HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/2/2010 '. [. "/ t,e> ., I"'" ',. t..""" l:, ii . f,"\i ,.,.. Dt~Nti.~ ;~j L" i?irigioalSubmittal" . . ./ ~ \' 1) FORII No. en _ WARA.ltITl' DEED ~ndlvldUlI.... C:olp<>ro;lll. ~~lCl<f m1 6'<F/INS,I<EU .....,...."lS>o<l;O co .oQRIUI;O; '" 9602446' .WARRANI"'" . OO'@"j KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That .~..Cla.ix...L6l:eman...l?.a.r.k.ax............m.. m.............m............ I ........................................... Ii here/nllller called the trantor, for the consideration hera/nailer stated, to trantorpaid by _........................-...................;.... ....Jnh.n...Low.e.ll...l?aJ:ker....and..l?aul.a...Deni..seM..P.ar.ker...................................................................... hereinafter CD.lled the srantee, does hereby Arant, hariJllin, 58'1/ and ~nvey unto thlt aren/eo ~nd ArlJnta~;~.h~;~: 6lJCCeSSVrll and assign3, that certain teal property, with thtJ tenements, h(Jr(Jditaments and llppurl(Jnances thereunto beTon~in~ or in any way appertainin/l, ~ituated in ._Laoe._..._............. County, State of OreAon, described as follows, to-wit: Lot 8, and the North 1/2 of Lot 9, Block 3, DeRa Park Addition, as platted an.d recorded- in Book 11, .page 4,. Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane county, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at the Northwest corner of LO~ 8, .Block 3, DeRa PARK ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County Oregon; as platted and recorded in Book 11, Page 4, Lane County, Oregon plat Records; run thence South 890 58'10" East 51.63 feet along the North Line of said Lot B; run thence parallel to the West line of said Lot South 140 25'15" East B5.07 feet to a point; thence run parallel to the North line of said Lot B, North 8go 58'10" West 51.63 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 9, Block 3 DeRa PARK ADDITION to Springfield, said point being North 140 25'15" West 28.36 feet. from the Southwest corner of aforesaid Lot 9; run thence North 140 25 '1511 West 85.07 feet along the West line of Lots 8 and 9, to the point of beginning, all in S~~s:f..QiiN~T, ldNflNl.lf~~l)lfoN.otAMgATh~J To Have and to Hold the same unto the srantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And gumtor hereby covenants fa llnd ~ith grantee and grLlntee's heirs, successors and assians, that Brantor is Iawtully seized in lee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances .....~.__..._m...m...m.............:........ ..~...~.............._..............................................................._..._........._.........................:......................_......................................... and that grantor will wattant and forever defend the pr(Jm;ses and every part and parcel thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, e:r.cept those c;[aiming under the above described encumbrances. . .The true and .actunl consideration ~id_ for this transfer, stated in terms of doUats, is '.....33..,:.ao.O....o.o....... CDHowever, the actual consideration consists of or includes other property at. value-given or promised which is ~~~;"o'f:ho comidClra!ion (indicate which). ID(Th(J ...ntenco between thu,.mb~liJl;lt I10t lIpp/{CIlb/~,'hO/Jld bo de'eted. SIi& OR~ 93.oio.) [n construing this deed, whera the context $0 rtJquires, the sinAular includes the plural and all grammatical chanties shall be made so that this deed shall apply eq';ally to corporlltions and to individuals. In Witness Whereof, the grantor IlltS e:r.ecuted this instrument this.. 2.,;3 _..._dIlY of ... DeGem-OO:r: . "_J 199-5...; ! if a corporate .~rllntor, it has caused its name to be signed and its seid, if any. atfi;xed by an officer or other person II dUly Duthorizcd to do so by order of its board 01 directors. I , . . H~~JAN.12'96tWqREC 5.001 THIS INSTRUMENT WilL NOT AlLovi USE OF THEpROPERTY OESCRIB~D IN THIS .............._-~!~J-MI..t:::''96110qFflJND.. ......H).OO INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPLICABLE LANO USE lAWS ANO REGUlATIONS. ~~ M', , BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE ............._.._......._.