HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-7-6 DR;:-\WING I~..JDEX BUILDING DATA SITE PLAN ! COVER SHEET MAJN LEVEL AAE.A UPPER LEVEL AAE.A 1402 SF 770 SF 2 FLOOR PLANS 3 TOT.AL BUILDING AAE.A 2178 S F EXTERIOR ELEVAllOi'<S 4 FOUNDAllON PLAN! DETPJLS 5 ROOF F1<AMING PlA'J ! TRUSS PRORLES 6 BUILDING SECTION DETALS ENERGY INFORMATION 7 ELECTT<lGAL PlA'J GENERAL NOTES 1 TH,s PROJECT COMPL,ES \lv111-i ENERGY PRESCRiPTI\.IE PATH NO l.AG IT PERTAJNS '0 THE CURRENT OREGON Ei'<ERGY CODE .AG FOLLOWS A VlN'11... 'W1NDO\\IS- U = 40 MIN B WOOD DOORS U = 20 MIN C W.ALL INSULA1l0N. ~21 MIN D UNDERR..OOR INSULA1l0N R-25 MIN E FLAT CEIUNGS, R-38 MIN F FOf<CED AiR DUCT INSUL ~ MIN G G.AG HEA llNG H G.AG WATER HEATER CODES AND STANDARDS 1 All con5tructlon 5hall be In 5tr,ct compliance w,th the State of Oregon 1996 Edition Ona and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code and aU applicable State and Local Codes 2 ENERGY CODE All con5tructlon 5hall conform to the latest edition of State of Oregon Energy Code, Pre5cflptlve Path 1 Notify Architect of any dl5crepancles between documents and 5tandards Where conflict occurs, the more rigid 5pecdicatlon 5hall govern 3 PARTIAL SETS OF DOCUMENTS Architect 5hall not be re5pon511>Ie for bidding errors or om'5510ne due to bidding from partial sets of documents SYMBOLS 51TE WORK 1 Remove all organic mateflal/topsoll from area under the building and under paved areas 2. Fill 5hall con51"t of a free-<lralnlng granular material Pia"" fill In lifts not to exceed 8" and compact to 100\ 5t<.ndard AASHO under footings and 95\ 5tandard AA5HO under 51abs and paved areas 3 Select fill material under 51abs 5halll>e 6" layer 3/4" minus cru5hed rock or coarse 5and 4 Provide pOSitive drainage under-floor areas to comply With CABO 4051, If reqUired @ G) o [ 0000 J SECTION = DE' AJL fOUNDATIONS 1 All footings 5hall bear on undl5turbed 50il or compacted fill minimum 12" below finl5h grade (18" at two 5tOry portlon5) unless noted otherwise. Notify Architect before proceeding of any unu5ual condltlOna encountere,oJ In footing excavatlone 2. If 5tem wall and footing are two 5eparate pours, provide #4 vertical L bar at 6'- 0" oc maximum from footing Into 5tem wall 3 Do not excavate closer than 2.1 510pe adjacent tQ footlnga 4 C 'an all fOQtlng excavatIOn a of 1005e mateflal by hand pflor to pOUrtng concrete DOOR \\J1NDC\V = SI,'JGLE HGNG S,NGLE HuNG CONCRETE 1 Minimum 5tructural concrete compre551ve 5trength 5hall be 2,500 psi at 28 days unle',s noted otherwise Exposed concreto (5lal>s, walks, et<: ) 5hall have a minimum compres51ve 5trength of 3,500 psi at 28 days and 5hall be alC entrained 2 Minimum cement content 5hall be 5 5ack,,/yard except 51abs on grade 5halll>e 51/2 5aol,s/yard MaXimum 51ump 5hall be 4" 3 Place and cure all concrete per ACI codes and "tandarda 4 r"\"ovlde ("or.trvIJolrl~5 In all ~la~'~ a~ "2'-0" 00 maxlmun each way unless noted otherw,,,e Provide heavy tooled Joints (3/4") at 5'-0" oc omd 1/4" premolded expan"lon JOints at 20'-0" oc maximum at all exterior walks SITE i'-IOTES . VERIFY SUR\.