HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 2/8/2010 . . Frlf/4/ ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMS No. 1660-0008 Expires March 31, 2012 C'1~ /C?'(f U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program A1. Building ONner's Name LLI .1..1 I Ie: Building Street Address (including Apt.. Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. o A State '5PI2-IA.J(b ~1f:.Lb (':J(l.€G()~ Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) T: II - 02.- Tilt 'I Important: Read the instructions on pages 1-9. SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION ;)=:QiU1s,u@D_ce\C0q1p,any Use~~~'~;a; ~OllCY.!'@llber.l;'1,;:<ii;.-Il1}C."4!;,j).'.t:... ,~ ~~~ft-;.~.~~:...tt'-i:t;'~~:'1,'_:it';'~1- JfdrIJ~il~N}~~!g::~~~~ber~)}~\>"f~ ~~.:o; ac~N{}tlV4.t;'f~lt~:y..~!I::,'~i~ ZIP Code 911./17 A2. City A3. M. AS. A6. A7. AB. Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non-Residential, Addition, Accessory, etc.) r Al'T L LatltudeILongitude: Lat. 1./4 .OJ ' ~t.. (;" ,u Long. I Z'" .ed . Z?lj" /I.J Horizontai Datum: ~AD NAD 1983 Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. Rece\\J. Building Diagram Number,!t.- pate . 5\-\ For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): A9. For a building W1eftllAtl'di~ed garage. ~ a) Square footage of cra'NIspace or enclosure(s) 702- sq ft a) Square foota~e'or attached garage J.J sq ft b) No. of pennanent flood openings in the cra'NIspace or b) No of permanent flood openings In the attache garage enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade l1- WIthin 1.0 foot above adjacent grade c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b 1'344 sq in c) Total net area of flood opemngs in A9 b sq in d) Engineered flood openings? 0 Yes ~NO d) EnglOeered flood opemr:gs? 0 Yes 0 0 SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 82. County Name L..~tJ €. c..oUA..I T B3. State 6l2Eb ^-.J 84. Map/Panel Number 86. FIRM Index 87. FIRM Panel Date Effective/Revised Date UlO c.IlLN F ~Vl,j~ Z. .u~ 2. 1"1" 810. Indicate the source of the 8ase Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in Item 89. ~ FIS Profile 0 FIRM Community Determined 0 Other (Describe) 811. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item 89: 00 NGVD 1929 0 NAVQ 1988 o Other (Describe) 812. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? Designation Date 0 CBRS DOPA 85. Suffix BB. Flood Zone(s) At:. S9. Sase Flood Elevation(s) (Zone AD, use base flood depth) '150. L.f DYes RI No SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) RE<QiSYr,P,:r.!) ~^..~....,,,..,, ,. ....n'1..i"~_~i.J.!"i!.f::.:;j.'&. l.AND SUR\I~V~';:i Title f2- Company Name .~ , Certifier's Name Address OR!:GOI~ JULY 19, 1194 GAAY l... CMHlEM 2€M See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions ,;;7__.._, ,.,,, ....,"'....,.::'. I"_i~/.,,,,",,,. . City IF,RrJDs~~n~Company.~~~~,,~ V~o~~C)',N,~~;b,e~t~;' ;-.i~'- ~':,p~~;f:.~~ ~ t~ti..~:~l.il~,':-;;):f;.. ";';; ~',~ "~I~.~.(~f;.;i;.-:<~;+'- ~~,QtnB:,~(_~tl'y ~~rr.~~~.i~;~JH~,;I', ~-? a~i-;,-.;...~~:~""" '::~'.~ 1Jo"." ~~1..""'/:---:<:',.": SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) State liP Code IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding infonnation from Section A. Building Street Address ~ncludjng Apt.. Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agenUcompany, and (3) building owner. Comments Signature Date / "_ fto(bJ I..) /0 l2rCheck here jf attachments N INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AD and A (without BFE), complete Items E1-E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a lOMA or lOMR.F request, complete Sections A, B, and C. For Items E1.E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. E1. Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor (inducting basement, crawlspace, or endosure) is _' _ Ofeet Ometers Oabove or Obelaw the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is _' _ Deet Ometers Oabove or Dbelow the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6.9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9 (see ~es 8-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building is . _ 0 feet D meters 0 above or U below the HAG. E3. Attached garage (top of slab) is _' _ 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is _' _ 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENT A TIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community.issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner's or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State liP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments o Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAl) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A. B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. Check the measurement used in Items G8 and G9. G1. 0 The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. D A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. D The following information (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate Of Compliance/Occupancy Issued G7. This permit has been issued for: 0 New Construction 0 Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as-built lowest floor (including basement) of the building G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site G10. Community's design flood elevation o feet o feel o feet o melers (PR) o meters (PR) o meters (PR) Datum Datum Datum local Official's Name Title Signature Date Community Name Telephone Comments FEMA Form 81-31, Mar 09 Replaces all previous editions , , . . Building Photographs Continuation Page Buikling Street Address (including Apt, Unit. Sutte, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. WAY State ZIP Code q7l/17 City "5 Pt.W<C- fl - 111 -,f.'~<~nce_Company_.U~~~ . :WieY Nlinber;]:~;f,;"'7/""Y::;;'_,i:!~-'~ ;~~~~\i(~;~':"";;"~:;;~Ti-t':i~S~.;~' ,;~~~t'k~~}t~}{~p:~;,~.t:S~ _~~~~y~~"t~r;,~: W~J:,.i.t~...~~.;f;~""f'<-Y'i!;'~""";"~' t~.~j;:.J?~~~ ;.'::'}1:~tt.,lit~,:,~~~~i If submitting more photographs than will fit on the preceding page, affix the additional photographs below. Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front VieNi and "Rear VieNi; and, if required, "Right Side V_" and "Left Side View." ..,~ yeDN-r V 1~\<1 (2.€At2- VIe:.W 1,6 tf, v' J>' &~~ ~q; , <3 13 0<'- ,'(;." -(:"-~ !cJ'f( (FAX>_460389 lJun'~ P .0011002 011.07/2010 14:44 Branch En9mw9 . & . 0~ - ~dn-re.-f, ~ BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Telephone: (541) 746-0637 . FAX Number:. (541) 746-{)389 TELECOPIER COVER SHEET FROM: '\<Q.II\IJ.. c.lt\U.j~ DATE:' \ h lID , , Please deliver the following pages to: NAME: '\(",\oQ.,:.\ FAX NUMBER: "'ZIo-'?l!",lD . NUMBER OF PAGES: 2- (Including cover sheet) If you do experience any problems with this transmission or do not receive all the pages indicated, please contact Branch Engineering, Inc. . MESSAGE: 'Row- I At -1\,A.- ~~lAL5-T or t.o.cl-.. ~ s:.~ ~Y\J\US, :l7 1Y\lld 1-0 ~Y'--\-t>.C-t l<on 'De...vtC\( ~jV\ O\A.y ,,+'..Qo... .to O~.Y'I 0.. S\~VI~ Ie.-\tav ~~ {tu. ~~.w'5S o-t' ~~S S...lo'5~eo.cU. ~vall^o..~~. -:Cwas "~l.A. +0 ~~-t ~0. O\.AY Goi'^(''''--\-Ov- se.Y\J12-v- nos ~ o..CL.tlMpaV\.'1"~ \~\\ltv 0'<\ ~\R. :r do V'J.:>!t ~ :-f <Q.on C-ot\S,cl.o..vs ~~'S \l2.-\ttL,,- -b'm. ~~~~. A "51'O~ 1~1\ev. iN;\\ k ~\l;clo.d o.s ~ ().f. :-\- ;5 do-\c....V\O.d ~M ~().. . . ~,,~C- ~) I 1/ J>' J-~~ ~el.q ,.n:. 