HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 10/15/2009
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'.' , , , ",; Legal Description for the Annexation' .,:." .";:; .' ,,:,':' ."', . '. ,'., ..'..' , ,,,:: ':,::'./ .
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Begil)ning at a point on the weSterly boundary of the northwest one -(iuartet:'ofSec~ori i in .
To:=ship 18 South, Range3 West o(the'Wiliamette Meridian, said pointbeingSo~t1U237,57'
, . feet more orless from the northwest comer of said Section2; thence I.) North'.89059'05" West
, . . "". .' .:. .:.o ..,' ".' _. ','., '..
"', ~O,89 fe~t l110re orless b) a pOint in the easterly right of way of McviIYHighway, said'poini', '. .
, .being 3'0 feeteastei-Iyof, when measured alright angles to, tlie centerline of McVay Highway;', " . .' .
..' ,,'.. '. . .'." '." (, . .:' '., '. .. ',' " ,'-, " -..'.. ' ., .. ;,' ....," '''. ..
.'.then(;ealohg the ~~$l~rlyright of way. of McVay Highway .the followingl3'coursesalld disti\n<;es " ,',' '.' , .
..nlimhered2-14::.';."'. :.:, ' . ,:.", "" . ,.,. , "","" ...:" , "", . , .'.:.'
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',.'2.) ii<?~g ih~,arcofa i30f2A i06t'radius curve right (the chord Ofwhichbeal'sSou.th n:ri's" ";,:.
. : 'Ea~t3'9:80 fd;,t)a'distim'ceof39.~0 'reet; ','.' ,:' , .' .' ,,". '.>' , ': ., ',",
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.,3.YSo\lth 6038'45" East ~74.04; feetm6re ot less toa point opposite the angle point jri the '. ,,' .
,centerline of McYay HighW;lY ~t, engineer's station 107+00; thence continuing along the easterly
righiofwayofMcVay Highway " , . '
'. .' . , .
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4,) South5041'45"East 1300.25 feet to a point 30 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station'
. 120+00 P.O,T; .
5.) North 84018'15" East 10.00 feet to a point 40 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station
120+00 P.o.T.;
6.) South 5041 '45" East 200.00 feet to a point 40 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station
122+00 P.O.T,;
7.) North 84018'15" East 10.00 feet to a point 50 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station
122+00 P,O.T.;
8.) South 5041'45" East 200.00 feet to a point 50 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station
124+00 P.O.T.;
9.) North 84018'15" East 10.00 feet to a point 60 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station
124+00 P,O.T;
10.) South 5041'45" East 89.50 feet to a point 60 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's station
124+89.50 P.C.;
II.) along the arc of a 776.20 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 5016'33"
East 11.38 feet) a distance of 11.38 feet to a point 60 feet easterly of and opposite engineer's
station 125+00 P.O.c,;
Dat~ Received: /1!tS;/dn.'i
Planner: AL
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.' .. 12,) North 85008'39" East 10.00 feet to 'a point 70 feet e.asterly of and opposite engineer's 'station ': :',0
, 125+00POC" :,:', ." : 'i';: ;' " ',:.:.. ',; " :' .' ";,,
,:.', ';'J.' "":"'~"" '," ~" :<'::f': ,,:,:,:::. ..:.:.>z',? .;,: ,.:.,.::."'. "'" '.''''~':.:,''; ." ',.' . ,.,
";, :', ',; 1'3,) along t~e arc of a 786.20 foqt ~adius'cJrv~ right (the yhord of which bea~~:'$.outh '3035'57"
i :'" West 231.i 9 feet to a point 70 feet e:asterly of and opposite engihee(s'station 127+11:4 P.T. and;
. .' 1,' ~
'.', .
. . . . ,. . "" " . .
14.) South 12003'15" W:est 140,66 feet to a point marking theintersection ofthee~sterly right of
way of McVay 'Highway and ,the east~rly right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad, said point'
beirig30,feet fr'oi,ri;when nieasur.~d at right angles to the 'centerline of!he Uniot Pacific, "
Raiir.~ad;thenc~ leaving thee~sterly rlght9fway of the rvIcVay,Highwatalldntnning aloilgthe' .'
" easterly rigl).t'ofwayof t4e ,union Pac,ific Railroad ' "
,'" '. .' " '. :; .~' '.' .'. ..:. ,,:,,"..,. ",,','.' .>: '. ",. ::"-. ,', ':'_ ~.- ~ '..: '.<' :' . ,:', ',::' ',:.."".",., "" . ,-,'"' ." .i: . ," . : ,. .:.
,t5}alongthe arc ofa 985.04 fciot radius ,curVe right (the chord of which bears South 9032'23'; "
,_, - > _'. "..,.. _,' '". , ", ....,' .',', "", ,,'..',,' "', " h ", -",.,
',Efist255.72 feet) a'distanceoq56,<l4 fe<;:t; then~t: leaving th~' easterly right of way <ifthe Union
"p'a,cifi.y Railroad and running' ': , . " . ,',,' ., . " .> "
"\' , I, ,\' ".',' "",'
"",." .. ";~',.' _..,.' . ", >:. .- " ","" . -' ': :' ~: ~:'", ":,"-;, '; ',i' ." ': .:"' . ,.", "( " ". ' .:. '.
'16:) South 73015'42" East 139 feet more or less to a point on the "tow water ;nark of the left ballk '
'ofiheWillarr;etteRiver;tlience ,;,>, ',". ....,.," '",; ";: '.. ,
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" '.' ] 7.) Northeasterly, downstrearr; ato'ng the low watermark of the left b'~ (jfthe Willatru;tte
River 3050 feet more or less to a point which bears South 89059'Q5" Basi frorn ~e point of
begi~ning; thence leaving the low watermai-k of the left b<mk of the Willame~e,River and
]8.) North 89059'05" West 223.59 feet more or less to a point which bears South 89059'05" East
503.50 feet more or less from tbe'point of beginning; thence,
19.) North 000 1O'49"East 69.21 feet more or less to a point; thence
20.) North 89059'05" West 50.02 feet more or less to a point; thence
21.) South 00010'49" West 69.21 feet more or less to a point which bears South 89059'05" East
from the point ofbeginnig; thence
22,) North 89059'05" West 453.48 feet more or less to the point of beginning, all in Lane County
Bearing used hereon are based on CST No. 13114 on file in the office of the Lane County
Date Received: 1~/;S:/dthJ7
Planner: AL