-"S( INFORMATION DIMENSiONS $ BEARINGS, EASEMENTS $ LEGAL MASONRY (If U"edl 1 Concrete Mason!)' Units 5hall meet the requirements of ASTM ceo-eo. Tal>le 1,2 & 3, Type 1, medium weight, f'm 1500 p51 Standard block. 5cored block (Willamette GraY5tQne 852R) and split faced block (W1Ilamette Gray"tone 800SP), see Exterior Elevations for locations of each 5tyle. 2 Concrete Ma50nry Units 5hall have f 25" minimum face shell thickness and 100" "'"",mUm wel> thickness 3 WIlen delivered to the Jol> Site, all units 5hall be sound and free of cracks or other defects that would Interfere With the proper plaCing of the Units or would 51gnlficantly . VERJFY REQUIRED SETBACKS COMPLY WI ALL CODES, ORDINANCES $ GOVERN'G ,AGENCIES CONCRETE / MASONRY REINFORCING, I All reinforCing 5teel #5 and smaller shall be A-615 Grade 40 2 Refer tQ detallo; for reinforcing 5teel sIZe 3 Provide ooncreto masonry Units With bond beama at 48" oc With #4 hOrizontal and #5 vertical at 32" 0 C Grout the5/l cells 50lld Refer to details 4 See elevations for locatlona of 5cored (W1Ilamette Gray"tone 852 R) and 5pllt faced block (Willamette Gray5tone 800 SP) MI~H:c~ SETB~CKS - CORSE?- LOTS All measurements are from Property Llnes ~ -Frort lard to HOuse 10 feet -Front )ard to Garage 18 feet -Street Slde )ard to Hse/Gar 10 feet -Rear yard to douse or Garage 10 feet ",OOD 1 All lumber 5pecles 5hall be as follows unle5s noted othecwl5e: Jol"t,,/Bea m,,/Strlngers - DF-L #2 or better 6" Non I. dl Beams and Stringers .- DF-L #1 or Better G'lu-Lamlnated Beama ,- 24f V4 DF/DF unle5s noted otherwl"e No Ca ml>er Buck"/Blockl~~/Bridglng/MI"cellaneous -- DF-UHem-FIr #3 or Better Studs -- DF-L Stud Grade Sille/Sleeper,,/Platee/Nalllng Block,,/ All Wood Embedded In Concrete ,- DF-L Pre""ure-Treated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2. All JOleta and beams framing Into, not bearing on, beams, headers, girders "hall be aupported With Slmp50n-type JOl5t or beam hangers 3 Plywood or waferboard 5hall be aa noted In foundation. floor framing and roof framing plana 4 All exterior wall 5tud 5paclng 5hall be 24" oc (16" oc all locations where lap 51dlng la used) unlesa noted otherwl5e All Interior wall 5tud 5paclng shall be 16" oc unle5s noted otherwlee, P U E MAY CBANGE SETBACKS (.., STREET TREES '\RE ~ REQURED Please ..t.:fer to attached Development Code SectlOn regardUlg the placement and t;pes of '''o'''''''"'';''"(,A"v< 'r ~ S\jltlS ~ V ~~ ~~ \ ' \{\.