HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 10/26/2009 . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, October 26, 20094:50 PM MOORHEAD Chris RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps No I think we'll wait until everything is ready to send over to DOR. It is helpful to have the unsolicited feedback, but the City Council hasn'teven seen this annexation request yet so it would be confusing to get a "djsapproval" before we get an "approval" ifth~t makes sense. Andy From: MOORHEAD Chris Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:47 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps OK thanks Andy. Do we need to worry about getting revised copies of the description and redlined tax maps back to the DOR before the "week or 2" that Mr. Taylor states in his email so they don't do the disapproval of the prelim submission? Chris Moorhead, PLs.. CWRE SUlveyor, City of Springfield Public Works - Technical Services 225 Fifth'Stree~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-736-1021 cmoorhead{iiJci.sorinQfieldor. us From: 11MBIRD Andrew Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:44 PM To: MOORHEAD Chris Subject: RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps Thanks Chris. No, I haven't heard from the surveyor on this issue. If the changes are made in time for final signing of the ordinance on or around November 16th that should be fine. Andy From: MOORHEAD Chris Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:35 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps Andy, Have you heard from their surveyor yet, Jon Oakes? I don't mind at all putting together the revisions that the DOR requests. The only problem is we don't have an editable copy of the legal description to fix the "Southeasterly" sand "Westerly"'s from comment #3. Chris 1 Date Received: /O~ /~7 Planner: AL I / . . Chris Moorheact PL5.- CWRE Surveyor, City of Springfield Public Work5 - Technical Services 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OregDn 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-736-1021 cmoorhead(fi!ci.sorinafield. or. U5 From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: MDnday, October 26, 20092:41 PM To: MOORHEAD Chris Subject: FW: Annexation Legal Description and Maps Chris: Further tD the comments belDw, full-size copies of the tax maps can be prepared with redlined courses, distances and bearings tD meet the Department Df Revenue requirements (and to ensure the added information is legible). However, the revised maps are not required for the City Council packet and upcoming public hearing. Let me know if you have any questions and we can discuss the issue further with Poage Engineering & Surveying if necessary. Andy From: TAYLOR Matthew [mailto:matthew.r.taylor@state.or.us] Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 11 :40 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: JONES Brenda. Subject: RE: Annexation Legal Description and Maps Mr. Limbird, I I have IDoked at the maps and legal you provided for this annexation and found a few items that need to be corrected before it can be approved; 1. The distance from the NW corner of see 2 to the point of beginning needs to be clearly marked on the map. 2. All bearing~ & distances need to be shown on the map as well as in the legal description. They can not be labeled as,.calls "1 through 22" of the legal description. 3. Items 16 through 22 in the legal description have vague direction calls "Southeasterly; Easterly; Westerly"; the only pDrtion this is appropriate for is in "17)" following the low water mark of the left bank ofthe Willamette River. Otherwise a defined bearing; PLSS section or quarter section line or an offset thereof needs to be identified. Please let me know if this is something that can be corrected quickly or if this will only be corrected for the final submission I will need to send out a formal disapproval for this preliminary submission if it can not be corrected within a week or two. Thanks, Matthew R. Taylor Department of Revenue CISU Principal GIS Analyst 503-947-2162 -----Original Message----- From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 10: 12 AM To: 'matthew.r.taylor@state.or.us' Cc: JONES Brenda Subject: Annexation Legal Description and Maps 2 Date Received: Planner: AL /o!J..'/~1 I I . . Mr. Taylor; Attached are three redline tax maps and a legal description prepared for a proposed annexation in Springfield. Please review and provide any comments that can be forwarded to the applicant and their surveyor for revisions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield 3 Date Received: /0/,)../'##., Planner: AL / I