HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2002-9-30 ~~...._-- ...-.. ..... ~ _.--, 'c_.. .,~,,~_,. 1Ft ,''''-"f Ill'l.I"1t., y"'11.'''' . ,~_ _. ,h" B ,j I 1 DIN G SPECIFICATIONS DI\/ISION OIOO-GOJERAL 0101 CODES All consfructlon methods matrmalg; and 'tIorklT;an~hlp ,had comply w,th ST AlE OF OREGON 2000 EOITION OhE MID TWO FA'1IL Y DWELLi% SPECIAL TY CODE comprISed of the 1998 Edl'lOn 01 Ice International Ore and Tlvo FOrll'Y O...elllrg Code 'IIlth Oregon A",endrrenl, doted April I 2000 ::>102 PERMITS The olr'ner ...ill provide old poy for all permits (.Fl~ feeos except ....he e ether PCil..ton IS mads by contract 0103 UTiliTIES Olr'ner to prOvide 0104 SUBS11TUTIONS CertOln proces,e, type, ,f eqClpmert or klOd, of matelluls are speed ad ~)' manufacturerls nOTe brand or catalog nUrT'oer to estubll"h a 0031$ of qual 11 or d~SII ublllty for lhe purpo/'e Intended Exclusions of products of equal qualdy or dealrablldt to those specified IS not Intended SUb-Cofllractors to secure apprcval of SUb$tltutlons from cwnor Submit suffiCient Irformotlon on speclfrc product or products for evaluation Samples may be required 0105 CHECKING Cvl'1troctor shall verify and coordinate all QlmenSlorlS ord conditions on all drolllngs and c.lt construction site before proceeding Dlscrepal'1cl&s ore to be brought to the attertlon of n,e o"rer the deSigner and/or the englreer os appropriate and fully resolved be,fore constructIOn IS commenced 0107 CLEA'IING OF SURF ACES All 'urfoce, mu,t be clean ord In good condition at job completion 0108 COOPERA110N Contractor and 'ubcontractors ,hall fully cooperate In carrYing out the work Contractor to do or be directly responslLle for all construction braCing temporary shoring furring and buildlrg In and prOViding all openings chases elc reqUired by va'loua swbcontractors Wrere "ark of one subcontractor IS Irstalled over surfaces applied by ol~er f odes the comlT'l:lrcerrent of \lr'ork by the first merdlOned subcor tractor constltl..tes acceptance of the sur faces and cannot be used for an excuse should subsequerd failures occur QjV,SIOf{ <gOO - SITE WORK 0201 EARTHWORK A Excavations or fills shall be so cor;.tructed or protected Ihat Hey do not endangor life or property B Remove trash rubbl$h and vlr-er ob;..t'uctlors from site p'lor to starting eartr\lr'ork C Do excavation work for structure ard otrer IVo'k shoft'n on tre draW'lngs carefully trimmed to Ilr,es and ele ,allOns reqUired for fhe work Permarlerlt cuts and fills shall rof be ~teeper than 2 hO'lzontal fo I vertical unless approved by the bUilding offiCial D Stoc.kpile excovc.ted material for backfill purposes at apprcved locations Only clean granular material IS acceptable for re-use E Tr,e bUilding offiCial may require a SOil test to determine the sOII's craracterlstlcs F Lot ;.hall be prOVided wllh adequ.Jle drainage and shall be ~raded so as fo drain surfaca water o1iay from foundation \lr'alls Said grade ~rall fall a minimum c.f SIX Inches wlthlli Ihe first ten feet exCElpt os re~trlcted by lut Ilres where dralrs shall be prOVided G A foundation perll'lettlr drain sholl be Installed '/o'hch will drain roof discharge to 0 pOint at least five feet from the foundJhon \lr'alls or to an approved system 0202 BACKFILliNG A BacUill adjacent to concrete walls l>hall net be place:::! until the \lr'all has suffiCient stren;jth or has been ~ulfrclor,tly braced to pre~ent damar;e by the backfill B Be10re plaCing backfill remove all screeds screed st",k&s other "ood debns and