HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2003-9-30 DFl-A~IN<& INDE!X A 1 ~ITI! I"I.AN . COYE"" ~HeI!T A2 1"1.00"" I"I.AN~ AS I!)<TI!I'.IO"" I!J.I!YAT'ON~ A4 P'OUNPAT'ON I"I.AN . peTAII.~ A' ","00t" """AMIN~ I"I.AN . ""00t" I"I.AN Aeo ElUIJ.PIN~ ~ECTION. T","Ue, TYPE" PETAIJ.~ I! 1 EI.ECT""ICAI. PI.AN c&E!NE!Fl-AJ.. NOTE!e CODE5 AND 5TANDARD5 1. All con6tru~lon 6halll:>e In 6trl~ compliance with the 5tatB of Oregon 199a Edition One and Two Family Dwel1lng SpecIalty Code and all appllcal:>le 5tate and Local Code.s. 2. ENERGY CODE All con6tructlon .shall conform to the late.st edition of 5tate of Oregon Energy Code. Preecrlptlve Path 1 Notify Archlte~ of any dlecrepancle.s I:>etween documente and .standarde. Where confll~ occure, the more rigId .speclflcatlon Elha II govern. 3, PAR1lAL 5ET5 OF DOCUMENT5' Archlte~ Elhall not I:>e reElponell:>le for I:>lddlng errors or oml.s.slons due to I:>lddlng from partial eets of documents 51TE WORIS 1. Remove all organic materlal/topeoll from area under the I:>ulldlng and under paved areas 2 Fill ehall con61Elt of a free-draIning granular material. Place fill In lifts not to exceed 8" and compa~ to 100% Eltandard AASHO under footings and 95% .standard AA5HO under .slal:>s and paved a reae. 3 Sele~ fill materlal under Ellal:>s Elhalll:>e 6" la)'er 3/4" minus cru.shed rock or coaree .sand. 4, Provfde pOElltlve drainage under-floor areas to comply with CABO 4051. If required. FOUNDAT'ON~ 1. All footings Elhalll:>ear on undlElturl>ed eoll or compa~ed fill minimum 12" I:>elow flnlElh grade (18" at tWO-6tOry port 10M) unle.ss noted otherwl.se, Notify Archlte~ I:>efore proceeding of any unuElual condition, encountered In footing excavations 2. If 6tem wall and footing are two Eleparate pouros. provIde #4 vertical L !:>ar at a'. 0" oc maximum from footing Into Eltem wall. 3 Do not excavatB cloEler than 21 Ellope adjacent to footings 4 Clean all footIng excavations of 100Ele materlal!:>y hand prIor to pourIng COM,ete . CONCRETE 1. Minimum Eltructural concrete compressIve 6trength Elhall!>e 2.500 psi at 20 ,jays unle6s noted otherwlEle. Exp06ed concrete (sla!:>s, walks. etc,) 6hall have a tr'llmum cot'lpre6Ellve 6trengtn of 3.500 p.sl at 28 days and 6hall!:>e air entra1ned. 2. Minimum cement content 6hall ue 5 sack.s/yard except 6lau, on grade 6halll:>e 51/2 eacke/yard. MaxImum slump 6halll:>e 4". 3. f'tace and cure all concrete per ACI codes and etandards 4. Provide controljolnt:3 In all Ella!