HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2004-4-1 t;;'-(}" ~-'~/>'^~/ ; / / ~~~I'W~ '~U' 10.. II /4.0~'" ~ ~ "W1:f; .~ ~ ~'~b' ~' Y#l~~&1 6'-0\\ /..LJl SI2-e .. ~O~!., ~I":.o -) s*DS'<c :l~l> sOft :;'::f- a: Cl Cl Z 3;U) a: Cl W f- LL. I f- :::;;: Cl W LL. a:Z w WD a: D...O D... U)z X I<l: W f-a:l -' a:<l: 0 -' wU) Cl <l: D a: a: IZCl w U) ~ D... I-OEj >- <l: 2~O D .' W a:-Z Cl Wa:W ~ U D...Cl:::;;: 00 ..... U)I:::;;: ~ 0. 0 _ f- >- ('< I ~ Cl Z :z f- <l: <.:> <l: b I '" '" J4' '1'1" r;._tlv<<.>e. 3q" rWM ?6ne. / / /~!~~~ I ~~ . , I , , ,~ 'Q\l.. , "".v- , , ~ , D~ , , " II 'I ( 11 I eARf'a'lT \\ \1 ' Ii 1~=1 ! t , I I. , J Col'C WAu:. Cl1.^VI'L CoI"(We\f, DRIV'011;.y F'fr{'."''''~ fl- N ~~~ \0 '=>OE. "? I n ~~ t'l!lt\\. 2> ~ -"0\1\ 1 M ~~'t 1 \,\...:w:.. CIl Q) !:: ,.., ....:I >, '-' .... lI) Q) He. 00 ....:I .... "" p:; OS H 0 p:;.... <<>4-1 H Z Q) H.... III CIl lI)'-' ,.:; !:: OQ) <ll 13 '" Q) H .... '" ;:l lI) CIl III '" Q) ::> 13 '" H..-l Z..-l H<ll :>:: 1.::."2 . 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APPROVED O~llY FOR RESIDENTIAL '" ;. r. ICE WITH ARTIClE " LD DEVGCP}", - ~ U:cf . I=OAS, FLEViA TION ~ ~ .. ) ,~ ,,- - - - - ~ - / :;Ix"! NmU; "l- .--- '2;( (, \\~o.d.... Jt 2."----- pV( \l !l~ IQ"Qtl "u4 PLt..TE. f f ~ "l {lpl plA{(~ J( 7 S, .:11(, Joe",ders rz_~ ,- ."1 .". ~ ~ ,.;, () D n ~l,.}j 0 4" 'If o ,......,- 1"-,, kJ\..I'\.Dt?~ ~J(04?\a.~ r,-yr I 14.1c..'t1l.~ /' ~'t"l .:l ~ " 'l> ,.;" s" /.......... '$./.>.~ " ~,z ~ ft .,.... ....... ...... -... "'" ''''''1' .......... e~, /',,; ~ " ~ -'. :~ ~,:'<_~ ~ ,_.J~ \~Ip . 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Most Commonly Missed Items , ,;- .....,N....,C.C1 ...." .";j-."J,II,'jr<;/:1""'),I::J,ri'h' --- DeVEl.OPMENT SERVICES ~ -...:::: t(f 225 F/(TH STREiT SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ~-' This sheet IS pttached for your convemence Included are many ofteq mIssed requlrements of the Oregon bUlldmg codes Springfield mspectlOn staffwlIl check for these Items as well as all other requlrements of the codes, There may be addItIOnal Items marked in' r~d on the approved plans that must be completed before callmg for the correspoqdmg mspectlOo. When structural engineermg . . accoml'ames'plans, the ownerlbullder must complete any addItIOnal requirements, Complete req\llfements of the code can be found 10 the 1998 State of Qregon EdItion of the InternatlOnal One and Two-FamIly Dwelhng Code (The number m square brackets IS tho code reference J . " ~ . InSpectIOn Request Lme: 726-J76~ Spnngrield Budding DIVISIOns: 726-37S;l, BUILDING PLANNING ' , I . PrOVide venlIlation In every habitable room by means of operable exterior open1Ogs equal to at least 5% of the floor area of the room ExceptlOn PrOVide a mechanIcal ventllatlOn system capable ofproducmg 0 35 air changes per hour m the room (303 IJ 2. Bathrooms shaIl have extenor glazed openmgs of not less than 3 sq ft, halfofwhlch must be able to open, or a venting system capable of five aU' changes per hour Vent to outSIde [3033] . .. Habitable rooms shall ha-:e a cellmg heIght of not less than 7' for at least 50% ofthel! reqUIred floor area [30S I] PrOVide a 21" deep clear space 10 front of all water closets P072] l PrOVide