(} iP -') ~ ~ '" ~ ~~\ (" C\/ \ ' .::; \~ l~~ GLAZING 1 All extenor wlndowa, 5kyllght", gla5s doors 5hall have In"ulatlng glaZing Unconditioned 5paces may have 51ngle glazing unless noted otherwise 2. If provided, glazing In 5hower encloeures 5hall be Identified and labeled aa 5afety glaZing and 5hall conform tQ CABO 308;3 and 308 4 Shower doors 5hall 5wlne out 3. GlaZing Within 24" arc of vertical edge of doors In a clo"ed pOSitIon, 18" of floor and/or Within doors shall be Id.ntlfied and labeled as 5afety alazlng and 5hall conform to CABO 308 3 and 3084 MISCELLANEOU;2 1 Provide minimum clearance of 30" Width and 24" In front of all water closets exceeding CABO Figure 3012 2. Walla at 5howers 5hall be finl5hed to a minimum hOlght of 72" above drain Inlet With material not adversely affected by mol5ture per Plumbing Code 3 Smoke detector(s) shall receive primary power from I>ulldlng w'rlng. have batte!)' back-up and 5hall conform tQ CABO 316 4 All rece5sed flxturea In exterior or In"ulated ceilings "hall be Type IC unless noted Box In fixtures per 5uper Good Centa Standarda 5 MaXimum 5tep down at exterior doors 5hall be 11/2" unle5s noted otherwise Doors "winging over landlnga 5hall have a maximum 5tep down of'" 6 Provide minimum 24" clearance above tQ range hood or:30" clearance to combu"tll>le con5truot'on above If no hood Is U5e4 at all kitchen ranges. -'- 'l' ~ _'1,_ -, -~, ~ "i " '" lA"IDSCAPE CONDUIT 9900 .AGSUMED , i 24-3~' -,!. L r , , , , , , , , , , , 'l7Q.5YILLAGE PtAZA lOOP sum 200 fUGf,....t OREGON 971(:1 PHONE S41~3<<-33J2 fAX. S11 34~ LS97 WWWAR.80R.roUrHCOM ~ 9900 .AGSU>''1ED ~ ,j) "'1DjECT THE SHANIKO-R )' ~.:~J i '" ~.~.~ r:. ::0, ~ -r-~ .~~_~- J". ,..,-,E :JF:E...... ~G.\lc'i',E:; ,"rl :l ,..~....." -:,.:.; :2-:: [D:.J'\.J:"O_Co:.;~.Jr..)f"CfL C~AI.Gt:..S -..;:, ~ .,......l -;: -:.;' ~,s: ~G" rlE ....,1:-';:- ~C.~/~_D ":/~A!I "'-lGS OR ~ ='<.?..J_- C-T C"--~:_,. ~~ ;:'~""EI~~LQ'\I SYiL;;~~~'PPR.O\ ED ay ,. t:. ~w'__ '-- ~-- .1-- 1"& ~D1.Ck! CITY OF,~!~~~qf~ELD, OREGON, tv:( ,,~po.0"go ~< ~ lUb)lillJ.tIL (-,{~1 E 1j"Uv SITE PLAN 4<]..(J' ,>0 ~~": ,~" ~'- "i:t4l\.'~)t,\., . ,,~ ; ~ . t;; 'ND"-X I .~~ ~ ~ _I. 'i ,'/' .} ',.. .. i. ~_ Iv; " J.-;", :~'"' ._, ,," t""'d& D;;;"'.ge Ail~ration l'crimt (LDAl') r~: an .' , - .~;, ~ . , ' " " t und d1sturbance . One 18SpectIQD pnor 0 ~o ,~ <I:' ~ .. o"n ~our ~onstruct:Lon Slt~ IS reql4!"e /' ~ .. 1" ,",^' ,. , ,~ , th /; Have ef~slOn measUres 1D pl~e ~oX to e. , }nspecloo;, arnv~g. < : :" .. . .~ ifi~ foJndatlOn inspectlOn wlll be de,!,llt If ::' "" your WAP ms.p'ectl,!n ~ not c~m'plft~ . " , ~ "rbAPInspectlo~Llne{541i7~~;5849 ~. v, ~ ',' < " ",~ ~ r __'\~': ",tr , , f, '\ I \~ :=i '\", 1\ I 1 - ~ =1 -FPRQP~ED=NEW~ f \\ , . ~\ r-E.Ni58-FL.QCJgELEV~iOO-J~-t, .~ ,,"~ 1. \. I, I" III \~ " ' \l1 \ :' 'I ' I ~ 0 \ . C::~=@YT --~4 \.\ \~ \ tT m~-=---=-- _L ~I'~--c._c- cJ1 '\\: \ '& III' I - "'-4=i "i I '&, 1111" -- -+ I, +---- iJlHENSIQNfMI"~ . I, "I' : I ,- ;= --1' , I E}:l -- b- '11111" I [I ---:__1 ! 'I \/ I ' ~{:EfilUOfGAU>GE ~ II, 'II" 1 ,~ . I, .~W}~ -- ~III!I:IIIIII: rT-! \= / ,/' i 11 ;,'~ tn~~~~mllw~ If!,' I! ll. :' I/~ / I!!)~ /;/ I'IIIIII'II'I!II Illh ~, CONCRETE DRIVE AND I II U : / I !lllil 'II .'J, ~ ~ I ",'" ...