HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2006-3-28 .\ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 wwwci.springfield.or.us March 28, 2006 Charles & Lynette Dyas 1105 E Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dea~ Mr. and Ms. Dyas: I am writing in regards to your request for an extension of your permits for the addition to your residence located at 1105 E Street, Springfield, Oregon, , COM2005-00928, In order to extend a permit, the construction site is required to remain in compliance with the City's local codes as well as the construction codes the structure is being built under. An inspection of your property at the time of your , extension request found the property to be in violation of the City's Nuisance' Code (Section 5.002 (4) Used Materials and 5.052 Obstruction of the Public Right of Way). The used furniture, appliances, and miscellaneous debris must be removed before an extension can be granted, I am enclosing photographs for your reference. We will reinspect the property on April 5, 2006 for compliance. If the property is.)in compliance at that time, your permit extension can be granted. If you have any questions, or if I may be of any assistance, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790, Sincerely,- J , Lisa Hopper , Building Safety Supervisor ,Ih I' Springfield Municipal Code NUISANCES IN GENERAL 5.000 Definitions. For the purposes of sec- tions 5.000 through 5.012 the following mean: Enforcing Officer. The city manager or his or her designee. Hearings Official. The person as de- fined in Article 2, Section 2.020 of the Spring- field Development Code. Person in Chan~e of ProDertv. An agent; occupant, lessee, tenant, contract pur- chaser, or other person having possession or control of property or the supervision of any construction project. Person ResDonsible. The person respon- sible for abating a nuisance includes: (a) The owner. (b) The person in charge of property, as defined above. (c) The person who caused a nuisance to come into o'r continue in existence. Public View. The nuisance is visible from public or private property, including from any upper story. [Section 5.000 amended by Ordinance No. 5938, enacted October 4,1999.] 5.002 Nuisances Prohibited. No person shall cause or permit a nuisance on public or private property and causing or permitting a nuisance constitutes an offense under this code. This section is intended to not only prohibit the nuisances set forth herein, but also intended to encourage civil enforcement of these commu- ,nity objectives in accordance with the legal doctrines of statutory tort and negligence per se. The following are declarea-t0.be nuisanees- to be abated and/or cited as a civil infraction as provided in this code: , (1) Dead Organic Matter and Debris. Depositing an animal carcass or part thereof, any excrement or sewage, industrial waste, or any putrid, nauseous, decaying, deleterious, offensive, hazardous or dangerous substance upon any prerrilses or in a storm drain, stream, well, spring, brook, ditch, pond, river, orother inland wat~rs within the city; any accumulation of decomposed animal or vegetable matter, garbage, rubbish, manure, offal, ashes, discard- ed containers, waste, paper, cartons, debris, trash, brush, tree limbs, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, rags, or other refuse matter or substance, which by itself or in conjunction with other substances is deleterious to public health or comfort, or is unsightly, or creates an offensive odor. (2) Attractive Nuisances. (a) Unguarded, machinery, equipment,' including substandard manufactured dwellings and RV's, automobiles and motorcycles, or other devices which are attractive, danger- ous, and accessible to children or trespassers. (b) Lumber, logs" or pilings placed or stored in a manner so as to hI" ::.ttr::.rt;\lp n::.naprnll~ ::.nn ::.rrp<::<::_ ........... -.........--.....'...., --.....b.......L...............' -......- ----........ ible to children. (c) Any open pit, quarry, cis- tern, open basement, or other excava- tion without safeguards or barriers to prevent such places from being used by children. (d) Any abandoned, unattended or discarded freezer, refrigerator or other container accessible to children I. which has an air-tight door, or lock which may not be released for open- ing from the inside. This subse,ction 5:1 (Springfield 1.(0) Springfield Municipal Code does not include refrigerators or other containers offered for sale by com- mercial establishments provided that they are kept within enclosures from which children are excluded at all times except business hours. (e) An exposed foundation or portion of foundation, debris or other building or structural remains, ,for more than 30 days after the destruc- 5:1-1 (Springlield 1-00) Springfield Municipal Code tion, 'demolition or removal of any building or portion of the building. (f) An open, vacant structure which is attractive, dangerous and accessible to children or which is used for habitation by trespassers. This subsection shall not apply to authorized construction projects with reasonable safeguards to prevent injury or death to inquisitive minors. , (3) Fences. Fences made of pallets, cloth, tarps or sheets of plastic that are non weather resistant, or materials of an unsight- ly nature are prohibited. , (4) Used Materials. 