HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet PLANNER 2/13/2009 . . SOO2007-00027 - Skychief Park 6-lot MDR Subdivision 232 South 42". Street - Map 17-02-32-33 TL 2100 & 2101 Tentative Approval Granted July 23, 2007 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Concurrent with recording the Final Plat, the applicant shall record a deed restriction against the lots created by subdivision plan requiring that duplex dwellings shall be constructed on each parcel to meet the density requirements ofthe district. Applicant's Response: "Said deed restriction will be recorded with the final plat." . Staff Note: Condition Met. City Surveyor to verifY that Article 11, Section 1 - Residential Use clause on page 2 of the proposed CC&Rs is suitable for .this deed restriction. 2. Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy for any dwellings constructed on Lots 4 or 5, the 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk shall be installed along the South 42". Street frontage of the site. Applicant's Response: "Sidewalks will be installed as required." . Staff Note: Condition Met. Field check to verifY sidewalks completed. 3. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install at least three qualifYing street trees along both the South 41" Place frontage and the South 42". Street frontage of the site. The street trees shall meet the requirements of the SDC and the City's EDSPM. Applicant's Response: "There are existing street trees along 41" Street. Street trees will be planted along 42". Street accordingly." . Staff Note: Condition Partiallv Met. Applicant is probably referring to South 41" Place on the western edge of the site. A field check confirmed there are new street trees planted along the South 42". Street frontage, but not along the South 41" Place frontage. 4. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a revised Site Assessment Plan showing the location of the sanitary sewer service for the existing house. Applicant's Response: "A copy of the revised Site Assessment Plan will be submitted prior to Final Plat approva1." . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Revised plan not included with pre-submittal package. Although the revised plan probably won't require changes to the site configuration, it should have been prepared and submitted for the pre-submittal meeting. 5. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install all private storrnwater facilities, including pipes, vegetated swales and connections to the public system, that benefit the lots within the subdivision area. . Applicant's Response: "The applicant is in negotiations with the City of Springfield regarding this condition. " . Staff Note:, Condition Not Met. Not sure what the applicarit is referring to by 'negotiations' and J-/IJ/;"p? I I Date Received: Planner: AL . . PW Engineering will have to address this condition. 6. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall connect the existing house to the constructed private stormwater system or to the public stormwater system, and shall show the connection on a revised private utility plan for the development site. Applicant's Response: "The existing house will connect to public stormwater system prior to Final Plat approval." . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. The applicant should be reminded that a plumbing permit will be required for this and other work on the site, and that final sign-off on the permit must be obtained before final plat. 7. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a proposed planting plan/seed mix for the water quality swales. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM and shall be shown on the plan drawings. The City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual may be referenced for design. Applicant's Response: "The applicant is in negotiations with the City of Springfield regarding this condition." . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Not sure what the applicant is referring to by 'negotiations' and PW Engineering will have to address this condition. 8. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the proposed private water quality swales shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established to ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the SDC and the EDSPM. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Applicant's Response: "The applicant is in negotiations with the City of Springfield regarding this condition." . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Not sure what the applicant is referring to by 'negotiations' and PW Engineering will have to address this condition. 9. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall prepare and submit an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance, operation and viability of the proposed swales. The maintenance plan shall be consistent with criteria required by the City of Portland's Stormwater Management Manual. The plan shall designate maintenance and operational responsibility for the system, and shall be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the development site. Applicant's Response: "A draft copy of [the] required Operations and Maintenance Plan has been submitted with the Final Plat application." . Staff Note: Condition Met. PW Engineering to confirm that the maintenance regime outlined in the CC&R document is acceptable. . Date Received:-d/~ I Planner: AL " . . 10. Prior to' approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall obtain necessary City penn its and have the electrical service for the existing house placed underground. Applicant's Response: "The existing electrical service will be placed underground prior to Final Plat approval." . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Staff will inspect to ensure the utility line is placed underground prior to Final Plat. 11. Access driveways shall provide 20 feet of clear width and support an 80,000 lb. imposed load in accordance with 2004 SFC 503.2. I & 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix DI 02.1. Applicant's Response: "When paved, the shared access driveways will meet the required standards. " . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Applicant is reminded that paving of all driveways, as depicted on the applicant's approved tentative plan, is required prior to Final Plat. 12. "No Parking - Fire Lane" signage shall be posted on both sides of the fire apparatus access roads in accordance with 2004 SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix Dl 03.6. Applicant's Response: "The required signs will be installed." . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Staff will inspect to ensure the signs are posted prior to Final Plat. 13. The Final Plat shall provide for dedication of the private, variable-width joint use access and utility easements affecting the parcels created by the subdivision plan. Applicant's Response: "The required easements are shown and dedicated on the Final Plat." . Staff Note: Condition Met. 14. The Final Plat shall provide for dedication of the private stonnwater easement affecting the parcels created by the subdivision plan. Applicant's Response: none . Staff Note: Condition Met. 15. Prior to or concurrent with recording of the Final Plat, the maintenance agreement(s) for the private joint-use driveways, utilities and stonnwater facilities shall be recorded against the lots created by the plan of subdivision. Applicant's Response: none . Staff Note: Condition Met. PW Engineering to confinn that the maintenance agreement outlined in the CC&R document is acceptable. Date Received: 2/13/~ol I . Planner: AL . . 16. The Final Plat shall provide for .streetside 7-foot wide PUEs as depicted on the applicant's tentative plan. Applicant's Respo~se: none . Staff Note: Condition Met. 17. The Final Plat shall dedicate appropriate PUEs internal to the subdivision if required for provision of underground utilities to serve the development area. The developer shall coordinate with SUB regarding utility easement requirements. Applicant's Response: none . Staff Note: Condition Not Met. Applicant to provide confirmation that utility easement is not required with the Final Plat. Tony Talbot from SUB Electric has been contacted for comment. . Date r~eceived: ;l//J/~O' I ,. Planner: Al