HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-6-28 . MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet to House or Garage to House or Garage ,- . '> . . -Side -Rear yard yard 5 feet 10 feet P.U.E HAY CHANGE SETBACKS '~"",r >I' " " .' ~ lY. . "'l .. , . ; '. DATE REC41VI;;O eo/7-'t/O+ .J.2.t:.!:li?C9~1:".!~- :O~n~() ZONE: ....~ ~._ ~~J:~l'~~::)__.l~+,I~t-b~ UNli(S) .....-". J-__"__~_4 ..._ S.,;;,c;.l'W..dI\K~__~~.::..i1..,~~\\!-" STO~I""": ~ \ I ~~~Pr'~ C'.:d~.:r..f.ll.~y ~i ~..::.- ~'O; "" ~ ~__ ,..... ...._ _ ",,_..'>r _. .>.-..-.........., _ n___'_n__. LEGAL 'wl"~"'; ~:.:'..r.:.."'./.-'--~l"'~,.>< 1~.:P~.:.~~...:-'l.'2.. .,...Q~~() ._ AnDRES'''' _5!?...~m~!,7t:l~'.... , Q\!i!i<=P ~ 1'<0...",,,,- " THE CON1"E~T" H"1'1~ ON H"'V~'BIi:"N R-"VIEWEO: WI"'H AL"'ERA1'IO\~S fN01~\"'t'E1J oN cod.')PEt5 PENCl!_ CHp NGE~ ;OR ALTE:RAil0NS MAbe' 1"0 '1 HE APP~OVED ap,.jAWINGS (W~ PROJECT AI'TER ~'HF- UAT""B~,,,,ll)W SHl}LI. BIZ "IFI',ROVEO BY "1'HE E\UILDING OFFICIAL. . , ,{ Cn"V OF SP.<tINGFIE:L.D~'~,"EGOI~ 'APPROlfE~BY '"1>~" "l!JAT~'if(f~: ,'" to.< ~ . < ~,., ", '1~: j"~~' ~' < , , ATTENTIQN:OreQon law r~qul;~S you to , fOIl?w ~ules adopted'bY,the"Qregon,Utility !'JOtlflcatlOn Ce,nter. rhose rules are set fOrth In OAfl952-,p01 ~001 0 througl;tOAA 952-001- 0090. YOu'may'obtain cOpies'Qf.the rulGS'by , calling'tlJe center. (Note:. t"e:telepbone ,~ number for the Oregon tltilityNotiflcauon', Center is 1-800-332-2344). ~ ~ ",. ,~ ". " . w \ ~. , ' , -. " . " ~. ~STREET TREES 4RE ARE REQUIRED, Ple~e refer to attached Develop;nent Code Section regarding the placement and types of clliuwarht:: bU't:et trees. " ~> , " .' " "