HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2003-4-16 "H "i5~ Jf 112'" 1t~, , -10"(.> ~l -..s~'j 'n<\ .~ ~ .---....------.""'.r~"Vrt'r'......._"M_..._R~....-..." ft~-...."_ 84__'__ ...- --.....--- ---~_.._- ~ U I 1_ ri I ~ G SPECIF'C:.T :) ~~ S , ," '~. ~,;'t ! L~~j " "j " ! , " DIVISI8N OIOQ-GEi'-JER4L, 0101 CODES All cor&tructlorr f"'1~dhods materials and wor~ma('i..hlp shall comply .,Ih the 2003 EOITIO~ OREGO~ DWELLlfJG SPEC AL 1 Y CODE FOR 0~IE A~JD 1~O FAMILY D1VELlI~~GS corrp Ised of H1e 2:)0:) E,Mlorr of Ice IrI1err-ctl::H)ol Re..ldentlol Code for Orle old T /I/O Fomlly D~eill('igs tilf,; Oregon Al"'"1endr"'1er,ts doted Ayrll I 2003 CClnstrw",tlcn "h::lll also cc~ply 't'lfh all City COl.Jrtyand Fede"ol codes ordlnar"ces and regulotlons as applicable 0102 PERMI rs The o'W''ler will provide ord pel for all per'T1lts ord fees except where oner prCVI$IOr IS r""iode bl co dract 0103 UTILITIES Ow-r1ar to p CVlda 0104 SuBSTITUTIONS Cartolrl processes types of equlpmerlt or klrds of materials are specltled by marufacturer's na/T1e brand or catalog number to establish a baSIS of quality or desl, ability for tre purpose Irttended ExclUSions of p'odLlcls of equal quality or deSirability to those specified IS rot Intended Sub-Co"1lracfors to secure approval of subslituliolS from ow-rer Submit sufflclerlt mformcdlon on speCifiC product or p oducfs for et'aluatlon Samples fT'\ay be required 0105 CrlECKI~JG Confractor shall verify and coordlrate 011 dlmerSlons and cond,tlons on all drcW'lngs and at construcllOn Site before proceeding DlscrepOrlCles ore to be bro<..Jgrll to the atteiltlcr of tre o",ner the deslg,.ier and/or the ergl~,eer as appropriate and fully resolved before condrucflon IS cOf"llmenced DI07 CLEANI~G OF SURF ACES All surloces musl be Clean and In good cond'tlorl at Job completion 0106 COOPERATION Contractor and subcontractors shall fully cooperate In ca'rYlrg out the work Contraclor to do or be dl'edly responsible for all consl-lJctlO"l bracllg tef1"lporary shorl"1g fwrrlng and blolldlng In and prOViding 011 openings chases etc required by variOUS subcorltractors Where week cf one subcontractor IS Installed CYer surfaces applied by otrer frades the commencement 01 work by the first merlfloned Subcontractor corshfutes acceptar'lce of tre surfaces ard ccnnot be used for an e~cuse shOUld subsequerlt failures occur r~ "<'" ~.. Ii, :!t.,," , I .'1 ~ .""", ,....) . . , I" ~, h D,VISION 02~0 - SITE WORK 02DI E-ARTHIIORK A Excavations or fills shall be so cOr'lstructed or protec"e:::l that Ihey do not endanger life or proper ty 8 Remove trash ubblsh ond other obet'uellons from site p, lor to starting earthYor~ C Do ex:::a~atlon 't'ork for structlJre and otrer ",ork shown on fhe droNlngs carefully trimmed to lines and e evotlors reqUired for the ""ork Permaner,t cuts and fills s~all not be steeper tran 2 hOrizontal to I vertical unless approved by the building offiCial D Stockpile e~oavofed material for backfill purposes at appro,ed locations Only clean granular material IS acceptable for re-I..oe E 1 he bJlldlng offlclel may require a sod test to determine the seil's cro'oeterlshcs F Lot shell be prOVided Wllh adequate drainage anj srall be graded so as to drain swrfoce ....atar a'tioy f'om fOJndctlon walls Sa'd grade shall fall a minimum of SIX Inches Within the first ten feet except as