HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 11/2/2009 . . " 11/2/2009 Regular Meeting Andy Limbird, DSD Ext. 3784 20 minutes Community and Economic Development and Revitalization ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (4851,4857 & 5001 Franklin Boulevard; Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lots 3000, 3100, 3200 & 3300; and Map 18-03-02-32, Tax Lot 3800) Case Number C SP 2009 - LRP2009-00009 Conduct a public hearing on the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN W ASTEW A TER SERVICE DISTRICT, AND WlLLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT; . AND WITHDRAWING THE SAME TERRITORY FROM THE GLENWOOD WATER DISTRICT (FIRST READING). . The annexation request was submitted on August 14,2009 (Attachment 4, Exhibit C). 'The subject annexation area is mostly vacant industrial land located b~tween McVay Highway and the west bank of the Willamette River. The site contains a two~story.officeimd . maintenance shop building that faces McVay Highway. The requested annexation area is about 38.28 acres in size and is contiguous with the Springfield City limits as defmed in ORS 222.1 I I (I). The current City limits are on the west side of the Me V ay Highway right-of-way, but annexation of the intervening right-of-way is not required or reco=ended at this time~ Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNciL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: An annexation agreement that addresses urban service provision and financing responsibility between the City and the property owners is attached (Attachment 4, Exhibit B). The Staff Report (Attachment I) includes an analysis of the annexation request and recommended Council action. Maps of the annexation area are included as Attachment 2. The requirements in Springfield Development Code (SDC) Article 5.7-100 are addressed in the attached staff report. The annexation area can be served with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as required in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan and as detailed in the attached Annexation Agreement. Services are immediately available or can be provided in a timely manner. Attachment I: Staff Report and Reco=endation Attachment 2: Area, Vicinity and Site Maps Attachment 3: Written Testimony Attachment 4: Ordinance with Exhibits Exhibit A: Maps and Legal Description Exhibit B: Annexation Agreement Exhibit C: Annexation Request Exhibit D: Staff Report The City Council is authorized by ORS Chapter 222 and SDC Article 5.7-100 to accept, process, and act on annexation requests. If approved, the annexation will become effective 30 days after signature by the Mayor consistent with SDC 5.7-155 and ORS 222.040, 222.180, and 222.465. The annexation area is currently zoned Light Medium Industrial (LM!) and is located inside the Springfield urban growth boundary (UGB). Urban services are available at or near the west boundary of the subject site, or can be extended to serve the property. The total assessed value of the requested annexation area is listed as $1,242,796 according to Lane County Assessment and Taxation records and would be expected to increase over time following annexation. Recommendation: The Director's recommendation to the City Council is to (a) approve the annexation of territory to the City of Springfield, Willamalane Park and Recreation District, and Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District; and (b) withdraw the same annexation territory from the Glenwood Water District. Date Received:-LIF~" Planner: AL (, ;~;:J .~ ?:, ~ - ':. ,~' :: " : I' .:: , . ': ..~'~ ,'II;ii',_ '":1" . !il:: ',! "'1- ;." J~ :~:i, , """,:;,1, , I'" I:r~ I' t-"" n "II," ' ~. TYPE IV - ANNEXATION STAFF REPORT ~NI~ RECOMMENDATION ;: SPAINDFlIELD ~.". ~ , ; , . , ,,: ,';". ,,' ,; ;." ','. I, File'N~.he: :Wildish Land'C~, An~~xation ' . .' . . , , : ,::', ~,:,: '.-:"':, ':",,;_,: ',~' :<':'" """'.:',,' "':'" ") .:. '. \'1 ""O~ner(s)l,Applican~(sj: 'Nildish~an~. Cci, 4: Eug'bne 'Alkn<:;:orp.;." :', ' ,',".. ' . , . :., .... t~se Nu~b~~: C SP 2009 ~LRP2009~00009 )"::<,. ' , . , , , ' ',' ' ' , ;':" ..,', " " .... , :. "'",/' .., . "<' .. '-'.' .. , "i" '''':'-:.;: I " " ".-' ',' P~~posai Loc~tion: Mostly v~carit ind~striallarid Iy'i~g~ast or Nugget Way between McVay' Highway and the >>,esi ba~k of theWillalpette ~iver, in GI~nwood,' ' , Existing Zo~ing: Light Medium industrial (LMI) with Urbanizable Fring~ Overlay ,(UF:] 0) . .', . ',,";.. ~ ' ,,':, ,.' ::. ,~,:' .' . '. ~ ..':. , ' ,,' " . ': :-, ,ZoningAft~rAn~exlltion:Lryil.. ,','",. , ,," , ,.,'. ,". ", ,; ,,":' ,,',' , ,. , i'" " . . :-' M.ei~o Pla.i Deslgnation:LMI> ; '-, ' ~', ,.' ' . ',,' " , ': ," ' , , : . , " ' ," " ,,' " , ".-" .," ,,'. , " :'~. ',' '. ':< 'J' . ., 'Reflne,n1imt Plan Designation: Llvll(Gienw6od RefinemehtPt~h) , ' , :. .' ." "~." 0>",' ,', ", , . "..' . :'\', Application Submittal Date: Augusi 14,2009 " .". : " . .' ,I ,,'. _ , ' 'i': Associated Applications: . ZON2008-0000i PRE2009-000 I 0 (Pre-submittal Application) . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE & ZON2009-00008 (De:ve]o'pme~t Issues Meetings); NAME And Limbird Jon Driscoll CIa ton McEachern Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent PHONE 726-3784 726-3679 726-1036 726-2293 726-3668 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS Applicant Randy Hledik 683-7712 P.O. Box 7428 Wildish Land Co. EU2:ene, OR 97401 Owner James Wildish 485-1700 P.O. Box 7428 Wildish Land Co. & Eugene, OR 97401 EU2:ene Allen Com. Attachment 1-1 Date Received:..:4,k, Planner: AL ,'~ .':_,: \ '..~if. I' iF:illl' (;; :I~," " " , :.' IIIW: "i~ 1 '"T . I~ ' :' '> ,~- 'L: - ."1; '" I; .'.: :II~' )1 1. ',' ..' '.,11" "'I . ~ , :!'l:' :1.' ~'1 . , II ,?~ ~ ,. , Review Process (SDC 5.7-115): The subject annexation applicatian is being reviewed under Type IV pracedures, withaut Plalll1ing Cammissian cansideration. . Develapment Issnes Meeting (SDC 5.7-120): ,:-A Dev~lop:ment Issues Meeting (D!M) 'i~ 'required .of all annexatian applicatians.. . . , ". " . . '.' ., ." '. ' I ." : ., " ,,': " '. _.', .' ~. ',:', I , ,...:.",..". -, . . . " ..,' '.' :.... Finding: 'ADe~ela~m~nt Issu~.sMeeting(DlM)farthesubjec; ;~exa'iioii";asheld:bl).Ap;'il'9, 2009(C~e, ,. . :.,t~ONjOO~-?:~oo:.)..,., ':,.';-; ::;-.:::,','.::,'" . ":'" ,.:" ,: ':, ':;,', ': " .. .;, ..:, :,'::' " ConClusian: Therequireme'nt inSDC 5.7~120 is met. , ' ", " "",1, "':."" .. : " ':" , .' . . . 'Annexatiaiqnitiation and Appiic~tion Submittal (SDC5:7-125): An annexatian appli",!tion may be initiated . . by:written co?sents from affected elestars arid/or property awn~rs. . '. Firiding::The ~pplicant lias submi.tt~d the list of owne~s;affei:ted 'ta".l~ts, ~tre~t addresses, signedpetitioris arid' written carisenis io'annexationin. accordance with SDC 5:7-'l25.B.: Pursuant ta SDC 5.7-125.B.2.b and' ORS . 222.170(1), tlie farms ate ca~'pl~iedarid signed by m~re than h,;\[the awiiers of iand iri the territary,whoalsa ", a"(nniore'than hiilfthe, l~dinthe contiguaus territory' arid .of real property therein repr~senti\lg in,!re than half .' tIieassess,dvahie"afallrealpropertyinjhet!llliiguausterritory. " '" ' '" . ..' ',: , .' f '~: .' ,', '_,~' '.::' . ~ ' :.'~. ,. (, ".' .- ;:. , . .,:, ", '. ,.... '. . . -. .'. '..' -, ' , : .' " , ,." " '. .. - .,. , . Finding: 'Th,e applisanthas.pravid~d written cans,ents to annexatian from '.1 00% afthe o:-vners'.of.lano in the. " . , territ.ory,who awn 100% of the ,iontiguaUs land and real property therein and -100% .of the assessed value.':' .: .' '. . . I'" :'.....' - '".'1,;';< " .",,' .... . -, .. . '.', .. " " . ' , . ,1' , " ' .. ~ , ' . . C~nCl~sion: TheapPlic~tion re<1~i~ement~ i!l SDC5.7" 125 have be:en'1'et. . . , ' ) , Site Information: The 'annexaiian area includes five c.ontiguaus tax lats:an the easi side.of McVay Highway . (State Highway.225),sauth.or ~iverside Mobile H.ome Caurt, west of the Willamette River, and narth '.of the Sautheril.Pacific Railroad line. The subject annexation area c.ompdsesappraximately 38.28 acres aI]d cantains,a twa-stary .office and maintenance shap building. The site is a fonner gravel and c.oncrete processing plant, but is n.ow mostly ~acant. .The subject ann~xati.on territary. is intended t.o remain as va~ant industrial land and there are n.o current develapment plans for the property. The applicani and staff are n.ot requesting annexati.on .of the fronting public' street right-.of-way at this time because the street has nat lieen devel.oped to urban standards. Street frontage impr.ovements can and will be canstructed by the pr.operty .owner/developer as site develapment proceeds. The property .owner's .obligatians f.or street impr.ovements are described in the attached Annexati.on Agreement. . Existing public services are provided t.o the annexatian area as follows: police (Lane C.ounty Sheriff, Springfield P.olice Department), sch.o.ols (Eugene 4J), roads (Lane County, ODOT), and Fire (City .of Springfield under c.ontract). Glenw.oad Water District provides water and cantracts with the City far pr.ovisian .of fire service ta the propased annexatian area. Upan annexatian, the City .of Springfield will be entirely respansible far urban services, including electricity, water and fire respanse ta the subject area. Notice Requirements (SDC 5.7-130): C.onsistent with SDC 5.7-130, natice was provided as f.oll.ows: Mailed Notice. N.otice of the annexati.on applicatian was mailed Octaber 9,2009, which is at least 14 days pri.or ta the public hearing date, t.o the affected property .owner(s); .owners and .occupants .of properties l.ocated within 300 feet .of the perimeter of the affected territary; affected neighbarh.oad graups .or c.ommunity arganizati.ons .officially recognized by the city that includes the affected territory; affected special districts and all ather public utility pr.oviders; and the Lane C.ounty Land Management Division, Lane C.ounty Electi.ons, and the Lane C.ounty B.oard .of C.ommissi.oners. Newspaper Notice. N.otice.of the N.ovember 2, 2009 public hearing was published in The Register- Guard.on Octaber 14 and Oct.ober 21, 2009. Attachment 1-2 Date Received:.-!(ft/~'--- Planner: AL '1"',- IF. , 1,., !f ! f 'L ' if. . ~- 'I':! , ::dl.'-':; . ,l", . . I}: f'~;; ,,':'J, . "0, . I~ ,,' ... n' ",1;' ' . -~;..' 'IU!_ Ii: 1. Posted Notice. Notice of the November 2, 2009 public hearing was posted in six, public places in the City [in three locations along the property frontage on McVay Highway; at the Springfield City Hall ~~d'in the Oevel,?pment Services office; and on the City of Springfield websiie]'on Octo!Jer I~i, 2009, , fo'rtwos~cce~siV~,weekspriort'?t"ehearingdate, ", '; ': ,': :- ' :. . .:' -..' .."'.:. , .:, " . '.: ' ; . I ,~ .' ' . ' , , ' . _ . : . ., . . ,,:, . . : . ".: Finding: Uponanne~atiori'ofthe subje6t prope,rty t~'the CitY the cuir~~tLMiion\j,g ~iIl be reiained,.but'the" . ' Urb~nizable Fringe O~erlay Disiri'ci (UF-Hi) will rio longer apply'. Oueto thisthange, the Oregon Department " '. of Land Conservation arid Development '(OLeO) wasriotifled in tvi-iting 'of'the ~nnexation'proceedingsmo're than 45 days prior to the public 'hearing,Notific~tion 'to OLCO ~',;ssent on August 2'1 ,2009. . . , . , ' . , "., '," . .- '.' ~ . . , , , .. .,,,,',.. ': ""'" -. P' t. ',.. ". Conclusion: Notice of the public'hearing was provided cqnsistent withSDC 5.7c130, , ' '" .' '., . ..... : 'I , '.. . . ..... . ..: _. . : '~ .... . ... .'.' . '.' ", ".-,' .. '. . ' ," :. '..' , .~ecommendation to City council (SDC 5,7-135): The Director shall forward a written recommendation on' . ihe' anriexation application to the City Council based on the approval criteria specified:iJi Section 5.7,140, which " '~e p~ovided as follows with the :sbc reql.{iremen'ts, firidings, and 'conclusions. . The Directoh recorriniendation fo!lows.~DC?}-l~O,Critena:., ,',.' . , . , ;.; ""..;. ..~ ' . . . Criteria (SDC5.7-1~O): The application' inay be approved only if the City Council fi!1ds that the.proposal 'confon'ri~ to th~foHowing criten",:' " . . .' .. . ., . ," ,. y;, ,,'. .......',' .' " "i: '\"" ".. ',' ..". . '. . '. i'~ , " ',., A. . Theal'fected te~rito..y prop,os~!i to b~ annexed 'is~ithil1 !he City's ur~lIn growth bounda')'; and i~ . " 1. 'Contignons to. the citY limits; or. '. . ':. "., -:' .' '. '... '. ',.' 2, Separated fro~ the City' only 'by a public 'right of 'way or a stream, I~ke or other body'.Of " . ,..' ' "". ." . I' '. " water. . . . " -. . , . . " . . .,'.. . I . . , Finding: The subject annexation is located within the' ackn9wledged urban growth boundary (UGH) of !he Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plail (Metro Plan), . The annexation area does not directly abut the. Springfield city limits,' b~t is only separate'd by an" interVening public righi-of-way (McVay Highway) therefore meeting the statutory definition of contiguity as fo,,!nd in ORS 222.111 (I)' . . . Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; Finding: The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in August, 1982 and has been subsequently amended. The annexation area is located within the acknowledged UGH of the Metro Plan. Territory within the UGH ultimately will be within the City of Springfield, Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes that, ultimately, all territory within the UGH will be annexed to an existing city (Policy #10, page II-C-4; Policy #16, page II-C-5; and Policy #21, page II-C-6). Springfield is the unit of government identified in the Metro Plan to provide urban services to annexed territory, Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes that as annexations to the City occur, existing special service districts within the UGH will be dissolved (Policy #18, page II-C-6), The continued annexation of properties and public street rightS-of-way to the City of Springfield is consistent with the Metro Plan, which will result in the elimination of several special districts within the urbanizable area. Finding: The annexation area is within the Glenwood Water District. The water district also has service arrangements with Springfield for provision of fire response to unincorporated areas of Glenwood, After the public_hearing and if determined by the City Council that withdrawal is in the best interest of the City, the Attachment 1-3 Date Received: Planner: AL 1/4/tJH? I I "'III'il,.. 1,.:,1":- :"( .~ ~ . -:'i- -'I ;,."n :' ,r';"':,I'r!" .". ' _ ii, ,I,!,' I:' ,':'~~ r. "1 _~I ;'._ -.. 'I ';' .i~~I'i{LI:t,: .. ;'!:if :, 1~ . "" . " I '.~ , , .. ;1'. " .. :' Ii ~ ',,"',, 'ji;' ,,:", ~ ,'. ,_ ..r , " annexation area will be withdrawn from the Glenwood Water District consistent with ORS 222,510, 222.520, and 222,525 and Springfield Utility Board win provide water service directly to the annexed property. ,., ,Finding: After the public hearing and if detennined by theCi\)' 'Council that annexation is in the best interest of the City, the annexation area will b~ annexed into the Lane CountY'Metropolitan Wastewater ~erYice District as ." 'authorized by an I~tergovernmental Agi-eeni~nt(1GA) bet~een the City ofSpringfleld and Lane County. This.. spe~iat ,district, was' formed to'provide the financing for. the ,'regional ,~astew~ter 'treaifi1ent 'plant' serving"" ' ~astew,ater us~:r~ 'with!n the City of Springfield. .',,', .,': ':,:' ,.:' ,,":.:: ' " .' "",".:; ',", . u.'," ;.,. '. ,."'" . I,' '" '... ..'- "'. ,," . .', _:'.'. '. '. ';'.'. , Findi~g: A ft'~rthe publi~ healing and if determined by the City Council that im~exation is in the bdi intere'st of, the City, the ~nnexatidn a~ea '~ill be annexed into the Willamalarie Park ';ndRecreation 'Oi'strict aSauthoiized by , :an intergovernmental agreement between the city ~f Springfield and Lane Cou~ty., The park district,rrovides park and recreation facilities and servic~s to teh-itory within the Cit~ of Springfield. ' ,~inding: The subject property.b located within Subare~ io :- South McYayinqustrial of the ble~wood ,':RefiYJemen{Plan. The adopted Refiriement Plan (Subarea 10, Policy D 'coritempl~tes conti!:,ued,light-mediuin "'iridustrialland use on the site. 'There.are no.proposed changes to, the current LMI zoning for' the subject . "," .",' ','. ". .. ',.'. ".' ' '.-'" '." , , -. . . : annexation 'area: . , . . . . ,..... . . \"'" '" .. , ','" "',-, ,'.' ~ -. ' :~ CoriClusion:The proiJOsal meets this criteHon:' .. '....-, . . "'" " .", .... ;". . . . ,'". " , . C: The proposed annexation will result in a bomidai-y in which the minimum level oCkey urban' facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan' can be p~ovided in an orderly effi~ienta~dtimely manner, "and ''', , ,', ,', " ..', ",", ," " ..... .' , ,,' :...... 