HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-5-20 ".,~, ....-y.~ " ,,.~- ~, -~ . MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements ~re from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -F:ont yard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard ;0 House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to Hou~e or Garage 10 feet P.U.E HAY CHANGE SETBACKS ,,. ! :(y , , , " , y~~ / ":U~ ". ."". p, ",;;--)- ,c. t!' c~ ,~,A',' J .~,~" :'1'. ,~ 'Jl ~~ c- - ~. , 1 "" " I, , . ", '\ , ' , i~':'l' ,:';'i,,- /?J 'I '- '- '- ~ '- ~ o " lie "..L<:;'I)" , , -." c.r.; ~(:~~-)t,-) . ,,<- ~{/" 'fA ,", '.~ (,"'-.. t , " .' / . "Z '-f tf" 1 , -\'-. .' " " ,^, '~\!?-::'-:'~~t"?~ .', <t'~ ~.' '>\ ... '- .lh, , '..~ . '>~, . ."._~~' '." f'-~'" ..i ~. '1 ~.' . ' ~ --'.. \ ~ ,~:'~1;:~::: . ,c'.1' ::'-', ;:','~ '1fJ? ,~~ ' " ..~.--.,,-~,- ~, -,: - .}\~#>:'~~~: ~,~ ';Jf":-", ~-, - '-~ . '. ....-:, ~ ~~, { ,_ .....ii('l'.{"'lit .-.~~"1'''''''->1E'.M'' ..,. .C~'!","l"" 4." Lnp ,iding o"cr 15# rell over min. Nom. 1/2" C\OX pl)'woOd 3068SC ".....~....................~...........'.....v........."'. ----..............---------~._.- t" ~' /. !'~/; " GENERAL NOTES " '1. Drawings 'are intended to represent desired construction results. It is the responsibility .of the c~actor to : maintain structural, integrity of the building during,construction. , ' , Ii is, the ':e~ponsililiitY of the contractor to obtain required penn its from the regulatory Jurisdidion(slm ,t~ the, start of construction; The contractor shall assume full responsibility for all changes required by the'ldictiol) should helshe not follow this procedure. " ", , " " " " . . . .' . . . - .' "ill;!!' Contractor shall verify all dimensions crior to startina -construction, and bring any and all discrepans to. the attention of the designer prior to proceeding,with work in the affected area. This inch.id~s verifyilUle roof pitches. All drawings scaled at y," = 1'.0" unless noted otherwise. ' " , ' . 2. 3. 4. . ' Substitutions by the contractor for 'specified materials shall be submitted to the designer and appro' prior to ' commencing work at the affected area. Materials specified as "(or eq.) on plims may be substituted ''o\Io,ul prior, ' approval of the designer provided contractor retains product specifications showing ,equalitY or supl"ll)r to the' specified material. ' ' . , , " 'l , " , ". .. ~. . Indicated dimensions are required measurements. The indicated mcasunlments are from uncovered SJlor plate' to uncovered stud or plate at. the indicated side unless speCified otherwise. No scale measureli,"; ,from , blueprints or copies shall be considered valid. ' ' , /,1, . .' . ' .' . ,.{.,it." Contractqr is 'r~sponsible for the coordination of all trad~s Involved in this ~o~struction project.'and l"~~uring required inspections are requested and performed in a, timely manner., " ' , "; c:. " All construction shall comply with the c'urrent edition of the Ore'gon Dw~lIing Spech;lty Code (also r~red to as l/ie ODS C). ' . " " ' $!" All connectors speCIfied shall be Simpson Strong.tle brand, if a~ailable.' These connectors ~ay b~ ~Uii?ulf~, for, with another brand if noted on plans, but shall not be substituted for if an "or eq." note is not incl~d for any specific situation, ' ' ' , , 5. 