material subject to ret C0rrOSlon or sub terror eon termite attack C BacU111 matenal shall be c.lean ard granular placed In 6-lnch lifts and compacted o Dispose of all l.rSUllable and excess IT1cJte'lal off site Conform to local la...s and ordinances relating to .va;.!e Ulsposal on property of others DIVISION 0300 - CONCRETE 0301 GENERAL f'EQUIREMENTS A Concrete deSign components ~toraGe Tlldure ploceTler I ond relnfo'cement shall conform to Chapter 4 B Protect oil ,oncrete from damage ond use speclJI care 01 all exposed concrete to pre\ erd staining or discoloration C Damaged concrete shall be repl.lred or removed aid replaced with nelf' concrete at the discretion of the ct'rer D Form all conere-te sl.lrfcces except bottom of foolings and top ot slabs E Footings sholl be placed on undisturbed soil or compacted fill All fill maferlals shall be fr(.e vf vElgelaflon and 10relgl"l material A Salls Investlgctlon eport and a report of sa+lsfoctory placemerlt of flU (>1'1011 be sL.bmJtted to tl'e bUlldlr,g o~tlclal descrlblflg fills greater tron -+" tl'll-k ",heh will be used to support the foundotlons of ary bUllJlng or slruch..re Except where approv~d fill deptrs under Slabs hhull not excoed 2.4~ for clean sand or gravel and a" lor earth F Sfeppej 4cohngs a'e reqUIred .".here the ground surface ;.Iopes more hJn ora fO<lt In tr:,n feet G ~eMove 011 foreign r'lO,tter and \lr'e.t do"n SOil bdore placer"1er I of concrete H Isolation Joints sholl be proilded between Coli slobs and foundation walls, u31rg (2) thlcllnesses of 301 bUllderls felt or 3/8' "phalt Impregnated ,feetlng 0302 FORMWORK A ForrT's shall be substar,flal, sufflClenlly tl<jt.t and properly braced to preverd leokage ard maintain posItion and hhape B Forms and shoring shall not be removed until the structure has suffiCient strength to suppor t ~01ely Its weight and all loads placed thereon 0303 REWFORCEMENT A Use only ne.. clean stock free from ru~t scale grease and other coating' Rder to ACI 318-77 B Reinforcement sholl corlform to ASl M A-GIS With deformations to ASTM A-305 Grade 40 C Reinforcement sizes and locallons sholl be as sholin Of'l plan or as noted bulo\lr' SPliCE LAP LENGTH Bar Size Concrete 11 3 II 6" ~ 4 2'-0" ~ 5 2' 6" Masonry 21-0" 21 6 I 3 -0'1 CONCRETE COVER 3" Concrete depOSited agol0st eOI th 2" Formed concrete agolnst earth 3/4" To t,p of ,lob on grade D A grounding electrode system sholl be InE>talled os noted 1"\ Section 4034 and 4108 and must be coordln::ted tilth electrical contractor 0304 CAST-IN PLACE CQ\<CRETE A Basemert walls and foundations not exposed to weather arc basement slabs and Interior slobs on grade except garage floor slabs shall be ,500 pSI compreSSll'e strer-gth concrde at 28 days B Porches carport sloes 011d (,teps e-<posed to the ",eether baserrert walls foundation walls e);.terlor'tlalls and other ~ artlcal conc.rete ,""ork exposed to the .ieat~er and garage floor slabs shall be 3000 pSI compress 'Ie strength concrete at 28 days C 3000 pSI cOr'lcrete aid other cONrete whl~h may be subject to freeZing ard trofllrg during corstructlon shall be air entrolied Total air content (percert by volu,lie of concrete) shall be not less th(Jn five per cent or more thai seven per cent D The minimUm cemerlt content of concrete mldures for ex.terlOr porches carport slabs and steps thet 'ltld be exposed to freezing and thaVr'lrg In the presence of d81CI('9 cremlcals ~~ ell be as )peclfled In ACI 318 E The top surfClce of 011 loolings shall be level The bcttom SUI face of 