HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2003-7-15 . "liQ",. .,.." = '-.f'...... :t "'-.;;.J' . f {.~ ~ 1 , 5 ~ . i , T- J - j ';;;/"?' ./ ' / ~ /. -- ~(}~G \ /-"""'"''''' ~nd >UfY)l-( Hr..r ~u:i.-JJ.. "" .... .... tV~ ;{ TlE:~ \.0ftu "..:) j 1 -- - -... ....-- F 10 regon law reqUIres you to follow rule . ~pted by the Oregon Utility NOllflcatJon c: tar Those rules are set forth In OAR 952-00 0010 through O,~R 952,001- 0090 You mal Jbtam copIes of the rules by calling the ('.. 'lter (Note the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Cemterrs 1-800-332-2344) -, ".,- 4~ ~1 .. '.i.. 0- t 0( STREET TREES ".RE ~REQLIRED Please refer to attached D~\{e!opmcnt Code Sect lOll regardrng the place'llent and t:pes of a[]O\1;abJe str'Jet trees I I I I "":j :;::!jcn "1'""""'1 ro .... .- "1 r;: QJQ.QO .>j .., 1) ~:::. '< ';S -<: '< ~ 1'1 [l1,oJ ,..4 0. 0.. ci. ;. n rtrt ~ 0:) M M o 0 Z tr::::r: C':l COCl:r:: tI-"j C C i1I 0 (f Vl C1 c: CI) (l) ro ill./l Oq (1) CEj 0 0 ro f--i '1 C1 I---' '" ""0 rJ ~ ~5?OO~ '1 C1 H-l'1) t.t:l (lJ ~ ro ft) oq l,fq ro r-r '" (1) rt "'"In o ~ H,(1) (1) (1) (1) rt rt " ,'",-'-' ", ';""'"~:" \1"'('\:1) n,ly rOR prSI[)rN~I'~ll~;t , '('""J -.ICE \VIi Ii ARTlll t . /;"1 ,.(:" h. -lVElnpl\'EHT C(F,. \..1.f '"r;: $:~( ri~ ...ID:.. _ ,~0.tcs.\ZJ tomq. " L-,O~.< , \ . ~.. . ~ . . .:1,..,-_._ \1D?l)A l\ LJAIY])j . , " C;W ';S~-~~ / ~. ~s 'f\\.iMun NOTICE THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUlliOl11ZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED rOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. /' I ~ -=-1, -- -- , - - - - Roof DilZl\ y!.j \_" ,.~ idtr~~ ~/~J 1.. 0+ j-O 15 f- Ie '5 !l . "; LE. L/ I LA--'\...) J I tV) <:::;Pr=LO OK, ;r I> H I'""Z HH ;r i3 C I'" ;r ," '" Vl eM " '" '" '" i3 > '" n :l r: rtVl " " ,., H ro q H,M " M o H i3 0 M '" ,., r 00 ""'" ro Jl " rt '< r '" I~