restricted by lot Ilres slopes ",ailS etc where dro,ns swales or other approved means shall be prOVided to e,'sure drainage a'tloy from structu e G A foundation pertme-er dralr shell be Irs tailed 'Nhlch will d am roof dlsl..harge to a j:lolnt at least fl.e feet from tre foundation walls or to an approved system 0202 BACKFILLING A Backfill adJacerd to concrete ,*,olls shall not be pieced ur hi tra wall has suffiCient stren~th or has been sutflclently braced fO prevent damage by the backfill B 8efo~e plaCing bacHll1 remove all screeds screed :.takes other wood debr s and material sl..bJect fo rot Cor'oslon or subterrarean termite attack C SackfllJ material srall be clea"1 and I;ranular ploced In 6-lnch lifts Old compacted D D,spose of 011 u,surtable and e~cess materlcl off site Conform to local la'tis and ordinances rela"lrg to *,oste disposal on property of ot~ers '. , " f " , \ DIVISION 0300 - CO~JCRETE 0301 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A Conc ete deslgrl comporents s-orage mixture placerrent and relnforcetTent shall conform to Chapler 4 B Protect ell concrete from damage and usa spec'al co a on 011 exposed concrete to preverd stalling or discoloration C Damaged concrete shall be re;lalred or emoved and replaced 'tilth new concrete at the discretion of tre owrer D F'orm all cor crete slJrfaces el(cept b~'tOI1 of footl(19S and top of slabs E Footings shall be placed on undl~tu, bed sailor :::ompacted fill All fill rr-oterlJls sholl be free of I'egetatlon ond foreign material A SOils Investigation re;lort and a report of sa~ltfQctory placement of f II ~MII be submitted to the bLllldlng offiCial describing f liS greater th::Jn 4' thick 'lrhlch Will be used to support tre fOl,"1datlons of ary bUilding or sh uctu e Except wI' era approved fill d(jpths under Slabs shall '1:;~ "l..ceed 24~ for clean sard CJr gravel and 6" for earth F Stepped footings are reqUired \!Ihere the ground surface slo~es more than one foot In ten feet G Remol'e 011 foreign matter arj liet dOtln 5011 before placel1ent of concrete rl leolatlon JOlrlts sholl be prol/lded bet",een all slobs o'1d fo~ndot,o'l walls uSing (2) ti'lckr,esees of 301 builder's felt or 3/6' asphalt Impregnated sheeting 0302 FORMI/ORK A Fo ms shall be subsfantlal sufflclerdly tight and p aperly braced io prevent leakage and maintain position ard &hape 8 Forms cad sho Ing srad not be refT'\oyed until the structure has sl..fflclent stre"lgth to suppor t eo fell' ItS ....elght and a I loads placed thereon 03D3 REINFDRCEMENT A Use only ne't' clean stock, free from rust scale grease and otter Cacli1gS Refer to ACI 3IB-77 B RelrlforC6rl'e'1t shall conform to AST\1 A. 615 Wlih defo"lictlOns to ASTM A-305 Grade 40 C Rel'lfcHCO'Tiert sizes and locations :.rall be os !ihcwn on pla's or as n:ited bolo", , , ~I n' ! ~, l~ i I' , I SPLICE LAP LE~GTH 8ar Size Corcrete ~ 3 1'-6'1 14 2'-0" 1 5 2'-6" Masonry 2'-0" 21-6" 31-0" CONCRETE COVER 3'1 Concre/e depOSited ogal(lst earth 2" Fcrri'ed concrete agalnt earth 3/4" To top of slob on grq:je D A 9ro In ding electrode antem sholl be l'1stalled as neted In E3507 and E~506 and mlost be coordinated 'filth the tllectrlc<..1 contrat;.tor 0304 C~,ST-I~-PLACE CO'ICRETE A Bcsement ,*,al.s and four'ldatlons not exposed to ....eather ard basemert )Iabs and Interior slabs on grade except garage floor slobs &h,,11 be 