'Findirig: The Metro'Plan recognizes ann~xation ~ the highe~t priorit/for exteriding the minimum levelor'key , ~rban facilities arid serVices to urbanizable areas (Polici~s #8 and #10, page II-C4).,' "., " " ' Finding:, The 'territory fequested for annexation will take adv~ntage of urban service delivery systems that are already in place or can he logically extended to serve this area. In addition' to urban utilities, the following facilities and services are either available or can be extended to ihis anriexation area: Water - SUB Water provides water service to incorporated areas of GI~nwood, Upon annexation, the subject territory is not expected to require additional water service until further site development or redevelopment occurs. Existing water infrastructure within the adjacent public rights-of-way will be maintained by the affected utility providers, Electricitv - SUB Electric provides service to developed properties in this area of Springfield. Upon annexation, the subject territory is not expected to require additional electrical service until further site development or redevelopment occurs, Existing electrical system infrastructure within the adjacent public rights-of-way will be maintained by the affected utility providers. Police Services - Springfield Police Department currently provides service to areas of Glenwood that are already inside the City. The subject territory is within the joint jurisdiction of Springfield Police Department and Lane County Sheriff's Department. Upon annexation, this area will receive Springfield Police services on an equal basis with other properties inside the City. Fire and Emergencv Services - Fire protection is currently provided to the annexation area by the City of Springfield Fire & Life Safety under contract with Glenwood Water District. Upon annexation, the City will continue to provide fire and emergency services to the subject territory. The nearest Springfield fire station (Fire Station #4) is located on 5th Street north of M Street. Springfield Fire & Life Safety advises that the south end of the annexation territory is at or near the upper limit of the preferred response time from Fire Station #4, Attachment 1-4 Date Received:~/~t Planner: AL " ''" ~ ".,.. .,,' .: ~ ~I , I: '. , ~ .. T I, 11\: :;1':;' -':11 ',.[ ." . 'I" !Ii = ; The Eugene Fire Department also provides emergency response to the G1enwood area under a mutual aid agreem~nt for emergency response. Emerg~ncy medical transport (ambulance) services are provided on a regionai basis by Eugemi,Springfield, and :lcarie Rurai Fire/Rescue to centnil :Lane County: 'The annexatiqn area :~illconti~~~ to receive this servi~'e c<insist,eni with the adopteq'amlJulance service area (ASA) plan. Mutmil aid'agreements have been adopted by' (hi; three regi~tia( ASAprovider~ to provide backup coverage'for each other's furisdictiori's: ,. .: :,' : ': . .:' ;,' " . .'. .. ':.':::: I;. ;,',.: .....t.;..: ',"::. ...... :,};.::.. .,' ;, ':,' .,' ;';';",1:.:'.:" ,';:',:'.-, '.:' , ",",', '; , " . ': "'.""~'~":, :. Parks and Recie~tio~ ,-Parkand re~i~aiioh ~er\ii~es are proyid~d to th'e CiiY of Springfield bytheWill'ama]ane Park and RecreatIon Di'stri'c{ ']nd6or"re'creation facilities,' such as the Willama]ane Park Swim Cenier, :Li~e]y Park Swim Ctmter, M~inori;il Bui'ldinii'CominunitY Center, and Wiliamahine Adult 'ActivitY Center ~ill be available to ~esidents (if any) and property owners as new' deveiopmentoccurs. It is not expected thai the, ,requested annexation 'area will ge~erate ~n'appreciabien'[{mber ofne~ residetitiai units, owing to the industrial . land use:,designation. The p~k district offers various after~schooland other prograins for children at schools' , , and parks throughout the c~mmun\ty. A]so av'!ilable' are pathways arid several categories..of parks, including '.: , communityp~rks, sports parks, special us~ parks; and natura] area parkS'.' The d(is,est neighborhood park to 'the ., .." .. '-,",', ".. th '".,'" "'" ,- ., .. ..'" , requeste.~ annexation ,area is)ames Park at 4]4] East ]9 ,'Avenu.e, ,Other p'ar~s in the :vicinity of the proposed " '. ".,."',,., ..,'.'" ',". '." '<, ". ,., . ," aimexation area include Islflnd Park, ,Wi!,amette Heights Par!< 'alia Mill Race Park. ,', ' , ,,,", ' "" ,', , . . '" " " ,.' " . 'Concurrentwi;h a~riex~tion toiheCiiy~fSp;i~gfi~I~, the s~bj~ct ~ea WIll be innexed to'thi, Wii]amalane Park,. , ' ~~~ecreationDistrd consi~te;;t with, CiiYP9licy; 'i.ftheCityC~~(l~iid~;erciine~ that aimexatioii to the special "" district' is'in the best interest of the City..The ,'ubject propertY is' also identified for fuiure extension of a 'recreatiomil pathwaysyst~;;; aldngthe west bank' of the Willamette River. Provision of a 20-footwide public' , easement for J'titure riverside, acc!,ss is:conterTip]aied in S~ction] .6,5 of the Ann~xation Agreement signed by the 'applicant: ' '" . ' ','. Schools' - Eugene 4J School District serves the Glenwood Area. ',Existing schools - Camas Ridge Elementary, , Roosevelt Middle, 'and South Eugene High School seI'Ve the neighborhood, including 'th~ subject annexation area. However, under the current zoning designation it is not expected the annexed territory would generate ail appreciable number of school children, Sanitary Sewer ~ The annexation area can be served by an existing 8-inch public sanitary s~wei' line that terminates near the intersection of Nugget Way and McVay Highway. The existing 8-inch 'sewer line flows to a sanitary sewer lift station located at the comer of Nugget Way and East 19'" A venue. From there, a 6-inch pressure line connects via East ]9'" Avenue, Henderson Avenue and East 17'" Avenue to the gravity sewer main in Glenwood Boulevard. There are limitations on the sanitary sewer flow from the subject property to the Nugget Way lift station. As development proceeds on the site, future sanitary sewer connections and upgrades may be required as described in the Annexation Agreement signed by the applicant. Concurrent with annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will ,be annexed to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District, ifthe City Council determines that annexation to the special district is in the best interest of the City. Stormwater - There are no existing stormwater facilities available to serve the subject annexation area, Future development or redevelopment of the annexation area will require appropriate stormwater management techniques in accordance with City standards and as described in the Annexation Agreement signed by the applicant. Streets - The property has frontage on McVay Highway, an ODOT facility. The street is presently developed as a two-lane paved rural highway with bi-directiona] center turning lane along a portion of the property frontage. Along the property frontage, McVay Highway is not developed to full urban standards and lacks curb and gutter, sidewalk, bicycle lane, street trees, and storm water management facilities, Consistent with current Springfield Public Works practice, street right-of-way is annexed only after it is improved to City standards. :;",' 1;1)'Lt 1'" I' ',~7 Ii. 'I', ~' ',> . .', \ '., ,> < '., . , :.,,' ,', , ,I' ";'. Attachment 1-5 Date, Received:-ilft~L-. Planner: Al "llr'I".'1I '[I.'I +111" I~ I' , ~or,~. "::i" :iI' 1- ", i":, i1i!'~:;' I!I I" ",I r ." .(."." "I ::3',!1 " ;":, - '!:r', ~t. W ,I' ,f ,,' ',,',' ii "" i .. I. '.;"Ii\~ 1'." . ,. , , ". 1: , ,'I!"" 't; ': ,\;J , ,. , ,'. Therefore, annexation of portions of Mc V ay Highway along the property frontage is not recommended with this annexation proposaL In accordance with provisions of the ,Annexation Agreement signed by the applicant, future access to the annexation a~ea will be limited to a fourth (east) leg of the Nugget Way/McVay Highway intersection, and a secord interse~tion' at th~ southern end of the property. The access point~ are subject to ODOT permitting st~ndards ~nd approyaL .',' " '" . ;. .' ; , .:;: ~ .:' , ;:', ", ':',' ": >. : ; ... '.' " : . :", ,:"."" ;':~ , " 'j :' : .".:: .,.. ':. ":: :"', :. ". Solid Waste Management;;' :rhe .City and Sanipac have' a,n .exClusive' fra,nchise 'arrangement for residential '.garbage service' in~id~ ,ihe City iimits. Comiri~rci.at" a,n1in.dust~ilil garb~g<serv,iC~'isthe..n;sp'on~ibility of the , property .owner or .tenant, and can be provided 'bySanipac 'or other'ilideperident contractors::Upo'n annexation , ;', :.~d fiJrth~r'de~~lopn'1ent or redevelopment of the property; solid.';;a.si~ dispos'~1 se~Yce. can b'e pr<i~ided by a ' ": : numberoflocal firins, . ',',,' ' , . ' . ' '.,.'.. Coirimunication' Fa~i1ities-' various p~ovidersoffer both wired and wireless ~o~mun,ication se~fces in the' Eugene~Springfield metropolitan area, Existing providers' ahd those entering the market have Hie capability to ,provide service to future develo~ment in thisa'rea: '. .', ' ., '.,.,' .' " ' '. .";:; . .' . .", .', '.. . ., . . ' '. ',-" . . . ' , . '. ,,':'. . ''''', ,'. .. .'... '.' '.,." ,",". '., " -,.:. . Land Use' Controls .:-The anI1exation area is ~ithin Springfield's portion of the urbim gr00h:bo~ndaiy,',": 'Thrqugh,iin int.ergovernthental agreemenihetween i.an~ C(>unty and the City ofSp~irig'field, tlie City ~i.ready h~" .. 'plaiining andhuilding jurisdiction 'for this property: th~ City>'XIn contir)ue to' adininister land use controls after' . :ahriexat16n~.' "''''',.:: ....;,,,...::-:". '.','. ..... .,.......,.:..".,'....'.:;..' ",.".',,' ".".-":- " ,.,..." .......:. . ".' " . ~ ,", . ."" ,. .-' \.. ~.:. ,.' " . " . . ::. ;'. ',,' .'.' '.' ,', ;'. ~.. ': , : "'" ..," ',_, ",.,., _ ,;.' 1'"'' ; .' ,. . " :,' :.__ .', ,,'Finding:T)1e minimum level of key urban faciliiies.and servjces, as defined'ori page V-3 of the Metro.Plan, are '. "eitherimmediateiy .available or can'be provided withina' reasonablefutUretinieframe as needed. . The Annexaii90 Agreement signed by' th~ applica~t de~ail's the timing ari~ delegation of fin~n~ial responsibility for provision of key. urban services to the annexation area. :" ".....' '..' ...::,,,, ,.. '. " .' " '.' '. ' . . , .. .' , ,~: " "', . . . .... ;.' . . . ConClusion: The' 'propos,i1 meets this criterion. . D. : Where applicable fiscal impacts to the Ciiy hav~ be~n JDitigated through a'n Annexation Agreement or .other mechanism approved by the City Council. , . ' . Finding: The applicant has signed an Annexation Agreement that outlines the City and Applicant's responsibilities for provision of key urban services and other considerations. The Arinexation Agreement will be signed by the Springfield City Manager upon review and approval by the City CounciL . , Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the aunexation of the subject territory to City of Springfield, Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District, and Willamalane Park and Recreation District, and withdraw the requested annexation area from the Glenwood Water District. City Council Decision (SDC 5.7-145): City Council approval of the annexation application shall be by Ordinance. Finding: The annexation will become effective 30 days following the second reading by City Council, which is on or around November 16,2009. Finding: The City Council held a Public Hearing on November 2, 2009 for the subject annexation request. Based on the staff analysis and recommendation, and on testimony provided at the Public Hearing, the City Council approved the annexation area (Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lots 3000, 3100, 3200 and 3300; and Map 18-03- 02-32, Tax Lot 3800 - municipally addressed as 4851, 4857 and 5001 Franklin Boulevard) per Ordinance No, _, totaling approximately 38.28 acres, Attachment 1-6 Date Received: /:ft;/~f Planner: AL ," - ,"I', "11\ \. " ' ....I""..W:II'j ,>,' It :: "II: 'r " '~, ;,:1'.- . II d '.~ . . \: \'r...,- Ii: 'I' -Iii ". ,i::C"i1c ~i. . I:~ t' f.. I," f~,"; ,,~ ";; - ~ . ., i Zoning (SDC 5.7-150): The annexation area is designated Light Medium Industrial (LMI) in the Metro Plan and adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan. The current zoning is LMI with Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (LM!/UF- 10): . ',' '. " :. .. . I j... . ., ., , .,j" . ",- Finding: Upoti the effectiv> date ofthe annexation, theUF- I Qoyerlay is. a'!tomaiically removed ~nd !hesllbject. · , territ.ory rem~in~ 1;1\11, which is cons,istent with the Metro. Plan\lnd 'Gle~wood ]J.efi.nement Plan designation', : ,',": ' : .;. ,', .,: :. '::,'" : . ;',:' . t .~ "'. ", '.:",;, .', :/ . ," .' :.'" ',-'. : : ,- .. ,",.,' ~ ;, ',. ,", ,: '_: '. '_', .' '.,;." " I 'EtIefti~.e.Da'te~'nli.Noti~~,:.gf;\pproyed An!l~~'!'tion (S])C5.7-155): 'Ifihe anne~aiion i~.approved by )he Cjry:.' Council on Noveinber 2,2009 and granted a second reading on Noveinber. I 6, 2009, the Ordinance will b"coine . eff~ctive 3i) d~ys a~er ad~pti~h ~yttie CjtyCo,uncil and execution' by the Mayor:. '.'. . ': '., ',;;' , \., .- .....' "', . '.. . Finding: 'City Council gave'second reading to Ordinance~ on etIectiveconsistent with SDC 5.7-155 and ORS Chapter 222 on. ' , 2009. The Ordiliarice became' " ,2009. . , Withdrawoii from Speci;.. ServiceDistric~s (SDf ,5.7716Q):'.' Withdrawal .from' special districts. rriay. occyr , . concurrently with the approved annexation Ordinance or after' the effeCtive date of th~ arinexation of terrjtory to " ihe CitY, 'The Direcior shall recommend to th.e City Council for considerationofthe withdrawai oCtIle 'arulexed ' temtory.fro~ sp.ecialdistrictS as ~pe~ifieci iri .oRs.i2l. )n det~imi,!irigwhetherto withdr~~ th, teh-i!ory ,the' · . City CouriciI~haildet'etri1ine. whether the withdrawal;s in the best interest ofiheCi!);,. Notice of the withdrawal .' 'shall be prbv'ided iri th~ same manrier'as the annexation notice iriSection 5.7-150."".. ' ','..,. ". ' ,." .' --,' '!;' "" '. ... .,." ,.... ',' ,". ',', " . '. '. ' .' '. " ~. " ,'" ,..: ..' :" " ; . - . ., . ", ',' . ,"" . . : 'Finding' The a~exation'a:rea.is within the Gienwood Water D;stri~i. Consistent with SDC 5.7,160, notice was' " . .' '.,' . .... ,....-." '" ,', .,........ ",',' .' -, ,'" '-," '-,' . . ' provided, apuliIic hearing washeld,lind the CitY council deternlined t1iat withdrawal fnim the Gleriwood witter. . '" ...,.",' . .'.,. '''.-.' . ,Dist~ct was in the. bestill!erest of the City: . Th~wi!hdrawal decision was codified in brdin,ll?Cel'-Jo.. . ", " . ." Exhibit:' . . . ,. ' ' " f\: Assessor'~ Maps showing'property requested for annexation (redlined) and rium~ered survey courses contained in legal description Attachment 1-7 Date Received: /N~- Planner: AL . . EXHIBIT A FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY NW 1/4 SECTOPlA 2 T.18S. R.JW. W.lA. LANE COUNlY __r...,. i,~~1 18 OJ 02 2 Il< INDEX IWl 83/8\ ..... , salllllP 17U .>>..11 , , M >> .. .. :l;.__.._ ...., J It ~ :""-:"'--1 -. 17C111"... .. "_17"'." .I~ ..~...I ..,.....~ .... I" " .' I' m9-00 .....j . . .' . . '. . -'. : . . ... ..p'J. 01 01 a... .. . '. . ...... . . - . - .. - := ! :: - II. ~ = :: is is - 5 - ~ ! = . .. . I I 17 ) j J / 0; ..t. .,:, . ~ r::-~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . J .... ~ ...\ 8... ... . ~"'l ~~~J , . . . 1 ; r~ 019-24 r.::- - . . . . 1 I ! .--1 , , , :, I .....d.-..-..-. :.T::t .1 , . . "=. -':_WIIIlI. 18 OJ 02 2 Il< INDEX Attachment 1-8 L ..C6ivea. I~,h.h? ;-'I!"..1i1er: AL ' . EXHIBIT A (Continued) J~':=::'~'-~ J; \ I : /~ ; I 11. (: i . rtl"':ctlII\ Ii --l. - .. i I ,_ I i I I . I !; ',: , I J !. I; 'r-",'--n~l I I ! 0: . ;Z, I . t:;1 >u._____".-'''-- ..._.J....J..... T I r 1:! , : I I. ':;:,\ ; r- ,.. : I ': II I: ,;"j i-I. 1 I \ ~\ ::r::i W', ~l ...., (.!): ; T - N.w'1/4 5 W.l/4 5EC.2 T.185. R.3'N~ .1.1. . Lane County 1"_100' ~ ~ ......, ...- .-. - - ,~ ~ -: - ~ - ....:- /. t-tl+t-tTt+t-t ~ , _____I_~ ., ,.. .-- l I : ~ .:.; ~: ~ :: :!!!;f ......- ...... : 6. ~::= ~ ~:(\J .:r; 0) f:""'- ....... :: ...... I i , i , i I 13. :: :: : .019-08 \ \ \ 15 Attachment 1-9 . : /'"'''';;''''' '1103021O ILC... R r t I I '""" :: ..,:,,,,, :: :: - :: ...... - + I I I I Iller: 'IV"U"~~? AL :\1 ~" ---~ -. ~~ II/I 1.4 ..._-. a a . - , I I-l . . EXHIBIT A (Continued) -J..WV4 SWI/4Sec ~tI8S.R.3l1:W.M. LANE C()lI(fY ....tQd '"\(',4 }~ 17 ~lu4 I!\ j . s...... as or S if - ~;\ - I . i ...... JtOO 15 ml.~/ \ t~'(f --. ' 'l: '" " "- 'l: j 019-02 \ \ \ ...'" ... '" ~ " .. :: \~ It \ II . a 3 " - " - -- - - .- ~ -i "....j I u' - p ... - -, ! rj, (i .A\' --..:-_. I-~ l..' _. I r~ Vf If.. i -jJ 1 --J' I ~ 1- - .I i-I J / . Q I ! 1 . UI~-!'? ~ (/ -. ---- i f I -~:- ,! : ~ if I ---.. 10; I,. ~"\.-';;:. - i,'~ 11.- ~. 1:\ ~'ll \ \ \ j' . r ~\il -;--~- ~ l' ~--_.... .... .-......-~ .... -. FILSER'!' GROVE 5l'H - It'l _ .IO!lItl Oj9~OI 18 03 02 3 3 -+ -"'" (~ I I I , ~ I I I ~ / ;U- . I 1 Attachment 1-10 DatE rleceived: I~/;nt , PI'lnne~' AL ~ rt rt OJ ("l ~ (1) ::l rt tv I f-' :,,!; " ""'"l i) J ~ "J . ~ ib () )>'11 r< <1l 0.. ~ ~ ~ PROPERTY REQUESTED FOR ANNEXATION 4851, 4857 & 5001 Franklin Boulevard (Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lots 3000-3300; Map 18-03-02-32, Tax Lot 3800) SubOect Area s ,/ "./d. OR SP~~W~~ 1ii:~'GO. . .\ There 8ffl no wBffl!Jnbes that 8CCOfflpany this pIOduct Users 8SStJfT16 8' ffJsponsibilAy for any bss or dSfTI8fJ8 fJrislf1Q flOf17 8flyerror. omission or positional in8a:uracy ci this plOducf C]CIlyLIMttsCJUGB HORIH . .. PROPERTY REQUESTED FOR ANNEXATION 4851, 4857 & 5001 Franklin Boulevard (Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lots 3000-3300; Map 18-03-02-32, Tax Lot 3800) ~'\:b ~C2) ~tij There are no ",.",mtios lhel """,",pony Ihls product ~ Proposeel Annoxodon USfNS8SSVffleslresponsibillyforsnybssordsmsgfl ~..--.. Lots e. arISIng from enyenor, omrss;,n 01 pt:Jstional maccvl'SCy L-..J ICIA ORUOH of thispfOduct. [--i OUtside of City L1mh l::i Wthln City Limit. o 2.!l00 '.000 ,,,' Attachment 2-2 Oat:> ~f"'eived: /~/~' r"" .. .lI,L . . PROPERTY REQUESTED FOR ANNEXATION 4851, 4857 & 5001 Franklin Boulevard (Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lots 3000-3300; Map 18-03-02-32, Tax Lot 3800) Sub"eet Area Springfield, OR 9 .;: g. m t:: <0 ~ i! e I ! , SP:~~Etij Th~ ~ no warrart~s th<< IICOOff(JlIl1Y thf& ptOtiJd Ir..... u..", assU71!l''' ~l!fJOfISibilty for ~ b:t$ Of darragtt 'i:iiiiI' &risirIrJ ItomMly l!n'Or, cmssion orpotJllonalinao::;u".tC)' OREGON dtmprodud r- ....