'Waste, debris or discarded items, used building supplies, tires, cartons; paper, scrap, junk, used furni- ture, plumbing' or electrical supplies, appli- ances and barrels, vehicle engine and body parts, lumber, used wood, pallets, or mater- ials that are stockpiled for the purpose of recycling which are visible from public view. The stored materials shall be considered visible unless within" a legally permitted building that is wholly or entirely enclosed except doors for 'use 'for ingress and egress or unless it is in connection with a business. enterprise, lawfully licensed by the city, and properly operated in the appropriate busi- ness zone, pursuant to the development code. Firewood or materials to be used as firewood must be cut and stacked outside of the front yard setback within 30 days of delivery. . (5) Conditions AttractinQ: Rodents. Conditions upon a property or any premises that allow, attract or are likely to attract, feed or harbor rats or mice. (6) Odors. Premises in such a state or condition as to cause an offensive odor or in an unsanitary condition. (7) Privies. etc.. A privy, vault, cess- p6oI; septic tank or drain that emits a nox- ious and offensive smell, or that is prejudi- cial to public health,' (8) StaQ:nant Water. An accumula- tion of stagnant or impure water that affords or might afford a breeding place for mosqui- tos or other insects. ' (9) Combustible Materials. Any combustible materials 'as defined and de- clared hazardous in the fire prevention code. (10) Stored Vehicle. Parking, stor- ing, leaving or permitting the parking or storing of any licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle that is in a rusted, wrecked, partially dismantled, inoperative or abandoned condi- tion, whether attended or not, ,or any de- struction derby vehicles or race cars of any kind, upon any public or private property within the city, unless completely enclosed within a legally permitted building that is wholly or entirely enclosed except for doors for use for' ingress and egress or unless it is ,in connection with a business enterprise, lawfully licensed by the city, and properly operated in the appropriate business zone, pursuant to the zoning laws of the city. Nothing herein shall prohibit the storage of one ve'hicle not in violation of other provi- sions of this code, where it is screened from public view within a legally permitted build- ing or behind a six foot solid fence. Nothing her.ein shall prohibit the, parking or storing of a licensed, operable, legally parked, rec- reational vehicle. (11) Prohibited Parking: With the e'xception of an approved driveway or park- ing lot, no vehicles including but not limited to motor homes, busses, recreational vehi- cles, boats and utility trailers, shall be parked between the street and the primary building. (12) Other. Any other thing, sub- stance, condition or activity prohibited by state law, this code or ordinances or which is determined by the council to be injurious or detrirnenfar-f6 the 'public 'health, safety or welfare of the city. 5:2 Springfield Municipal Code (3) If no objection is filed or if the costs of the abatement are not paid within 30 days from the date of the notice, an assessment of the costs as stated shall be made by the finance officer and, shall be entered in the docket of city liens, and recorded in the Lane County deeds and records files. Upon the entry and recordation being made, the assess- ment shall constitute a lien upon the property from which the nuisance was removed or aba- ted. , (4) An error in the name of a person responsible shall not void the assessment, nor will ~ failure to receive the notice of the pro- posed assessment render the assessment void, but it shall remain a valid lien against the property. 5.016 Separate from Penalty. The require- ment to abate a nuisance is not a pen- alty for violating this code, but is an additional I ' remedy. Abatement proceedings and citation of a nuisance as a civil infraction may occur simultaneously. Abatement by a person re- sponsible of a nuisance within 10 days of the date of notice to abate is cause to dismiss any civil infraction citation that may be pending. 5.018 Summary Abatement. (1) The procedure provided by the above sections is not exclusive but is in addi- tion to procedures provided by other laws. The city manager may proc~ed to summarily abate a nuisance which unmistakably exists and which irruninently endangers human life, health or property. The cost of such abatement may be assessed as provided above in section 5.014. (2) The-abatement of a nuisance under this section and the assessing of the costs therefore are not a penalty for violating this code but are additional remedies. PARTICULAR NUISANCES 5.050 Dangerous Trees. (1) Any tree or shrub growing in a parking strip or any public place or on private property.that is endangering or in any way may endanger the security or usefulness of any public street, sewer, or sidewalk, is declared to be a public nuisance. (2) The city may remove or trim such a tree, or may require the property owner to remove or trim any such tree on private pro':' perty, or in a parking strip abutting the owner's property. (3) Failure of the property owner to remove or trim the tree after 30 days' notice by the city manager shall be deemed a viola- tion of this code. The manager may then re- move or trim the tree and aSsess the cost of doing so agail1st the property. (4) Appeals from orders issued under this section may be made by filing written notice with the city manager within 10 days after the order is received, stating in substance that appeal is being made from the order to the city council. The manager shall call the appeal to the attention of the city council at the next regular succeeding council meeting. (5) At the meeting, the appellant and the city manager may present evidence. Action taken by the city council after the hearing shall be