-10 -5171.15 2171.60 o.n 5-10 lItl.ZS 0.011 '-ID -I'71"~l 10J 1.1$ 0.4' '.12 _107S1.U )111.60 0." 1-11 -191.15 M 1.60 0.06 TC 2.4 DFl n BC 2.4 DFL 11 WEB h4 OFl STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11607. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCll. PLATING BASEO ON GREEN lUMBER VALUES. This truss is designed using the USC Code. 81dljl Enclosed. Yes, IlIIpOrtoilnce F,utor . 1.00 Truss loc.atiol'i. Not End Zone Hurrlune/Ocun Line" No j Exp Category. C Sldg lenlth" 50.00 ft, B dg Width.. 20.00 ft Meoiln roo height.. 13.14 ft, lDph .. 80 UB( Sund.ard Occupancv. Dud.load" 10.2 psf _____ -=:co:= ____ 1I"rlJlss ~[): JSIE.1E1 g Web bracing required i1t e.ach 10c.ation shown. rlI Su SUndud deuils ~TXOI0a7001-001 revl). ~~~~i&~s~f;CI~ ~~Ip~POSIn9~ESUlT OF MULTIPLE lOAO CASES. Onin.age llIUst be provided to avoid pending. End verticilh designed for .axhllo.ads only. Elltenslons .aboye or below the truSS proft,. (if i1ny) require AdditionAl consider..tion (by others) for hodz. 100ilds on the bldljl. -CAP PlIES MUST MATCH THE 8OTT(Jll TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FUll LENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH ad NAILS AT 6~ O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE LlIMIIER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND (ENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS COHNECTIOH IS FOR VERTICAl LOADS AND l4~ OF TRIBUTNl.Y WINO LOADS BASED ON TKE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. LATERALLY BRACE THE FLAT TOP (KORD AT 24~ O.C U.N.O. PER TPI. 5-11-11 i 5-8.' I !>'l-' lW!.a l~ 5-11-11 11-5-14 17'()'() 2.....a 17.J}.O Is 11.0.0 71 '1 2 3 4 6 f7.ii() 4-' J..4 10.~ 3.5-5 -"" Cl-4-5 10-- Wi 11 ,.9 SHIP 2,.... 2.... 2,.... 5=3.5-4 J&il ?A-O-O 121= '0 9 1011 R_?_1? ~ 8-9~ I 11.0-0 I 8-2-12 17..0-0 20.0-0 ~WJ:'3IJ.m,I:~~\:Ha~o!Mle~~:~~~;~t1~~lloJ;r~~,R~~N':; ~ttu~'b1a~o~~dlb~lgnJ8,~i~u%PJI~~ ~~Ote' ,WAf.lININGRead all notes on thIs sheet and gIve a copy of It to the Erect/ng Contractor. iT~des;gn"Iof"'inI:lMclUalIlulll;SngO)lllClOl'llnlllOltruasyslem IlhubllentlaMdon&pl~pro.-idlllOl'...~mamI"""'r l""do<-.lnllCCOOl~_!IllICU'Nnt.....,.,.gf'PlardMPAcNlsignlfandllflla- No~.......,..lD<d""''''''''''8C:ll:lnq'. OimInaIoN :_tDbevenl'lldlly"'~nl IndIOtlluilclingdeIQre,priclrlOlabtIcatiDn.TllebulldirQdeIiQ,.,rnustac:ertPllNI..IcI-'1 UliIIzedontl'lilcllllign"-lor..CMd"'loadifIgimpoaedby"'loaoll)uildinOc:ode...:l"particuIaf~ ''''cluiOn_IhIII!heIOpChOl'd ._,alybrllCeCllly'" roaforlloor...tdllIna..., IN boIbl>ao.:l.l$rallrbrxed lly.rlgll...tIhinO INlIfItIdQcIly~. un.ttoa-...... notId. BradnDlhcJwnllloflalitl8llUllllOftolCllf!'lllllNrU.....mbel'lonlytDlWl.rDlbur;llIrlOleflQlh T~COII"IfIClN..lhIllllOlbeplllCeClln....., .nWonmatlI..........~lhImoi1:1unt_nloflhlWlXld....QIOd1"WIdo'or~c:onNc:Iorpllllilc:o<rolOn- F~.Nnd.._. 5 N k 0 ""brM>>tI'IiIln.rllin8CDOfll..awlh..tllbfmgllandllflla:.Joint"'C<lllIngDlrltllR.~...........lII.tilIAfromT~""'_, ~~1o sg~~~~~r cor 80907 .ANSVfPlI'. WTCA l' ' Wood Tn.uCOund!ol'''-<icIoSl;In:llldDelign . 1JUllOINGCOMPONEHT SAFETY INFORMATION" . IBCSII-oJln'BCSI SUMMARV Sl'iEETS'byWfCA _ TPl. The fruuPl-. ........(TP1IilbC:.lle.:l. S83O'OrofrloOrM, M1IdlIon, TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1JNIIconu'I~3711l The"'_Fornt.anc:lPapefA~nIMPAIIIIDC-.clIlIIIII""SlteeI._.SlIllOD.WntWlliIlon.OC20038 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~..."~-<O TRUSS " iOlftv: 7 This destljln bued on chord bndnljl oiIppl1ed per the followinG schedule: lUX O.C. frolll to T( 24 .OO~ 17- D. 0 21- 0- 0 UPLIFT REACTIQH{S) : Support 1 -247 lb Support 2 -]44 lb ra::XPIRA'IJQ~ D~~ 12/"..1105 ~ 1l1~8105 Cust: JESSIE WO: Drive_'-jse1-L00006_J00003 Dsgnr: ILC. 16 WT: Te Live 2S.00 pst DurFacs L_l.1S Te Dead 7.00 pst .Rep Mbr Bnd BC live 0 00 f Rep Mbr Camp . ps Rep Mbr Tens Be Dead 10.00 pst D.C. Spacing Design Spec OE~~TIO: TOTAL 42.00 pst 2181 P-1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 UBC l/H~ TC:~ ----------- ----- ------- .101>> i\!ii1me: JESSDIE BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 D- 2.12 774 5.S0R l.SOM 2 13M 9- 4 518 5.S0M ). SOM BRG REQUIREMENTS shown lore bued ONLY on the trun _tedlol .t eloch be.rin; MAX DEFlEaION (spoin) : t~9!g.J~M"'E~ ~O~04SL1~~) MO.I0M anlCAl MOllO. FOltt;f~: TC C04P.l...'j' T~.!..'l C>I 1-2 .1)) I.UI 11.60 o.n 2-) -uo I.U I 1!1l.U 0.64 oc -'l"'~' TENS.l...'l m 4-5.. .260 1.60 1 5511.15 0.)6 5-6 -2611.601 541I.U 0.)6 -- CCI'P.(OUIl.)f TENS.!~'1 m 2-5 1 2871.250.12 ~:: :tmtm~ m t:g g:~~ Qty: 11 -TrlJIss 10: JSIE-Fl T( lx4 DFl n BC 2-.4 OFl II WEB 2_4 OFl STANDARD loaded for 10 P!lf non-concurrent BCll. End v.niuh designed for ...i..l 10oid5 only. hunsions &bove or below the trun profile (if oiny) require ...dditionilOl considernion (by others) far horiz. laoids on the bldg. ~~~~i~tsi~\s ;:~I~O:~SI}:9~ESULT Of MULTIPlE LOAD CASES. PlATE VAlUES PER I(BO RESEARCH REPORT n601. PlATING BASED Q\I GREEN LllMBER VAlUES. upun REACTION(S) : Support 1 -10] lb Support 2 -267 lb This truss is designed using the UBC Code. Bldg Enclosed. Yn, l.