- ,/ ----------,p _~~~~~~~~~RK / '__ ~._ /~ / __-:/ I /J~!P! / v' ------ / ---~~----- .____.___ --_.~_- _/ ~v '{) / __--- - ::J _;_ ____ / <, , ---->- E ~----__--::. ,~~ Ij/ 1-,----- S'25cS01S L -_____~'~Oq; / ! ~r\..~ ~\ - - - , 9900 / ,\SSUMED / , .. , JOB NO . , , , , .. . , .. , , , I I \v A)' ~ ~ ~ ~ \' -- 'j c: u 1\' t ,r ~ 1(", ~\ '-' lr' \T \ I ..,.. V "\ DArE 6 Af'RlL200S .. , , BEe HErrI< , DRAWN BY BRAD CHECKED BY DAN WATER I PO\VER I G.AG PHONE I SEWER TO BE SITE VER.FIED PRIOR TO WORK i'J:VISION N-evJ CONC w,N.-K = ~-- .ALL U1lUllES AAE TO BE LOCATED U"JDERGROUND ------- I 'i / ------- =======--- ~- ~'(_"-f~"..__ -, Hi'" - I", (... _ __ ...."C: ( J( J ......l. -1 ~ -'r" ' "'\ c, h I I' ".(.;-'0-1 'C L) '--'--'C',-- f<-,- ~ ~ '-'" ( U CD CURB CuT AND i'<EW SIDEWALK PEl< CrTY STANDA'<DS @ --.) DAYLIGHT ROOF DRAIN AT CURB ~ RALEIGHWOOD DRIVE - SITE PLAN SCALE. r = 10-0 LOT 1, BREA.'1NE COMi10NS ASSESS01<SS MAP 17-03-22-12 TL 20CO SPRINGFlEWJ, L.AJ\JE COUNTY, OREGON II- e ARBOR SOUTH ARCHITECTUR! PC THE SHA.~lKo-lt ----- ----- (b) Solar setback for panhandle lots shall be calculated on the north-south dImensIOn of the pan portlOn of the lot The southern-most lot, \\lth a north south dlmenslOn less than 60 feet m the pan portIon of the lot shall hay e a restncted bUlldmg he1ght of 21 feet (c) Exemphons A bUlldmg IS exempt from the Solar Setback Standards when any of the follo",mg condltlOnS eXIst 1 Slopes The lot on \\h1ch the bUlldmg IS located has an average slope 20 percent or more m a dlrectlOn greater than 45 degrees east or ",est of true south. 2 Pre-ex1stmg Shade The bUlldmg \\111 shade an area that IS shaded by one or more of the follo",mg a. An eXlstmg or approved bUlldmg or structure, b, A topographIc feature, or c. A non-exempt tree that \\111 remam after development of the sIte It IS assumed that a tree Wlll remam after development If It IS sltuated m a reqUIred setback, or It IS part of a developed area, pubhc park, or legally reserved open space, or It IS part of landscapmg reqUlred pursuant to tlus code A duly executed covenant also can be used to preserve trees causmg such shade 3 IOSlglllficant Benefit. The proposed bUlldmg shades one or more of the follo\vmg a A non-developable area, such as deSIgnated open space or road",ays, or a pubhc use, \vmch does not need solar access (park land, road",ay, pubhc fac1hty) or slffi11ar uses b The wall of an unheated space, such as a garage, exc1udmg solar greenhouses and other SimIlar solar structures c. Shade less than 20 square feet of south-facmg glazmg (6) \\'here an easement IS larger than the reqUired setback standard, no bUlldmg or above grade structure, except for a fence, shall be bUllt upon or 0\ er that easement. (7) \\'hen addltJonal nght of\\ay IS reqUlred, \\hether by City Engmeenng standards or the ~!etro PIa., mc1udmg the TransPlan, setbacks shall be based on future nght