HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/30/2009
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JUN 3 v ~W09
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I, Karen laFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows:
1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the
Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon.
2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I rep'lred and caused to be
mailed copies of 1'>/{CZQO -OO::J2.5L..' '~fU..Dd. ~
(See attachment "A") on (4130 .20 addressed to (see ~.+><''Q'; ~
Attachment B"), by causing said 'letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with
postage fully prepaid thereon.
J;.V,JA af-id1:u.A
STATE OF OREGON, County of lane
J...fle. dk) 2009. Personally appeared the above named Karen laFleur,
P am Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary
act Before me:
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My Commission Expires:
Project Name: Gateways High School parking lot
Project Proposal: Parking lot improvements
Case Number: DRC2009-00022
Project Location: 665 Main St
Property size: 1.2 acres
Base Zone: MUC (Mixed Use Commercial)
Refinement PlanfDesignation: Downtown Refinement Plan, Mixed Use
Application Submitted Date: June 8, 2009
Decision Issued Date: June 30, 2009
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Steve Hopkins 726-3649
Trans ortation Richard Per 744-4155
Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities, Sanitary & Eric Walter 736-1034
Storm Sewer
Depu Fire Marshall Fire and Life Safe Gilbert Gordon 726-2293
Community Services Plans Building Chris Carpenter 744-4153
Construction Ins ector Public Works Todd Sin leton 726-5931
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Owner/Applicant: Representative:
Springfield School District 19 Carol Schirmer
525 Mill Street Schirmer and Assoc, LLC
Springfield OR 97477 375 West 4th Ave
Eu ene OR 97401
Summary of proposal:
The applicant is proposing several improvements to the existing parking lot. These
improvements include closing three driveways, adding shade trees and landscaping, and
improving the drainage system.
The existing site plan was approved on April 14, 2008 (DRC2008-00018), which approved a
7,500 sf expansion of the A-3 Academy of Arts & Academics. That site plan did not include any
improvements to the existing parking lot. This modification is limited to parking lot
improvements and does not modify the building or conditions of approval of DRC20085-00018.
Case No. DRQ009.00022
Review Process: This application is reviewed under the Type I procedure listed ill SDC 5.1-130
and the Site Plan Modification Criteria in SDC 5.17-145.
Procedural Findings: On June 30,2009, the City's Development Review Committee reviewed
the proposed plans. City staff's review comments have been reduced to findings as necessary
for compliance with the Approval Criteria contained in SDC 5.17-125.
5.17-145 Modifications
B. The Site Plan Modification process shall only apply to Site Plan applications
approved after June 5, 1986.
2. Where there is a change of use on a property that received Site Plan
Review approval, the Director may perform a site visit prior to a Site Plan
Modification application submittal. If the property is currently in compliance
with all criteria of approval specified in Section 5.17-125, no Site Plan
Modification application will be required.
Case No. DR0009-00022
C. The Director shall determine whether the Site Plan Modification will be processed
under the Type I or Type II review process as follows:
1. A Minor Site Plan Modification application is evaluated under the Type I
review process. The application is reviewed based upon a particular standard as
specified in this Code that does not involve a Type II or Type III Variance, e.g., a
modification in the location or type of required landscaping or an insignificant
change in the number and/ or layout of parking spaces.
D. The criteria of approval for a Site Plan Modification application shall be in
compliance with the applicable standard and/ or criteria of approval specified in Section
E. The Director may require approval conditions as specified in Section 5.17-130.
F. A Final Site Plan and Development Agreement is required as specified in Sections
5.17-135 and 5.17-140.
Finding: The proposed modification is processed as a Type I Minor Site Plan
Modification. The applicant is proposing several improvements to the existing parking
lot. These improvements include closing three driveways, adding shade trees and
landscaping, and improving the drainage system.
Finding: The existing site plan was approved on April 14, 2008 (DRC2008-00018), which
approved a 7,500 sf expansion of the A-3 Academy of Arts & Academics. That site plan
did not include any improvements to the existing parking lot. This modification is
limited to parking lot improvements and does not modify the building or conditions of
approval of DRC20085-00018.
Conclusion: The proposed changes constitute a minor modification to the approved site
plan and shall comply with SDCS.17-125.
The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Plan Review application
upon determining that approval criteria A. through E., below have been satisfied. If conditions
cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application.