0'. ~r- '~ .J' J .0110712010 14:44 Branch En.ering (FW417460389 P.OO2I002 @ Branch Engineering. Inc. Corporate H..dqU8iWrs (541)7~37 3105" Street Sprlngflold, OR 97477 Salem engIneering Office (503) 779-2ST1 147 Common:lal St,.ot NE, sun. 10 Salem, OR 97301 Prlnctpals M Lane Branch, PE Damian Gilbert. PE Ron.. D. Clou9h, PE, PLS Rene' Fabricant, PEl SE Ronald J. Denick. PE, GE www.BranchEnglneerlng.CD.m January 7, 2010 Mr. William Dinwiddie 1960 Inland Way Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: SUBGRADEEvALUATION 1960 INLAND WAY SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Branch Engineering Ine Project No. 10-015 A geotechnical engineer visited the above referenced site on January 6, 2010 to assess the building pad subgrade shrink/swell potential and soil bearing capacity for the placement of a single-story manufacture home that was currently on the site resting on temporary piers. The level building pad is slightly raised above adjacent ground surface grades due to the placement of 4- to 6-inches of'W'-O aggregate. A perimeter footing 12-inches wide has been formed with two No.4 reinforcing bars. Hand-probing and . shallow vane shear testing indicate a consistently soft soil subgrede. Free swell testing of a representative soil subgrade sample showed a low sluinklswell potential (<20%). The soil subgrade is suitable for a conventional perimeter-style foundation, and an allowable soil bearing capacity of 1,000 psf. Differential settlements are expected to be less than II2-inch over a span of20 feet We reco=end that existing aggregate be hand-tamped in the footing areas to mitigate consolidation upon loading and that surface water be directed away from the building pad. The outside edge of the perimeter foundation shall also be backfilled at least 8-inches to mitigate the aggregate from sloughing out from underneath the footing. Sincerely, ~..' ~~~\~ ." ~ ~/6'17~\\ ~.' _ ~.~~ ~t.D J. U~> Expires: December 31. 2011 Branch Engineering Inc, RonaldJ. Derrick, F.E., G.B. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Date Recp'ived: PiafII1C;. e~ :.~ . z. - "z:( - \6 CIVIL STRUCTURES TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL . SURVEYING . . ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMS No. 1660-0008 Expires March 31, 2012 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program A1. 8uilding Owner's Name ,J LLI , \ Building Street Address (induding Apt.. Unit, Suite. and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. L I Important: Read the instructions on pages 1-9. SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION fJ':9l-illWil@1P,:9ill!,panyUse;!i;l)j:/;'<1 m9Jl~j!!~~beI:;~~;i~:ni-'-Y' ;'l~tt!id_r:,::'~.' ~~t, ~'li:~~"..":::-t3~~,'{:V'..&~~~'_~I~~::~~ ~~~q~N~m~.:~~,~:;t~:\~~-:\~:~ft;. . " ~~g/-:,., >,"Y":';~::"i...;.~._',:, ;.<';:;;_.~~~ ZIP Code q7477 A2. City A3. State 7'>ilQjh!Cn~ I~L\') (')12.1; ('nO/...\ Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) Tll.lI' t'\t:\\l 1<A-(,),~-(,)'2..-")~ ',AI( /.1)T b700 Building Use (e.g., Residential. Non-Residential, Addition, Accessory. etc.) T I . '1' I ". lb., LalitudeILongitude: Lal 44 0 I '-./t?.., II.J Long. I Attach at least 2 Photograp~ of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. Building Diagram Number For a building ....nth a crawlspace or enclosure(s): A9. For a building with an attached garage: * a) Square footage of crawlspace or endosure(s) 7(') L SQ fl a) Square footage of attached garage ' sq ft b) No. of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or :lli1 b) No. of permanent flood openings in the attache garage enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b sq in c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b sq in d) Engineered noed openings? 0 Yes 0 No d) Engineered nood openings? 