HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-5-25 MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Fro~t yard to House 10 feet ~front yard to Garage 1B feet -Side yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet p.U.E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS ~ -~, <:: "(.L . . 00 ,/ <.-v"L l <. ~ , , '9' I ~ " " 5"- " ,- _ C.. L , ~ ~ '- ~ '- ~ ~, "-,cU"'-'. ,.::.: ~~p- v . '-'" L'C I \1'. ~, ;1 :lifr- 7- ),'.#...i .....- ~, - .- ,~,j;;" , ,.~ ,- Jb '\.1 , ~ , '\ o ~TREETTREESARE ARE REQUIRED- Please refer to attached Development Code Section regarding the placement and types of allowable street trees, ,C' dJ: t ----- -Z '"'I ' ~ '" / . l, , ., '. :f"~~" ";i~:~;.~ ,,~, . ll).f."r.:~ - . '~~ :~li ~.._' I G;c;.~ ~5~- (V ----- ~ --, , lOr-) __d~ -- ----c "'_ -. 0() o ,0 H C:> Ij '3 IE.. '. . -, d' ..J\ d v-.J ,.J} U') " . r~ - '; \;J .., ~ "<-,.---' ~J . ' \ ~ I 0-; \; G A I(j} Co f:. . i\ @ 'I -- ,- c::'b' ._~--- 7 r/" 12 '1 ~{-~ "'\...U_' G,' . !. ---- 11-- <1- ': :;;,~~<,1fft _:~::- ~~:~'t:~- ~--_._-' ,..~ ,,",,9. "~'~'Y~l>'J.,,,. ..,- . ~,....t<'.f',.. ,If.,.-<r ~.,- Lnp ,Wing o\'cr 15# reit O\'Cr min. Nimt. 1/2" C"oX pI) woOd J068SC - ' ~~.-............__-,.;......~.,..,.~....,......"...,.""..o..c.<. v""""'...._~..........-.~...._~.. ..~,,",..~, - -' -_.._.~- ...~""7 .' :..,. f" ~, .' ,:~~ , GENERAL NOTE!! " -1. Drawings are intendeli to represent desired construction results. It is the responsibility of U,e 'c~actor to : maintain structural integrity of the building during construction. . , - . It is the re~ponsibility of the contractor to obtain required permit. from the regulatory jurisdiction(sl III ,to the - start of construction.- The contractor shall assunie full responsibility for all changes required by the--tdiction should he/she not follow this procedure. ' ,--- " ',-'" ' ~ Contractor shall verify all dimensions Drior to startina- construction., and bring any and all discrepans to the attention of the designer prior to proce>>ding w,th work in the affected aiea. This includes verifyi'tlie roof pitc~es. All drawings scaled at Y.IJ = 1'.0" unless noted otherwise., ' , ::.' Substitutions by the contractor f~r -specified materials shall be submitted to the designer and apprM prior to ' commencing work at the affected area. Materials specified as "(or eq.) on pl,ms may be substituted 'vIIa"t prior. 'approval 01 the designer provided contractor retains product specifications showing equality or superlfy to the speCified material. , - .' . ," . . . ~ . lridicated dimensions are required ineasurements. The indicated measurement. are from uncovered ,jJ'or plate to uncovered stud or plate at the indicated side unless specified otherwise. No scale measuiel111'; .from blueprints or copieS shall be considered valid. - ;1, \; . ,,-, . {r Coniractor is 'responsible for the coordination of all trades Involved in this co~struction project, and ,~~iuring requ.ired