-portlonce hctor .1.00 Truss loution _ Not End Zone Hurric.ne/OUlon line _ No hp C.nellory . C Bldg Length. 50.00 ft1 Bidg Width. 20.00 ft He.n roof height. 12.u9 ft, JlPh . SO use Sundud Occupoincy. Dud lo.d. 10.2 psf ,EXPlRA1J~~ D~!E: '213l1U5 ~ 11/28/05 ~~:a'IJ.r::u'/.i1~#a~oo&'e~~:~I~:ra.~~~Jo~~~jW'-Jbfe~~~M~o~gJO=:.r'J8,~.u:~%~g ~~Dl81 i W ARNINGRead all notes on this sheat and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. ~ ITr.CIlIslOnlllDr..........-_lrO_..noIln-.IY*nl 1l__b...:Ion~plVWdN~.._.."*""-, ...:Idof-.ln.axll'd8llOlwlh...cun1l...._f1fTPI..-.:lMPAdnign...,_.ND~II........sforl:l~IIClQIJKy.~ _Dt.~by...(IIlrClOfI8fll~and/Ol'l_IiII:UnodnQnefprlorDliltlrigliDn. n.tuIl:IIngOlnlll..........a.otrulnlNt...~ l.dU:eclon..IIaIgn..-tOf..c:eeo:I...bal:IinO........,bylfllbetlbuildlrQmCIlI......partlC:lUf~.Tt'ellnlgn_1hIII..._d"Ofll MOSHOFSKY ..laIr~.....by...roofOffborst...-.....,.lxIal:JooIc:tlOIlIiI...8Iy...<<ecIby.l1gi:llhl~malafIIIdQdIyMlad'el:l. ....ou.rwu l'IDlIIlI Bradng--.IIIDr....rallUllllOflf1f~.....-..oo'YlD~lICabud<llng~ ThlIc:ompeon...tNIllnolt.plMadlneny ~~ TRUSS erMrOl\lIlI:nl1hIIIwlI_...~_f1f...VIIOoclIClCllceel:l1ftand/Ol'c:euw~~c:anvaion-F~......,....... 4445 N r(hpark 0 and..._..ln-.lnKCl;lOd...........IDIbwWlo~I:...bn....,~~~.........u~lfomT~..IOfIw_. Cola SgringS, CO"So901 'ANSIffPl1.,WTCA.I'-Wool:lTI\IMCoIn:iIoIArnencaSlanUdO!~"~ . '8ULOING COUPONEMT SAFETY WFOAUATlON'. fBCSll-03I'" '8CS1 SUMMARY SHEETS" by WTCA...., TPI. The Truu ~ ......(TPl) ta bG-.:I. ~ O"Orokio DrM. MCiIon. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1.~1salnUl$3111 T"'A_F_..-.:IP_.~tAFPA)..bG-.:I.1I111"'Snel._.S_IIOO.w""""",.DC20030 7.2.13 7.2-13 6-9.3 14-0-0 -i 2 rr:oo-- 3 a. '-5 9---9 SHIP ".. 6-:M5 ".. ! , 2,5-4 :I: 0-4-5 1,5-4 I&Q '4 14-"" 1; 61 I 7-2.13 7.2-13 6.9M3 14.0.<) Cust: JESSIE wo: Drive_'-jse1-LOOO06_JOOO03 Dsgnr: ILC- ,. wr, 92# Te Li ve 25.00 p,t DurFacs L-l.15 P-l.15 TC Dead 7.00 psf. Rep Hbr Bnd 1.15 Rep Hbr Camp 1.00 BC Live 0.00 p,t Rep Hbr Tens 1.00 BC Dead 10.00 p,t O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBe TOTAL 42.00 p,t DEFL RATIO: l '240 TC: Ll24 -joii-~aJme: JIE-SSilE~-- Truss 110: JSE-G1 11 CRITiCAl MaeU f(:RCU: Te 2.1{4 OFl 11 Be 2x4 OFl 11 Gal BU 2Jt4 OFl STANDARD lo.aded for 10 P5F non-concurrent BCll. B~rDi:;' ~~~1~~: ~Mfl~R;~ m~~ ~~~~. {+J g.able br.adnv re~uirf!d , 58" interv.als, ~f!f! f!~~~:~.fOG:6~= O:~:i ~~e~i~~~g6{~~~: Adequ.ate bucing or sheiilthinll is required to prevent the trun fro. nd,ing due to IUt!nl lOolds. Luenl lo.ads .and their connections an the responsibility of the buildinG duigner. ~~i~iOls~S:1: IS ;:~1~~~Ii:g~E5Ul T OF MULTIPLE lOAf) CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11601. ~[:}~:le8A5:~ ~ fR~E~d~~:R.a~~~Er.ndin!l. End vertic.ah designed for uhl loads only. Extensions .bOVl! or below the truss profile (if .any) require iIIddition.al consideruion (by others) for horiz. lo.ads on the bldg. ...(AP PLIES MUST KATCH THE 8OTT()l TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FULL LENGTH) ON EACH FACE W[TH ad NAILS AT 6" O.C IN EACH (J()A.D.' THE lUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VERTICAl LOADS ANtI 24~ OF TRI8UTARY WIND L(WlS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. LATEAALLY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24- O.c. U.N.O. PER TPI. 1A_J_1:J 1 2 3 4 ~ 6 , 8 9 ~ !-O..o 18...0...0 10 1'n231419171812a12224 2526 U 28 293031' -7,001 11- Q-5 3-4 f ~~ Ii ~ S=3,~ [[L~~JJL '~J -- 2.5-4 1-0-0 3-4 82 3-4 + 'l>"l &-5 ""_1.1':1; I . 14~ . 36.'.n \&P 133 34 353837 38394041424344 4546 4( 484Bf12{)3M5tlb6 bl fiB 596061 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT t=IJrt8s~m\::Ca~oo&1~:S~~;~~doJ.fW:ilr.Jbre~~'~Io~~oegt=~~~r~....., WA~NfNGRead all noles on Ihls sheel and give a copy of 1110 Ih~ Emclln~ CO~;;;'clor. ~ 'n."'lIlJn.b<"inIl_--'~""""'..,aem allall*"b.-on. (Ifovidedbyl'lll(J;lmpOf1enl ..-.cl~In~"'lIlIIc:unenI~GlTPl..-.clMPAdnign..,."..,.. NO ilaIl.IT18dlDllfinwlslDnal~. om..- ..1ot.-____IlW'.,.ClI)lTlIlOIIM;II\8IUXUW..uorlludl:llngclnignelprkwlD~ Tl'elluillkQdInignIf_.....~.,.o.l. ......lIdon....cInigrI-.tDfut:Mdll'ebldlngimptaedbyll'ebcalbuildinO~..-.cl.,.~~, Tl'ecleaign_lhIlltelD9d1ord MOSHOFSKY iI........,brKOdIlW'O'IDlIl'DfIloDf~..-.clll'ebollDmd'Ol"d...,...Inc8dIlW'.IVd...alhingrl\8Mfial~abdllId........1lhtrwiIe ..-d.8oxIng_"b<r..r.IauppDflcI~..........onI\rlo~buddinOla<lQlI'l Tlli:lfXlfI'lPI)I'lIt....ngIwplK:edln...,. ~ TRUSS ..........1I\IIl_<al.-O'''''*'-_n1ofO'WIIodlo......,,"'8I'lI$'Df~0)I'ntc:lDfpr-.~ FabrblII.~.nataI 4445 Nor(hparlc Or. ..-.cl1nClt1ba.....1n8C:lCDtll.anm_O'~-...,....Joinl_CuIlInoONilRepDfta'........._CMIJIulIn:lro>T............