2500 PSI c.ol'T'presslve stre0gth concrete at 28 doys 8 Porches cQ",.rort slabs and steps e~posed to tre wecthar basemert ",ailS fourdatlon wol s exterior walls and olher vertical corCI Eo te ,*,ork exposed to t~e *,eaH'er and garage floor sll..lbs s~all be 3000 pSI corrpress ~e strergth concrete at 26 daiS C 3000 pSI concrete anCl ctrer cOrlcrete ..hlch mey be subject to freeZing ond thaWing durll"lg construction shall be Qlr eiltl alf ed Total air content (percent by I/olu1',e ot concrete) sh:J11 te r,ot less thor'l fll'e per ce"1t or more th(Jn seve"l per cer't D Tre mlnlr1hlm c.ement cOrltenl of concrete mlxtwres for exterior por<..hes carport slobs and sleps trat "'III te exposed to freezlrg ana tra'tllng In the presence of de,clng crernlcals she-II be as specl11$d In AGI 3,8 E T~e top surface ot all footings shall be level T~,e bottom surface 01 foctlrgs may hOl'e 0 slope not exceeding Iln 10 Foctlngs sholl be step~ed 'trere It IS necessary to ch::lnge rhe elevation of tlie top surface at Jhe footings or ""here the slope of t~e bottom surface of the footing Will ex.ceed I In 10 F Fll,shlng (vertl<.al surfaces) Correct 011 aggregate pock.ets CHid c.trer detects Grind cff fins and projectlors anj remove stairs Exterior surfaces of foundation wailS enclOSing liVing space or storage below fl(ll"heo 9'ode sholl be dJmpprooled usm~ IIThoroseal Foundation Coctlnil or equol G Fir' shlrg IsIebs.) Surface finishes shall be on piers Areas noted 'IBrush Flnlf.h" shall 1'01/13 1/811 high attenuations witt' Daffern and &t/le as oppro~ed by tre OW'1er 0305 EMB,OI,IENTS 4. Ar-cror bOlts altachlng mwd s[lIs to concrete foundat'ons ~hqll be ore-half Inch diameter spac.ed at SIX feet maX1mIJm on certer and extend at least seven Inches Into the concrete There must be an anchor bolt Within twelve Inches 01 each co ner and each p,ece 01 Sill shall have at lea&t tW'o bolts 8 Post bases held-downs I/ents door operlngs and condUits shall be loco/eel accurately as sho,*,n On plans '~.._~.cu""'l..l"..II(~~~~, '_'.~P" _"_'___..._.__. :)603 8E~MS I~Et.Ct:.KS ,-<hJ Sir< ~(GERS All meTbe s 2 to 4 th'ck or ,TOre ......rde shJl1 be Douglas fir/Lor h Bea"!s ord S e,ng~rs Class G ade,1 All &" thick iT'el1'bers spall be Douglc:s flr/LQ~ch BeaTS crJ St'lngers Clo~s G ode Selact St uctural .0::.11 door and 'IIlrdow reade's shall be (',(6 TlrlmlJm urlo;'!~S rotej Gthertllse Glued-lolT'"JteJ tl11lbe's srJII be 24F-\'4 Oil grade at slm,Jle spars and 24F-V8 Of! gra.fe at cartllel'ers or IT"-<Itlple sL.p~orls J 11ess "1otod otrerillse 0604 STGJS Sluas shall be Douglas flr/ _arch a'ode 12 01 all load beaelng walls 'tilth size al'1d spacing os ,hc'lrn 011 plans utility g'ade lemb.r moy be used If spaced por Table R602 3\5) Crlp/les un:jer r.eade's r.hoil be cortlnuo"s to $)Ie plate Top plates In load-bearlrg walls shall be dOlJblad With JOints 01fset 48" ml'llT1um Block ell stud ....alls t'rere required for sheathlnl1 Allgr 10:Jd-bearllg studs as roted In Section R602 3 3 IrtlFlor norbeorlng partitions mat be copped VI th a slr'lgle top plcte Foundctlon cripple ....ails shall be con:.t, ~cted cs ncted In Section R602 9 All wood men'bers In corfact W"lth concrete shall be pressure treated 0605 JOISTS Floor and ceiling JOistS she I be DOloglas fir/Larch Grode #2 All rim JOists and end JOISts shall be caul~ed In place during framing Double all end JO sts and ell JOists I..nder parallel oearlng ~artltlors Lop OlstS 6" mlrl'l"1um at Inter'or be<:.rlng supports wrare pOSS bid ctrer..