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Miscellaneous Plans 2004-10-22
---- - . -- , , " ^ I vJ GJ ( LOT i) '-.,. _._'_..._-."..-<-_.,.~.~._- " ":::"lDf.: '~~'ALK 1 :, ~ , / J L,'-f\ I I ~M,t J~ , ' /JP/ ~ f { " ~ 1-/ " ' " " " , I, " " " , " ;, " " -- " (,,) c>. 0..-: r.,'''' 'J" ~-_.~~-------~ .,._._---~~- -_. - --~_..__..~- .. ._.......--- Uo1 /?\~ ,-;; f 0.........(..--1--'1,...... f t'-\' ?(>,~"<,,-- I f"",...EfI)t", I I I J r s' ~,r:)fAl..t. L,t...r: I J/ ~' '.....?.\1.1 WI'.~. 't~ ! I t1Ufe -...lie;:> , - <:l , ~ # ,,',I ..; Tr'IIl ~ 1-13' , , , I Ii I ,I ,/, 'I / , .{ II ~ 1.'/ /}~. (!' .. . .- , f ~ h., '~Jl.4' ,."j f , I, " I \ ' \ ~ ,I ~ :' " :' " n \ ii", .)1 ~_l'" ...: / ,) <) '" ~ (5) -------- t-__-=:-=-=:----- -~~ "- L, ['_Ll'"" ~y,-.{i. T), ')_r_~ \ ,"-.,) \ v ,r.. \..1 ~'--, ['''14,'~' ,,( L DJe,.C',,- . _----.:j I_J_r i . .~- ., I ~~ r {". l I', : rJ>""""L.( dr__' -, L .r ,. O~A..,,,-._... -" .. ~ J .(.'11) / - rJ^~l)e.~ y-.... c..,.~, ~'V-----...- f. '. ~ . e...~~'~.' V" 'r~ ~ If I~ ~l'~' 1.--a-~"'1... ~OL\Uf.~""" II> cc.,,~ J./!\"I"-o.l..-,) " ;1 I "" -- .1----- <r' " fl " " , II,. " : I' ::: - " ,:' I - (j,,-) ~'-D' 4 :: ;1 :: II. /:.. :: I ; i ;;/ - )../ L c- $ . -' 'L - :,. I ~ t. \~ '- I :: ; J 'I ~~~ 1,!7 __; II; j . '<:.. -) " " ' I, 1 Ii " ,,; ~ " , I -;.--; i rJ.... II j 1 ,;, L ~:< I I ...., -.;.':'~~ ~5 ..~-~._- - lr--- \. - ~" ,c';~~,/ ,!" ~ ,- - - ~'~~~-'-"'-"r--- - ., "f\.',...--; I-\~ 'C'V.l:'" IL' '", -r",:::;, ......l!; ~I I. ,. \ , )~51 ,.----' ~, I". ~-'- c.' r.E; ( ~~ ~ .. . ------------- H' " -".----..-.- ... .~ -"".-.."-- ~..~ '-1 .,.... ,;; - ,-, ~_.~..~- -~..',',--_....~_._._..._--" -------... ATTENTlON:Oregon law reqUires you to fo~I?W ~ules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notlflcatton Center. Those rules are set forth In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- J090. .You may obtain copies of the rules b}l calling the center. (Note: the telephone 'lumber for the Oregon Utility Notiflcar Center is 1'800'332'23~). IOn NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHA AUTHORIZED UND~~ ~~~~~ IF THE WDRK COMMENCED OR IS ABANDOERMIT IS NOT ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, NED FOR GATE RECEIVED ZONE UNfT(S) ~/orj2;" ~.o O-/-f?..I3Y.G._ G-ccur~~ii~Y (~;:'L.-,;;-' _.1/;:3 '2 STOR~ES "'7_ LEGAL DESCRIPTiON , mJ;, lJ-j/,ulc GM ADDRESS OCCU?f~.I'~C.Y LOhE' TvrE CONSTRUCTlor-.,j If",-^, Jt,i"Madot/l S,)~ )1[/0'- <:;., 201- 2- OWNER THE CONTENTS HERE 0\'-: HAVE BEEN REVIEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS H."DICATED ON COLORED PENCIL. CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS IIt~ADE TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR PROJECT AFTER THE DKCE BELOW SHJ.,LL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREG00N APPROVED BY ]j;.;3 DATE f! I( i.., _ / C MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Side y~rd to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet P.U.E. MAY CHANGE SETBACKS .., . tfUl I{nd .. I: 10' ~TREET TREES ARE ARE REQUIRED. Please refer to attached Development Code Section regarding the placement and types of allowable streer trees. TA-ti>,' ~L ~*--....;<~--- ~1(" 1\\t'..Y.