inspections are requested and perfonned in a timely manner. " · All construction shall comply with the c'urient edition of the Oregon Dwelling Specialty Code (also iimd to as the ODSCJ.' .".., " I'., . , , . ,(4 "", All connectors speCified shall be Simpson Strong.tle brand, if available. These conneclors may be suli!uip1l for with another brand if noted on plans, but shall not be substituted for if an "or eq." note is not incfed lor any specific situation. - ' - Any changes to the final draft -of plans submitted to the custom~r after acceptance 01 the plans by ;Icu~tomer shall be considered new plans. . --,- - 10. _AI\ wood assumed to be OF #2 or better, unless noted otherwise. . 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 1. , S. 9. 11. All window. apd door headers shall be (2)2"xS" unless speCified ~therwise. See the multi.member hear detail. - 12.Smokl! detectors shall be installed in ~ccordance with the OOSC. In new construction, the new detect> ,hall be' interconnected and hard.wired, and there shall be a detector in each sleeping room, outside each slping alea, - and one on each additional story of the dwelling. ' 13.AH exterior wails ....here no openings 'occur' are to be considered - 'prescriptive path brace panels. !ncls that . require special nailing (th~t is, thcy arealternate brace panels) are noted and specified on plans. - . __ ":'__ - ^ 17 ' .' ~,. , '~ . . .' "-- _J " -~rll~ l\iF' --. j' I Ii) - . ----Iii' I - , ~___JiIT,- -v-n, I I I I --+-\ ! I 28S0S1-1 [ , I __ , 2668SC .1 ' Glazing. i I I , , ! ' , , '! (2)285081-1, -, ---'-_.__......:...:.~ Right Elevation. . Sealc: 1/4" = 1'. 0" FOUNDATION NOTES 1. All' footings shall bear on undisturbed soll'void of any orgimlc material on a maximum of 4'" "~" I com~acted. ~ 95%, or on engineered fill per .Joils <;nglneer's geotechnical ;eport Compacted materi~~ s:' consist of V, crushed rock or granular mater': fC?otIRgs shall be slepped as required to maintain the . d" minimum depth (or more) below finished grad,' ',':' reqUire . ' ' . . .-. . ., .' ,. - " 2. Maximum compacted fill supporting any co'ete woill (Including f1atwork)llhall be.." ~niess de I d . d . Insp~ct~d by, an Clregon architec~ ~r enginee,lllcompaction shall be to a minimum 95%.' , s gne an _. 1 " '. . ~ " ,.' , 3.. . All concrete shali have a minimum compreve' strenglh of 3000 psi unleas required 'to be h' h 't th ',- design.. Concrete shall be air entrained, minll1l 5%. maximum 7'1.. . - Ig, er s reng by 4. Concrele sla.bs shall have control joints at ni",'urn 25"inte";"~lsii'i ,~ny cilr&ciio~~. . , . 5. Unles.~ specifi~d 0!!,erwis9, all reinforcing II shall. M A-615 grade 40. WWM shall bit 6" ~ 6;',1~.10, A-615. , . ' ." ." .' . 6.. All wood in contact.wlth concrete shall be !sure.treated. interior,POllte shall be sep~r.;ted froO: c 't b ' wilh minimum 551 roll roofing., All interi~sts greater, than ..' in height shall be mechanically fa~~re ~ t a~~s pier and beam. NailS or .crews driven int,essure.treated wood shall be stainless steel If C60 or g' ~e t 0 de I. wood is used. .' '" rea er reate - ! -' , Enerav Conservation. 