HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PWE 10/26/2009
JONES Brenda
Monday, October 26, 20094:30 PM
JONES Brenda
RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps
Yes, it sounds sort of confusing to me too about who we are expecting to do the redlines. But from what Andy said, it
sounded to me like we are expecting the applicant to do the maps and description, and we are helping them get the
format down and doing it to our (and the DOR's) requirements to get it accepted. I did the electronic copies for this
project per Andy's request so we could have the reduced copies (8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17) for the Council submittal.
I think it's a good idea for us to let the applicant do the maps (as we push them in the right direction) and then we can
make our own electronic copies of exactly what they've submitted for our internal use. But, I don't know what has been
done in the past, and really I agree with you that the applicant could just give us their sketch map or the like and we
complete the redline tax maps. It's easy enough to do, and then we can make edits (like these) that OaR requests
I think this will be a good thing to discuss and make a decision about what we want from an applicant and what we can
produce ourselves.
The OaR's comments on this one are interesting too, being that they are requiring now different things than we put on
the MLK maps (the bearings and distances to be shown on the map and a direct tie shown to the Section Corner).
I'm interested to see if Andy has heard anything from their surveyor.
Chris Moorhead, PLS, CWRE
Swveyor, City of Springfield
Public Works - Technical Services
225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477
Tel. 541-736-1011
Fax 541-736-1021
cmoorhead(iiJci.sorinofield. or. us
From: JONES Brenda
Sent: Monday, October 26, 20091:40 PM
Subject: FW: Annexation Legal Description and Maps
Cfiris, I am onfy sending tfiis as an 'FYI........ )'lfter reading )'ltufy's emai{ fie eJ(]Jects tfiat tfie appucant is
suppfying us witfi tfie red-unea maps. 'Wfiat I want is jor you or your (j)ivision to cfiecfttfiem jor accuracy
prior to Counci{ aaoption.
'Wfien I was trainea 6y PauCa 'TayCoY, I was toU tfiat I onfy use our maps jor redrini1l{J jor su6mitta{ to tfie
(j)epartment ofCR.pvenue, Lane County 'T~atuf)'lssessment etc. I ftnow tfiis is wfiat we cfufjor'ML'l(, 6ut
tfiis was City initiated; 'WiUisfi is not City initiated; so wouU we eJ(]Ject tfiem to ao wfiat we neea aone? I
Date f!.~\Ceived:...0'40n1
Planner: AL
am not comfortaGfe witfi tfiis at t ~ad tfie emaiC Gerow and fet me k,n<'wfiat you tfiink, if you want
copies of tfie maps I fiave, fet me k,now and I wi(( send a copy over.
%an/ig for aCC your fieCp on tfiis. !Brenda
From: 11M BIRD Andrew
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 1: 11 PM
To: 'TAYLOR Matthew'
Cc: JONES Brenda
Subject: RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps
Mr. Taylor: Thank you for providing the feedback; I will forward these comments to the applicant's surveyor for their
further action. I expect the legal description and redline maps can be corrected in short order, but the timetable for this
to be done will be somewhat out of my hands. Additionally, the Springfield City Council has not taken any action on this
annexation request so there will be sufficient time to correct the legal description prior to adopting the finai annexation
ordinance. Planning staff will ensure the legal description and maps are revised as necessary prior to sending the
compiete packet of annexation materials to the Department of Revenue for final acceptance, which will be sometime
after November 16, 2009. Thank you for taking the time to review the materials.
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
From: TAYLOR Matthew [mailto:matthew.r.taylor@state.or.us]
Sent: Monday, October 26,200911:40 AM
To: 11M BIRD Andrew
Cc: JON ES Brenda
Subject: RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps
Mr. Limbird.
I have looked at the maps and legal you provided for this annexation and found a few items that need to be corrected
before it can be approved;
1. The distance from the NW corner of sec 2 to the point of beginning needs to be clearly marked on the map.
2. All bearings & distances need to be shown on the map as well as in the legal description. They can not be
labeled as calls "1 through 22" of the legal description.
3. Items 16 through 22 in the legal description have vague direction calls "Southeasterly; Easterly; Westerly"; the
only portion this is appropriate for is in "17)" following the low water mark of the left bank of the Willamette River.
Otherwise a defined bearing; PLSS section or quarter section line or an offset thereof needs to be identified.
Please let me know if this is something that can be corrected quickly or if this will only be corrected for the final
submission. I will need to send out a formal disapproval for this preliminary submission if it can not be corrected within a
week or two.
Matthew R. Taylor
Department of Revenue CISU
Principai GIS Analyst
'----Original Message-----
From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Monday, October 26,2009 10:12 AM
To: 'matthew.r.taylor@state.or.us'
Date i"(c:;eived:
Planner: AL
Cc: JONES Brenda
Subject: Annexation Legal Description and Maps
Mr. Taylor: Attached are three red line tax maps and a legal description prepared for a proposed annexation in
Springfield. Please review and provide any comments that can be forwarded to the applicant and their surveyor
for revisions. Thanks
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
Date Rec~ived: I~ ~
Planner: AL .