6. 7. B. , , AnV changes to the final draft'of plans submitted to the customer after ~cceptance of the plans by t1~ustomer shall be c,onsidered new plans. " , 10. All, wood assumed to be OF #2 or better, unless noted olherwlse. " 9. " ' 11. All window apd door headers shall be (2) 2"xS" unless specJfi~d ~therwi~e. See th~ multi.member hear detail. , 12.Smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with the ODSC. In new construction, the new delecll ~hall be interconnected and hard-wired, and there shall be a detector in each sleeping room, outside each sleing area, and one on each additional story of the dwelling. 13.AII exterior walls, ";"here no oPenings occur are' to be c~nsidered ,', pre~criptive path brace panels. mels that , require special nailing [that is, they are alternate brace panels} are noted and specified on plans.,' "" I ? \, j,Y;??~ 7V- /}('~(' / /~. 'yf;;P t- ..~ - ,- // c; ~. ~ /.<< /// / ($9 MINIMUM SETBACKS All measurements-INTERIOR LOTS ~re from Pr.operty Lines -Front yard to H - -Front yard to Gouse 10 feet -Side yard to H arage 18 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 5 feet ouse or Garage 10 feet P.U.E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS Compo Roof over i5# relt over nom. 1/2" CDX plv~~od / /' /' /' /' /' . .~ (/' ,~ /'. LO J I / . - ...21> ~~-------~ ~ ~ // /' ./' -.L, tz. H <::> U 3 IE.. 0() o \ \ -------~ , \ \ \. . ,.;J ..0 . ' IiJ U') ill j:,] 10 1 'Ij :I! 1 I ! ! )1 I 1,1 r-; :1 j.', /1' I '-:~I~ :1 'I' I ~- - --I: , _ [ , .oy,"., :1 ,C 1['. 'r'" , , 11l.......-_...-..!_.lec ..-t <;. il.- " , iI ,I I 1 I -I I II r "I,!I 11 , II I 'I ,.. ",; ] J-'-'-- . ;0.. - / ~.~ ----, /' " , '" '- " ~ ~ - c c.L.-",- , ~ ~ c " .~) , / \ ~. ! G'1i f\Ut G, E:. 2860SH (2)2868SH __\e "' , '0 i\ @~ ,/Y?Jf/ '/'/ /: ~~REET TREES ARE . QUillED. Please refer to attached Development Code SectIon regarding the placement and types of allowable street trees. .' .. ,...- - Rear Elev,lthln ';ule: li4i. = 1'. 0'; /' i / ~-~ -~,.-~~ -- --- --- ../ 71/" l1 1 ' 1 1',--:., - ,i . :. . ~ 12 lTl1lf-L -,' .' -T+li:r~-- . .'-~3~!it,= -;------- -'-'--.--- ff= -1- (-- I 1 I-~+- .1 I. (2)28S0SH 28S0SH r-~i " I, '.. I I ., . " 'U68SC ' ~Iazing. i . 1 ! I' ' I ~ L" ' .,: " , 2020xd '; r " .=....-----':;. --:=-=:;:.;"' .......~_.:.:a.._ -- -- ~-- - --: , ' . _~_w~-.~__~....._ __"_~.,___W" ---.... ------"',.:; :'~" , ".~" .1_ J:..l .... p.\ _.,- RightElevatioll' , Scale: li4" = 1'. 0" , ' ----~~_.............~ '" c ~ , _ ~ ;:r.; -......<.>, ~ 0' ;1 ': ~ Ii - - c ~ J " ' ~'-' /L_.__ I r-- .." . I ' [, ....:.._-! - ~ j ; ___1 JI .' .It j, L::::=::::::.::. I Z[;6QsH I . , ;-- -.fo. .__....._ _._v--\.~___ -~~'., ......._~-_. ---.....-.......:--- ~. , I !' NOTlCf: ~tS P,(RJfTSHALL EXPIRE IF THE W.(litlt AUfHOf!!tzto U~Di:R THIS f'ERfAIT IS NOT' C&~MENCW OR IS ABANOO~ fOR . Aln1BO BAY P~JOI), '. Ji c , - -:-:-:- -:------.. - , ',,-- ' ~ -- .. "~ ."-... . ~ . 12 "- " 12, , "--- .X7 ..... .....~ / / cric~et 'J ' /' /' ", / " , '- , ,. Ii I , ',. c .. Ir' ,:' LJ t_LJ !~J II 1.v -j , ' .....