HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2003-2-5 GENERAL NOTES: 1) 2) 3) a) 4) 5) a) b) c) ~) < a) b) c) d) e) 7) a) . . . . ~ 5) All work IS to be done In accordance with local md CABO code reqj.J1rements DESIGN LOADS Floor 40 p s f live load 10 p s f dead load SITE HORK A1\ work IS to be done In accordance with the ~lans, except os noted by City of Springfield on the permit documents, review these prior to beginning any work All grading IS to be kept minimal, as reqlJlred, to place new home os shown In the plans FOUNDATIONS Unless otherWise noted, 01\ concrete IS to be 3,000 pSI concrete. See foundation plan and sections for specifics CARPENTRY All lumber to be D F rt2 Ii Btr, except os noted Exterior walls to be 2I1x~" Interior walls to be 211x4'I, except os noted ~eaders In exterior walls to be bUilt-up as noted in sections and framing plms Posts and beams at porch are to be selected for appearance (Sel Str. preferred ) Hall sheathing IS to be 1/2" CDX or OSB, rated as per application Cover sheothlng With "Tyvec" and l~ardIBoord" ~dbd Siding, or os noted on plms Roof sheathing IS to be 11211 CDX or OSB attached directly to rafters and trusses as per code. Insure to hold sheathing I II away from ridge beam to 01 low fot"' proper venting at ridge vent locations INSuLATION and MOISTURE PROTECTION This home IS to be built follOWing Oregon ReSIdential Energy Code, PATI-1 I Exterior walls to hove R-21 InsulatIon With appropriate vapor barrier, as noted (kraft face to InSide ) Under-floor Insulation to be R-25 Kroft backed w/molsture protection against warm Side AttiC to be blown-In celtulostlc Insulation or fiberglass botts, to meet R-35 mln reqylrement Vaulted areas ore to hove R-30~D batt Insulation With ventilation area adjacent to roof See Roof Plan and Sections for roof attic ventilation Roof IS to be 25 YR laminated CompoSition roof system, II Elkll IPrestlqye II' or Similar over 15 tb felt FINIS~ES Interior to receive 1/211 gyp on walls, 5/5" gyp or 1/2" ceiling board on ceilings, textured and painted Use Ix wood moulds at doors, windows, and base Hrap Windows In wood and picture frane. All wood to be painted, except those identIfied Within the documents os INatural Finish I Option IS to wrap Windows In drywall With bullnose corners on three Sides Include m extended and deep stool PLUMBING All plumbing IS to be In accordance With code and prOVided by 0 licensed plumbing contractor or done by the owners ELECTRICAL Ii I-1VAC All work to be done In accordance With NEC and CABO ~eatlng for thiS home sholl be by means of a Gas Furnace located Within the Mechanical area w/ln Basement Verify With Contractor adeqyacy of system and modify os necessary to meet code reqyirements Provide toe-kick heaters at each vanity wi In MasterBath and the Kitchen Install an electriC exhaust fan In each bathroom capable of 0 m,n 5 all" changes per hour, or 50 Ii 70 cfm ~ Ul Ul I Ul Ul I Ul Ul I Ul Ul I SAN1-;- !