100 lings mey hOl'e a slope not exceedlrg I In 10 Footings shall be 6tepped where It IS recessary to change the olevatlon of the top surface of the footings 0 ....here Ihe slope of tre bottom surface of the footing 'tI111 e:tceed lln 10 F Finishing (vertical surfaces) Correct all aggregcte pock~ts and other defects Grind off fins ond proJectl:jrts ard remove stallls Ederlor surfaces c:f foundollon '/o'olls unclOSing II ling space or storaQe below finished grade shall be d::lmpprocfed uSing IIThoroseal Foundedlon Coafing" or equal G Finishing (slabs) Surface fWlshes shall be on plans Areas noted IIBrush rlrllshll shall he.e 1/8~ high ottenuatlons 'lidh pattern and st/le as approved by the o\lr'ner 0305 EM9EDMENTS A Anchor bolts Q!tachlng mud Sills fo concrete fourdatlons sholl be one-half Inch diameter spaced at Sl);. fed meXlllium on center and extend at least sellen Irches Into the concrete There must be an alichor bolt "'I thin twelve Inches of each corner and each piece of 8111 shull have 01 lead two bOlts B Post boses hold-doW'ns verds door openings and condL.ds srall be locc.ted Clccurately as shown on plans DIV,SIQN 0600 - CARPENTRY 0601 GENERAL A All structural dlmerslon lumber shall be graded and mad,ed as noted In SectIOn 502 I 50211 6021 and 8021 8 Approved end- JOlrlted lumber may be used Inte'c.hangeQbly 'ltlth solld~ sa\lr'n members of Ihe same SpHles and grade CAll structural lumber sIZes have been deSigned uSing WWPA grading rules If these members bear the stalTlp of J different grading agency, adjustments to sizes may need to be mode 06D2 POSTS Po.t, and column, ,hall be Douglas llr/Larch Grade Select Structural FOri C Po~ts shall be ~ressure treeJted If so noted on plans 0603 BEAMS HEADERS AND STRINGERS All members 2" 10 4" IhlCk or more 'filde shall be Douglas fir/Larch Beams and Stringers Class Grade #1 All 6" thick members sholl be Douglas and 5" ~~ "'_-.--- ~.__..__._- ----- ---.--- ---- ------. .... . ~ ,.~ '':: : : fir/La i.-n BeaT'S ana Strlf1gerS Class Groj~ Select Struduri.ll All door and W'lrdow ht'adars sh",JI be 4x6 r'1lnlrlUm unless r,oted other/ll~e Glued'lamlnc.ted tln'bers ~hall te 24F-V4 Df/ grade unless noted otrer'l. rse 0604 STUDS Studs ;.hall be Douglos flr/Larer Grade 12 at CJII load bea'lng ..ailS 4Ilth size and spacing as sho....n 0"1 plar,s 0tlllty grade lurrbfo:r may be used for rcn bearlrg ~ tuds and bearing studs not sllpportlng floors If spaced per TuLle E ')2 3{5) Cllpples uraer heodurs srall be c.or fllUOI.iS to $016 ~I:;te Top t>lotes In load bealltg Walls l>hull be double a With jOJrfs offset 46" rT'1I\11lUm olock all ~tlld l,Iulls ",rere re~lmd fur s~,eathl'l~ Align looj boorlng ~ tuds as nded In SE:..ctl;,l' 602:3 4 Irterlor nonbeallng partltlots moy be copped 'lith 0 ...Ingle tC'Jp plc-te Foundall-Jn crlpplt;l 'Null(, l>hull be con...tl ucted as. n0tvd In Section 6029 and 60291 All wood IT'lHltO s In cor tact ....Ith conc'ede shall be pre:.S$Jre t'eoted 0605 JOISTS Floor and COiling JOists !.hall be Oouglos flr/Lorc.h Grade 112 All rlill JOI~ts arld end j01StS srcil be caulkej In place during frarllng Double all erd jOlds cnd all jOl:.ts under pa-allt..1 bearing partillons Lap jOlsh 6" mlnln'lJrn c.l Irterlor bearing supports W'here possllile ott'or\lr'lse prO/Ide 11/2"Tlrllmum bearlrg Oi 1I'00d or rretc.l slppurts ord 3" 0'1 masonry or J5e apprevlild JOist hangers F-Ic: d openings shall be framed as noted In Section 5028 0606 RAFTERS Ralters ,hall be Dou,las tlC/,.",ch Grade ,j2 With SIZe and spacing as sho'f.'n on plans All rafters shaH be notched to pro {Ide full bearing at suppor ts 0607 1 RUSSES Manl.