HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-4-16 IV if/9 0 oft; I ti'OIl {'i ... -, , " 33. <1!@' ~ .6' ? (/./;' '\ L 0 7- ::,~~ ~~ I'<I ,IVI.j1.J SETi3~C!,S - P,~'E?IJi\ LJTS All rncasure~2Pts are frOL Property LInes ATTENTION OregO'1I~w 'eaulres you to follow 'u,eS aJ:J~:ed J) :",,, v,~gJrl Utility Notification Center Those ru,es ale set fOl11' In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001 0090 You may obtain caples of the rules b, calling the center (Note the telephone number for t~e Oregon Utility Notification Centers 1-800.332-2344) -r~:::'r cLJ lJ r<J,So.L~ foo~ -~r01~ a ~ ~n ra ~:- -~--t'-' ~____~~ -' - L_6e 4~ .set f')l'le 12~:::l\. tJ ~)....se 0:- Ga~a;;-~ ~ fcoc L1.t-/ ~r "0- d co'" ~"'''' ~f ~ / -l,-C.~ far tJ 1JL1Se or ::;a..2ge 10 :0et P U E ~AY CHfu~GL SETB!CKS " -, '" .' (v ., \) " \)" ~,- ~,. ~ ---~- -m r ' , . -' ~ . J , JCf I ..~~...~...J...:...._... . -;l.-r .. r.(:)1 '"1';;'0.,j .' _ ..... --". I.";; .- J /2, '" ,~ '" ;,. ~'tt I ~ ~~~" ' n~ ~ I 4 ~ ~ \ \:' 1f:1;--:--;-r.;", '\ ;;~ l '" s. ' ~ '" 4.._~~_;t.~ . _...______...."". (\. ". 'I'.,.~ r , ~ -:;''$.Q ,", [ ')' _.~".:. .... -"'" I '.. ;:I~"::i.'?ft'r::;I"::?EI/C~~ 1 ,I " f" /.... ". ~":', to,;;; , i It;\-.i. 'A'tJi ~'l ~ ,.' ?<.'\( 'r.~~, 1.."i -.... 72 --~ ~{'!! e. P)l...~.'. ~: ( f\l () '~....._"I"_--~_..-.l..,-,'-<A~"'i .-""" '-; ; h.., -7--1 r...,,< , "\J. ~,.. .....l-t..., ~"",&f~/_. (:r \10 ) (_ ~...", , '- ~ ~I . .">, ;r~-~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ... NOTICE THIS PERI,lIT '114' L EXP R- ,- T E ' "H,l'i' 0 ~.. 'c ,- rl WORK ~,u! u ,ZeD lc',DER Tf1:S PE'il,IIT IS NOT ~O,MiENCEO OR IS ABANDONED FOR MNY 180 DAY PERIOD y \,' "' ~.. -.......':..........->--- \ \. \ ~\ . ~ ...~~ "'" AI . ____N~T ~<<~ -3CALc"9 /11 a- 30,' ~ o FNa-;. p: \ , \ /" ~ I ~ - ..-~~ 60.."1/. " ''oJ, _ _/ ~ --pt-r--O~'''~8 9 ~:;;i;;.?O'l7W,~~,"::1'::_~'_~ . "~' ~ . : ?'1~. 7.rf- I._~~ '; ::::' - ---'-..::.:--::----:::=-~ .: ;;><-_:.:::.::::;-.:;:,::::~ -:;-;-"..... ';:'-:;. -.: -=-:-::,'. -:::.--- \ \ ~) ~~ q H_ . /' . ':-t) ~\Y/ ~}-- .- 'J /<0-\ .~ /~ r ,:,)- j .... // ./ ''\l- , . ."'- ' , ~ "r/'" /~ /...;/ ,-/" // ,-;..,/ . ;-- :~ PAl E RECEIVED ~I Cq .JOB No CDM~c..oLiS!,l':C~'{ ZONE '" OCCUPANC.Lfi.."!.Q.,IP ~~ UNIT(S) OCCUPA~CY LOAD ' ,?TORIES \ _ fYF'E COI\J31 RUCTION ~ ti. ,LEGAL DESCPlp1c.O'L._ \ 1 C)'~.~(1) 019. CO ADDRESS . fa It'i.~ ~ j~_ OWN~R ~~!Io~~~~~ ~ - . TrlE CONTt.NTS H':I"e.: 0.\, '-' A\ l:! ~H~r...N RF-:VIt="V E ~ vi IT ALTERATIONS l'JI.:)jI::n':.:::,UI'~ COI Jf~tD ?E..NCIL 'C~Ar'/--~ ~~ ALTE;RAT10N3 ~'!"'r:'E. to' hE. ~peR'.)ve:o DRA''';'"~IGSl:;~~ . OJECTAF1E~T-lEQt. ESE:V,)/V ..lH,e.LLSc:.tp....r~Ov.D 8'( lHE6UIL.DING2FPC1P,,- ,r !:.' ., CITY OF S;-"NGFIEI 0 OREGON 6~ov~b BL?~f;(d~," 9c~E_?l~'f ~ ~ ( //IIV/!/t10(/ LIJj\ll:~ -t- .-. -- -- - --_._-;--~-- --. .. -~ - ' ".,. .3 t; -- A, C. ,P. .4.i"I'RO\-ED 'N A ONLY FOil RESIDENTIAL U"' 1M ') " ceo, J-\NCE WITH ARTICLE 16' h;: SPF: ,-,CF'HD DEVELOPMENT ((X'/ .. ~ '\) /'" - ~ ---------- ~ ---. - - -~,--- -- - _.----~- -~- ~...~-...--~ - -- .......=:.-:-~ -~..~ .- . -_......-=.-=-....- -- - --- -. 1 --~.....- ------. -- -- .-~- - p - DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 12, SECOND ADDlrrrON TO GAME8IRD VILLAGE, as platted and recorded in Book 19, Page 29, Lane C~lnty Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregona I, William S~ Bublitz, Registered Engineer, certify that I have inspected the above described property and find said property as shown above with buildings thereon located as shown, and I find no part of any building encroached on the adjacent property nor does any part of any building on the acfj acent property encroach on the above described property. July 29, 1976 Amfae ~1ortgage Company ---- Ranald E. Bryen 1569 Tinamou Lane Eugene, Oregon ~...-.~-.-... 'c." - .~~-_~._-_.._" ._~.. . .' - -" - 'IP~~_' .._ ~._" ..,,~- . ...--....-..........._.. . ,u."" ..____...._"... ., ...,.'" .~.."..,.. WlEST'EF~N ENGINEr~[~gNG CDNSUL'-ANTS 1445 Wlt,,~_AMl~-rTE s-ra / f':Ur~Et'\JE:, OREGON ~~74D'1 / 503/342-214'1 ,