1. 2. 3. ' 4. 5. Flaf ceiling, habitable spac~...:..............R.3a " _ '.', Sloped ceiling, habitable space.............R.JO (max. 50% floor area) Exterior walls, habitable space.............,R.21 " . Windows, habitable space....................U= 0.411 , Interi,or floors' exposed to unheated s~ . ' hebitable space....:.. ................,....,...R.25 (1) exterior door, habitable spacs........:..U= 0,54 All other exterior doors; habitable spa,":U= 0.20 ."' . " ' - 6. 1.- Brace Wan ConstTucfio'1 EBP: Ex~rior brace"";'lI panels: mi~.nOl" C~X~lywood subsiding (oreq), 8d n~i1s @~? DC ~ges '12"" fi Ids MlI1lmum length of an exterior bra,,1l IS ... AII.edgeS blocked. ., .,' oc Ie, . ABP: . Alternative b";'ce wall panels: mrr?' Yz" COX plywood suhsidlng (or eq), Sd ,nails @4" be edges, 12" oc fteldlnlmum lehgth of an al~matlv. brace wall is 2'.S" .,Install (1) Simpeon PH01eown with Simpson S51B16 anchors at each end of each panel. All edges,bl~' , " ,. , ' . ',." . IBP: interior braGe pimeJs: min. y," gy' bolli'd 'each side of Wall ;or MI helght- of wall. Install with nails or acre;;ad per Table ~02.3.5, but at a max. spacing of 7" DC. ~Iocking at the ceiling a,or shall be installed per Chapt.;r 5, OOSC. All edges blocked. - , ' ~ -----_._--~---- ~............._--- :~. . - ;, ~. . MINIMUM SETBACKS All me~~urements -Front yard to H -Front yard t couse 10 feet -Side yard toO H arage IB feet -Rear yard to House or Garage ouse or Garage P.U.E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS INTERIOR LOTS are from Property Lines NOTlG~: WitS P,~RJfTSl--lALL EX~I)'~E IF THE WDRM AWTHO~tlfO U~D'ER THIS PERMIT IS NOT C&.~MENCEIJ tlR IS M1ANOOrb fOR ' A,n l80 !.lAY P~JOIl " ,1 , /' ,/ // I I t' - ~-:------... ........ ........ ~ --"~' '~ 12 '_, 12, -~7 '........ .~ '~ J 5 feet 10 feet Iz. x - cricket J I ,- - , -/ . ,/"X,', '- '-'- . .'~ ' ~ ~ . - ' - Compo R~of ove~ is, relt ov~r nom. 1/2" CDX plv~ood \ \ \ , 1 , \ \ \ ~-."'"7--~-~-~'- " -:-....._.~~._-L-- .l;;(;\.L,_ I I , , I I il I I III , ;' In '1,:/' I ~:, i 1-- I.:,:: ; ~':[J: I; i i::l f: ]' 1.-1+ !L_J~I-- (2)28688H f~ ~.$ ---, i I I I , I I i I ,. f. I 286{)SH -I : i ! ,r---'j , ,I 'I ' -- . /l----1 ,. I I - Ir--'-- , I[ , JI I; l .--_____._--1 --+ +- -- 1. I _-.W I .. ~ II , , -L -I - - ~ ~~ I . ,~I~ I $':245088 I 0 , . I ' I - , - .._--~._---- :5~ I ~. , ~ , ~ L ,"- ~ -1J... I ,/ .' , ,'7 a c I , ! i. ': 245088 , Z669Sn r0 2860S1-1 .1 -----:---1 ,/ :--~-...-.,.-:--: LSTREET TREES ARE ARE REQUIRED. Please refer to attached Development Code Section regarding the placement and types of allowable street trees. Rear Elev,l':ioll ~ ~~VED"~ UN'Tf"\t ,STi!;RIES . "- ~ " - LE~AL n1:1.~.~ . ADDRESS ,PWf"'E,tf \ O-'Z :J o::J.o..... cO'DO~.Q.~ ::I\l.lo)>-",.