<fac:tl rlor of \lr'ood flcor or roef trusses (,hall slipply copies of truss d~talls a"ld deSign cel, ulatlons to the blJddlng offiCial and owner T'usses shall bf Installed '/o'llr 011 fastijners rangers and braCing os requlr.d by the manufocturer Truss rnembers sh..:.11 nCit ce drilled cd notd ed or altered Ir any manner u"lless so deslgr,ed *;.* I'WTE of",,,, BUILDER IS STRONGL Y CAUTIOflED TO VERIFY ALL TRUSS Dlf,lt:NSIOf,S I'IC' UWIG EXACT SLOPE REQUIRED HEEL -IEIGHT O\'ERHAcIG CO'IDITION AND SPECIAL lOADlflG TRUSS DIMEhSIONS SHONN IN THESE PLANS ARE IUTnlDED TO BE APPROXIMAT~ ONL Y 0608 SHEA TrMJG Roof ard liail ...r,eathlng src I be 7/16" Orle'1tea Strond Board (OSB) or 1/211 COX Plywood'/, Ith face grain perpendicular to suppel ts and ;.L.Jggered JOI11Is Floor she..trilig shall be as shown on plars All structural s~eat~dng shall be graded and marked as noted Iii SectIOn 50321 50331 611 or 612 If required dlarJhragms and srear ....olls srull be constcuded as required by the engl1eer or ..! shown on plans 0609 StrE;lSSed bkln parsls ~holl be shipped sto ed handled and Installed per tre manufacturer's Irstructlors 0610 SOLE PLA1ES Sela plates In contact "If' conc.rete shall be pressure treGted douglGS fir/Larch 0611 NAiliNG All nailing scali be " noted 10 To"''' 6023(1) oed 6023(2) Metal connectors sreJll be Installed with all nails bOlts or other fasteners os required by rnanJfadu'er 0612 BRACING Wall and cripple ....011 L'oclng l>hcll be pro Ided as per Sedlen 6029 and 60210 an; Tuole 60210 0613 METt.L CO~mECTO~S Simpson strorg tie or approved equul 0614 BLOCKING Full de~th $olld Llochlng of utility grade IUT1btr 1$ required at I.lIJ bearing "'i.llls o~d at the beO'1 g pOlrlts of all JOistS end rafters CrGss br'ug'rlg bet~ieon ,d4 ar,d lurger ralters and 2xI2 and largt;ir JOists IS re~i..JIred al 101-0" 0 C rna,(lrrum Braclrg bt:tween roof or floor !'u~ses (.hall be l"Idalled as roqulred bl Manufacturer 0615 ~Jc)TCH ~lG Notchl'lg cuttlrg and drilling ot studs plates JOlds or rafters sholl co, form te Sections 5.)2 6 6026 and 8026 0616 DRI,FTSTOPPlfIG Drottstopplng anJ Fire Clocking ,hall be con~tructed and IrE tl..llled as reqUired ty Sec Ion 50210 and 6028 0617 FlfllSH CARPENTRY A Stc.iIr,r;CIS ;,rull be cChtructed as l>hown ~ piers and as noted In Section jl4 B Handrails and guardrails -Ih",11 be cordrJctd as l>ho....n on plans and as noted In Section 315 C Wood or hardboard paneling ~rJII cc.r,lurrn 10 Sectlur 7025 0618 INTERIOR WALL COVERlflG A Alllrilerlor ;.tructurol comporer,ts ~holl co 11\)ly 'WIth the Depar trrerlt c1 Housln~ and U-ban Developmelt (HlJD) fo'rnaldtlh~lde emlS,lOn st01dard, 1~24 CFR part 3290) 01 ? ppm (port, p.r rrilllO I) for plYllood and 3 rplTI for particle bard Plywood or portlcle bOJrd s.tamped I meE-ts HUD require "rtsl or l'duO apprcvedll ete shall be accp""tat,le Intel lOr ql ode plfwood wc.fer board partrcle boarj ard crl6ited S'fl~1 d bl.iCJrd riode wltrl phenol-bosed rblns ord stalilpej IExposure III ..holl be acce~table E.derlor grade compotents MaJt lilth ~ ~ onol-bo~ed resins and stamped IIExt(lrlor' ..hall be accep JblEl B All gypsum board Joints and llilperfectlons :1'-..11 be filled and faped C All ~jrf,-~e "hJII bOl $(1 jt'j 1....1 C",I'1 V 1\.1 p"'per or t e;( tL,r e d a s ~pe cills C by O4<nt;ir D All e~r-osed 1'11erlOr 9/psum board c""rer i1..11 be r(,lnforced -..tth medal edge trl,ll E Gypsum board (,hall