-,se prcvlde I 1/2' rrlnlrl'Jm bearing on wood or IT'e'ol supports ord 3' on rpasorry or I..se opprcI/ed JOiSt ha"iJers Floor openlrgs shall be framed as noted In Sectlarl R502 10 060S SHEATHI~G Roof ond .011 sheolhlnl srell be 7/16' Oriented Sirand 80ard (OS8) or 1/21 CDX P,y...ood '/11th face groin perperdlcular to Supports ard staggered JOints Floor sheathing shell be as shown on plans All str<..Jctu 01 sheothlr'g srall be graded ard olio' ked os noted In Sectlo., R503 21 R50331 R604 or R605 If reqUired diaphragms and ~hear walls srell be ccrst'ucted os reqUired by the engineer or as sho*,n on pla,s 0610 SOLE PLA TES Sole plates In contact W'lth cOrlcre/e shell be pressure tre~ted douglos fir/Lorch 0611 NAILING All nalili'g shall be as "1oted n Tables R602 3(1) and R6023(2) Metal connectors shad be l"Idalled With all nails bolts or other fasteners as reqlolred by manufacturer 0612 BRACI~i::; Wall and cripple ....011 broclr)~ sholl be pro/lded as per See lion R6D2 9 oed R6D2 10 0613 METAL CONNECTORS SI1'1pson strorg he or apprOved equal 0614 8LOCKI~W Full de~th solid brocklrlg ~f utility grade lumber IS reQul'ed at all beo"lng ...alls and at the beo'lng pOlrds of all JO sts and rafters Cross b'ldgmg bet'l.ee, 2:)(14 and larger rafters and 2:K12 and larger JOists IS relJI'ed at 101-0'1 0 C maXlm"r"! BraCing betwee'! roof or floor trusses shall be Installed as reqJ,'ed by marufactu er 0615 NOTCHING Notching cuttmg and drilling of studs plates JOISts or rafle" sholl confo'm 10 SectIOns R502 B R6026 and RS~2 7 0616 ORAFTSTOPP,NG Draflstopplng and Fire Blocking sholl oe const'wcted and Installed os reqUired b; Section R502: 12 ard R602 S 0617 FI~jIS'1 CARPENTRY A Stalr,<<ays shall be const'Lleted as S~Jwn on plans ond os noted 1."1 Sactlon R314 8 Handrails ond guardrails shall be con~tructed as srown on plans and as noted Iii SectIOns R315 ane R316 C Nood or hardboard par,ellng shall conforM to Section R702 5 061B 1,\lERIOR ~ALL COVERlflG A All Interior structLJral components sh ...11 comply ~lith the Department of HOuSing and U ben DeveiJpment (HLlD) formoldi:lh1de en' ",on slandords (#24 CFR part 32S)) of 2 ppm (porls per rrill on) for plywood and 3 ppm for part cle board Ply"ood or partiCle bO:J'd stamped 'I Meets HUu re1Ulref1"'\er,ts' or IIHUD approl'ed" etc shall be acceptable Int(rlor grade plywood wefer board particle boord and oriented strand board made With phenol-tla~ed resins arid stamped IExpo ..He I~ srall be acceoptoble Exterior grade compo"1enfs rrade 'IIlth ph~"1ol based reSlrs and stomped "Exterior I shall be o:::ceptl.lble 8 All gypsum board JOints [J"Id I!',cerfec Ions shall be filled end taped C All surfaces shall be sanded far pal"l or tlalrpaper or tex.tu ed CIS speCified by owner D All exposed Ir'terlor gypsum board cor0ers shell be reln10rced w-Itr ,'1elol edge trim E GYPsul1 boa'd shall rot be Irs tolled u 1tll ..eather protection IS provided F Gypsum board support spaclJ'rg and tI e size and spacing of 1a:.teners shall comply With Section R702 3 G Garages shall be completely separaled frcm reSidence and ItS attic ...dn 1/2" gypsum board ap~lloJ to Ire garage Side All strllcture suppor tlJ'rg J floor-celllrlg sepurctlon shall be cOl/ered With 1/2'1 g/PSUM board 0619 EXTERIOR WALL COVERI'IG Sid ng srall be as soo.n on plans and cor form to Section R703 With oitachmelt per Table R7034 Jl'1less floted other"'lse Parel Iype Siding shall hal/e ~hrplapped vertical jOints over fra'T1lrg rro neers and flashed or hppej rO',zontol JOI"tS 0620 ATTIC .J.CCESS A readily acceSSible frorred OttlC access hatch of n:::t less tha, 22 Inches by 30 Jnchej.;J JJ be proYljed 10 ar'y l.filC. qren hovln9- Q cleor f1111gM 01 oYer .