-...._--, , .. " I !I'" ". t '1'1' . I '.5~ .' t ~ I ,'70 I .dJ I " 24SOSH . I So ' F0 I . !_-' ~'------ ., 'i. Jl' " 1\ I '\J I "1"1' ~H~I --, ", " o -.....'-'-' 24SOSH 2860SH f~ ---_J J J6B 'NO.; '.:J; ~.- , .~ t,.l .../ ~CCUPAN~YG;e,~ouP'~ ' LlCCUPANCY LOAD _, ._ TYPE CONSTR' ~ V,jJ . . -1<---r:?~~"? , -:-7 ::-j'7~ / .l ~., ~.' If' MI" . O:;'Z_ ~.OOOO"'" CO(() ""-""j 3e.>..~)>g'o-- C'=-<:Ii\ll:Efri CD~O{Ott"'"lZ O::'.-t.:(f()E---I <l> 0 ::r OJ 1." ::l ()I -- ~ ..... (\) '=! 0 om II S:;:03 Q(f} p) Z, ... tn-........ -I. ~ a.:" _.CD~:10 I ::"OI.J f.nOM.-:::,-OCDu-" -r..., (tl --'" 0;"'.... 0 I CD;-'I '~.2.-..J. ----.lID '? <:0,.......'_ ~ 0 -j r, .~ O....--.J ......:;;r....-.~ OOZ():TOC'-- .::$.Oo-'lW'<;=;: QCro'1::10W~~ W.- ~...~ _'T~ tJ::t~f)!t) """Ie ct. ~ I ;:::;::;j{J):::r_ t') .~'< (\) 0 0 <l> O,J Z .-+ ~-" en ~ '-: )> ,.... o ~=~\ll1O (" ~~CJ)u;~@:o,' ~"'O CO fJ) :J";" o :T 2. ()1 "- c: 0' ll> 0 tv '. ~;:s CD 'I ::::~t: 0(1)0000;::;:..... .. ,r::r~~""O . -< .:::r ~" ~ , 'DA1!;: ReCEI.VED"; NE ' UN_ -(ei_~ ,ST&R . <', l.E.<e,AL 1) _ ADDRESS PWN;Jr .. ,- ""- -, "~ -, OREGON <J ~' ~- , , ~ 12 12 1 -:-~---- --- ~ . . .-~ '--~"'~'- -1 _.1 --- 2020XO . -----...---,.,._~- - ,-" ~._~-~--- -_. -- --..........--........-- -7"'~""..,~----..-.-_....- -~_.;-.,. f, Left ,~levation . l' . ! .. ,~.",r . '.' fOUNDATION NOTES ,-: \.' , , . I ;. O. "<! -. '>> .. ....l 1. , . " ' All footings shall, bear on undisturbed' soil,void of any organic material on a ma'x',mum f 4'" "te' '. .' t d to 95" . d fill 'I' I' " ,0 ma na compac, e , '" or on engmeere I per !Ol s, eng neer s geotechnical renort. Compact d t' I ha I C . t f"" hed' k' It' ~ t. hi' ... e ma ena s I ' onsls 0 "crus roc or granu ar ma e~, rOO mgs s al be stepped as required to ma'nta' lh '. .' minimum del?th (or more) below, finished grad, ' " ,,' , " I m e reqUIred '-J: F' " . . ", 2. " ' ... . Maximum c.ompacted fiil ~upporting any co'ete worll (Including natwork) sh~1I b; 4';' unl~~' d ' l' ~ 'd" inspected by an Oregon architec~ or enginee~1I compaction shall be tei a minimuin 95%. . , es gne an ' . " . . 1'" ., ". . , , All concrete shall have a minimum comprel"e strength of 3000 psi unl~as required to be h' h ' t " , ' design.. Concrete shall be air entrained, mini,:" 50/" maXimum 7'A,. " , Ig, er " rength by ~...., 12 3. 12 - 4. ,Concrete slabs shall ha~e control Joints at nimum 25"interY~ls in any dirilCtion. " . '. . " ." " Unless speci~ed otherwise,' all reinforcing II shall.~ M15grade 40: WW~ shall ~ 6';,i 6:',10.,10, A-615. All wood in contact. with concrete shall be ,""re.treaied. Interior pOsts shall be separated from c ' ., , With minimum 551 roll roofing., All interiolSls greater than ..' in height shall blt mechanic " f o~rete bases pier and beam. Nalls ot screws driven int..ssure-treated wood sha" be stainless steel if C6~ Y t as, nt edt to thile I, woodis used. '" ' ' ",' ",0 greaer reate, 7 1 5. " 6. ,l .DATE RECEIVED ':',ZONE ' '.UN'T,(S) I STORIES I " ", . TYPE CONSTRUCTION V-.t/ . J-EGAL DESCRIPTION . ($ .. e-,O,?RESS, ~11- f:.rIl..:.", c:r: ()-.4vl~ r~'7~4 QWNF? M J.. f.u,VI <>v.> ,.".., J THE CONTENTS MERE' ON' '. ALTERATIONS INDICATED ONH~~O~~~N "'EVIEWED. 