\R( SEHER MAN!-~OLE Rlf'1 = 40B B3' AREA TABULATION TABLE TOT AL LOT I ~f,05 21 SF 100 0 % I I IMPERVIOUS AREAS 1472 '1Cj 57 ~ICj 2277 SF ~o ~ x 'i-"u , , 'lL _J <t :{ ENCLOSED UNENCLOSED ENTRY STEPS I DRIVEHAY I TOTAL I % OF LOT 223 % 15 % 13 % Cj 4 % 34.5 % Roof 25 p s f live load 10 P 5.f dead load 16M ASSUMED ELEVA TON = 50000' (CORNER OF HALK) I Ld f- ~ /--- z o I U I / TELEPHONE PED::STAL Ul Ii [J ELECT'<IC I I {~):-~~ ~ c~~Y~-r-1--'--~I-'--'..lo!.. --....,..-.--.-.-- --'--'-'-'-, CL,DB B'_BBLERUl' __~ 0 Cl J CpfEBDEL~ r;t 'J> '<~ , [, I , /. 7 I ~, 4' STQRM DRAI~LINE. ~-- \ -;:<} L ' Ul ,- -i- -.:T ;<..~- - '-1 1- - -~: _d ~ -~ '-.oJ/ I ~-; -:r--- ,~ b \L ----~~ 4" SAN SErlER L "II \ - - - ; - - 2 - : ~ ~ ~ J i Ul..l --- - \ - I' III Ul <t I SEI"ER STeJB-OUT I / Ul (5 ~-, - \ I, I '42'-3 I i I Ul ~ !, ~Ii- I ----,-1 Ul Lo I ~ 5 C 1;-- > 5 / : " If ~ g 11 '=--I-'J 1_ 0'" .. ~~.. 1 I, D~ / I / Ul ~~6 1 '~ -~--.J ,I '~Y;';'rr' J~ ---',,' J 4 I i ~ ~ , r ( ) :! ----, iu : ,~' - -, I , II ' I '7- = ;: - ,,-_-1. '- - j-~ I "'" ~' ~ I ! NEW tiOME: ! I "'" ~ I (3) BEDROOM, (2Y2) BA I --~ "'" ~ 'I I HI APPROX 21'14 S ,F OF II ~ : Z i ~ ' I i I LIVING AREA (2) CAR-GARAGE: J.r 91' ~ ! . C6NCRET~1 _ r Ii S~OP HI 14~2 S F. " r 9,: DR V~HAY-\ : ' ;~~,'. i .. .,' r I ! ~ i 7' i' I . .- i. r: e I 1 _' : i I . I _ . .r,;''''; ~p M't'~ e~"'5. . . i 5 5 " .. I i </)1 c! ",.:-~ ~~ --~-~::>. - - - J '-;_. _71-'[;5; d J;> I " /1 ") '_0" ' _ 4" s-co;;u1' DRAIN L IN" ---- v 8, I' \.$:I ~/' I _ _ /..... I I Ul' / I I ~'~ ~ I I Ul - - - " (~ABI E T V 4 PHONE Q' I cu"'B BUBBL:.R------1 . --~ >^lATER '1EHR Y 1 -,-- -~ ~ -- -- - --=-i-, - ---'- - r/ , Cf /"--v- - ,-'---UG ELECTRIC , I 0," " I ~ w' "fl- ~S'-9-: - -. -- -. - -. -r-' - _I' Clb-;-.:.... -' - -t. '5 -' L -.--' D 50~S I 1 S(7C7 1 UI f 1 ELECTRIC VAUt T r ./ I 9 3 Ul Ul </) Ul I II I, '( L-LJ Z /' /1 K'__~ \ - -----' 1--- , , . \ I ~ I~ I I / - /0' j' ,-- '- ~, I ____ v S r, <? o S ? I r-- Cj \J (Jj ~JJ Y () ~-~ I I , , , , , ,I ,I ~ I ! I I I II q) a) Ul Vl 5 2 1 - u') Ul Ul 5 o 2" ., I '^ Ul I 2 8 fB) SITE PLAN \J.) SCALE: Yal=I'-O" b) Ji Ul SITE INFORMATION: ________ PRESCOTT LANE MAP rtI7-03-34-14 LOT t:t'1512 .a15{ C~-~0 ()3 JOB ~IO ;) DATE RECE.1VED OCCUP~l\.CY GROUP~ ~ONE - OCCUPANCY '_OAlJ . fi-:-'"' UN1TIS) -.:-- T -;-CO.....STRUCT\O\~"l 'V- yp- , "" .., STORIES '(')'3- ~"I V-\ O~.l!~- LEGAL DESCRIPT~tc-,~112~ ~ __ AODRF==- ~~"_ OWNER ~ - ~I'\I RE" IE#ED ~~\1 ~ EI\ITS HERE ON HAVE SE_ ~NOI CHAN..:>S~ r1~~$f~~~I~~:J:6'ED,g!iTht~~c:.{i:J'E rt.:~~~",.