HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 13 Conduct a Public Hearing and Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Fees in Springfield's Department of Development Services Community Services Division "Building Safety Codes" ,. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: July 2, 2007 Regular Session Dev,elopm~et .-- Services Dave Puen 726-3668 10 Minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING FEES IN SPRINGFIELD'S DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION "BUILDING SAFETY CODES". ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING ARTICLE I, TABLE 3-A STRUCTURAL PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3-B ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3-C PLUMBING PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3-D MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3-F OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES OF THE "SPRINGFIELD BUILDING 'SAFETY CODE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE" OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION "BUILDING SAFETY CODES" AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ISSUE STATEMENT: The State of Oregon has delegated to the City of Springfield the authority to issue permits and perform inspection services required by the State Building Code. The City has the ability by statutory authority to adjust permit fees to recover all reasonable operational costs associated with performing permit and inspection servIces. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1. Ordinance DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Springfield has not increased Specialty Code permit fees since calendar year 2001. During this period the Community Services Division has been able to recover all costs associated with providing permit and inspection services. As a result of the significant increase in development activity and the continuing demands for inspection services, two additional inspector positions were added to FY 08 Base Budget. The cost of the two inspector positions to Fund 224 (a permit and inspection service dedicated fund) is approximately $264,000 including City indirects. Although past permit fee revenue has exceeded 100 percent cost recovery for the last several years, the proposed fee increase is necessary to offset a significant portion of the additional cost in order to sustain a reasonable reserve account and to maintain effective service levels to the development community. The proposed fee increase allows the Community Services Division to continue to recover all costs associat~d with providing permit and inspection services. The proposed fee increase is approximately a 10% increase of existing fees and should generate an estimated $160,000 to $170,000 of additional revenue at existing construction activity levels. ORDINANCE NO. (General) AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING ARTICLE 1, TABLE 3-A STRUCTURAL PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3-B ELECTRICAL PERlvfIT FEES; TABLE 3-C PLUMBING PERMIT FEES; TABLE 3-D MECHANICAL PERlvfIT FEES; TABLE 3-F OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES OF THE "SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE" OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT; COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION "BUILDING SAFETY CODES", AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Building Safety Codes specifies that rate~, permit fees, license fees, and other fees and charges are adopted by Ordinance of the Common Council; and WHEREAS, the proposed Building Safety Codes_ amends permit and other fees listed in Table 3-A, Table 3-B, Table 3-C, Table 3-D, and Table 3-F, which are increased as specified below. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Amend the Building Safety Codes, Article 1; as specified in Table 3-A Structural Permit Fees; Table 3-B Electrical Permit Fees; Table 3-C Plumbing Permit Fees; Table 3-D Mechanical Permit Fees; and, Table 3-F Other Inspections and Fees as allowed under Oregon Revised Statute 455.210 (3)(a) which allows a municipality to adopt by ordinance or regulation such fees as may be necessary and reasonable to provide for the administration and enforcement of any specialty code or codes for which the municipality has assumed responsibility. Section 2: In the event a particular rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge previously adopted in the Building Safety Codes or by Ordinance has been inadvertently omitted from those designated in Article 1 incorporated herein by reference, such rate, pem1it fee, license fee or other fee or charge shall be deemed to be included and incorporated into this Ordinance and adopted here in by reference. It is the intent of this Ordinance to reestab lish all such omitted fees and charges at the amounts t~atthey existed immediately prior to this Ordinance. Section 3: If any particular rate, permit fee, and other fee or charge should be held invalid by operation ofJaw or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, and other fees and charges specified in the Building Safety