0 Yes 0 No SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Horizontal Datum: 0 NAD 1927 ~ NAD 1983 M. AS. A6. A7. AS. 84. Map/Panel Number B5. Suffix B6. FIRM Index Date B7. FIRM Panel Effective/Revised Date 2 B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) (Zone AO, use base Oood depth) 4 B1. NFJP Community Name & Community Number /- F B8. Flood Zone(s) Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (8FE) data or base flood depth entered in Item B9. ISi'l FIS Profile 0 FIRM Community Delennined 0 Other (Describe) B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item 89: ~ NGVD 1929 0 NAVD 1988 o Other (Describe) B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? Designation Date . 0 CBRS DOPA DYes I'ii:l No SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C2. Building elevations are based on: 0 Construction Dra....nngs~ ~ Building Under Construction. *Anew Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. Elevations - Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, Y1-Y30, Y (with BFE), AR, ARIA, ARlAE, ARlA1-A30, ARlAH, ARlAO. Complete lIems C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in lIem A7. Use the same datum as the BFE. ~ \ Benchmar1<UtilizedC.I1'1 of SP~I\.IC,~II'Ii\ RM fI: 4fh7 YerticalDalum ,,-,C:,\JD:z.q '~IV&'c>n=',)FIlDi>'J c..O.S. Conversion/Comments 0.3 ~bbl A~()~[\ T/,) 1>,t'\"\I;l/h7 "/J(:,VD J..'1 44.'10 FEe:;- '" Check the measurement used. 44 7 ..~..Jxl feet B meters (Puerto Rico only) 45 7- .Q~ feet meters (Puerto Rico only) t.J I A.. 0 teet 0 meters (Puerto Rico only) -1 I\J I A 0 teet 0 meters (Puerto Rico only) 1./ 4'52... ...Q...1}a feet 0 meters (Puerto Rico onJft), cf?-\'4 ...Q...J&l feet 0 meters (Pu~~ ~ .~~ feet 0 meters~~ll..~'onIY) ,_0 feet 0 meters. (~~RiCO only) o Finished Construction C1. a) b) c) d) e) Top of bottom floor (including basement.~, or enclosure floor) Top of the next higher floor Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member 01 Zones only) Attached garage (top of slab) LO\.'.'est elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (LAG) Highest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs, including structural support Q g) h) YLj 7 447 1-.1/(>, SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information on this Certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. / understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. o Check here if comments are provided on back of form. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a licensed land surveyor? DYes 0 No License Number (,<1' "1.. PL~ ~C,IIUFI"I? l/I,j(;., IAJ(, Stale ZIP Code 00-r-t~^1 q1417 Telephone Certifier's Name l2E~ (;;(:; Title (' 1 1lL)Q,L\ Company Name PQJ('J\lAL '::,()Q...VE..lJorL &>.AAl('J.( Address .u. City '~jb -S '.ll ~T -::'PeJA.J~nEli'l Signature Date PROFESSIONAL LAND SU~VEYOR ~ OREGON NOVEMBER 30. 2007 RENEE CLOUGH 69162LS FEMA Fonn 81-31, Mar 09 . . IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section A. '. Fq'ftr}~U.~J1ca,Company;U~e~~~:~~ Building Street Address Qncluding Apt.. Unit, Suite. and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. ~p'o~ioJ;N~~~f;~~;_;~{J;:-:;+~~~i1f;.'Mi~ &~ ~.~:jt.!'-~.~..~, l l~; ':: -.\ ~(. ..,~:l~:.i"'~~:~'/-,>~':~,,'.'_'~: C;ly State ZIP Code -:_CO~~nyI';JAIC NUl1)ber:'?;\-~.',;:_?1'~'\~::, ~~z.;!. :-":i~~i>'~/,-,:~;" !'~Jj,\.;, ~'-; !'({;'-;:.;./.:>.".:.; SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agenUcompany, and (3) building owner. Comments Signature o Check here if attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) Date For Zones AO and A (without BFE). complete Items E1-E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, B, and C. For Items E1-E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. E1. Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor ~ncIuding basement. crawlspace, or enclosure) is _' _ Dfeet Dmeters Oabove or o below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is _' _ Deet Dmeters Dabove or DbelOw the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Sectio..a..A Items Band/or 9 (see ~es 8-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building is . _ 0 feet U meters 0 above or U below the HAG. E3. Attached garage (top of slab);s _' _ 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is _' _ 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes D No 0 Unknown_ The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F. PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A. B. and E for Zone A (without a FEMA.issued or community-issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner's or Ovvner's Authorized Representative's Name Address C;ly Slate ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments o Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B. C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item{s) and sign below. Check the measurement used in Items G8 and G9. G1. 0 The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. D A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community.issued BFE) or Zone AD. G3. D The following information (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate Of CompliancelOccupancy Issued G7. This permit has been issued for. 0 New Construction 0 Substantial Improvement GB. Elevation of as-built lowest floor (induding basement) of the building G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site _,~ .~ G.10.-Comrnunity's.desiglJ Oo~ elevation I , I o feet o feel o feet o meters (PR) o melers (PR) o meters (PR) Datum Datum Datum Lqca! Official's Name. Title . .f~'!I~~~!ty ~~m(".. .. Telephone ! -- . t _. 1 '. ....-FEMA FOIm 81-31, Mar 09--1 . /J,.!i ~eaa~ Q~ ef. # ~\(1i'(l('l. 0 Check here ;f attachments ~D____ Signature Date Comments ". Replaces all previous editions I . cq-e"'/ Branch Engineering, f.?e 0nsfrtcd,~ Inc. @ . . Corporate Headquarters (541) 746-0637 310 S~ Street Springfield, OR 974n Salem engineering OffIce (503) n9-2Sn 147 Convnercial Street NE, Suite 10 Salem, OR 97301 Principals M. Lane Branch, PE Damian Gilbert, PE Renee D. Clough, PE. PLS Rene' FabricanL PE, SE Ronald J. Derrick, PE James A. Branch, PE, PLS www.BranchEnglneering.com June 16,2009 William Dinwiddie 1960 Inland Way Springfield OR 97477 RE: Base Flood Elevation (BFE) calculation for 1960 Inland Way Dear William, Based on the current FIRM Panel (41039CI144F) and the tax map (18-03-02-33) for your site I have calculated the Base Flood Elevation for your site as 450.4. This is 3.73 feet above the site benchmark that we previously set. I have included a drawing showing the BFE calculations. Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions. Sincerely, ~~ Renee Clough, PE, PLS Branch Engineering, Inc. . A'.~ ......,"".,:"':-~~:~' ',' ~,~ O~~(> . ~\af\l'~' . CIVIL STRUCTURES TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYING . U.S. 'DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program . ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No. 1660-0008 Expires March 31, 2012 A2. ILL Building Street Address (induding Apt, Unit. Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. IAlL ,. State rJ A.J Ie:::.' 0,.,. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, TaxParcer Number,le'gal Desaiption. etc.) _,;.._"; .,. '~ . -0 - :;z. ~ S l.Ur Building Use (e.g"" Residential, NOrl-Reside~tial. Additio~. A~s~~;Y: 'etc.)' . O~M~tt)6u'Y'1A-L ;' Latitudellongitude: Lat "'I" 01' ?6.b" JJ Long. ""''' ~,. ZS." "IIJ Horizontal Datum: 0 NAD 1927 D(NAD 1983 Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the CertifiCate is being used to obtain flood Insurance. Buirding Diagram Number4 ~ For a building with a crawlspace or endosure(s): A9. For a building YJith an attached garage: a) Square footage of crawlspace orenclosure(s) ~55 sq fI: a) Square footage ofa1tached garage sq ft b) No. of pennanent flood openings}n the cra'NIspace or b} No. of pennanent flOOd openings In the atta garage enclosure{s} within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade _ 7 within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade c) Total net area of flood openings in AB.b !lt8:: sq in c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b sq in d) Engineered flood openings? 