>s at 12'-0" oc maxImum each wa':! unle.ss noted otherwlee. Provfde heaV)'tooledjolnts (3/4") at 5'-0" oc and 1/4" pre molded expansion JoInts at 20'.0" oc maximum at all exterIor walks. . MMONRY (If U6edl 1. Concrete Maeonry Units Elhall meet the requirement' of A5TM C90.90. Ta!:>le 1 .2 & 3. Type 1. medium weight, f'm 1500 p61. Standard I:>tock, Elcored I:>lock (Wlllamette Graystone 852R) and Elpllt faced I:>lock (WIllamette Graystone 80051'). Elee ExterIor Elevations for locations of each Elt)'le. 2 Concrete Maeonry Units ElhaU have 125" tnlnlmu m face ehell thlckne.ss and 1 00" minImum we!:> thlckne.ss, 3. When delivered to the jol:> site, all units .shalll:>e eound and free of cracks or other defe~s that would Interfere with the proper placing of the units or would slgnlflcantl,:! CONCRETE / MASONRY REINFORCING ,- All reinforcing steel #5 and Elmaller Elhall!:>e A.615 Grade 40 2 Refer to details for reInforcing eteel Ellze. 3. Provide concrete ma.sonry units with uond Deam, at 48" oc with #4 horizontal and #5 vertical at 32" 0 c. Grout the", cell, .solid. Refer to details 4 See elevations for locations of Elcored (Wlllamette Gra)'$tone 852 R) and .split faced !:>Iock (Wlllamette Gra)'$tone 800 SP) WOOD 1 Allluml:>er 6pecles .shall De a.s follows unle.ss noted otherwl6e: Jolet.sIBeame/Strlngers .. DF.L #2 or !:>etter 6" Nominal ~eams and Stringer," DF-L #1 or ~etter Glu-Lamlnated ~eams ., 24F.Y4 DF/DF unle$' noted otherwlee. No Cam!:>er Buck.s/~locklng/~rldglng/MI$cellaneoue" DF-L/Hem-Flr #3 or ~etter Studs .. DF-L Stud Grade SlIle/5Ieeper$/Platee/Nalllng Ellocke/ All Wood Em!:>edded In Concrete -. Df.L Pre.ssure'Treated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2 AUjolets and !:>eams framing Into. not !:>earlng on,!:>eame. headers, girder' Elhall!:>e supported with Slmp60n.t)'pe jol6t or I:>eam hangers. 3 Plywood or waferll:>oard Elhall!:>e as noted In foundation, floor framing and roof framing plan,. 4 All exterior wall .stud Elpaclng Elhall!:>e 24" oc (16" oc alllocatlone where lap eldlng Is ueed) unle6s noted otherwise. All Interior wall .stud .spacing Elhalll:>e 16" oc unlees noted otherwise GLAZING 1. All exterIor wlndow6. $k':jllght,. glaEl' door, .shall have Insulating glazing. Unconditioned Elpaces may have .sIngle glazing unle.ss noted otherwl.se. 2 If provfded. glazing In .shower enclosures Elhalll:>e Identified and la!:>eled as .safet)' glazing and Elhall conform to CAElO 30e,'3 and 30e.4. Shower dooros Elhall .swlna out 3. Glazing within 24" arc of vertical edge of doors In a cloEled po.sltlon, 18" of floor and/or within dooros Elhall!:>e Identified and la!:>eled as eafet)' glazing and Elhall conform to CABO 30e 3 and MB 4 MISCELLANEOUS 1. ProvIde minimum clearance of 30" width and 24" In front of all water Cl06etS exceeding CA~O FIgure 3072. 