HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 5-8-24 ~, .; ; k.' ,\ . -UESI:GN~ Memorandum Page 1 of 1 To: Jeff Adam From: Julio C. Vela, Ph.D., P.E. George Saunders, P~E. I August 24, 2005 '1 f,~t/ Company: Address: Kohl's Department Store, Inc. Real Estate Department. N56 W1700 Ridgewood Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Date: . cc: Isabelle Pena, Perkowitz + Ruth Architects (two copies) Brian Feeney, WRG Design, Inc. (one copy) Brian Walker, Wallace Engineering (one copy) GDI Project: RE: KohlsDept~5-02 (Gateway Mall - Springfield, ,Oregon) Shell Building Plan Review o Urgent o For Review o Please Comm'ent o Please Reply , , We prepared this memorandum to document our review of the revised project plans prepared by Perkowitz + Ruth Architects, WRG Design, Inc., and Wallace Engineering. We reviewed a plan set provided by Ms. Isabelle Pefia of Perkowitz + Ruth Architects labeled "CONSTRUCTION SET 08-16~05," including the drawings listed on Sheet Tl. BaSed upon our review, the revised drawings have been prepared in general conformance with the intents of the recommendations in our geotechnical report! and have incorporated review comments provided in our June 13, 2005 plan review memorandum. No exceptions are noted to the "CONSTRUCTION SET' drawings. We hope this information meets your needs at this time. Should you have questions regarding our comrrients, please call. JCV:GPS:kt Two copies submItted Document 10: KohlsDept-5-02-082405-geom-plan_review.doc @ 2005 GeoDeslgn, Inc. All rights reserved. , GeoDeslgn, 2005. Report of Geotechnical Engineering Services, Proposed Kohl's Department Store, Gateway Mall, Springfield, Oregon, dated April 4, 2005. GeoDesign project KohlsDept'S-Ol. 15575 SW Sequoia Parkway . Suite 100'. Portland, Oregon 97224 . Phone (50.3) 968-8787 . Fax (503) 968-30.68 ' , '-" ,I , _LJESIGN~ August 24, 2005 Kohl's Department Stores, Inc. Real Estate Department N56 W1700 Ridgewood Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Attention: Mr.Jeff Adam Letter of Compliance Geotechnical Engineering Construction Observations Building Pad Preparation Kohl's Department Store - Gateway Mal! Springfield, Oregon GeoDesign Project: KohlsDept-5-03 This letter provides our sum~ary of geotechnical construction monitoring completed during building pad preparation for the Kohl's Department Store project at the Gateway Mall in Springfield, Oregon. The Kohl's store project is located on the east side ofthe existing mall in the existing parking area. We prepared an April 4, 2005 report for the site, which included site preparation and geotechnical design recommendations. Ou~ monitoring services for were limited to observation of building pad preparation within the proposed store footprint. Our monitoring included observation of the stripped subgrade, and placement and compaction of structural fill to bottom of building slab base rock elevation. ' Members of our geotechnical staff monitored geotechnical-related tasks identified above on a part-time 'and ~m-call basis. The results of our site visits were summarized in our daily field , report, copies of which, are attached and have been prOVided to the site contractor as well as design/construction. team members, and are on file in our office. Based on our observations, the ' prepared building, pad has been prepared in general accordance with the project plans and specifications and the geotechnical recommendations. . . . _, lSS7SSWSequoiaPkwy.SultelOO I PortlandOR97224 I OIfS03.968,8787 I FaxS03.968.3068 ,\ .;; We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have questions concerning ,the information provided, please call. Sincerely, ulio C , Ph.D., P.E. Associate Geotechnical Engineer cc: Ms.,lsabelle Pena, Perkowitz + Ruth Architects (two copies) Mr. Brian Feeney, WRG Design, Inc. (one copy) . Mr. Brian Walker, Wallace Engineering (one copy) JCV:GPS:kt Attachments Two copies submitted Document 10: KohlsDept-S-Q3-08240S-geoloc.doc @ 2005 GeoDeslgn, Inc. All rights reserved. ~UESIGN~ 2 , KohlsOept-S-03:08240S ~' _UESIGN~ FIELD REPORT GDl Project: Project Name: Location: Arrival: . Weather: Purpose: , KohlsDept-S-03 Kohls Department Store I, Gateway Mall, Springfield, OR ' I 3:00 PM I Sunny, 90's J ObselVe Proof Roll of Slab Subgrade Prepared By: Date: Report #: Departure:. Permit #: I Matt Kittelson . 