HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 5/25/2010 f 0/ \ \\/ . . UNTIL A CHANGE IS REQUESTED, /\AIt TAX STA~S TO THE rou,cmING ADDRESS: 1075 Oak Street Eugene r Oregon 97401 Aner R<<ordin,!! Rtlllrn To Wetll~rn Pil.lneer Tillll Co. 1'0 Ro:dOI4& Etlllcne. OR 91440 W ARRANI'Y DEED Will' 1873QB lO..7077~ TAX ACCT. NO. 211464 211472 211480 211S14 MAP NO. t7 03 25 33 16200 17 03 25 33 16400 17 03 25 33 16500. , NANCY R. GODDARD, WlIO I\CQ\lIRED TITLE AS NANCY PETERSON aoC:DARD and. DZtoBKR"r wAYN'B GOPtlARD, husband (Lnd wife, Qrantor, conveys. and warrants to PACIFIC CASCADB FEDERAL CREDIT 1JNIO~, Grutee, the following d6scribed real property situated in LANE County, OR, free of e~cumbraDces except as specifically Bet forth herein, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 4, MOHAWK ADDITION, as platted and recorded in .Book. 12, Page 28, Lane County Oregon Plat Reoords, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT 1'KBREFROM that portion conveyed to the City of springfield. by Deed reeorded May 25, 1993, Reception No. 93~3156B, ottic!al ReCOrdS of Lane County, Oregon. This conveyance is subject to and excepts: RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN STREE'l'S, ROADS .1>..NO HIGHWAYS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RBSTRIC'l'IONS, ltBSBRVATtONS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD. THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THE 'l'RANSFER. IS $625,000.00, paid to a gualitied intermediary as part of an IRe l03~ tax deferred exchange. THIS mSTRUMBNT WIL~ NO'1' ALLOW 'OSB 01' 'rim PROP:D.Tl' DESC1U:BBD IN TRIS mS"l'RUKBN'l' :IN VIOLATXON OP APPLICABx,B t.>>ID US:Il I.AW9 AND R2:GULATIONS. BBFOR.,g SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS mSTRUHBN'r. THI PBRBON ACQQIRING FEI TITL15: TO THS i'ROPBRTY SHOULD Cll3CX WITH TlUI APPROPRIATB CITY ,OR COUNTY pLANNING :Di:PUnmN-r TO VB:RIJ'Y APP:RO'Vlm 'OSSS AND TO DB'l'BRMINS ANY LIHITS ON IaAWSUITS AGAINST PARKING OR FOUST PRACTICES AS DEFINE)) mORa 30.930. DATED, 12/11/2002 ~~-S?~~~ . NANd- ~TBRS~ GODri~ Diva.IOn of Ch..' Oepulv Clat"k YM_~!\72en } H.-f) Lan. Cownt.v D__eta and R.own 'WI."V~ g~ ~~;~T WAm':~ARD L ~ ~IDJ~m~ll~lm~l~~I~Rijllllllll~1 $26.00 State of OREGON 1211312002 03:34:36 PM RPR-DECll Cnl.l nIWa CRSHIER 01 58.00 511.00 S10.00 , , I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I Count.y of LANE On DECEMBER 1'3 2002 , before me TAR rlNn~~Tr.N'm perBona,lly appeared NANCY PETgR,SC'N GODDARD ANn nRT RF.WI' WAVNF. monaRO personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person{s) whose name(s) ie/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in biG/her/their authorized capacitylies), and that by his/her/their aignature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person{s) a~ted, executed the instrument. Date Received: and official seal. { seUFlClALSEAl BEVERlY J FISER NOTMY PUBUC.OREGOM COMMlSS1OH NO. 324038 M'ttoM~~SiONEXRRESJIRIf2!,2lm MAY 2 5 2010 Original Submitial .' .c~ ,1 8200 .12 AC. - --- I : 8300 : 0.33 AC. I I I . I). "I " . " i(j ~ . . Q \:l I:l<q .':l:' 6.3 '27 7;JSz' 28 l~r/lfIJI;" ".1"""1 . 11500 2900 ~"S'21 , 1600 80' 10100 . .) ..v'E. ..5 10' I I I I r i I I I I I I '''0 I i r r r /2S" I, ~ 1("" /TT7 I I I 1tX, I 16800 .?$<J3Z' ,t II 'I' J J , , t " , I J;; .... I" IiI' I '" ~ .T' I '.1 STREET """"" .~ "''''''~'''/' "i) IFr,r,rT BLVD. 4Q' '""'~' I 20 300 16200 I *, '1Z' 3 I_ I 16400 a.'1 "Ie I =~. RIJI t- W ~ " rv- 10 " LI.. "'16-506 t ,Hp"d/<4: <r~ ~" * :i ~ ~ 42 j 40'\": 645' 4\ H' 13000 41 21 14400 O^^ .....---- 64,S' 221 '450~ I ~I I 4.71 . l>4 ~~ ~~ 090. /<tz' 16900 5 64 1172t ~. I '1.J.S U. 44 -- Date Received: ,.,......... -- - - MAY 'l ~ 2010 . l Original Submittal