HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 3/2/2010 02/18/2005 r7:0~ C' ,~ 541-.0543 P~r,E BANNEi'UITG - ~a - --'. - ~ ' " Division 0 ief Deputy Clerk , Lane County Deeds and Records 1':''''.1'31 2010.00~66~ ': <. ,_~ After nlCording nltUl:n tc): Rex Belz, Branch Engineering. Inc. 310 Fifth Street Spritlgfield, OR 97477 11111111111111111111 111111111 11111111111111111111 $47,00; 01128823201000046640020027 01/28/2010 09:56:40 AM RPR-CONC Cnt=l Stn=6 CASHIER 04 ,,-~O,~O ~l~,OO $U,OO_~16,OO .......... . ....,. CONCURRENCE for LANDS OF THOMAS G. WIRFS AND DIANE M. WIRFS Wbel'l!a$ ~uth Valley Bank &. Trust, ibi succeSSOrs and llS$igns, CUstodian for John 1. Shama Rollover IRA is the benefi<:lary of a Trust Deed dated :May 31, 2006 held agaitlst a portion of or all of tbe lands descn"bed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, whicb Trust Deed was recorded in Lane County Oregon Official Records June 6, 2006 as Document Number 2006'()3930~; WhO!:'!:es Thomes G. Witis and Diane M. Wir.fu, desire to record a Partition Plat I:l.'eating two separate legal plll'Cels; Know all men by t1)ese pres=us that South Valley Bank &. TIUSt hen:by conCUJll With the platting and recording of said Plat as said plat Mtions said lands. Datedtbis I day of OciJ,&lt<-- ' .200# '7'-' ' :?70~ l'rint Name:ri'ACY L RONN1NGEN, IRA AD'Mil\SiSTFli'\TCft ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Q r e 30 " ) COUlltyof k\ llt VY\01.~ )'" On (0,0-1-0 b e r \ --' 20~ersonallY appeared the above named 1(-0\ ("(WoV\ n', 1'1-5 e VI who is the :r,Q. \0, AcD M" n L'S-l-.Jc. rOf South Valley Bal1k & T.rust, lIlld who is known to me to be the identic!!! individue.l ..1:0 exec-oned tbe fwegoing inlllrwmmt and who does hereby acknowledge said instrument to be hislhcr voluntllly !let and deed and that said instrument Wll$ signed on behalf of said bank. QbK-~~c~v~ . Notary Public for ~1:;"\L.e,, V ('Cd",,! "&.If\lJ.~-rrus ~ . OFFICIAL SEAL C. l. HERNANDEZ i NOTARY PUBlIC.OREGON / COMMISSION NO. 415989 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 29. 2011 1 RECEI'/ED CONCllRRENCE TO PLA1TlN'o Page I of2 MAR 2 2010 By: 02/18/2005 J' J 7J04 i .-' 541-.0543 BANNER MTG . PAGE 03/03 . ... ~ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION SlTUA TED IN TIffi CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LAl\lE COIJNTY, STATE Oll OREOON IN THE SOUfHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST l/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOtJ'Tij, RANGE 3 WEST OF TIm WILLAMEITE MERJDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT LIES SOUTH 89059'00" WEST, 100.00 FEET AND NORm 00004'00" WEST, 200.67 FEET FROM THE SOU'IHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 2004-P1782 AS .\'LA lTED AND RECOlU)ED IN . THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PARTITION PLAT RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89059'00" EAST, loo.QO FEET; THENCE NORm 00.04'QO" WEST, 175.00 FEEt TO THE soum MARGIN OF 'S' STREET; THENCEALONO SAID SOUTH MARGIN SOum 89"59'00" WEST, 100.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00.04'00" EAST, ) 75.00 FEET, RETlJRNINo TO"lXE POINT OF BEGINNING. RECEIVED CONCURRENCE TO PLA111No P/1gIl2of2 MAR 2 2010 By: