HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2002-9-12 4Y-A ;t/~ ~ 'J-.;;t -3 So Cf . "1"1.00' ,--ct ....eeLiMED ,-- \ ,-- \ ,-- -- --' , --' \ --' -..... --.. ...----- \ .. -- \ \ ,--,-- ---------- \ \ .."""""" -- '\ ,-- --------- \ \ ------- \ \ ----- \ ~~ \ o\~ \ 'os-\ \ 0.,:1- \ \ \ eUIL.DIN~ !:'ATA D~AV;INc;. IN1:)!X A 1 elTE PL.AN . COVE" eHEET 1,'12 e.F'. TOTAL. ElLiIL.DING> A"e.... ....2 FL.OO" pL."'N9 .oj76S VILLAGE rl.AZA.IOOJ'. SUITE 200 EUGENE, OREGON '17401 lHONE.541-344-3332 FAXS41-34HS97 I-MAIL AR!ORSotJTHcAOLCOM WWWMJ,OkSOlITH.COM ...., EXTe"IO" EL.EV....TIONe --' .. ..~~ ..--' ..~~. __::, <l\.~ --" , --' - ~.. -- ~- ------- "1"1.00' .. -- ....eeLiMED __,-- _---- ~'--.. ----------------- I _-- i-/-r/-/ I I I i I I I i I I I ;:) "~CK I ....4 F'OLiN~"'TION PL.AN' ~ETAIL.e ....5 "001" F"AMIN$ PL.AN . "001" PL....N eNEF(.a;,y INFOFtMATION ....6 E3LiIL.~ING> eECTION. T"LiS9 TYPEe. ~ET""IL.e PROJECT l! 1 EL.ECTflt.IC....L. PL.AN 1. THI9 Pflt.OJECT COMPL.II;e I"lITH ENEflt.G>'r' pflt.EeCflt.IPTIVE P....TH NO. 1 Ae IT PERTAINS TO THE CLiflt.flt.ENT Oflt.EG>ON ENEflt.G>'r' CODE AS FOL.L.Ol"le. A. VIN'r'L. I"lINDOI"l..: iJ..40 MIN. EI. 1"l00D DOOflt...: iJ. .20 MIN. C. 1"l...L.L.INeLiL....TION: flt.-21 MIN. D. LiNDEp;r,F'L.OOp;r, INSLiL.....TION, R-2S MIN. E. FL....T CEIL.ING>9: R-sa MIN. F'. FORceD Alflt. DLiCT INeLiL.., R-& MIN. G>. G>A9 HE...TING>. H. G>..... I"l...TEflt. HE"'TER. THE ASHLAND & STUDIO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \/ ) / \ / \ .. / V .. c;.!NE~AL. NOTeS CODES AND STANDARDS 1. All oonstruction shall ve In strict oampllanoe with the State of Oregon 1996 Edition One anlll Two Family Dwelling Speoialty Collie anlll all appll oavle State anlll Laoal CoJOles. 2. ENERGY CODE: All construction shall conform to the latest elllition of Gtate of Oregon Energy Collie. Presoriptlve Path 1. Notify Architect of any IlIlscrepanciee; vetween 1lI0cumente; anlllstanlllarllls. Where conflict aocurs. the more rlgilll speolficatlon shall govern. :3. PARTIAL SETS OF DOCUM ENT6: Architect shall not ve responslvle for villlding errors or omissi ons due to viddlng from partial sets of documents. "1"1.00' AeeLiMED ~ ~~ , , SYM60l..S P...TIO ~ITE WORK. 1. Remove all organic material/topsoil from area under the vuilllling and under paved areae;. 2. Fill shall consist of a free-draining granular material. Place fill in Ii~e; not to exceed eI' and oompact to 100% standard MSHO u nderfootlnge; and 95% standard MSHO under sla175 and paved areae;. :3. Select fill material under sla175 shall ve 6" layer 3/4" minue; crushed rock or coar&e sa nil. 4. Provide positive drainage undeMloor areae; to com ply wIth CABO 405.1. if required. ~ o r------ I I I I ____________-.J SECTION INDEX I I I I I r------ SITE PLAN G) DET....II.. (l) [ 0000 I 9ING>L.I!HLiNG> F'toposet' NeY'l HOUSe / DOOR FOUNDATIONS 1. All footings shall vear on unil Istu rved soli or compacted fill mini mum 12" velow finish grade (18" at two-story portions) unless noted otherwl5e. Notify Architect vefore proceeding of any unusual conditione; enoaunterelll in footing excavations. 2. If stem wall a nd footing are two separate pours. provide #4 vertical L var at 6'- 0" oc maxim um from footl nglnto stem wall. 3. Do not exoavate closerthan 2:1 slope adjacent to footinge;. 4. Clean all footing excavations of loose material V;y hand prior to pouring oancrete. ;:::/\ OLiTDOOR "Y LiNIT o , d:l 'ot I"lINDOI"l . SING>L.E lolLiNG> FINISH F'L.OOR EL.EV. 100.00' ~I- !'I1'N \1""' mill ~ .. ~r I , .