HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/1/2010 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . SPRINGFIELD ~*' Discretionary Use . -. . . - . A CH LJ I~C 1.../ Fax: SPR!NG.F'lc LD OR qfJ~'7'7 A Iicant's Re .: Phone: Fax: Address: Pro e Owner: Icom an: Me,- C UI Address: 7 e;f. Phone: Fax: Z00 7-40 I TAX LOT NO S : \7-0:'-25 -,:A ' 39<<) th 5 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Address: \2:50 Acres 0 S uare Feet 0 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: h . - - Associated A lications: / ';j,~ +0 Si ns: {/ Date: &, ( /0 Reviewed b : ~ A Iication Fee: $ Technical Fee: Posta TOTAL FEES: O-I..IJ~ PROJECT NUMBER: Date Received: JUN .J 2010 Original submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Signatures . . The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: '5:r \ \ Cet.,; J~_ Signature Date: 5)2.\ .10 -. \ - -~ -:. ~- -- _. Print -~'-- If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permisSion for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: ,:t7f;4/; 7!c4n/zY' '.Slgnat ).:;( 'krr,.~ 1<:. --- Print / Date: t '/, '/6 Date Received: JUN - J 2010 original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 o ::::!. ce :::; -. 0 c: ~i ~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ z~ - - ~ ,.s = - = . . Narrative for Hope Community Church Date: June 1, 2010 To: Springfield Planning Commission From: Rev. Bill White, Hope Community Church Re: Discretionary Use for church, MUC (Mixed Use Commercial) zone. Site address: 1250 18th Street. Map and Tax lot: 17-03-25-34-00-3900 The purpose of this Discretionary Use application is to allow the Hope Community Church to move from its current location at 14th and Main, to a new location in the former DMV office at the Mohawk shopping center. The church primarily ministers to socially and economically disadvantaged people within the Springfield community. There are two services on Sunday mornings. At most, each service has 50 people. Typically, there are fewer than ten cars on Sunday morning, since most attendees arrive by walking or bicycling. This new location will allow the church to operate a daycare center in the same building. The previous site was too constrained for safe operation of a daycare. The State Child Care Division has visited the site and has approved the daycare center for up to 40 children. The interior of the building will be remodeled to accomm.odate the church as well as the daycare center. Except for the outdoor play area for the daycare center, there will be minimal exterior changes. The existing parking lot provides ample parking for the Sunday services, and there are four bicycle parking spaces adjacent to the front entrance. Only 3 bicycle spaces are required. Date Received: JUN -.1 2010 Original submittal ., T- .,. CD ' RETURN TO CA.SCADE TIT.. - =-= CASCADE TITL.E CO. rOlvis~n-;fChi.f D;;.clerk lane County Deeds and Records 20oa-05B256 . $31.00 ,.. TITLE NO. 0258239 fJ\16 ESCROW NO. EU08.08] 0 TAX ACCT. NO. 02]2033 MAPffAX LOT NO. ]7032534 #3900 111111111 1/111/ "'11111111 ""11"111"""'" III 01032609200800582560020025 RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 cJ~'~~~8 03:56:01 PM SIO.DO SII.OO SIO.OO WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM MCKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, LLC. an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantor, conveys and warrants to MERCURY DIME, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: SEE 'EXHIB]T A WH]CH]S MADE A PART HEREOF BY TH]S REFERENCE BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SIIOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195,305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE Of THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LA WS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE A.PPROPRIATF. CITY OR COUNTY PLANNiNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A lAWFULLY ESTABLISHED (...OT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON L.AWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER OKS 195,300,195,301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. ExcCpl the following encumbrances: Covenants, Condilions, Restrictions and Easements of record. The true cOI:1sideration for this conveyance is $6,225,000.00 Dated this '7?f4. day of (Y-tthP...- . ?M:ij- MCKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, LLC BY~)~)q" ~ A L. KORTH, MA AGER Date Received: JUN -, 20\0 Slate of Oregon County of LANE Original submittal This instrument was acknowledged before me on. (Y1rbe( V ,2008 by LINDA L. KORTH AND 1. DOUGLAS MCKAY, MANAGERS OF MCKA Y INVESTMENT COMPANY, LLC. SOQ(:'9lI:l3e:.N3WSS~tl\dX3NOI$S~ii~O:J!.W~ '.-. .... lll96f.'ONNOISSIVIIV'lO:J ...~ NOm'ciO-::lIlBndA'ciVlON ,Ji'"!"-.'