>0 Irct"es - ....."~Jl:,,.,,~~.lI<:t..,,-"....r-_ ....,"'-'.~_...""-'..."""-->J:.......... ---. ....r_....__...........~..._~. "0#'_ .._..Q"'.u...~~..,1lI$.""~...*~.~~,lLlIl..:"'I..., n.'~' ..~'-_......_- -----.- <~~__""..o---...-+_ ,:;,1 5 I~SJI(.tIO' c'ec;r for I.. tiC ~rt'" e~ f~;:;n~co~lb-..l~tILle beffl",s Sklll oe Irs'...I'ej to V",y'aa j CI~(,rQI'Ce (;ro..~d fll..es rdJI chlm! eys ges yer,1 s V' fl/f..,J1 tiS Ira1 reqlnra cleva ces or va~' lot c- fur fl~a ~c.fd1 0707 \-E~iIL,-<rIG\j A Scrr...ered sc~flt .,)~f~ 'IJ;~ or r"ot Jack \"'~')ts shall be suppl od uS ::.ro'lln C1 ,..Ions '/1'h a rnWI'Ium 'QIIO of rl~d .ent opt',rlr~ to H,rirrotej 1;;1 ~~ ~f I to 150 Rolfo rrey be reduced to I to 300 If ,erts are arranged 0& noted 11 Sactlon R806 Screen shall have ,/6' rrlnlrrU1'1 to 1/4' mCXlmlm square operllngs of CO'rOSlor re.ils-ar t 'tilre B Crawl space shall be vertllaied by means of screenad openings through foundation stem walls os :-.how"l on pla"ls Total net :)perl"1g and orra'1ge'T1e~t of verlts srall be as noted In Sec-ron R408 I Screen shell reve 1/6 I square openings of co"o;,lon-reslstart W 'e or another material os noted In Secllon R40B 2 0706 MUD SILL 8:::lh 'op o"d bottom of ml..d 5111 shell be caulked or gosketed 0709 THERfv1AL BREAK CO"1vlilte Slabs 0'1 grode IL"1 caridi honed spaces srall te trer"T"ally b cken from slabs In adJecert urccndltlored spaces DIVISION 0800 - D02JRS. .v1~JDONS A~JI) GI"_ASS OB~I DDORS A Doer s zes shall te as notea on plails wltn type finishes ard hard,a e os Sf..lected by Ofirer All egress doors srcll be reo Oily openoble from Ire Side frOM which egress IS to be rrade t./iI h 01.. t tr e ~ sea f a k €I 1 or sp eClcl 1,1"10 ...Ie dge or e 1 f or t 8 Exte lor doors (except f1"laln entry door) to hOve 0 maXimum 020 U-value Ore joor (28 square feet maXII1i<..JI1) to haye a 'TiaXII1Uln 054 U-voll..e All exterior doors to hOl'e an elr leakage ratll~ of 037 cfm f1"laXII1iUm ptlr sql..ore foot of door area All exterior :joors 51'011 be I 3/4- thck r1lnl'T1Um and be 'lreotr,er-!.trlp;led (do not ..Jse sticky bock foarl) C Doo"s With glaZing of 25 square feet or larger and sliding glcss doors sf'oll be tested arid certified Os nvted In Sec'hon R613 D Ope"1l(1gs bet....een garage and reSidence srall be eqUipped ""Ith solid wocd or ho~eycorrb Core steel doors lot less than 13/61 thick or 2:0-mlrute f re- cted doors fire-rated doors DBD2 1<1',00115 A \"oI1(1do,l( brand ard style sroll be as directed by o.v."1er Sizes sroll be as noted 0"1 ;Jlans NOTE Sizes of ....Indo....s shown or plans a'e nomlnol only Verify rough opening reqUired before frarnlrg 8 All "-Indo.vs shall be double glozed 'll'lth a mcwmum 040 U-Vallle and srall meet the fenestratlo, requirements of Secllon NII046 All windows s.hall be tested and certified as noted In Section R613 All wlrdows m<..Jst oe I~beled With U-Value or U-Val..Je