2. Walls at showers Elhall!:>e flnl6hed to a minimum height of 72" al:>ove drain Inlet with materIal not adven;;e'':! affected I:>';J molElture per Pluml:>lng Code 3 Smoke dete~or(El) $hall recelveJrlmary power from uulldlng wiring, have uattery I:>ack-up and Elhall conform to CA~ .31a 4. All rece.s66d fixtures lt1exterlor or In6ulated ceilings $hall!:>e Type IC unle.ss noted. ~ox In fixtures per Super Good Cents Standards. 5. Maximum Eltep down at exterior doors Elhall!:>e 71/2" unle$s noted otherwl.se. Doors .swinging over landings Elhall have a maximum etep down of 1". 6 ProvIde minimum 24 " clearance a!:>ove to range hood or 30" clearance to com!>u6tll:>le con.structlot1a!:>ove If no hood Is ueed at all kitchen ranges. . :l .,.~~_.....- eUIL.DIN<& DATA TOTAl.. eUII..OIN~ A!'t!A 1."26!H' -, , l'bl ~~/ // -'. E!NE!Fl-c&Y' INr=OFl-MATION Whit/pool Clothes /Jryet7 offet all these qualitr leatures: . E~uaI FTcw orytnq system . /ar.atcr 3atfles . 1/3 ,P IAotor . JvPA~ '1\IIl Fi(ltSb . 1'1;sb-lo-Slart!h.tlD1\ . Sak.eC ~1Y\fc :.'Wlll ....n1sl1 At' "co ~Jl Catlret SUfa CAl'1\ClTT 1'UJ$ SUPER CAPAClTT 1:0" EX I LG!. GtoPACrrY ~l WllC8_ LEIGLBS5U lEi1lRS85Sl LEIGRSS57'i' L!ftlR1646D I. lEi1lRS636i lElGLl647t 1 THle pI'.OJeCT COMPl..lee Y'lITH ENI!","~"I" p","EeCI'.IPTIY! PATH NO 1 Ae IT pel'.TAINe TO THl! CUfIt.","ENT O","E~ON ENE","~"I" COP! A' 1"01.J.0Y'le A. VIN"I"1. Y'l11'lPOY'l" U. 40 MIl' e. Y'lOOP pool'.e U. 20 MIN. C Y'lAJ.I..INeUI..ATION "",21 MIN P UNPEI'.FI.OOR. INeUI..A1'ION. R.-2' MIl' l! FI..AT Cl!II..IN\Soe I'.-ea MIN. t" P'O","Cl!O AI"" PUCT INeUI.. ","-a MIl' ~ \SoA~ H!ATIN~ H \SoAe Y'lAT!R. HI!AT!R. eYMeOJ..e Q el!CTION -, , . o " ell III ""00' AeeUMEP') I i I "_" 5/.J, "" 00' ______--'~-----1'l-~"'2!"e'" ~ " 95L-___________-fAeeUMEO . ~ o \) ~ < I -----------~,~---------------------------------------, I ,0)) I I I ,- II.... Ii " " I"'~ 111- I I --', - - - - .. - . . 1" \ - -- - , - -- -- -11 -. -- -- - - (.'[.-1--':'':'.. - - - - - , - -- J I _ ..., 1 ~ . ~__' I r------------------- I i-----------'D----i----- _________J -----------------. ,. --------1 1 (1.,' ~ - ------ I 'I ;- t-ll. ~ I"'''' .... "" 00' --.~ ---------- -Ni"'26-aF""I'i,,, 00-;------- ""'00' AeeUM!O NeY'l CONC Y'lAI..I< AeeUM!O " , 5e'-2 1/.' m'..:-o' ., , ,--=y Q OeTAl1.. ,C~D cr:ret'l< i I I gl 81 ~I {I EI 1fI b () 0)) , "-0" ,.' ;" eETaACl<1 I i I I I~ ,0 f~ I~ I~ 1\1) I~ 10)) (]) I 0000 I $IN~l..eI HUNG> OOOflt. Y'lINP~Y'l . $11' \Sol.. I! HUN~ rrF:------------~~7( I------~' 1 i"\ ,r!'11:1 . '~, /,'1" I I I '- -/:!' IIII I . I' , II 'I I, , .1 "11 ,I 'I I I I I I I 'I I , I " ' 1 II " . , .1 I I I'" '___'_.l>.~--------- 'I~I"" It' ;'-. 1II1 1,1 , I I I I i II I ~ 1111: Iii ~F~"Foel~NI~tlllm1i,~~! : , " Fn;n~ t=C"'~!llI!LI!"~I' :~f ,~ <, i I I j! Ill'>- '\Ii: i~lli'llllil ,! I I ' ,,' "-, ,I~II 1)' 'I . 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': .DRYERS FfATl/I/U j DRY1H& SYSTEM :dJaClN !C"fl) dentie~Sys:em j Ur1J..8 "op Moun/ed ~ nf Sc'een DRYER CONTROlS fllll)l!eralull Selnt""S 'lllW'IGH oel!Nnent P'es:s, Heavf. ~'GI~ Det''T1aneni :lftSS MECItUM <ruts...OW ~elicates lCW Jellcales :X, "ow lJ11 AIf !l."" t;Jcle. .\utomaut DAY MISE.::l.'. Elecrronlc GAY \-11St:C: ~ C.llcaI' Ilo. Heall -rr.ed }mnc ~al}l.Of1_ TLMBLE 'RESS' fiNIS<' GIJMO' \eJ'I'f ClV@60Mm ~O,rfflj Jr'1 ClUff Air COHHHIEHCE fEAoTURES Nida-Ooenme ~anoef JOOf SuGar p~us Slde~SiN'l1a_:oor levers ble SIca-Swlna Door ,nd-ol Clt'e S'9ral ::LRAWHllE" Inte(lQf 'nle.r,orLlQtlt (;i_EAN fouc...... Ccnsc,& :''\$'( CLEAN JO [II LJnl S~s,em DUALITY fEATURES C,.jor AV~llatlJh!v Nhll"on W~lle ~lmond.cn All1ono ~'ec:.nc Heatin9. E'emef'l!S .W3USI Ws 3c/!lel BTUs\ Narrantv ~oo!oJt' Shloolno NelOlnt I, L.bs) 8o:1nc ~1lS- (t ORYER OIMENSIOINS A-WIOTrl 6-0CPTrl ELECTRIC E:tfi1 La~e t;a~aClr, t!fodels 19' 1513116 :super tiauaclt'f MOllle!. Su~el Capaclly Plu. Model. 19' 2713116 ~ C SJ :\ 50 CJ :1 J S CJ.:~ I , , , I. 3- n ~.lT'er I 1 ':)5 Cu .. "0 Cu "1 . . . 5 ].f'I-ner . v'~ n -jet 'es Ii -11'e! I I I lcw 111 ~Irrer ~~.....11i -'TIer I I I 5 4 1 I1l(JrttJW ~IQrilJw 1 I I a . . :11/)' :~jClf Cr/OH . ::GlI858E cEiGC8&:8c 5400 22 COO 1Veat 11 125 S-OPTY GAS 15 ],.6 2S ],'6 423>8 16 S1de.Swlrg 22314' Harrper 13.314' . Com~act lIIodel (0 13 7iS 21 51'6 NJA GAS CONVERSION KITS ARE AVAILABlE 12 ';2' 32-1/2" i s..1/4 ~ 14' THIN 'Wl~ lIld Compacl3 '0 oeo BTU 1694530 11" THIN !WI~' 1 6 lOll 3~U n3S2235 =uJI-$1l9 Gas C'Ycr~ 22 JOO BTU 1<1957'2 EXHAUST INFORMATION EXHAUST HOOD T'fl'O NL-MBER i~'~_ :; f' f'_ 1 ~'Cf3I ~L.RNS '-..V ..,." I...... 1AAlMUM lfNGTlf OF 4 !Hell 8WdfTEH rWItl METAL DU!:1 i~ I ~g I ;g 1<;.==1 ~..~ I ,r j I T'~: 'l1~ "'1 MAX.IMJ.,1If cclt'GTIi )f ,-.ntH ~IAMfTUI rmtllLf 'llrOM. mJt1 J ~" "'t Jlr 1 1.13 1 e nl I:.' ',," Iqr. '::~ ~l' I"' .:If" J1I 5,", EX1AUST 1',f:RMATIC~ ill J'yefg eQUI~s he eq....rva,el"lt J( 3. 4 ,('en jlarijtel aX'lal.st :luct Ql01d lletal due. s-ec ~ml1'en\led ~allv1 lo ;;ro~erjlj ~x.