lammated, tempered, or heat.strengthened glass for all glazmg located IQ door assemblies, radmg3, tub and ;hower enclosures, or Wlth10 a 24" arc of a door, ExceptlOn Glazmg In tub and showe( enclosures and near doors need not be tempered If located at least 60" above the adJacent floor or dram mlet, [308 4J ,; , , , 6 Opemng( between the garage and reSidence shaIl be eqUipped With either sohd wood doors not less than I 3/8" in thickness or 20- mmute fire-rated doors [3091J .... , . , . . 7 The gara&:~ shaIl be completely separated from the reSidence and ItS attic area by means of y," gypsum board or equivalent apphed to the garage Side [3092] '. ' .. , . . 8 Garage and carport floors shaIl be sloped to dram hqUld toward a drain or the mam vehIcle entry door [3093] 9 PrOVide operabl~ egress wmdo\j'S In each bedroom ,WIth a mll)lmum net clear openint{ of 5 7 sq ft (Mm 5 s~ ft.. when SllllS located Wlth10 44" ofadJacenl extenor grade) Mlmmum net open heIght 22", Mmlmum net open ,\lidth' 20', Maxunum Sill heIght" 44"[310J1]..' . ...., ." . .... 10 Enc!osed ~ccesslble space under stairs shall have walls and soffits' protected on the enclosed side wltn Yo" gypsum board or eqUIvalent, (314 8] '. ' . . ' 11 Mmlmum hallway WIdth 36" fimsh wall to fimsh wall. [314 IJ I- 12 A mmlmum 3' x 3' 1andmg IS requlfed on each Side ofan egress door, maximum 1-112" below the top of the threshold [312J ExceptIOns' I At the top ofa flIght ofstalf9, prOVided the door does not swmg over the starrs ' :1 2 At reqUired eXIt dpor, shall not be more than 8" below the top of threshold when the door swmgs m [312] 13 MIn staIrway headroom 6'. 8", Mlli Riser 4"; Max RIser 8", Mm Tread 9", Mm clear Width above handrail. 36" [314] 14 PrOVide means to 11Iummate both mterlor and extenor stairways and landings [3034] , " 15 PrOVide a contmuotis handrail on at least one Side of stairways of more than three risers, I 114"-2-5/8" cross-sectIOnal dlme\lSIOn With a grippmg surface and no sharp corners, 30" to 38" above the nosmg of the tread, With a mmlmum \-1/2" clearance to the wall [3ISI&3152] .' . .".. 16 Open slde.s ofstalfs With a total rISe of more than 30" above the floor or grade below shall have guardraIls not less than 34" In height me~sured vemcally from the nosmg of the treads IntermedIate rails shall be spaced so that they do not allow passage of an object 5" or more 10 dIameter, [3153,3IS4] .' 17 Porches, balconies, or raised floor surfaces .located more than 30" above the floor or grade below shall have guardraIls, minunum' 36" m hel~ht, WIth mtennedlate rails which do not allow passage ofan object 4" or more m diameter [3153,31$ 4] , 18, ReqUIred eXit door shaJl be a slde-hmged door and noqess than 3' In width and 6'8" 10 heIght [311 3] . 19 PrOVIde 5/8" Type 'X' gypsum board, or eqUIvalent one hour assembly, each Side of duplex party wall, and extend to roof , : sheathmg [320 IJ .' , , .' , ' , .... 20 All hablta\.>le rooms and area shall be provldeel With a pennanent approved heat source capahle ofmamtaming a temp of 68 degrees F at a pomt 3' above the floor [303 6] " : ' ., . '. FOUNDAlION1GRADING . . ".. 