HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/25/2009 '"' , City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision , .. . -. -. . . - . . - - A licant Name: John & Paula Parker Com an : Phone: 541-741-1298 Fax: Address: 1000 3rd Place S rin field, OR 97477 -. ."'-,.,....~_..". "._..~:l.-'....... A licant's Re .. Aaron Grimes Phone: 541-302-9790 Com an : Olson & Morris Fax: 541-485-3253 Address: 380 Street, Suite 200, S rin field OR 97477 Com an Owner: John & Paula Parker Olson & Morris Phone: 541-741-1298 Fax: 541-485-3253 Address: 380 Street Suite 200, S rin field, OR 97477 , ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-35-21 TAX LOT NO S : 5600 1000 3rd Place, S rin field OR 97477 16,070 Acres D S uare Feet ~ Pro osed Name of Subdivision: Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: Partition one existin lot into two lots Existin Use:, Sin Ie-Fa mil Residential Tentative Case #: 2007-00065 . -. Pre-Sub Case NO.:'V 'Usr::H - ~3' Date: NOV 2 5 2009 Associated A lications: Case No.: A Iication Fee: $?JLt (P . (J\) TOTAL FEES: ;) Lfb. QO Date: - PROJECT NUMBER: (f( :z6tl ,- 61:.O1$""" '~,*', li,'aD I '09 Revised 1/1f!jJJ Molly Mark~rian,,~/).., V> _T-. ',,~ . c '2.. ,~~I'~J <A'\..L'\ 1 of 6 ~, ~~ I..JL .' Svo'~" - (::Ol:b ~ _ ~"I" ~M. ,'" i-7LJ-'u "' . Owner Signatures . . This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting, Owner: ~/:~ S' ture Date: John Parker Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City, Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: " Signature Date: Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 5 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 , . . . .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Land Division Plat prAubmittal Requirements Ch!klist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. Land Division Plat Application Form Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. ~ ~ Nine (9) Paper Copies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. Two (2) Copies of Closure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. ~ ~ Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision Guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report is OK at the pre-submittal stage. Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed on the plat. Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in the title report, etc. Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedications. Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, joint use ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval. Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR Two (2) Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed, mortgage, or other secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are being transferred to the public per ORS 92.075 (2-4). Copies of Wetland Documents as required. Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips - City Survey Section has a ~m~~. . Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as ref.uir~'MITIAl RECIO Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (g~&~~) as "009 required. NO'J 2 5 '- ~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 6 . . . . Post Monumenta"n Deposit as required for SUbdiv!ns only. has current fee schedule and templates. ~ Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. ~ Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. . ~ New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat. ~ City Survey Section NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete appiication submittal. o Land Division Plat Application Form o Two (2) Copies ofthe Deed o Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. o Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp. o Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper o Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O NOV 2 I) 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 60f6 . . " ~ " " " z I < z " t , ~ , if , ., " ]~ ij, "'"'" .~ 'u . r~ ~~- ,~ ., ~~' " ,;;~ FINAL PARTiTION FOR JOHN 1. AND PAULA D. PARKER A REPLAT OF PORTIONS OF BLOCK 3, LOTS 8 & 9 DERA PARK NW 1/4 SEC. 35, T.17S., R.3W., W.M. SPRiNGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON SURVEYED: MAY 28, 2008 REFERENCES (HI) CSfIJ857,W€COIJNTYSURIfYOR'SOFFICf NARRA TiVE lH/SSllfMYWAS"PfRFaRllfOATlHfRfOUfSTrFTHfOMlfRSroP,lRrllION THf PROPERTY SHOWN H[l?