_. CoJo SprIngs, CO 80907 ....N$/lTPlt..WTCAt..Woo<lT....Cowc:llGlAoNIb~O'aign~."8UllOlNGCOMPON!HTSAFeTVINFOIUoIATIOH'_ (BCSlI-G3)..-.cl '8CSI SUMMARY Sl-iEETS' Ilr WTCA..-.cl TPI TI'e T1UIS ~ "*** (TPll_ kIc-.cl. SO) 0'0ncIh:l on... ~ TRUSPlUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1.::w.........>>71.. n.AI'I'aOrican'M..-'P_................(...FP...liatoglN..IIIII....SlrwI.NW.Sl8800..".~.DCZ0030 . O.a.e Olw: Thh design bued on chord bruing applied per the following sthedu1e: _lIO.C. frOla to TC 24.00~ 14. 1-13 11- 1-13 This trun is designed using the UBe Code. 8ldgEnc1ond . Yes, IlDpOrr.nu huor . 1.00 Truu Locition . Not End lone Hurriune/Ocean Line. No t Exp C.-tellory - C 8ldll Lenlth. SO.OO ft, 8 dg Width _ 20.00 ft ~an roo height. 1l.g) ft, IIlph. ao lIBC SUndard Oc~upancy. Dud load _ 10.Z psf 11- Q-5 SHIP ~noN DATE: 121'3110:5 ~ 1 i28;05 (ust:: JESSIE 'WO: Orive_'-ise1-LOOO06_JOoo03 Osgnr: ,LC - I. wr, 489' TC Live 25.00 psf OurFacs L_1.1S P_1.15 TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0,00 psf Rep Mbr Comp 1.00 Rep Mbr Tens 1.00 BC Dead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBe ,TOTAL 42.00 psf ~V\ R,J\T~~: ~J'~~~ TC V~~ .=---- ---.,,---.--- JiOJlb lNlaims: JIE~$~IE BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 711 5.50R 1.50'. 2 12-].. 525 5.50" 1.50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown ;jIre based OHL Y on the truss material at each beariny MAX OEflEOIOH (span) : t~g~g.A~"ME~ ~O~O]!LI~~) _0.06" CllITItALMEMlElFC&CfS: Te Cl:M".l""'j/ TENS.!""'j m 1-2 -6451.15 I 61.60 0.51 2-) -1151.15 I 70 l.U 0.50 8C """!""'ll TENS.!""'l m 4-5. -2]) 1.60/ 41) 1.U 0.21 5-6 -1l4 1.60 / 411l1.U 0.21 ,~., aKD.(oUk.>I, TENS'!""'l m 246J.2S 0.10 i:f :~~H:m~ i~ U8 8:~: Te 210:4 OFl II Be 2x4 OFl II WEB 2xo4 OFl STANDARD Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCll. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or b.low the truss prof;l. (if any) require additional consideration (by others) forhoriz.loadsont.hebldy. 7-~13 J.4 I 0-4.5 ~ '4 --=.--- - l'n.DllS ~IO: J~IE..fl-l1 ~M~i~es~~[l~ ~~It~SI~~9~ESUlT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLA.TE VA.LUES PER ICBO RESEAAeH REPORT '1607. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. 6-5-13 6-0-3 6.5-13 12-6-0 2 3 r;:oo- 1.5-4 J.4 7-~13 8...-.1 SHIP Qftv: 3 1.5-4 , F 2,5-4 UPLIfT REACTIOH(S) : Support 1 -991b Support 2 -242 lb This truss is designed using the UBe Code. Oldy Enclosed.. Yes, Importance Futor .. 1.00 Truss location.. Not End Zone Hurricane/Dc..n line.. No 1 Exp eate9or~ .. e . =~:~ ~:~,t~ei h~O.:.OOl~~66Bf~~ ~~th: 88,00 ft UBe Standard gccupancy, Dead load - 10.2 psf "us..' Sw'oms P'"'' am 20 . "'''" '"""" "" "'8"('8 oa.J. "Wft8 oaJ. '" "MX"/TWMlt 20 oa,), "'>>..... "'" J~"',De~" .eoo<1, Clmetl oI;ftes and f.'il$8 frame les aM oosllioned"as stiOwtfalXlve. 'Shift !'ltIble stud tlIa..!es 10 avl'lid blfer1a~ wilt(sItuCl1Jral2!2tes (or'slaple~ . W ARMIN Read,a/lnotes on this sheet and give a~;;;'py of It to the Erecting Contractor. ~ T....lllI.ignillol."lndMduaIbuilding(:OftlClOl'enlnotln.asyslem.llhasbeenbaslldonspecllc:;llionlpnJ.....brlhllmmponenl~f 8IIIl~inllCl:lDlllanc:ewilhlhe__..,.;or,.clTPl""'AFP...dniQtlsundn.. NO ..-.edlofd....nIionaIKICUI'8CY. ~ _ ___ __ ..101III....rlWdby...~manulaClunlfand/DfbuildingllllsignBfpriorlOlabricMion. TllebuilcllrQ~r_'_~ItIaIU.1oacIa I ulilz"onlhlallllllgn_ot..ceecllhelOallnglmpoMdbyIheIocalIluidingCD<le_II>ll~fapflllcallon Tr.ae8iQn........lIIaI...topdlonl MOSHOFSKY ....-'lybrx.dbyltleroofQllIlooru....n:..ndlhlDoft)mdlotdil;laIeralybrx.dby.lI\Jicl....a.ll'qrnalefi;jllclledly.nxr.d. "'*"CIlhttwIIe 'noIed. 8fKWvshowflilb'......uppOIlof~........lSonIylO'*'_buckllngletlgtll- ThI5wmponenllNlllOlllllplaoldlna..., ~ TRUSS ~nlu..lwillCl_.,.~=-nlal....woodlO.UftdI"'....sIot~mnnIl:b"plMICOII'O~.fabncMl.hInl..,.... 4445 Northpark Dr. 8IIIlbrx.....ltW4lln.-.rdanol......../oIkIwIn9.uond..ntlI:.JtJInt"CuftlnllO""Rflpom'8Y~..~IrOnITIWW..IOIlw_. Colo Sprjngs, CO 8~907 ,;~~~~~';::~;~~~~~:=~'-;:~:~.P..InsIIIlM(~D~CO::~==~=~=TION". TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6. 4 .1: lN~~7111 '.,.AmerlcllIlFcnlt;jlndP_,AuodatoontAFPA)lSbc8Illd,,11l1191hStleel.tM.SW$OO.WI$l\lnQIOn.OC200:1lI -----.."""'"""'"" 17-R:fl 5 ei i 6-5-13 6-s..13 6-0-3 12.6-0 ,(ust: JESSIE 'WO: Orive_C_jse1-l00006_JOOOO3 Dsgnr: ILC - 16 WT: TC Live 25.00 pst DurFac5 l_1.15 TC Dead 7,00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd Be Live 0.00 pst ::~ =~~ ~~~~ Be Dead 10.00 pst D.C. Spacing Design Spec 42.00 psf ~~~~L RATIO: TOTAL 821 P_1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 U8e Ll240 TC: l124' , : Multi-Span Roof Beam[ 2003 Intemational Residential Code (01 NOS) 1 Ver. 6.00,1 @ , By: Pat Greenwell, Drafting & Design on: 02-03-2005 : 3:09:42 PM Project: Jessie - Location: Garage Tliple Window Header 'A' Summary: . . 