HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 1/27/2010 L1MBIRD Andrew . . . From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Importance: JONES Brenda Wednesday, January 27, 20102:27 PM GRILE Bill MARX Sandra; L1MBIRD Andrew; SOWA Amy DSD Wildish Annexation Ordinance Correction High Jfi CBiff, I tfiin~ we finally fiave tfiis JUS on tfie rigfit tracR., Cou(d you pfease approve and forward to JImy JISJIiP. rrTian/iJ CBrenda . 'I' \ 11 IS \ ?o 1O-('ounci{\ ?O 1O-0?-01 \ (j? 'I (j) WI) Water Witfirfrawa[ (j)ate for WiGfisfi I1nner;p.tinn .. . . , .'> ~ 'Brenda] ones .Jli{ministrative Syecia[ist Deve[oyment Services Deyartment Community 1\evita[ization ana 'Urban 1'[anning Divisions 225 :fifth Street Syringfie[cf, Oregon 97477 541-726-3610 :f.:AX 541-726-3689 bjones@cLsvringfie[a.or.us 1 Date Received: I /~7 / ;;o/~ Planner: At 1--' I . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: SOWA Amy Wednesday, January 27,20101:50 PM JONES Brenda; L1MBIRD Andrew; MARX Sandra DONOVAN James RE: Wildish Annexation Water Withdrawal Date I also have the original ordinance for the amendment to the Wild ish Annexation. I will scan it and email it to you. I haven't seen a folder for that one yet, so wasn't sure if that one would also be going on Feb. 16 instead of the 1 sl. Thanks, Amy From: JONES Brenda Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:47 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; SOWA Amy; MARX Sandra Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Wild ish Annexation Water Withdrawal Date I wi([ taRs care of it. J{ave you scannea it yet, or ao you want me to taRs care of it? CBrenaa From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, January. 27, 2010 12:S7 PM To: SOWA Amy; MARX Sandra Cc: DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda Subject: Wild ish Annexation Water Withdrawal Date Importance: High Please change the Attachment 2 on this AIS - Joe Leahy just delivered the ordinance and it is different than the one I provided for the City Council packet. I have removed the previous Attachment 2 and the COMPLETE AIS file. Thanks 1 Date Received: I,{,/Jblo Planner: AL II . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: JONES Brenda Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1 :47 PM L1MBIRD Andrew; SOWA Amy; MARX Sandra DONOVAN James RE: Wildish Annexation Water Withdrawal Date I wi([ tafis care of it. J{ave you scanned it yet, or do you want me to tafis care of it? iBrenda From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:57 PM To: SOWA Amy; MARX Sandra Cc: DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda Subject: Wild ish Annexation Water Withdrawal Date Importance: High Please change the Attachment 2 on this AIS - Joe Leahy just delivered the ordinance and it is different than the one I provided for the City Council packet. I have removed the previous Attachment 2 and the COMPLETE AIS file. Thanks 1 Date Received:-'~ i~;1J Planner: AL f-=- . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, January 27,201012:57 PM SOWA Amy; MARX Sandra DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda Wildish Annexation Water Withdrawal Date Importance: High Please change the Attachment 2 on this AIS -Joe Leahy just delivered the ordinance and it is different than the one I provided for the City Council packet. 1 have removed the previous Attachment 2 and the COMPLETE AIS file. Thanks Date r{eCeived:+/~/..L- Planner: AL 1 . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: . To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:03 PM GRILE Bill; MOTT Gregory DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda AIS FOR WILDISH ANNEXATION CHANGE OF WATER WITHDRAWAL DATE Importance: High The AIS and adopted/proposed Ordinances are found here: S:\AIS\2010-Council\2010-02-01 \RS DSD Water Withdrawal Date for Wild ish Annexation Joe Leahy and Jim Donovan have already reviewed and given their go-ahead. Please review and provide any comments, or confirm this can go to CMO. Thanks! Andy 1 Date Received;~/o Planner: AL