HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2003-9-25 ------- ~_..--~--" D~AV;IN($, INDEX eUIL.t'INc;. DATA ... 1 SIT! PL....N . "OVl5fl eHl!!T ...2 I"L.OOfl PL....N9 TOT"'L. ElLiIL.DING> AR!'" 1,' 12 9.F. " ...liI !XTl!flIOfl 1!L.I!V....TIONlil ...4 FOLiNP...TION PL....N . p!T...IL.e ...5 flOOl" Ffl"'MIN~ I"L....N . ~001" PL....N ...6 eLiIL.~IN$ e!CTION, T~LiSa TYP!9' P!T...IL.9 eNe"c;.y INFO~MATION ! 1 EL.I5CTflt.I"AL. PL....N " \.0 1. THIS Pflt.OJI5"T COMPL.I!9 I"lITH ENeflt.G>.,.. Pflt.E9"flt.IPTIV! P"'TH NO. 1 ....a IT PEflt.TAIN9 TO TH! CLip;r,/i.ENT O/i.EG>ON ENI5/i.G>.,.. CODE ....S FOL.L.Ol"la. A. VINYL. I"lINDOl^l9: iJ. .40 MIN. EI. 1"l00D DOO/i.S: iJ . ..20 MIN. C. 1"l....L.L. INSLiL....TION: flt.-21 MIN. D. iJND!/i.I"L.OOFlINSLiL....TION: flt.-.25 MIN. E. FL.AT CEIL.ING-9: flt.-,a MIN. F. FOFlC!D "'11'1. DLi"T INeLiL..: /i.-a MIN. G>. G>....S H!"'TING-. H. G>A9 I"lAT!R H!....T!R. c;.eNe~AL. NOTeS CODES AND Sf AN DARDS 1. All cons1;ruction shall ve in s1;rlct; compli ance with 1;he State of Oregon 1996 Ediu.., n One and Two Family Dwelling Special1;y Code and all appll cable State and Local Cod8!~ 2. ENERGY CODE: All oonsuuct;lon shall conform to the 1ate51; edition of State of Oregon Ener0.Y Code. Prescriptive Path 1. Notify Architect of any di5Crepancire vetween document6 and s1;andards. Where oonfllct occurs.1;he more rigid specification shall govern. 3. PARTIAL SETS OF OOCUMENTS: Architect shall not be rreponsible for bidding errors or omissi ons dueto bidding from partialse:te of document5. SYMeOL.S SITE VI() RK. 1. Remove all or(lanic materlalltopsoil from area undenhe vullding and under paved areas. 2. Fill shall consis1; of a free-draining (lranular material. Place fill in Ii~s not to exceed eI' and compact to 100t standard MSHO underfootin(ls and 95t s1;andard MSHO under sla175 and paved areas. 3. Select fill material under slaP.:; shall be 6" Iqyer 314" mi nus crushed rock or GDars:~ sand. 4. Provide p05itive draina(je under-floor areas to comp\Y with CABO 405.1. if required. C> G) o ;}l!CTION DETAIL. POOFl fOUNDATIONS -.- .- - - - 1. All footings shall vear on undlsturoelllsoil or GDmpacted fill minimum 12" velow finish (lrade (18" at1;wo-story portions) unless noted otherwise. Not;lfy Architect before proceeding of any unusual conditions encountered In footing excavations. 2. If sum wall and foo1;lng are1;WO separate pours. provide #4 vertical L bar at €l- A' oc maximum from foot;il1!l into sum wall. 3. Do not excavate c105er1;han 2:1s10 pe acijacent to footings. 4. Clean all footing excavations of laos e material by hand prlorto pouring ooncrete. 0000 I eING>L.! lolLiNG> I"lINDOI"i . SIN$L.15 lolLiNG> CONCRETE . .__ 1. Minimurr, E:Muctural cO/'lcre:te oompressi ve suenffCh shall Ve 2.500 psi at.:8 dalE: unless noted otherwise. Exposed ooncre:te (slabs. walks, etc.) shall have a minimum ocmpressive stren(lth of 3.500 psi at m dqys and shall Ve air enualned. 2. Minimum cemem contem shall !;le5 sackslyard except slaVs on grade shall !;le 5112 sackslyard. Maximum slump shall !;le 4". 3. f1ace and oure all concrete per /'CI codes and s1;andards. 4. Provide conuol joint6 in allsla175 at 12'-0' oc maximum eaoh way unless noted otherwise. Provide heavy tooledjoints (314") at 5'-0' oc and 1/4" premolded expansion joint6 at 20-0' oc maxim um at all exterior walks. MASONRY Ilf Used). 