class except os 1"10ted In Se~tlon ~J1I04 41 D Sleeplr'lg rcoms shall have al least orre openable egress 'lrlndow or door as st'iCNn on plars cr:::! as reqlo red by Sectlo"\ R310 NOTE SIZ~S cf "'llldo....s shcW"n on plans are nOfflnel only Verify CLEAR OPDil~G dlmer,;'lons for e9 ess Windows as reqUired by code E Windows shall be set crto a bead of caulklrg F Sk/llgrts shall be cO.lstructed of dOllble gl::mrg With Inner pa'le tempered in a ('letal f OT,e or as rated In Section R308 6 With a fT\CXII1L1'Ti 050 U-Vall..e Skyl grt a ea sholl be nct more than 2 per ce"1t of he:Jteo floor oreo G Glass doors ard enclosures for sho",ers hot hbs ....hlrlpools saunas ~teQm roorrs and batrtwbs fli.-ed s..lnglrg or sliding glazl"l1 ,n doors Old stor'l"1 doors and all glazlrg arid mirrors filthln 24 of doors cr tilt,) r 19'1 of floors and 011 glaZing In rCIII"1gs ondglozmg used ,n bar lers around sWimming pools and spas ;'['011 be tel1pered orld permanerlily marked per SectIOn R30a I E'"pt,ars ore noted ,n Section R30B I R30S II AND 3~B 4 DIVISION 0900 - FI~JISHES 09DI GENERAL A AIII."1te'lor flllsl'>es ord meterlllls to conform to SectJor'ls R319 and R702 Wall and ceiling fln,shes srelll hal'e a fla1'e-spread classlflcct on cf nc,t Qreaier than 200 except as noted In Section R319 I cr-d 0 smoke derslty not greater than 450 BAil ederlor finishes and maie'lals :.hall corfarm to Sectl:ln R703 ard Tobie R703 4 0902 INTE~IOR PAINT Latex paint Vllth colors shall be approved by owner 0903 EXTERIOR PAlt'H Latex or stal'j with coler to be approved by owner 0904 OTHER WALL FI~j1SHES CO'lt actor fa coordl"1::lte .vlth o....ner ...r,ere wall paper parellng 0 'lIQI,lscottlng ere dE;\slred 0905 FLOOR f IIIISHES A Car;lef shall be professlCnolly Irs tolled With pod tack strip a'1d metal trlli as reql.1 ad C...rpet and pad srall be approved by owrer 8 Cushlor I'ln/l type Slall ce app eved ~y O-Nner QiY1SION IDOO - SP~g~L TgS IOD2 PREF ABRICA TED FIREPLACES A Pref::b'lcatd Ilre.,I?t-es a'"13 chi" '1~/s (roy be corstrucfed LlSlng IIsteQ and Ie-bled Z~ro clearo'l:::e p, efc~rlccted tTE.tal type '<<Ith triple "aU S1all'IeS5 ;.toel chimney pipe enclcsed In 'tiDod stwd 'tIall ard chase Irstallatlon shall be strictly In accordance With the rna,L.focturers Instrwc tlons ard Sectl:ln RI004 B All fireplaces and sto.es shall be eqUipped With a closchle Source of outSide air for combustion 11 accordance ...lth Section RIOOS Duct shall be constructed of non-combustible malerlal 1"1 addition fireplaces must be eqUipped with a tlght-flttll1g flue Ciamper and glass or metal doors 1003 site address copy R3251 DIVISION 1600 - F::LFCTRICAI,. A All ....ork shall meet the requirements and Inspections of Chap'e" 33 through 42 Append" Land Ihe 2002 noflOnal elect"lcal code B ElectrICal systems sholl be deSigned and Ins lolled by a qualified contractor Contractor sholl supply detailed pions calculatIOns and speCifications of all proposed equlpme"t If reqUired by the bUilding olflClOl C WITlg sholl be dOlle W'lIh 3-'I(lre nonmetolllc cable With 011 outlets prope'ly g'ol..rded All wires sholl be copper and none sholl be less Ihan 114 gouge S"ltches and duple' outlels sholl be fl st grade SlY'dches shall be silent type D $..Jltable conrectlons shall be prol/lded for all ne" electrical outlets and flxtu es as shoW'n On the plans E S'Tioke detectors shall