#- ; 11131:1H311nB 'lfSSITIW ~ lV3S 1'1101~:lO MCKAY ]NVESTMENT COMPANY. LLC 2350 OAKMONT WAY, SUITE 204 EUGENE, OR 97401 GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: ""SAME AS GRANTEE...... MERCURY D]ME. LLC P.O. BOX 26]25 EUGENE, OR 97402 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 81] W]LLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 WRD \, ''i 4' . " Order No. 0258239 Page 4 . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION . Beginning at a point" being North 890 41' S3Y west, 308.56 feet (record 308.64 feet) from the Southeast corner of Block 6 of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; and running thence North 4Q 24' 51" East, 104,16 feet; thence North 70. 22' 19" West, 133.23 feet to the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway; thence along said Easterly margin North 290 13' 07" East, 194.69 feet; thence leaving said Easterly margin and run South 600 47' DO" East, 90.00 feet; thence North 290 13' 07" East, 95.00 feet; thence South 150 47' 00" East, 7.07 feet; thence South 600 47' 00" East, 5.00 feet; thence North 280 13' 07" gast, 80.00 feet; thence North 600 47' 00" West, 5.00 feet; thence South 740 13' 00" West, 14.14 feet; thence North 60047' 00" west, 85.00 feet to said Easterly margin of Moha~k Highway; thence along said Easterly margin North 29.13' 07" East. 183.70 feet; thence leaving said Easterly margin run South 89044' 15" East, 165.65 feet to the East line of said Block 6; thence along said East line North 0013' 30" East, 21.71 feet; thence leaving said East line run South 89046' 30" East, 141.99 feet; thence North 70006' 00" East, 30.02 feet; South 74028' 08" East, 62.15 feet; thence South 89053' 24" East, 152.99 feet; thence North 58049' 12" East, 25.85 feet; thence South 89048' 26" East, 34.65 feet to the West margin of 18th. Street; thence along said West margin South 00 11' 34" West, 692.06 feet to the North margin of Centennial Boulevard; thence leaving said' West margin and running along the North margin of Centennial Boulevard the following four (4) courses: 1) North 890 49' 36" West, 252.70 feet; thence 2) along the arc of a 1708.48 foot radius curve to the right, the chord of which bears North 860 19' 36" West, 208.60 feet, a distance of 208.73 feet; thence 3) along the arc of a 2317.33 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 860 19' 36" West, 282.94 feet, a distance of 283.12 feet; thence 4) North 89049' 36" West, 5.42 feet; thence leaving said North margin run North 00 la' 24"- East, 14.34 feet to the point of beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUN -1 2010 Original Submittal ; ;>0. ; . . . DIVISION OF CHIEF DEPUTY CLERk LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS 1/11/ 11111111 II 11111 II II I 1111 " 111111111 0000940120000132700! 2000001327 2:50:57 PM 01/10/2000 RPR DEED 1 - 6 CASHIER 06 2~.~~ tt ~~ t~.~~ 46,00 After Recording Return to: Until a change is requested all tax statements sha11 be sent to the following address: John C. Watkinson Watkinson Laird Rubenstein Lashway & Baldwin. P.C. 101 East Broadway, Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401-3114 NO CHANGE II WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM II McKay Investment Company, aka McKay Investment Co., a partnership, Grantor, conveys and warrants to McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon limited liability, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Legal description on attached Exhibit A. Subject to: Reservations, rights-of-way, easements, conditions and restrictions of record, leasehold interests, and monetary encumbrances suffered or created by Grantor. TIllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAN!) USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TIlLE TOTHE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINSTF ARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. The liability and obligations of Grantor to Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature and terms of any right of indemnification available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such,liability or obligation is available to Grantor under any such title insurance policy. The limitations contained herein expressly do not relieve Grantor of any liability or obligations under this instrument, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such liability or obligations. The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money. Date Received: JUN -1 2010 Warranty Deed - 1 Original submittal S:\M\MCKA YIC.LLC\Business\LCF.Deed..wpd . ,..... ,. ....-__._-r-___, ',cc. ."... . . This conveyance is effective January 1,2000. J~j,~?t0f ~.#~ ,0 'wid ~i~~Kort~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me this. ~ day of January, 2000 by 1. Douglas McKay and Linda McKay Korth as authorized partners dMcl:.ay Investment Company. (I) OfF1CfAI.SEAL TRACY A. KELlOOG . ) NOTARY PtlBLIC-OREGOll ....'