HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 11/3/2009 fV -f;P1Vl1f ~ ~ (q7j?JotJ{~ ({J()'~?&JO GU~.BOX1~~BLlSHIN~ON~~)~~234 y I/!~ 19;t;}o/ EUGENE, OREGON 97440 eg.a 4421290 Notice Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN LESLIE WILSON CC BRENDA JONES 225 N 5TH ~~O SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 R-ECE.;'\i' b' . CST 27 2ro!) F ~;'J AJ~J~0f:: ;; AFFIDAVIT on(FDm:i<tRrr~;(?Bt.~ STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Wendy Diamond , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for two successive and consecutive Weeks(s) in the following issues: # I' ",. PUBlic H"RING NOTIC~ . SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCil - . : J . CASE NUMBER: LRP2009-DOOD9 ",-APPLICANTS: WlJdish'Land Co. & Eu. . gene Allen Corp. ~_ ,....,. ,,- ~, . NATURE. OF"THE APPLICATION: Pro- .posaJ)o:a~ne~_]8.28 acres of Industrial land mtDth~_City of Springfield. The sub- Ject property.is:located in Glenwood be-' 'tween "".cVay Highway and the west bank' oftheW.nametteRlver.e::;.,:-,~ i ' I ~lJTHORIZED USES: The Subject 'proper- 1 . ty lS.mostly vacant"and contains-a two- ' ~ryOffi.c.eiandmaintenanceshopbujJd_.' In!l frontmg onto McVay Highway. Upon a~nexation"the.subject.prOpertywill re-- ' !ain Its current Light Medium Industrial', (LMl)zonlng. 1 ".,JI~.,' APPLlCAi;llE. CRlTERlkThe city' Coun- cil shall approve,'modify or deny any an- J, ne~t1onapprication1baseduponthefol. , _I_owlhgapprov~~riterlil:' .... . A.:J The a~~ctec:l'territ'c)r;{proposed to ::,~,anne;c:~ Is.,withtn',the"City's urban ,9~wth boundary and is " h ,-:.~n:'Contiguoustothecitylimltsor -, :':'~I.i'd.,~....seP.arated., from. the City only by a [' , pub!Jc n9h,!:,c~t\way:~.or ~.'~am.: lake or, '~er,bodyof.water;,....t.:.;~.__ 1 ..1":8:r~he.propOSel:l~an.nexation.:is consis- :, _,te~tiw!t~.appJica~!~.'pol!CieS'lrl:the Metro i', ;_PJa~ '!!Id] In.~ any _"appliCable 7_ ,refinement. !,;p!~orPlan!>~riCts;f:c;:t..ti; "'i.C,"TJ:Iepf!)~Osed annexation,will result l ,n a boundary,lh,whith,the rninimumlevel '..ofkey,:urban facilitfes;'an'd-servlces as :,,~~fi_ned In.th~MetI!lPlan''cari be provided I mean o,rdeiiy effiCient-ana timely manner: ",'.a~d:,...~~t,;.~~,.;.~t..J;:.~-:;'-1' , " :: V:' _D_1Whe.re,:ap.p P.lli.lcable flscaf:impacts to' ;"the'City.have:beEi,n'mftlgated'through an ' ',Arlhexatll!II:~greement or'other, mecha- , 'IJnfsm!apprOVed_bY."th. e.Citv.;CciUndJ.(SDC .' ~5'H40)""Y'i"'I""-1$J"/'~"l' ", :'; . SUBJE~,:'pRCiPERiY1oCAiioN: ~ ; "sor'S"Map '-18-0]-02-20; : Tax 'lots 3000 j .3100,.3200;,&"3300; amHAsSessor's Masi': 18:tlHl2-32;':,Tax lot 38DO.'.The subject ,:pl'operty Is municipally aifdressed as 4851 : '::J.~d!S201!F.~~1n _~!~~~~,Sprl~~~ ! DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF rHE . _ HI" ~ - I I wm:hi!arall testimOny for. and againSt th'e\ : proposal on November;2;\2009;'at 7:00 p.rn; at 225 Afth Street'ln Springfleld,Ctty, ,Hall Council Chambers.',~1"';'.i.i:J":1M.'~: l 1 ADDITIONAl:, INFORMA,TI()N: \The:'" appll- I ;cation;tall,documents'and evldence'su_b-j mltted JbY.'Or."'on~'behalf ,on~e_:applk:anf. 'and_the_ applieation:criteria iU'l!avail;ible:) forlriSpe-ctio'n'at City'Halt,at no cOst_and CopieS WiU;be'pro\lIded'at:'a'reliSciiiable' .cost:.::...."......:;1~.;;:r-~-:;~,-;!~~~...:-:i.~~.':::.. ' CONT ACT1~ PERSO_N:' Andy ,Ulllbl~ .at ' (541)',n6-3784,::':seni:rwiitten -testimony C/o'DSD;'225:Afth street, Springfield, Or- egon ~. 974!7;,,_ 1;" by~""~email" . to a1imbird@ci.sprinQfield.or.us;'or attend the meeting,an(l,~stat(your'cviews.,The hearing: wilt. be c'onducted'ln accrii-dance wlthSDC5.2-19.0.,>:~ ,,- ,~,' \ '.r " ,,:, ,"-- .~t ~,:jt 't, ~t ~ "'," :(.',:",/,~ ." No. 4421290 i:.October,21, ?!!!:~~J:$'i.;r" October 14, October 21, 2009 ;'=."" -- OFFICIAL SEAl . ~. ." TAMARAANNCLARK '" .: NOT MY PUBUC-QREGON .... /' COMMISSION NO, 435086 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 15, 21112 My commission expires: December 15, 2012 Account #: 1000218 4421290 LRP2009-00009 $370.00 iJi:llt'J ht:ctJlved: Planner: AL /I/a/:>>.,~ ( / . INVOICE Case: Amt Due: