HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2003-6-27 <!- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Status Issued Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00556 ISSUED: 06/27/2003 APPLIED: 06/27/2003 EXPIRES: 12/27/2003 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line. SITE ADDRESS: 355 S 43RD ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1702323403800 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence TYPE OF USE: Demolition Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolish residential structure Owner: NEDCO Address: 775 MONROE EUGENE OR 97402 Phone Number: 541-345-7106 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Owner Contractor STANTON GREGORY PAYNE NEDCO License . 27323 Expiration Date 05/09/2004 Phone 541-688-7038 541-345-71 06 I BUILDING INFORMATION I VN # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Lot Size: Sq Ft Ist Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Impervious Surface Area: # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: R-3 SETBACKS I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Overlay Dist: . # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: D.ownspouts/Drains: Notes: NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED fOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. ,.\, \ b:l\J i IUN.uregon law requires you.~o f~llow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility. i\Jotification Center. Those rules are set fort, 11 OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules b} calling the center. (Note: the te\~~ho~e nurnbe"r for the Oregon Utility Notification C0nter i~, '1-800-332-2344). Pa2e 1 of2 "-~~r-~,,~g~I!!-!.?J' t' \. "'--~"""""";">!'''''''''''C'''''''< .~ ~ . .-..~. .... . ,.., ----.-~., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00556 ISSUED: 06/27/2003 APPLIED: 06/27/2003 EXPIRES: 12/27/2003 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I Valuation Description I Description Tvpe of Construction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project LFees Paid I Fee Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $9.00 6/27/03 1200200000000001660 $6,30 6/27/03 1200200000000001660 $45.00 6/27/03 1200200000000001660 $45.00 6/27/03 1200200000000001660 Total Amount Paid $105.30 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. L Reouired Insoections I 1 Demolition: After demolition is complete, sewer is capped or septic is pumped and filled and inspection is requested and approved, and all debris is removed from the site. , 2 Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUpANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. o~contr ctors~ c. -a?.- IJ ? Date Pal!:e 2 of2 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2003-00556 COM2003-00556 COM2003-00556 COM2003-00556 Payments: Type of Payment Check Reccipt#: 1200200000000001660 Description Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By GREG PAYNE Received By llh Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number 42498 City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Date: 06/27/2003 2:12:48PM Amount Paid Item Total: 45.00 45.00 6.30 9.00 $105.30 How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $105.30 $105.30 Jun-23~03 lO:03A NEq~O . F'ROf'1 : S GREG PAYNE COt6~,';r 'rm.i 1 PHm~E NO. 541 689 6861 P.03 JI..I"', 21 201]3 11; 52At1 P2 .. (:t. ~ 5!1;.1. ~ . DEVEJ..OPMENT SERVIces PtlBUC WOAKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MAHAGEMENT 225 