3.5 IN x 7.25 IN x 6.0 FT (2 + 2 + 2) 1#2- Doulllas Fir-Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 22.9% Controlling Factor. Area I pepth Required 5,9 In Left Span Deflections: Dead Load: DLD-Lefl= 0.00 IN Live Load: LLOoLefl= 0.00 IN = U9419 Total Load: TLOoLefl= 0,00 IN = U5812 Center Span Deflections: Dead Load: DLD-Center- 0.00 IN Live Load: LLD-Center- 0.00 IN = U12627 Total Load: TLD-Center- 0.00 IN = U8018 Right Span Deflections: Dead Load: DLOoRillht= 0.00 IN Live Load: LLD-Rillht= 0.00 IN = U9419 Total Load: TLOoRight= 0.00 IN = U5812 Left End Reactions (Support A): Live Load: LL -Rxn-A= 871 LB Dead Load: DL-Rxn-A= 498 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn-A= 1369 LB Bealinll Len!llh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL-A= 0,63 IN Center Span Left End Reactions (Support B): ' Live Load: LL-Rxn-B= 2968 LB Dead Load: DL-Rxn-B= 1614 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn-B= 4582 LB Bealinll'Len!llh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL-B= 2.09 IN Center Span Rillht End Reactions (Support C): Live Load: LL-Rxn-C= 2968 LB Dead Load: DL-Rxn-C= 1614 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn-C= 4582 LB Bealinll Len!llh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL-C= 2.09 IN Right End Reactions (Support D): , Live Load: LL-Rxn-D= 871 LB Dead Load: DL-Rxn-D= 498 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn-D= 1369 LB Bealinll Len!llh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL-D= 0:63 IN Dead Load Uplift F ,S.: . FS= 1.5 Beam Data: Left Span Len!llh: L1= 2.0 FT Left Span Unbraced Lenlllh- Top of Beam: Lul-Top= 0.0 FT Left Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Lul-Bottom= 2.0 FT Center Span Len!llh: . L2= 2.0 FT Center Span Unbraced Lenlllh-Top of Beam: Lu2-Top= 0.0 FT Center Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Lu2-Bottom= 2.0 FT Rillht Span Lenlllh: L3= 2.0 FT Rillht Span Unbraced Lenllth- Top of Beam: Lu3- Top= 0.0 FT Rillht Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Lu3-Bottom= 2.0 FT Live Load Duration Factor: Cd= 1.15 Pijch Of Roof: RP= 10 : 12 Live Load Deftect, Clitelia: U 240 Total Load Deflect. Critelia: U 240 Left Span Loading: Uniform Load:, Roof Live Load: RLL-l= 40.0 PSF Roof Dead Load: RDl-l= 15.0 PSF Roof Tlibutary Width Side One: Tlib-l-l= 11.0 FT Roof Tlibutarv Width Side Two: TIib-2-1= 2.0 FT Beam Self Weight: BSW= 6 PLF Wall Load: Wall-l= 0 PLF Total Live Load: wL-l= 520 PLF Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pijch): wD-l= 254 PLF Total Load: wT-l= 780 PLF Point Load Live Load: PL-l= 2188 LB Dead Load: POol= 1488 LB Location (From left end of span): X-l=' 1.5 FT Center Span Loading: Uniform Load: Roof Live Load: RLL-2= 40,0 PSF Roof Dead Load: RDL-2= 15.0 PSF RoofTlibutarv Width Side One: TIib-1-2= 3.0 FT Roof Tlibutarv Width Side Two: TIib-2-2= 2.0 FT Beam Self Weight: BSW= 6 PLF Wall Load: Wall-2= 0 PLF Total Live Load: wL-2= 200 PLF . , Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): Total Load: Ri!lhl Span Loading: Unifonn Load: Roof Live LOad: Roof Dead Load: Roof Tributary Width Side One: Roof Tributary Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: Wall Load: Total Live Load: Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): Total Load: Point Load Live Load: Dead Load: Location (From left end of span): Properties For: #2- Dou!!las Fir-Larch Bendin!! Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticity: Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Cf=l,.30 Fv': Page: 2 . wD-2= wT-2= RLL-3= RDL-3= Trib-1-3= Trib-2-3= BSW= Wall-3= wL-3= WD-3= wT-3= PL-3= PD-3= X-3= Fb= Fv= E= FCJlerp= Fb'= Fv'= Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design ReQuirements: Controllin!! Moment: M= 1.5 Ft from left support of span 1 (Left Span)' Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 1, 3 Controllin!! Shear: V= At a distance d from left support of span 3 (Ri!!ht Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2, 3 Comparisons With ReQuired Sections: . Section Modulus (Moment): SreQ= S= Area (Shear): AreQ= A= Moment of Inertia (Deflection): IraQ= 1= '@ 98 PLF ' 304 PLFCd{TlV. 40,0 PSF 15,0 PSF 11,0 FT 2,0 FT 6 PLF 0 PLF 520 PLF 254 PLF 780 PLF 2188 LB 1488 LB 0,5 FT 900 PSI 180 PSI 1600000 PSI 625 PSI 1346 PSI 207 PSI 1111 FT-LB 2850 LB 10.49 IN3 30.66 IN3 20.65 IN2 25,38 IN2 4.54 1N4 111.15 IN4 Roof Beamf 2003 International Residential Code (01 NOS) 1 Ver: 6.00.1 By: Pat Greenwell, Drafting & Design on: 02-03-2005 : 3:23:30 PM Project: Jessie - Location: Entry Header 'B' Summary: (2) 1,751N,x 7.25 IN x 6,0 FT / 1.9E Microllam - Trus Joist-MacMillan Section AdeQuate By: 43.2% ControllinR Factor. Section Modulus / Depth ReQuired 6.06 In , Laminations are to be fully connected to provide unilonn transfer of loads to all members Deflections: Dead Load: DLD= Live Load: LLD= Total Load: TLD= Reactions (Each End): Uve Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Beam Data: Span: Maximum Unbraced Span: Pttch Of Roof: Live Load Deflect. Criteria: Total Load Deflect, Criteria: , Roof LoadinR: Roof Live Load-Side One: Roof Dead Load-Side One: Tributary Width-Side One: Roof Live Load-Side Two: Roof Dead Load-Side Two: ' Tributary Width--Side Two: Roof Duration Factor. ~ Beam Self WeiRht: Slope/Pitch Adjusted Len!llhs and Loads: Adjusted Beam Len!llh: Beam Unilonn Live Load: Beam Unilonn Dead Load: Total Unifonn Load: Properties For: 1.9E Microllam- Trus Joist-MacMillan BendinR Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticity: . Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (rension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Cf=1.07 Fv': Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: ControllinR Moment: 3.0 ft from left support Critical moment ~ "'o;~J by combining all dead and live loads. ControllinR Shear: At a distance d from support. Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads, Comparisons With ReQuired Sections: ' Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): LL-Rxn= DL-Rxn= TL-Rxn= BL= L= Lu= RP= U U LL1= DL1= TW1= Ll2= Dl2= TW2= Cd= BSW= Ladj= wL= wD adj= '-wT= Fb= Fv= E= Fc..,perp= Fb'= Fv'= Sreq= S= AreQ= A= lraq= 1= @ 0,05 IN 0,12 IN = U593 0.18 IN=U411 2640 LB 1170 La 3810 LB 1,45 IN 6.0 FT 0.0 FT 7 : 12 240 240 40.0 PSF 15.0 PSF 19,0 FT 40.0 PSF 15.0 PSF 3.0 FT 1.15 8 PLF 6,0 FT 880 PLF 390 . PLF 1270 PLF 2600 .285 . 1900000 150 PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI 3202 328 PSI M= 5715 FT-LB v= 3048 LB 21.42 IN3 30.66 IN3 13.95 IN2 25.38 IN2 64.96 . IN4 111.15 1N4 Multi-Span Roof Beam! 2003 Intemational Residential Code (01 NDS) 1 Ver: 6,00.1 By: Pat Greenwell, Draftinll & Design on: 02-03-2005 : 3:26:01 PM Proiect: JESSIE - Location: Front Bedroom Window Header 'c' . Summary: ' '., (2)1.5IN ~ 7,25 IN x 6.0 FT (3+ 3)/#2 - Doulllas Fir-Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 91,4% Controllinll Factor. Area 1 Depth Required 5.14 In , Laminations are to be fully connected to provide uniform transfer of loads to all members Left Span Deflections: Dead Load: Live Load: Total Load: Center span Deflections: , Dead Load: Live Load: Total Load: Left End Reactions (Support A): Live Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Bearinll Lenlllh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): . Center span Left End Reactions (Support B): Live Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Bearinll LenQlh Required (Beam only. support capacity not checked): Center span Rillht End Reactions (Support C): Live Load: ' Dead Load: Total Load: Bearinll Lenllth Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Dea.d Load Uplift F,S.: Beam Data: Left Span Lenlllh: Left Span Unbraced LenQlh- Top of Beam: Left Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Center span Lenlllh: Center span Unbraced Lens;ath- Tap of Beam: Center span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Live Load Duration Factor. P~ch Of Roof: Live Load Deflect. Criteria: Total Load Deflect. Criteria: Left Span Loading: Uniform Load: Roof Live Load: Roof Dead Load: RoofTributary Width Side One: Roof Tributary Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: . Wall Load: Total Live Load: Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): Total Load: Center span Loading: Uniform Load: Roof Live Load: Roof Dead Load: Roof Tributary Width Side One: Roof Tributary Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: Wall Load: Total Live Load: Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): T oIal Load: . Properties For: #2- Doulllas Fir-Larch Bendinll Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticitv: Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Compression Face in Tension): Adjusbnent Factors: Cd=1.15 CI=0.99 Cf=1.20 Fv': Adiusbnent Factors: Cd=l,15 Design Requirements: Controllinll Moment: Over right support of span 1 (Left Span) DLD-LefI= LLD-Left= TLD-Left= OLD-Center: , LLD-Center: TLD-Center: LL-Rxn-A= DL-RXn-A= TL-Rxn-A= BL-A= LL-Rxn-B= DL-Rxn-B= TL-Rxn-B= BL-B= LL-Rxn-C= DL-Rxn-C= TL-Rxn-C= BL-C= FS= Ll= Lul-Top= Lul-Bottom= l2= Lu2-Top= Lu2-Bottom= Cd= RP= U U RLL-l= RDL-l= TriI>-1-1= TriI>-2-1= BSW= Wal~l= wL-l= wD-l= wT-l= RLL-2= RDL-2= TriI>-1-2= TriI>-2-2= BSW= ,Wall-2= wL-2= wD-2= wT-2= Fb= Fv= E= FCJlerp= Fb'= Fv'= M= 0.00 0.01 0,01 0,00 0.01 0,01 1129 429 1558 0.83 3150 1387 4537 2.42 1076 403 1479 0,79 1.5 40.0 15.0 20.5 1.0 5 o 860 373 1239 40.0 15.0 19.5 1.0 5 o 820 356 1181 900 180 1600000 625 1235 (0 IN -IN = U4984 IN = U3938 IN , IN = U5227 IN = U4186 LB LB LB IN LB LB ' LB IN LB LB LB IN 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 3,0 1,15 1 240 240 FT FT FT FT FT FT :12 PSF PSF FT FT PLF PLF PLF PLF PLF 207 PSF PSF FT FT PLF PLF PLF PLF PLF PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI -1381 FT-LB PaQe: 2 . Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 1, 2 ' ControllinQ Shear. " " v= At a distance d from the riQht support of span 1 (left Span) , , CritiCl\l shear created bv combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 1, 2 Comparisons With Required S"'..,;;"....: " ,', Section Modulus (Moment): Sraq= . ~ Area (Shear): 'Areq= A= Moment of Inertia (Deflection): lraq= 1= @ 1569 LB ~'p- 13.23 IN3 26.28 IN3 11.37 IN2 21,75 IN2 5.81 1N4 95.27 IN4 ,@> Roof Beamf 2003 Intemational Residential Code (01 NOS) 1 Ver. 6.00.7 By: Pat Greenwell, DraflinQ & Design on: 02..Q3-2oo5 : 3:28:22 PM Project: JESSIE - Location: Back Bedroom Window Header '0' Summary: ( 2 ) 1.5 IN x 7.25 IN x 4.0 FT 1#2 - DouQlas Fir-Larch - Dry Use Section AdeQuate By: 9.8% Controllinli Factor. Section'Modulus I Depth Required 6,92 In' , . Laminations are to be fully connected to provide unifonn transfer of loads to all members Deflections: . Dead Load: Live Load: 'Total Load: Reactions (Each End): Live Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Beam Data: ' Span: ' Maximum Unbraced Span: Pitch Of Roof. Live Load Deflect, Criteria: Total Load Deflect. Criteria: Roof LoadinQ: Roof Live Load-Side One: Roof Dead Load-Side One: Tributary Width-Side One: Roof Live Load-Side Two: Roof Dead Load-Side Two: Tributary Width-Side Two: Roof Duration Fador. Beam Self WeiQht SlopelPitch Adiusted LenQths and Loads: Adjusted Beam LenQth: Beam Unifonn Live Load: Beam Unifonn Dead Load: Total Unifonn Load: Properties For: #2- DouQlas Fir-Larch BendinQ Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticity: Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension): Adjustment Fadors:,Cd=1,15 Cf=1.20 Fv': . Adiustment Fadors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: , 'ControllinQ Moment 2.0 ft from left support Critical moment created by ~_",~:..jng all dead and live loads. ControllinQ Shear: . At a distance d from support~ Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons Wrth Required Sections: ' Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): OLD= 0,01 IN LLD= 0.03 IN = U1471 TLD= 0.05 IN = U1026 LL-Rxn= 1720 LB DL-Rxn= 757 LB TL-Rxn= 2477 LB BL= 1.32 IN L= 4,0 FT Lu= 0.0 FT RP= 7 :12 U 240 U 240 LL1= 40,0 PSF DL1= 15.0 PSF TW1= 19.5 FT LL2= 40.0 PSF DL2= 15.0 PSF TW2= 2.0 FT Cd= 1.15 BSW= 5 PLF Ladj= 4.0 FT wL= 860 PLF wD adi= 379 PLF . -wT= 1239 PLF Fb= 900 PSI Fv= 180 PSI E= 1600000 PSI FC""perp= 625 PSI Fb'= 1242 PSI Fv'= 207 PSI M= 2477 FT-LB V= 1734 LB SreQ= 23.94 IN3 S=, 26.28 IN3 AreQ= 12,57 IN2 A= 21.75 IN2 lraq= 22.29 IN4 1= 95.27 IN4 Multi-Span Roof Beam! 2003 Intemational Residential Code (01 NDS)] Ver: 6.00,1 BV: Pat Greenwell, Drafting & Design on: 02-03-2005 : 3:30:37 PM Project: JESSIE - Location: Great Room Window Header 'E' Summary: . (2)1.75 IN x 5,5 IN x 7.0 FT (3,5 + 3.5)/1.9E Microllam - Trus Joist-MacMillan Section Adequate By: 40,6% Controlling Factor: Area / Depth Required 4.06 In Left Span Deflections: . Dead Load: Live Load: T olal Load: Center span Deflections: Dead Load: Live Load: Total Load: , Left End Reactions (Support A): , Live Load: Dead Load: T olal Load: BearinQ Len!llh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Center span Left End Reactions (Support B): Live Load: Dead Load: Tolal Load: BearinR Len!llh Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Center span RiRht End Reactions. (Support C): Live Load: - Dead Load: Tolal Load: SearinQ Lenlrth Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Dead LO,ad Uplift F,S.: Beam Data: Left Span LenRth: Left Span Unbraced Lenlrth- Top of Beam: Lefl Span Unbraced Length-Boltom of Beam: Center span Len!llh: Center span Unbraced Lenlrth- Top of Beam: Center span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Live Load Duration Factor: pnch Of Roof: Live Load Deflect. Criteria: Tolal Load Deflect. Criteria: Left Span Loading: Uniform Load: Roof Live Load: Roof Dead Load: RoofTributarv Width Side One: Roof Tributarv Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: Wall Load: Tolal Live Load: Tolal Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): Total Load: Center span Loading: Uniform Load: Roof Live Load: Roof Dead Load: RoofTributarv Width Side One: RoofTributarv Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: Wall Load: T olal Live Load: Tolal Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): Tolal Load: Properties For: 1.9E Microllam- Trus Joist-MacMillan BendinQ Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticity: Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties ' Fb' (Compression Face In Tension): Adjusbnent Factors: Cd=1.15 CI=O.99 Cf=1.11 Fv': DLD-Lefl= LLD-Lefl= TLD-Lefl= DLD-Center- LLD-Center- TLD-Center- LL-Rxn-A= DL-Rxn-A= TL-Rxn-A= BL-A= LL -Rxn-B= DL-Rxn-B= TL-Rxn-B= BL-B= LL-Rxn-C= DL-Rxn-C= TL-Rxn-C= BL-C'; FS= L1= Lu1-Top= Lu1-Boltom= L2= Lu2-Top= Lu2-Bottom= Cd= RP= U U