HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 2005-5-4 II ~. .. .... ...... .- - " " ~, ~ BU\~_DI~G SPJ;:If"ICA1 IoNS ...".. DIVISION OIOO-GENERAL ., . ' 0101 CODES: All con,'ructlon mothod.. mOle",!.. ond workm,,,.hlp . _ .holl comply with the 200S EDITION OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE. C,n'1",,,tion .holl olSO comply Wllh ,Ii CI~y. County and : -- Federor ccjes. 'Jrdlnanc.as Gild I egulatlofl5 as applicable. ~ 0102 PERMI.T8, ,Tbt owner will pr.,ide ond po, ;., 011 permil. and fee. exce[il ,wJ1ire olher pro,I.lon I. mod. by confract. 0103 UTILITIES: Owner 10 o",IJ.. , 0104 SUBS",riQ1'1ll8s: Cerlc;r >",ess.., tyP" 01 .qulpmeat or kind. of mate..I,I.'a,. ,plClfle~ by l?1"nufactu"er'.'rio"e. branl or : colalog number to ..ta.lI.h . b".I. 01 quahty or de.lrabi'lly for the purpose Inlended. Exclusion. 01 producle of .qu,,! quollly or de.lrablllty to those specified I. not intended. Sub-Contractors 10 .ecure approval 01 substltullon. from owner. Submit sufficient inlormallon on specific producl or prodUJts for evoiuoflon. Somples may be required. OIOS CHECKING: Controctor shall ,erlfy and c,ordlnole 011 dlmen.ions and condition. on all drowing. and at con.frucflon slfe belore proceeding. DI"repancl.. are 10 b. brought to the atte'ltlon of the owner, the designer, and/or the engine.r as approprlo'e, and fully resolved before conslructlon I. com men oed. 0107 CLEANING OF SURF ACES: All surfoe.. mu.t be ciean and in good condillon at job compleflon. OIOB COOPERATION: Contraotor and subcontractors sholl My cooperate In corrylng out the work. Conlractor to do or be directly respon.lble for 011 con.lruollon bracing. temporory shoring, lurrlng and building in, and pro'lding 011 openings. chaBes. etc.. required by various subcontractor.. Where work of one subcontractor i. instolled over sur lac.. opplled by oinor trade.. Ihe commencement of work by Ihe first menflonc.d subcontractor conslltutes acceptance ollhe surface.. .;.j cannol be used for an excuse .houid subsequenl fallur.. occur. DIVISION 0200 - SITE WORK 0201 EARTHWORK: A. Excovallon. or fill. shall be .0 construetsd or protect'd thaI they do not endange' life or properly. B. Remove trash. rubbi.h ond other ob.trucllon. from .If. prior to .tarllng eorthwork. C. Do excavallon work for .tructure and olher work .hown on ths drowlng.. carefully trimmed to IIn.. ond elevollons requlr;d lor the wark. Permonant cut. and fill. .holl not b. .teeper Iran 2 horlzontol ta I ,ertlcal unies. approved by the building otticial. D. Stockpil. ",covoted malerlal fo, boekflll purpose. ot opproved locations. Only clean. granular material I. acceptcbie for re-use. E. Th. building afflclal may require a soil te.t 10 del ermine the soil'. charocteri.tI... 0202 BACKFILLING: A. Backfill odJacent to concrets wall. .hail not be placed until Ih. wall has sufficient .trenglh or ha. been sufficlenfly bcaced to pre,ent damage by the backfill. B. Before placing blJckflll. remove all screedll, screed sltl;,.:.'. other ~o"d. debrls lJr,d material subject to rot, corrosici'l Jr subterranean termite attack. C. Backfill material .hall b. cleaa and granular. ploced in 6-inch IIff., and camp acted. D.. DI.pose of 011 unsuitoble and exces. materiol all .".. C{Inform to local Ian and ordinances relating to wosfa ~h~oSQl on property 01 athers. DIVISION 0300 - r,ONCRETE 0301 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Concrete design, components, storage, mixture, placement and reinforcement .hall confarm to Chapter 4. S. Pratect all concrete from damage and use .pecial cars