FIFT1-i'STRcET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 ($03) i76.J~ QrHOlITION PERMIT APPLICATIO~S . Your demolition permit is currently beins .processed. There may be a slight delay. of up to 2 working days for small structures, due to the time required to review the history af the structure to determine if it needs to bl documented before demolition. ThiS documentation is for archival purposes only and will not affect. tne granting of the'demol itian permit. If the structure is very l~;..ge' or complicated the documentation process. m'Y take up to a maximum of 4 working days. Oocumentation will consist of photograph;ng the .building, taking measurements ~nd making scaled drawtngs. The documentatton w111 be undertaken by the ti'ty at no cost to yotl. DoclJment,a~.ion is being done on a11 structures dated prior to 1940 that may have hi.st,or;fc .'importance to j the City's development.. . , . J' \\.1' f .. . " TtuS DOCtJllENTATIOri Wlf..L NOT IMPEOE THE ElEMOtITIOH' PROCESS, . . . .r"..,/ An age cut-'off of 1940 was chosen because this is the date' that the National Parks Service and the Springfield Development Code use to determine potentia1 historical s1gnificarr.ce. . If you wOIJld prefer to completa this documentation YOUl'SQ1f you Illust provide the City w1U the fo11o\o/109 1nfonnation: 1) black and white photographs of each e1lvation, a floor Jllan with measurements, and I sat of .levation drawings with measurements. Thank you fc~ your patienee. I grant the City of Springfh1d permission. to enter my property to compl ete documenhticnprior to the reQuested. demoHtlon of the structure located at ~. p,..p.tty....n.' 1'9n"0"": ~t./l~ . Datet _ C:, I~~ IC3 ~ /. IJ h~ A .// ~~ -r!}/ '.s h ~ tU.4- t-U a s' b c.I~ ~ .I qt.f ~ ~ ~ ,:\ ~~ ~. Ale bcp ,.. .'..... \ Jun-23703 lO:02A NE~)O "FROM : S GREG PHyt~E '=mJSTFi~"'''.'ij ON 1 PHOt~E NO. 541 689 6861 P.02 Ju.r' 212003 11:S1Ht1 Pi J~.' . I., " OEV!LOPMENT SE~VICES DEPARTMENT 225 FifT,Y 5 TnEEi 5PR!NG~IELO. OR 97477 (541) 726..3r5:: FAX (547) 725-3689 .' Struc.ture to be Demolished: 4~ ~ tA. S e... Addres!: -.3.s-S S. Job Number: . The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with. all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, policies and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substaDdard C<lnditiooS associated \Vim the 'present development. Examples of such corrections Inay include modification of'inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building 5et-backs from property lines; corr~tion of substaDdard . sideWalks and street improvements. includiag driveway width and placement; md other corrections which. may be nw:ssary to comply with eKisring development standards. Furthermore, if en existing use is demoliShed or o~~~i~I;nove~ prior to. the development of the proposed use. then the system dcvc;ropmei1t ch3.rge credit for the previocilyexisting use shall expire two ye?JTS.~ the date of issuance of the demoiition penmt or other removal of the previously'exiSting use.' (Spiingfield Municipal Code 3.416(1)). My Slgtlature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to thedemolitioIl of the above mentioned stlUcwre. ~~. ~.~ .. SiiIl.ature (j ... . i1~ fx~ ~W ~ /;2~ /03 , Date' I po.,.it- Fax NI)te 7671 Da'~-~,.t.c;>3 Its8~s".:;J- tO~d~ ~lcC(;o F~~/.f' .~ C<l.IOePI. J . Co.V . Ptrone '\ '11/ :!J- r?'/~ ""Me · ~ RI( 7 aJ ~ I'b' ~'?r.r~!P59<t FQJii r-?fr9 ~?~/ ~~~cA.-~4'.