HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2002-12-2 'f... ..:t ~ ~, 3' l~~ ~ 't~ 'S- "'-l IJ;: t '0 ~ ~':t ~ "" ~ .\ ~ IX:, "'- .;:s ~ ~1'- ~ '-\--- "")J"~ ~ f '.- C' '-l ~ ~ ~'"" \.<\\f) ~ ... ~--) ~ '>1 , ~ '\ , '\ , / \ "---" , \- ~~ ~'-t. (:s;: '" ---L-- "" ----.:; II fr-~ \ "--. \ STREET TREES ARE ARE REQUlRED. Please refer to attached Development Code Section regarding the placement and types of allowable street trees. ...I- l>c ~\ ~ ~ \- ~ f~ /~ ---0" I~ "..::s " ..} ~'t"t\\ ~-t~~--.< ~~~~ "'--- / "-70'1;-'10 -.l . > . ~ \\ ':!. .;s- \ J,-"""y,"""Cd ,,"7 \J, ::J .~_r;:.:..~ o ~ I I ,~I~~ ~ ~ {t) l I MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS . All measurements are from Property Llnes -Front yard to House 10 feet ' -Front yard to Garage IB feet -Side yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet p.U.E. MAY CRANGE SETBACKS (~ "'- "-' ~ ~ .-:r ~ "-' . \t) \..l .... s:- ~ ~ / ~ '" ~ -:::s ~ ..... fTEN IIUI'l.Ult;yulI .om lequlfes you to follow rum adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules aresetforlh in OAR952-o01-0010throughOAR952-001- 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: thetelaphone numberforthe Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). NOTICE: AiN~yi~~~1~ ~~~:~F~:X~~ntz~~ 180 DAY PERIOD. "',k." "" -, ._, IV " FOR RESIDFN1Ld tr~:~ _,~ . :~ ' !:;_~,'~! _" '~'L "",1",,-.. 16 f' , (- -I' ~ > t c. ,- >' '^ ",)."l\!\t; f'.J I ('J"~':J;' . - \,,, ~ H " ......... .......... ~ i . 4i.,t [l '" _ Q!'I!LR.ECF.I.VED\S.:a~OB No(\~4lfiA.Q 320 ZO',E \\.l\~ OCCUPAN~G~~.o:~ b!i;L!.I.!S) , OCCUPANCY LOA'; STORIE~ ~ 'rVPE CON5TRUC'I~~;jJJ;) .~~~~-~-:~[;~;e~?~ ~ OWNFR ~~ .'l\..\-~ - - - , T~E C~NTE;'II.!"S l-lERE ON HAVE 8M REVIEWED WITH ~~rf~A!~~~~~pr!r[ Q ON COLOr-'m prM~IL CU;NcrtJ PROJECT AFTER" TI'E ~TEOS::'~~\~~~ROVED DRAWiNGS OR THE BUILDiNG OFFICIAL. ~ , ALL BE APPROVED BY CITY OF ~FIELD' OREGON APPROVED BY {' 7. '"')7 /l DATE J -- - v -v 2---