HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 10-28 05/17/2010 - ...l: ....,.r", RESOLUTION No. 10-28 A RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SURPLUS AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO OFFER SUCH PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR CASH OR FOR CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN MONETARY OR A COMBINATION THEREOF WHEREAS, by Warranty deed recorded September 1929, in Reel 605R, Reception No. 20440, on Page 480, Vol. 14, Lane County Official Records in Lane County, Oregon, the City of Springfield (aka. the "Town of Springfield"), acquired a certain parcel of property that is known as a portion of Main Street (aka "McKenzie Highway"), as shown on Tax Assessor's Map 17033541, located in Lane County as described in above said deed, attached as Exhibit A, (the "Property") of which exists a surplus portion no longer being used by the public, as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, said parcel was acquired from Paul and Pearl Hadley in fee simple absolute, and was therein dedicated to the public; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Property is no longer needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has advised the Council that the Property is a remnant which is not needed for public use; and WHEREAS, pursuant to ORS 271.310, the City is authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of property which is not needed for public use and the use of such real property is not restricted and the Council has determined that the property is not needed for public use; and WHEREAS, in the event the City of Springfield desires to dispose of public property which is not needed for public use it is required by ORS 221.725 to give not less than five days public notice which notice shall state the time and place of a public hearing concerning the proposed sale, a description of the property or interest to be sold, the proposed uses for the property and the reasons why the city council considers it necessary or convenient to sell the property; and WHEREAS, Springfield Municipal Code Section 2.714 provides that the City may dispose of surplus property by any means determined to be in the best interest of the City with due regard for the value the City will receive from the disposal of the surplus property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT The City Council hereby finds and determines that the Property is not needed for public use; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is directed to provide written notice to owners of any abutting property and to advertise in a paper of general circulation that the City has determined the Property is not needed for public use and that the City will entertain any offers in writing for purchase of such property for cash or for consideration other than monetary or both; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is directed to review any offers for purchase of the property and may in his discretion secure a review of the appraisal by independent competent appraiser, and if such offers be received, schedule, pursuant to ORS 221. 715, a public hearing at such time as he shall determine convenient to permit the Council to take testimony and consider such offers; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against, this 17th day of May, 2010. ~ v Mayor ATTEST: ~ ><fuuJtL e/~~r-tier REVIEWED & APPROVED S TO FORM \ \ \.-\ ~ ~~~ DATE. , ~ OFFICE OF CITY TTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. 10-28 ; ':\.":"~::"1" ..~f:.-:f....:,:r+:.e :\.:....,:.J::i :'..l:~::\i::'; ;.: .... 3'1679 -r j; j: WARRANTY DEED ~fJ~ 3Inbrnture .~tndSettJ, That ...2.auLJJadle,y. .~ntj;lea.rl ;'.ac:l~:I. nu _'l'l!l!. for th.:- eOMid..rlltiorJ of =,UI110! -...~. --.,. .""'--'i.J01.CARS. tc' :. :.e~ paid, ha ve bargained and sohl and by these p.ellenls do bllr~aill. ~cll Hnd conyey \'nto ,:.i:.e. -:.D:m.u.r..3.pr.1nr.(.1f:llt.J",ane.;OT:l~.x. C :"~I~on J the 1oIJo'\\'ing delicrilK'd prf?mises, to \\ It: A p!.t"cal of Iall!} In the South 1/2 :>f a!v~t 7 :". :'-..e ....att:i1J: ;.dd!t~lJn to the city ot S}lrlne:f1eld, 1~'1!'_t' ':.~:_e ;:. :',. 1/4 vf tha S: E. 1/4 af Section ~, T. l? ~., :\. ',1. ~:. 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TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premlsell, with their a~purWnance8 unto the said,;......... ..., :'::..~r., ..t;.~ ~g:-,~I~gfL'.1.~"'... ............,...... _. " " its sr.C\:pssors and ILil3lgns !ore,,'f'r. : ~ ~ :, d . t, i . ' ,; ~ ~ ~~~:. ,,\ . <; t . ^~}^ ~ ~";l.<~ ~ ~f"~t ~i< .1. ,,~..; Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT A ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ 31679 204"lfl And the said ..~';:S>>ki.J~al..ti...~tl.<l..;~:~~.l;1..~9g:L~Y arid\vith the Sil4. ~ ," ,.. "",":r.9,W)1.;:~r...~.r.l.ng1:1,f};t~t ., ~-:;S ;.. .. ;'. ~.-.-,;, ,''':.. <," ;'. ~'';-...''- ~"~,.'."'o;~'.';."--"""''' '''.,", , ~ ~ ~","',>- .q" ~:ttll.ttt,.~ji :;\l'e Qo:.:hercby eovenat1lto theownedJ...~~htfee atmple,(~ aaidpretllises; lhat they a retrco.from'aJJhlC!lmbl"IlDces it,'S\ltSee~~lUld:as.sil:'llll lInd'll'ilH . ",wi!1""v,rra,ul aoddefendtJur M~!rom all.1awf'Jl.. 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EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED PER THAT WARRANTY DEED TO THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED SEPTEMBER 1929 IN REEL 605R, RECEPTION NO. 20440, LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEED RECORDS Commencing at a point on the west boundary of Block 7 or BRATTAIN'S ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6 of the Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, said point being North 01013'00" West 72.70 feet from the Southwest corner of said Block 7, said Southwest corner being of record South 400401 East 94.57 feet from the Initial Point of said plat of BRATTAIWS ADDITION; thence leaving said west boundary and running South 81055158" East 425.58 feet to a point on the east boundary of said Block 7, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along said east boundary South 01013100" East 7.95 feet; thence leaving said east boundary and running along the arc of a 1240 foot radius curv~ to the right (the chord of which bears North 86038125" West 60.19 feet) a distance of 60.20 feet to a point which bears South 01013100" East from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 01013'00" West 12.96 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, all in Lane County, Oregon. Containing 642 square feet. Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1