~ ~~ PROJECT AFTER THE DATE. ~ THE BUI!..DING OFFICIA!.. CITY OF' ~~INGFI LD. OHEG~O~,.I~ ./J- ~, "AlE rr~,) APPROVED 8Y /'<': - - J!..?f'ROVro ONLY fOR RESIDENtiAl. IJ~ IN ACCORDANCE Willi M1KlE 16 ~f "nIe SPRINGFIELD DEVElOPMENT COU - - - -_. - - s x 0'" ,.> 6' 5 2 1 a~ \ ",,/ ---- --- s X ,:J ? J 'i7 X ",S 7 ;>'it R::VISIONS BY 01/02/2003 R;' - l'L0 Q..l'<J - ~<J . l' (\l GI<J I 1) - - ~ Q) l' ~:=J " '" - ~ , n\ C- '~'lI ~ - iUOL0 L (Jl, ~iU'- __UlL o (n ,6 \)lL - ~~~ iU4- ~ ~iU .- C cOLO cO CL.c -UlQ.. w L a =r \D lU ~z <to at-- z~ LY Zt) z <to \DU :)w \D > ~LY t--Go <t::s: I\) -ttJ- w -.. - LY 0 IJ ~LL U:::~ +'LLU)>~ ~ LLrf) C ~'WLLrf) L l -) LU cD Q. 0. I -7 (",j U) I--- I--- 't I--- (J Sf'eet 1 Of Cj Sheets Page TI~le SITE PLAN GEN.NOTES Scale VARIES Date 13 DEe 2002 Drawn Rl JOG PRESCv I , - I \ I -v1T-- [J P T 2x~ MUDSIu.. WI l,'xlO' ~,"---- ANCHOR BOLTS. "l'o c 1 12' FROM ENDS ~~ """--'PAINTED METAl.. fLASl-lJNG .......L.'. ~ . Ir #5 REBAR HORIZ @ 12'OC~'ri ICf SYSTEM...--...,. II #S REBAR VERTS, I~'o c -----: ~ ~. I, ' . Ir III . 1(, #5 BENT REBAR VERTS, 8'0 C ~ ' ~ -1'-4" . II (~504'-10")~ I' ~ 4' CONCRETE SLAB WI #4 ~ ,If REBAR AT 24'0 C EA WAY II' 00 AT MID I"JFPTI-l__ l' - 0 ==~=~~===-~~- ~r L l.."''-''. \ '-COMPACTED CRUSHED L.:> =li'T = = ~ '" : i' ROCK FI~~----""" (J F =r '\. 1" I " #4 LITERALS AT 16"0 c.) "- .#4 (.( NT AT l.2~o c AND AS S 10WN AS TIES TO IfTERCONNECT BARS 12" 3(0" 45" S~OPE FINISH GRADE AWAY FROM HOUSE --, .._--~--- o W. R MEADOWS ~MELROLL~ OR EQ - : WATERPROOF MEMBRANE (OR ::.o5ELLA-DORKEN uDELTA-DRAIN-) A.Dl-lERED TO BACK OF WALL EXTENDING ~, BEYOND JOINT "T FOOTING AND NA~~ (GRANULAR BACKF'~L MATER'A~ IN5TA~~ED PRIOR TO CONSRTUCTION Of OVER~ YING STRUCTURE DO NOT USE NATIVE CLAY OR OTHER CLAY-BEARING SOILS NHICI-l ARE EXPANsIVE AND CAN CAUSE fUTURE STRESS TO RET:'NING NA~) ~ N I (J ~ 13" EDGE OF EXCAVATION 00 OPEN GRADED DRAIN ROCK AROUND 4' PERF PIPE CONNECTED TO DAYLlTE, FI~~ ~, OVER FOOTING WITH DRAIN ROCK TO PREVENT MOISTURE INFI~ TRATION COVER DRAIN ROCK WITH GEOTEXTI~E (TYPAR 3401 OR EQ) TO PROTECT DRAIN ROCK FROM FINE SOlL5 ABOVE (i) 101 RETAINING WALL DETAIL \QJY SCALE: \"=11-011 gv:3. P1L5 c..crfj fIt/it!/V .4\~\\W ....r(\\\\\\\\""~ t ~l!!ljJlllt ""Jill f//1/fZ} '<i$_ '44" ! PROJECT TITLE -NGAKEe -HOOSE PRESCOlT lANE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DRAWING TIlLE -to rT J IIGII n.[TAlt~lt~a- WALL REVISION NO DATE BY DATE SCALE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. O'l"or;c>> NOW I1Z :i DT1 I '\ [..-~ I l[J~ ~, -- I ; i ! t: P T 2x" MUD51LL WI r/xlOP ANCl-lOR BOL T5J 4f).o c t 12' FROM ENDS '#S REBAR VERT5J I""oc"""--""'" ~,.""""--'PA1NTED METAL FLASHING :r+s REBAR HORlZ f1 12'0 C . ~I SLOPE FJNl5l-l tRADE AWAY FROM HOUSE ----' I I ICF 5YSTEM--...... j "-GRANULAR SAO:.FIll. MATERIAL INS....ALLED .