-QO"-,, 6..J,"'U ::.v<3UIV'S ",j Lo-r L SCALE. 1 "; i D I I APPROVED BY: DATE: II-;O-D", / 1t[)\ 7u'Iu kc\)\Sc;:) - FDiC I DRAWN SY I REVISED ('2..<" b, ') D' "';" ~ 'J r L E:-~ .- J>'f-J1~ ~___ tJf.. ~ \u~ .r:. \ ~ ~~!, ~ J, DRAWING NUMBER L.:;' S I()'L~Ou t...t,.r..:.. Di2. 4'7I/n ~- ""'-'-~-'---~'--~~"- ,-_..~." [Pt7~~ol/ I C'~ '.'_.._'. .._.1lIIi:i _.._._._._ i-~-"::;;:~~;:;~,1:" .,.-';7':;":':;-:-'<.D- , J:-' '-( ,~ . " _ t "I [~.. ~ NOV 1 ?, 2004 RY:.__ ___ , . . ., ----..""' .~ . 1'~' ,_....... ~ -. -. , ';' '. " .' . . '. " "...G~NF;~AL ~OT~S, . '. . . t. '. 1~: 'OraWingsar. intended to represent desired construction results. It is the :. ' :.' . responsibility of. the contractor to maintain structural integrity of the !:>vi!ding during construction. .' . ~. I( ilJ the responsibility of the contractor to obtain required permits from .' die r~guratory jurisdie;t\on(s) priot to the start of construction. The contr9ctor shall assume full responsibility for all changes required by the j~r1s<;li~tion should he/s/le not follow this procedure. 'j. Contractor shall verify ail dimensions prior to starting construction, and . bring any and all discrepancies to the attention of the designer prior to proeeeding',with work in the affected area. All drawings scaled at W' :a 1'- OiJ'unless noted otherwise. . '.. M. . '. .. Substitutions by the contractor fot specified materials shall be submitted to .the designer and approved prior to commencing work at the affected are~. Materials specified as "(or eq.) on plans may be substituted '; . \Vitho~t priot approval of the designer provided contractor retains .: prod~ct sPecifications showing equality or superiority to the specified .,' ma\erial.' . 5.' . Indicated dimensions are required measurements. The indicated . . ,'measurementS are from uncovered stud or plate to uncove,red stud or . plat.' at. th., indicated side unless specified otherwise. No scale . ' nieasurement$ fron1 blueprints or copies shall be considered valid. ~. . Contractor is responsible for the coordination of all trades involved in . this' construction project, and fQr assuring required inspections are . r~qi.Je$ted and performed in a timely manner. '. . . . 1.' All construction shall ~ompty with the current edition of the Oregon OWellh'lg Specially Code (also referred to as the OOSC). . '. ." . . *:, AU connectors specjfi'ed shall be Simpson Strong-tie brand, if available. . These connectors may be substituted for with another brand if noted on plans, but sh!'lll not be substituted for if an "or eq." note i, not included for .an'l specific situation. 9. Any changes to the final draft of plans submitted to the customer after a~cep~nce of the plans by the customer shall be considered new plans. '. . 10. All \vood assumed to be OF #2 or better, unless noted otherwise. 11.AII windoW and door headers shall be (2) 2"xS" unless specified otherwise. 12,Smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with the OTFOC. In new construction. the new detectors shall be interconnected and hard-wired, and tl)ere shall be a detector in each steeping room, outside each sleeping area, and one on each additional story of the dwelling. 