Codes, Article I, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. ATTACHMENT 1~1 Section 4: Future Ordinances ofthe Common Council may be adopted to amend, add, or delete any rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge. Table No. 3-A STRUCTURALPERl\1IT FEES To the following fees, please add 8% State Surcharge and 10% Administrative Fee TOTAL VALUE FEE $1.00 - $2,000 $50.00 $2,001 - $25,000 $50.00 for the first $2,000 in value plus $8.58 for each additional $1000 or fraction thereof. . $25,001 - $50,000 $247.34 for the first $25,000 in value plus $6.44 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof $50,001 - $100,000 $408.34 for the first $50,000 in value plus $4.29 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof $100,001 and Up $622.84 for the first $100,000 in value plus $3.58 for each additional $1,000 or portion thereof In addition to the Building Permit Fee, the Plan Check .Fee shall be 65% of the Building Permit fee. For the purpose of defraying the cost of applying regulations as provided in ORS 455.447 a surcha,rge of 1 to the total fees collected for essential, hazardous, major and special occupancy structures shall be collected. ELECTRICAL PERlI/lIT FEES Table No. 3-B To the Following Fees, Please Add 8% State Surcharge and 10% Administrative Fee (a) (b) Description Residence wiring less than 1000 square feet Each additional 500 sq,ft. or portion thereof Fee $ 117.00 $ 21.00 (c) Manufactured Home or Modular Dwelling (Service or Feeder) $ 55.00 1=2 (d) Temporary Powe{- 200 amps or less $ 55.00 (e) Temporary Power - 201 to 400 amps $ 76.00 (f) Temporary Power - 401 to 600 amps $ 11 0.00 (g) Permanent Service or Feeder - 200 amps or less $ 70.00 (h) Permanent Service or Feeder - 201 to 400 amps $ 83.00 (i) Permanent Service or Feeder - 401 to 600 amps $ 138.00 (j) Permanent Service or Feeder - 601 to 999 amps $ 180.00 (k) Permanent Service or Feeder - 1000 amps or volts $ 413.00 (1) Electrical Service Reconnection with no changes to existing servIce SIze $ 55.00 (m) One new/alteration/extension of circuit $ 48.00 (n) Each Additional Circuit $ 4.00 (0) Each Irrigation Pump $ 55.00 (p) Each Electrical Sign or Outline Lighting $ 55.00 (q) Each Signal Panel $ 55.00 (r) Limited Energy - Residential $ 28.00 (s) Limited Energy - CommerciallMulti-Family $ 50.00 (t) , Inspections not covered by this schedule minimum 1 hour (u) Reinspection Fee (v) Partial Inspection (w) Inspections Outside Normal Business Hours (x) Minimum Permit Fee (y) Investigation Fee (z) Inspections For Which No Fee is Specifically Indicated (aa) Electrical Quick Permits (sold in 10 only) No longer in Use (bb) Building Without Permit Penalty (cc) Electrical Plan Review PLUMBING PERNfIT FEES Table No. 3-C To the following fees, please add 8% State Surcharge & 10% Administrative Fee 1=3 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ -0- $ Permit Fee 25% of Permit Fee (a) Fees for the construction, alteration or repair of plumbing on one and two family dwellings, shall be calculated as described below. Fees include drain, waste and vent installation, water distribution piping, the first 50 feet of water se~ice and up to 40 fixtures: Description Fee (I) (2) (3) (4) One or two family with one bath One or two family with two bath One or two family with three bath Each additional fixture over 40 fixtures $ 160.00 $ 280.00 $ 337.00 $ 16.00 (b) (c) Single Plumbing Fixture Sanitary Sewer: ( 1) F or the first 50 feet 0 fline (2) Each additional 100 feet of line or portion $ 16.00 $ 50.00 $ 16.00 (d) Water Service: (1) F or the first 50 feet of line (2) Each additional 100 feet ofline or portion $ 50.00 $ 16.00 (e) Storm and Rain Drain: (1) For the first 50 feet ofline ~ (2) Each additional 100 feet of line or portion (n) Minimum Plumbing p'ermit Fee (0) Partial Inspection fee (p) Reinspection Fee (q) Inspections Not Covered By Schedule (r) Inspections Outside Normal Business HoLirs (s) Investigation Fee (t) Building Without Permit Pemilty $ 50.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 50.00 $ 16.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 16.00 $ 1.6.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ Permit Fee (f) Sewage Ejector Pump (g) Special Waste Connection (h) , Manufactured Home hook up on improved lot (i) Backflow Prevention Device U) Relocated Structure (k) Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap (1) Any trap or waste not connected to a fixture (m) Any plumbing installation not listed in this schedule with sanitary waste or portable water supply (u) Accessible Minor Plumbing Labels NO LONGER AVAILABLE $ -0- (v) Not Accessible Minor Plumbing Labels NO LONGER AVAILABLE $ -0- 1~4 (w) Hourly Inspection Fee for Requests Not In Permit Table $ 50.00 (x) Medical Gas System Inspection Fees - Inspection fees for medical gas systems are a combination of: (1) Base Fee $ 241.00 (2) + Plus Each inlet or outlet $ 6.00 (y) Plan Review Fee for Med Gas $ 50.00/hr but shall not exceed 30% of the total plumbing permit fee for the building or structure under review. When plans are incomplete or substantially changed so as to require additional plan review, additional plan review fees may be charged based on the additional time required. (z) Plumbing Plan Review Fee 30% of Permit Fee MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Table No. 3-D To the following fees, please add 8% State Surcharge & 10% Administrative Fee Description (a) HV AC Up to 100,000 btu More than 100,000 Unit Heater Fee $ 14.