~ , ~ D Tax Lots ,--- ....opo.ed Annexation L_J OJbld. of City Limits .-- L.._J Wthln City Limits - Railroad o Attachment 2-3 "'" 1.000 Fe.. AL u //J.~, / , " f ~ . :~. I ~r '!~i'<iJ"ll:F'. J I' ,\~:".:' '-,:.-: i c, ~,i " ! ;::,~'J "'II' r I";' ' , II'. . r: .' I ~' '. Ill' '~i,:. '!II ~~~"~~~. 1""(';' From: Chuck Koehn [ckoehn1@comcast.net) 'Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 10:18 AM To: L1MBIRD Andrew , " . ,Subject: Wildish'Land: LRP2009-00009 ,:, ", '" ' " . ", , . , :. j. ; .: ::; , .. .,: ::": : '\ ,'~ ;:, ,:'Oea; Mr. Limbi~~: " ,;:: ,..' ':;'\ ',' :.", ': ",>' ,:, ," ' ; , .' ~ "..'. " ""., . 'I, -'0,'1: .,,': I., ,!.;; ,,', . ", ,We:are ,p,r~p~~ owners :near the sUbj~6 Vvildish' site,'We are ~upporti~~'~f t~e :p;ci~~i~(( annexation as described' in the notice regarding the above:capti9ned case, '" "',' ' " , .', "'I ,"".". , Since.reiy, Chuck Koehn" , , , Franklin industrial Park ,(5120,5140, and 5170 Franklin I;3h/d,) .,; " ,.,' ... " ",,' ;.,'". ", :.j -: .' ~ . 'i' \' ',' ",',,' '. ~ ..:' ", ,.' '..', ",', ,'." " ,0 ., .' . .l ',," ,'. .' .. ,. , .; . ..,. " ' '. j' " , ' Attachment 3-1 Date Received:~#~L- Planner: AL ;'r -:; . :::, ;: ~j., .; ,,: i " -- .. " , ~." '.1/ '" ,". ,.N, '. ., . " ,,~., '. "!: 1'1' . ,. " . 1; , , ill I .:~ ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINAN~E AP.PROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRING~IELD,,~ COUNTY METROPOLITAN W ASTEW ATER SERVICE DISTRiCT,AND , WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT; AND WITIIDRA WING THE SAME , ,. . ". ,. . .... : '. ..TERRITORYFROMTHEGLENWOODWATERDlSTRICT" ,,", '; " ,'.' , ' ". . .,' . '." :'1. . " " , ,,' '.,.', , ',' ' ",~ ; .\ . ". , ,. ; : . .. " .',' " . , :,'. . ."'riiE.COMMONC6trNCILOFTHE'CITYOFSPRINGFIELDFlNDSTIlAT: . " ':;, '.:: '.l'.......,':.'.. ..:." ." ~.-:":....~,~:: '.-',.:,.".""'" ".'.,'_:. :.:.':.~"~';: ~,~,.,,~ '. '.,',"'.:,:r",';-", ~'. , '.' WHEREAS, a request tci.,~';!, 'certam teinto!)' w'!~.s~iilIlitt~d o,riAllgll'st 14,2009, said te';'itoiy being . :. described as follows:' . ".:." ;'." ,', , Township 18 South, Range 03 West, Section 02, Mapio, Tax Lots 3000, 3100, 3200 and 3300; and TO"TIship 18 South,Range 03 Wes~Section 02, Map,32, Tax Lot 3800 asgenerallydepictedand more particularly'described ill and on' file in City Case Number C SP 2009....: LRP2009-00009 and att8ched . herelOaS:Exhibit'A to this Ordimince; arid' ." ..' .. .' .... '. .... .... .' ",." .. '',-, .. . . . "':, .,1. ;., . , . , '.' ,I" " ..!! ....' . "" " '. ,_ .' . , ' . '. _, . . . . I ~. . . .,'.,: , wHEREAs, the City.Couricii is iiuihcirized by' Spiiriifield Deve]opmerit Code (SDC) Ariicle 5.7c100 and ()R~ Sh?pte~i22to a~cep~proc~~s,.~d~dhmaimexatiops i? the Ci\y; arid , " :......... '0: ',:. ,. . ....,.,.:.::,'.,,:',', -.'.';:'.....;..,<.-:'..,'.,.....::'..,.~._.. ';.::1':":"" "',,," ...' ,.....'.,'..'..,.:. ..,-'. ~.' . .', .,\VlIij;REA~,inaccordallce ~ith SDC 5.7; iis and~R:S222.170(I);apetitionand writtencOli.sent for'.. .' annexation haS beensubmirted by the phiperty.owners to the Common Council of the City' ofSpriIigfield oil" '. Novemb~r2, 2069(:EihibitB);l!n~," . . ". ". ..' . . .... '. ." " \ .\ " ' ,.' .' .' , ","., ,',..' . ", ,1.,""_ .... '.. '. .' .', WHEREAS, this innexation has beEm initiatedifi.accordance' with SpC5.7:125 arid ORS 222 and has . been set for public hearing; and,' . . '.. .'. . . '.. ',.,. , '-'. ',' . . WHEREAS, the territory proposed io be annexe~ is within theEugene~Springfield MetropolitanArea 'General Plan (more commonly knOwll as the 'Metro Plan) urban growth boundary and is 'contiguous to the City . limits [SDC 5.7-140.A]; and,' .... . . . . , . . , .,. . wHEREAS, the annexation is consistent with Policy 10, page 1I,C-4; Policy 16, page ll-C-5; and Policy 21, page Il-C-6, in the Metro Plan [SDC 5.7-140.B] requiring annexation'to the City of Springfield as tIie highest priority for receiving urban services; and WHEREAS, the' minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided in an orderly and efficicnt manner as required in Metro Plan Policy 8, page 1I-C-4, and there is a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities [SDC 5.7-140.C]; and, WHEREAS, provision of City urban services has been arranged through an Annexation Agreement (Exhibit C) between City staff and the property owners, as described in and on file in City Case Number LRP2009-00009 [SDC 5.7-140.0], that memorializes the owner's commitment, agreement, and obligation to meet the City's requirements for the provision of the minimum level of key urban services and facilities; and, WHEREAS, a Staff Report (Exhibit D) was presented io the City Council with the Director's recommendation to concurrently annex the subject territory to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District and Willamalane Park and Recreation District, as these special districts are service providers for the City [SDC 5.7-140.B]; and is consistent with the intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and Springfield regarding boundary changes dated May 21, 2008; and, WHEREAS, a Staff Report was presented to the City Council with the Director's recommendation to concurrently withdraw the annexation territory from the Glenwood Water District as the Springfield Utility Board would provide water utility service directly to the area after it was annexed to the City [SDC 5.7-160.B]; and, 1 Attachment 4-1 Date Received: 1#' Planner: AL , , " i". ,. I~II .lill'1 '.;, "illlil I:' ,. p; :r .:.;d "'Ii . ," .~ , ,. d ~ :,! :~ ::'~ '-". - ,Ie WHEREAS, on November 2,2009, the Springfield Common Council conducted a public hearing and is now ready to take action on this application based on the recommendation and findings in support of approving the annexation request, and the Glenwood Water District's withdrawal as set forth in the aforementioned Staff Report to the Council, incorporated herein by refet:~nce, and the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting this Ordina~ce, ' >,- , - "," "'" . . \ - ." . NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF,SPRINGFIELD' ORDAINS As FOLLOWS: : ,." ~. ....:. ,1.': ':','"...-r.~~ "':("'~ ,.;...,'..:> .~': .'.;" ,,:: <', .,.. . '. . . ',' '" SECTION 1: The Commim Council of the City of ' Springfield does hereby approve'the annexation area to , ' ; the City ofSpringfieJd, Lane Co'm\iy Metropolitan Wastewater S'ervice District a~d Willarnalane Park and ," , . Recreation Distric~ said t~iiitory being described as follows: ," . "':-':' ; " . '." . ',: ,. , ." .:,. ~" \ . "<(:., ',,' . .' .'. . ".' :' .' . ;", . ,.,' , .. , " <"'0 ,,,,.' Assessor'sMap Township III South, Range03 West, Section 02, Map 20, Tai Lots 3000, 3'100, 3200;illd 3300; and Township!8 South, Range 03 West, Section 02; Map'32, Tax Lot 3800 (municipally,addressed as 4.851, 4857 and 50,61 'Franklin Boulevard) as generally depicted and more particul~r1y described' in :. . EXhibit A, .. .,: ..,;. ',', .'" "'. . . , :. "'. . " "",. '" .' ," , ,'. '", . . . .' ..... SECTION 2: The Withdrawal of territory described in'Section I above fromtlie Giimwood Water District' . .s!)alI b~come.~ff~ctive o~ July!, 2e)] O. ". .... , " . ,. '.' ". . , " , ",.., ." ". .. '. ", ,", '", , " . 'SECTION 3: The City Managerhas signedthefmal Annexation Agreerrient,which meriioriali;";stlle ' " owner's'cohllnitriient,agreerl1enl; and obligatio~ to ineetih~Ciiy's requiremenisfor piovisio~ofti.e mini~u;;' le~el of ,key u~~irnseh-~~es and facilities: , : .' ,... .' " ... ':,:,' '" .' " '. " " , : -", , . '-" . ,',' " '. ,\'. -' ...",. ....., .' .', ..' .SECTION4: The City I"Hinager or tlie Develoinpent ServicesDir~ctorshallserid copies ofthis Ordinance as .::~eqtiiredliySpC5,7,155:-",. . " ..' ,. . .....:.' . . '.:" ,.,. .,... ' " ., . '" . " ," '- , SECTION 5: It isheiebyfound and determined that ,matters relating to' the provision of City serviCesar~ . . matters affecting the public health, safety;and welfare and that.:n emergency therefore existS and this Ordinance shall . take ~ffectirrimediately tiponad~ption by the Council and approval ;;ftheMayor.: " " . . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ~day of November, 2009, by a vote of ' for and against. ' APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this day of November, 2009, ATTEST: Mayor City Recorder rmlEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM <:.Jo>>..\'>' ~ L~'-\-l -.- DATG: -',,"_L~I ..~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY 2 Attachment 4-2 '-" "'v"d' //';; ~... , , .. ~ "_I-~:;I c .-LI-7'-!!. / I-'lal1ller: AL .~ I' . .~ ;,.' II .~ ,'I~:' "~I; .. ., , ~ '", : ',~ ~ . <. "I" . I... I ~. .. '," ; : .. Exhibit A-l , Legal. Description for the Annexation . of the . ,Wlldish Glenwood Plant Site: ,'. '.,; . " " . . . ." . . t ' , '. . ( ~. : . ':,.,. . . , ". ' '-' '~l '. . "',: \. ' . '..' : .:' ....;... ,~;,':.':'>::: ,,:,;})":':',"i:::.. ',:,':~"'''':,:',''.':' :':),.: ':". "'::.: . Beginning at a'poin,t oil the 'w~tefly bound,ary of the' north"C~st onecq'uarter of Section 2 in' TOWnship'18 South, ;Ra~ge 3 West oiiheWlIliimeiie Meridian; ~aid 'pointbeing South . I 237.57,feet moreorless from'the ncirth'wesicorner of said ~ectiori 2; thence I.) Westerly 40.89.feet more or i~ss, to a point in the. ~as.terly right of wily of McVay Highway, said point. ." 'beil)g30'feet easteriy of, when n1easUred at rightangles to, the c~nterline of McVay Highway; thenc.e along the easterly right of way of McVay Highway the following I3cQUr~es al)d ". ~lstancesnumbered 2-14: . . : ": . . . . '.' '.,. .'j ,,' .... ',,;: '.' .,' '.' , ',,0> ..' .'... ."f'. . . .2,) along the' arc of a 130'3.24 foo\rildius curVe right (th~ chordofwhiChbears South 7031' i 5": . ',Ea~t 39.~? ~e'~t)a:~ist,~~~Of~9'1:~~ee~;. .... ......'. '.~..:" ';.: '. ::,:i' ,.....' , '< .":,::,,':'.'. .'.;.. 3,) sobtI:i 603,8'45" East 474.04 feet 'n1oreorlesstoapoint opposite the angle point inthe,' . . . . ,centerline 'of McVay Highway at engineer's station 107+00; thrncecontinuing along the easterly' right ~f~ay'o~McVay High\\:<iY:" '.,:. :'. ;,.'. .. . . . '. "J" . ....- .,' ' '. . , ,...' .. ., . , 4) South 5041 '.45" Eastl300.25 feet more or less t~ a poirii30Jdet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 120+00 P.O.T; .::. .' ',.' ..' . " ., .' .' 5.) Easterly 10.00 feet more or less to a point 40 feet easterly of and opposite ~ngineer~s station 120+00 P.O.T.;' 6.) Southerly along the easterly margin of McVay Highway 200.00 feet more or less to a point 40 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 122+00 P.O.T.; 7.) Easterly 10.00 feet more or less to a point 50 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 122+00 P.O.T:; 8.) Southerly along the easterly margin of McVay Highway 200.00 feet more or less to a point 50 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 124+00 P.O.T.; 9.) EasterlylO.OO feet more or less to a point 60 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 124+00 P.O.T; 10.) Southerly along the easterly margin of McVay Highway 89.50 feet more or less to a point 60 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 124+89.50 P.c.; II.) along the arc of a 776.20 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 5016'33" East 11.38 feet) a distance of 11.38 feet more or less to a point 60 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 125+00 P.O.c.; Date: Received: 1f0~'--- Planner: AL Attachment 4-3 '11'1"" ~' I' 'I: .!""I ~i ". . .'.,,' '. ,I. ",.. . . ". ..' , 'l::' ,\..,.' '. ."" "', " '-r'::"' '" ! ," '..,' ..,,:~!r:'-:?_ tj.. ''::-;;0: Exhibit A-2 ' . .' , " .II. "II,./..j . '. :': .~ f: ~-~'- - 12.) Easterly 10.00 feet more or less to a point 70 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station 125+00 P.D.C.; ., ",', . . . , , '. .', . '. ' . . I~.) along the arc ofa 786.20 fo'ot radius curve right' (the chord of which bears South 3035'57" . West 23 Ll9 fee.t mo;e 'or ie~s to a point iO'feet easterly of and 6pp~site engineer'S' station . . ". '127+1'1.4P.T.'a:iid",,:,':<':, , ."', ,:";"." ..,' ,', '.:: ...." . . . ".','- .' ." ,'..'.','. - '. ", ,"~' " ." .. ' .. ", . , ',.,. '..... "','"".". "".,.'" :'" . , . _ - '.~ _':", . '. :;" r .' ." ., "'. . . " '. ".h, . ,". " '.' _ " . . " 1.4.) Sou~erly'along the easterly margi~ ,of McVay HighwllY 140.66.feet !flore or less t,oa point " marking the ihte~secti\m of the easterly right of way of M.c Yay Highway a~dtlie eaiteriy righto( , way of tbe Union Pacific Railroad, said point being 30 feet from; when measured at right angles ,to the centerline ofiheUnion'P~cific Railroad; thence lea~ing the easterly right of way of the M~V~y High~ay and' ru~ningalong the eaSterly right Of way of the Union Pacific RailrOad. " ",: '. -". '...-' '.. ,-' -', "'.' . , " .' . '.. ., , , , ',.. , '1,5.) along the arc ofa,98~.04 fooi.radi'us curve "right '(the c~oidofw~icb~~ars South 9032'23;' ." ;East255'p feet) a:distariceof 256.44 feet;thenc7leavirg the easterly right ,.of way of the Union '. f,acificRailrOad andrilnnjng " . ' , ," ....." ~: ;. . , ~,. ~" I ., 1 ...' . . '. ,. , . """"~ " .: ,.: ,. ..... .' :." .', ..~., , ...... ;...., .~ \ '..:'. ....;.'.: <,.:,- ., '." ',,/ -..- . . '.. 1~.)Soiltheasterl{139 feefinore or lessto.a poiri! 6n'tb,e'lo~waiefn1arkhfthe !e!l ~arikofthe. . . Willamette ~iver, said point being 230 feet more 9r less Soiltherlyofthe east/west center section ' . line of sa'id Section 2; thence,. ' . . . .', , . ' ",' "," . ,"', ". ' .," ',. ,., 17.) Northerly;dO\ynstreamalong the low water h1a~kot'the left batik of the Willa!BetteRiver' ,. , 3050 feet more or less to a point whiCh bears EasterIyJrom'the'point of beginning; thence " leaving the low water rriarkofthe left bank of the Willamette River and 'running , . .' . ," ',' .. , , . .. . '. . '. . , ' , 18.) Westerly 223.59 feet more or leSs to a point which bears Easterly 503.50 feet mo're or less from the point of beginning; thence . 19,) Northerly 69.21 feet more or less to a point; thence 20,) Westerly 50.02 feet more or less to a point; thence 21.) Southerly 69.21 feet more or less to a point which bears Easterly from the point of beginning; thence 22,) Westerly 453.48 feet more or less to the point of beginning, all in Lane County Oregon, Date Received: / ~/~? Planner: AL Attachment 4-4 ,";'-, '('; '1IIi,"'1 ',; "jlt- ;::: "'.. .: "~;i~if. '~':~:'~i.~? ,ijr :t. .'" .' : .; '':!r - . ~ ;11, .,";1:, :' . .<::~ Exhibit B-1 ' ,I. / After Recording Return to: City 'of Springfield Pub,IicWorks Department ,': ' ~25 Fifth Stree~ , ' ';, , ' Springfield, OR 97477 .: ',> " '.,Aitn:Engil).~ering PjyisidP: ' . .', '" 1 '. .,' ..' '" ",,"',' ,~ ,'. ". ' ,','. Place Bar Code Sticlcer Here: .' " :L :', .,'. , , ' ," ....\ "" . ' . ' Ij' ~ ' . .:, , '.l.;'" ',. !, .,,;. " .' ..' ::':.' \; .':.., '. .' , . " . '" I " -;, '. ,','. :. , . , ',' . ". ,,', . :i' ~ . '.,.' " .:' ..... , : ',::ANNEXA:fI<)NAGREEMENT :, ,,' ;',,:..t" .;:, '. . . , .' . '. . . This Annex!ltion Agrtiement ("Agreefl).(mt") is made between the City of Springfield, an Oregon muniCipal corporation ("City") and Wildish Land Co. and Eugene Allen Corp. ("APPLICANT"). ", ' " '.' ' , , '", . . ".j . .,,' '" RECiTALS..; " .' :..' ,"'.; ,.' ....; , ....:;.;. .: :.'., :~'., '''_". " ... ..:., ."....,..;, ',1.' '.' , " "......., . "'. . . " A . APPLICANT il~ri~ tli6 p~rcel(s)oflan~ legally de,sciibedih Exhibit A, 'the J>roperty, a~d ". shown onthe map attached as E<ffiibiiB. The property ispro,ximate t() the jurisdiCtionallimitf , Of tht;<::ity arid is subject toallne~ati()ri by tl).e9ity of Springfield following 'minor bouridary' , ' ,chan;geprocesses: .,' " ," ' . , " ',j' , '. C: APPLICANT wishes to annex the Property to the City and seeks support from the' City f~r tht , annexation. , ' . . , . , . . \ D. The Property is currently designated as Light MedIum Industrial (LMI) on the Metro Plan and is zoned LMI with Urbanizable Fringe' Overlay (UF -10) according to the Springfieid Zoning Map. E. Annexation of the Property requires a showing under SDC 5.7-125 that the Property can be provided with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan Policy 8a and 8b, p. II-C-4, and such showing is supported by the substantial evidence in the record of the proceeding on this annexation. City staff has determined the minimum level of key urban services is currently available to the Property with the exception of public wastewater service, public stormwater management service, street connectivity to adjoining property, and Fire and Life Safety services that fully meet City Standards. Applicant's adherence to the requirements of this Agreement will result in the property being provided with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services for those uses authorized by the current zone. However, in the absence of a development proposal, City cannot represent when the orderly and efficient delivery of service might occur or whether or not the timing of availability of each service will be consistent with the requirements of any future development proposal. With reference to the provision of water and electricity, the City will rely upon Springfield Utility Board to indicate the availability of such services. F. The purpose of this Agreement is to memorialize APPLICANT's and City's commitment and agreement to the allocation of financial responsibility for public facilities and services for the ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 1 of 12 Attachment 4-5 Di:lt~" f~eceived: /~f Planner: AL 'I''',' ,~ ';'1,'1'11 'I' "1'11"'1"','1'," " "r '''I'' "I'l '1,]",111.'" 