~!IDANA.:\2.:.9.~"Q~A,!;I. EUN.D .20..00 TITLE" in THE PROPERTY SHOUlOCiiECK VI'ITH Tl1E APPROPRIATE ClTYOR COUNTY PlANNING IlEPARlMENT llJ VERIFY APPROVEO USES AND m DETERMINE ANV LIMITS ON LA\V5UITS AGAINST fARMING OR fOREST PRACTICES ASOEflNEO IN ..~...._.............~._............._................. ...................... ,. ORS30roo. flRIZt>I<Jk '. . !i ::~~i,:ji~~~:~:~~~:t:::~~:::.19.?:~ Ii'" This instrument W.!.~._~cknowledA.6d before me on ..~...................~_.........~............_..., 19........, [I by ............................... ..._.................~_~......~_....................._...................................................................... ' i I !I II " i' t1s...........:....._.......~...........~......~._..._...._~............~~~............~......~......................................................~:... of ... ......i.~~;mA~.~~!O:==~.....__.....:~.~,..:i.~~~E::z:;;;..::::':::.::~: R'I '^"" ~U... ission eKpires .~~qh~.~:~~.~~~.~~:.~~~.~.~:.~.~.: I .C~a.Lr....Leeman...p.aJ:'.k.eJ;.............._....._...._.. I ..e..Q.....Bax...B9.6... ....................................._......_.. I ..clay....Sp.r.i~7:;r~.N.~Z;;d.~~~2.1....._.._...._.... II .Johr::l.mI._m.&...l?au~a...Dw....I?a.rkGx;.........__. ..l.O.on...lr.d...P~ace............................................... ..sp.z::iog.f.i.e.ld.,....OR...... I G'unr..'.N....c""Iwl...I. i STATE OF OREGON, .~..ct"~URVt.. "" Rt~ORIH"..un Stat~ 01 Oregon , County of Lan~ - 55. . I.lhe CounlY Cl~rk, In llnd lor the $~id. County, no hueby t~lt\\y \h~\ \M. ",,\tUn ), In5lr\lmenlwasreteivedlorr~cordal Afr.. ...."II"~ ..Fur. I. (NG.... .....d..... Zlpl' \2 JIN W..1J 04 , R.<\ 2130R' .JDho...L......&...l?aula...Dw....l?axxe.t:.........__.. ..1'O'OO...3-r.d...P.la.ca............................................... ..Spr.ing.f.i.eld.,....OR._...9.7..4.7.1mh. Unln..~u..l...'~_l...."dDllIG..'.'."'.nhl.IN......Adi,....'l'pI, } Lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane.CountyClerk ..J.ohn...L......&...P.a.ula...D......P.arker........._.... ..1.0.0'O...3.z::d...p.Lace....._............................_.......... .Sp.t:ingf.ield,....DR...... B . [l.;f 4' .-d...f..)l Coun\yClerk il By, .:::;::~h_::... '. }!!:~i~Y:: -;'.:.", '-- 'fill,. ... I r I, I' ;; Ii !I I, Ii I: II I I , 1\. 'I !: ! 1- , I !....' I,: ('".. i t~ [ r ..... k: [',. r-' I,.. t.;.' I' :;.,., I'", L . t," '.,.," ~r.:.,. r v., ;.,.. l".-;': fi ::~:},/.<: .:. .:,.,,; :,,-;,. ',-:. -> '~,:, '"l"): ...;-'. ,,::-,;.' .j,":"'" '-,:".,:',: ',...~.;,.,,'-, " .:;./'-- ...\. co'". ''-. .....,'-",.:..., '.::';:': .',: :. ,'''>'''-".'. .~ ":1 .-'. I . CONCURRENC~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Pentagon Federal C.U., is the beneficiary in the amount of $125,000.00 to property referred to in a certain Deed of Trust recorded May 9, 2006, Reception No. 2006-031898, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said property is being Partitioned according to Oregon Revised Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, Pehtago:nfederal C.U., hereby gives their coosentand concurrence to the Partitioning of said property. Datedthis O?.J.Nn dayof --.1Avv,{Ji i '1 ,2008. (signature) (print) (title) .. ~ "~A 0 6-e-N/"~ 'V,u- fA.-l--s/ llt'}JI Pentagon Federal C.o. . State of~W ) ~0{)~)SS G6tmt) af I al\le ) PerSonally appeared before me, 'Oc:cbol'Clh 'A~ ~c~\ \~..- . on behalf of Pentagon FederalC.U.,astheirfret';ani:tvoluntary actauddeed. Datedthis .;'l.2., day of R. ~"""" ''''D ,200>>: ~o~~v~ My con:unission expires: ~(r-c;A "'".''''''' ~.... ~SA 114 "''- ,t"'''<(,,'?}.';;'oFl'~: -9"9."" $ '0':,1' 'V,<e.,"'-';, '.. '"9:.~" . !0 101311582 ~~ : ;: : MrCom :x:: :. . . So \ 4 ExPires'" I EDate ReceIved: '$ _.Q .J()..200g .. ~ -~ 'k ..~v, ~h . ;Ii . ~..oh".'a~~,"c." JUN - 2 2010 ~'..,1/'iy P\Je\'\~'''' '...........,. Original Submittal . ~0//-t ~~ .::r;;:,.J L. ~t1-~ / f) 0 0 0;2-D PUJU-. ~f.J..!I f't.u(,y( I O/L 9~f:::r:::;-- /"lISt-if eJ....i-::f- "J ~ 01, . [ll. (..~ -rtJ..::j'l,~~f7 -rf-? After recording to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477