net be Indulled urltil w)~trer proledlvn IS prC!vldod F Gypsum bourd slipport spacing and the SIZ~ ::J ld spcclnlJ :;f fadeners shall comply With Section 7023 G Sho1- \.Jr and b~th ureas )hall be fllllsbed In )ccordunce ~Ilth Section 7024 H Gara~es sh,;11 be ccm~letely separated fron re..ldence and lis attic 'N'lth 1/2L1 gypsum bOJrd applied to the 9'rage Side All structure Sllppvf tlng a flool-ceillng separatlol ~hqll be cOl'ered 'Ir Ith 1/21' gyps Jm bourd 0619 EXTERIOR W~LL COVERING SIJ"g ,holl " 0; ,cawn on plars ord conform to Secllon 703 'N'lth athJi.-h,Terlt per Tabla 7034 unless noted oHler wise Panel type SI(J n9 sholl hove shlplapped vertical jOlrds ol'er frJMlng mel be's und flashed or lopped rorlzo"1lal JOints 062Q ATTIC ACCESS A readily oocess'ole frorn ; attIC "ce" hdoh 01 net less Jhon 22 Inch::ls by 30 Inches .shJII be "Iolflded to any o'tle area navlng a clear hUlgrt ef over 30 Ir tes DI'IISIOIJ 0700 - ldeRMAI.. AlID 1,10ISTuRE PROT:Cl'IO>J 0701 GENERAL -------- A The cond tlaned spaces c,f tre~e plans a e rilerded to complf With PreScilptl' e Compliance Pc.th I of Sechar C401 B Ail Insulating mate'IJls 10 comply 1- 11h Sectl)'1 319 and AppendiX C CAli IrsulatlCin stloll be applied urlformly arid 1<1 0 manner to pre lent com~resslon lr-slilatlOn shall be l>pllt :;l erlly aroJrd pipes ....Ires dcJcts or other ab~tructlors ord ll..t In arouid outle:! bOAes D Exterior )0 ,ts arolJrd '/IlndoNs ard door frJnes bet\\een 'Null calltles ord window and door frames bdween '/Jell and foundation bet'/o'cen wall ord roof bet"ol(een 'fIO ~ parels at perdratlons or utility services th! ough wolls Icors and roofs and all other ("penlngs In the ex.tenor erlvelop..,~ shall be caulked gos~eted weath;r-drlpped or otr,en.l~e seuled 0702 FLOOR INSULA TlOf, A 211 Ih,ck (R-15 mlrlTiJrTl) extruaed polptyrerle foam Insulation (appro,ed for ui"der slob use) ~roll ce Ii"'::>talled arOl.lnd entire perlll1eter of monolithiC floor slob In 011 heafed l.lr~QS The Insulation shall extend dOlrlnward 11 O,li tr,e top, f the slob to the bc1to'11 cf tre thlc~el'\ed edge The InsLJlotlorl ~hl.lll be profected as shown on pions to a mll1lmUm of 61' boloIN' 91 I.. de The cOfTIplete area undl..r l>lcb shall be covered With 6-mll po'/tthflere or app'oved equal B 2' thlc.k (R-15 minimum) extruded polfstyrer;l foam Insulcl!l:)n (approved for lIrder slob use) ~tIQII be Ii"stcl,ed <.lround enllre perimeter of Ilo.:1tlng flocr slob In all he"ted areas ne Ir,sulatlon shc.11 extend doW'r waro flam tre top ~f tre slab for a t'llnlmum distance of 24~ or dcwn'l.ard to the ')..tfom cf the l>lob then horlzortally beneCllh the slob br a nWllml..lT'I total distance cf 2411 The complete area under slob and unC.H Il'\sul,dlon shall be covered 'l.lth 6-md pol)ethylene or apprcveJ equal C R-25 flbt:rgloss b01 t InSL..latlOn suppor ted b{ Ic.th or coneslon-proof 'l.,lre ~hall be Installed flush urder floors over ell cro'l.lspaces Support system (.".OOd lath corroslon-reSI&larlt 'IIlre or rct-resrdant I..line) IS rl..qulred to hulr IfIsulc.tlon In place 'WIthout compressing It use baffles If rEq\wed to rTlolrdaln clearance (.HolJnd cra'lll space ver ts n~talll perm t'laXlrrUnl kraft paper ,apor re:tordJr between d uecklng and lInderlaymont Separale vap-Jr retarder IS not I equlred In 1100rs constructed filth plywood or OSS l>heathrg G ollnd CO\ er of 6-rril black p,olye:fhylere with jOlr ts lapped 12' 1 InirT1Jm and turred up 12' at edges IS reqUired at all cra'l,l "paces 0703 WALL I"SULATION A (R-21) Krwfl faced (10 perm ma-<lmUIT) hl~h jenslty fiberglass batt IrSL.lotlon l>hall be face htapled to l"Islde (...Jrm) surface of studs In all ~.'olls seporotrng heafed from llnte~ted spaces B (R-21) Fire-rated fOil-faced high denSity flb( rglass batt Insulation shall be In;.talled InSide beloW' grade (i.