- COIIMISSION NO. 059345 . MYCOUMlSSION EXPIRES NOV. 13, 2,00 {( Wiu '7 I 13/(JIJ Notary Public or Oregon My Commission Expires: Date Received: JUN - J 2010 Original Submittal Warranty Deed - 2 . . EXHIBIT A PARCELl: Beginning at a point on the South line of the A. M. Powers Donation Land Claim No. 69. Township 17South, Range 3 West of the WIIlametteMeridian, 1450.7 feet North 890 57' West of the Southeast corner thereof, then North 0003' East 287.16 feet; thence South 89057' East 465.3 feet; thence South 0003' West 287.16 feet; thence North 89057' West 465.3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion described in deed to the City of Springfield recorded July 25, 1957, Reception No. 18049, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in deed to the City of Springfield, recorded November I, 1971, Reception No. 70906, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. tOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Centennial Boulevard which would inure to said parcel in accordance to law, as vacated by Vacation Ordinance No. 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, Reception No. 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon.' EXCEPT that portion described in deed to the City of Springfield recorded June II, 1963, Reception No. 13833, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: Beginning at a point which is North 00 03' East 433.89 feet from a point on the South line of the Albanson M. Powers Donation Land Claim No. 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, which last mentioned point is 1450.7 feet North 890 57' West from the Southeast corner of said claim, from said beginning point run North 00 03' East 586.93 feet; thence South 890 57' East 465.3 feet; thence South 00 03' West 586.93 feet; thence North 890 57' West 465.3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 89044' 15" West 110.08 feet and North 290 13' 7" East 145.31 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MORA WK FIRST ADDITION as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records; thence along the said Easterly margin North 290 13' 7" East 50 feet; thence leaving said Easterly margin South 890 48' 27" East 100 feet; thence parallel with said Easterly margin South 290 13' 7" West 50 feet; thence North 890 48' 27" West 100 feet to the point of beginning, in Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon. ' ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in deed to the City of Springfield recorded February 20, 1959, Reception No. 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL ill: Beginning at a point North 89057' West 1450.7 feet and North 0003' East 850.00 feel from the Southeast corner of the A. M. Powers Donation Land Claim No. 69 in Township 17 South, Range Date Received: .!UN - ~ 2010 EXHIBIT A Page I ofJ pages LCF I...... -':I:;:?~";;;,_:;- .-,,,.....-.~......, _..__~_ ___,n.. ,__ .. . . .) 3 West; run thence North 00 03' East 170.4 feet; thenCe North 890 57' West 14.75 feet to the Southeasterly line of the County Road; thence along said line of County Road South 290 09' West 194.97feet; thence South 89057' East 109.6 feetto the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 89044' 15" West 1I0.08 feet and North 290 13' 7" East 145.31 feet from the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the said Easterly margin North 290 13' 7" East 50 feet; thence leaving said Easterly margin South .890 48' 27" East 100 feet; thence parallel with said Easterly margin South 290 13' 7" West 50 feet; thence North 890 48' 27" West 100 feet to the point of beginning, in Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IV: Beginning at a point North 0003' East 287.16 feet and 1450.7 feet North 890 57' West of the Southeast comer of the A. M. Powers Donation Land Claim No. 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 0003' East 146.73 feet; thence South 89057' East 465.3 feet; thence South 0003' West 146.73 feet; thence North 89057' West 465.3 feetto the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion described in deed to the City of Springfield, recorded July 20, 1959, Reception No. 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL V: All of Block 6 in the MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Springfield, Oregon. ALSO that portion of vacated Centennial Boulevard which would inure to said parcel in accordance to law, as vacated by Vacation Ordi!lance No. 1808, recorded November 22,1963, Reception No. 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Lane County Plat Records; run thence North 890 45' 30" West 93 feet; thence South 290 13' West 150 feet parallel with and along the Mohawk Highway; thence South 89045' 30" East to a point which is South 00 13' 30" West below the point of beginning; thence North 00 13' 30" East to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXEPT: Beginning at the stone marking the Southeast comer of the A. M. Powers Donation Land Claim No. 