- PRIOR TO CON5RTLlCTj~ Of ~ liNG W R. MEADOWS IIMEL.ROLL' OR EQ _ . STRUCTURE PO NOT U5E NA1WE CLAY CR ~TERPROOF MEMBRANE (OR 11'" ~~5fJt~~NGJe~~~AP.E COSELLA-DORKEN'DELTA-DRAIN') I ~ STRESS TO RETAINiNG WAl.L~ ADHERED TO BACK OF WALL I I EXTENDING G' BEYOND .JOINT . i-EDGE OF EXCAVATiON AT FOOTING AND WALL aI" <IS BENT REBAR VER~~, _~: <...---- 'j' i' ("504'-10'),,\ 11 _ ~ 4' CONCRETE SLAB WI #4 11 ~REBAR AT 24"0< EA WAY II ' AT M'D DEPT" -------., II - -..:o:PACTED :RUSH:-D ~I: - ~~~ .= ROCK F1LL-------...... F' =' , '\. I .1+4 LATERALS A 1 1""0 C #4 CONT AT 12"0 c AND AS SHO.-<N AS TIES TO INTERCONNECT BARS 12" n I 44" 13" . ~UND'STURBED I I NATIVE SOIL~ 24" 310" OPEN GRADED DRAIN. ROCK AROuND 4' PERF PIPE CONNECTED TO DAYLJTE fILL " OVER FOOTING NITJ..I DRAIN ROCK TO PREVENT MOISTURE INFILTRATION WVER DRAIN ROCK WITl-I GEOTEXTtLE (TrPAR 3401 OR EG>) TO PROTECT DRAIN ROCK FROM FINE SOILS ABOVE rT\ ~I RETAINING It-JALL DETAIL i.(Y SCALE: ~1'=11-0" tffwi'%r j ~ '/I. rr- IG",- -IM;~ W!IJfljj/fI1r,,~ ~'~ .}I ""I"I" PROJECT TITLE -NGAKEe -HGYSE PRESCOTT LANE SPR1N(.;/,IELD. OREGON DRAWING TITLE o rT IIIGII RCTAINlNG WALL REVISION NO DATE BY DATE SCALE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO Weil<>> NOW fiI ;( DT2 Keating Engineering LLC 188 West B Street - BUilding P Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 726-9995 fax (541) 726-9996 Scope. WWW, KEATINGENGINEERING CO~ ReO" 510:>00 C Uw'~"""'V"'''''J~''''.''',,, antllevered Retaining Wall DesIgn I~' 1983.9'i1 ENERCALC ...".,., ,,,' ,,,',, ..1 ,., Description 10 FT RETAINING WALL ~ena.. _.J Retained He'ghl = 85011 Wall heIght above SO~ = 07511 Slope Behind Wall = 000 1 HeIght of SoH over Toe = o ODin So.1 Densrty = 11000 pcl Wind on Stem = 00 psI SOil Data Trtle JEFF NOAKES HOUSE - PRESCOTT STI Job # Dsgnr KEATING Date" Descnptlon RETAINING WALL FOR DAYLIGHT BASEMENT CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS CANTEL/VERED ,~ ~~,~~l~.~~.',~:k~" ,~~~~~~1,:~~~.~~~.~~.,,1 = 350 350 3000 00 ft 0300 I Footing ~~r:ngths & DimenSions J fc = 3,000 pSi Fy = 60,000 pSi M'n As% = 00012 Toe Width = 1 00 ft Heel Width = 3 00 Total Footmg Width 4- ulJ Footing Th,ckness = 12 00 In Key Width 0 00 In Key Depth = 0 00 In Key Distance from Toe = 000 ft Cover @ Top = 3 00 In @ Btm = 3 00 In Axlal Load Eccentncrty = 00111 ___J Allow Soil Beanng = 2 800 0 psI EqUIvalent FlUid Pressure Method Heel ACUve Pressure = Toe ActIve Pressure = Passwe Pressure = Water height over heel FoobngllSoll Fncbon Soli height to Ignore for passIVe pressure AlGal Dead Load = 4000 Ibs Axial LNe Load = 800 0 Ibs L Stem Constructton II Top Stem ~-~ --.."j Stem OK Design height It = 4 50 Wall Matenal Above HF = Concrete ThIckness = 8 