'I '. ~II",,:,II" ~"II('\",I."I ;liI"t~';r ~ d:,:i ~~"',~:,,: ":'1< ~?I :H1l~I". ~ " . T1'I ,.1",'1:,.,1' :, f! :' !~ ': ,:.,1;, ,';! ' ; ';1,' "',,~. -: ',' ,I. :.r:,- :-. .,Ii . "), f ", '111'11"",. -~'.' Exhibit B-2 .... " .1 'll,: _~ . . .., . Property and other users of the facilities, sufficient to meet the City's requirements for the provision of key urban services, including long term publiC wastewater, stormwater ' management systems, intercoimected transportation systems, and Fire and Life Safety sc;:rvices:: neCeSS!\fY for ~n affirmative City recommendation for the annexation request. .: .. . ,': .,::> .;.:. " .... , '",":'.' : ',"", " -. ' :, . -, . -,'-. "", "', '/" 1"-,'" ..... ., ;'. ".' . . ":. '. G. ^:~ubii'x w~~tewat~r:~yst~'with's~ffi~i~I\t ~ap'a~ity to.S~fv~ t~e Prop~rty and .Qther.exi~ti~:g ", . .. ~rid, proposed laUd l!se~ in theyicinity on~e froperty is )leCes.sarY. ~()support a'findingthat this. . '.),eyurbimseivice'isavailab1etoserve'~hePioperty.': :'" ',>.::.~'''..;. .... '.' ", . ,\' ,..' .;. , .,':' . " , ,',': , .~ . - ..' . ~:. " ' . ':",' . . ..; ~ ' ;' ..' ~ ' . .,':,' ..:~::, . ',' '. ." .. TIiiPropertyis currently provided public wastewater servil;;~ b'y an 8-inch diameter line Ioc~ted neaf the ~esterlybourid~ry of the. Property nl?ar theinte~~ection of Nugget Way and . , McVayHighway. This line, constructed in 1999, flows west iri Nugget Way, then riorth iritQ the Nugget Way Lift Station at the corner afNugget Way ~nd East 19th Avenue. A 6- inch pnjss~fe lirie then extends from the lift station within East 19th A veime, H~nderson' .' . Avenue,' imd East '17'~ Avenue to a gra~ity" rl1ain in Glenwood Boulevard. The public s~Wei .. 'system des';;ril:ied inthisrecit;;j'is hereinafterr~fc;:rredto1i.s'i1H;'~lfggetW~ySewer;'.' . ' .. .". -;, ",." "-".", ".,' ,'.": . - .... ., .'.; .' ,.' '. ~,' '. <.; .'., . . ," ;' . " .' . . Pursuanito th~GitY'~recerit1y"adopted Wastewater:M!lsterPlari prepared by CH2MH'illiri . 2008 mid recent' city imprOvements and testing to reduce infiltration and inflow into' the ' . :N~ggeiWaySewer,'sufficient capacity exists to s~rv~ th~Prop~rty u~~~~ theCun:ent' 'Zornng." . ...... " " '. '; '::" . '. .' . .... , " ,". . ".. : ...... , . , . . " . .. ,," ',.' '-'" '".'. - ", " ';' . - ." .' " ..' " , The Nugget Way Lift Station wasdesigued to a(:commqdate!l peak flow of up to 672 gallons per minute (GPM) from sources located on the Property, as well as from sources with property frontage along Nugget Way and Newman Street. Recent drawdown tests performed by Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) staff show the firm capacity of the lift station to be 642 GPM. Deve!op!n'ent by APPLICANT or other parties adjacent to the Nugget Way Wastewater System' that causes flows to exceed the 642 GPM maxiinum firm capacity in the Nugget Way Wastewater System would require additional wastewater sewer service. ,. . . The Nugget Way Lift Station was sized to accept sewer flows from a basin of approximately 85 acres, of which the subject Property comprises approximately 40 acres. The proportionate flow share from the APPLICANT's 40 acres is 300 GPM, based upon the firm capacity of the lift station. Development by APPLICANT that causes flows to exceed the designed 300 GPM from the property would require additional wastewater sewer service. H. A stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to serve the Property and other existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity of the Property is necessary to support a finding that this key urban service is available to serve the Property. . A public stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accommodate adjacent roadway storm water runoff will be necessary to support a finding by the City that this key urban service is available to serve the Property. . It is presently unknown whether future development of the properties located in catchments three and five of the City's approved Stormwater Master Facilities Plan as approved on ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 2 of 12 Attachment 4-6 Date Received:S#~'-- Planner: AL , : ~~- > ~! Ii" -, . . 1:1 7-~ ' .. .. , , .' ~::;i;:I!:.~ ":I~'.:.:.:_ . EXhibit 'I,' -._,. . ,I ~. ': ',,:1 '.' 'B-3. October 20, 2008, will require treatment and conveyance of stormwater on, through, or across the Property. >It,:,: .' ,: ), . Section 1.4 including subsections 1.4;1"throli~.1:4~'" implement this Recital. . , ,,;," ': I;,,'.,. . I;' ."," '....' :"1' .', ,',,: ,,', '. '" I.' . An interc(l1mec~edtnitisportat;ori system With: the exi~tirtg:an'd pr~posed land us~s in' the : . . . . ;jicirlity :of the' Property is re4uired in orde;: to proyide access 'and ~ tianspo!tlit1on'system for . the. pioVi~i.?~ .~ff!~e'~n~Life;Safetys~fV;ces to aIJd from theimIiexed prdperty: . .:'" . . '. ,. '.'-' . ,; ',., :''',-. .. ,," r :,.,. '!', ; " e' .." ,"',' .. Thl;1Prop~yisbguIided to the West by McVaY Highway, currently owned and operated by" . the Oregon Oepartnient of1ransportation (OD01} M~Vay HighwaY is an uriimproveL' . two l!lne~tripedasphalt mat street with'a center turning lane along a porti~n ()fthe . '. APPLICANT's Property frontage. . McVay Highway is not improved to . fUll Urban . , Si~ti.dards. .' . . ..... . ,. . .:' , .~, ,':': ", ' . ';.'. ." :' ' '. '.'., " . t. :," L :", > ",', _'. " :' " . .. . " .-, '. , .." '. '.NuggetWayiritersectsMcVayHigh"'ayqnthewesti;ideofMcVayne~rthe northern . .., ...... . pqrtiop o~ the APPLICANT; s Pfoperty frontage. Nugget Wayjs (:hissified' by Larie Co~nty : '. . :. .' as ~ocal A.c.sess Road (LAR) .ana is' uIJ,derCoulltyJurisqiction, andcon~~i~cu:b, gutter, Ii .' . . limited drainage systelll :ling aliIriitedmimberof street lights. Nugget Wayisi1<it hnproved . '. . ... . tofull Urban. Staridards.Thl;1re is nb pilbiic' iriaiiltenance by Ci,tyor ~aneCiii.mty ofNugg~t' '. . ,:'Way.. .'" . . .... ..... ;. '" .............'.. .... . .... .... , ',. ' '" .' ".. . '. J.The m;ni~'umu~b;m levei ~ffi~~a~d'life safety services necess~ry to fully meet City staridard~: . may be currently: available to' the Property. The provision of additional services' niay be '. . necessary for uses that'require improved' response times oroth~r Fire and Life Safety' services or equipment to ensure City standards are met. Additional services may. also be required in the' event a development is proposed for the property which impacts road capacity and .adversely . . . effects response times. .. . . . .. . . . . K. Portions of the Property.are located within the floodplain and floodway ofthe Willamette River, as depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) issued by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The APPLICANT has submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), with City and Lane County concurrence, a proposed Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) to the current FIRMs: These maps have been reviewed by FEMA and result in changes to the floodplain and floodway in the area of the proposed annexation. The new FIRMs will become effective July 27,2009. . . L. In order to facilitate orderly development ofthe Property and ensure the full provision of key urban services that are satisfactory to the City and meet the City's conditions for an affirmative recommendation for annexation to the Common Council, and in exchange for the obligations of the City set forth below, APPLICANT shall comply with all requirements imposed on APPLICANT in this Agreement. M. With respect to BOLI wages, the parties understand that Applicant may construct infrastructure with its own resources and funding that may, ultimately, be turned over to the public. In such event, current BOLI interpretation would appear to exempt such construction from BOLI prevailing wage requirements. This document is written in light of current BOLI interrretation. In the event such interpretation were to change, Applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold . ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 3 of 12 Attachment 4-7 Date, Received: / yi-/~'--- Planner: AL ''-':'.1'1''., 1,'1'1 : "I' II,.~ ,- . . hI ' ,) 11", . '~ :" ',:1,,', I, '0";11:. I ~.. '0 , . Exhibit B-4 harmless City from all claims, causes of action, attorney fees, wage claims and costs arising out of any change in such interpretation. " NoW, therefore b.asei"uponthe foregoing Recitals, which are specifically made a pa~ oithi~ ',:. Agreerri~n!, the pi\l.1i~s.a:gree iis foilows:: , .... . . . . .... . ':'" .,.... . ...,,'..... ..; ".": '"., . ,,' '. 'r. ,..;., " " ,,'.', ".'~ , ,'; .: " , " .f , . ' , , : .' '. " ~ . ,'. " ..... ".,':. , ",'j.',: . : '. ,'~ '-, '. I;',. " ,,' .' ". . ",. . . . ..' . . .' . I. Obligations of APPLICANT. Consisterit with the above Recitals imd subject to the issuance of Site.' 'rlan al)d Public Improvement Plan approvals, APPLICANT shall pelform the requirements and,.' .: , . obligations set forth ip this sectioll. .,.,. " ' . AGREEMENT':: . . " . '; .;,."" .:,.' . .:. :', '. - ..- " .:- ,.....;' 1.1. Apply for, arid obtain,Tentative Site Plan approval, pursuant to the ~ppli<;al?l~ SPringfield'.. . Develop'ment Code Sections. . This' Paragnlphis subject to the requirerilentsof ~ection' 8, ,.' . ' below....'. " '.. . ,,0... . .... . " . . ..' .: ~ '.. ".', .: 1.3. Secure City Engineer approval of ~~y necessaryPubiic Iniprovement P~ans, Firial Inspection, submittal and approval of any necessary As-built Plan~ 'and Acceptance by the Comincin . ' Council prior to Occupancy. Approval for any new stiucture on the Property is contingent upon development of on-site and off-site public wastewater conveyance systems to provide wastewater service to the development as follows: . . , 1.3.1. In the event development on the Property exceeds the planned sewer flow oBOO GPM, the APPLICANT must develop additional oncsite and/or off-site public wastewater conveyance systems to provide wastewater service to the Property. 1.3.2. If capacity of the Nugget Way Sewer cannot be increased to accommodate additional flow, APPLICANT shall participate in the construction of a new trunk sewer line ("Trunk Sewer") by paying to City a portion of the estimated cost to construct the Trunk Sewer; the amount shall be proportional to the APPLICANT'S use relative to the design capacity of the Trunk Sewer. 1.3.3. In furtherance of the requirements set forth in this paragraph 1.7, APPLICANT shall fund the purchase and installation, in an amount not to exceed $10,000, at a location specified by the City Engineer, of an approved flow meter to monitor wastewater flows in the Nugget Way Sewer. The City will accept ownership and maintenance responsibility of said flow meter. ANNEXATIONAGREEMENT-Page40fI2 ,,/. ~ Date Raceived:4...l,/~'--- At tachment 4 - 8 Planner: AL . W!cil,: :;' :::111.:- ~ .'1n~"' '~ ",,~~ "". - , , .; ,: : ~ .' , .... . ,'" . ,', '" . i .' .~ , .! :1; c:'~ . : ~(I:l) )"r;. I' ,'11', "1'1 .' "f ~~ 'lr,y:~.:o ~*!I.,~, _ "f. .. ,.~ ;,' . 'I, Exhibit B-5 " 1.3.4. APPLICANT shall bear the full cost and obligation to design, construct, and maintain until accepted by City the onsiteproposed wastewater system that connects to the existing public system, including but not limited to associat;,d easements, engineering costs, permit application~and fees;legal costs, construction, and inspeytion costs, 'and thepreparati<il).qfAs~b)liiq)laii~>>':'\, ":", . . :. : . , .; , ," . '_ ", :.. ", '.:.; : ',:. ,': '. I, . ',.:::":", .:'. ~" ", .:,' ,;.' . .' ,= .":.".,,. \' I J .3.5::. .ConctiITe~t ~i~h appro~lli .of any appl;caiio~:for th6J1itiaid'iscl:etioh~~y d~veiopmept (Jr: .: " , , ';' Jm.d djyi~io!1fqi any portion oftheProp~rty, i\.PPLIQANTwill,pto~i,d;, f1n!illcial' ':,.' .: . ' ;, , " security' acceptableto'the City for all costs associatd with the abOve described' , '.. , ' . , ',' ',(S~~tion 1.3 ~tseq.) wastewater system. c~nstiuCti'o'n.APPLrCANt isdir~i:td to ' Paragraph ,13, ofthis Agreement conceiningcurrent requirements in relati()n to' , regulations of the Bureau ofLabor and Industries (BOLI) and the'payinent of prevailing rate of wage. The cost of all pUblidy funded public iinprovements shall be' estiin~ted ' b~se~ upon the prevailing,rat,;,of:-:yage andfillan,cialsecu~ty sh~1l beadeqmite to, ' " provi4eforthepaxmeritof.Sai<lprevailingra~eofwage:.'" ,", ,'", ", ".: . :', , ':'- '_:,'., ,";, .,:..,,:.,~>.' :,:', '" /'- ,','.',~, , "'>"," '" .... ,,': "<"":;, ',' .: ;.'" ,,' " 1.4 SecUre~ityEri~ri:ee(appro~alof any neces~aty Publi~ rInprovement Plans" Finai Inspection,' ,,', ,,'submittal and approval of any necessary AsCbuil\ pians ilhdAcCeptance by the Ciirinnon ,',' , " <t~uncil'prio~to Qccupancy: Appro~al foratiynew'stru'ct~reOli tlie Pr,opertyis contingent ' , ujJOh clevelolmieIlt of on-site alid off-~i~e stoii'Iiwater managem~nt systblllstoprdvide drainage, . 'servicetothedevelopmentasfollows: ' " ", ,"" ....' '-'. ','., '. .. ,: " " .. ,~ , ' 1:4.1 'APPLicANTshilll be required to pro~deand be firi~cially responsible for pro~isi()n ' arid cOnstruCtion of a stormwater management s'ystem to serve the Property and its related pilbliCiniprovements. " ' ' , , , , " .. 1.4.2 APPLICANT shall prepare the studies, plans, permit applications, and other supporting documentation necessary to obtain the permits and other approvals necessarY to ' construct the stormwater management systems described in Paragraph 1.4.1, above. 1.4.3 APPLICANT will develop the Property in accordance with stormwater quality measures in effect at the time of development application submittal to detain, retain, and infiltrate runoff. The standards for stormwater quality management shall be those set forth in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures manual ("Manual"), as said Manual may be amended over time. particular attention shall be paid to mitigating ilupacts from pollutants for which Total Maxiluum Daily Load (TMDL) standards set forth in the Manual have been, or will be, established by the State of Oregon. 1.4.4 Except as may be specified or required by Section 1,6.5, APPLICANT may develop all or part of the stormwater management system pursuant to this Section 1.4 within the Riparian Corridor as described in Section 1.5 below. 1.4.5 APPLICANT shall bear the full cost and obligation to design, construct, and maintain until accepted by City the proposed stormwater management system that connects to the existing public systems, including, but not limited to, associated easements, engineering ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 5 of 12 "~ Att h t 4-9 DateReceived:-0'~ ~L ac men Planner: AL 'f', ,_ii', ::1 'I' ",. .... '~II""" ';'\' ,I ,~: ,':~: . r. .i..... ,. ,:\ ~ 1 ", .c '. " Exhib;Lt'B-6 costs, permit applications and fees, legal costs, construction and inspection costs, and the preparation of any necessary As-built Plans. 'I :4;6 C~ncurrent with approval pf anyappli.cationforth~ iriitialdi~~r~iion~ty div.elop~ent or . . land. diVision for any portion of the Property, APPLICANT wiil provide'financial :" . , ",: .: ,.~ecuritY'acc~ptable to the City forrin cos~'associat~d with.the pubiic'stonnw~ter." ,. , , ,~'" >,".' -' - "}"" " ". . I -. . _ ." ,. . "'" , . ,..'.'., - ',.-' 1 " ';,t- , .rna~ag~ri1entsysten\ constructio!1',; A!,:PqCANT is'diie'ct~d to Paragraph 13 of~is.: '.' 'Agreement concimiingcurrent requirerrierits'ffi relation to' regulations of the Bureau of .'.; ..' , ' . Laboi' ~ndlnd~stries (BOLl) an~the p~ymehlof prevailing rate of wage. The c~st 0('" ( , all publicly funded public impro've~ents sh'all be estimated based upon the prevailing', ' , rate of wage, and financial securi'ty sh~ll1;>eadequate to provide for the payment of said' , , " prevailing rate' of 'Yage. ,,' " , , , ' , '.' 1 A]', ' APpLICANT agrees' that it will cooperate with the City ,in detetmining the most ." ", . efficient and appropriite way of treating and conveYirig stormwater from properties' . '.: " locllted in (jatchm.l':iits three ai1l1five ofthe City;s llPpr()ve<i, Stoimwai~~Master .... >', . .: . " "FaeilitiesPlari as approved on October 20;-2008. To the extent that a public stormwater . , ',-, , ,', ',.," ,," ',.., . ", .;', -'. '.', ", ,'" .'. .. '.' '.' , ,system isOi-equiredtotreai and coIiyey stonnwater on;thrpugh or across ihe property, ' ' City ~hall first work:-viih APl'LICANT\o det~rIDineif existi.