HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Notice 8-8-24 ., '. " 1,-1" -., .;. ;- 1<~- .' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 541 726-3753 NOTICE OF DECISION - LIMITED LAND USE - PARTITION DATE OF LETTER: 8-24-98 JOURNAL NUMBER 1998-06-0141 APPLICANT - PROPERTY OWNER Margaret Dahlquist 2955 Yolanda Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 SURVEYOR Charles W. Guile 52 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The applicant is requesting the Partition (division) of two tax lots into three (3) parcels. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ~crl9 '1dQXlM The subject properties are located within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) on the south side of Yolanda A venuet, west of 31 st Street. The prop~rties are identified on Lane County Assessor's map as 17-02-19-33 Tax Lots 800 and 801. Tax Lot 800 is known as 2979 Yolanda and Tax lot 801 is known as 2955 Yolanda. Both properties are outside of the City Limits. DECISION Tentative Plan approval, with conditions, as of the date of this report. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THIS LETTER None BACKGROUND/SITE INFORMATION The land to be partitioned consists of two, flat tax lots. Tax Lot 800 (2979 Yolanda) is approximately 0.5217 acres, developed with a single-family residence; the current address will be known as Parcel #2. Tax Lot 801 (2955 Yolanda) is approximately 0.5167 acres, developed with a single-family residence; the current address will be known ~' as Parcel #1. A portion (approximately 2.715 acres) ofthe two tax lots will become Parcel #3. The properties are zoned Low Density ResidentiallUrban Fringe-I 0 (LDRlUF-IO) and are bordered by property zoned LDRlUF-IO on the east, west and north; the property to the south is currently zoned Medium Density Residential (MDR); however, it is owned by Willamalane Park & Recreation District and will be developed as a park in the future. The south property lines of both tax lots are on the City Limits boundary. The site is designated LDR by the Metro Plan and is not part of any Refinement Plan area. WRITTEN COMMENTS Limited land use decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 100 feet of the proposed'development, and then allowing for a 14-day comment period prior to release of the staff decision. The following comments were received: NONE CRITERIA OF APPROVAL Section 34.050 ofthe Springfield Development Code states: "The Director shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria:" Criteria of Approval: I SDC 34.050 (1) THE REQUEST AS CONDITIONED, FULLY CONFORMS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE PERTAINING TO: LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONS, THE EFFICIENT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSIDERATION OF NATURAL FEATURES." LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONS SDC 16.030 states: "The minimum lot size in all residential districts shall be as follows: (1) Lots on east-west streets shall have a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 45 feet. Parcel #1 will be 38,833 square feet with 148.5 feet of street frontage; Parcel #2 will be 10,723 square feet with 65 feet of street frontage; and Parcel #3 will be 115,462 square feet with 92.72 feet of street frontage; FINDINGS: Parcel #1, #2, and #3 exceed the minimum lot standards and street frontage requirements as described above; therefore, this criterion has been met. 2 ~', ..:~;' t-; :'l,~ ' '~ " 'v ')"> .' Solar Standards: . . . >,,'j. ;., .' ." )j.., SDC 34.010(3) states: (a) Applicability. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all land divisions in the ,LDR and MDR districts. Lots complying with this standard must be identified , as such on a,separate recorded document. (b)(1) Basic Requirement for Subdivisions and Partitions. A lot complies with this section if it: a. Has a north-south dimension of 90 feet or more; and b. Has a front lot line that is oriented within 30 degrees of the true east-west axis.' Both Tax lots 800 and 801, currently have a north-south dimension of 539 feet.' When the two parcels are partitioned, Parcel #1 will have a north/south dimension of263.5 feet; Parcel #2 will have a north/south dimension of 165 feet; and Parcel #3 will have a north/south dimension of 5~9 feet. All lots have afront lot line that is within 30 degrees ofthe true east-west axis. FINDING: The proposal, as conditioned, meets this criterion because 100 percent of the parcels meet solar access ,standards. THE EFFICIENT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES Water: SDc 32.120(3) states: "Each development area shall ,be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development. Fire hydrants and mains shall be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshal and the utility provider." The subject properties are served by Rainbow Water District from water lines on the north side of Yolanda Street. There is an irrigation well on Parcel # 1. . The applicant must contact Rainbow Water District for detailed information on materials and construction standards. All water meters shall be placed in the right-of-way so the each parcel will have its own water service. FINDING: The existing structures have water service. Parcel #3 will be required to construct water services to Rainbow Water District standards at the time of development. This criterion has been met because each parcel has access to adequate water lines. . , Electricitv: 3 '-' SDc 32.120(1)(b) states: "The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider." SDC 32.120(5) states: "An applicant proposing a.development shall make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development. The standard width for public utility easements adjacent to street right-of-ways shallbe 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 10 feet unless otherwise specified by the utility provider or the City Engineer. Where feasible, utility easements shall be centered on a lot line. The subject properties are currently served overhead from power poles located on Yolanda A venue. No public or private easements are shown on the tentative partition, but may become necessary with future devlopment proposals. FINDING: A 7-Joot PUE is required along the Yolanda Avenue frontage of this site. Also, a 7-foot PUE will be required along both sides of the 40-foot Conceptual Street Plan reserve which will run east/west through the site. Underground, individual electric service is required for Parcel #3. CONDITION: #1) Underground individual electric service is required for Parcel #3. #2) A 7- foot PUE is required along the frontage of Y olanda Avenue for all parcels. #3) A 7-foot PUE is required along both sides of the 40-foot reserve Right-of-WAy strip running east/west at a center line dist(illce of274 feet from the south property line. .Sanitarv Sewer: SDc 32.100(5) states: "For proposed developments in unincorporated urbanizable land, the Lane County Sanitarian shall approve all septic system designs." The City sanitary sewer is located over 300 feet from the subject property and is not available to serve these parcels. Parcel #1 and Parcel #2 have septic approval from Lane County and currently have functioning septic systems and drain fields as shown on the tentative partition. Parcel #3 has preliminary analysis by the Lane County Sanitarian which shows that sewage disposal would be possible. Septic approval from the Lane County Sanitarian is required for all 3 parcels prior to Final Plat Approval. FINDING: The subject properties are unincorporated, urbanizable land; therefore, the Lane County Sanitarian shall approve all septic systems designs. There is curre~tly no public sanitary sewer system in Y olanda Avenue to serve this site, or within 300 feet of the site. The applicant will be obligated to pcirticipate in the future construction of the public sewer under the terms of the required Improvement Agreements. The applicant must provide approval from the Lane County Sanitarian for the septic system on Parcel #2 since the proposed size of this parcel may not be adequate to allow for a reserve area 4 , ,J C-.,__ for a future septic drain field. N<;>septic: system has',b_e~,V proposed by the applicant for Parcel #3. The proposal does not adequately address the waste water disposal needs of the proposed partition. , CONDITION: #4) All septic systems must be approved by the Lane County Sanitarian prior to Final Plat Apprc>val. Storm Sewer: SDC 32.110(1) statys: "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the City storm water drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer. The storm water drainage system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be shown on every Site Plan or Final Plat. . . (4) A development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by t,he City Engineer and consistent with Metro Plan policies which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams. Run- off from impervious surfaces shall be directed to an approved drainage or drainage system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge." Lane County has developed a,drywell system in Y oland Avenue. This system is designed only to take the flows from the public right-of-way and no public drainage system is available to these properties. The current run-off from the site tends to flow to the north. No changes to the existing drainage patterns ,are proposed, and none are needed at this time. Future development of the new parcels may necessitate public drainage improvements to Y ohmda Avenue, or private systems on the site. Storm Water Quality measures will apply to any development of the proposed parcels when the new pavement areas exceeds 5,000 square feet. A list of possible storm water quality BMP's that the applicant may be able to employ are attached to the end of this report. Runoff from roof areas should be directed into one or more dry wells, with an overflow connection into the site storm drain system, in compliance with the storm, water reduction methods in SDC Section 32.11 0(4) FINDING: The applicant has made no proposai for storm water management on any of the parcels, and no changes to the existing drainage patterns are proposed at this time; however, future development of the new parcels may necessitate public drainage . improvements in Yolanda Avenue, or private systems on the site. No storm water quality ineasures are required at this time either; therefore this criteria has been met. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 5 ;, ~ PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS 32.010 General. (1)The intent of this article is to ensure that public and private improvements are installed and service development is in accordance with the Metro Plan. Y olanda Avenue is currently maintained by Lane County and listed as a local road. Yolanda Avenue is a paved street with curbs only.. Yolanda Avenue is not fully improved with sidewalks and gutters. The City lists this street as a collector road. The minimum right-of-way (ROW) for a collector street is 70 feet (SDC 32.020). The right-of-way is currently 60 feet. The City's Conceptual Street Plan shows a 40-foot right-of-way running east/west through the site with a center line approximately 274 feet from the south property line. FINDINGS: The applicant must dedicate 7-foot PUE the length of the Yolanda Street frontage (see Condition # 2), as well as 7-foot PUE on both sides of the proposed east/we'st street (see Condition #3). The applicant will provide a 40-foot ROW for the proposed east/west street. ~. CONDITIONS: #5) Ded,icate a 40-foot reserve strip right-of-way (ROW) from west property line to east property line on the subject site for a future local street, which will have the center line,of the reserve ROW at 274 feet from the south property line of the subject site. SDC 32.020(10)(b) states: "Whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications in the following instances. . . (4)(a) . . . cases of unimproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be required as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until such time that a .City street improvement project is initiated. FINDINGS: Prior to approval ofthe Final Partition Plat, the applicant shall enter into standard Improvement Agreements for the futUre improvement of both Y olanda Avenue and the future east/west street, including, but not limited to street, sidewalk, street light, storm drainage, and sanitary sewer system construction along the full frontage of this proposal. CONDITIONS: #6) Sign two (2) Improvement Agreements, one for Yolanda A venue and one for the future east/west street. SDC 32.040(1) states: "... accessways shall be constructed, replaced or repaired in accordance with the Standard Construction Specifications." 6 \, " '" ."'.,i., Single Family driveway width is 24 feet. The width of the existing driveways on Yolanda Street should be checked and corrected, if needed, in accordance with the City's driveway standards for single family homes. Also the existing and proposed driveways should be paved for the first 18th feet from the street curb (SDC 32.080). A 10 foot vision clearance triangle on both sides of all the access points is required. . FINDINGS: The driveway for proposed Parcel #I,is not paved back 18 feet from Yolanda Avenue. CONDITIONS: #7) All proposed driveways should be paved for the first 18 feet from the curb. CONSIDERA nON OF NATURAL FEATURES The Hydric Soils Map, the Draft Springfield Wetlands Inventory Map, the National Wetlands Map, and the FEMA flood zone maps do not indicate any water related natural features on this site. Staffhas further consulted the Metro Natural Resources Special Study, the Washburne Historic District, and the Historic Landmark Sites Listing. No significant natural or cultural features have been identified on this site in any of these inventories. . , FINDING: This criterion does not apply because there are no natural, cultural or inventoried historic or archeological sites located on the subject properties. .,:.:{ ,.j- Criteria of Approval: 2 SDc 34.050 (2) THE ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AND/OR APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAMS. , The Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan designates the subject property as Low Density Residential (LDR). The property is zoned LDRlUrban Fringe Overlay District (UF-I0). The property is not within a refinement plan area. The proposed partition would create three parcels in conformance with the Metro Plan designation and the , prescriptions for lot size and dimensions specified in the Springfield Development Code. FINDING: The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram; therefore, this criterion has been met. Criteria of Approval: 3 SDC 34.050 (3) DEVELOPMENT OF ANY REMAINDER OF THE PROPERTY UNDER THE SAME OWNERSHIP CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. 7 -.f SDC 29.070 Special use Standards (3)(a) Siting of Residential Uses states "Detached single family dwellings shall be sited so as to allow the future division and/or more intensive use of the property consistent with the Metro Plan." A Future Development Plan is not required ofthis proposed partition because the subject properties are less than 5 acres; however, to meet this criterion the applicant must consider future division of Parcel #3 when siting any residential unit. SDc 29.070(5)(b)(2) states: "A Future Development Plan for the urban development shall be required when the property is redivisable into smaller parcels. The Future Development Plan shall be .. required for partitions of MDR and HDR property, and for LDR property between 5 acres and 10 acres." The size of the parcels will allow further division FINDING: This criterion does not apply to this proposal because the subject properties are under 5 acres. (c) Any proposed new parcel less than five acres shall meet, in addition to the standards of Subsection (5)(b) of this Section, one of the following standards: 1. That the property to be partitioned shall be owned or operated by a governmental agency or public utility; or FINDING: This property is privately owned and this criterion does not apply. 