00 Rebar SIZe = # 5 Rebar Spacing = I ~ ~ Rebar Placed at = Center DesIgn Data fb/FB + la/Fa = Total Force @ Seebon Ibs = Moment Actual It-ll = Moment. .Allowable ft-# = Shear Actual pSi = Shear Allowable pSI = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht In = Bar LaplHook BELOW Hl In = Wall We'ghl psI = Rebar Depth d' In = Masonry Data fm Fs Solrd Groubng Speclallnspecbon Modular Rabo 'n' Short Term Factor Equrv Sol,d Thick. Masonry Block Type = Medium WeIght Concrete Data fc Fy l ~.~~L~~~I~~~.~!;~. ._J lEc:.~!1,-n Summary j Total Beanng Load = 5316100 resultant ece = 8 34 In son Pressure@ Toe = 2,715 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 2 800 psI Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@Toe 3609 psI ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psI Foobng Shear@ Toe = 93 pSi OK Foobng Shear@ Heel = 192 pSi OK Allowable = 93 1 pSi Wall Stability Ratios Overturnmg 2 18 OK Sliding = 095 UNS)BLEI Sliding Cales Slab ReSISts All Sliding' Lateral Sliding Force = 1,561 91bs ~ J Heel o psI 174811-11 5881 It-ll 4,133 ft-ll 1923 pSi 9311 pSi LFooting DeSIgn Results ~O.._ .:-~~ Factored Pressure = 3 609 Mu' Upward = 1 651 Mu Downward = 105 Mu DeSign = 1,546 Actual1-Way Shear = 9 34 Allow 1-Way Shear = 93 11 Toe ReinforCing = None Spec d Heel ReinforCIng = None Spec d Key Remforcmg None Spec d -..._..~"- = o OOln 2nd Stem OK 000 Concrete 600 # 5 800 Center 0'44 0.822 21 60901 74132 448 931 2136 767 967 400 o~ h"'- ItI'l pSI = pSI = = = = = = pSi = pSI = 2,500 0 60 000 0 3,000 0 60 000 0 EXPIRES 6-31). "1 Trtle : JEFF NOAKES HOUSE - PRESCOTT STI Job # Osgnr KEATING Date Description. RETAINING WALL FOR DAYLIGHT BASEMENT Keating Englneenng LLC 188 West B Street - BUlldmg P Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 726-9995 fax (541) 726-9996 Scope WWW KEATINGENGINEERING cm CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS CANTELlVERED R.....SI0300 W II U"cK..,,,,,,,, .,,,5." ,,,,,.,.., '."" Cantilevered Retaining a DesIgn {~) 1~99 ENt.RC~LC ,..,." ,,' "~,, .... ..."" ".", .,., "" ". '" . , I DescriptIon 10 FT RETAINING WALL .' ",. (~(:~\!:~,f~fl~~~(:~ ,,~~'II, ~l~~~..~.~~,,~ ,J -..'-_".u'-;.- ,-='II _~_~ .~"._____,_~ ___ RESISTING_ Force Distance lb. 11 2181 7 283 -- .mJ I Summary of Qvertummg & Re~lstlng Forces & Moments _ _ OVERTURNING m' Force Distance Moment lb. 11 1141 1 5794 317 5001 4 -17 5 033 -58 Ilem Heel Active Pressure Toe Actrve Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above 5011 = SelsmlcLoad = = Total 15619 OTM = 49955 = 218 53160 lb. Reslstmg/Overturnmg RanD Vertical Loads used for 5011 Pressure = Verneat component of acbve pressure used for soil pressure Moment 1141 61814 Soil Over Heel Sloped SoD Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Welght{s) = Earth @ Stem TransltJons = Footing Weight = Key We'ghl = Vert. Component = = = = 4000 133 5333 89<42 133 11922 6000 200 12000 4402 400 45160 Ibs R.M.