HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed PLANNER 6/1/2010 ." . WAR RA ~,?~1~ E ED. FOR VALUE "RECEIVED "Nels C. Petersen and Gertrude M. Petersen, husband and wife, who. acquired title as Nels C ," Peterson and Gertrude Mi Peterson, herein referred to as grantors, hereby" grant, bargain, sell and" convey unto " " EBBERT MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH,SPRINGFIELD,,, OREGON, herein referred to as grantees, "the following described real property, with tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit: Lot 1, Block 6, KELLY'S ADDITION TO SPRUiGFIELD, a~"platted and recorded in Book "W", Page" 20, Lane County Oregon De"ed Records in Lane County, Oregon "" " " Subject to easements, reservation's and restrictions "of rec"ord, and the unpaid balances on tliaf"certain mortg"age" da:ted Sept~mber 29, 1961, .'~"~-~'- ,,"~~~wherein-the Grantors"herein-are--tne"1lf(jYtagors; and M~-S; ChdsCianscin Mortgage and lnvestment Co., are "the mortgagees," which mortgage was recorded October"S, 1961, Clerk's File No. 46038, Lane County Oregon Mortgage Recoeds, "to secure the payment of. a note. for $7,000.00, which mortgage was duly. assigned "to Equitable Savings and Loan Association by instrument dated October 9, 1961; recorded O,itober 9, 1961, Clerk's file No, 465.46, Lane County Oregon Mortgage "Records,,, and which sa"id mortgage the Grantees herein" assume and agree to pay according to the terms thereof.' " ,," " Date Received: JUN - J 2010 Original Submittal " " TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises:.unto "said Grantees, their" heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances, except as above stated ..""-~ - fIl '" ~ < !-< fIl" W t:J Z W > W = ".F: .-,-.-....,-.",-......."-. .,.", and that they will warrant and defend the above "granted premises against all lawful claims what- soever, except as above stated. Dated ."nn"nmn..CJ.c..~,,-~.':r:...CJ.i.m". 19"n.~.~".m..__mn "."mn"mn""mn.mnn.__nn."nn.."nnm....__..."mmn..mn__wmm_mn (Seal) "nn."nn_mmm___nnnmm_."mn.m.._:n_____m__nnm._.n_.n.n..__._m_," (Seal) .. ",)., " " /r7 -I " / ,,/~,,~ VI.~~:'nn~.:,.Y:;~,::cr:.,'3:,?L!.nn'n (Seal) /. "(z ,ijuti,,"Y4,.,L?)}:,.,,..~0Utdl/n_. (Seal) . ","UtH.~. P II d th b d ".<' '); Dz,;'S4;;\TRqF OREGON, County of Lane, ss. ersona yappeare e a ave name -.... j ....... /.--. ~ ,,-,':' . _". "...... ....;-.;- :1l1e-is C. Petersen and Gertrude M. Petersen,. 'husband and wife, :F "'c... :. ,': ...."';.,-;. : c: ~~C\AF?y ~':::.~ "" " ~ ~ ,; -'-, j~na~~nowledged the foregoing instrument to"be _!:h.~_~E. voluntary act and deed. Before me: " ~ ~";' PUB\..\C::a-J" ~ ~:~::~?~~o::;::~:~~~;;;;~;~j$~:~==-.-:~1-;.:;jj;.~~~}~:0~,=-:i~~i~;;ii~~~-i~;~~'~-~~:~-'--"==--~ G.l ~ >- m ..Q Ul.a I'll .... l=l IV ::. ...... .8 I-< ;>- 0.... (1l ..... .. CJ..I:: s:: -" " 0_ 0 E t w 'tl ::l ~ '"Cl ~ I-< _.-I s:l >- ~ o rn ~ s:l rn ;:l.n ~ 't1 0 l:I ~ "" " U .- .....0 ...c:'1:l ~ u 1::1.;:: I-< I:: Q)".-I ::. 0 <V p:; l'd ... u 0-...... (I) ell Il) o 11l ...c: '"' ...,;........t:...... '"' .... p ....., ... 0 . v L, ro '+-i Clao{i." - '" " t-I ~ 1:1 >-:> ro a ~.... A. I'd t: ~ 0) t:l (tl Q) ~..... U I-< e 0 ~ .. ~ Q 0 ~ or u.I 0 e u.I .... 0 " Q 0 .. l''' " u ~ ~ 1'1 >- ". e ~ 0 " I- .S Z ~ -a i= = s ~ w " o. " Y"""'t u A " a= ~ < '" cC u ~ ;: fIl < 0 U '" t- '" " J o " bJ)e " . " ..:i 0'" o '" o >- ~ " " ~ " . 0 UlU ~ " oqo " ' -5 ~ o (J) .......-l '0 o~ ~ .J.! ~ ~ B ril ~ ~ ~ " . ...:! '1"'i"O 00: CI" ~ 0 U u ~ "" r.. q 0:: r.. ..:i '" o 0 0 >- '" ~ ~ 2" " r>1" 5 '" a u ~ ~ " p. ~ " ..:i q CI tl ~~ ~~" \/i UJ o ~ '--.\ <l .. ::l ..., Q) ~ N a: ~ : 0\, > C> Z "S:::! "" ~ ----- ----- '-...9 ~" " " 0::, >- ~ .,...... CASCADE TITIoE COMl'ANY I. 0 0 "i Q Zl.-/'--WM' "\l\l\l_ e~,CC"'~'H1