2. A majority of parcels located within 100 feet of the property to be partitioned shall be smaller than five acres. FINDING: The three properties to the east and west are smaller than five acres, as well as all the other east/west properties along Yolanda A venue. Property to the north is larger than 5 acres. Property to the south is less than 5 acres and is owned by Willamalane Park & Recreation District. The majority of the parcels located within 100 feet of the subject , properties are smaller than five acres; therefore, this criterion has been met. SDc 29.070 Special Use Standards (1) General (a) states: "The owner of any property requiring Type II, III, or IV Development Approval, or Type I Development Approval with respect to new single family residences and Site Plan reviews, shall sign an Annexation Agreement with the City." FINDING: The proposed partition requires Type II Development Approval and Final Plat Approval; therefore, the property owner must sign and CONSENT TO ANNEXATION form; a WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT ON CONSENT TO 8 ~'. ,: ~:.~.. " ( " . ,,~' lo-, , "~""~' , ANNEXATION form; and a NOTICE OF ANNEXAIJ9N AGREEMENT form to meet this criterion. CONDITION: #8) Sign, record, and present the following documents with the Final Plat: CONSENT TO ANNEXATION; WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT ON CONSENT TO ANNEXATION; and NOTICE OF ANNEXATION AGGREEMENT Criteria of Approval: 4 SDC 34.050 (4) ADJACENT LAND CAN BE DEVELOPED OR IS PROVIDED ACCESS THAT WILL ALLOW ITS DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH' THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. FINDING: The adjacent lots to the east and west have access to Y olanda Avenue. Tax Lot 1500 to the south is owned by Willamalane Park & Recreation and will have access from the proposed east/west street; therefore, this criterion has been met. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES System Development Charges will be required for transportation, storm sewer and sanitary sewer. DCD's will be calculated at the time of building permit process CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PRIMARY: . 1) The applicant will have up to one year from the date of this letter to meet any of the attached conditions or Development Code standards to obtain Partition Plat approval. A separate application and free will be'required. The application must be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. The plat itself will be reviewed by the City Surveyor. Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Partition Plat mylar may be submitted to :Lane' County for recordation. No property may be transferred until the Partition Plat is recorded. Summary of Conditions: #1) Underground individual electric service is required for Parcel #3. #2) A 7-foot PUE is required along the frontage of Yolanda Avenue for all parcels. #3) A 7-footPUE is required along both sides of the 40-foot reserve Right-of-WAy strip running east/west at a center line distance of274 feet from the south property line. #4) All septic systems must be approved by the Lane County Sanitarian prior to Final Plat Approval. 9 , #5) Dedicate a 40-foot reserve strip Right-of-Way (ROW) from west property line to east property line on the subject site for a future local street, which will have the center line of the reserve ROW at 274 feet from the south property line of the subject site. #6) Sign two (2) Improvement Agreements, one for Y olanda Avenue and one for the future east/west street. #7) All proposed driveways should be paved for the first 18 feet from the curb: #8) Sign, record, and present the following documents with the Final Plat: CONSENT TO ANNEXATION; WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT ON CONSENT TO ANNEXATION; and NOTICE OF ANNEXATION AGGREEMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria of approval are available for a free inspection and copies will be available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAL If you wish to appeal the decision of the partition Preliminary Plan Approval, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development code, Article 15, APPEALS. Note: Appeals must be submitted on a City form and a fee of$100.00 must be paid to the City at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. OUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at 726-3632 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREP ARED BY Kitti M. Gale ~if[' /;J). cz:;Y&0 Planner 1, City of Springfield, Oregon 10 , \ 1'\ :'\, ., 'i , 'r"\ POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS BY THE'PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DRc STAFF REVIEW: AUGUST 4,1998 3-LOT PARTITION @ 2955 YOLANDA AVENUE Revised by Ken Vogeney, 8/15/98 , Jurisdictional Location: Within UGB PARTITION TENTATIVE TYPE II Planner: KittiGale #98-06-141, DAHLQUIST NOTE: The intent of this list is to give a developer insight about requirements related to public improvements before they develop their property. Each development is individually reviewed for appropriate requirements by the Public Works Department. ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE (STREET) rS.D.C. ARTICLE 321: , ~ Comply with the Development Review Committee Requirements ~ Dedicate Right-of-Way [S.D.C. 32.020] No additional right-ofway is needed along the Yolanda Avenue frontage of this site. The Conceptual Street Plan shows a 40-foot right-of way running east-west through the site, The applicant should reserve this right-of way on the final plat per the requirements of the Traffic Section. ~ Dedicate Public and/or Private Easements [S.D.C. 32.120] A 7 -foot P UE shall be dedicated on the partition plat along the frontage of Yolanda Avenue and along both sides of the 40-foot reserve discussed above, No other public or private easements are shown on the tentative plat, but may become necessary with future development proposals. ~ Sign an Improvement Agreement [S.D.C.32.020] Prior to approval of the final partition plat, the applicant shall enter into standard Improvement Agreements for the future improvement of both Yolanda Avenue and the future east-west street, including, but not limited to, street, sidewalk, street light, storm drainage, and sanitary sewer system construction along the full frontage of this proposal. ~ Submit a Traffic Impact Stl!dy if the landuse.will generate 250 or more vehicle trips per day [S.D.C. 32.020] See comments from Traffic Section. ~ Construct Public Infrastructure Requirements (surface paving, curbs, gutters, drainage systems, sanitary sewer systems, planter strips, street trees, sidewalks, A.D.A. handicap ramps, traffic control devices, and street lights) to City of Springfield Standards and IJ 11 /K1/4'fcAJ I 1/ . , " ,. j./ , \ \ t~ " DRC STAFF REVIEW: AUGUST 4,1998 2955 YOLANDA AVE., DAHLQUIST Page 2 of6 Specifications. First obtain a Public Works construction permit for the privately engineered r public improvements from the Public Works Department. [S.D.C. Article 32] No public improvements are required to be constructed at this time, ~ Comply with Master Plans (Metro, Refinement, Green way, Streets, Sanitary, Drainage, etc.) SANITARY SEWER rS.D.c. 32.100t ~ Construct a public sanitary sewer if the property or portions of the property being developed is not currently part of the public sanitary system. Sanitary sewer applies only to development within the City limits. (Sanitary sewer extension into the Urban Growth Boundary requires annexation to the City, and jurisdictional approval of the Lane County Boundary Commission.) There is currently no public sanitary sewer system in Yolanda Avenue to serve this site, or within 300 feet of the site, The applicant shows the existing septic system for Parcels 1 and 2. The applicant should be required to provide approval from the Lane County Sanitarian for the septic system on Parcel 2 since the proposed size of this parcel may not be adequate to allow for a reserve area for a future septic drain field. Unless a public sewer becomes available, any development of Parcel 3 will also need to have a septic system, The applicant will be obligated to participate in the future construction of the public sewer under the terms of the requir~d Improvement Agreement. " DRAINAGE SYSTEMS rS.D.C. 32.1101: ~ Address Drainage Management (show existing and proposed grading and drainage systems, show the drainage impact on the surrounding properties) Lane County has developed a drywell system in Yolanda Avenue. However, this system is designed only to take the flows from the public right-oi-way. No public drainage systems are currently available to serve this site. The current runoff from the site tends to flow to the north. No changes to the existing drainage patterns are proposed, and none are needed at this time. Future development of the new parcels may necessitate public drainage improvements in Yolanda Avenue, or private systems on the site. ~ Address Storm Water Quality (see following pages for Drainage Best Management Practices). The drainage plan must be approved by the Public Works Department. Show flood plain/way on drainage plans. Storm Water Quality measures will apply to any development of the proposed parcels whim the new pavement area exceeds 5,000 square feet. A list of possible storm water quality BMP 's that the applicant may be able to employ are attached to the end of this report. Runoff from roof areas should be directed into one or more dry wells, with an .., ~'.' \ \ , \. \.... \ .. ;' '"1, DRC STAFF REVIEW: AUGUST 4,1998 2955 YOLANDA AVE., DAHLQUIST Page 3 of6 overflow connection into the site storm drain system, in compliance with the storm water reduction methods in Section 32,110(4), SDC No storm water quality measures are required at this time. FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 'CHARGE: ~ Pay a Systems Development Charge when the building permits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rate, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11] SDC's are collected with private construction permitting. Until development proposals are submitted, no estimate of the SDC's can be prepared. SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: ~ Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to determine if an In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge is applicable. [Ordinance No. 5584] (The current rate is $O.28.,per square foot ofland.) Does not apply at this time since no jiubii/}ewer is available to this site. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: ~ The private developer funds public infrastructure. OTHER CITY PERMITS: '~ Encroachment Permitor Sewer Hookup Permit (working within right-of-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole. [The c.urrent rate is $8~ for processing plus applicable fees and deposits] '~ Wetlands, Erosion Control, Flood Plain, Land & Drainage Alteration Permits [Contact the Springfield Development Services Department] ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROV ALS MAYBE NECESSARY: ~ Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (Pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) ~ ~ane County Facilities Permit (lfthe project is within Lane County jurisdiction) Any work within the public right-ol-way of Yolanda Avenue will require a County Facilities Permit. ' .~. .... '\'~., t J, .. i DRC STAFF REVIEW: AUGUST 4,1998 2955 YOLANDA AVE., DAHLQUIST Page 4 of6 ~ Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) ~ Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction) ~ Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) ~ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Erosion control (5 acres or greater), pump station, storm water discharge, wetlands) ~ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) MISCELLANEOUS COMMENTS: .~,'J The following comments are based upon a review of the specific details sho;(vn on the plans that will need to be addressed when final plans are prepared: 1. The westerly driveway approach on Parcell should be pavedfrom the curb line to a minimum of I8feet backfrom the right-of-way line. ENGINEERING CHECKLIST NOTE: The following is a checklist of items to confirm before submitting plans for building permits. Please use this as a guide to help expedite the Public Works Department review process. The stars (**) represent items which must be completed before the building permits can be issued. o Comply with the Development Review Committee requirements. o **Show a)l easements (size and location) on the plans. No building can be constructed within an easement. o **North arrow and scale of drawing. o **Show the property lines to scale and label the dimensions. o ** Show the location ofthe following existing. items: utilities, catch basins, street lights, structures, topography, curbcuts, handicap ramps, street edge or curbs from property line, sidewalks, condition of sidewalks & pavement, street names and special features - i.e. wetlal1ds, trees, flood plain/way, drainage way, etc. . " ' o **Show the location ofthe proposed items: structures or additions, driveway width & curbcuts, parking lot, street lights, drainage systems - include future site grading, sanitary sewer systems (private utilities must be outside of public easements). o **Show a detailed drainage plan that includes existing and proposed: drainage systems; contours; '1, grades; up-gradient flows/impacts; down-gradient flows/impacts; drainage area map; and hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to support the proposed drainage design. Parking lots having , /~ '( \: ) ~, '\ \ DRC STAFF REVIEW: AUGUST 4,1998 2955 YOLANDA A VE.,DAHLQUIST Page 5 of6 5,000 square feet or more of paved surfacing must address Springfield Development Code , 32,11 0(4) [see below - Drainage Best Management Practices.] PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Oil/water separator catch basins, if approved by the City, and other drainage systems are required to be checked and cleaned to remove pollutants as needed (at least once a year, usually in September). All waste material must be disposed of in a lawful manner. The ownerldeveloper must document the maintenance activities at the site and to have the documents available on site for , the City of SpringfieldJo inspect and review. 2.' Site drainage must drain to an approved drainage way with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Surrounding property drainage, which drains onto the newly developed property, must be incorporated into the grading and drainage plan. DRAINAGE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES [Springfield Development Code 32.11 0(4)] 1. Temporary ponding of water 2. Permanent storage basins 3. Minimizing impervious surfaces 4. Emphasizing natural water percolation and natural drainage ways 5. Preventing water flowing from the roadway in an uncontrolled fashion 6. Stabilizing natural drainage ways as necessary below drainage and culvert discharge points for , a distance sufficient to convey the discharge without channel erosion 7. On-site filtration or skimming of run-off which will enter natural drainage ways to maintain water quality 8. On-site constructed wetlands and water quality ponds 9. Biofiltration systems 10. Sheet flow (drainage passing over landscape areas before entering drainage systems) 11. Parking lot drainage passing through oil/water separators with coalescing plates, filters, and/or ,'\ :/. \' . ;..".. \ . . l' DRC STAFF REVIEW: AUGUST 4,1998 2955 YOLANDA AVE., DAHLQUIST Page 6 of6 multiple chambers 12. Roof drainage to a dry well with an overflow to the storm system 13. Drainage passing through compost or sand filtering systems before entering the storm system 14. Truck wells or loading areas should have a storm sewer system shut off valve with a visible sign within the dock area explaining the location and procedure for using the valve, If feasible, construct a covered truck loading area with a sanitary catch basin system that has a shut off valve. The sanitary sewer valve will normally be in the "off' position. C:\AI \DRC\NAMEDST\2955YOLA.DOC