A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable
Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan.
Finding: The site is zoned MUC (Mixed Use Commercial). This area is designated
Commercial Mixed Use by the Metro Plan and Mixed Use by the Downtown Refinement
Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(A).
B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to,
water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets
and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be
Case No. DRC2009-00022
available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by
this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility
provider shall determine capacity issues.
Finding: The existing site is presently impervious with existing ac pavement. The new
site will be reconstructed with new ac pavement for a proposed parking lot and there
will be no net increase in impervious areas. The storm water drainage report submitted
for the new pavement area is found to be acceptable for this application.
Finding: Prior to entering the public storm water system, the new parking lot area
discharges to two water quality infiltration basins. The vegetative infiltration basin
meets the requirements of EDS)'M 3.03.6 as more than 50% of new paved area will be
treated by vegetative methods. .
Finding: With the exception to a short section of private storm pipe being proposed for
removal, there are no new utilities or changes to existing utilities proposed; However,
Springfield Utility Board (SUB) should review the proposed parking lot design for
potential impacts to existing utilities in the vicinity of this project.
Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(B).
C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private
design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable
Finding: The site is zoned MUC, which encourages pedestrian-oriented development.
The proposal includes pedestrian improvements such as numerous shade trees
throughout the site and along the A Street sidewalk.
Finding: The comments from the Springfield Building Safety Division indicate the
accessible route from the ADA parking space is required to have a marked crossing, in
accordance with Oregon Structural Specialty Code Section 1104.4.5. The marked crossing
can be painted lines.
Finding: The proposal does not show adequate space for backing out of the ADA parking
spaces. Only one ADA parking space is required, which will allow a revised design to
comply with the design standards of SDC 4.6-115. Contact Richard Perry for questiollS
regarding specific design requirements.
Finding: The plans indicate access modifications to existing driveways on 7th and A
Streets. The City of Springfield Transportation Division and ODOT will review access to
and from the proposed parking lot. Prior to removal of the two driveways on 7th Street,
a City of Springfield Driveway permit is required.
Case Na. DRG009-00022
Finding: According to the Construction Inspector, a Land Drainage and Alteration
Permit (LDAP) will be required. Allow less than one week for review and approval.
This permit is needed prior to breaking ground, so get it first.
Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(Q.
D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular
traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within
the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood
activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on
arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations
and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways.
Finding: The applicant is proposing to eliminate a driveway to A Street and two
driveways to 7th Street. Access to A Street is controlled by ODOT. Comments from
ODOT indicate a miscellaneous permit application and liability insurance to close the
highway driveway & to replace the curb-cut with matching sidewalk along South' A'
Street (Hwy #15 EB couplet) is required. Contact ODOT District 5 Permit's staff at 541-
. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(D).
E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or
geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees
and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian
areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or
archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760,
358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or
Federal law.
Finding: The entire site is paved and generally level.
Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(E).
DETERMINATION: Based on the evidence in the record, the Director determines the
proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(A)-(E).
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In accordance with SDC 15.17-140, a Development
Agreement was signed for the original site plan (DRC2008-00018). Because that agreement is
binding on this modification, a separate Development Agreement is not required.
Case No. DRCl009-00022
What Needs To Be Done?
The following permits and revision to the ADA space can be submitted concurrently. If not
submitting concurrently, get the LDAP first because it is required prior to breaking round.
1. To close the driveway on South A Street, contact ODOT District 5 Permit staff at 541-744-
2. Revise the ADA parking space to include adequate back up room and a marked.
(painted) crossing.
3. The following permits are required from PW:
a. Land Drainage and Alteration Permit
b. Encroachment (to close the driveways on 7th)
4. The following permits are required from the Building Dept
a. Paving
b. Electrical (lighting)
c. Plumbing (drainage improvements)
Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the
applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are
available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield,
Questions: Please call Steve Hopkins in the Planning Division of the Development Services
Department at (541) 726-3649 if you have any questions regarding this process.
Prepared by:
Steve Hopkins, Alep
Planner II
Development Services - Urban Planning Division
Case No. DRC2009-00022
225 5th ST
Springfield School District 19
525 Mill Street
Springfield, OR 97477
225 5th ST
Carol Schirmer
Schirmer and Assoc
375 W 4th Avenue '
Eugene, OR 97401
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