HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 12 (See Item 02 for Attachments) Concurrent Metro Plan/Refinement Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Regarding Property Near 44th and Main Street Meeting Date: July 2nd, 2007 Meeting Type: Work Session /Regular Session Department: Development Services Staff Contact: David Reesor ~ ('\ ~ SPRINGFIELD Staff Phone No: 726-3783 J7E.r'\~ C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 20 minutes / 20 minutes ITEM TITLE: CONCURRENT METRO PLAN / REFINEMENT PLAN MAP AMENDMENT AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REGARDING PROPERTY NEAR 44TH & MAIN STREET. Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt on the following ordinances: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ACTION REQUESTED: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE METRO PLAN DESIGNATION OF APPROXIMA TEL Y 5.24 ACRES OF LAND, IDENTIFIED AS LANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-02-32-00, TAX LOTS 400 & 402 FROM LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (LMI), TO COMMERCIAL WITH AN AUTOMATIC REDESIGNATION TO THE EAST MAIN REFINEMENT PLAN FROM LMI TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC). AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING APPROXIMATELY 5.24 ACRES OF LAND IDENTIFIED AS LANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-02-32-00, TAX LOTS 400 & 402, FROM LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (LMI) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (Ce). ISSUE STATEMENT: The applicant requests approval of a Metro Plan / Refinement Plan Map Amendment to the East Main Refinement Plan and a concurrent Zoning Map Amendment. The request involves two parcels, and is located on approximately 5.24 acres identified as Tax Lots 400 and 402 on Assessor's Map No. 17-02-32-00. Specifically, the applicant proposes to change the Metro Plan designation from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to Commercial and a concurrent Refinement Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment from LMlto CC. The applicant seeks approval of these applications in order to facilitate development of a future Medical Office building on the site. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment I: Ordinance Amending the Metro Plan & East Main Refinement Plan Attachment 2: Ordinance Amending the Springfield Zoning Map Attachment 3: Planning Commission Order & Recommendation Attachment 4: Staff Report with exhibits DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: On June 5th, 2007, the Planning Commission held a work session and public hearing on the subject applications (LRP2007-00013 & ZON2007-00012). One citizen, Nancy Falk, testified in opposition to the proposal at the first public hearing and requested that the record be left open for seven days. The Planning Commission granted the request and instructed Staff to leave the record open until Tuesday, June lth, 2007. Staff received one written testimony from Lauri Segel, Goal One Coalition Plann~r. on June 1 ih, 2007. A written rebuttal to Ms. Segel's letter was then submitted by the applicant the following day, June 13th, 2007. Both letters were received within the specified deadlines as noted in the Planning Commission public hearing on June 5th, 2007. The original Staff Report and exhibits are attached for Council's review. After reviewing all oral and written testimony, the Planning Commission deliberated on the applications on June 19th, 2007, and voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend that both applications be sent to the City Council for consideration and approval.