~g ea~emenfs on the': " . property may beiltilized foisuch treatment and conveyimce. '. In the event existing , ,,', . , easemeiits'oj'J. the properly ;;reitisuffi6i~rltfor treatin'g and~onveying stoimwater, C.ity fuay condition a deyelopment applicatiolfas set forth'in Section, 1 OR Further; noth,iug '.' ,. hereill sh~lllie constru~d as a lirIiit~tion.upori the CitY's right of eminent doma\n. ' r 1.5 As a component of each development application for the Property, APPLICANT shall be ' required to reserve sufficient iands along the frontage of ihe Property With the Willamette River to provide a riparian corridor, The area of the Property reserved for this riparian' corridor shall be a~ specified inthe Springfield Development Code Section applicable at the time developrrientis proposed; APPLICANT may also propose using this corridor to meet or , jJartially meet requirements of the Willamette River Greenway setback and provisions of the' Clean Water Act as required in the Springfield Development Code Section applicable at the time development is proposed. Though the City cannot provide any guarantee that the City's approvals will be granted, the City will process such proposals in accordance with City standards and procedures. 1.6 Secure City Engineer approval of any necessary Public Improvement Plans, Final Inspection, submittal and approval of any necessary As-built Plans and Acceptance by the Common Council prior to Occupancy. Approval for any new structure on the Property is contingent upon'development of on-site and off-site public street systems to provide interconnected transportation service to the development as follows: 1.6. I APPLICANT shall be responsible for frontage and public transportation improvements for that portion ofthe annexation site abutting McVay Highway from the annexing Property's northern prop,erty line southward to the base of the bridge where McVay Highway begins to cross over the existing rail line. 1.6.2 Roadway improvements shall be subject to transportation infrastructure plan policies, development and building code criteria, design and construction standards, City ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 6 of 12 Attachment 4-10 Date ReC~ived:.-!;6frL- Planne~: Jl.L , "i~ ... ," ~, ' " ".1. '11"-' " , I~' -, "I'II:!.;.. ~~:f;: .11. ~.:I" ~ :, :' Exhibit B-7 . ~'," I:"" "t' ,[.,,1' . - '}r~'-":I:ri: ,:'1, ..:'< .; ,,1,1'11 ,"- ',,' ~.:: . "I' . intersection control specifications, and associated fees in effect at the time of development. .If ODOT is the road authority at time transportation improvements are ' , made, then OP?T, co,nstruction standards and pe"rmitting req~irements shall also be met.-: ; : :'!' .!.. ....,... I. '.,.-' , '. ,,' , , , '1:6;3 <,~: :, '>.,::.':'~;'.:<'. ,,: .'~,... ,', ,., ',. ,~,"" 0>', ,,)''-:. ','The'~;pl~k;ng property 'will b;;' a~ces~~dfr9111rib: more thar iwopoint.s: ,~ne at"the' ':, , .' intwsec~ion 'ofMc Vay Highway and :Nugget VI ay, 'arid one' at the s'outhel1} eiidof the' ;, .'. " ., . " .:..' '" .', . ,property asdetermii1ed by the City Erigineer during; site development. If ODOTls the road a~thority ~t the time improvemimts are made, th~~'ac~ess points'ar~ als6 subj~ct , to 9DOT access permitting requirerhents and approvals: " Apl'LICANTis responsibie for one ha::Jft\1e cost of interseCtionco,ntr~l,as 'specified. :' 'by the, applicable road authorities,' atth,e M~ V ay HighwaylNugget ':Nay inter~ection. ' . APPLICANT igesponsiblefor thefullco~iofimp~ovellleflts iittheproperty:s: ,,' " ' , southerna~cess loc~iiori.. In the eveiltthat ad4itionalrightof~a:i is neededfOr the: ' , interse(:tiori improvements to theMc VaY.fN~gget intersecti9,n a,\1d th~ future sout~~tn , , access point, that rightof~ay win be providedby,the APpLICANT at no cost to the, 'p~bliJ::', :' " ",,:" ,,", ,"",:.<' "" "'''',,: ".", ',',' .. ,':.:, ,':, ., : 1.6.4 , , ,,' . .', ' ,',' ','. ::. " ,'~.. . " . " '. ..' , ,1.6.5 Upon lfl11lexati~n, APPLICANT shall dedicate a 20-footw!depublicease~ent along the Willame.tte River riverfront within th.e, 75 Iootriparian setback'sufficient fOr that portion of the GI~nwood Riverfront Path' required~~d depicted on fu~ annexiD.g . property in the Glenwood Refinement Plan, the Willamalane Comprehensiv,e Plan and TransPlan. It is the City's intent to acquire the right of way for the Glenwood Riverfront Path from the Applicant and other property owners abutting the.river at time of annexations. The Applicanfwill not'be required to pay for the construction of the bike path on the Glenwood Riverfront Path. It is the City's intent to locate the path as close to the river as is feasible, consistent with topography and requirements of the Clean Water Act and other land use and environmental restrictions and requirements so as not to unduly impede APPLICANT's ability to use the land within the riparian setback for uses permitted therein, 1.6.6 APPLICANT shall provide future right of way to the public, at no cost, for the installation of a public transit stop to the east of the existing right of way should a transit stop be located along the frontage of the annexed property. 1.6.7 APPLICANT shall prepare the studies, plans, permit applications, and other supporting documentation necessary to obtain the permits and other approvals to construct the transportation systems required at the time of development. 1.6.8 APPLICANT shall bear the full cost and obligation to design, construct and maintain until accepted by the City the transportation systems required at the time of development, including but not limited to associated right-of-way, easements, ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 7 of 12 rJi~~~~;c:~~ad: /~f Attachment 4-11 !(: "II' 0' J- ~ ;"0 !. - 111111. ....~ - ., "II'" ';11 ~, ': "/.',,~ "'-:." , - ,- !Ij . '!Ii T..:-: ...,e......." '~ 'I~" ' . ~ ' , '!. ',:' 1:'1 ~ I~' .. . . , Ji,> I~' ;(: 'f' -. . \ EXhibitt~8 .,..:.1 ' 'I;,'" engineering costs, permit applications and fees, legal costs, construction and inspection costs, and the preparation of As-built plans. : 1.7 , . '. '. . . 1.6.9 Concurrent wi(h approval of any application fo~ the .discre(ioijary .development or land division for any portion of the. Property, APP:LicANT.wiil provide financial security'. . ~<;c~ptllb1e'to the City for ~1l.costSa~~oCi~ied with the Itbove transportatiori syste~ ": ... ,., .' '.' .", "__" "I '" . . -... ", '. <<o,n~tni~tion. .' :APPpC~~T js4irect~d to '~~ction.13 of tJ;is Aire~e,~t 'coIic,eJ,11in~ , ;. ':..' .:'cl)rrerit reqi.i.ire~eiits in relat(o)l to regulations 'of the Bur~au of Labor'and Jndustries ,.1: . '. : '; (BOIJ)and the pa'ymentof prevaiiing rate of wage. The cost of a1lpublicly funded .' publiCimproveri1ents sha1lbe estimated based upon the prevailing rate of wage, and . .' pniindal security shall be adequate to provideforthe pli'ymentof said prevailing rate .' . ,of wage. '.' :. . ':,.;, "":,':".: . ". . ,.... Provide and befinaricia1ly responsible for the provision ofariy additionaltirban facilities and '. serVices identified during the review and approval of the Tentative Site Plan and/or tlie Public' Ithpr~veinent Plansas.nece~~irrY to serve the developm~ritofthe Property, including the. ....... ',' c~nstiuction and mairiteriar~(J thereof,. ,'..,. ..... , , ",' ". , . .. "'; '.' , ';'.' ',: '.', . , .~ ,,'. ' J ,',. " .,' '. . ..'.' . . " " "'. " .!" : " . ' . ...: ,'., .~ , , '. , . , 1;8 .'. In d~terffiining~PLICANt;s share of costs for the improvemerits described u;, this ,..... . . .' "Agreement,the full cost fofthe provision. of the improvements at the iirrie of ~oristriiction' . .. sha1l be used. ForthepUTpOSeS of this Agreement, the fuil cost sha1liriclude design, '.,' ... constiU'?ti~n;acquisition bf land aiid/~~ eas.eme~ts, studies, permits from all agencieshilVing . jurisdiction; ~ttorriey's fees, ilnd a1l oilier.costs r~asonably associated with the implementation of the needed improvements. ... · .. ';'. .2. Obligations of City. Consistent \Vithth~ above Recitals, CitY agrees to: 2.1 .' I~iti~te a~d support annexation of the Prop~rty to the City before the Common Council and . support APPLICANT's defense of any appeal of a decision to the City. However, the City will not assume any financial 'responsibility to provide legal counsel on appeal. , ,', 2,2 Conduct the timely review and decision making ofthe Tentative Site Plan, Final Site Plan, and any necessary Public Improvement Plan applications in accordance with City procedures for the development of the Property. . 2.3 Work cooperatively with the City's urban renewal agency ("SEDAn), to foster and provide support, including [mancial support, through the adopted Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan for public infrastructure and activities enhancing the development and redevelopment of Glenwood property near and along McVay Highway. 2.4 For costs associated with off-site public improvements, City shall, in accordance with applicable Springfield Municipal Code requirements, credit APPLICANT for Systems Development Charges, 2.5 In the event City requires a public improvement to be overbuilt for public use by other than the Owner of the property and provides public funds to assist with such overbuilding, City sha1l reimburse Applicant its increased costs associated with such overbuilding (e.g., if oversizing increases the width of a pipe from 8" to 12", or the City requires an otherwise larger, different or additional facility, City sha1l be responsible for the differential cost of that ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 8 of 12 ~ Date Received:_/.~/;" ;rlL Attachment 4-12 Planner:AL ~\::I '~'~t' '1!~iI;.~ .11"1:;:, :. ""'111"",' "'):'''r-'~I.;'!I:''I 'i' .' ," "~~.":I.,:..~;,,~ ~\,.c,_..,;,il:E:"FI': ~ ":,1, "" _ r, I,;' , ~'':: . - : 'I~'" "~'" Exhibit B-9 :" . 1'''- ,. I' ';:r. 'I , ,,' .1,,' project, if any, including any difference between non-BOLl prevailing wage rates and applicable BOLl/prevailing wage rates that Applicant may incur as a result of such . overbuilding're{Jliirenient. In the case of the oversizing example described above,: City wpl!ld be responsiQle for the'diff~rence between the cost of a 12" pipe installed afprevajling w~ges. !ate~ and the FO:s~ of arid 8'.'. pipe installed at'rates applicable if the pipe in~tallatiori w~re not. . ',. subject.to'pre\lliilin'g'raterequirements.} .:'. .... : ;'. ,,:, ",.. . , , .:',::.;'-,.',~:-:':' '>~'.:\':":.":'_:~':~~:"..',:/,:,"':' <";'u",<.,.,,!_, ';"":"':"';':':~"__'''''''''_ '. ..':.,..... .." 3,' th~ requirements ofS~ction.l are ~as~ requirement~ in order to s~c\lfe'alli)e~ation approvaL In the '. .' " .' event that the Comprehensive'plan designation for the property arid. zoning on the property is , .' ~hangedpriOl;to submission of any 'deve!opmentappiication for"the property, then City will, in . addition to the requirements 'of Section I, apply the development standards in effect at the time of suchapplication(s) for the purpose of requiririg pl\blic strtiet llllProvements (Sey Section 1 DB). .' . . '...., . '. -'" ',' " . .', . . . . - '. 4. . Coven~ts RunnirtgWith th~ Land. It is the Interitionofthepintiesthat the cov:enants herein are. . . . necessary for tre a',nnexation'and develoPllleJ,1tbf tlieproperty' and as' such shall.run with the ."'. .. 'propertyiiridshall, be binding upOll the heirs, execritors; assigns, administr.ators,andsuccessofs of . th~ parties. henito,and ~hal1 be constiu~d to b~ a benefit to. ang burden upon the Propef-ty: This .' Agreement shalf be recorded, at APPLICANT's expense, upon its. execution in the Lane County . : Deeds and Recof'ds. . This Agreeinent'may be assign~d by APPLICANT arid shall continue to apply .' to' ally ~ssignsor ~ucce~sors in interestlo APPLICANt. J;\xecuti6~OfthisAgree~eritisa ...... .. . precgnditiop. to tlie support of the.Cit y for: aiiriexation of the I>ropertydescribed in Exhibit A to. the . 'City. Accordingly, the City' retains all rights fot enforcemerit'ofthis Agreement. .' .' ., ". '. '.' . .' i :." .,' .. '. 5. U~itations on the Develooment. Noportion'offue PfOP~y ~hall btJ developed priortothe approval of a Tentative Site Plail and any necessary Public Impmverrient Plans forthe wa~tewater . system, stormwater management system, and transportation system for the proposed development. 6. Mutual Cooperation, City and APPLICANT shall endeavor to mutually cooperate with each other . in implementing the various matters oontained h~rein.. .' . 7, Waiver of Right of Remonstrance. APPLICANT agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the public facilities and services described herein as benefiting the Property,~ under any Improvement Act or proceeding ofthe State of Oregon, Lane County or the City and to waive all rights to remonstrate against these improvements. APPLICANT does not waive the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the assessment appears to APPLICANT to be inequitable or operate unfairly upon the Property. APPLICANT waives any right to file a written remonstrance against these improvements. APPLICANT does not waive its right to comment upon any proposed Locallmprovement District (LID) or any related matters orally or in writing. 8. Modification of Agreement. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by both parties. Any modifications to this Agreement shall require the approval of the Springfield Common Council. This Agreement shall not be modified such that the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan Policy 8a and 8b, p,II-C-4 and as required herein are not provided in a timely manner to the Property. 9. Land Use. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as waiving any requirements of the Springfield Development Code or Springfield Municipal Code which may be applicable to the use and development of this Property. Nothing herein shall be construed as City providing or agreeing ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 9 of 12 ~ /; Attachment 4-13 Date Received: /~~L Planner: At ~r ~ ';, ',':.:,~!I" ,'; I,'~',"'F '1:, ,,1~"".""'::'." '.' "j ." .. ,..1:. '. ~~. "<1" _ ", 'I' , .'j;,;' .::,; rr . ,I.," ,,'1 . ~~. l ,. 1"" -I,' ExhIbit: BelO '-; : to provide approval of any building, land use, or other development application or Land and Drainage Alteration Program (LDAP) permit application submitted by APPLICANT, . APPLICANT is responsible for obtaining, at APPL:ICANT's,expense, all State and/or Federal permits and any other approvals as may be, require?: : " .. -: ': : -. ' ',' . . .' :", ' . ., ..'.; .: ' ;, . ,'. .,:: ," ,,:, . j ~ i '. 10, A) Dolim, Aj>P'LICANT knows an,d uiidershmds its rights Under Dolan v, City ofTili:ard '(512 , ,U.S.~-,,) (4 S,:.Ct:~~,09;,1994) .an~ bYep.tering into.this Agr~ement herebyagf,eeqhat'ih~ :,. ,. '" : ,opllgat,ioqs of APli'tICANT, for payments, financial responsibility arid reiri1burs,~irie1Jts set forth in.,.: " ~ection 1, required herein~ are roughly proportionalto the burdeIi and dehjan~s placed 'upon the ,:" Urban facili~ies and serViCes by theLMI development and to the impaCts of the developmentoft4e . Prop~rty. 'APPLICANT waives any cause of action it may have pursuant to Dolan v, City of '. .' . Tigard and casesinterpreiing the leg~l effect of Dolan arising out of the annexation ~fthe property .' as currentlydesignated LMi on the Metro Plan and as zoned LMI (UF~1 0) on the Springfield Zoning fIlap, ' . '. . .. " ' . " r ~ . .,' . , 13) 41 the event development applicati.ons ~re sul;;Uitted 'after anycl1ange inthecomprehensive plan . ." desighation and zoning o.n tile prop~ity ()ccuITed (from ~M'I to'anPtherdesignation \IDd zoning), ...... . . ~he~ the roughly p~oporti()~al p.~ricip~~s ,0fDol~ri shall. ap~lyto ~y requirel)i.e~t~ forpu?lic ...:. . ...... lmprovelllents, Whljlh are. 90nqlYOl,l;S Imposed ~y the CIty m excess oft~e reqUIrements III S.e~l1on ":,, :1, ::;.. '.' ". ,':' ',' .' .... '.. '.' ., . .' .... . . .' ..,. ':" .' ': '. .... " " ,.', I.,>' 'I"~ i 1. ~all~tMea~ure 37::' APPLICANT bIows aIld tiriderstandsany righ~s it ma~ have under Oregon '. . . Revised Statutes CORS) Chapt~r197 as arlHi~ded by Ballot Measure 37passe.d Novimlber 2, 2004. '.APPLICANT for itseJfR!1d its heirs, ,executors; assigns, administrators and.successors hereby. . waives any claim .or cause of action it may have under such ORS provisions against the City. . . . 12, Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed unenforceable .or invalid; such . ertforceability or invalidity shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other provision of this Agreement. The validity, meaning, enforceability, and effeci of the Agreement and the rights' and liabilities ofthe parties hereto shall be detemiined in accordance with the laws or'the State of . Oregon. . 13. BOLI/Prevailing Wage Rate. The APPLICANT will require, as a condition of any publicly funded contract far construction ofthe public improvements described in Sections 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5, that the specifications for such contract shall contain a provision: A. complying with the provisions ofORS 279C.830, with respect to the payment ofthe prevailing rate of wage; B. requiring that each and every contractor or subcontractor shall file such bonds as may be required under ORS 279C.836; C. requiring that any contractor or subcontract.or shall comply with each and every' provision of ORS279C,800 - 870, with respect to such PROJECT, ANNEXATIONAGREEMENT-PagelOofl2 "I.~ ' Date, i'''.I,=ceived: /r2j-~/ Attachment 4-14 Planner: AL . "' , "' ' ,r ::..~ ;;-.. 1; \ "1,- , , I '~I::I.' ;1, il,~,;' " ,. .. -.- :1 _ _ ~'. ':" , ". I' ,'.'~ II'" 'I, ,;Ii' ~ " o ;~II .1, I - , . Exhibit. B-ll I Any and all cos( estimates shall be prepared on the basis of prevailing rates of wage: , .' I"~ , , , DAT~p\his /k~a~Of1\~gust: 2009,' " "'1-::;;': :. ""~'.,':>, >~ ... ,\ ".'