on all exposed concrete to pre,ent .taining or dlscoiaratlon. C. Damaged concrete .hall b. repaired, or removed and replaced with new concrete at the dl.creflon of the owner. D. Form all concrele surfaces, except battom 01 featlnil' and top of .iab.. E. Featlng. .hall be placed on undl.turbed soil or compacled 1111. All fill materials .holl be free of vegetallan and foreign material. A soil. In,..tlgatlon reporf and a repart 01 sotl.factory placement offill .hcll b. .ubmltted to the building olflciai describing fill. greate, Ihan 4' thick which will be used to suppart the foundation. of any building or .trueture. Excepl where approved, till deplh. undsr slo.. ,hall not exceed 24' for clean sand or gravel and S' for earth. G. Remave all lareign matter and wet down soli be fare placement 01 concrete. 0302 FORMWORK: A. Form. .hall be sub.tantlal, sufficiently tight and prop.rly braced to prevenl leakag. and maintain position and .hape. B. Form. and .horing .hall nol b. removed until the .tructure h.. sufficient .trength to supparl safely It. weight and all lead. placed Ihereon. 0303 REINFORCEMENT: A. Use oniy new, clean .tock, lree fram rust, scai., greac. end other ceatlng.. Refer to ACI 3IB-77. B. Relnforcemenf .hall canform to ASTM A-6IS, A-706 ar A-996. C. Reinfarcement siz.. and locaflon. .hail b. a. .hown on plan. or .. noted beiow: ~"........:.._".~..."...."."..._... ~ _..~.E c. ._.' - - .... SFl..J~E LAP LEllGTft . Bar Slz. Ccn::r<!~&. Masonry I 3 1'-6' g'-o' . '10. 2'-0' 2'-6' rS . : 21-61 31.0. . - ". ... C~~~RETE COVER. . 3 Cancret. i\.;",Jt~d agaln.t earth 2' Farmed ~..,;fele ogain.t earth _ 5/~' .To top ~l !Ieb. en grade ,,,co.. .. 030~. Ct.ST-IN-PLIitt CONCRETE: : A. ~9s'ement wall. and loundation. not exposed ta weather and basement .Iab. and Interior .Iab. on grade. except garage floor slab.. .hall b. 2500 pei comprsssl,s .trength concrete at 2B day.. B. Porch.., carpart .Iab. ond .tep. exposed to the weather, basement wall., foundation wail., exterior wall., and athe, ,ertlcal concrete wark exposed to the weather and garage floor .Iab. .hall be 3000 p.1 compres.ive .trength concrete at 2B day.. C. 30DO p.1 concrete and other concret. which may be subJecl to freezing and thawing Idurlng con.lruction .hall be air entrained. Total air content (percent by voiume of concrete) .holl be not Ie.. than tlve pe' cent or more Ihan se,en per cen!. D. Th. minimum cement conlent of concrete mixtures for exterlar porch.., carport .Iab. ond .fep. that will be exposed to freezing and thawing Un Ihe presence of d.lclng chemical. .hall b. a. .peclfled in ACI 31B. E. Th. top surface of all featlng. .hall b. I"el. The bottom surface 01 footing. moy have a .Iop. not exceeding Iln 10. Footings .hall b. .tepped where it I. nece..ary to chang. the el"atlon of the fop surface 01 the footing. or where the .Iope of the bottam surfacs of the feating will exceed I in 10. F. Flnl.hing (,ertical surfaces): Carrect all aggregate pockete and othe, defect.. Grind off fin. and praJectlon. and remove .taln.. 0305 EMBEDMENTS: B. Post base. .hall be located accurately.. .hawn on plan.. DIVISION OSOO - METAL 0501 BOL TSI ASTM A-3107 He.,y hex-heod with hea,y hex riuf. ond hardened flat w..her~ unlees noted olherwise. OS03 MISCELLANEOUS SHEET METAL: Gal,anized 26 gauge .Ieel. Exterior apenlng. exposed to t'h. weother .hall be flashed waterprao!. OS04 Fastener.. excepf ,on.