~ CONCRETE ,:.i""''''',4:;,~'---'-~-_ '", .' 1. Minimum structural concrete oamprese;ive strength shall ve 2.500 psi at 28 days -~-t""1 ._~-- unl""" n<?f;etl otherwis~Expoe;~d C~I~ ~!ave;. w~lke;. etc.t!t~aAhflve a l11inimurtl compressIve strength of 3.500"$5f at 28 day;; and 5nalllie air en1;rained.... '.' '. 2. Minimu m cement oantent shall I>e 5 sacks/yard except slal>5 0 n grade shall I>e 51/2 sacks/yard. Maximu m e;lump shall ve 4". 3. Place and cure all concrete per ACI codes and stanllards. 4. Provide oantroljolnts In allsla175 at 12'-0" oc maximum each way unless noted otherwise. Frovlde heavy tooled Joints (3/4") at 5'-0" oc and 1/4" premolded expane;ion joints at 20-0" oc maxim um at all exterIor walks. I I I I I I _______ ,______J JOB NO , -, , ------- , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '---- DATE POflt.CH 27 AUGUST 2002 MASONRY (If Used) 1. Concrete Mae;onry Units shall me et the requiremente; of ASTM ceO-90. Tavie 1.2 & :3. Type 1. medium weight. f' m ~ 1500 psi. Gtandarlll VIook. scorelll vlaok (Wlllam ette Gl'll;y5tone 8521<:) and split facelll vlook (Willamette Grillystone 800Sp). see Exterior Elevations for looatlons of each 5tyle. 2. Concrete Masonry Units shall have 1.25" minimum face shell thickness and tOO" mlnimu m wev thicknese;. :3. When delivered to the JOv site. all unlt5 shall ve sound and free of cracke; or other defeats that woulllllnterfere with the proper placing of the units or would significam;iy o o I I CONC. SIDEI"l.....L.K I I~~ LANDSCAPI! CONDLilT9 ",,"'O,o,j.) / .J, '...................... ............ .................. ...... ............ o I DRAWN BY GONCflt.ETE Dflt.IVEI"l0 eEl! FO",N~ATION PLAN FOR OTHER F'I..,..T 1"l0flt.K DARRELL o .' 1fI 'ot CONCRETE / MASONRY REINFORCING 1. All reinforcing steel #5 and small er shall ve A-615 Grade 40. 2. Refer to detaile; for reinforcing steel size. :3. Fravlde concrete masonry units with vond veams at 48" oc with #4 horizontal and #5 vertioal at 32" O.C. Grout these celie; solid. Refer to details. 4. See elevations for locations of scorelll (Will amette Gra;ystone 852 R) and 5plit facelll vlock (Wlllamette Graystone 800 Sp). CHECKED BY DAN --- --- - " " " " " " " " " " " " " REVISlON WOOD 1. Alllumver speolee; shall ve a5 follows unless noted otherwise: Joists/Beams/Stringers - DF-L #2 or vetter 6" Noml nal Beams and Stringers -- DF-L #1 or Better Glu-Laminated Beame; -- 24F-V4 DF/DF unless noted otherwise. No Camver Buoks/Blocking/Bridging/Mlsulla neous -- DF-L/Hem-Flr #3 or Better Stude; -- DF-L Stull Grade SiIIs/Sleepers/Flates/Naill ng Blocks/ All Wood Emvedded In Concrete -- DF-L Pressure-Treated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2. All joists a nil veame; framing into. not vearlng on. veams. headere;. girders shall I>e supported with Simpson-1;;ypeJoist or veam hangers. 3. Plywood or wafervoard shall ve as noted in foundation. floor framing and roof framing plans. 4. All eKterior wall stull spacing shall ve 24" oc (16" oc alllooations where lap slllllngle; used) unless noted otherwise. All interior wall stull spacing shall ve 16" oc unlee;e; noted otherwise. i l--- "1"1,00' ....eSLiMED , , SITE PL.AN NEI"l CONC' 1'l"'L.K SCAI.E: '- 1 .... 