~" Page 1 ,t I 1:\ WOF'.DfII.E\Pl!R.MI'tS\Oelllo'de,d~e ~ (i fry:: () 3YS> ?)6(P ,. PH '3 95 '1~1 i6 .1: f?t: 3~.5 5, 'I]""q ~Y;r2 ~Icd.~~ .A-I n. d ".IJ , \, ,.:. .., .-_~ ~?~ '2 ~ 2~~~ ~~~~~~~n_ ~. BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS FOR 355 43RD ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ATEZ, INC. 23525 HIGHWAY 99 EAST HARRISBURG, OR 97446 PHONE: (541) 995-6008 FAX: (541) 996-1015 E.MAIL: atezinc@aol.com CCB# 64090 ~~ ~~~~ @Q)Q) tD@lJtlQ) ~H32lf ~I~LJB)D @lID SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL LOCATION BA01 NC041403 Top layer of roofing south east corner east 3 tab roofing/Black side with green & white (Black tar-like) BA02NC041403 Under BA01 south east corner east side 3 tab roofing/Black with red (Black tar- like) BA03NC041403 Center entrance from dining room Linoleum/Tan (Gray linoleum; Black fib.) BA04NC041403 Center of living room Plaster/White painted green (Gray gran.) BA05NC041403 North east bedroom ceiling center Ceiling texture/White painted blue (Off- white powder:Blue paint chips,) BA06NC041403 West side window north entry door top of Window caulking/ window White (Gray powder) % of ASBESTOS No Asbestos Detected No Asbestos Detected No Asbestos Detected No Asbestos Detected No Asbestos Detected No Asbestos Detected Fi~E No.o23 04/21 '03 09:41 'D:EHS FAX: Sf' 1379:L8 P~lGE 1/ 3 _ ..... ,~ . _ _, ___ . ......"':.JD:lI..... ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS SERVICIES, IL.L..C" 14tsY' VWHII!; il-'11'tR: kUALJ -KIl:t\MUNU,'VA 2:fJ:a'l ,-,_.-.". 804..275-4788 FAX 804.275-4907 BULK ASBESTOS SAMPLE ANAL YS\S SUlVlIIAAR'V - .. - ,.---. CliENT: ATE Z, Inc. P,Q. BoJ( 126 Harrisburg, OR 97446 DAn: OF Fl::gGEKPT: 16 i.~d;l'n, :~~003 DATE ()f A~I.Iu.Yms: 1'9 AP'I,"i~O()3 DArfi~ Of REPO~~T: 19 }'\F']::: ilO03 CLIENT NUMBER: EHS PROJIECT #: PROJECT: 38-1287 A 04.03-2165 030419; Westover Realty EHS CLIENT SAMPLE #I % ASBESTOS SAMPLE # lABORATORY GRO~S DESCRIPTION 01 BA01NC041403/ NAP Black Tar-Like 02 BA02NC041408/ NAD Black ~rar.Like 03 BA08NC041403I NAn Gray Linoleum.; Black Fib. 04 BA04NC041403/ NAD Gray Gran. 05 BA05NC041403/ NAD Off.White Powder; Blue Paint Chips 06 BA06NC041403I NAn Gray Powder 0'11}lIEH Iw!ilini: IRII~ILS ._._.__H__-..-O..,-..,.....'. ......- -.-----'-- 20% (~;-i)Ldoi3e 80% Non- F'i.l:m)Ull 20% CenU1o~ie 80% Nrm-FihtolLs 20~'-b Cflllnloifc' 80% Ne.n- Fibrou$ 2% ~;YO'!}lHh:: 9b'Yc. :(';{(In.":~'ibromi wm\:, HOll..:F:ilII'Ollii 100(il. ~r,:m,..fi'ibnm:; QC SAMPLE: QC BlANt(: M2-1998.1 SRM 1866 fiberglass REPORTING LIMIT: 1 % Asbestos METHOD: Polari~ed Light Microscopy, EPA Method 600/R.9~l!llfi.' ANALYST: Feng Jiang, M.S. Reviewed By Aulhari..d Signatary: /~ · ~ .----- Howard Varner, Laboratory Director Irma Faszewski, Quality A88urallCe (\)~rdintliDr David Xu, MS. Senior CMmist Feng Jia,ng, MS, Seni.or Geolo,~t Michael A. Mueller. Qu,ality A81luranc:e MaIWBl?r -- PAGE 01 of 02-. FILE No.623 04/21 '03 09:4' ID : EHS FAX:8,r "B7~jt8 IYiGE ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS SERVICES, L.L.C. CLIENT NUMBER: 38-1287 A EHS PROJECT #: 04-03-2165 PROJECT: 030419; Westover Realty Results represent tl'1e analySis of ismples submitted by the client. Sample location. description, al'ea, volume, e1c., "flC)~i pn:l','idl,'.) I;y the client. This report cannot be used by the cHant to claim product endorsement by NVU~P or any c,guncy G>f Ul'~ 1.1..:; ,:;o\'t:l'!llr,unt. Thil$ report shall not be reproduced except in fuji, without the written consent of Environmenb;~ Haz.31'<jS ~jlll';i(;I;~;, l..i..c. G,lii'-c.r,'\ia Certification #2319 NY ELAP #11714. All infol1Tlation concerning sampling IoGation, date. <nill ti:TII~ Celtl till /t)Wld nil Cliel/l.