21 Gravel or pther structural fill deeper than 4" whIch IS placed to support foundatlOns must be mspected durmg placement and the compaction by an approved speclalmspector, I'rovlde copies of specml mspectJon reports to the City inspector 22 Concrete shall be 5-7% air entramed With a mmunum compressIve strength of a) 2500 pSI for basement walls and foundatlOns not exposed t~ weather and for basement slabs and mtenor slabf on grade (except garage slabs), b)3000 psi for basement, foundatlOlI and extengr walls imd otl)er verlIcal work exposed to weather; c) 3000 psi fot carport and garage floor slabs and for porches and steps exposed to weathet (4022 and Table 402 2J' . 23, Mmlmum foo!mg sIzes shall be as follows, [Table 403 I I] Supportm~ I floor and a roof 12" Wide., 6" thick, 6" thick stem wall , '2 floor, and aroot' IS" Wide., 7" thick, 8" thick stem wall , ~ 3 floors and Ii roof '18" WIde., ,8" thick, '. 10" thick stem wall .'. 'When load bearing capaCity of sOil IS 1000psf, 18" wide footing is required for 1 story, 23" for 2 story, 27" for 3 story 24 Footmg' shall be mmunum 12" below grade [403 IJ Stem walls shall extend at least 6" above timshed grade [403 13J 25 Ground uQder bulldmg'shaIl be sloped to a low pomt, and aQ ~oderfloor dram mstalledto prOvide pOSitive dramage from under the bUlldmg. '/be grade m the underfloor space shaJl be as hIgh as the outSIde fiOlshed wade, unless an' approved dramage system is prOVIded [409 4J Groundwater collected or dramed from under or around the bUlldmgs shall be pIped to an approved disposal site SubSOil drains whIch cannot remove groundwater by gravIty shaIl have an approved ejector [3806 2] . , ' 26 The Sill plate or floor system shall be anchored to the foundatlOn WIth inlnunum Y." diameter bolts, embedded dt least 7" 1oto concrete 01 masonry, spaced at 6'-0" on center maxlmuIll With at least two bolts per plate and one bolt wlthlO 12" of ends Dr corners. (403 J 5] 1, .,.., ., 27 Foundatlo~ dramage shall be prOVided around fQundations enclosing habItable or usable space below grade, [40S 1] 28 Columns and posts shall be anchored to prevent lateral dIsplacement ExceptIon. Columns less than 4'10 heIght, be/lTing on a pier or footlUg wlthm a crawl space thaI IS enclosed by a contmuous foundatIon wall need not be restramed at the bottom' end, (408 3J 29 PrOVide ]~' clearance tQ gt;ade from underSide of glfders 'anll beams and 18" clearance to grade from underSide OfjOIS!S or provide pressure treatell wood (322 1] '- .( '.:".'. " . , ' } 30 PrOVide ~,I mm bearmg for girders entering masonry or concrete, With y," air space on tops, Sides and ends [502.4,322 1] 31 Provide access to all underfloor areas. 18" x 24" mimmuJIl' (4092] , " c 32 PrOVide uqdert100r venl1latloQ equal to I square fool for every I 50 feet, Ono vent is required with 10 ~, of ;!ach corner Vents shall hOYo corro}lon-re.!.tonl wlr, me.l! pr e'lulv~lenl with lh~ le..1 dlmen.lon boln$ 1/6" Unqorl1oof ypnll1at!on ma)> bo roduco<l to II)~OO of)he crawl space area where 6 mil, black poll'ethylene sheetmg or other approved gro~nd cover IS mslalIell" [409 IJ 33 Provide 6 !nt( black polyethylene ground cover, lapped 12" al joints and extending 12" up foundation walls, in all crawl spaces where undert100r m~ulatlOn IS mstalled [C401 92J ,'. . , . ( 34 PrOVide 55.