/ ~ _' ':: ':. - ,,' ":, i' "'j'" "~-,,:,,,".: , IN \yITNESS WHPREOF ,the APP-LIQANT and City have executed this AgreemeI1t as of the date' 'first herein above wrltien.";." :,' :,' ',," ','" '".,' ': ,.' " , '. '., , .' " : :,:~.: /:":~ : ,11 .':: I: ' . .. . .;, ,_~:, .:- " . ;':;" . ::APPLIGANT ':., ' ,'; . '. ~ " , . ~ .' '" ': ~'.: .' " , ',- " ..\.' '. . ~ OWNER: . Wildish Land ,Co. " .. . ,El1gene 'Allen Com. ",-' "'.... '..... "'" 't,,' . mes A.. Wildish, President,O~ER ,,' '''. , I' I': . . STA T(OF OREGON' ", .' "COlJNri OF t~NE . . , ) :, ' ')ss: ' ) .' ' , , " ; . .':~, ", ", ", , '.: . .', ~ '.' , ' .' ..' ," :. :.,:, . , " . . im IT REMEMBERED that on this, i 4fu . ..' day ~f A~~st, . . 'Z009 b~fore me, the undersigned,' a , hotary public in and for said. County and State, phsonally appeilI'ed the within named James A. ;' Wildish whose identity was proved to me on the basis of s,atisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to JIie that James A. Wildish, ,executed the same freely and voluntarily. " .. , , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written,' . . OFFICIAL SEAL GWEN ADAMS - NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON . ,". COMMISSION NO. 424427 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 2B 2012 ::2/~8112. My COMMISSION EXPIRES Attachment 4-15 Date1 Received: / W~'--- Planne:-: AL ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page I I of 12 " .. ,-"., .1', "1 . '. ,\ ,1.-. " 'r,. .',,,..,r I;~ , '. >, ',) -:' "ilf " " . '-:1, -. t .-- ", ',-"' .-':"""__':':'::":"'_'1 . Exhibit B-12 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD , , '. ' , '., ~~,. ~ \...~\'-'\, 'By:' , , ':'~".'" ,;: ' " ",""6 J I,b '[ o,~ ", .. GiI\6Grimal~i,9itYMati.a:ger:,'" "',:: : :";:'::"''::, . ':: ".L''',:;;';,,''~ ,": ;" ":~,,,:,":"':':"':l)""-"," ;::.....~.';. .", ..:.,,;',:":~:',"" "" ::L; :;:" '. ,,' ," , " 't . .' ',,~ '. ' .' .': . " , SiATE6Po~;~6~'::); :';: :,'; !,;",' :,' ;, " ')8S,. . , COlhmOFLANE) '. ',' -.... " '.":"1, :: ;.,'. , ' , .::,- j. -':':' .. ' BE IT. REMEMBERimthat on'this , . ", ~day of .' . . . .' , 2009 before me, the ; , undersigiled, a nota~y public in ~nd for said County and State,personitllyappeared the within named , ,Gin~Grimaldi ,whose identilyw'asproved to !l)e'On the basisof,satisfact9ry evidence ~nd who by rne ,duly swcirh; did say that he is the City Manager of the within named muiiicipitl corjiorlitiori and does .' . , ',' '," . . -, -.., ,. ,,'.. .' '", '. "", .- .,\ '". . ackriowledgesaid IDstrum~ntt6 'be'the free act and deed of said muniCipaLcorporaticin,',arid that the, . seal affixed (0 said imtiUni.~~t is" t~e COrPoi~te seal of said miinicipalcm'porati9~,alli1 th~i s'aicl .'. '.. . .', " .~n~tn,llneriiwassigned iindse~led in. behalf ofsaidtriunicipal corPoration b1imth6ritypf its Common' CounciL.' .' . .,.. , , . , " ., . . . , .... . .' . , " . .. '. . ,f.'.'~' . :' '". .. . .. '. ".... , IN' TESTII'.10NY WH~REOF: I h~~~ hereunto setmyha~daD.d affixed thy orncial',seiu 'the day and : .' yearlast above wriUen~'" .. ", ' . . i, ,I,' ,I' ",NOTARyPUBLICFOROREGON, My COMMISSION EXPIRES ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 12 of 12 Oat"" ")ec~ived' 11~~)-dz1f Att h t 4-16 ~,"" VJ, '---'/-'; ac men PI r"'" AI . an,l",.. _ ..'c '. ' =-".'.-:... I 1,1, ,'~[~' ,~;.",::: ~ ,j)" ::-.'. ';;~ '; . , 'tl;~ .. .,,~: 'I~ . I!,::il"i~ 'IT:, \", ';,1. . '. " 'j, ",.'1,~'" . t:" , . ExhibitC-'l ',/ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street, : " " ' , ': , " . " " , Springfield; OR9?~77 ' ' . . , . .- 3 ""A'~'ri~~ati6ri:A~pncation Type IV . ..... .,... ,'" .,-',-' -. ,', , . ',' . t':>' " .' .,' . . I , ~ ';" ':, ..' . , . I Applic~tion Type . " ;. (Applicant: Check one) ..' J' .... .=- .... . :-,: " .' Annexation A ' iication Pr~-s~bri1ii:tai: '.. " ''',' D. ~," . . . . ~'I\<l'\i;~ ~ Cp;/E- e~d"\t:w..Co~P* " ,Po]W.,c 7't,~8~1I,\oL , Phone: 5~t''l85-llcO' Addr'ess: ", :.' . ",'. .,' ',','.:.:,. Fax: f>'\\- {,;8~ -:7.7ZL , OV\li,~rSignatl.!re: .- . " , - '. ". . -",. ,,' .' ~ .:,' . Owner Signat~r~: ',...:.,' E-mail:': "'. .. :::r"-IMes A:w',\cl\~~ff.e&. .' l' ~;:;;;;"!,;",-; .::::,,,.,,,~;;;::,,: ,,:;:;>,:~",:, .. "--~.'--".' ". Aent'Name:, ". :''K.....;;.:d.c..\I: s,\.heJ:~k:, " . .. , . Com an : "w\\c\~i.~~c.o, E. ev\l2 A."~Cor Address: ~ c1.7t.lt,l Agent Signature: . Phone ',' S,\\ ~1oe.3:-77iL . .. '. . Fax: ,S"i\.r.:;83~77ZL ("'\ed.;k~ E-mail, "5 1C ........... .~~g~:f~~~~~a~~~@M~~~4~~~~~~~~~~f~i~1~~W~~[~~'C I -0'3 -oz.-"2..0 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Ie -"3' z - z.c Pro ert Address: '1651* 'l-857~ !;COI Fra,nJ:./i... Area of Re uest: ':? 8, '2..6 CALde S "",'";",,,.,,,,.. -"-'---'"'''-''',''' \h~1~~~1T~~~~9~g@~~~~&~~~I~~".$~l~,~\-:~~~tW~,~I~;f~~;~~~~~~c~~.tt~~*@~f~j"i'2i!'; TAX LOT NO s: 3"-"'0, OliO ,:,7J-Oi3?PO Ellie! LAH/! ('CUM-/- ore 011 ,',',- ''''''''-'''''''~'''.", Existing Use(s) of Property: fOrme" SA.Vfc/.,,; . r'" vel prtness:"" r;IMa.('; I. vC<..(..o..",,+. 1&'-"1+ - e-k.-r'{'"rl-fl Proposed Use of Property: '70 Be Def~rM: I? eel Case No.: LRP ~o"t - DODO,! Date: fl.c..L- R-'Szoo2-0000 I Date Received:-Llp~L PIRnner: AL Page 8 of 20 Attachment 4-17 OriginClI SubmillClI fi'.7' 11r' ,~, :,1 I!' " , t: , , " ; " l" " f. Application Fee: ';', , '.,' " ';'. . ": " ",', ,', " "", , "i'.": .:., t., ".' . .. i~'.~;: .~, ~ ,f]* l '. t, Postage Fee: ,'.. ' '; '.': " " t',;": , '~'"', .,", ';,1 " '," , ", ,'" . '," ". ," " ; , ',,;,' , " '.' .~ , . ~, " :,., , ' , . ',,' " .. " '/,' Date r~eceived: /~/ i' .1*9_ Planner: AL Attachment 4-18 -:::" :,~~,WI .' ~';!: :',:' :i', ,',";,.-: '.""'.' , .,...'1 :'Exhibit C-2 Total Fee: 1'85, '0"7 _,3 " :' , . .! i,'': . ' -". " "",',. ;':1. ,'e . , ..' ., ' ,..... I,"~ Page 9 of 20 j! 111,i' r ,. j~ ,'" ',Ie, 'II! ,F; ,'" . ".,," ;:1, ";':(:"i,,: 'Ii ;1;:" ,_ " ~., EXhibi t C' 3, ':' , .. '.', . . -' ',,-. Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submit~al, meeting and subsequent "complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required 'at both stages in the application , process.' An application without the Owner's"oriQina,' signature ,will not be accepted. , ' .. .' " .. . ',;, ' ' . .: '. '. ; I' . , . .; ." .' ". :,' . ~ . . ;',1.. .";, .,>. . ... , p'r~-~~~~it~a.",,' ':-,: ,,': ,,' ::'; ;,:. , ,L:.., ":-"" '; '::.-> : ,,: ':',', '. . I '. .Ttie' urid~j-~lg'ned ack'no~l.e'dge~ th~t the i~fo~ma'tio'n' in this a'pplicatlon Is cai-feet and accurate f~r scheduling' of the -' . '. Pre': Submittal Meeting'.' ," 't'.~, "",' -:- .,"" "",,'. - .-' , . -{ ~.' :.' . . I . ',', . ~ ,. t .'. . ., Owner:' " ," " .1 Dab!!: Sign~~ure . ,",,' , Ta..w.es Print .'", : 1: ,,- ,,,'; \ \; "I " ^~":'WJ p.l \~V\.:. ',I' . -,,- c .,'"". '.' ',.,', Submittal ..;,' . ~,' ,< . . . " . '....... ", ' ': :,: ".1 'represent thi~ appiic'atlo'n 'to 'be' complete for SUbQ1ittal to .the C;:ity. COllsist~nt with 'th,e 'comple.teness ,check ' . performed on this application atthe Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified liy the City as , " ' ,,:' .. n"ecessary for' processing the a'ppllcatloh is' prOVided herein or the'lOformatlqri Will not be provided IJ not o.th~:rwlse ' contained within the'submittal, and the city may begin processln'g ,the 'application with'the information as . , , ' , submitted. ,his statement serves as written'notlce pursuant to the requirements of ORS 22;>.178 pertaining to a . completeapp[[c'a~lo~n.'; .....'.: ',..',.::." "..'..'. " '.'.... _ . . '.' .".. Owner: "", " .:~. J, , in. a~ . .'.' ;..' Date: Av.. A.. . w; \ J ~ :;. '" Attachment 4-19 Date. Received:j~/')/~L Planner: AL Page 10 of 20 ";1 ':"t. . -'":' .::Pc,~;II"Ii',1'" )~' 'I:' '~.' :c.', . ~"11;-:.,' li( ,:w' ': ,.~ I( ';: ~ .;' ,; , Iml;:,:!! ..",_.,.'11"': . ~'" :r1 . ." I ;":11 . I". .. Exhibit C-4 . ~: , I, - ~ ~ Since 1935 .;." "',: ",' .:':' ,I; AlldyLidibird, PlmUie~ , . City. of Springfield' . . i25Fifth Street. . Sp~gfield, OR 97477 i' , ,", ,; '. ;, '. " , , .;' ::-:., .. . t-: Allgust 1~: ~Q09 : : , ''''. ." -'..' , . '.'.,", .'" ': -, ~ " " " " , . J'" ," '. ':;. "'. ";' .'.", .' . , ,', <.:: , .. . :' :: ,: ~ . . :" ' :~. : ,", .';' " , . Dear Mr. Limbird: . . ," , . , ' . Subject: i\im~xa~ol1~equ~st S]lb~ttal; ,:'. . ,. "':.' .' '\ ',' "- . ' " ;', .' " .. '-' , ., :' ,p., -. . - . '.' . .' .' ",' ." '.",:" \" .:. , ~' Encl~sed please.find tp.1e filing materials andfee payment for the vol~taryaiuiexation of approxima~ely 38 ,'..' . acres orland owned by.this company. llJ?d Eugelle Allen Corp,. (anaffi1iate!i company) located at or contigUous . .wit~.pi6pertyaddressed as ~851;4857 imd 5001 FninklUiBoulevariI .in the, (}lenW90d neighbor~ood of' , '. Springfi~ld,: ..:,.,' . ,,:' ,,".f. .' '., , . , .... This c'omp~atively large propert; is situated at the southern entry to Sprjngfldd from Interstate 5, and is ' connected to Springfield and Eugene by the McVay HighwaylFr!mklin Boulyvard corridor. Formerly used as a sand and gravel processing site, the property is now largely vacant with the exception 9f an 'office/shop building ieased t~ a heaVy equipment openitor trairiingorgariization,.' , , . . . . The property enjoys approximately 2900 feet ofWillamette River frontage, It has diiect access to McVay '," ,'.. '. Highway, a two lane state highway. The property is presently served by water, sanitary sewer, electric and n~tural gas utilities. In the future, it is anticipated that storm water will be managed on-site in a manner similar to that of other recently developed properties in the area, e.g., Franz Bakery: . The topography is flat, and there are no wetlands or significant wildlife habitats identified on the site. Although portions of the property are within the regulated 100-year floodplam, it is important to note that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently revised the "floodway boundary" in a manner that removed essentially all of the property from the floodway and its associated development constraints, Pursuant to SDC 5.7-125(B)(I3) and(14), the following information is provided: A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City of Springfield's urban growth boundary, and is separated from the city limits only by a public right-of-way (McVay Highway). B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan (2004 version), . The property is designated Light Medium Industrial on the plan diagram, and zoned Light Medium Industrial. In particular, the annexation promotes Policy IlI-B-25: "Pursue an aggressive annexation program and servicing of designated industrial lands in order to have a sufficient supply of 'development ready' land". The proposed annexation is also consistent with applicable policies in the Glenwood Refinement Plan. It is located in Subarea 10, with a small portion in Subarea 9. It is within the Franklin Boulevard/Willamette River Corridor as well. Oat R . ecelved: Date, Re,;eived: IljiJ,,,? Planner: AL P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 I 3600 Wildish Lane Eugene. OR 97408 Telephone: 541485.1700 Fax: 541683.7722 www.wildish,com An Eq/fal Opportunity Employer Attachment 4-20 Original Submitt 'ii"" .'" " , II~~ ..:., "IHII';lill~;':';: J... : ;i;I~::'''J~ ,-:I:IJil"':.:. ,_ ;t':V("',' '0:.. Ii' :1."11:" __ 'li,,1 n'. 'II :~ , i5:~,', '.~~',.';, ";~! " . ~'I' ,- :ili, :~ :c _ '.,::: I'" '11;:';: 'E,fuibit C"~15'~!": , ..'~ . , . :':: 'I !l' , , " '-,' ,.. ',. , '>. .' ", " " , ' C. The proposed annexation will result in aboundaifin which the minimlim hiveI of key urban facilities arid ,:: s~~ic~s aSd~fine'd ill thr ~e~o :pi~ c~' b~'pi\lvid~dht an ~ra~~ly; efficient ~~ tiine,l)1' marmer itS 6ut1iri~~ ,iri " ,,' ' ':theenc,lqsed1\iu:u,xationAgreiJmeiit,.."'. '.' ' ;'.. ~'..:. '., ,:,'" ",:,' , , !:~:', ,: :,' ..:'(',:'::'".:.'. ',!.l'~ ,.:>,:'.<:'::~"~;~"".<~: ":",,,~', _' , ,'. '.:~,' " .,';; ,:,' 1 " ~::' ,,'::' .l.:, . D. Fiscal iinJiactS to the"citY areal,~oaddressedin th~, Annexatiml Agreement ", -',;1 "r', " ". In regard to is~~es iai~ed c:hirhi.g thePre~s~bmitlaJ.' me~tingof Aprl121;' 2009, enciosed please find a font- corrected legal description, as weli as maps pertaining to McVay Highway ana the location of water, SaIDtary sewer ~deI~ctri~ utilities. The:McVayHighway ~ght~of~way is,ofVarlable \Vjdth; and the. paved surface is . ' approxjmately 33 to 45 feet wide: Provisions for the location of ac~ess pointS are specified in the Annexation Agree1lleni; and utility cormections will be detailea in future'development proposals. ,," , ' , . .' ',~ " , ", " .,~" ~ ~. ,", ". ' -' ':" , , ," :' " , ';,' "',' . " ,. ,.,. ,",,' "" . ", We have no specific develoIlIrient plans for the land at:this time. Coupled witllits indu~ion within the' " ' . . Glenwood Ur1~an Renewal District and an Enterprise ZOne, we' believe the size and location of this property' '." . '." '" create Ii sigmficitht opportriiiity for nieeting the neighborhood'sand ciiy~s development goals. Annexation is the '.frrstiJ.~cessaiysteptov{ai:~ihisrei\li~tion.'.:,",' "'..," '..,.'. ...." ',':; . ..,;' ',' . 'rhimk you for yow.assisianc~ ~ annexhtg this p~perty, .. ':",.,., ,:,' " ; ~M.. Randall S, H1edik Director, General SerVices Ends cc (w/o Ends): Mayor City Manager Original Submittal Attachment 4-21 Date: Received:~.4-?PL Planner: AL , Application #: C SP 2009' -', , .. For City Use Only" , ~:, l ;: . , . ". '. -.". ~- ,'. .; -, ' bate Received:~~~jU' Planner: AL, ,: ,~ :- FORM 1 , , PETITION/PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET 'Annexation by Individuals , .,. [SDCS.7012S(2)(b)(i)jORS 222.170(1)] . . ," We, the fOII~wi'ri~p~~pe'rty~wne~s of thefC;1I0wingt~r~itOry, ~~n:Sent to the annexation to the City of Springfield and concurrent annexation to~alJeCounty,Metropolitan.Wastewater,Service District and Willamalane Parks and Recreation District, as deemed . -' necessary: "., . -';1:' 3. ':" .~,~ 4. -, '() )~. 5., ~. Note: With the above signature(s),)_.am.attestingthat'I have'the..authqrity to consent to annex.a~ion on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm or agency. rt, authorization when applicab~e.). :.:" ".' _. .., . 1. .'PrintName .. Signature, ' 2; . '. -. . . '::r;':v..e'{t(.L.)il.{;G~ ,Pres' ,i,J( \c\.;~\...:Lo:...:d Co ,':, '!>,-' . ." ~. . " E\A~e'';'~:Aile,^'C.:>~y ,.' " ' <! I" '~<<v.c\o.n .S~,8.\~d;k' . '" -:7J -c /77::'7.J! L?' ~ '::, v," '~--d:ief:::YC..,.,i-t'c-"t:::t-J! ' S\Tl.A..S P9~i~o"<'il Address (street,.city, zip code) ,'3",00 l.,)',Id.,s\'" ~ t<. e",e' oR.. "1 0 'Sooi Fn.......'.:l~'" 13\0e\, L- <Qo..__~ <:"0.""""" oR. N <> S \ tee "-ad ,es,5 . Vo..c..o..V"'l "e.51' F''t'<:Mo'-\..''''', BIJ 5, """,,1<.\:,, \oJ Map and Tax Lot Number (example: 17-04-03-00-00100) lB-03 -O"Z,..-'1...0 ,,- 31..00 3300 le- 03- 02. - 32.- 6 1&_03_0z.-2.0 L 3000 00 .- Land Acres Owner (qty) "" X- X. {Attach evidence of such . 38'~ . (p"'inted~ame,ofcirculator);. hereby certify that every person who signed this sheet did so in my presence. (signature of circulator) ,', . , ., CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP" ' , ,', , The total landown~rs in, the'proposed imnexation ,are' .Z; " (qty); This petition reflects that 1... (qty) landowners (or legal representatives) listed on this petition represent a total of,' /OO(o/~) ofthelandowners and iOO (%) ofthe acres as determined by the map and tax lots attached to the petition. ,A&fis,not responsible for:subsequent,deed activity that may not yet be reflected on the A& T computerized tax roll, ',' r::24t'J)~~ .:' .- Lane County. DepartJTIent ,of Assessment..and Taxation ~-13--0;/ "', Date Signed and, Cer;ti;fi~d ,. 13 of 20 t'1 :>: '" f-'- tJ' f-" rt n , '" . . "'. ~, ~.t: ir': . FORM 2 OWNER'SHIP WORKSHEET . .. ,: . ,I, "':~ "':: i;~ ,~ ,. 'i~ ':~' I. ~~1 ::1. :',1 _ Exhibit C-7 .,..... " . :" '" ~,. " "', .:, . . . ~ . . ( . .' . '.. ., . : '. .:' . ' :. . ": '. . I ", . '. ': " '.',,: :: ..(Thi~forrriiS'N()T:the'p~titi~nL:':: .:':'.:., . .' .'.,' . ".':" .'._:\_',"":."',., ~.,:>'~'''.''. .'.....,">.' >' ..:;.'.;....'.:.,',.~::~:,:.:,.t: ':..,.':!....:.~;.'r/,~;:e-:;..-".~~... (Please include the name and address of ALL owners regardless of whether they .':; ':: ',' .' , , . -, ',. -"'" ",' '..' ',,' '" , "', ';.' .... '. -. - , s.igried ap'annexation petition or not,. . . ',' .,;.:.,:.., . ..(: . .. .... . OWNERS .' .' . - , " ",' Property Deisig~ation , ',' '. Assessed Imp. Signed. Signed " . . . (Map/lot number) . Name of Owner Acres " Value' YI N . Yes No. -'b3':""Z" iu''/d\s:\- '. " 18 2.0 lc.Md (10: : , , . 'hOD .' l't,q, \€>i. " Y 'x. ,. .: ..,. . .B'Iq .' " " ,",-.' ........ ". iz.s .. ". , :UoC> . " '. I 2'5 <jot. N ,x '. 1e,~b'5 '. c'-:i.L: L.si\~ "S\.: ~deci,; , " , " - 02 .' ." .. .' " I,' . ., ., i50b(lq-O~)' 1;07. '..G<i"'G. N ,. . , . " " " " ,'X " " ( 4-IY) - , ]Ot1'1 ' .. , S,b"! '. . N X " 1P,:'~3. E~c.e~eAi\~Cbf6 . I' " .. , - t,2.;- '2.0 '. ,. 3 oc:O ~, o;d, 23 bOg, Y X .' 31 60 .' " C;\Cj h~"\oB '< . )( " . I . .: .. . '. .. , , . . .. . TOTALS: 38,L5 \ 120l.>.~'19 ,. TOTAL NUMBER OF OWNERS IN THE PROPOSAL NUMBER OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED PERCENTAGE OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL ACREAGE SIGNED FOR PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR TOTAL VALUE IN THE PROPOSAL VALUE CONSENTED FOR PERCENTAGE OF VALUE CONSENTED FOR Attachment 4-23 'L ~ 100 36.'-5 ~e,. LB 100 '1..of., S99 S'19 100 Date Received: //1-/.?6<1? Planner: AL T7 ," .,' ., .\, 14 of 20 1\ <'_ .oo' 111~" _/ ~"~f "1:li,;, ::" "II ,,-~ ~"I . ,;,' , ,:' .':11: <';'Ii:, I:';II! ,r' -'<~;,,, I', ~ I~:'- 'II"'" ,,'I I', .