-hait-inch diameter or large, .teel bolt., used lor pressure preurvotlve ar fire retardant-treated read .hall b. hoHlpped gCllvonized .teel, .tainles. .teel, .lIIcon bronze or copper. DIVISION 0600 - CARPENTRY 0601 GENERAL: A. All .truetural dlmen.ion lumber shall b. graded and marked as noted In Seeflon R502 and RB02. B. Approved end-Jointed lumber may b. u..d Interchangeably with solid-sawn members 01 the same spe!':'e. and grade. C. All .tructurallumbe, .Izes have been designed using WWPA grodlng rule.. If the.e members boor the .tamp of a different grading .gency. adJust mente to .Ize. moy need to be made. 0602 POSTS: Posts and calumn. .hall be Douglas tlr ILarch. Grade Select Structurol F.O.lH.C. Post. .hall b. pressure treated It so noted on plan.. 0603 BEAMS. HEADERS /lIND STRINGERS: All members 2' to 4' thick and S' ar mare wid. .hall be Dougla. fir/Larch. Beame and stringers Cia.., Grad. #1. All S' thick members .hall b. Dougla. fir/Larch. Beam. and Stringers Cia.., Grode Seleet Structural. All door and window headers .hall be 4x6 minimum unies. noted atherwi.e. Glued-laminated timber. .hall be 24F-V4, Df/ grad. at simpl. 'pon. and 24F-V8. 01/ grode at cantile",. or multiple support. unies. no fed othsrwl... 060S JOISTS: Floor and ,ceiling Jol.t. .hall be Dougl.. fir/Larch, Grad. #2. All rim jaiBlts and end Jol.t. .hall b. caulked In place during framing. Doubi. all .nd Jol.t. and all Joi.t. under parallel bearing Ipar1llIan.. Lop Jol.l. 6' minimum at interior bearing supparls where posslbl., otherwise pro,lde 1-1/2' minimum bearing on wood or metal support. and 3' on mosonry or use appr..ed Joist hange" Fioor opening. .hall be framed.. noted In Ss'ction RS02.10. 0611 NAILING: All nolllng .~oll b. as noled in Tabl.. R602.3(1) and R602.3(2). Metal conmeet", shall bs in. tolled with all nan., bolt. or other fastens". as required by manufacturer. 0613 METAL CONNECTORiS: Simpson .trang tl., or approved equal. 0615 NOTCHING: Notchingl, cutting and drilling of .tud., pl.tes. Joist. or rafters .hall conform to Sections R502.B, R602.6, and RB02.7. Hole. arll allowed fhru engineered JoI.t. and rafts" If they compiy with manufacturer'. In.truetions. 0617 FINISH CARPENTRY: A. Stoirway. .hall b. oon.lrucfed .. .hown on plan. and as noted in Seeflan R31l.S. B. Handroll. and guardrrall. .hall be constructed as .hown on plan. and.. noted in Sections R311.S.6 and R312. , , ','I Ii 1 :'1 j,II'l ril!' '. d ,'~' c 'I, . I U:,' , \- - _. ,--"",. iIi. ,'..i"'._ .iIl - - -~~-~-.---...~.-,-.- - ~,.,~. , -~~., .,-.".'"~.--- ..., .._... ."..,,,, ..M''',,' """""" , '.,,~~.._ "....,.~...... ..,~.".....".., ._... ....... ."" _~.~,.,~"'_ '..... VICINI1Y MAP NO SCALE r~~- -........-. t .............. " ~~-~~-~~- ~~-~~~~:~'5g"E: 75.05;.........__ ...--........ .~~ ----..-- ..........-- ~~-~~l . . \~6.. 4€).48'&4" \ R. 4~~€)' L.. 32.11' , \ , , \ , , \ \ \ " V , , \ , , \ , , i , . J I , I , , . , , , , . , , I i I " II ? ~N i I ~ ~ i i J I I I , 'l I I I I , ~ I I ! I i", Q, " !: 1,1 Q , i ~ N I I,i , I I, , i. 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CITY~!.,S:;:INGFiELDi1oREGONI I "=TJ---A fl".I..Jl... =,. .'5117/05 ""'i<'l'>'".......'if~~~~~-~..."=",~ -...._":__,l!!'q,;..~ "'" .....~~-,----------------", ~ ; REVISIONS FI'( '\ " / " " D:::: z W --.J 0 (') w <( C!: 0 .. if) w ~ 0 -.J O~ i.J.. 0 <(-.J Z Ow 0 D:::: ~- I- <( <(LL 0 0(') 0 I <( z U - :::.:: WC!: () - COD- w D:::: 0 W(f) i I if) O..-Z <(0 2- I- D-~0 WZLL I--U if)UW >0..- if) z ::; II \" ,; / '\ / " , III 0 III III I III ot ~ III ~ tII 0 ot ~. t- O! 0: ~ 0 . c:::. 4J ~ Z 4J " :J @ 4J ~ , I- III ~ 0: 4J " Z ~ 0 U III t::::t t- t- ..... ,; ~ '\ Date 5-3-05 Scale NOTED PLOT Scale 1=120 Drawn DMc Job 37018 Sheet ~ .-- ./1 J) Of Sheets \..... ,;