0 Yes JJt1NO d} Engineered flOOd openings? 0 Yes 0 No City Important: Read the instructions on pages 1,9. . SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION ~'E,9i'~ins.[ni:ii.ee:'~0~P@Y~Q's'f;,t~~;f,; 'Po"CY.Nllmber'!t~~dIIiis'!ft;l '.' ii,~:~1~.w-J~~~~~~li ii~;fl~~_~~i ZIP Code "f7 7 . A 1. 8uilding Owners Name A3. A4. AS. A6. A7. A8. 81. NFIP Community Name & Community Number ~ '1155'11 BS.Suffix SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 84. Map/Panel Number 82. County Name l....WG' B8. Flood Zone(s) AI2 89. Base Rood Bevation(s) (Zone AD, use base flood depth) 5'O.i./ B7. FIRM Panel EffectiveJRevised Date 1/'039 AJ6 Z. WI 810. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered In Item 89. ~FIS Profile 0 FIRM Communily Delermined 0 Othe[ (DeScribe) B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: IX1 NGVD 1929 0 NAVD 1988 DOlher(Describe) B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area Dr Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? Designation Dale 0 CBRS DOPA o Ves ~ No SECTION C. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) Certlfle(s Name p - L /' hl P.lJEt:> LDV"" TItle l>P JA.Jc...lPAL 51 )2J/I;VO~omparry Name BeAAJCM. Address '3/D S ":!I ~T. Cily nP/2JU(brl6U) Signature Date C1. Building elevations are based on: KI Construction DraYJings. 0 Building Under Construction" *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is compfete. C2, Elevations - Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A (wilh BFE), VE. V1-V30. V (with BFE), AR. ARIA, ARJAE, ARJA1.A30, ARJAH, ARlAO. Complete Items C2.a-h below according 10 the building diagram specified in Item A7. Use the same datum as the BFE. Benchmark Utilized CrN oP sPlZJA.J(M:U5L/) BM.u- LIB 7 Vertical Datum IJ tiV/l. 2'1 ConversiOlliComments O. ~ 1=8:E.r AII[)€.I) ro P.'M to 4fS 7::: AlA\lt> 29 1/117.90 Pee:,- Check the measurement used. .5' 00 feet B meters (Puerto Rico only) , lis J . q IE feet meters (Puerto Rico only) 1\ /oJ 4 0 feet 0 me'ers (Puerto Rico only) t-b. AlIA 0 fee. 0 meters (Puerto Rico only) 7.t.1 *"''1- nfeet o meters (Puerto Rico only) X. ~~ .~~ 1/47 ..ii.lfeet 0 meters (Puerto Rico 0Ji:8'~~ till? ...:a. feet 0 meters (Puerto Ri~~ ., l//.i7 ....2... feet Dmeters(Pue ~. ~ SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certtfy elevation infonnation. I certify that the information on this Cerli(JCate represents my best efforts to Interpret the data ava/7able. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fme or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. IXf Check here if comments are provided on back of form. Were latitude and longnude In Section AJ!!.Ollided by a Iicenseclland surveyor? DYes ~ No Ucense Number ::Jdln7 :;~ _";;;.I"l _Kl& . I JJ.C... state ZIP Code q7L177 Telephone I 7'" -!;t.j. .."'. f:) 7 See reverse side for continuation. o Finished Construction Q g) h) a} Top of bottom floor (induding basemen~or enclosure floor) b) Top of the next higher floor c} Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member fV Zones only) d) Attached garage (top of slab) e) lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building (Describe type of equipment and location in Corrvnents) lowest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (LAG) Highest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs, Including structural su rt 1//1 7 FEMA Form 81-31. Mar D9 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAN!>. ~lI~VEYOR ~;?- OREGON NOVEI.IBER 30, 2007 RENEE CLOUGH 69162LS epr~ElotIi1r.oioo'\ . . City .,F:pr Insura~C9.ri1i\iii1Y;1.f..:tij!Wro :POllcyNu[!'