(}f. Custody. Environmental Hazards Services, L.L.C. does not perlorm any sample collBction. Environmental Hazards Services, L.L.C. recommends reanalysis by point count {for m,:)re aCC1Jr:'lte QlJantil~:<lli(lll) or TI:ai'l:,l1\is" Dn Electron Microscopy (TEM}, for enhanced detection capabilities) for materials regulate:1j by thl~ EP'~ NES~lfd) (I~illi':,rli"1 Fll\is:~":Hl Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) and found to contain less than ten per'Cl;:nt (<10%) a~;b-E:5tO.. by ~~)I~lri2il.:1 li~lllL 1lli(:!O~;(:,lpy (PLM). Both services are available for an additional fee. · All California samples analyzed by Polartzed Light Microscopy, EPA Mettlod 600JM4-82.i);~O, Dee 19fi~~. . LEGEND NAD :: no asbestos detected SCF .. susc~ c8rami~bers plm 1.dot/07 JAN20021 MR -- PAGE 02 of 02 :... END OF REPORT -, ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS SERVICES, L.L.C. 7469 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 Phone (804) 275-4788 Fax (804) 275..4907 GH-AIN OF CU$TODY FORM Company Name:A T E Z, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 126 City, State, Zip:, Harrisburg, OR 97446 EHS Client Account #: 38-1287 A Phone # : (541) 995-6008 P.O. #: Asbestos ~ C L.. ::l ::J C () <( m ~ 0 'C ~ 0 ::J ~"O -I 0 ill Sample 0... L.. 0 E <( Q) Sample ill a: ':S Date & >.0 c > W ro Number .0 u.. m I L 0 L.. Time 0 -0... C5 <( 0 ~ 2:2 2 2 ::;: ::J 0-1 -I W W Q) ~o... 0... l- I- (jA(q 1\!('(l~\I\.ln"';_ ~ '0""-, ~;:)I\)(l/"',(,.j (ciA "3 -,/ ~l.V'r"-'\'IL/()"-">1 v BACl, A.XI Ni (~0"'") 1 '.' 1Y~nl. X'()~ (.1..(631 v 0<<.1(\,( 1(' 0-i ILiD) 1 / 1 1 -, I -, v V" v V v V I . r ""I -1- I [- I T I I'll Fax#: (541) 995-1015 Lead ~ N E 2 c ~ 0... ~ 0 0... c c C L- m m ct 0 <( 0... 0... 0.. if) .- '"" r 11-1 1- I -r I I I II Other Metals ~ (Soecifv metals below) ill <;::: ex) ill 0 "-- Q L- <( E 0.. Q- 2 a:: ::J (f..o {'(J 0 u.. 2 ~o... S Q) -+< ~ a:: g::;: Q 0... 2 0... u u ~~ (j) -1 m 0 ill x S S 0 l- I- - - ,- 11 I ] . I I r I -, I 1 Yes tJ No D Do wipe samples submitted meet ASTM E1792 requirements? Released by: Signature: Received by Signature: Rei e a sed by: '..'..__,__ _""_____H'____ S i 9 n a t 11 f(:>~_,___ Received by Siqnature: : r:'.'i~~~d :)/~!nn~l Date: -<'-1- I~!/ ~o3 ConfuctName:tLoc~ : Sampler Name: (I I? R ./6 M~ / '7 /1 , Project #: 0~ C) c...1/ <J /.. j1.JC:h~ A jJ(7~ r {, Indoor Particulate: Total Nuisance (NIOSH 0500) Air Quality Respirable (NIOSH 0600) o o .0 ill m 0. ~ ~ m ill if) I- (j) ill ill (j) () () m ill m m Ou't't~ o ::J::J::J Q)if)if)if)Q) Air Volume (L) OR Wipe Area (ft2) OR Scrape Area(cm2) 3 f-a1, Rou~(L?5 -3 -k'-'" Y2<:;(,{:.....-:::> S l6...-G-(~, ~ \ t..{.\ S.. ~ " I I ) l.'\ I lv . _ (3l.<..e...{...... <....u' .{L-L \Q.."......V Comments LI n () / r::: i.~-''71 _ -r;. ~:YJ _. . ~ ...--. . I . L.:...Yy-." ~ e'~p"\...-":-< . , 1..,.' i..:i:L' _--=-<?- . ~'~A' ,.-,-. '. I " L-.) \,,, l.<- r CL -,,"-, '; I ~..( ( -H..L --A- . lL~ ~ J\.(\'r~C ICe"'L.Q h'\..\ i ~ )'\'-",k _ u I I I I II I I I Date/Time n....___ "______ Date/Time Date/Time: Onle/Time 355 NORTH 43rd ST. SPRINGFIELD, OR (DRAWING NOT TO SCALE) ,( NORTfJ ~Ol STORAGE OPEN PORCH . A02 LAUNDRY. -- 1 J BEDROOM BATHROOM DINING KITCHEN BA05 /:BAo 3 I ~' ~-...... ~ , '" -(' y / V BEDROOM BEDROOM FRONT ROOM (CONVERTED GARAGE) -" BA04 r ~. 'BA06 OPEN PORCH STREET . 'I . " '.,; ,,'.\