--j j:) _. (') 0 cr=-<::ti\ll:Erri CD~,O\O~"'""lZ o ::. ,- to: 01 0 E --1 (1) O::T::J f\,)::f Clt- a-r([)~,b()lJ)O CD :f 0 B 0 m OJ Z,. ... ({}..... -'" - Q. .. _.(1) _j (, J ;.:i C t-' (JJ.O~~'i'"OCD-o'~ ..... """I (tl ,';. 0:"" .- (,) a, cP ;: €2. -.I. -; CD ,-~ o(O,--.::J. ~::r 0_...;;. oOZn::J"oC1-' ..1_.... ::So 0 b -'I Ch"'-: ;::: I.>>cctu~ro~~ w::t...-.._~- ~......:_.c.'la c: a'J ~ '. ~:TC?::::r- t') 1'< Cl) G O<1l Q,;~ Z .4 ~"-' en CD :: - 0 <1l = ;J;:; P> 10 (' .. ::r.CDQrV@Ot' ~"'O """I ID en ~ '-<:':' C>) ~ c. CJl !Ii C C agrof}>;"'~c: 0. (t) 00 0 a;:;:..... ;;I .rr~;::t.~O -<.::r ., . . .; JOB No.. /; - -' , :J ltf' - OCCUPANCY GROUJi:~ t. . OCCUPANCY L~' : ....:. :~PrcF.' 'TC:'N~UC'2~N II-Jr/. ~ ~ ~ ~ 5: . ~~ -.. .'. ., , 'n""", . -.~' . , ." ,. THE e~,"TS '--;ERE ii l! " ' '- . AL'rER~lnNS IND'CA ON tofjl)~EI:) ~E~:L wg~A WI!!1 , ~'L R (Jt."c<<'~:~~?E~S-- .D~ii'~~t~~~1J..ttE:BE ~ AWINGENSD("~ . E!:'6,U1LQIN'" - FICIAL.', - BY , ' . . OF SPR]NGFI~LD, OREGON " ~. ./. PPROVeo BY ~ - D^~~r , '- "'-:-5 . ~,~. I ,~it:ale! il4""':: 1 '.. 0" -------- I 1 1':---:--'----:'1 "'-.- '..... ,.~ , 7' /" . . . 1 -~ /' J2 12 i I j ___u__ , j'--- -- ~...._-_.----- ,,- JJ , , .2020XO 2020"0 . . ,; r' , , 1 .:::;...-=---=-~=-:=.::- ~ .......--... ."..----- ----------' - -.-.,--'---..---:-.........~, .... ---.:..._~,---~"- ,..:................~_...---~-~---,- ~ .- .~~-~ - - ' -.....--.....---- ----.-- '---'- ----'1 .. ....l,...;l,l DATE RE:CEIVEDSk-',k'JOB NOI~--o(X.J4 . ZONE' , - 'qCCUPANCY GROUP C'f UNIT(S) I - OCCUPANCY LOAD ' STORIES I , , TVPE CONSTRUCTION 1;:# LEG.AL '!ES<;:RIPTlON., R~a ' ADDRE,?S _ C;-2.", Y-#y?" cr; ~ ~..a':f OWNER 1);(qIlIr' M h,)"...... . 4>f-06 . " " - Leftklevation - , I . ,,;,,'~,r 1 Scale: 1/4";' }'- 0" \ '.' ~1~djf( - ;- ii')&:: :""J,!(l'- ..::. .I!~p " ~~'~ . Comp: Roof OVI' j5ft /';11 o~er " nom. J/2" CDX,llvwooll f } THE CONTENTS HERE ON H"I E' - - , ALTERA,IONS INDICATEDbN C~LO~~~Np~~~:EWED. VllT.H OR ALTERATIONS MADE TO TH - L, CHANGES PRDJECT APTEr, THE DATE BEL6~~~'1'(,tEfE 9.RAWINGS OR THE BUILDING OFFICIAL - PPROVED BY . CiTY OF SPRI\l~F,IELD, OREGON ' L APPROV~DBY~ a~~r\ ~_~{~'3t.[P 12 . \;,,' J' "0', ~ '\I ", - ~...' " -.. 'j t'- .r" , . i " , 12 .12 -. i2 ., 1 7. 7 7 " ~ , <10 I '~ rr-- J Iii :r--Cjll r ': j II ,I Ii I , .' : k _J;L_"J! I r : Il_I'll:'dlj'I'! . 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Cori.tractor: Dennis Minium Lo"t,~ B" E f-pJl0 E, c.~....)- Proiect Location: S~ 9 E T Ii PI}..) cT: SDrine.field~ OR. 97478 ,I SCALE: 'noted 1378 Sq. Ft. SFD , ' " , Seide: 1/4" = 1'- 9" fAGE SCHEOULJ; DRAWN BY: JMP DATE:' 08-27,.04 .., REVISED: General Notes, Energy, Conservation; Elevations 1'." Page Page Page, l' Elevations. Moln, Energ, cooservation' 2: Floor Plan, RoQf Fnunlrig Plan - 3: Foundation wlFloor Framing, Details Section. '. ' ' I Porli<oJD Desi&n 6~5 Wilson: Eugene, OR 97402 (S41) 870.5521 ..' D~ WING' \ , 10fJ _._~1.~___.__",___ ';"'j '- ------