13.11.11 exterior walls where no openings occur are to be considered prescripti'...e path brace panels. Panels that require special nailing (that is. they are 'alterna~e brace panels) are noted and speCified on plans. 14.The required fire separatioh wall between the two units of the duplex . shall extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof deck. No parapet it required. At habitable spaces, the separation shall be as described in GA File No. WP 3230. Outside of habitable spaces where . $TC 5() is not required, the separation may be as described in GA File . No.,WP 3510. 3514, 3520 or 3605. . . . ~ " ! . .:'" '. FOUNDATION NOTES . f. All footings shan bear. on undisturbed soil devoid of any' C?rganic .' matf:rial.' on a maximum of 4" material compacted to 95%, or on engineered fill p~r a soils engineer's geotechnical report. Compacted material shall consist of W' crushed rock or granular material. Footings shiill be stepped as required to maintain the required minimum depth (or more) below finished grade. 2. Ma~imum compacted fill supporting any concrete work (including flatWo,rk) shall be 4". unless designed and inspected by an Oregon architect or engineer. All compaction shall be to a minimum 95%. 3. All concrete $h~11 have a minimUlll compressive strength of 3000 psi per Table R402.2, OOSC, unless required to be higher strength by design. Concrete shall be air entrained, minimum 5%, maximum 7%. 4. Concrete siabs shall have control joints at maximum 25' intervals in any direction. 5. Un!e$s specified otherwise, all reinforcing stee.1 shall be .1.-615 grade 40. WWM shall be 6" x 6",10-10, .1.-61$. &. All wood in. contact with concrete shall be pressure-treated. Interior ~sts shall be separated from concrete bases with minimum 55' roll roofing. All interior posts greate; than 41 in height shall be mechanically fastened to the pier and beam. .' ~. . . !=l1;TE RECEl\'I.D y;fz<.;lJ/ JaR :'10 C i.f - oI1t.,~ ZO~F.' Oc.:ClWAUCY GROl;? Q...:J UNI r{s) z,' OCCUi'/\:-.t::V LOt,1) ~rOR1FS // TYPE C()[\;X.1Bl~.f:.:U():"i \l::.1'} . '-1..:31..1. OLSCR~''';;Z-;. p."'_h€5' kI- < ~u" 1".YJ.:t~:~,f;;{ ~~~~E)'_~~ \9'- ~ o.~.~.~Jt I~ J J...~r. (. . . ' THE C()~7E::1\: 15' IlLi\E Q~ HAve t!r:l::~ HI:.:\:!E:':"~'.D; '~~~TH ALl EI..:!\l IONS 1....iYC,.6.: I D tJ~ cot or.H.;:) Pl::-.C!l_ .~.H:\:-~!~S OH ^L7f~Rl(:-\{J~S ~""Ar.)E ':-0 TilE ^i-'t'RO\!~D pr~/\HINGS(.~R FHO~It:.<:T Ar'; t:.H 111[;. I)/\;'C u[:LO".' Sr-lALL ~E r..FFRO\'f_Si LV THE UU'IL:JI~";G OFf IC:i..L. CITY OF SP,R1NGFIELD, OREGON APPROVED Q~~. I"~.....~" DATE Il.hb/u" . - I I """ -~._-- r_ '._'_"":_ ,_ '"11,-' . ,.-' __ ~~ - - ~~........._~. .._- '--'-. ,'. ,..~~., .. " . ....u.u- -- --_. , '. . . .: .;. . " . .' . ~. ." . '. ,. " 01:._,. " . i . " " , . , '. .... ,- , ,..' '.' '.. ~._,. 'R'r' "=II.,,, :...... ':r' '. .. \0 '. . ,. " " . .' . A. .: ....: '. ....' . , . . .' .'. . , ';"" "t pAGE SCHEDULE ~ ., ,. .' .' . . . .:.;r...... "; .....:. ':'. .'