RLL-1= RDL-1= Trib-1-1= Trib-2-1= BSW= Wall-1= wL-1= wD-1= wT-1= RLL-2= RDL-2= Trib-1-2= Trib-2-2= BSW= Wa11-2= wL-2= wO-2= wT-2= Fb= Fv= E= FCJlerp= Fb'= Fv'= Adiuslment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: ControllinQ Moment: M= Over riQht support of span 1 (Left Span) Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 1, 2 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.04 1838 692 2529 0.96 5250 2306 7556 2.88 1838 692 2529 0.96 1,5 3.5 0,0 3.5 3.5 0.0 3.5 1.15 7 240 240 40.0 15.0 19.0 11.0 6 o 1200 521 1121 40.0 15.0 19.0 11.0 6 o 1200 521 1727 2600 285 1900000 750 3305 @ IN IN = U1360 IN = U1083 IN IN = U1360 IN = U1083 LB LB LB IN LB LB LB IN LB LB LB IN FT FT FT FT FT FT :12 PSF PSF FT FT PLF PLF PLF PLF PLF 328 PSF PSF FT FT PLF PLF PLF PLF PLF PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI -2644 ,FT -LB Page: 2 . v= Controllin~ Shear: At a distance d from left supper! of span 2 (Center Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 1, 2 Comparisons With R,eQuired Sections: " Section Modulus (Moment):' SreQ= , S= AreQ= A= IreQ= 1= Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): 2992 9.60 17.65, 13,69 19,25 10.76 48.53 LB @ ~'p. IN3 IN3 IN2 IN2 1N4 IN4 Roof Beam[ 2003 International Residential Code (01 NDS) 1 Ver: 6,00,7 By: Pat Greenwell, Drafting & Design on: 02-03-2005 : 3:33:59 PM Proiect: JESSIE - Location: Dining SGD Header 'P Summary:, . (2) 1.75 IN x 9.25 IN x 7.0 FT /1.9E Miaollam - Trus Joist-MacMillan Section AdeQuate By: 40.1 % Conlroflinll Factor: Section Modulus / Depth ReQuired 1.82 In , Laminations are to be fully connected to provide uniform transfer of loads to all members Deflections: Dead Load:' Uve Load: Total Load: Reactions (Each End): Uve Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Beam Data: Span: Maximum Unbraced Span: Pilch Of Roof: Uve Load Deflect. Criteria: Total Load Deflect. Criteria: Roof Loadinll: Roof Live Load-Side One: Roof Dead Load-Side One: Tributary Width-Side One: Roof Live Load-Side Two: Roof Dead Load-Side Two: Tributary Width-Side Two; , Roof Duration Factor: Beam Self Weillht: SlopelPitch Adiusted Lenllths and Loads: Adjusted Beam Lenllth: Beam Uniform Live Load: Beam Uniform Dead Load: Total Uniform Load; Properties For. 1.9E Microllam- Trus Joist-MacMillan Bendinll Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticitv: Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1,15 Cf=1.04 Fv': DLD= , LLD= TLD= Ll-Rxn= DL-Rxn= TL-Rxn= BL= L= Lu= RP= U U LL1= DL1= TW1= LL2= DL2= TW2= Cd= BSW= Ladi= wL= wD adj= -wT= Fb= Fv= E= FCJlllrp= Fb'= Fv'= Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design ReQuirements: Conlroflinll Moment:, 3.5 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads, Conlroflinll Shear: ' At a distance d from support. 'Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (Deflection): M= v= SreQ= S= AreQ= A= IreQ= 1= 35.63 I N3 49.91 IN3 18.76 IN2 32.38 IN2 121.97 IN4 230.84 IN4 Roof Beam[ 2003 Intemational Residential Code (01 NDS) 1 Ver. 6.00,7 '@ , By: Pat Greenwell, Drafting & Design on: 02-03-2005: 3:35:15 PM Project: JESSIE. Location: Back Porch Beam 'G' Summary: .' ' ' 5.5 IN x 9,5, IN x 14.0 FT 1#1 - Dou~las Fir-Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 22.4% Controlling Factor. Section Modulus IDepth Required 8.59 In Deflections: ' Dead Load: DLD= 0,16 IN Live Load: LLD= 0.33 IN = U509 Total Load: TLD= 0.49 IN = U342 Reactions. (Each End): Live Load: LL-Rxn= 1680 LB Dead Load:, DL-Rxn= 818 LB Total Load: TL-Rxn= 2498 LB Bearing Length Required.(Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL= 0.13 IN Beam Data: Span: L= 14,0 FT Maximum Unbraced Span: Lu= 0.0 FT Pijch Of Roof: RP= 7 :12 Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U 240 Total Load Deflect. Criteria: U 240 Roof Loadin~: Roof Live Load-Side One: LL1= 40,0 PSF Roof Dead Load-Side One: DL1= 15,0 PSF Tributary Width-Side One: 1Wl= 5,0 FT Roof Live Load-Side Two: LL2= 40.0 PSF Roof Dead Load-Side Two: DL2= 15.0 PSF Tributary Width-Side Two: TW2= 1.0 FT Roof Duration Factor. Cd= 1.15 Beam Self WeiRht: BSW= 13 PLF SlopelPitch Adiusted Len!llhs and Loads: Adjusted Beam Len!llh: Ladj= 14.0 FT Beam Uniform Live Load: ' wL= 240 PLF Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= 117 PLF Total Uniform Load: wT= 357 PLF Properties For. #1- Dou~las Fir-Larch BendinR Stress: Fb= 1350 PSI Shear Stress: Fv= 170 PSI Modulus of Elasticitv: E= 1600000 PSI Stress Perpendicular to Grain: FCJlerp= 625 PSI Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension): Fb'= 1553 PSI Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Cf=1.OO Fv': Fv'= 196 PSI Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: , ControllinR Moment: M= 8744 FT-LB 7.0 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads. ControllinR Shear. v= 2248 LB At a distance d from support, Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With Required Sections:' Section Modulus (Moment): Sreq= 67.59 IN3 S= 82.73 IN3 