'WITH OR ALTEllATIONS'MADE TO THE APPRO{:EEDNC1L c;HANl;>ES PROJECT AFTER THE DATE: B DRAWINGS OR THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, E,LOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY Scale: 114";" 1'- 0" . . . 1 't i', , .. n'~, II . . l!f'~ll r" ~. 1 . I i I ':1. I , , I r---ji'" i I , . I ,!. I;. -.l , . ' , I !1 j' I I: I-fTII : : I I: 1 I r! - . ....:..-.j I_.L..."-_,j~, _. ' I"'~' 11;1: I ;;,'11 j -1r~j _ J~~ ---'--- - I 18 6~ tz=n 71/7. .'- -I .~~~. ~ i:" . ,';~ I ,,/,1 C' :J. bb.== " i . 11'1 I I" . j:;.:...r:-H: ,I . i' :1i =f =1 ,':, !!i;::rr'- '~,'): 'q '. ',' .'" I I" \ I 1;; 1~ I 1,i". 'I I j~ 1 : ::::; , j '=1 : rl-r~l fL..! I ;,,1 ; , ;:1 =! Mffi i;,:,Lf~.t_}~~~~.:-'7-~!!. -l: I-I -, ~ ,_ I' . ! ,.. J .I -r 'l~!" )d'J,?f '_.._-=--=-~-:L -i J:, ~)~ ,flI245a"U 1JLE~l iL )q~ . "&reK ',_ ib~l . n~-,--__-;--~_~._~~, -141"': " ,;;',//' "'11:rl't' 'J ;j",,",,c. ' ,,-:.~ ''''rE ' 1/f . .. t. Compo Roof OVf }5# f~1t over Itom. 1/2" CDX,I!YWOOlI, f . . ,Enerav Consorvatlon . 1. Flat ceiling, habitabl,e iipac~...,...:..:.......R.iI " '." ,-: : 2. Sloped ceiling, habitable space.............R-30 (mal(. 50% noor area) 3. " Ederior walls, habitable space.............,R.21' , 4., Windows, habitable space....................,U= 0,,40 , 5. Interior floors exposed to unheated spa , ' , habitable space....:..................,.........R-25 6; (1) exterior door, habitable space......;....U= 0,54 7. All other elcterior doors! 'habitabla spar'"U= 0.20 ~race Wall ci:mstfuction EBP: Exterl,!rbrace ~Il ""nels: ~i~. nOl" C~X ~'yWOOd subsiding (or eq): B~ n~lls @ 8!' oc ~!i~S 12" . fi IdS' Minimum length of an elcterlor br~lI, IS 4. All edgeS blocked.' " " oc Ie . b:"" L '~. I' ! ,; , .-- \,' ,- -~_.,--~~.. --- -. '.:.:, " , '. ABP: Alternative brace wall Panels: mpm. %" COX plywood subsiding (or eq), ad ,nails @.." DC edge.., 12" oc fleldinimurn lehgth of an all"mativa brace wan is 2'.8". Install (1) Simpeon PHD1t;!own with Simpson $5TB16 anchors at elOch end of each panel. All edges bl'!' . Scale: tJ4".. 1'. &" " . Front ElevatioJ.l,' IBP: " ' Interior brace panels: min. y," gy' board each side of Wall for full height' of wall. Install willi nalll or scre;,;ed per Tabll 702.3.5, but at a mRK. spacing of 7" .oc. ~Iocking at the ceiling a,or shall be installed per Chap!lir 6 ODSC All edges blocked.' ,', " PAGE SCH~ paee " EiaYlltioila, Notes, Energy CO!\Servatlon' P.~ 2: Floor Plan, RI>Of Fl'lImirig Plan ' ,Page: 3: Founda1lon wn:1oor Framing, Details, Sections (, , , -'--- _.-__I.~.___--- "_ I I -I __~b _ r 7 12 CITY O!\~tRl'\'c:F~n,h~GON . ^_M"~ f:tl) Y1\ .. . tt4 S21r[P , ' 12 !I:.. , I ci '~ I I lap sldiAfj lOver IS1 full "1'e!' ' ""11. nOllJ, JiZ" cnx pf);'ootl 0)' . "_. no. ,'_ ~'--_.~J ~____ -.; ll~_ '. ii, ,-J ~ ,~', j r Ifi,' I( 7~ o'rjfGllF3Re~1Il .-~~"J I I I il~ ' " 'I" I ir-~-_n-l I I I " I! ! . -l r~ ,-'- r rn- j r~n- -~--:--- I, COl}.tractor: Dennis Mini~m , Proiect Location: SJ. 7 I SCALE: . noted I DATE: 08-27-04 G . . ' . REVISED: al1eral Notes, Energy Conserv,ation, Elevations ETH E /J cT: Sprinefield. OR.. 97478 1378 Sq, Ft. SFD DRAWN BY: JMP Porlko.lD Doolan 6~5 Wilson, Eugene, OR 97402 (M1) 870-5521 DRAWINC \ , '10fJ ~, _....::,