-ncrete \Valls enclOSing heated spaces Irsulatlon 5hall be faed stapled to 2)(4 framed Irterlor finish wall hid In from ."r ~'ete wall so that Insuletlon does not contact concrete InslIotlon musl ed~nd from tre bollo11 of Ihe abol'e-grade suUloor to the top of the belcw-grade flnl&hod tI::>or The rlrn jUlst Q~ea mUht be Irsuloted 0704 CEILifJG IflSULA TION A (R-38) Fiberglass batt or loose fill flberglah cellulose or rock \lr'OOllnsulctlon ~hall be Installed on flat ce,llngs Loohe fin Irsulatlon may be used orliy '/o'here roof slope IS 4/12 or greater and headroom at ridge IS at least 44 II hes Loose fill In.ulutlOn must be Installed per label IndlCotlun, of pound, reqUired per square foot or bogs per 1000 squ( re feet 8 IR-301 FOil laced llberglass bolt ",ulotlOn scali be Inhtalled on sloped ceilings can~tructed '/Illh sln,re rafters C (R-30) Kraft laced flbcrgla" batt Ir,ulotlOn ,1'011 be IndJlled on ceilings with a slope of greoter lhan 2/12 and an 01 fie space above ...........~--""-- ....~--- -~ ...~- ....--........... "'-.,.~_.. ---._----'..-..,-,.....---~-~ ._-----------~ ,~--_._-- -~~-_.....-_._""........, ---~ ":-- :" ::: ~' ". rn ,~, ".. ,." , ~ ~ D (R-30) Loo~e fill flber~IQss Ct.ll..lose or rock *001 In~ulollon may be Lised on oloped ceilings prOVided slope I~ 2/12 or less and he-odroom at ndge IS at least 44 1I1chf.JS Loose fill Insulat on must be Install';ld per lubellndlcohors of pounds reqUired per S(.luare foot or bogs per 1000 square feet E (R-~I) FOil facad fiberglass bott Insulation may be Instulled In partially vaUlted COllings arj ceilings totaling not mo'e than 150 square feel In arlo1a for dorrrers bay l/Indo,r;s btC Space mu;.f be tilled (e",cOlpt for reqUired lontllc.tlon space) ard a 05 perm (dry Clip) vapor r~tarder In~talled or w(Jrrn (Ir '/.'lflteIJ ..Ide F All cClllrlgs <llth....ut an ::Jlt'c space above ...1 all I <':.13 a .q;or barrlur With a mO"lmL, n 05 perm rallng G All attic occesse s or d sk yllgr t ... ells ..hJII L,.~ 1'1)U att;id 10 the same R-/alue os the surrounJlI'1g ceiling Allie access hatches shall be weether-strlpped H Rigid W'eat~er-re&lstart batfles shr..11 be 1'"1..ta.lled IJ deflo;:ct soffit Ve'1lllotlon air a~o~e Ir",ulaflon ard 10 keep Insulctlc,n clear from attic hateres I'Jon-conlbusttble baffles s.hall be Ir stalled to prOvide 3' clearance uround flues medal c'hlTineys gas Hnts or fldu es thaf require clearances er 'I entda tlor for fire sefety 0706 ROCFING A Roofing materluls anJ application to compl)' \lr'lth Choper 9 a Roofing shall be applied with all flashing and aCCeSSories recommor'lded by manufacturer or as reqUired for a Vr'atertlght assembly Flnl~h roofing mah:Hlals shall be approl'ed by o't.ner C Gutters l>hail be Irstalled at lower edge of all roof slopes DOlfr'nspoJls from g<.Jtters to dl",chiJrge Into ;.torrnll'ater drain Owner to af'prove ;.tjle and color 0707 VENTlLATIOH A Screened S.,Jftll eave 'Ijge or roct JaCK I'er,ts shall ce supplied os jho~n on ~la,~s With a mlllllTiUm rallO of net ver t oper\ln9 to ver tdated area of I to 150 RatiO may be reduced to I to 300 If \~HltS are alral ged CiS noted In SectIOn 606 Screen ~hall have 1/81 square ope'1lngs of corrOSIOli re...Islarlt 'f./lre