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00 (b) Boiler/Compressor Up to 100,000 btu 3-15 Horsepower or 100,001 - 500,000 btu Over 15 to 30 Horsepower or 500,001 - 999,000 btu Over 30 to 50 Horsepower or 1,000,000 - 1,750,000 btu Over 50 Horsepower or over 1,750,001 btu $ 14.00 $ 25.00 $ 37.00 $ 49.00 $ 83.00 (c) Air Handling Unit Up to 10,000 cfm 10,001 cfm and over Evaporative Cooler/Fan $ 9.00 $ 17.00 $ 10.00 (d) Vents Hood and Exhaust Vent Fan to One Duct App liance Vent $ 10.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 1=5 ( e) Gas Piping Each Piping System 1-4 Outlets. Each Outlet over 4 $ 5.00 $ 2.00 (t) Air, Oxygen, Other Medical Specialty Piping Each Piping System 1-4 Outlets Each Outlet over 4 (i) Each Appliance Not Listed on this Schedule U) Inspections Not Covered by this Schedule (k) Reinspection Fee $ 5.00 $ , 2.60 $ 14.00 $ 17.00 $ 66.00 $ 33.00 $ 14.00 $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 (g) LP Gas Tank and Piping (h) Miscellaneous Domestic Incinerator Commercial Incinerator W oodlPellet Stove Heat Pump Preliminary Inspection (1) Mechanical Issuance Fee - One Appliance - Two or more Appliances $ 20.00 $ 40.00 (u) Mechanical Quick Permits JsbId in 10 only) No Longer Available $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00, $ Permit Fee $ 50.00 25% of Permit Fee $ -0- (m)Minimum Permit Fee (0) Partial Inspection' (p) Inspections Outside Normal Business Hours (q) Investigation Fee (r) Building Without Permit Penalty (s) Hourly Inspection Fee for Requests Not In Permit Tables (t) Mechanical Plan Review Fee For the purpose of defraying the cost of applying regulations as provided in ORS 455.447 a surcharge of 1 % to the total fees collected for essential, hazardous, major and special occupancy structures shall be collected. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING FEES Table 3-F Please add 8% State Surcharge & 10% Administrative Fee When Applicable 1~6 (a) (b) (c) (d) ( e) (f) (g) (h) (i) U) (k) (1) (m) (n) (0) (p) (q) (r) (s) ( t) (u) (v) (w) Description Investigative Fee Inspection For Which No Fee is Specifically Indicated Moving a Building or Structure Demolition of a Building or Structure Mobile Home Accessory Structure Prefabricated Structures Hourly Inspection Fee for Requests Not In Permit Table Address Assignment, each new or change unless requested by city staff Temporary Occupancy Permit Approval Sha!l Not Exceed 30 Days Without Renewal. Renewal Fee is the Same"Fee As Original Temporary Occupancy Permit Fee: 1 & 2 Family Dwellings Triplex & 4-Plex Apartment Buildings Remodels Commercial/Industrial Buildings & Tenant Infill Commercial/Industrial Buildings Same As Plan Review Submittal Building Without Permit Penalty Fee Manufactured Home Placement Replacement Plans + copies @ $.75 for first copy + $.50 for each additional copy for 8 W' x 11" copies, minimum total fee of $20.00 Fire & Life Safety Plan Review When Required Additional Plan Review Due To Changes In Plans' Hazardous Technical Report with No Plan Review Site Investigation and Posting ofNSF Check Administrative Fee for Non-Sufficient Funds Check Administrative Fee Administrative Fee for Cash Deposits Inspections Outside Normal Business Hours - 1 hour minimum Reinspection Fee Quick Start (x) Not in Use 1~1 , . Fee $ 50.00, $ 50.00 $ 256.00 $ 50.00 $ Value $ Value $ 50.00 $ 35.00 $ 11 0.00 $ 220.00 $220.00 + $28/unit $ 110.00 $ 330.00+ 10% ofBldg Permit Fee $ 220.00 $ Bldg Permit $ 160.00 $ 50.00/hr 40% of Building Permit Fee $ 50.00/hr $ 50.00/hr $ 50.00 $ 110.00 10% 10% $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 165.00 Research Requests - Technical (15-30 minutes) Technical (31-60 minutes) Non-Technical (15-30 minutes) Non-Technical (31-60 minutes) Any copy fee is in addition to research fees. 30 Minutes is minimum fee (y) (z) Posting Substandard Structures (aa) Monthly Reports - Yearly "Mailing" List (bb) Weekly Issued Reports - Yearly "Mailing" List $ 22.00 $ 44.00 $ 14.00 $ 27.00 $ 50.00 $ 62.00/mailed $ 35.00/faxed $ 267.00/mailed $ 148.00/faxed (cc) Addressing Information -Non Agency-Government Yearly "Mailing" List $ 62.00/mailed $ 35.00/faxed Section 5: It is hereby found and determined that matters relating to the imposition of Building Safety Codes are matters affecting the public health, safety, and welfare and than an emergency therefore exists, and that this Ordinance shall take effect on July 2, 2007. This Ordinance adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 2nd day of July, 2007 by a vote of _ for and _ against. Attest: Sidney W. Leiken, Mayor Amy Sowa, City Recorder , :? n V\:>'\( \J'V""'-\~ \ '\ e: 'V. I E 'V'-l f \J \'=l ~\) \ -\ .... ,'-=-'a~ ~{\ f\<" ~ ..~ 0.... ~.IJ ,<:-\ -y L\S:-='I \ -\:"- ( o \=T \ c:. C o~ C, \'( (\ '\\t:)(( ~~'( -, 122.. \ or 1~8