1. Concrete Maso nry Units shaB me et the requirements of AsrM C9G-90, r aple 1 ,28. 3. Type 1. medium wei(jht, f 'm ~ 1500 psi. Standard !;llock. scored !;llock (Wlllam etre GrG\Y5tone 852R) and split faced block (Willamette: GrG\Y5tone 800SI'). see ExteriJr Eievations far locations of each style. 2. Concrete Masonry Unite; shall have 1.25" minimum face shell thickness and 1.0)" minimum web1;hlckness. 3. When delivered to the jo!;l site. all unit!> shall Ve sound and free of cracks or other defect6 that would interfere with the proper placing of the units or would signrficant.ly CONCRETE 1 MASONRY REiNFORCING 1. All relnforcil1!ls1;eel #5 and smaller shall1?e A-615 Grade 40. 2. Refer to detallio for reinforcin(j steel size:. 3. Provide: concrete masonry units \\i1;h !;lond !;leans at48" oc with #4 horizontal and #5 vert;ical at 32" o.c. Grout these cells solid. Referto detai;s. 4. See elevations for locations of scored (Wlllamette GrG\Y5tone 852 R) and Spilt faced block (Wlllamette Gray51;One 800 51'). WCXXJ 1. All lumber species shall !;le as fallows unless noted otherwise: Joists/Beams/Stril1!lers - DF-L #2 or !;letter 6" Noml nal Beams and Strin(jers -- DF-L #1 or Better G1u-laninated Be:Gl11s -- 24F-V4 DF/DF unless noted otherwise. No Camber BuckslBlockln(jIBridgil1!llMiscella neous -- DF-UHem-Fir #3 or Bet1;er Studs -- DF-L Stud Grade SIII5ISleeperslf1ate5INailll1!l Blocksl All Wood Em!;ledded In Concrete - DF-L Pressure-Treated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2. All joists and veams framing into. not !;learil1!l on. veams, headers. girders shall v,: supported with Simpson-1;ypejois1; or !;learn han(jers. 3. Plywood orwafer!;loard shall Ve as noted In foundation. flaorframing and roof fr ani ng pia ns. 4. All exterior wall stud spacin~ shall1?e 24" oc (16" oc all locations where lap sidll1!l ;. used) unless noted otherwise. All interior wall stud spacing shall !;le 16" DC unless noted otherwise. GLAZING 1. All exterior windows. skylight6. glass doors shall have Insulating (llazing. Unoonditioned spaces may have single glazing unless noted otherwise. 2. If provided. glazing In shower enclosurre shall !;le Identified and la!;leled as safety glazil1!l and shall conform to CABO 308.3 and 308.4. Shower doors shall SI'.1 ng out. 3. Glazing within 24" arc of vertiGal ed(le of doors In a cl05ed position. 1e1' of floor andlor within doors shall !;le Identified and la!;leled as safety (jlazing and shall conform to CABO 308.3 and 308.4. MIOCELLANEOUS i. Provide minim un, clearance of 30" width and 24" in from of all water c1ose:te exceedil1!l CABO Fi(lure 307.2. 2. Walls at showers shall !;le finished to a minimum height of 72" a!;love drain inlet with material not adversely affected by moisture per F1umbll1!l Code. 3. Smoke detector(s) shall receive primary powerfrom vullding wlril1!l. have !;lattery back-up and shall oonform to CABO 316. 4. All recessed fixtures in exterior or insulated ceilln(ls shall be Type IC unless noted. Box In fixtures per Super Good Cents Standards. 5. Maximum step down at exterior doors shall !;le 71/2' unless noted otherwise. Doo.s swlngin~ over landin(ls shall have a maxim um step down of 1". 