B Crc'f./I space shall be V<Jitllote:d bf means 01 screered operllngs through tOl.ndatlOn dem walls os ...ho'//n On plans Tetal net opening and arrangorr-ent "f vonts ",hall be as noted Iii Sedlon 4091 Screen shoil rove I/e" sqlJare openings of corrOSion-I e s,;.tant wl'e 0708 MUD SILL Both top and bOltom of ml..d ;)111 l>hall be caulked or g(..sketEld 0709 THERMl,L BREAK Conude ...IJbs on grade In corddlOned spaces &hall be treri1ally broken from &Ii.lbs In adjJcer t uncendltloned spaces OIVISIO>J 0800 - OOORS. NlflOJ NS AfrD GI.ASS 0801 DOORS A Door SI,e3 shall De as nottlel on plars \lr'dh tjpe finishes. and hard",are os sole..ted by o"rer AH egress doors (.rr..11 be reaJll1 ('peraLle fr..T1 the srda from <t.hch egress IS to be made ~/lthoL.1 the use of a ~ey or speCial ~nowledge or dforl B Exterior doors (except main erdry door) to hove a maximum 020 U-Yallia Main entry aoor (24 square feet malumum) to hOl'e a maXlfT,Um 054 U-Value All exterior doors 10 nave an air leakage rOllng of 037 cfrr lTr..xlmum per square foot of door ar~a t II exte lor doors srall be I 3/41' thick mlrllmum and be w~'cdh~r-~trlpped (do not usa stl..~y cock foam) C Doors 'I,Illh more than 25 square feet of glOZing nu~t med the U- Value roqlJlremer'ls for ......Ir dOVr'$ SIIdlrg yloss doors sh::J1I be teiEoted and certltled as nc,ted In Section 609 D Openings betwelln guraga and reSidence ~hc.11 be equlrpod 1Jlth sCillld '/iood doors not less than I 3/8" thick or 20-1I11n\.lte flr,e rated d::>ors E Hlng€:'d ..r-ow~r ooors shall opet outward 0802 WIfWOW S A WlrdoVr' brand anj dfle srull be os directed by o....nfo:r Sizes shall be as ncted on plans ~JOl E Sizes cf ""Indo~is .shown on plans are nO'Tlnal only Yerlfy rough eperllng requlrQd be-fore fralmwg BAil wlndoll/s (,hali be douGle I,llozed with 0 maJwnum 040 U-Value and shall meet tre fenestration requirements of AppendiX CAli wlndo"4ls shall be tes ted and cortdled os noted In Sectlo"l609 All ~Irldows must be l(Jbeled 'lJdh U-Volue or U-Value claB exc.e~t as noted In Section C4014 I D SIe8plng rooms iJhJiI have c.t leaht one Openable egress '/Ilrdo.v or door as shown on plans and as reqUired by Section 310 NOTE Sizes of Windows sro~n on plans are nominal only Verify CLEAR OF-'n~ING dlmonslons for egress windows as reqUired by code E \WIndows shall be set onto a lJead of caulking F Skylights shall be constructed of double glazln\) '/o'lth mror pan e tempered In a metal frame cr as noted In Section 3086 with 0 IT'aXlmLim 050 U-ValL.e Sk,llght area st all be not more O.on 2 per cer,l of reeted tloer area G Glass dvors ond e'"1clcsures f::.r showers rot tubs 'Nhlrlpools SQJnas hteorn rooms ond bott,lubs glallng In swinging or sliding doors a,'"1d s'arm doo s and all glaZing and mirrors 'lilt/Ii 24" 01 doors or '>IlfI'li 18'1 of floors ar'd all glOZing In lalllngs and glal.lng I.!seJ In beerlers around sNlmrnlng pools ard spo;. sl'1::ld be lerr,pored and perrnaIler,llj m:)L ked per Section 30811 Exce~tlons ire ro+-ed In Sechon 3084 DIVISION 0900 - FINISHES 0901 GENERAL A All Interior finishes and rratel luls to conform to Sectluns 318 and 702 Wall ard c6111rg finishes :;.;hall have a flama-s~read ..Ias:.ltlcatlon vf not grecdur than 200 except as noted In Se-cflon jl8 lard a smoke denSity !lot greater tha'l 450 B All ext~rlor flollt.hes and nlcterlals ~hall cc'lforr-n to Section 703 and Table 7034 0902 INl ERIOR PAI~~T Latex pGlnt wdh colors ~hall be approved by Owner 0903 EXTERIOR PAINT Latex or &toln wilh coler to be appro(ed by