.~~~~~~",. i~~~'ki~,!~W~~~~~1\~~ IELb Stale DR.. 7'1 217 Code ~;m'f:~!~~.M1[~i SECTION D -SURVEYOR. ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION.(CONTI"!!JED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official. (2) insurance agenUcompany. and (3) building owner. Comments 1'>/2.. r-~Ul PtllFAJ'T" ~e.l2..tJ/rJAj(" (' OM ~Tfl..l)Q" 1./)1..) f/,OlLhM1fO W4s TH-1="JZg c..QE Ii' LO\.tJp.'1'..o- Date a .. .0 7 0 Check here ~ attachments ON E - BUILDING ElEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND .ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Items E1.E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a lOMA or lOMR-F request, complete Sections A. 8, and C. For,ltems E1-E4, use natural grade. if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Provide elevation infonnation for the follO'Ning and cJ1eck the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). . a) Top of bottom floor Oncludlng basement. crawlspace, or endosure) is _.~. Dfeet Dmeters Dabove or Dbelow the HAG. b) Top of bottom noor (incJuding basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is _. _ Deet Dmelers Dabove or Obelow the LAG. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Sectlq.n.,A Items 8 and/or 9 (see ~es 8.9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building is _' _ 0 feel U meters 0 above or U below the HAG. Attached garage (top of slab) is _" _ 0 feet 0 mefetS 0 above or 0 below the HAG" . . Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicilig the building is~. _ 0 feet 0 melers 0 atxive or'". 0 below the HAG." Zone AD only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in aCCO/'dance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. . ' ,SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)' CERTIFICATION The property owner or O\Yl'lElr's authorized representative who completes Sections A. B, and E for Zone A ('Without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) or Zone AD must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B. and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner's or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name El. E2. E3. E4. E5. Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments o Check here if attad1ments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAl)- - The local official Who is authorized by: law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. Check the measurement used In Items GB and G9. Gl. 0 The infonnation in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a ficensed surveyor: engineer, or archited who Is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the SOtrce and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 0 A community official completed Section E for a building 1~led Irr Zone A ('Nlthout a FEMA-issued or communtty-issued BFE) or Zone AD. G3. D The folloVll'ing Information (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Penni! Number G5. Date Permit Issued G6. Date Certificate Of CompliancelOccupancy Issued G7. This permit has been issued for. 0 New ConstruC!i?" 0 ~ubslantiallmprovement GB. Elevation of as-built lowest floor (lndudlng basement) of the building G9. BFE or (In Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site G10. Community's design flood elevation (' --;:-~-;;;~~I:;;;:e--""-'! L_ Cq~~;;'~~~~;~:,', J Signature Oteot Oleot Oleel o meters (PR) o melers (PR) o melers (PR) Datum Datum Datum TItle ,L-lb "V ;.;;-- W~d"~ Rae'<' \)~\a f 5\'\ ~\a(\(\\:l ,. Telephone Date ....--e..m""*'ts.---.--.-....1 I !/,,-};". -:::'~;r:~ _ ~ ~;~..;i' .,~.;.; :~.r.,;..:{~1'.g~ , \ ~~.i~t.~; ~r'" I ......~ .-~.~_..,._...- ~.........-~..... o Check here If attachments Replaces all previous editions _. i I:I;Mf\:forrn 81;31;'Mw,ll9 ! I____...-~,--,~_....__...