6. Provide minimum ~4" clearance a!;loveto rat1(le hood or 30" ciearanceto combustil:>le oonstruction al:>ove if no hood Is used at all kitchen ral1!les. --" ~~'!>'\" ..--' --,~~' --" - ~~ .---- --' - "1"1.00' __,~.. _---------- ASSLiM!D ..__' <:' ",. _--- ~2-." _- r-.. ': -". ------- -...;..-, -- , ------ i//r/-..,- . , . ' I J ,,,-c. 10,: ' I I I i I I I i I 5'-0"'y f9f!TEI~CK I I I I I I I r-- ,,-------- , I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 1___- , , I I I I I r------ o , ill 'l' { 1/1. il~ .. ." ~~ III , -, o . in 'l' , "1"1.00' , AeSLiMED ~-- N!1"l CONC. 1"l"'L.iC'. Dflt....IN "'L.L. DOl"lNepOLiT9 TO CLiREI I"il!ep H::lL.ES I"lATI5flt. I POI"iER I G>AS PHON! I S!I"il!Fl ,0 EI! 91TE VEflt.IFIED PI':,IOflt. TOI"iOflt.K ~ "1"1.00' ,~~ \ ....SSLiM!~ ~~~~ '\ --' .....-........ ' ~ , --' . " - ~ \ --' ". .' -..... ~" .,. at -= 'r. ~- ..-- .. ~ -~~, , ..__ ,I .~ ""I "I \ ,-- - ~~' ~ I _~ -- e \ , __- -- '" -11 I \ .. _------ :s;.. 0 \ __ of':..:'? _------ "',.. /. 111 ,'" '\ -- ~ _----- \' 6"\'" \ o~ .':\ I 0:1- I 0., \ \ \, "1,4 {iv.f.. \ \ \ I , \ \ I , \ \ I , \ \ \, )' / I / I " / IV " MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS . All measurements are from Property L1nes -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Side yard to House or Garage -Rear yard to House or Garage 5 feet 10 feet p.U.E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS \~~ /'tCIJ ':7\'Nv\vvt- VW'o jU. )' ~ 0; If.<- e, r(rr '1-.,,' " \. ~,\.'i l>" .. \ " ),. '. PATIO o r------ I I I I ____________-.J ~OPOSEt:>- NE~ HOUSE / / FINISH I"L.OO~ EL.EV. 100.00'" 2-, OLiTDOOp;r, 'Y LiNIT I I I I I I __________-.....-J -=-1 I I I I I POflt.CH o o I I CONC. SIPI5I"lAL.K I I o I L....NDSCAPE CONDLilT9 (T.,..PI"....L.) --- -- ---- - -- - ~ I.l : 0( () III " I-- () III !'f III - -- - -.e: "//CI-I ~-~.r~,. -""' '",- :0c.; . C'~ y' ';eK {~ ",- y;.,r-f. if' ~>'" /'7 )(0 u~ <~o\~iJ\ o~ "1"1.00' "'SSLiM!D /" " .-yt . . ,,~'. // ^7.vP / q,~"" ",...'- tQ" ,,0 tI.....1 "^ r;.r;. DATE RECEIVEr,W'~OB NO.IJJllW i3.C1110f ZON~ - . _ 02.CUrHNCY GROUP \J -" YI\lIT(S) v_~.__~_~ __:_f--:'~.J":!.J~.lQf...9_~~) STORIE.S ,'''' , C':llJ:':}W'ro'll.l!i. LEG!\..L-D"~:::-'- -.1"m>~o(~- . ~ A['D~r:::;.S S ' .ru( S_ .-'-- -;-:;=---- ~,;,/!'Q .... . .-l\~,"~S^~el t\e &~ 9\"..ER.~.\\lLIv "'. ~I.i !..- THE CONTFl\.lT' ,!. _ ." '" ,7_ ~=c-,": ~E'/l\:~""c;_;, VllTH' ~~:~~n~~c~:~;;\: :>~~;, ~~ f.~~:;~~.~ig~~i:~~~L~i~~~ THE 8U'LD:NC :)~;-.': :'!~,l. :'?HKd~!:' C".!~Y FOR RESIDENTI!>.t ll~* !}t.~ i\C.C )P~)/}..[\.!CI2 \/<,/I"(d ARTlCl.C ',f. SITE PI-AN ~:,[,\r:'~)('i'f\~r:J ) ~~ <t! Th': ;~,>I;~!',::_~:;!:.:LI) SCAI-E: 1". 1 0'-0" L.OTS I"LiCHSI... G>....RDEN9 SPflt.INGoFIE!L.D, L....NE COUNT.,.., OREG>ON elTe NOTee,. · VE~IF""" SUFl.VE..,... NFO~MATION: I'IMENSIONS . ISE.A,~IN<SoS. eASeMENTS * l-e,,,AI- · VE~IF""" ~EaUI~E~ SETISACI<S COMPI-..,... Y\l/ AI-I- ':'OtiES, O~I'INANCES * <So1:iVE~N'<So A<SoENCIES. 'J'1>L~'","~'~t ;l;':)~-,';J! jl~,' tJ, "UK \'}' " ,,'e :'''I<~:''I;I "':': '~i:fC;1"'"'':'" ~'~' i", -,\kit~ ,11\, ,,;';.~.!f'jl>WI~Jl U ,~"tj;1 . ",~-j.~~~)~' :,'~; "vlk""\l!,'l,",-'J,' 1,._ ~ ",,'rj!E'"'~~~"' ~"'f ~;I,tl'<}Iy't.I:;r~i e" 'j', I "lr: "~ ['f';' ~'~'~!Jrr r ~, I 'e,l" ",:' il,.i'~f ., Jt, \,. 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