conclusive: 5.052 ' Obstructions in the-Public Right-of- Way. (1) Except as provided in subsection 5:5 (Springfield 12,98) . Springfield Municipal Code (2) of this section, it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any highway, street, alley, sidewalk, gutter or drainage way or any other public way in the city by leaving any article, hereby defined as merchandise, boxes, con- struction materials, household goods, or any other thing which may prevent free passage over any public right-ofway. (2) Any. person desiring to use the public right-of-way for the temporary storage of articles during construction shall apply for a public-right-of-way encroachment permit in' accordance with Springfield Code sections 3.208 through 3.214. The rates and charges herein provided are for incurred costs based upon the use or availability for use, of the public right-of-way, the availability of which is necessary for the regulation of, and provi- sions for, the public health, safety and welfare. . The charge is controlled by the user's (or po- tential user's) request 'and choice of the kind, nature and quantity of use. The amount of area to be \lsed for the temporary storage of articles and the amount of time, the articles may be stored shall be approved by the director of public works. However, the storage area shall not exceed one-fourth of the pavement or trav- el portion of the public right-of-way (i,e., from curb to curb). (a) The following articles may be temporarily stored in the public right-of-way only upon obtaining a public right-of-way encroachment per~ mit and payment of a fee based upon the average actual costs as set forth by resolution of the' city council: (i) B uildingconstruction -material; (ii) Rock, sand, excavated material, asphalt mix, etc., the 5:5-1 loading or moving of which may cause damage to the pave- ment or curb; (iii) No temporary storage of articles shall be allowed on a sidewalk or behind a sidewalk; (iv) Any temporary' stor- age of articles shall not alter drainage in the gutter. [Section 5.052 amended by Ordinance No. 5584, enacted July 1, 1991. ] (Springfield 12,98) Page 1 of 1 r~ ,~ Charles & Lynette Dyas 1105 E. Street Springfield, Or 97477 541-741-3634 Dear Dave Puent-Dept. of Development Services, , I would like to request an extension to my building permit # COM200S-00928 for the following reason. I am doing the work primarily myself with the help of friends and I need more time to complete the project. We got behind about 2 months earlier in the year because of the weather. Thank You! Charles Dyas " \ ' ...~fJ~1 &Jj(); ~ q!v 1\ \- t:J 'J ~~ L> . .~~ v~~. yY ~ ~ .yV'# \ ~ . ~'~~l< ~~~~. Saturday, March 18,2006 America Online: AWltnettie37 ~ City of Springfield Building Permit & Inspection Summary 3/21/2006 4: 18:33PM Job #: COM2005-00928 '!25 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Project Status: Issued Job Address: 1105 EST Springfield Scope of Work: Single Family Residence Description of Wark: Addition to existing single family residence Name CON OWNER OWN DYAS PLM OWNER Owner & Contractor(s) Address Citv. State. Zio, Phone 616-455-2223 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 541-741-3634 CHARLES 1105 E ST Valuation of Proiect Dwellings Garage Deck/Balcony V Wood Frame Garage Deck $ 96.00 $ 25.00 $ 17.00 1,172.00 124.00 80.00 Date Valuation Calculated Staff $112,512.00 2005/07/28 LLH $3,100.00 2005/07/28 LLH $1,360.00 2005/07/28 LLH $116,972.00 Occunancv Construction Tvoe Cost Per So Ft So Ftf! llescriotion Amount Paid Fees Paid Date Paid Receiot # Plan Review Residential Storm Drainage Impervious Area Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin Building Permit Fixture Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each Addtl 100' Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Vent Fan Exhaust Hoods Dryer Vent Gas Outlets 1-4 Appliance Not Listed -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Plan Review Minor - Planning Total Amount Paid $431.05 $77.20 $50.14 $38.14 $8.27 $620.90 $84.00 $45.00 $28.00 $12.00 $12,00 $9.00 $6.00 $4.00 $18.00 $10.00 $58.72 $83.89 $85.00 $1,681.31 07/19/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 08/02/2005 1200500000000001028 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 1200500000000001129 Plans Reviewed Denartment Received Due Date Comoleted Result Reviewer Comments Review 07/20/2005 07/23/2005 07/21/2005 APP LLH 10f2 City of Springfield Building Permit & Inspection Summary 3/21/2006 4:18:33PM Job #: COM2005-00928 ,- ~25 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Project Status: Issued Public Works Review 07/21/2005 Structural Review Planning Review 07/21/2005 07/21/2005 Inspections Floor Insulation Shear Wall Nailing Framing Inspection Wall Insulation Ceiling Insulation Final Building Rough Plumbing Atorm Sewer Line ~inal Plumbing Rough Mechanical Final Mechanical Rough Gas Drywall Final Electric Underfloor Mechanical Rough Electric Final Gas Footing Underslab Plumbing Footing Slab Permit About To Exp Ltr Mailed . Job Address: 1105 E ST Springfield Scope of Work: Single Family Residence Description of Work: Addition to existing single family residence 07/24/2005 07/21/2005 APP CAS 07/31/2005 07/24/2005 07/26/2005 APP 08/01/2005 APP JB TAJ Insnections Conducted Comments Date Electrical permit required Left correction notice at site. 09/01/2005 09/29/2005 09/29/2005 09/29/2005 01/25/2006 See address file for copy of letter 20f2 Storm drainage piped into existing to curb face; SDC credits for relocation of fixtures and demo 7/21/2005 CAS Approved as noted on plans Result Inspector NOK OK OK OK 10 RJB SKG RJB RJB LLH