= 17607 10 8677 Total = ., YJdmg Reslralfll #f:Y&!Jm @Toe #(@>O,m @Heel ~ . ' " , :t- .1- ~ I ::~~;: ~:v ' . ~ '. - -" ~ De-slgnerseled H)' allhonzrelnl~oc( See AppendIX A ,~ . 3-0' 4-0' . . . 4fJ 3 I ... , , , =t: n .; 1-0' 3' .- t ""' Trtle JEFF NOAKES HOUSE PRESCOTT STI Job # Dsgnr KEATING Dale Descnpt,on RETAI"ING WALL FOR DAYLIGHT BASEMENT Keatmg Engmeenng LLC 188 West B Street - Buildmg P Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 726-9995 fax (541) 726-9996 Scope WWW KEATINGENGINEERING cm J:lu:Sltr.rotl a W I U~"'''''''''',V"S.1,','''~''''',V.'' Cantilevered Retaining al DeSign Ie) 19~-9" ENE.RC....lC ".. "". ... " , ",,, .~ I ''',,'' , Descnptton 6 FT RETAINING WALLS , Criteria -_J L;;;; ____~_ RetaIned HeIght = 525ft Wall he'ghl above son = o 75ft Slope Beh,nd Wan = 000 1 HeIght of son over Toe = 00010 Soil Density = 11000pcl Wind on Stem = 00 psI 5011 Data CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS CANTELlVERED "''''''''=''>'::;;l!/.~,=",,",,~~~.-~~=J Allow Sod Beanng = 2 800 0 psf EqUIValent AUld Pressure Method Heel ActIve Pressure = Toe Acbve Pressure : PassIVe Pressure = Water height over heel = FoobngllSo'l Fncbon = SOlI heIght to Ignore for passIVe pressu e 350 350 3000 00 ft 0300 Ax,al Dead Lcad = 4000 Ibs Ax,al Love Load = 800 Olbs l Stem ConstrUCtlo~_~ TO~=::K DeSIgn heIght ft = 3 00 Wall Matena! Above "Hf = Concrete Thickness = 8 00 Rebar SIZe = # 5 Rebar SpaClng = 10.00 Rebar Placed at = Center DeSign Data tb/FB + lalFa = Total Force @Secbon Ibs= Moment .Actual ft-# = Moment .Allowable ft-# = Shear Actual pSi = Shear .Allowable pSI = Bar Develop ABOVE Hl In = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW HI ,n = Wall Weight pst= Rebar Depth d' ,n = Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Groubng SpecIal Inspection Modular Rato n' Short Term Factor EqUlv Solid ThIck. Masonry Block Type = Concrete Data fc Fy l Axlal~oad ARPJI:~_t()~~e~ ..-.1 \ DeSign Summary 10 -_.._~---....;...~_:;._-....._'''''''''' ~,.- """,,~I Tolal Beaflng Load = 3,1911bs resultant ecc = 2 96 In Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,589 psI OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 536 psI OK Allowable = 2 800 psI SOIl Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@ Toe = 2211 psI ACI Factored @ Heel = 749 psI Foobng Shear @ Toe = 5 5 pSi OK Foobng Shear @ Heel 24 pSi OK Allowable = 93 1 pSi Wall Stabllrty Rallos Overtum,ng = 3 07 O~ Sliding = 1 27 Ra < 1 51 Sliding Cales Slab ReSIsts All Sliding' Laleral Snding Force = 666 1 Ibs S(,~ LFootmg DeSign Results ~-"-"''!i'-'''''''-p~~' ..Ji!!"'j"'- ~ 2211 1024 105 919 552 9311 = None Spec d = None Spec d = None Spec d J Heel 749 psI 859 ft41 1.337 ft-# 479 ft-# 245 psr 9311 pSI Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu DeSign Actuall.Way Shear = Allow l-Way Shear Toe ReinforCing Heel ReinforCIng Key Remforclng = = = = Other Ac(:(:pt'il-blt S-ri!