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 890 48' 27" West 1449.97 feet along the South line of said Donation Land Claim No. 69 to a point; thence North 00 13' 30" East 99.15 feet to an iron pipe marking the Initial Point of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15, Page 23 of plats of the Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence North 890 41' 53" West 308.64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 89041' 53" West 200.00 feet along the South line ofBlock 6 of said plat to an iron pipe set on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway; thence North 290 13' 07" East 165.00 feet along the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway to a poin.L. thence SQI.lth 700 22' 19" East . Date KeCelVeu. . JUN -.1 2010 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 3 pages LCF Crifj:nal Submittal , . . . i35.00 feet to a point; thence South 4024' 5]" West ]00.00 feet to the true point of beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a point being North 890 4]' 53" West 308.64 feet and North 4024' 5]" East 100.00 feet from the Initial Point of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book] 5, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, being in Township] 7 South, Range 3 West of the WilIametteMeridian; run thence North 4024' 5]" East 4.]5 feet; thence North 700 22' ]9" West 133.24 feet to the Easterly line of Mohawk Highway; thence along said Easterly line South 290 13' 07" West 4.06 feet; thence leaving said Easterly line South 700 22' 19" East 135.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 10 feet South 290 13' West of the point of intersection of the Easterly right-of-way line of Mohawk Boulevard and the wolongation of the Northerly right-of-way line of"M" Street, said point of beginning being South 290 13' West 333.7 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 600 47' East 85.0 feet; thence North 740 13' East 14. ] 4 feet; thence South 600 47' East 5.0 feet; thence South 290 13' West 80.0 feet; thence North 60047' West 5.0 feet; thence North ]50 47' West ]4.]4 feet; thence North 60047' West 85.0 feet; thence North 290 13' East 60.0 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a point ]0 feet North 290 13' East of the point ofintersection of the Easterly right of way line of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongation of the Southerly right of way line of"M" Street, said point of beginning being South 290 13' West 393.7 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 60047' East 60.0 feet; thence South 290 13' West 100.0 feet; thence North 600 47' West 60 feet; thence North 290 13' East 100 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a point being South 290 13' West 393.7 feet and South 60047' East 60.00 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book ] 5, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 60047' East 25 feet; thence South ]5047' East 7.07 feet; thence South 290 13' West 95.00 feet; thence North 60047' West 30.00 feet; thence North 290 13' East 100.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL VI: Beginning at a point on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 890 44' 15" West] ]0.08 feet and North 290 13' 7" East ]45.3] feet from the Northeast comer of Block 6 , MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book] 5, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the said Easterly margin North 290 13' 7" East 50 feet; thence leaving said Easterly margin South 89048' 27" East 100 feet; thence parallel with said Easterly margin South 290 13' 7" West 50 feet; thence North 89048' 27" West 100 feet to the point of beginning, in Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUN -.I 2010 EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 3 pages LCF Original Submittal - . .... . . .. Business Registry Business Name Search New Search Business Entity Data 06-01-2010 10:43 Registry Nbr Entity Entity Jurisdiction Registry Date Next Renewal Renewal Tvne Status Date Due? 543296-94 DLLC ACT OREGON 08-27-2008 08-27-2010 Entity Name MERCURY DIME, LLC Foreign Name Ne~ S~arcb Associated Names Type PPB PRINCIPAL PLACE OF !BUSINESS Addr 1 777 HIGH ST STE 200 Addr 2 CSZ EUGENE TOR 197401 I I Country IlJNITED STATES OF AMERICA Please click here for r<eneral information about re istered ar<ents and service of vrocess. Type AGT REGISTERED AGENT Start Date 08-27- Resign Date 2008 Name ANICE IL !MACKEY 1 I Addr 1 777 HIGH ST STE 200 Addr 2 CSZ EUGENE lOR 197401 I I Country IuNITED STATES OF AMERICA Type MEMIMEMBER I I Resign Date I Name S IR IYETT I I Addr 1 PO BOX 26125 . Addr 2 CSZ EUGENE lOR 197402 1 I Country IlJNITED STATES OF AMERICA New Search ame 1 story Business Entity Name Name Name Start Date End Date TVDe Status MERCURY DIME, LLC EN CUR 08-27-2008 Uate Received: N H" Please read before ordering CaRies. NewS.carch Summa JUN -.1 2010 Image Date Action ransaction Effective Date Date StillU!; Dissolved By . <. . . 08-11- AMENDED ANNUAL 08-11-2009 FI 2009 REPORT 08-27- ARTICLES OF 08-27-2008 FI Agent 2008 ORGANIZATION @ 2010 Oregon Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved. Date Received: JUN - 1 2010 Original Submittal