~.' '~~ :"::-, ii, ',\, .. , III 'I""JI .,1 .; ,::1 ,I! '.:1 'I, .' ':rl~I:~ ,';-, II" ,1'", . "00'. .. "I' ' 11I'\r- . ,I', ,,'1,1",:' 'J Exhibit Cc8,: , ~ Y' . FORM 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION.FQRM, ' , , , , ' . -. , . , - . ' ,', ' ." . ' ;, - - , ,~ ' ,,' " ",(Camplete:al;the':iall~~i;'g question4 a,:,d /?ro,;ide all the requi!~h;'dirifar'!.'a~on." Attach , :>, '".' any re~panses that ~equire additional space, restating the'questio,! or, request far :-, " . '" ,,' )" ,; .;, '- ,',informatian ori additional sheets.]",.' ' ,':',,'. ': :: contaci:p~;s~nt ';)R~ld{(t::'~l~'d:(('::" ',' , " ':,: ',,' ,',: ", E-miiil: ".' ','~,,,, \ed~Y-:,(@ ,'0;\d( S~iC.O~ '. ,. ". .,' _ ,"J, ;,..':....' ",,', ' . , ' ',! ;', ~ . . '1' I . . . . , , . , Supply thefOIl~winginf~rmationregarding the a~n~x~tion ariR ~ Esti;"~{ed ~opulati~n (at pre'sent): ',,' p. ',,' "" .' 'Numb'~rof ~XiS~iri~ ~~~id~~ti~1 U~itS:':' :;:: .(p." , "",: ", '., , . Other uses:,:' 6~;'\'ic::ej$+om~e I S\';;{E~ \d~ ",~~" " . LaridA~ea: 3€:.;:z.6 tot~lacres ' :', " " ,;,. ,'. .~xisting,PI~~~eSign~i:iori(sr " L\~~\- k:ed~~~~ I~\A.'i.:tr~O:...\ . Exis~irig~onirig(s):: " L\~\k\- k~A\lA.M ,~d\k'o~;~\ . Existing LandUse~s): . e . .. He.().\! E. \A., w\elA. t'"Tm.'V\"A . ApplicableComprehensive pi~ri(s): E.tA' .e.V\e~<:;; ~ Q . APplicabl~ Refinement Planes):' Gl~vw,)ood. '. ,.Provide . evidence that the annexation is consistent with' the, applicable comprehensive plan(s) and a~y associated refinement plans. Me1'fD ~'<1M '?o\~...'i. nr.- B~2~; 1\ ~W'ts\J.:e Gl.M ~(j~-ress;~ C<M.W'''ei..\-l~ ~-rCUM ~ seN l<-\,^~ o~ ~('sl V\a.~ i~s\rl<<-\ lc...v..o.s. :....O'('~ ~ ~ CJ- su.&oc..i-ev.\- ~ IlJe- ~\o~~"\ """,,-<:\.G;\~V\uO eW,.""'-. o.M\ '" ~C\.~\O. . Are there develop me t plans associated with this proposed annexation? I ,', ;i," " ", ,_., :,' , " C''4\~ . ~~(L\ Yes No )( If yes, describe. . Is the proposed use or development allowed on the property under the current - plan designation and zoning? Yes No N/A . Please describe where the Attachment 4-24 Page 15 of 20 Date. Received:~/~f Planner: AL I ""I':,', I ::I;,:"III~ 'J~;!:~" ,II ,I 'I :1'; , '~ 'iJ -~- :;:''''../l',t/II': '. ) .~~ II " "!; :',11 ". :,1:< " , "" ',;,~; ,~ ' J,', \"( I" ~L I' I' . ~(. ..~ "'C" ,',. , '" , . Exhibit C-9 Does this application include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Yes )(. No If no;' statehie reasons 'why all property is not included: '.-' , ~ ' \:. ". . " I ,.' .' ' ,;',-'.'''; . :', " ,. . , , , ~'.. ,'. ': ' . ':' . " ,,' ,',', , . . ,,; ,: .'.' . '":: ,',: ,.; , ,~,:.:, , ..,. -; ,~. <: t." ' "". . " ." "', " "'I '.' " ,', ...., -..... .. . , 'J',' . . ". .~ I, . ' . ,'. :',:: ";. . ." , " , -: ::'.:':(::;,),>(: ;~>"/"(;;:':::""';" , ':" ...,......~':Che~k.thE(spei:ial , . ..,. ',.' ,'.' . . . ' . .. ".T. '," . . ,,;,,;- ~:,." ::",;: '_ ;:<.'~: :>.,~ :;"; r':'<f :fo', :,'~' ,':: :', districts" arid others that' prov'ide'seh;ice to ,'the annexation , . ." , "". . . . .'. area: . . , '. . . . . ,', . . . 'llil'. Gief1wood Water. DistriCt . ~EiJgene School District , ,^' ". ":', '"."., '" -,' , illr Springfield School' District .' .... ',' :.' .... " " " ' ' .'0 . Pleas~;'tHiil RFPb . < ~ , ."g 'WillakenzieRFPD . .. ... . . ".:b~p~~', ....... .' SUB".". .".', ..... .,.' . .",'. .'... ": ",:: " .... .. ". ..'. JX... ' .... L,' ;"';", 'CO", ,^.'\.;j ". - \'1 e. C.o,""'. "" \-t~ '. - ,., .'.'. : .-"..,'.. ' . .......""1: ......,,"t'f1v'\.- ", . \" . . '.' .. rm . W.iUafi:;ala ne Parks arid~eco'isfrict Ql C?ther'. C"D\\e~e) 'Uiw1 Ec\""<t+-:~ C:>€'(;l\~, . , ,'.' '1:n5~1<-",)a.\e..woc<:.\U;fl./l...'" . " ...', . . (O..-e"'€u..o1&-:tlb~~c;t . '. Names of persons to whom staff notes ,and notices should be sent, in addition to , appliCant(s); such a's an agent or legal representative. . " ~":vi.J.DL\\'~ \-\\-ec\"K . ; . (Name) . , Rainbow Water and Fire District.. . , , o o '0 Pleasant Hill School District ,'.' '., " .'. ""','." ~cKenzie Fire',& Rescue ..... .,', ,~. " (Name) (Address) . (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) Attachment 4-25 Page 16 of 20 Date f:\eceived: III:./..)#I>f .q--; Planner: AL "", "':;","-'" ,-", ,,~ i, I'f!'f !jl "'-;!--_.Arl','~ .:,,,,~.!:}: ,~" '1''''11 "- " . ' 'I"" ' ,,1[; '. , ~ ,I t", " , "'\ .r:', l~~:\;,,-::L <,q~"..., '. . ".' Exhibit D~l " "1": . ", '~. \. '0 TYPE IV -ANNEXATION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION , . -',. , , 'J> ;,. ., . . . . ~'I' , 'File Napi~: Wildish L,aflo Co, Annexation, "',., " : : ,'.: :. : :,~' . . .:.: ,," .- : ~ -' .: .:: "';'.' -.: ' ", ' .".. '. " .;Owii'e~(s)iApplicant(s), ,Wildi~h Llrid Co', & Eugene AlI.eii Corp; , : '," " ." ' ',. ",.,' . ,.~ .: -.' .' '(' . .: ,:. ~ ' , 1'~'. ')",' _ ..' : i .'-:: ,'J . "..'. . Case Number: C SP,2009: LRP2009c00009 , r . ' .../, '. ,- "'. . '.r,' ." '. " . '.;.' . q;.. .. '"" . ,,' .1 ..," ' " , :;',1,'.:" '" . t" " " '.,', " ;::!," ". , .1, Proposal Location: Mostly v~cant industrial land lying east of Nugget Way between McVay ", Highway and the west bank ()fthe Wiljitmette River, in GI~nwood. ' "', Existing Zoni~g;LightMedium Industrial (LM'f) with Urbahizable Fringe Oveday (UF-IO)' , '.. ,.,:: " '. ,'. , " .... ..' , " .... ". :,.;. ' . ..',..... " .. .... ,i'. ".. Z4ning~fter'Anriex:itiori: L~ "'. . "r': . ,...' . ."., '. ,. Metfi> Plan Designation:: UYfI: . > ,". ., "',., ......;... .~ . "". '..' ,,' .. .R~ri';etpent i'1~nDesiinati~n::y~ .~Gle1iwood Refi,?ein~niPlan) ..... ,,:,}":,,' ,:' ".... '; . ..'., ;'. ;".,' :".", '. ";.':' . '.' , . . Applic~tion S~bmitta!Date: A\igust 14, 2009 '. . Asso~iatedApplic:.tions: ZON2008-00001 .& Z0N2009-00008 (DevelOPment Issu~s Meetings); .. PRE2009-000]0 (Pre-subfi.1ittal Application) ',' . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. POSITION Pro' ect Mana er Trans ortation Plannin EIT Public Works Civil En ineer De ut Fire Marshal Communit Services Mana er NAME And Limbird. Jon Driscoll CIa on McEachern Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent PHONE 726-3784 726-3679 726-1036 726-2293 726-3668 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS Applicant Randy Hledik 683-7712 P.O. Box 7428 Wildish Land Co. Eugene, OR 97401 Owner James Wild ish 485-1700 P.O. Box 7428 Wildish Land Co. & Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene Allen Corp. Attachment 4-26 Date Received: /~/~! Planner: AL :""~ !f;~:'-; :: ,: "11, .' ",,::.';:,I!!;;: r~ "0,:',1"' . ;:", i~' ':" I" .',I~i,1 ~'~ ", _ .' :Ii .,,' ., 111 . III Exhibit D-2 'II' , Ji " .. " .' Review Process (SDC 5.7-115): The subject annexation application is being reviewed under Type IV proced~re~" without Plan~ing Commission consideration. . '. I . Developin~~t Issue~M~ting (SDC 5.7-120): A Development Issues Meetiryg (DIM) is required !J(all aru1~xation'~~pli~~tio'ns.. " :-'. . . ::;. .". ,';: :,:.; .'.. < .. ',' "." ::'. ~' ,':. ;, .' " , . '. " . . '::. " ': : ";' ~ : ,~. ,~.: ' .' -,',' " : , .. '.,' -' .F:indiilg::ADevelopmeht Issues Meeting (DIM)' for the subject annexation ivai.heJdon April 9,2009 (caSe. :: 'b~1~~s~:~~0~::tq~i~e~e~ti::'~~5.~_]20 is m~i.::.": ':':.:i:.,,:.::.',/.?:',:.' ;--:"" , . '" ". i.." '. " .' , .'. . . .,' ... . . .",' . ,..'. " '. ' ," 'Amiexation Initiation and Application'Snbmittal (SDC 5.7-125):' An arinexation aJiplicationinay be initiated by written cbnsents from affected electors'and/or proPerty .owners. ' , ", " ,:. .' : .' :", ~ ..'.... - '~:,. " .'," ' ,,', . ,: ..., ' , .: .... : '. " "" ,: . .," . Finding: , Jh,e ,applicant has s'ubmitted tre}is! of o~ers, aff~cted tax lots, street addres~es; signed petitions, ~nd written consents ,io annex?tion in accordmlce with SDC 5,7-125.B:Pursuani toSDC 5.7-125.B.2.b and'ORS 222: 1700 ),' thdoims are COmpleted and signed by n10re than half the o~~er~' ~f land in the territory; 'who '~Iso' . own 'mo're than hal( the land in the 'contiguous territory and of rear propertY' therein representing nlOre th':ln haiL the aSsessed value of ali real property in' the contiglibus territory. . ' , C' . .,' :'::,.,:.;-,... ".... ',' '::' .., " '. ." i....,.'. ,.....,. :'.., ".". :'-,.L . ""d" .' . . " . : , .... " '. '. ~' , ~ ' ;, . ' - Finding: The applicant has ,provided~riiten corisents to'anne#tion frothi 00% of iheo.~ners orland in the.. t~ri-it~ry,wh.o bwn 100% otth~ contigu()us land arid real pi-"p~rtytherein and IOd~oftheassessed vallie:'.. ,,' . ... ,,"' ." . , .',' '. .., . .' "'" ( '. L '":' .,' ConClusion: The'appiicatiori r~ciuirements. in SDC 5.7-125Iiave beeilmef.' , ", : ~:'. . C",' . "'. " .' Site Information: ' The annexation. area inCludes 't'ivecoritiguous tax lots oil the east s{de qfMcVayHighway ,'(State Highway 225), south of Riverside Mobile Home Court, west of the Willamette River, and north of the, , Southern Pacific Railroad line.' The subject annexation area c.omprises approximately 38,28 acres and contains a t,,:()-story office and maintenance shop building. The site is a former gravel and concr~te processing plant, but is now mostly vacant The subject annexation territory is intended io remain as vacant industrial land and there are no current development plans for'th~ property. The applicant and staff, are not requesting annexation of the fronting public street right-of-way, at this time because the street has not been developed to urban standards. Street frontage improvements can and will be constructed by the property owner/developer as site development proceeds, The property owner's obligations for street improvements are described in the attached Annexation Agreement Existing public services are provided ,to the annexation area as follows: police (Lane County Sheriff, Springfield Police Department), schools (Eugene 4J), roads (Lane County, ODOT), and Fire (City of Springfield under contract). Glenwood Water District provides water and contracts with the City for provision of fire service to the proposed annexation area, Upon annexation, the City .of Springfield will be entirely responsible for urban services, inCluding electricity, water and fire response to the subject area. Notice Requirements (SDC 5.7-130): Consistent with SDC 5.7-130, notice 'was provided as follows: Mailed Notice. Notice of the annexation application was mailed October 9, 2009, which is at least 14 days prior to the public hearing date, to the affected property owner(s); owners and occupants of properties located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the affected territory; affected neighborhood groups or community organizations officially recognized by the city that includes the affected territory; affected special districts and all other public utility providers; and the Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Elections, and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Newspaper Notice. Notice of the November 2, 2009 public hearing was published in The Register- Guard on October 14 and October 21, 2009. Attachment 4-27 Date Heceived: Planner: AL 1/1j;,,,,? / ~. ,'," , ,:; ..:.~:.:: >1111111'1':"1'111:'111"':: c.. ,o'll'ill:-"l:. , ,r ,J , '~" Ill;!',.' 'II "I;~.'-'~ \\' "" ~ ,I "::i:(i<:ri': ' ~. '''. .i .',f+':-",:]I,~ ':1: :i~r ' : ' <..~O<:~ l-: . k '::'\I.:~I 'i:' :. 't' :11, '. . " ill' . ~: II I : ~ j " : ~( il 'Eidiibi t. D-3 . r : 11 , " Posted Notice, Notice of the November 2, 2009 public hearing was posted in six public places in the City [in three locations along the property frontage o'n McVay Highway; at the Springfield City Hall and in the Development Se,,:i~es office; and' on t.he City':of Springfield website] on October 14, 2009, for two successive weekS prior to the hearing date.';' . ':.. '. . ,'. .' ." " .', ' . . , _ " . , '; .: . ".' :.;:. ':. ~ '., ' :,: :" .;. . ';.' ; . , '. ~',' , , : ,. '.' . ..: . J; :. : : , 'Firidi~g: Upon am;exat;on of.the s~bje6i pr6terty to the'Ciiytii~curr~~t'LMI'z~~iri{wiil be retai~ed,: b"tit'the,: "Urbanizable Fri!lge Ove~laybi~tri~t' (uF-I 0) wili n'o longer applj. D~eto ihis~h~nge, 'the OregonDepart~~nt,; , , .' ofUn~'Cori.~ervatio~ and[),vel~pmeiit (DLCD) was notified in:~ri~it]g'ofthb~~xati6ii proce,ed'i~gsn;ore :. than 45 ,days prior to iho pU,blic ~e<lring. ,Notification to DLCDwassent'on Augiisi2l, 2009. ::.;,' . "',',' , .,,' ...' .:." ;"'. ',: \' '.,." .' .,' , ".,"...: ..... ,':' . , ',"" Conclusion: ','Notice ~iihe public hearin,gwasprovided cons'istent with.~DC 5.7~ 130, , , " " . !~. " " ,. ' .'.,', ".,," . .' ",' ",' . Recommendation to City ~onncil (SDC 5.7-135): 'The DireCtor ?hall forward a ",fitteh recommendation on the annexation application to tlieCity Council .based on theappro'val criteria specified .in SeciiOll 5. 7~ 140, which " areprovi1ed as,. follows with.the'SDC requirerperits, fjrid,ings,and conclusions. The DireCtor's recommendaii!=,n" followsSDC5.7"140, Crite~,~..;' :.; ,'.' ,:,.' '.' '. ;':',' . '. " '.' . " '.".. .', ' t., v. " '" :"', . .. -- ',,',' .. ", ":__,,, .....', '., "', ' : Criteria'(SDC.5:7_i~O): . Th~ application nla.Y be approved bnly if,the City Council flndsthat theproiJO'sal . 'conforw~ to the, fOllo\villg~rit'.?a: ,,~., '.' ',' : .... .' . ..'J . p", .... :'0" . ...L;.:,': ',.'. ,..': :'::: ':. " .... . . ,. A. .The'affected territory pr~posed tobe annexed is within the CitY's nrha'i,groWth bo.nnd~rY; and is' .- , '.1. CODtig~!lus,to theciiy limits; or .; . .... . ' .' '.' ,:' .: 2. Separ.ited from 'th~ 'City only by a pnblk right of 'Y~Yl!r' a shearn, lake or other body of water.' ' . '. . .,,', ~ .', . , . , , ..' ,"',' .' ( Finding: The subject annexation' is located within the aclq10wledged urban growth boinidary(UGB) of the Eugene-Springfieid Metropolitan Area Gen'eral Plan (Metro' pian).' The annexatioll area does n,ot directly abut the Springfield city limits, but, is only separated by an intervening public right'of-way (McVay Highway) therefore meeting the statutory definition of contiguity as foulld in ORS 222.1 ] 1 (l) Conclusion:' The:proposal meets this criterion. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; Finding: The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in August, 1982 and has been subsequently amended. The annexation area is located within the acknowledged UGS of the Metro Plan. Territory within the UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes that, ultimately, all territory within the UGB will be annexed to an existing city (Policy #10, page Il-C-4; Policy #16, page Il-C-5; and Policy #21, page ll-C-6). Springfield is the unit of government identified in the Metro Plan to provide urban services to annexed territory. Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes that as annexations to the City occur, existing special service districts within the UGB will be dissolved (Policy #18, page ll-C-6). The continued annexation of properties and public street rights-of-way to the City of Springfield is consistent with the Metro Plan, which will result in the elimination of several special districts within the urbanizable area. Finding: The annexation area is within the Glenwood Water District. The water district also has service arrangements with Springfield for provision of fire response to unincorporated areas of Glenwood. After the public hearing and if determined by the City Council that withdrawal is in the best interest of the City, the Attachment 4-28 Dare f;~3ceived:~/.;w! Planner: AL / ., ':fi;' " ," . 'I, 'I I: ~ I , " . ,';'.". :'1 ~ ' , " ' I,;~ . '. ,,", '1', ~ .- ";!I": ", Exhibit " " i!1'('II,:::: -:' ":~ Ib 1 6~,4 ~!' " " ,p.; annexation area will be withdrawn from the Glenwood Water District consistent with ORS 222,510, 222.529, and 222.525 and Springfield Utility Board will provide water service directly to the annexed property, ,. ." ." . . . ',' F!nding: Aft~f the public hearing and ifdeterminea by,the City C~uncil tlla.tMmexat!,on is i~ tl)~ best interest of l ,the City, the, annexation are~ will, be annexed into the Lane County Metropolitan Wa~tewat"r.Service District as ;, '. . )utliorized by: an I ntergoverninental 'Agreement (I GA) between the <";ity ,of Sp1'iIigfi"id 'an~ Lime ,County., Thi~ , 'special district was 'formed to 'provide the finaricing 'for tlie, regional waStewater treatme\it' plant 'serving, . "',.".,' ' " ,,'," ","" ...... . . '. . " ,......,..... , -' ".:', ",. wastewater users within the City of Springfield" "':,,' , " ::, ;' " ' . " " , " :', ..... ; . " '::, ',:" . '. :'.~:- ': ;',. l . -.: .: .' .',:: 1>'. '.: . . ':'.: :", ,..,.