~ I: Sp'il-CII09' Toe Notreqd, Mu< S. Fr Heel Not req d. Mu <: S .. Fr Key- No key defined = o DOlO pSI = pSi = = = = = = Medium Weight pSi = 2,500 0 pSl= 600000 tI 02& 1508 1130 4407 9 31 850 2136 2136 967 400 , ,~>~e(:'\~ff~I~,~~.;~..~c,~.~t11,C~\~t'~h'.1 I ~ootmg S~ren~t~: & D~m~n~~?~,:J fc = 3000 pSI Fy = 60,000 pSi Mln As % 00012 Toe \'lfidth = 1 00 ft Heel Width = 2 00 Total Footing Width ;j uu Foobng Th,clmess = 1200 In Key Width = 0 00 m Key Depth 0 00 In Key DIStance from Toe = 0 00 ft Cover@Top = 300m @Btm= 300m Ax.al Load Eccentricity = 00 In 2nd Stem OK 000 Concrete 800 # 5 800 Center 0194 8200 14350 74132 171 931 2136 600 987 400 3,0000 60 000 0 <XP!'l:=S 6-30. ~J TrtJe JEFF NOAKES HOUSE - PRESCOTT STI Job # Dsgnr" KEATING Date DeSCriptIon RETAINING WALL FOR DAYLIGHT BASEMENT Keatmg Engmeenng lLC 188 West B Street - BUlldmg P Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 726-9995 fax (541) 726-9996 Scope WWW KEATINGENGINEERlNG em r R~r 510~OO . I D . u,,,r.""O""V.51'''J~.I'''''''' Cantilevered Retammg Wal eSlgn (~) 1983 99tNCRC'<"\"c Descnptlon 6 FT RETAINING WALLS CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS CANTELIVERED I Summary_ofOvertummg_& Re,;.ls~~n.g,!.o!c~s.B.,~nts OVERTURNING Force Distance Ibs II 6836208 -17 5 033 Item Moment 11-# 14242 -58 SOil Over Heel Sloped So~ Over Heel Su~cparge Over Heel AOJ8cent Footing Load AxIal Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Welght(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing WeIght = Key Wetght = Vert. Component = Heel Actrve Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SelsmlcLoad = = Total 6661 aTM 14183 = 307 3,1905 Ibs = ReslstmgJOverturnlng Ratto Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = Verncal component of actIve pressure used for soil pressure T olal = 8 OOOOSm (one wI #5 @ ~n ole ~ \~rl tL 7-,r'"~.t="-".'" .. r ~ '-. ...!€tL~~. ~- ~ ~ ,:;. ,":'.,'-'" -": .' 8 OOOOSm Cone wI #5@ 8 In ole t E ,.::;; Slldmg Pestraml ~r ,~ i . -. . -~- -, .1 - r..; ~::~~.~ J . ;:" . _ .--_.....,.L-. .J -, 3' I , #O@O m 3 , 3' @Toe Deslgl)e!" select #O@Oln 1 0'_ - 2-D' allho", "m! \.: - , - J @Hee! See Append\>. A 3-D' ,- "..~ , , " c \~,~Idf,~.?~\\~~ H,~'~~ku1~tl~~, , "_'___'_.7~_ . = __ RESISTING__ Force DIstance Ibs II 7700 233 Moment 1141 1,7967 = = 4000 5333 133 = 5800 133 7733 4500 150 6750 1905 300 2 390 5 Ibs RoM = 5716 43499 .. 9' .. 1 L .. 3-0 I 6-0' 5 3 3 -0' 1-O'! 'f 'f_