of way locat10ns Rtght of way shall be dedIcated pnor to the Issuance of any bUIldmg penmt that mcreases parkmg requIrements (811,",:,-, Architectural extenslOni may'!5ro'ttude M6'ah';/S-:foot'or 1arg~r setback area by llot m.OJ~ th'f \vHcm' 16 - 9 _ _ ..,EER A Registered ProfesslOnal Engmeer, l1censed by the State of 'Jrei".:l to practIce In a specIfic branch of englneenng E:-'GI~EERI~G DESIG~ ST ~\DARDS A~D PROCEDLRES ~1A.."iUAL A manual of desIgn standards and procedures prepared by the Public Works Department and adopted by resolutlOn of the City CouncIl These standards and procedures are applicable to public and pnvate Improvements and allo\V City staff to provIde certamty to de\ elopers and consultants to ensure safe, effiClent, and cost effectIve transportatlOn, sarutary se\Ver, and stonn\\ater management system projects v\ltilln the CIty of Spnngfield and Its L:rban Gro\Vih Boundary EQl IPMEi'< T SHEL TERS For purposes of Sltmg \\1Ieless telecommurucatlOns systems faCJ!ltles, the bUlldmgs, structures, cablllets or vaults used to house and protect the eqUIpment necessary to connect'relay radIO SIgnals from cell sIte to cell sIte and to land lme systems ASSOCIated eqUIpment such as a1I condltlornng or emergency generators shall be consIdered appropnate \\Ithm tills defirutlon. EXC.\ V A no;:-.l The mecharucal re1noval of earth matenal EXE~lPT TREE OR VEGET A nO:-i The full heIght and breadth of vegetation that the CIty manager or hIS or her deSIgnee has IdentIfied as "solar fnendly" III rules adopted under tills code, and any vegetatlOn l1sted on a plat map, a document recorded \\Ith the plat, or a solar access guarantee as exempt EX P ARTE, CO~L"1UNICA no:"! A commurucatlon made at the lllstance of or for the benefit of one party \\lthOUt notice to, contest by, or at least \\Ithout an opporturuty to be heard bemg gIVen to other partles v\ ho \\111 be bound or d1Iectly affected by the commurucatlOn EX PARTE, PROCEEDING An actIOn taken at the lllstance or benefit of one SIde only WIthout notice to, contest by, or \\lthOUt the opporturuty to be heard by other partIes who WIll be bound or d1Iectly affected by the proceedmg EXTENSION, FLOOR AREA An mcrease lU the amount of floor area WlthJn an eXlstmg bUlldmg ~T~NS ION; ,ill CHITE'CTUltU\ \rcrlllectural appendag~s,}~e~.dJ;;.&. ~!.~~tJlIp,Jte<\.to corroce~ eaye Qverhaags, ~g baJ90rneS extendmg beyond an extenQ[ wall ora 15Ulldmg (S~als~ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE)l EXTERIOR. Any portion of the outsIde ofa...'1 HIstone Landmark Site or Structure or any addItion thereto \V hlch can be seen from a public place FCC The Federal Commurucatlons CommISSIon, the federal agency that regulates mterstate and llltematlOnal commUnicatIOns by radIO, tele\ISlOn, \V1re, satellite and cable F..\..'\lILY A. Two or more persons related by blood, legal adoption, guardIanship or mamage h\wg together, or ~ 2-12