. . " Page:'1 c Plot plan, Notes :;'; ," . P~9';~: Elevati~M, Typical Wall Sections '. ';'. '; . f'a9~t ~r fr~ P~aos. Foundation & Floor Framing Plans :< ." . Pa)9$...4:, R'oof Framing Plans, Foundation OetaiJs. Sections ,,;.:. '. ~ne(QV: Conserva~lon ! .' . '.' ~!.. .' ~ : t~.. flat.teiling.....~.. .... ............ .................... ... .........R-38 2.: Exterjor wall$...~....:..u.n';...HUH.... U. .......:......R..2f . :" . .3.~" . N~'!'I..win~Q~s...~......... .......... ..............................U= 0..40 .4i. ~l1t~rH>t ff<>.9fS exposed to unheated space....R.25 . ,$.'. (1) ext~ri9r d()or.................."',...................U= 0.5.t '.' ." ~.., All.oth,~r e~terior door$...............................U= 0.20 . r.... . . . ~ '.' ~'" ~ !?" ." .; :.....: . .' .' .. .' . ~ N(>TE: 'The wail interVening the two units shall have a minimum' .' Sou!Jd Transmission Class rating of 45, per Appendix K, '..; ", . OOS<;. ',' . Brace. Wall Construction .' . .. .... .., ~.':: . . ~ . ; '. ' . ESp'; Ex'terior brace wall paoels: mill. nom, Vi' COX plywoOd subsiding (01' eq). 8d nairs ,: ' ,@ 6" oc. edges. 121' OC fields. Minimum length of an exterior brace wall is 4'. All ";.' > . . . ':,.' , Eld~e~ f:l'9Ck~"" . '. '. ..... . . . . . , ;' '::'" .A:eP: Alt~;.l'lativ'~ra~e waD pa\l~I$; mill. nom. 'Ia" COX ptYW09d subsidint (01 eq). 8d ': .'~ .'. ,.,; nal" @"," ~..edges,1a" oc fields. Minimum length of an alternative brace wan is ',.;,: " . . . . 2'-J~. Install (1) Simpson HTT1S holdown with Simpson ssr916 anchors at each , .' . .::.-. -: ,er,5S o~ E?a~h pil,net. Alhdges blocked. '" ' . :..... . . . ~. '"" . . . ., f..... . .' i;', '.i: .':. ....,.. i. ',; '.... , . .'. . '. . ; . f \ . . ,". . " ..:..... '.: :.:..,. .j.. '..:...~'.. :.', ",..,.',.,.: . .;. .~:: . :"~ ," _.~~).~. ~ ~. . . ;'. ~ '. r : '. .' '.' < ~'. . t . ~ . "f .. .'" . . " .' ".' :,.'.. :.... ~..,.'.".,.:.". ~-"'. : ~ ..':,' ,'., :,"'" "~ '." ',,<:::. ,{.~ '.~.i'. ,..,..... .:~:. - . '.' _ J :. '.' .. -::. . .... .' . :. . ),...~:~.::.:., /..... . ~ .' ~ ...". ~";.:;.;""....i..:'.:,'..~.:::.; ':.::: ':\~.:/.*.. .'.~"~ . . \.' 1>' ......::..: ..:1 .I.::..' .,;' : .- '.',... :. ,-' , " '.' .. .'. .~..'..: r ~. . . ~. : J,.. .1.... '"... -:; : .1." . .' . ~.. ";::,' .' ,'. : '1 ..' :..' :'.. 7 . ': '.' i~:: ~.',:"... .;. ., ..... .~, ' .Ii " '.' . .: :' ~ . '. . .' .. . ~ '." '. . .::;..' '.:- '. 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OA,t: '.t .04 ::~. .- .. , ., .. .APPROVLO f)V:~ PIQt pt~n, Notes, Schedules , . '. . t St~nef Desiglt, Karl St9ner. . 685 Wil$oo; Eugene; OR 9740~ (541) 513-3354. .. r ..' , .< '::. .' .:" " . , . DRAWN BY Rt:VISt:'D .' ~. . " i.. ., \ " . , :..: ':. .' . . . :: "::.-, :'.::~' .' '. .. '\ " , .; . '. .' .,::.i;". '..,..". .. -, . .. " . .;'." . , '. ;. ~ .' ." , . , t . ., '.' .\ ~ ,: ~ . , ..' , . ' ..' .. '. : .~ . , . ~. "}' ..' . <.; , '. . .' .' .. . .' . . - '. .' .' . .' . .'. .... ; . ' ,... t. . ..';.;. ...... . .' . ~~. . . " . , '.: .... .... .. .... ". ': '.:. { . '. , .' " ~ ". . . , .:.t :;'" ~ '. . , .' , , .; .:' ".; .: ,. :;:.. ..... . , ..; . . :. ~ - ':.. . . , :'.: " , , . .' " . :'l '... If" .... . '. "f" . '. .:. " . I :.... KR1o; ORAWt...G NU~DER . 1Qf4