[DN INTO 2 PARCEtSANf) TO fUlFILL THfCDNfJlTlOHS orAPPRr:NALOFrHfCITYOFSPRINGfIUO/EfflAMPARIIT/ONSU82001-0006S. BltSEDONFOUNDCfNlU?l.INfI.lONUMEHT$AHfJTH{NOIIrH8OIJNDNr( IIONiJJJ{/flSASPfRCOIlNTYSUJMYFU 1J851, THfBO/.lNOAf{YFROMSAJD Sl/fMYWA5 IIfCONSrRUCrrOHOLDiNCRfCORD fJEN/lN(;AN!)/OROISTANClS PCR SAJDSURVfY. SURVEYOR'S CERTiFICATE OWNER/CUENT /DEVELOPER JOHN!. PItllf([!?NHJfWMD. PARKER IOOOJRDPlACf SPRINCI7lLO, OR 974n 54/-141-1298 (IJ'.WRfNCf8. Cl.StW,ARCGlSTfRfOPROffSSJON/.lu.NDSUfNCYOR, f/A1'(C()RR[cnYSUFl'r'r'lmAH{) /JAR/(ff) WlTHPR()P[RTY/IONUl/fNrs INACCORlJmCl wrrHORSCHN'TfR92. lH[ fOLLOWINCDCSCRJ8ED PAKTITIONPlAT: BfGiNN/NGAT THEINlTIAl PO/I'ff, WlflCHISA S/8"s JO'iRON ROD WI1HA 'f[lLQWPlASOCCAPW&"fO "l>!.s 655: 5M) PW/T 88NC SOUTH 89'44'/0. lIBT /28.8/ rrfl FROUlHE NORTHWfST C(JflNER or LOr It 8lOCK~ DfRA PN?K, 8fJO/( /4, PAGe 4. W;[COUNrYORfCONPiArRfIXlRDS; THENCfRUNSOIITH 89'44'10. WfST 76.61 rm TO A POIIff ON lH[ OSTfRtr RICHr-OF-WAr OF PiONITR PNi'KlfAY. SAJD POINT BEING 8O.00FFIT. WHEN UlASURff)/ITI?tGHrANClES FROU lH[ CfNTERtINE OFPIONE{RPARIl'WAy'- THfNCERllNALONCSAJOfASTCRl.YRJG1fl-0F-w.AYSOllTHI4'2S'/S"wfsT8S.01FfFrTOAPOiNrONrHC EASrfmr RIGHf-Of-WAr or PIONffR PlJi'my. S4ID POINIBf!NClJ().OOrra WHEN lif.AS1JRfDAT RICHT ANGlES fROM THE CElflCNUNE or P/ONfER PARXII'A~ THENCE LEAVING SAiD fASltNLY RIGHT-OF-WIIY IIUN NORTH 8Y4J'SO"WfSTIlU.2JFfnTOAPO/NTONTHE WfSIfRLrRICHT-()F-WltYOFJROPU.CE,SAID POINT BlINCJO_OOf[[T, WHEN UEASURfO AT R/CHTANGlfSfllOM mECDfl[RUN[OF JROP~CE; TI/fNCE RUNAlONGSAlDRJGH/-0F-WltYNOKTHarJl'lj"W/82.47FffTTOAPOi/{fONTHfW[STfNLY /?/CHT-OF-WltY(JF JROPI.N:E, SAID POIN18f1NGJO.OO f[[T, WHEN UEASURfDAT R/fiHTANCI.ES FRO/J THfCfNlfRi.WfDFJROfV,Cl;THfNClWW<<;SIJ{)IfffTfRi.YR/GHT-(JF-WltYRUNSOIJ1H8!TU'/O' WCST/28.8/lOT/I[POINTOF8fGiNNlNC,AlJ.8flNGINSPRlNCFIflO,W€COUNTf.~GON.CON1AINiNC 16,074SOiJ,1J?[[ffr,/lJREDRlESS. DECLARA TION KNOWAlJ. I/fN8Y THEsr: PRCSENTS THATJ()HN LOIlfl1 PN?KERItNDPAl/l.4 DENISE PARKIR, ARf THE OWNERSlNfffSiMPiEroTHEWHJDCSCRIBfOHfRCON.ANDIlAl<<CAlISCOTHISPARTIT/CNT08E PRfPMEOINACCtJRDI.NCEItITHDRfGONRflASEOSTATU1fSCHN'TER92,ItNDOOHERfBYIW?Tm()NItND f'U.r 1H[ swtAS SHJWNHERCON. THE OWNERS I/fRf/ll'IICJ(N()Wl.E{)(;[ THf 12 fOOT PIJfJUC UTIlffY EASfUENTQNfW?C[L I; THE Ij fOOrPRiVArf IRRf'o(ICNMJOINlUSfMXE'SS1tND UTlUTYEASEI/fNT, CRfArfO/lt"SEPfflATfDOClJl/fNTItNDSHOWNHfPClJN,MOM::lHfSQV1HflOIJt(l,I,RYOfPARCn I, fem THfBlllEflTOFiW?ClL2,1H[IRHfIR'S.ItND~IHfOWliERSHERf/lt"CRCATfItND{)fDICATfroTHC P/JBllCfQRf'lf/?THflfOOTPU8lICUTlLffYEASfMENrONPARCElI,lHf/jfOOTPUBlICSANIT#rr' JJAJNTENANCEACCESSEASEliENTONPARCEI./,NlDTHf2fOOTPUBlICUTIlITYEASDJeNTONPARCll'. FIJ1?1H[RIIORf. THf OWNERS HfRf/lt"CREArf AND DECt)J?[ THE 10 fOOT f'RrtIArf unurr Wfl/fNT, AS 51/OWNHERCON,NfARTHfNOR1H'1IIITTCORtofROfPJPCEL I fDR 1HfBfNfflTOFPARClL 2, THf/R HfIRS.ANOASS1CHS. SITE ADDRESS IOOOJROP/IICE SPR/NGfTELfJ, OR9U77 (N8$'U'IO"E)(RI) S8!r44',O"W IN1OO. POiNT 76.64' ID.OO'Pf?M.Tf UT/UTYfAS[1/fNT PARCEL 2 5,446 SF JOHNWWfLLPARKfR ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATfOFOI?tGON) )55 CO/JIflYOFlANE) N'PfN?EOPfRSlJNAlLYfJlFORfI/f, JOHNLOlIfU. PNi/([1?ANO PAULA DENISE PA/i'KfR, I<N()tm 10 ME ro lJ[ THf/DENTICAl.PERSONSWHOlliCIJrfDTH[ABOI'fOfSCRi8[O/NSTRl)J,f[NT,ANOOOHfRCoYACJ(N()tft.EDCfTHf SAME lOBE 1H[JI1fT/[[ IrCTANO-OfEQ. IN WITNESS W//[1?[OI". I HAlf" HERruNro SITIHHANDItND#FIXED IH SUIl. SU8SCRIEJ{f) TO BErQRf ME TH!S Q4Y Of 2008. r'NORTHD.J21sA7' N89"4J'50"f (S89'4J'SO"w)(RI) PAUVt DENlSFPARK[R NOTARYPilfJUCOFQR(CON IlYCtlIl/JISSIONfXPiRES; APPROVALS NOTES & RESTRiCTIONS ClrrOFSPPINCI1CLDPlNlNlNGDlRfCTOR CONCURRfNCE fftPENrACONf[DER!t.Lc.U., WHO IS lHfBEN[FlCWf'fOf THAT CERTAIN /JEW OF TRUST, RfCOROCD w.y 9, 2006, RECfP1IQN NO. 2006~OJIB98. RfC()!I()[O()NIH[_~YOf 2008,RCCCPTIONNO. 2008- ,,~ CIT'IOfSPRiNGf18.DSIHMYOI/ ,,~ CQ/JIflYASSfSSOR Q4TC PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 2 a 2009 CIT'I rx SPRINGMD (It.f /IlJWER; sue2007-00055 ASSCSSOR'sUAPIl-OJ-J5-71,rAXLQT:;600 , " 2.00'PI){ LEGEND o . .. o --t-- -x-x- r////////...! I I -----Y'---- LAND PART/TlON PLAT NO. RECORDED DATE: (;t)UNI'...Ll:.KK UWE COUNTY SUHVEYORS OFFICE ""KJ. nLEQ4TC BY: ~ 1 '" SCAJE.. 