17/27/2005 1 5:00 PM Paqe 1 of 2. I arrived on site at 3:00 pm as requested. I met with Shawn Riley 9f General Growth Properties and with Rick Hamm of Wildish Construction. The purpose of my visit was to obselVe a proof roll of the subgrade for the store building after stripping of the site asphalt. The following is a summary of my obselVations. A fully-loaded water truck was used to complete a proof roll fo the subgrade in the building area. In general, the subgradeconsisted of native soils as described in our geotechnical report for the s~te dated April 4, 2005, covered by approximately 6 inches of ~-inch minus silty crushed rock. The major portion of the stripped subgrade . exhibited no noticeable deflection under load., Two distinct areas exhibited exces~ive deflection and "pumping" . . under load. The approximate location' and field-measured dimensions are provided on the attached sketch~ The areas were marked and noted in the field (the s~uthwest area was generally enveloped by an approximate 100' x 75' area). We probed the areas that exhibited excessive deflection with a ~inch diame~er steel foundation probe and generally encountered easy penetration to depths of 8 to 10 inches. These soils appeared to be wet and disturbed and consisted of gray clayey silt under the overlying silty crushed rock. We recommend the soft material be . excavated to the underlying firm native soil (approximately 10 inches) and be backfilled to subgrade elevation with structural fill. It is our understanding based on discussions between Mr. Hamm and Mr. Riley that approximately 18 inches will be excavated out in these areas and backfilled with structural fill. We have been requested to return on Friday (7/29/05) for additional observation of the prepared subgrade. Distribution: with building pad certification form to General Growth Partners -- Attachments: Site Plan with Sketch Reviewed by: '6 This report presentS .,pinions formed as a result of our' obseJVillian of activities relaIing III geoleChnlcal engineering or environmonllll services. WueJv on lhe ....w. ~.. to comply wflh the plans and s~"';'....lions throughout the durallon of,the project l,,~.. ...;, . of the presence ofour representative. Our work does not Include supel\/Ision or diiection Of the C<l..w~__.. the conaactcr's employees or ag~. Our linn is not , '~.. ....ible for site safety. ' Signature: -::< \ //IJ.-- i1..J "- ( )V- I 15575 ~ Sequoia Parkway · Suite 100 . Portland, Oregon 97224 . Phone (503) 968-8787 . Fax (503) 968-3068 IO-,IU. "II i~H I Blai~S; nlJI ,; II~aiil; P e;'ji ~I W ~ i & . I i. dl;~ I D 1,1 la ball R i ;. II l'l~q i -i la I!m . a~ :, Hili la ~i i! '111;,' ji ~r la!l; i a la IiI II I i~ IHh S 11 !~r~1 ~ II h-II j ~a!i :z: ~o jgi eo:z: ~Q~ ~ I /1 'I ,& ~ ~ ~ \ II \ r' . ':~ 8 :>' o :> -:J; " :ni -. ~ ~ l:!I GJ t ~ [i d );).-* iT! i~ ~ :~IWH g! r ~ LIt! ~:- ~ r l' >:. .- . I} "< ". t _ 11f! ~ 1" f i a~li I'I.~ ~ [' ~. I ~: r ~ "0 I I I I I I I .' inill HIli i HI n 111 I'll~ inll . i ~ ~ a I I h ~ !".~; j !!U L i II I I 1 ~ e~ 'II' HI I : j j E ;1 J ' H ~ ... S.". 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Iii i : SPRINGFIELD. OREGON __I R I'" P..!GN INO, JU5GWWat;mDr.1CI100 PcIIlucI,~W'221 TliLIlO3.41l125<<1 F...5lI141li12000 " I; r.. _UESIGN~ FIELD REPORT GOI Project: Knh Ie,. Do/' I - 5 ~~.:> Project Name:' k:...J.,.{.~~-l s-\.M~ Location: ~~,,-,y .M.~1/ Sb""'''/'./'/ dR I ' "., Arrival: 1/5)(:J. Weather: I SU-.I'L\J Pid 0 , I ) ". Purpose: I fJ.,..."....( 1<'",\\ -p".tU "",4 P.... j . "'L IC-""'N~./ tUJpk "..I.;t? ".....)"Ud.d ...../ "'i.6a..I;I.ho ~ ,tJ,1A"'-~1t':< 77.." ptJl",t'...<.... ?../ ~ 1&/ -4..,,~-~ ;"J 4.-..,1 .<;n~~ &"4. .~r'dZ.7!::' :::z- .1.///,/"; ~.. ,4/'1~<:~''''~~ '4~:S/.,t;_ I~ ""'~ -T A~t!.rfA:.J ~,/./-~/. ~.1 ~'...~<" L..-rf ./""~~../-'fJ '~-<.-' D..,.~d h~-"~ ~~b"'"t:JJt'ry.rM~J""//'-l '"$-4' '#o.~"'~~/ ~h-- 11.Y'l:<W /, / - " A'~ C.5~1!-.3 . ~ r"/Y.J.. ~~ /' ~~~, ~ vn_tt ~ ~ ~' <.'""'7<?t>-# af~-LZI//.;--- ..._.,1. / o:t.~ / a4.~~ 1'. A <~ ~ (''''~,p~ ...~ -/k. />J,4/~i ~. A4f" ~~. 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Signature: This repon presents opinions formed as i result of our observation of o1CtIvllles relatlng to geotechnical engln n specifications throughout the duration of the projea Irres~aJve of the presence of our represematIW. Our \\Ork oragenu. Our firm Is not responsible for site safety. In-1m" I i~li '0> Bi :1 ~IIIIfJ I ~ ;;.~i, ~ I e~"i ~ ~i :Ia;a~ II =1' ~ I. ~la18811 x ; II Ai" I 6 "! h 5i'l' i i Ii s: !l~; " la !. UIX~ II ~D X6 I~H i ~ "9 " I'n i ~ '1 I> ih! a- ~I E~;I~ i · I~ xl,11 . i~ lith. I~ I~rll' p ;!i~1 I ~! U I ~g -g !~ 5 ~ S \ // ., -'~ G ;) '0 I I I I I I I .' 10 igi ~o>: ~Q~ e 8 III I I I mU!11II1 II 11I11I1 ~ ilf I! nrll!!s:lllli flnisl 'l> V ~ ; ; ; Vi i a !! Iii R a~aal a ~ I 3 , 1,1 ,II I i I : ~ ;:::..:::!! II II i I . ~ ~ n::!QID ,II ,. ~*()j [}I! : !'~ Ii II "1 ~ "11 I: 8, ; ft iHII! 'OC~!~A 181~ liii( UpXI,. nUll HI! n IIj t,n ~J ~U I ti Igl! I II J a i ,ll ~ .Pt' i 3!! I j 1 ~ :' I x ,I . 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