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Miscellaneous Plans 2004-10-19
t' -\i . - c :>::t:,. ~ fo. D Ptl E ss-; i 2IPS7 /Vlfo.l"'- Loop (LoT 4'19). , ;,. '. ovJ~il.: C.P,Tfl.1;I~.JNE' Pi-IH..L j''' S ?~O'lPO"lQVA.N f:>~, c 'f,..,.E"'~ Oil. 'h,/O' ~ ~~ ~gjo fh ~'ir: ~-;,~ "c.,j c,: ~ 'i0" ~>->- ',' j c::.... I c, ~~~!, , sj ~.: rt~, " .:- :,) ]. Qd'U U j ~?gt. si')<':d '! Ie, G it: al ~--J!l::i lJ~' fe, 1;?~ SI:",I lI.''- .' ~') 0 nil t.,,~ -- 1.1.. ,.:.. {t cl~1 ;/11 ~~! H '~~I L - - 1;1 .....~ Ctl ;;. a:. .:.. !.i.: I .-:- lho, - "1 1',1 ~. d ,;~j ~; 9,01 -;;r ~ ..! (<I ,,-! 1""1- ,ell i.'i ' :'2i "'~: ::1: OJ ~,;, <I 0 { ~' Z~ o ~, C) wi W hi 0;: ~, () ci~ ~ ,f\S m '\s u_ \, o ,. >- ~ 1- w U ~ '" Il. Il. '" :Emo::>- ,!-.waal ~tDthCl .....z"w o~~e; We;;:", ~ .<l1. !;,;.JfI."o.. "'LJ~5-t )...... W IilZwm 'uw r, "-...! ZCO-l !.!J ,'yO;( :w.lJ, -':x: wC:&m w9-:;:s :;. 0 ""-~o ~V:r~J ~~'~~j . F t:' _'~~ (~ :i , -_."'"- . '~. ~;;; :.:! ":-_-.:1', j "=>;"tQ' S c.A.t,~ . j , I 5"3. 0<> A[."'I"". ' 0 : ,- ~ , ,.~ i_Q~_bidn~ _ ,33.".; ~-~-~~~,.,~ / E!\e" <l . ~~I;""""'F~-; ." .,..,.... .....,--- i l79,' . C'i1 'V1=t:~~1 " :i"-r~ ~~! -." ~:t"~.p.."1~ ~ ~~D_~, e' p~~~~ ...:... " - ~.,,-, """"" ':'.. \ -~- :LU' \.I'f~.,,' '~A'~~ I :::.._ @~t~~~ zt:h~~J O;;/""""U - uri~~~' Ll1~<rdw X:...Hto:::t I-~On.1- I I . I J I I I @ l.-S'~ , , q . J> _'f...70~ \ ,.., '''''\'' . e1 ;\ ?7f~ I c, '01, , . ~ , I I" 1 t J ~ Q ~,/~ (JlJllTS: $)'01<"" S.6\.1E . \. Go... T...~~$" O(a"'o.I ~ "'Ft) STIZEET ~-~ el~ . C!'~'''', f"!1j.Ti:,~:_i.:!,~!-:JC. ct... .0 ,~~;ry;' , $3,011 . M/'o.l'" /..OoP NonCE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. AITENTION:Oregon law reqUires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001, 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules b} calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344).