be InstaHed inSide ard outSide of all sleepl'lJ roolT's ard on each floor as noted In Section R.:S17 and as shewn on plans F ~~on-combusflble fire-stoPPing shall be prot'lded at all gaps aral..r::j electrical lines at celll"lgs and floor lel/els Seal ull penetrations IhroJgh tr,e bUilding erl'elope with caulking G Wlrll'1g shall be Installed In a manner to aliet for aa much wall I"sulatlon as pOSSible H Recessed Ilgrts Installed In ederlor yaulted ceilings (wl'rout an attic spac! abeve) srall be rated to allojl direct contact 'll'lth Insulation --- ---~ - --- - _. __. - ~._c,._" .__. ~ ..~~'.~ '='. ;(, '" ... 1 I J ~I -I ~/ ~I !-I Z/ 1 1 I - --=- --- '---~--~,---.~................ --- - - --- I >- Ii ~ ~I 01 Ul ~ IU &1 [I I .,,~ .~~~- -.. ~, ,fC;ttn.-'r H; '''l...Ai:t.l...... 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(J) / 1 1 / A~1'\OVE:D m-lLY FOR. HS'['tt,:~I,~l ,~:f lr4 ACCOr .'I\~KE I'VllH ~,RI df I,,,~, ~ !.~E ~pr~\~.i~ c'"'/rc~~~~lf \..(;)0- '.._) \ V~ \ \1~1~CQJlS- \AA\ ~\ef\o{)!) ~O~~~t\-y . ~~ 7/~) OIVISIO~ 0700 - THERMAL MiD MJISTIIRE 'ROTECTION ofoTGlf~ER~L . A Tre cOl"1dltlaled spoces of these plans are I(ltenaed to comply 'It th PresC"lptlv'e Corrplla'1ce p::J-r I of T':lbla NII041(1) unless noted :ltrel.... se 8 All InsJI~tlng materials to corrply flill- SectlJns R320 and 'J1104 C All Insulation shall be applied uniformly and In a fT'\arner to preverd compression Insulation shall be spilt evenly around pipes \!I res dlocts or otrer obstruchons ard cut 1'1 around Outlet bOiCes D Ede'lor JOints arOund wlnJo....s ard dour frarres bet.veen wall calf ties arid 't.'lndo,*, ard a:!ar fralT'es be''tr'een wall arrd foundaflo" between \rail and roof betl'eJn ...all panels at pejletraflol'1s or utility serl Ices fhrough 'Neils flJors and roofs and all other openmgs In the exterior en~elopes shall be caulked gosketed \!leather-stripped or ofher~lse sealed 0702 FLOOR INSULA 1lOfJ A 2'1 thick (R-15 minimum) extruded poIYbt/re"1e foam Insulation (approl'ed for under sl:.:Jb use) shall be In~tal.ed aroJnd entl e perimeter o.f morollthlc floor slab In all heated areas The IrsulatlOn shall extend dO'lin'tt'ard from the top cf the slab to the bottom of the thickened edge The Insul( tlon shall be protected as srown en pions to a minimum of Oil be o,*, 9 ode The complete area urder slob shall be cOl'ered wllh 6-[1"11 pOlyetryle"s or appro~ed equal 8 2:1 thick (R-15 'T1lrITlUm) ed'uaed palntyrene foam Irsulolion (eJpproved for under slob use) shall te Installed arourd entire perlmeler cf floating floor slab In all heated are os The Ir'SJICltlon s1011 extei"ld d::wnfl'ard from the tcp of tre slab for a minimum dlSlance 01 24'" or da.rward 10 Ihe botton' 01 Ihe slab then I'>"',zortalll bereath the slab for a rT'lnlmllr'1 total distance of 24' The complete area ..Jnder slob lJnd under IrSlolctlon srall be covered With 6-mil pO'yetrylere or aPf,ro,ed equr.ll C R-25 flbEHglass bon Insulation supported by lath or corrosion-proof wire shall be Installed fll.sh under fleors over all cra",lspaces Support system (wood lain corrosl:>n-reslstant wire or rot-resistant h'lne) IS reqUired to hold InsulctrO,"1 In place 'tilthowt ccmpresslng It Use baffles If reqUired to malrtcln clearance around crc'to'l space ve"ts Install I perm maximum kraft paper I'opor refarder between 2x decking and unde'lc/mert Separale vapor