1"~20' , '" " , II! I 1:-~EX1SI/NGI7.OO'PIJf IT-I PfRRfClPTlONNO,12270 III [-,ro' [-, \ II I I -It fi II ' I p~~ u~\'J> c~ ~ ~IP ~ 1 .IP NORlHLWCORNfR I Wr8.8lOCJ(J~' (205.45,(RI) [)[RAPARX I 20HS' /AlONGPROPERTYLlNlf 114,00' 128.81' I I I 7.00' PU[-j I I PARCEL I 10,624 SF -/:;'00 PRrtATflliiif'iXiii:[JOiNruS{ACCCSS -- ANOU11lJIYfAS[}f[NTP[I?RCCCPTlON (SrRlP[OH'.TCH) .,. p~~ u~\'J> C~ ~ UIP . 9 10' I 0"" 184.2J' NORTH., (/84.77/(RI) Ij.OO'PiIBlICSANffMJ' IImTCIWICE ACCESS fAS[lJ[NT (OO1T[{)HATCH) SfT j/8" sJO"/R WI !1t'il.4RKf07'l.S/i.5j" fNO 5/8" fR, PER (RI) fNDF/Ali.R(J4[)SP/I(f,PER(RI) CAlcuu,TEDPOINT """""''''' AlJJACENT LOT UNf ORfCINALWrUNEPERDlRAPARK CCNTER/JNE Lor LINE fAS[MENlLlNf,ASNOTfD EXISI1NG l1OOO FENCl, ASNOTfD CASlIlfNlCENTfRl.INE Pf?M.rfIRRC'.fJCABlEJO/NTUSlMXE'SSANOI/TlJTYEASfIlfNlARfA P/JBlJCSANlrARrIJMfl[NAllCl~CASlIlfNlARfA '"' ,,... (NO we . '" """ PU8i.iCUTli.ITYCASl}j[NT RIGHT-OF-WAY """ l'lliOW PI.ASTIC C4P ""'ROO """''''''''mE LANfCOilNTYOR[(;()N PlATRCCORDS R[CORD/RCFfRCNCEQ4TA fENCl/JNf~TA (---) 1---1 UNfNOT TO SC4I.E ...€: ~~ & nJ ... ":l. " ~~~ ~~~ '" ~ ~ r., a ~ !--I€.' ~~~ ?J5S:;.:: ~~~ '" " .." ~ .. ..~ ~ I ~~ l:") ~~ ~~ Ja~_J JI ~~ ,,~ ~~ " REC><STUED PROFESSIONAL LANO SURVEYOR OREGON JUCy'O..g,. LAWRENCE 8. OLSON "5 RU..i:'il1\l. [)AlE: 12~Jl-2008 OLSON & MORRIS 0"> t"- ()) I N o C') '" !!) t"- t"- '" t"- O"> 0; o 6 ..J W "" IJ Z 0; 0.. (f) ~ (f) CJ '?? :3 ". / . L.B.OLSON . & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers .~ Land Surveyors Urban Planners . 380 Q Street Suite 200. Springfield. Oregon 97477 . (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 . . FINAL PARTITION APPLICATION FOR JOHN AND PAULA PARKER Date: November 25, 2009 OWner/Applicant: . John & Paula Parker. 1000 3'd Place. Springfield,OR97477 . .' Applicant's Representative: Olson & Morris 380 QStreet,Stiite 200,' Springfield,'OR 9741'7 (541) 302-9790 .' ..' . . ." PlanninglProject Coordinator: Aaron J Grimes Sr . 380 Q,Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 302-9790 FAX (541) 485-3253 aaron@olsonandmorris.com Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-21 Tax Lot: 5600 Area of Request: 16,074 Square Feet Existing Zoning: LOR (Low DensitY Residential) Number of Parcels Proposed: 2 Existing Use: Single Family Housing Area of Proposed Parcel I: 10,624 Square Feet Area of Proposed Parcel 2: . 5,446 Square Feet i : , I i I ! i , \ I I l I ! PRE=SOBfilfI'lT'D NOV 2 I) 2009 Parker - Final Partition November 25,2009 Page I : / . . Backe:round This application is for a Final Partition at 1000 3rd Place within the Springfield City Limits. The purpose of this partition is to convert one (1) existing lot into two (2) legal City of Springfield lots.. The partition will create two parcels with access off of 3rd Place. The property is located within the city limits. The tentative partition (SUB2007-00065) was approved February 7, 2007. All conditions of approval are addressed below. Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant must collect the runoff from the driveway and pipe it underneath the sidewalk. The flow can be discharged via weephole onto 3rd St. The.applicant is in the processoflaying piping to collect the runoff from the driveway and channel it underneath the sidewalk to a weephole onto 3rd St. .2.. Written approval by ODOT to use the storm drain facility in Pioneer parkwayis required. If ODOT does not approve the connection, an alternative drainage plan shall be approved by the City of Springfield prior to approval of the final plat. The applicant has gained verbal approval from ODOT to use the storm drain facilities in Pioneer parkway and is in the process of attaining written approval. .3. All utilities shall be extended to Parcel 2 and the oyerhead utilities to the existing dwelling shall be placed underground. The applicant is in the process of extending all utilities to Parcel 2 and placing the overhead utilities to the existing dwelling underground. 4. The access to Parcel 2 shall contain a 20' clear width or the future dwelling shall be . equipped with an automatic sprinkler system meeting.the requirements ofNFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Syste.ms in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, 2007 edition as allowed in 2007 Springfield Fire Code 503.1.1, Exception 1. The applicant understands that the future dwelling on Parcel 2 will need to meet the requirements . ofNFP A 13D, Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-F.amily Dwellings and manufactured Homes, 2007 edition as allowed in 2007 Springfield Fire Code 503.1.1, Exception I. 5. The applicant has proposed a 10' Private Utility Easement to protect the 4" sanitary sewer lateral that extends from the 8" sanitary .sewer main in Parcell to serve Parcel 2. This easement, as proposed, encroaches upon the proposed 2' P.U.E. andpt(E.