# ,0lIed roormg or 6 mIl. black polyethylene over 4" clean sand, gravel, or crushed rock beneath all concrete floor sl~bs [505 2 3,<;'401 92] , .' \ ' . .... " 35 The grade away from foundatIOn walIs shall fall a mmunum of6" wlthlO the f'u.st 10' ExceptIon: Drams or other approvell means shall be 'Pi'$ivlded to ensur~l'osll1ve dramage (40 I 3J ". '. ,., ", .- . 36 Stopes fofpermane!)1 cuts or fills shall not be steeper than 2 Untts honzonfal to I Untt vertical. ExceptIOn Steeper slopes may be permItted when a SOils mvestigatlOn report contammg data to JUStIfy such slopes IS approved by tha CI:r [40 I 6J )7, Seahug re~ulfed between wall and floor, between floor and foundation to prevent aIr leakage mto bUlldm& envelope (C40l 82] 3 4 5 , f ~ .' WAW!&RPOF~ h '- 3S. Gypsum board used as shower and bathtub ceramic tile backIng shall be water-resistant All cut or exposdd edges, includhlg those hI WalU~t.r..ctlons, shall b. s..led as recommended by the manufllcturer, [702 4 2J ... , 39. Masonry veneer anchorsll\ay support 2 2/3 square reet or veneer, maxImum, and shallattacb to continuous #9 wire [703 7] 40, l'lash all extenor door!, wmdows and honzontal wood trim [703 8] . '.. 41, Prcvld. bracing at all gabl. end wall. exceeding 14 Ceet In length [See standard City of Springfield detail. for <tpproved bracing methOdS J 42 Nalls and staples l'Qust not be consistently over dnven.beyond flush With the sheathmg surface [Ta1;>le602 3(J)and (2)] 43 . Shear wall natlmg or stapling must remam exposed for m,pectlOn approval [113 1.113 4J 44, Truss Eni,neorlng must b. onJob .It. at ftain,nlllnspoetloh, Cot alltyp. trusses u.ed [50210,80211] 4S Trusses shall not bear on partition walls unless so deSigned [301 1] . 46, Enclosed atlles and rafter spaces shall be prOVIded WIth cross ventIlatIOn Net ventllatmg area shall be not less than 1/150 of the attic area Except/on' Net ventllatmg area may be reduood to 1/300 when at least 50% and not more than 80% of the venlllators are located at least 3' above the eave or cornIce vents or when an approved vapor barner IS installed on the warm sId. of the msulatlOn PrOVIde a I" mmlmum au space above msulallon and baffle at eave or soffit vents [806, E40 I 2 I] 47 A readIly acceSSIble attIc access framed openmg not less than 22" x 30" shall be prOVIded to any attIc area havmg a clear height of over 30". (807 1] , 48 Roof c'overings shaH comply WIth the general reqUIrements of Chapter 8 and the specllic requIrements of each sectIOn based upon type ofmatenal a) asphalt shmgles [903], b) slate shmgles [904], c) metal [905], d) llle, clay or concrete shmgles [906J, e) bUIlt-up rooting [907], f) wood shmgles [90S], g) wood shakes [909J 49 Roofstorm drains shaH be prOVided to collect and dIscharge storm dramage to an approved dramage system [8013] One 3" pIpe grade4 1/4" per f~l can accommodate up to 2,320 square feet of surface area [Table 3811 2] 50 End walls to be step flashed or to manufacturers specs [903 3] MECHANICAL & PLUMBING 51 Heatmg and coolmg appliances located In a garage or other area where they may be subject to damage shaH be SUItably guarded agam~l such damage (ProtectIOn IS typically prOVIded by concrete tilled pIpe bollards) [1307 3, 3310 3] , 52 ApplIances whIch generate a glow, spark