~ ': ;., ~ ; :. l .... . -: .','. _ ", " ; ,,'. , Finding: After the p,ublic hearing arid if determined by the City Council 'that. annexation is in the best interest'of, , ' the City, the annexation area wi II ,be annexed into the Willamalane Par~and Resreation District as authorized by', ; an intergovernmental agreement between the tiiy of Springfield and Lan" Courity. The park district,provides , park ,iuid recreation facilities and services'to territory w,ithin the City of Springfield, ' ' ,,' r-" . . ,. , ',Finding: The ,subject property is located withi'n Subarea, 10 - 'South' McVay lridustrfal (If the Ciein1'ood' Refinem~nl Pian, The adopted Refinement Plan (SubarealO;Policyl )coriiemplates c,ontinued light-medil!m' industriall~nd~se on the site. "There are rio 'proposed c1i~nges to the current'LM(zoning ror the subject ' '" " '. ",., ',",' ", .', .,' " , " : '., . " "a:nne~ati9n area':.",,' . ' ' ',',' " ,,". \', ' . .". ~ " " . , '"," ", . . Conclusion':. Tliepr~po~al~e~tsthis'~riteriOl!,: . ., .' ',,' '" "" "''''',;' '- ,"". -\ "'"" , '-'r, -:"'" "'" . c. : The proposed lInne,,:atioD~i11 ~esiJit ina'bonndarY: in wbicb tbe minimum le-:ei of key "rban facilities andse,:"ices as d.efined :in. tbe 1\1et~o Plan can lJe provided in an orderiy emcient and timely manner; :,' ,and ,,.. Finding: The Meiro Plan rec'ogniies a~n~xati~~ as tre highestpri~rityforextending the minimumievel of key' '. urban facilities 'and serVices to urba.l1izable are'll:5 (polici~~ #8 aiio # 1 0, page 1I-C"4):' . . ,. Finding: The territory requ~sted for annexation ~ill take adv'antage of urban service delivery systems that 'are already in place or cim be logically extended to serve this. area. ' In addition to urban utilities, the', following facilities and services are either available or can be extended tQ this annexation area: ' Water - SUB Water provides water service to incorporated areas of Glenwood, Upon annexation, the subject territory is not expected to require additional water service until further site development or redevelopment' occurs. Existing water infrastructure within the adjacent public rights-of-way will be maintained by the affected utility providers, . Electricitv - SUB Electric provides service to developed properties in this area of Springfield. Upon annexation, the subject territory is not expected to require additional electrical service until further site development or redevelopment occurs, Existing electrical system infrastructure within the adjacent public rights-of-way will be maintained by the affected utility providers. Police Services - Springfield Police Department currently provides service to areas of Glenwood that are already inside the City. The subject territory is within the joint jurisdiction of Springfield Police Department and Lane County Sheriffs Department. Upon annexation, this area will receive Springfield Police services on an equal basis with other properties inside the City, Fire and Emergency Services - Fire protection is currently provided to the annexation area by the City of Springfield Fire & Life Safety under contract with Glenwood Water District. Upon annexation, the City will continue to provide fire and emergency services to the subject territory, The nearest Springfield fire station (Fire Station #4) is located on 5th Street north of M Street. Springfield Fire & Life Safety advises that the south end of the annexation territory is at or near the upper limit of the preferred response time from Fire Station #4. Attachment 4-29 Datfl! i',,;c'::6;ved: /#/~ Planner: AL '~. ,U' "\r ' ',1"11"1" "~'~ I I 'I' 'J: 'I'I"'I}' -'1\: ~i'II;lI'lrll'" . J. <""1,"""''''''' 1,li'tlll',iillhlll;::II'II'i1'lllf' ,1,;", , ',' '. 1, ""'. '.. I." .' ~.1. ' . .~I:',,' . - -, ,." . i. ,r - 'I "':"!!~" I 'II~ .;1;;;,: r.': i'!' "~i' '. .(i , :,"i I:/:~ ,~:":::,c . r .:, " ,,' ii, 0' f ,. \" " ,'0. t , ,<;; { :~ I' ',';1 0,,' \.; ,1" ~ - \'1.' Ini, 'w, 'I:tu;', I,' ~'" .jII~",,;,,- I ill,:' ,~ .. . ".; . ~ The Eugene Fire Department also provides emergency response to the Glenwood area under a mutual aid agreement for em~rgency respo,nse. Emergency medical transport (a~bulance) services are provided on a ~egional baSis by Eugene, Springfield, and Lane Rural Fire/Rescue to 'ce~tTa(La~e-Couniy, :The annexation area will continue to receiv~ this service ,c~nsistent,withthe ~dopt~d)im~~la~ce' ~e,rz;id, ar~'a'(Ai,A) plan, Mutua,1 ai,d agree!llents hav~ ti~en a40pted \;>y . ,the three regional ASA prf\viders to provi~e bac~up coverage for e'ach ot\),er'sjurisdicti?ns. ". :'. ,;: , ..\: ,.';.' 'j:. '..',: ..'~. " ..': .:,....!..., ''':.:: i,:'''' . '_. .,;,".... :.;:, :-".::::: ',:" ':', ":';~ .".',..,".;. ';',~.,... , Parks'an<i"Recn;ation'~Patk" al):drecreation services aTe 'providedto the City 'of Springfield 6ithe: Willari,al4ne Park and Recreation District. Indoor recreation facilities; such as theWillarrialane Park SWi~ Ceritei;Uvely,', Pafk' swiincentet; MeniorialBuilding' Community Center, 'and wiilamalan~' A:dult A~ti~ityCenter will be avaiiabh, io residents: (if any) and property owners ilsnew d~veiop~e~i occurs: ,ii is not exp'ected ,thaiihe requested annexation area 'will generate an appreciable number or new residential units, owing 10 the industri~l, " . land use desjgnati90, The park qistri.ct offers'vario'us after-school and other programs for children at schools, and p'arks throughout the commUllitY: Also avaihibie are pathways arid several 'categories of parks, including , commu~ityparks, 'sports parks, special iiseparks, arid natural area pf.:rks.' Theclos~stneighborIiood park to the . ,. "".' .. "," '.,.; - > - .' . .. th ", ' '.., t," "" . ", ,-.- . . ' , iequested~ll!'exa\ion ilrea,is JaIn'e~ l'ark at 4141 El!5t 19 Avenue., .o.ther parks in the vicinity oft~e proposed,' , .: annexatiOlj area il)cludeIsI'!lld Park, Will"!lletteHeights Pilrk and Mill R~ce Park. , ' ' '.' ,...;" '.'.... ,"i:'~ _.':. . ,". ..:,,' '. "'..::" ',::.. ,:,7. '," ..' .' ':"', ,'_ ..~, . .;' :,' .," ", .';.;.....~..: :~. .,,:... . ". ;,," ,''':.''- ," . . Concllrrent >yith annexatio!' 10. the City,or'Springfield,the subje.ct area will,beanriexedtothe WiIlamiililne Park' "and Re,cniatiori District consistent with City plllicy,if the. Qity'.Q9u!,cil de,terinine~ that ainiexatiori to thespe~ial " ," ,district 'is ,in,lhe best inte.rest of the City" The subjec,t propertY)~lllso i4entified, for future exterision()fa: " recreational ,pathway system along the west bank of the Willainette River. Provision of a 20-foot wide ,public ease!ll,mt for futui~ riverside access is contemplated in i;ectionl.,6.5 of the A~exaiion Agr~~ment signed ,by the' applicant., ' ' " ',', ' " ' , Schools~ 'Eugene 4J School District serves the Glenwood Area. Existing schools -: Canias Ridge Elemeritary; Roosevelt Middle, and' South Eugen~ High School serve ttieneighborhood~ including the subject anne'xation area. . However; under the current zoning designation it is ~ot expected the annexed t~rTitory would generate an ilPp'reciable nUll,lber of school chlIdren. ' ' , Sanitarv Sewer - The annexation area can be served by an existing 8-inch public sanitary sewer line that terminates near the intersection of Nugget Way and McVay Highway, The existing 8-inch sewer line flows to a sanitary sewer lift station located at the comer of Nugget Way and East 19th A venue. From there, a 6-inch pressure line connects via East 19th A venue, Henderson A venue and East 17th A venue to the gravity sewer main in Glenwood Boulevard. There are limitations on the sanitary sewer flow from the subject property to the Nugget Way lift station. As development proceeds on the site, future sanitary sewer connections and upgrades may be required as described in the Annexation Agreement signed by the applicant. Concurrent with annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will be annexed to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District, if the City Council determines that annexation to the special district is in the best interest of the City. Stonnwater - There are no existing stormwater facilities available to serve the subject annexation area. Future development or redevelopment of the annexation area will require appropriate stormwater management techniques in accordance with City standards and as described in the Annexation Agreement signed by the applicant. ' Streets - The property has frontage on McVay Highway, an ODOT facility. The street is presently developed as a two-lane paved rural highway with bi-directional center turning lane along a portion of the property frontage. Along the property frontage, McVay Highway is not developed to full urban standards and lacks curb and gutter, sidewalk, bicycle lane, street trees, and storm water management facilities. Consistent with current , Springfield Public Works practice, street right-of-way is annexed only after it is improved to City standards. Attachment 4-30 Date. ~eceived:, Ijd-~' Planner: AL , . ~ . '1 .". ',' '-, \'" ,"..," ., Ill: .' L ;1: lie: ,'. .; -".11" .l) :: . ~;, ~ - II 1:- ~~ ~ 1.' 1'1'" ',"1",'[1" ",,,,,,, "111'1", '1'1:1' ',::1,"1". ,t~'..'~ ::',:'["1:," "',I" '.""'~' 'j, .:~ ,:,' ~'~I,'I' I,' '" ~ , Jj' , !,,~ :' 1,1,'" , , ., II,'. 1'" " :'11 , " ," ',' . , I, ;:~; '..:: ',' (, ' . -.1'[ ,!I- r ..'II.. 'i"1' 1'~ ' ." I Eihib'it B-~~~n~i) Therefore, annexation of portions of McVay Highway along the property frontage is not recommended with this annexation proposaL In accordance with provisions of the Annexa\ion Agreement signed by the applicant, future access to the annexation area will be limited to a fourth (east) leg of the Nugget Way/McVay Highway intersection, and a second intersection at,the southern end of th,,' property, , The' accesi: points are subject to ,,' ODQT,penriittlng stam:\ards and approva(, ,:," ,,::, ' '" ,;":"" , . ,.~:' . ' , ",'....: '. ,... ,., .' " .' .: . .,'. .' ; :- .. " , > " Solid WaSte'Mai"igem~iii :';:,'rhe CItY 'arid Sanipac have"an exclusive .t~an~hise ariange~~nt for residetiti~i "" :,' ..' ,'- ".., '.' .' ',' " . ,'. garbage'seryicii inside the 'City, limits: ' Com,rileryiaI '!lnd .inoustriaf garbage 'service is the resp?nsibility' of i~e :' p;opert/ owrie;'or tenani, and dm~e Pfovi~ed ~/Sariipac or other independentc(intr!lctoi~, 'Upon :~nnexatioii . , and further development ,or re'development of the property, solid waste disposal service' can be' provided by a , numb~r'of\oc!lifirms",:'.'",."" ',' , ' ,.' """,',,, "",: .;: . i', i ~ , . . ., . .". . " ,'.' . . . " ..- ..' .' Communication Facilities '-,Various providers offer both wired and wireless communic11tion'services in the , Eugene-Springfield metropolitan ~rea, Existing pwvider; and those ent~ri~gthemarket have the'capability to , "p~ovid~ service to' fu~ure dev~l?p~ent in this area,' " . .., '. '. .' .' ...,... ". ., ,'. Land Use' Controls '- The"annexation area is within.Springfield'sportiohof the urban groWth bou~d~ry,' Thioughail iritergovernmentl!(aweement between L~rie CbUhty;U;o the city ofSpringfi~ld;the City already has :plan~irig and buildingjuris!iict!on for'thisproperty:TheCity' will c6niinue to administer land US" conti'olsafter "":~nnex,ation.t_.,. " ,. ' .'.; "~'- , . '. ".'-, ' .." . :," \,! ";.,-' Conclusion: The'proposal meets this (ori;erion:, . . ,', . " D. 'Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an AmiexaHon Agreement or other mechanism' approved by the City <;ouncil.' Finding:' The applicant has signed an Annexation Agreement that outlines the CitY and Applicant's responsibilities for provision of key urban services and other considerations, The Annexation' Agreement will be signed by the Springfield City Manager upon review and approval by the City Council. . Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the annexation of the subject territory to City of Springfield, Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District, and WilIamalane Park and Recreation District, and withdraw the requested annexation area from the Glenwood Water District. City Council Decision (SDC 5.7-145): City Council approval of the annexation application shall be by Ordinance. Finding: The annexation will become effective 30 days following the second reading by City Council, which is on or around November 16, 2009. Finding: The City Council held a Public Hearing on November 2, 2009 for the subject annexation request. Based on the staff analysis and recommendation, and on testimony provided at the Public Hearing, the City Council approved the annexation area (Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lots 3000, 3100, 3200 and 3300; and Map 18-03- 02-32, Tax Lot 3800 - municipally addressed as 4851, 4857 and 5001 Franklin Boulevard) per Ordinance No, _, totaling approximately 38.28 acres, Attachment 4-31 Date ;'~l~ceived: /#~'-- Planner: AL "'ii'}'.:;: ,," ,,"-: ,.'1;:,"1 , . .1'-" ~ -~,~. . 'i,~ ',\ ;':jli 1[' "",' ",:;,":-:,' "'[1,' . ,I Ii..' " . Exhibit D~7 , ~, Zoning (SDC 5.7-150): The annexation area is designated Light Medium Industrial (LMI) in the Me/ro Plan and adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan, "The current zoning is LMI with Urbanizable Fringe 'Overlay District (LMI/UF-Io.), ' " ' " ," ,1,1 . < ' . .,;' ',,'. , . . .... " ',l >. ' Finding: Upon the effective date ,of the annexation, the UF- I 0. overlay is automatically 'removed and the subject," terrii~ry remains'LM1,"'hi~h is'c6~siste~t\vith the Me/roPlail and Glenwood Refineme;'/ Plan designatia~: ,," : " ":,.1:,,,:"',,' " :<,:::.......,' "',: '. '.'. . .:. ,", :',~.:'~ ,: ';, "', ";:_ :':.'-.:', - ;~_!"~.','~"'.: :'",' '.E,tTective ri~,te and 'Notice of Approved'A~riexation (SQC 5.7:155):" Ift~~al)ne~atian'i~ appr()xed by'ihe City "" i::oundl an'November 2, ,20.0.9 and graJited a: 'second reading 6n November ,16, '20.0.9, ,the Ordiriance will become . ',....,., . .. ," , '. .., '.. -,' ,.' ' . :,' ",..", ' '.. . ',<. ' ; : ' effective 30 days after adoption by !he City Cquricil arid execution by the Mayor, ' ' "" :" , " , ,~ " ~ :' -' . , . '. '. ..... , ..: .'. ". .:' .' , " '. ": .. . ;'..:' ; :, ,Finding: City :Council gave se~ond ~eading to Ordinance"~ on ' ;20.0.9, The Ordin'ancebecilIne effective consistent withSDC 5,7,]55 and ORS Chapter 222 <in ,200.9. " "'.,. Withdrawal" froin' Spe~ial Se~ic~ 'Districts' (SDC 5.7-160): ,Withdraw~l from speCial, districts may' occur . .conciuTently with .the 'approvedanne"a:tion ()rdinan~e ar after the 'effectiv~ date' of the annexati,On af territory t() ',the City. 'The Director shall re'commend to the City Council for consideration of the withdrawalo[the annexed, territory from'speClal districts as specified in ORS' 222, "I~ dei~mii~ing w'hether towlthdraw the territory, the' ". '. ......' '..' .." :_- ....:.' -. " - "" _": '.- '_' .-,.,.,-' ".'.1. 'i" ,. '. ." " City Council shall determine whether the withdrawal is in the best interest of the City. NotiCe ofthewithdraw~l sh~li be prov'ided in the same iri~e~astIie annexation notice in Section 5,7;150.>" "'",,' ,', :, ,~. ,""" " """ . . '.'.. ,. , . -; ..' " '. ".; , . ',' 'T. " '-. .' , . ,,',...,.'. '." ,',,:' '. .'." ,,'.' , '." ',Finding: The a:n~exation"area is within the Glenwood Water DistriCt. Consistent with SDC 5,'7:]60., notice' ~aS provided, ~public 'hearing' was held, and the City Co~n~il det"nriined thilt ";ithdrnwal, fro~theGle~wood Water Distris\ wfu; inthe best interest ofth.; City. The withdrawal decision was codified inO~dinance No. ' Exhibit: " , "A. Assessor's Maps showing pro'perty ,requested for annex~tion (redlined) and numbered survey courses , ,contained in legal description" ' " . Attachment 4-32 Datt.\ i"{8ceived: Planner: AL II/:i?-/.?P? J / I , . . . . Exhibit D-B EXHIBIT A FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY NW 1/~ SECTOPlI 2 T.les. R.3W. W.lI. lANE COUNTY 1VIU.1'._ ii~ II 18 03 02 2 & INDEX NlO 83/91 , , tU_"., .,.., , ~ a< _ .. . ~".-_.- ~... 31. ~ :..-=-..../. ~ "at)f" . 0:;, '" .:. ~ ~ __IPN... . .-' ,"" '.. ~ ~ ~... ~ .... " t " " t' 019-00 ....:: , " . , ......~ . . ~ " . . , , , , . ~ '. ~ .. i \- ~ '\ ~ ..\ g.... ~~ J ~~~J " , . . " , " , ,u ..;OJ! 01 012 ,? '. , ...... - . a " I ; ::- :: ,- -. is :: - 51 !$ - I: - - I: = 5 - - ~ ii! . . I . ... "" ..=-. r-:: m9-24 , ' , I .~ --(' f---~ - - - ~' r I, I _..I :.:.. I... .: ,} :!d h .. .u. I , -;-r~ r@"of -t6€,,--....... '\-hI I J I r I I r \'\.. ..1 I": 5.: "I . ~."I....~_:' ' ..... \ !TlIttT ~ - I \ .," ,'_ ,_ _ .1'lI 03 02 24 -1"LlI'" 'I ".", ' ,.. l /f:'I PI I~ 1 I ..e 03102: If I 'f..... '-~--'-"T-~tr:11 I -4;~T-1 W" ,J....... '-~I'" I jf I I -,-,- - -"j'i1-'J - or'" ~---, I I I , I I - -- - - ~I I .~ L~~-'_:'. . I.. II 14 .s .J. ."'-- ..-. .- :,T:T . . ~'4- \ ! .. .. ! . I .'~~:- :~I ./ 11\" ---1 --- -... : -.-:-~-t:1 ' Ie :, I l' } j } / . I . "'-- . - In_tam. 18 03 02 2 & INDEX u ,j'v.:.d.. //4/JH7 I AL Attachment 4-33 Planner: . , . . Exhibit D-9 EXHIBIT A (Continued) , , i i i , i 13 c ,M, 1~~--11 r.: 1 ,........J\O'oCJ\ILy ,:;/ , , " , , , l' .. 1 i \ 'f1~' . I ' I i i i I -" 1 \ 4 -.~ ~ j. ---- ., ".-H-H+t I I ;;---L ! I L~~ ',"""'--: ~l I ,:.. J I .,101, . ;z, I J: ;1 .....J-...,.... "II -.....--.... It. :'\ :';:t; I' r G, " :.\ ~ i \'! I - i ! ~i: ~, ::t: Wi ~i .... a>' , , N.W.l/4 S W.1I4 SEC.2 T.les. R.3'N. I Lane County r_l.,- ::- ..,- -. i ~:. E:~~~" M'....-- .........:;;. ~ ...~ -+-- ..':'0<: c . .' ---' J__~ .~ . c " ~ , , c t5 ~ - Q:': ~f "':;J- c' 0: ,....,,- ........ ::- 8 .' 10 \ 2. If:! ~ -- .... c.'" ~:C\J ...' I J:- 0) f:-"'"- ~O c I I I I I I I I I + I I i I I c Attachment 4-34 . _v"lv,,,u..II4I~,. Plann8,: AL I ". .. . . EXHIBIT A (Continued) ! _~V4 SWI/4So< 02t18S.R.3w:w.... ~ll Tl U". CllUNTY I. ~. ~ ,. r--:;l\ \ \ ,'.~d ---. I-c i'..L.' . ~-.. f , . -.r \ I' . ~ '.- \ III . "I I J/, L i i ~ . I --~ \ ! j t... ~ I _... ~, I ~ ! r . ~I- - .I j -I - / --... 7 .- ! Ij .::--- L11--;'--.- 9 IJ ~-.... --. ~I- II' --.- ~ ~t- Ii --... l~ .!\ )~ - !t- \- ~~~ \ \ I. ,'\1 \ \;: ~- -;f \;: -;.-~- ~ ....("'A ~, 17 'ki4-1!l' .. ,.... mar ~ I ~ ~;\_ I -..- IS 019-02 \ \ !~! ';4 -- ...~ s s . - f : 1 1 \-\ ,," " .. ~ " " " ~ \ Cl: \ / i 1 I! . - Cl: .. " '- ,.. - :' - 3 . - ~ ".-j I u' -~ ~~ .' !' - ;_...... .... .L.....-:-..~ FILBERT GROVE 5TH sn ...,. 110"11' 01;).01 Exhibit D-10 .8 03 02 3 3 -+ """"" (~ , I I I : I I I . I J ... "\'d:~#r1 AL Attachment 4-35 p/grlf)