~us~ "e Jl"jer NiJ~ es J~t r f1'pr Jpel :pera 10f'l ;:'oJt l"ore ~om~Mte '11':]rT"'a.l0l1 ~ae '':..,nal.oS,lnq N11lf!Ooo~ Jrfen ' I-1T603' 97 SXTPIOEO I,m ~G i'le :ASY C -.fAN 1 CO'll _.r1t :C(lec. Ol"i STI,em ~;(len'..'s lent.l1g ~aoaDlllt ~$ ~D to l' 5 '!let ~lCdel$ E~5a58E .3lS8.:JO~ ~_ "BJ6t atC ,,::Jl-S4ce. ( , 41 = /~ /'l '1~t,1f,/' ~\ ~~V...1' --: \ '" vl1'-.1 -r \:) V'-' ,. ,I d.st-- _'l-y r--r ~\ '. 7 _STREET TREES ".RE ~ ".RE REQClRED P,ease ""~fer to a:tac'1ed De'veloprr.er:~ Cod~ SectlOTl regardmg t'le placement a.1.d types of allo\\able street t:-ees CIN AJ.J. Po:pOU1'e '~","e Y'lEE'" HOL.e, \. -, . - I I..ANOeCAPI! CONPUITe Y'lATE"" I POY'lI!"" I ~Ae PHONI! I $!Y'lI!R. TO Ell! elT! YEI'.IP'IEO 1""'10"" TOY'lOR.1< ? 1- Ii <' MI~IM0M SETBnCKS - I~TERIOR LOTS All meaSlrements are from Properly Llnes -Fro~: yard to house 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -S,de yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear jaro to douse or Garage 10 feet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ~ ~./YE""_I<.NOI:J. Y'lA,!, ___ ___ _ _ __ SITE PL.AN SCA!.E!. 1". 1 0'-0" 1..0T 104' ~IYE~ G>I..!N FOUR.1'H At:>OITI~N eel 1/4,el!c.TION2'.T 1'$,R..'Y'l.Y'lM ~PR.IN~I"I!L.O,I..AN! COUNTY, O~!!G>ON SITE! NOT!S: · V!f(IFY SUf(VI!Y INFOf(MATION: t'IM!NSIONS .. SE!Af(INcSoS. eAS!MI!NTS .. L.l!cSoAL. · VI!f(IFY f(l!aUIf(!t:) SI!TSACI<.S COMPI. Y ~I AL.!. COt'I!S. Of(t'INANC!S .. cSoOVI!FtN'cSo AcSo!NCI!S, P U E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS RES\OEN,,[lA~ us:t >.ftRO\ ED CHlY FOR 6 1~ ACCOF [,p t-lee -H1TH ARTleL~ ~O"'.i O'?" -'c "lD DEVELOPe/EN, . l~" i '"1 E "'I II~'-../ - 12',] ~":c c,; , - ~ _(\, UJO?J(', 'i." (~.t)ttflID3~ r::'.::.::. .It)(L. -- _ :,C " '. ,_I '=' _ '-~, - --'.- \ .' ~ .' ,~' _ \J 1'::::' '" -I' - ..., .. ?e- _ \~ --':~ ':',' -~'It "Q\~~~~ID~ '" c_ _ ~ .C:.t.. ,\~. Gt.."\'-:~~-....'r'-.. ")__ ~ 2.' __ ~ ~ liL> ""-^,,."'oV~' T...- - ~ -::. - - I c.. llc rQL' -',1 -, ,'"[. {' ,'--'" , c-~" L:;' 1-" _ I '_.- _'''' r -._S r-- j. ~ ~ ,"'" .- _ -'.:> I, .C...:; ~ _ ___ ' ,~~ ..... L.. SE J1-'r~L.. :::.......... GY COMP4CT ORYER OIMENSIONS J:;? f :10 II c/1)1 , 1'1 J/' '-A-I I-E- Jll"'ens G! S SlOM a'a Of Jiarl l a JUfOCSes Jlljy r:cr ;Ofr:l1ete /OrMJtlOrl ~~~ II sial ;;110(1 1 Slr1,Ci JI'S ;;ack.ed NIt!' Jrod1J~ c:--:Y CF- ,1- ~?;l ~_~~::~/I-3-d) ;....V-'::".;c.=:J E' .. .-.----- (\ '~i~' ;, - NOl'.TH 4165 VILLAGE PlAZA LOOP sum 200 EUGENE. OIUOON 'r4Q1 PHON! 541-344 3332 FAX. 541-341 1.597 ~-MAlL. W'WWARBORSOU1'H COM PROJECT THE OAKlAND INDEX COVER SHEET SITE PLAN JOBNO M002 DATE 16 AUG, 2000 DRAWN BY BRAD CHECKED BY DAN REVISION 24 SEPT, 2003 I ..... MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO A~ .. C ARllOR SOUTH ARCHlTECTURJ;, PC MILT. 002