or flame capable of Igmtmg flammable vapors and are located 10 the garage shall be mstalled WIth the burners, burner IgmtlOn deVices or heatmg elements and sWItches mmlmum 18" above the floor level [13073, 3310 )] l 53 Fuel burnmg warm au furnaces and water heaters shall not be mstaHed 10 a room deSIgned to be used as a storage closet furnaces or waler heaters located 10 a bedroom or bathroom shall be mstalled 10 a sealed enclosure such that combustIon au WIll not be taken from the IlVln~ space. Drrect vent umts are not requued to be mstalled wlthm an enclosure [1402 1,3309] 54 CombustIOn air must be prOVIded for aH fuel burnmg appliances except duect vent umts [2001 I to 2001 5J 55 Provloe access to attIc furnace (22" x 30") or underfloor furnace (30" x 30") PrOVIde a permanent electnc outlet located near the furnace and lIghtmg fixture controlled by a SWItch at the passageway openmg [14016-1.40171 56 The maxImum amount of water used by new plumbmg tixtures a) tOilets 16 gal per flush; b) shower heads 25 GPM, c) mtenor fauce!s 2 5 GPM [3202] 57 Showers and tub-shower combmatlOns shall be eqUipped With control valves of the pressure balance, the thermostatl~ mlxmg, or the combinatIOn pressure balance/thermostatIc mlxmg valve type With maXImum mIxed water settmg of 120 degrees F [3215] 58 Mmlmum shower compartment 1,024 sq mches, shall also be capable of encompass 109 30" CIrcle [3210 3] Th.reshold shall be of sufficient Width to accommodate a mmlmum 22" door [32102] 59 EqUIpment used for heatmg water shall be protected by combinatIOn pressure and temperature relief valves [34083] 60, Water heaters shall be anchored to resist honzontal movement (I e earthquake strappmg) [33105] 61 Stornfwater drams located wlthm 5' ofa bUlldmg may be Schedule 40 ABS or Schedule 40 PVC, CPE mstaHed per mstanatlOn standard IA [3501 12J 62 Clothes dryer ducts shaH terminate outSide the bUlldmg Max length IS 25', reduce 2 5' for each 45deg elbow [1801 3J 63 Trenches dug parallel to the bUlldmg foundatIOn and deeper than the footmg must be at least 45 degrees from bottom outSide edge of footmg to the bottom mSlde edge of trench [3113 3, illustratIOn pg 294] ELECTRicAL 64. RESIDEN1IAL ELECTRICAL PLANS ARE NOT REVIEWED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE, AH electrical work shall comply With current codes and Will be field-mspected for compliance BUlldmg permits may be Issued WIthout electrical permits ElectrIcal contractor must confirm an electrIcal permit has been obtamed before startmg work 65 Provl~e groundmg electrode at electrical service, conslstmg of (or connected to) a mmllTIum 20' length ofW'dlameter steel remfoTcement 10 footmgs [4108 12J 66 GFCI protectIOn reqUired for receptacles 10 outdoor locatIOns, garages, unfimshed basements, bathrooms, where servmg counter- top sljrfaces 10 kItchens, and when wlthm 6' of wet-bar smks (4402] 67 Provloe an approved smoke detector 10 each sleepmg room, outSide of each separate sleep 109 area, and on each additIonal story of the dwellmg All detectors shall be mterconnccted and shall prOVIde an alarm audIble 10 all sleepmg areas Smoke detectors shall be located mmlmum 3' upstream of aIr ducts [316 1] 68 All smoke detectors shall receive thetr