~~MR1AL REC'O NOV 2 Ii 2009. Page 2 Parker - Final Partition November 25, 2009 . /' . . ,- 12' P.D.E. The applicant must revise the easement boundaries so that the private utility easement does not encroach upon the public utility easements. The proposed 10' Private Utility Easement has been revised to not encroach upon the proposed 2' P.U.E. or the existing 12' P.U.E.; this is shown on the Final Plat. 6. Provide a public sanitary maintenance access easement across Parcell for maintenance of the manhole. Applicant will provide a public sanitary maintenance access easement across Parcel I for maintenance of the manhole; this is shown on the FinalPlat. 7. Prior to approval of the final plat, the approved address as assigned by the Building Official for Parcel 2 shall be clearly identified with permanent signage placed in a position that is plainly visible and legible from 3rd place. The signage shall be in accordance with Springfield Fire Code 505.1: Premises Identification. Applicant will place permanent signage on Parcel 2, in accordance with Springfield Fire Code 505.1: Premises Identification that is plainly visible and legible from 3rd Place, with the approved address as assigned by the Building Official. All conditions of approval have been either met or addressed. The final partition is substantially similar to the approved tentative plan and meets all conditions of approval. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at Olson and Morris (aaron0l,olsonandmOlTis.com) or by phone at 302-9790. Thank you, ~~I=sf PRE.SUBMITIAl REeD NOIJ 2 a 2009 Parker - Final Partition November 25, 2009 Page 3 ~i ~ J J:l" I ~ , I, ) ! ; " " ~ I . I I " d ~' -a i ;::c:J i,' 'rn , . en c= c::J ~ $ rl r-- ;::c:J rn ("") d i~ II Q m:= ""~ i':,~ ~"" .' <>:~ . ~ .)" ... <, H~ if[ ~ ;i[ ~ ~F ,',' I,,: ; H~ i a~ :iE ~ ~ g .f '" ~ :;' :!.H n~ Hi .; H: a;~ Ii: :;; p , , . :~i~~;'" .. '" ~ "0 " nn 'b;~ !.':!, ~ . ~! ~ ~ ~!H ~ f! : ;;'! ~!~: ~~g 'll ~ ~... Pi! HI~ H~ ~ S:~i~ B;~ i~H ~;E ; ;H~ ,! , , , , !~. :r ! .~ " ~H ~~ .. i ~ ~ g ~" o. ~ lr :!,; ..:1 z~:1~ H HH ~i ~Fi H ~ .... t'" 11::>: .: eo ~; ! ~ i : ~ ~ :~n ~Ii! H ; ~: ~ i ~ ~ F~ [,~, l'.;: ! ~ . -i . ..l"" l~ BP ~;! p.q H H:.!~ ~; .. :? ;: ; ~ 3i~" P = 'i I[ II "' 'I r,;" , I ; ~~ :: S' ,~ ! .. \'I: ~; .. I "'<1 'I; ~i ~ i; 1 i ; i s.: ~ i \' 'I' ..&0,1 ~ ~ ~! : i! nH il1 ! ~ ~ ~ . I' ~~H ~ ~ . ,.- ',::,Ii[' f i ~ f ~ ~ t ~ 2' : iJ ~ ~ i q ~ i Il d ~~ ~ I: ~ ~ ~.~ :!, 11 Pi~ ; Ii " ~ g ~ .. I. ',! 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J J ! ~=...... it< IF ~b ~ ,'.,,,,, il.. "Eil'~ ~~~fi;:LC >. ~ . . J, J.!;../ 5T, ......_r.. ::.-.._.... .' 1::' I i 1222() ~~.2~~~1:!I THIS INDENTURE, Made and entered into this 14th day of Juno 1960, by and between Richard L. Barker and Donna Barker, husband and wife . hereinafter referred to as the Grantors, and THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD a municipal corporation, in Lane County, o o i .'i ; .I Oregon., hereinafter referred t:o as the Grantee. I .i oN 1 1: !i ~ ~ .2 !: 1: ~: That the Grantors, for and in consideration of One Dollar to them in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a pe~petual easement. twelve feet in width for a sanitary sewer. together with the right to go upon said easement area herein- ,j i I .{ after described for the purposes of constructing, reconstructing. maintaining and using said sewer across the following described I I ) property, to-wit: The center line of said eaa~ment is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 8. 114 feet West ofche Northeast corner of said Lot. running thence Southerly to a point on the South line of the North one-half of Lot 9. said point being 112 feet West of the Southwest corner of the North one-half of Lot 9. Said above described eaaement being located upon the following described property: Lot 8, and the North one-half of Lot 9. Block 3. Dc Ra Park Addition to Springfield as Platted and recorded at page 4, volume 11, Plat Re~ords, of Lane County, Oregon. TO HAVE-AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee, its heirsBnd assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the. Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals this lLth day of June , 1960. 'I [ , _f J \.. (" \ ~ ""!;' 1 \ "-'1\.,,, ".. X oJ. . JeU.P'.vSEAL , (i~~,~~/ <2 A", / SEAL hi EASEMENT > 1 - i PRE-SUBMITTAL REt, NOV 2 5 2009 ~, ;) o. j! . .- STATE OF OREGON. County of L'Jne, I 88. 12220 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 14th day of June . 1960. before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said County and State. personally appeared the within named Richard L. Barker and Donna Barker, husband and wife who are known to me to be the identical individuals described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year lase above written. <'".//. / ./(/.;.'t!J.~/'.' ../1 Notary PublJ.c . ~;. I , \1.'11...."'1, \" ',,'\'::;''l;!.O .:Jo""",~,l' S" f~"""~"""'~ ". $.I>.(). "1'" .",..v,t. ~ ~,...-~' .., 0 '-',,',..... '" , ,~LoQI) ",'" S c." ~ "': ..'It.:._....,?':.i :: ;;> \ \-{/Jlii.o",i"j .C:!<<,,-./~l"O>" . '" . ,":"~ff -' ,",," ". .tor Oregon.,,;"l'l'":, '\I.~ ."...- """"""",'1"'" MY Commission expires: MY COI.tJ,llSSION UPlR(S AUG. to,UU PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 2 5 2009 . \1 EASl:l1ENT c 2 - " I ii;/ J ,;( .!;:i I 'J .::i I' ;1 , i!' """J "f f"; " I ~; I j~ b PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 2 5 2009 ...." '.. . :',':2f:~.jJ~!:.i ~-h'''Y '. I'. . j" . a) t1~ C\!~: - " ~~ rfI ilii t~l fJbf Hi~:f# j1i~~~.1 ~il ~ib \0 , I ,~ ~ on '::::) on co - '" - ;;:: '" " ~ t; ~ <> g "" I' Q, ~ "- ---,---- -- :::-> '.'.' ",.. : .:,'1- .... r ", .."'.' ,jS'? ~!~ .-j - U L {; ~ { D9.,.-~,_~n . . .,. "" ./~~~:~"~,/ j "':"!'! ;'"P /J l.f l.J 'd 'i " , , I I I ,I, i I I I ::t ~ '< ~ ..... -<II <lIl ~ . . ''\ " "'fi " "l "\ "l III ...... ... ~~, '" " " l- 'i ~ c,,Iy Cb,,/,- . . r"u. /lL ..s.puf~ L ~...: /lLFRED, ? JIM ~ -I~ 'H' 1,__ __ ~~ \ \.<1 ,..\~O t._ --t \ \ J ~~ I\( ~ \-.- - ' 1\" \'\\\ \,. ...1 ~ \ \l \I '\ ~ ll. NB904+'04"E z/",~ ~ ~I " ") ",>" ~ " . \~ \, '<, N8,"H'O'E Zb$C+r >ry ~~II \) " " " '" \~ . " ". ~)~ \Z" ". '" .. '" '" , -- "~ III l\5 Il,\ \~\~ <: 5 89'+.3'S,,.'" /8"'2Z,,' " .~ _,/,Po'_ i ,Il \.... AI. f ol!r W '", \ ~'!:.-;o~ ~ -} \~~~ \,' nut ~ I '" ",,>: 1) " t l''''~ '" \''-' ,,-- I ~ ~ \~ " \~- - 1:, ,..l ~ \ ~--l '7' -- . C,ly c~.../,,_ -7' rN,,_I"'- Lo.t; \:SP' JO' fD Fd. /CR J"pro:: . 3 ~ ~~~ to \ REGISTERED OREGON \ LAND SURVEYOR . , ~A/d..7c. -Survey :;rCRE/7'S y( ~~':.. J TROWBR! LJGE jJRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O NOV 2 I) 2009 IT ~~ QUiLt PLANTs & '1IICI/y Yz ~Q"9 / LQ I B, t!yE"i'/? .P'A.RA:' :~~rn-l.in'IQ & StJ'IlYEYDIQ Q),...! L~,I q LJ/t'JG A:. .3 .. .. COItJJlQ lID. ~,P~/.r?.7.(/~/a:' Or~7'~-n-~ _' " IIIll11m. ClUGoH ,NJ'V y~ ,SeL: 3~' T/7-,? A".3 .i:.1(w-"v' ," '.~. ' "PIIOIlIl Mltlll ~co~ _/ -./c/o' ' ~';',,4 /~'79"'.,-' ~O"~e cd~~f..Y/ O'~L~t)~ 6668 . ';'. J.,J Po, t:.S'Z,7 .., r_~r... _ ..... . . 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFiElD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.19Bl FAX: 541.741.0619 Jo. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ 11',-- . -'.: lF~.~" ^ ~Yr~!g{~~!1 TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS B75 COUNTRY CLUB RD. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 June 20, 2008 Our Order No.: ELT-53582 3RD SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT John L. Parker c/o Olson & Morris 380 "Q" Street Ste 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Aaron Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $20000 "Dear Aaron: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of June 16, 2008, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: JOHN LOWELL PARKER AND PAULA DENISE PARKER Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 Ii 2009 CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreenlandtitle.com .,. '~<--. ,.. . . EL T - 53582 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in bOlmdary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public \ records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded September 7,1940, Volume 207, Page 64, Reception No. 87434, Lane County Oregon Records. 7. Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 7,1960, Reception No. 12220, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. 8. Line of Credit Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by John Lowell Parker And Paula Denise Parker, as Grantor(s), to Title Guaranty, as Trustee, for the benefit ofU-Lane-O Credit Union, as Beneficiary, Dated June 27,1996, Recorded June 28, 1996, Reception No. 96-43849, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $25,000.00. 9. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by John Lowell Parker And Paula Denise Parker, as Grantor(s), to Donald 1. Chandler, as Trustee, for the benefit of Pentagon Federal C.U., as Beneficiary, Dated May 24, 2000, Recorded June 5, 2000, Reception No. 2000-031853, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $70,000.00. CONTINUED I , PRE-SUBMmAL REdo NOV 2 5 2009 i ;; ,~.~ ...'\.0 . . ELT - 53582 Page 3 10. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Paula D Parker; John L Parker, husband and wife, as Grantor(s), to Deborah L. Ames Naylor, as Trustee, for the " benefit of Pentagon Federal Credit Union, as Beneficiary, Dated April 19, 2006, Recorded May 9, 2006, Reception No. 2006-031898, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $125,000.00. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-03-35-21-05600, Code 19-00, Account No. 0307999, 2007-2008, $1,817.91, paid in full. NOTE: The address ofthe property to be insured herein is: 1000 3RD PLACE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LlENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) JOHN LOWELL PARKER AND PAULA DENISE PARKER, and as of June 16,2008, none were found. NOTE: As ofJune 16,2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The vesting deed and changes within the last 24 months are as follows: WARRA..NTY DEED RECORDED January 12, 1996, FROM CLAIR LEEMAN PARKER, TO JOHN LOWELL PARKER AND PAULA DENISE PARKER, RECEPTION NO. 96- 02446. NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE B~~~G J"oph M. SH,,,~ Title Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O NOV 2 I) 2009 . .;.I'. *-~, I . ELT - 53582 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHIBIT A Lot 8, and the North 1/2 of Lot 9, Block 3, DERA PARK ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book II, Page 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 8, Block 3, DERA PARK ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County Oregon; as platted and recorded in Book 11, Page 4, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records; run thence South 890 58' 10" East 51.63 feet along the North line of said Lot 8; run thence parallel to the West line of said Lot South 14025' 15" East 85.07 feet to a point; thence run parallel to the North line of said Lot 8, North 890 58' 10" West 51.63 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 9, Block 3 DERA PARK ADDITION to Springfield, said point being North 14025' 15" West 28.36 feet from the Southwest corner of aforesaid Lot 9; run thence North 14025' 15" West 85.07 feet along the West line of Lots 8 and 9, to the Point of Beginning, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 1) 2009 ,':,~; i'f:AP IS Tn ASC'IST , LOCATING PROPEFhv ! HE: COMPAI\JvASSUMEC: N ' '/' "'," ''''Y , I ,) I 0 _,',,'lL! f ,cOR :r~ACCURACIES . N _ COURTESY OF . W + E EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO 7/01-1981 OJ OJ '" '" '" o I'- ~ c " o o <n TAX LOTTED ON MIlP1703 263 4 '50' ,5000 /24.J(i' 100 150' 274.3'" .. . JI/.tJ" , 5200 'el tltftil..R' 2S7-7&' $/..,., ~ 5300 Z4(jdS' 1;'~ ~r;' /.3" ...-&4GQ. ,:l,....O7' ,..e."J':J'O W "0.0':.. ~5402 ~ i 5401 q 0.15 AC. ". .. 0.14 AC. P.2'07.9.2' ~.. P,I ,a DO' 6 5500 Z/7.ae' 3 ~ 8. --- ., '~9 , , ~ '1.....'''-0/ ,'''1'' :!l ',;; 5700 :; '1."~' U..o' 10 ,1u.~r' "' J:':" :z o -< NI ~ '" = = f.Q .-\ . " cn~ c=: ceo s:: ~ ....... ^' rn C! o IIS.U' 1 t..-""", ~ 2 I- w 3 W a::: 4 I- CJ) 5 7 , . II , 0 . 12 a::: " r<l 3 60' """'" :-..,^, ~ ~-- .~ ,. ,J H.t:I .,..,::h "'} 12a ".,n, 71,.'prm. ""'26'"'''' 71 ~4800 3800 ~ 12 1 4700 3900 , II 2 4600 ;;----i , 10 ~4oo0 _~ '- --- 4500 '\ , 9 4 4400 4100 ~ " 8 5 4300 4200 . '3 . .7 nil' u' 6 .~ DEPUEt>. -, '. 6800 ~ \~l.. 5900 ~ 10 ()~ I 6700" 6000 , 9 2 6600 6100 , 8 3 6500 6200 , , 7 4 6400 6300 ~ ~ I~ ". ". .1 .. . -- .. .. .. --. ~T;"" fYIA/ 17.c}_ JS-2.