o ..ner 0904 OTllER A<ALL FI~nSHES Cor,tracfor to coordinate with o",ner 1j.1here \Vall paper panollng or \lr'aII1SColtln~ are deSired 0905 FLOOR F IIJISHES A Carpel hhall be professronally In~lall<ld '/irth pad tacK stnp and metol t 1m as requl ed Curpet and pad shall be apprOved by owner B Cushl:Jn vlr1,1 t.lpe shall be upprovea by o."r'ler OIVISIO'J 1600 - El ECTRICAL A All we k shall rreet the I oqulrerrerfs and InspectIOns of Cfopt,rs 15 and 39 th-oJ,h 46 and the 2000 ElectrlCol SpeCialty Code B Ellectr cel slhtems srall be d6!.lgned and Installed t..y a qualified contracter Contractor srall supply detailed plors calculattons and speCifications "f all propcsd equlprrent If reqUired by Ih~ building 0 fflclal C Wllrlng shall be done ~/lth 3-~llre nonmetalliC cable ~,Ith all outle ts properly grounded All "Ires hhQIJ be copper ord norle shall be less than #14 gauge S~IIt...res and dlJplex cullets l>hal! be first grade S;,tdd es shall be Silent type D SWlfaule connections shall be prOVided for all new electrical ol..tlets and fixtures as sholln 0'1 the plans E S"T1c~e detedurs shull be Installed Inside and owtslde of all sleeping roorn and on each floor os noted If'l Section 316 and as shoW'n 0 l plars F Non-combustible flre-dop~lr,g shall be prOVided ot all gaps around electrical lines at ceilings and floer levels Seal ull penefratlons trrough the building envelope '/0' th caulfdng G Nlrlng shall be Installed In a manner to olio*, for os much '/0'011 InslJlQtlon os pcs)lble rl Recessed lights Installed In ede lor vaulted ceilings (Without an CttlC space aboye) l>holl be rated 10 0110'" direct cont:Jct filth Irsulatlon MINIM~M SETBACKS - l~TERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -S.de Jard to House or Garage -Rear yard to House or Garage 5 fee t 10 feet P U E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS <':)1.:,'. , -- '1::' 'i. 1 ~!:', \1_C" ... .t~~ .- ~'t_, T'-I ~ A ~. ()R ... ~"'?OJ ~ THE E ~ l A. -. " ."" -:: ': :: : ."': ' " r., Q:3.9-0 Z.d_Cl.'L~ .. ,I.. Dre Or-cu, - ----- - J ('. I 'r Y f",:: C' ... '"' -"PRIN,...F'IELD ~:'Q:!-~IUY ~.9> Llnes , ~ ..:: :" ":'"":' .'. . ::' " :' : ." * "q. M , .. :"' VICINI rv I\,IAP NO SCALE f~ IN> _ 'I C.U C:UUII 0;::;::' IOU l.J - \. ......' \0. ~ -'~.... .. 10110';; rules adopted by the Oregon Utility r ,jotltlwtlon Center Those rules are set fort , "1 OAR 952-001-\)010 through OAR 952-001- 1090 You may obtarn caples of the rules by " callrnglheCe\1ter (Note the telephone '1 umber for the Oregon Utility Notltlcatlon Cenlpr 10 1 A()(l-~1? '2344) - r-=_ NOTICE' THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERJOD r- - --- ...~-- r NOT€. I ,-, it 91 all ~' ll'l ~, I I I rL-7__ , r i ') I /..{ b C"""SiI2..U ~1iOA...> IN Pu E'S , , 21 JI" : , ~ I~I z, !u i,~"1 I I I r q?:.-=~L~ (,. [5 - t:) I ~.: --...'P <""'...~ , I 1::,...10 III 1:;0 I L.. 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E VtLOI'\ ShA _I~ - '- ,~ I: IQ ,Q I; , , 1 I I 1 I , 1 I , 1 .. 4. ~ _, m. ~I I , 1 I I I I I I I , 1 ,~ ".... .. ~ ..- " ~ - ..~ ./ RE\1SI0r~s BY" ~ '- --..-/ '\ L.LJ U :=) 0:::: CO >- f-- f- W CO Wz >0 Q::C) Ow Q:: 00 o o - sg o l-LJ L.Ll I Q::LL C) 0-JZ i""--Q:: ~Cl. nUi c<j 0::: o LL y U :=) I CJ -l W o o :2 w 0::: z <( -.J 0.- Ul O.-z ~O f-- >-<( f--U Z L1- -U U LLJ >CL Ul w f-- Ul -./ \ ~! rJI1 ~ ~;I N t:::ll ~ ~~j : rs 0 ~I~ r~1 w ~I g @II W el1- J Ii1 ~ H Ie:] t:::J c::: er~ ~ I~ Cl Z o u \... ../ ~te 9-26-02' Scale IIOTfD PLOT Scale 1 = 120 Drawn TR Job 3332 Sheet ~l "2_'" Of 4 Sflccts