pnmary source of power from the permapent bUilt-in wlrmg, wI\h b~ttery baCk-Up 10 case power IS mterrupted ExceptIOn for remodels hardwmng and mterconneatlOn IS reqUIred only If other remodeling conSideratIons require removal of the appropnate wall and cellmg covenngs to faCIlitate wirmg (316 I 1,316 2J 69 Required smoke alarms shall not be located wlthm kItchens or garages, or 10 other spaces where temperatures can fall below 40 , degrefs F, }omzatIon smoke alarms shall not be located closer than 3 fee! honzontally from a door to a kItchen or full bath, or supply regIsters ofa forced air heatmg or cooling system Smoke alarms wlthm 20' ofa cookmg appliance shall b~ Ii photoelectric- type smoke alarm or the alarm shall have an approved sllencmg means [315 1] 70 Recessed light fixture; Installed 10 caVItIes mtended to be insulated shall pe labeled as SUItable for be 109 mstalled 10 direct contact With msulatlOn (IC rat~d), [4503 5] . 71 ElectJ:lcal outlets and approved wall fixtures 10 the tire separation wall shall not be located back to back. Use metal boxes no larger than 16 sq mches placed 10 separate stud spaces for the 2 dwelling umts [320 2] _" ENERG\' CONSERV AnON 72 PrOVide approved vapor bamer mstalled on the warm Side (10 wmter) of msulatlOn at aH unventIlated extenor walls, floors, and cellmgs enclosmg condItIOned space [C401 9 I] 73 PATH I msulatlOn requirements (SectIOn C401 for alternatrve msulatlOn paths) Exterior Walls R 21, Basement Walls R.15, Underfloor R.25, Slab Floor Edges R.15, Flat Cellmgs R-3S. Vaulted Cellmgs R- 30 (max 50% of fioor area), MaIO Entry Door (max 24sl) U=O 54, Other Extenor Do?rs U=O 20, Wmdows U=O 40, Skylights (max 2% of floor area) U=O 50, Forced AIt Ducts R-S [Table C401 1(1)] 74. Alterations wlthlO an eXIstmg bUIldmg envelope may use the mInImUm component insulatIon reqUirements Exterior Walls R.IS, Basement Walls R;.IS, Underf100r R.21, Slab Floor Edges R.10, Flat Ceilings R-38, Vaulted Cetlmgs R- 21, Extenor Doo~' Y~~(L54, Wmdows & Skvllghts U=O 65, Forced AIt Ducts R-8 rc lOr 2 3, Table C401 l b Footnote Cl I ,"!':::f.1_,i:' 14: :',"~,' i"""'!"" ',," I ',~'.....- . ,-- 'N" ~F'O 'i~B"U' L'D.'"tJ~. ':',""', "d""'I"'F"f'~I"I"ii" 'lolli', J"'~' ,',J'i"_II;h 1'1" ~ijf;,.lrIH'~r~1 ",1..t~".~lllr.~.:, \,'I.~:L:'JI"f " ,"IX. , ,1. EEMI DJ;R~, R '[h..o, I. E~/":hl 'r'il,I::~~,/I":1 ~II.lh\,,'io::~';il'rF",~j''''11 ,','" ~ "" . 'J;\~~.:'r,~I~I:i~~,p'~~~eL,d,.g~~i'~'g ~~r!Ui~ tf~ns' m~ust ~e~atrt-at\he coh'~:~~ctlqn\,!t:e ~n'd"tlavlli!a9f'6 i6 c't~)rl~p~~t9~'s;t~:~~" :"i" '~'r' ~ ~~;J B~Jif,firtg:;"rhus'tVtlci'8rriRlele.d'lh'.~o'mpItan.ce ~~th the appro~ed praI'1s' a;d's~~cS', "Prop6~~d.~tHin~es:'mJst'~el'tfppro~~d by the City i .~'All1 p~~1~'s"le~~p~r,~"18'6 'day'~.,~fter lssuanc; ,['no"InSpections )lave b~~b ~al1ed for')bt~ nQiptoil-e'ss.~~tlt~'6tf~,Jd~' on" the" proJect. ,A-~!IlOS; ~iI i,~s~c~,~l?l),s ~al\ I?e Pf9V.idc.d onlh;e sam~~:orki~g:da;\lf tii~ iAspc~~Wi~'"~~~~~~tlS D?ade pnor to ...' #;lI,~. !,. Lf"I.H'hl",-;-; ,...., "t,'" ", ". -", 71." II~ ,.tr, utl, ...,1 ...",,,:~-1.. ""I"I+I~11, "1""< "" ., ~l~".'J,I,*-~'r.~;"'-l,..jii[/a, ':c ,I..~"~,"C"~ ."-,,," '("', anh4,,'~,~'>' "':;,::"Jor' .'....'-.l.:' ~..:l),l",'i""I,'::'.!j;..:ir;."l'. ~ ;~