} ~ 7Y.;c..J"fedJ- :;'~~;:~'''77TI 3700 : I- W W a::: I- CJ) 10 3600 9 3500 8 , 3400 \ l.. 7 (( ~~O 3200 i 5 126.s' r: /~,~ ""_HI' ~ S4S'l8'V 7800 10 7700 9 7600 8 7500 7 7400 00 ~ 6 <. . -. 27"OO.t~'$'" 7T7.~ ~ rS 'i Jl 1 ~'< ..l;.".; .~ ~....:i t ~~~5. ~~l ~ Vl"'l"llf '~ "- OU) 3, C\lZ ~~ ~ 2100"~ :: OOl ,n' -13S ,t.... l..i...<t '2000 ~. O?:Z ~ .~ 0 5 .J'L . f-dl- ,,' <{::.=1-.6 1800 _Jet:: - ~ CL<:{O: W.JO '" Q:u<t IU.~' 4 2800 2900 ~ 1..3000 N,r. . '"" "- 3001 " 7T7"TTTr""""7Tn- . 3100 ~ ~ STR ET'~ .' - I..c..... : 6900 \, l: t 7000 k " 17100 7200 7300 /(;.,5' - . ;42400 ( \.. " oJ . 2300 . 4 ;52200 f.J~' I- 1700 , . W 6 W a::: .71600 P- . l- . . CJ) 1500 . , . 7 ~81400 l 1300 .' ~c ~ ... 38 IS1.' .... ~ . . 3854 closures.txt Parcel name: PARENT North: 10082.2772 East : 10000.0143 Line Course: S 89-44-10 W Length: 205.45 North: 10081. 3309 East : 9794.5665 Line Course: S 14-25-15 E Length: 85.07 -North: 9998.9413 East : 9815.7525 Line Course: N 89-43-50 E Length: 184.23 North: 9999.8076 East 9999.9804 Line Course: N 00-01-15 E Length: 82.47 North: 10082.2776 East : 10000.0104 perimeter: 557.22 Area: 16,070 SF 0.37 acres Mapcheck Closure - (uses Error Closure: 0.0039 Error North: 0.00045 precision 1: 142,876.92 Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 10082.2772 Line Course: S 89-44-10 W North: 10081.6839 Line course': S 00-01-15 W North: 9999.2039 Line Course: N 89-43-50 E North: 9999.8097 Line Course: N 00-01-15 E North: 10082.2797 listed courses, radii" and deltas) Course: N 83-18-42 W East : -0.00386 East : 10000.0143 Length: 128.81 East: 9871.2057 'Length: 82.48 East: 9871.1757 Length: 128.81 East 9999.9842 Length: 82.47 East: 10000.0142 perimeter: 422.58 Area: 10,624 SF 0.24 acres Mapcheck Closure - (uses listed Error Closure: 0.0025 Error North: 0.00249 precision 1: 169,028.00 Parcel name: PARCEL 2 North: 10081.6839 Line Course: S 89-44-10 W North: 10081.3309 Line Course: 5 14-25-15 E North: 9998.9413 Line Course: N 89-43-50E North: 9999.2019 Line Course: N 00-01-15 E North: 10081.6819 courses, radii, and deltas) course: N 01-25-16 W East: -0.00006 East: 9871.2025 Length: 76.64 East 9794.5633 Length: 85.07 East 9815.7493 Length: 55.42 East 9871.1687 Length: 82.48 East 9871.1987 Perimeter: 299.61 Area: 5,446 SF 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0043 Error North: -0.00204 precision 1: 69,676.74 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 61-49-15 W East: -0.00380 page 1 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O NOV 2 5 2009 . . CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Pentagon Federal C.U., is the beneficiary in the amount of $70,000.00 to property referred to in a certain Deed of Trust recorded June 5, 2000, Reception No. 2000-031853, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said property is being Partitioned according to Oregon Revised Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, Pentagon Federal C.U., hereby gives their consent and concurrence to the Partitioning of said property. Dated this day of ,2008. (signature) (print) (title) Pentagon Federal C.U. State of Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) Personally appeared before me, Federal C.U.; as their free and voluntary act and dced: ,2008. , on behalf of Pentagon Dated this day of Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 5 2009 After recording to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477 3854 -Concurrence - Pentagon Fcderal C.U. . . CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Pentagon Federal C.U., is the beneficiary in the amount of $125,000.00 to propyrty referred to in a certain Deed of Trust recorded May 9, 2006, Reception No. 2006-031898, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said property is being Partitioned according to Oregon Revised Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, Pentagon Federal C.U., hereby gives their consent and concurrence to the Partitioning of said property. Dated this day of ,2008. (signature) (print) (title) Pentagon Federal C.U. State of Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) Personally appeared before me, Federal C.U., as their free and voluntary act and deed. ,2008. , on behalf of Pentagon Dated this day of Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: PRE.SUBMITTAL RECID NOV 2 Ii 2009 After recording to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477 3854 -Concurrence - Pentagon Federal C.U. . . CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS tliat U-Lane-O Credit Union, is the beneficiary in the amount of $25,000.00 to property referred to in a certain Credit Deed of Trust recorded June 28, 1996, Reception No. 96-43849, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said property is being Partitioned according to Oregon Revised Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, U-Lane-O Credit Union, hereby gives their consent and concurrence to the Partitioning of said property. Dated this day of ,2008. (signature) (print) (title) U-Lane-O Credit Union State of Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) Personally appeared before me, Credit Union, as their free and voluntary act and deed. ,2008. , on behalf of U-Lane-O Dated this day of Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: PRE.SUBMITTAl RECID NOV 2 5 2009 After recording to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street, Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477 3854 -Concurrence - U-Lane-O Credit Union . . DECLARATION OF A IS.OO-FOOT PRIVATE IRREVOCABLE JOINT USE UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that John L. Parker and Paula D. Parker, are the owners of Parcel I and 2 of Land Partition Plat No. ,recorded , 2008, Reception No. 2008- as filed in Lane County Deeds Records, Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, the Owners, Heirs or Assigns of Parcels 1 and 2 of said Partition will create and share a 15.00 foot Private Irrevocable Joint Use Utility and Access Easement and enter into a Maintenance Agreement as shown on said Partition Plat for the benefit of said parcels. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and declared that: I. The Owners, Heirs and Assigns of the above named Parcels of said Partition shall , share equally in the costs of maintenance and operation of said Easement. 2. The Owners, Heirs and Assigns of said Parcels may construct and maintain private utilities over and across said Easement. 3. The Owners, Heirs and Assigns of said Parcels shall cause said Easement to remain free of structures and parked vehicles and shall be available for access to the public road at all times. 4. Maintenance shall be undertaken at such time as the majority of the owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable. 5. Emergency vehicles shall have the right to enter upon said Easement for the purpose of emergency vehicle access. Granted and declared this day of ,2008: John 1. Parker Paula D. Parker State of Oregon ) ) ss. ) County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on _day of Parker and Paula D. Parker. ,2008 by John 1. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: PRE.SUBMITIAL RECID NOV '}. Fi 2009 Upon recording please return to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street. Suite 200, Springfield OR. 97477 ~ ~ . . Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax aaron(Qlolsonandmorris. com A subsidiary of L.B. Olson & Associates, inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Urban Planners Traffic Engineers LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: November 25, 2009 TO: Steve Hopkins Development Services Urban Planning Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 From: Aaron J Grimes Sr RE: SUB2007-00065 WE ARE SENDING YOU... ( x ) Attached ( ) Originals (x) Copies ( x ) Reports ( ) Plans ( ) Under separate cover via ( ) Prints ( ) Diskette(s) ( ) Specifications () Memo QTY DESCRIPTION Pre-Submittal Fe~;' _'L~ ~:~ ~) - . -- 1 1 Final Plat Application 1 Written letter addressing the Conditions of Approval 2 Closure sheets 2 Title reports (dated June 6, 2007) 2 Reference Documents 2 Supporting Documents 2 Irrevocable Easement b 2 Concurrences 9 18x24 Final Partition (signed) 1 8.5"x11" reduced copy of the Final Partition RE-SUBMITTAl REC'D NOV 2 I) 2009 ( ) For your use ( ) For approval & Filing (x) For review & comment ( ) As requested ( ) Returned for correction (x) For your distribution ( ) Approved as submitted ( ) Approved as noted C: I Signature ~i L L Aaron [} Grimes Sr Z:\PROJECTS\3854 Parker\correspondence\3854 Trans Steve Hopkins 02.doc