Area (Shear): Areq= 17.25 IN2 A= 52.25 IN2 Moment of Inertia (Deflection): lreq= 275.39 IN4 1= 392.96 IN4 Multi-Span Roof Beam[ 20031ntemational Residential Code (01 NOS) 1 Ver: 6.00,7 By: Pat Greenwell. Draffin!! & Design on: 02-03-2005 : 3:38:21 PM Project: JESSI E - location: Master Bedroom Window Header 'H' Summary:, ' (2) 1.5 IN x 7.25 IN x 8.01 FT (2,7 + 2.7 + 2.n 1#2 - Dou!!las Fir-Larch - Dry Use Section Ad~uate By: 211.0% Controllin!! Factor: Area I Depth ReQuired 3.78 In .' Laminations are to be fully connected to provide uniform transfer of loads to all members Left Span Deflections: Dead load: Uve load: Total load: Center Span Deflections: Dead load: , Uve load: Total load: Right Span Deflections: Dead load: Uve load: Total load: Left End Reactions (Support A): Uve load: Dead load: Total load: Bearin!! LenRlh ReQuired (Beam only. support capacity not checked): Center Span left End Reactions (Support B): Uve Load: Dead load: Total Load: Bearin!! lenRlh ReQuired (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Center Span Ri!!ht End Reactions (Support C): Uve load: Dead Load: Total load: BearinR LenRlh ReQuired (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Right End Reactions (Support D): Uve lOad: Dead Load: Total load: BearinR lenRlh ReQuired (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Dead load Uplift F,S.:, ' Beam Data: Left Span LenRlh: Left Span Unbraced lenRlh- Top of Beam: left Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Center Span LenRth: Center Span Un braced lenRlh- Top of Beam: Center Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: RiRht Span LenRth: RiRht Span Unbraced LenRth-Top of Beam: Ri!!ht Span Unbraced lenqth-Bottom of Beam: Uve load Duration Factor: P~ch Of Roof: Uve Load Deflect. Criteria: . Total Load Deflect. Criteria: Left Span Loading: Uniform load: Roof Uve load: Roof Dead Load: Roof Tributary Width Side One: Roof Tributary Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: Wall load: Total Uve Load: Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pitch): Total load: Center Span loading: Uniform load: Roof Uve load: Roof Dead Load: Roof Tributary Width Side One: RoofTributary Width Side Two: Beam Self Weight: Wall load: Total Uve load: Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof P~ch): Total load: Right Span loading: DlO-lefl= llO-lefl= TlO-lefl= OLD-Center: llD-Center: TlD-Center: DlO-Ri!!ht= llO-RiRht= TlO-Right= ll-Rxn-A= Dl-Rxn-A= Tl-Rxn-A= BL-A= LL-Rxn-B= DL-Rxn-B= Tl-Rxn-B= Bl-B= II :Rxn-C= DL-Rxn-C= Tl-Rxn-C= BL-C= LL-Rxn-D= DL-Rxn-D= Tl-Rxn-D= BL-D= FS= L1= Lul-Top= lul-Bottom= L2= Lu2-Top= lu2-Bottom= L3= Lu3- T op= lu3-Bottom= Cd= RP= U U Rll-l= RDL-l= , Trib-l-l= Trib-2-1= BSW= Wall-l= wL-l= wD-l= wT-l= RLL-2= RDL-2= Trib-1-2= Trib-2-2= BSW= Wall-2= wL-2= w0-2= wT-2= 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 769 302 1071 0.57 2051 832 2882 '1.54 2051 832 2882 1.54 769 302 1071 0.57 1.5 2.67 0.0 2.67 2.67 0.0 2.67 2.61 0.0 2.67 1.15 7 240 240 40,0 15.0 14.0 2.0 5 o 640 278 923 40,0 15.0 14.0 2.0 5 o 640 278 923 ,@) IN IN = U8765 IN = U6114 IN IN = U12845 IN = U12429 IN IN = U6765 IN = U6714 LB lB lB IN La lB lB IN LB lB La IN lB LB lB' IN' FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT :12 PSF PSF FT FT PlF PLF PLF PlF PlF PSF PSF FT FT PLF PLF PlF PlF PlF Page: 2, Uniform Load: Roof Uve load: Roof Dead Load: . Roof Tributary Width Side One:, RoofTributary Width Side Two: ' Beam Self Weight: Wall Load: Total Live Load: Total Dead Load (Adjusted for Roof Pilch): Total Load: Properties For. #2- DouQlas Fir-Larch BendinQ Stress: Shear Stress: , Modulus of Elasticitv: , Stress Perpendicular to Grain: ,Adjusted Properties Fb' (Compression Face in Tension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 CI=O.99 Cf=1.20 Fv': Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Requirements: ControllinQ Moment: Over ri!lht support of span 1 (Lell Span) Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 1, 2 ControllinQ Shear.' V= At a distance d from lell support of span 3 (RiQht Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2, 3 Comparisons With ReQuireo Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): SreQ= S= AreQ= A= IreQ= '1= , RLL-3= RDL-3= Trib-1-3= Trib-2-3= , BSW= Wall-3= , wL-3= wD-3= wT-3= Fb= Fv= E= Fc..,perp= Fb'= Fv'= M= Area (Shear): , Moment of Inertia (Deflection): , , ,@ 40.0 ~~~l.cN\ t:>. 15.0 14.0 FT 2.0 FT 5 PLF 0 PLF 640 PLF 278 PLF 923 PLF 900 PSI 180 PSI 1600000 PSI 625 PSI 1236 PSI 207 PSI -734 FT-LB 965 LB 7.13 IN3 26.28 IN3 6.99 IN2 21.75 IN2 3.41 IN4 95.21 1N4 f- ...LL o I-oCl) / 01;; / ~~ ~ / "" m /' ~ . \ ~C C~ ~ f: .,..,' \ '}.~~~~"t"",~ ~ l'....,': ~rf<-"''''::<::..:..l \~'Xj ~ ~ '- - __ ":-:':;':"1 0 ~ " <..,.::..( 0 .:.....' '~.' .....:,::. ".~.:: :.::::::-': '(,,':,:.::' :~:::': :.:,,': :...:.~,:,':,:':":".l 0 :" . 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