1 0'-0" DRAIN AL.L. ~OI"lNSPOLiTS TO CLiflt.EI I"lEEP HOL.ES I -L-STREET TREES ARE ARE REQUIRED. Please I efer to attached Development Code Section regarding the placement and types of allowable street trees. LOT' F'lJCH9IA G>AI'tDEN9 Jtl>ltROVcD ONLY FOR RESIDENTIAl L/'S.i: _ iN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 16 ~ THE SPRINGFIELD DEVElOPMt;NT CClC~ I"lATe:R / POI'lI!;R / ~AS PHON I!! / SI!!I'lER TO Ell!! SIT I! VEflt.IFIEJ:) PFl.IOR TOI"lOflt.K 9PRING>F'IELD, LANE COLiNT'r'. OREG>ON GtRlNG 1. All eKterlor windows. Sk;yllghts. glass doors shall have Insulating glazIng. Unconditioned spacee; may have single glazing un lese; noted otherwise. 2. If provlllled. glazing In shower enclosures shall ve identified anllllaveled ae; safety glazing anlllshall conform to CABO 308.3 and 308.4. Shower doors shallswlng out. :3. Glazing within 24" arc of vertical edge of doors in a closed position. 18" of floor and/or within doors shall ve Identified and lal>eled ae; safety glazing and shall conform to CABO 308.:3 and :308.4. N01\C~: XPIRE If iHE WORK THIS PERM\1 SHf..'E'R ;r\lS PERMIi IS ~Ol "'UTHORI'lEO UON~IS f..Bf..NDONEO fOR COMMENCED ",NY '\BO Df..'f PERIOD. ---____E I'>IJ. -~!,'Sl -~,.~e... '~,. '~ '"" f:}~:'_~:~C'),'E:f~\~~~:r~~~'" 1. '-t\n ~ _~___---~ "._v \...0,/:,0 ,7 1 f..;::..:':'-l-_., \.t\J\"""""'----- _--~--Q2~::'~...::.~:-1-~~ TION .y_ l'<" l~" .....----,~~-- ...-' ~~C_t'J~\'L"'~ '" * . . ~ ---_.;~ fi~:~:~-[.:~:~;i\i6 (i>-'~~~~~P--I~' - ~ . \-, --_"'\. ~ ~ c.~\":;..~~~- ~- - EVI"'-'~:ED wrr~ -=--- .. r EN R ~V, . EC' ._ + _ ,.'"!:"'C . H;':"I.:.. B_ PENCIL CHANG -~ 'p-~F.. c-,),.!- E !;.' ~'''',.' j:,",:. q ~"'i:--J COl...?~~~')\ISD DRAWINGS ~~; h l"7EX"t.....l\;-.,j- il".:' -- I," "\-,.) "'; dE "P'HA.LI... BE APPROVED J 'or:. f...i:n:.: !-~ ~~~'~.~ ~[~l:IC 01-\1 S BELOW S p;:(''' J;:' ~ /..." 1,._ ' . ThEPC:LD1;<..\GC.rrlClh.l- --tELD OREGON \ C.ITY OF 5FRINGI". ' ""zo.-<:L ___ DATE' _' ---I ""..-- !~.E!"i'OVED SY MEMBERS, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS plTE NOTES, · VE~IF""" SU~VE!Y INFO~MATION: ~IMENSIONS 'ISeA~INc&S. E/'SEMENTS .I.EGAI. / MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines SHEET NO ~16CELLANEOUS_ 1. Provide minim um olearance of 30" width and 24" In front of all water closets exceeding CABO Figure 307.2. 2. Walls at show8rs shall ve finished to a minimum height of 72" avove IlIrain inlet with material not adversely affected V;y moisture per F1umving Code. . 3. Smoke detector(s) shall reoelve primary powerfrom vullding wiring. have vattery vack-up anlll shall conform to CABO 316. 4. All recessed flxture5 In eKterlor or insulated ceilings shall ve Type IC unlese; noulll. Box In flxturee; per Super Good Cente; Standarde;. 5. Maxim um step down at exterior doors shall ve 71/2" unless noted otherwise. Doore; swinging over lanlllinge; shall have a maxim um step down of 1". 6. Provide minim um 24" clearance avove to range hoolll or 30" clearance to comvustll>le oanstruction al>ove If no hood is used at all kitchen rang8s. -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Side yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet · VE~IFY ~EaUII~e~ SETSACI<S COM PI...,... VIII AI.I.. CO~ES. O~~INANC.ES f. c&OVE~N'c& Ac&ENCIES. A~ '(vveG-GSS-003~~~I~~~~eaqWolI"-' UO!~ll:J!lnON ^lm~ uo) 'Jaluao SI.\l 6UI\I90 auol\da\al al\l.aloN 0 Rem no}. '0600 ,oI,q salOl al\llo s~~~~~6~~'wo-~6~OUI - ~OO'Z96l::rvO l\ sol\1- 'JaluaO uon'lloll!~ON ll.lollas axe salOJ a ,oI,Q paldoPB salOl MOIIOI oI.l!,l!~~~?~~;~"~~:,,, ",,""I/y~,/jl \ N3ll'<l P.U.E. MAY CHANGE SETBACKS , c . dr qO~ FuQX6 \0..-) sru C ARBOltSOUTH ARCHlTEC11lJ>.E. PC THEASHlAND- STUDIO