retarder I~ r'ct reqUired In floors cO'lstructed with plywood or OS8 )heothlng Ground caver of 6-mll black ~olyethylere With jOlrts lopped 121 minimum and tu'ned up I;:; I at edges IS reQul~ed at all c awl spaces 0703 WALL INSuLATION A (q-21) KrCJft faced (I-perm dry cup ma,lmum) high densdy flberglassbclt InsulatIOn shall be face stat/led to Irslde (wCJ'm) surface of stl.ds In all ,*,alls separcdlng hea-ed from unheated spaces B (R-21) Fire-rated fall-faced high dens ty flberglOSS batt Insulation shl.lll be Installed Irslde belcw gr-::le concrete w::Jlls encloSlr'"lg reafed spaces Insulation sholl t e foce stapled to 2,,;4 framed l'lterlor finish wall reld In fror1 concrete wad so that Irs..Jlaflon does 'lot contact concrete Irsulotlon must extend f"om the bottor'l 01 tr,e above-gra Ie sub floor to Ire top of tre below-grade flr'shed floor The riM Jl1lst area mu&t be In..Jlated D704 CEILING If,SULATION A (R-36) Fiberglass batt or loose fill fiberglass cellUlose or rock '*'001 Insul:lflcn shall be Installed on fl ,I ceilings Loose fill l'1sL.letlon may be used only ""here roof slope IS 4/12 or greeter and neadroom at ridge IS at least 44 Inches Loose fill InSulation must be In~t(Jlled per label Irdlcotlors of pounds req"lred per sQo.iore foot or bags per looe square feet 8 (R-30l Fcil faced fiberglass batt li"lsulaho,"1 sholl te Irs tailed on sloped ceilings constructed "'Ith Single rafters C (R-30) Kraft foced fiberglass batt InSUIJtlOn ~hail be Irs tal ed cn oellllgs With a slope of greatee than 2/12 and an attic space doye D (R-30) Loose fill fiberglass cellulose or rock wool I'1SUlatlon may be used on sloped ceilings prcl'lded slope IS 2/12 or less and headroom at ridge IS at lec.st 44 Inches Loose fill 111sulatlon mlost be Irstalled per label Indlcall:Jns of pounds requl'ed per square foot or bags per 1000 square feet E (R-21) Fall faced fiberglass batt Insulotlcn may be Installed DIVISION 0600 ~ CARPENTRY 1"1 partially vaulted ceilings and ceilings totcJng not rrore 0601 GE"4ERAL than 150 squcre feet In area for dOl mers boy I/(lndc't'S etc A All structural dimenSion lumber shall be graded al1J marked as Space must be filled (except for reqUired ~entilotlon space) and noted In Section R502 and R802 a 0 S perm (dry cup) vapor retarder Installt3d on 't'arm B Approved end-Jolnfed lumber may be "'sed Interchangeably With (In winter) Side aQlld sewn members of the same species and grade FAil celllrgs ,*,Ithout on attiC space above shall have a I/opor C All structural lumber sizes ha\ e been deSigned uSing WWPA barrier With a maXimum 05 perm ratlrlg grading rules If these menlbers bear tre stamp of a different G All attiC acceases and skyllgr,t wells shall be Insuloted to grading agency adjUstMents to s,zes may reed to be made the same R-value as the surrounding cellln~ AttiC access 06D2 POS1S Posts and columes sholl b. Douglas fir/Lorch Grade holches shoil be .eolrer-slrlpped Select Structural F 0 H C Posts shall be preSSure treated If H Rigid weather-reSistant baftles sholl be Irstalled to ~~oted on~Plo's "" __,__~_,______ _.~",,_~.~~__::~:I~I ,enli:,on air ~ov:.:::==_ -/ " I' " , ,~ 0 1'1 ill I 1'1 't ~ 1'1 ~l N 0 't D i' ~m Ol 8[ C! 0 c:::,e, W [-L-:J z w ~] () ::l ~~ w eJ f- III [~ C! W () z rQ 0 ~) () ill ~ i' i' , -/ 4-04-03' ( OJte I Scale NOrED PlOT Scale 1 =-t8 DraNn TR Job 3408 Sheet / ~